#sv ch.52
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SV ch.52
I wake up every Sunday with this anxious feeling that's honestly better than any coffee I drink and I'm like "oh, right, scum villain, good morning to me"
Not long ago, Shen Qingqiu would still have been able to believe that Luo Binghe was naturally still holding a grudge and kept the scars so he could remind himself of his hatred at any time. But now, Shen Qingqiu could not deceive himself any more about the meaning of these actions.
(Isn't it GOOD to finally see Shizun's brain work for more sentimental stuff? HE CAN'T DECEIVE HIMSELF ANYMORE, aaaaaah Shizun are you giving us a joy-)
This Luo Binghe, who he had raised bent to who knows where, had a heart more delicate than a young maiden—both a masochist and easy to harm.
(omg this needs to go in lbh's resume ahahahah)
EDIT: ugh, so who is this? Whoooooo isssss thisssss person with Shizun right now xjdhxkdj
That young man stood up by the table and said, smiling, “Humans have a saying, a drop of kindness is repaid as a gushing spring. Besides, the kindness that Master Shen offered me far surpassed a drop.”
EDIT 4: uh, no, okay. Okay, no, that's father's general and confidant. Wow, okay, I still don't know a thing about this person, like, why is he with Shizun and what was he doing at lbh's Palace and what's going on EXPLAIN PLS
Now, he had drawn out a character that had never directly appeared on stage, and the System had opened a plot hole filling event. Could it be that, next, he would finally uncover the truth behind those giant plot holes ripping through the sky?!
Zhuzhi-Lang said, “Though it cannot be dispelled, so long as my blood is also in Master Shen’s body, that person’s Heavenly Demon’s Blood cannot be activated. After going to the Demon Realm, there will be no trail to follow and there will be no way he can torment you any more.”
This shady character is starting to worry me, though. I don't really understand his intentions, I'm a bit confused, what is he trying to do-
EDIT 8: LBH'S RELATIVE! WOW. BLESS, the plot always surprises me. I don't know how Shizun is not screaming with those snakes all over him BRAVE SHIZUN
Shen Qingqiu endured it and asked, “Why would you go to Huan Hua Temple?”
Zhuzhi-Lang said with much patience, “I originally went to take care of official business. I never thought I’d see Master Shen.”
EDIT 10:
“Rest well, Master Shen. If you have any needs please say and I will definitely handle them for you. We can depart for the borderlands tomorrow at the latest.”
Shen Qingqiu said with a dry mouth and tongue, “Do you have money?”
Zhuzhi-Lang responded, “I do.”
Shen Qingqiu: “Can I use it?”
Zhuzhi-Lang: “As you wish.”
Shen Qingqiu: “I want women.”
EDIT 11:
The pipa player smiled behind her sleeve and said, “What’s strange about it? Could it be that Mister never heard? The leading roles of《Resentment of Chunshan》, it goes without saying, are those two Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe, ah.”
Poor Shizun, he is surrounded by people who totally ship him with lbh and he can't do a thing about that)
To clear up the plot, in short, this was a shameless master-disciple couple, spending all day on some nameless mountain ignoring their duties to papapa, going down the mountain to fight monsters and papapa, using papapa to settle misunderstandings, still needing a round of papapa before dying, continuing to papapa after death, continuing to papapa as before after resurrection…… story.
#scum villain’s self saving system#scum villain#the scum villain’s self saving system#sv#svsss#sv fangirling mode#sv ch.52#sv novel
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Chlístov (Hořičky)
Název obce by měl podle tradice vycházet z pojmenování Chlustův či Chlístův dvůr, takže jeho zakladatelem by měl být někdo jménem Chlust či Chlíst, které vzniklo ze staročeského výrazu "chlíst", což bývalo označení jak pro škrkavku, tak pro dešťovku (žížalu). To rovněž potvrzuje prof. Antonín Profous ve své knize "Místní jména v Čechách. Jejich vznik, původní význam a změny. Díl II. CH-L": "11. Chlístov, ves (m. o. Hořičky) 13 km zsz. od Č. Skalice: 1400 pleb. eccl. in Horziczek pratum prope villam Chlistow dictum Chlistowska luka emit a Benessio de Ryssemburg, LEr. V, 528; 1542 (1527) postúpil .. w Rysmburcze zámku - - w Lithoborzi tvrze pusté .. w Horziczkach vsi celé, w Chlistowie vsi celé, DZ. 83 B 2; 1654 Chlystow (v kraji Hradec.), BR. 12/748."
První zmínka o Chlístově se datuje k 1. říjnu 1400, kdy Beneš z Rýzmburka, syn Mladoty, pána rodu erbu „z třemene“, prodal plebánu na Hořičkách luka „chlístovská“ s lesem a kusem potoka za roční plat 18 kop českých grošů. Roku 1527 byla zpustlá tvrz litobořská s Hořičkami, Křižanovem, Chlístovem, Libňatovem a dalšími majetky zastavena Zdeňkovi Lvovi z Rožmitálu a Janu Krušinovi z Lichtemburka. Ti v roce 1534 prodali rýzmburské zboží Bernartovi Žehušickému z Nestajova. Roku 1578, kdy zemřel Hertvík Žehušický z Nestajova, nastaly o tyto majetky půl roku trvající spory. Ty byly završeny tím, že rýzmburské panství zůstalo sestrám zemřelého, resp. Mandaléně Úlibské z Nestajova. V roce 1582 se stala majitelkou Ratibořic, poplužního dvora s mlýnem, a vsí: Chlístova, Křižanova, Lhoty pod Hořičkami a Zábrodí Hedvika Smiřická z Hasenburka. Roku 1654, kdy krajem jezdili 2 jezuité Jiří Buda a Jiří Mazenius, kteří vykonávali všechny církevní úkony a v neposlední řadě horlivě obraceli lid ke katolické víře, přijalo svátost sv. pokání 52 obyvatel. V roce 1708 byl chlístovský kovář Martin Tomeš pověřen zhotovením nebozezu pro vrtání vodovodních trub v Úpici. Roku 1794 měl Chlístov 32 domů a 186 obyvatel a v roce 1827 40 domů a 225 obyvatel. Roku 1823 byly Chlístov, Havlovice, Komárov, Křižanov, Libňatov, Maršov, Mečov a Slatina připojeny cechovně k Úpici. V roce 1843 měla ves 45 domů a 288 obyvatel.
Roku 1849 se stal Chlístov součástí Hořiček. Měl však vlastní obecní jmění a rovněž zástupce v obecní radě, jímž byl v roce 1901 Karel Antoš. Roku 1862 vyhořelo v obci několik statků. V roce 1873 přešla silnice z Brzic do Chlístova pod správu okresu. O 3 roky později zde bylo nalezeno uhelné ložisko. Těžba uhlí však nebyla rentabilní, tak se s ní ani nezahájilo. Tehdejší českoskalický kaplan Václav Šrám ve svém díle „Okres Česko-skalický. Nástin historický“ z roku 1882 popsal Chlístov takto: „2. Chlistov, ves s Hořičkami téměř spojená, čítá 47 domů s 296 obyvateli katolickými; jest tu mlýn „Husí krk“ zvaný, 2 nálevny piva, 1 lihovin, 1 kramář, 1 obchodník v plátnech, 1 truhlář, 1 zámečník, 2 obuvníci.“ 2. května 1889 byla zdejší luka a pole poškozena velkou bouří s přívalovým deštěm. Roku 1897 bylo hledáno uhlí v Husím Krku. 17. července 1899 sjel blesk do obecního domku, který zapálil a v něm usmrtil 20letou dívku. V roce 1901 byl zdejší živnostenský stav složen z 2 hostinských (Josef Borůvka, Josef Tylš), 2 obuvníků (Josef Karel, Josef Mojžíš), 2 tkalců (Josef Borůvka, Antonín Pich), koláře Ferdinanda Kociána, kováře Heřmana Špatenky, mlynáře Josefa Picha, obchodníka smíšeným zbožím a trafikanta Josefa Tylše a zámečníka Františka Chmelíka. Tehdy měla osada rozlohu 184 ha, 81 arů a 85 m2. V noci na 25. prosince 1905 došlo k vloupání k hostinskému Josefu Tylšovi, které bylo způsobeno romskou tlupou. V roce 1910 měla obec 47 domů a 186 obyvatel. Z front 1. světové války se nevrátili 2 místní muži (František Hůlek a Augustin Špelda).
24. srpna 1921 Zemský správní výbor v Čechách povolil, aby místní obec Hořičky byla rozdělena na 2 obce - Hořičky a Chlístov. K odtržení Chlístova došlo podle výnosu ministerstva vnitra o 2 roky později. V témže roce byla založena obecní kronika. Roku 1925 došlo k elektrifikaci obce a v roce 1928 byl zřízen vodovod. Za německé okupace nosila obec pojmenování Chlistau. Roku 1939 došlo k založení místní organizace Národního souručenství. 5. května 1945 byl pod Chlístovem zastřelen Karel Líbal z Brzic, když se pokusil zajistit autobus plný raněných německých vojáků. V roce 1952 byl Chlístov připojen k Hořičkám. Roku 1977 Zemědělské stavební sdružení Hronov vyhotovilo projekt výstavby údržbářsko-ošetřovatelské stanice JZD v Chlístově, který byl v následujících letech realizován a později došlo ještě k jeho rozšíření. 10. září 1980 vyhořel kravín ve středisku JZD v Chlístově. V letech 2013-2014 došlo k výstavbě kanalizace a čistírny odpadních vod a v roce 2014 proběhla rekonstrukce vodovodního řadu.
V této obci mnoho pamětihodností nenajdeme. Mimo tradiční lidové architektury je třeba zmínit: kamenný podstavec s litinovým křížem u čp. 15 z roku 1872 a kamenný podstavec s litinovým křížem u čp. 115 z roku 1882. Jedním z nejvýznamnějších rodáků je kohoutovský učitel František Pich (* 1835 Chlístov), který pocházel z nejstaršího zdejšího rodu, o němž se zmínil 26. července 1936 deník Venkov:
„Udrželi jste svůj grunt aspoň 100 roků?
Grunt Pechancův na českém pomezí už přes 300 roků v rukou rodu.
Nejstarší rodinou ve vsi Chlistově (polit. okres Náchod, soudní okres Česká Skalice) jest rodina Pichova. První záznamy o ní přicházejí v soupisu poddaných panství náchodského ze dne 26. dubna 1651, uloženém v archivu ministerstva vnitra. V něm se však předkové této rodiny nejmenují ještě Pichové, nýbrž Pechancové. Jsou tam zapsáni dva: Jan Pechanců ve věku 30 roků s manželkou Magdalenou, a Jakub, starý 28 roků, s manželkou Dorotou. Oba byli bezdětní a nekatolíci, byla však vyslovena naděje, že budou obráceni na víru katolickou. V závěru zmíněného soupisu uvádí tehdejší správce panství náchodského, Jan Kostelecký rytíř ze Sladova o nekatolických poddaných toto: »O poddaných nekatolických naděje jest, poněvadž Páni Patres Societatis Jezu zde na panství k vyučování začátek učinili, že šťastně a s prospěchem v tom pracovati budou, k vykonání vůle Boží a Milostivého poručení J. M. Cze Pána, Pána nás všech Nejmilostivějšího týž poddaní přístně přidrženi býti mají.«
Pechancové byli záhy obráceni na víru katolickou.
V matrice narozených farního chrámu na Hořičkách jsou, počínaje rokem 1652 zaznamenány křty dětí obou Pechanců. Jan Pechanec jest tam však již zapsán pode jménem Jan Pychů, kdežto Jakubovi ponecháno jméno Pechanec až do r. 1664, kdy byl při narození svého syna Martina zapsán jako Pich.
Jan Pich hospodařil na rolnické usedlosti v Chlistově, která koncem 18. stol. bylo označena popisným čís. 10. Dne 5. listopadu 1656 byl pokřtěn jeho syn Jan, pozdější hospodář na této usedlosti. V rustikálním katastru z r. 1721 (archiv země České v Praze) jest jako tehdejší držitel usedlosti Jiřík Pichů a jeho předchůdce Jan Pichů. Jan Pich hospodařil na usedlosti podle berní rolly z r. 1654.
V tereziánském katastru podle zápisu ze dne 13. srpna 1775 jest hospodářem v té době na zmíněném gruntu Josef Pich. Ten prodal polovinu živnosti dne 1. ledna 1783 (fol. 183 pozemkové knihy obce Chlistova) svému synu Václavu Pichovi. Tato polovina resp. stavení na ní postavené byla označena pop. čís. 25.
Po smrti Josefa Picha hospodařila na usedlosti č. 10 vdova po něm Marie, která živnost postoupila dne 20. února 1788 svému synu Josefu Pichovi, od něhož ji převzal dne 28. února 1825 jeho syn stejného jména, tehdy 14letý. Ten, jsa již v mladém věku sám na sebe odkázán, staral se pečlivě nejen o své hospodářství, ale i o řemeslo tkalcovské a o obchod s tkalcovskými výrobky, jímž obyvatelé tohoto kraje doplňovali výtěžek z chudých, málo úrodných polí. Oženiv se s Františkou Mikšovou, dcerou rychtáře na Hořičkách, vesnici sousedící s Chlistovem, koupil dne 18. dubna 1844 z pozůstalosti po svém švagru chalupu čp. 1 v osadě Kalousově a dne 20. prosince 1847 od svého tchána hospodu čp. 13 na Hořičkách.
Stal se po svém tchánu rychtářem a později starostou obcí Hořiček a Chlistova, které byly od poloviny 19. století do státního převratu spojeny. Ve své funkci hájil vždy velmi účinně zájmy svých spoluobčanů proti německé správě panství, což nebylo v té době vždy snadné, jak známo z Jiráskova »U nás«. Jeho přičiněním získali mnozí chalupníci za výhodných podmínek panské pozemky do svého vlastnictví.
Smlouvou odstupní ze dne 12. října 1879 postoupil tento hospodář svému staršímu synu Karlovi živnost čp. 13 na Hořičkách s chalupou na Kalousově a usedlost č. 10 v Chlistově synu Josefu, jenž zemřel v r. 1917. Po něm zdědil tuto usedlost jeho bratr Karel Pich, po jehož smrti ji převzal téhož roku 1917 syn tohoto, dr. Josef Pich, nynější majitel.
Vraťme se nyní ke gruntu č. 25 v Chlistově.
Po Václavu Pichovi převzal jej 5. dubna 1819 jeho syn Antonín, od tohoto pak 27. října 1849 opět syn tohoto, stejného jména, od něho opět syn Antonín smlouvou postupní ze dne 16. dubna 1886 a konečně po smrti tohoto dne 4. ledna 1909 nynější vlastník Josef Pich.
Jak uvedeno, byl Jan Pechanec v r. 1651 stár 30 let, narodil se tedy r. 1621, pravděpodobně v Chlistově. Hospodaří tedy rod Pichů na svých usedlostech v Chlistově přes 300 let.“
Z obce také pocházel učitel v Německé Brusnici (dnes Hajnice) Jan Jirásek (* 1807 Chlístov). Za zmínku také stojí to, že zdejší rolník Josef Špatenka byl jedním z těch, kteří založili Včelařský spolek pro okres Českoskalický, jehož ustavující schůze se uskutečnila 13. ledna 1895 a spolkové stanovy byly schváleny c. k. místodržitelstvím v Praze 15. února 1895. Od té doby byl členem jeho výboru.
Kříž nedaleko čp. 34
Chlístov čp. 15
Chlístov čp. 37
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SpyInTheHouse 674 Fm Podcast 011 11272017
This 3hrs (also) video-streamed 674.fm / SpyInTheHouse all.vinyl November-jam (by Claus Bachor / Psycho Thrill Cologne) with featured tracks by Anthony Shakir, Dwele, The Advent, Chaos/ Mark Floyd, The Droyds, Morphology (2), Circadian Rhythms, Underground Resistance , Jean-Loius Huhta, Blake Baxter, Steve Rachmad (2), Fabrizio Lapiani, Sigha (remixed by Wata Igrashi & Function) (2), Akmé, Slam (remixed by Claude Young Jr.), Biochip C, Jeroen Search (4), Laurent Garnier, Cliff Hanger (2), Waajeed (2), Oniris, Delano Smith, Trevino, Broccoli Bros. vs. Righteous Men, Woo York, Roland Casper, Mark N-R-G (remixed by Roland Casper), Opuswerk, Integer, The Dusk, Philus, Echoplex, Murat, Tafkamp, Terrence Dixon, Klankman, Mode Selector, SCB/ Scuba (2), Egyptian Lover, DJ Roach, Rennie Foster, Timeline, John E.Collins, A Number Of Names, Sexual Harrassment, John D. (2), Roy Ayers, Lil'Justin, Drivetrain/ Derrick Thompson, Da Rebels, Funkadelic (remixed by Moodyman) in this mix. TRACK LISTING: 01 ANTHONY 'SHAKE' SHAKIR: Detroit: State Of Mind [ B2-track from “... Waiting For Russell” Frictional Recordings FRCT-008 US Promo-12" | 1998 ] 02 DWELE [ANDWELE GARDNER]: Early Morning [ A-side from “Detroit City” Rara RARA-003 UK 12" | 2004 ] 03 THE ADVENT [CISCO FERREIRA & COLIN McBEAN]: Insight 01 (Level Z) [ B2-track from “Standers” Internal CCCB-10 UK Promo-12" | 1996 ] 04 CHAOS [MARK FLOYD]: Afrogermanic [ A-side from “Crime Report” Underground Resistance UR-021 / Submerge US 12" | 1998 ] 05 THE DROYDS [ANDY CHATTERLEY & RICHARD NORRIS]: All I Ever Wanted [ A1-track from “EP 1” New Religion REG117 UK 12" | 2005 ] 06 MORPHOLOGY [MATTI TORUNEN & MICHAEL DIEKMANN]: Conductive Force [ A1-track from “In Between” Innerspace Records 001 CRO 12" | 2017 ] 07 CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS [CHRISTOPHE DE GROOT]: Insight [ A-side from “Silicon EP” Triad Recordings TRIAD 001/ Elypsia BEL Promo-12" | 1997 ] 08 MORPHOLOGY : Inversium Layer [ A2-track from “In Between” Innerspace Records 001 CRO 12" | 2017 ] 09 JEAN-LOUIS HUHTA: Viva La Differenze! [ A1-track from “Zoat Zingo” Hybrid Productions HP-1017 SWE Promo-10" | 2000 ] 10 UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE: Electronic Warfare _ Vocal Mix [ B1-track from “Electronic Warfare - Designs For Sonic Revolutions” Underground Resistance UR-033 US 12" | 1995 ] 11 DJ NAUGHTY: Boing Bum Tschak [ A-side from “Boing Bum Tschag / Innerwood” International Deejay Gigolo Records Gigolo-001 GER Promo-10" | 1996 ] 12 STEVE RACHMAD: Ubatuba Blues [ B-side from “Neo Classica” Sino SINO-102LP HongKong 3x12" | 2006 ] 13 BLAKE BAXTER: Energizer [ A1-track from “Energizer” Tresor 038 GER Promo-12" | 1996 ] 14 STEVE RACHMAD: My Tikkie Tik [ A1-track from “Neo Classica” Sino SINO-102LP HongKong 3x12" | 2006 ] 15 FABRIZIO LAPIANA: Weaving [ A1-track from “://about blank 002” ://about blank 002 GER 12" | 2017 ] 16 SIGHA [JAMES SHAW]: Black Massing _ Wata Igarashi 'Dusk Falls' Remix [ A1-track from “Metabolism Remixes” TOKEN-077 BEL 12" | 2017 ] 17 AKMÉ: Inner Islands [ A2-track from “://about blank 002” ://about blank 002 GER 12" | 2017 ] 18 SIGHA: Down _ Function Remix [ B1-track from “Metabolism Remixes” TOKEN-077 BEL 12" | 2017 ] 19 JEROEN SEARCH [JEROEN SCHRIJVERSHOF]: Without Abrupt Change [ A2-track from “Continuum EP” Odd Even ODD/EVEN 012 GER 12" | 2017 ] 20 SLAM [ORDE MEIKLE & STUART McMILLAN]: Dark Forces _ Claude Young Jr. Remix [ A2-track from “Dark Forces Remixes” Soma Quality Recordings SOMA-45 UK Promo-12" | 1996 ] 21 JEROEN SEARCH: Quantitative Transitions [ A3-track from “Continuum EP” Odd Even ODD/EVEN 012 GER 12" | 2017 ] 22 BIOCHIP C [MARTIN DAMM]: Quartz [ A2-track from “Cranefly Warriors Vol. 3” Dj.ungle Fever 2002.02 GER Promo-12" | 2002 ] 24 JEROEN SEARCH: Continuous Or Discrete [ B3-track from “Continuum EP” Odd Even ODD/EVEN 012 GER 12" | 2017 ] 25 CLIFF HANGER [DARREN PRICE]: That's How It Is [ A1-track from “That's How It Is” Underwater Records H2O-007 UK Promo-12" | 1998 ] 26 LAURENT GARNIER: The Man With The Red Face [ A-side from F Communications F-119 Romo X FRA Promo-12" | 2000 ] 27 WAAJEED [ROBERT O'BRYANT]: Shango [ A2-track from “SHANGO EP” Dirt Tech Reck DTR-11 / Submerge US 12" | 2017 ] 28 Cliffhanger: Who's Who? [ B1-track from “That's How It Is” Underwater Records H2O-007 UK Promo-12" | 1998 ] 29 WAAJEED [ROBERT O'BRYANT]: Winston’s Midnight Disco [ A1-track from “SHANGO EP” Dirt Tech Reck DTR-11 / Submerge US 12" | 2017 ] 30 ONIRIS [XAVIER JANUARIO]: Hope & Despair [ A-side from “Hope & Despair” Astropolis Records AR-02.2 FRA 12" | 2013 ] 31 DELANO SMITH: On The Run [ A-side from “Detroit Lost Tapes” Sushitech Records SUSH-039 GER 3x12" | 2017 ] 32 TREVINO [MARCUS KAYE]: Spin Away [ B1-track from “Tactical Manoeuvre EP” 3024 3024-020 UK 12" | 2012 ] 33 BROCCOLI BROTHERS vs. RIGHTEOUS MEN [GREGOR POTTMEIER, JOHANNES EHMANN, TOBIAS KOTH vs. KRISCHAN JAN-ERIC WESENBERG, THIMO U. SEIDEL]: Ruhrschnellweg _ Last Exit Stahlhausen Mix [ B1-track from “Catch It” Thee Blak Label BLAK-005 / Radikal Fear BEL Promo-12" | 1995 ] 34 WOO YORK [ANDREW VANZHULA & DENNIS ANDRIYANOW]: I Am Against _ Ø [Phase] Remix [ B-side from “I Am Against” Soma Quality Recordings SOMA-409 UK 12" | 2017 ] 35 ROLAND CASPER: Chance [ A2-track from “Sons Of Acido [Down With The Pig System #3.0]” Psycho Thrill PT-XTRA 003 Testpress-12" | 2016 ] 36 MARK N-R-G [ALEXANDER TROITZSCH]: Don't Stop _ Remix by Roland Casper [ B-side from “Don't Stop (The Remixes)” Overdrive OVER-062-R1 GER 10" | 1995 ] 37 OPUSWERK [HENDRIK VAN BOETZELAER]: Derzhprom _ Keith Carnal Remix [ B2-track from “Social Condenser” Arts ARTS-030 ITA 12" | 1017 ] 38 INTEGER [JASON ALEXANDER]: Kabbola [ A-side from “Kabbola / Patter” Dystrophic Recordings DYS TEN-001 UK Promo-10" | 1997 ] 39 SCB [SCUBA / PAUL ROSE]: Test Tubes [ A1-track from “Old Media New Society” Hotflush Recordings HF-047 UK 12" | 2017 ] 40 THE DUSK [ROBERT BABIZC]: Drugsky 0023 [ B3-track from “Tatort: 42” Essence 109 / Roadrunner GER Promo-12" | 1996 ] 41 PHILUS [MIKA TAPIO VAINIO]: Kuvio 3 [ B2-track from “Kolmio EP” Sähkö Recordings SÄHKÖ-014 FIN Promo-12" | 1998 ] 42 ECHOPLEX [PETER SLIWINSKI]: Equilibrium [ B1-track from “Entire Sound Spectrum EP” Speaker Attack spa-017 / Axodya CH Promo-12" | 2001 ] 43 MURAT [MURAT GOKSEL]: Photon #3 [ B1-track from “Photon” Data Records DATA-001 US Promo-12" | 1999 ] 44 THANOS HANA [HANA]: Jon Always At 1210 [ B1-track from “TH06” TH Tar Hallow TH-006 NL BL-12" | 2017 ] 45 TERRENCE DIXON: Midnight Hours [ D1-track from “Detroit : Beyond The Third Wave” Astralwerks ASW6170-1 US 2x12" | 1996 ] 46 KLANKMAN[MAARTEN EPSKAMP]: Rashond [ A1-track from “Klankman” TH Tar Hallow TH-002 NL BL-12" | 2017 ] 47 MODE SELECTOR [FANON FLOWERS]: Last Trip [ D2-track from “Detroit : Beyond The Third Wave” Astralwerks ASW6170-1 US 2x12" | 1996 ] 48 SCB [SCUBA / PAUL ROSE]: Freedom For The Fifty [ A2-track from “Old Media New Society” Hotflush Recordings HF-047 UK 12" | 2017 ] 49 EGYPTIAN LOVER [GREG J.BROUSSARD]: Girls _ Re-Mix-Long Version [ A-side from “Girls” Egyptian Empire Records ?DMSR-0664 US 12" | 1985 ] 50 DJ ROACH [RAUL ROCHA]: The Heads [ A2-track from “Universal Shift” Soiree Records Int. SRT-168 US Testpress-12" | 2017 ] 51 RENNIE FOSTER: Infrastructure [ B1-track from “Universal Shift” Soiree Records Int. SRT-168 US Testpress-12" | 2017 ] 52 UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE: Timeline [ A-side from “Millenium To Millenium” Underground Resistance UR. 2001 / Submerge US Promo-12" | 2001 ] 53 JOHN E.COLLINS: All We Need [ A-side from “All We Need / Yeah” Underground Resistance UR-080 US Promo-12" | 2009 ] 54 A NUMBER OF NAMES [PAUL LESLEY, RODERICK SIMPSON, SERLING JONES]: Sharevari _ Instrumental Mix [ B2-track from “Edits 1” Bass 001 / Submerge US WL-12" | 1999 ] 55 SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: You Are Myx Sexual Connection [ A3-track from “I Need A Freak” Heat SV-301 US Promo-LP" | 1983 ] 56 JOHN D. [JOHN DIAZ & CARMEN PADILLA] feat. CARMEN: Hot Spot _ Dub [ B-side from “Hot Spot” 25 West Records TFW-1019 US 12" | 1986 ] 57 JOHN D.: Electro-Bop _ Dub Version [ B-side from “Electro-Bop” 25 West Records TFW-1015 US 12" | 1985 ] 58 ROY AYERS: In The Dark _ 12" Mix [ A-side from “In The Dark” Columbia 44 05115 US 12" | 1984 ] 59 KERRI "KAOZ 6:23" CHANDLER pres. LIL'JUSTIN: Trace _ Club Mix [ B-side from “Ah Baby / Trace” Madhouse Records, Inc. KCT-1003 UK Promo-12" | 1993 ] 60 DRIVETRAIN [DERRICK THOMPSON]: One Love [ A1-track from “Universal Shift” Soiree Records Int. SRT-168 US Testpress-12" | 2017 ] 61 DA REBELS [CURTIS ALAN JONES & LIDDELL TOWNSELL]: Come To Me _ Night Mix [ A2-track from “Mello Madness” Clubhouse Records CHR-120 US Testpress-12" | 1992 ] 62 FUNKADELIC: Cosmic Slop _ Moodymann Mix [ B1-track from “Reworked By Detroiters” Westbound Records SEW3-158 UK 3x12" | 2017 ]
#Claus Bachor#Psycho Thrill Cologne#674fm#spyinthehouse#techno#House#electro#HI-TECH FUNK#electronica#idm#somewhereincologne#bnkr
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Psalm 119 SimHebrew with sharpened tools
After several weeks of programming, my conversion to SimHebrew with what I have learned from the conversion of the WLC to a malé unpointed text has resulted in many changes to the Psalm 119 that I published at the beginning of the month. a awri tmimi-drç,
hholcim btort ihvh.
[1 All joy for the complete of the way,
who walk in the instruction of Yahweh.]
b awri noxri ydotiv bcl-lb idrwuhu.
[2 All joy for those observing his testimonies. With a whole heart they search him out.]
g af la-poylu yvlh,
bdrciv hlcu.
[3 Also they do not work injustice,
in his ways they walk.]
d ath xivvit pqudiç lwmor maod.
[4 And you commanded your precepts to keep in full.]
h aklii iconu drcii lwmor kuqiç.
[5 Ah that established were my ways to keep your statutes.]
v az la-abow,
bhbi'ti al-cl-mxvotiç.
[6 And then I would not be ashamed,
to take note of all your commandments.]
z aodç biowr lbb,
blmdi mwp'ti xdqç.
[7 And I will thank you with an upright heart,
when I learn the judgments of your righteousness.]
k at-kuqiç awmor.
al-tyzbni yd-maod.
[8 And your statutes I will keep.
Do not forsake me in full for ever.]
't bmh izch-nyr at-arko,
lwmor cdbrç?
[9 But how will a youth clear his path,
to keep it according to your word?]
i bcl-libi drwtiç.
al-twgni mmxvotiiç.
[10 By all my heart I have searched you out.
Do not let me stray from your commandments.]
ia blibi xpnti amrtç,
lmyn la ak'ta-lç.
[11 By my heart I have treasured your promise,
in order that I will not sin against you.]
ib bruç ath ihvh lmdni kuqiç.
[12 Blessed are you Yahweh. Teach me your statutes.]
ig bwptii sprti,
col mwp'ti-piç.
[13 By my lips I have recounted,
all the judgments of your mouth.]
id bdrç ydvotiç wwti cyl cl-hon.
[14 By the way of your testimonies I joy as above all value.]
'tv bpqudiç awiikh,
vabi'th aorkotiç.
[15 By your precepts I will ponder,
and I will take note of your paths.]
'tz bkuqotiç awtywy,
la awck dbrç.
[16 By your statutes I will revel,
nor will I forget your word.]
iz gmol yl-ybdç akih vawmrh dbrç.
[17 Grow your servant. I will live and keep your word.]
ik gl-yinii vabi'th,
niplaot mtortç.
[18 Give discovery to my eyes,
and I will take note of wonders in your instruction.]
i't gr anoci barx,
al-tstr mmni mxvotiç.
[19 Guest I am on the earth,
do not hide from me your commandments.]
c grsh npwi ltabh,
al-mwp'tiç bcl-yt.
[20 Ground down is my being for longing,
for your judgments at all times.]
ca gyrt zdim arurim,
hwogim mmxvotiiç.
[21 Giving, you rebuke the presumptuous, cursed,
straying from your commandments.]
cb gl mylii krph vbuz,
ci ydotiç nxrti.
[22 Get from me reproach and contempt,
for your testimonies I have observed.]
cg gm iwbu wrim bi nidbru.
ybdç iwiik bkuqiç.
[23 Grand sultans sat. Against me they spoke.
Your servant will ponder on your statutes.]
cd gm-ydotiç wywuyii anwi yxtii.
[24 Grand your testimonies and my revel. They are my personal counsels.]
ch dbqh lypr npwi.
kini cdbrç.
[25 Dust-cleaved is my being.
give me life according to your word.]
cv drcii sprti vtynni lmdni kuqiç.
[26 Declared have I my ways and you answered me. Teach me your statutes.]
cz drç-pqudiç hbinni,
vawiikh bniplaotiç.
[27 Direct my discernment in the way of your precepts,
and I will ponder on your wonderful works.]
ck dlph npwi mtugh.
qimni cdbrç.
[28 Drips my being with sadness.
Raise me according to your word.]
c't drç-wqr hsr mmni,
vtortç knni.
[29 Deceitful way put aside from me,
and with your instruction grace me.]
l drç-amunh bkrti.
mwp'tiç wviiti.
[30 Deliberated have I a way of faith.
With your judgments I have agreed.]
la dbqti bydvotiç.
ihvh al-tbiwni.
[31 Determined I cleave to your testimonies.
Yahweh, do not put me to shame.]
lb drç-mxvotiç arux,
ci trkib libi.
[32 Directed by your commandments I will race,
for you enlarge my heart.]
lg hornii ihvh drç kuqiç vaxrnh yqb.
[33 Help me learn Yahweh the way of your statutes and I will observe with foot firmly planted.]
ld hbinni vaxrh tortç vawmrnh bcl-lb.
[34 Have me understand and I will observe your instruction, and I will keep it with a whole heart.]
lh hdricni bntib mxvotiç,
ci-bo kpxti.
[35 Have me go in the pathway of your commandments,
for in it I have delighted.]
lv h't-libi al-ydvotiç val al-bxy.
[36 Hearten me to your testimonies and not to extortion.]
lz hybr yinii mraot wva.
bdrcç kini.
[37 Hide my eyes from seeing vanity.
In your way give me life.]
lk hqm lybdç amrtç,
awr liratç.
[38 Hold high to your servant your promise,
which is to your fear.]
l't hybr krpti awr igortii,
ci mwp'tiç 'tobim.
[39 Hide my reproach that I am afraid of,
for your judgments are good.]
m hnh tabti lpqudiç.
bxdqtç kini.
[40 Here I have longed for your precepts.
In your righteousness give me life.]
ma viboauni ksdç ihvh,
twuytç camrtç.
[41 Well come to me is your mercy, Yahweh,
your salvation as your promise.]
mb vaynh korpi dbr,
ci-b'tkti bdbrç.
[42 With which I will answer a word to one reproaching me,
for I trust in your word.]
mg val-txl mpi dbr-amt yd-maod,
ci lmwp'tç ikltii.
[43 Word of truth do not remove from my mouth utterly,
for of your judgments, I have hope.]
md vawmrh tortç tmiid lyolm vyd.
[44 Watch over your instruction I will continually forever and ever.]
mh vathlch brkbh,
ci pqudiç drwti.
[45 Walk in a spacious room I will,
for your precepts I have searched out.]
mv vadbrh bydotiç ngd mlcim vla abow.
[46 Words I will have of your testimonies before kings and I will not be ashamed.]
mz vawtywy bmxvotiç awr ahbti.
[47 Wherefore my revel will be in your commandments which I have loved.]
mk vawa-cpii al-mxvotiç awr ahbti vawiikh bkuqiç.
[48 Wave my palms I will to your commandments, which I have loved and I will ponder on your statutes.]
m't zcor-dbr lybdç,
yl awr ikltnii.
[49 You remember a word to your servant,
on which you give me hope.]
n zat nkmti bynii,
ci amrtç kitni.
[50 Yes - this is my comfort in my poverty,
for your promise gives me life.]
na zdim hlixuni yd-maod,
mtortç la n'titi.
[51 Yet though the presumptuous hold me in much scorn,
from your instruction I have not swerved.]
nb zcrti mwp'tiç myolm ihvh vatnkm.
[52 Your judgments I bring to remembrance from of old Yahweh and I comfort myself.]
ng zlyph akztni mrwyim,
yozbi tortç.
[53 Yang of fire grasps me from the wicked,
forsaking your instruction.]
nd zmrot hiu-li kuqiç bbit mgurii.
[54 Yin of psalms your statutes have become to me in the house where I am guest.]
nh zcrti blilh wmç ihvh.
vawmrh tortç.
[55 Your name I have remembered in the night, Yahweh.
I have kept your instruction.]
nv zat hiith-li,
ci pqudiç nxrti.
[56 You are mine,
for your precepts I have observed.]
nz klqi ihvh amrti lwmor dbriç.
[57 Chosen share, mine you are, Yahweh. I have promised to keep your word.]
nk kliti pniç bcl-lb,
knni camrtç.
[58 Craved have I your presence with a whole heart,
be gracious to me according to your promise.]
n't kwbti drcii,
vawibh rglii al-ydotiç.
[59 Considered have I my ways,
and turned my feet to your testimonies.]
s kwti vla htmhmhti,
lwmor mxvotiç.
[60 Came quickly I did and I would not linger,
to keep your commandments.]
sa kbli rwyim yvduni.
tortç la wcktii.
[61 Companies of the wicked continue around me.
Your instruction I have not forgotten.]
sb kxot-lilh aqum lhodot lç,
yl mwp'ti xdqç.
[62 Come midnight I arise to give thanks to you,
over the judgments of your righteousness.]
sg kbr ani lcl-awr irauç,
ulwomri pqudiç.
[63 Companion am I to all who fear you,
and are keepers of your precepts.]
sd ksdç ihvh mlah harx kuqiç lmdni.
[64 Covenant mercy yours, Yahweh, has filled the earth. Your statutes you will teach me.]
sh 'tob ywit ym-ybdç,
ihvh cdbrç.
[65 Too well you have dealt with your servant,
Yahweh, through your word.]
sv 'tub 'tym vdyt lmdni,
ci bmxvotiç hamnti.
[66 Teach me good taste and knowledge,
for in your commandments I have believed.]
sz 'trm aynh ani wogg,
vyth amrtç wmrti.
[67 Time past, afflicted I was going astray,
but now your promise I have kept.]
sk 'tob-ath umi'tib lmdni kuqiç.
[68 Too good are you and doing good. Teach me your statutes.]
s't 'tplu ylii wqr zdim.
ani bcl-lb axor pqudiç.
[69 The presumptuous smear falsehood over me.
As for me, with a whole heart I will observe your precepts.]
y 'tpw cklb libm.
ani tortç wywyti.
[70 Their heart is grossly inert.
As for me, in your instruction I will revel.]
ya 'tob-li ci-yuniti,
lmyn almd kuqiç.
[71 That I was afflicted is good for me,
so I will learn your statutes.]
yb 'tob-li tort-piç,
malpi zhb vcsf.
[72 The instruction of your mouth is good to me,
more than thousands in gold and silver.]
yg idiç ywuni viconnuni.
hbinni valmdh mxvotiç.
[73 Your hands have made me and established me.
Give me understanding and I will teach your commandments.]
yd iraiç irauni viwmku,
ci ldbrç ikltii.
[74 Yes - those who fear you when they see me will be glad,
for of your word I have hoped.]
yh idyti ihvh ci-xdq mwp'tiç,
vamunh ynitni.
[75 Yet I know Yahweh that righteous are your judgments,
and in faithfulness you afflicted me.]
yv ihi-na ksdç lnkmni,
camrtç lybdç.
[76 Your mercy to comfort me, may it be,
according to your promise to your servant.]
yz iboauni rkmiç vakih,
ci-tortç wywuyii.
[77 You will come to me in your compassion and I will live,
for your instruction is my revel.]
yk ibowu zdim ci-wqr yvtuni.
ani awiik bpqudiç.
[78 Yon presumptuous will be shamed for in falsehood they subverted me.
As for me, I will ponder on your precepts.]
y't iwubu li iraiç,
viodyi ydotiç.
[79 You will let those who fear you turn to me,
and those knowing your testimonies.]
p ihi-libi tmim bkuqiç,
lmyn la abow.
[80 Yea, let my heart be complete in your statutes,
so I will not be ashamed.]
pa clth ltwuytç npwi.
ldbrç ikltii.
[81 Faints my being for your salvation.
Of your word I have hoped.]
pb clu yinii lamrtç,
lamor mtii tnkmni?
[82 Faint my eyes for your promise,
saying, When will you comfort me?]
pg ci-hiiti cnoad bqi'tor.
kuqiç la wcktii.
[83 For I have become like a bottle in vapour.
Your statutes I have not forgotten.]
pd cmh imi-ybdç?
mtii tywh brodpii mwp't?
[84 For how are the days of your servant?
When will you do judgment against my persecutors?]
ph cru-li zdim wikot,
awr la ctortç.
[85 For me the presumptuous dig ditches,
that are not of your instruction.]
pv cl-mxvotiç amunh.
wqr rdpuni yzrni.
[86 Faithful are all your commandments.
In falsehood they persecute me. Help me.]
pz cmy't cluni barx,
vani la-yzbti pquvdiç.
[87 For scarcely they consume me in the earth,
but as for me, I do not forsake your precepts.]
pk cksdç kini,
vawmrh ydut piç.
[88 For your mercy give me life,
and I will keep the testimony of your mouth.]
p't lyolm ihvh,
dbrç nxb bwmiim.
[89 LORD (Yahweh) forever your word,
stands firm in heaven.]
t ldor vdor amuntç.
connt arx vtymod.
[90 Lo from generation to generation is your faithfulness.
You established earth and she stands.]
ta lmwp'tiç ymdu hiom,
ci hcol ybdiç.
[91 Living in your judgments they stand this day,
for they all are your servants.]
tb luli tortç wywuyii,
az abdtii bynii.
[92 Love, unless your instruction is my revel,
then I have perished in my poverty.]
tg lyolm la-awck pqudiç,
ci bm kiitni.
[93 Let me never forget your precepts,
for in them you have made me live.]
td lç-ani howiiynii,
ci pqudiç drwti.
[94 Love, to you I myself belong, save me,
for your precepts I have searched out.]
th li quu rwyim labdnii.
ydotiç atbonn.
[95 Lying in wait for me to make me perish are the wicked.
Your testimonies I will understand.]
tv lcl tclh raiti qx.
rkbh mxvtç maod.
[96 Lo, to all consummation I saw an end.
Very spacious are your commandments.]
tz mh-ahbti tortç.
cl-hiom hia wiiktii.
[97 My - how I love your instruction.
All the day long it is my pondering.]
tk maoibii tkcmni mxvotç,
ci lyolm hia-li.
[98 Making me wiser than my enemies by your commandment,
for it is mine forever.]
t't mcl-mlmdii hwclti,
ci ydvotiç wiikh li.
[99 Midst all my teachers I have insight,
for your testimonies are my pondering.]
q mzqnim atbonn,
ci pqudiç nxrti.
[100 More than the aged I understand,
for your precepts I have observed.]
q a mcl-aork ry clati rglii,
lmyn awmor dbrç.
[101 Missing every path of evil I have restrained my feet,
so that I will keep your word.]
q b mmwp'tiç la-srti,
ci-ath hortnii.
[102 Mid your judgments I have not been stubborn,
for you yourself have instructed me.]
q g mh-nmlxu lkci amrtç mdbw lpi.
[103 More than gratifying to my palate, your promise than honey to my mouth.]
q d mpqudiç atbonn,
yl-cn wnati cl-aork wqr.
[104 Minding your precepts I have discernment,
therefore I have hated every path of falsehood.]
q h nr-lrgli dbrç,
vaor lntibti.
[105 Nigh a lamp to my feet is your word,
and light to my pathway.]
q v nwbyti vaqimh,
lwmor mwp'ti xdqç.
[106 Now I have sworn and I will arise to it,
to keep the judgments of your righteousness.]
q z nynitii yd-maod.
ihvh kini cdbrç.
[107 Near to much poverty am I, Yahweh.
Give me life according to your word.]
q k ndbot pi rxh-na ihvh,
umwp'tiç lmdni.
[108 Now may you accept, Yahweh, the freewill offerings of my mouth,
and your judgments teach me.]
q 't npwi bcpi tmiid,
vtortç la wcktii.
[109 Now my being is in the palm of my hand continually,
and your instruction I have not forgotten.]
qi ntnu rwyim pk li,
umpqudiç la tyiti.
[110 Netted the wicked a snare for me,
but from your precepts I did not wander.]
qia nklti ydvotiç lyolm,
ci-wwon libi hmh.
[111 Near are your testimonies, my inheritance forever,
for the joy of my heart are they.]
qib n'titi libi lywot kuqiç lyolm yqb.
[112 Nuanced have I my heart to do your statutes, forever with foot firmly planted.]
qig sypim wnati,
vtortç ahbti.
[113 Schismatics I hate,
and your instruction I have loved.]
qid stri umgni ath.
ldbrç ikltii.
[114 Secret mine and my shield are you.
Of your word I have hoped.]
q'tv suru-mmni mryim,
vaxrh mxvot alohii.
[115 Stay from me, you evildoers,
for I will observe the commandments of my God.]
q'tz smcni camrtç vakih.
val-tbiwni mwibrii.
[116 Support me according to your promise so I will live.
Let me not be ashamed of my reliance.]
qiz sydni vaivvwyh,
vawyh bkuqiç tmiid.
[117 Sustain me and I will be saved,
and I will look to your statutes continually.]
qik slit cl-wogim mkuqiç,
ci-wqr trmitm.
[118 Suspended have you all who stray from your statutes,
for falsehood is their deceit.]
qi't sigiim hwbt cl-rwyi-arx,
lcn ahbti ydotiç.
[119 Swill you eradicated all the wicked of the earth,
so I have loved your testimonies.]
qc smr mpkdç bwri,
ummwp'tiç irati.
[120 Shivers from your dread my flesh,
and your judgments I fear.]
qca ywiti mwp't vxdq.
bl-tnikni lyowqii.
[121 I have dealt judgment and righteousness.
Do not leave me to those oppressing me.]
qcb yrob ybdç l'tob.
al-iywquni zdim.
[122 Insure your servant for good.
Do not let the presumptuous oppress me.]
qcg yinii clu liwuytç,
ulamrt xdqç.
[123 I - I - my eyes - faint for your salvation,
and for the promise of your righteousness.]
qcd ywh ym-ybdç cksdç vkuqiç lmdni.
[124 I ask you to deal with your servant according to your mercy, and your statutes to teach me.]
qch ybdç-ani hbinni,
vadyh ydotiç.
[125 I am your servant, let me understand,
that I may know your testimonies.]
qcv yt lywot lihvh.
hpru tortç.
[126 It is time to act, Yahweh.
Your instruction they have thwarted.]
qcz yl-cn ahbti mxvotiç,
mzhb umpz.
[127 I have loved your commandments therefore,
above gold and above pure gold.]
qck yl-cn cl-pqudi col iwrtii.
cl-aork wqr wnati.
[128 Indeed all your precepts, all I find upright.
Every path of falsehood I hate.]
qc't plaot ydvotiç,
yl-cn nxrtm npwi.
[129 Plentiful of wonders are your testimonies,
therefore my being will observe them.]
ql ptk dbriç iair mbin ptiim.
[130 Penetration of your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple.]
qla pi-pyrti vawaph,
ci lmxvotiiç iabtii.
[131 Parting mouth, gaping, I sigh heavily,
for to your commandments is my longing.]
qlb pnh-alii vknni,
cmwp't laohbi wmç.
[132 Put your face to me and be gracious to me,
for judgment to those who love your name.]
qlg pymii hcn bamrtç,
val-twl't-bi cl-avn.
[133 Prepare my footfalls in your promise,
and do not let any mischief dominate me.]
qld pdni myowq adm,
vawmrh pqudiç.
[134 Pray ransom me from the oppression of a human,
and I will keep your precepts.]
qlh pniç har bybdç,
vlmdni at-kuqiç.
[135 Pyre your face on your servant,
and teach me your statutes.]
qlv plgi-mim irdu yinii,
yl la-wmru tortç.
[136 Pouring streams of waters descend from my eyes,
that they do not keep your instruction.]
qlz xdiiq ath ihvh,
viwr mwp'tiç.
[137 So righteous you are, Yahweh,
and upright are your judgments.]
qlk xivit xdq ydotiç,
vamunh maod.
[138 Set you have the righteousness of your testimonies,
and much faithfulness.]
ql't xmttni qnati,
ci-wcku dbriç xrii.
[139 Stricken I was for my zeal,
for my foes forgot your words.]
qm xruph amrtç maod vybdç ahbh.
[140 Supremely refined is your promise and your servant loves it.]
qma xyir anoci vnbzh.
pqudiç la wcktii.
[141 Small am I and despised.
Your precepts I have not forgotten.]
qmb xdqtç xdq lyolm,
vtortç amt.
[142 Saving righteousness, yours, is righteousness forever,
and your instruction is truth.]
qmg xr-umxoq mxaunii.
mxvotiç wywuyii.
[143 Strain and distress find me out.
Your commandments are my revel.]
qmd xdq ydvotiç lyolm hbinni vakih.
[144 Such righteousness of your testimonies forever let me understand, and I will live.]
qmh qrati bcl-lb ynni ihvh kuqiç axorh.
[145 Queried I with a whole heart, answer me Yahweh. Your statutes I will observe.]
qmv qratiç howiiynii,
vawmrh ydotiç.
[146 Queried I you, save me,
and I will keep your testimonies.]
qmz qdmti bnwf vawvvyh.
ldbrç ikltii.
[147 Quested I in a twilight hour and I cried for help.
Of your word I have hoped.]
qmk qdmu yinii awmurot,
lwiik bamrtç.
[148 Quested my eyes in the night watches,
to ponder on your promise.]
qm't qoli wmyh cksdç.
ihvh cmwp'tç kini.
[149 Quest of mine, hear for your mercy, Yahweh.
In your judgments give me life.]
qn qrbu rodpi zmh.
mtortç rkqu.
[150 Quite near are those pursuing an agenda.
From your instruction they are distant.]
qna qrob ath ihvh,
vcl-mxvotiç amt.
[151 Quite near are you, Yahweh,
and all your commandments are truth.]
qnb qdm idyti mydotiç,
ci lyolm isdtm.
[152 Quite from of old I knew from your testimonies,
for you founded them forever.]
qng rah-ynii vklxni,
ci-tortç la wcktii.
[153 Regard my poverty and rescue me,
for your instruction I do not forget.]
qnd ribh ribi ugalni.
lamrtç kini.
[154 Reason my reason and redeem me.
Of your promise give me life.]
qnh rkoq mrwyim iwuyh,
ci-kuqiç la drwu.
[155 Remote from the wicked is salvation,
for your statutes they do not search out.]
qnv rkmiç rbim ihvh.
cmwp'tiç kini.
[156 Richly abundant are your compassions Yahweh.
According to your judgments give me life.]
qnz rbim rodpii vxrii.
mydvotiç la n'titi.
[157 Running after me are many foes.
From your testimonies I do not swerve.]
qnk raiti bogdim vatqo't'th,
awr amrtç la wmru.
[158 Regarding the treacherous I was upset,
that your promise they disregard.]
qn't rah ci-pqudiç ahbti.
ihvh cksdç kini.
[159 Regard for your precepts I love Yahweh.
According to your mercy give me life.]
qs raw-dbrç amt,
ulyolm cl-mwp't xdqç.
[160 Right true is your word,
and forever is every judgment of your righteousness.]
qsa wrim rdpuni knm,
umdbrç pkd libi.
[161 Sultans persecute me for nothing,
but from your word my heart stands in dread.]
qsb ww anoci yl-amrtç,
cmoxa wll rb.
[162 Singing I joy over your promise,
as finding abundant spoil.]
qsg wqr wnati vatybh.
tortç ahbti.
[163 Scandal I hate and abhor.
Your instruction I love.]
qsd wby biom hilltiiç,
yl mwp'ti xdqç.
[164 Seven times a day do I praise you,
for the judgments of your righteousness.]
qsh wlom rb laohbi tortç,
vain-lmo mcwol.
[165 Such abundant peace to those who love your instruction,
and there is for them no stumbling.]
qsv wibrtii liwuytç ihvh,
umxvotiç ywiti.
[166 Steadfast my reliance on your salvation Yahweh,
and your commandments I have done.]
qsz wmrh npwi ydotiç,
vaohbm maod.
[167 Shelters my being your testimonies,
and I love them much.]
qsk wmrti pqudiç vydotiç,
ci cl-drcii ngdç.
[168 So I shelter your precepts and your testimonies,
for all my ways are before you.]
qs't tiqrb rintii lpniç ihvh.
cdbrç hbinni.
[169 To your presence let my shout of joy come near, Yahweh.
According to your word, give me understanding.]
qy tboa tknti lpniç.
camrtç hxilni.
[170 To your presence let my supplication come.
According to your promise deliver me.]
qya tbynh wptii thilh,
ci tlmdni kuqiç.
[171 Tumbling from my lips is praise,
for you have taught me your statutes.]
qyb tyn lwoni amrtç,
ci cl-mxvotiç xdq.
[172 Tongue of mine will answer your promise,
for all your commandments are righteous.]
qyg thi-idç lyzrni,
ci pqudiç bkrti.
[173 There your hand will be to help me,
for your precepts I have chosen.]
qyd tabti liwuytç ihvh,
vtortç wywuyii.
[174 To your salvation I have longed to come, Yahweh,
and your instruction is my revel.]
qyh tki-npwi uthllç,
umwp'tç iyzruni.
[175 To live let my being and it will praise you,
and from your judgments you will help me.]
qyv tyiti cwh aobd bqw ybdç,
ci mxvotiç la wcktii.
[176 Time and again I wander like a newborn lamb that is perishing. Seek your servant,
for your commandments I do not forget.]
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2VOlS5x via IFTTT
0 notes
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons – icon skype mới nhất 2018
Chắc hẳn bạn cũng đã nghe qua tới phần mềm Skype. Trong các công ty hiện nay hầu như đều sử dụng Skype để trao đổi công việc là chủ yếu. Để cuộc hội thoại của bạn với đồng nghiệp trở nên vui tươi hơn, ý nghĩa hơn thì những skype icons trong mỗi đoạn chat là không thể thiếu. Bài viết dưới đây, hãy cùng cuasotinhoc.net khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons vui nhộn, đáng yêu nhất nhé.
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons mới nhất 2018
Hầu hết các icon skype thường đã bị ẩn và các kí tự biểu tượng cảm xúc thông dụng trên skype đều rất ít. Chính vì thế, trong bài viết này chuyên mục biểu tượng - icon của cuasotinhoc sẽ giúp bạn tổng hợp những skype icons thông dụng thường hay dùng và những biểu tượng cảm xúc đã bị ẩn trên skype để bạn có cuộc trò chuyện với bạn bè vui vẻ nhất.
*Lưu ý: Gõ toàn bộ shortcode vào phần chat trên skype, bao gồm cả dấu ngoặc ().
Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất
[caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất[/caption]
Tổng hợp những skype emotion được mọi người yêu thích nhất
[caption id="attachment_10371" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10372" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10374" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype
Bước 1: Tại ô nhập chat gõ mã skype icon code biểu tượng cảm xúc muốn dùng. Chú ý có cả dấu ngoặc đơn (). Ví dụ: (drunk)
[caption id="attachment_10377" align="aligncenter" width="476"] Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype[/caption]
Bước 2: Nhấn “send”.
Trên đây, là tổng hợp những icon skype đặc biệt mới nhất năm 2018. Bạn có thể áp dụng trên yahoo hay facebook, zalo đều được.
Hãy thử và cảm nhận điều thú vị ngay nhé, bằng cách gõ thử những biểu tượng cảm xúc, skype icons thú vị này xem nào:
Đấm bốc: (punch)
Chờ đợi: (waiting)
Cười vui vẻ, nhún nhảy cùng điệu nhạc: (lalala)
WTF: (wtf)
Thật thú vị và đáng yêu phải không. Hãy thử áp dụng ngay khi đọc tới đây bạn nhé! Chú ý là gõ cả dấu ngoặc đơn vào nhé.
Hướng dẫn tạo các biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - icon skype hình lá cờ của 237 quốc gia
Hiện nay, trên Skype đã cho phép người dùng tạo những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype icons bằng hình lá cờ Tổ quốc. Để bạn có thể tạo được những biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ của các quốc gia thì điều quan trọng đầu tiên là cần nhớ mã quốc gia của các nước đó.
Mã shortcode để tạo biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ như sau: (flag:xx)
Trong đó: xx là mã quốc gia của lá cờ mà bạn muốn tạo.
Ví dụ: Tạo một hình lá cờ Việt Nam sẽ gõ như sau: (flag:vn)
Khi gõ mã lệnh (flag:vn) thì skype sẽ hiện hình ảnh gợi ý. Lúc này, bạn chỉ cần nhấn chọn là xong.
Dưới đây, mình xin chia sẻ tới các bạn 237 mã quốc gia để bạn có thể tạo được những icon skype là hình ảnh lá cờ Tổ quốc của đất nước mình.
Quốc gia
Mã phân biệt quốc gia
1 Afghanistan AF / AFG 2 Albania AL / ALB 3 Algeria DZ / DZA 4 American Samoa AS / ASM 5 Andorra AD / AND 6 Angola AO / AGO 7 Anguilla AI / AIA 8 Antarctica AQ / ATA 9 Antigua and Barbuda AG / ATG 10 Argentina AR / ARG 11 Armenia AM / ARM 12 Aruba AW / ABW 13 Australia AU / AUS 14 Austria AT / AUT 15 Azerbaijan AZ / AZE 16 Bahamas BS / BHS 17 Bahrain BH / BHR 18 Bangladesh BD / BGD 19 Barbados BB / BRB 20 Belarus BY / BLR 21 Belgium BE / BEL 22 Belize BZ / BLZ 23 Benin BJ / BEN 24 Bermuda BM / BMU 25 Bhutan BT / BTN 26 Bolivia BO / BOL 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA / BIH 28 Botswana BW / BWA 29 Brazil BR / BRA 30 British Indian Ocean Territory IO / IOT 31 British Virgin Islands VG / VGB 32 Brunei BN / BRN 33 Bulgaria BG / BGR 34 Burkina Faso BF / BFA 35 Burma (Myanmar) MM / MMR 36 Burundi BI / BDI 37 Cambodia KH / KHM 38 Cameroon CM / CMR 39 Canada CA / CAN 40 Cape Verde CV / CPV 41 Cayman Islands KY / CYM 42 Central African Republic CF / CAF 43 Chad TD / TCD 44 Chile CL / CHL 45 China CN / CHN 46 Christmas Island CX / CXR 47 Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC / CCK 48 Colombia CO / COL 49 Comoros KM / COM 50 Republic of the Congo CG / COG 51 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD / COD 52 Cook Islands CK / COK 53 Costa Rica CR / CRC 54 Croatia HR / HRV 55 Cuba CU / CUB 56 Cyprus CY / CYP 57 Czech Republic CZ / CZE 58 Denmark DK / DNK 59 Djibouti DJ / DJI 60 Dominica DM / DMA 61 Dominican Republic DO / DOM 62 Timor-Leste TL / TLS 63 Ecuador EC / ECU 64 Egypt EG / EGY 65 El Salvador SV / SLV 66 Equatorial Guinea GQ / GNQ 67 Eritrea ER / ERI 68 Estonia EE / EST 69 Ethiopia ET / ETH 70 Falkland Islands FK / FLK 71 Faroe Islands FO / FRO 72 Fiji FJ / FJI 73 Finland FI / FIN 74 France FR / FRA 75 French Polynesia PF / PYF 76 Gabon GA / GAB 77 Gambia GM / GMB 78 Gaza Strip / 79 Georgia GE / GEO 80 Germany DE / DEU 81 Ghana GH / GHA 82 Gibraltar GI / GIB 83 Greece GR / GRC 84 Greenland GL / GRL 85 Grenada GD / GRD 86 Guam GU / GUM 87 Guatemala GT / GTM 88 Guinea GN / GIN 89 Guinea-Bissau GW / GNB 90 Guyana GY / GUY 91 Haiti HT / HTI 92 Honduras HN / HND 93 Hong Kong HK / HKG 94 Hungary HU / HUN 95 Iceland IS / IS 96 India IN / IND 97 Indonesia ID / IDN 98 Iran IR / IRN 99 Iraq IQ / IRQ 100 Ireland IE / IRL 101 Isle of Man IM / IMN 102 Israel IL / ISR 103 Italy IT / ITA 104 Ivory Coast CI / CIV 105 Jamaica JM / JAM 106 Japan JP / JPN 107 Jersey JE / JEY 108 Jordan JO / JOR 109 Kazakhstan KZ / KAZ 110 Kenya KE / KEN 111 Kiribati KI / KIR 112 Kosovo / 113 Kuwait KW / KWT 114 Kyrgyzstan KG / KGZ 115 Laos LA / LAO 116 Latvia LV / LVA 117 Lebanon LB / LBN 118 Lesotho LS / LSO 119 Liberia LR / LBR 120 Libya LY / LBY 120 Liechtenstein LI / LIE 122 Lithuania LT / LTU 123 Luxembourg LU / LUX 124 Macau MO / MAC 125 Macedonia MK / MKD 126 Madagascar MG / MDG 127 Malawi MW / MWI 128 Malaysia MY / MYS 129 Maldives MV / MDV 130 Mali ML / MLI 131 Malta MT / MLT 132 Marshall Islands MH / MHL 133 Mauritania MR / MRT 134 Mauritius MU / MUS 135 Mayotte YT / MYT 136 Mexico MX / MEX 137 Micronesia FM / FSM 138 Moldova MD / MDA 139 Monaco MC / MCO 140 Mongolia MN / MNG 141 Montenegro ME / MNE 142 Montserrat MS / MSR 143 Morocco MA / MAR 144 Mozambique MZ / MOZ 145 Namibia NA / NAM 146 Nauru NR / NRU 147 Nepal NP / NPL 148 Netherlands NL / NLD 149 Netherlands Antilles AN / ANT 150 New Caledonia NC / NCL 151 New Zealand NZ / NZL 152 Nicaragua NI / NIC 153 Niger NE / NER 154 Nigeria NG / NGA 155 Niue NU / NIU 156 Norfolk Island / NFK 157 Northern Mariana Islands MP / MNP 158 North Korea KP / PRK 159 Norway NO / NOR 160 Oman OM / OMN 161 Pakistan PK / PAK 162 Palau PW / PLW 163 Panama PA / PAN 164 Papua New Guinea PG / PNG 165 Paraguay PY / PRY 166 Peru PE / PER 167 Philippines PH / PHL 168 Pitcairn Islands PN / PCN 169 Poland PL / POL 170 Portugal PT / PRT 171 Puerto Rico PR / PRI 172 Qatar QA / QAT 173 Romania RO / ROU 174 Russia RU / RUS 175 Rwanda RW / RWA 176 Saint Barthelemy BL / BLM 177 Samoa WS / WSM 178 San Marino SM / SMR 179 Sao Tome and Principe ST / STP 180 Saudi Arabia SA / SAU 181 Senegal SN / SEN 182 Serbia RS / SRB 183 Seychelles SC / SYC 184 Sierra Leone SL / SLE 185 Singapore SG / SGP 186 Slovakia SK / SVK 187 Slovenia SI / SVN 188 Solomon Islands SB / SLB 189 Somalia SO / SOM 190 South Africa ZA / ZAF 191 South Korea KR / KOR 192 Spain ES / ESP 193 Sri Lanka LK / LKA 194 Saint Helena SH / SHN 195 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN / KNA 196 Saint Lucia LC / LCA 197 Saint Martin MF / MAF 198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM / SPM 199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC / VCT 200 Sudan SD / SDN 201 Suriname SR / SUR 202 Svalbard SJ / SJM 203 Swaziland SZ / SWZ 204 Sweden SE / SWE 205 Switzerland CH / CHE 206 Syria SY / SYR 207 Taiwan TW / TWN 208 Tajikistan TJ / TJK 209 Tanzania TZ / TZA 210 Thailand TH / THA 211 Togo TG / TGO 212 Tokelau TK / TKL 213 Tonga TO / TON 214 Trinidad and Tobago TT / TTO 215 Tunisia TN / TUN 216 Turkey TR / TUR 217 Turkmenistan TM / TKM 218 Turks and Caicos Islands TC / TCA 219 Tuvalu TV / TUV 220 United Arab Emirates AE / ARE 221 Uganda UG / UGA 222 United Kingdom GB / GBR 223 Ukraine UA / UKR 224 Uruguay UY / URY 225 United States US / USA 226 Uzbekistan UZ / UZB 227 Vanuatu VU / VUT 228 Holy See (Vatican City) VA / VAT 229 Venezuela VE / VEN 230 Vietnam VN / VNM 231 US Virgin Islands VI / VIR 232 Wallis and Futuna WF / WLF 233 West Bank / 234 Western Sahara EH / ESH 235 Yemen YE / YEM 236 Zambia ZM / ZMB 237 Zimbabwe ZW / ZWE
So với những phần mềm chat hiện nay, Skype được người dùng đánh giá là một trong những phần mềm liên tục đổi mới và cải thiện những tính năng trò chuyện. Skype không chỉ giúp bạn có thể kết nối bạn bè, mà còn cho phép bạn gọi đến bất kỳ thuê bao nào với chất lượng âm thanh khá rõ nét. Không dừng lại ở đó, tốc độ chat trên skype cũng siêu nhanh, những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype, những icon in skype, icon for skype đều không ngừng được đổi mới.
Còn chần chừ gì nữa, hãy thử ngay những biểu tượng cảm xúc trên skype - skype emotion mới nhất 2018 ngay hôm nay nào bạn!
Xem thêm: Tất tần tật các biểu tượng cảm xúc bằng ký tự trên facebook
Cách gõ nhanh biểu tượng cảm xúc, icon trên facebook
0 notes
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons – icon skype mới nhất 2018
Chắc hẳn bạn cũng đã nghe qua tới phần mềm Skype. Trong các công ty hiện nay hầu như đều sử dụng Skype để trao đổi công việc là chủ yếu. Để cuộc hội thoại của bạn với đồng nghiệp trở nên vui tươi hơn, ý nghĩa hơn thì những skype icons trong mỗi đoạn chat là không thể thiếu. Bài viết dưới đây, hãy cùng cuasotinhoc.net khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons vui nhộn, đáng yêu nhất nhé.
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons mới nhất 2018
Hầu hết các icon skype thường đã bị ẩn và các kí tự biểu tượng cảm xúc thông dụng trên skype đều rất ít. Chính vì thế, trong bài viết này cuasotinhoc sẽ giúp bạn tổng hợp những icon skype thông dụng thường hay dùng và những biểu tượng cảm xúc đã bị ẩn trên skype để bạn có cuộc trò chuyện với bạn bè vui vẻ nhất.
*Lưu ý: Gõ toàn bộ shortcode vào phần chat trên skype, bao gồm cả dấu ngoặc ().
Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất
[caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất[/caption]
Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất
[caption id="attachment_10371" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10372" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10374" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype
Bước 1: Tại ô nhập chat gõ mã biểu tượng cảm xúc muốn dùng. Chú ý có cả dấu ngoặc đơn (). Ví dụ: (drunk)
[caption id="attachment_10377" align="aligncenter" width="476"] Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype[/caption]
Bước 2: Nhấn “send”.
Trên đây, là tổng hợp những icon skype đặc biệt mới nhất năm 2018. Bạn có thể áp dụng trên yahoo hay facebook, zalo đều được.
Hãy thử và cảm nhận điều thú vị ngay nhé, bằng cách gõ thử những biểu tượng cảm xúc thú vị này xem nào:
Đấm bốc: (punch)
Chờ đợi: (waiting)
Cười vui vẻ, nhún nhảy cùng điệu nhạc: (lalala)
WTF: (wtf)
Thật thú vị và đáng yêu phải không. Hãy thử áp dụng ngay khi đọc tới đây bạn nhé! Chú ý là gõ cả dấu ngoặc đơn vào nhé.
Hướng dẫn tạo các biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - icon skype hình lá cờ của 237 quốc gia
Hiện nay, trên Skype đã cho phép người dùng tạo những biểu tượng cảm xúc bằng hình lá cờ Tổ quốc. Để bạn có thể tạo được những biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ của các quốc gia thì điều quan trọng đầu tiên là cần nhớ mã quốc gia của các nước đó.
Mã shortcode để tạo biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ như sau: (flag:xx)
Trong đó: xx là mã quốc gia của lá cờ mà bạn muốn tạo.
Ví dụ: Tạo một hình lá cờ Việt Nam sẽ gõ như sau: (flag:vn)
Khi gõ mã lệnh (flag:vn) thì skype sẽ hiện hình ảnh gợi ý. Lúc này, bạn chỉ cần nhấn chọn là xong.
Dưới đây, mình xin chia sẻ tới các bạn 237 mã quốc gia để bạn có thể tạo được những icon skype là hình ảnh lá cờ Tổ quốc của đất nước mình.
Quốc gia
Mã phân biệt quốc gia
1 Afghanistan AF / AFG 2 Albania AL / ALB 3 Algeria DZ / DZA 4 American Samoa AS / ASM 5 Andorra AD / AND 6 Angola AO / AGO 7 Anguilla AI / AIA 8 Antarctica AQ / ATA 9 Antigua and Barbuda AG / ATG 10 Argentina AR / ARG 11 Armenia AM / ARM 12 Aruba AW / ABW 13 Australia AU / AUS 14 Austria AT / AUT 15 Azerbaijan AZ / AZE 16 Bahamas BS / BHS 17 Bahrain BH / BHR 18 Bangladesh BD / BGD 19 Barbados BB / BRB 20 Belarus BY / BLR 21 Belgium BE / BEL 22 Belize BZ / BLZ 23 Benin BJ / BEN 24 Bermuda BM / BMU 25 Bhutan BT / BTN 26 Bolivia BO / BOL 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA / BIH 28 Botswana BW / BWA 29 Brazil BR / BRA 30 British Indian Ocean Territory IO / IOT 31 British Virgin Islands VG / VGB 32 Brunei BN / BRN 33 Bulgaria BG / BGR 34 Burkina Faso BF / BFA 35 Burma (Myanmar) MM / MMR 36 Burundi BI / BDI 37 Cambodia KH / KHM 38 Cameroon CM / CMR 39 Canada CA / CAN 40 Cape Verde CV / CPV 41 Cayman Islands KY / CYM 42 Central African Republic CF / CAF 43 Chad TD / TCD 44 Chile CL / CHL 45 China CN / CHN 46 Christmas Island CX / CXR 47 Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC / CCK 48 Colombia CO / COL 49 Comoros KM / COM 50 Republic of the Congo CG / COG 51 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD / COD 52 Cook Islands CK / COK 53 Costa Rica CR / CRC 54 Croatia HR / HRV 55 Cuba CU / CUB 56 Cyprus CY / CYP 57 Czech Republic CZ / CZE 58 Denmark DK / DNK 59 Djibouti DJ / DJI 60 Dominica DM / DMA 61 Dominican Republic DO / DOM 62 Timor-Leste TL / TLS 63 Ecuador EC / ECU 64 Egypt EG / EGY 65 El Salvador SV / SLV 66 Equatorial Guinea GQ / GNQ 67 Eritrea ER / ERI 68 Estonia EE / EST 69 Ethiopia ET / ETH 70 Falkland Islands FK / FLK 71 Faroe Islands FO / FRO 72 Fiji FJ / FJI 73 Finland FI / FIN 74 France FR / FRA 75 French Polynesia PF / PYF 76 Gabon GA / GAB 77 Gambia GM / GMB 78 Gaza Strip / 79 Georgia GE / GEO 80 Germany DE / DEU 81 Ghana GH / GHA 82 Gibraltar GI / GIB 83 Greece GR / GRC 84 Greenland GL / GRL 85 Grenada GD / GRD 86 Guam GU / GUM 87 Guatemala GT / GTM 88 Guinea GN / GIN 89 Guinea-Bissau GW / GNB 90 Guyana GY / GUY 91 Haiti HT / HTI 92 Honduras HN / HND 93 Hong Kong HK / HKG 94 Hungary HU / HUN 95 Iceland IS / IS 96 India IN / IND 97 Indonesia ID / IDN 98 Iran IR / IRN 99 Iraq IQ / IRQ 100 Ireland IE / IRL 101 Isle of Man IM / IMN 102 Israel IL / ISR 103 Italy IT / ITA 104 Ivory Coast CI / CIV 105 Jamaica JM / JAM 106 Japan JP / JPN 107 Jersey JE / JEY 108 Jordan JO / JOR 109 Kazakhstan KZ / KAZ 110 Kenya KE / KEN 111 Kiribati KI / KIR 112 Kosovo / 113 Kuwait KW / KWT 114 Kyrgyzstan KG / KGZ 115 Laos LA / LAO 116 Latvia LV / LVA 117 Lebanon LB / LBN 118 Lesotho LS / LSO 119 Liberia LR / LBR 120 Libya LY / LBY 120 Liechtenstein LI / LIE 122 Lithuania LT / LTU 123 Luxembourg LU / LUX 124 Macau MO / MAC 125 Macedonia MK / MKD 126 Madagascar MG / MDG 127 Malawi MW / MWI 128 Malaysia MY / MYS 129 Maldives MV / MDV 130 Mali ML / MLI 131 Malta MT / MLT 132 Marshall Islands MH / MHL 133 Mauritania MR / MRT 134 Mauritius MU / MUS 135 Mayotte YT / MYT 136 Mexico MX / MEX 137 Micronesia FM / FSM 138 Moldova MD / MDA 139 Monaco MC / MCO 140 Mongolia MN / MNG 141 Montenegro ME / MNE 142 Montserrat MS / MSR 143 Morocco MA / MAR 144 Mozambique MZ / MOZ 145 Namibia NA / NAM 146 Nauru NR / NRU 147 Nepal NP / NPL 148 Netherlands NL / NLD 149 Netherlands Antilles AN / ANT 150 New Caledonia NC / NCL 151 New Zealand NZ / NZL 152 Nicaragua NI / NIC 153 Niger NE / NER 154 Nigeria NG / NGA 155 Niue NU / NIU 156 Norfolk Island / NFK 157 Northern Mariana Islands MP / MNP 158 North Korea KP / PRK 159 Norway NO / NOR 160 Oman OM / OMN 161 Pakistan PK / PAK 162 Palau PW / PLW 163 Panama PA / PAN 164 Papua New Guinea PG / PNG 165 Paraguay PY / PRY 166 Peru PE / PER 167 Philippines PH / PHL 168 Pitcairn Islands PN / PCN 169 Poland PL / POL 170 Portugal PT / PRT 171 Puerto Rico PR / PRI 172 Qatar QA / QAT 173 Romania RO / ROU 174 Russia RU / RUS 175 Rwanda RW / RWA 176 Saint Barthelemy BL / BLM 177 Samoa WS / WSM 178 San Marino SM / SMR 179 Sao Tome and Principe ST / STP 180 Saudi Arabia SA / SAU 181 Senegal SN / SEN 182 Serbia RS / SRB 183 Seychelles SC / SYC 184 Sierra Leone SL / SLE 185 Singapore SG / SGP 186 Slovakia SK / SVK 187 Slovenia SI / SVN 188 Solomon Islands SB / SLB 189 Somalia SO / SOM 190 South Africa ZA / ZAF 191 South Korea KR / KOR 192 Spain ES / ESP 193 Sri Lanka LK / LKA 194 Saint Helena SH / SHN 195 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN / KNA 196 Saint Lucia LC / LCA 197 Saint Martin MF / MAF 198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM / SPM 199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC / VCT 200 Sudan SD / SDN 201 Suriname SR / SUR 202 Svalbard SJ / SJM 203 Swaziland SZ / SWZ 204 Sweden SE / SWE 205 Switzerland CH / CHE 206 Syria SY / SYR 207 Taiwan TW / TWN 208 Tajikistan TJ / TJK 209 Tanzania TZ / TZA 210 Thailand TH / THA 211 Togo TG / TGO 212 Tokelau TK / TKL 213 Tonga TO / TON 214 Trinidad and Tobago TT / TTO 215 Tunisia TN / TUN 216 Turkey TR / TUR 217 Turkmenistan TM / TKM 218 Turks and Caicos Islands TC / TCA 219 Tuvalu TV / TUV 220 United Arab Emirates AE / ARE 221 Uganda UG / UGA 222 United Kingdom GB / GBR 223 Ukraine UA / UKR 224 Uruguay UY / URY 225 United States US / USA 226 Uzbekistan UZ / UZB 227 Vanuatu VU / VUT 228 Holy See (Vatican City) VA / VAT 229 Venezuela VE / VEN 230 Vietnam VN / VNM 231 US Virgin Islands VI / VIR 232 Wallis and Futuna WF / WLF 233 West Bank / 234 Western Sahara EH / ESH 235 Yemen YE / YEM 236 Zambia ZM / ZMB 237 Zimbabwe ZW / ZWE
So với những phần mềm chat hiện nay, Skype được người dùng đánh giá là một trong những phần mềm liên tục đổi mới và cải thiện những tính năng trò chuyện. Skype không chỉ giúp bạn có thể kết nối bạn bè, mà còn cho phép bạn gọi đến bất kỳ thuê bao nào với chất lượng âm thanh khá rõ nét. Không dừng lại ở đó, tốc độ chat trên skype cũng siêu nhanh, những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype, những icon in skype, icon for skype đều không ngừng được đổi mới.
Còn chần chừ gì nữa, hãy thử ngay những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - emoticons skype mới nhất 2018 ngay hôm nay nào bạn!
0 notes
country code String array xml in android studio
Country code
<string-array name="CountryCodes" >
private static final String[] m_Countries = {
private static final String[] m_Codes = {
val m_Codes = arrayOf(
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2WH6jN9
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