#takeru x meiko
uniarycode · 5 months
Digimon Adventure Cross Over Couples
In order to try and get myself to write more, an idea I've been trying to get myself to do over a year and to try and stretch my horizions.
little Oneshot fics focusing on the adventure cast paired with member of another Digimon anime.
Rebagel for sample size if you please
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seventeenlovesthree · 7 months
Ships huh? I imagine Takeru x hikari has been done to death but I never get tired it lol.
Would like a Taichi x Meiko take. I think they would fit quite well together.
Hehe, well, to summarize some positivity about Takari regardless: I do love that they ARE consistently glued to each other at the hip. While people who don't ship it may find it weird, whereas people who DO ship it may be frustrated with them not being confirmed as canon, it's really nice to see that they never drifted apart. Regardless of time passing, regardless of the universe, with all their parallels and developments. And the most recent audio drama proved to me personally that they're perfectly compatible trolls together that enable and have a wonderful time with each other in private (and thus also "off duty").
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As for Meichi, I hope it actually comes across when I say that, to me, their set-up would be the ultimate wish-fulfillment: Imagine being ridden by self-doubt and insecurities, are moving to a new place and be embraced, encouraged and supported by the literal sun? Granted, Taichi himself is suffering from self-doubt and insecurities just as much at the time they meet - but he also feels naturally drawn to and protective of "the different/weird ones" and thus, it also seems like their bond may give him another (external) reason to move forward, to re-discover his natural strengths. They're going through similar experiences, loss-related trauma may linger in both of them, and while they still need to work on their communication skills, they are empathetic and soft towards each other - and thus have met at just the right time in their lives.
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure/02/tri. x P e n d i n g T r a i n (2 0 2 3) + P A R O D Y {Inspired} - Taichi as Y u u t o Shirahama {"S a v e as many L I V E S as you can... in my P L A C E!"} - Yamato as N a o y a Kayashima - Meiko {tri./Kizuna} as S a e Hatano - Sora as M a o Higuchi (Yuuto's 'R E A S O N to K E E P G o i n g') - Koushiro as D a i c h i Yonezawa {"I W A N T to be more U S E F U L!" - Yonezawa} - Mimi as R e n a Watabe - Jou as Shodai K a t o - Takeru as T a t s u y a Kayashima - Daisuke as K a z u m a Eguchi (Koharu's Partner) - Hikari as K o h a r u Sato (Kazuma's Partner) {"She saw right through me. It's reassuring."} - Miyako as Hiroko T a c h i b a n a {"You're A M A Z I N G, Tachibana-san!"} - Iori as M a s a r u Kajiwara {"A... k i d?"}
- Daigo {tri.} as Kota T a k a k u r a/Yuuto's Senpai {"Dream big!"} - Maki {tri.} as Kayoko T e r a s a k i; {"P l a n A will A L W A Y S F A I L."}
- Ken as K a t o's {T e a c h e r}
Cap'd by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not R e - p o s t} {Do Not Re-produce Without Permission} (Please A s k to U s e / S h a r e!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{Index} KoushirouIzumi's DigiAdvs Things
(Img's in general, extra not-O.T.P A.M.V.s, etc. KouTai O.T.P stuff etc....!)
{Note: I am always adding to this. New works may be added sporadically. If you Interact on any of my works, please read my F.A.Q to see if I've already answered a question.}
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{+on taggings methods: What’s the deal with the variations in spellings for Ko[u]shiro[u]’s [+Jo{u}’s] Japanese names?} [x]
(for conveniences’ sake, I use the US version, “Koushiro” which has also been used in some official merch/usages on the J.P.N side. (Most obvious example being Tri {Saikai}) Please respect my choice and understand instead of bothering me to or demanding I change it, because I won't, thank you) {As I have made close to 50+ postings (likely now 100+) about Koushiro it would be difficult to go back and edit any particular posting with any particular spelling, and I’m most used to the US version’s way from his full name; “Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi”.} (I do leave out ‘Izzy’ when I’m indicating the J.P.N version specifically. I note it can be ‘Koushiro[u]’ when listing out characters included/etc.)
{Taishiro / KouTai OTP}
My A.O.3 : Hikari @ A.O.3 {"Novel/Story Route"} Fic Index: [x] Other KouTai A.M.V.s Index: [x] (Any other tagged charas/ship's may also appear if briefly)
KouTai A.M.V.s - REPEAT?_Verse [x] {"Music Route"} KouTai F.S.Ts (Fan Sound-tracks) F.S.T #1 - READY?_ [x] F.S.T #2 - BEGIN [x] (To be Completed)
Main Index: “izzyizumi taishiro gifs” tag (Chronological Postings) [x]
KouTai{/shiro} O.T.P of O.T.Ps Compilation (with Moments across all medias) [x] Our War Game {/“Children’s War Game”} [x] 02!Taishiro [x] [x] Tri!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] 2020!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] [x] {This section to be Completed} (Very out-dated Index, check chronological postings above!)
JouxMi / JouMimi {Jou & Mimi} {JouMi Challenge} [x] [x] [x] (etc) [x] Michi / TaiMimi {Taichi & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x] [x] [x] KouxMi / KouMimi {Koushiro & Mimi} [x] [x] Mimaxto / YamaMimi {Yamato & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] So{ra}Mi{Mi} / MimiSora {Sora & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] [x] Joushiro / Jyoushiro {Jou & Koushiro} [x] Taixora / TaiSora {Taichi & Sora} [x]
{Familial & Etc. Friendships} Yagami{s} (Duo) [x] Yagami Family [x] [x] Sora & Mrs. Toshiko Takenouchi [x] Koushiro’s "American" Friend? Info + {Lore/Tri musings/refs} [x]* [*Note: Planning to revise/Update]
Adventure 02 Daisuke Motomiya [x] Daixkari / DaiHika {Daisuke & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] [x] Kenxyako / KenMiya {Ken & Miyako} [x] Kensuke / KenDai {Ken & Daisuke} [x] [x] Miyaxkari / MiyaHika {Miyako & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] Miyakeru / TakeMiya {Miyako & Takeru} [x] [x] Kou+Miya Friendship {Miyako & Koushiro} [x] Bi!Miyako [x]
Tri Meixchi / TaiMei {Taichi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] MiMei {Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] SoMiMei {Sora & Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] SoMei {Sora & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] Tri!Hikari’s Storyline Explanation / Parallels with 02!Hikari’s Storyline [x]
Kizuna Kizuna!Koushiro & Novels Kizuna!Koushiro {+Taichi; Tentomon; Menoa} [x] KouMeno {Koushiro & Menoa} [x] KouTaiMeno {Koushiro & Taichi & Menoa} [x] [x] (Note: TaiMeno in general may appear as an aside to anything listed above.) Adventure: (2020) 2020!Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x]
Ship Compilations: - MxF [x] - MxM & FxF [x] (+2020)!TaiKouMi [x] [x] YamaKouTai [x] TaiJouMi [x] YamaxJouMi [x] YamaxJouraMi [x] {Tri/BNM spoilers} KenDaiHika [x]
Other A.M.Vs: Older A.M.Vs (Made during my childhood/pre-tumblr days) I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings {Adv-02 Taichi-centric/Taichi & Friends} [x] Walk on the Edge {Adv-02 Yamato/Yamato & Friends [+bonus YamaxJou} [x]
Newer A.M.Vs: Ashita wa Motto [Tomorrow I’ll Be] {Adv-02 Sora-centric & Soraxto} [x] She Said {So[ra]Mi} [x] Numb {Meiko & BNM!/Tri!Taichi} [x] Encore (Adv+Tri!Chosen & Meiko Positive) {Gen} [x]
Warriors {Frontier} [x] A.M.Vs Index for the Rest: [x]
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{Its 2k23 Ppl Pls}
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure (Series)/(Franchise) ~ Pride Icons Bi[sexual or Biromantic!] Adventures Chosen Children + Meiko Mochizuki {Tri} + Flag Icon Base by @izzyizumi​!
(’Like’ Post+Ask me Directly if you’d like to Use one!) {Either via an open Ask box/Comments/Tags} Please see under the ‘read more’ for more Usage information!
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OP’s Comments: During the years of 2015 ~ 2020, During Tri’s run but even recently, I saw many not-even-subtle biphobic comments/commentary from various others who were active in the Digimon Adventures fandom. Including various attempts of policing of others’ Bi / M-spec headcanons. Including numerous instances of putting down others’ Bi / M-spec headcanons. { M-spec = Multiple-gender Attracted Spectrum, basically } None of the people who had been involved in this ever genuinely apologized. (If anything, I’ve seen many of the same people continuously doubling down harder over the years)
At times it felt like I was [one of?] the only one[s?] trying to mention this was happening. Going forward, I very much hope I will not be one of the only ones.
{ LGBTQIAPN+phobes, Queerphobes, Aphobes / Acephobes / Arophobes, Panphobes, anti-Polyamorous, TERFs, Truscum/Transmeds, Radfems, Gatekeepers / REGs in general etc. DO NOT INTERACT } [ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ] { Even if you do not plan to use, “liking”/reblogging is OK ! }
{ usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE. } { Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use ! } { Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission ! } { However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section. } { if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK } (Look for an open Ask box on my various Blogs!) {If Asks are not open, try leaving a Comment first on this post!} { I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; you will likely/may pass the check and can use ! } { However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such } { It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons }
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: { My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY } { for this set particularly; I headcanon all as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted } { this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general ! }
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mris0329 · 5 years
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Omg lol this dumb thing is really popular
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adventurexheart · 5 years
Taiora #60
Imagine Taichi and Sora on their wedding day 💒. Sora’s and Taichi’s mothers crying as their children say the words “I do” to each other. The digidestined members getting all emotional because this wedding is the first one where two special members from their group are getting married and not just to anybody but to each other.
Imagine the after party 🎉 where Taichi and Sora share a dance together and Taichi is holding his wife securely. After that dance Sora gets to dance with her father who ends up making Sora laugh by trying to prove how great of a dancer he is. The night would be wild since everyone would have fun.
Later in the night Sora would throw the bouquet 💐 and to her surprise Hikari catches it and eyes Daisuke (who smiles back at her). Their digimon would be raiding the food 🥘 for most of the night. Hikari nudges her brother to take Sora alone so they could spend some time together (leaving up to interpretation). She also tells him that Agumon and Biyomon/Piyomon will stay with her.
Yamato and Takeru would be having a funny conversation with Daisuke (in reality Takeru and Daisuke would bicker about which one of them is taller while Yamato just laughs because at this point he can’t admit that Takeru is taller then he is). Mimi, Miyako and Meiko pull Sora aside and ask about juicy details about Taichi..... Sora of course dosent say much and Mimi ends up being a bit sad that Hikari caughts the flowers and she didn’t. Ken, Koushiro, Iori/Cody and Jyou/Joe try to spot their digimon from eating practically the entire table but laugh at some of the jokes their digimon try to make (especially Veemon who has no problem cracking a joke or two).
Hikari and Sora get to talk alone and they share a deep and heartfelt conversation. Hikari is so happy that Sora is now her in law and another figure making her brother happy. Even at her own wedding Sora tells Hikari to continue to take care of herself and that if something were to go wrong she could always call her.
At the end of the night Taichi and Sora would leave together while everyone else stayed at the party to enjoy themselves. The two of them would spend a couple nights in a hotel (Taichi’s idea because let’s face it when it comes to Sora he is a complete romantic).... and the two of them would make love ❤️ together keeping their hands intertwined while doing so. They would whisper and plant gentle kisses telling each other how much they love each other.
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koumi-blog · 2 years
Digimon Adventure: Awaken - Primal - Chapter 6
by Silverwolf6266
The last chapter of Primal has arrived! Hope you guys all enjoy and see you in the next part: Evolution.
Words: 10480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Digimon Adventure: Awaken
Fandoms: Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure tri.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Agumon (Adventure), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida, Gabumon (Adventure), Takenouchi Sora, Piyomon | Biyomon (Adventure), Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi, Tentomon (Adventure), Tachikawa Mimi, Palmon (Adventure), Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Gomamon (Adventure), Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi, Patamon (Adventure), Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya, Tailmon | Gatomon (Adventure), Wallace | Willis, Terriermon (Adventure), Lopmon (Adventure), Mochizuki Meiko, Meicoomon, Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, V-mon | Veemon (Adventure), Ichijouji Ken, Wormmon (Adventure), Hida Iori | Cody Hida, Armadimon | Armadillomon (Adventure), Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Hawkmon (Adventure), Huckmon | Hackmon, Dorumon (Digimon), Alphamon (Digimon), Jesmon (Digimon), Seraphimon (Adventure), Ofanimon | Ophanimon (Digimon), Holydramon | Magnadramon, Pegasmon | Pegasusmon (Digimon), Nefertimon (Digimon), Rapidmon Armor (X-Antibody) | Rapidmon Armor X (Digimon), Cherubimon | Kerpymon (Digimon), Imperialdramon (Digimon), BlackTailmon | BlackGatomon (Digimon), Elecmon (Adventure), Ogremon (Digimon), Leomon (Adventure), Eaglemon, Tigervespamon, Kuwagamon (Digimon), Dark Gennai | Mysterious Man, Gennai (Digimon), Homeostasis (Digimon), Gesomon (Digimon), Slayerdramon, Lotosmon, Catherine Deneuve
Relationships: Mochizuki Meiko/Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida/Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi, Ichijouji Ken/Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Patamon/Tailmon | Gatomon, Agumon/Meicoomon
Additional Tags: Violence, Drowning, Fighting, Character Death, Blood, Crying, Concussions, Fan Characters, Aegismon
from AO3 works tagged 'Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi' https://archiveofourown.org/works/41004078
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swiftly-sweetheart · 4 years
A few things I would like to get out about this week episode is;
One; I'll be writing my reviews like this now since it's easier and I like it
Two; I was expecting a Yamato centric episode, not a Takeru centric episode, which I am very, very, very fine with. Like really fine with. His debut episode didn't feel like his debut episode since he was unconscious half of it
Three; I love seeing digimon's interacting and protecting other children who they are not partnered with, that's why is was as refreshing seeing Gabumon vowing to protect Takeru until they find Poyomon as seeing the other digimon's being so clingy to Meiko
Taichi: I can't believe Yamato's brother turned out to be the partner
Then you most certainly won't believe when your own sister turns out to be the second holy digimon's partneer
Five; Devimon straight up said he'll kill Takeru so the Holy Digimon will be even more corrupted and no one reacted at all. Not even our overly protective Yamato who doesn't seem to be that overprotective now
Six; Yes, they are finally fleshing out the Crest Of Hope. In the OG, he only used his crest once and it didn't really feel like Hope to me. Now, he vowed to never give up which gave hope to WereGarurumon to never give up and guess who got his power-up?
Seven; WereGarurumon changes modes to Sagittarius Mode (talk abt him later) and AxeKnightmon dies (at least for now) and the entire castle gets dimoloshed by...Poyomon. The egg hatched and a baby did a whole ton of damage. Instead of Angemon using his Heaven's Knuckle and the power of the seven digivices, Devimon will die by Tokomon biting his hand.
Eight; WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode is so much cooler than I thought he looked. IMO, I like him much better than MetalGreymon AM. Not only can he use his wings to fly, but he can also use them as a sword and gun.
Nine; WereGarurumon having a fashion check in his enclyopedia? Seems legit
Ten; Judging by the "Which Digimon is next?" part in the enclyopedia, I really do hope that Lillymon will be getting a new mode too! But I've been wondering what will it be. WereGarurumon and MetalGreymon got their new modes bases off of their X-Antibody, but what will a ribbon do? Maybe she'll get the vines from Rosemon X?
Eleven; Oh my god, too many points! NeoDevimon is making (I think) his first animated appearance next ep! Seems like the theories came true. And Tokomon! Little tiny with teeth's-that-are-probably-bigger-than-him Tokomon! I hope he stays for a while. He's my favourite In training and I really love in-training's
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
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I was asked about this topic recently, and, being bored out of my mind, I felt inspired to use it as a starting point for a new series! I hope to share my current headcanons about the personality types of the Digimon Adventure universe’s main characters, according to different personality systems: astrology, Enneagram, MBTI... feel free to suggest any other typologies you’d like me to explore in the future.
In this first post, I’ll try to explain which of the Sun Sign personality archetypes I find more likely and interesting for each character. Consider this this an update of my previous headcanons, post-tri. (and post LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna).
Taichi - Aries
Yamato - Aries
Sora - Pisces [semi-canon]
Koushirou - Aquarius
Mimi - Leo
Jou - Virgo 
Takeru - Libra
Hikari - Pisces
Daisuke - Sagittarius
Miyako - Gemini [canon]
Iori - Capricorn
Ken - Cancer
Meiko Mochizuki - Virgo/Libra
Maki Himekawa - Scorpio
Daigo Nishijima - Leo
Note: Every single headcanon is highly subjective and even I will probably change my mind about it. This is only a PROPOSAL.
If you’re interested in my interpretation and methodology, read on!
Canon Clues 
Although there are no official birthdays for the characters, several Adventure materials have provided “goalposts” where we can fit some characters’ birthdays. I strive to make my HCs as canon-compliant as possible, so it’s important for me to take this info into account.
Miyako is stated to be a Gemini in 02.
The official synopsis of tri. Indicates that Taichi is 17 years old during the series, suggesting the has an April-June birthday.
Sure, you’re free to ignore this little nugget if you prefer, but I personally like to think there’s a reason they mentioned Taichi’s age explicitly — something they never did before. They also never mentioned the explicit age of any of the other characters.
Funnily enough, the DALEK official website and novel lists the character’s ages during the events of the film. Since the film takes place in the summer of 2010, taking those numbers at face-value would require us to believe all 8 characters have birthdays in the first half of the year. 
This contradicts the explicit on-screen information about Jou’s age in the original series (see below). 
I’m proposing this should be interpreted as their “average” ages, rather than precise ages at this specific moment in time — after all, in Kizuna it’s more difficult to identify the characters by their school year, like they always did before.
Sora’s birthday is canonically before the events of Our War Game. The film takes place during the spring holidays, which typically begin around the third week of March.
Sora having a March birthday is so universally accepted by Japanese fans that it’s even on her Wikipedia page. I wouldn’t be surprised if more recent writers took that information into account, post-OWG, and portrayed her accordingly. 
Notice that Pisces is only the more likely option considering the canon timeline and Sora’s personality — Aries (late March) and Aquarius (mid-February) could fit as well. Hence why I consider this choice [semi-canon].
Jou, who is a 6th-grader, mentions he’s 11 years old during Adventure. This suggest his birthday would be after August 1.
Ken is supposed to be 9 years old in August 2000, when he’s in Year 3, suggesting he has an April-August birthday.
This is different from other guidebooks which only list the characters “average” ages, because this lists Ken’s precise age during a specific event.
I believe Ken being exactly 9 years old went to the Digital world is deliberate, since Osamu is stated to be 3 years older than Ken, hadn’t yet turned 12 when he died.
Again, except for Miyako, Sora, and Jou birthdays, I can understand why fans chose to ignore any of this.
Personal Notes
My method isn’t about finding a putative “Official / True Birthday” — that never existed, at least for the Adventure eight. It’s about finding birthdays that work within the limitations of canon (see previous section). 
My HCs are based on the personality / character archetypes represented by the the zodiac signs. In theory, any Chosen Child could be understood as representing a specific symbolical archetypes.
The problem is that the Adventure characters are quite complex and often deconstruct traditional archetypes. This explains why it’s so hard for fans to agree on which sign they are supposed to represent. I should also note that anime series seem to understand astrological archetypes slightly differently from the Western mainstream tradition, which explains why typical anime zodiac signs sometimes feel a bit “off”. 
Nevertheless, some archetypes are so strong that most of the fandom seems to have reached a consensus: Jou/Virgo and Koushirou/Aquarius, for example. Then you have textbook examples of archetypes like Gemini/Miyako (unsurprisingly canon), Taichi/Aries, and Hikari/Pisces. But even there is a lot of room for disagreement and subjective interpretation!
The 02 writers clearly intended Daisuke to symbolise Fire, Miyako Air, Iori Earth and, due to the Dark Ocean connection, Ken Water. In fact, it’s super easy to place those four characters into any traditional 4-group personality types, such as the four temperaments, Jung’s types, blood types, ABCD personality, etc. 
My HCs respect this, and ended up creating two polar opposites within the team: Daisuke/Miyako (mutable) and Ken/Iori (cardinal).  
It’s tempting to ascribe 12 main characters = 12 signs, but post-tri. I’m inclined to do something different and not put myself into such a limiting framework.
For this reason I repeat some signs, and I don’t have any Taurus character (sorry!).
My MAIN innovative choice is that I suspect Taichi and Yamato might represent the same sun sign.
Now, I understand this is an extremely controversial opinion. It isn’t a possibility I thought about until quite recently.
But Taichi and Yamato being “different but the same / two sides of the same coin” is incredibly well represented if both of them correspond to the Aries personality archetype. 
After all, they’re the leaders, the heroes, the Knights in shining armor. This explains their incredible similarities, despite superficial differences. as well as their love-hate dynamic: the rivalry, the union, the way they complement and balance each other out in an almost instinctive way.
Here are some examples of the Aries/Aries dynamic from the literature... 
Both of you are independent individuals and you don’t like feeling “owned” by anyone. Neither of you can tolerate being dominated or bossed by anyone else, so you probably make your own decisions, and direct your own lives. You respect one another’s autonomy, and a relationship that is based on constant togetherness and dependency wouldn’t suit either of you. Sometimes, however, there is too much emphasis on individualism rather than on being close and nurturing the relationship. You both have proud egos, and are sensitive to criticism. Almost inevitably you will compete with each other, and in small doses this can be invigorating. But it easily becomes nasty, and one of you is likely to get hurt. If you’ve ever seen two rams locking horns, you know what I mean! You either respect one another immensely or detest one another – rarely anything in between. (X)
If your relationship has been built on the basis that you are equals, the fire element produces tremendous vision and industriousness. Your combined power and effort could well be a force to be reckoned with — but again, only if you both learn to subdue your own ego in the service of each other. Remember, you can’t always be right. You need to try hard to see things from each other’s perspective; this will help the two of you become a great partnership over time. (x)
When Mars clashes with Mars, the result can be full-scale war, with all flags flapping, bravely and colorfully. Occasional flare-ups are bound to occur when these two are thrown into close, daily proximity, without the relief of some separateness in their association. But there will also be some glorious Highs to offset these Lows. (...)  It's been said that Aries people have a way about them. They do. Their own way. Yet, despite that sometimes antagonistic Martian exterior, they'll sense each other's desperate need to be appreciated and liked. When they get together, they may struggle for leadership, but the experience will supply some well-needed lessons. The shock of living with someone - or being around some- one - as innocently thoughtless, selfish and aggressive as one's self, is sure to soften any battering Ram, although there may be a few scars to show for the les- sons in living thus mastered. Aries hearts always carry more scars than the Rams ever show, or openly discuss. (x)
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? The more you read, the more this pattern begins to make sense. Try to watch the Dark Masters arc, the Agumon-is-kidnapped mini arc, tri., and even Kizuna with this possibility in mind, and you’ll understand what I mean.
Sure, order to accept this theory, you have to understand Yamato as a more atypical reserved / sensitive Aries (influenced by a Cancer Moon, perhaps?) and Taichi as a more “pure” Arien type. Yamato is more like a baby lamb, right? (don’t tell it to his face).
You can make a very strong argument for Leo!Taichi (that was my initial HC as well) or Yamato as almost anything else. I wouldn’t disagree. But why not come up with a fresh perspective to explain these two? 
Oh, and in case you’re curious, their (canon) Japanese Zodiac is also the same: Dragon, the direct equivalent to Aries. 
A note about tri.: typing Maki and Daigo seemed straightforward enough. Maki is the stereotypical Scorpio antagonist, and Goggle Boy Daigo’s partner evolved into a literal lion.
I couldn’t resist the idea of making Meiko a Libra, considering her digimon partner is literally the Libra and Meiko is the 9th member of the group. But  personality probably fits other signs better — it’s very tempting to type her a Virgo, the polar opposite of Hikari. She could also be the missing Taurus element (Mei as the literal May Queen). 
The truth is... I can’t decide!
Disclaimer: There is zero scientific evidence for astrology and, as far as I’m concerned, it’s only interesting as a tool to analyze fictional characters in symbolic /archetypal terms. My headcanons are based on extensive reading about astrology, its symbolism and psychological profiles; I’m happy to share my sources (they’re not from pop astrology). But I’m also aware of the Barnum effect. We are all biased; there are no right or wrong options. Everyone’s conflicting headcanons are equally valid.
Feel free to ask questions or request more in-depth explanations for my suggestions, but FFS don’t start arguing with me and insisting I’m “wrong” based on other people’s equally subjective and disputable headcanons.
BONUS: Sun sign Archetypes / Personality Keywords
Aries at its best : Brave, assertive, pioneering, quick, determined
Aries on a bad day: Aggressive, hard-headed, selfish, impulsive, impatient, brutal
The Aries archetype : Prince Lancelot, the brave and romantic rock star of King Arthur’s court
The Aries stereotype : The rage-a-holic in the pickup truck who just gave you the finger after cutting you off on the freeway
Gemini at its best : Curious, inquisitive, quick witted, communicative, inventive, clever, adaptable
Gemini on a bad day : Verbally cruel, deceptive, disloyal, restless, doesn’t follow through”
“The Gemini archetype : The jester; clever and mischievous, your wit and agility are your best defense
The Gemini stereotype : The meddlesome neighbor, snooping and eavesdropping
Cancer at its best : Family-oriented, nurturing, intuitive, domestic, maternal, sensitive, sympathetic, emotional, patriotic, retentive, traditional
Cancer on a bad day : Moody, touchy, oversensitive, negative, manipulative, overly cautious
The Cancer archetype : The universal mother
The Cancer stereotype : The smothering mother
Leo at its best : Regal, creative, magnetic, performer, generous, inspiring
Leo on a bad day : Vain, domineering, attention seeking, insecure”
The Leo archetype : The benevolent monarch
The Leo stereotype : The shallow playboy or party girl
Virgo at its best : Discriminating, thorough, scientific, clean, humane, scientific, analytical
Virgo on a bad day : Picky, critical, petty, self-centered, hypochondriac, gloomy, pedantic
The Virgo archetype : Sherlock Holmes, with his staggering powers of perception and analysis and his earthy tweed jacket
The Virgo stereotype : The quiet, slightly geeky scientist or secretary with horn-rimmed glasses and a repressed manner
Libra at its best : Refined, artistic, diplomatic, sociable, peace loving, persuasive, just
Libra on a bad day : Fickle, over accommodating, argumentative, indecisive, insincere
The Libra archetype : The diplomat
The Libra stereotype : The gigolo or “kept” man or woman”
Scorpio at its best : Determined, probing, brave, passionate, insightful, empathetic, penetrating, investigative, powerful
Scorpio on a bad day : Jealous, suspicious, sarcastic, secretive, vengeful, manipulative
The Scorpio archetype : The magician, able to transcend the laws of nature to achieve transformation
The Scorpio stereotype : A secret agent, skilled at investigative work and most comfortable working behind the scenes”
Sagittarius at its best : Philosophical, adventurous, freedom loving, scholarly, funny, honest, athletic, traveler
Sagittarius on a bad day : Crude, blunt, know-it-all, arrogant, superior, intolerant
The Sagittarius archetype : The wayfaring stranger who transforms a community with his knowledge and wisdom before moving on
The Sagittarius stereotype : The clown who trips over his gigantic shoes and throws pies in your face
Capricorn at its best : Responsible, authoritative, traditional, pragmatic, hardworking, economical, serious, mature, ethical
Capricorn on a bad day : Domineering, stubborn, inhibited, unfeeling, fatalistic, judgmental, unforgiving”
“The Capricorn archetype : The wise elder
The Capricorn stereotype : A cranky old man or woman who keeps yelling at kids to “stay off my lawn!”
Aquarius at its best : Independent, genius, iconoclastic, rebellious, logical, scientific, progressive, intellectual, humane
Aquarius on a bad day : Eccentric, temperamental, unpredictable, cold, opinionated, radical”
“The Aquarius archetype : The charismatic rebel who wins over his fellow men by thumbing his nose at authority
The Aquarius stereotype : The mad scientist
Pisces at its best : Sympathetic, compassionate, emotional, intuitive, musical, artistic
Pisces on a bad day : Impractical, timid, procrastinator”
The Pisces archetype : The mystic
The Pisces stereotype : The flake
from Kent, April Elliott. “The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology: Everything from zodiac signs to prediction, made easy and entertaining”.
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sluggybasson107 · 4 years
Pairing: Mimi x Meiko
1017 Words
Warnings: Minor yuri
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. All Digimon related content belongs to Akiyoshi Hongo and Toei Animation
A/N: Just a warm up :)
Right when I saw her, everything changed. I saw the world in a whole new light. The struggles with moving and being a chosen child lifted. Even though I was super embarrassed, she smiled and offered her hand to me, giving me support. And like the fool I was, I accepted it.
Back when she called me “Mei Mei”, I knew there was something different about her. The way she could laugh and make everyone around her feel included. When she smiled, she made everyone feel better and lift the mood. She even helped out Mei-chan. But when we were preparing for the school festival, things started to change. Her cheerful spirit withered away. The way she snapped would have scared anyone. 
After she closed herself off, part of me wanted to listen and let her be. But then all the other times when I tried to distance myself from others came to my mind. Each time I tried, she came through and gave me a push. Now I look back, I’m grateful for what she did.
I grabbed our unfinished outfits for Daters and finished sowing them. I did cut and poke myself in the process, but I pushed through. On the day of the festival, I put them on. Not for me, but for her.
The old Meiko would have blushed and run away, but not now. I was going out there to show her that I’m there for her, no matter how bad it is.
I saw her walk down the hallway, depressed and down. I gathered up all my courage and ran out there.
“Hi!” Even with the revealing outfit, I smiled and gave her a wave.
“Mei Mei, what are you doing?” She asked. Surprise was written all over her face.
I did a little twirl and responded. “Well, I thought it would have been a waste to not wear the outfits.” A blush grew on my face. “Besides, that would ruin the spirit of the original Daters, wouldn’t it?”
A soft smile grew on her face. “It would.” She grabbed me into a hug. I smelled her strawberry fragrance as she buried her head into my hair. “Thanks, Mei Mei. I needed this.” She whispered into my ear.
When she put on the outfit, I was hit with something unexpected. Warmth and nervousness sprouted inside of me as I saw how beautiful she was in the outfit. The way her hair flowed in the ponytail. That she poses with such confidence. Her personality fitted with it all. Bold but soft. Pure and wholesome. Not genuine, but sincere.
I wasn’t the only one though. Many kids and adults stared in awe at us as we served them food and drinks. Even Takeru and Hikari were surprised. When the music came on, she asked me to dance with her for everyone in the restaurant. I wanted to say no, but I wanted to be the new Meiko. The one that she looks up to. I grabbed my pom-poms and went on stage.
She gave me a wink. “You ready?”
I nodded as the music started, and we stood back to back. She started to dance, and I mirrored. I knew I was a bad dance, but seeing her smile gave me the strength to do it anyway.
Then so much happened. Mei-chan was taken away, killed Leomon, then went on a rampage. I felt walls being built around me, but I did nothing to stop them. I slept every night alone. I kept on seeing my partner next to me, smiling and enjoying our new friends.
My mother eventually made me go to school, even though I didn’t want to. I went through the whole day avoiding contact with the Chosen Children. But, when I was walking on the sidewalk to head home, she made eye contact with me and ran over. The dark clouds of Odiaba covered the sky.
“Mei Mei!” I tried turning away and running, but she grabbed onto my arm. “Where have you been? Everyone’s been worried sick!” I never felt so guilty in my life. Seeing her, upset and stressed, Because of me. It’s my fault for hurting her, hurting everyone.
I collapse, crying. “I’m so, so, so sorry. It’s all my fault.” She stood there, shocked. “You’ll never want to see me again.”
She dropped to the ground. She held my head as she wiped the tears from my face. “Don’t say such absurd things! Mei Mei, I-” She cut herself off. A blush formed on her face as she looked away. A light rain started to fall on us.
“You what?” I sniffled. All she did in response was shake her head. She was shoving me away. “Please? Tell me what’s wrong.” The sound of rain filled the air.
“It’s nothing.” She gave me her iconic smile. But, I knew her well enough. It wasn’t a smile to lift the mood. It was a facade. She stood up, offering me her hand to help me up. But she really wanted to end the moment, to forget what happened. Suddenly, her actions didn’t seem that far off from mine.
I stood up and I grabbed her hand. “Listen, you have to tell me. You always said I shouldn’t bottle up things inside.” I yelled. The rain started to get harder. My outfit started to get soaked.
She did her ‘smile’ again. She started to walk away. “As I said, it was nothing.” But, she looked so hurt, like the time she yelled at me and Sora.
Everything after happened in a blur. I twisted her around and planted a kiss on her lips. Before I could pull away, she grabbed me and pulled me closer.
That’s all we were. A simple cliché. Two girls who were friends turned into lovers, kissing in the rain.
We pulled apart, smiling at each other. “I didn’t know you felt the same way.” She said. She grabbed my hand and we finally headed for shelter.
“Same here.” We walked home, hand in hand, as a rainbow formed as the rain passed.
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rurulaura · 5 years
Kizuna day 20: Fav non 12 character(s)
As you all know Meiko is my number one favorite character. She may be a chosen child, but she’s not the 12 right? :P So she counts for this post! Two other characters I wanted shine light on are Daigo and Maki from tri.
People give Digimon tri. a lot of crap. Marketing and merchandise wise, it’s the best thing to happen to the franchise. We got a crap ton of Merch following Kizuna, speaking of which, we are getting movie thanks to tri.. As well as a reboot series that opens the door to many new things!
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But back to Maki and Daigo and why I love them.
I remember theorizing at the start of tri. that Daigo was one of the original 5 children. Yes, it was something that people commonly guessed at the start of every new DIgimon series. But this time I felt there was a little big more evidence. Daigo’s whole name translates to “West Island Big Five”. It seemed pretty damning that his name had the ta/da in it, west island like the holy beasts, and this was more silly. But his goofy attitude gave off a goggle head feel. Pink crocs, star shirt, and long lab coat. Kind of hard to take seriously, yeah? Me with a group of fans threw ideas that maybe Maki was too. They both were in a relationship and seemed the right age. But why Maki would be a chosen and be doing bad things stumped us. Ooooh we were in for a surprise. I remember when it was confirmed that these two were the OG 5. I was ecstatic.
But sadly, my heart would break years later, and still be broken to this day.
As I said in my “favorite adventure villain”, Maki is a perfect villain to me because  she wasn’t evil because of some form of darkness. The darkness was her own formed out of desperation and selfishness that eventually took her life.
Daigo was a great and fun character to watch. He’s goofy and immature and I loved it. He cried donuts and I loved so much that every sweet kind Pokemon I get in the games I name Daigo. I have a gmax alcremie named Daigo. DId the same for Swirlix back in X/Y.
His heroic sacrifice still hits hard. He badly wanted to do anything and everything to save Maki. But in the end he realized he couldn’t save her, so instead saved Taichi and Daisuke’s group for hope of a better future.
I headcanon a lot of these two being in a Universe where these bad things didn’t happen. Maki loses her partner, but is able to cope. She and Daigo are able to move on. So Meiko and Meicoomon aren’t targeted, and live happily.
But point of tri., that being an adult means you don’t always get what you want and things don’t turn out the way you want.
Now on to my 5 page essay of why I love Meiko .You all knew it was coming!
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It’s been almost 6 years since tri. started and we heard about Meiko. I remember falling in love with her because she was this mysterious girl under a bridge. The character aspect intrigued me. She was partnered with a fox(or so i thought) Digimon, which was even more perfect.
Then September before tri. started, we learn her name is Meiko Mochizuki. She seemed cute and I was excited to see more of her in the movie.
and for parts 1 and 2, she was adorable. I loved her shy and overly polite personality. Her love of the food in the onsen and the adventure of looking for Meicoomon and Piyomon was hilarious. Meiko insisting she couldn’t thing in the boys side is still my favorite part.
Then we have the school festival, which looking back really showed Meiko making an effort to come out of her shell. She’s obviously more modest, but she wanted to make Mimi happy and feel happy as well and that was really awesome. The antics and dancing in the festival are of course my favorite.
It was a really funny segment, especially after the digimon sneak in and enter the costume contest. Meiko awarding Meicoomon despite the DIgimon not supposed to be there.
After Determination we see  a different side. THere were hints dropped that Meiko knew more than we thought at the time. I always found it odd Meiko’s expression more of “That form again!” and not utterly terrified when Meicoomon freaked and killed Leomon.
Meiko felt horrified that her partner lost control like that and killed a friend. The chosen around her trying to tell it’s OK, despite it being far from OK.
Meiko admitted in Confession she knew of Meicoomon’s form, but didn’t think it could get this out of hand. She felt hopeless after the battle with Meicrackmon. Because she had realized her voice no longer reached Mei-chan.
Loss was a really character for Meiko. Coming to get Meicoomon and taking the blame on herself. COmforting her partner and telling her it’d be OK because she’d already been beaten up. So she would keep going. When Dark Gennai attacks, I feel like this also shows Meicoomon’s feelings.
In part 5 Meiko can feel Meicoomon’s fear. This part is definitely one of Meiko’s most defining moments in my opinion.
Making the decision to kill your own partner has been shown as an impossible decision to make. Not just from COnfession with Takeru and Patamon, But in hurricane touchdown, Daisuke breaks down crying saying he could never kill Vmon even if he had to. That it was just too awful to think about.
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SO when Meiko made the choice that Meicoomon had to be killed, it was obvious that it took a lot of courage for her to make. Bonds weren’t always going to save a Digimon’s partnership. Meiko knew Meicoomon was suffering and vice versa. The reboot couldn’t save her, so there was no option left. They were only both suffering at this point.
My favorite moment of Meiko in “our future” is when she broke out of Yamato’s grasp in the midpoint of the movie. It was really great to see her not letting anyone else stop her or save her.
I’ll admit it was a dumb move. But after seeing her being stopped when she could have prevented things from getting out of hand in the first place, it was nice to see her take charge.
Speaking of taking charge, Taichi also had to make some really judgements in tri.. They are commonly compared for this series.
One thing I hope to become canon someday, and maybe it’s easy to do because Taichi has the Adventure goggles, but not the tri. ones.
I hope Meiko has the tri. goggles. Not just as a keepsake or watching for distortions. But because I want her to be a leader. I want to see her lead her own group and take charge.
Take up her dad’s studies and Maki’s too and find a way to prevent what Meicoomon from happening ever again.
I want her to stop Mysterious Man. Who enabled Maki’s desperation to see her partner again, Meicoomon to be targeted, and leading to their deaths. I want to see her getting justice for them. Even though Maki deceived her for so long.
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kakigoritsukutte · 5 years
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Digimon: The New World 01 by Atori-chan
Este es un proyecto que he iniciado y que espero que me vaya bien. Está basado en mi fic Digimon: The New World Por supuesto, sé mejor que nadie que hay muchísimos fallos, pero espero que con el paso del tiempo pueda ir mejorando. Esta historia está centrada más en los hijos de los elegidos, pero también habrán algunas cosas relacionadas con el sorato y el resto. Para evitar sorpresas, diré las parejas que contendrá: Yamato x Sora
Takeru x Hikari
Ken x Miyako
Taichi x Meiko
Koushirou x Keiko (una de las niñas raptadas por Oikawa)
Iori x Noriko (Otra de las niñas que fue raptada por Oikawa y la primera en que su semilla floreciese)
Jou x Yayoi (nombre que le di a la novia de Jou que tenía en Tri y que yo atribuyo a que es la chica que apareció en la película de El regreso de Diaboromon)
Michael x Mimi En la primera parte del fic, se especifica como llegaron a ser estas parejas, así como ver que Jou y Mimi estuvieron casados y acabaron divorciándose. En el doujin no explicaré esos detalles, sino que iré directa a la segunda parte que es dónde empieza la aventura. A ver lo que sale. Este doujin también está subido a Deviantart y compartido en mi instagram (atori008) y a mi página de Facebook (los fics de Atori). Espero que paséis una Feliz Navidad y unas felices fiestas. Y un feliz día del sorato.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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Digi-Tri #3: Kokuhaku (“Confession”) featuring Characters/DUO: Takeru & Meiko (+Koushiro, as background support)
“It’s about what YOU WILL DO.” - Koushiro “It’s not about WHO’S FAULT it is. It’s about WHAT WE DO NOW!” - Takeru, to Meiko
“You had a hard time, TOO.” - Takeru
“Now that I’ve ‘CONFESSED’ everything” - Meiko
“Just leave me alone!” - Meiko “I {can’t leave you alone}*!” - Takeru [*“Hottokenai!”] {Compare: Taiki Kudou’s catchphrase in Xros Wars is quite similar in context, and was a running theme/phrase}
“You are Meicoomon’s ‘partner’ and, you are our {comrade}.” - Takeru
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List of ships
Decided to list out.my ships for potential prompts. Be warned, I'm a multi shipper. If you ship some of these too let me know! I'll write a fic or make gifs!
Taichi x Yamato (taiyama)
Taichi x Koushiro (Taikou)
Taichi x Sora (taiora)
Taichi x Mimi (taimi)
Jyou x Sora (jyora)
Jyou x Mimi (jyomi)
Koushiro x Mimi (koumi)
Takeru x Hikari (takari)
Taichi x Sora x Yamato
Adventure 02
Daisuke x Ken (Daiken)
Jyou x Miyako
Koushiro x Miyako
Miyako x Hikari
Miyako x Mimi
Daisuke x Miyako
Takato x Juri
Ruki x Henry (henruki)
Ruki x Ryo (ryuki)
Ruki x Juri
Ryo x Hirokazu
Kenta x Hirokazu
Ruki x Hirokazu
Takato x Henry
Yamaki x Riley
Takuya x Kouji (takouji)
Takuya x Izumi (takumi)
Kouji x Izumi
Kouichi x Izumi
Junpei x Izumi
Katsuharu x Teppei
Masaru x Tohma (tohmato)
Ikuto x Chika
Miki x Megumi
Xros Wars
Taiki x Akari
Taiki x Kiriha (kiritai)
Kiriha x Nene (kirine)
Taiki x Nene
Taiki x Nene x Kiriha
Yuu x Airu
Yuu x Tagiru
Tagiru x Ryouma
Meiko x Mimi
Meiko x Yamato
Meiko x Taichi
Daigo x Maki
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure tri. x Our War Game ~ ~ Direct References {to past canon} ~ Important Dialogues ~ Callbacks ~ Worldbuilding + The Ishida-Takaishi Family (featuring side Taichi & Koushiro involvement) + Tri!Takeru picking up on Meiko’s Japanese Dialect (Tottori and Shimane can be considered ‘like’ the Japanese ‘Countryside’, but they’re regions of Japan!)
“Dandan!” - Takeru’s Grandmother (speaking), in appreciation to Takeru helping her In 2nd Digimon Adventure movie, “Our War Game”* [also often referred to as “Childrens’ War Game”] {“Bokura no War Game”}
Further original commentary under the ‘read more’!
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{“Bokura no Mirai” / “Our Future”, Tri part 6, shows us...}
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{Meiko is teaching Meicoomon how to SAY the phrase, “DANDAN”}
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BONUS: (Continued scenes from “Our War Game”)
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”You’re right. I should go bring in the laundry.” “DANDAN!” “DANDAN!” - Man to Woman, above (not mentioned in this older translation, but you can hear it SPOKEN)
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My Commentary:
I have since determined “Our War Game” Yamato & Takeru are, in actuality, some of my favorite “forms” of Yamato & Takeru ever.
A LOT of people never (apparently!) caught these references, but yes, they’re actual things... (You CAN hear it spoken in the script, if you watch the Japanese version)
The implication since “Our War Game” is that “DANDAN” was a regional phrase / part of the spoken dialects there, of the Japanese prefectures (regions/locations) featured in the series. Shimane is where Takeru + Yamato’s grandmother, “Kinu” is from, who is also referenced in the script (“Kinu-san’s grandchildren.”).
Tottori is where Meiko’s family was from, stated in “Ketsui” the 2nd part of Tri. This is why Takeru is the main one to pick up on Meiko’s dialect, and even comments directly on it.
It’s because Takeru recognized it. Shimane and Tottori are both located in the Chūgoku region of Honshu. (Even Koushiro lightly {casually} refers to it as, “The one {prefecture} with the sand dunes!” about Tottori, helpfully, while Taichi, looking RIGHT AT Yamato, mentions, “Shimane’s the one with no computers.”)
“That was a million years ago!” - Yamato, shooting back (who had a lot of misadventures in Shimane during the 2nd Adventure movie in J.P.N, “Our War Game”)
In the mid-end half of “Kokuhaku, the 3rd film, we see a small segment of Meiko at her original home’s location:
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(You can see how it looks traditional Japanese style in the architecture of Meiko’s home.) {Compare to Takeru & Yamato’s locations, above!}
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