#ta digital festival
ta-digital-festival · 5 months
TA Digital Festival
AU Page on my main acc
My main account is @glitchyk
You can check out all my other AU's if you want!
What is this AU about?
There's a in character explanation, but l'll also give an overall.
A so called game, Caine seeming to be the unlucky player who has to deal with the finicky ai, nothing seems to go as smoothly as he expected..
Can we make NSFW/suggestive content of your AU?
I’d kinda prefer if ya didn’t, but that’s just me as a person.. I don’t really care much, as always, as long as you label it correctly.
Can we make OC's/fanwork of your AU?
Yes. Even if I don’t deserve it— I have no clue why people like my shit— but yes please show me if I somehow inspired you amazing people to make something
Can we do ships of your AU?
Go at it, just don’t be little toxic shits to one another, that’s pretty much my only rule.
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
Scheduled New Releases: July 2023 - Week 2
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available.
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ZEROBASEONE - Youth in the Shade (Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: In Bloom [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 10th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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EXO - EXIST (7th Album) Title Track: Cream Soda [MV] Pre-Release: Let Me In [MV] Pre-Release: Hear Me Out [MV] Release Date: July 10th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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WEi - Overdrive (English Version) (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 10th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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NMIXX - A Midsummer NMIXX’s Dream (3rd Single Album) Title Track: Party O’Clock [MV] Pre-Release: Roller Coaster [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 11th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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SUPER☆GiRLS - Ribbon (Single) [MV] Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Naniwa Danshi - POPMALL (2nd Album) Title Track: Poppin’ Hoppin’ Love [MV] Track: LAI-LA-LA [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 12th [yesasia] [cdjapan]
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CLASS:y - Crack-Crack-Crackle (Japanese Digital Single) Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Sandara Park - Sandara Park (Digital EP) Title Track: Festival [MV] Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ODD EYE CIRCLE - Version Up (Mini-Album) Title Track: Air Force One [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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HYOLYN - This Love (feat. Paul Blanco) (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ENHYPEN x Pokémon - One and Only (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 12th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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IVE x PEPSI - I Want (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 13th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ProducePandas - W.O.R.L.D. (Album) Pre-Release: Ru Ta Ta [Full MV] [Short MV] Pre-Release: Wherever We Go [MV] Pre-Release: Koi Fish Bu Lu Lu [MV] Pre-Release: Entelecheia [Performance MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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(G)I-DLE - I DO (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Jungkook (from BTS) - Seven (feat. Latto) (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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et -and- - saisai (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: July 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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LE SSERAFIM -  Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard’s wife (feat. UPSAHL) (Digital Single) [Visualizer] Release Date: July 14th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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the-element-siren · 2 years
Darklina Prompt
Based on a Hallmark trilogy called the Wedding Veil Trilogy. Altered so it can be a mixed friend group
Alina and Inej met as roommates in undergrad, Fedyor was the TA for their general history who they helped save from a bully and Matthias is his favorite cousin, who wanted to get away from his strict religious parents after he was able to accept Fedyor who came out to him. So after his first year at college in Fjeda, he transferred. It didn't help that they kept trying to force women on him so he could find the "perfect traditional" wives.
The four of them have stayed friends and make it a point to meet up every four months for a two-week travel vacation where they get lost in some random tourist trap city. On their current trip to Bhez Ju, they find this random broach that has a very old symbol of luck. It's said to bring the owner luck where they needed the most. Inej, in a completely out-character move, demands that they buy it and Alina should be the first to have it. She finally ended the toxic mess that was her situation with Mal. Calling it a relationship is an insult to the word. They all agree and split the cost and return home.
Except for Matthias, who is in Halmhend (Fjerdan border town), the others are scattered all over Ravka. Alina is in Os Alta as a curator for their Ravkan Art Museum. Inej is in Novokribirsk, running a program for abused and kidnapped children. Matthias works with a security firm in IT and as one of their translators, he speaks Ravkan, Fjerdan, and Shu. Fedyor runs a culinary department at a small university in Adena.
Alina meets Aleksander at a food festival, he runs the charity division of his family's foundation. He was looking into donating funds to their restoration department, which has been losing funding and painters regularly for the last few years.
Inej's program is at risk of losing its building. Some company is buying up older buildings so they can knock them down and build some hotel or other building. Aleksander puts her in touch with his frat brother, Kaz, and his assistant Jesper, who is very good at finding ways to help create funding for programs like this.
Nina, Kaz's foster sister, is a type of federal law enforcement and needs some specialty digital assistance. She's trying to link a group to a very big crime and needs a good codebreaker and linguist. Matthias is recommended to her.
Ivan, Aleksander's cousin, joined the university as a language professor. He and Fedyor's offices are right next door. They barely talk outside of pleasantries. Something happens, then bonding, followed by some slowburn. The entire university is shipping them.
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roxygenstudiesagain · 7 months
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Study update (March)
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It’s been a while (again)! It’s a mystery I’ve found the time to make this post. Let me categorize:
Personal Developments
Started testosterone
Court changed my name
Started rexulti for pmdd
Switched from 6 hours a week of TA work to 20 but it’s cool because it doesn’t drain me as much
Started using CPAP
Started going to a relationship group therapy
Spent a week at the Westfield in Culver City (studied a lot there)
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Did a bunch of progress in my live drawing and typography classes
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Nutrition class made me track my diet and I got really conscious about what I’ve been eating so I’ll do some meal posting
My GPA is not where I want it to be (not horrible just didn’t start this semester as solid as I usually do) so I am determined to pull it up
Get nutrition textbook from campus and catch up
Start on doing work for midterms in advance so I can have a break
Get back into physio minimum daily and weight lighting
Finish the freelance work I’ve been doing for the remote studio and festival film and commissions 😵 I want time to work on my own art to publish now I’m good
Finish setting up new digital resources for streamlining and planning my life and schedule
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hisakulturepivka · 2 years
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Vanja Mervič: vzemi-prežveči-odvrzi 4. – 25. november 2022 otvoritev: 4. november ob 19. uri Kustosinja razstave: Mojca Grmek Vanja Mervič je po temeljni izobrazbi slikar, vendar ustvarja v različnih medijih, saj verjame, da ima vsaka ideja svoj specifičen način izraza. V svojem delu se na splošno ukvarja s svetom onkraj vidnih plasti materialnosti. Na eni strani raziskuje tisto, kar postane vidno šele s pomočjo sodobne tehnologije (kot je npr. elektronski mikroskop in Kirlianova kamera), to je mikrostruktura materije, na drugi pa svet nematerialnega, ideje, misli in energije. V skladu s tem njegova umetniška praksa kaže pripadnost sodobnemu znanstvenemu, materialnemu pogledu na svet, obenem pa zavezanost nečemu prvinskemu, večnemu, nerazložljivemu, kar je onkraj materialnega. Na tokratni razstavi z naslovom vzemi-prežveči-odvrzi umetnik predstavlja različna dela, v katerih se osredotoča na žvečilni gumi kot metaforo za sodobno potrošniško družbo. Kot opozarja, je človeštvo v zadnjih dveh stoletjih naredilo neverjeten tehnološki preskok, vendar pa je vzporedno s tem procesom pospešeno izgubljajo vrednote, zaradi katerih je svet prijeten prostor za življenje. V zadnjem času postaja vse bolj jasno, da nas tako imenovani napredek ni pripeljal nikamor, saj stopicljamo na mestu, do vratu zasuti s takšnimi ali drugačnimi produkti za enkratno uporabo. Obkožajo nas nepregledni kupi predmetov, ki jih po instant uporabi takoj zavržemo, hkrati pa se utapljamo v informacijah, nasvetih in idejah, ki jih na hitro posrkamo, prežvečimo in izpljunemo – tako kot žvečilni gumi. Umetnik v razstavljenih delih žvečilni gumi – ta popoln predstavnik zavržkov – obravnava kot artefakt in na ta način skuša najti smisel v njegovem nesmislu. Dela razvrsti glede na galerijski prostor v tri skupine. Prva z naslovom Topografije vsakdana vključuje frotaže, knjigo umetnika in objekt pladenj z žvečilnimi gumiji, namenjenimi obiskovalcem. Drugo z naslovom Skriti prehod sestavlja serija fotografij, ki so sestavljene iz posnekov s SEM mikroskopom, zvok in video. Tretja, Posledica, predstavlja dela v nastajanju – slike in objekte z zbirkami uporabljenih žvečilnih gumijev, ki jih lahko dopolnijo tudi obiskovalci in obiskovalke razstave. ──────────── Vanja Mervič (1973) je študiral slikarstvo najprej na akademiji v Benetkah, nato pa prešel na akademijo v Milanu, kjer je leta 2001 tudi diplomiral. Magistrski študij je nadaljeval na ALUO v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 2008 magistriral iz videa in novih medijev pri prof.Sreču Draganu. Študijsko se je izpopolnjeval v Belgiji (Hoogeshool, Gent), na Novi Zelandiji (UCOL, Wanganui) in v Avstriji (FH Digital media, University of Applied Science, Hagenberg). Udeležil se je več umetniških rezidenc v Franciji, Italiji in Rusiji. Svoje delo je predstavil na številnih samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah v Sloveniji in tujini ter zanj prejel več nagrad in priznanj, med drugim nagrada ZDSLU 2015, Srebrno pahuljico Sarajevske zime 2018 in nagrado žirije na 60Seconds Festival 2020, Copenhagen, Danska. Živi in dela v Novi Gorici.
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shadowaswin · 6 years
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"TA KHON", my first real painting on XP-PEN Artist 12
"Phi Ta khon" sometimes known as Ghost Festival, is the most common name for a group of festivals held in Dan Sai, Loei province of Thailand. The events take place over three days some time between March and July, the dates being selected annually by the town’s mediums. People wear the colorful ghost mask and costume, celebrate by dancing along the road.
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suitk0via · 3 years
Teacher's Favorite
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Pairing: Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
              18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: implied smut nothing too crazy, self image issues, age gap (reader is in early twenties, Buck is late thirties early forties), female aligned reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Synopsis: You are first grade teacher and Bucky is a single dad who wants to be involved with everything his little girl - Elaine - does. He’s the dad all the parent’s and faculty drool over. You quickly become Elaine's favorite teacher and Bucky's just gotta meet you.
Teacher's Favorite AU || Masterlist
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6:30 am
The digital clock above the radio mocked you as each minute ticked by. Early meetings were never fun. Something about sitting at a table crowded with tired teachers was draining. Reaching across the middle console you grabbed the tote filled with miscellaneous craft supplies, failing to catch the few googly eyes that fell onto the floorboard. Stepping out into the cool morning air you suppress a shiver making your way up to the entrance.
Everything was quiet early in the mornings. No kids running down the halls or teachers blowing those stupid whistles trying to make them calm down. A smile made its way onto your face seeing the new bulletin board you had slaved over for a few days. Pictures of each of the kids next to their artistic renditions of the school building. You were only a week into the year and it was already so busy you could barely keep up with the work. Approaching the conference room you could smell the coffee and stale bagels the school board provided as a half ass incentive to quote: “Have a good year!”. Honestly, you’d rather them be blunt with you on new policies instead of them pretending they care.
Because to be clear, they don’t.
Stepping into the room you found yourself a seat and waited patiently as all the other’s slowly filtered in. It was a long meeting going over the same policies you’d already read over. While they rambled on you did some lesson planning, specifically on today’s lesson. In the evening there was a PTA meeting and an open house planned. Thankfully, you didn’t have to sit in on the PTA moms arguing about a fall festival that was weeks away, but you were in charge of having something for the kids to do while their parents were there. Today’s lesson surrounded the reading book you were reading to the class, Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn. The theme was the change in seasons and the kids seemed to love it. You were trying to think of something that could coincide with the lesson as well.
“Any questions?”
No one responded. Mrs.Florence clapped her hands together and dismissed everyone. “Excellent job on the bulletin board. Very cute.” She said, patting you on the back on the way out. “Yes.” You silently congratulated yourself. Praise from that woman was nearly impossible to receive, and you were really trying. Being so much younger than a majority of the teacher’s made it incredibly hard to gain respect. Sometimes it was worse than highschool, and you had to remind yourself constantly that it wasn’t for you, it was for the kids. Those little smiles were worth far more than anyone else’s approval. Stepping into your classroom you flipped the lights on and began setting up for the day. Crayon baskets at each table, each student’s writing journal, and selecting the helper’s for the day.
Paper collector, line leader, and snack helper were high honors in a first grade classroom.
Finally turning on the board you put up the plan for the day and finally took a seat waiting for your TA and the kids to come in. Just in time Hailie came in with a string of excited children behind her. Hailie was your assistant and you were thankful for her more than you could even express. “Good morning guys!” You said standing up watching all of them put their things away in their cubbys. You received a plethora of replies and most of them were excited screams. “They’re extra hyper today.” Hailie huffed, sinking down into her chair. You gave her a pitiful smile before walking around your desk.
“Sweetheart!” A little voice caught your attention and you looked over. Elaine came running at you full speed and wrapped her arms around your legs. “Hello Elaine. What did I tell you about sweetheart?” You laughed crouching down to give her a proper hug. She giggled, throwing her arms around your neck. “Sorry miss. I like sweetheart. You are sweetheart! My daddy calls me sweetheart too!” She explained, stumbling over her words a bit. “Oh Elaine.” You sighed, watching her run off.
Picking favorites was wrong, and you didn’t.
Elaine Barnes held a special place in your heart already. Only a week in and she came in everyday giving you a hug and called you sweetheart. It was the sweetest thing you’d ever seen. She came in on the first day a little nervous and with a little soothing she quickly proclaimed you as her favorite teacher. She had to be the most polite little girl you’d ever met. When she first called you sweetheart it made you laugh. She insisted on explaining to you why in a dramatic manner.
“Daddy says that my heart is sweet so I am his sweetheart. I think your heart is sweet so you are my sweetheart!”
You accepted it pretty quickly, but you told her she still needed to call you by your name in class. A pinky promise sealed your fate and now – to Elaine – you were sweetheart.
After they’d settled down you dived into your plans for the day. They all listened and asked questions as you read and nothing made you happier. After that they began their coloring sheets, some of them sticking their tongues out as they focused on staying in between the lines. You walked around making sure to complement each of their work and providing some help on color decisions. “Oh, wow! That’s amazing Trevor. I’ve never seen a Care Bear leaf before.” You said, earning a happy grin from the boy. He went on telling her about each of the leaves and the different bears they represented. Things like this just made all the early morning meetings and bad coworkers worth it. Giving him a pat on the shoulder you continued circling around everyone else.
“Psst! Sweetheart!” Elaine not so subtly whispered. You raised an eyebrow at her crouching beside her seat. “Look! I made this leaf look like a cow!” She pointed at the paper happily. Looking at the paper you made a shocked face. “Oh my goodness. Cow’s can’t be on leaves!” You said trying to get a rise out of her. Laughing, she shook her head, “Noooo! Its just the colors! The leaf isn’t a cow, silly.” You nodded in understanding before standing once again. Reaching out she grabbed your hand and tugged on you. “Wait, guess what?” She said grinning. “What?” She shifted in her seat, sitting down her crayons in the process.
“I’m coming back later, and daddy’s coming too.” She said, clearly excited at just the thought. You smiled squeezing her little hand. “That’s great! I can’t wait to meet him!” You said, satisfied with her happy nod. The timer pinged and the kids all began tossing their crayons back in the basket. Walking over to your desk you grabbed your keys looking over at Hailie. “Lunch already?” You laughed at her confused look and stood by the door watching as she directed the kids into a single file line. With a quick talk about hallway manners you lead them down the hall and to the cafeteria. Hailie took over directing them to their tables and you headed back to the classroom.
You had thirty minutes until recess and you planned on using that time to its fullest extent. In that short walk you though of a craft for later in the evening. Just cut out some paper leaves on some different construction paper and let the kids decorate them as they pleased. Simple enough and easy to keep them occupied while their parents form nasty cliques against members of the PTA board. You cut out various leaf shapes until you heard the familiar sound of little footsteps down the hall.
Instinctively you smiled at the sound sitting down the scissors you were holding too hard. Flexing your fingers you huffed as Elaine came running into the room. “Hey! Miss Hailie said it’s time to go to the playground.” She said coming around your desk and staring up at you. “Lead the way.” You smiled. Grabbing your hand she tugged you from your chair and down the hall. Looking down at her you just smiled at how cute she was. Her wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail with a big blue bow on top just accentuated her cuteness. From what you understood it was just her and her dad, and really if her dad was the one fixing her hair and dressing her then he was pretty damn good at it. Usually you could tell when a mother allowed the father to dress the kid for a day. They’d come in with an oddly matched outfit and a less than perfect hairdo. It was always cute but you could just tell the difference.
“I love your bow today Elaine. It makes your eyes look so pretty.” You said. Reaching up and touching her head it was like she remembered she had a bow in the first place and she gasped. “Oh! Daddy picked this one to match my dress. Aunty Nat made it for me on my birthday.” She said, skipping alongside you. “Well it’s very cute.” You smiled. Joining all the rest you listened to their in depth reviews of how their lunch was.
“My mom cut my sandwich in the square shape and I hate it.”
“I had six gummies and they were really good.”
“I gave some of my goldfish to Layla and she ate them like she was a birb.”
Those were just some of the comments you heard. Either way it made you smile. First graders had a lot more to say than adults give them credit for. Leading them outside it was like opening the gates to a herd of sheep. Each of them ran like mad towards the playground. Standing under the awning you watched and waited for anything to happen. Surprisingly only one kid fell, and you were quick to apply a Star Wars bandaid that had all the other children ooo-ing and ahh-ing. You didn’t even have to comfort them much, the excitement of everyone complimenting his bandaid got rid of all his tears. Once time was up Hailie blew the whistle and they all lined up. The day went on smoothly after that. Hailie taught the second half of the lesson while you prepared for the evening. When the time came you told them all to get ready for dismissal and they dug through their cubbies and waited patiently.
Once the bell rang there was a chorus of sweet goodbye’s rushing out the door. “Bye guys have a good evening!” You said plopping down in your chair. Before Hailie closed the door Elaine came racing back into the room giving you a big hug. “Bye bye sweetheart. I’ll see you later!” She sang, waving her arms as she ran back out the door. You let out a laugh leaning back in your seat.
“She loves you to death.”
You smiled, “That’s little Elaine.”
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Bucky didn’t think this open house was that big of a deal.
Just a way for parents and teachers to meet, but to his daughter it was the most important thing ever. The moment she got into the car she was talking about how she couldn’t wait to come back later. He didn’t remember saying anything like that as a kid.
“Can I bring one of my birthday cards to give someone?” She asked, a reflection of his own eyes twinkling back at him. “Of course sweetheart.” He said, kissing her forehead. Bucky didn’t have many weaknesses, but his baby girl was his kryptonite. After a long life of being a hardened man his little girl turned him into a sweet dad. Something he never thought would happen but it did. “I’m so excited daddy! You can meet my sweetheart!” He paused at that looking up from tying her shoe.
“Your sweetheart?” He spiraled for a moment imagining the day she would inevitably bring some unsuitable boy home to him. Grimacing at the thought he watched as she broke out into giggles. “Mhm! My sweetheart is my teacher. She has a sweet heart so she is my sweetheart.” She explained. A little weight lifted off his shoulders. He wouldn’t have to intimidate a first grade boy anymore. “Really?” He smirked, tying the knot. She stood up and nodded profusely. It always amused him to hear her pick up on his lingo. Sweetheart happened to be one of them, and he wondered about the inevitably old woman who just swooned over his little girl's affection. “Yeah! She wears pretty dresses and she has pretty eyes.” She said, grabbing his hand.
“Can’t wait to meet her sweety.”
Arriving at the school Elaine was practically jumping out of her carseat in excitement. He envied her energy. Pushing his sunglasses up on his head he opened her door and she hopped out. “I want to show you everything!” She said, grabbing his hand. Nodding he went ahead and picked her up, her arm wrapping around his neck. “I want to see it all.” He said.
Stepping inside he was met with cool air and colorful walls. The smell was that distinct elementary school smell. Sort of like crayons and pencil shavings. She begged for him to put her down and he did. Holding his hand tightly she led him around the school and he thoroughly enjoyed listening to her give a description of everything he saw.
“That's my art class. I made a picture of school in there.”
“This is the bathroom. I only have to go sometimes.”
“This is the door to the playground.”
The unnecessary introduction of everything in sight just made him laugh. She was thorough, just like him. Walking past a conference room he heard some people talking but didn’t bother to look in. “Hey Elaine!” A voice called out. Elaine spun around and waved. The woman smiled and looked up at him. “You must be dad.” She said, but there was a hint of something in her voice. Something rather flirtatious. Nodding, he decided to ignore it, shaking her hand. “I’m Mrs.Florence. I’m the principal.” She said, adding a wink to her introduction.
This wasn’t an odd occurrence. Women in failing marriages were drawn to him like a magnet, and he just wasn’t sure why. Looking at the ring on her hand he nodded. “James. Nice to meet you.” He said, clearly wanting to end this interaction. Feigning shyness, some of her blonde hair fell into her face and she bit her lip.
“Daddy, I want to go to my teacher’s class!”
Thank god for Elaine.
Giving an uncomfortable wave he let himself be pulled away by Elaine, watching the defeated look crawl onto her features. Going down the steps he had to walk slowly beside her, smiling at the concentration on her face. She fell on the steps once and was petrified of them for a while. Now she took her time, one foot at a time on each step. “Good job being safe sweety.” He said. Once she reached the landing she thanked him, and before he could say anything else she took off running. A little shocked at her behavior he was running right behind her. “Elaine!” He called out. She just giggled running towards an open classroom door. Getting closer and closer she ran inside disappearing around the corner.
“Sweetheart sweetheart sweetheart!”
“Okay okay! Hey Elaine.”
Stepping inside he took a breath looking around the room. The walls were painted with various shapes and colors complementing the rug that was decorated in letters and numbers. Turning his head he spotted Elaine all but tackling her teacher. “Daddy she’s my sweetheart!” His eyes dragged up from her, to you.
He almost audibly gasped. You certainly weren’t the image he pictured in his mind. Internally he imagined a woman with grey hair and glasses perched on her nose. Instead he was met with a beautiful young woman. Beautiful felt like an understatement. His eyes lingered on your face tracing the shape of your lips as if to commit them to memory. Your smile reached your eyes as you looked down at his little girl. The soft edge of your jaw, the column of your throat, and your exposed collarbones called out to an absolutely primal part of him. The dress you wore stopped right below your knees, exposing just enough of your legs to make a man wonder. It was thin – not obscenely so – and just loose enough he couldn’t quite get a perfect view of those curves. Once you acknowledged him a soft smile crept onto your face. “Nice to meet you, Mister Barnes.” Of course your voice was smooth like silk. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” You said, Elaine just giggled dancing around you happily.
He didn’t even flinch when you called him Mister Barnes. Usually he would frown and insist that it made him feel too old. “You must be this sweetheart I’ve heard so much about.” He said as suave at possible. Clearly it worked because you just remained as bashful as ever, and he just loved the feeling of that power. Nervously you laughed, “Yeah. I’ve told her to call me by my name during class but she prefers the nickname.”
Stepping forward he put his hand out and you took it hesitantly. The skin of your hand was soft, and he just knew the rest of you had to be just as soft. “James, but please – call me Bucky.” He smiled. Smiling, you introduced yourself. Your hand left his but the warmth lingered. A kid came running up to you holding some stuff in his hands and you excused yourself attending to him happily. Getting on your knees you were at eye level with him and Bucky was overwhelming himself with different scenarios.
You looked cute down there.
He thought you'd looked better with his dick i-
“Daddy, Can I invite her to my birthday? Please.” Elaine pleaded, ripping him from his thoughts. Looking back at you he nodded to his daughter. If you came to Elaine's birthday then he'd have a gift of his own. Of course – like the sweet girl you were – you agreed, making his daughter so happy she was squealing. The excitement died down and Elaine was distracted again playing with the other kids. He wanted your attention again, and in that bit of selfishness he ended up signing up for things he had no desire to do.
“Are you sure?” You laughed giving him a look. Shrugging he signed his name on the line. Apparently you were alluring enough to make him sign up to help pass out programs at a school play. “I’m only asking because you’re the only dad that has signed up for anything.” You said. Glancing at the list he saw the plethora of undoubtedly mom names and sighed. “What will you be doing?” He asked, just curious. Looking confused for a moment you pointed to two things. The play programs and face paint for the fall festival. Signing his name right next to yours he sat the clipboard back on your desk. “If a sweet girl like you is around, count me in doll.” He winked, watching the way your eyes darted around nervously at his words. If a little complimenting got you like this he could only imagine what you’d do underneath him.
James, this is an open house at an elementary school.
Common sense kicked in, and common sense sounded a lot like his mother. Things were winding down, and the PTA moms flooded the room chasing their respective children around. “Hell of a crowd.” He said in a low voice. You hummed in response watching them all. “Some of the most insane women you will ever encounter. I’m sure you’ve dealt with them plenty.” You said a little exasperated. Tilting his head he wondered what you meant by that. You seemed to catch on. “I mean, you’re good looking. They prey on that sort of thing. Just… vicious.” You stopped swallowing hard. Your anxious disposition and admission made him smile. Just to calm your nerves he nudged you softly, “You should’ve seen Florence up there. Nearly jumped on me. Thank god for little Elaine, she saved me.” You gave him a sympathetic look and laughed.
Everything about you was far too cute, and the longer he stood next to you the more dangerous his thoughts became. “Can I have animal crackers for dinner?” Elaine tugged on his hand, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Smiling, he leaned down to pick her up. “Hm. Maybe not for dinner but we can work them in.” He said. Nodding she looked over at you, “You have to come to my birthday sweetheart.” You just grinned and nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it. Don’t worry.” You said sticking your pinky out. Elaine giggled, reaching out and locking them together.
“The address is somewhere on the card. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you.” He said reaching out and putting his hand on your shoulder. Your skin was warm against his hand, and he just wished it didn’t end here. “Bye Elaine. Bye Bucky.” You said as they parted. Your voice replayed in his mind as he walked down the hall.
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Apologies for any mistakes! I've read over it a few times and feel satisfied, but i'm sure some mistakes slipped through. Feedback is appreciated.
Part 2
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pastelparrotlet · 2 years
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Ta da! Very small miny tiny zine about tips and tricks for going to a pride festival!
I only managed 4 physical copies before getting tired 😂, so I will offer a digital option as well for those who don’t want to wait for shipping. If there’s enough interest I will make more but am somewhat limited in time due to work.
$5 physical hand drawn copy to be mailed next week
$4 copied print of physical copy to be mailed next week (limited stock rn as I am nearly out of printer ink)
$3 digital copy only
Please send payment to [email protected] on PayPal, specifying which version you’d like and a mailing address, if applicable.
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jmflowers · 2 years
I was tagged by my forever tag buddy, @trying-to-get-somewhere-real. Thank you, my friend.
Favourite Colour: I love purples (plum, eggplant, lilac, lavender), oranges, blues and pinks. Basically, imagine a really great sunset and those are my favourite colours.
Currently Reading: I just finished The Au Pair by Emma Rous, which was my camping read. I’ve started Among the Ten Thousand Things by Julia Pieront since getting home, but I’ve only had time to read one chapter.
Last Song: I’ve been spending a lot of time with Maggie Rogers’ new album Surrender. My favourite song on that is Anywhere With You. Last one I listened to today was Begging for Rain.
Last Series: I had some surprise time off work a few weeks ago, so I binged the entirety of Stranger Things. I’ve just started a rewatch of Derry Girls, but my goddaughter has demanded I watch Heartstoppers before I see her again.
Last Movie: Honestly, it’s been a while since I had time to watch a movie. I think the last was Quickening at the Future of Film Festival in Toronto.
Currently Working On: I’m at a pivotal moment in my placement, so all the pitches I wrote that were green lit for further development are due back to the network at the end of the month in their expanded form. That means a lot of time and mental energy are being spent on beat sheets, digital media components, and helping to make sure that our ‘characters’ are available for filming demos. (Unfortunately, three of my characters have backed out in the last few days so... things I have done have to be edited or rewritten.) At the same time, my first semester as a teaching assistant has just concluded and I’m preparing to return to school as a student (and a TA again!) in just a few weeks. But all that is never enough for me, so I’m also still working at the farm in my regular shifts and as extra coverage for coworkers on vacation/injured/sick with COVID. The things I’m working on for me are writing a ‘sequel’ (of sorts) to Hygge that follows the kids and their moms through the later years of their lives and preparing for a few more adventures before the year is up. I’ve got at least one more camping trip ahead and my first flight since 2019, hopefully.
Tag 9 People: Alright, my buds, I don’t know if you’ve done this because I haven’t been here much but... let’s go, @lacallemojada, @themarbledfox, @piratekane, @thundergrace, @leigh-kelly, @drlaurenb, @authorette44, @a-windsor, and @englishstrawbie. Have fun!
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shadeprint · 6 years
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| Shadeprint | ʞooqǝɔɐɟ | redbubble | Threadless | Soundcloud | Bandcamp | twitter | Instagram |
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goopgallery · 4 years
Skin Deep
GoopGallery presents Skin Deep, a collection of eighteen digital photographs by five international photographers curated by Daniel Jimenez for public viewing online via Tumblr March 21, 2021 – April 1, 2021. The collection features Ricky Day, Te Rawhitiroa Bosch, Dnyaneshwar Prakash Vaidya, Vianney Le Caer, and Pieter Hugo. Photographs of men from the United States of America, Aotearoa, India, Lebanon, and Mexico comprise the collection creating a narrative rooted in the various racial, cultural, religious, social, and political practices both influencing and affecting the lives of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) around the world. The collection is a snapshot of how masculine identities express themselves via the display of skin and how nudity plays a component in how black and brown bodies shatter society’s perceptions.
In the United States of America, Ricky Day photographed young African American men to dissect the “All-American” look popularized by fashion labels such as Ralph Lauren and Abercrombie & Fitch. Day’s portraits combine commercial and fashion photography to prompt viewers to reconsider black male and queer identities within the narrative of the U.S. American culture and affluent designer brands. Day styles and undresses his subjects to emphasize the need for inclusivity of black men in society affected by racism and colorism [1]. 
In Aotearoa (New Zealand), Te Rawhitiroa Bosch photographed Maori people to document along the shores of Waitangi the launch of the ancestral war canoe, Ngatokimatawhoarua. The paddlers participate in this eighty-year tradition that has preserved the kaupapa or set of values, principles, and Maori plans for many generations. Portraits of Maori men also reveal the importance of ta moko or tattoos which adorn the skin. The most important ta moko reside on the head, which is the most sacred part of the body and signifies a high social status [2].
In India, Dnyaneshwar Prakash Vaidya photographed portraits and action shots of men participating in kushti, a form of wrestling that worships the body. Maharajas or great rulers such as King Shri Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj popularized mud-clay wrestling in 1894. The monarch organized tournaments for men of all ages to participate in this tradition. Wrestlers must always remove their clothes and shoes before stepping foot into the arena. They live together, have very few possessions, practice more than six times a week, and begin their training as early as 3:30 am. The majority of the wrestlers are impoverished, and many participate for an opportunity to obtain a government job and financial security for themselves and their families [3].
In Lebanon, Vianney Le Caer photographed male sunbathers along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Many of the men are Muslim, speak Arabic, and socialize daily under the hot sun. They pray in their bathing suits, shave, smoke, apply sunscreen, and flex their muscles for the camera. Not far from this seaside location are refugee camps for people fleeing Daesh, a 21st-century militant Islamist organization active in Syria and Iraq. The sunbathers participate in a social act of camaraderie that is taboo due to the act of praying while unclothed. Their actions may be deemed sacrilegious by neighboring organizations that consider Beirut’s multi-faith system too progressive and unacceptable [4].
In Mexico, Pieter Hugo photographed people of all ages to explore notions of the relationship between sex, mortality, and traditional aesthetics. He titled his collection of images La Cucaracha, after the folk song of a five-legged cockroach popularized during the colonial Revolution in Mexican history. In the desert region of Hermosillo, Hugo photographed a man holding an albino snake wrapping around his leg. The snake is a symbol of the delicate balance between life and death, alluding to the many graveside rituals, festivals, and rites of passage in Mexican culture. The older man wearing a white hat embodies the performative and visually rich aesthetics of Mexican portraiture. His hat is a symbol of Mexican culture, and the absence of clothing is the portrayal of sensuality and the embodiment of a characterization. The portrait of a young man under the hot Sonoran sun reveals his bronze and tattooed skin bathed by the glaring light of midday. His eyes radiate as intensely as the arid desert while seeking protection from the narco-state and violence that runs rampant. In some parts of Mexico, it is common to see dismembered bodies hanging from the side of highways, a gruesome sight resulting from drug wars and cartels claiming the lives of many [5].  
[1] https://blackartmatters.com/artists/Ricky_Day/ 
[2] https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0Gx4fAiVk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 
[3] https://121clicks.com/photo-stories/kushti-indian-wrestling-by-dnyaneshwar-prakash-vaidya 
[4] https://www.vice.com/fr/article/jppqn3/avec-les-bronzeurs-de-beyrouth-vianney-le-caer
[5] https://www.1854.photography/2020/04/la-cucaracha-pieter-hugo/ 
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flightofaqrow · 4 years
"Err... help. I rather thought I could do this on myself just fine, but I've gone and tied my hands behind my back and the slip knot won't work..." Someone has tried to be fancy for their fiancé for Yule. Someone has failed.
Yule-tied greetings
qrow comes back to his room abuzz only with excitement. atlas and its festivals a little warmer now that he knows his fiancé awaits him there most days. 
Barty waited, he always waited, and qrow has always been too drunk to think about it before, to realize, to remember. no longer. now he anticipates; dares to expect. courtesy of tokens and words exchanged which make exactly that promise - that Barty will be there and qrow will believe it.
he expects to see him, beyond the door. to celebrate Yule together. to light fires in the darkness of so much division, even if it’s only between them. he does not expect a more literal embodiment of being tied down; the mess of green and red and white and gold and beady blue eyes - sleepy and sluggish from the cold, free of glasses which had clearly been knocked somewhere to the floor in a struggle, trying to focus but recognizing, trusting the hazy form before them - downturned and sheepishly pleading, as if qrow the cursed is some kind of savior. 
and like he’s worthy of making such an effort in the first place. that fancy could ever be a standard he deserved.
qrow’s face pops with surprise, and his jaw hangs, and his arms hover uselessly in the air as he puts it all together. and there’s actually some sick sense of relief in qrow knowing he’s not the only ticking time bomb whose plans periodically backfire, especially when trying to act suave. 
or maybe that just came along with sharing his life now.
but Barty didn’t fail, not really. he tried, and that’s all qrow can ever ask, can understand and appreciate better than anyone how that’s the part that counts.
and if he meant to make him happy, then it still worked, results counted. qrow laughs. brings a fist up over his mouth and lets out a long and deep set of chuckles, the crinkle around eyes of orange-red fire filled with so much warmth and love and gratitude. aren’t all of those things what the season is supposed to be about?
“...sure, sure,” he coos, and a couple long strides bring him in behind Barty to reach for his hands, of course he will help take care of him. 
and if he meant to turn him on, then that’s working too. sights of ribbon slung tight around a slim frame, the shimmer of satin compliments the shine of pretty plumage, restrained limbs leaving his lover looking so vulnerable - it all ignites qrow’s passions along with his mirth. he steps closer than need be, and leans in over Barty’s shoulder to breathe in his spiced coffee scent and whisper low in his ear.
“but tell me, Love...” fingers curl around what wraps him, and qrow could do whatever he likes. 
what a wonderful reminder that his hands are skilled at working through the wildest knots just as well as they can braid - hair, hemp, fur, flowers, leather, wire, ribbon... he has learned how weave and unravel all the same.
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“am i meant t’help you out‘ta this situation,” one small ministration and an end of the slipknot pulls loose and slides tauntingly over deft digits. but qrow only turns it over on itself and tugs the tie tighter around wrists (merely a suggestion, still escapable), “...or in’ta it?”
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coffeebruha · 5 years
Quick little fluffy sick Victor fic
The weather finally broke. Winter was here at last. My neighborhood started to become beautifully adorned with multi-colored LED lights and festive lawn displays. Though the cold chill in the air sent my spine a shiver, my heart felt warmed by the holiday spirit. I happily walked into LFG with my tote filled with goodies for my favorite Scrooge and a few for Goldman as well.
“Good morning, Penny, I see you’re in a good mood as usual,” Goldman greeted me in the elevator.
“Of course! This is my favorite time of year! Have you seen the boss man yet this morning?”
“I spoke to him on the phone earlier. He said he was running a bit late, said he had somethings to do before coming to the office. But he...”
Excellent! This will give me enough time to prepare my surprise for Victor. Goldman noticed the sparkle in my eye become brighter and changed whatever he was going to say next.
“No. No, no, no, no! I know that look! Whatever you’re planning cut it out! I really don’t want to poke the bear today, Penny!”
“Oh, come on, Goldie! Where is your holiday spirit,” I winked as I walked backwards out of the elevator.
However, instead of looking way cool, the heel of my boot caught on a dip in the tiling and suddenly I lost my balance. Goldman reached out and grabbed my arm a tired look on his face.
“Lord help us,” he mumbled, while steadying me. “Fine, but you have to be out of here before he gets in!”
I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. Goldman got settled at his desk and began immersing himself in work, sorting through different files. I smiled at him as I placed a tiny pre-lit tree on his desk.
“Thank you, Penelope. I hope for your sake and mine that the boss is in the holiday spirit too. And remember you have to be out of his office before he gets in!” Goldman smiled, as I finished draping festive garland around his desk.
I opened Victor’s office door and giggled to myself. Then, like one of Santa’s elves I danced around the room while decorating, bring a much needed pulse to the other wise cold office. Just as I was hitting the high notes to All I want for Christmas a’la the queen, Mariah, Victor walked in. I heard an exasperated sigh.
“Just what do you think you’re doing,” a deep baritone voice startled me.
I spun around and smiled.
“Ta da! I am bringing some holiday spirit to brighten up my favorite Grinch’s office.”
I was quite pleased with my handiwork. Victor’s eyes slowly examined each decoration with a hard to read expression then silently made his way to his desk. My eyes followed him looking for a hint of something, but he got right to work.
“Do...you...like it,” I finally spat out. Little to no response usually meant he liked something, but I couldn’t help feel something was off.
I studied Victor’s face. His usually well pressed appearance was not as crisp as usual. His fierce eyes were glassy and his cheeks were slightly flushed. I was so lost in my analysis that I hadn’t realized how close I got to him. I could feel heat radiating from his body.
“You’re sick,” I exclaimed.
“It’s nothing. Are you planning on gawking at me all day? I seem to recall giving a project to a certain someone to get done by next week.” He spoke without removing his eyes from his laptop, fingers flying as he responded to a few emails.
“It is in your inbox,” I said as I placed the back of my hand on his forehead.
Just as I suspected. His skin was a blaze and clammy.
“You are sick!! You’re always up my butt about taking care of myself, yet here you are with a fever!”
“This company did not get where it is today by coincidence. I don’t have time to take off.” He looked me dead in the eyes, said what he needed to say and then went back to work.
“But you could be running the risk of infecting your staff with whatever bug you have,” I protested.
Victor let out an annoyed sigh.
“I called Goldman this morning to tell him to cancel all my meetings and let everyone know that I am really busy today and not to be bothered, but it seems he forgot that part.”
A timid knock on the door broke our intense staring contest.
“Come in,” Victor growled.
“I am so sorry, sir! I told her to be done and gone by the time you got here!”
“Stop groveling. It’s fine...”
“He is sick,” I interrupted.
Goldman’s jaw dropped slightly and he looked confused and terrified, his eyes darting back and forth to me and Victor. I could tell he was unsure of what to do or say. So, before Victor’s sharp tongue could cut us both to shreds I exclaimed:
“Victor, let me take care of you today,” my voice dripping with determination as I stomped my foot on the ground.
I swear I could hear crickets and the slight squelching of Goldman’s blinking. Then,
“Fine! I know you well enough by now that once you get an idea in that thick skull of yours it is hard for you to drop it. Goldman, I will be taking a sick day. I will continue to work from home. Call me in emergency circumstances only.”
Victor grabbed his coat.
“Let’s go.”
I was super excited. Perhaps I will get to see a more vulnerable side of Victor. The CEO walked out and I gave a thumbs up to Goldman as I walked out behind Victor. The car ride was quiet enough for me to hear the rattling in his chest. A light sheen of sweat made him glow like a Greek god.
“Do you have medicine at your place,” I asked.
“Can we stop by the store before we go home?”
Victor took a quick glance at me and the corner of his mouth curled.
I zipped from isle to isle gathering all the things that brought me comfort when I get sick. Lemons, honey, NyQuil, green tea, orange juice, chicken broth, rosemary, and garlic cloves. Victor quietly and sluggishly following behind.
“Do you have a thermometer,” I asked looking up at him.
He shook his head, taking the bundle of items from my arms and carefully laid them in a cart. I ran over and grabbed a digital one. I looked over the cart once more checking things off my mental list, feeling pleased with my selections we headed to the check out.
“You know I have most of this stuff at home, dummy.”
“Well, I can use the stuff you already have and you can consider this as a replacement for what I use! I think that’s everything. Let’s go home and get you in bed!”
Victor didn’t even try hiding his grin this time. At the check out Victor was ready to pay, but I got my card in before he could even get his out. He grabbed the bags and we made our way to his car. When we got to his condo I took his coat. The heat released from his body made me gasp.
“Go get changed into some comfy clothes and get in bed! I will be there is just a second.”
He kicked out of his shiny dress shoes and into a pair of white slippers. As he got changed I began preparing my go to drink while I am sick. Hot water, half of a lemon, and two tablespoons of honey. After the drink was made I broke open the thermometer and slid a cover over the tip.
“Ahem, are you decent,” I announced, before walking in.
His usual strong booming voice seemed muffled. I walked in and smiled. He looked so cute all bundled up in his giant king sized bed. I sat next to him and gestured him to place the thermometer under his tongue. He obediently complied.
“101.2!! Yikes! OK this will not do! We need to break this fever. Here drink this. I am going to get you some medicine.” I tucked him in and without thinking I kissed his forehead. The heat on my lips brought me back to reality. Oh no! Should I just walk out and act like that didn’t happen. I pulled back quickly. Victor’s brows were raised, but his glossy eyes were still half lidded and followed me out of the door.
I gently slapped my blushed cheeks. What the hell was I thinking! Perhaps I should just give him his medicine and leave? But I told him I was going to take care of him. Why do I always do this stupid stuff around him? I scolded myself the entire way to get the medicine and back. I handed him the carefully measured cup of thick liquid.
He threw it back like a shot and his upper lip curled, handing me back the tiny measuring cup. I inspected it.
“Ah ah, there is still a little left.”
He sighs and took the cup downing the last little bit.
“Good boy.”
Victor raises an eyebrow.
“You’re quiet bold today.”
My cheeks burned and I opened my mouth to protest.
“I like it,” he said while rustling down farther into his blankets, cutting me off.
“Do you usually go to work when you’re sick like this?
“I don’t get sick very often, but to answer your question, yes.”
“Well not as long as I am around! If you’re not going to take care of yourself then I will have to do it for you!”
I wasn’t sure if Victor was clearing his throat or chuckling.
“You get some rest, ok?”
“Are you leaving?” There was disappointment in his voice that broke my heart.
“Of course not, silly. I will be here. I have my work laptop, so I will be just over here getting some work done in case you need anything.”
He smiled.
With that he closed his eyes and a few moments later his breathing evened out and his lips parted slightly. The furrow in his brow gone, he was now sleeping soundly. I smiled and patted myself on the back getting right to work. A few hours into my work, Victor started snoring and whimpering. I got up and checked on him. His brows twisted and the corners of his lips frowning deeply.
I brushed his hair away from his drenched forehead. I should get him a cold rag for his head, I thought. So that is what I did. When I came back to his room he had kicked the blankets off. He was so adorable. I wondered if this is what he was like when he was little, as I put the blanket back on him and the cold rag on his forehead I heard what he was saying.
“Ma...mom...” he whimpered.
“You miss her a lot huh? I understand. I miss my dad all the time and even more so when I am sick. But it is ok. I am here with you and I promise not to go anywhere.”
I gently kissed his cheek, but when I pulled back his eyes were blearily fixed on me.
“Dummy, keep kissing me like that and you’ll catch my cold and then we’ll both be sick.”
“Well then we we’ll just have to take care of each other then won’t we?”
“Thank you, Penny.”
I was surprised and quiet proud of myself.
“It has been a long time since I’ve had anyone care for me like this. Thank you.”
—My MC is named Penelope so I just used that name.
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Maybe we should all sit down and pay attention.
And even they are doing things wrong, picking up and learning and trying again.
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sisterofiris · 5 years
Reinterpreting cuneiform texts in light of new evidence
Our understanding of cuneiform is wrong.
For some time now, scholars studying the Ancient Near East have been aware of this. Various signs have pointed towards this ever since the decipherment of the script, 150 years ago - for example, the ongoing disagreement about the readings of Sumerian logograms, or the fact that, as we currently understand them, some texts simply don’t make sense. But it’s only in recent years that we have truly realised the scope of the problem. It’s not simply a case of misinterpreting a few elements: our whole understanding of cuneiform is based on premises which we now know to be incorrect.
As a consequence, the entire corpus of Ancient Near Eastern literature will need to be retranslated. This would’ve been near impossible to achieve if it weren’t for a multi-university research team, which I’m honoured to be part of. Over the last few months, in collaboration with a team at the MIT, we’ve been developing a digital program which is able to recognise cuneiform signs, and transliterate and translate texts based on this new evidence. It’s been a monumental effort but as of today (April 1st 2019), the program is now online and able to be used by Ancient Near Eastern scholars everywhere.
To give you an idea of how revolutionary these new translations are, here is the beginning of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation story, as it was understood until recently:
When above the skies were not yet named and below the earth was not given a name, Apsu was the first, their forefather; the creator Tiamat was the one who bore them all. They mingled their waters together. The meadow was not yet put together, the marsh not seen, when the Gods, none of which were manifest, were not yet given names, and destinies were not allotted.
(transl. my own)
And here is the new translation, after running the cuneiform through our program:
Never named in heaven the name of the earth is unknown. Dad is the first ancestor; the Creator of Tomatoes is the Creator of all. They met in their waters. The clay is not written, dirt is not found, Gods were not found, names were never named and topics were not sent.
As you can see, some elements remain similar, but the whole gist of the text is different. This will affect not only our understanding of the Enuma Elish, but also shed new light on its influence on Greek as well as Biblical literature.
These changes aren’t restricted to Mesopotamia proper. Various other civilisations adopted the cuneiform script, and as such, their literature is also affected. I’ve personally been in charge of the Hittite branch of the project. Here is one of the myths I’ve been working on, as it was previously understood:
Inara led Hupasiya away and hid him. Inara smartened up then called Illuyanka up out of his hole: Look, I am celebrating a festival. Come eat and drink! Then Illuyanka and his sons came up, and they ate, they drank, and they drank every palḫi-jug, and they became drunk. They could not go back down their hole anymore, and Hupasiya came and tied up Illuyanka with a rope. Tarhunt came and killed Illuyanka, and the Gods were with him.
(transl. my own)
And here is the new version:
Inna Happa has returned to Hungary. Hannah worked skillfully and said to Soke: Listen, I will celebrate this occasion. Food, beverages! Yulinka and her son came to kiss and drank all the cups and drinks. They can't go out of the hole and go into the Hoopia and then visit Yamuna River. Pocahontas died and the goddess died and God was with him.
I am currently working on the surprising appearance of Pocahontas (cuneiform Pu-ka-ḫu-un-ta-aš) and what it could entail for American history. If all goes well, I will have an article published about her around this time next year.
Though, like many others, I’m daunted by the extent of these changes, I’m really looking forward to seeing where they lead us. I also highly encourage you to check out our website and translation program, which you can find here.
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ikonis · 6 years
Pre Debut:
141120 | M!Countdown | I’m Different (Bobby, Lee Hi, Suhyun)
141207 | Inkigayo | I’m Different (Bobby, Lee Hi, Suhyun)
141207 | Inkigayo | Come Here (Bobby, Masta Wu, Dok2)
141214 | Inkigayo | Come Here (Bobby, Masta Wu, Mino)
Welcome Back Era:
151004 | Inkigayo | Airplane (Debut stage)
151004 | Inkigayo | Rhythm Ta (Debut stage)
151018 | Inkigayo | Rhythm Ta
151025 | Inkigayo | Rhythm Ta
151129 | Inkigayo | Apology
151129 | Inkigayo | Anthem
151206 | Inkigayo | Apology
151213 | Inkigayo | Apology
160121 | M!Countdown | Apology (special stage)
160103 | Inkigayo | Dumb & Dumber + What’s Wrong
160107 | M!Countdown | What’s Wrong
160107 | M!Countdown | Dumb & Dumber
160110 | Inkigayo | Dumb & Dumber
160117 | Inkigayo | Dumb & Dumber
160121 | M!Countdown | Dumb & Dumber
160124 | Inkigayo | Dumb & Dumber
160124 | Inkigayo | My Type
160128 | M!Countdown | Dumb & Dumber
160911 | Inkigayo | FULL HOUSE (Debut stage)
160911 | Inkigayo | HIT ME (Debut stage)
160922 | M!Countdown | HIT ME
160922 | M!Countdown | HOLUP! (Bobby solo)
New Kids: Begin Era:
170527 | Music Core | B-DAY
170527 | Music Core | BLING BLING
170528 | Inkigayo | B-DAY
170528 | Inkigayo | BLING BLING
170603 | Music Core | BLING BLING
170604 | Inkigayo | BLING BLING
170610 | Music Core | BLING BLING
170611 | Inkigayo | BLING BLING
170618 | Inkigayo | BLING BLING
170624 | Music Core | B-DAY
170625 | Inkigayo | B-DAY
170701 | Music Core | B-DAY
170702 | Inkigayo | B-DAY
170924 | Inkigayo | I love you
170924 | Inkigayo | Runaway
180127 | Music Core | Love Scenario
180128 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario
180128 | Inkigayo | Beautiful
180203 | Music Core | Love Scenario
180204 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario
180218 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario
180224 | Music Core | Love Scenario
180225 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario
180303 | Music Core | Love Scenario
180304 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario
180310 | Music Core | Love Scenario
180311 | Inkigayo | Rubber Band
180317 | Music Core | Rubber Band
180318 | Inkigayo | Rubber Band
180325 | Inkigayo | Rubber Band
180331 | Music Core | Rubber Band
180401 | Inkigayo | Rubber Band
180804 | Music Core | KILLING ME
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM + TS Files for both per.
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Donghyuk Focus
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Jinhwan Focus
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Bobby Focus
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Junhoe Focus
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Hanbin Focus
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM Chanwoo Focus
180804 | Music Core | KILLING ME Hanbin Focus
180804 | Music Core | KILLING ME Yunhyeong Focus
180804 | Music Core | KILLING ME 4K Dance
180804 | Music Core | FREEDOM 4K Dance
180805 | Inkigayo | KILLING ME
180805 | Inkigayo | FREEDOM +TS Files for both per.
180812 | Inkigayo | KILLING ME + TS FILE
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD
181006 | Music Core | ADORE YOU + TS File for both per.
181006 | Music Core | GOODYBE ROAD 4K Dance
181006 | Music Core | ADORE YOU 4K Dance
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Hanbin Focus
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Bobby Focus
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Yunhyeong Focus
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Jinhwan Focus
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Junhoe Focus
181006 | Music Core | GOODBYE ROAD Donghyuk Focus
181006 | Music Core | ADORE YOU Chanwoo Focus
181006 | Music Core | ADORE YOU Yunhyeong Focus
181007 | Inkigayo | GOODBYE ROAD
181007 | Inkigayo | ADORE YOU + TS File for both perf.
181014 | Inkigayo | GOODBYE ROAD + 1ST OF WEEK + TS FILE
181021 | Inkigayo | GOODBYE ROAD + TS FILE
2014 MAMA AWARDS (double b/pre debut)
2014 SBS GAYODAEJUN (double b/pre debut)
2015 NETEASE ATTITUDE AWARDS (bad quality)
2016 QQ MUSIC AWARDS (bad quality)
2016 CHINA MUSIC AWARDS (bad quality)
2017 SBS Super Model Contest (unzip PW: kpop24hrs.com)
2018 JTBC Two Yoo Project "SUGARMAN 2" EP.5 ‘Everything To You’ + Rehearsal Ver. 
2018 Hongki University Festival (starts at 02:04:00)
2018 Yonsei University Festival + June wink
2018 KOREA MUSIC FESTIVAL: Flowery Carpet - Love Scenario - Beautiful - B-DAY - TALK SEGMENT
2018 SBS Super Concert / TP download + alternative download
2018 SCHOOL ATTACK performance: “Intro + Love Scenario + My Type”
2018 iKON at Asian Games in Jakarta, Indonesia + TS download
2018 DMCF DJ CON Killing Me + Love Scenario + LIVE CAM + TP File
2018 DMCF LIVE CAM LOVE SCENARIO -> Donghyuk / June / Bobby / Jinhwan / Chanwoo / Hanbin / Yunhyeong
2018 DMCF LIVE CAM KILLING ME -> Donghyuk / June / Bobby / Jinhwan / Chanwoo / Hanbin / Yunhyeong
2018 SBS Super Concert in Suwon iKON CUTS (NO SUB)
2018 iKON Nivea Opening Party Goodbye Road / Love Scenario / Rhythm Ta Photowall
2018 MBN Hero Concert: Goodbye Road / Love Scenario  / Rhythm Ta  + FULL FANCAM
2018 Asia Artist Award + Red Carpet: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (starts at 47:00) + FULL iKON CUT TP download
2018 MMA iKON’s performance + TS FILE (all iKON cuts including red carpet) + alternative TS FILE + Fancam Intro (bcs the official one didn’t catch the whole dance) + official 1theK Fancam Intro & Love Scenario + official solo fancams: Hanbin | Jinhwan | Bobby
MMA X 1theK ‘Energy Up’ Interview
2018 MMA iKON reading fans comments
2018 Yunhyeong, Hanbin & Jinhwan A Awards Red Carpet 1 | 2
2018 SBS GAYO DAEJUN + Red Carpet + TS FILE & alternative TS FILE + Hanbin Behind the stage TS FILE (NO SUBS)
2018 V HEARTBEAT Year End Party (02:53:00) + Red Carpet (00:39:05) + [CENTER CAMERA] Love Scenario + [CENTER CAMERA] Goodbye Road + [CENTER CAMERA| Rhythm Ta + [CENTER CAMERA] B-DAY
2018 MBC GAYO DAEJUN + FULL CUT TS FILE + alternative TS download
2019 Golden Disc Awards Full Performance + Red Carpet Interview + Backstage After Win Interview 1 + Backstage Interview 2 + iKON FULL TS CUT (NO SUBS) + Red Carpet (another angle) + Red Carpet (another angle 2)
2019 Seoul Music Awards + Red Carpet
2019 Golden Disc Awards + FULL iKON CUT TS.
2019 8th GAON CHART AWARDS + FULL iKON Cut TS. + Red Carpet
2019 Pyeongchang Olympic Anniv. Festival in Gangneung: Love Scenario  + DK Focus GDR + Bobby focus RHT + full performance (fancam)
2019 iKON Samsung Event in PH Full + Fancams 
2016 JAPAN RECORD AWARDS (NO SUBS) + jinhwan trs.
2017 GAON CHART K-POP AWARDS (2nd award/NO SUBS) + trs.
2018 Asia Artist Awards ‘Best Musician Award’
2018 MMA Full Cut including red carpet & all wins
2018 MMA ‘MelOn TOP 10 Award’ (NO SUBS) + trs
2018 MMA ‘Best Songwriter Award’ (Hanbin) (NO SUBS) + trs.
2018 MMA ‘Best Song of The Year Award’ (NO SUBS) + trs.
2019 Golden Disc Awards Full Speech Bonsang (NO SUBS)
2019 Golden Disc Awards Full Speech Daesang (Digital SOTY) (NO SUBS) + Eng Sub
151004 | Inkigayo | My Type (3nd win)
180218 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario (2nd win)
180224 | Music Core | Love Scenario (3rd Win)
180225 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario (4th Win)
180303 | Music Core | Love Scenario (7th Win)
180304 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario (8th Win) + encore
180310 | Inkigayo | Love Scenario (11th Win)
181014 | Inkigayo | Goodbye Road (5th Win)
140 notes · View notes