#tbd probably sorry LOL
shibaraki · 4 months
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having the time of my life being goofy with this fic lmao
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pizzaqueen · 10 months
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ditch-lily · 1 year
got the gayest jacket of my life yesterday
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animecharacter · 1 year
as much as twitter ended up sucking i do sorely miss my friends from there and i miss being in contact with them all the time. its almost been a year since i left it and honestly its getting really fucking lonely lmao. partly my fault because im very very bad at both making new friends and using one-on-one messaging shit like discord but also i dont feel like i should have to go out and make a whole new set of friends and change my habits entirely just bc some billionaire was sad that his girlfriend dumped him
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bcneheaded · 6 months
ALSO IDK IF I SHARED ELDCN R/NG STUFF but that is my current obsession so i
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her name is Cyg (Cygnatratus,,, bc i am ,,, a nerd,,,, and like to make things Mean Things [a play on how the dragons names work! her name is a mixture of words that means 'black swan' essentially jfjfjfhd]) she's a prisoner subclass (and all that comes w it yea) and a draconian <3 playing heavily in the dragon blood thing, wants to purify her blood or whatever jfsdfhsdjf idek!! if thats possible but she sure as hell wants to try (probably why she was imprisoned all those years ago,,, smthng to do with her seeking some kind of forbidden power) ANYWAY she's a little Havoc Wreaking gremlin who did NOT need the flame of ambition at all but now she has it and she's never been so terrifyingly Laser Focused on power FDGFDG anyway tldr, as a good friend of mine once said..... We support women's rights and women's wrong here... she just happens to have a lot of Wrongs
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
this night is actually going amazing. Started with mild nausea, which developed into strong nausea, which turned into throwing up for the first time in like 4 years (like. A lot of throwing up considering the fact there's literally nothing in my stomach).
Which has led to me turning on the light in my bedroom when i came back from the bathroom. Where I saw one of my favorite creatures on the planet. A big one. On the floor. Moving. Up the wall. Behind my door. So i was trapped in my room and started crying like a child. As one does.
My mother wasn't even mad at me for waking her. Maybe she felt bad because I probably caught that stomach bug from her. Or she acknowledged that that spider was fucking huge and therefore definitely worth screaming about.
Now sitting in my bed with two dogs to keep me calm, and steadily increasing nausea again ♡
I don't think i should be allowed to live ♡
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lesbiantimekeeper · 5 months
[blows dust off blog] so guess who picked cookierun ovenbreak back up
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otomiyaa · 8 months
Otomiya Archive 😎
Hi hi! You guys may have seen me tag a specific dear friend whenever someone asked about a fic that was no longer found online... Max (@wertzunge) has archived a lot of my old works! and today I actually received the list and I was amazed!! I caught a few titles that I had forgotten about.
So, I would like to share the title list with you guys.
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If you see any fic on there that's not on my AO3 and not on my FF.net (feel free to ask me tho, I can navigate easier probably since they're my accs), just let me know and I'll ask Max to send them to me so I can reupload sometime. There's a couple that I already chose myself to reupload, but there are some I personally have no interest in so unless someone asks, they won't be posted.
The List:
Note: It may seem like a lot but MOST of these are already on AO3. I think it's a small minority that's now dead.
Will surely reupload:
(only on AO3, reason for choosing them is because I have fond memories of them or remember them slightly more than others.)
Strike = already reuploaded
Haikyuu!! - Yama-Hitman (anon who asked, I hope you see this, I'll post this one first, soon!)
Haikyuu!! - The King, The Teletubby and The Peasant (sequel to Yama-Hitman, I had completely forgotten I wrote a sequel lol)
Haikyuu!! - Wake Up Call
Haikyuu!! - Yachi’s Demise
Haikyuu!! - Yachi’s Demise P.2
Naruto - Serial Tickler
Tsurune Kazemai Koko Kyudo-bu - Cracking The Code
Yuri!!! on Ice - Power Nap
Yuri!!! on Ice - Remissio ( @ticklygiggles was this our first collab, I'm so sorry I let it die)
Yuri!!! on Ice - Still Small
maybe more TBD but not decided yet.
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
On one hand, I know my headcanons/interpretations of canon are probably wrong. On the other hand, I like them and I’m stubborn!
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jeonstudios · 2 months
Boy am I about to rant in this ask lol
The amount of people who want them (jk, OC) in DC to be end game makes me question whether they would survive a serial killer in a horror movie.
Basically, all I hear is "yeah he was mean to her, called her names, told her she doesn't deserve to be treated nice from men..BUT he's hot and said sorry!" Like...you really missed the point. I'm not saying they can't end up together but my girl OC has been through hell and back with the opposite gender. She needs to heal first lol
Also I'm glad DC is taking it's time because girl you ALMOST had me not read the rest of the chapter when I read she asked for handcuffs.
I was thinking "has everyone suddenly got amnesia and forgot he was mean to her? But oh well he's being nice to her so let's jump forward to a relationship... 👏 grab the handcuffs!!!"
Honestly I really don't think as of now they should be end game but let's see what he does to atone for his previous treatment of her. Does that mean that once he apologizes with words or actions he can get together with OC? Probably not, but it's up to OC. She hasn't been treated nice or as an equal from men. JK is too good to be true to just forget how she's been treated.
(and now for my literature interpretation of this series so far lol)
I really hope the next chapter with jks pov can clarify some of my doubts because the complete 180 he did is so....I can't wrap my head around it. He insulted her appearance, her chest, that she doesn't deserve flowers...but now that he found out she's a SA victim NOW she deserves to be treated like a human. NOW she's a woman deserving of flowers 🙄
I'm gonna give him a crumb of doubt because at the time, his friends, who are the perpetrators of OCs trauma, were nice to JK.
It's hard to imagine that a friend who treats you so nice can have this horrible side to them and assault OC. Not only that but they implanted a false narrative of what went down and because they are so nice to him, he took their story for what it was.
It's easy to say from an outsider perspective "well why didn't he come to his own conclusion and investigate before automatically assuming it was true?" But we're not omniscient. We can't predict the future and this perspective comes from what is known now vs what little information you had then. And this can fall both ways like yeah he didn't know much back then but also he could've dug a little deeper but that's such a rabbit hole I will not dive into cuz it's a neverending cycle.
ANYWAYS, Now that he's got the other side of the story, WITH PROOF, he wants to get justice for OC and maybe even start a relationship with her (TBD), but how can you do that when you were also indirectly hurting her with your words that further pushes her to not trust men? That further deepens her wound/trauma/wtv you wanna call it.
I mean think about it, if you were OC, you were close to dying at the hands of a man who wanted sexual gratification one way or another, and then it kinda swept under the rug...she's never gotten true justice. And because the guy hasn't been put in jail, it gives him an ego boost to think he got away with it and rubs it in OCs face by making up a false narrative that everyone believes and turns against her, further isolating her from who she can count on.
First, by getting away with the assault, he's won, and now by having people turn against her and hate her, he's won again.
DC jk and all the things he's said and done to her, indirectly adds more salt to a wound that hasn't healed. Yet again another victory to the perpetrator.
So at this moment, a "sorry" and "I'm not like the other guys, I'm a nice person, I took a knife for you, you can trust me" isn't enough for OC to heal. OC even said how she wants to trust JK but after everything she's been told, after everything she's been through, it's hard to put that guard down and just trust him. Because that's also how she was assaulted by her previous partner.
So...with that said, let's see what the next chapter reveals because right now the plot is in the middle and it can go in any direction. I think it was a good choice for OC to leave bc that whiplash from jk being rude to the greenest flag ever might be a bit too much for someone like OC who's only ever had bad experiences with men.
As for the romance between JK and OC, let's put it in the back burner! Lets put these cowards in jail first and then we can talk about it.
My girl OC needs therapy...
Oof! Sorry for the rant but I'm ready to look like a clown if the next chapter completely destroys what I just typed lol 🤡🤡🤡
to be fair and maybe play devil's advocate, i feel like, to many people, jk has already redeemed himself. because we already knew he was horrible to her before, but he did apologize pretty sincerely for how he acted because he didn't know. and then he died for her (but survived lol) only to go on to rat all the rotten men at the station out and take them out, one by one. then he tried to respect her decision to lay low for a while (literal months) but had to check on her because he was worried for her safery. and then he convinced her to stay with him because of that worry. so he's been "taking care" of her while also working almost day in and day out on catching the ones who raped and tried to murder her (and him!) while also trying to "uncorrupt" the station. not to forget that he went to her friend and talked about reopening her case against one of their colleagues that drugged her, and he didn't do that to earn brownie points with reader.
so i think it's a little of "he thought she was the evil perpetrator but now he knows that she's the victim"? more like they not only assaulted her but trashed her character?
but yeah, they did feed him a false narrative, which he shouldn't have believed!!! so his first and maybe biggest mistake is trusting these men over the woman blindly when he's very much aware of the fact that men do stuff like this? so he definitely should've talked to her instead of just believing them and then going to such lengths to "avenge" his friend.
because yeah, even if he's shown himself to be a good guy now, reader can't know exactly why he's acting like he likes her. if that's because he actually does like her or if there's another reason. because as she's come to know him, she realizes that he probably would've told her if he thought she was pretty and was attracted to her. and knowing everything that he said, it's understandable for her to doubt if he has feelings for her or not.
so i definitely understand both sides, both the people feeling like yeah, it hurts to know what he actually said and how he treated her, but he's shown (actions over words) that he's actually a good guy and if he can explain himself and thoroughly apologize, there's still a chance. and the people who feel like he went too far and the wounds are too deep no matter how good of a guy he is now.
anyway, thank you for your analysis!! i really enjoyed reading it!! ♥️♥️
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studioustoker · 6 months
Intro Post!!
>Jack (He/it)
>20 yo college student
>Straight trans man but a man in the way a dog is a man
>This is a therian/alterhuman blog!!
>Keep reading for more info!!
>Canine Cladotherian (possibly some sort of domestic dog but we'll look into that more next episode)
>Something in leporidae?
>Something with wings?
>VERY 420 friendly and will most likely post related content
>Probably occasionally a bit nsfw but nothing too crazy (I like to keep that separate from my themed socials)
>I am autistic and this affects most aspects of my daily life so I will be talking about it often probably!!
>I AM AN ADULT I am reeeeally not into interacting with anyone under 16 (Just no DMs pls!! reblogs/comments/responses all fine for everyone)
>No real DNI if I don't like you I'll block lol all love tho
More about me!!
>Im in TX!!
> I have a lot of issues with starting and maintaining conversations I am sooooo sorry if I don't respond to you I swear its not intentional I'm just paralyzed by anxiety. Super extroverted once I get to know you tho!!
>Aspiring wildlife biologist/ecologist but chemistry is squeezing my nuts rn so that's tbd lol
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alkalinefrog · 1 year
Hi hi! So uhhh I’m having a little trouble with Hiccup’s belt placements for his tloa outfit (I’m making refs for myself) and I was hoping that maybe you could give me some pointers? You can just ignore this if you want lololol-
Tbh I didn’t really know what I was doing for the belt placements either laskdfjklasdfjlkasdjf you don’t need to stick to the comic designs! I drew it while I was still in the early stages of planning the story, so there wasn’t much research behind them.
I can make a guide later, I’ve been meaning to touch up their costumes now that I have a better idea of what’s going to happen in the story. I’ll give you my general thought process for both of them based on the current chapters:
Jack (who probably gets the most costume changes in the story):
Hawthorne outfit: basically his canon human design from rotg plus shoes lol
Bard uniform: blue colour palette, large brimmed hat with a big blue feather. The prototype’s in the comic, but there aren’t many guidelines around it. His hands aren’t wrapped in bandages as of now ever since his initial calluses from Excalibur healed
Work clothes: a simple blue tunic, tied off at the waist with a belt or sash up to you, similar worn brown pants and boots from his Hawthorne outfit
Princely Attire (TM): fancy royal tunic and silk sash, circlet crown with a small ruby at the center that fits over his forehead. fancy shmancy cape held up by fancy shmancy clasps.
Civilian disguise: Bunny’s oversized white shirt that hangs loose off him, tied off with one of Bunny’s green sashes, long brown cloak. Pants and shoes are up to you, but my thought is that they’re a bit nicer in quality than what civilians wear
Adventuring gear: I’m not satisfied with the comic prototype, but it’s supposed to be fine-quality leather armour and a cape. Metal arm-bracers and grieves. Meant for a swordsman, ya know? Otherwise the interpretation’s up to you! When he eventually gets his prosthetic in the story it’s not far off from his canon one in the films.
Sorry that’s not much help visually for now! Go wild though, don’t feel like you’re limited by what I’ve drawn!
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britswriting · 1 year
Fallen For You |H.S AU
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Fallen For You | Masterlist (I'll try and put them all under the #fallenforyoubybrit tag)
Read on Wattpad
Cover + edit made by me. Instagram watermark is my Demi Lovato edit account - I might open a Harry account but that's TBD right now
"Welcome to Fallen Ranch!" "Oh, I thought it was fall in. Like fallin' a part" Harry Styles was Boston Creek's must have rancher. He was hard to come by, hard to accommodate to, and a pain in everyone's ass; but he did a damn good job, which made him become very desirable. Everyone wanted him, and if you had him, you had to make sure you could afford to keep him. Not only was his pay out of this world, but he also requested room & board, including meals, a truck to get to town and at least one day off a week. If you wanted your chance at Harry Styles being your Rancher, there was absolutely no wiggle room for discussion. Delaney knew how much of a pain in the ass Harry Styles was. She grew up hearing the stories ever since he moved into town. "He's disrespectful", "He thinks his way is the right way" and the worst of them all? He didn't like dogs; but even with all of the bad mouthing the town has said about him, she couldn't help but notice his dreamy eyes and glistening muscles as he worked in the sun. The moment she found out her father had landed the Harry Styles, she was terrified. Her family couldn't afford her to make a fool of herself. If she wanted to keep Harry and everything that came with him, she needed to seal her heart up and throw away the key... right?
This is my warnings from my Welcome page on Wattpad before you read; the casting + their photos need to be viewed through Wattpad due to me passing Tumblr's photo limit per post.
Hello! Welcome to my new Harry Styles fanfic! - this is my first time writing a Harry fanfic since 2016, so honestly wish us all luck lol
This story will contain smut! - if you're uncomfortable with that, there will be warnings at the start of each chapter. 
I'm pretty warning heavy if needed, so if anything comes up that I'm aware of being triggering, I will put a disclaimer - if you find anything that I missed that should be a warning, feel free to comment! - I won't put a warning for "fat" comments due to they're not meant to come across has harmful or hateful - Delaney is plus sized and she is aware of that. Jokes get made, insecurities are shown but none of it is supposed to come across in a negative way. If those things are triggering, it should be very sparse due to I'm trying to write a confident plus sized character! 
Comment's Harry makes are never intended to be hurtful! He comes from a good place, it just all comes out wrong! <3
For those who came from the dadrry tag - it isn't immediate, but it's there!
This story contains lbgtqia characters, POC characters & plus sized characters - hate speech is not allowed, your comments will be deleted and you will be blocked. This story is a safe + loving environment for all! 
This story contains swearing! (I can't help myself I'm sorry lol)
Last prewarning, I write slow burn! - they will not be dating immediately nor having sex right away! I like writing the build up and edging in my writing, if that is something that bothers you, this book probably isn't for you! - Because it is forced proximity, they are always together and it doesn't take a million years lol they just won't be together by the 5th chapter unlike other books.
Rancher!Harryxplussized!OC ??
dadrry/grandparry 👀 - Harry is only 28/29! You'll understand later lol
Forced Proximity 
She falls first x he falls harder
The most important for anyone who doesn't want to see the full cast, is our MC (Main Character)
Here is Delaney! Also known as "Lane/Laney" by close friends + family
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Chapter One
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starscelly · 3 months
a pleasure to ask more about the flying stars, i love hearing about it! 💚 i love the imagery of them with a long list of names they are debating for their band with only slightly mild hysteria of being up too late whether on some bighuge whiteboard or on a notes app like a baby names list before throwing their hands up, throwing a (hopefully metaphorical!) dart and introducing themselves as a different name every other night and taking audience feedback (getting a crowd of twenty something people to shout out if they prefer shooting stars or seeing stars) i think its so funny that they only realize that roope and robo go absolutely wild after they start performing 😭 five injured, microphone dead, still waiting for the crowd to pass robo back to them, divine inspiration struck for their band name at a show under an overpass and they still gotta pack their gear back up! i know you mention players as staff or assistance or a friend but are there other players involved in the scene? could be performing, could be a fan!
DEEPLY SORRY I LEFT THIS IN MY INBOX FOR SOO LONG.... forgive me. i love discussing the boys i just take forever to ruminate on my thoughts for them <3 i hope the long ass answer makes up for it omg
and oh yes at one point when theyre still figuring out the name they for Sure just start running a bit before shows "WE'RE THE [mumble unintelligible grumbling] STARS!" "hope you're excited to see the [WET COUGH] stars!" "... and with our dearest otter on the drums, WE are YOUR [loud clanging and banging from drumset] STARS!"
also hello "still waiting for the crowd to pass robo back to them" is so funny and so true. he's lost a shoe and ty is trying to drag him back to the stage but somebody has like a death grip on him and onstage otter and roope are frantically looking for something to write the name down with before they forget (miro wrote it in his notes app like the second one of them said it but he's staying quiet about it)
AND YES SO. delly harls are strictly Helping Out. delly by virtue of being otter's best friend/roommate BUT harls was like Into the punk scene!!! and really liked their sound (definitely NOTHING to do with any looks........) and befriended del who introduced him to the band etc etc so he was a fan turned roadie!
and wyatt DOES help run their merch table but he is ALSO a guitarist and singer . his stuff leans a little more like. indie rock than Heavier Punk like the flying stars play but he's a Friend of the Band (dating delly and always at his and otter's apartment because he's renting a room in Normal Dude joe pavelski's family home and is NOT bringing his boyfriend back there) and to seem more Professional they just have him perform as an opener ! because he is very good! though he honestly just ends up playing acoustic covers of popular punk/emo songs half the time the crowds are very endeared by his boyish swag.
i have ALSOOO played with the idea of him eventually Gaining Bandmates. which would probably end up being stank mav and nils! but i just havent fully decided their like. Instruments. i think one of them on keyboard would be kinda fun but grain of salt lol. i also want lian in here somewhere but i need him to get nhl time/more ahl time before i can flesh out those vibes.
AND I DONT THINK I EVER TALKED ABOUT THIS IM JUST REALIZING???? BUT MENTOR BAND!!!! disbanded mentor band but well. they all were fans of [insert tbd band name here actually maybe this is why i never talked about it] who were like. kinda on the cusp of fame? like were probably one album away from Making It before everything kinda crashed down. and it consisted of segs (vocals), klinger (guitar), esa (bass), bish (drums). their breakup was kinda messy and somewhat rooted in like. the very anti sellout culture of punk. to summarize it with like Minimal Detail (bc i would love to make a whole Thing abt it lowkey):
klinger out of nowhere is like. i have to go. there's better opportunities for me in california i know it (which was a Fucking Lie there was Drama with their manager but he didnt know how to or really want to articulate it and just wanted to get far away and his best offer was coming from california) which obviously everyone in the band IMMEDIATELY jumped on him like. what the fuck youre such a sellout we started this band as friends and youre leaving us for better opportunities?? in fucking california?? they were also all already like. on edge and stressed from the level of fame they were starting to get. so it was messy. and then him and esa had a messy breakup ofc. they're all cordial now but it lead to the immediate disbanding of the. band. because esa and tyler wanted to bring in other guitarists but bish refused to play with randos he wanted to play with his FRIENDS and it just. never worked out. so now esa tyler bish (and sometimes klinger when hes in town but . he tries to avoid being in town) spend their days working relatively normal ass jobs and going to flying stars shows and being like Don’t Be Us Don’t Go Sell Out Don’t Run From Feelings. and you know their asses are Listening to that Advice.
^ somehow that was the abbreviated version just trust me
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freedomfireflies · 5 months
I may or may not go to a hockey game tomorrow night but that is tbd. But yeah, sleeping in may be the highlight of the weekend😂😂I’m up every morning at 5am Monday-Friday to get ready for work and what not so the weekends are always a treasure if I can sleep in, even if it’s just till like 8/9am LOL because I try to be up and make the most of the two days you know?
I’m sorry it might not have been the greatest week but I hope you have a really nice weekend !!! Anything planned?
OMG FUN!! You'll have to let me know how that goes and if they're cute aslfjdf NOT THAT THAT'S IMPORTANT BUT....HAHAH
Oh gosh golly I don't know how you do that!! That's crazy, I absolutely agree that you deserve to sleep in because that's WILD!!! You're such a boss though so that makes sense!!! You have all of my respect for that!!
Probably just relaxing!! I'm going thrifting with some friends on Sunday which should be fun!! Other than that, just hanging out and writing hahah AND COOKING duh!! hehe
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