#take this platonically if you want but i didnt mean it in a platonic way
sn0wp1anets · 4 months
thinking abt other students being intimidated by sirius and james but at night when everyone else is asleep theyre just. in james' bed. cuddling. giggling over their stupid nerdy shit. drunk on being with each other.
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shopcat · 6 months
hehe re: your tags, what about yue/katara?
omg hi i'm sleepies so i probably won't get too much into it character-wise probably. i will simply say before anything else☝️i know ppl mostly hold the belief that katara is straight and that there some uncomfortable pitfalls people can find themselves in when (esp white) lgbt people paint indigenous characters lgbt in order to be able to "relate to them" and dismiss the character's worth and indigeneity through what is i suppose fandom pinkwashing + dismissing the sexuality of indigenous/native/first nations women, which i do try to be aware of and avoid entirely, bc i think by and large this happens when ppl apply these headcanons without any sort of actual nuance or thought and treat every hc as the same sort of formula to follow (like, character is x so i like them "now", etc). katara has as much worth and depth as a character let alone as an indigenous woman when she's straight as she would if she wasn't which is something people tend to struggle with and handle badly or ignorantly. (and yes, on the other hand, lgbt indigenous representation is just as important to uplift, but i mean when it's done with ignorant intention!).
with katara in particular i DO think she is probably straight and (FOX FACT) she was one of my first crushes when i was little as in like 8-9 and was Also a girl and did NOT know how to handle that and she was also just my favourite character in general so her being some flavour of lgbt+ is very fun for me in particular, but regardless of that i do think her being bi or something would be relatively sweet if handled normally. (also funnily bc of this i also hated sokka when i was little bc i thought he was mean to her LOL .. 😭)
secondly stealing your brother's girl before he even got to date her is HILARIOUS ❗️❗️but in all seriousness 🤓☝️ i think the situation of yue being, you know, sokka's first love who tragically died deserves to sort of like, keep that... gravitas? and as a significant part of sokka's narrative at the time is to do with handling her death in particular, specifically because, Obviously, he loved her, i think respecting that is first and foremost for me as much as i joked about how they barely dated so it's not as comparable as katara dating suki for example, lol (though i do think it's different just bc of like, how it's actually different, e.g. yue is dead, suki was his long term girlfriend).
BUT none of this means it's entirely impossible either bc obviously like i said i've thought about it and i do find it cute ^_^ and i think their dynamic would honestly be really fun, more so on YUE'S side for reasons i shall elaborate on in a second. obviously in this world in order for ANY of them to still have a relationship of any kind, yue would either somehow still be alive, have never have died in the first place, or it's a different world entirely and their initial meeting was different from the beginning. (this of course changes the inherent tragedy of her and sokka's relationship, and makes it less of a potentially weird or at least incredibly dramatic scenario, as well). each of these have their own merits and to be honest i am obsessed with canon divergent different first meetings that change the outcome of the later story i eat that up every time and am honestly constantly thinking about ways things could change from something small like say... katara sitting by yue instead of sokka. heh...
to me yue and katara are i wouldn't necessarily say foils of one another, but i do think putting them side by side draws a lot of significance to the surface. i will NOTTT ever be someone to be like the NWT/water tribes in general are HORRIFICALLY SEXIST because i think that is well, fundamentally stupid, and racist, but for the purposes of what i'm talking about i do think the different aspects of misogyny relevant to both of their characters and story at the time of their meeting is important and interesting to compare. i think yue being able to sort of catch glimpses of what it is to be a normal teenage girl with sokka and slip the responsibility on her shoulders for a short while clearly meant a lot with her and helped her forge her bond with him in the first place, someone who i think like with suki not only say, BALANCED their different personalities out, but was able to bring a more joyful authenticity out of her if not just some basic fun and shenanigans. i think it's important that they meet in book 1 even if it's on the tail end of it, relatively early in the gaang's journey and respective narrative arcs and therefore sokka's as well, bc it shows he ISN'T quite the same person he is in say, book 3, when the gang are missing the lightness and fun he brings to their interactions and he's still learning this himself and they're in a way drawing it out of each other.
anyway. i think it's fair to say yue is maybe not a buttoned-up person, but fairly serious at times or at least keeps her cards close to her chest. i think katara being someone who speaks her mind freely and proves herself to be tenacious and stubborn and LOUD and like, kind of annoying, above all generally awesome, and FULLY a Teenage Girl, would be a really fun mesh with her at this time for the same reasons sokka was, if not even more so tbh. honestly yue is again one of my favourite characters, behind sokka and zuko she is a solid and unchanging number 3 for me. i think yue is someone who values duty (a common theme in these characters, lol) and responsibility, and while katara is someone who DOES, technically, admire/share in this (obviously, as someone who has been responsible in part for her tribe and family for years, and particularly now while they've only got each other), she is also someone who sees someone doing what they Think they should be doing and she personally sees as unfair or wrong and blows her fucking lid. i would honestly just love in general to see a yue/katara friendship let alone a relationship of some kind, but like w/anything friends -> in love isn't a leap for me lol so it can be both truly... i think they'd bring out a lot of good in each other!!
i also do occasionally ponder how yue is a nonbender, yet a princess, as well as being not only spirit touched but by the spirit who... is the very source of waterbending. while i think this is actually very cool thematically i do often think about how strange it is logistically, and also think about how bending is in part to do with a willingness to do so, and the concept that yue COULD be a bender and just not realise. katara kidnapping a princess and teaching her to bend would be SO GOOD. to me. i also once had an au i scrounged up where yue was a bender and obviously just learned healing, but due to being again blessed by the spirit of WATERBENDING and having that connection w/the spirit world at all, her healing is quite literally insane and she essentially becomes an atlaverse necromancer. because i think that's awesome. other than that, yue learning to fight in general would be very cool and i think katara would fall over backwards trying to help even if she also knows basically nothing about nonbending fighting lol. they would fall on their asses Together <3.
i do also suppose the conflict and tension point of sokka clearly having feelings for yue could be something to be rattled around if u were into that. personally i do enjoy conflict but not soul crushing drama and ultimately in My world which is a beautiful world sokka has either already come to terms with it/moved on long ago bc it's been a while or i suppose just one of those au's where he never did feel that way in the first place. but tbf it's not like katara (or yue) would necessarily know that so it could still be a something or other.
ultimately yeah i just think yue being this dutiful princess figure who loves her people but does clearly yearn for more and is a person willing to make huge sacrifices for people and katara coming in and being someone who openly and authentically goes for what she wants even if she's being held back by certain factors that yue would be intimate with is well mwah. i enjoy it. a big draw for most atla pairings of any kind to me is them having the ability to just Be Young together and i think these two definitely deserve this, katara in particular! she is a very silly sweet character and i love whenever she tries to joke around, and i think her particular brand of being sarcastic or catty would make yue go >:0 and she would love it. ohhhhh they would eviscerate people together...
yue being a relatively sheltered figure who yearns in some way for a sense of freedom from it and therefore struggles with respecting and committing to the connection to her tribe and the responsibility she has for her people as their princess, and katara coming in as someone from their far-away, lost contact sister tribe, a relative important political figure in her own right to boot, representing not only this chance to grab at freedom and what you feel is right but the added layer of them both being women could have been a really cool angle for the narrative to contort to! also sokka AND katara pulling a prince and a princess of two different nations would be well funny as fuck.
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queer-for-science · 2 years
One of my closest friends I aroace, and he's talked to me about the experience of being made to feel like he's missing out on something or getting left behind in a way when his loved ones enter romantic relationships. But it really hit home for me how much he deals with and expects this recently when I started dating someone new after being single for a few months and I wanted to share.
During the months I was single, we got a lot closer and we both relied on each other more to have our needs for love fulfilled. For example, we both have physical touch as a primary love language, so we did a lot of platonic physical affection and cuddling. We became main supports in each other's lives even more than before. But the day I told my friend about my new partner and my friend met him, he seemed to kind of instantly back off a bit. He and my partner get along really, really well too. He mentioned that he didnt expect my partner and I to make the hour drive to visit him as often because "it's not like the nature of y'alls relationship". I'm having difficulty explaining, but it was apparent that my friend expected to be taking a back seat to this new relationship in my life despite the fact that I know my friend way better and that broke my heart a bit. I immediately thought, how many times has he had to deal with that? How many beloved friends has he lost to this situation? That must be so horrible to go through! I still very much consider him one of my closest supports and while I know it would never be a necessary choice I would absolutely choose him over a partner I haven't had nearly as much time with. I really want to find a way to tell him that he isn't any less of a priority to me just because I'm not single anymore and I think it's important for us alloromantics to remind our aro and aroace friends of things like that. It's even more important to stick to that statement and show them we mean it.
My aroace friends, you deserve people in your life that prioritize you and engage in the kinds of intimacy you need. You deserve just as much closeness and love as anyone else and you will find it if thats what you want. You don't deserve being put on the back burner when your loved ones get into new romantic relationships and it's really shitty that so many people do that.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Ok. Ok. HEAR ME OUT. Miguel hanging out with reader (shes chained to the chair) and feeding her (shoving food down her throat) bc she mentioned she hadn't eaten anything while Miguel was out handling business (beating up a child)
Ommg yess but like imagine reader being a spider person and unbeknownst to her, Miguel has grown really fond of her, seeing her as his own daughter and so he... dotes on you. Look, his family loss is still fresh, so he has this abundance of platonic love that he just needs to pour and you are luckily (or not) that person.
And papa Miguel is like trying so hard not to show that he cares about your well being, but HE DOES and he's always worried about you and he just wants to pull u out of the field and tell u its too dangerous for u to be spiderman, but he doesn't wanna say it because then he'll have to explain his concern for u and I've already told u guys that he's an emotionally crippled father who cant say "I love you" but their actions always scream out the words.
So, he thinks its best to just take care of you as best as he can without arousing suspicion from you or pulling u out of the field (cause he knows u love being a hero). He makes you food(mostly mexican because everything else doesn't have enough spice and it doesnt matter if u cant handle spice, you will LEARN to), okay? I mean good, homecooked meals, 3 times a day and he expects you to eat breakfast and dinner(ofcourse u have a curfew) with him. But lunches? well, since you're always on missions during lunch time, he packs u up some food for u to take and he always checks your bento box (ALSO SPIDERMAN THEMED OBV) but perhaps this one day, you forgot to or didnt want to take your lunch along (a very tasty burrito) and when Miguel sees your lunch in his kitchen, he is LOSING it all. My man here is making himself go crazy(ier) by overthinking the worst possible scenarios (because this is unusual behavior in his textbook) and he sends a sort of AMBER alert on your ass because you're not answering his calls/texts(cause ur busy fighting bad guys) and Miguel just sends the ENTIRE spider society to find where you are and bring you home ASAP. Obv the spider society follows his orders to bring you because he's boss man and he probably has some important reason to drag ur ass home and not because papa's heart cant handle that his baby missed lunch???
Omg can you imagine reader finally finishing tying up the bad guys and now stops by a pizza place to grab a slice and girl looks outside to see 100 spidermans swinging around, all coming her way. These guys all shoot enough webs until you were practically cocooned in them and perfectly immobilised, and then they all open up the portal to deliver u to Miguel.
And Miguel just shoos them all away before he begins to free u from the webs and asks where u were, what happened, did the bad guys hurt u, were u kidnapped.
"Yeah-" you pulled the webs out of your hair. "-by your men!" And Miguel explains that he sent them after you because he thought something bad happened to u.
"Why would you think that?"you inquired.
Because you forgot your lunch at home. No, he cant say that.
"I- my spider senses were telling me to. I guess they were wrong." Now before you could ask more questions, he changes the topic. "Anyways, you must be hungry. Lets eat lunch-"
"No, I actually ate a slice of pizza before I was brought here-" you start but Miguel glares at you as he pulls out a dish of enchiladas from the oven, placing it in front of you.
"You will eat. You're hungry."
"I'm actually not. Like I was saying-" but he glares at you again, piling up your plate with enchilidas.
"I wasn't asking, mija." He hands you the utensils, red eyes piercing you. "You are hungry, and you will eat. Now."
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i think my main problem with marauders meta at the moment is that (and this has always been a problem) a LOT of people underestimate the sheer insanity that was sirius and james' relationship. i think people play it off as like 'aw how cute, best friends! :)' and its like ... I DONT KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU THEYRE SO MUCH WEIRDER THAN THAT. in whatever way you take sirius and james platonic romantic WHATEVER you HAVE to realise they were NOT NORMAL about each other. they were cathy and heathcliff. i think the word that describes james and sirius' relationship to each other is OBSESSION. not like a cutesy best friends forever kind of way i mean talking about how they want to be buried next to each other kind of way. i mean that canonically their relationship exists outside the bounds of morality sirius thinks its FUNNY that james bullies people and vice versa. james only bullies snape because he wanted to amuse sirius. i think sirius LIKES all of james awful qualities (being conceited, arrogant, self-centred) which is a stark contrast to lily who canonically does NOT like the fact that james is a spoilt rich boy strutting around the castle hexing people for fun. i think james wouldnt even ... CARE if sirius HAD ended up killing snape at the whomping willow incident. not really. because it was sirius and every single moral value goes straight out the window when its sirius. do people realise that they were doing the most INSANE acts of magical devotion for each other as TEENAGERS that ADULT WIZARDS couldnt do if they tried for YEARS? why dont people talk enough about the fact that they had such an intense relationship that they excluded everyone else from it? why doesnt anyone talk about the fact that the two way mirrors WERE ONLY FOR THEM. like they didnt give one to remus or peter or lily. it was THEIR thing. sirius went to JAMES' house after he ran away. james made SIRIUS harrys godfather. QUITE THE DOUBLE ACT. NEVER SAW ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER DID YOU? the fact that people from their time MULTIPLE PEOPLE described them as jamesandsirius. .... idk i just think. its a shame people dont really talk very often about how insane and weird and unnormal james and sirius were about each other bc to me its the most fascinating part about the marauders era.
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thyln4gf · 5 months
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✞ You and Carlos have been best friends since forever. But is platonic love really everything that you feel for each other?
✞ Word count - 2,5k
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "genie in a bottle" - Christina Aguilera, "friends" - Chase Atlantic, "a rash decision" - Ice Nine Kills, "sonne" - Rammstein, "dont be so shy" - Imany.
✞ Warnings - smut, unprotected sex (wrap the beast before the feast, folks), the influence of alcohol. I also wrote the most of it at like 4am, so pardon the quality of it, thank yewww x
✞ Carlos Sainz x fem!reader
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As soon as you step into the house, a soft groan of relief leaves your throat. Your heels immediately get kicked off of your feet, and you dont even bother to fiddle with the straps too much. You had a long, long evening - formal settings werent exactly your natural habitat, but being there with Carlos made them much more bearable. You are his best friend, and he is a famous figure, meaning that he invites you to all sorts of events all the damn time. Speaking of which - he was watching you with amusement, completely aware of the fact that you werent exactly in a huge amount of comfort at the moment.
"And whos not making any sense now? I told you not to wear those." Carlos slips the comment your way, making you roll your eyes only hearing the three magic words. He didnt tell you everything, though - yes, he knew how uncomfortable your heels were. And yes, he also knew that walking in them sucked. But he kept something to himself - the fact that only the thought of those heels excited him, as he had always liked to imagine taking them off for you. He could vividly imagine kneeling right in front of you, taking his sweet time, kissing your skin everywhere that he could reach. He liked the idea of it a little too much, to the point he found himself disappointed when the sight of you kicking them off greeted him.
"I had no choice, and you know it. I had nothing else to go with this dress!" You complain, vaguely gesturing at the dress you were wearing - the tired whine in your voice was obvious. Carlos' eyes slide up and down your body as you did so - he had a chance, and he took it. God, he loved this dress - the red, short-ish dress with a slit on the side - the tattoo on your thigh peeked through each and every time that you moved. He got a sudden urge to bite your thigh right there and then, but he knew that hed be overstepping the boundaries.
All he does is let out an amused, half-chuckle type of laugh. He loved listening to your rants. And boy, could you do that just fine - your mouth never closed. And he loved it.
He started slipping his own shoes off, all while watching you walk into your kitchen - your movements were so smooth, to the point that he swore that you were floating sometimes. He doesnt want to have you out of his sight for too long, so he takes his shoes off just a little faster than he normally would, and following your idea of entering the kitchen. There he found you by one of the counters, pouring yourself a glass of wine. He lets a small smile appear on his lips - he just couldnt help himself around you.
"Tired, amor?" His voice floats through the air, smooth as butter on toast, and just as warm. He always used that specific petname for you, and only you. And youd be a liar if you said that it didnt make you feel some type of way - the tone he used never failed to turn you on just a little, despite you two being... friends? You werent too sure at this point. You just shrug at him as a response, still trying to grab a set of words that were coherent enough. You swirl the beverage in your glass around, eyebrows rising up for barely a second before taking a sip.
Yet another thing that he enjoyed about you - watching all those small habits of yours, which you probably dont even notice. He liked observing you, just looking at you. And he didnt even try to hide it - he'd just wink at you each and every time that you caught him doing so, with no shame.
He wasnt exactly shy, but when it came to you... he felt like he was a teenager all over again. You made his head spin, and it was a much more enjoyable high than alcohol could ever provide. Only the thought of you made his chest tighten, the air threatening to escape his lungs. He shouldnt be so nervous around you, he thought. He could get anyone all giggly in the matter of seconds. Proof? Charles. But you were a special case... thats for sure. The roles were reversed - you were the one that had him thinking about you all day and night, wishing to get out of the friendzone that everyone hated oh so much. He might have had a wank or two with you lingering on his mind - the way you smelled, the way your eyes looked at him. If the dictionary ever needed a picture to describe being down-bad, they should just stick one of Carlos in there.
After a minute of him staring at you with your drink, you look his way. It felt like a routine at this point - you look away from him even for a fraction of a second, and you know that youre going to see his goofy smirk staring right back at you. But this time... this time, something was off. You couldnt tell if it was the alcohol, or something else (you had a pretty awesome night, despite the event being a formal dinner, but thats a standard at this point) - he was looking at you with an almost... hungry look in his eyes. He looked like he was about to drill a hole through your soul, and was particularly enjoying himself, shooting the usual wink your way, before walking up to lean against the counter, right by your side. His thigh brushes against yours, the material of the suit against your skin almost making you shiver.
"You know what would make tonight even better?" He speaks up, his eyes never leaving yours. Hes acting all smooth and smug right now, but you could see him swallowing his own saliva, and his cheeks turning just a tad bit more red.
"Spill it, big boy. Im listening." You reply, your voice sounding just as seductive as his, almost making his brain short circuit - and you can see it from the way his grin makes its way back onto his lips. He had always found your teases adorable, honestly. Hats off for that.
"Well..." Carlos hesitated for a second, which wasnt like him at all - he was nervous, and it was an adorable sight to witness. "We could have the evening to ourselves and..." his eyes moved to your lips for a split second, letting his gaze linger on them for way longer than what he had considered the "safe limit". He only managed to speak again in a second, seemingly collecting himself a little better now. It didnt mean that his cheeks werent heating up in embarrassment, though. "Well, you know."
A chuckle slips from your throat upon hearing his offer. He was beating around the bush slightly, but not like you minded. You had always liked this goofball of a man, and his methods of getting his way. You never let them sink in deep, confused on his true intentions behind his actions. But something about this evening... the alcohol has hit your brain already, and awhile ago, and all you could think about was your friends lips all over you.
You down the rest of your drink, and put the glass down on the counter, a little to the right of you. You turn your head to Carlos, once again. He couldnt be more predictable - youre greeted with a sight of him staring at the hand handling the glass, then your waist. Eventually, up to your eyes. You stare back at him. You raise your finger to trace it along his jawline, his chin, the bottom half of his cheeks. He gulps, getting much more nervous than he was before.
"Youre adorable, did you know that?" You whisper right in front of his face, your warm breath hitting his lips. He doesnt even get to respond, before he feels your lips on his. His brain doesnt even register what was happening at first, but his body reacts way before his brain - his left hand immediately went to your hip, pulling you to his body. The other one is now gripping the counter, and he finds himself hoping that his knees wont give out. He could smell the cherry and cinnamon wine on you the moment you got closer, and he doesnt waste any time - he pushes his tongue out of his mouth, hungry and desperate to taste more. He groans, and your hand slides to his neck in response, gripping it ever so slightly, pulling him closer. He takes it as permission to shove his tongue even deeper, earning a little chuckle out of you.
Quickly enough, his other hand goes down to your hips as well, now caressing them with great intensity. The material of your dress slides up ever so slightly, and he just cant wait much longer - he lifts you without even trying, and places you on the counter. His movements are harsh and desperate, and he doesnt notice the glass. He knocks it over, and it shatters to pieces, right on the floor.
"Carlos..." you groan against his mouth, trying to pull away a little, so you could actually look at what just happened. You earn a sigh out of him for that - out of all the scenarios he had imagined of your first time together... all the circumstances of you moaning his name for the first time were not that. He clicks his tongue, and grabs your chin, turning your face to his, slamming his lips back on yours. It was almost like him saying that he really couldnt be giving less shits. He wanted you, and he was forced to wait for way too fucking long.
His other hand travels down to your thigh, now kneading it like his life depended on it. A moan slips from you, right into his mouth. The grip that you still have on his throat only tightens, causing his movements to become even more aggressive.
He tries to slide your dress up to your waist, but the fabric being trapped between the countertop and your body didnt let him. He lets out a slow groan of frustration. Desperate times call for desperate solutions, no? He leans you against his body, leaning back a little himself. That lets him pull the skirt up. He has barely even brushed his fingertips against your skin, but it was just enough to make your certain area feel a little tingly already.
He wants to take off your underwear as well, while you two are at it. He finds that his back cant take much more of being in this position, but he still hesitates about doing that, his fingers tugging the lacy material ever so slightly. You notice it, and grab one of his wrists to guide him to take those off, almost desperately. You can hear him sucking in a breath, but not resisting anything at all.
Once theyre off, he sits you back down to your previous position. His lips pull away from yours first, something that he never thought that he would be doing. He keeps staring into your eyes, his hands reaching to take his own pants off. This man had his tongue down your throat just seconds ago, and even that didnt make your face heat up more than this.
His pants are off in the matter of seconds. For a second there, he was close to fucking you just like this, through the hole his underpants had in the front. He ended up taking the underwear off as well, and it flied off even faster than the pants did, his boner getting freed as well.
He cant resist looking down to your pussy, already so wet and ready for him. So needy. You had always put up a tough demeanour, which you were trying to maintain even now. Adorable, he thought. He looks back up to your eyes while getting closer to you again, his palms landing on your thighs, spreading your legs just slightly. He was desperate, almost shaking with desire. But he still wanted to get your consent. God, you love men doing the bare minimum so much. All you can manage is a brief nod, and its all it takes him - he almost explodes on you. His lips immediately attack your neck, pressing multiple kisses everywhere that he could reach. He was never a man who liked to waste much time, and it shows - he gave his cock a few pumps before entering you right away, yet still taking his sweet time to let you adjust to him. He earns a gasp out of you, as you throw your head back. He cant help himself, and the kisses on your neck turn into gentle bites. You moan a little louder - feeling him on you, and in you was almost overwhelming, and you could already feel the knot in your lower stomach forming. Though, you werent sure if it was that, or his length hitting you deep. Or both.
He was even closer than you were. The precum has leaked long before he even took his pants off. Honestly... Being near you was almost like keeping an infinite edging streak - sexually frustrating torture. He thrusts into you for a few more minutes, and he already knows that hes about to cum. He groans in frustration (but only because you havent reached your high yet - he was disappointed with himself. But its not his fault that you were so... hot) and is about to pull out, but your legs suddenly wrap around his waist, pulling him closer right before he can do that. A loud moan slips from his throat, the warm liquid already filling you up so good. And you find himself shutting him up with a kiss - the sloppiest youve ever had at this point.
His movements stop, his mind hazy from all the pleasure he's receiving. All he can focus on is you, and only you. You were content with leaving things like this, you were honestly about to cum anyway. Just another minute of him staying inside of you... But Carlos seemed to have gotten a different idea. Suddenly, he's in a kneeling position right in front of you, looking up with his pretty eyes. His eyelashes are longer than mine... what the fuck?
However, your train of thought quickly melts away when his tongue makes contact with your clit. He wanted to go slow just to tease you, but all the pretty sounds you were making teased him instead, and he found himself speeding up just a little, making sure to apply some more pressure as well. And, soon enough, youre riding your own high against his face. Both of your breaths are heavy, and both of you could be found smiling.
You both forgot about the load in you, however. You were still bathing in the dopamine after-high, the satisfaction making both of your heads spin. He looked up at you, again. And right at this moment, marrying your best friend seemed possible - something you never believed in.
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hatsheep · 4 months
Note. these aren’t meant to be serious!! this is gn reader (with only one mention of daughter) and meant to be silly. this also isn’t my writing acc but if u guys have a request for platonic tf 141 content go shoot.
CAPTAIN john price
- you sent him many tiktoks and reels, which he always begrudgingly watched during his deployment (mostly because he did miss you)
- he always sends back questions since he dosent understand some slang
- “yap???” “i’m sorry, what does cap mean?”
- when hes home, he was happy to help video you when you were out or when you wanted to do a trend
- but making HIM do a trend?
- it took you forever to convince your dad to do so…but it was worth it
- he would do trends like the “dad lore trend” with him being videoed in x2 speed as he pretended to talk
- “pov: your dad drops the craziest lore on a random tuesday” because he really genuinely does
- or the home depot one…
- “my dad when he sees someone fixing an airplane when we’re about to board our flight” and it’s just him with his hands behind his back or crossed while he watches the repairmen.
- in the end, he enjoys doing these trends with you. but god, if you keep on trying to prank him, he’s actually going to go crazy.
- everyone thinks he’s hot by the way. you have like 50 single/divorced moms in your comment section commenting about him every tiktok he’s in. sometimes people your age.
- “honey, what does beekeeping age mean?”
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LIEUTENANT simon “ghost” riley
- you send him many tiktoks that contain silly puns. he on the other hand, only uses reels. either way, he sends you the dumb ones
- or the ones that are like
- “when your teenager is driving and narrowly avoids a tragic accident” or “me i ask my teenager who they’re going out with and it’s still the same group of people since middle school”
- as a dad, he’s honestly very protective over you, but he’s loosened up a bit over the years. he dosent want to be too strict, nor does he want to be too lax.
- he was terrified of becoming like his father.
- either way, if you thought you had to beg price to let you make tiktoks, you’d have to beg hard for your dad to
- simon won’t let you take tiktoks with his face in it, so he’s always his chest and below….or a mask, sunglasses, and a cap.
- surprisingly sentimental! the one tiktok he agreed to was
- “do i always have to kill spiders in your room?” “ofcourse you do, you’re my dad!”
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- he teared up a bit
SERGEANT john “soap” mactavish
- boy, he loves doing tiktoks with you
- he loves sending them too!! a nice way for you guys to bond while he’s away is him sending you the really stupid tiktoks that the people of your generation would more commonly send
- he DOES now some slang! he….does NOT know some others though, skibidi toilet confuses him slightly
- he took the sigma male thing seriously for a bit because he thought it was a positive thing. he loves protecting his family and being strong
- sadly stopped when you broke the news to him that it was in fact, maybe not the best thing in real life.
- either way, such a good dad to do tiktoks with
- you can do those really silly ones with the tiktoks audios
- “when my dad finds out i get offended when people say i have my dads accent” with the regina george soundtrack
- “regina wait i didnt mean for that to happen!!” “do you know what everyone says about you?!?!”
- he loves doing them with you, he wouldn’t trade quality time with you for the world
- “be honest, do you really not like the accent????”
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SERGEANT kyle “gaz” garrick
- more of a calm dad, but like simon, surprisingly sentimental
- he’s the one from the 141 who’s has the most morality issues, especially doing his job, so he always felt it was best to teach you important values
- he’s drilled into you to never change your ideals for others
- …which leads to him sending motivational quotes or those hopecore videos
- either way, he actually can be pretty silly and he’s the type of dad to get you watermelon every other day for the rest of your life if you say you like it once
- he can be a little blunt with you sometimes though, bless him
- “pov: my dad if he didn’t have me” (i’ll put my helipad over there…my olympic sized swimming pool, OVER THERE!!)
- you do these tiktoks with him (disregard gender because no matter what, he’d make you help)
- this is how poc parents be, pls understand
- you sent him this reel while he was on deployment and he couldn’t stop smiling
- “love you too, pumpkin. remember to take out the dishes”
- “did u have to remind me”
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Taking their clothing because you miss them (Creepypasta)
two things: i promise im still working on the eyeless jack x reader fic to celebrate 1k TToTT my steam for writing the fic is just dwindling a little since its very different from my usual posts </3 but i still intend on getting it done! in fact id say its about halfway done, if you dont include proofreading and fixing stuff!! so theres definitely.. something.. i just dont have a time window for it </3 originally i was going to write this with ben/jeff/toby and make it platonic but, i realize this prompt is usually used for romance stuff so theyre gonna sit this post out, ill probably think of another group post soon to make up for it but shrugs getting into the writing i realize i wrote this prompt for some characters a while ago so im going to link those parts in their place
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you take his tie! normally i would say his jacket, but i feel like thats such an obvious choice.. imagine you dont know how to tie it so he walks in on your fumbling with it. trying in vain to get it down... he probably thinks its a little amusing... i mean who wouldnt? kind of just watches you fiddle with it for a minute before making his presence known, likely making you jump. he would much rather you ask than take his clothing, he doesnt have much of it (though is there much need for it, anyway?) (non sexual obviously). probably teaches you how to properly do the tie. his hands absolutely consume yours
just ask him and hes going to give you just about any piece of clothing he has on him! i like to think that he lets you have his hat a lot of the times. especially after he walked in on you trying it on.. sure it might be a little too big for you, what with splendor being very tall and thus having a larger head than yours... probably goes on and on about how adorable you look. i mean hes always telling you how cute or pretty you are but it hits different for him when youre wearing something of his. you dont have to ask for his clothing, hes very open to sharing! definitely gets an alternate outfit so he can match with you every now and then
naturally, you steal his jacket! i mean it looks so comfortable, does it not? this isnt an easy feat, by the way. since hes wearing it most of the time, so youre probably going to have to snag it when hes showering or something. quietly stares at you... he DOES think its cute but i do think he would try to get his clothing bad. another jacket similar in style to his mysteriously makes its way into your closet and its also in your size. dont ask where it came from.. he totally didnt steal it..! likely wouldnt want you to take whats his without asking or at least letting him know.. hence him getting your own jacket. wont physically rip it off of you, though, hes not that cold
i think he loves seeing you in his clothing. he thinks you look cute.. but also... pathetic? usually lets you wear his coat or hat if you ask nicely. he already knows youre going to snatch something before you even do it but stays quiet because he thinks its pathetic/adorable, you think youre being so sly but youve already been caught. will tease you for it. a lot. its kind of his own way of getting you to do it again. genuinely thinks its one of the best things in the world. dont admit you do it because you sometimes miss him or like how he smells, its going to do ungodly things to his ego
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m1sa-w1sa · 5 months
Can you do platonic harbingers with a reader harbinger that was once cruel, a bit immature, arrogant, and sadistic suddenly become more mature, calculative, has more control of their emotion, and takes things more seriously after being humbled by their many defeats at the hands of the Traveler and her allies? How do the Harbingers Pierro, Dottore, Arlecchino, and LA Signora feel about the reader's drastic change of personality?
(Oo!! Sure I will! You can always request again if you want the rest!!)
Frozen Heart
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•He was relieved that you finally got your emotions under control but also slightly sad about it
•Before you were always so excited or happy to see him but now you just walk past him with a slight nod and a deep sigh
•When he offers to train you the only word you say is “No” and walk away, harbinger meetings you said nothing
•Pierro saw you as a grandchild and even though him and the others wanted you to get your emotions under control he does miss the spark you had before
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•Its like he had a weight lift off his shoulders when he saw you change
•Yes you two were on good terms and you helped him with experiments and you related to him and his mindset
•Back in sumeru when he was known as Zandik he gad trouble finding people you related to him and you did fill in that spot
•So if you really think about it he is a little saddened by the fact that you changed yourself for them knowing that other harbingers, the people from sheznaya wont understand his ideas
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•She was a little disappointed that you had to learn the hard way about your emotions but didnt look into it
•Arlecchino did see you as a child either way and seeing you not even say hi to any of the harbingers anymore
“Good afternoon [NAME]”
•she sometimes thinks of the times she was overboard with you when you failed mission like she hasnt either
•Seeing your head down holding your tears as all the harbingers gaze at you harshly all of them yelling at you
•She does think that it was her fault that your spark was tooken away
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La Signora
•Again she was relieved that you changed
•She should be happy that you dont act like a stupid little kid anymore
•But she isnt? Why isnt she? She was apart of the ones that WANTED you to change so why isnt she happy?!
•Theres a part of her that was sad when you grew emotionless you reminded her of him (meaning that you made her happy like she was before she joined the harbingers)
•She looks at you during meeting, missions, training, any time she could get she doesnt show her emotions none of them do how could they after they shut out yours?
This is what they wanted, so why are they so saddened by it?
(Fin!! Sorry if i posted a lil late!!!)
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely love your work! Please take your time and feel free to ignore this!
So I was hoping to request dad Fukuzawa and big brother Ranpo with a teen reader. Basically the port mafia found her when she was like 6 and took her in cause of her ability. But she never obeyed them cause she didnt want to hurt anyone. But then when she was 10 she was put under Dazai and I think we can all tell where that went. So then she’s like heavily traumatized and won’t do anything without someone telling her, won’t even eat.
So then fast forward Dazai leaves the port mafia and takes her with him but since she hasn’t committed any actual crimes that would cause her to go into hiding the government office guy put her with Fukuzawa while Dazai went into hiding. Basically the two are neutral to her at first then get really protective.
(I had the idea that they try to work up her confidence but not too much so to keep her as their sweet obedient little sister/daughter)
Feel free to ignore this! I know it’s a lot. Again love your work and take your time! Don’t over work yourself too!
A:n; thank you for the request and sorry for the late as some work came up pilling.
Either way, it's Platonic Yandere Fukuzawa x Teen fem! Reader x Platonic Yandere Ranpo x Platonic Yandere Yosano The agency members present during the time
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The first thought for Fukuzawa was... Why?
He never thought of babysitting I mean you might be around 13 when he was given the responsibility more likely by Takeda (I think that was the guy's name?)
Your e/c dull eyes bored at him contemplating on what you have gone through... Only to find out who you were and why you were brought By later on the years.
Ranpo often pokes you as you stay still like a robot unless told. He whined about how you were so quiet and tried to send you for errands on his part.
Though he kinda feels guilty whenever he sends you out it is like he was ordering you.
Maybe he was but later on he try to be less ordering for sweets errands and tried to talk to you by showing the new sweets and share it with you.
The first time he ever felt a sense of proudness when you smile while eating one of the special sweets he brought during his out case.
A sense of understanding was there of the fact your mother died before you even saw her face and your father had an accident meeting his demise.
Unlike Kyouka you don't even speak unless told! This was overwhelming.
Like an elder sister Yosano was who talk to you and ask about your health and even treat you well.
She knows how it is to be traumatized and she wonders what and who has pushed you to be completely out of emotions.
Instead her most concerns was you didn't even felt pain when your hand was burn not a well nor flinch.
Truly you were completely out of emotions or sort.
But don't worry Yosano will always be there to treat you and make sure you take care of your health.
Ranpo on other hand sometimes ask about your ability which your gaze often fall to the side.
But after a year of been together you somehow open up. You can talk more likely small talk or a nod or shook but it was a progress!
You also smile a bit! It was not a waste of efforts.
But... One time your tears fall from your eyes as your quivering hand holds the hem of the sleeves of Fukuzawa.
You almost thought you would lose another happiness when he brought up that it would be better as he mention about you getting adopted.
You eventually spoke your mind to Fukuzawa was taken aback by your words.
"Please... I will obey every command please don't take my happiness away"
So you do find the agency your happiness.
Fukuzawa pat your head as he went to your level and nod.
"I won't take away your happiness... But staying in agency will risk your life"
"My life has always been"
"...why do you want to stay for?"
"What is it that you find happiness from?"
"My happiness... I found from Yosano-san... Edogawa-san, Kunikida-san Kenji-san and you"
From that day onwards you ought to never leave the agency even if the certain someone told you to leave.
Even though it was shocking for Fukuzawa to hear it on your part some part of him was happy that you finally found happiness... And it is from the agency.
You could say... You are now apart of the agency as a whole now.
You start to open up and do stuff on your own. It was a good progress but... Ranpo make sure you also listen to them so that you will depend on them especially him!
After all you call him, Ranpo-niisan! And he promises to be your number one brother and make sure no one take his place.
It took him years he can't let someone just pop up in your life and take the place of being an elder brother.
Yosano often brings you along from cooking to shopping to you sharing apartment with her.
After all she finally have someone to dote on and the fact you (she insist after Ranpo pressuring and succeeding in calling him big brother)
So she ought to be look out on whatever you have to learn and the day when your first period come she will be first to reassure you and take care and explain to you.
Fukuzawa well he is like your father figure I mean he literally adopt any Orphans by now so yeah.
He does make sure your ability is not misused or misinterpreted by people.
You can reassure yourself that you have a family on your back to look after you.
Despite the fact you can protect yourself with your ability.
They just want to make sure you are okay.
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A:n- t-ats all take care!!
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pelucha-mi · 1 year
♡—Affection R. Zoro
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♡— you are a very physically affectionate crewmate
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●Word count : 300
●Genre: Fluff
●Gn pronouns, can be platonical or romantic
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author note- I stg this is basically a self insert please let me hold him gently in my hands— also this is my first fic
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Zoro isn't accustomed to receiving affection or being affectionate, so this is just unfamiliar territory. So, as his friend, a soft pat on his sensitive back while hugging him can send ripples of sensation down his body, holding on to his clothes to stop him from going to the wrong territory. He might flinch. 'Why are you so carelessly touching him?'.
But he brushes it off until one night both of you drink, and without thinking you start playing with his calloused hands. Softly tracing over his scars and feeling them. You didnt mean no harm, but harm was commited... to his heart–
Touching his tiddies' manly pecs playfully, he'll ask you annoyedly "what the hell your doing ?"
And you reply with you wanting to see how big they are, or because your intrusive thought got the best of you. He might roll his eyes and push you off not to roughly to hurt you.
It takes him time to warm up; he isn't the type to push you off in terms of your affections. He knows that you're the physical type.and stupidly enough he can't help himself liking them.
For instance, after along day of hours training , he will find you reading on the floor and will plop himself next to you, watching you intently. He'd sit there contemplating 'how stupid this is'. He does it anyway.
He rests his head on your shoulder blade, you flinch because one the suddenness of his way of affection and, two, his head is fucking heavy—But you put no mind to it as you continue to head a book with a smile on your face and with a free hand, you run your fingers on his minty green hair tossing it softly as you continue reading the book.
In the end more affection he receives, the more he becomes accustomed to it. Eventually, he may even grow to enjoy it. Just be mindful of his boundaries and respect his space. Don't push too hard or too fast. Slowly and gently, give him time to adjust to your affection.
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phr0gg13 · 9 months
Do Not Wait.
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Luke Castellan x Reader
Synopsis: You and Luke have always been close, and so when the guy you trust most in the world decide to backstab the people you call family, you are torn in two. Warnings: Spoilers for the series! Angst, I dont think pronouns were used for the reader! (Please let me know if they were!) this story could be read as platonic or romantic feelings, I was inspired by the song Do Not wait by the Wallows!
It was a cold night when Luke came to see you, almost as if the gods knew what was in store. He had came up to you at dinner and asked to speak in private. You followed him to a secluded spot in the woods of Camp Half-Blood, there was an opening that showed the sun setting. It was like a painting, almost as if Apollo had painstakingly taken the time to think about each stroke of sunlight and how it would hit just right on Lukes face. How the clouds would form to be the most beautiful colors and how it would feel like a movie scene. Your heart was racing as you looked around. It was so pretty here, you and Luke were secluded and you wondered what he wanted to tell you. You were nervous and also excited to hear what the Hermes boy had to say.
"Please don't think I'm crazy when I ask you this (Y/N)...." His hands found your cheeks and he caressed them gently. Almost as if you were made of porcelain. Your heart was racing, thinking of every possible thing he could want to ask you. "Luke, I wont think you are crazy.... What's up?" You replied sweetly. Luke felt a small twinge of regret hit him, but he was already to far gone with his plan.
"Come leave camp with me." The words were like a slap in the face. You let out a small breath of air, the same way you would when someone says a terrible joke. "You're joking right? Why would we leave camp?" You were confused, it didnt make sense. Luke was happy at camp, he had you and Annabeth. He had all his siblings. Why would he want to leave? "Because, (Y/N)," his grip on your face got tighter, it was like he was afraid you would leave, "The gods... They don't care about us. They never have and they never will.".
"Thats why you want to leave camp? Because the gods are selfish and act like gods?" You were in disbelief, "Luke where would we even go? What would we do?". He sighed and looked deep into your eyes "There are people who want to take the gods down, who can provide us with the means to show the gods not to forget us. We can finally speak out against them, do something to stop their childish ways!.". You shook your head, "Who...?"
"Kronos has been visiting me in my dreams, he wants to build an army to fight against the gods. He wants me to help." Luke smiled at you when he said that. It made you sick, you took his hands off your face and looked at him with a hurt expression. "Luke, you can't be serious? We need to tell Chiron and Mr.D about this! If Kronos wants a war... Who knows who else will follow him? How many titans will rise up against the gods? It could be catastrophic, Luke. World ending!!".
Luke shook his head, "We can't tell Chiron, we can't tell anyone. Not yet, Kronos isn't strong enough to fight." You shook your head and looked away, why was this happening. You noticed the sun was almost set, everything was dark and you felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest. "What about Annabeth?" Your voice broke as tears threatened to leave your eyes. "What about your siblings, your friends?!". Luke sighed, this wasn't how he had planned it going, "They will understand once we tell them. Once we show how strong the army is!." Luke kept going on about how everyone would join him and Kronos. He just kept talking, trying to make you join him. "Luke!".
You looked at him as your tears flowed down your face. "I am not joining you. I can't, this place is my home! These people are my family! I don't care about the gods, I don't need anything from them. I am happy and content with staying at camp.". Lukes expression dropped, it switched from heartbroken to numb in seconds flat. "Fine... But you can't tell anyone my plan. Not yet...". You turned your head and rolled your eyes, about to object to his demand. Yet he had pulled out a sword from a nearby bush, he had planned it all out. Your reflexes kicked in immediately. Quickly you pulled off your bracelet that turned into your sword. A gift from your godly parent. Ready to fight against Luke.
The two of you often trained together and so you both knew how the other fought. Though Luke was still faster and stronger. He also studied your flaws when fighting, he knew how to abuse them. This resulted in him tripping you on the ground. Your sword fell out of your hand and you tried to crawl to grab it, but Luke stepped on your wrist. You cried out in pain, "I'm so sorry (Y/N), but you made me do this..". Luke raised his sword, and for a moment you thought he was going to hit you with his blade. You thought your best friend was going to kill you, yet he maneuvered his sword to where the hilt was pointed at you. He landed a blow to your head and you were out cold. Luke set you up on your back and put his jacket he was wearing over you. He cried, but not because of the choice he made. He cried because of the choice you made. He walked off to go find Percy....
You had woke up with an insane headache, you were warm and in a bed instead of on the cold ground of the forest. You looked around weakly and saw Annabeth and Grover sitting in chairs nearby. You were in the infirmary. You noticed that they were talking to someone else, another person in a bed. One of the campers who was working in the infirmary noticed you were up. They quickly got you some water and asked how you were feeling. You told them about your head and they nodded. You had a concusion... Eventually Chiron and Mr.D came into the infirmary. They started to ask you questions of what happened to you. You told them all you remember and they both looked at eachother. Chiron shook his head, he had a remorseful look on his face.
"Chiron, where is Luke?" You asked as you noticed his jacket on a nearby chair.
"Luke is missing. We assume he is now working with Kronos..."
Your already broken heart was crushed as you heard those words. You are left wondering how long your best friend had truly been gone for.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
(Thank you for reading this and have a great day!!)
I definitely see dad Miguel treating reader like a child, no matter what age you are. You could be a strong, independent woman, and to Miguel... you're a baby🥺 Everytime you get frustrated when he tells you no, or doesn't allow you to do what you want, he thinks you look absolutely adorable, your brows furrowed and your nostrils flared, and Miguel just has to just lean down to your level and you think that he's gonna offer you an explanation and in his mind, he does, but all he really says is-
"I know what's best for you, mija."
And if you dare to say "you're not my dad!", he won't say anything because yeah, you're right, but he will stare at you intimidatingly until you either take your words back or change the topic.
I think Miguel is not someone who talks much (but he still expects you to converse with him regularly) and so when he doesn't wanna argue with you, he may or may not shoot a web to seal your lips shut, just so that you give him enough time to explain (which again he doesnt), but he does use this time to tell you that you're grounded and then again, uses his strength against you to pick you up like a little bratty kitten and drop you back to your room.
I also think that Miguel definitely sees you as this helpless creature that would absolutely DIE without him. It doesn't matter if you're a spider-person like him, no. To him, you're just a frail kitten that needs papa Miguel's help to shelter her from the pouring rain and bubble wrap you and cuddle you and just- protect you from this all too harsh world.
And you could be trying to break free from his grasp, going of about how he didnt need you to pull you from your universe, how you had your life under control and what not, and Miguel would just sigh and shake his head and mutter "Teenagers🙄" EVEN IF YOU'RE AN ADULT.
Miguel isnt someone who talks about his feelings, definitely not at first, he just bottles everything up until the lid pops off and someone else has to face his fury. BUT that doesn't he doesn't expect you to talk about yours. He's super observant so the moment he notices the slightest change in your mood, or the way you breathe, oh he's bugging you to tell him whats wrong. I mean he's breathing down your neck, which as you already know isnt great because he is the only person you're allowed to talk to (minus Peter B Parker and Mayday), and eventually, he may even tie you upside down with his web to make you talk. And he's just nodding and offering up solutions/therapeutic advices (not really, they're just compromises) while you're getting blood rush from hanging off the ceiling for so long.
Also going back to the "you're not my dad!" thing, I think if you say it enough times, it does start to hurt him and eventually he reaches a breaking point where he does end up getting mad and bares his teeth at you as he yells "I AM, NOW! AND IF YOU DON'T START LISTENING TO ME MIJA, YOU WILL REGRET IT! NOW, MARCH OFF TO YOUR ROOM!" And sure, you get spooked enough to run off, but not before you yell like a very cliche, angsty teen "I hate you!" and you slam your door close before he could scold you again. He still comes right up to your door, probably to ground you even more, but he doesnt have the heart to open the door when he hears your sobs. Damn, now you just broke his heart. So, Miguel leaves, deciding its best that you two get some space to cool off.
Now I see Miguel as the type of dad who doesnt really apologise (mostly because he doesn't feel like he's done anything wrong) but instead offers a parley or a white flag of sorts in the form of food (like some cut up fruits and veggies, or even your fav takeout) and sure, his heart is still heavy with guilt, even more so when he sees your swollen red eyes indicating how you've been crying for days, so he clears his throat, maybe shifts in his seat a little and asks about your day or something random, heartbreak intensifying 100X when you refuse to talk to him, making him resort to something thats... uncomfortable for you both.
A hug.
I mean this has to be the most awkward hug in history, because Miguel just swoops you up and places you in his lap, pulling you to his chest and telling you that he's not letting go until you talk. STILL NOT APOLOGISING, I mean there is a greater likelihood that you may end up apologising to him but Miguel sure as hell isnt saying the word "sorry" (unless you're dead, specifically if u die in his arms hehe).
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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simpingforblackfire · 9 months
They were one of my favourite platonic yanderes, can you do one where the reader gets sick and starfire starts panicking because she doesn't know what to do and dick has to calm her down??
A/N: Haha yes I'm still writing DC is one of those fandoms I just don't think I'll ever leave like I have never not liked it. My bad this took so long I actually wrote most of this fic a lot closer to the time it was requested but then it was so close to being done that I procrastinated in finishing it anyway I hope this works for you babes x
Had you not been in the agony you were in and had you been fully coherent you would have thought of some snarky comment about how under any other circumstance you couldn't have possibly felt any worse than you already did but knowing your captors the pink-haired idiot and the simp would undoubtedly manage to find a way.
But you weren't. Pain rippled through you and your eyes felt as though they would forever sting with your tears and all you could do was lie there and take it all.
You brought your knees to your chest, tucking into yourself like an infant and quietly cried.
Unfortunately you could be silent in your pain and Starfire would still be able to hear it. 
Dick had been in the living room when Starfire practically shattered the door against the wall with how hard she smashed it open.
"Dick! Dick! Something's wrong she-"
Dick took in Starfire's appearance. Her face frazzled with worry and his hands itched to reach out and smooth all of her pain and all of her panic out of her expression as though he could simply massage the tension away. He couldn't. But even still his hand reached across and soothed her face.
His free hand he cautiously placed on the back of your head that was exposed to him, gently turning your head until your skin peeked out. 
"She has a temperature" Dick mused quietly.
"What does that mean! Humans you- she cannot survive past certain temperatures I know that! she-"
"She" Dick cut through Starfire's sentence before she spiralled any further "will be fine".
Starfire's panic seemed to press on "How can you be so sure?"
"She has a human illness Star. I know you don't understand it, but if you could you'd know she's not in any danger"
Starfire held your lithe form a little tighter "I know that she is in pain Dick! I know that she is suffering!"
"Still she needs rest and for us to take care of her. Her fever should calm down soon. You're being-"
"No" Starfire glared viciously.
"Do not tell me I am being paranoid! I am not being paranoid! That is my baby!"
"Star" Dick grabbed Starfire by the shoulders.
"I know. You're not being paranoid you're being concerned. But I love her too. I know you're scared. I know. But it scares me when I see her like that too and I need you to remember that."
"I don't know what to do Dick" Starfire said quietly. Her throat chafed from screaming. "What do I do Dick"
"This is a human illness, Star." Dick gripped her shoulders, assuringly. If he could not ease her pain he'd hold her through it. "I know you don't know it and that is why. So, I need you to trust me when I tell you it won't kill her. Can you do that?"
Starfire wasn't listening her eyes stuck looking at you. Dick snatched her sight away from you when he grabbed either side of her face and tilted it to look at him "I said can you do that Star?"
She nodded and brought her hands up to hold his arms there.
His stare softened as her look of terror eased "I promise you she'll be okay. I wouldn't lie to you about her. She's mine too."
"I know" Starfire nodded "I know".
Dick let Starfire see you first. He knew she would not cope well with waiting and he did like the furniture in their home in a non-destroyed state.
She had been deeply emotional. She thought she lost you and she just grabbed onto you and broke into tears whispering earnestly against your cheek “I love you I never want you to think I don't because I do I always do no matter if we're laughing or fighting. You are mine. Mine to raise, mine to hold and mine to love.” Her fingers brushed the skin of your cheeks tenderly and she knew you were alive because she could feel your little heart beating against her and she remembered just how delicate and fragile and little you were.
She cherished the moments where you just let yourself be still with her. In a world that always seemed to find a way to spite her it was beautiful that she could just lay down and hold you in her arms. She relished in knowing that in that moment she was your shield from everything bad in the world "as long as I am here to do so you will always be loved and you will always be protected"
It doesn’t matter how big you were physically because Starfire was both bigger and stronger by a mile and you were always going to be her little baby.
You couldn't make out much more than the figures outline, but in your turmoil you couldn't help but reach out to the only comfort you could get. You nestled into the warmth and your body seemed to ease at the comfort. Starfire gladly took up all of the contact you were willing to share.
Eventually Starfire had calmed down enough and while Dick hadn't wanted to overwhelm you he couldn't resist seeing you the moment Starfire was out the room, though by then you were barely conscious at all having been overrun with the attention Starfire had undoubtedly smothered you in. He tucked you into bed, pulling the sheets over you carefully and pressed them down on either side of you before leaning down next to you and placing a tender hand on the side of your cheek before pressing a kiss into your hair. You looked so small and sweet and young and you were all his. Your eyes sleepily closing and smoothly shifting from a crumpled up exhaustion into a gentle tranquility as your body relaxed against the soft soothing of your pillow that you couldn’t help but just melt into like warm butter. Dick couldn’t help but be quietly affectionate to you “I love you” he spoke the words quietly into your hair and pressed another kiss to your cheek, smiling as he lingered by the warm, softness of your skin. 
So few times had he had the privilege of admitting love to someone verbally without it being on their deathbed. He almost hadn’t even noticed until he was already outside your door. It was so sweet and mundane and he was immediately addicted.
A/N: I was too lazy to proofread this so hopefully its okay and everything makes sense lol
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
jeff + ticci toby + ej with child/preteen reader who likes going around on all fours everywhere and pretending to be an animal? Pls pls I'm just tryna relive my childhood💀
Jeff, EJ, and Toby x child!reader who is a little feral
wasnt sure if feral was the right word but it was the only descriptor i could think of to keep the title short LMAO
notes: reader is gn, platonic post
cws: mentions of bullying
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sometimes your energy can get on his nerves, hes not really a kid person- and your relationship is more like a sibling relationship than it is a guardian/child relationship
speaking of sibling, you do sometimes remind him of liu even if youre more wild than he ever was
he doesnt want to become a bully, he hates those kinds of people the most given his backstory and he doesnt want to crush you but sometimes he just.. looks at you and wonders if you'll grow out of your animal thing
he doesnt mean it in a mean way- hes just worried something is going to happen to you
doesnt make you stop though, so theres that!
i dont think he would find it cringe- even if he did he wouldnt say anything. a lot of his feelings are rooted in how he was treated as a kid and he doesnt want you to go through the same thing
eyeless jack
similar to jeff it sometimes get on him but its more so because jack is lower energy and him generally being easy to irritate- doesnt get on to you though, at most hes going to ask you to please tone it down if hes working on something or already working through something internally
takes you outside into the woods so you can get some energy out
makes a mental note to perhaps get you an animal based hoodie for your birthday if he ever gets the materials- maybe he can use on of his old jackets for it...
keeps an eye on you to make sure you dont go too far into the woods or get caught in one of the traps he set out somewhere- he would never forgive himself if you got caught in one
makes sure theres room in your home so you can do your thing without knocking into anything
ticci toby
he gets it! he didnt used to do that when he was a child but i do imagine he did something "odd" when he was your age that other people would view negatively
if hes got the time and if hes in the mood he might actually join you in your zoomies session
the most supportive out of these three i think! similarly to jeff hes a little worried about you potentially being bullied if you were to do this around others, but he doesnt want you to feel like you need to kill this side of you
projects onto you just a teeny tiny bit when he lets you indulge in your activities because he cant stand the thought of seeing your spark get snuffed out like his was- other people, especially other kids, can be incredibly cruel
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