#symp stuff
looooofa · 5 months
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misc. symp stuff from 2022, my boy denali my beloved
symprites is a closed species created by @fenokey!!
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terraliensvent · 9 days
r we saying its problematic to post sfw artwork of a character with a nsfw alt cause thats rlly stupid
i agree the toyhouse should not have been linked without that art being maturity locked but as long as the art sent in the server wasnt nsfw which it appears it wasnt i do not see the issue.
not allowing sfw art of characters who have anything nsfw on their th seems rlly strict for no reason when they could just don’t allow the nsfw stuff or not allow the th to be shared
i would like to see both sides here fully bcuz no offense vibez is petty and aggressive af even if some of their points r valid and this feels like it could have been solved by asking them to just maturity lock the art in the th
post related
i think the bigger issue with it is the sheer hypocrisy of it.
smile demons is a species that has a history of being unsafe for minors and not taking proper action when dangerous people are reported, there are strong connotations to nsfw themes like leather play and bdsm, but its perfectly fine to post them in terra server because its (wrongfully imo) a “16+” species, yet symps (which are arguably more sfw) arent allowed because you cant advertise 18+ species. i find it pretty irresponsible that youre allowed to advertise a species that minors really shouldnt be playing around in (again, because of the suggestive theming and nsfw connotations, the fucking thumbnail for most of the myos is a character in leather gear), especially considering the fact we have proof of minors owning and interacting with others that have these fetish oriented characters
theres also the hypocrisy of being allowed to post characters/species with nsfw connotations when terra staff is so insanely strict about the nipple rule that you cant even post reference images without getting a warning
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its, again, incredibly irresponsible to have someone on your mod team who argues leather gear and BDSM imagery is sfw, and who blurs the line to the point where they will link to a toyhouse with blatantly suggestive art and art where the character is wearing a GIMP MASK, with none of it being mature locked.
if youre gonna have a “minor friendly” server with adults in there too, you NEED to be as strict as possible with these things, the line shouldnt be blurred when it comes to NSFW shit because its incredibly easy for predators in discord servers to use plausible deniability to push the boundaries of what is and isnt ok to have around kids. ask yourself, would you be okay with seeing your 13 year old child be shown characters with gimp masks?
i think its one thing if youre just posting a normal sfw pic of your fursona who also has MATURE LOCKED nsfw on their profile. but its another thing entirely when youre posting a character with direct connotations to BDSM, who is part of a species that has heavy ties to BDSM and kink and has had issues in the past with minors, and linking that profile where none of the images are mature locked (and again, in the screenshot where they link the TH profile, a minor directly replies to them). you can bring up the hypocrisy again here, because terra staff HAVE taken issue with people posting th links in advertisements that contain art going against their nipple rule or other rules in the terra server. i also think its an problem that, when the issue is brought to tycho, he deflects and tells vibez to directly talk to the person theyre making the report against. thats just irresponsible from a moderation standpoint as well, and the cherry on top is banning them over this. they made a reasonable point, this character shouldnt be posted in the server, but because they bothered the mods enough in other situations this constituted a ban.
i said it in the og post, you can feel however you wanna feel about vibez being a bit of a dick lately with starting fights in terra server, but they shouldnt have been banned for bringing up the fact that characters like this should not be posted in the server. it seems like blatant loopholing around “no posting nsfw” and “no posting 18+ species.” like, in a fucked up alternate universe where succubuns was 16+ instead of 21+, would you say that should be allowed to be posted in a server full of minors that might want to join upon seeing the art?
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bellysoupset · 9 months
Leo could run really fast when he decided to. Even through the slippery roads and snow covered grass.
Jonah caught up with him by the gates of the Banks residence, Leo braced against his knees, folded in half heaving in the snow.
"Aw, my love..." Jonah sighed, carefully stepping closer and planting a hand on Leo's shoulder, only for the blonde to shrug him off, coughing and sniffling.
"No-no... D-don't touch me..." he groaned, removing a hand from his knees and wrapping an arm around his stomach, squeezing it and up came another painful retch, as well as tears running down his face. Jonah's heart was physically hurting from seeing his boyfriend this distraught.
"Darling," he whispered, hands itching to touch him, "you're alright, just take a deep breath. I got you..."
The next heave was actually productive and Jonah grimaced, turning his head to avoid looking at the mess sinking in the fluffy snow. He glared up, realizing Leo was throwing up right in front of the cameras and cringed at that. He hoped his father and sister weren't home or at least nowhere near the CCTV monitor.
Leo let out a little sob, wiping at his mouth and straightening up. His blue eyes were even lighter than normal, filled with tears and his nose wrinkled as he said in a heartbroken voice, "Luke... Luke's depressed and we- I- I didn't-"
"No, Leo, don't do that," Jonah stepped closer, forcefully pulling his boyfriend into a hug, "Lucas is an idiot who'd rather curl up and die than to admit he needs help. It's not your fault, love. Even Bell didn't know."
"But I- I should... I know the signs... The symp-" Leo hiccupped, burying his head in the fur collar of Jonah's jacket, "I should've..."
"No, no, you couldn't have known. It's not your fault, baby," Jonah squeezed him a little tighter, "once we're back home we'll get Luke help, okay? I'm sure Bella is already on it. He'll be fine."
"He didn't look fine," Leo whispered, pulling back and wiping at his face, angrily, "I'm sorry, I'm making it all about myself, but you've known him for way long-"
"That's nonsense, stop apologizing," Jonah rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Leo's waist and stopping him from stepping away. It was only partially to his boyfriend's benefit, Jon too felt like he needed a little grounding, "let's go inside, okay? It's freezing out here."
"We should go back, we left Bell all alone..."
"She's taken care of Luke a billion times before," Jonah pulled out his keys from his pocket, tugging Leo towards the smaller gate, "and I don't think she wants us there for the moment. We'll call in a bit."
"Okay," Leo mumbled, hugging himself and shivering as the wind picked up, making his hair twirl, "yeah, let's go insii-ide," he said, teeth chattering.
Angie was sitting in the living room as they walked in, the fireplace on and she was sitting criss-crossed on the rug, journaling. Jonah opened a small smile at the sight, slamming the door closed behind them and causing her to look up.
"HEy!" Angie's face lit up with a smile, but that quickly wavered as she took in Leo's disheveled appearance and Jonah's pallor, "uhm... Everything okay? I was about to go over, I thought we were supposed to ice-skate today?"
"Sorry, Ange, Luke is sick," Jonah answered, while shoving Leo towards the armchair closest to the fire, "we just left, he's down for the count."
Was close enough to the truth.
Angelina pouted, shoulders dropping, "I knew I shouldn't have slept in," she grumbled, "it's not fair, you guys wake up super early, I can't do half the stuff with you."
Leo let out a small, weak chuckle, "I'm sorry, it's just force of habit..." he said softly and Angelina immediately looked at him, raising her eyebrows.
"Are you okay? Are you sick too?" She looked between Leo and Jonah, frowning, and Leo shrugged.
"Just need to warm up, that's all," he answered, causing her to stare at him even harder, clearly not convinced.
Jonah cleared his throat, "come help me make tea, Angie. You drink tea, right?"
"Of course," Angelina sprung up, promptly following Jon out of the living room. Leo let out a relieved sigh and curled up against the armchair, stretching his arms out to get the heat of the fire.
He couldn't stop shaking, even if only a parcel of it was due to the cold. His heart was still beating really fast as he realized Lucas had been depressed for two months and none of them realized.... And that Vince was leaving. Whatever that meant.
His mind was jumping around the sentence, refusing to process it. Leo leaned his head back and closed his eyes, shivering again, only to startle as suddenly there was a blanket thrown around him. He looked up, expecting to see Jonah, but instead it was Angie, tucking the ends of a baby blue blanket around him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," her cheeks turned dark with a blush, "uhm... Bye," she squeaked, then turned around and ran back to the kitchen, causing him to laugh, snuggling in the blanket a little bit more.
He fished his phone out of his jacket's pocket, closing and opening his hands to warm them up and then clicked on Vin's contact, scrolling through their conversation. Not one mention about leaving.
Leo glared at it, typing a text and sending it before he changed his mind:
Leo: what is it that I hear about you leaving? As in leaving town? For good??
"And he's alright now?" Christopher asked, his arms crossed to his chest, watching Luke curled up under the blankets.
"Alright is a little bit of a stretch," Bella whispered, turning around to face her father in law. Father-in-law, it still sounded made up, she thought sourly, "he's still running a pretty high fever, but it's nothing like it was this morning."
She followed him out of the room and Kit glanced over his shoulder one last time, clearly concerned.
"I think I should send for a doctor."
"Over a fever?" Bell raised an eyebrow, barely managing to bite her tongue over worries about medical bills and insurance. Those things were beneath him, Kit Howard would never understand her hesitance over calling a doctor because of only a fever.
"You said he was nearly delirious," Kit pointed out and Bella cringed. He had come back home, or rather, gotten out of the studio, three hours before, when she was still panicked as hell and in the middle of bringing Luke's fever down, mind going a mile a minute over the fact he was depressed. She had overreacted.
"Well, like I said, it's not as high now. I'm gonna keep an eye on him and Jonah said he can take meds again in two hours, so-"
"Jonah," Kit scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Jonah's not a doctor, he's a child."
Bella raised her eyebrows, feeling a flare of annoyance, "he is a doctor, Kit, one who just graduated with honors. I trust him entirely."
"Well, forgive me, but I don't trust the wellbeing of my son in the hands of Jasper's spoiled brat. I'm calling in a real doctor," Kit rolled his eyes, before sighing and rubbing at his neck, forcing up a smile, "look, dear, I'm sorry for snapping at you. We're both just worried about Luke, that's all."
It was jarring how quickly he could flip flop between moods. Bella crossed her arms, unsure if she should take the apology or tell him to shove it up his ass. She opted for not saying anything, letting the awkward silence hang in the air.
Kit let out yet another heavy sigh, smile wavering as he realized it didn't work on her, "you mentioned needing his insurance information...?"
This was better, practical. Bella nodded, still all tense, "I think he needs to see a psychiatrist or a therapist. I'm not sure what's the difference... One of those."
The older man continued walking away from the room, forcing Bell to follow if she wanted to keep up the conversation. He was frowning, looking both concerned and confused.
"Luke needs a shrink?" he repeated, once they reached his office in the second floor, "my Lucas?"
The possessive particle caused her skin to crawl. Bella nodded, "yes, your son."
Kit rolled his eyes, sitting down on a chair, "dear, I understand you're worried. Coming home isn't easy for Luke and much less when he's ill, it reminds him of his mother. That doesn't mean he needs to be put in the loony house."
Bella glared at him, "I didn't say any of that. I said he needs a professional, because he's not been well for a while. And I'm not asking for your permission, I'm asking for the number of his insurance, so I can call them and set up an appointment."
She knew she had antagonized him, because Kit immediately tensed up, glaring right back at her, "so you can call my son crazy and keep all his money? You think yourself very clever," he leaned back on his chair.
"His money!?" Bella's voice went up a notch, her stomach dropping and her face burning as if she had just been slapped, "I don't want anything to do-"
"Please," Kit groaned, waving her off, "you think I don't know your type? I got famous at nineteen, Isabella, I've met a hundred different versions of you before. Lucas is sheltered, which I'm to blame, I'll own up to that, but I'm not. You don't fool me."
Bella's hands were shaking, but her voice was steady as she grabbed on the back of the chair before him and held herself up high, "this isn't about me, this is about Lucas. Who's not well and hasn't been well, I'm going to guess, his entire damn life. He needs professional help and you can call me names and threaten me, but I don't need your permission to do anything."
"Fine," Kit shrugged, "go on. Don't think you can get away with it, Luke might be smitten right now, but he's not stupid and he'll soon come to his senses. Then what? You're going to baby trap him?"
"I don't want his damn money!" Bella exclaimed, feeling her eyes burn with tears, but refusing to let her voice break, "what is wrong with y-"
"Do you think I was born yesterday? We both know you married him in Italy because if it had been here I'd have made you sign a pre-nup longer than the bible," he got up too and Bella was suddenly reminded he was just as tall as his son, twice as intimidating.
She gulped down, but stood her ground, "as soon as Luke is better, we're leaving. Congratulations on being the worst father I know, Kit," Bella spat the words, shoving the man back for good measure since he was up in her face and turned around, rushing back to Luke's bedroom.
He was still asleep, buried under all the blankets, face all flushed from the fever, completely unaware to what had just happened. Bella locked the door behind her, before sliding down and falling on her ass, burying her face in her hands and taking deep, measured breaths.
Her whole body was shaking with anger and humiliation and she wanted nothing more than to be comforted, but Luke was sick and had no emotional structure for this and Jonah and Leo were a house away. Besides, she couldn't tell Leo this, not when Jonah's family had received him with open arms, not when she knew he had the same insecurities she had.
Bella curled up, hugging her knees to her chest and cried quietly.
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momentsbeforemass · 1 year
Maybe, just maybe...
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(by request, my homily from Sunday)
It’s not all about me.
It’s not all about you either. You and I know this. This is not news.
And yet, the way that you and I live our lives? It tells a different story.
I may say “it’s not all about me,” but the way I live my life? It says I don’t really mean it.
Here’s what I’m talking about – when someone says something to you or does something for you, what’s the basis for your response to that? What’s the benchmark that all of us use for our reaction?
How we feel about it.
Whatever they said, whatever they did, we stack it up against our expectations. We stack it up against our ideas about what they should have said, what they should have done.
And our reaction to what they said or what they did? That is where it comes from.
What’s more, you and I are completely inconsistent when it comes to people who don’t meet our expectations.
When it’s us, when we are the ones who don’t meet our expectations?
It’s like what we heard in today’s Psalm, “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness.” That is how we treat ourselves. And for good reason.
After all, we didn’t mean to hurt anybody. We were just trying to help. We did it with the best of intentions. We did the best we could. We’re not bad people. And a thousand other things we tell ourselves.
Because when it comes to us? Why, we’re going to do it God’s way, of course.
We’re going to be gracious and merciful – with ourselves. We’re going to be slow to anger – with ourselves. We’re going to have great kindness – when it comes to us.
But when it’s someone else? When someone else doesn’t meet our expectations?
Then it’s all about us. It’s all about how we feel about it.
And all that “gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness” stuff goes out the window.
What they said will be weighed against however we’re feeling in that moment. And what they said will be found wanting, if it doesn’t meet our ideas and expectations. Even though we’ve never bothered to communicate any of our ideas and expectations to them.
If they guess wrong, then they are horrible, self-absorbed, and insensitive. The worst sort of people.
We’re basically setting them up to lose, by not telling them about our ideas and expectations – and then expecting them to meet our ideas and expectations. And we’re setting ourselves up to be miserable when they don’t.
And that’s before we even get into whether our ideas and expectations have any relationship to reality.
It’s something we don’t really think about. Because it’s something that most of us do without even realizing that we’re doing it. And we are good at it.
It’s a terrible burden to place on someone. And it’s the exact opposite of the burden that Jesus talks about in today’s Gospel,
“Come to me all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
That is the only burden that Our Lord wants us to have. And that is the only burden that we – as Christians – should be placing on anyone.
So, what does all that mean in practice?
Let’s say that I’m dealing with something in my life. It could be a health problem or a relationship problem, an addiction or a family member, something financial. Whatever it is, it’s not easy. It’s something big. It won’t go away. And it’s just getting worse.
Right now, it is the biggest thing going on in my life. For me, it is sucking all the air out of the room, and I really can’t think about much of anything else.
So, I go to Father George or Father Saji to let them know about what I’m dealing with, to ask them to pray for me, and maybe talk it through a little.
Then, in those moments right after Mass that I can finally get to him, a truncated, garbled, highly emotional account of what I’m dealing with comes tumbling out of me.
All I get back? A few words of sympathy and a promise that he’ll pray for me. And then he turns to someone else.
I am livid! He is so full of himself. Doesn’t he understand what I’m dealing with right now? I can’t believe they let someone like that be a priest.
He is absolutely the worst priest in the world!
Maybe that’s true. Maybe he is the worst priest in the world.
Or maybe, just maybe…there’s another way to look at it. Maybe there’s something more going on.
Maybe, just maybe, he spent last night in the emergency room, with someone who didn’t make it.
Maybe when he finally got home in the small hours of the morning, he got a call from one of his siblings who’s in crisis on the other side of the world and needs their big brother.
Maybe he made it to Mass this morning on two hours of sleep.
Maybe as soon as he’s done talking to me and everyone else after Mass, he’s going to go see the spouse who was left behind last night, who’s trying to figure out how they’re going to raise three kids by themselves.
Maybe what looked like a thimbleful of support and empathy from my perspective, was actually 100% of what he had to give.
I’m not saying that happens every day for our priests. In fact, for their sake, I pray that it doesn’t. But what I am saying is this – it’s possible.
Because it has happened. That could be exactly what he’s dealing with.
But in terms of how we look at it?
The point is that you and I get to choose. You and I get to choose how we see things.
We can go to our default mode, where we are the center of the universe. Where it’s all about us. And everyone else has to meet our expectations.
When we do, we lay a burden on others and on ourselves that will make them, and us, absolutely miserable.
If you’re looking for something to separate you from other people and from God, this is horrifyingly effective.
Or, instead of reacting. On autopilot. Instead of making it all about us. Again.
Instead of placing that burden on them, and on us? Instead of making them, and us, miserable?
We can look at them the way that God looks at us. We can be “gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness.”
Which, if we’re honest, is nothing less than paying forward the grace and mercy that God has given to each one of us.
And the best way that I know to do that? To set yourself up, so that your heart is primed to look them the way that God looks at you? Is to pray for them.
To make a habit of praying for family, friends, loved ones, anyone, everyone who’s going to be part of your day. Make a habit of praying for them. Especially when it comes to our priests.
But it all starts with a choice. Our choice.
Whenever it happens again – and it will.
Whoever it happens with – family, friends, loved ones, anyone, everyone, even if it’s one of our priests.
Don’t let it just happen. Choose.
In that moment – before you react – choose to say to yourself, “maybe, just maybe…”
Sunday’s Readings
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Do you know any names similar to sypha?
Or otherwise names based on uncommon Botanical poisons/deadly plants? /Np -sparrow
Tox, Toxx, Toxy, Toxic, Toxin, Toxins
Poi, Pois, Poison, Poisic or Toxsin or Toxson (Poison + Toxic)
Harm, Harmed, Harmful, Harmless, Trick, Tricky, Trixy, Acid, Acidic, Acidix, Fatal, Mortality, Abnorm, Abnormal, Abno, Abnor, Chem, Chemi, Chemical
More stuff under cut TvT
Effect, Affect, Burn, Burned, Burning, Burnt, Burns, Sting, Stings, Bite, Bites, Bitten, Scratch, Scratched, Flame, Inflamed, Inflamay, Inflamation, Blis, Blist, Blister, Blisters, Blistex, Danger, Dangex, Dangerous, Endanger, Endangered, Inges, Ingest, Ingested, Smoke, Smokey, Smoky, Sym, Symp, Sympt, Symptom, Expo, Expose, Exposure, Exposed, Inter, Intern, Internal, Grad, Gradual, Gradu, Met, Meta, Metab, Metal, Metallic, Tallic,
Pretty, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleased, Graze, Grazed, Clustered, Cluster, Clusters, Clust
Leaf, Leaves, Flower, Flowy, Petal, Petals, Tree, Forest, Forestry, Life, Bee, Stem, Petalx, Scent, Scented, Decor, Decorum, Decorate, Decorative, Fern, Seed, Seeds, Thorn, Thorns, Thorny, Prick, Prickle, Prickles, Pricked, Blood, Bleed, Drip, Spine, Spines, Poke, Stab, Stabby, Stabber, Ripe, Ripen
Oleander Nerium: Oleander, Nerium, Olean, Oleand, Leand, Neri, Olener, Neriander
The Tree of Death (Hippomane mancinella): Death, Mane, Manci, Nella, Nellamane, Manella, Sap, Phorbol, Phor
Snakeroot, White (Ageratina altissima): Snake, Root, Snakeroot, Snakey, Roots, Rooted, White, Whiteroot, Agera, Agertina, Altis, Altissima, Sima, Alti, Trematol, Trema, Matol, Trem
Castor Oil (Ricinus Communis): Castor, Oil, Ricinus, Communis, Commun, Munis, Rici, Ricin, Infern, Infernal, Crim, Crims, Crimson
Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius): Rose, Rosary, Pea, Abrus, Precatorius, Abru, Abrux, Catorius, Cator, Precator, Torius, Jequirity, Jequir, Jeq, Abri, Abrin, Abrix, Trop, Tropi, Tropical
Misc Others:
Bell, Bella, Lily, Valley, Vall, Val, Sweet, Sweets, Shade, Nightshade, Bella, Donna, Belladon, Bellux, Bellix, Belladonna, Dracunculus, Dracun, Cunculus, Draculus, Dracu, Tannin, Alum, Allium, Alli, Aril, Arils, Ackee, Citric, Citrus, Citrix, Citrux, Cyan, Cyano, Cyanogen, Ano, Anogen, Urushiol, Shiol, Urush, Uru, Urus, Urushi, Urushio, Shio, Cyanide, Cyani, Yanide, Yanid, Nid, Nide, Cya, Cyide, Rash, Lacquer, Lacq, Lac, Myristicin, Myr, Myris, Myriat, Ticin, Ristic, Risticin, Rist, Myrist, Myri
Oxalic, Rhub, Rhu, Rhubarb, Barb, Sour, Abrin, Abri, Abrix, Saponin, Adonidin, Aconitic, Adonid, Adoni, Adonis, Adonix, Aconit, Aconi, Linamarin, Lina, Lin, Linam, Marin, Rin, Nitril, Nitriles, Nitri, Tri, Tril, Triles, Hydrin, Vol, Volatile, Tile, Agglutination, Agglutin, Glutin, Glu, Agglu, Nephrotoxicity, Toxicity, Nephro, Corrosion, Corrosive, Corro, Wolfsbane, Monkshood, Bane, Aconitine, Nitine, Acon
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soysaucevictim · 11 months
One reason why i kinda balk abt un/symp stuff too. Is that it leaves no room for the reader to develop complicated feelings about a character's portrayal.
Like. When I wrote that HKA!Roman fic, my main intent was to write him as pitiable at best. The way his deck was stacked doomed him. It was supposed to be a tragedy. (Guy was drowning in high ctrl grp poison, but still killed a lot of people with increasingly tenuous justification.)
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r4cs0 · 2 years
I'm such a slut for classical music, orchestra stuff. I hide it from my friends because they're all into like heavy metal or hip hop and I feel odd but by God I want Beethoven and Mozart to just raw dog me
You put the symp in symphony
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csvent-2 · 1 year
(symprites) symps arent allowed to have visible breasts bcuz of their anatomy (they don't have mammaries or something). It's allowed for non official symp art but not for site approved stuff like masterlisting art. but some artists seem to be ignoring that but it's also still getting approved??? why? it's so obviously boob shaped and I can't help but b annoyed as hell about it. why is it allowed for them multiple times but not for others? maybe it's bcuz they're a pop artist...
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csmingy · 2 months
About the isopup-symp situation from recently, it doesn't seem to look traced to me. this is a very basic ass pose and the design is wholly different as well. Unless stuff lines up, I don't think any part of this art was traced
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symprites-venting · 10 months
I don't think most people realize that more slots in the long run would mean less ugly trade fodder symps. Right now they are so sought after because they are hard to come by. If you increase the sheer number of designs people will start out to be more picky in trades and just seek out stuff they really want. Of course there will still be some people trying to use them as png stock market but it will be definitely hard to do so. More numbers mean less demand.
And if you want to exacerbate it: just put on top of it a trade cool down.
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thetypingpup · 2 years
omgggg when I say I’m obsessed w all these kitty!yangyang and pup!mc posts, I mean I’m OBSESSED!! it really feels like you’re having a ball w fleshing out all the relationship details, which makes it even more exciting to read!! your pinned w the masterlist of ideas is like a pocket of gold I swear~ have you thought any about what scents yangyang and mc have? you mention mc noticing it a couple of times, so I thought I’d ask <3
- symp-honey
it's been a lot of fun. i came up with more stuff yesterday in terms of how their dialogue is gonna flow and more scenes that can happen and it's been so fun. i'm so torn btw keeping up what i've been doing, which has been really fun, and actually full on writing this fic. the idea of writing a full fic tho is: daunting bc i know that shit would be long even if i break it up in to parts. but the story at this point is fleshed out enough to at least start a story, and it would make sense for it to be a full fic. but on the other hand it's way less stressful for me to just keep doing what i'm doing and write little pieces as time goes on. tbh it's probably gonna end up like the f&s!au where i incorporate asks into the work and write and post pieces of it as they come to me. honestly i think that's what's best bc again, it's less stress on me and i can actually get scenes out there.
which reminds me someone tell me to finally flesh out what happens at jeno's ascension party that poor doc has been collecting dust. i'm sorry y'all i'm still undecided on the aesthetics i can't: help it😩
as far as scents, this is hard personally. scent has always been really hard for me to describe, along with taste. natural scents are the absolute hardest, bc you can't exactly say someone naturally smells like apples or pine or some shit yknow? that's not how you would naturally smell. to do that you'd need perfume or something else scented. so that's why you don't see me describing scent in much detail outside of vague terms i'm still learning how to do that in more detail. so to answer your question i don't have anything specific planned for their scents, but you do like each other's scents a lot, and even more as your feelings for each other develop more. you're def the type to leave hoodies and panties after your fuck around so the other can enjoy the scent when you're gone. may or may not have a scene in the works about that
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sister-symposia · 3 years
thinkin’ of simpbur...
wilbur. he’s your new step brother. 
your mom married his dad, phil (he’s hot in a dilf way). 
wilbur seemed like an awkward borderline neckbeard but gave off the weakest vibes so you brushed him off as just being awkward and shy around girls since he never spoke to you and typically bailed from the room after you entered unless your parents were there. 
you noticed he’d be cute if he actually took a shower and washed his hair. 
once you took an interest in him you noticed the subtle glances he would shoot you when he thought you weren’t looking. the way his eyes darkened as he stared at you before hurriedly looking away. it was pretty cute.
call you sadistic but you started wearing more revealing clothes after that. cute little shorts, crop tops, tight skinny jeans, and a huge t-shirt that hangs off your shoulder as your pajamas. you know he snatched one of your pairs of panties from your room. you’d just brought your fresh basket of laundry in and left your door open to grab something from the kitchen. and when you came back the pink pair on top were gone.
after your mom and phil went to sleep you left your room to go to the bathroom and heard a groan from wilbur’s room which is right across from yours. you of course peeked in on him, curious but already having a feeling you knew what he was doing. and you were right.
he was reclined back in his gamer chair, hand over his mouth to muffle his sounds while his other hand used your no longer clean silky panties to stroke his hard cock. you watched with an amused smirk as he pumped himself to completion, getting his cum all over your underwear in the process. perv.
you decided to file this away to use later. but right now you needed to handle the wetness between your legs.
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terraliensvent · 8 days
Hi! Previous anon. I think I disagree because talking about oc is okay. Symprite have nothing NSFW on design, I show SFW Symprite art. I say OC facts. It just fun discussion. I don't think there anything wrong with that. Maybe with species like succubun where everything is NSFW it is bad though, I agree. Because I heard it is 21+ because literally everything is NSFW. But stuff like symprites and chams and smile demons seem okay to talk about as long as the discussion is minor friendly. People talk about they chams all the time! Hope that make sense, sorry.
post related
i see your reasoning here and i do agree, like for example symps arent inherently a NSFW species (the main reason theyre 18+ is because staff didnt wanna deal with minors in the discord and encouraging minors to spend big money on adopts)
my reasoning is that its weird to disallow people from seeking 18+ species in trades because “we dont want 18+ species being advertised to minors” but then allowing people to talk about it in other chats. thats just as much advertising as is seeking characters of the species imo.
and i think smile demons especially shouldnt be allowed to be talked about in the server for the previously stated reasons in other posts that smile demons is a dangerous place for minors. the species is heavily associated with NSFW and kink themes, there are tons of MYOS on the masterlist that still have the icon as a character with leather gear, and one of the mascots of the species has heavily nsfw connotations. we have proof that smile demons doesnt protect minors in their community, because florian at 17 years old commissioned another minor (16) to draw their smile demon that had a gimp mask as part of the design. (this isnt a grooming thing btw, this is a “why did smile demons allow minors to have characters with these themes”)
if seeking characters of a species encourages people to join it, wouldnt it also be encouraging for someone to see a cool oc they like and someone saying good things about a species? its essentially like a positive amazon review
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dyketubbo · 3 years
(all /rp) do ppl know that dream saying he wants the server to be one big happy family is heavily outweighed by him abusing tommy, attempting to kill tubbo, encouraging wilbur to destroy manberg, wanting to kidnap skeppy and put him in a cage (as leverage over bbh, aka he sees skeppy as just some posession to hold over an old friend), having a bunch of peoples prized posessions and pets and wanting even more, literally being known as being in tommys walls during the early days, destroying buildings so he could frame tommy, taunting tommy until he broke, publically berating tubbo, wanting to have leverage over techno, being generally creepily obsessed with some teenager (to the point of implying he would have just kept bringing tommy back if tommy killed himself), admitting to not giving a shit about anything or anyone, saying "its so fun its so fun" while telling people about how he abuses tommy, and generally increasing conflict even during the early days and breaking his own rules? like i think its important for people to know that dream saying he wants a big happy family is definitely very outweighed by him being obsessed with and abusing a child and wanting one dead, wanting to kidnap people, and generally wanting power over everyone so he can continue obsessing over tommy, and consistently listing "its fun" as his reasoning and even laughing after killing tommy because of his damn god complex. like hes nuanced! and honestly its so much more fun to view his actions through the lens of "this is fun for him" because theres more evidence for that than there are "he just wants everyone to be happy"
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all my ocs are losers of various degrees and i’m proud of that fact
none of them are perfect and all are bad for their own reasons ‘n i’m proud of that <:]
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soysaucevictim · 2 years
Tfw you should probably go to bed, but you are entirely too gawd damn amped to do so. :,D
Creative mojo and excitement to get to some more of the big stuff in this story is not helping the lead-footing the symp nerv sys something fierce. Heart feels a bit on the 'splody side. Pffft.
Need to be up early enough to get presentable, some food in me, and get to therapy tomorrow... and some groceries maybe (the temptation to get that delivered is high even though it may cost extra).
But I want to write some mooore.
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