saikhantheloyal-blog · 12 years
"Captain." He says, saluting. "Officer Bolin, reporting for duty."
Saikhan raised his hand to his temple in return, offering the young man a hearty salute before relaxing, and he gestured for Bolin to do the same. It had been some time since he'd seen the other earthbender, due to a temporary reassignment, and he felt a sense of... relief, to see him back in Headquarters.
He gave him a smile, before gesturing to his throat and then shaking his head firmly, in an attempt to get across the fact that  he'd lost his voice.
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spudlord · 12 years
A couple of OOC notices.
All my rp's are on hold at the moment. If you are still interested in keeping our thread, please let me know. I will start to answer asks again.
Also, Unfollow my personal if you follow it. It was hacked, and is not me. :|
ALSO, All my instant messengers were hacked except my skype. I made an MSN if you would like that let me know and I can give you it.
And the singing I promised you all, I haven't had a chance. I know I'm terrible. ;__;
As for people who care about my life, I just started beauty school and I picked up a new babysitting job. School is going amazingly, I just need to find a /real/ job. When I'm active again I won't be active 5-9pm EST time because that's when I'm in school.
When will I be back fully ? After my trip to philly, I get back on the 17th from then. Why? My life will be much more calm after that. 
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superbolin replied to your post: ✐
[ omg i love you so much right now xD]
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yakones-legacy · 12 years
[ *Throws asks and love onto you* :> ~~
[ d'aww how sweet, i lahv you ❤ ]
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derpyfangirl · 12 years
Jade sighed and walked into the station. "Why do I always have to do demonstrations at the academy? Not that I don't mind, but.." She mumbled. She walked into someone. "Sorry!"
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spudlord · 12 years
OOC Update
On for a bit now I suppose. Sorry I'm slowly becoming inactive. I started school, and I've been busy with other things. I'm also just starting to lose my muse for Tarrlok which...makes me sick to my stomach to say. :/ My muse for Tahno is too depressed because my Amon is no longer active. I PROMISE I'm not going to let Tarrlok die in my brain.
Now I'm going to answer the asks in my inbox, and ATTEMPT threads. As for my singing, I haven't had a chance. I've been babysitting, and going to school every day. I have free time tomorrow, but everyone is going to be home and I don't like singing when everyone is home. If you want to talk to me my number is on my mun page, or you can ask me for my new instant messenger names.
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jerkiroh · 12 years
Tumblr media
superbolin replied to your post:  
//Ship Pabuggi instead. Its canon now.
// ... otp.
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superbolin replied to your post: “Babe..I missed you.”
“Save the hurt talk for bed, sweetheart.”
"Sorry, baby~ Would a kiss make it better?"
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#hey gurl hey #is u wearin space pants? #cause yo ass outta dis world
yep I found a new best friend.
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saikhantheloyal-blog · 12 years
"Captain, help me." Bolin pleaded, holding the baby against his shoulder calmly. "The gray faces gave me a baby!"
" Bo... Do you... Do you know its name? Or who its mother is?"
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spudlord · 12 years
Account Notice
Sorry for the inactivity. I am just starting school, and life is being a big bag of rotten dicks soo I don't know how often I'll be posting here now. So please be patient for my replies. My phone number is on my mun page if you ever want to chat/ text rp. :3
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"Babe..I missed you."
"Can't resist my body, can you, Faliure Ferret?"
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saikhantheloyal-blog · 12 years
"Hello Captain! look, I'm dressed!" He says, grinning.
" I'm proud of you, kid."
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shiori--misaka-blog · 12 years
Superbolin and Shiori--Misaka
"Oh my gosh, am I hungry." Shiori muttered as she got off her boat. She had always wanted to come here, and here she was. Republic City. As excited as she was, food was first. She begun to walk through the streets looking for a good place to eat.
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