#tacky exploitative and demeaning
canichangemyblogname · 4 months
some people are weirdly upset about everyday people paying celebrities $100 for a Cameo. and they're angry about this for some of the goofiest reasons, like calling the practice "tacky" and "demeaning" for the celebrity. okay. so, you don't like celebrity culture. me neither. just don't participate.
but they're also calling the celebrities who do cameos "exploitative" for charging "absurd rates" for-- like-- a one-minute happy birthday message. baby... it costs me about the same amount to send someone a flower arrangement. my friend gets more money from a single foot pic. milk costs 6-fucking-dollars. I respect their game. because, first, you'd have to pay me tens of THOUSANDS to get me to say some fucking shit online. because that shit's forever. and because, second, if I could make $100 like that, I would. that's $100. $100 is nothing to sneeze at. that's groceries.
but the wildest is calling the fans "exploitative" for participating. encouraging parasocial relationships, I can see. but celebs have elected to participate in Cameo. "they have to answer if you pay." they don't have to be a part of this at all. plenty of celebs aren't.
"stop giving nepo babies your money. this is why we're poor." no. stop pocket-watching. stop caring what Joe down the street does with his money. might it be an unwise financial decision? yeah. is poor people making a single silly financial decision the reason they're poor? no. because that's a systemic issue.
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nakedpersimmon · 5 years
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abipolarpenguin reblogged your photo and added: “naughtymonkee: If Nez wants to get high - fine . But ‘‘ Every weekend...”
If I'd had the slightest inclination to participate in this event at all, that was effectively destroyed after reading "Nez will be getting high and going live."  If he wants to do that, that's his right... But to list it as some sort of selling point for *a book discussion group* seems incredibly tacky IMO. 
baycitystygian reblogged your photo and added: “naughtymonkee: If Nez wants to get high - fine . But ‘‘ Every weekend...”
Jesus Christ. Let the man do what he wants instead of making him get baked and sit in front of a camera every week. It just seems like everything about this is a bad idea.
ive-just-begun-to-care replied to your photo “naughtymonkee: If Nez wants to get high - fine . But ‘‘ Every weekend...”
Going live is one thing. But advertising his mental state? Why does she keep pushing this? Even worse, it makes him sound like he can't deal with people unless he's buzzing. Great compliment, that- for both him and his fans.
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enviedear · 4 years
that damn american ᶠᶦᵛᵉ
don’t exploit our friendship
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in which y/n and draco go on a ‘date’, meet harry potter, and come to conclusions in the owlery.
PAIRING ⌙ draco x fem!reader
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five
gonna rec golden hour - kacey musgraves , teenage fantasy - jorja smith and playing games - summer walker for this chapter ;)
“i’m not taking her to madame puddifoot’s.” blaise sighs, exasperated.
“why? i’m sure april would love that tacky shop.” draco snickers, earning a jab from you.
april, who’s far ahead of you all, is making her way for the joke shop. she said something about how she and blaise are going to be pranking quinn. you suppose it’s only fair for what he did to her in fourth year.
the air is cooler now, and the four of you are all clad in warmer garments. the boys sporting slytherin quidditch sweaters and draco wearing a black turtleneck underneath. while april looks straight out of a damn brandy melville ad with her thunderbird sweatshirt tucked into her tennis skirt.
you on the other hand decided it best to wear a simple green tank with a loose cropped cardigan with mom jeans. 
you’re now regretting the decision as your upper body is becoming unbearably chilly.
“blaise, look! i got some hiccoughing candy. i think we could give him one after breakfast tomorrow.” april laughs.
draco groans from the bench the two of you are sat on, playing with the silver rings on his fingers.
“this is bloody demeaning.” the boy complains.
“you know, you could be third wheeling. at least i’m here, and i could always leave you here. alone.” you huff.
draco narrows his eyes at you, “if you dare try, i’ll make sure you never get back to america. i refuse to be alone with these two lovesick idiots.”
“jesus someone is in a mood.” you snort, ruffling his perfectly done hair.
“shut it l/n.”
blaise and april walk into tomes and scrolls, leaving you and draco outside.
“screw this, come on, let’s go to gladrags. i want a jacket.” you say, hopping off the bench.
draco gets up, “damn americans and never dressing for the weather.”
“i think that’s more of a me thing.” you retort, heading into the shop.
as you take a look around you find a small section full of coats, sweaters, jackets, and sweatshirts. 
“you know these are ridiculously overpriced, right?” draco scoffs.
“well i’m cold draco. and like my mother always says, ‘a fashionable witch always dresses in which she is comfortable’.” you say, reciting a line from one of your mother’s books.
she’s a popular fashion designer, and never let you or quinn forget it.
“excuse me, is your mother, the eliza l/n?” draco gasps.
you nod, a little confused as to how the boy knows her.
“hold on. you’re the daughter of one of american’s best designers and you never thought to tell me? what’s next? is your father the bloody president.”
you laugh, “no, but he is a retired quadpot player for the new york nogtails. you seriously didn’t know? my parents are the wizarding equivalent to victoria and david beckham.”
draco looks bewildered, “this whole time you’ve had prestige, and i didn’t even know? oh, just wait until i owl mother and tell her i’m friends with her favorite designers daughter.”
“don’t exploit our friendship, you fucker.” you say, slapping his shoulder.
he rubs his side and glares at you, “you were the one that begged me to be your friend. at least let me reap the benefits.”
“i’m starting to regret my decision, you’re a shit friend.” you tease.
draco lets out an exaggerated sigh, “fine, i was going to give you my sweater so you wouldn’t have to buy one, but since i’m such a shit friend.. nevermind.”
“i was kidding bitch. hand over the sweater!” you order.
he rolls his grey eyes and slips the garment off, exposing his tight fitted black turtleneck. it’s a sight to behold, honestly. it makes your mind slip into visions of the two of you actually together and on a date. 
“well take it, and come on. i want a butterbeer.” he says, snapping you out of your daydream.
you put the sweater on and trail behind your friend. when the two of you enter the three broomsticks, draco immediately scowls.
“what’s the matter?” you ask.
“stupid potter. he’s sitting in my spot.” draco huffs.
“just sit somewhere else, you big baby.”
draco looks annoyed but complies, sitting beside you at a nearby booth.
you want to question why he’s not sitting on the opposite side, but ignore it. you like being this close to him.
“why do you hate harry?” you ask instead.
“he’s a brat. he thinks he so special because he killed a dark wizard when he was a baby. and his stupid parents are always at family events because of my bloody cousin, sirius. they’re the strangest people.” he tells.
“ah, how annoying. the boy saved the world in infancy.” you deadpan.
draco waves you off, “okay, i get it. but he is annoying.”
you laugh as a waitress comes over to take your order.
“two butterbeers.” draco tells her, handing her money.
as she walks away you give him a look, “i could have paid.”
“the guy always pays for the first date, y/n.” draco rolls his eyes, before adding, “not that this is a date. i wouldn’t take you to the three broomsticks.”
you smile, a little shy, “i wouldn’t mind sharing a first date here.”
“then potter is your soulmate. he takes ginny here every date they go on. honestly i don’t know how does he has a girlfriend and i don’t. the irony” he pouts.
you glower at him.
the waitress comes back with your drinks, and draco watches you expectantly. you roll your eyes and take a sip.
“oh shit this is good.” you gasp.
“told you.” he says, smug.
the two of you continue talking and drinking your butterbeers for a few more minutes before april and blaise make their way into the shop.
“look at this pretty necklace blaise got me! oh, and i got momma to mail me my old phone for him to use. he’s with the times now!” april beams, rushing into the booth.
blaise trails behind her, looking very confused by the cellphone in his hands.
“well hello you two. i’m glad you’re enjoying your date.” you smile.
blaise looks up at you, “seems like you’re enjoying yours as well.”
“draco and i are not on a date.” you say, glancing at the boy beside you.
“well we just thought you were since you’re wearing his sweater and sitting in the same bench. couple behavior if you ask me.” april shrugs.
“why do you people think i would take someone on a first date here. i’m far too good for that.” draco sighs.
april laughs and gives blaise a knowing look. 
you don’t like that. it makes you narrow your eyes at the two of them, but they continue giggling.
“draco! i’m glad i caught you,” a voice calls. 
you look up to see harry potter, followed by a redhead.
“are you coming over to sirius’ for christmas?” harry asks, resting against the booth.
“of course potter. he’s my family.” draco grunts.
“i was just making sure,” harry retorts. he looks at you, “are you bringing your girlfriend? sirius asked.”
draco coughs, “excuse me?”
harry smiles, “y/n, your girlfriend. snape owled my mum about it and dad told sirius. don’t worry, he’s letting you surprise your parents. he just wanted to know if she’d be with us this year.”
draco is fuming as he stares at harry. it’s quite enjoyable.
you grin, “actually, i’m going to be with my parents this christmas. but i don’t see why i couldn’t portkey here. i’d love to tag along.”
draco glares at you, “we are not-”
“great! i’ll owl sirius. come on ginny.” the brown haired boy gleams, walking away.
draco’s still glaring, “you’re dead. i’m going to hex you until you can’t remember your name.”
“oh come on. it was a joke. plus it’d be fun to have christmas with me. can’t you imagine it?” you say, nudging his arm.
“but explaining to my mum that we’re not dating is going to be a hassle. and you’re going to have to meet my crazy aunt bella.” draco groans, rubbing his eyes.
“to be fair, his aunt is mad. but think about it draco, what’s the worst that can happen? y/n would be a great addition to your family, even if it is just as a friend.” blaise says.
“just as a friend my ass.” april whispers.
draco rolls his eyes but gives you all a smile, “i hate everything about this.”
blaise narrows his eyes before smirking, “sure mate.”
once it was time to go back to the castle you told everyone you needed to head to the owlery first to pick up a package your parents had sent you. draco offered to come along and you let him, obviously.
you liked being alone with him. 
by the time you get to the tower, it’s deserted, save for you and draco.
“you’re such a menace.” draco speaks, breaking your focus from your letters.
“big word for such a baby of a man.” you tease.
“shut up. i’m being serious. i know the minute i tell everyone you’re not my girlfriend, potter and his friends are going to have a field day.” draco says.
“harry doesn’t seem so mean. i follow him on instagram. he’s always so nice online.” you retort.
“you’ll see. he’s going to be a prat come christmas.” draco sighs, leaning against the wall.
you huff, “stop being so dramatic. if you want i can always just say i’m your girlfriend.”
draco gets off the wall and comes over to you, “you’re serious?”
you laugh, “yeah, i mean, everyone’s right. be basically act like a couple already. we’re really close for friends.”
“i guess..” he trails off, looking away from you.
you bite your lip and examine him. his pretty blond hair, pink lips, flushed face, and perfect posture. of course you wouldn’t mind pretending to be his girlfriend. you love him.
everything about him. you love the way his face contorts into a scowl after any inconvenience. you love how he looks at you when he sees someone doing something stupid. you love how he always has something for the two of you to do. and you love how he shows you the real him. 
“but maybe it could be like a trial run.” he mutters, finally looking at you.
“what?” you breathe, voice catching in your throat.
“i mean, it would be stupid to not try. you’re my best friend y/n. i think we could, uh, work together.” 
“are you saying you have a crush on me?”
“merlin. this is not as easy as i thought it was. of course i fancy you l/n. why else would i act like an utter buffoon?” he sighs.
you snort, “you act like buffoon even without me present, dickwad.”
“i’m trying to have a romantic conversation.”
“right, sorry,” you grin. “i would love to try to be your girlfriend.”
draco nods, “good. i mean, thank you?”
“come on, you can’t freeze up now. i definitely didn’t sign up for a shy boyfriend.” 
he quirks up his eyebrow, “that you didn’t.”
the words and his gaze make your knees weak. and in an instant, draco’s lips are on yours. the wind outside is loud, but as you kiss him, you can’t hear a thing. your sense of smell is attacked with his cinnamon vanilla cologne. the boy is like one of the high end stores your mom shops at in the winter. 
and his lips, his pretty full lips. the way they move with yours reminds you of something you’ve always needed but never knew. his hands take hold of your face and he brings the kiss deeper. the two of you oblivious to the world around you.
when you finally pull away, a smirk takes over his face.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that.” he says, satisfied.
“come on, we’ve got to get back to the common room. we have classes in the morning.” you grin, grabbing your letters.
“please, the minute i get to the common room i’m kicking everyone out of my dorm and sneaking you in.” he states.
you look at him, shocked. silently thinking.
“stop staring at me like that. you can speak.”
glaring you say, “we’re going to have to tell everyone.”
draco groans, “maybe we should just wait until tomorrow.”
you nod, “tomorrow.”
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