#tbh finding krystal was a better surprise
freaky-flawless · 18 days
I'm so happy! I managed to snag a Krystal Bailey doll from TJ Maxx for $15!
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goldenhaechan · 5 years
More cute markhyuck please
ask and you shall receive 😌✨
let’s go for aged up!markhyuck with kids
mark & donghyuck finally have their shit togeher
their careers are stable, they have a steady income, they recently just got engaged, they just became dog dads after adopting a cavapoochon puppy named alfred
so they start looking at houses bc hyuck’s always imagined being carried thru the treshold of his dream home after his wedding
their real estate agent, irene, shows them a few houses and none of them feel right
either the house is too big or too small, or the floor plan is weird af, or the neighborhood vibe just isn’t right
despite all that, mark & hyuck are still optimistic
finally, irene shows them a renovated brownstone and they know that it’s the one
mark & hyuck are more than happy to put a down on the house and close the deal
they start moving in a few weeks later
hyuck loves ikea and just decorating in general so you best believe he drags mark to ikea multiple times a week to furnish their new home (they also order furniture and other stuff online but ikea is where it’s at)
when their house is full of houseplants and aesthetically pleasing decorations, hyuck plans a housewarming party
the smile on mark’s face doesn’t falter the whole time that hyuck is playing good hostess
also alfred loves the house, especially the backyard
hyuck lowkey imagines raising his and mark’s little family in their home and he gets a bit teary at the thought of their kids running around the 3-story brownstone
it’s winter now and they spend nights cuddling in their living room with alfred at their feet, rewatching harry potter while sipping hot chocolate
more often than not, jaehyun (hyuck’s step-brother) finds them tangled up in each other in the early mornings and he always sneaks pictures to send to the markhyuck gc
flash forward to hyuck and mark’s wedding
it’s a spring wedding that’s held outside and hyuck can’t believe he’s really getting married to the dork from next door
mark cries when hyuck reads him his vows and vise versa (the first part of hyuck’s vows were lyrics from jb’s boyfriend)
ofc their first dance has to be to mj’s love never felt so good
mark carries hyuck thru the threshold bridal style and they’re both giggling between kisses like fools in love
they’re flight to bora bora isn’t until the next morning so they spend the night in high spirits while having slow, soft sex
bora bora is amazing and they take so many pictures and eat so much food and spend so much time in each other’s arms
but like all good things, they’re honeymoon comes to an end 2 weeks later and they’re back to work and falling back into their normal routine
mark & hyuck always make dinner togeher on friday nights while blasting mark’s r&b playlist
slow dancing in the kitchen y’all
and singing duets while they’re doing the dishes
dancing with alfred in their arms
just mark & hyuck being in love and being cute with their dog
it’s 2 years into their marriage and alfred isn’t a puppy anymore but a cute 2 year old doggo that mark brings up the subject of kids
hyuck is excited bc he’s been imagining raising kids with mark for the longest
they weigh their options and decide to adopt and have kids thru surrogacy
bc mark has always wanted a big family and hyuck being from a big family himself can’t imagine a house without it being full
the adoption process is long and a rollercoaster full of emotions but it was all worth it
they bring home haechan (who’s 2 yrs old) and his biological sister haerin (who’s only 10 months old) just a little after mark’s birthday
alfred is protective of his new human siblings and loves it when haechan gives him belly rubs
haechan is very clingy and very affectionate towards whereas his sister is aloof and doesn’t like it when people try to hug/kiss her
but bring hyuck around and haerin is a whole different person
she clings to donghyuck like a koala and mark might be just a little jealous
hyuck and mark don’t play favorites but obviously their kids have their preferences when it comes to which parent they like
bath time with haechan is a dramatic affair and mark always ends up soaked from head to toe
haerin only lets hyuck bathe her but prefers when mark dresses her. she will scream and scream if donghyuck even tries to dress her after bath time
donghyuck learns that hard way that if you tell a kid no, they’ll still do it anyways
mark learns that you shouldn’t promise kids anything bc they WILL remember and they WILL have a fit if you don’t keep that promise
parenting is difficult but they’re new parents and they’re trying their best ok
haechan is 3 and haerin is almost 2 when mark & hyuck start to look into surrogacy
mark and hyuck find a full service surrogacy agency
and then there’s lawyers involved to discuss terms and compensation for the surrogate and mark asking awkward questions about turkey basters but everything is smooth sailing once they decide who’s going to be the ‘donor’ first
funnily enough, they play rock paper scissors and hyuck wins
mark doesn’t mind bc either way he’s still going to have a baby at the end of it
their surrogate is a woman called wendy and mark bonds with her since they’re both from canada
hyuck is very attentive and he makes sure that wendy is comfortable and taken care of all while managing to be a full-time parent and a full-time PR director
how he does it?? mark thinks it sorcery
haechan kind of knows what’s going on and he’s excited to have another sibling
haerin’s nice and all but she doesn’t share and she makes him cry so maybe a brother would be nice
when wendy starts showing, haechan is eager to feel on her belly while haerin turns her nose up at the sight and hides in donghyuck’s arms
mark lowkey cries at the gender reveal bc omg another little girl?!
their family and friends are excited to have another little girl in the family
mark thinks he’s imagining it but maybe haerin looks lowkey pissed
time skip~
wendy gives birth to a healthy baby girl and she’s more than happy to hand the baby over, wishing hyuck and mark good luck with their baby and their growing family
sure, they keep in touch, but it’s better this way and plus they have a contract
mark names the baby michelle (bc he knows donghyuck loves mj)
when haechan and haerin meet their new sibling, it’s like love t first sight
tbh hyuck is a bit surprised that haerin takes a liking to the newborn bc of her indifference to most things
alfred is of course is eager to sniff the new baby. he finally has another sibling!
having a newborn is different from having toddler and an almost toddler
michelle is fussy for a few weeks and donghyuck really doesn’t know what to do
fortunately mark took family leave and hyuck swears that his husband is a baby whisperer
so while hyuck takes care of the older kids and alfred, mark feeds and bathes and changes michelle’s diapers like a pro
their family and friends start to visit them more often now
haerin is always happy to see her uncle jaehyun while haechan clings to his uncle taeil like no tomorrow
michelle, now almost 3 months, basks in the attention she gets whenever there’s company in the house
what can i say, she likes being held
another fast forward in time
haechan is now in kindergarten and haerin is in pre-k and michelle is now 2 and there’s another baby on the way
well, babies
yup, it’s twins
donghyuck fainted when the doctor told them and thankfully mark was there to catch him
their surrogate isn’t wendy this time
they get matched with a woman called krystal and she lowkey reminds mark of jaehyun
jaehyun: seriously when are y’all going to stop having kids, hyuck: mind your business
donghyuck has long since stepped down was the PR director and now manages social media for the company he works for
he prefers to stay at home and work at home and just be with his kids and their dog
when mark comes home, he’s greeted by the pattering of little feet and claws before he’s surrounded by his kids (and he’s, alfred counts too)
they all hang off of him, all eager to tell him about his day as he carries haerin and michelle in each arm and haechan on his back
donghyuck as usual greets him with a quick peck on the lips and reminds him to wash up
mark always sets the girls and haechan down before he washes up
they always wait patiently behind him and pounce on him again when he’s done drying his hands
it’s become a part of their routine now; to cuddle mark while recalling their days while hyuck makes dinner in the kitchen
they kids weren’t allowed in the kitchen while hyuck is cooking after haerin managed to set a paper towel roll on fire
anyways, dinner with the lees
it’s loud, it gets messy, and sometimes food is thrown bc haerin doesn’t take shit from anybody, especially not her older brother who’s just a cry baby
honestly hyuck wonders why his daughter is so angry all the time and he makes a mental not to sign her up for some activities to get her anger out
she’s only 4 for crying out loud
the next and final babies of the lee family are born and they’re fraternal twins
the first twin is a girl and donghyuck names her heaven (“really, hyuck? heaven lee?” “shut up mark it’s cute”) the second twin is a boy who mark names minhyuk
unlike michelle, heaven and minhyuk are angels and they sleep thru the night and they don’t fuss (as much)
both sets of grandparents are happy to spoil all of the kids despite mark and donghyuck’s protests
raising 4 kids that are slightly close in age proves to be difficult for mark and donghyuck
they have many sleepless nights and sometimes they can even feel the exhaustion deep in their bones
but they wouldn’t have it any other way
alfred is usually a good distraction when haerin and haechan are fighting so that’s a plus
the day heaven and minhyuk are potty trained and are able to eat on their own, hyuck cries
haerin catches her papa crying and hugs him without asking any questions
that’s one of the things donghyuck loves about his daughter: she doesn’t pry and she’ll offer comfort without any hesitation (unless it’s haechan ofc bc she really can’t stand her brother)
a few more years pass...(haechan is now 10, haerin is 9, michelle is 7, and the twins are now 5)
hyuck ends up signing haerin up for taekwondo and haechan starts to take ballet, michelle is taking piano lessons, and the twins are taking cooking classes
the one activity they all do togeher is take korean language classes bc donghyuck will be dammed if their kids only spoke one language
mark and donghyuck keep the kids busy bc they’re so high in energy and they need to burn it off so they usually take them out bowling or hiking or any fun family activities mark can think of doing
and sometimes their cousins join in and it’s pure and utter chaos but let’s not get into that
bc hyuck is home with the kids, he tend to keep them on a tight schedule to get hw done, chores done, and anything else so that they had time to do what they liked
honestly donghyuck would like to think that he and mark have done a pretty decent job raising the little gremlins considering the fact that haerin was a walking and talking hulk but in recent years she’s calmed down thanks to taekwondo and playing sports
bc there’s so many females in the house, mark decides to research about the menstual cycle and he even joins a few forums so that he’s ready to give his daughters the talk when the time comes
to say haerin did not look happy to be talking to her dad about her bleeding vagina would be an understatement
but michelle and heaven makeup for haerin’s disdain and they hug mark and thank him for everything
mark might’ve shed a tear afterward and haerin might’ve also hugged mark and thanked him before giving him the rolling her eyes at him and locking herself in her room
when the family dog passes away a few years later, the kids are devestated and they lock themselves in their rooms until hyuck calls them out to eat or remind them to finish their hw and their chores
it’s sad really and it breaks mark’s heart
he’s discussed getting another pet for the kids but hyuck didn’t want them to go thru another heartbreak so that plan was tossed out
suddenly after a month the kids are back in high spirits
haerin isn’t even screaming at her sisters or teasing haechan so mark knows something is up
that something ends up being a stray kitten that’s hidden in their basement and hyuck spends an hour lecturing his grown kids (haechan, haerin are in hs now, michelle is in middle school, while the twins are in elementary school) about harboring a stray kitten
towards the end of the lecture hyuck is cuddling their new kitten (heaven names him sol after the sun god bc he’s an orange tabby) and he’s cooing, not even paying attention when haechan and minhyuk low-five discreetly
mark just shakes his head, smiling fondly at his kids when he reminds them not to pull another stunt like this
they don’t take home seriously ofc
tbh hyuck is scarier than mark so we all know who does the grounding and the punishing at home
1 day, the kids come home and michelle is scratched and bruised up and hyuck feels his blood pressure rise when he spots blood on his baby girl’s shirt as she hands him a slip of paper that says she’s been suspended for a week
“papa, it’s the other girls” “damn my little girl is a scrapper” “now is NOT the time to encourage this type of behavior MARK LEE”
michelle explains to her parents that she found minhyuk being bullied by a group of girls for wearing nail polish and ‘feminine’ clothes to school and she wasn’t going to resort to violence but one of the girls called her baby brother the b-word
haerin is beaming and praising her younger sister, dragging her away to clean her up while heaven trails behind them, not wanting to be left behind
haechan comforts his younger brother and tells him that it’s okay to dress however he likes and that other peoples opinions don’t matter
mark wants to explode bc omg his kids are so good?? what?? how’d that even happen??
he just really loves his husband and his kids. wow.
okay that’s all i have. i’m sorry if it’s not good anon. i really did try my best. feel free to send me prompts or whatever they’re called lol. my ask box is always open 😌
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wongxiexie · 5 years
Grief and decisions
Pairing: Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader Genre: Angst Word Count: 2.271 words Warnings: Mentions of cheating Note: The photo’s from EXO’s website. Just wanted to be clear that I hate cheating. It’s so infuriating and sad, tbh.
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Excitement radiates off of Jongin in waves. It will be the first time he’ll see you again in two weeks and he’s just so stoked to have you back in his arms.
A soft buzz interrupts his thoughts and he looks at his mobile to open the notification that just came in. 
From: My sweetie pie 2:13 PM Please go to the apartment around 4PM
Not letting even a beat pass, Jongin’s fingers flies across the screen to type out an affirmative response. The smile on his face lights up even more upon seeing the contact name you put for yourself on his phone.
Standing up from his place on the bed, he makes his way to his closet and opens the dresser to flick through each of the shirts he owns. He decides that he has to look his best that afternoon. You haven’t really communicated with each other for the past couple of weeks, so he figures he should dress up for the occasion.
Besides, he wants to always look his best whenever he’s meeting up with you because that’s what you deserve anyway, only the best.
Sounds of shuffling filled the room upon his rummaging. Gucci, Balenciaga, Valentino, Burberry, high end brands fill his clothes hanger, name it and it’s sure to be there, but he just can’t seem to find the perfect one to wear for you.
But his actions come to a halt when he catches a glimpse of a white button up and a memory makes his lips tug upwards, urging him to reach for the piece of clothing. He picks it up from the rack and looks at it wistfully.
It isn’t anything grand, he just remembers you saying he looked really nice in a simple white button up, with you telling him he looked like he could be your boyfriend, to which he replied, ‘Why don’t we make that true then?’
He laughs even more upon the reminder of what you did next. He expected you to kiss his cheek like the darling that you were, but instead he was met with a shocked expression on your face followed by a smack on the arm and you telling him he better not be joking.
It’s decided then, he’s going to wear that shirt.
Upon finishing his preparations, he picks up his phone, wallet and keys from the counter and rushes out early so he can buy some flowers for you.
Fifteen minutes has passed since he arrived at your front door and just stood there. Anxiety is eating at him from the inside and the level of nervousness he feels is through the roof.
Glancing at his watch, he sees it’s already 3:58. Should he wait two more minutes or just knock already?
He almost jumps in surprise when the front door opens and looking in, he sees it was Kyungsoo who unlocked the door. His brows furrow a bit. He had wanted to talk to you alone, but he guesses he couldn’t really blame you or Kyungsoo if either of you decided he should be there when Jongin came over.
Wiping his sweaty palms on his pants, he enters your home quietly, but he’s not prepared for the lump that suddenly forms in his throat upon the feeling of missing you and missing being with you in your home.
He walks further down the hallway and into the living room where he spots Kyungsoo leaning over you and whispering something to you. You give a small nod to the man which makes Kyungsoo release a heavy sigh and walk towards the other room.
“I’ll just be here if you need me,” he hears the man say in a low voice.
Yin and yang is how the whites of the room contrasted with the dark brewing inside him and he’s positive it can also describe the two emotions he’s feeling right now. On one hand, he’s filled with immense joy and love upon seeing you there, but on the other, the shame and regret flows through his veins as if they were already part of him.
And oh, how much he wants those feelings to go away, but he perfectly knows it won’t be that easy. How can it be easy when he hurt you because of his selfishness?
It’s as if he’s glued to the floor. He wants so bad to run to you and just engulf you in his hold, but he finds that he can’t move.
You’re staring at the ground as if it’s the most interesting thing in the room and Jongin’s heart breaks just a bit with the reality that you can’t bring yourself to look at him.
“[Y/N]...” he calls your name quietly, not daring enough to break the silence in the room.
You lift your head up to look at him and Jongin has to stop himself from breaking down at the sight of your red and puffy eyes. It is clear as day to him, you had been crying and it’s all because of him.
The flowers almost slip from his grasp which makes him snap out of his trance.
Taking a few steps forward, he kneels in front of you but you look to the side to evade his stare. Grasping your hand, he pushes the flowers towards you, but still, you keep your gaze away from his.
“I’m so sorry, [Y/N]...” he whispers. He rests his forehead on your knees and the moment he closes his eyes, he hears a quiet sniffle from you.
The tears start to fall down your cheeks, dropping onto Jongin’s hand and he finds that he can’t take it anymore for he’s aware it’s all his fault and he knows it damn well.
He raises his own teary gaze and grasps your face with both palms. “I’m so sorry baby, I’m so sorry,” he says amid his own tears.
You hold his hands and gently remove them from your face, all while still sobbing quietly. You still haven’t said a word and it makes Jongin even more frustrated and angry with himself.
He can take crying and screaming. Hell, he knows he deserves to be hurt by you, but this... this silence that you’re subjecting him to is something that he can’t take.
Standing up from your place on the couch, you walked towards the counter to a large brown box settled on the floor, something Jongin didn’t notice upon entering the room. He follows your movements and he tilts his head in confusion upon seeing it.
You release a shuddering sigh and clear your throat.
“These are your things,” you murmur lowly, sniffling after. “It hurst to...” you sobb. “...it hurts to keep seeing them, so I want them gone.”
The look on Jongin’s face physically pains you - he looks so guilt-stricken and heartbroken.
The first sob that escapes him wracks his chest and it is immediately followed by more. He stands up in a rush from his place and almost runs to get to you, but he falls on his knees by your feet.
Banging his fist on the floor, he cries in hate and disgust at himself. “I hate myself! I hate myself!” He sobs harder, and with shame, he realizes that he is laughable for having the audacity to think that you’ll still want him after he broke your trust.
You can’t bear the sight of Jongin hurting so you drop to your knees and grasp his arms, pulling him to you and engulfing him in a tight embrace. You relish in the feeling of having him against you even though you know the circumstances could’ve been way better.
Rubbing his back in gentle circles, you soothe Jongin through his tears as you whisper comfort to his ears. He’s still crying, going on about how much he regrets his actions, that those were all mistakes, how much he loves you and how he will do absolutely anything to get you back.
You bury your face in the crook of his neck and let your tears fall. You love Jongin, you really do, and contrary to what he believes, you have already forgiven him.
But you can never go back to how things were. You know it and he knows it even more.
It has been two weeks since he admitted to having cheated on you. You were shocked, so shocked in fact that you actually thought he was playing a cruel prank on you. You thought you knew him, and it never once passed your mind that he can do something like that. But oh, what do they always say? Right, never say never.
Your relationship had been experiencing some strain because of the stress both of your careers put on you. He was a popular model, one of the most sought-after, in fact, while you were an up-and-coming actress. Your busy schedules coupled with the pressure to deliver quality output caused the two of you to be so strung-up.
The situation wasn’t the best, but you honestly believed that you could pull through, just that you had to let the rough times pass and you had to work together. It never even occurred to you that he would try to find from somebody else the relief he needed to tide himself over.
Instead of seeking comfort and assurance from you, he chose to bask in the warmth of someone else.
That was a few months ago, and you were right, you did pull through what with the success of your most recent movie and the deal that he secured with a high end brand. You were mostly free to spend time together again after everything, and you loved the pleasant moments that came everyday.
You guessed that’s how it was with Jongin, he always brought you joy and light, and more importantly, hope and comfort.
At least until he admitted to everything a month after the release of your movie.
He said it meant nothing, that she was no one. But when you asked who she was and he told you his ex’s name, Krystal Jung, you didn’t even try to fight the hurt. She was his first love, the only woman he showered with love for years before he met you and developed feelings for you. The moment he uttered her name amid his choked sobs, you knew you had already lost the fight.
You believe him, the part where he said he regretted everything, but you don’t believe him when he said it meant nothing.
The affair made you realize that while you were hurting because of the rocky times in the relationship, he was hurting, too, and you weren’t even aware it. So much so that he felt the need to turn to another for the comfort he so wanted to feel.
But no matter the reason behind the affair, the fact remains that he cheated. The fact remains that he chose to do something that would inevitably break you apart. Ironic, huh? Ironic for him to do that when he should’ve done something to fix the strain instead.
His crying has eased, but you continue to rub his back. He rests his forehead on your shoulder as he keeps whispering sorry and forgive me to you. You halt your arms and breath a deep exhale that comes with a slight shudder, something Jongin notices so he plants a kiss to the underside of your jaw.
You hold his face with your hands and prompt him to meet your gaze. “I’ve forgiven you, Jongin. I’ve forgiven you the first time you asked for forgiveness.” You give him a pained smile and continue, “I love you, but seeing you hurts me every time.”
Resting your forehead on his, Jongin closes his eyes tightly as he starts to tear up again.
“I need some time to myself so I could heal from all of this,” you whisper. “...so we could both heal from this.”
He hugs you tight and starts crying loudly. “I can’t lose you, [Y/N]!” The force of his sobs makes his body shake, along with the frustration and guilt that is coming out of him almost in tangible waves.
“Please don’t leave me, I can’t live without you!”
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms roughly yanks him from you and you come face to face with Kyungsoo holding Jongin by his middle. Kyungsoo’s brows are furrowed deeply and you know it isn’t easy for him to see you and Jongin like this. He has long been friends with the two of you and he’s even closer to Jongin, which is why it hurt him too when you told him about what happened.
“Leave her alone, Jongin,” Kyungsoo says gruffly as he drags the taller man out.
Jongin loses the fight in him and doesn’t even try to break free from Kyungsoo’s hold. Instead, he stands up straight and walks towards the door, terrified of the possibility of not being able to have you back in his arms again. But he knows the least he can do is to honor your wish for him to give you space. That much he will grant to at least show you he respects you.
It feels even more final when Kyungsoo thrust at him the box containing his belongings.
He doesn’t even try to wipe his tears anymore. Grasping the knob, he opens the door as he prepares to exit your apartment, but not before turning back to see you sobbing on the floor, with Kyungsoo now holding you while looking at him with disappointment and hurt.
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ainatravelsto · 7 years
South Korea Trip 2k16; Day 2 (Seoul)
Congrats, you made it to day 2! (LONG OVERDUE SORZ ITS THE 4TH WEEK OF MY SUMMER SEM IM DYING) (update: nah didnt finish it on my 4th week.... i finished this during my sem break... heh)
Instead of visiting historical places there’s one thing I’ve been wanting way before we arrived in Seoul..... Visit K-pop entertainment companies/buildings.
Yes. I’m actually a K-pop fan, probably one of the main reasons why we went there for a holiday djskhdjkhkdhsajkdkhsda. I told my parents that I at least need a day where I can visit as many companies as I can since one day is not enough tbh. My parents agreed that my bro can follow me to while hunting down these buildings while both my mom and dad went to visit other places around Seoul.
I initially wanted to wake up a lil early but as usual, we suck at waking up early so we were kind of behind schedule. We got ready asap and then had breakfast at the Italian restaurant in our hotel called 3 Birds. I would recommend this restaurant but I won’t because of their RUDE staff. They looked like they were forced to be there y’know? They also take away food tooooo quick right on the dot when the buffet is over.... When there are still people picking out food. I get that it’s over but it would be rude to take away all the food while someone’s still picking out their food? No?
Ok after we’re done with breakfast both of us separate. We bought our T-Money card to use for the subway stations a day before so we just went to one of the nearest stations and went to the first place on our list. Before we arrived at our first destination, we stopped by stations halfway to find advertisements of one of my favorite idols. I’m a huge fan of a group called BTS especially one of the vocalists, named Taehyung, stage name V (let’s just call him Taehyung plox). It was his birthday month so many of his fans (or just fansites) put up advertisements for his birthday at selected subway stations around Seoul. We found like 2 that day and wow I didn’t imagine myself seeing it with my own eyes instead of being behind the screen. I’ve always seen pics of Korean fans posting pics of them posing for the ads. It’s just surreal I’m there y’know,,,,, as a fan. As you can see in the photos, I was REALLY happy.
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So after the mini photo shoot, we continued on to our first destination. The first destination is actually, Big Hit Entertainment, aka BTS’ company. I felt that I should visit the office at least once in my life since I’m a huge fan. I have realized that many fans are confused on where the hell is the building because it’s very low-key not like YG or SM so to those who need help, I can help y’all with this. However, it’s not very detailed and apparently, Big Hit already moved to a bigger office at Apgugeong??? If I’m not mistaken? But if you’re curious then:
The nearest metro station to the building was Line 3 Sinsa Station so that’s where we stopped.
1. You walk out of Exit 1 of Sinsa station and just walk straight and take a right after 5 blocks. There should be blocks of buildings on your right anyway with small roads going on a small hill.
2. Take the 2nd street on your left and on the 3rd block, you should be able to see Big Hit on your right. 
3. If you’re lost with all these instructions (LIKE I WAS PREVIOUSLY) Google Maps does wonders. I also used Waze but it is based on you using a car. So stick with Google Maps since you’re walking and search ‘Big Hit Entertainment’. Some of the locations they give MIGHT be false so prepare yourself for that.
*It might look lowkey scary going on your own so pls bring someone with you.
Tbh, we almost got lost a few times but eventually, we found our way. We walked a few places and later we found it. Shout out to Google Maps for saving our asses. I’m amazed how we didn’t need to ask anyone to find our way. Bles technology!
OH STORY TIME: I coincidentally bumped into BTS’ manager right in front of us when we were finding Big Hit. 
Yep, that’s right. He’s probably the reason why I could find Big Hit because he was heading that way dsjgdkhjsagydsgkdskks. When we were almost got to Big Hit there was a man with takeaway coffee on his hand. It was still the morning btw so I thought oh some random man going to work. But, I had a good look on his face and I freaked out. Once I saw his face my face just went blank because I recognize his face from somewhere and I straight away knew he was the manager. As an avid fan, I’ve seen HQs & press photos of BTS with their manager so I’m used to seeing his face time to time. So once I saw his face, I almost froze and stopped my bro. My bro was confused and later I explained to him quietly who he was. I kinda took a pic lmao:
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So the smartest thing I’ve done after that is to go the other way, completely going to the opposite direction of Big Hit. I didn’t want to make him think of us as some international stalkers or sasaengs. Later when I thought it felt safe, we went to the direction where he went which leads to Big Hit. Surprise surprise, he was gone. He probably went in already so... 
ANYWAYS, as typical tourists we took photos.
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What makes it more interesting, some Big Hit staff told us to go away when we didn’t even go in the building or anything.... We just taking photos.... But at the same time... I highkey feel like someone was inside... Possibly BTS? Whatever it is, wow.... I got shooed away by Big Hit staff LMAO.
Moving on, we went back to the train station and arrived at Samseong Station to visit SMTOWN! I feel that almost every kpop fan goes there when they visit Seoul lmao. Wow, I was shocked at how I was actually there and not from photos. Saw cool standees from Baekhyun (exo bias HI), Krystal, and lots more! I too took one of the photo booth photos!!!! leeet
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One thing most stans go for is basically.... THE MERCH. I mean other than going for the live concert thingies (which I didn’t bother to go), official merchandise is the best next thing... So obviously if anyone wants to get their fave SM artists’ merch, going to SMTOWN itself is fine, more specifically, their albums. Their albums are reasonably priced so you don’t have to buy it outside in my opinion. Their official merchandise from posters, photobooks, phone cases, even the food are one of a kind. I feel if going to SMTOWN, and you’re an avid fan of EXO, Red Velvet or any other SM artist, just buy them. 
After looking around, we found a halal Indian restaurant called Luna Asia. Ngl, the food was alright. For Muslims, y’all could go for this!
We then took Samseong station again and arrived at Apgujeongrodeo station to go to The Mins! Some might not know, but this cafe is famous for treating some kpop idols, including BTS! (don’t @ me let me live i am an avid fan) So we took exit () and walked all the way down. The Mins was inside so you have to get into the neighborhood to find it. (Better descriptions are in the link I added @ The Mins)
The place was really cute from the outside and inside. OH, I forgot to mention, 2AM’s Changmin owns this cafe! Pretty legit. I also think I might’ve met his parents there too, because I heard that his parents do work there. I only noticed that once I got out of the cafe.... rip.
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ANYWAYS, I ordered the Four Berry drink..... aka what BTS usually orders (yes shut up). It was really good anyway.
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In the plus side, cool stuff on their walls! BTS posters, and signed albums from many other celebs like SISTAR, Gfriend and lots more! (you can also get to sit where BTS have sat before hehehehhehehe)
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Later, we went to K-Star Road to visit all the big figures??? dolls??? idk what to call them. But yeah, we went and obviously had to find BTS’ one.
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We were tired af and basically done all we wanted to do (except visiting JYP or YG Entertainment :(((() so we went back to our hotel.
After a few hours of rest in the hotel, we still had energy so we thought of not wasting time by going N Seoul Tower by using the Namsan Cable Car. It was a nice view from the hill but I feel it would be better during daylight?? Since it was winter I think it’ll look prettier during daylight. SORZ FOR NO PHOTO I WAS HALF DEAD THAT NIGHT KSKFKSHFJKSF
Anyways, we found this halal restaurant at this close knit neighborhood in Seoul called Yang Good (Yangguk) and boy...... they had GR8 meat. 11/10 recommended.
OKKKK IM SORRY FOR THIS VERY LONG OVERDUE POST but yes here’s day 2. I’ll try my best to do the other days asap (at least before my new sem starts sigh) BYE GIRLIES ANF GUYLIES!!!!
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hostjohncameron · 8 years
Orbiting Human Circus Season End review
This is a bit different from the last episode notes which is posted here or the bonus episode notes, but still contains some spoilers for the last narrative episode, this past week’s behind the scenes episode, and the season as a whole.
Oh, and at the end there’s a bit of an about me/about the blog since we’ve been with each other for seventeen plus weeks and I’ve largely done nothing mun related in that time.
Oh my gosh, where to start? Well, focusing solely on my muse for a second, I am infinitely impressed with the depth John Cameron Mitchell imbues in his characters. The first role I ever heard him in was Hedwig where he easily does four separate voices just in the movie (Hedwig, Hedwig’s strong fake midwestern accent “What poor unfortunate creature had to die for you to wear that?”, the interviewer after the limo crash, the announcer for Krystal in the deleted scene. And the stage version adds in Hedwig’s mother, Tommy, Luther) and I was pretty immediately impressed with him.
This show was a pretty great place for John to show off some of his vocal talents (minus actually singing) because John Cameron has some very distinct nuisances to the way he speaks: from the old timey radio announcer voice he typically uses on air, to his more casual speaking voice, to the different still way of speaking he uses when talking to the head of the PBC….  Maybe next season, JCM will voice multiple characters like some of the other actors on the show. That would be fun.
The character? I was thrilled to see just how frustrated John Cameron was getting in the janitor from the trailer because as the janitor is the main character, ongoing conflict=ongoing reason to be in the narrative. The running characterization of being suicidal was surprisingly relatable. (Surprising in that in was in the show, not surprising that it was relatable….) Let’s see… being frustrated at Julian for constantly messing up the show was pretty understandable, I mean, you work hard on something, it’s always disappointing when it’s thrown off track by forces beyond your control. The only time I truly did not sympathize with him at all was when he put Julian into the hypnotist’s act without letting him know about it but then John Cameron was frozen for over a month so…. AND THEN Julian Koster came out and absolved John Cameron of even that.
The fact it was all ever in Julian’s head? Not completely surprising, tbh, but the way it was revealed was. Plus, I was still holding out hope it wasn’t. That said, the trope was pretty well done here and the inclusion of the audience becoming real (because the audience was us) was a really sweet way to tie it in.
Fun facts
Since I set this blog up from the moment casting was announced, I had decided that if Mr. Cameron hadn’t been given a name by the end of the first season, I would give him the first name of Mitchell. Because my sense of humour, is indeed, that lame. I was not expecting Mr. Cameron’s name to be 2/3s of JCM’s, but…surprises are good.
My original url was mr-cameron, which before this show started was only filed with posts about the British former prime minister David Cameron. (I think ours is a bit better than him, if I’m honest.)
I switched to this url November 11th, which was a few days after the third episode dropped. By coincidence, the third episode is one of my favourites from this season. (#7 being another. John Cameron being a drama queen is one of my favourite things, my poor stressed-out son…. also, JCM: volim te.)
All of the links on the far right side of the blog are in French (which you probably already knew.) The mod, Hansel, took French for three years in school and was oddly, ill-equipped to actually hand-translate these outside of “écoutez,” French for “[formal you] listen.” The three years of formal French did however semi-qualify me to know when the words sounded right. Or not. Hopefully I got it closer than attributing a Meat Loaf song to the legendary composer Cole Porter.
The sort of twin to this blog, in that she was also a highly anticipated character whose blog I had set up months in advance and debuted the week of October 23th, is @alltherichesyouvesurveyed. And though she belongs to a canon very near and dear to my heart, I had to learn a whole new way of characterizing my favourite character. Currently, she sits about seven followers behind where John Cameron is despite me actually accomplishing much less writing on her.
About the blogger:
My name is Hansel, which is something I borrowed from John Cameron Mitchell’s other project Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I was a professionally published television critic for three years, two of which saw major disruptions to my writing due to severe depression and what finally saw me axed was the depression over the loss of David Bowie in 2016. (Hey, I said it was an ‘about,’ I never said it was a ‘fun about’.)
I’ve been RPing on tumblr for over two years now. My first character was established as a way to write with a friend of mine, but the character I’ve had the longest and write on most consistently is Hedwig Robinson (@turnonthe8-track.) I like to think I’ve learned quite a bit about collaborative writing in that time as well as how to better answer muse-directed questions and how to establish characterization that’s both original, but feels close to the original text.
Before rping, I completed a number of unpublished novels and screenplays, some of which I still hope to actually get published. But the most current project I’m hoping to get off the ground would help trans people in my area find resources to express themselves as well as providing style consulting for people who may not have really had a chance to explore their sense of style before coming out (as well as providing a shopping buddy if the person is uncomfortable shopping in general/in certain shops.)
All of the characters I write and have ever written (or am currently planning) are on subroots from this page: http://turnonthe8-track.tumblr.com/muses. It needs to be updated from my most recent hiatus, but it’s fine.
I am very much looking forward to writing and developing John Cameron in the hiatus and hope all of you will help me in promoting this show during the off season. And of course, I hope all of you will be back with me/The OHC for wherever the cast and crew are planning to take us for season two, presumably starting again in the fall.
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