fizzyxcustard · 3 years
Dwalin + Elbow😬👉👈
"What on earth are you doing?" Balin asked, studying his younger brother from the doorway of the King's council chamber.
"Uh?!" Dwalin said in shock and turned around quickly, his bright, wide eyes focused on Balin.
Balin couldn't help but chuckle, seeing his brother with his tunic sleeve pulled up and trying to participate in some kind of contortion technique. "Did your lass put you up to this?"
Dwalin sighed and admitted defeat. "Yes...." In frustration, he pulled his sleeve down and growled under his breath.
"You two are like children," Balin chuckled again.
"No, she is like a child, not me. She continues to tease me and try to place bets that I can't lick my elbow. I will show her!"
Balin raised an eyebrow and placed his hand on his hip. "I'm wondering who is the bigger child in your relationship."
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xxbyimm · 4 years
001 questions for The Hobbit, please. :-)
Aaaahh I’m still gonna do this one because these questions are so much fun! @swoopswishsward you asked me the same as well, so here you go and thank you so much for asking me!!!!!
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001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: I have to pick one??? Oh lord, well... then I’d say Thorin Oakenshield! ❤️
Least Favorite character: Hmmmm. I have a hard time choosing between Azog and Alfrid, but since Azog at least is clear about the fact he’s horrible, I’d say Alfrid. 😌😫
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): THORIN X ENYA (stating the obvious here... I’m so sorry 😂😂), Thorin x Ruby (a fic on AO3 that I have a love/hate relationship with) and Kíli x Tauriel. Also I love @pistachiozombie ‘s Bofur x Leanna. And sometimes a little Thorin x Bilbo.
Character I find most attractive: Thorin “breathtaking bastard” Oakenshield would be insulted if I did not list him... and to be honest who am I kidding, he’s attractive as fuck. 😄❤️
Character I would marry: Enya wouldn’t allow me to marry Thorin, so my second option is Bard. Damn I wouldn’t mind waking up next to him every day, I mean Héllooo 😌😌😌
Character I would be best friends with: Fíli!!!!! Fíli!!!! I’d love to hang out with him!! ❤️❤️
a random thought: Where are the fucking blue wizards in the hobbit (and LOTR for that matter). It’s such a huge plothole. 🙈
An unpopular opinion: I’m not overly fond of elves. I know everyone thinks they’re badass and cool but I just find them to be over-confident little shits most of the time. “Look I’m an elf and I know everythinggg.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ It doesn’t mean I don’t want to explore characters like Thranduil or Legolas though, because I know there’s lot of depth and it’s not fair to judge a book by it’s cover. In fact- I will be writing my first ever Thranduil fic in the upcoming few weeks and I’m honestly very excited! I want to find out what this king feels like to write about. He’s more than just an angry, bitter soul, just like Thorin is more than his hatred of elves and his stubborness.   
My Canon OTP: Hmmmmm. I honestly don’t know????!
My Non-canon OTP: Thorin x Enya. 😆
Most Badass Character: The eagles. I mean, they solve fucking everything and they are cool! 🦅
Most Epic Villain: Smaug, the dramatic little bitch. 😂😂
Pairing I am not a fan of: Tauriel x Legolas.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): THE FACT THAT THEY REFUSED FÍLI MORE PROMINENT SCREEN TIME!!!!!!! HE IS OUR GOLDEN LION AND DESERVES MORE LOVE!! 😭
Favourite Friendship: Bilbo and Bofur. Their dynamic is so cute!!! 😱❤️
Character I most identify with: OMG I honestly don’t know! Perhaps Dís... In my mind she’s sassy and badass. I imagine her being so done with her kin screwing up all the time 😂.
Character I wish I could be: Ehhh all women in the hobbit are elves... Can I be Enya? And if it has to be canon I’ll be Bard’s unnamed wife 😂. But then I don’t die of course...
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