#sur model
usciedu · 4 months
Best Model Courses | Learning Model | USCI
Discover the transformative S.U.R. Model of Learning at USCI, integrating Skill, Understanding, and Reinforcement for comprehensive education. Unlock your full potential today!
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hoodwinkme · 5 months
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bri-does-art · 7 months
Will you be leaving Tumblr?
Most likely.
From the looks of it, our data has already been compiled and will be handed over tomorrow (I don't have details, the article is locked behind an account creation pop-up) so there's little that can be done for what's already been posted.
I have very little faith that asking those giants to take out our data is going to lead anywhere. There is no obligation in the contract for them to do so.
And even if I were to opt-out, (if that's even going to work at all, remember how well "opting-out" of Tumblr Live worked?) do I really want to keep giving my engagement to a website that feels free to do that kind of scummy shit behind the backs of their userbase? No warning, no talks, no transparency at all? This sits really wrong with me.
So, unfortunately, I most likely will leave Tumblr.
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celebratingwomen · 2 years
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Nathalie Emmanuel for Sur La Terre Magazine
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gloris-stuffs · 1 year
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Impactante la transformación de los actores , para personificar a Hedwig en este musical que año a año está disponible dentro de la gran variedad de obras en Corea. Y si , ¡son los mismos actores !!!!
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Fotos medios coreanos 2011
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makitony · 2 years
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 Ig: @bantuuking
Model Ig: @ida.mlb
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gulshanwhydonate · 1 month
Comment Maximiser les Dons pour une Organisation à But Non Lucratif : Stratégies et Outils Essentiels
Dans un monde de plus en plus connecté, les organisations à but non lucratif doivent utiliser toutes les ressources à leur disposition pour maximiser les dons et soutenir leurs causes. Que ce soit pour aider animaux, financer des projets caritatifs, ou développer des actions en ligne, il existe de nombreuses façons d'attirer des dons et de maintenir une communication efficace avec les donateurs. Voici un guide complet qui vous aidera à comprendre comment recevoir des dons sur Twitch, utiliser une cagnotte avec QR code, et bien plus encore.
1. La Puissance de la Communication pour les Actions Caritatives
Pour toute organisation à but non lucratif, la communication pour actions caritatives est essentielle. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'informer votre public, mais de créer une connexion émotionnelle avec eux. Une communication claire et engageante peut faire toute la différence lorsqu'il s'agit d'inspirer des dons. Par exemple, une phrase pour don association bien formulée peut inciter les gens à contribuer davantage. Pensez à des messages qui racontent une histoire ou qui montrent l'impact direct de chaque don.
2. Comment Recevoir des Dons sur Twitch
Twitch est une plateforme populaire non seulement pour le streaming de jeux vidéo, mais aussi pour les levées de fonds en direct. Pour ceux qui se demandent comment recevoir des don sur twitch, c’est assez simple : il suffit de configurer un lien de don directement sur votre page de chaîne. Cela peut être fait via des services comme PayPal ou en utilisant des plateformes spécifiques de collecte de fonds. Twitch permet également d'intégrer des notifications de dons en direct, ce qui encourage les spectateurs à participer.
3. Utiliser une Cagnotte avec QR Code
L'un des moyens les plus innovants de collecter des fonds est d'utiliser une cagnotte avec QR code. Les donateurs peuvent simplement scanner le code avec leur smartphone pour être redirigés vers une page de don. Ce processus simplifie le don et peut être utilisé lors d'événements, dans des communications imprimées, ou même sur des plateformes en ligne comme les réseaux sociaux. C’est un excellent moyen de rendre le don accessible et instantané.
4. Idées d'Activités pour Collecter des Fonds
Trouver des idée activité pour collecter des fonds peut parfois être un défi, mais il est crucial de garder les choses amusantes et engageantes. Vous pouvez organiser des événements comme des ventes de pâtisseries, des courses de charité, ou des tombolas. De plus, organiser des événements en ligne comme des tournois de jeux ou des webinaires avec une option de don peut élargir votre portée.
5. Quel Service en Ligne pour Collecter l'Argent ?
Choisir le bon service en ligne pour collecter l'argent est vital pour le succès de votre campagne de financement. Des plateformes comme PayPal,WhyDonate, et Leetchi sont parmi les plus populaires. Elles offrent toutes des solutions sécurisées pour la collecte de fonds en ligne, avec des options variées pour intégrer des campagnes sur des sites web ou des réseaux sociaux.
6. Gagner de l’Argent pour une Association
Si vous cherchez à gagner de l argent pour une association, il est important de diversifier vos sources de revenus. En plus des dons traditionnels, pensez à des stratégies comme la vente de produits dérivés, l'organisation d'événements payants, ou la mise en place d'une campagne de financement participatif. Cette dernière est particulièrement efficace pour atteindre un large public et obtenir de petits dons de nombreuses personnes.
7. L'Importance d'un Courrier de Remerciement pour les Dons
Un courrier remerciement don est non seulement une marque de politesse, mais aussi une occasion de renforcer la relation avec vos donateurs. Envoyer un courrier personnalisé après un don montre que vous appréciez leur soutien et peut les encourager à continuer à contribuer. Il est essentiel d'inclure des détails sur la façon dont leur argent sera utilisé, ce qui ajoute de la transparence et renforce la confiance.
8. Comment Rédiger un Modèle de Lettre de Donation d'Argent
Lorsque vous recevez des dons importants, il est souvent nécessaire de formaliser cela avec un document approprié. Un modèle lettre de donation d'argent peut vous aider à structurer ce type de correspondance. Ce modèle doit inclure les informations essentielles sur le donateur, le montant du don, et les termes de la donation. C’est un document important pour des raisons fiscales et légales.
9. Idées de Bio Instagram pour les Organisations Caritatives
Votre bio Instagram est souvent la première chose que les visiteurs voient sur votre profil. Une idée bio insta efficace peut inclure un appel à l'action, un lien vers une page de don, et une brève description de
votre mission. Par exemple, une bio comme "Aidez-nous à sauver des vies ! 🎗️ Cliquez sur le lien pour faire un don 👇" peut capter l'attention et encourager l'engagement.
10. Stratégie de Communication pour les Actions Caritatives
La stratégie de communication pour une association à but non lucratif doit être bien planifiée et ciblée. Utilisez les réseaux sociaux, les newsletters, et même les podcasts pour partager des témoignages, des histoires de bénéficiaires, ou des résultats concrets de vos actions. Une communication régulière et authentique garde votre public engagé et les incite à participer activement, que ce soit par des dons ou en partageant vos messages avec leur réseau.
11. Comment Récolter des Fonds pour des Projets Spécifiques
Si vous avez un projet particulier en tête, comme l'ouverture d'un refuge pour animaux ou le financement d'une campagne de sensibilisation, pensez à segmenter votre communication. Créez des campagnes dédiées avec un message clair sur l'objectif et l'impact escompté. L'utilisation d'un modèle lettre de donation d'argent adapté au contexte de votre projet peut également faciliter les démarches administratives tout en rassurant les donateurs sur l'utilisation des fonds.
12. Utiliser le Financement Participatif pour Atteindre un Public Plus Large
Le financement participatif (crowdfunding) est une méthode de plus en plus populaire pour les organisations à but non lucratif. En lançant une campagne de financement participatif, vous pouvez mobiliser une large communauté en ligne pour soutenir votre cause. Assurez-vous de présenter votre projet de manière engageante, avec des vidéos explicatives, des infographies, et des témoignages qui soulignent l'importance de votre mission.
13. Reconnaitre et Fidéliser vos Donateurs
Enfin, n'oubliez jamais l'importance de la fidélisation des donateurs. Envoyer un courrier de remerciement après chaque don, aussi petit soit-il, montre que vous appréciez chaque geste de soutien. Organisez des événements exclusifs pour vos plus grands donateurs, ou offrez des récompenses symboliques pour ceux qui contribuent régulièrement. Une attention continue à vos donateurs les transformera en ambassadeurs de votre cause, augmentant ainsi vos chances de réussite à long terme.
14. Conclusion et Appel à l'Action
Votre succès dépendra de votre capacité à adapter ces stratégies à votre contexte spécifique. Que ce soit en utilisant des outils numériques comme une cagnotte avec QR code ou en créant une bio Instagram accrocheuse, l'important est de rester connecté avec votre communauté et de leur montrer l'impact de chaque don.
Maintenant que vous avez toutes ces clés en main, il est temps de passer à l'action. Mettez en œuvre ces conseils, testez différentes approches, et observez ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour votre organisation. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une différence tangible pour les causes qui nous tiennent à cœur.
En fin de compte, chaque effort, chaque don, chaque partage compte. Continuons à faire de ce monde un endroit meilleur, un geste à la fois.
Que vous cherchiez à aider les animaux, soutenir des projets caritatifs, ou collecter des fonds pour une organisation à but non lucratif, il est essentiel d'utiliser une combinaison de stratégies efficaces. De la mise en place de don en ligne à l'utilisation de Financement participatif, chaque action compte. En suivant ces conseils et en restant connecté avec vos donateurs, vous pouvez maximiser l'impact de vos campagnes et continuer à faire la différence.
Avec ces outils et idées, vous êtes prêt à atteindre vos objectifs de collecte de fonds et à renforcer la mission de votre organisation. Votre engagement et votre créativité dans la gestion des campagnes de dons joueront un rôle crucial dans la réussite de votre organisation. Pour aller plus loin, voici quelques recommandations supplémentaires pour optimiser vos efforts.
Keywords; courrier remerciement don, aide animaux, comment recevoir des don sur twitch, cagnotte avec qr code, phrase pour don association, communication pour actions caritatives, idée activité, quel service en ligne pour collecter l'argent, gagner de l argent pour une association, organisation à but non lucratif, don en ligne, idee bio insta, modele lettre de donation d'argent, Financement participatif
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decoservice · 6 months
Installation de Cuisine Moderne au Maroc: Révolutionnez Votre Espace Culinaire
La cuisine moderne est bien plus qu'un simple espace pour préparer des repas ; c'est le cœur de la maison, un lieu où la fonctionnalité rencontre l'esthétique pour créer une expérience culinaire inégalée. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous comprenons l'importance de concevoir et d'installer des cuisines modernes qui non seulement répondent aux besoins pratiques de nos clients, mais qui reflètent également leur style de vie et leur personnalité. Dans cet article, plongeons dans le monde exaltant de la cuisine moderne au Maroc, explorant les tendances, les designs et les éléments clés qui transforment les espaces culinaires en véritables chefs-d'œuvre contemporains.
Tendances de Cuisine Moderne Verte et Blanche
La tendance des cuisines modernes vertes et blanches est en plein essor, apportant une touche de fraîcheur et de vitalité à n'importe quel espace. Les tons verts apportent une connexion avec la nature, tandis que le blanc ajoute une luminosité et une sensation d'ouverture. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous intégrons ces couleurs avec subtilité et équilibre, créant des cuisines qui respirent la vie et l'élégance.
Conception sur Mesure pour un Luxe Personnalisé
Chaque cuisine moderne est unique, tout comme les personnes qui l'habitent. C'est pourquoi nous offrons des services de conception sur mesure pour créer des cuisines qui répondent parfaitement aux besoins et aux désirs de nos clients. Des cuisines en U aux designs ultra-modernes, notre équipe experte travaille en étroite collaboration avec vous pour transformer vos rêves en réalité.
Cuisine Moderne sans Îlot : Maximiser l'Espace avec Style
Pour les espaces plus restreints, une cuisine moderne sans îlot peut être la solution idéale. En optimisant l'agencement et en choisissant des éléments de rangement intelligents, nous pouvons créer une cuisine fonctionnelle et esthétique, même dans les espaces les plus compacts. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous sommes des experts en maximisation de l'espace, garantissant que chaque centimètre compte sans compromettre le style.
Innovation et Durabilité : Quartz pour une Cuisine Moderne
Dans notre engagement envers l'innovation et la durabilité, nous proposons des surfaces en quartz pour nos cuisines modernes. Non seulement le quartz offre une esthétique élégante et contemporaine, mais il est également durable, résistant aux rayures et facile à entretenir. Avec une gamme de couleurs et de finitions disponibles, le quartz est un choix polyvalent qui s'adapte à tous les styles de cuisine moderne.
L'Art de Rangement : Optimisation de l'Espace
Dans une cuisine moderne, le rangement est essentiel pour maintenir une esthétique épurée et fonctionnelle. De l'intégration de solutions de rangement innovantes aux meubles haut de gamme, nous nous engageons à créer des cuisines qui offrent un espace de rangement abondant sans compromettre le design. Chaque élément est soigneusement pensé pour optimiser l'efficacité tout en ajoutant une touche de sophistication à votre espace culinaire.
Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous croyons que la cuisine moderne est bien plus qu'un simple espace de préparation des repas ; c'est une expression de style, de fonctionnalité et de confort. Avec notre expertise en conception et en installation, nous sommes là pour transformer votre vision en réalité. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour commencer votre voyage vers une cuisine moderne qui repousse les limites de l'élégance et de la praticité.
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leszackardises · 11 months
À ne pas manquer en novembre 2023 sur Apple TV+
Continue reading Untitled
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reputayswift · 11 months
Let's. fast. forward. to. three. hundred. awkward. blind-dates-late-r. if. she's. got. blue. eyes. I. will. sur-mise. that-you'll-probably-date-her. you. dream. of. my. mouth. be-fore. it. called. you. a-ly-ing-traitor. you! search! in! every! model's! bed! for! somethin'! greater—baby
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hearts4chriss · 7 months
Spoiled rotten.
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boyfriend!Chris! + spoiled!black fem gf
Prompt: in which in all ur relationships prior to Chris, they’ve never treated you right or made you feel appreciated, as ur bestfriend, he couldn’t stand that anymore he made a move and he changes all that for you, and better. He spoils you Rotten.
Part 9
Contains: lots of kissing, hella money spent, fast/rough fingering in the car, recently established relationship ( like 4ish months ), fem!oral, modeling all the new things he bought you turns into👀, overstimulation, Chris has his drivers license in this, fluff towards the end
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Chris and I had been together for around 4 months and I swear he’s the best boyfriend I could’ve ever asked for.
Prior to him I had been treated like shit, guys not taking me out, name calling never getting flowers just bare minimum. And Chris hated seeing that so he confessed his feelings which were mutual too mine and we’ve been together ever since.
Chris is the youngest of the sturniolo triplets who are all my bestfriends, they’ve made a lot of progress and money on YouTube and I’m so proud of them. I told Chris not to spend any of his money on me but that didn’t end well.
Ever since we’ve started dating he’d taken me to the nicest restaurants in LA, always buying me flowers randomly not just special dates, always buying me things ( not that I’ve asked ), and just treating me like a princess.
I’ve loved every second of it, and it’s not even just that, whenever we have sex I don’t feel like shit after, he takes care of me, treats me good and praises me.
Today Chris insisted on taking me on a shopping spree because I’ve had a really rough week with modeling and mentally just been exhausted even when I told he didn’t have to but he wanted to do it for me.
“babyyy you ready?” Chris calls from upstairs
I walk out of our shared room wearing a long fitted grey skims body-con dress hugging my curves really showing off my figure, along with my new different shades of cream coloured Jordan’s that Chris and I have too match and my new 30 inch bussdown that I had installed last week he insisted on paying for even though I told him I got it.
Chris licked his lips hungrily as I walked down the stairs and approached him immediately gravitating his hands to my waist.
“God princess ur so fucking pretty yk that?” He placed a kiss on my lips and I smiled widely at his compliment.
“Thank you baby.” I chuckle and smile at the way he’s looking at me.
“Like- really good- like “we might not make it too the mall” good.” Chris pressed himself into me already feeling his dick pressed against my thigh.
“Chrisss, come on you said I get too go shopping.” I teased walking towards the car and he smacks my ass and I shriek letting a chuckle slip from his lips.
“Ur a freak.” I giggle as he opened the door for me and I got in.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it, I’m tempted to do something to you right now ma.” He smirked climbing in the car beginning to drive.
The drive was pretty smooth but always LA traffic hits and Chris’s hand had slowly been creeping up my thigh and it had me soaked, the way his hands felt through the thin fabric made me desperate for his fingers.
I began to shift in my seat anxiously waiting to see if he’d notice this.
he chuckled immediately sliding my dress up carefully pressing his middle and ring finger to my panties already feeling how soaked they were with arousal.
“already so fucking wet.” He mutters and I spread my legs giving him easier access and he clearly liked that.
“Such a good girl.” Chris smiled as I slid my panties off and his fingers get to work at my needy core.
I moaned softly feeling him circle my clit as I shuddered biting my lip waiting for him to move faster.
“don’t worry, I’ll make you feel good I promise.” He kissed me again deeply as we were in traffic allowing this too distract as he inserted his fingers into my pussy immediately closing around him.
“fuckk chris.” I moan out softly rolling my eyes back as I tried to make sure none of my wetness dripped on his seat.
He sighed and laughed a bit when he noticed.
“relax princess I want it on my seat, ur the only one allowed in this seat.” He pressed a kiss to my ear as he says this still knuckles deep inside me hitting my g-spot repeatedly now making me cry out.
“can’t wait till you cum all over my fingers so I can taste you.” He said almost in a growl like tone as a moan slipped from my glossy lips not letting up his fingers perfectly going against my walls.
“shit-“ I groan throwing my head on the seats when he curved his fingers into my pussy more desperate to make me cum quicker then normal.
“fuck Chris!” I yelp gripping onto the console of the car and he grabs my hand placing a kiss too it sending warmth too the rest of my body.
“your almost there pretty girl just hold my hand yeah?”Chris placed a loving kiss on my cheek and I nodded holding his hand loving how the tattood initials of my name in cursive rested on the middle finger.
“Mmph Fuckk I’m cumming!” And with that alone and his every dirty word made me squirt all over his fingers letting it drip out onto my seat letting me catch my breath.
“Lift up for me baby.” He said softly placing a pink towel down for me and wiping off the seat with cleaning wipes before sitting me back down fixing my dress.
“Fuck you now my legs are sore-“ I roll my eyes playfully he chuckles pulling into the mall parking lot.
“Well lucky for you, we are here, ready to get spoiled rotten sweetheart? Because that’s exactly what im gonna do.”
I sighed giving a smile and nod as he held my hand and we walked into the mall
Chris was not fucking kidding
whenever I touched something in each store he would put it in the cart and buy it which resulted in WELL over 5000 spent on me which he didn’t have to do but hell I’m never turning down free shit from this man.
We went too Victoria secret, prada, footlocker and dior. He kept reassuring me.
“go ahead baby whatever you want it’s yours”
“Don’t worry about me this is all for you princess you deserve it”
“Can’t wait to see how pretty my girl looks in all these clothes”
It was honestly bringing tears to my eyes from how sweet and thoughtful he was.
Eventuallyyy we did make it back to the house carrying allll the bags in upstairs too our shared bedroom.
Chris sat eagerly on the bed as he could not wait to see me try on these clothes, specifically the lingerie.
now I’d never worn lingerie for anyone before but I wanted to give it a try and Chris convinced me so I bought a few ( 21 ) sets.
I was now in our bathroom slipping on one of the sets that I really liked
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it was a one piece thong body suit and it hugged my curves which I really liked and pushed my tits up a bit and I felt like it was definitely a lot and I was nervous to show him.
Nonetheless I sucked in a breath and opened the bathroom door meeting a very shocked and turned on Chris.
his eyes wandered my body as I smiled giving him a small spin he lets out a faint “fuck” and I felt wetness immediately shoot to my core.
“Do you like it? I was a little nervous that-“ I was cut off by Chris’s hands on my waist kissing my lips.
“Of course I like it, you look fucking perfect you have such a beautiful body baby.” He says softly with those blue predator eyes as I drowned in them.
Chris’s eyes wandered towards my thighs biting his bottom lip slightly making me flush inside a bit since I’d always been told my thighs were too big.
“What’s wrong mama? There’s nothing wrong with ur thighs, I was just thinking- well picturing what it’d be like to have my head buried between them.”
my pussy throbs when Chris says this, his breath lingering on my neck and I gulp.
“You don’t wanna see the other sets?” I manage to get out no matter how badly his words flustered me and he smirked grabbing me by the back of my thigh setting me on our soft bed.
“mmm maybe in a bit.” He chuckles slowing pulling down the thin material letting it slide all the way past my ankles leaving me bare for him.
“shit- ur so pretty like this ma.” Chris said kissing my lips again allowing our tongues to meet moaning sloppily into each others mouths.
I didn’t even realize his fingers beginning too play with my wetness and I began to close my legs.
“Aw baby don’t hide from me, I’ll make you feel like a fucking princess I promise.” He says positioning my hands on my legs pulling them back as if we were doing missionary but that wasn’t the case he was about to fuck my shit up
Chris licked his lips hungrily waiting to taste me.
“ur pussys so pretty a shame nobody treated you right.” He says softly before his tongue presses against my clit and I whimper in response, his plump lips wrap around my clit and begin to suck as if it’s a suction cup and I moan out loudly.
“Oh shit chris!” I cry out throwing my head back as he laps up my pussy like it’s his last meal.
“fuck fuck fuckkk!” I curse out when he shakes his head allowing his nose to brush against my bud making me squeal at the way he’s eating me out, it felt so good.
Chris’s tongues plunges inside my hole occasionally making my legs nearly tremble down.
“Mmm taste so fucking good”- his hot breath on my sensitive cunt makes it pulsate and I moan out at his words crying out making sure my legs are spread enough for him.
“Chris o-oh god”- i whimper my legs begin to shake already since I’ve never felt this much pleasure at once, I only imagine what his cock would feel like.
“fuck mama your gonna cum- cum for me want it all over my face. He hand rubbing my clit before lapping again and I shudder under his touch.
“Fuck Chris I’m cumming I’m cumming!” I scream loudly curling my toes as I cream all over his face and he doesn’t stop.
“Fuck princess- squeeze ur thighs around my head yeah?” He groans and I set my legs on the bed and close them in on his head and he moans into my swollen pussy licking and sucking every last drop of my orgasm.
“Shit shit Chris I’m-I’m gonna cum again-“ I cry out and his pace doesn’t slow as he moves his head once again allowing his nose to hit that sensitive bud again feeling my stomach knot burst again almost too quickly squirting on him my legs trembling around his head.
Chris pulls away, a string of his split and my cum leaving his lips.
“god I could eat you out for hours if you let me.” He smiles and I look at him mirroring his face.
“Told you I’d make you feel like a princess.” Chris says leaning in too kiss my lips softly.
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo @luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @mattsnymphette @hoesformatt @luv4kozume @kikisturnioloo @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly @iiheartstef @junnniiieee07 @ratatioulle @ast3ro1dzz @sturniolowhore @st7rnioioss @emma4eva @braindead4l @ihearttsyouu @kqyslyho3 @sturnsfav @sunsetsturniolos @stqrnstars @dlyansworld @chrisloyalgf @soimightlikeoldmen69 @abbie13sworld @lacysturniolo @sturniol0s @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @luhsexcbihh @nicksmainbitch
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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Les Modes : revue mensuelle illustrée des arts décoratifs appliqués à la femme, no. 6, vol. 1, juin 1901, Paris. Robe de promenade. Modèle Réjane. Cliché Reutlinger. Bibliothèque nationale de France
ROBE DE PROMENADE (Modèle Réjane). — Robe de promenade de deux draps, un noir et un bleu. — Jupe princesse. — Boléro indépendant sur chemisette en guipure; grand col en guipure de linon. — Chapeau marquis en paille noire et blanche, formé par deux boucles d’or où passe un ruban noir. En arrière, nœud de velours noir.
PROMENADE DRESS (Réjane model). — Walking dress made of two sheets, one black and one blue. — Princess skirt. — Independent bolero over guipure shirt; large collar in lawn guipure. — Marquis hat in black and white straw, formed by two gold buckles through which a black ribbon passes. At the back, black velvet bow.
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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How dramatically does land rise from the ocean? California Edition
by Gigitoe
About this map:
How dramatically a landform rises from the ocean is determined not only by how high it rises above the ocean, but also how steeply. A 1000-foot vertical ocean cliff is incredibly spectacular, whereas a 1000-foot mountain located dozens of kilometers from the ocean is a fairly mundane sight. Hence, I developed OceanJut, measure that factors both how high and how steeply a landform rises from the ocean into an overall indicator of impressiveness.
A landform with an OceanJut of X is considered to rise from the ocean as impressively as a vertical ocean cliff of height X. So for instance, a vertical ocean cliff of height 100 ft, a 45° coastal slope of height 141 ft, and a 30° coastal slope of height 200 ft would all measure an OceanJut of 100 ft and be considered equally imposing. Specifically, a location’s OceanJut is defined as h × |sin θ|, where h is how high the location rises above the closest point on the ocean, and θ is the angle of elevation at which the location rises above the closest point on the ocean.
Incredibly, there are places in the world with even more spectacular mountains-meets-ocean scenery, some with over three times the OceanJut of Big Sur! You can find where they are on this interactive world map.
This map was created in Google Earth Engine using the 3DEP and MERIT elevation models.
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Junot's early life and character
-From the book "La Generale Junot, Duchesse d'Abrantès, d'après ses lettres, ses papiers et son 'journal intime' inédits" by Joseph Turquan, a biography of Laure Junot featuring previously unpublished information given to the author by Georges Aubert, Junot's grandson.
The book is from 1901, and therefore is a little dated in some regards, but overall creates a good portrait of Laure and Jean-Andoche Junot.
General Junot was very young, but, despite his campaigns, despite the high rank to which he had reached, he was younger than his age, especially younger than his rank indicated. The first consul knew this well and that is why he told him to “grow ten years older;” for this also that he advised him to marry as soon as possible. The dignity of existence among those he wanted to call to the first jobs of the Republic was in his program of government.
We would be very mistaken if we imagined the General Junot as a serious general of our time. He was only twenty-nine years old when he was called to the command of Paris, and he had a bit of the tone of the hussars mauvais sujets: General Fournier, General Lasalle especially, this scoundrel of distinction, were the great masters of this kind, and it was on them that the turbulent and untamed youth of the army was enthusiastically modelled. But, in society, Junot affected the tone of the best company.
Born in 1771 to a lower middle-class family, in Bussy-le-Grand, in the Côte-d'or department, Junot began his studies in Montbard and continued them at the college of Châtillon-sur-Seine. There his comrade was the young Marmont: they were to be the first two aides-de-camp of General Bonaparte. Junot's parents dreamed of a cassock for their son, said Marmont, a robe and a lawyer's cap, wrote the Duchess of Abrantes. But the young man had another ideal: his ardent nature in no way fit with the tedious study of the pandects and the institutes: the struggles of the bar would never have been enough to satisfy the combative mood of the future general which felt flowing in his veins "soldier's blood", to use an expression from General de Ségur, and not the juice of stamped paper. Her father did not know how to curb such an ardent nature: he felt that he was wasting his time trying to subdue him with sophistry and a round of leather in a prosecutor's office. Fortunately, the Revolution came and rescued them both by ridding the father of his devilish son and opening the most astonishing perspectives to his activity. As the very idea of ​​the stamped paper made him nauseous - and it is not I who will reproach him for it - as he only understood the sophistry with his sword in his hand, he felt more keenly than anyone, with his fiery nature, the generous ardor which then vibrated all that there were in France of young hearts enthusiastic about freedom, grandeur and glory. At the call of the homeland in danger, Andoche Junot enlisted in the second battalion of Côte-d'Or volunteers, so famous since for the number of remarkable men who emerged from it.
We will not repeat here how Junot distinguished himself from General Bonaparte at the siege of Toulon. The episode is classic and everyone knows it. He owed this success only to himself, to this happy harmony of composure, wit and good grace which is only found in privileged moments of a generous youth. From one day to the next, Junot had acquired personal respect. Also a certain number of brilliant actions have been attributed to him which he was certainly capable of accomplishing, but which he probably did not. A handsome soldier, he was a man who was instinctively and immediately "impulsive" as we say today, and more a slave to his anger, his senses and his whims - like a woman - than to his duties... Nature, in forming him, had forgotten to put the brakes on him that we call character, that strong will which makes us reign over ourselves and, as Goethe said, makes us sovereign over our hearts, - or rather it had made Junot so impetuous, that he had escaped without waiting that she would rivet it to him. Hence the jolts, inconsistencies, lack of balance and frequent derailments in his life. The general was no more bothered to analyse his impressions - although they appeared vividly on his face which changed as soon as a thought agitated him - than to repress his first movement or his instincts. With insane bravery, he never backed down from danger, he even sought it out, he took pleasure in it, a little by nature, a little also by attitude, to set an example to the troops certainly, but also for a lot of admirers. This is a very chivalrous hero's coquetry that we would be reluctant to reproach him for: we can regret, however, that Junot did not bring, in his ordinary habit, this coolness and this calm which distinguished him so astonishingly on the battlefield: in life he was always excited.
From each of his campaigns, Junot had brought back glorious scars and these imposed on men a respect that his youth would not have imposed enough on him. His audacity was such that General Thiébault, his chief of staff during his Portuguese campaign, wrote: “A hundred men like Junot would have crossed hell". And this at a time when bravery was an almost vulgar thing and heroism was common currency.
Junot was one of the most wounded in the army, but the most serious of his wounds was a saber blow, a souvenir of the battle of Loano, which cut half of his face, from the temple to the mouth. If Junot collected saber blows, those he delivered were much more numerous and the unfortunates who received them did not have the leisure to glory in them: his grip was too heavy. “Hey! Well, Monsieur le sabreur..." said Napoleon when he approached him. A swordsman, and "of the first number", as Balzac wrote, who knew him well through hearsay, that is, in reality, what General Junot was.
A good boy, moreover, easy and pleasant relationships, faithful to his friends more than he will be to his wife, devoted to his family... Unfortunately quite forgetful, light, a little childish sometimes and, like the children, violent, hotheaded, hardly calculating the consequences of his words or his actions and, moreover, very abandoned in his morals. But let's not be unfair or too rigorous, they were those of his age and time. He was too much of a man of first impulses to repress himself externally and control his inclinations. Knowing oneself was not his doing; know others, no more. A general, he seemed to have remained a second lieutenant, sometimes even a non-officer, and his character never matured. You have to certainly make allowance for the fire of youth, that of the military customs of the time, which were not the most recommendable, and that of intoxication. Ultimately, General Junot was better than his morals. There was, however, a little incompatibility of mood between his dizzy youth and the high functions of aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte. These functions were perhaps too heavy a load for Junot's shoulders: his past, his studies, his education had not sufficiently prepared him for them. Enjoyer of the present moment, like most of the other exploits resulting from the Revolution, of a complexion more sensual than amorous, he took care of women, out of taste no doubt, but also for the sake of fresh air: the Lauzuns, the Tillys, the Richelieus, did not do otherwise; and if he later had a transport of jealousy worthy of Othello, he never had the ecstasies of Saint-Preux with Julie. He even mixed a little brutality with his gallantry. Was this the consequence? Junot had an excessive sensitivity, unhealthy rather than delicate, that of men who abuse their nervous system, become soggy and become slaves to their impressions instead of remaining ill-beings of them. He had, basically, very good principles, but the mistake of not conforming his conduct to his principles. This is not a rare thing: do you know many men who are otherwise? But, as a soldier, he should have remembered this maxim that Sully liked to repeat: “He who wants to acquire glory and honor must try to dominate his pleasures and never allow them to dominate him.” He prided himself on literature, posed as a connoisseur of art, theater and music. There was something glorious, vain, and witty in him: piquant quips, a few happy words had earned him a reputation as a witty conversationalist: aptly placed quotations from Virgil had also earned him a reputation for knowledge. In fact, it was at the theater, where he went every evening, that the best part of his education was spent. Sensing what he lacked in terms of education, he had the good spirit to seek to perfected through contact with some distinguished comrades, like Marmont, like Duroc, whose manners he copied. Generous, in no way petty, he very gallantly threw money out the window, like the great lords of the ancien regime, ate three hundred oysters for his lunch, because the fashion was for gluttony, had the most beautiful horses in Paris, played big games and ruined himself on dancers. Tall and well built, very similar in face and somewhat in appearance to General Rapp, but more slender than him, he had a pleasant exterior. Such was, in truth, General Junot. I have tried to be fair in drawing this portrait: I have not softened any angle, I have not concealed any fault. I am perhaps too harsh: I believe I am only impartial. I would add that all that the general lacked to be an eminent man was moderation, balance and character, in a word, to have an equal degree of reflection and action. If Napoleon kept him close despite his faults, it was because he had a sort of tenderness for the men who had found themselves associated with his prestigious successes in Italy; it was because he knew that Junot, who had shared with him during the difficult times of his availability, in 1795, the meagre pension he received from his father, was devoted to him body and soul.
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