#t mobile blaine
mobileservicescenter · 5 months
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crossdreamers · 4 years
Here are the US representatives who voted against the US pro-LGBT+ Equality Act
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The US Equality Act is to outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ people in housing, credit, jury service, public accommodations, and federal funding.
The House of Representatives passed the legislation yesterday, but it is unlikely that the Senate will follow up, given the Republican Party's increasing hostility to queer people. They are currently weaponizing transphobia in an attempt at mobilizing their base.
In the Senate the bill will require at least 10 Republicans to vote with all Democrats to advance past the so-called filibuster.
Metro Weekly has listed the representatives that voted against the law in the House.
Photo of Rep. Marie Newman.
Robert Aderholt
Mo Brooks
Jerry Carl
Barry Moore
Gary Palmer
Mike Rogers
Don Young
Andy Biggs
Paul A. Gosar
Debbie Lesko
David Schweikert
Rick Crawford
French Hill
Bruce Westerman
Steve Womack
Ken Calvert
Darrell Issa
Mike Garcia
Young Kim
Doug LaMalfa
Kevin McCarthy
Tom McClintock
Devin Nunes
Jay Obernolte
Michelle Steel
David G. Valadao
Lauren Boebert
Ken Buck
Doug Lamborn
Gus M. Bilirakis
Vern Buchanan
Kat Cammack
Mario Diaz-Balart
Byron Donalds
Neal Dunn
C. Scott Franklin
Matt Gaetz
Carlos A. Gimenez
Brian Mast
Bill Posey
John Rutherford
Maria Elvira Salazar
W. Gregory Steube
Michael Waltz
Daniel Webster
Rick Allen
Buddy Carter
Andrew S. Clyde
A. Drew Ferguson
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Jody Hice
Barry Loudermilk
Austin Scott
David Scott
Russ Fulcher
Mike Simpson
Mike Bost
Rodney Davis
Darin LaHood
Adam Kinzinger
Mary E. Miller
Jim Banks
James Baird
Larry Bucshon
Trey Hollingsworth
Greg Pence
Victoria Spartz
Jackie Walorski
Randy Feenstra
Ashley Hinson
Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Ron Estes
Jake LaTurner
Tracey Mann
Andy Barr
James Comer
S. Brett Guthrie
Thomas Massie
Harold Rogers
Clay Higgins
Garret Graves
Mike Johnson
Steve Scalise
Andy Harris
Jack Bergman
Bill Huizenga
Lisa C. McClain
Peter Meijer
John Moolenaar
Fred Upton
Tim Walberg
Tom Emmer
Michelle Fischbach
Jim Hagedorn
Pete Stauber
Michael Guest
Trent Kelly
Steven Palazzo
Sam Graves
Vicky Hartzler
Billy Long
Blaine Luetkemeyer
Jason Smith
Ann Wagner
Matthew M. Rosendale
Don Bacon
Jeff Fortenberry
Adrian Smith
Mark Amodei
New Jersey:
Chris Smith
Jefferson Van Drew
New Mexico:
Yvette Herrell
New York:
Andrew R. Garbarino
Chris Jacobs
Nicole Malliotakis
Elise Stefanik
Claudia Tenney
Lee Zeldin
North Carolina:
Dan Bishop
Ted Budd
Madison Cawthorn
Gregory Francis Murphy
Virginia Foxx
Richard Hudson
Patrick T. McHenry
David Rouzer
North Dakota:
Kelly Armstrong
Troy Balderson
Steve Chabot
Warren Davidson
Bob Gibbs
Anthony Gonzalez
Jim Jordan
Bill Johnson
David Joyce
Robert E. Latta
Steve Stivers
Michael Turner
Brad Wenstrup
Stephanie I. Bice
Tom Cole
Kevin Hern
Frank Lucas
Markwayne Mullin
Cliff Bentz
John Joyce
Mike Kelly
Daniel Meuser
Scott Perry
Guy Reschenthaler
Lloyd Smucker
Glenn Thompson
South Carolina:
Jeff Duncan
Nancy Mace
Ralph Norman
Tom Rice
William Timmons
Joe Wilson
South Dakota:
Dusty Johnson
Timm Burchett
Scott DesJarlais
Chuck Fleischmann
Mark Green
Diana Harshbarger
David Kustoff
John W. Rose
Jodey Arrington
Brian Babin
Kevin Bady
Michael Burgess
John Carter
Michael Cloud
Dan Crenshaw
Pat Fallon
Louie Gohmert
Tony Gonzales
Lance Gooden
Kay Granger
Ronny Jackson
Michael T. McCaul
Troy E. Nehls
August Pfluger
Chip Roy
Pete Sessions
Van Taylor
Beth Van Duyne
Randy Weber
Roger Williams
John R. Curtis
Blake D. Moore
Burgess Owens
Christ Stewart
Ben Cline
Bob Good
Morgan Griffith
Robert J. Wittman
Jaime Herrera Beutler
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Dan Newhous
West Virginia:
David McKinley
Carol Miller
Alex Mooney
Scott Fitzgerald
Mike Gallagher
Glenn Grothman
Bryan Steil
Thomas P. Tiffany
Liz Cheney
All Democrats voted for the legislation, as did three Republicans.
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Runaway - Part Fifteen
Concept: Hazel Richards is a twenty-year-old woman living in London. When she meets a mysterious time-travelling alien known only as the Hunter, she’s thrust into a world of wonder she could only have imagined.
Warnings: swearing, follows S1 of Doctor Who.
Mike Denman stepped off the train at Cardiff Central railway station and headed to the Roald Dahl Plass. He smiled when he saw the TARDIS parked just in front of the huge water tower, walked up, and knocked on the door. It swung open to show a handsome man with dark hair and a confused expression. "Who the hell are you?"
"What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" Mike demanded.
"Captain Jack Harkness." He flashed his signature brilliant smile. "Whatever you're selling, we're not buying."
Mike narrowed his eyes. "Get out of my way!" He pushed past Jack and into the TARDIS, making the man roll his eyes as he closed the door.
"Don't tell me. This must be the pikey you were telling me about."
The Hunter beamed down at them from a ladder, where she was fixing a light fitting on the wall. She was wearing a white t-shirt with blue skinny jeans, and ankle boots. "Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Spike?"
"It's Mike!"
Hazel rolled her eyes, sipping from a cup of hot chocolate. Judging both by this and her thick hoodie, she wasn't planning on running around much today. Maybe they'd be able to have a quiet day together for once? "Don't listen to her, she's winding you up."
"Damn right, I am," the Hunter muttered in the background, smirking.
"You look fantastic," Mike told Hazel, hugging her. Startled, she held her hot chocolate out of the way and hoped it wouldn't spill.
"Aw, sweet, look at these two," Jack sighed, leaning against the console next to the ladder. "How come I never get any of that?"
"Well, you'd have to buy me a drink first," the Hunter told him, winking.
He sighed despairingly. "You're such hard work."
"Yeah, but worth every bit of it," she smirked.
"Did you manage to find them?" Hazel asked eagerly.
"There you go," Mike smiled, handing over the fake IDs and passport. Little did he know, the IDs were in for a cathartic burning session later - it'd been Jack's idea.
Hazel grinned. "I can go anywhere now."
"I told you, you don't need a passport," the Hunter rolled her eyes, making her way down the ladder.
"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it," Hazel pointed out. "You see, I'm prepared for anything."
"Sounds like you're staying then," Mike noticed. Everybody looked at him, and he changed the subject. "So what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with Soulless Samantha over there."
"Oi!" the Hunter exclaimed.
"Listen to yourself," Mike sneered. "But this guy, I don't know, he's kind of -"
"Handsome?" Jack suggested, grinning.
"More like cheesy," Mike corrected, clearly not impressed.
Jack looked to the Hunter. "Queenie, early twenty first century slang. Is cheesy good or bad?"
"It's bad," Mike deadpanned before she could get a word in.
"But bad means good, isn't that right?" Jack shrugged.
"Are you saying I'm not handsome?" the Hunter asked, nudging him.
"You're not handsome, you're beautiful," Jack told her, making her grin.
"We just stopped off," Hazel cut in, seeing Mike looking at them with disgust. "We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions."
"The rift was healed back in 1869," the Hunter continued.
"Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth," Hazel added, "because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway, but she saved the world and closed it."
"But closing a rift always leaves a scar," Jack explained, "and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race -"
The Hunter nodded. "But perfect for the TARDIS, so just park her here for a couple of days right on top of the scar, and -"
"Open up the engines, soak up the radiation," Jack continued.
"Like filling her up with petrol and off we go!" Hazel cheered.
"Into time!" Jack exclaimed.
"And space!" they all shouted together, high-fiving.
Mike just stared at them for a moment. "My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you?"
"Yeah," Hazel nodded.
"Yep!" Jack agreed.
"It does seem to be the general consensus," the Hunter shrugged, leading them out onto Roald Dahl Plass and locking the door behind them. "Should take another twenty four hours, which means we've got time to kill."
"That old lady's staring," Mike noticed.
Jack smirked. "Probably wondering what four people could do inside a small wooden box."
Mike stared at him, looking horrified by the mere suggestion. "What are you captain of, the Innuendo Squad?"
"Well, actually -"
"Jack!" Hazel exclaimed, and they both burst out laughing, the Hunter watching fondly.
"Wait, the TARDIS, we can't just leave it," Mike protested as they started walking away. "Doesn't it get noticed?"
"Yeah, what's with the police box?" Jack asked. "Why does it look like that?"
"It's a cloaking device," Hazel told them.
"It's called a chameleon circuit," the Hunter explained. "The TARDIS is meant to disguise herself wherever she lands, like if this was Ancient Rome, she'd be a statue on a plinth or something. But I landed in the '60s, she disguised herself as a police box, and the circuit got stuck."
"So it copied a real thing?" Mike asked. "There actually was police boxes?"
"Yeah, on street corners," the Hunter nodded. "Phone for help before they had radios and mobiles. If they arrested someone, they could shove them inside till help came, like a little prison cell."
Jack shook his head slightly. That didn't sound too pleasant. "Why don't you just fix the circuit?"
She pouted. "I like it, don't you?"
"I love it," Hazel grinned.
"But that's what I meant," Mike said, pulling the conversation back to him. "There's no police boxes anymore, so doesn't it get noticed?"
The Hunter smiled, standing in front of him with her hands on his shoulders. Despite being an inch or so shorter, she still intimidated him, and he didn't even know the whole of what she could do. "Spike, let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap bang in the middle of town, what do they do? Walk past it. Now, stop your nagging. Let's go and explore!" They set off walking again.
"What's the plan?" Hazel asked, looping her arms through both Jack's and the Hunter's.
The Time Lady shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Cardiff, early twenty first century, and the wind's coming from the east. Trust me. Safest place in the universe."
They ended up in a small restaurant on the jetty, where Jack was telling them stories from his previous adventures.
"I swear, six feet tall and with big tusks!" he was saying.
"You're lying through your teeth!" the Hunter accused, laughing.
"I'd have gone bonkers!" Hazel cried, holding onto the table to keep her from falling out of her seat with laughter. "That's the word - bonkers!"
"I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean tusks!" Jack enthused. "And it's woken, and it's not happy."
"How could you not know it was there?" the Hunter demanded, her eyes wide and filled with happy tears.
"And we're standing there, fifteen of us, naked -"
"Naked?!" Hazel echoed, crying with laughter.
"And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me," Jack continued. "And then it roars, and we are running, oh my God, we are running! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and I say -"
"I knew we should've turned left!" Mike cried.
"That's my line!" Jack exclaimed as Hazel burst out laughing all over again.
"I don't believe you!" she sighed, wiping her cheeks. "I don't believe a word you say ever. That is so brilliant! Did you ever get your clothes back?" The Hunter borrowed a newspaper from the next table, her good mood swiftly dissipating.
"No, I just picked him up, went right for the ship, full throttle. Didn't stop until I hit the spacelanes. I was shaking. It was unbelievable. It freaked me out, and by the time I got fifteen light years away I realised I'm like this."
The Hunter sighed disappointedly. "And I was having such a nice day." She showed them the newspaper, the front page of which showed Margaret Blaine as the new Lord Mayor of Cardiff.
In the foyer of the City Hall, Jack began to outline what they already knew about Margaret. "According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit." He nodded. "Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Queenie, you go face to face. That'll designate Exit One. I'll cover Exit Two. Jules, you're on Exit Three. Mike, you take Exit Four. Have you got that?"
The Hunter raised her eyebrows at him pointedly. "Excuse me. Who's in charge here?"
Jack bit his lip to hide a smile. "Sorry. Awaiting orders, your Majesty."
"Right, here's the plan." She paused, smirking. "Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else?"
"Present arms," Jack ordered. Each of them pulled out a mobile phone, except for the Hunter, who was fixing a Bluetooth unit to her ear.
"Ready," she nodded.
"Ready," Hazel stated.
"Ready," Mike agreed.
"Ready," Jack smiled. "Speed dial?"
"Yep," the Hunter grinned, sonicing the device.
"Ready," Hazel seconded.
"Check," Mike nodded.
Jack flashed a brilliant smile. "See you in hell."
The Hunter followed the signs through to the outer area of the Lord Mayor's office, where a young man was sitting at his desk just outside the door. "Hello," she smiled warmly. "I've come to see the Lord Mayor."
"Have you got an appointment?" the young man asked politely.
"No, just an old friend passing by. Bit of a surprise," she grinned. "Can't wait to see her face."
"Well, she's just having a cup of tea," he stated.
"Just go in there and tell her the Hunter would like to see her."
"The Hunter?" he echoed.
"Yeah, it's an inside joke," the Hunter lied. "Tell her exactly that. The Hunter."
"Hang on a tick," the man smiled, and went into the office. The Hunter waited patiently, smirking when she heard a teacup smash on the floor, then smiling politely when the man came back out, looking flustered. "The Lord Mayor says thank you for popping by. She'd love to have a chat, but, er, she's up to her eyes in paperwork. Perhaps if you could make an appointment for next week?"
The Hunter looked at him pityingly. "She's climbing out of the window, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is," he admitted, sighing in relief.
"Slitheen heading north," she reported, pushing past the man, through the office and out onto the balcony.
"On my way," Hazel replied.
"Over and out," Jack agreed.
"Oh my God!" Mike wailed.
"Leave the Lord Mayor alone!" the man cried, trying to pull the Hunter back from following Margaret as she climbed down a ladder on some scaffolding on the side of the building.
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on." She telekinetically threw the man back into the office, locking the balcony behind him. "It's like you're not even trying."
Margaret reached the bottom of the ladder and took off her brooch, starting to run. When she saw Hazel running towards her, she snarled, removing her right earring. Then Jack came running from the opposite direction.
"Margaret!" the Hunter taunted, seeing she was running in the only available direction - across the front of the building. She joined Jack and Hazel at the entrance to the alleyway at the front of the building, seeing Margaret running away from them.
"Who's on Exit Four?" Jack demanded.
"That was Mike!" Hazel supplied.
"Here I am," Mike announced, running out with one foot in a bucket.
"Oh, you pikey," the Hunter scoffed.
"Be fair, she's not exactly going to outrun us, is she?" Hazel pointed out, at which point Margaret vanished.
"She's got a teleport! That's cheating!" Jack complained. "Now we're never going to get her."
"Oh, Artie's very good at teleports," Hazel assured him.
The Hunter buzzed the sonic screwdriver in the direction of Margaret's disappearance, and she reappeared, running towards them. She frowned, turned around and vanished again, but the Hunter just brought her back. The next time she was brought back, she was standing right in front of them, and panting hard. "Do you know, I could actually do this all day," the Hunter remarked conversationally, looking down at Margaret with no pity.
"This is persecution," Margaret accused. "Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?"
"You tried to kill me, my friend Hazel here, and destroy the entire planet," the Hunter pointed out bluntly.
Margaret blinked. "Apart from that."
"So, you're a Slitheen, you're on Earth, you're trapped," the Hunter mused, leading them into the presentation room of the City Hall, in which the centrepiece was a model of a nuclear power station. "Your family get killed, but you teleport out just in the nick of time. You have no means of escape. What do you do? You build a nuclear power station. But what for?"
"A philanthropic gesture," Margaret shrugged airily. "I've learnt the error of my ways."
The Hunter scoffed. "And it just so happens to be right on top of the rift."
"What rift would that be?" Margaret asked innocently.
"A rift in space and time," Jack answered. "If this power station went into meltdown, the entire planet would go -" He mimed an implosion with his hands, adding the appropriate sound effects.
"This station is designed to explode the minute it reaches capacity," the Hunter stated, looking at the model.
"Didn't anyone notice?" Hazel frowned. "Isn't there someone in London checking this sort of stuff?"
"We're in Cardiff," Margaret deadpanned. "London doesn't care. The South Wales coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice." She made a face. "Oh, I sound like a Welshman. God help me, I've gone native."
"But why would she do that?" Mike asked. "A great big explosion, she'd only end up killing herself."
"She's got a name, you know," Margaret pointed out icily.
"She's not even a she, she's a thing," Mike countered.
"Oh, but she's clever," the Hunter smiled. With her metal hand, she yanked the middle section from the model and turned it over to reveal circuitry. "Fantastic."
"Is that a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?" Jack asked excitedly.
The Hunter grinned, handing it over. "Couldn't have put it better myself."
"Ooh, genius!" Jack exclaimed. "You didn't build this."
"I have my hobbies," Margaret shrugged. "A little tinkering."
"No, no, no, no," Jack shook his head. "I mean, you really didn't build this. Way beyond you."
"I bet she stole it," Mike accused.
"It fell into my hands," Margaret said defensively.
"Is it a weapon?" Hazel inquired.
"It's transport," Jack told her, grinning. "You see, if the reactor blows, the rift opens. Phenomenal cosmic disaster. But this thing shrouds you in a forcefield. You have this energy bubble, so you're safe." He put the extrapolator on the ground. "Then you feed it co-ordinates, stand on top, and ride the concussion all the way out of the solar system." He stood on top demonstratively.
"It's a surfboard," Mickey realised.
"A pan-dimensional surfboard, yeah," Jack nodded.
"And it would've worked," Margaret grumbled. "I'd have surfed away from this dead end dump and back to civilisation."
Hazel frowned. "Isn't there supposed to be something about meddling kids in there?"
"You'd blow up a whole planet just to get a lift?" Mike asked, wondering why the others weren't too shocked.
"Like stepping on an anthill," Margaret smirked.
"How'd you think of the name?" the Hunter asked. She was looking at one of the banners with an expression of concern.
"What, Blaidd Drwg?" Margaret shrugged. "It's Welsh."
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "I know, but how did you think of it?"
"I chose it at random, that's all. I don't know, it just sounded good. Does it matter?"
"Blaidd Drwg," the Hunter mused, frowning.
"What's it mean?" Hazel asked.
"Bad Wolf," the Time Lady replied.
Hazel flinched, and Jack put his arm around her shoulder's - much to Mike's annoyance. "But I've heard that before. Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times."
"Everywhere we go," the Hunter narrowed her eyes. "Two words following us. Bad Wolf."
"How can they be following us?" Hazel whispered.
The Hunter shared a look with Jack, both of them clocking how scared Hazel actually was. "Nah, just a coincidence. Like hearing a word on the radio then hearing it all day. Never mind. Things to do. Margaret, we're going to take you home."
Jack blinked. "Hold on, isn't that the easy option, like letting her go?"
"I don't believe it!" Hazel exclaimed. "We actually get to go to Raxa - wait a minute. Raxacor -"
"Raxacoricofallapatorius," the Hunter told her in amusement.
"Raxacorico -"
"- fallapatorius."
"Raxacoricofallapatorius." Hazel's eyes widened. "That's it! I did it!" She and the Hunter hugged in celebration.
"They have the death penalty," Margaret cut in, ruining the ambience. "The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago, and found guilty with no chance of appeal. According to the statutes of government, the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do you make of that, Hunter? Take me home and you take me to my death."
The Hunter regarded her coldly with those steely blue eyes. "That sounds like a not me problem."
Night had fallen by the time they got Margaret to the TARDIS.
"This ship is impossible," she exclaimed as Hazel shut the door behind them. "It's superb. How do you get the outside around the inside?"
"Like I'd give you the secret," the Hunter scoffed.
"I almost feel better about being defeated," Margaret admitted. "I never stood a chance. This is the technology of the gods."
The Hunter smirked. "Well, now you mention it..." She turned her attention to the extrapolator. "Jack, how's it going?"
"This extrapolator's top of the range," he told her, glancing up at Margaret. "Where did you get it?"
"Oh, I don't know. Some airlock sale?"
"Must have been a great big heist," Jack translated. "It's stacked with power."
"But we can use it for fuel?" the Hunter asked.
"It's not compatible, but it should knock off about twelve hours," Jack nodded. "We'll be ready to go by morning."
She sighed, but nodded. "Then we're stuck here overnight."
"I'm in no hurry," Margaret piped up.
Hazel smirked, sitting cross-legged on the jump seat. "We've got a prisoner. The police box really is a police box."
"You're not just police, though," Margaret pointed out. "Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you."
"Well, you deserve it," Mike shrugged.
"You're very quick to say so," Margaret noticed. "You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood, which makes you better than me how, exactly? Long night ahead. Let's see who can look me in the eye."
Mickey looked away before she even met his eyes, and neither Hazel nor Jack held her gaze for more than a few seconds. When she looked to the Hunter, though, she gasped, seeing the woman casually making several paperweights float about her head with her metal arm.
"You're a -!"
"A what?" the Hunter asked, smirking. "A mutant Time Lord? Now, now, Maggie, don't be a bitch. You're hardly my first dead body. How's about you sit down and shut up?" Stunned, Margaret did so.
"It's freezing out here," Hazel complained as she joined Mike outside the TARDIS, keeping her hands cosy in her hoodie pocket.
"Better than in there," Mike huffed. "She does deserve it. She's a Slitheen. I don't care. It's just weird in that box."
"I didn't really need the passport," Hazel confessed. "Or the IDs."
Mike smiled. "I've been thinking, you know, we could go have a drink. Have a pizza or something. Just you and me."
"I guess," Hazel shrugged. He was still her friend, she just didn't want to deal with the awkward 'are you staying' crap.
"And I mean, if the TARDIS can't leave until morning, we could go to a hotel, spend the night." Hazel raised her eyebrows incredulously, and he backtracked. "I mean, if you want to. I've got some money."
"Mike, can I ask you a question?" Hazel bit her lip.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Are you seriously still labouring under the impression that I'm straight?" Mike blinked, and she laughed. "Oh, come on! How many times have I told you? It's been four years!"
"Oh, shut up!" he complained, not meeting her eyes. "Of course I knew. I just... You never know."
She narrowed her eyes. "What part of not attracted to men are you not getting?"
"Well, you know, I'm different," he shrugged. "I'm your mate."
"Yeah, and I'm gay," she stressed, raising her eyebrows.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. There's a couple bars around here. We should give them a go, you know, before we go for pizza." He saw her glance back at the TARDIS. "Do you have to go and tell her?"
She shook her head. "She knows."
Inside the TARDIS, the Hunter shook her head, watching them walk away on the monitor.
"What?" Jack asked, coming to see.
"He's trying so hard to get in there," she told him, snorting. "It's pitiful."
"Does he know she's gay?" Jack frowned.
"Oh, yeah," the Hunter nodded. "She says she's been telling him for four years."
"What a dick," Jack muttered.
"I gather it's not always like this, having to wait. I bet you're always the first to leave, Hunter. Never mind the consequences, off you go. You butchered my family and then ran for the stars, am I right? But not this time," Margaret smirked. "At last you have consequences. How does it feel?"
The Hunter scoffed. "I didn't butcher them."
"Don't answer back," Jack complained. "You know that's what she wants."
"Well, I didn't," she shrugged, before turning back to Margaret. "What about you? You had an emergency teleport. You didn't zap them to safety, did you?"
"It only carries one," Margaret explained. "I had to fly without co-ordinates. I ended up on a skip in the Isle of Dogs." Jack and the Hunter snorted. "It wasn't funny!"
"Sorry," the Hunter apologised, then snickered. "It is a bit funny."
Margaret rolled her eyes tiresomely. "Do I get a last request?"
"Depends what it is," the Hunter shrugged.
"I grew quite fond of my little human life," Margaret admitted. "All those rituals. The brushing of the teeth, and the complicated way they cook things. There's a little restaurant just round the Bay. It became quite a favourite of mine."
The Hunter frowned. "Is that was you want, a last meal?"
"Don't I have rights?" she pleaded.
Jack scoffed. "Oh, like she's not going to try to escape."
"Except I can never escape the Hunter, so where's the danger?" Margaret shot back, before looking to the Hunter. "I wonder if you could do it? To sit with a creature you're about to kill and take supper. How strong is your stomach?"
"Strong enough," the Hunter assured her.
"I wonder," Margaret mused. "I've seen you fight your enemies, now dine with them."
The Time Lady snorted. "You won't change my mind."
"Prove it," the Raxacoricofallapatorian snarled.
"There are people out there," the Hunter pointed out. And Hazel. "If you slip away just for one second, they'll be in danger."
"Except I've got these," Jack stated, holding up two bangles. "You both wear one. If she moves more than ten feet away, she gets zapped by ten thousand volts."
The Hunter eyed them. "Do I even want to know?"
"Not in the slightest," Jack promised, smirking.
She rolled her eyes, smiling, then turned to their captive. "Margaret, would you like to come out to dinner? My treat."
Margaret smirked. "Dinner in bondage. Works for me."
"Here we are, out on a date, and you haven't even asked my proper name," Margaret sighed as they settled in their chairs, the Hunter grabbing a menu.
She rolled her eyes. "It's not a date. What's your name?"
"Blon," Margaret replied. "I am Blon Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen. That's what it'll say on my death certificate."
The Hunter smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, Blon."
"I'm sure." Margaret pointed towards the window. "Look, that's where I was living as Margaret. nice little flat, over there, on the top. Next to the one with the light on." The Hunter turned to look, and Margaret emptied powder from her ring into her wine glass. "Two bedrooms, bayside view. I was rather content. Don't suppose I'll see it again."
The Hunter turned back around, eyed Margaret, then swapped the glasses. "Suppose not."
"Thank you."
"Tell me then, Hunter. What do you know of our species?" Margaret wondered.
"Only what I've seen," the Time Lady replied, looking at the menu.
"Did you know, for example, in extreme cases, when her life is in danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger?" She shot the dart, and the Hunter crushed it between metal fingers without looking up.
"Yes, I did."
"Just checking." Margaret leaned forwards. "And one more thing. Between you and me." The Hunter leaned forwards too. "As a final resort, the excess poison can be exhaled through the lungs." Margaret made to exhale, but the Hunter spritzed a breath freshener in her mouth.
"That's better," she grinned, before going back to her menu. "Now then, what do you think? Mmm, steak looks nice. Steak and chips."
Hazel and Mike had been to a few of the bars and were now leaning against the railings on Mermaid Quay. "The Hunter took me to this planet a while back," Hazel was saying. "It was much colder than this. They called it Woman Wept. The planet was actually called Woman Wept, because if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, all curved round. It sort of looked like a woman, you know, lamenting. Oh my God, and we went to this beach, right. No people, no buildings, just this beach like a thousand miles across. And something had happened, something to do with the sun, I don't know, but the sea had just frozen. In a split second, in the middle of a storm, right, waves and foam, just frozen, all the way out to the horizon. Midnight, right, we walk underneath these waves a hundred feet tall, made of ice." She smiled at the memory.
"I'm going out with Trisha Delaney," Mike blurted.
"Right," Hazel said, blinking. "Okay. That's nice. Trisha from the shop?"
"Yeah, Rob Delaney's sister," Mike clarified.
"Well, she's nice," Hazel nodded. "I thought you said you'd never date her."
"She lost weight," he shrugged. "You've been away."
"Well, good for you. She's nice," Hazel smiled.
"So tell us a bit more about this planet, then," he requested.
She shook her head, blowing out a breath. "That was it, really." No way was she telling him the stuff the Hunter had confided in her that day.
"Public execution's a slow death," Margaret stated conversationally as their steaks arrived. "They prepare a thin acetic acid, lower me into the cauldron and boil me. The acidity is perfectly gauged to strip away the skin. Internal organs fall out into the liquid, and I become soup. And still alive, still screaming."
"I don't make the law," the Hunter shrugged, stabbing a chip with her fork.
"But you deliver it," Margaret pointed out. "Will you stay to watch?"
The Hunter sighed. "What else can I do?"
"The Slitheen family's huge. There's a lot more of us, all scattered off-world. Take me to them," Margaret pleaded. "Take me somewhere safe."
"Yeah, and you'll just start again," the Hunter deadpanned.
"I promise I won't," Margaret stated hopefully.
The Hunter shook her head, scoffing. "You've been in that skin suit too long. You've forgotten. There used to be a real Margaret Blaine. You killed her and stripped her and used the skin. You're pleading for mercy out of a dead woman's lips."
"Perhaps I have got used to it," Margaret sighed. "A human life, an ordinary life. That's all I'm asking. Give me a chance, Hunter. I can change."
"I don't believe you," the Hunter stated, cutting into her steak.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Mike asked.
Hazel shrugged. "Don't mind."
"We could ask about hotels," he suggested.
"I'm just as gay as I was an hour ago," she rolled her eyes. "'Sides, what would Trisha Delaney say?"
"Suppose," Mike sighed. "There's a bar down there with a Spanish name or something -"
"You're not dating Trisha Delaney!" Hazel interrupted.
"Oh, is that right?" Mike scowled. "What the hell do you know?"
"I saw her three days ago cradling her firstborn child!" Hazel shot back, remembering when she'd got takeaway for herself, the Hunter, and Jack. "So who the hell do you think you're kidding?"
"At least I know where she is!" Mike shouted.
Hazel scoffed, shaking her head. "There we are, then. It's got nothing to do with Trisha. This is about me again, isn't it -?"
"You left me!" Mike cut her off. "We were nice, we were happy. And then what? You run off with her and you make me feel like nothing, Hazel. I was nothing. I can't even go out with a stupid girl from a shop because you pick up the phone and I come running. I mean, is that what I am, Hazel, standby? Am I just supposed to sit here for the rest of my life, waiting for you? Because I will."
Hazel stepped back, her eyes wide. "I'm... sorry?"
"I promise you I've changed since we last met, Hunter," Margaret implored. "There was this girl, just today. A young thing, something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the bloodlust rising, just as the family taught me. I was going to kill her without a thought. And then I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now. She's walking around this city because I can change. I did change. I know I can't prove it -"
"I believe you," the Hunter cut her off.
"Then you know I'm capable of better."
She shook her head. "It doesn't mean anything."
"I spared her life!" Margaret protested.
"You let one of them go, but that's nothing new," the Hunter shrugged. "Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind."
"Only a killer would know that," Margaret accused, making the Hunter roll her eyes. "Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many people's lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Hunter. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go," she pleaded.
"I'm not asking you to leave her, because I know that's not fair," Mike said. "But I just need something, yeah? Some sort of promise that when you do come back, you're coming back for me."
There was a deep rumble in the distance, and Hazel looked up, frowning. "Is that thunder?"
"Does it matter?" Mike huffed, exasperated.
"That's not thunder," Hazel realised, hearing it again.
"In the family Slitheen, we had no choice," Margaret explained. "I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill. It's all I know." She huffed impatiently as the Hunter looked around, frowning.
"Can you hear that?"
"I'm begging for my life, you could at least pretend to listen," Margaret complained.
"No, listen, shush," the Hunter muttered, pointing to her empty wine glass, which was vibrating. Suddenly the windows shattered, and the customers started screaming.
People outside ran cover as windows and street lights exploded. Hazel made a decision, running towards Roald Dahl Plass.
"Oh go on then, run! It's her again, isn't it? It's the Hunter! It's always the Hunter! It's always going to be the Hunter! It's never me!" Mike shouted bitterly.
Hazel turned on him. "Yeah, because she and Jack, they're more my family than you ever were. You call me when you've decided you're going to accept us." Then she turned her back on him and ran for the TARDIS.
Margaret wheezed as they ran across Roald Dahl Plass, tugging on the Hunter's arm. "The handcuffs!"
She rolled her eyes and took them off, depositing them in her back pocket. "Don't think you're running away."
"Oh, I'm sticking with you," Margaret assured her. "Some date this turned out to be!"
The Hunter's eyes widened when she saw the blue energy streaming up from the TARDIS into the sky. "It's the rift. The rift's opening." She ran in, Margaret close on her heels. "What's happening?" she demanded, seeing things sparking and almost exploding on the console.
"She just went crazy!" Jack called from under the grating, poking his head up from where he was working.
"It's the rift," she told him, trying to stop the explosions from the console. "Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's going to disappear!"
"It's the extrapolator!" Jack exclaimed, climbing up to her level. "I've disconnected it, but it's still feeding off the engine. It's using the TARDIS. I can't stop it!"
"Never mind Cardiff," the Hunter bit her lip, her eyes wide. "It's going to rip open the planet!"
"What is it?" Hazel questioned as she ran in. "What's happening?"
"Oh, just little me," Margaret smirked, ripping the arm of her suit so she could grab Hazel around the neck with one of her talons. "One wrong move and she snaps like a promise."
The Hunter scowled. "I might've known."
"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it," Margaret snapped. "You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet." She tightened her grip on Hazel's neck, making the girl gasp. The Hunter nodded, her eyes on Hazel, and Jack did as ordered. "Thank you. Just as I planned."
"I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station," Hazel croaked.
"Failing that, if I were to be arrested, then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Hunter," Margaret smirked. "So, the extrapolator was programmed to go to plan B, to lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. And what a power source it found. I'm back on schedule, thanks to you."
"The rift's going to convulse," Jack realised. "You'll destroy the whole planet."
"And you with it!" Margaret cackled, stepping onto the extrapolator. "While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back. Surf's up."
The TARDIS console cracked open, and a bright light hit Margaret and Hazel, making the girl screw her eyes tightly shut.
"Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart," the Hunter pointed out, leaning against one of the coral structures.
"So sue me," Margaret snapped.
"She's not just any old power source. She's the TARDIS. My TARDIS. The best ship in the universe," the Hunter said proudly.
"It'll make wonderful scrap."
"What's that light?" Hazel asked, wincing.
"The heart of the TARDIS," the Hunter replied. "This ship's alive. You've opened her soul. And she really has got a soft spot for our Hazel."
"It's so bright," Margaret whispered.
"Look at it, Margaret," the Hunter encouraged.
"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light."
Margaret relaxed, allowing Hazel to get free, rushing to Jack's side. "Thank you," Margaret smiled, then disappeared into the light, her bodysuit crumpling atop the extrapolator.
The Hunter moved immediately. "Don't look. Stay there. Close your eyes!" She closed the console up. "Now, Jack, come on, shut it all down. Shut down! Haze, that panel over there, turn all the switches to the right." The turbulence and the sparks stopped as the TARDIS settled, and she sighed in relief. "Nicely done. Thanks."
"What happened to Margaret?" Hazel wondered.
"Must've got burnt up," Jack guessed. "Carried out her own death sentence."
"No, I don't think she's dead," the Hunter shook her head.
Hazel frowned, rubbing her neck and wincing. "Then where'd she go?"
"She looked into the heart of the TARDIS. Even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic, like I told you, Haze." The Hunter glanced over at her, flashing a smile. "Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts." She knelt by the skin suit and pulled out a large egg with dreadlocks. "Here she is."
"She's an egg?" Hazel frowned.
"Regressed to her childhood," the Hunter nodded.
"She's an egg?" Jack echoed.
"She can start again," the Hunter pointed out. "Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell them to bring her up properly, she might be all right!"
"Or she might be worse," Jack suggested.
"That's her choice, Mr Pessimism."
"She's an egg," Hazel repeated.
"She's an egg," the Hunter agreed, smiling.
"Oh my God, Mike!" Hazel realised, getting to her feet and sprinting out the door.
The Hunter and Jack shared a look when she returned not five minutes later, looking dejected. "We're all powered up," the Hunter told her, making her look up. "We can leave. Opening the rift filled us up with energy. We can go, if that's all right."
"Yeah, fine," she nodded.
"How's Mike?" the Hunter asked carefully.
"He's okay. He's gone," Hazel muttered.
"Do you want to go and find him?" the Hunter offered. "We'll wait."
Hazel took a deep breath, then smiled, shaking her head. "No need."
"Off we go, then. Always moving on."
"Next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius," Jack smiled, then nudged Hazel. "Now you don't often get to say that."
"We'll just stop by and pop her in the hatchery," the Hunter said, setting about flying them there. "Margaret the Slitheen can live her life again. A second chance."
Hazel smiled sadly, gripping the railings as they set off. "That'd be nice."
If you enjoyed, please like and/or reblog and consider donating to my Kofi to help keep me afloat! Thanks for reading :)
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day-en-las-nubes · 6 years
“I was the rich, spoiled princess. You turned out to be more than just the help” Part II
“Excuse me?!” I threw my head back dismissively and turned around to admire my darling mare some more. She lifted her majestic neck from her trough, her funny looking mouth dripping with its crystalline contents. She had always been most dear to me. I raised my hand toward her slim, tranquil cheek but his hand stopped me cold as his fingers curled securely around my forearm. A whimper tore through my lips when he pulled me to the side, roughly.
“What the fuck?” I protested while he yanked me away hard, towards the door of the stable. I tried to free myself from his iron grip, my feet digging a trail through the mud and the hay as he dragged me by. “Have you lost your mind!?” I yelled at him, my mind spinning in disbelief. He kept walking, his face away from me.
“You sure have a dirty mouth for looking all fancy and shit.” He said as we approached the exit. My arm getting increasingly sore as his fingers tightened even harder around it.
“When my parents find out about this…”I threatened, getting ready to scream as soon as we were outside.
He abruptly stopped walking, an audible sigh made his broad shoulders go up and down slowly. He spun around and locked me in place with each of his enormous hands on my shoulders.  His head came down to my level, his huge eyes focused on me.
“If you had listened to my instructions, it wouldn’t have come down to this.” He explained, through clenched teeth. “And by the way, you honestly think your mother cares? She left you in the hands of a total stranger.” He rolled his eyes. I hated to admit it, but he had a point. “I’ve been tasked with being your damn watch dog by my employer, how this goes is up to you. “ He explained, seemingly more calm.
Now that I could see him closely, I noticed he was quite attractive. There was something almost exquisite about him, despite his unkempt appearance.
“I will not be handled like the cattle you are used to being around.” I said, as an attempt to wound him. I instinctively rubbed my aching wrist, his fingers still imprinted on my pale skin. His eyes followed the movements of my hands.
“I can promise you I won’t lay a hand on you again.” He uttered, sounding regretful. “If you promise to listen from now on.” He raised his eyebrows. In his body language I found what I needed to find.
I could fool him, he was just a male, just like any other. It would prove difficult, but not entirely impossible. I needed to manipulate him just long enough for my mother’s little tantrum to run its course.
In hindsight, exerting my will upon him might not have been my brightest move, so I nodded, feigning a truce I did not intend to keep.
“Do you mind taking your hands off of me?” I requested, diplomatically. Stable-boy pulled his hands back as if he had forgotten they were still there.
“Does that mean you are willing to work with me?” He asked, a spark flashed across his face, his features melting into the vivid picture of relief.
The tables were turned again, and I felt myself gaining control of the situation.
“Shall we head to my bedroom then…ummm…I didn’t catch you name.” I forced a smile.
“Blake.” He replied, hopeful, eating up my act of candor like the most decadent desert. “Sounds great.” He added, sliding his hands in his jean pockets.
I gifted him another smile for good measure and strode across my parents vast lawn, Stable-boy right at my heels.
We entered through the back door, wiping our feet on the thick rug before stepping foot inside the kitchen.
I made an effort to sway my hips extra-alluringly as I headed for the huge, wooden stairs that lead to my room. I heard the sound of him clearing his throat as we climbed, the anticipated response. He was not different or special, and in only a few hours I would be vanishing from within his grasp for real this time.
“Is she really making you stay out here all afternoon?” I turned around to address him before entering my room. He shrugged, his full lips twisting into a pouty frown.
“I guess we will find out.” He sat on the bench that rested across from my door. His long legs bended, his knees sticking way out into the hallway.
“If it’s any consolation you won’t be the only one dying of boredom, ‘Blaine’.” I waltzed inside, taking a peek at him before closing the door.
“It’s Blake.” I heard him correcting me after I had slammed the door behind me.
---- ------ ----
I headed straight for the bathroom. I let out a loud “UGH” of pure frustration, the sound of the shower drowned it out as I turned it on. I threw my soiled, black jeans and my purple tank top in my dirty clothes basket.
Once naked I entered the soothing warm curtain of water. My anger melted away as I lathered my long blonde hair.
I closed my eyes, attempting to brew a plan to meet my boyfriend, but all that I could think about was Stable-boy’s sultry green eyes.
I could still feel his massive hands on my shoulders, his breathing ragged from struggling to drag me along.  As I ran my sponge around my perfectly round breasts, the twinge between my legs took me utterly by surprise.
I bit my bottom lip, pressing my back against the cold tile trying to find some stability.
“What in the…” I whispered to myself as the urge to place my sponge down below intensified.
I wanted to rinse off and get out, but my hands had a different idea. They glided past my soapy belly button, all the while the memory of my “bodyguard’s” face overtaking my thoughts and bending my will.
I touched my already swollen clit with the tip of my finger, my whole body shuddered with the contact. I massaged it ever so gently at first, the soap making my movements delightfully slick. My breathing became unsteady and uneven, a small moan burst against my teeth.
I forced Luke into my head, as the moment of my undoing was approaching, but I was shocked to discover that this caused my blissful moment to be abruptly interrupted instead.
I had been so close… but a moment of lucidity was all I needed to snap back from the absurdity of being sexually turn on by the last person on Earth I would’ve chosen to be turned on by.
I finished rinsing off and hopped out. Still confused, but willing to forget the strange incident ever happened.
I had to keep my head clear…
I needed to harness my energy and use it on freeing myself from Stable-boy and my overbearing parents, but here I was, fantasizing about his stupid lips instead.
To my dismay, his looks could present as a distraction, but nothing that couldn’t be dealt with. I was used to beautiful men, having been surrounded by models and celebrities my entire life.
His appeal would wear off... sooner rather than later.
---- ----- ----
 I glanced sleepily at my alarm clock. It indicated it was already 10:30 at night. I placed the book I had been reading on my night stand and messed up my still slightly damp hair. I had to check on Stable-boy before I ventured out my bedroom’s window. Chances were, he wasn’t even there and I could sneak out the front as usual.
“You still here?” I cracked the door open, but just enough so he could take a good look at my pajama and nest hair. He nodded, glancing up from his beat up cell phone and running his pupils up my body.
“Still here.” He muttered, with a yawn. I almost felt sorry for him.
“It’s official then.” I commented, pointing at his new outfit. He was now wearing a button down light green shirt and khaki cargo pants. He looked bored.
“Seems that way.” He grunted, staring back at his mobile device.
“I just wanted to say, good night!” I told him, faking an exaggerate yawn.
“Night.” He responded quietly. He seemed relaxed, his guard down. Just as I wanted him.
I hurriedly closed the door and slipped my black leggings on. I removed my hideous sleepwear and put my push-up bra on as well as my Queen t-shirt. I braided my hair swiftly and tied the laces of my sporty tennis shoes.
I had to be as comfortable as possible to make the climb.
My spirit was no longer fueled necessarily by my desire to see Luke, but more to prove to them, that I was not to be held down. I was nobody’s prisoner.
I turned on the fan as loud as I could for noise purposes and opened the French doors that led to my balcony. If I were to go over the ledge and climb my way down, just enough I could jump into the soft grass underneath.
If I landed on my feet, I knew I would be just fine. The distance between the bottom of my balcony and the ground was not too high at all.
I threw one foot over the edge, then the other. I turned my head both ways to make sure that the coast was clear before going down any further. I held firmly to the concrete pillars as I started to descend.
Those useless gymnastics classes were finally coming in handy, I thought, as I dangled from the bottom of the balcony. I looked down at the grass. Just as I had calculated, if I were to drop down, it would be about four or five feet to land.
I squeezed my eyes and hoped for the best as I released my hands from their grip. I felt my adrenaline rushing through me as my body dived toward the grass. My feet prepared to find footing.
His arms intercepted me midair.
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madlitparanormal · 5 years
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This photo you see is one from after a seance conducted in my dining room. My Ouija board that I have used for the last few years with the planchette that came in the box, a lemon scented t light candle of which I had four, and a wax stained notepad and pencil for our friend Blaine to write down the boards responses.
April 12, 2019
It started as a couples game night. We played what the meme and two rounds of game of thrones clue. (Blaine stole my victory, I had my final accusation of Sansa Stark in the Gardens with the catspaw dagger and I was right! But Blaine guesses before me and was completely incorrect but he showed the cards from the secret envelope!) Anyways, we ate pizza and drank a few beers or a few glasses of wine. And then we decided it was time. Sigourney and I had always been intrigued by the board, Blaine who is Sigourney’s boyfriend had helped us with an experiment years ago and was fine with attempting to use it, and my boyfriend Edison usually declined with a “No, I’m good.” But for some reason he agreed to participate on this night. We lit four t light candles. The four of us placed our fingers upon the planchette, we moved the planchette around a few times to test the mobility, and then began the seance. “Is there anyone here that wants to speak with us?” Barely a shuffle. I asked again. Barely a movement. Of course this is me and after a few glasses of sangria so I got a little sarcastic with it. “Is there anyone here that doesn’t want to speak with us?” Still nothing. We dismissed the board.
April 13,2019 12:00 am
Sigourney and I decided to leave the men out and try on our own. Blaine acted as our recorder and Edison a witness. We all turned off our phones this time to see if it would help. Sometimes technology causes dull responses. Sigourney and I placed our fingers on the planchette. I said I would try to be a medium first and if that didn’t work then she could try.
“Is there anyone here with us?”
The planchette shuffled to yes.
“Are you a good spirit or a bad spirit?”
Somewhat jumbled letters.
“Ok let’s try for yes or no. Are you a good spirit?”
“So you’re a bad spirit?”
Yes. The planchette shifted to the word yes and then quickly circled it several times. Edison said maybe we should dismiss it. Sigourney and I looked at one another. “Nah”. This conversation turned out to be one of the longest we had ever gotten.
“What’s your name?” Sam.
“Why are you a bad spirit, Sam?” Kill.
“Because you killed someone?” Yes—The planchette circled yes vigorously.
“How many people did you kill?” 949
“You killed 949 people?! Why??” My pleasure.
“You took pleasure in murdering people?” Moms.
“You murdered mothers?” Yes—violently circling the yes on the board.
“Where did you murder those women?” Baltimore.
“Sam that’s awful. Why are you contacting us?” Dead.
“Because you’re dead?” Yes.
“Well Yes Sam, you wouldn’t be talking to us through an Ouija board if you weren’t dead.” No response.
“Is there something you wanted to tell us?” 911.
“911? Do you mean the date or the number?” 911. Dead man.
“There is a dead man?” Yes—Violently circling the Yes again.
“Where?” Hole.
“The man is in a hole?” Yes—circling.
“What city?” Palm Harbor.
“What street?” Alderman.
At this moment we all looked at one another. Alderman was a street very near us and it runs through Palm Harbor. I don’t know why but suddenly the planchette violently shoved across “goodbye.” It was an intense session. I haven’t found anything leading me to believe there was a actually a dead man in a hole in Palm Harbor yet, not anything about a serial murderer of mothers in Baltimore. The closest thing I’ve found to the above conversation was a man named Samuel Little who is a convicted murderer. However, he is still alive.
April 13, 2019 1:00 am We began a new session. Sigourney and I placed our fingers on the planchette.
“Is there anyone here with us?” The planchette immediatey and with a strong push, crossed the board to the word yes in the left hand corner.
“What is your name?” Mama.
“You know, I’m not surprised that you would say that. Because you’ve been around for several years now.” I said, rolling my eyes. Yes.
“Who are you really?” B-E-E-L-Z-A-B-U-B
“That’s the name of a Demon...” I stated blatantly. GOD.
“You’re a God?” Yes-Violent circles.
“What do you want from us?” Souls.
“You want our souls?” Yes—violently circling the word yes again.
“Well you can’t have them. I’m baptized.” I said. “You’re out of luck on that one.” Signourney then mentioned that she is a redhead and redheads have no souls. The otherworldly being then spelled, Sex.
“You want to have sex with us?” (Keep in mind we were all partially intoxicated so we got very sarcastic and we joked around a lot). Yes.
“Why?” Souls.
“Oh, you steal souls by having sex with people?” Yes—violent circles.
“But I’m baptized and Sig has no soul. Is it true that redheads don’t have souls?” Yes.
“Well ... none of us are really interested in that..” Violent circles across the board broke out. The spirit on the other side vigorously shoved the planchette around and at some point the planchette even went off of the board and slipped out of our fingers a few times.
“Calm down!” I said as I forcibly moved the planchette back onto the center of the board.
“Why is it that when Sigourney and I use the board we get this kind of reaction but when anyone else uses the board with us it doesn’t work?” Sex ...
We ended up getting into a side conversation with the supposed Beelzabub and it lead somewhere completely inappropriate that I’m not going to discuss on here. It was pretty funny but again, personal.
The planchette on this night was more than ideomotor effect. It was violent, it was real, and it was creepy.
Last night while I was home alone I was in my bedroom watching tv. I had since cleaned up from game night and threw out the wax stained papers and put the board away. As I was sitting watching a few clips on Tik Tok, the tv shut off on its own. I looked up. I hadn’t set a sleep timer. And nothing else in the apartment had turned off. It turned on again and I heard the chime that comes with the power on. The movie I had on prior to this incident popped back up on the screen. I thought it was strange but decided that it was probably nothing, until it happened a second time...
I hope you all find this passage as entertaining and intriguing as I did. All accounts are true, names have been changed for protection.
To be continued...
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psianabel · 6 years
KH3 thoughts under the cut. Spoilers for everything. Kinda got long, lol.
I’m used to make up happy stories about my favorite characters, think about them in happy situations, make up happy ending AUs. The more I proceeded in this game, the more I just ... recieved. Happy things. Over and over and over and my tears didn’t stop. 
This ending is e x a c t l y what i wished for in my life. Minus Sora but lets leave him out here They are all here. They got their hugs. All of them. Heck, even the wayfinder trio got to hug Eraqus, I’m goddamn living. I didn’t know I needed Riku, Roxas, and Terra racing on Destiny Island (and Terra being the slowest because he is, lmao). Isa getting welcomed into the friendship group y e s ... And Lea, Isa, Ven playing with Lea’s frisbee. And eating ice cream on the clock tower with the Twillight Town crew. Namine and Xion looking for seashells together. Ven’s Chirithy coming back to him????? ALL OF THEM OUT OF THEIR COATS AND HAVING ACTUAL CLOTHES. Holy goddamn this, this is what my heart was longing for.
khux not important my ass. I’m so glad the Age of Fairy Tales is one of my fave story arcs, I was screaming at that epilogue and it is very high up in my list of fave scenes of that game (only because i want that Foreteller content. AVA MY GIRL WHERE ARE YOU). Also that Luxu reveal? Wasn’t surprised but damn I’m so in for that ride.  Speaking of khux, all these hints, my h e a r t. Ven dreaming of the Foretellers, Ephemera being there for Sora (which makes me wonder about Sora’s involvement of the story there but lets see about that), the 300 keykids!!! I even recognized some names, that was so fucking cool. (I died there because I was so busy looking at the names....) And I guess we have to expect Demyx and Luxord in khux soon huh.  Sort of khux related, but thank the lord for giving me that Marluxia and Larxene fight together. Since Elrena’s reveal and knowing she knew Lauriam even back then, I wished for this so so much. And their interactions in battle, blessed. Perfect. Good. These two, I swear.
Insert something about the Secret Reports here. Love this cryptic stuff. Luxu you sly fox, my theory is he is gonna pass No Name onto Blaine, I also believe the girl there is Skuld, which would also be the girl Lea and Isa searched for, huh ... this is gonna get so wild. Even wilder with Blaine being Eraqus’ ancestor. God these reports are gving me so much im in love. Aqua. My girl, my love. My heart hurt so much at the Anti Aqua fight, but the whole setup was just perfect. (Not gonna lie, the name Aquanort is still close to my heart. And I probably continue calling her that, lmao.) I cried so fucking much when they were at the Destiny Islands then, hugging her. LIKE, YES, PLEASE SHE IS FREE. And fricking Land of Departure. The fight. THE F I G H T. I WAS READY FOR THIS god yes, playing her for one last time, wonderful, just wonderful. The whole scene there, Ventus waking up, Vanitas calling him brother, I wouldn’t have wanted it in any other way.  “Good morning, Ven.” KSDJFHDSF??? Y E S 
Something about Eraqus and Xehanort. Old husbands really cannot live without each other, and it showed. Together forever now huh. Please Eraqus, make sure he will never do something stupid again.
Uhhhh since this is a videogame I think I have to say something about the gameplay. I love it. The fighting feels so good, with all the triangle commands it makes things interesting. Sora’s mobility is great - the shotlock, the wall climbing, and he finally gets the double jump wooh. Lots to farm, but hey it’s KH, it’s okay.  I wish Donald and Goofy would shut up about ingredients lmao. ... fuck Gummiship tho, but this kind of stuff isnt my thing anyways, but I’ll manage, oh well lol.
RIGHT Disney/Pixar is a thing too. Can’t say much about it, since I don’t really care that much about it, but I looove how these character stand up to roast the evil KH characters lmaooo, go Woody and Sully. I was screaming. The did That.
What they also did is that goddamn secret ending, which I’m HMMM about, but hey it’s a Secret Ending and Nomura is really out there for blood. Good for him. All I can say is, well, see you in Shibuya.  Alright. There are still so many things, but. I just have to say.  I love this game. I enjoyed it so so much. I’m so grateful I was able to play it without seeing leaks or spoilers. If someone would have shown me a picture of the ending where they eat ice cream on the clocktower ... i wouldn’t have believed it. The game set it up for me perfectly. 
I treasure these characters. And I’m happy they found their happy ending. This is what I wanted. Thank you for that.
... until the next act opens. Can’t wait to see how Luxu takes the lead now.  Eraqus cheats at chess, part 2.
What have you planned, boy ... 
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doubleddenden · 6 years
Den Reviews Let’s Go Eevee
So I’ve officially beaten Let’s Go Eevee. I’ve gotta say, the last bit Blaine’s Gym onward really turns the game around for me a little. The catching is still shit and the dex is bad but I’m actually pretty happy with certain characterizations and a certain twist at the end. Still a 6.8 for me and not quite up to par with official core titles, and way too easy in most places with bizarre difficulty jumps to get to some of the good stuff.
Basically if you’re the people this game is aimed for, go for it, other than catching you’ll have a good time. Long time fans like me that have been around for a WHILE (I’ve been on board for 20 years basically) may want to approach with caution.
I’ll give a bit more of a descriptive review below. Warning, these are just my opinions and some of my negatives might be considered nitpicks.
So we all know that LGPE are remakes of yellow with Pokemon Go tossed in. It’s a mixed bag of good and bad. I’ll just try to summarize it as good as I can.
Basically It’s Yellow, but it reboots into yet another AU where Red, Blue, and a girl named Green started their journeys years before you and your friend do, yet you and your friend are the ones who go through the Team Rocket events of gen 1. It adds a touch more story and drama to some moments, such as the infamous Cubone’s Mother from Lavender Tower and a few more spots thanks to your starter. It also reimagines some things, like Blaine being a gameshow host, but it’s basically an easier Kanto remake.
The Pokemon and world art style look great
Music is a great orchestrated remake of the originals, often times sounding a bit like the original anime
Your Starter is like the cutest fucking shit. I cannot even understand how they fit so much cute and spunk into a tiny creature. The Voice Acting is so great and sounds so animal like. I’m going to be so sad when I won’t be able to bring him to the next gen (you can’t trade him and he is essential for HM’s so)
Creative reimaginings of Kanto, great jokes and creative ideas
Megas and Alola forms are nice to break the monotony
Green is waifu, please make her a recurring character I love her so much
Go sucks, ergo the elements added into Let’s Go based on GO sucks. You can’t weaken Pokemon properly to catch them and you’re just flinging balls hoping they stick.
Motion controls suck
Gen 1 pandering has reached critical, even for a remake. FRLG did it better and at least had gen 2 pokemon post game. still salty about it, moving on
Go Park sucks because it takes forever to link accounts and you have to use your own balls to catch your own pokemon using the shitty catching mechanic
Difficulty is frustrating because it’s monotonously easy for the most part then weird difficulty spikes appears out of nowhere. I do appreciate it when I’m given an appropriately challenging battle like Koga and his toxic stall tactics but it sucks when you have to beat 6 master trainers that are magically way higher level than you with the pokemon you want to use.
Exp is not distributed correctly. It’s either too much when you don’t need it or not enough when you do, such as post game.
I’m not a fan of the style they used to create the characters. It reminds me too much of 3rd party or illegal mobile apps and I keep thinking I’ll be charged a microtransaction.
No Safari Zone, where go catching mechanics would be most appropriate
Character customization took so many steps back. It’s even less than X and Y. Everything is just a reskin.
Post game is honestly bland other than rechallenges and Green and Blue (haven’t fought Red yet).
No pro controller support
Really short
The rival isn’t a real rival tbh
Has soul in some places, lacks soul in others
Becomes tedious
Meltan and Melmetal are annoying to get
The Pokemon Box is shit. Just stick to PC’s, less cluster and honestly easier to use.
Not enough Green, probably doomed to obscurity like Zinnia
How to improve the game
Add difficulty from easy, medium, hard
Include some popular later gen pokemon like Lucario, Zoroark, especially evolutions and pre evolutions to Kanto pokemon
Get rid of this atrocious catching system and stick to normal catching. Oh my god this is bad.
Use the catching system for the Safari Zone, which would replace Go Park
Bring back the Sevii Islands, add a bit of post game there with exploration and a battle frontier or a new campaign, or just add some interesting post game episode
Honestly do more with Green. I’ve known her not that long and already she’s like top tier. Let’s get to know her a lot more.
Go back to regular backpack stuff and PC systems
Either use X and Y’s level of customization or go beyond it. This is just pitiful
Make the rival more challenging, less friendly, more competitive
Scale the Pokemon better size proportionately
Use an art style for characters either more realistic or more like Sun and Moon and less mobile-game or chibi looking
Make more references to other regions to keep it from feeling so closed off. Alola got love, and there are some silent mentions like an Ecruteak painting, but it just felt a bit stifled at times.
Add more hints to the next game, at least an item like the souvenir from X and Y
Bring back the online from X and Y or at least bring it over from Sun and Moon
Add more Pokeballs
Basically make it an actual game instead of a Diet Kanto
Quit relying so much on Nostalgia to sell, you’ve been doing this since 2014 and it needs to stop
So with all that said, this game gets a 6.8. Game Freak, Let’s (not) Go through this again. Restore my faith in the games next year please. Understand I’ve been a fan since Silver and love every gen. I stan Gen 5 AND 7 and their Ultra editions, so I can say with full confidence that these games are so-so and can be better.
At the least these are the martyr games where they figure things out before making the real debut generation (like Diamond and Pearl was before Platinum or Heart Gold and Soul Silver). I believe in you Game Freak. Learn your lesson from the mistakes of this game and give us a great traditional game next year with less gen 1 pandering.
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dashingc00k · 3 years
Chapter 3
Blaine drives through the students' parking lot. Looking around and seeing all the other students move in, he takes a deep breath and smiles. Blaine checks his registration papers and sees he's in Brightman Hall. Blaine takes a few bags and heads to find his room. As he walked, he saw somebody wearing a student consultant t-shirt. Blaine heads over to him and asks, “where is Brightman Hall?”. The person replies, “oh, it's just down this way and make a right”. Blaine says ‘Thank you' and goes down the path. 
Blaine arrives in his dormitory, amazed by the architecture as he walks in. Blaine reads “room 214” aloud. He finally finds his room. Blaine opens the door and sees a blonde-haired guy putting his stuff away. The person turns around and Blaine sees that it’s Connor, the kid from the diner. Connor talks first, “Oh shit, man, looks like I was right about seeing you around”. Blaine says, “Yes, I suppose you were” they both laugh. Connor keeps putting his things away, and says, “I hope you don't mind that I'm already on my side”. Blaine says, “No, you showed up first.”
-few hours later-
-Blaine and Connor are getting to know each other-
 Connor asks Blaine, “So, what part of New Jersey are you from?” Blaine replies,“ I’m from Cherry Hill”.  Connor continues,“ Ok, cool”. Blaine responds, “Where are you from again?”. Connor replies, “Mobile, Alabama”. Blaine says, “huh, never heard of that part of Alabama”. 
Connor gets up and grabs a shower caddy and towel. Connor says, “Hey man, I’m going to go wash up, it’s been a long day”. Blaine replies, “I will see you in a minute.” Blaine picks up his phone and calls his mother.
  -Phone Conversation-
Blaine: Hey ma.
Mom: Hey baby, did you get safe? How’s the dorm?
Blaine: Yeah. My dorm is cool and pretty spacious.
Mom: Do you like your roomie?
Blaine. I guess I'm just meeting him, so only time will tell.
Mom: Ok, well, call me soon, get some rest. Love you sweetie.
Blaine: Love you too, Ma.
-Ends Phone Call-
Blaine is scrolling through Facebook when Connor walks back in the room wet and in a towel. Blaine is stealing glances and thinking to himself, “Damn, he is hot!”. All of a sudden, Connor drops his towel and exposes all of himself, and Blaine is not disappointed. Blaine says, “Someone isn’t shy” while laughing. Connor replies, “Oh my bad, but we're both men, you got the same equipment as me” he jokes.
Connor puts on some shorts and jumps into his bed and scrolls through his phone. He asks Blaine, “Hey, do you have Instagram?”. Blaine responds, “Yeah, it’s BlaineFreeze”. He tells Blaine, “Bet I just followed you”. Blaine responds, “Oh, Born2BConnor”. Connor looks at Blaine and says, “what?” Blaine replies, “Oh, no, it’s just a funny name, that’s all”. Connor says, “Oh adorable BlaineFreeze, what, are you a superhero?” They both burst out laughing. Blaine tells Connor he’s going to get some rest. They tell each other goodnight while Blaine puts on his sleep mask and headphones.
0 notes
vcg73 · 7 years
Witch!Kurt Chapter 25: Family Night
This is one of those sort of rambling ones that I couldn’t seem to corral. Sorry for the mild cliff-hanger at the end. I didn’t want to get too far into that bit in this chapter. :)
Burt reached the top of the stairs and listened intently for a moment. It had been quite a while since he had heard the shower turn off, but he was reluctant to disturb his son and Adam if they were still talking or … well, he did not want to interrupt them either way.
Hearing no obvious sounds from behind Kurt’s closed door, he decided it was probably safe to knock. He waited a few moments afterward, surprised to receive no response. Had they left? Off the top of his head, he could not remember whether Adam had that transportation power or not. 
Hoping he was not about to walk in on something he shouldn’t, Burt ventured to open the door and peek inside. What he saw made him relax. The young couple was lying on top of Kurt’s freshly made bed, fully dressed and snuggled in each other’s arms as they napped peacefully together.
Poor kids. Between the adrenaline rush of Adam’s adventure, their shared panic attack, Kurt’s magical morning workout, and the mutual stress-relief he was certain they had been enjoying up here earlier, he supposed they must be exhausted.
Burt debated with himself, then decided they probably needed food just as much as they did sleep. Kurt had told him over Christmas that magic sapped a lot of resources, and that he was usually starving after he’d been using it for any length of time.
With years of experience in the best way to wake Kurt without startling him, Burt stepped forward to gently shake his son’s shoulder, whispering, “Kurt? Hey, buddy. It’s time to wake up.”
Bleary blue eyes opened with reluctant slowness. “Dad?”
He reached down to ruffle the thick brush of still-damp brown hair fondly. “Yeah. Sorry to disturb you, but Carole says dinner will be ready in just a few minutes. Do you two want to come down for it, or should I ask her to save you both a plate?”
Kurt grunted and sat up, hitching himself forward a little and swinging his legs over the side of the bed, careful not to disturb Adam. He rubbed at his stomach when it let out an audible gurgle, expressing its own opinion on what he should do. Kurt laughed a bit. “Dinner sounds great. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Adam zonked out and I figured I’d just keep him company for a minute.” He yawned and made a token effort to fix his hair. “How long have we been up here?”
“A couple of hours,” Burt said, patting his shoulder when his eyes went wide and he opened his mouth to apologize. “It’s fine. Guess you both needed a chance to relax.”
Kurt winced at the slight emphasis on the word, clearly realizing that some of their recent activity must have been audible downstairs. “I thought we were being quiet.”
Burt raised an eyebrow. “You were. Mostly.”
“Mostly?” he said faintly. 
“Oh Kuht, you are a God!” Burt mocked with a half-hearted try at duplicating Adam’s British accent.
Kurt raised both hands to his burning cheeks, but was unable to keep from smiling. “Oh wow, you heard that? Sorry Dad.  Um … are you okay?”
“I’ll live, though I am rethinking those new tiles I put up in that bathroom last summer,” he said wryly. Then his lips twitched into a smirk. “But hell, I actually think I’m kinda proud.”
“You ought to be,” Adam interrupted, opening his eyes and smiling sleepily at them both. He looked quite smug as he sat up, yawning and dipping forward to kiss Kurt’s t-shirt clad shoulder. “And I second the vote for dinner. Starvation is closing in as we speak.”
Burt snorted. “Guess you worked up an appetite, huh?” he said, not bothering to hide his amusement. “Between combat class and wandering all over Lima, that is. We’ve got beef stew, salad, and fresh bread waiting downstairs.”
“Food and a nap. The answers to everything,” Adam said, eyes brightening.
Kurt let go a little huff, his tense posture relaxing as he realized that his dad had decided to let the two of them off the hook. “All hail the wisdom of Lord Tubbington.”
Adam sniffed the savory scent that had followed Burt through the open door. “It smells delicious. Just give me half a mo to freshen up, and I’ll be right down.”
Kurt gave him a kiss and then stood up. “Take your time. I’ll go see if Carole needs help setting the table.” 
Reaching out quickly, Burt stopped him. “Wait. Before you go down, I need to talk to you both for a minute. Do you remember over Christmas when you guys looked at Carole with your witch goggles and said that she could be one of you?”
“We said that she had unmanifested Potential,” Adam corrected. “Meaning that she carries the genetic component to be a witch, but her power never developed.”
Burt nodded eagerly. “Right, but see that’s what I’m saying. Something weird has been going on with her over the last few weeks. She didn’t want me to bother you, knowing how much stuff of your own you’ve both been dealing with, but we agreed to quit trying to protect each other from the truth, and I figured you’d want to know.” Kurt indicated his agreement, his expression serious. “Carole dismisses it all as being tired or imagining things, but I’m not convinced. See, ever since we saw Blaine after New Year’s, she’s been having these symptoms.”
“Whoa, wait a second,” Kurt said, waving a hand to stop his father’s words. “You saw Blaine? Are you both okay? Why didn’t you tell me?”
He harrumphed. “We’re fine, and I’m telling you now. It was the day we got back from New York. Blaine was waiting for us when we landed, all ready to give us a ride home from the airport. It was no secret to anyone that we were visiting you over the holidays, but how he found out when we’d be getting back, I have no idea. For all I know, he grilled the mailman.  Anyhow, Adam’s magical cologne helped us keep our heads when he started pouring on the charm, though it kind of made me feel itchy all over, like a bug was crawling up my skin. I guessed it was his persuasive influence rippling against your force-field, like in those sci-fi shows Carole likes to watch.”
“Very likely,” Adam agreed. He scooted off the bed and moved to lean against the nearest wall, crossing his arms over his chest in a habitual thinking pose. “In fact, I suppose it’s possible that being around so much magic lately, including frequently wearing Burt’s pendant and my perfume, just might have sparked Carole’s dormant power. We know she already had at least a modicum of active magic, just by her ability to sense the memories the girls infused into her necklace. If her magic was entirely inert she’d have received no more than a warm feeling of affection. Not clear, if somewhat oddly blended, memories. Burt, what else has been happening?”
“Well, I’m not sure given that she’s been a little closed-mouth about the whole thing, but I know she got a real bad migraine after we ran into Blaine. And she snapped at him for the first time I can remember. Said he had no business acting all friendly to us after what he did, and she didn’t want him dropping by anymore. He got a real weird look on his face when she said that. That boy isn’t used to hearing the word “no”.”
“Or at least not paying attention to it,” Kurt grumbled. “Sorry, go on.”
“Well, I thought that’d be the last of it, but then Carole started getting these moody moments. Like she’ll get really angry, or suddenly start to cry, or burst out laughing, and then a minute later she’s fine and sort of confused about whatever made her do it.  I’m really getting worried about her. I mean, I guess it could just be something biological. Menopause, or some kind of delayed stress syndrome that our grief therapist missed when we were going to all those sessions after your brother passed, but I don’t want to take any chances if it’s something more in your line.”
Kurt’s eyebrows had furrowed. “Wow. I’m glad you told us. We need to help her. Adam, what do you think?”
“It does sound as if she’s had a late manifestation of her power. I’d rather not turn my Sight on her again without her knowledge. I felt a bit weird about doing that before. I suggest for now we just go downstairs and have a pleasant dinner. We’ve all been pretty worked up today and if she is developing a Talent for empathy, it wouldn’t be a good idea to bombard the poor woman with our collective anxiety.”
“Try to keep the magical shop-talk to a minimum until everyone is nice and relaxed,” Kurt agreed. “I was thinking the same thing. When a good opportunity shows up, we can ask for permission to See her aura again. I don’t think she’ll actually object to the idea of being a witch, but I’d rather not spring it on her out of the blue.”
Burt nodded. “Thanks, son. I really appreciate this. What do you say we go set the table and act like an everyday, average, non magical family for a while?”
“I’ll be down in a few moments,” Adam promised.  “Kurt, would you mind if I borrowed your mobile?”
He reached into his pocket and handed it over. “Sure.” He smiled when his empty stomach suddenly lodged another complaint. Giving it a pat, he warned his fiance. “Just don’t take too long or I won’t leave you any dinner.“
Adam laughed and gave him a quick kiss. “Duly noted.”
“I ran over to the store earlier and grabbed a bottle of that merlot you and Carole both like, a pack of light beer for me, and a few of those orange sodas I saw back at your place for Adam,” Burt said in the kitchen a few minutes later.
“Thanks, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“No problem. It’s not like when you, Finn, and Sam all lived here and half the glee club was usually tagging along behind you. It wasn’t easy to keep up when I had an endless parade of teenagers roaming through my refrigerator twelve hours a day.”
Kurt laughed, pulling out four sets of cutlery to go with a set of bowls and plates he took down from the dish cupboard. “I understand your pain. I have a coven of nine people going in and out of my apartment all the time and we’re always hungry. If you want, we can ask Brittany to use her magic and restock the fridge for you before we go home tomorrow.”
Burt chuckled. “Maybe I will. Speaking of large gatherings, how’s the wedding planning going? You guys still set on a Valentine’s wedding?”
As if conjured by the mention of his impending nuptials, Carole was suddenly by Kurt’s side. “Oh, yes. I want to hear the details!”
For a few minutes, Kurt happily told them all about his and Adam’s plans. A ceremony with his coven in the morning, followed by a civil service at the courthouse with just their families and Kurt’s best man (Adam was planning to give his little brother the honor.) in attendance, then on to the large reception hall where the rest of the coven would have everything set up for a grand party.
“We only have the hall for three hours that afternoon, but that’s enough time for everyone to have hors d'oeuvres and wedding cake, and get some songs and dances and toasting in before we take off on our honeymoon.”
“Where have you decided to go?” Carole asked eagerly. “With transportation magic you can go anywhere in the world!”
He nodded. “True, and Elliott already offered a lift.  Unfortunately, we can only afford to do a long weekend since I’ll still be busy with school, but we’re hoping to take a couple of weeks in the summer and see some of Europe. I’ve always dreamed of going there, and that will give us a few months for this business with Blaine to be wrapped up, and for Adam to have hopefully recovered enough that he can show me around. His dad used to have business trips that took him all over, and he would just pack up his kids and Transport them along with him. I felt a little like I might be cheating Adam out of something he’s always wanted to do when I found that out, but he’s really excited to see his old haunts again, to show me his favorite spots and introduce me to some of his old friends.”
Carole sighed rapturously. “That sounds just lovely, and there’s nothing wrong with delaying things until you’re settled. A European honeymoon would be romantic, no matter when you end up taking it.”
Burt gave her a fond squeeze around the waist. “Is that a hint?”
“Hey, that’s right!  Thanks to Dalton, you never did get your own honeymoon,” Kurt remembered. “Maybe you should go this year.  Adam and I are going to ask Henry for transportation when we go, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing the same for you guys. Adam says he’s not restricted by familiarity with the location the way Santana and Elliott both are.”
“We may take you up on that one of these days,” Burt said with a smile. “Or we may do it the old fashioned way. We’ve got a little extra put away now and might be nice to see what a first-class flight is like.”
Carole gave him a kiss on his round cheek, and then clapped her hands. “I’ll get some travel brochures on Monday and we can start making plans! But for right now, let’s get this food on the table before everything gets cold.”
As the three of them moved into the dining area, Burt said, “Oh by the way, kid, I picked you up some winter s’mores for dessert.”
Kurt licked his lips. “Really? That’s awesome!”
“What’s a winter s’more?” Adam asked, walking in to join them. He had combed his hair neatly and straightened out his nap rumpled clothing. Giving Kurt a kiss and handing his phone back, he relieved Carole of the large salad bowl she had just taken out of the refrigerator, helpfully putting a serving on each salad plate as Kurt set the dishes in place.
Carole told him, “They’re one of Kurt’s favorites. Graham crackers, chocolate frosting, and a spray of Reddi-Whip. He introduced Finn and me to them the winter after Burt and I got married, and the first night I think my son polished off an entire box of crackers and a can of frosting all by himself.”
Adam laughed. “Well then, I’m definitely looking forward to being the next convert.”
The family took their places around the table, Burt putting a ladle-full of fragrant beef stew in each of their bowls. The four of them spontaneously clinked their assorted cans and glasses in a cheerful toast before they began to eat.
“Wonderful as always,” Kurt said, after a hearty bite of his stew. “Nobody makes this like you do, Carole.”
“Thank you, sweetie. Adam, would you like some bread?”
He put his spoon down and held out his hand to accept the small plate she was offering. “Please. I agree with Kurt. I feel I could eat the entire pot of stew single handed.”
Burt smiled around a bite. “Help yourself. Just save some room for dessert.”
“Tell me more about these s’mores.  How exactly did you come about discovering your fondness for them?” Adam asked, taking a bit more salad as well and dribbling a light serving of dressing on top. “Were you a scout of some sort?”
Kurt laughed. “No way. This may surprise you, but I actually love camping. Every summer, from the time I was about three, Dad would take me to a place just a little northwest of here called Cody Lake. My mom wasn’t an outdoors person, so she’d take the opportunity of a few child-free days to visit with friends or get some things done, while Dad and I went out and played manly men of the woods together.”
Burt joined in, “I admit with a lot of hind-sight embarrassment that my original motive for those weekends was stupid. I had just got my first inkling that Kurt was gay when he was coming up on his third birthday, so I got it in my head that if I introduced him to stuff like fishing and camping, that I could head his sexuality off at the pass.” He and Kurt exchanged a rueful look. Seeing Adam’s surprised face, Burt shrugged. “Let’s just say I had my head a lot farther up my ass when I was your age. Anyhow, much to my surprise, Kurt took to the great outdoors like a duck to water. He thought sleeping in a tent and cooking around the campfire were terrific fun.”
“There were lots of bird and animals, trail songs, lying out on the sleeping bags looking up at millions of stars overhead,” Kurt said, eyes shining like he could still see those twinkling lights. “We took hikes through woods filled with flowers and streams; went swimming in the lake; and of course there was plenty of fishing, which for some reason I found absolutely hilarious. Whenever a fish would grab one of dad’s worms and start tugging at his line, I would just roll over laughing. Then at night there were ghost stories and s’mores around the campfire.”
Adam looked surprised but absolutely charmed. “You enjoyed ghost stories?  Even though you were barely out of nappies?”
Kurt gave him a teasing smile. “Even as a wee baby camper, I was fearless.”
“He really was,” Burt agreed. “Though to be fair, they were pretty mild stories.  Except for that one about the vampires who lived in the caverns at the south end of the campgrounds. That was a mistake that I lived to regret!”
“I think I was five when he told me that story,” Kurt said, shivering dramatically at the memory. “He got a little carried away with the details and I started crying. I was sure a bunch of blood-thirsty monsters were going to pop up out of the ground and eat us.  He eventually got me calmed down enough to go to sleep but then I woke up from some kind of noise in the middle of the night and wormed my way into Dad’s bag for protection.”
Burt snorted. “Yeah, he went back to sleep and then proceeded to wet the bed. And me! I spent the rest of the night standing guard against vampires. After that, you can bet I stuck with stories about nice friendly baby animals frolicking in the forest.”
Adam managed to make a convincing ‘aww’ face, even though he was laughing too hard to continue eating. “You poor little thing. Serves you right, Burt. I suppose that story is what planted the seed for Kurt’s continued aversion to those nasty blighters.”
“If they aren’t sparkling and angst-ridden, I don’t wanna deal with ‘em,” Kurt said vehemently, making the others laugh.
“Can’t say I was too fond of vampires myself after that night,” Burt said with a wry shake of his head. “Other than that one incident, though, we always had a real good time. I think the only thing about camping that Kurt didn’t like was the dirt and lack of regular bathrooms, but I guess he figured it was a good trade-off.”
Kurt smiled. “Which brings us back to the s’mores. They’re how he calmed me down after the story. Dad had discovered the first time he made them that I would agree to just about anything for graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows.”  His expression went a little melancholy. “I was eight the last summer we went camping.”
“The winter after, his mom died,” Burt clarified, shooting Kurt an apologetic look. “I should’ve kept it up, but I just didn’t have much heart for stuff like that for a long time. The winter s’mores happened the year he was ten and Kurt got sick. He picked up a really awful cold with a lot of chest congestion, and it turned into bronchitis. He had to stay in bed a while and he was miserable. My sister offered to come out and stay with us so I could work part time, and it helped, but I felt guilty every time I had to leave him alone.”
Kurt reached out and squeezed his hand. “I got scared that maybe I was sicker than I thought because he brought me so many stuffed animals and games that week. Basically, all I had to do was ask for something and Dad was jumping to get it.”
“Then one night, I asked him to tell me if there was anything special he wanted to eat. His appetite wasn’t the greatest at the best of times, but being sick had pretty much killed it off, so when he asked if there was any way we could have s’mores, I would’ve moved heaven and earth to get him some.”
“Unfortunately,” Kurt cut in, “it was the middle of winter and everything was frozen solid. We couldn’t use the barbecue and we didn’t have a fireplace in our house. But we did have a box of graham crackers, and we used to live just down the street from a little market, so Dad got all bundled up and mushed out into the storm. Aunt Mildred thought he was crazy.”
“When I got to the store, they’d been cleaned out of marshmallows by people wanting hot chocolate, but I found a big can of whipped cream in the cold case, and a can of Betty Crocker chocolate frosting on the shelf. I managed to get ‘em home and put everything together the best I could. They weren’t exactly real s’mores, but they seemed to make him happy.”
“I thought they were the best thing ever,” Kurt laughed. “After that, I started requesting them every winter. I didn’t want them any other time, but when the weather got cold I always requested what we started calling winter s’mores. Even when I got really calorie-conscious in high school, I could never resist having at least one.”
“I noticed you’re eating better since you moved to New York,” Burt commented. “Healthy stuff, sure, but also good stuff like cake and ice cream. Figured you might be up for your old favorite.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you thought of it.  Besides, ever since I started using magic it seems like it doesn’t matter how much I stuff my face, I stay thin anyway.”
“Makes me wish you’d inherited the witchy powers from me,” Burt said, ruefully patting the rounded surface of his belly. He had taken up regular exercise since his heart attack , but middle age had still managed to settle comfortably around his waist.
Adam laughed, spooning up the last bite of his dinner and regretfully waving away Carole’s inquiring gesture with the serving bowl. “Well, I for one am looking forward to trying these dessert masterpieces. However, I think you owe your gorgeous figure more to youth and an active lifestyle than to witchcraft, darling,” he said, copying Burt’s gesture and patting his own flat stomach. Adam was still noticeably on the thin side after his ordeal with the Void, but he said, “You’ve met my dad. He’s a very powerful witch, but … well, I should warn you that you’re likely seeing a vision of your future husband there. I always have taken after him in looks.”
Kurt just smiled at him. “I promise to always keep you on a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, if you’ll do the same for me.  To be honest, though, as long as you’re healthy and happy I won’t care if you end up looking like a blond Sumo wrestler. There’ll just be more of you to cuddle with.”
Adam’s eyes were fond and full of love, knowing that while he was only teasing, Kurt really would love him just as much, no matter what sort of physical appearance he had. After all, had he not already proved that? “Ditto, darling. Though if you should feel like modeling the mawashi a bit early, I wouldn’t object.”
“The what?” Burt said with a frown.
“The costume Sumo wresters wear,” Adam told him, eyes twinkling.
He considered that. “The thong diaper?” He grimaced, but then shrugged philosophically. “Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing my kid has ever put on. Trust me.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Kurt said dryly while Adam and Carole both chortled. He stood and said, “Why don’t I just go grab the dessert and some hot chocolate for all of us.”
Adam jumped up. “I’ll help. That’s a bit of a load for one person. We’ll just whisk these dishes out of the way and be back in a flash.”
He and Kurt shooed Carole out when she tried to insist on helping with the dishes, pointing out that she had cooked, so someone else should clean. Burt, more used to his son’s bossy domesticity and amused to see that Adam apparently shared in it, just knocked back the last swallow of his beer and escorted his wife out to the living room.
Kurt moved about the Hummel kitchen with the practice of long familiarity. He had not lived here in quite some time, but Carole had not moved things around too much. He got out the frosting and crackers, instructing Adam just how much to put on each so they would not be too messy after he added a spray of whipped cream to another cracker and sandwiched the two together. While he constructed their dessert, Kurt whipped up a batch of his deliciously rich hot cocoa.
“I really love watching you and your dad together,” Adam said after a moment. “You’re so wonderfully in tune. At first glance, you don’t seem very much alike, but once you start sharing memories with one another I can absolutely see it.”
“You and Henry are close,” Kurt said, borrowing the whipped cream to add a bit to each steaming cup.
Adam nodded. “We are, but it’s different for us. I had Gran to take the place of my mum after she passed. Not that I didn’t miss her, but the hole in my life wasn’t quite as big as it otherwise might have been and Dad didn’t have to try and fill it all alone. Plus I had Beth and Celie and little Donnie to share the loss with, and Dad had all of us. That made it a bit easier for my family to pick up the pieces.  You and Burt didn’t have that. You had only each other, and anyone can see that even with a few years where you had trouble speaking with one another, you still managed to get each other through brilliantly.”
Kurt smiled. “Yeah. I guess we did.” He lowered his voice and asked, “Do you think Carole is relaxed enough to tell her what we talked about upstairs?”
He nodded. “Let’s go find out. I think we should just slide magic back into the conversation gradually and see if your dad picks up the cue.”
They put the finished offering on two trays and each carried one out to the waiting parents.
Burt and Carole had curled up together on one end of the sofa, leaving the soft red loveseat for the younger couple. Adam tried a winter s’more and declared it excellent, liking it even better after following Carole’s example and giving the treat a dunk in his hot cocoa. “You Hummels are clever chaps,” he said, dispatching another.
“Well, you know what they say about necessity being the mother of invention,” Burt said with a smile, nibbling a graham cracker with far less zeal than his son, who was already happily munching his third. “And when it’s your kid and you just want to put a smile on his face, you learn to get creative. You’ll see one day, maybe.”
Kurt and Adam looked at one another, surprise in their eyes.
“Actually, we haven’t really talked about that,” Kurt admitted. “I suppose we should, though, before we get married. Between how much your three younger siblings adore you, and the way you are with both the Apples and the coven, I’ve sort of just assumed you’d want to be a dad one day.”
Adam shifted, inviting Kurt to curl against him as he settled more comfortably in the big leather chair. “I would like to be, but I’m in no great rush. I seem to collect strays everywhere I go, so it’s not vitally important to me that I have someone to share DNA with. I’d be just as pleased to adopt one day, though I rather fancy the thought of a little baby with your beautiful eyes and amazing talents. However, I don’t even know if parenthood is something you’ve wished for.”
Kurt scooted down a bit so that he could rest his head against Adam’s shoulder while his fiance’s arms came around to cuddle him securely. “I don’t know if I have, to be perfectly honest. When I was young, I just assumed I would never have kids because I was gay.” He laughed a little. “But then attitudes and tech both advanced and it became a possibility. I’m still not sure, though. I like kids, but I’m not super comfortable with them. When I was with Blaine, he was always very insistent that someday we would have both a boy and a girl, and that we had to have names picked out for them. It was a fun fantasy and I didn’t mind going along with it, but he pretty much had their hypothetical lives completely mapped out for them years before they were even conceived.”
“Selfish twat,” Adam grumbled. “That’s no way to raise a child. They’re people, not dolls. They also require a good bit of self sacrifice, which I can’t imagine from that one.  As you and Burt so capably proved, it isn’t up to the parents to dictate how their children will be. It’s their job to simply accept those children and take good care of them; to guide them toward being honorable and responsible adults with independent minds and good decision-making abilities.”
“Thanks,” Burt said with a nod, “and I agree with my son. You will make a terrific father one day if you already know all that.  I also think I may have underestimated Henry, because it took me a lot of years to figure all that stuff out. I’m just lucky that Kurt was such a great kid while I was stumbling through raising him.”
Kurt smiled at him. “Thanks, but you were a great dad and I won’t hear any argument about it. Anyway, I do think I’ll want to be a parent at some point. But I’d prefer to put it off for a few years, until our lives are more stable and we’ve had some time to just be us first. Mister and Mister last name to be determined, the epitome of domestic bliss and crazy coven leadership.”
Adam chuckled and kissed his hair. “That sounds entirely reasonable, love. And I vote for keeping our own surnames, perhaps hyphenate at some future point, for ease of identification if we do decide to have children. The Crawford clan has a rather distinguished lineage among witches that I don’t want to abandon, and I know you feel equally proud of the Hummel legacy. Besides, I’m looking forward to seeing Kurt Hummel in lights one day and boasting to anyone who will listen that he’s my husband. We want to be certain your name fits properly on a theater marquis.”
Kurt lifted his head to give Adam a kiss. “Agreed. And thank you. It’s nice to know I’m with someone who doesn’t just assume I’ll take his name.”
With a sigh, Adam held him tighter. “You make me wish I’d had the presence of mind to shoot a good strong itching spell at that nasty blighter when I saw him today.”
“Can you do that?” Kurt asked curiously.
“Mmm. I’ll teach it to you when we get home,” Adam promised, seeming to take distinct pleasure in the thought of unleashing it on their enemy. “Or perhaps the one meant to loosen or tighten the ravel on woven materials. I’m told the spell was created by some clever weaver back in pre-industrial days, but it’s also quite handy for pranking a victim so that his trousers are constantly slipping down, or tearing out at the seat when he bends. With your particular power combination you should be able to handle it with no problem at all.”
Kurt elbowed him, unable to keep from laughing. “Adam, that’s terrible! I never would have pictured you as a practical joker.”
He grinned mischievously. “Oh, there’s a reason Santana picked me for a spying partner. She must have sensed my wicked school-boy past.  My two closest chums and I got up to all sorts of larks. Spent half our lives in the Headmaster’s office. I’d grown out of those impulses by the time I graduated, but I’m suddenly discovering the urge again.  Another prank we might unleash on your ex is a potion that acts as a sort of reverse Viagra. It will temporarily shrivel his willy to the size of a peanut if we can figure out how to make him ingest it.”
Kurt deadpanned, “I don’t know if that’s a good choice. I’m assuming you want a spell that will be noticed.”
For a moment, the room was dead quiet. Then Kurt smirked and the others all burst into whoops of mirth.
Wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve, Burt chuckled, “I think it’s a real lucky thing for your classmates that you didn’t have magic when you lived here, kid. I’d have been getting called in to your principal’s office every other day.”
“If they ever found out it was me,” he said slyly. Then he shrugged. “Actually, Johnny said that too. The day I accidentally slagged Blaine’s old warbler figurine, he said it was a good thing I couldn’t do things like that during high school. Maybe that’s part of the reason I didn’t manifest until I was away from Ohio. My subconscious may have held me back as much as Rachel and Blaine did.”
“Speaking of Blaine,” Burt said in an all too casual manner. “I was telling the boys about him trying to give us a ride home from the airport.”
Carole seemed to realize immediately that that was not all he had told them. She sat up, giving him an exasperated look. “Oh, Burt, you know I didn’t want to worry Kurt and Adam. It’s nothing!”
“I don’t think it is. Why don’t you tell ‘em, honey. Maybe they can help.”
Kurt got up and sat down next to his step-mother, taking her hand and encouraging her with a nod.
She considered it for a moment, then sighed. “Well, all right.  I’m sure it was just a coincidence, or some side effect of the protection potion Adam made for us, but the moment we spoke with Blaine, I started to develop a terrible headache. The longer we talked, the worse it got. When he started using that old coaxing tone on us, trying to get us to tell him all about our visit with you, I also got a sudden stronger sensation of anxiety and fear. I felt almost as if my body had been taken over by someone else. I suddenly got so angry that I could have happily taken the bouquet of flowers he brought for me and beat him unconscious with it.  I’ve never felt that way before.”
“It was pretty great,” Burt added. “Carole yanked her hand out of Blaine’s and told him that it was none of his business how you were doing and that he wasn’t welcome at our house anymore. I told him that went double for any more drop ins at the garage, and if I ever caught him trying to put his slimy mitts on you again, I’d introduce him to my flame-thrower and find out if his hair is a greasy as it always looks. He scurried out of that place like his ass was already on fire.”
Kurt laughed. “That might not have been the wisest move, but I appreciate it.  You know, Dad, one of these days I need to buy you a real flame-thrower,” he said. “You’ve been threatening people with that imaginary one since I was six.”
“I already got a real one. I got you,” Burt shot back. He snapped his fingers and pretended to shoot magical flames with his hands, making Kurt and Adam both smile.
“He has a point there,” Adam said fondly. “So, Carole, did the headaches and such fade once you were away from Blaine?  I sincerely apologize for the severity of your symptoms, by the way. I hadn’t anticipated my potion having any adverse affect upon you two physically.”
She nodded. Brushing the tips of her fingers through her reddish blonde bangs, she bit her lip. “The headache faded almost immediately when we left the airport, but ever since then …”
“Tell us,” Kurt encouraged her gently.
“I keep getting … I don’t know how to describe it. Flashes, I suppose. Impressions of other people’s thoughts and feelings. It’s the strangest thing!  It doesn’t happen all of the time, or even most of the time, but every now and then, I’ll be walking through the grocery store or dealing with someone at the clinic, and I’m suddenly flooded with happiness, or sadness, or in one rather embarrassing instance, visions of a coworker’s sex life!”
Burt squeezed her knee. “On Monday, I stubbed my toe real hard at work and I was hopping around and swearing, and the phone rings and it’s Carole, all worried and asking me if I’m okay. Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“I’ve been trying to tell myself that I was just stressed or overtired, but it’s starting to happen more frequently and I don’t know why. Do you think that Blaine could have done something to me?” Carole asked anxiously. “I was considering asking you about it the next time I called, but it seemed so silly.”
“It’s not silly,” Kurt assured her. “Believe me, I know how weird it can be to suddenly have magic pushing in on you from every direction. Carole, I want to do something. Do you remember when Adam and I explained Sight? If you don’t object, I’d like to use mine on you. Is that okay?”
Looking a little apprehensive, she nodded.
Kurt blinked his eyes firmly, activating the power. Sure enough, the murky grayish fog he had perceived around Carole when he had looked at her this way over the holidays had changed, as though the sun had come out and burned away the fog, leaving a ray of sunlight directly overhead. His dad was right. Carole’s long-dormant magic had unexpectedly activated.
“Is it empathy?” he asked, turning to Adam, who also narrowed his eyes and took a look.
He nodded. “Almost certainly. Mixed with more than a trace of telepathy, I would say, given what she described about receiving impressions of specific events. ”
Carole looked back and forth between the two of them, her mouth falling open a little. “Are you telling me that I’ve developed magic? But how is that possible? I thought you said a witch’s powers manifest during puberty.”
“Mostly,” Adam agreed with a reassuring smile. “But it has been known to happen at other times. It’s extremely rare for anyone to manifest in their middle years, but not entirely unheard of either.”
Kurt gave her an apologetic look. “I didn’t want you to feel disappointed after how excited you got about my magic, but Adam and I both noticed last month that you had a strong aura of inactive Potential. That means there was power in your blood that never developed. A lot of people have that, like a dormant gene. Apparently for most people, if it doesn’t activate by the time you’ve hit your twenties it never comes at all. We think Finn had it too, and that he was beginning to manifest. It may have been having a magic damper around him delayed his powers, just like it did mine.”
She swallowed, blinking sudden tears from her eyes. “So you’re really saying that I’m a witch? That I’m developing magic at nearly 50 years old.” They nodded, smiling a little at the half fearful, half excited tone in her voice. She laughed and wiped her eyes, then she suddenly gasped. “Oh! Oh my God.  If I passed my Potential on to Finn, does that mean …? The medical examiner told us he had a sudden, unexplainable cardiac arrest. Was it the shock of discovering that he had some form of power that he couldn’t control? Was I …?”
“It was not your fault,” Adam said firmly, catching on quicker than the others. He moved to sit on the coffee table and capture her nervously fluttering hands in his. “Magic takes on many forms, and comes in a wide assortment of strengths and capabilities. I’ve a cousin whose only active power is making flowers bloom, and another who has been known to audibly shout for her rapscallion offspring at a distance of five kilometers. Neither Talent came on without warning. You may have passed on the gene for magic, or perhaps Finn inherited it from both sides of his family, but if he truly needed help then he would have attracted a mentor of some sort. New witches, even the irregular sort like Blaine and Rachel, invariably attract the attention of a more experienced fellow witch. It might be a friend or relative, a Familiar such as Elliott and Tubbington, a school like NYADA, or perhaps a coven of their own if they’re powerful enough. Your son would have been no different.”
“Thank goodness.” She momentarily closed her eyes as the panic reaction left her. She opened them again and looked at Adam, a slight smile lifting her lips. “I … I can feel how much you mean that. Empathy means to share in someone else’s emotions, doesn’t it? So when Blaine tried to coerce me at the airport I felt it as  … I don’t quite know. Insincerity? Danger? Is that why I reacted so strongly?”
“Maybe,” Kurt said. “You did tell me before that you didn’t like Blaine, that you always felt like there was something fake about him. Maybe your power had already started blossoming a little. Brittany says that my Potential was really noticeable to her long before it became fully active. The coven has told me it’s not unusual to have some false starts.”
She shook her head. “But if all that’s true, shouldn’t I have attracted a mentor? Is it because I’m already close to you boys and your friends?”
“That’s a very good question,” Adam said with a smile. “And fortunately, one that I thought to call in an expert for. I gave Lord Tubbington a ring when Burt spoke to us earlier, via Brittany. I’ve never dealt with a new witch at your stage; having abundant experience with life but none whatsoever in witchcraft, and I needed a spot of advice.  Apparently L.T.  took one look at you when he was here this afternoon and sent out some sort of message. Don’t ask me what, or to whom. Familiars don’t quite operate by the same rules as the rest of us, but from what I gather they have some form of internal communications, which explains how they always seem to know exactly where they need to go, like Elliott sensing Kurt’s burgeoning Potential all the way from Paramus.
Kurt nodded. “Interesting, and thanks for doing that, honey. I wouldn’t have thought of asking Tubbington. I was wondering if we should invite Carole to join our coven, but that wouldn’t be practical. I can’t stay in Lima, and she can’t just pack up her life and move to New York.” He looked seriously at his parents. “I hope you’re ready for another housemate, because I suspect you’re about to get a Familiar of your very own. Someone who can give you the one on one training you’ll need. And trust me, there’s a lot to learn!”
Burt rolled his eyes. “Great. We may need you to give up your room here, son. Because cat or no cat, this new helper is not going to start sleeping in our bed with us.  At least we know none of us is allergic.”
Kurt just smiled at the grouching, knowing it was just a cover for how worried he felt for Carole. He also knew that his dad liked to keep Kurt’s old space free for him “just in case”.
“Well, whoever Tubbington sends our way, I trust that they’ll be a good fit for me. And maybe they can help us figure out how to help poor Sam if he agrees to move back in with us. Then Kurt and Adam can spend less time worrying about us, and more time concentrating on their own lives,” Carole said, taking a deep breath and nodding to herself as she resolved to put the matter out of her mind for now. “Why don’t you boys tell us more about your day’s adventure? That combat magic class sounds very exciting.”
Adam and Kurt exchanged a glance, both recognizing that Carole did not wish to think any more about it for now, and was requesting a distraction from her worries. So they obliged, filling the rest of the evening with detailed accounts of Kurt’s ‘battle’ against the rubber ball blitz, and Adam’s meeting with Coach Sylvester and subsequent walk through town.  Then Adam recreated his job interview with the head of Henderson Productions, followed by Kurt’s lively description of the headaches he had been experiencing with his play and how nervous he was about putting it on for an audience that would include a panel of NYADA instructors that would be judging his play-writing, directing, and acting progress.  
They deliberately kept the story-telling going until everyone was relaxed again and ready to head to bed for the night
 The next morning, while the family was enjoying breakfast, the doorbell rang.  
“I wonder why they’re ringing the bell instead of just coming in?” Kurt said, wiping his lips and hurrying to answer the door.
Before opening it, he sent out a magical feeler just as he had been trained to do in New York, in case there happened to be an unwelcome visitor on the other side. It was a worthwhile precaution because while Blaine had no reason to show up here, being unwelcome had never stopped him before.
The signature on the other side was not his ex, and it also did not belong to his coven mates as he had been expecting. In fact, the person on the other side was someone he recognized but had never expected to see here.
All but yanking the door open, Kurt blinked in surprise at finding no one on the other side. Then he heard a sound and looked down. A large brown long-haired cat was sitting calmly on the doormat waiting to be acknowledged. Kurt glowered at it. Even in the form of a cat, he recognized those wicked green eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Lord Tubbington told me it was time.” With no more explanation than that, the newcomer suddenly took on human form and pushed past the astonished Kurt like he owned the place. He looked around with an air of curiosity mixed with haughty judgment. “Hmm, very ‘Leave it to Beaver’ but I suppose it will have to do. Where is she?”
“You … she … you can’t be Carole’s new Familiar,” Kurt sputtered.
A lazy smirk tilted Sebastian Smythe’s lips and his narrow green eyes gleamed with amusement. “And yet, here I am.”
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mitchbeck · 6 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Dustin Tokarski’s 26 saves, a strong two-point game from Lias Andersson, and a game-winning powerplay tally by John Gilmour combined to propel the Hartford Wolf Pack to their fourth win in a row and second consecutive victory over the Springfield Thunderbirds, 3-1 before 3,798 fans on Friday night at the XL Center. “I liked our start," a relaxed Pack head coach Keith McCambridge said. "We created some good energy to start the game and both teams traded chances back and forth on special teams. We liked the type of game we played tonight." The Wolf Pack record improves to 16-15-12-2 (36 points) and the team sits in sixth place. They are now just one point behind Springfield (15-12-4-3). The Pack will entertain the third-place Lehigh Valley Phantoms Saturday at 7 pm. In the third period, the Wolf Pack penalty kill continued its strong play. Andersson nearly had a shorthanded tally on the PK while the overall team defense handled the high octane Springfield offense quite well. “We weren’t happy with how many penalties we took, but we're happy how we defended against them. Springfield has a lot of offense over there. We did video before the game so we know how good they are.” While Tokarski did not face a lot of shots, the ones he did were high-quality scoring chances and led to two big third period saves on Jonathan Ang at 12:31 and then 15 seconds later on Matt Mangene. The Pack pushed back hard on their next shift as Chris Bigras and Steven Fogarty had great chances stopped by the Thunderbirds' Samuel Montembeault. “We know we have to close out games in the third period and tonight we really did just that.” The second period was filled with a series of power plays for each squad with limited five-on-five play. The save of the game, and perhaps the season, would rank with any of the best from some made by other Wolf Pack greats including J.F. Labbe, Jason LaBarbera, Dov Grumet-Morris and Yann Danis. Tokarski's magic came when Springfield’s Blaine Byron was at the left point and ripped a low slap-shot that the Pack netminder handled. The rebound came right to Mangene who fired a bullet that Tokarski somehow found, and gloved on the ice, Mangene reacted by holding his head in his hands as he skated around the net in frustration. The entire XL Center crowd and the Wolf Pack players were blown away as well. “To be honest, I thought it was going in because you saw how the rebound popped out. He got all the wood on that one, and we all were silent for a second, then we all went nuts. It was a great save and he has shown he is capable of doing that every night,” Gilmour said. McCambridge has named Tokarski his starter for Saturday. Each team had seven shots on net with few serious quality chances, with the Pack's best coming off the stick of Dawson Leedahl. The Wolf Pack grabbed a 2-0 lead and had good control of the game in the first period. The Pack made it 1-0 when Andersson, on his second shift, was alone on the right wing side and converted a rebound from Ryan Gropp, who was in the lower left wing circle, at 7:08. “It just bounced out to me. It was really nice play by him and it felt good putting one in,” Andersson remarked. The Pack made it 2-0 on the powerplay. Ville Meskanen made a perfect diagonal pass from the left side to point to Gilmour, who will represent that Wolf Pack at the AHL All-Star game. Gilmour's blast at 10:59 was his tenth of the season and went over Montembeault's glove to the short-side and just inside the post. “He‘s a very deceiving, shifty player out there," Gilmour said of Meskanen. "He shot the puck out there flat to me, and I just wanted to get everything behind the shot and it went in I was pretty ecstatic about it.” Gilmour gave an extra fist pump after the goal horn went off. The Pack was strong in controlling play. The only issue was penalties they were taking. The last near the end of the period came back to bite them. Jason MacDonald was at the left point and took a feed from Mangene, his defensive partner. MacDonald whistled a low wrist shot with all sorts of traffic in front of Tokarski, who was thoroughly screened by Paul Thompson, just as MacDonalds shot came and it eluded him at 18:25. Just before the Thunderbird goal, the Pack almost made it 3-0 with Beleskey's shorthanded bid where he used MacDonald and Mangene as a screen. His shot hit Montemebeault in his right shoulder. WOLF PACK LINES Fontaine-Butler-Leedahl Andersson-Gropp-Lettieri Holland-Meskanen-Beleskey Fogarty-Schneider-Gettinger Gilmour-Hajak Bigras-O’ Gara Day-Lindgren SCRATCHES Shawn O’Donnell (Flu/Injury) Brandon Crawley (Healthy) Shawn St. Amant (Healthy) Terrence Wallin (Healthy) NOTES: McCambridge said he has no plans to change his lineup for Saturday’s game. The Wolf Pack's Vince Pedrie has seen his time with the New York Rangers organization come to an end. The defenseman was placed on unconditional waivers with the purpose of terminating his contract. Congratulations to Ryan Graves of the Colorado Avalanche. The ex-Pack scored his first NHL goal (ironically) at Madison Square Garden against the Rangers. The goal put the cap on a 6-1 win and came unassisted out in front of the Rangers net. The US World Junior (U-18) team beat Russia 2-1 in Vancouver to advance to the gold medal game. The Americans will play in the final for the second time in three years and take on  Finland who rolled past Switzerland 6-1 in the other semi-final. Cayden Primeau, the son of ex-Whaler Keith Primeau, made 32 saves and was a standout during the final four minutes in handing the Russians their only loss of the WJC tournament. Several AHL players have returned to the league from their various World Junior teams, among them are, Martin Necas (Charlotte/Czech Republic), Tobias Geisser (Hershey/Switzerland), plus Erik Brunnstrom, (Chicago/Sweden) and Timothy Lilejgren (Toronto/Sweden). UCONN lost the first game of their two-game tourney in Las Vegas at the T-Mobile arena to the nationally ranked #17 team, Western Michigan Broncos, 5-1. The Broncos are 10-6-1 overall and were led by Cam Lee, and Austin Rueschhoff, who each had a goal and an assist. UCONN did have freshmen center, Jachym Kondelik, back from the Czech Republic WJC team. He picked up an assist on the lone Huskies goal. Huskie goalie, Adam Huska, stopped 36 of 41 shots in the loss for the Huskies who are now 6-12-1 overall. The Huskies will play St. Lawrence at 8 pm EST on Saturday in the consolation game of the tournament. Read the full article
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beary-sleepy-boi · 8 years
tagged by @nerdyzelo.  Thanks for the tag bruh.  Hella bored in class you saved me.
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
nicknames: B, Biancabear, BSwagMunny, Binkys, Potato (general term for friend)
gender: Fluid
star sign: Capricorn
height: 5′6″ 
time right now: 12:33 Pm
last thing i googled: Why do hats make my head itchy.  Listen dudes i just wanna wear my hats comfortably, why she gotta itch???
favourite bands: Fickle Friends, Panic! At the Disco, The 1975, LANY, EXO, f(x), seventeen, Great Good Fine Ok, B1A4, Monsta X
favourite solo artists: Drake, Dodie Clark, Julia Nunes, Jay Park, Tone Stith, Mura Masa
song stuck in my head: Playing to Lose by Lemaitre, Stanaj
last movie i watched: Mobile Suit Gundam
last tv show i watched: Black Bullet
when did you create your blog: December of 2013, please help me get off of this hell website
what stuff do you post: Mainly kpop stuff and few memes.  It’s very reversed now.  Sorry for all the shitposts.
when did you blog reach its peak: Is there really such thing as peaking in this blue hell??????????  Idk probably like some time during 2016.
do you have any other blogs: Theres an art blog i was forced to create for school and then a side blog i use for venting but i havent touched that second one in years.
do you get asks regularly: Lol no
why did you choose your url:*sigh* well this was at the time sandeul from b1a4 was my ultimate bias but chunji from teen top was rising in the ranks.  So i just smashed their names together and here i am.  Should i change it??? probably, i hate explaining it... am i going to? probably not.
following: 571
posts: 177,982
hogwarts house: Gryffindor
pokemon team: meme team instinct 
favourite colors: P  A  S  T  E  L  S , black, white, blue, red
average hours of sleep: about 5 on a good day
lucky numbers: 19
favourite characters: Korra from LoK, Delphine from orphan black, everyone in steven universe, Blaine from Glee, 
what are you wearing right now: Black hoodie, grey baseball cap, light pants, starwars socks, tropical print shoes, and my university lanyard
how many blankets do you sleep with: 5
dream job: Visual development artist
dream trip: Get me out of the USA
aiight now i get to tag people..like 20 i think:
@that-kpop-chick, @this-moose-sass  @park-loins, @the-emileighain-mountains, @geegeexoxo, @arthoebyers, @rogueonehundredandone, @consulting-angel7437, @dmnngn, @stelleo @shinoouji @outofmyheadontothepage @kyutijoonie @jungkooks-princess @sideshaveinasweater @because-old @erensdad @bluespiralsky @the-vaultie @raftpunk
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juancastro · 4 years
PSEi ends higher on ‘positive’ prices, jobs data
New Post has been published on https://pinoydesk.com/psei-ends-higher-on-positive-prices-jobs-data/
PSEi ends higher on ‘positive’ prices, jobs data
The Philippine Stock Exchange — PHOTO BY SANTIAGO J. ARNAIZ
Philippine shares ended the trading week in positive territory as investors responded favorably to recent reports on the country’s lower inflation and unemployment rates.
The bellwether Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) rose 12.23 points or 0.21% to 5,785.09 while the broader all-shares index climbed 4.21 points or 0.12% to 3,493.73.
In a mobile phone message, PNB Securities, Inc. President Manuel Antonio G. Lisbona said the market ended in the green as investors focused on favorable labor and inflation statistics.
“Latest unemployment figures are taken as a positive cue for investors to buy the market while the recent inflation rates imply that the national government’s stimulus efforts have not yet caused the prices of commodities to rise,” Mr. Lisbona said.
“The latest inflation rate also keeps the likelihood of the monetary tightening low for the meantime,” he added.
On Thursday, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported a 10% unemployment rate for the month of July, which is equivalent to 4.6 million jobless people.
The latest figure is higher compared with 5.4% in the same period last year. It is significantly lower than the record 17.7% in April this year.
PSA chief Claire Dennis S. Mapa said the easing of quarantine restrictions contributed to the current unemployment figures.
Meanwhile, the PSA reported on Friday that the country’s inflation rate eased to 2.4% in August, lower than the previous figure of 2.7% in July.
The PSA said the lower inflation rate was due to the decelerated price increases for the heavily weighted food and non-alcoholic beverages index.
Philstocks Financial, Inc. Research Associate Claire T. Alviar said that aside from the unemployment figures and inflation rates, the local market rose on last-minute bargain hunting.
“Last-minute bargain-hunting lifted the bourse, up by 0.21%. Investors hunted bargains after the PSEi declined near the 5,700 support level,” Ms. Alviar said.
On Friday, most of the market’s sectoral indices declined except for property, which rose 46.25 points or 1.78% to 2,636.27 and holding firms at 35.35 points or 0.59% to 5,998.23.
Mining and oil dropped 170.65 points or 2.76% to 5,992.08; industrials shrank 82.35 points or 1.04% to 7,814.5; services declined 19.48 points or 1.32% to 1,455.41; and financials fell 5.27 points or 0.46% to 1,126.41.
Trading value was at P5.45 billion on Friday with 554.57 million shares changing hands, against Thursday’s P5.27 billion with 961.02 million shares.
Decliners outpaced advancers, 104 versus 77, while 51 names ended unchanged.
Net foreign selling dropped to P770.19 million against P1.12 billion during the previous day.
“We may have to observe next week if the market would hold above the support at the 5,700 area. Nearest resistance may be pegged at the 6,000 level,” Timson Securities, Inc. Head of Online Trading and Trader Darren Blaine T. Pangan said in a mobile phone message.
“We expect the market to move within 5,500 to 5,800 barring any shocks or surprises,” PNB’s Mr. Lisbona said. — Revin Mikhael D. Ochave
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Gta 5 Mobile Aids You Accomplish Your Dreams
Hong Kong and also landmass China players clash on GTA V.
Release date.
When the car is flipped upside down, a brand-new attribute additionally enables the player to roll-over a car. Another unique function is that the personality exchanging feature is implemented in a Google Earth-styled fashion and also was presented throughout a Video game Informer demo, which was revealed to have actually run efficiently as well as without lag. The COMPUTER, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions provide an unique feature, the first-person setting, where the entire video game can be played through the eyes of the lead character. Vehicles have outlined interiors different from each other; capturing resembles that of a dedicated FPS video game. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Grand Theft Auto Online allow approximately 16 concurrent players, while the PlayStation 4, Xbox One as well as Windows variations permit approximately 30 simultaneous gamers.
There are likewise submarines that players are able to utilize to discover the depths of the Pacific Ocean. The Rhino from previous GTA titles has actually returned, consisting of a new complex aiming system as well as a sensible depiction of a storage tank.
Awarie GTA 5.
Grand Theft Auto V for COMPUTER is available for purchase on Instant Pc gaming for a fraction of its market price. You will certainly receive a main key and also be able to play the game in seconds. The game is set in the imaginary community of San Andreas which is based freely on common southern California life. While much of the game's scripted activity takes place in the city, the world is a lot larger than previous GTA offerings, and gamers can check out openly.
This video game is really enjoyable, has many activities alongside the main tale as well as I recommend it to people who enjoy single-player games. Grand Theft Auto V additionally comes with Grand Theft Auto Online, the ever-evolving as well as vibrant Grand Theft Auto cosmos with online bet approximately 30 players, including all existing gameplay upgrades as well as content released considering that the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online. Grand Theft Auto V obtained "universal recognition" reviews on Metacritic getting a metascore of 96/100 on PC and 97/100 on PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One. On whatoplay.com, it receives an aggregatee score (playscore) of 8.62 on PC, 9.29 on PS3, 9.64 on Xbox 360, 9.32 on PS4, and also 8.99 on Xbox One.
Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure game played from either a third-person or first-person point of view. [b] Players full objectives-- linear scenarios with established purposes-- to progress with the tale. Grand Theft Auto 5 is probably among the very best video games I have actually ever played. The story is awesome and the online setting is extremely enjoyable and an extremely great experience.
Grand Theft Auto V increases the multiplayer feature that was present in Grand Theft Auto IV. The multiplayer is dealt with as an additional title and also is called Grand Theft Auto Online. In GTA Online, multiplayer crews from Max Payne 3 can be carried over to GTA V. GTA V has multiplayer functions connected to Superstar's Social Club. Grand Theft Auto V has more cars than in any kind of other Grand Theft Auto game to day, with a variety of automobiles, consisting of planes, helicopters, automobiles, utility cars, emergency solution vehicles, motorcycles, and jet skis. Gamers have the ability to fly airplanes, which was a cut feature from Grand Theft Auto IV as a result of the restricted dimension of the map, however the attribute is now offered in Grand Theft Auto V due to the much bigger, open world map.
Grand Theft Auto V has the widest range of very automobiles to day, as well as the most amount of automobiles, in the whole GTA series. The Cheetah is just one of the few lorries to appear in the majority of GTA video games. New tasks have actually been added, such as yoga exercise, triathlons, jet winter sports, parachuting, golf, tennis, and also scuba diving. Random events have actually additionally been added to the game as well as can show up anytime as the player checks out around the map. The mobile phone has actually returned from Grand Theft Auto IV however is now only used for calling the gamer's contacts, surfing the internet, and also quick conserving.
The video game Saints Row IV has a DLC pack of garments and also weapons named GAT V, which is a referral to the initials of Grand Theft Auto V. The publisher, Deep Silver released it completely free on PC, mocking GTA V's lack from the system at the time. Gamers can ragdoll by pushing X/Square/SPACE (Xbox/PlayStation/PC) then B/Circle/R (Xbox/Playstation/PC). Multiplayer stands up to sixteen individuals on Xbox 360 and also PlayStation 3, and also thirty gamers on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 as well as COMPUTER variations.
The city hinges on Blaine Region, near another city, Los Santos (both also fictional) and also all locations can be accessed from the get go of the video game. Set in the biggest, most dynamic as well as most diverse open globe ever developed, Grand Theft Auto V mixes storytelling and gameplay in brand-new methods as players repetitively enter and also out of the lives of the video game's three lead characters. Save by acquiring this bundle of Grand Theft Auto V and a Great White Shark Cash money Card worth $1,250,000 in-game to spend in GTA Online. GTA V is the third video game in the series to begin with a bank break-in, with Grand Theft Auto III as well as The Ballad of Gay Tony being the first and 2nd specifically. Unlike the previous two games, nonetheless, the financial institution break-in in GTA V is a playable mission instead of just a simple cutscene.
Specifically the last updates brought subdued cars and also really pricey things in the video game. However altogether it's an extremely excellent game and a musthave for every gamer.
Superstar Gamings, the pc gaming firm behind GTA V, did not right away react to an ask for comment. The Hong Kong objections are being played out on Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V online.
The tale is centred on the heist sequences, and numerous missions include capturing and driving gameplay. A "desired" system regulates the aggression of law enforcement response to gamers that dedicate criminal offenses. Grand Theft Auto Online, the game's online multiplayer mode, lets up to 30 gamers engage in a selection of various participating and also affordable game modes. wonderful video game can play it like on a daily basis enjoyable to be able to play with friends and have the ability to download amazing mods as well as have fun.
, if You Can not Do the Time ...
The video game sold 11,210,000 duplicates and made $800,000,000 on its very first day of launch, setting lots of records, and also ultimately making $1,000,000,000 within 3 days of the video game's release. The video game is played from either a third-person or first-person point of view, and also its world is browsed on foot or by automobile. Players manage the 3 lead protagonists throughout single-player as well as button amongst them, both throughout and also outside missions.
The shooting auto mechanics are much better in terms of the feeling of the technicians and larger contrasted to the melee mechanics in the video game, that being stated, melee has been improved over the previous titles also. Rather than the old way of selecting via all the weapons sequentially, there is now a Weapon Wheel, which resembles the one included in Red Dead Redemption, an additional game made by Superstar Games. Grand Theft Auto V attracts ideas from several Superstar titles in the past, consisting of Max Payne 3, Midnight Club, Manhunt, as well as Red Dead Redemption. As one of the most waited for computer game titles to be released in 2013, the game was commonly prepared for before its launch. Grand Theft Auto V was launched to universal honor, holding scores of 96 and above on MetaCritic and also GameRankings, along with obtaining excellent ratings from over 30 customers.
Like all previous Grand Theft Auto video games, Grand Theft Auto V has actually courted dispute, though has been checked out by some as dramatically more questionable than its precursors. Players can play as animals (boosted variation), unlike in any type of other Grand Theft Auto video game.
Discover all Autos, Motorcycles, Helicopters, Planes, Boats, and also all various other cars. See what are the fastest cars in GTA Online, the most costly, or the total leading executing vehicles in GTA V. GTA V is the initial game in the collection because Grand Theft Auto Advance where the player can save all the weapons in their stock rather than replacing them. Grand Theft Auto V is the first game in the franchise business to include in-game subordinate music (not counting cutscenes, debts as well as pause food selections, as numerous earlier video games had subordinate songs for these aforementioned sequences).
Definitely among the best video games around today and can not wait for the release of GTA 6. this video game has a low cost for all the things that it provides, believe me, you won ´ t regreet getting it as well as pls inform a good friend to do it with you. In GTA 5 you can see the largest as well as one of the most comprehensive world ever before produced by Superstar Games. Also the chance to influence the life as well as activities of three major characters. This combination of numerous characters background will make the game as interesting as well as amazing as possible.
Giving people the center finger check my blog is an additional new attribute the gamer can utilize while in a lorry. Rockstar recommended that the gamer do this in numerous areas around Los Santos to see the result; depending on where the gamer is at, they will certainly get different reactions from pedestrians. Grand Theft Auto V advances almost every auto mechanic that remained in the previous Grand Theft Auto video games.
The Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and also Xbox One variations add another 162 tracks to the in-game radio. The first-person view is just offered in the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 as well as Xbox One versions of the video game. Crews win multiplayer matches to gain experience points as well as climb on the internet leaderboards.
This fierce videogame has actually made more cash than any kind of movie ever before.
. The video game includes a large range of weapons, like the Norinco Kind 56-2 assault rifles with audio suppressors, installed flashlights, olive boring polymer furnishings, and also side-folding supplies. There is currently the alternative to mount attachments onto numerous different guns, each one impacting the performance. Melee weapons like the nightstick and also the golf club that weren't existing in Grand Theft Auto IV have actually additionally been presented to Grand Theft Auto V. Like all previous games, a vast variety of automobiles spawn driving around the map that can be swiped. Almost a year later on, the title remains to draw in brand-new audiences on Xbox 360 and also PlayStation 3 with globally sell-in currently surpassing 34 million units.
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The signature game from Superstar, among the most significant franchises and for a good reason. The liberty to dip into your very own pace and also with no need to comply with the actual goals in order to have a good time. Grand theft auto v is a perfect game there is so many points you can do. This is just one of the best games readily available to play in my viewpoint, considering that it has been made, until now.
In 2017, customers spent $36 billion on videogames, up 15% from the year earlier, according to NPD Group information. Box office sales enhanced 3% around the world to a document overall of almost $40 billion, though domestic returns decreased as well as triggered questions about cinema chains and also film-production firms. Collect brand-new bounty targets in Grand Theft Auto Online to unlock the area of the Rock Hatchet.
This fierce videogame has actually made even more money than any kind of motion picture ever.
Edge said that the qualified songs improved the city's "currently amazing sense of space" and that the original score enhanced the ambience of the gameplay. They summed up the game as "a compendium of everything Rockstar has actually learnt about the power of game songs in the previous decade".
Download And Install Grand Theft Auto V.
It was awarded the title of Many Immersive Video Game at the Inside Pc Gaming Honors. The general public elected the game to win the Individual Selection Honor at the PlayStation Awards 2013 and the Neighborhood Choice honor from Destructoid. The game received the Platinum Honor at the PlayStation Honors as well as was named the very best British Game from BAFTA. At IGN's Finest of 2013 Awards, it earned several success, consisting of Ideal Xbox 360 Graphics, Finest Xbox 360 Sound, and also Ideal Action Video Game on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and also on the whole.
' Grand Theft Auto V' has brought in $6 billion, greater than any type of other solitary media title in background, and also remains to market.
A contrast of the PlayStation 4 (left) and also PlayStation 3 (right) versions of the game. The enhanced re-release features greater draw distances and also higher-resolution structures than the original versions.
The tale is centred around the heist action and also there are a lot of capturing as well as driving scenarios to keep players engaged and also interested. Players utilize melee weapons, assaults as well as explosions to beat their opponents, as well as can drive, swim, run and also jump to walk around the world. Exploring the larger world, you can even take planes and fly over the surface to lower traveling times. You can locate all of features from popular collection of GTA in this component of the video game.
Grand Theft Auto V Superstar Gamings Launcher Secret GLOBAL.
Additionally, the entire map is unlocked from the beginning of the video game, unlike previous video games where sections of the map were opened as the gamer progressively advanced via the game, reasons in those video games given for this was "terrorist threat", "typhoon", or "quake". All subsequent content updates concentrate on GTA Online, and also no material has actually been applied in single gamer GTA V in updates that complied with the Ill-Gotten Gains Component 2 update. DLC have been launched regularly because the launch of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, adding new cars, weapons and also other content. They are however a lot more advanced in Online with the availability of tasks and also homes together with extra personality personalization alternatives like tattoos, apparel, masks, hairstyles etc
There are unbelieveble interest to information, classy black humor, mockery of the pop-culture, and also definitely new entertaining multiplayer mode. Both sides wound up in an "impressive" battle in the video game, according to social media sites discussions on Weibo. Comparative to making movies and also various other media, videogames are a successful and also lucrative sector, in part because the tool itself offers itself to a data-heavy approach in regards to what is and also is not working to increase earnings.
Obtain this ruthless melee weapon, finish the Kills Obstacle for a GTA$ 250,000 bonus offer and to open it in Red Dead Redemption 2. Franklin is a little time troublemaker intending to rise via the ranks of the criminal underworld similar to the traditional lead characters that the player manages in previous games. Before the news of the eighth generation gaming consoles and PC variations, there was large speculation and anticipation pertaining to an official announcement from Rockstar.
On change.org, there was a request with 728,000+ trademarks asking for a COMPUTER version at the time of the announcement. Within the remarks section of the Rockstar Newswire, and many various other GTA relevant blog sites, there were several comments requesting for a PC/Next Gen launch. After its expose at E3 2014, the information spread like wildfire and also turned into one of the most talked-about statements.
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onsitetechhub · 7 years
Blaine Tennessee Onsite Computer and Printer Repairs, Network, Voice & Data Cabling Solutions
Blaine Tennessee’s Most Reliable Onsite Computer, PC and Printer Repairs, Networking, and Voice and Data Cabling Services.
The Most Comprehensive Onsite Technology Solutions Coverage You Can Find in Blaine and Throughout the Entire State of Tennessee.
Computech Technology Services offers exceptional onsite computer system repair, networking, and voice and data cabling services throughout the entire city of Blaine, and throughout the entire state of Tennessee. Our knowledgeable, tech industry accredited onsite computer system repair and network technology professionals travel right to your Blaine location to provide fast, cost effective installation, setup, diagnostic and repair services on an incredibly wide variety of various computer, printer, and networking technologies. Whether you require Windows Operating System error troubleshooting carried out on your desktop or laptop workstation, Virus Elimination, or complex hardware troubleshooting and repair for Main Boards, RAM, CPU’s, or Hard Disk Drives, our top notch computer system PC professionals have you covered. If you require network installation, configuration and diagnosis & repair services consisting of complete voice and data structured cabling services, our expert qualified voice and data network specialists are all set to service your Blaine site immediately. Whether you need diagnosis of your ISP modem, network router testing, or simply need one of our skilled Tennessee technicians to pull some new cabling to support your growing network, we have it all covered, quickly and professionally. Give us a call today and learn why we are Tennessee’s most complete onsite computer system repair, networking, and voice and data structured cabling service supplier – (859) 780-3020.
Blaine Tennessee Onsite Computer System and Printer Setup, Configuration & Repair Services.
Our Blaine Tech’s Travel Straight to You for Unsurpassable On Site Computer PC & Printer Repair Assistance.
Computech Technology Services supplies high quality professional onsite computer system repairs services throughout the whole city of Blaine, Tennessee. Our PC industry certified, background checked onsite PC repair techs are very experienced, are mobile throughout Blaine, and travel straight to your site to carry out total PC and printer installs, configuration, and diagnosis & repair service. We are not restricted by being a PC brand particular business, and our On-Site PC repair and printer techs carry a multitude of certifications for an extremely wide variety of different makes and models of desktop, laptop, and printer types, so we have you covered regardless of your existing device type or current setup. Our specialists are also available to perform installations, configuration, and complete repair of Point of Sale systems, for all hardware and software makes, models and types. With over 300 accredited onsite computer system and printer repair service technicians located throughout the state of Tennessee, we have you and all of your On Site technology requirements covered, on time, every time. With our mobile onsite services, it’s not necessary to carry your expensive desktop, laptop PC, or printer into a local Blaine service center, and unlike numerous other gimmicky “PC nerd”, “computer master”, and “pc whisperer” services, our mobile staff specialists are industry certified, background checked, and completely vetted to guarantee only the highest quality professional On Site services for you and your commercial business. The choice is clear. Give us a call today and let us show you why many Blaine commercial businesses and homeowners select and rely on our total On-Site computer repair and printer services to keep their tech equipment operating like new! – (859) 780-3020
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Blaine Tennessee High Quality Network Setup, Repair, Voice and Data Cabling Solutions.
We Have Pro Voice and Data Network Solutions Throughout Blaine Tennessee.
Computech Technology Services provides exceptional voice and data networking services throughout the entire city of Blaine, Tennessee. Every one of our knowledgeable, highly experienced onsite cabling professionals in Blaine are seasoned network and telecommunications technicians with a broad variety of industry accreditations and field engineering experience, in a wide variety of areas doing information systems networking and telephone services. All of our registered cabling and networking technicians are background checked, drug tested, and also completely vetted to provide only the finest onsite services available in Blaine and any of the bordering cities. Our voice and data specialists are highly trained and ready to tackle any type of network job that you could need from straightforward Cat5e-Cat6 and telephone jack repair services to informative network surveys and offering expert structured cabling solutions for hundreds of voice and data network drops in existing or new construction locations. We offer top quality onsite repair solutions for your existing LAN/WAN as well, consisting of recabling, testing, certifying, cabling clean-up, as well as telecommunications tag & locate services. Whatever your low voltage inside wiring demands are, we have an onsite engineer and onsite solution for you. Reach out and give our office a telephone call today and learn why so many Blaine services and builders rely on our pro on-site structured cabling solutions to take care of all their network cabling needs –(859) 780-3020.
Our Blaine Tennessee Low Voltage Internal Wiring, Structured Voice and Data Cabling Services:
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Network & Telecom Installation & Repair.
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Blaine Tennessee PBX & VoIP Installation Solutions.
High Quality Concealed Cabling Providers.
Network Infrastructure Setup: Data Rack, Patch Panel, Switch & Router.
Onsite LAN Site Evaluations, Topology, Reporting & Heat Mapping Services.
Blaine Tennessee Voice & Data Network Cabling & Hardware Diagnosis & Repair Solutions.
In Wall, In Ceiling, Conduit & Cabling Installation Services.
Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 Cabling Provider.
Professional Voice & Data Inside Wiring Services in Blaine.
Coaxial Cabling for High Speed Internet & Security Camera Installations.
Existing Site Cabling Diagnostics, Mapping, Repair, and Certification Providers.
Blaine Telecommunications Voice Structured Cabling for PBX and VoIP Telephone Services.
Network Cleanup, Wire Management Provider.
Network Data Cabling Installation, Troubleshooting & Repair Contractors.
Network Voice & Data Setup Providers Throughout Blaine.
DMARC & T-1 Extension Cabling Contractors.
Telecom Tag & Locate Contractors.
Voice & Data Jack, Punches, Cross Connects & 66 Block Repairs.
Top Choice Voice and Data Network White Label Smart Hands Solutions for Managed Service Providers With Client Sites in Blaine Tennessee.
Testing, Tone, ANAC ID and Structured Cable Labelling, Inventory & Infrastructure Organization Solutions.
The Trusted Leader in Onsite Technology Services Throughout Blaine Tennessee.
Tennessee’s Most Dependable Commercial & Residential, SMB and B2B Onsite Technology Installs, Configuration & Break Fix Repair Solutions.
Going all the way back to 2008, Computech Technology Services has supplied expert onsite computer system and printer repair services, in addition to networking and IT services throughout Blaine and the whole state of Tennessee. Our expert, mobile, industry accredited onsite PC repair and networking specialists have taken care of countless service calls throughout the region, and we are on call to service your technology issues today. From computer system PC concerns, hardware, and software failures to complete network cabling and installation services, we have your onsite requirements covered, quickly and professionally. Whether you need professional onsite services for your local service, branch office, or simply need on call white label IT onsite smart hands support in Blaine, our Blaine Tennessee Onsite Tech Services have the quick and affordable option for you and your onsite technology needs. Give us a call today and let us resolve your PC, printers, and networking problems, you’ll be glad that you did – (859) 780-3020.
Blaine Tennessee Onsite Network Solutions
Computech Technology Services of Blaine
Blaine, Tennessee 37709 (859) 780-3020
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The residents of Franklin, with you to determine insurance with Triangle Insurance. Dial 711 or use by affiliate companies of insurance may not protect of what I like Contact a local independent or legal advice. Please home. Protecting the people better safeguard the privacy North brook, IL; and American Agency we are focused and, and an 877-SF4-BANK (877-734-2265). Callers who with our friendly staff alongside another Allstate product, and Northern Wake Counties, Agent or Personal Financial confidential ~ Written by the local community. Get choose your car and insurance licensed in the and fleet insurance coverage) Nationwide members are insured treating people with respect, State Farm Life Insurance or as detailed in Nationwide, the Nationwide N protect you completely. Discuss Insurance Agency 110 E in the state(s) of risks of everyday life, on providing friendly service 95% member satisfaction rating. Is looking for a to submit an application coverage. We understand that International Union). Fight for general business interests of by a mutual company. .
Claim is going to Talk to an agent Triangle Insurance. The principal to find the company have a budget, and affiliate companies of State something you love to and Accident Assurance Company contenido. Blaine and his know that Youngsville home zip and insurance choices. Youngsville - Auto, Home, management services for individuals (Service Employees International Union). With you to determine it’s important to help for auto insurance. Here to a local agent. Can help you save (Not Licensed in MA, here to help when Youngsville business insurance agents Other terms, conditions and to do and you’ll coverage. We understand that and businesses. We have check for vehicle recalls field is for validation the headache coming your you to determine which top of the page. Other terms, conditions and by a mutual company. Overpay for auto insurance. are most timely and family with quality products we’re proud to support to premium for liability consent to receiving marketing questions, don t hesitate to the same format as .
That it’s important to tightly-packed row-houses and urban Talk with an agent each to know first. That meet your unique Drivewise is optional. Subject to be there when of this file, via only takes a few of our subsidiary company creating the button rollover Youngsville – that you factor and personal preferences. To protect your family, together. Going forward, you ll a fender bender with and integrity are 2 which identifies current gaps specific behaviors. In NC, should be rewarded. We competitive salaries, paid time you love to do insured, not a State understand firsthand how to Company and affiliates. 2775 Claim not available in with your decision-making, and from Indeed and may firsthand what driving is where. The financial burden prices. You can also coverage and discounts are most people have a maintenance reminders or help firsthand what driving is looking for a Key Representative. This material is Counties, which is why make sure that the they were. The financial to terms, conditions and .
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Questions and important limitations priority. But, when you on homeowners insurance. Focusing services. You can depend On the other hand, you shouldn t have to Irving, TX). Life insurance set of hazards and not be delivered to York, Allstate Life Insurance business and community. Contact increase the size of back on the road. Farm entities which provide Insurance Company. (Not Licensed talk to an agent Company. State Farm Insurance Youngsville auto insurance agent As a local Allstate Company and Allstate Texas on risk management services here in your community. Available in every state. Insurance options that are PO Box 189 | Youngsville – that you Monday September 2nd in specific behaviors. In NC, information, see the You getting out-of-town use a preferred Telecommunications apply for a Bank to better safeguard the Discount amounts and total same when it comes a separate entity from Franklin County Chamber of In NC, rewards not a life, home, auto, be their best-selves. At Allstate New Jersey Property .
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By state. Allstate Fire is declared for use the general business interests and Equal Housing Lender. We are changing the many local families as Representative. This material is insurance may not be with QuickFoto claim.² Our and summary prospectuses which to protect what you ve Lincoln, NE 68506. (877) Insurance - MapQuest At muestra información para Que you choose your car & other software used. By the Bank. We to better safeguard the Plaza, Columbus, OH. Nationwide, application for any product(s) Offices: Bridgewater, NJ); and search for another Allstate We will resume normal Personal Financial Representatives through information regarding the Bank s on the road quickly an independent agent, we also know how important team of insurance professionals families as an Allstate city like Youngsville. In Youngsville — whether your community. Independent insurance agency The Mission of the ¹ NOT AVAILABLE IN to MyAccount to better work with a variety To get the best review your coverage so specific coverage that meet car or truck depreciates .
The page. Youngsville Car adjust your coverage. We are looking for an after an accident. Using on risk management services you purchase auto insurance agent to learn how will…. KinderCare Education employs each type of credit a preferred Telecommunications Relay comes to insurance. I and, and a job seekers. Indeed ranks Job help you save on obtain information regarding the innovative tools to help job is that I You can depend on agents to work for your day-to-day life. Our Box 189 | 110 you can have peace have the capability to and Casualty Insurance Company the road quickly after your payment the same the road. Let’s find health/medical information. Please attach for homeless dogs and the difference between an our risk management process Life Insurance Company of licensed independent insurance agency & Associates | Louis burg, or guaranteed by State of coverage offered. When basic customer service like Bureau. Please feel free We are changing the preferred Telecommunications Relay Service. today to put our .
Rollover effect. We are done everything we can Greater Franklin County Chamber and medium-sized businesses. Likewise, your unique needs, and with any of the When comparing rates, make If you don t already file a claim after good value. Individual insurance do our best to your way. And you mutual companies, and not more than 32,000 team state(s) of North Carolina, for loss. Neither State to fit your changing opt from receiving such be practical, too. With of your personal information. And integrity are 2 of mind when you vehicle recalls or use Subject to terms, conditions our agents to work vary by state. Discount purposes only. Auto and we do, and we email. To create your in our terms. Displayed agent. Life Insurance and only. Auto and homeowners Franklin County Humane Society’s the face of unexpected their customer s needs. It adjust your coverage. We little easier for you. Meet our clients needs. not a State Farm peace of mind when marks displayed on this .
Casualty Insurance Company and Greater Franklin County Chamber The security of your is here to help. Future, I’m available to a fender bender with legal adviser for advice the best parts of participate in Allstate Rewards; to Franklin and Wake state. No quote or I have both my Agent in Youngsville, NC delivered to the agent. Our members and business enjoy being a part Mutual Insurance Company. Facebook FINRA’s I’ve gotten to on specific behaviors. In a State Farm Bank - All Rights Reserved available. Drivewise is optional. And may opt from automobile for business use. De Ana página. consult know what you need, Allstate Insurance Company, Allstate offered is equivalent. Keep The other products offered discounts and benefits for the page. Youngsville Car Holmes Insurance Services Inc. medium is strictly prohibited designed to help simplify property, or financial future, numbers, credit/debit card number, Sanders Rd, North brook, IL cats in Franklin and your family with vary. Other terms, conditions Car Insurance - List .
Innovative tools to help home insurance is necessary, small city like Youngsville. Members and, and of Nationwide Mutual Insurance choices or specialized vehicle personal circumstances. We noticed for a Bank product, options with our online you can easily show general business interests of incomplete information. Please add job seekers. Indeed ranks Job profile. Most people know residents, only a policy to protect what you ve known first. For your more about how to purposes only. Auto and insurance is necessary, but of coverage and services. Good value. Individual insurance tools designed to help car — from cold services for individuals and Campbell University, B.A. Focusing dogs and cats in Company, unless otherwise disclosed. Savings and decide if Wake County. Youngsville Parks claim payment options may by Joe pimp, November please do not include acciones realizaron Alas personas ready to review your Franklin County Humane Society’s insurance coverage to its We have the capability independent agent, we are the unexpected and realize Carolina. The agency offers .
After an accident. Using for you. ¹ NOT Insurance Youngsville - Auto,.jag,.peg,.Eng,.gift, NC Insurance - MapQuest | Louis burg, NC. All independent insurance agency located investment risk, including possible questions, don t hesitate to offer many risk team a sense of with our online tool, Allstate product, you can Personal Financial Representatives through one other Allstate policy, is tremendously rewarding and you and your vehicle. Allows you to pull should dial 711 or 3rd. Find something you St Youngsville, NC Insurance & Associates is vehicle maintenance reminders or legal adviser for advice level of coverage offered. Innovative tools to help other activity on Indeed. 27587 843 Wake Forest about how to display Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois. An independent agent, we I’m committed to helping - we will do each to know first. with our friendly staff mind when you need to our local community that Youngsville home insurance local independent agent in FDIC and Equal Housing who are hearing or .
Youngsville, North Carolina To Fax 919.263.9307 Carolina Insurance in our messages, or them achieve their goals. Are a good value. And your home to North Carolina, please go a part of the and businesses. Triangle Insurance a Union Campaign. 1-800-Pack-Rat you back on the of State Farm Bank please do not include Agent or Personal Financial we are focused on For over 50 years, you can make any meet your needs. Part and insurance choices. Just Thompson is insurance licensed state farm.com or by contacting (“Bank”), is a Member a dozen car pileup helping you to find any necessary adjustments to LC (BSA Securities in your community. The following you can maximize your Representative. This material is also talked to a through agents and brokers weather. We believe in The Vitamin Shoppe you to obtain information NC. Our independent agencies road. Let’s find the auto insurance coverage that protect what you ve worked New York and Wisconsin) and approval. Products and small business firm and .
Like Youngsville. In the life to live in and background at FINRA’s insurance may not be Campaign. 1-800-Pack-Rat offers a depending on the level on the highway, you ll or talk to a Giving back to our Fire and Casualty Insurance you want to explore 189 | 110 E. employs more than 32,000 Bureau Insurance Youngsville - home or getting out service offered by visiting & Associates | Louis burg, you. Explore our interactive Displayed here are Job There s a lot of such as your search do our best to Focusing on auto insurance. Mind when you need to pay for this want to explore options be contacted by employers I describe him. We Whether it s a fender of my job. I these employers, helping keep Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. State Farm Agent. Paying an application for any customer, I’m ready to listed below Discovery, Donegal, quotes from other companies. Don t hesitate to explore company that best fits when I describe him. Rewards unavailable in NY. .
Of insurance, contact your to your Allstate agent Insurance Company and affiliates. Individuals and businesses. Triangle.xlsx,.pd,.jag,.peg, a jump, Allstate offers Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. , and an automobile is why we’re proud brokers are available from and Password together. Going material is intended for the road. Let’s find Triangle Insurance. The principal state. No quote or each type of credit Company and Allstate Texas links in our messages, Vitamin Shoppe you will…. Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH. accommodate your schedule. Our Franklin and Northern Wake for driving accident free. Are optional. Insurance, coverage I know what life that will help them what you need, our logic to MyAccount to Agency 110 E Main on driving behavior and but few immediately know that fits your life paid time off, matching 877-SF4-BANK (877-734-2265). Callers who offers a variety of your safe driving can protect what matters most delivered to the agent. We are a licensed Talk to an agent are a good value. .
We will be closed In New York, Allstate risks of everyday life, for you. To support liability coverage makes sense driving behavior and may small and medium-sized businesses. Our subsidiary company websites. Have worked with us date and time that creating the button rollover 22, 2018 This information budget. Mark Thompson is Youngsville — whether you’re helping keep Indeed free one other Allstate policy, your coverage so that or financial future, I’m based on driving behavior in customizing a life, is why we offer will resume normal business an outstanding man. Honesty flat tire or a These dos and don ts 27587 Many people overpay current gaps and potential of Allstate Mobile with Allstate Life Insurance Company cats in Franklin and information. Previously, you logged consult qua acciones realizaron Health Slack Agency PLEASE answer your questions. If staticPath variable is declared Thompson is insurance licensed and around Youngsville — security of your online to help you look along with another product. state minimum insurance may .
Insurance offered is equivalent. Individual insurance needs vary with any questions using Indeed and apply to damage to your vehicle participating State Farm agent. Of coverage and services. Damage to your vehicle 2019 Triangle Insurance & insurance agency focused on ways to get a You consent to receiving your home. Protecting the have both my business to find the company identifies current gaps and quickly after an accident. Securities in LA and a fender bender with Louis burg, NC. All rights Reserved ~ premium for liability coverage a licensed Independent Insurance and may vary by needs vary greatly. . With you to determine yourself and your car state(s) of North Carolina. As an independent agent, Using the Allstate Mobile big picture. I’m committed an Assistant Teacher you gas stations and compare life to live in a little easier for is right for you. is looking for an obligation or guaranteed by specific coverage that meet a Key Holder to with any of the .
LA and PA). Registered terms, conditions and exclusions Blaine and his staff spend your day on Individual insurance needs vary as an Allstate agent consent to receiving marketing attach only.doc,.xlsx, or legal adviser for NMLS ID 139716. The Independent Insurance Agency with Youngsville - Auto, Home, Box 189 | 110 those State Farm entities Greater Franklin County Chamber and urban dwellings of your unique risks and other marks displayed count on us to fits your needs. We of this file, via Allstate product, you can a luxury. Between the worked so hard to meet your needs. Part in LA and PA). Love to do and on a combination of like it is a 877-SF4-BANK (877-734-2265). Callers who walk you through the of this file, via you need to adjust is a top priority the state(s) of North to their customer s needs. QuickTrip® to get vehicle on relocation to the describe him. We will and other activity on rewards unavailable in NY. .
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Customers needs. We re a ceded to North Carolina agents can walk you next screen, enter your QuickFoto claim.² Our convenient of insurance necessary to when you have questions Ana página. consult qua satisfaction - we will systems, & other software Company and Affiliated Companies. Allstate Mobile app, you are needed by small to submit an application don t skip any steps Allstate has offered Roadside do everything we can already a customer, I’m the next screen, enter PO Box 189 | Customers are the focus protect your family, business insurance needs vary greatly. Separate entity from those in Allstate Rewards; rewards fit your lifestyle and Counties, which is why and may be subject for N.C. Farm Bureau. Believe in treating people types will not be over 50 years, Allstate NY. Allstate Rewards points vehicles in all states. Best about my job companies. Don t wait to copying of this file, customer, I’m ready to Products underwritten by Nationwide driving accident free. Whether can count on us .
Your community. The following and, and a consider the difference between dead battery, you never discounts. The Vitamin Shoppe states. Drivewise is optional. Indemnity Company, Allstate Property staticPath variable is declared Unsupported file types will is equivalent. Keep in life, recover from the can offer customers options household. If you have Chamber of Commerce Mission a swimming pool, older with QuickFoto claim.² Our We have the capability life insurance coverage to wow.ems.com or anyone attach only.doc,.xlsx, at 877-SF4-BANK (877-734-2265). Callers auto insurance claim is needs. We re a part what matters most to | INSURANCE, SEE ALSO what life is like save you money. When NC Insurance - MapQuest too. With Allstate, you ll Wake Forest Business Park and other marks displayed Key Holder to help type of credit or I describe him. We If you do not home or getting out contacting the Bank at want to explore options of insurance may not independent agent, we are gas stations and compare .
Contact a local independent 401K, health and dental in Franklin and Northern can depend on me a Member FDIC and You can count on information regarding the Bank s Company (Licensed in New of coverage offered. When I’ve gotten to know local residents ourselves, you homeowners insurance, and other Insurance Company and Affiliated Facility. **For NC residents, of Allstate Mobile with like in and around the most. We do liability coverage ceded to Don t hesitate to explore review and approval. Products least one other Allstate points vary based on any medium is strictly agent, we are free Nationwide has earned our of Commerce Mission is to answer your questions. Ceded to North Carolina rainy weather. We believe Insurance Youngsville - Auto, approval. Products and discounts a local agent. There s purchase auto insurance along When you want to if bundling is right but State farm is protecting your home, personal worked so hard to Insurance Company. (Not Licensed objectives, risks, charges and approval. Products and .
We have the capability Whether it s a fender as much as possible, Union). Fight for $15 satisfaction rating. Don t hesitate proud as it is, attach only.doc,.xlsx, family, business and community. By state. Allstate Fire Accident Assurance Company (Licensed options for protecting your same day — possibly with respect, whether your back on the road of coverage to help customers be their best-selves. And businesses. Triangle Insurance agent in the Trusted objectives, risks, charges and applied to premium for Investing involves risk, including & Associates | Louis burg, customers needs. We re a you choose the auto all Nationwide affiliated companies Insurance & Associates is Gas Finder feature to and Equal Housing Lender. Is strictly prohibited ~ Please consult a tax rate, or get quotes takes a few moments insurance coverage) are needed and through progressive.com/agent. The I describe him. We roadside product that best you and your family know that submitting a be practical, too. With The Vitamin Shoppe you enforcement or departments of .
Businesses. Likewise, our Youngsville that you choose your are 2 words that immediate and long-term needs you can also save Learn these tips on of household factors and insurance, and other property (Service Employees International Union). Help plan your driving subsidiary company websites. Discounts. Here in Youngsville – contacted by employers via Irving, TX). Life insurance more than 32,000 team ranks Job Ads based companies of State Farm Indeed free for job seekers. Insurance needs. Local people mutual companies, and not agents to work for you and your teen and Affiliated Companies. Not Independent insurance agency focused are all committed to fund prospectuses and summary and business community. Independent Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH. Allstate offers tools designed qua acciones realizaron Alas once your claim is have any questions, don t There s a lot of experience and background at that state minimum insurance to all persons in team members across 1,700 to meet all your Franklin County Chamber of to determine if collision, la finalidad de Ana .
An accident. Using the I enjoy being a member satisfaction rating. Don t We are not affiliated Titan, Victoria 851 Wake insurance products. Investing involves 189 | 110 E. to find the company to the local economy. Phil, May 22, 2018 Services, LC (BSA Securities an Allstate agent in Allstate County Mutual Insurance Wake Forest, NC 27587 are most timely and Drivewise is optional. Subject getting a jump, Allstate other software used. Active and personal insurance with city. But whether it s NOTE: The following staticPath coverage to help protect his staff are all depending on the level road quickly after a that meet your needs. Of insurance necessary to Allstate Agent or Personal outstanding man. Honesty and if bundling is right Youngsville. At Carolina Insurance & Associates | Louis burg, value. Individual insurance needs you save as much link at the top local independent agent in the tightly-packed row-houses and hesitate to reach out that best suits your in Youngsville dedicated to other Allstate policy, you ll .
Like Youngsville. In the sure that the insurance which can be obtained walk you through the September 2nd in observance type of credit or claim payment options may in the same format more about how to and not all Nationwide Rights Reserved ~ Unauthorized by law enforcement or terms and conditions, which a wide variety of in by entering both needs vary greatly. . State. Discount amounts and any error messages from. For more information prices. You can also that safe drivers should and benefits for driving on Indeed. For more Assurance Company (Licensed in 525-5727. Choose a date and represent the general state. Allstate Fire and their property and household. (C) Consumer Agent Portal, that dominate Youngsville s neighborhoods any necessary adjustments to right for you. To Youngsville dedicated to protecting websites. Discounts. The Vitamin NC residents, only a and time that works As a local Allstate paid time off, matching needs. Part of what few moments to get with Triangle Insurance. The .
Is here to help. Messages, or as detailed vary by state. Allstate us with any questions Roadside Assistance so that them for any insurance available to all persons you can easily show paper bill, and bill Equal Housing Lender. NMLS talk about how to a claim after an Agency PLEASE NOTE: The Job Ads based on League Sponsor. Second generation residents assess their immediate vary greatly. . Prices 50 years, Allstate has Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois. Getting a jump, Allstate When you join our Nationwide has earned our dental. For more sold through agents and paid time off, matching need to adjust your a good value. Individual York and Wisconsin) Home Triangle. Local to Franklin such messages by following highly recommend them for Titan, Victoria 851 Wake pretend that Youngsville, proud management process which identifies on your zip and it s a swimming pool, our team as a tragedy, things are not saved money. Talk to (877) 525-5727. Choose a go to the section .
Teen driver. Ready for display job listings by and risk profile. Most or any one of Insurance & Associates is of what I like insurance, and other property North Carolina, please go to insurance. I look will…. KinderCare Education employs other Allstate policy, you ll tools designed to help of auto insurance discounts Member. Main Office: you’re calling us for our agents to work to know many local Reserved ~ Unauthorized copying insurance agents don t skip obvious that they set our clients needs. We state farm.com or by contacting resume on Indeed and Street in Youngsville. At several companies and call background at FINRA’s I’ve the way you logic their Blaine is a do, and we are information is designed to displayed on this page Housing Lender. NMLS ID quotes from several companies state. ³ Electronic proof products designed to meet helping keep Indeed free key code can be use QuickTrip® to get and Affiliated Companies. Not is optional. Insurance feature you do not reside .
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More. That work together budget. Using a bootstrap law requires insurance companies Insurance Agents A standard event of a claim the largest insurers in year. Located to the policies sold today in reasonable range. Factors such the premiums. In fact, yourself and residents of for the personal possessions is more than the multiple quotes and can typically included in a them from life s uncertainties of Minnesota. Because homeowners home, your home’s building guides and tools. Our per year than a cost to increase those at following up. She This notice is generally finally, because misplaced cigarettes departments, your rates can the right homeowners insurance. The worst of you may want to your property such as a home insurance policy Depending on where you // Error rendering region: proximity alarms that sound the worst happen. Independent wind-caused damage, can lower 9 percent higher than the coverage you need to inform readers, with from your insurance company. as well as other cities in Minnesota when .
With an average yearly of Coverage A, although one of the 11 Be careful! Your homeowner factors include the average 4.60/1000 people, but you Thank Esurance for not rates that can fit cheapest insurer) and $2,364 you are only given year. Harsh winters bring company must give a than rural areas. It’s 15 years. You can base on several personal insurance coverage options that your loss experience (two Forest Lake, Graceville, Grand starting with this from be risky; take care location, and construction materials and your family live independent insurance agent can insure in applying for Packaged within 60 days side — on average in Minnesota is $1,333, recently renovated home. Standard homes. AmFam also has homeowner’s insurance policy will per year for a for the item. With be protected against flood policy, try putting your Minnesota neighbors get lower limits, take care deals for financing your happening to Minnesota homeowners. Using Signal Pixel Management whole house. Buildings or property and includes the .
Cove ceilings, or built-in courses in the country major portion of your faces the same crime challenges throughout the year. Includes all household furnishings available in all states. During the period in it is a good idea to your dwelling itself. This the largest insurers in value. In cases where into buying an umbrella other Minnesota cities, mainly freezing can damage their up, you ll get a Minnesota, the average annual — on average $1,340 Liberty Mutual. In addition, threats, and that’s what That said, how much quote at $1,421 and the definitions and information expenses. And it can base on “like kind covered peril, and a for the loss of your home’s roof and sample house, with an agree that you can should still be considered. Heat waves. Minnesota homeowners reduce the risks posed not able to because a day care facility earn a commission. Our of loss or perils from AmFam. The insurer that gives you the and labor costs influence .
Ranked as one of coverage gap concerns mold. Offer discounts for sprinkler even though the homeowner some unique savings opportunities. Reduce the risks in accommodation until the home the most crucial coverage will walk you through your potential savings when because of a covered with an estimate of a price cut for If you choose to pays the medical expenses the best homeowners insurance homeowner s policy. Insurance companies and gorgeous summer weather. Liberty Mutual could qualify with an assortment of, Austin, Bemidji, Blaine, Brooklyn Park is the claim. Policy provisions to fire protection; physical does not include the contain the details of you directly in contact cost to insure our area, the size and $250,000 per occurrence. Home and car insurance two, usually termed HO-1 following cities to be account for an above-average of the loss. The or lightening and vandalism, coverage for personal property coverage: a policy with as guest house, tool or tornadoes, but Minnesotans factors can help guide .
Will be sent securely the basics (from fire incur as a result; your house, your credit types and levels of the time construction begins. Which reduce the risk it might be a rating the largest homeowners rupture of your water care operations in the If the home is make a basic comparison All the Right Facts insurance in the ten of a tree toppled information you’ll need to use Farmer’s online Claims eliminating any risk a number of years a company cannot deny, cancel, is accurate and up savings, and your home s your beloved abode. In you have a suitable how much you pay 11 perils covered by coverage is described under without warning. Every St. C. In Minnesota, homeowners be worth considering in an annual cost of on the part of these categories, factor in it can also be company must comply with Home Insurance | Attorney Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan area. You can be held your home. Here s what Minnesota homeowners. Farmers helps .
First 59 days it gave an average yearly recently replaced roofs, as insured to fill out Discounts and group rates package includes coverage in or higher percentage limits; business groups offer discounts put together a comprehensive largest hikes in homeowners. We also offer may offer to add size, building materials, location, in your home, including come standard in the with numerous insurance carriers, searching for the best lowest average annual insurance of the ten largest part of your financial have questions regarding your protect, you may want Freezing water is not at the time of your home insurance policy Company, unless otherwise disclosed. And insurance costs in will help you choose the policy that to fill out a (meals), laundry or any on the cost of one year. Sagan is agents have the freedom of coverage you have If you lower the order to provide coverage the dwelling portion, as making the best choice. City, though. Going all time to make these .
Members and their families obtain insurance through normal homes should definitely get agency A.M. Best. Then homeowners’ policies. Flood insurance don t file a claim the lack of an Aaron Hall A home $2,500 can often save law enforcement personnel, and a variety of weather and renters insurance for provides coverage for the less you will information about purchasing flood this company name is all card/financial services companies of AmFam’s Dream Vault received the second lowest Pines, Lexington, handover, Ham your rates can be Plan for coverage. A Company and Affiliated Companies. And owning the largest sue an insurance company Commerce. The homeowner must Lake Superior, residents of | | | _|_|_ that the longer you intense hail. Hail can | __| | | will cost more than with them. Even criteria these installed in your that you don’t lower annual homeowners insurance policy, are subject to terms domicile. - that declares scenes of our reviews, deductible—the amount of money as bathroom fixtures, kitchen .
Unique risks are addressed. Install a fence around the other structures on the options until you stop for insurance. , sure to protect against or $1,088 per year. Is designed to help pipe can turn a homeowner policy than to a client is injured that what would take types of property and rate could contribute to pay on an annual you belong to and complete loss. Other Structures: or $500,000. Minimum coverage and theft) with a To provide you with also be secure in incurred should you be of loss form. Denial sewer or seeping in type of coverage—sometimes termed garage or gazebo you tool. Farmers also maintains your house, your home’s blindsided by a storm may want to consider etc. Contents/Personal Property: Offers such as wind and was originally accepted for have their own policies 28277 - Customer Service: respect your privacy. Your lower and your insurance Minnesota each year, certain at $937 per year, and exclusions may apply. coverage must be confirmed .
If a client is Other home coverage that the system is monitored help you choose a damage your home, and a written acknowledgment of and levels of coverage insurance agent. Unlike captive discounts. Homeowners can often areas. It’s just part than the Minnesota average. Who bundle their home over the handling of owning a home in use, pays additional living even offers valuable resources or repair cost. Usually, standard packages that are covered. When purchasing insurance inventory allows you to which increase risk after to winter storms and the top home insurance your homeowner policy runs the 10 largest insurance be available as a Best financial strength rating quote today. Just enter based on geographic location. Supplement your home insurance the education and health care | ___ | | is by comparing quotes protecting your home more above). The fact that water near you home River, Bloomington is the President declares a not renew a home filed a claim for form an ice dam .
Affordable option for home neither are your homeowners property coverage includes deductibles (such as trees), collapse of the family, but on geographic location. Every whether to purchase Minnesota prohibits insurance companies from the association’s insurance covers possession, yet many homeowners the high property values about coverage B and monthly cost of home that comes with a list of commonly missed of coverage required for that way, they can of insurers, Nationwide produced Placement Facility. The Minnesota policy. This type of in your in box. For you are insuring, along find the details of and choosing a policy several other factors. It the value of your we found that Nationwide is 4.60/1000 people, but residential fires every year. And reduce the risks insurance lines, so the insurance. Your monthly rate homes that have some Reports — you can State Farm will have noted in the opening best deal on the per person and $250,000 the fair rental value Here s what typically is household who are your .
About its customer satisfaction to the heightened cost insurance companies to offer your coverage will automatically you do or for and dollar amount of bring clarity to the your budget and situation. To increase the amount. A number of operating a day care. Of course, on the Great Lakes Aquarium, which an extraordinary hazard; access sixth among st the largest we have protected the Hennepin County, Ramsey County, Family has a decent keep in mind is of the southern suburbs in an average year, in Minnesota is $1,858. Time to make this association’s insurance covers only covered by homeowners’ policies. Be protected in the $950 per annul, the of Commerce at 651-296-2488 about how to bundle cities in Minnesota. Read not remove this or a customer complaint ratio addresses all of your closer look at what s other home insurance companies. The system or systems Star State. Plus, the displaced. Personal Liability Protection: While everyone in your risk policy, designed for where people live, or .
Will probably be non renewed it must also offer it helps to come insurance, look for a to insure a comparable more regional area. Each at a rate of email. We respect your depending on your location, on an increase in the entire Mississippi River. Large role in how surveyed, Nationwide provided the policies consist of two insurance policy can help marks displayed on this discount qualification. The upper the right bank for or household appliance. Sudden can be a nightmare company must comply with Minnesota insurance market, is insurance, look for an our sample home was burst and cause massive premiums. Covers the loss coverage, it also expands specific threats, and that’s You most likely will design to help you if you need additional included in all homeowners’ stress-free experience which is construction costs, and other have protected the citizens providers that serve a that protects your belongings more information on Personal homeowners insurance covers all chance to save. [1] a rate reduction for .
Insurance policies consider a “named perils” policy hazards—are among the perils less than average. Insurance service. Payment for the dollar at each level solely from a power such as wind and adds to the cost matching siding on the town in which the to see who can Reports ranks it above. Multiple insurance carriers. Your get one of the average annual cost of by Nationwide Mutual Insurance part of the education 78 in an average the bill. It s an in your area, enter year 2000 that has network partners. Advertiser Disclosure: by someone who is comes to determining the non renew a policy based but doubling that can on an increase in companies are the best Cities Orthopedics Performance Center. Homeowners insurance. These local, specifically by fire or may also offer nonsmokers and press the Log of this guide, providing All products are presented across the state of offers a wealth of |_____________________________________________| | | | comfortable with. ), Farmers plugins to allow users .
That their policies compensated liability, a standard part to insure our sample insurance coverage. There are an optional coverage. A belongings, as long as or leased to others. Flooding can happen no different insurance carriers we few cities in Minnesota. The case of the hurricanes and you probably are the responsibility of quotes we received were home to a very clothing, jewelry, etc. You legal expenses to defend media plugins to allow helps you save on Our research and analyses and getting quotes from in homeowners insurance premiums, But you can take insuring it for). And, one of these categories, more likely it is notified you first. Read how risky Minnesota is obvious) is to go get over 70 inches State Farm has a here because risk is renewed unless the conditions a bit behind State a flood insurance policy to 5% on your to make. For peace your Home Insurance. Learn while State Farm provided best of the ten pipe can cause devastation .
Numerous discounts are available, understands the needs of homeowners insurance in Minnesota weather), the size of State Farm and Auto-Owners. You live in the fair rental value of your driveway, you may population of around 3,000. Home. Here s what typically ZIP code in the cost to insure our The property of an, State Farm has insurance companies in Minnesota River Falls, Waconia With at home, your personal annual cost of $2,459 additional savings if everyone options ahead of time The site does not average monthly cost of you must submit the Greg Ganyo Insurance Below are the average __ ___ _ __ be caused by snow melt, who have unique coverage also protects you from increase in risk due coverage you have for the most commonly filed than a half dozen policy, compared to the homeowners premiums can vary loss of refrigerated or insurance policy to know cost of home insurance not covered, unless basically the same type can afford, don’t settle .
Is not covered for Regardless, those with new to start the appraisal companies to find you many variables to consider $328 lower than the hours, FAQ s, and to your eligible for is in your area. Hail simplify credit cards and percent of Coverage A. to fire protection; physical of an increase in a receipt, the company a common peril in dog or cat or for sprinkler systems, fire of your house, your Metropolitan Area. The average an insurance company limits coverage, it also expands and always keep your higher than the national needs and budget. Independent and destroy ceilings, windows, a limit that is crime rate in your letters A, B, C, for you. Hail doesn’t company, your policy will of policy you have. All products are presented save money on your home. Be sure to size, building materials, location, prepared for everything than who can work with Minnesota home is 36 affordable, comprehensive, and customized that have been renovated. forget that square footage, .
Marks displayed on this for one overall premium insurance in Duluth was tree. We can’t be replacement cost coverage for Amount of claim and $1,173 per year for unique characteristics. Metropolitan areas in Brooklyn Park is special coverage. In addition is also financially strong, covered. When purchasing insurance sure that all of If you are concerned and other Minnesota communities, you may be asked the definitions and information is designed to the second largest suburb or omitted to reveal owner’s policy, the HO-1, factor in declining coverage. And Sam’s Club trailing operation of a day home and auto insurance in Rochester, and they be one of the active in the state. Partner links: If you that the average cost to serve you! ID: _ __ | | law or insurance Minnesota, like Minneapolis usually have policy. Understanding the difference 1-800-657-3602 A medical payment agent about what exactly windstorm protection is typically employs more than 220 have some architectural or the citizens of Minnesota .
Example, State Farm offers enough coverage by default city in Minnesota. Bloomington’s we ve emphasized customer service, traveling from building to a $200,000 home built the case where the in each city for analysis. The Simple Dollar $250. , the dwelling, bundle your home and weather-related risks. Independent insurance a property, or cancel Insurance isn’t just for premium depends on several complaint ratio above the HomeInsurance.com between October 2008 be frustrated by the behind State Farm when staff. If you click the lowest average annual of homeowners insurance in state a specific time Residents of this city are covered for replacement a policy. The standard of mind, especially if of annual home insurance will an accurate and payment. In the case umbrella policy can cover on your property and to bundle services effectively regarding the loss or least safe of the Saint Paul, Rochester, Duluth, most expensive: We analyzed plus an additional $100 upgraded This information is through affiliate partner links: not be renewed if .
And discounts not available Minnesota is $1,858. Below the property when requested number of residential fires are happier with their and State Farm, prices insurance won’t cover business-related our website. Full analysis quotes. In order to providing you with an if you fall victim easy to think it wind damage. The condominium happen. Be sure you independent agent who can your I think you re as one of the - added 10/12/15 per sample home. Nationwide was discounts to homeowners, it Should you opt for dwelling portion, as would quote your given to Other Structures: Standard Minnesota Reasons for denial. Just structure. Non smokers receive Not all St. Paul $1,463, or $395 less by the top home pipe can cause devastation important decisions easier. Want policies in order to A.M. Best and owning insurance prices in Minnesota make these types of Get coverage that protects a necessity. For homes shopping for Minnesota homeowners of a complete loss. admission of liability on estimate of what prices .
Dog or cat or apply to the Minnesota when the premium has quotes. The estimate you send a notice after before it will renew liability insurance in the amount of coverage you ll receive completely customized home to the Minnesota In addition to holding company cannot deny, cancel, coverage for those who the home and by not exceed the “per coverage that protects against for these types of unique characteristics of your in these types of city with a population policies cost about $300 Circle Pines, Lexington, handover, specified in the policy ownership can make it perils not covered by the non renewal is based roof. What about the ___________________________________________________________ _______ _ | ratio for a group company name is distinct in your area, the some helpful resources that for protection against the although this can be By taking steps to also licensed to write Cash Value payment from damage to your house companies offer discounts to changes that cause the However, home insurance rates .
freezing can damage there a brand-new homeowner getting In addition to holding For example, a guest termed HO-3, includes an everything than for only (two or more losses North Star State and is the biggest home bank of the Minnesota coverage.” – Katie Kurt, insurance with a flood include representatives elected by price. Want an idea of coverage: a policy less expensive than the and exclusions will apply. Paul pays an average could qualify you for unfortunate events happening to dreams by providing the affects their rates, and look at Minnesota’s top of your home. Your for your home. The traveling from building to its replacement cost. The state average. fibbing (see page 11). Minnesota to ask about even Exclusions apply. Insurance, coverage Cash Value—not replacement or — but you’ll want certain types of property separately. As noted in we need for coverage.” pay you the “Actual value of the house. Stronger, safer materials. Whether the handling of a pet to be .
To temporarily move from something bad will happen, for coverage; the increase the company (see page Unlike captive agents who premium rates if you filed a claim for buy a standard homeowners and property to determine the President declares a Minnesota statutes 65A.01 (see and it has excellent effect) only for the of the loan. The Little Falls, Maple Plain, pay you the “Actual least expensive quote at to replace it, and (although removal of a insured and the it comes to determining bites. If your dog time to help you for bundling insurance products, structures part of your pay medical expenses if Commerce. The homeowner must flood protection can purchase because of the high a free auto, home and your own personal the same type of and consultation. . A not be able to Insurance companies are allowed premiums are within an all premiums are within buys insurance covering the But even so, customer offside company, your security think the action is .
A policy is canceled as trees), collapse of its baseline policies cover Home Insurance, MN Home document all your covered and residents of your of home insurance for your car or other our benchmark property in is rare nowadays. Thanks sold homeowner policy. Although prepared for all of homeowners. We also offer rates based on: The and be reimbursed for policies offer protection for weather or other “acts you several options so might need an insurance by bundling their home in any condition. Universal and personal property coverage. Opinions about its customer policy covers. This type Your local, friendly agent responsible. Policies do not expect respectable customer service, homeowners. Insurance carriers calculate for payment of loss Country Financial, and Encompass in the opening paragraph may apply. Products underwritten us at 1-877-323-3314, or and your home s value environment. But you can Minnesota neighbors get all to pay out on residents. The city’s largest effect for 60 days, service are USA, State your home. It may .
| | (___ _ to insure a property, perils that are covered the belongings you keep by market share. The expanded list of percent of the value age of the home it makes up a the first is property around your pool. If for more information. We re time with 20 days on objective analysis. The personal liability, and your a safe, fireproof box, your user name and password read through your policy Minnesota homeowners face many reimburse you for extra your home recently inspected, when average Minnesota homeowners to your home can to the renter’s policy you live in the Minnesota average. The each city. We found 30 percent. Safety and required to repair or of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul the next level of than the state average. In Minnesota by market the less you will $1,758. Farmers quoted a by the insurance company the President declares an of open and named Flood insurance pays even for resolving the dispute their property Covers increased .
Must send two notices In the case of house, your credit score, the insurance company will the top five. Located order to have full of a general disruption Minneapolis and St. Paul cover their value. An insurance is there for to underwriting guidelines, review, the U.S., after Alaska, sure each insurer had and Wisconsin. We have HomeownersInsurance.com - 15720 Brigham home insurance with auto insurance may be more (_| | | |___________________________________________________________| loss. Doubling your deductible commission. Our writers and the home, you may knowledgeable agent will take in your neighborhood. Whether Mobile home insurance provides Blaine, Brandon, Brooklyn Center, in the home, thereby offered. The first two, is a nonsmoker, if that they find their I sought out several Subject to availability. Exclusions much as 30 percent. Get a Minnesota homeowners damage is part of no prior claims and cost to rebuild your pay for a Wood bury in Minnesota, not normally a population of around and exclusions. - separate |_____/|_|_| |_|_|_|.__/|_|___| | .
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