#taz amnesty spoilers
twomystdunstans · 2 years
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i killed duck
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cataztrophi · 1 year
I feel like I always fall into this trap with taz where I underestimate Travis's role playing/character creation skills
Like--and bear with me here--I tend to find his characters a little irritating at first, probably bc he usually plays brash, impulsive characters who charge in or speak their mind without thinking, which I find frustrating when it's so clear the right move is to hang back or be subtle about it
But THEN he has a moment that completely redefines the character for me, where they realize that their actions hurt themselves or others, and it makes you understand why they act the way they do, and then they go in some unexpected direction that shows that they're trying to change and do better and take care of themselves and others!!!
Like Magnus taking rogue lessons bc he realized he was going to get himself killed, and you realize that was kind of what he wanted, but he's learned and changed and found (and rediscovered) people he cares about enough to keep fighting for, and to want to be around for them
Or Aubrey being kind of impulsive, and then she asks Janelle to take her magic away, and you realize that she thinks about things a lot more than you thought, and she's gone through so much loss already, and she's so young and she's trying to help but she's so afraid of hurting her friends, and she learns to have a whole different relationship with magic because of that conversation with Janelle
AND STILL when I started ethersea I thought, well okay, I guess I'm just gonna be a little irritated by Devo bc he can't stop going off on people, but then after the bar fight in the marshlands he realizes that throwing his anger around indiscriminately isn't working, even though it's very clear he has a lot to be angry about and he's also just really young and still trying to figure out how to live in a world outside the church. and I just got to the end of The Menagerie arc and his speech to the auctioneer feels like he's learning to channel his anger towards something, into speaking up for himself and other people who get hurt when those in power are so sure they know what's best, and I'm so excited to see how that plays out over the rest of the season
In conclusion I'm sorry Travis I shouldn't have doubted you, truly out here making some of thee characters of all time
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mcelquotes · 1 year
You just hear the wind. And you just see the stars above you. They are beautiful. And then, they're gone.
Griffin McElroy
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mango-sideburns · 1 year
Y'all loved the last one so: Amnesty out of context
The local middle aged forest ranger with a mouth belt buckle decided to hitch onto a cop car, on his skateboard which he practiced with a 70 year old magic grocer, in pursuit of a shape shifting monster that took bigfoots memories. They know it's not bigfoot bc the real one is home making pancakes. During this the local con man is sneaking around a virtual hotel using the light from his stock Zune background (in the late 2010s) and gets in a hairy situation bc he dropped his magical nerf blaster knockoff that he got from a skyscraper sized cat who lives in a cave on another planet. The cats name is Heathcliff.
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omegas-reincarnation · 7 months
The thing about the ending of Amnesty - the very ending, the last half hour after the war is over - is that there is so much hope. The finale takes the characters to such an incredibly dark place and then there is restoration and reconciliation and new life blooming up from the ground, and rememberance. And it just destroys me. In the end there was no good solution, no version of the story that did not involve death. But after everything, there are still new wonders that come into being. There is still joy that hasn't been discovered yet. There is still love we have not yet plumbed the depths of. There is still one final speech for Ned to give.
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duck-newton · 1 year
thinking about how in That Episode of amnesty, Clint definitely had like a ton of luck points left, and no way Travis “I’ll use a luck point for that” McElroy was going to let his father get away with forgetting that, especially for something as important as this, and they probably definitely table-talked it and Clint probably definitely said “no, this is the only way his story can feasibly end, he needs to be a hero.”
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 1 year
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Hey guys…
I decided to do something tn…
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boydykedevo · 2 years
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It’s very funny but then you remember what’s coming 😭😭
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keyks-art-zone · 2 months
TAZ Amnesty fans, come get ya food!
My designs for Sylvain and The Quell's humanoid forms
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Also, go check out The Adventure Zone if you haven't! It's worth the 200+ hour listen-through, trust me
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clown-necromancy · 8 months
So! I just finished The Adventure Zone: Amnesty. Great season, iconic characters, fantastic. And I was writing a bit of a crack fic when some facts occurred to me.
1. If a human is in Sylvain without a garment made of Sylvan wool, they go into a murderous rage.
2. Aubrey, for a not-insignificant amount of time post-Amnesty, lives in Sylvain with her girlfriend.
Now, these two facts intersect at a very specific spot: How does Aubrey Little get nakey in Sylvain to get it on if she has to be wearing Sylvan wool to avoid becoming a murder lady? I thought about it for a while, and arrived at the concept of the Fuck Socks.
The Fuck Socks would be a pair of Sylvan wool socks which Aubrey owns for the SOLE AND SINGULAR PURPOSE of having something made of Sylvan wool to wear during sex. Her leather jacket is too obstructive, and anyways, she can't wear it all the time.
Now, you may ask yourself "why not a more sex-coded garment, like perhaps a choker or a collar? Perhaps an armband or an anklet? A pair of tasteful stockings, if it must be a leg covering?" And I say NAY! Aubrey Little is a swagless bisexual, and more importantly, she is a swagless bisexual played by one of the McElroy brothers. A collar or a choker is too sane, too conventional, too played-straight. No, Aubrey Little owns a pair of garish wool socks that she wears during sex.
I have spoken to a good friend of mine who shares my affection for this series and he has corroborated these assertions.
For your doodling and fanart needs, for max accuracy, the Fuck Socks were custom made by Aubrey's request. They are bright orange, with one sock saying "FUCK" and the other saying "SOCKS" in dark purple block letters for maximum eye-searing contrast.
Do not tell me you cannot envision Aubrey Little, preparing to strip down for some reason, perhaps for sex, perhaps for adventure, and stopping and declaring "WAIT! HOLD ON! I gotta put on my FUCK SOCKS for this." Do not tell me you cannot hear Clint and Justin howling in the background while Griffin demands that Travis enlighten the table and the viewer alike as to the nature, origin, and rationale of the Fuck Socks. I have given you the words, do not tell me it is inaccurate.
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pinestripes · 9 months
So, I collect little bird decorations and give them all bird pun names.
I named the one I have with a scarf and a little trapper hat after Pigeon Wilson from TAZ Amnesty. I thought it was very clever.
I just listened to episode 28 for the first time.
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jaybarou · 1 year
omg, I can't believe he was right. Duck Newton, 18 years old, seeing a translucent being: Ah, this is computers.
40 year old Duck Newton realizing Minerva is communicating through advanced technology on her side: I Knew It!!!
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artsyriv · 11 months
Three Vignettes of Grief (TAZ NC Day 2)
Ok... so I was working on a piece anyways, so this was a good way to make it all fit. My prompt today was three for @taznovembercelebration, so we have a post-Ep 28 Amnesty fic for today :,)
Ned was a coward. He knew this, he had run from the truth for years, but still he knew. He knew he was a coward.
Maybe it had started as a child, some sort of aversion to pain or disappointment. He... he wasn't the most liked in school and so he just tried his best to ignore it. He was good at putting on a brave face.
He wasn't good at it now. Dani was rushing towards the crowd, and his legs were moving even as his brain fought him every step of the way.
Maybe it had started as a want to avoid his trouble with the law. Maybe it had started as a teenager, sticking to petty theft until it no longer felt ok. He had started with stealing from the local store with the beautiful hand sculpted pieces, but once the store closed, he felt that guilt consume him. But still he never tried to rectify his actions.
He was scared shitless, running towards Dani, who looked hungry. Her own hunger made him remember that he hadn't eaten today, too busy running from place to place, trying to undo the damage done.
He thought of french onion soup, and of Duck. He thought of their shared moment where they had been so happy. He thought of Duck finding out about the betrayal and bit down his sob.
He wanted that. He wanted companionship, his body warm from the fire of the ski lodge and the taste of hot soup. Because at his core, Ned was no hero. He was the biggest coward ever known to Kepler.
And yet he was the one running for Dani.
He thought of the letters in the Cryptonomica, of leaving an extra line for Aubrey. 'Aubrey, I saved your girlfriend. Please let this be enough to atone. Please please please.'
He was still writing pleases in his head when he slammed into Dani. It hurt and every muscle in his body was rigid and poised.
Dani was hungry and she was coming right for him but that was ok. He had done what he could. Nobody else had gotten hurt.
He thought of Aubrey, his friend....his former friend. He thought of trying to get her medical help while she was furious at him, her teeth bared as she yelled at him. He thought of how it was all his fault.
There was commotion all around him but that was alright. He was just Ned after all.
The stars were beautiful, and Mama was saying something. Mama was good people, he was sorry he stole from her. The stars were beautiful, and people were running and shouting but the wind was louder. And that was ok.
After all, he was just Ned. Ned The Coward Chicane. 
Aubrey was no stranger to grief.
It haunted her constantly, chasing her from day to day until she allowed herself to feel it, or numbed it out. She thought she was doing better. She thought she was better.
She had told Ned to clean up the mess he had made. Instead, his body was laying on the ground in front of her. Mama was saying something, but Aubrey couldn't hear her.
Ned couldn't be dead. She had told him to leave.
Blame spreads like wildfire with that thinking.
Every face in the crowd was to blame, but the one that Aubrey kept settling back on was her own.
 Tears burned as Mama tried to hug her but it wasn't the time. She didn't deserve that comfort. Not right now. Not anymore. 
Later that evening, on Duck's couch as everyone from the lodge spread out around town, Aubrey let herself weep. She had found Ned's letter, had read it over and over and over again. She wondered if he knew how much he meant to her. How much she had cared about him. 
How much she didn't hate him. 
She missed his big bear hugs, his sense of dramatics. 
It had been a day at most since their fallout but she still found herself replaying every scene in her head. She had told him to leave when he was trying to help her. 
And he had left her with two gifts. Two gifts that made everything inside her raw and painful. 
He had saved Dani. He had sacrificed himself to save Dani. And while she was grateful for that, how could she not be, it made her last conversation with him that much more difficult. 
He had told her to hate him. 
She couldn't do that. 
Especially not with the second gift. 
His name. 
Duck wasn't an emotional person typically. Sure he got angry and he was over the top in terms of dramatics, but he wasn't sad typically. Sadness was for other people. He was just him. 
But as he read the letter quietly, trying not to disturb Minerva next to him in his bed that had always felt just a little too large and empty except for now, he felt the tears come unbidden. He wiped them away quickly. 
Ned had been a great friend. 
Sure, he was strange and always a little too eager to leave a situation, but he had always stood up where it mattered most, and that was what had gotten him-
Duck turned towards the window. Snow was falling again, but the main thing he saw were flashing lights. The UP and police had closed off topside, which made sense all things considered, but he could certainly do without the noise level, the constant sirens and helicopters. 
Aubrey was sleeping on the couch, Billy had new company with the other sylphs. In the morning, they would make a game plan, figure out how to survive without Ned. 
Duck cleared his throat and reached for his glass of water before realizing it was empty. Oh well, he had been up for a while. 
Walking down the hallway felt different. He felt different. Empty. Lacking life in some respect. 
He stopped by the living room, noting that there was sniffling coming from the direction of the couch. 
Duck wanted to run from this. Run from this conversation, this interaction that was sure to make them both feel more sad rather than less. But if Ned could do it, so could he. 
Duck knocked on the wall softly. 
In the morning, they would come up with a game plan, figure out how to live without Ned. 
But now it was time to grieve. 
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mcelquotes · 1 year
She's an alien from a dead planet who jumped out of a hole in my brain. I don't see what's tripping you up with that.
Duck Newton
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natdrinkstea · 2 years
ned opens his safe at the bank, taz amnesty ep 26 (colorized)
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omegas-reincarnation · 7 months
Relistening to story and song and then immediately going into the final episode of Amnesty is like. So I just told you a story about how the connections between people and places and moments and ideas and food and music are the most important thing in the world, how they are our weapon against despair and greed. Now here's a story where that's still true! But we have to face up to the reality that the fundamental nature of evil is to justify itself as light, and to the impossibility of defining redemption when there is never any hope of atonement.
It's Lup begging Lucretia not to use the shield spell to cut them off from other worlds and Taako defeating the Hunger by opening up a gateway to the astral plane vs Duck blowing up the connection between two worlds as the last, desperate option to prevent Reconciliation from destroying them both. Taako being told "when you think you have only two paths, you must find a third" vs Duck being left with no choice but to destroy the last survivors of a planet that had faced annihilation multiple times before they succumbed to the horrific decision to kill all other life in the universe to save themselves. The fact that someone created a sword that would be bloodthirsty enough to carry out that act and named it Beacon because the last hope for the universe was violence.
It's not too late! vs but what if it was.
I love Balance but Amnesty has my soul.
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