#supot chueamanee
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"Poly relationship would have stopped him from being so jealous and trying to take over the world via unethical human experimentation and class warfare" - @iamdarthbader
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theworldinclines · 4 years
The Gifted Class’ Potentials Breakdown/Meta
(What we know so far)
Mind control i.e. he can “compel someone to do whatever he wishes through physical contact with the subject and feeling their heartbeat” (x). As he develops his Potential, he is also able to control others without touch and only his voice.
Stems from his leadership qualities and natural charisma that makes him likable, trustworthy
Technopathy i.e. can “control and manipulate electronic machines through contact” (x)
Stems from “his advanced skills in mathematics, computers, and programming” (x)
Psychometry i.e. she can “see or hear associated events on an object through contact” (x)
“Retro-cognition, an ability to see a person’s or object’s past through touch” (x)
Stems from her naturally curious and intuitive nature (what Claire refers to as ‘nosy’)
Ability to use her Gift is affected by her having primary hypertension, which flares up when she is stressed and can cause her to have seizures and/or send her into a coma, cardiac arrest, or kill her.
WICHAI “OHM” SAI-NGERN (14/06/2002)
“Can make himself invisible, and can make objects (including humans) disappear and bring them back again by will.” (x) With this, he sends objects or people into a dimension between theirs and the next until he wills them back into this world. this ability therefore includes teleportation of himself and others.
Will get a nosebleed if he uses his power for something relatively big, especially transporting people
Stems from his absent-mindedness and ability to frequently lose things
“Remain awake for days without getting sleepy or fatigued” (x) so he doesn’t necessarily require sleep.
Presumably stemmed from his creative mind that is usually restless with ideas, but his abilities come also from anxiety and his relentless drive to finish what he starts
Because he doesn’t feel tired because of this ability, he can’t be knocked out by gas or other such chemicals. They would cause internal damage over time of excessive inhalation, of course, but he wouldn’t be knocked out by them. This can be seen in episode 5 when he uses the gas in the storage room to knock out the gang but he isn’t visibly affected.
Korn is also, as far as we’ve seen, basically un-killable because he survived a stories-high drop from the top of a building with only a few bruises.
“Synesthesia, a synesthete is a one who can see a person's aura and associate the color of the aura with a certain kind of emotion” (x)
Blue aura for sadness; violet aura for guilt or fear; pink aura for joy; red aura for anger or curiosity, yellow for fulfillment, etc. (x)
Her eyes ache when she use her potential excessively, which limits her in using her ability on its full extent (x)
Stems from “her passion for acting - an art that requires skill on conveying different emotions” but also being able to read the audience (x)
PUNN TAWEESILP (26/11/2002)
“Imitate or copy a skill by watching or studying only once” (x). In pushing the limits of his Potential, Punn has learned that he can memorise not only basic skills but the Potentials of his Gifted peers as well.
Because of this, Punn developed four different personalities on top of himself: “first, the leader; second, the paranoid; third, the rageous; and fourth, the dark one, who usually shows up when the rest of the personalities fight or debate each other” (x)
He has multiple personality disorder that he can keep under control if he doesn’t memorise any more skills too often and doesn’t put too much pressure on himself
Stems from “his being a perfectionist, being an achiever, and eagerness in learning different things” (x)
“Superhuman strength with enhanced agility, dexterity, and coordination” (x)
“Her body produces pheromones that are excreted through her bodily fluids (sweat, tears, etc.) and can cause a person to turn insane or violent” (x)
Stems from her “passion for sports” (x)
“Respond to stimuli in sync” (x) and they can also communicate through their minds, like they’re on the phone with the other. Basically, telepathy.
Stems from their shared love for chemistry (x)
If one is hit over the head, the other feels it (seen in T.G. episode 12). If one eats ramen, the other will feel full too (seen in T.G.G. episode 2).
“Memory manipulation which enables him to erase memories, first by putting the subject in hypnosis using sound with a regular tempo (through a metronome) and snapping his fingers, and second by touching the subject's head while it is in hypnotic state. He is also able to both erase and restore his own memories” (x)
Stems from “his [natural] ability to memorize many details” and be a good studier/test taker (x)
“High-accuracy calculation” (x)
Stems from “his passion for astronomy” (x)
“The same, but stronger and evolved, mind control power as Pang” (x) such as he can control people’s minds without having to touch them
Stems from his “strong belief in a society where the strong leads the weaker or inferior ones,” charisma and leadership qualities (x)
“Because he and Pang have the same power, they cannot use their powers against each other” (x)
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