#taigong wang fate
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Taigong Wang/Jiang Ziya
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Left - FGO
Right - Ping Sien Si Temple in Perak, Malaysia
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hanatatami · 4 months
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men who feed me and women who bully me is how i love to spend my birthday
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renrenkaaa · 7 months
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Momomomomo intensifies
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coffeecakecatt · 7 months
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Last stream I drew fate characters as bunnies on request! It was a lot of fun, and I'm probably going to be opening up a commission type like this over on my Ko-fi soon.
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chronologiical · 9 months
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why can't the entirety of the tunguska event just be taigong wang & daji's flashback
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fallinblossoms · 2 months
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Fate/Grand Order Explore Movie 2024 "nippon memoir"
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kikaruuni · 2 months
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festive Taigong Wang
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idliketochill · 10 months
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Some fgo doodles that went unposted
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viy565 · 2 months
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magma io core
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fateroulette · 2 months
Taigong Wang
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callmeshinya · 1 month
Im bored so im draw
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lian-fang-zun · 1 month
Nasuverse Kinkmeme Fill: Mash + Jiang Ziya (Taigong Wang)
For @nasuversekinkmeme prompt linked here: x
“‘Is it true that I failed at every Earthly venture outside of fishing and administration?’”
Contrary to Mash’s worries, Jiang Ziya didn’t seem particularly offended. If anything, he seemed amused. “Is that really what the Fengshen Yanyi said about me? Haha, Lord Xu Zhonglin truly has quite the sense of humor, doesn’t he…”
Mash fidgeted a little, feeling somewhat awkward in hindsight. “I don’t know if it’s really a sense of humor,” she murmured.
“No, of course not. From what I understand, that novel wasn’t even meant to be a historical record on the level that I understand the Shiji was meant to be, and was written thousands of years after my time besides.” Tapping the Dashenbian idly against his knee, Jiang Ziya went on with more seriousness, “Hmm…well, I suppose I can at least say it wasn’t far from the truth. I was always destined to play a political and military role in the transition of dynasties, so most other vocations I took up were not anything of note – odd skills picked up here and there aside. Does that answer your question, Lady Mash?”
Mash nodded. “Yes, it does. Thank you. And, um…I didn’t offend you, did I?”
“I can’t be offended by earnest questions coming from people like you, Lady Mash! In fact, it almost reminds me of – ” Jiang Ziya suddenly cut off, a faraway look in his eyes crossing over for a moment. It soon dissipated, however, as he pointed at the pile of fish they had caught earlier. “In any case, let’s prepare those fish for later, shall we? I can teach you some techniques to de-scale them for our Master’s sake.”
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typemoonsmashorpass · 7 months
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chronologiical · 4 months
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my traum mvps!
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scaracake · 7 months
synopsis: it's valentines at chaldea! as a master with many servants, you've prepared lots of chocolate to gift them as a token of your appreciation (and love) for them! in particular, you seek out taigong wang, the genius tactician grand rider. how will he react to your gift?
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some servants were, notably, easier to locate than others (considering the many male servants you noticed filing into the dining hall as you passed by, no doubt eager to receive their treats on this love-filled occasion).
despite this, your guess at checking the library first and foremost in search of the scheming tactician Taigong Wang proved to be fruitful, locating him seated by his lonesome at one of the shiny, dark wood tables, several books scattered around him acting as company, his nose deep into a particularly thick book in his hands, face morphing into differing expressions ever so slightly with each notable line read or page turned.
you couldn't help but admire him before approaching him (after all, the way he was sitting facing away from you, and how lost he was in his book, he'd never notice, right?)
his shiny black hair framing his face perfectly, looking as elegant as ever in just his usual garments, and his cute multitude of expressions whilst lost in the pages (that you weren't sure if he was aware of or not, but regardless, couldn't look away from).
unbeknownst to you, Taigong Wang was aware of your presence, but simply made no move to make it known, not right away at least. he took note of his sweet master just a few steps away, feeling your gaze as he read, and he couldn't lie, he quite liked the attention. in any case, he was quite curious about your reasoning for coming to the library, so after relishing in your attention just a little longer, he looks up from his book with a question on his lips.
"..oh, hello master. what a coincidence. did you come to do some reading, too?"
you didn't realize how long you were admiring the rider for until you hear his voice ringing through the air, shaking you out of your thoughts to meet his expectant face as he smiled at you.
embarrassed at being caught staring, you shuffle a few steps closer to his table, chocolate securely hidden behind your back.
before you can provide him an answer to his question however, he goes on to praise the library, expressing his admiration and comfort in sticking around it so often. you nod along to his excitement for something so simple, yet seemingly so intriguing to him.
"i'm glad you like the underground library so much," you answer his praises earnestly.
"oh yes, absolutely!"
he doesn't allow a moment of silence to pass before speaking up again.
"by the way, you still haven't answered my question. did you come here to do some reading, too?"
you open your mouth to answer, but he beats you to it again.
"you didn't, did you?" he raises an eyebrow with the question.
"actually, isn't today some sort of special occasion? i noticed quite a few lady servants and staff were running about up until yesterday," he questions, head tilting slightly as he brings a hand to his chin, eyes shut in thought.
"for that matter... this is probably a major event for you too, no?" his eyes look back up at you, checking your reaction.
he's speaking matter-of-factly, and has a certain glint in his eye.
crap, he's onto you!
"i guess i have been pretty busy getting ready for it myself.." your words trail off as you tear your gaze away, face going hot thinking to the past few days of busying yourself with ideas of different chocolate recipes for their respective recipients.
he nods, grinning.
'what a cute expression~' he thinks to himself.
"hmm hmm, i suspected as much. at any rate, i'm sure you don't have time to waste on me."
"hehehe. this is just a guess, since i didn't do any research ahead of time... but i'd bet what you're holding behind your back is a present. and that would mean you came all this way underground to give it to someone. am i wrong?"
'man, he's sharp,' you think to yourself, shifting your feet beneath you.
at this, his grin stretches wide.
"i take it i'm correct."
he looks all too satisfied that you have half a mind to take off right this instant to save your dignity (or what's left), but you were determined to carry through with what you came here to do. even so...
"master, i may not look it, but i'm still a legendary tactician who was famous for their wisdom. not many secrets can escape my notice."
how could you be so careless!
"i saw right through your act in an instant!" he laughs to himself.
"now, as for what the present might be... since the kitchen is where all the action was up until yesterday, it's almost certainly a luxury consumable good. is it a spirit of some sort? or maybe something sweet? hmmm.."
he already looks like he's set on an answer, but you decide to give him one anyway, despite furthering your embarrassment.
"what if i told you it was chocolate?" you speak up.
"chocolate," he echoes. "then... i was right on the mark yet again, heh! a luxury consumable good!"
he looks all too triumphant, a hand under his chin with a victorious smile across his face, and you almost want the ground to swallow you whole.
how was he making this so embarrassing?!? wasn't this supposed to be a simple in-and-out mission???
he begins thinking back on the history for the day as you nod along waiting for a chance to slip in and finally hand him the sweets. when he begins wracking his brain for the name of the occasion, you decide that is your chance.
"...people give chocolate as gifts to signify their feelings for the giftee. i think it was called valen... valen... valenti..."
"so... here!" you reveal the wrapped sweets from behind your back, shoving them into his hands before he can finish and bury you into further embarrassment.
"for you, happy valentine's day!" you smile, bowing slightly, keeping eye contact with anywhere but directly at him even after rising back up again, still hoping to catch his reaction.
"...huh?" comes his response once more, expression dumbly morphing into blank confusion.
"this is... for me?"
the legendary rider looks down at you, noting your bashful expression before his eyes flit back to the sweets you've just handed him (they smell delectable, and handmade, no doubt, he can tell in an instant) as the gears in his head begin to turn.
he chuckles to himself, unbelieving of what's just taken place as you tilt your head at him in confusion.
"...huh? this is for me? really?" he asks a little too loudly, finally processing the situation, standing up from his seat and pointing at the chocolates as he turns to you, eyes wide in question.
"that's right..." you nod, voice trailing off.
did he not drag this out just to tease you??!?!?
he lets out another chuckle before he straightens his stance, grip on the wrapped treats tightening securely.
"...i totally knew," he mutters.
he totally didn't.
"you came down to the library to look for me. isn't that right? i totally knew all along!"
his voice has taken on a different tone, one of false pride, as he tries to shield his shyness.
you look up at him suspiciously without answering, prompting Taigong Wang to gasp.
"you don't believe me... it's clear from that look on your face that you don't. this is bad. i have to restore my reputation before it's too late," he mutters to himself, turning away for a moment as he brings his free hand up to his face to hide his expression.
"all right," he starts, turning to you once more, hand moving from his face to right out in front of him, facing down. "to show you that i definitely, absolutely knew all along, i'm going to do... this!"
suddenly, something akin to a red sigil appears on the ground in a ring beneath the two of you, and before you can register what he's doing, the blue sky crosses your vision.
"i'm using an earth evasion technique in combination with the simulator! all to thank you for your gift."
"i give you... an invitation to the perfect spot!" he exclaims, arms outstretching to gesture to the new scenery that now surrounds you both: a beautiful view of a waterfall pouring into a riverbank, lined with shiny rocks, the area surrounded by nothing but greenery, and much larger mountains in the distance.
"whoa..." your words fail you at the sight, eyes wide and captivated by the serene nature before you.
Taigong Wang admires your speechlessness, watching the shimmering waterfall reflect in your eyes.
"like i said, it's the perfect spot. my very own-- or should i say, our very own special place," he says, hands moving to his sides as he steps closer to you.
"so, what do you think this spot is perfect for?" he's decided to test your own intuition, pride filling his being at your bewildered expression, and looking at you expectantly for your answer.
you think about what you would do in the midst of such beauty.
"maybe... resting?"
he reels his right arm in, hand curling in as he holds his pointer finger just under his lips.
"slacking off? close, but not quite." he sets the chocolate down (he knows this place best, and landed you both in the perfect resting spot, where he knows its safe), before standing back up straight to face you once more.
"let me give you a hint," he starts, stepping closer to you.
"it's for something you and i can do all by ourselves," his voice grows quieter, stepping behind you and gripping your shoulders softly.
slowly being released from your trance that the scenery seemed to put you in, you jump when you feel a weight on your shoulders and properly begin to register the tactician's words.
he laughs softly, leaning down to your right ear.
"you know where i'm going with this, right, master? indeed..." he's almost whispering, tone of his voice making your face explode into red.
"this place where you and i can be alone, without anyone interrupting us, is perfect for..." his voice is purring into your ear, you almost feel like you've been caught by some sort of hunter as it prepares to eat up its prey.
was this really the embarrassed Taigong Wang you handed chocolates to just a few minutes ago?!?!?
suddenly, his head whips up as he stands to his full height, his grip on your shoulders tightening ever so slightly.
"...fishing!" he beams, voice no longer holding a sultry tone, but rather an excited one.
you jump slightly once again at his excitement, too shocked at his quick change in tone to speak again.
"i never expected you were going to give me a gift! so i felt like i needed to give you something really special in return," his tone is earnest as he wraps his arms around you in a hug, taking a peek at your expression from above before shifting his gaze back to the view in front of you both.
as surprised as you are to be receiving a hug from Taigong Wang, you don't want to pull away, feeling comfortable in his arms in the midst of the beautiful nature surrounding you both.
"here, you won't have to worry about anyone bothering you. you can make yourself at home and relax as much as you like! here, you can forget all about your daily troubles and enjoy uninterrupted peace and tranquilitude!" he exclaims, giving you a little squeeze before slipping his arms away.
you're touched he'd share such a spot with you, taking refuge in his arms, a little disappointed when he pulls away.
"come now, may we fish to our heart's delight!"
he takes a stride to be in line with you once more, smiling at you. you turn to him, small smile stretching across your face.
"tell me, master, would you call yourself experienced, or are you more of a beginner?" he tilts his head, expectant.
the blush returns at his words. he clearly doesn't mean it that way, but would it kill him to word what he means differently?!??!
"either way is fine with me. i have lots to teach you from my own fishing style!" he states proudly, pointing to himself towards the end of his sentence.
"now, let's get to casting!"
he's smiling at you, but you don't think it looks all that innocent.
"don't... don't say things that could mean something else!!!" you exclaim, burying your face into your hands as his teasing fully sets in.
he only chuckles heartily at you, pleased at himself for making you so flustered, and wondering how someone who commands their servants so seriously on the battlefield can have such an adorable side to them.
he closes the distance, arms behind his back and looking down at you sweetly.
"hmmm~? were you thinking this place was best utilized for something else, master?"
he leans in close, his voice taking on that velvet whisper once again.
"because that may be possible..."
your hands reach up to clasp over his mouth, unwilling to let him finish his sentence.
"stop! l-let's just fish, okay??!"
having enough of teasing you for the moment, he relents, gently removing your hands from his mouth, grasping one in his own as he turns and leads you towards the water.
"yay~! let's fish to our heart's content!!!"
later, Taigong Wang makes it a point to taste one of the chocolates you worked so hard to make, admiring the intricate fishing-rod-shaped sweets before taking a bite, praising your culinary skills, and going on about how fortunate he was to have been able to taste his master's cooking. even feeling embarrassed from having him eat them in front of you, you're grateful that he enjoyed them so much.
note: wow how embarrassing... i literally started writing this last wk and couldn't bring myself to finish it, and instead worked on some pieces for a whole other fandom LOL. this was originally a multi-part series featuring several servants (my favorite valentine interactions to be exact) but this one got so long that i just went with this. valentine's is long over but maybe i can work with the others somehow lol.... white day is coming up though so thats opportunity for more content n writing! yay~ anyway this is quite literally taken from the interaction where you gift this rider chocolate, but just with a more 'immersive' take ig???? also based on the answers i chose (though i doubt it differs greatly) and my personality lol. noticed there's not a lot of fgo fics here so may work to change that... anyway hope whoever reads this enjoys lol~!
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