#tbitb fanfic
sassyandclassy94 · 3 months
Well That Was Unexpected…
Don Hume x Original Female Character
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Part 2 of “He’s Progressed and She’s Impressed”
Summary: Don’s first kiss. That’s it. That’s the summary
Word count: 6,618 (ALAS AND SORROW OF THE WORLD! It’s a LITTLE shorter than I had originally planed)
Rating: Teen and up
Author’s note: Hey, Siri! Play “Speechless” and “Stronger” and blare it from the mountaintops!
Tags: @solo-pitstop-vibes @fentybucky @i-am-a-lost-girl16 and @groovin2beats because I wouldn’t be writing this series if it weren’t for y’all’s support 🫶🏻
Part One
“You seeing Kate again tonight?” Bobby asked Don after crew practice.
A smile teased at the corner of Don’s mouth at the mention of his ‘lady-of-interest’, Kate Barlowe. “Yeah,” he nodded.
“You two have been spending an awful lot of time together lately.” He smirked and delivered a side-eye as he followed his boys to the showers.
Don simply blew off his comment and continued on his way. Bobby was right though; he and Kate had been spending a good amount of time together since their first date a couple of months ago. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy every evening that he’d spent with her; with each outing leaving him feeling more and more attached. So much in fact, that he was seriously considering asking her to be his steady girl on their next date. Which was tonight.
“Have you kissed her yet?” Bobby asked in a lower tone that was almost a whisper when they got to the showers.
Don looked down at the floor and blushed before shaking his head.
“What?!” he almost exclaimed. “You two have been going out for what? Four and a half months now and you haven’t kissed her yet??” His eyes were wide as he looked at his friend in disbelief.
“No…” he shook his head again slowly.
Bobby shook his head. “I cannot figure you out, Don.”
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jondoe-inspiration · 7 months
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training season (hold me close, deeper than i've ever known) by NiciJones
(Explicit, 11.5k, No Archive Warnings Apply)
It starts with a simple mistake. Joe throws his jeans into his locker and when he turns around to pull on his shorts for practice, he reaches for the wrong pair. They are all virtually the same dark blue cotton shorts, an understandable mistake to make. Joe only notices because when he pulls them up, his cock has an unprecedented amount of breathing room; the fabric stretched out to an extent that Joe’s own shorts aren’t. He gapes down in shock for a moment and then sees Don turn, reaching for the pair of shorts left on the bench - Joe’s. “Jesus Christ, Hume,” he whispers, feeling a little faint. OR Joe develops an unhealthy obsession with Don's cock until he has to do something about it, like sucking Don off in the communal showers.
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On the Open Water
Pairing: Joe Rantz x OC (Sadie)
Warnings: This is entirely based on the character from the movie and is not meant to disrespect the real person or their families/ experiences.
Description: Joe takes Sadie out for a boat ride. Yes, this is heavily influenced by the scene from the movie. All credit goes to the original writers of the script for the idea.
Boys in the Boat Masterlist
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The first time she'd laid eyes on the tall figure that was Joe Rantz, her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks flushed red. Thankfully, he'd been distracted by his crew who were crowded around him as they walked out to the water. She'd heard about the junior boat, they were one of the hottest topics on campus at the moment - that the 8 of them had managed to beat out so many others was remarkably impressive.
Joe was tall, broad-shoulder and muscular in a way that she'd never seen. His blonde hair looked golden in the afternoon sunshine and he had a laugh that echoed easily in the air. It was plain as day that he was very, very handsome. She allowed herself a few blissful moments to watch as he walked away, but forced herself to turn back to her homework that was due the very next day.
The second time Sadie saw Joe Rantz was at a school-sanctioned party after he and his crew won their first race. She'd been doing her best to keep her gaze from where he was sitting, but considering the party was in their honor, it was hard not to let her attention wander back to him. Joe was seated between Roger Davis and George "Shorty" Hunt at a circular table just off to the side of the area that had been marked off for the dance floor.
Roger and Shorty were leaning close to Joe, shoving his shoulders a bit and whisper-yelling at him as he shook his head, a red flush tinting his cheeks.
Sadie was sitting comfortably at her own table surrounded by some of her roommates who had become some her best friends. Lily and Angela were laughing as they slowly drank the colorful cocktails in their chilled glasses - the only refuge from the increasingly hot room.
"What do you think, Sadie?" Lily asked her, drawing her attention away from the men of the hour. Lily had always been the more outgoing of their bunch, blonde and as beautiful as she was she drew men to her as easily as she breathed the air around them.
Angela was equally gorgeous with long hair that trailed down her back and dark as a raven's wing. Her lips were always painted bright red in contrast to her bright white teeth. She was incredibly smart, witty, and was always making them laugh with some sort of remark made just under her breath.
Sadie smiled, tucking a loose piece of curled hair behind her ear. "What do I think about what?"
Angela and Lily shared a glance, smirking at one another, "About how Joe Rantz has been glancing over at you every few minutes since he saw you sitting there."
"He has not," She protested. Her eyes widened as she took in their honest expressions and twisted, smug lips. "Really," she continued, "I doubt he knows I'm here. What is more likely is that he's looking at one of you."
Lily shook her head, "Looks like we're about to find out."
"What do you mean?" Sadie asked, turning her head to follow the direction of Lily's quirked brow. Joe Rantz had begun to stand from his seat and George was patting him heartily on his shoulder, while Roger looked straight in the direction of their table. He was leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands together and grinning like the cat that caught the canary.
Joe's eyes caught hers, eyeing the red that crept into her cheeks for a split second before she looked away from him. Casting worried looks at her friends, "He's not coming this way, is he?"
Sadie was not as confident as Lily or as quick-witted as Angela, but she was enthusiastically kind and had a heart twice as large as anyone else. She prided herself on seeing the best in others even though most times she couldn't quite see the best in herself.
Lily and Angela didn't answer, instead they made to stand giving her a supportive thumbs-up before hurrying away from the table. Angela winking at her and her giving her a large smile.
The sound of footsteps nearing the table drew her attention away from her giggling friends. Sadie felt distinctly aware of every hair out of place on her head and the dampness at the small of her back from the heat of the room.
"Hello," Joe's baritone sounded next to her and Sadie looked up into startlingly, clear blue eyes in answer. His blonde hair was combed neatly atop his head and his mouth was softened into a small, hesitant smile. "My name's Joe - Joe Rantz."
She offered him her hand in greeting and he extended his much larger hand to accept it. "It's nice to meet you," she smiled, proud of how she held her voice steady in front of the man she'd been admiring from afar.
Sadie offered him her own name, which he repeated softly, almost to himself. He seemed to be testing the way it tasted on his lips and she couldn't deny the butterflies that took flight in her stomach at hearing him swirl her name around inside of his mouth.
She gestured towards one of the empty seats in an offer for him to sit down. Joe hesitated, eyes downcast before flicking back up to hers, "I was actually wondering if, maybe, you might want to dance with me?"
Sadie's smiled encouragingly, "I'd love to."
Accepting his outstretched hand, she let him lead her to the dance floor. Where he pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him, feeling the steadiness of his body against her own nervous one. Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel it in her fingertips and she glanced up at his face to determine if he could hear it.
Instead, she caught a look that was a little bashful and incredulous as he pulled her slightly closer than one might a friend. She stepped forward to make it easier for him, delighting in the red that grew at the tips of his ears.
The third time she saw Joe Rantz was beneath her window.
"What are you doing?" She asked, laughing as she pushed the window open.
He was beautiful in the moonlight, eyes wide in excitement and a broad grin taking over his face. "Do you want to go on a boat ride?" He looked up at her expectantly, no trace of any expectation that she would say no.
"Right now?" Sadie asked, voice full of laughter.
He shrugged, "Sure, why not."
She laughed, "I'll be right down." She hurried into her shoes, flinging her door open and ignoring the questions from Lily and Angela. She half-ran and half-stumbled her way down two flights of stairs to the door where Joe waited for her.
"Hi," she greeted, breathless as she pushed the door open.
Joe's grin was brighter than she'd ever seen. He reached for her and she stepped easily into his reach, one of his hands trailing down her arm to her hand which he took in his own. "Follow me," he said, leading her forward.
He must've already been to the University's shell house, because he led her to the dock where he had a small row boat tied securely. He offered her his arm and she climbed into the boat with unsteady legs.
Joe climbed in after her, the very picture of grace and set them off. The water was calm around them and as Joe rowed them away from shore, the symphony of the open water at night performed for them. Swirling water and soft breezes smelling of fresh spring flowers, carrying with it the smell of Joe's cologne.
She turned her head towards him and found his blue eyes already staring at her.
"You're going to row us into something if you don't pay attention to where we're going," she teased, quirking an eyebrow at him playfully.
Joe smirked, his expression the picture of confidence. "Of the two of us, remind me who has more experience out on the water," his voice drew her attention down to his lips, which morphed into something of a smug grin as he caught her slip.
Sadie glanced up quickly. "Obviously, it's me," she continued, tossing her hair over her shoulder pretending to have all of the confidence in the world.
Joe laughed softly next to her and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.
He stopped rowing, letting the current take hold once they were in the middle of the water and the boat began to drift slowly as it did.
"Do you like rowing?" Sadie asked, studying his expression. It was mostly hidden from her but as he tilted his head in contemplation the light from the moon illuminated him in a silver glow.
"I'm getting a job out of it," he shrugged. His voice took on a nonchalant tone but his eyes gave away his enjoyment for the sport.
Sadie nudged him with her shoulder, "You seem to be pretty good at it."
"Do I?" Joe smiled, blue eyes twinkling.
Sadie nodded, "You boys are going to become famous with the skill you have in your boat. Just wait, you'll see that I'm right and you'll forget all about me."
She turned her face away from him, not wanting to show him the expression that was likely painting her face.
Joe's calloused hand slid a long her cheek, gently guiding her gaze back to him. "I don't think I could forget you if I tried," he whispered, his voice so low she was sure she could only hear him because he was so close.
Her gaze dropped down to his soft lips again before flicking back up to his eyes. Joe didn't wait a moment and leaned forward, gently pressing their mouths together.
His lips were warm and so very soft against her own. He tasted of salt and something distinctly Joe that she ached for more of. She reached her own hand up, gliding her hand over his shoulder to the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling him closer.
He groaned softly into her mouth and twisted his head, deepening their kiss. Using the hand that wasn't caressing her face, he gripped onto her waist, just holding her softly against him.
She cursed herself for pulling away first but her lungs were begging her for oxygen. They stayed close, resting their foreheads against one another. Joe's breath kissed the apples of her cheek as he exhaled.
"We should probably get back to the dorms before someone notices I'm gone," she whispered.
"I'll row us back," Joe hummed in agreement, though his hands remained where they were. "But, one more kiss couldn't hurt."
His eyes were dark and heavy-lidded as he looked at her, waiting for her permission.
Sadie slid her hand back into his soft, blonde hair and if they shared a few more kisses than their only witnesses were the full moon above them and the open water that surrounded them.
A/N: Would anyone be interested in reading any more about Sadie and Joe?
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savvylittlecoxswain · 1 month
"Coxswains don't have to be strong, but they have to be willing to take an awful beating. They have to hold the tiller lines tight, which gives them shooting pains in the arms, and the boat sort of kicks them in the pants every time the oars bite into the water for a new stroke.
“Moch trains seriously along with the rest of his crew. 'More or less voluntarily,' he says, 'for the principle of the thing.' He has a varsity letter in fencing, too. He never sang in the glee club, in spite of his fine bass; has an 'absolute monotone.’
—Syracuse Herald, 9 August 1936
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floralcyanide · 5 months
sᴛᴜᴅʏ sᴇssɪᴏɴ ― ʙᴏʙʙʏ ᴍᴏᴄʜ
bobby moch x gn!reader
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Bobby asks you to be his tutor, which leads to something more.
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✣ warnings: kissing, none other than that
✣ word count: 1k
✣ author’s note: I've been wanting to write for bobby for a while (: so here is a little something for our fave short king
masterlist | divider credit: @cafekitsune
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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You snap your fingers in front of his face as his gaze has lingered on you for too long, “Bobby.”
“Yeah?” he asks, snapping out of it.
“You were staring. Is something wrong?”
“No, no,” Bobby rubs his hands on his thighs, “Uh, everything is good.”
“Right,” you chuckle, “Let’s get back to studying.”
Bobby is a part of the rowing team for your university and needs some help in one of his classes in order to stay on said team. So he comes to you, as you’re the best in the class, for help. Plus, he thinks you’re cute. It’s a great way to get to know you and pass this class, so it’s a win-win situation. Except Bobby doesn’t know how to talk to girls without fumbling. Sure, he can get his friends to talk to them and even give them advice. But Bobby following his own advice is hard, considering he’s stubborn. 
Bobby hadn’t gotten much sleep last night despite a hard practice that day and seemed a little out of it. Hence, he had been staring right through you as you read a page of the textbook aloud. You can tell Bobby hasn’t gotten enough rest because he’s hardly paying attention and trying his best to stay awake. He had admittedly slept through most of his classes today. When you look over and notice Bobby struggling to keep his eyes open, you sigh and close the textbook.
“Bobby, go to your dorm and get some rest, would you? You’re gonna wither away,” you frown.
“No, I’m fine. I swear.”
“You’re literally falling asleep with your eyes open. Go to bed,” you cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at Bobby when he opens his mouth to argue, but he quickly shuts it when he sees your expression.
With a defeated sigh, Bobby pushes himself off the old and creaky library chair and stands up, “I guess you’re right. Can we meet later today or maybe tomorrow?”
“Sure,” you say, “If you want to later, just come by my dorm building after you wake up and have someone knock on my door.”
Sure enough, later that evening, one of your dormmates knocks on your door during your nightly reading.
“Yes?’ you call through the door.
“Someone is here for you,” your dormmate giggles.
“Is it Bobby?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t give a name. He’s kinda short, but he’s cute, though.”
“Okay, thanks,” you say, ignoring your dormmate’s comment, “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute.”
When you throw on some clothes and go downstairs to outside, Bobby is standing there patiently, books under his arms. 
“Sorry that it’s so late. I was more tired than I thought and slept all day,” Bobby rubs the back of his neck.
“It’s okay. Do you still want to go to the library?” you ask.
“Yes, if that’s okay with you,” Bobby says.
The two of you walk to the campus library, talking about Bobby and his stunning progress with the rowing crew. 
“You should come watch us tomorrow if you aren’t busy,” Bobby suggests.
“I’d love to,” you grin.
You’ve always found rowing quite interesting, considering it took a lot of strength to do the sport. You know Bobby is the coxswain, so he calls out to his teammates to tell them what to do. Rowing isn’t the only thing about Bobby that interests you. Despite his small stature and emotionless resting expression, Bobby is kind and smart- he’s also quite handsome. You wonder why he doesn’t have someone on his arm yet. 
When you arrive at the library, the two of you go over the materials in today’s class that Bobby had slept through. You both dive into the readings, your noses in your respective books. You would occasionally look up and catch Bobby staring at you, and you’d hurriedly look away. It became almost a game, seeing if you could catch the other staring. You would giggle and then hurry to cover it up with a cough or the clearing of your throat. It’s nearing midnight now, and you had to be up early for class in the morning. 
“Ready to turn in?” you ask Bobby, who is actually distracted by his reading this time.
“Oh,” he blushes, closing his textbook, “Yeah, we probably should.”
The two of you walk back to your dorm in comfortable silence. It isn’t until you’re right outside the building that Bobby decides to speak up.
“You’re really cute, by the way,” Bobby cringes at himself, “I just thought you should know that.”
You smile, feeling your ears burn at the compliment, “Thank you, Bobby. You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
Bobby waves a dismissive hand, “You’re just saying that to be nice.”
“No,” you shake your head, taking a step closer to him, “I mean it.”
Bobby scratches the back of his neck nervously under your gaze. You grab his hand from behind his neck and entangle your fingers through his, leaning in to give a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away. 
“Goodnight, Bobby,” you let go of him, and he’s red as a beet in the face.
“Yeah, uh, goodnight,” he nods with a giddy smile.
After that, it becomes a habit to study at the library and then send each other off with a kiss. It isn’t until Bobby works up the courage to ask you out on an actual date that it becomes serious. And at the end of your first date, you dare to take the kiss a little further by nibbling at Bobby’s bottom lip. He allows you to take over, your tongue exploring his mouth. The two of you are hidden in the bushes by your dorm so you aren’t seen by anyone. Your hands find the sides of Bobby��s face as you deepen the kiss. You feel his cheeks burn under your touch as he stifled a moan as you bite his bottom lip while pulling away. 
“Goodnight, Bobby. I had a great time,” you wave, turning to walk away to the building entrance.
Bobby watches you disappear inside the dorm and is thankful he had the courage to ask you to be his tutor. 
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b00ks1ut · 3 months
Sitting in a great clips surrounded by old men waiting for my haircut reading disgustingly beautiful smut about gay men
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novafaery · 5 months
K, I came up with a couple of short fluffy fanfics with Don Hume so.
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shadowquill17 · 6 months
Summarizing my WIPS badly
Lolllll love this, thanks for tagging me @teaforarteza, I literally cannot wait to read all of those. Or anything you write, really, I'm just all in. ❤️
FYI I often mix and match ideas from different fics into a single one and vice versa, so all of these are just ideas that could be fics or parts of fics. (They might also never get made, NONE of this is legally binding, don't even look at me)
Step Up or Shut Up: Local Short Guy is mad at his teammates for being 1) not as motivated by rowing as he is and 2) raging dickhead assholes. Also he can't help but notice the cute freshman that just started rowing in one of the other boats.
One Tall Sub for the Road: Local Tall Quiet Guy feels his very subby feelings
IDK What to Tell You, You're Hot: in some sort of game I'll have to figure out how to make sound vintage enough (or perhaps won't bother and it'll just be truth or dare), local coxswain reveals the teammate he finds the hottest is his stroke. Said stroke is confused, because self-esteem issues™
Home of Phobic: roommate A starts bringing someone over, making roommate B SO MAD he starts worrying he might be homophobic.
Tagging @seasidesandstarscapes and @strangethings-everywhere in case you want to play! ❤️
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Writer's Tag Game
Tagged by @strangethings-everywhere & @effervescentyellow !!! finally catching up on tag games ;^_^
Rules: Answer some or all of the questions below. Tag your fellow writers. Enjoy!
Link to your masterlist: Lol i'm too lazy to make one, but my ao3 is pretty kept up to date!!!
Favorite and least favorite genres to write (angst/smut/fluff, etc): Favorite is probably Angst with a Happy Ending or Smut With Feelings. Love when the couple figures out just how much they love each other. I can never write Major Character Death tho. Or the times I have, it's been such a struggle;;;;
Favorite characters to write for? Right now it's been Don just because I think I relate to him in a lot of ways. Though Chuck and Roger have been fun!! trying to figure out their dynamics :d
Which one of your works is your favorite? I guess right now it's....the Hockey AU?? The response to it has been so wonderful and the story became so much more than I ever imagined it would be!!!
Which one of your works is more popular than you thought it would be? The Hockey Fic!!! I was worried I was smashing too many things into one fic, but it seems to have worked in the end??? and i keep getting more and more inspo to write for more of this AU which is so so good (thank you @sparrow-in-the-field >3<)
Which one of your works is less popular than you thought it would be? Idk??? just getting one hit on my stories astounds me so i'm never upset when something doesn't get as much attention as the others ajfskdslfs
Which one of your fics was hardest to write? Why? Definitely my Sci-Fi AU that i've yet to share. It's a labour of love and i just want it to be perfect for the fandom but also i've edited and reread it so many times i'm so worried it's not good anymore and ghfdjsfkslfsk
What is your favorite fanfic by someone else? THE TOUGHEST QUESTION CAUSE EVERYONE IN THE FANDOM IS SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER let me make a list under a readmore ahgdfjksl
@sparrow-in-the-field 's Quiet Act is ESSENTIAL for anyone in tbitb fandom, it has it all, the pining, the fluff, the angst, the perfect movie references, ugghhgfjdkl it's beautiful and such a good fic to start with if you're not sure where to begin with reading tbitb stuff
@teaforarteza 's On The Border gave me my first "oh. OH" at how perfect Bobby and Don are for each other, plus it's so hot and tender all at once HOW i have definitely had to reread and comment more than once just for my thoughts to catch up aghdfjsk
@arokel 's Light the Kindling is so much fun because we get to meet Percy who I'll protect with my life and we get such soft moments with Don and Bobby that also turn hot and sexy but still so filled with emotion ahhghgjdfskl
@kjxlll 's (getsalami on ao3) Hands, Tears, and Glory has me chomping at the bit every time I reread it. Anonymous sex that turns out "oh shit it's YOU" has a chokehold on me and godddd Bobby gets destroyed in so many delicious ways
@shadowquill17 's hands and voices makes me so weepy and soft and it's just so lovely and beautiful to have a glimpse of our boys after the olympics, when Bobby's assistant coach and he and Don are just so incredibly in love ahhhh
@thesummerpetsalamander 's (pavlovsfrog on ao3) The Sweetest Sounds is another hot one that also had me giggling and kicking my feet. Don and Bobby are so much fun in this modern AU and it's like hffjdsklfsd man oh man
@icegreyrose 's You Have But Slumber'd Here is so so good, I love magic realism and this story just pulls you in, always has a twist that shocks you in the best way and it's so cool and ahhghfjdk
@effervescentyellow 's Oh, But Honey had me in TEARS god so beautiful, it was nostalgic, relatable and just really digs in and nestles into your soul, i'm a constant puddle when I remember it
@kcsplace 's (CaseyStar on ao3) We'll Stay As We Are is gorgeous omgggg I was holding my breath, I was filled with heartache and love all at once, I was worried and reassured all at once, very cathartic if you need to get some emotions out
@dogwooddiaries 's (breakingofdawn on ao3) Undo Me IS AN AMAZING ROLLER COASTER you want a one night stand that turns into something more??? a friendship turned to love??? both Bobby and Don no longer able to deny their feelings for each other???? you got it all in one incredible fic
@borealopelta 's (zargothoraxcore on ao3) it always leads you to my hometown is heart-wrenching and hot and soft and devastating. You want the best and worst time (affectionate) of your life???? read this fic asap and cry with me
@strangethings-everywhere 's (booknerds_unite on ao3) When Our Fingers Touch, I Feel My Way Back Home IS ANOTHER ESSENTIAL FOR TBITB FANS tragic and heartwarming, it'll destroy you and lift you above mountains. And if you're a ww2 buff like me, it makes it all that more emotional and clawing at the ground as your heart bleeds
@crushribbons MY LOVE her xReader and xOFC fics are so much fun!!! i'll admit i've never been a fan of reader/ofc but Laney changed that for me just because her takes are so unique from what I've seen in the past??? Her stories make me laugh, make me emotional, ugghgh like if she can make me a changed man, then you KNOW it's good
of course i can't not mention @savvylittlecoxswain who has been our plethora of information regarding our boys, sharing all these fun facts and details the movie should've taken into account smh ALSO Olie has a wing fic in the works that I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU HAVE NO IDEA
Also please check out FreyasDaughter's From Berlin, With Love because that one is such a good instrospective take on the events in Berlin, a completely different writing style that's so cool, and Joe being the best boyfriend to Joyce I swear its ahhhh
fishyies is another great fic writer who's really tugged at the heartstrings , very real and raw and just makes you take a step back and breath
basically all this to say we have so many good fic writes in tbitb fandom and just choosing one fic is so hard because everyone's style is so unique and fun and amazing and i love you all ;v;
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10 Questions for 10 Writers
Thank you to @sassyandclassy94 for the tag! I love these kinds of things
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
I’d love for it to be a way of life, but it’s just a hobby
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Not even a journal, I write what the vibes tell me lol
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
Mostly my love of reading. I’ve been writing original stories since I was 12 and I’ve been writing fanfic for about nine years (I started on wattpad). My first fic was OUAT and I’ve always written about characters that I love. If I could, I’d be an author
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Definitely reading my first draft. I can definitely sing and I like performing in front of people but i have a pretty low opinion of my writing. (If y’all ever wanna hear me sing, lemme know lol)
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
It’s given me the opportunity to put myself into the minds of others which is always fun. I write mostly male characters so it’s a fun challenge as a female to try and understand life from a male perspective. It’s also allowed me to try and write LGBT characters which is also a challenge as a heterosexual person and I try to do it respectfully.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
Oh god, tumblr and AO3 FOR SURE! I started on wattpad (my account is fully gone lol) but tumblr and AO3 are where I’ve been for much longer. Plus I prefer the story quality there lol
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
126,584! Yeah I feel like that’s pretty good
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
I really got going with the marvel universe (Peter Parker/Harley Keener) which is my most popular story so far. OUAT’s Peter Pan was what started me on fanfic so shoutout to Robbie Kay and his performance 😂 Now it’s TBITB
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
Just that people enjoy what I’ve written. I have a low opinion of my skill and I tend to compare myself to other incredible stories that I’ve read, but getting comments and knowing that I’ve written something worth reading is the best thing ever
10. What defines your writing style?
Oh lord who fucking knows 😂 I definitely enjoy some angst and it’s definitely a part of every fic I write. I also love writing the whole falling in love process, I will never write an established romance between my main ship. I physically cannot. It’s also gonna be a slow SLOW burn because I live for the tension, the yearning
Tags: @seasidesandstarscapes @sparrow-in-the-field @arokel @kcsplace oh god i’m forgetting someone i know i am and all other writers! I can’t wait to read yours! I know this isn’t ten tags but shhhhh don’t tell anyone
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sassyandclassy94 · 3 months
Thought I’d share a little paragraph from Part 2 of He’s Progressed and She’s Impressed. One reason being that I’m happy with this and the other reason being a sort of proof of life. Proof I’m still indeed working on it (but almost done!!)
Kate giggled and nodded, her smile still spreading wide across her face. “Yes I guess it does.” She scooched herself a little closer to him and watched him as he observed her. When he dropped the poker faced rower mask he had a nice smile. It was kind and soft, a side that he didn’t often reveal when in the boat or in social gatherings. She thought it was handsome and when he flashed it at her, it made her feel warm and gave her butterflies. He must’ve noticed her admiring his facial features though because suddenly, his cheeks flushed and he looked down at the blanket, itching his nose nervously.
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jondoe-inspiration · 7 months
You ever take a step back from the multimedia fic that you’re creating and wonder if you’ve made too many meta layers…
Tumblr media
No, me neither.
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heidiamalia · 5 years
the fanfic ask! 9 for tbitb
Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Anon. oh my god. yes. okay. [my apologies now]
so the final chapter, Frank goes to the warehouse, kills that first guard in the boathouse - i had him take the guy’s clothes, the gear, the helmet, to blend in. 
it was almost like an actual fork in the road to visualize for me, because he goes left when he sees Karen hiding, instead of going right like in the story and up the stairwell to encounter Owlsley. i scrapped it because i stared at it for so long trying to figure how the events would play out now that they met up first and not everything that happens after the stun gun comes in to play and she inevitably kills the old man. that was rooted in how i wanted it to go.
AH. OKAY. i still have it in my resolved commentary, thank youuuuuu google docs;
Making sure the other two in the room are still far enough away, he finds her hiding spot. A hand rises to placate her when he sees her, to allow her some pause to see - to hear - that it’s not another guard hunting her down, that it’s him, that he won’t hurt her. “Hey -”
Karen pounces anyway, grasping at his waiting hand and yanking, dropping him to the ground and wrapping her fingers around his throat. Her teeth are bared, sharp at the edges of her lip as she lets a low and snarling hiss out. She tightens her hold, trying to choke him. Frank grunts, trying get the upper hand and out of her pin. She’s not seeing him, it’s clear - she sees the helmet, the uniform, the bullets sent her way already. Her legs straddle him, squeezing together at his chest, a knee pressing into each elbow to keep him down, and her arm reels up - 
Frank hooks his hands over her calves and rolls them. She grips even tighter at his neck, eyes narrowing further. His arm grabs for hers, trying to pull her off. He can feel her nails begin to carve into his skin, and she breathes in deeply.
He can see the moment she realizes it’s him, though. With another intake of breath her eyes widen with surprise, and she freezes, her arm limply falling back and to the floor. Karen leans in close, head tilting as her face fills with recognition. Her hand loosens on his neck, reaching for the helmet. “Frank.”
ask me about; a fic title & i’ll answer
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savvylittlecoxswain · 4 months
Every time I watch the PBS documentary I’m just astonished at the thought of how the “Sophomores” and Bobby went from literally hating each other to becoming life long friends. Like the historians and even Bobby’s daughter describe how it was just a “vicious” and “bare knuckle environment” where they literally wouldn’t even talk to each other.
They must have really had a deep heart-to-heart at some point when they got assigned onto a crew together, along with Chuck and Stub who were also upperclassmen, because to immediately just put aside bad blood with someone and instinctually trust them takes a lot of skill mentally. That’s not to say the oarsmen didn’t have that kind of mental strength, it’s just that some of them like Joe and Shorty were said to have been easy to set off.
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floralcyanide · 5 months
― T H E B O Y S I N T H E B O A T ❁
♡ M A S T E R L I S T ―
ғɪᴄs ʟᴀʙᴇʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ sʏᴍʙᴏʟs ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴜᴄʜ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.
smut ✺, fluff ✿, angst ☁, gore ☆, nsfw☼
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- 𝖻𝗈𝖻𝖻𝗒'𝗌 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 ✿☁
- 𝖻𝗅𝗎𝗋𝖻𝗌
i ✺☼
↬ 𝘣𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘤𝘩
- 𝗌𝗍𝗎𝖽𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 ✿
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jondoe-inspiration · 8 months
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