I want my dream body soooo baddddd😭😭
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justcoping-04 · 3 years
It’s okay that you binged today. You won’t gain any real weight it’ll just be food weight🌻🌼 I know the year just started and you feel like u ruined it, but you have 364 more days to try and not binge and also get thin 🌸💗
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What to do after binge
* try not to purge ( u don’t wanna be skinny with bad breath and a toothless smile🌼)
* Weigh yourself from now instead of prolonging it Bc it’ll only make it worse if you wait🌻
* Take a warm shower to try clear your mind🐥🐝🌸
* Drink some tea to relax 🍄🌳
* Plan out the foods you want to eat tomorrow and try again 🌻🌼🦋💗🍄
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skinny-jasmine · 3 years
Hey I'm back on my bs lol imma start posting again
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crunshed-bonez · 2 years
recovered and ate a ton of junk every weekend. i’m relapsing again and just weighed myself for the first time in awhile. only gained 5lbs from my lowest weight. such a flex holy shit
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skinniio · 3 years
ok i’m at my grandparents and i don’t have access to a scale rn but i’m like 80% sure that i reached my gw of 115 lbs. i wanna be 110-108 lbs by july 12 because i’m doing summer classes and i have to be a hottest feminine trans guy (?) there
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th3b0n3b0y · 3 years
✘Intro Post✘
⤜Hello I'm Bone⤛
⤜I'm 17 y/o and around 5'3⤛
⤜They/It/He and any generic neo's | Also MLM and NBLNB ⤛
⤜I don't have a working scale so bare with so my weights wont be 100% accurate⤛
⤜I've been in the ED/S3lfhrm community for a while but this is my first account⤛
⤜I am pro-recovery for ED's and S3lfhrm but recovering for me rn is a no go! Don't like it fucking block me⤛
⤜TW for my whole god damn account ~ ED | S3lfhrm | Venting about family issues and venting in general⤛
⤜I am also gonna be posting food logs and cal diaries,and my own pics{Like progress reports} th1nspr0 , m3anspr0|sweetspr0 and b0n3spr0, I also will be posting my S3lfhrm, and will be having traumacore stuff here let me cope, bru1s3spr0 ⤛
⤜If ur in or about to be in recovery and or are starting to develop a ED or S3lfhrm ~ Plz get off my fucking blog. My ED or S3lfhrm is cute or aesthetically pleasing and if ur one of those ED f3t1sh people fuck off I hate u so much⤛
⤜Let me know if I reblog | post anything I'm not meant to⤛
⤜My Dm's r open ~ I promise I'm not as much a asshole as I sound <3 Also plz Dm me M3anspr0⤛
⤜Starting Stats/Goals⤛
✘SW: 110 lbs
✘LW: 100{ish} lbs
✘HW: 140{ish} lbs
✘GW: 99 lbs
✘UGW: 88 lbs
DNI ~ Truscum | Transmed | Transphobe | Anti-Mogai | Anti-Neopronouns | Anti-LGBTQ+ | Aspec Exclusionist | TERF | SWERF | TWERF | Discourse Blogs | NO Maps{Pedos} or supporters | Any Kink Blogs | NSFW Blogs | Racist | Xenophobes | Sexists | Misogynist | Islamophobes | Trump Supporters | Anti-Semitic | Fascist | Anti-Self-dx | And If ur gonna be a dickhead I don't want u here. Also again just block me u don't have to report me let me have a fucking safe space.
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wannabethin-47kg · 3 years
Does anyone know any Tumblr account that writes Sweetspo? I'm in dire need of sweetspo.
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Do u ever feel soooo motivated at night, promising yourself “tomorrow will be a good day, I won’t b1nge, I’ll starv3 myself and look at th1nsp0” and then the next morning it all goes down the drain 🤦🏽‍♀️ currently I’m at around 157lb and it’s so frustrating that I can’t stay consistent anymore. PLEASE GIVE ME MOTIVATION THAT I CAN WAKE UP TO!!!
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Gained 12lbs (6kg?) since I was last active MONTHS ago. I’m tired of my ED. One day I feel great not eat1ing, then the next day I was to eat EVERYTHING in sight. I want a nice body so bad
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I am so happy! I am officially 21.4lbs down, if you are curious it has taken me 23ish weeks. This is a reminder TO KEEP GOING, STAY CONSISTENT, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!!!!
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I’ve somehow convinced myself that all my problems will go away once I’m skinknee 🤪🤪🤪
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Maturing is realizing that oil in recipes are a scam, it’s the government trying to make us f4t
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Idk who’s mom needs to here this but WE DONT CARE THAT U WERE 95LBS AT OUR AGE🗣🗣🗣
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I just want to be able to wear a 2 piece while swimming and not feel disgusting
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So we’re all stressing out about our weight because school starts soon?
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My dream body
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