#sunset in hasetsu
Can You Hear My Heartbeat Chapter 31
Today's chapter is about Kunchi, the annual harvest festival held in Hasetsu, and Yuuri and Viktor's second (official!!!) date. But even when on a date, Viktor has a mind of his own.
Please enjoy this last chapter before things will get VERY serious for Yuuri because his first Grand Prix event is right around the corner! 💙💜
Excerpt below the read more tag...
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“Yuuri, let’s take a selfie just for us,” Viktor said.
Stuffing the tissue into his pocket, Yuuri yelped as Viktor pulled him close. His fingers curled around the arm Viktor had wrapped around him. “But make it quick. I want to watch the sunset. No vanity crisis because of your hair.”
Viktor pouted. “Yuuri, you wound me! I’ve never had a crisis because of my hair!”
“You fret about it in every second photo, Viktor!”
“And you make faces in every other second photo. Don’t you deny it, Yuuri.”
“I never make faces in photos!”
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3cheers4alex · 6 months
As the train gradually slows down, the familiar landscape of Hasetsu unfolds before them. The station platform welcomes them with its usual array of advertisements plastered on the walls—there’s that same stupid dating app for soulmates, among others. Yuri spots the worn benches where he often sits before departing for competitions, occasionally tossing bits of his breakfast to hungry birds.
“See you tonight, then,” Viktor says.
Yuri gathers his belongings, exits the train, and without looking back, sets off on a slightly longer route. He knows the house will be empty—they opted for the 4:30 train, a mere 90-minute journey to Hasetsu. Viktor will freshen up at the Ice Castle’s bathroom, change in his office, and join the team for training. Yuri, on the other hand, is excused for the day, instructed to rest after NHK.
Yuri’s thoughts drift as he imagines the lukewarm sand beneath his sneakers, and remembers the warmth of Otabek’s sun-kissed skin beneath his fingertips. A hint of salt infuses the air, carrying the invigorating essence of the ocean. He hasn’t messaged Otabek during his time in Fukuoka. Wasn’t he supposed to talk to him later?
Admittedly, it feels like a cowardly move, especially considering Otabek’s consistent messages. There are pictures of his bike, partially overgrown with weeds since he’s taken to running with Yuri instead. Then there are snapshots of the old cat, which—according to Otabek—resembles a wizard from Lord of the Rings, with its enormous white whiskers and graying fur. They made it a daily ritual to greet the cat on their way to the Ice Castle. Moreover, they’ve stopped taking the bus altogether, choosing to walk everywhere, prompting Otabek to send pictures of the sunset, the clouds resembling wild dogs with open mouths and dull teeth, painted in hues of pink alongside red.
The last message displayed on Yuri’s phone reads: congrats on silver. proud of u.
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colecnvs · 7 years
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“The gentle swish of silken fabric, the soft pitter-patter of their zori on the pavement as they strode along. The sounds sent a message to every man, woman, or child within earshot, calling their attention to the beautiful creatures passing within their midst. The beloved Geisha of Hasetsu.” -Sunset in Hasetsu, AnimeFanime
Drowning in Yuri on Ice hell (and fanfiction) atm so here’s a wip! geisha!Yuuri for everyone~ I am so out of practice ohmygoodness-
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satbiym · 6 years
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Or Read it on AO3 Here
Chapter 3
They reached the stable in silence, the other man looking around wondrously, as if he had never seen the Palace he claimed to be the heir of.
Victor cleared his throat and attempted to do the same for his conscience.
“I believe the garments we can change into are there,” Victor said, pointing to the bags hidden behind the neighing line of horses.
At Victor voice the horses whinnied louder, peeping further out of their stalls to try and get a glimpse of Victor. Victor smiled, this time out of fondness.
“They know you.” The man said, a wondering tone, somehow his tone implied a query that didn’t ask for an answer; wanting them, but wanting to find them independent of outside influence.
Victor stalled. He could pretend he didn’t know them, forestalling the inevitable realization….
Victor’s mental machinations were cut off by a slobbery warmness that butted against his hand.
Victor sighed, but nonetheless patted his faithful steed who had given away his master’s strategy before it had even begun.
“Greetings my beautiful boy.” Victor crooned, patting the black head adorned with a white star.
A gasp filled the air.
Victor turned to look at the other man, who was staring wide-eyed at the horse currently nudging Victor’s pockets, probably looking for hidden apples.
“That - The star on his head, the blue eye, and the ox-head brand on his haunch… that’s Bucephalus.”
Victor laughed uncomfortably at the tone wrapped in shock and awe, wondering how he was going to talk himself out of this one; he decided to assess the information on the other side first, “Heard of him, have you?”
The way the man’s head shook incredulously would have been comical if his act wasn’t at the danger of being found out, as he stumbled out “Heard of - That’s the Megas Basileus’s horse! Even a fool living solely in the company of ants has heard of the most famous horse in history. ”
“You’re very, um, creative with your words.” Victor said weakly, mind still racing.
The man stepped forward in his eagerness, only to step back hurriedly when the previously docile horse snorted threateningly in his direction.
And damn if those brown eyes didn’t look so damn injured.
Victor bit back a sigh.
Mila was going to have his head for this.
Victor beckoned the man to stay where he was with his hands, saying, “It’s alright, Bucephalus is just… a tad testy around night time. It’s nothing against you, personally.”
The man settled back on the soles of his feet, now looking more enthused than hurt - thank Zeus for that -  and rambled, “Of course! I should have known, silly me. Everyone knows the tale of how the Basileus tamed him. I was just being careless in my excitement, for you see, I have never seen a horse before him.”
Victor blinked, his keen instincts giving up in the face of such absurdity, never seen a horse before? Where had this man grown up, in a dungeon?
But, on seeing the earnest look in the other’s eyes, Victor decided to play along with the farce, saying, “Oh, then it’s your lucky day to have your first be someone as fine as Bucephalus here. His breeding is from the best Thessalian strain.”
The other man nodded eagerly, and said, “I am lucky. Both to have had the opportunity to meet Bucephalus, as well as a stable master as accomplished as yourself.”
Victor’s brain stalled.
“Pardon?” Victor said politely, despite his brain having decided to not participate in the conversation any longer. It wasn’t the other man’s fault Victor’s brain had misheard, phony or no, he deserved at the bare minimum, some politeness.
Only… the other man’s face was alight with sincerity, “That’s who you are, correct? For it is known that no one other than the Megas Basileus could seat Bucephalus. It would make sense for the only other person to be the Basileus’s stable master, and given how much he likes you… Have I offended you in some way?”
Victor smiled brightly, forcibly wiping away the incredulous face he must have been making. Gods, the lengths mortals will go to deceive themselves about something that is right in front of their very eyes.
But unknowing or not, the other man had just provided Victor’s cover for him.
The gods take, but the gods also give a way.
“No, none! I was merely impressed at your deduction skills.” Victor said brightly.
“Oh! That’s a relief, because for a moment you looked… no matter. I was right though, you are special! For no one else who works as closely with such magnificent animals could be anything but!” The man said happily, shooting longing looks at Bucephalus.
Victor clenched his fist in protest.
Oh, what does it matter now.
Victor said, gentler than before, “You said you know how the Basileus tamed Bucephalus, can you perchance recount it for me?”
The man - if it was possible - brightened even further, and with a tone of someone delivering a bedtime tale to a babe, said, “The Basileus noticed that Bucephalus was scared of shadows, and that was why he was so distressed. He first spoke soothingly to the horse, all the while turning him towards the sun until he could no longer see his own shadow, and divesting himself of his own cloak. Thus, Bucephalus, no longer afraid, was tamed by the Basileus, a feat no man had achieved before, which the Basileus succeeded at at the age of twelve.”
Victor fought the urge to redden at the admiring tone, and continued, just as gently, “Precisely. Move away from the light, your shadow is scaring Bucephalus. That’s why he snorted at you. Go towards the wall, where the light won’t hit you, and walk towards me.”
The air seemed to shimmer with the other man’s hope, as he quietly did as Victor instructed, flattening himself against the wall and walking towards Bucephalus and Victor, Bucephalus paying him no mind.
A hush fell as the man finally stood before a disinterested Bucephalus.
The man didn’t move, choosing to stare wide-eyed at the horse. Clearly unclear of his next move.
At the sight of the confusion, Victor carefully took the other man’s hands, repressing his initial surprise at their softness - like they had never held a sword - and placed it lightly upon Bucephalus’s head, right over the white star pattern.
Bucephalus snorted, this time with less hostility than before, and abandoned Victor to sniff at the other man’s pockets, drawing a (adorable) squeak from the man at the movement.
Victor felt warmth curl up in his heart as he watched the other man pet his favourite horse and childhood friend with non-covetous awe, watching the horse like someone laying eyes on the sunset for the first time.  
“You know, in my head, I had always imagined horses to be huge, lumbering beasts of war. But he is quite remarkable, and beautiful, isn’t he? The Basileus must be gifted with extraordinary empathy to be able to recognize a creature in pain, when the rest of the world only saw danger.” The man whispered, still cradling Bucephalus’s head.
Aw, damnation.
Victor The Great, Megas Basileus, Warrior, Macedonian, and now apparently, Stable Master.
Oh, how Yakov would laugh when he heard of this absurd tale.
“You should really be getting out of those clothes, lest you catch a fever tomorrow.” Victor said stiltedly, unable to understand the emotions toiling within him.
The man laughed, a soft, marvelous thing, saying, “I will, in a moment. Just a moment more, if you please.”
Victor resisted the urge to tell him that he would be happy to stand here all night with him, if he wanted, and he stood with him in the quiet bubble they had found themselves in. Until, finally the man broke away with a musical laugh, stepping back.
“I’m ready now.”
Victor mentally shook himself, dispelling the fog that had sunk into his mind, and reached for the bag near Bucephalus, saying, “Fortunately for us, the Macedonians left their luggage here after the battle. This means we have garments to change into. Here. Take this one.”
The other man stepped back, looking alarmed, “But won’t they be upset at us stealing their clothes?”
“I imagine we need them more than they do at this point. The moral high ground is on our side, I assure you. Here.”
The man took the clothes, eyeing the ornate work on it. Victor stayed silent and firmly didn’t tell him that he was currently changing into the Basileus’s own clothes.
He instead pulled out another pair for himself.
Unashamed of their nudity, in true Greek fashion, they started undressing in front of the other.
Victor sighed as he was met with great difficulties trying to unclasp his robes, the water making the expensive garment heavier and cumbersome.
“Would you like some assistance?”
“How should a man be capable of grooming his own horse, or of furbishing his own spear and helmet, if he allows himself to become unaccustomed to tending even his own person, which is his most treasured belonging?” Victor said wryly.
The other man laughed, turning away, back to Victor, kindly looking away as Victor struggled to escape his threaded prison, and said, “If you say so, but help is near, if you find yourself undone by your clothes.”
Victor smiled at the imagery, shaking his head.
The man started pulling off his top.
Victor emerged victorious, and not to be undone in any battle, be it by sword or by tongue, quipped “Yes well, you will find that - ”
Victor stopped short, eyes catching on the birthmark of a wreath on the other man’s exposed right shoulder.
The man turned back askance, at the sudden silence, catching Victor’s wide eyes with his own.
Victor was very aware of his breathing.
“What? No answering quip. Have the cloths finally defeated you?”
Victor fought to keep his emotions out of his face, internally reeling, half-hearing what Yuuri - for this was Yuuri Katsuki, Heir to Hasetsu, of that he was now sure -  had just said. He wondered what he should do next: kill Yuuri as he stood, vulnerable and alone, to strengthen his claim to Hasetsu, or…
The Basileus must be gifted with extraordinary empathy to be able to recognize a creature in pain, when the rest of the world only saw danger.
Victor smiled back.
“There are so many worlds and I have not yet conquered even one. Not even the one in the realm of silk and cotton.” Victor said.
Yuuri laughed, throwing his head back, exposing his throat, “I’m think a man like you could conquer anything he wished to conquer.” He said, amusement lacing his tone.
Victor raised an eyebrow, “You think?”
Those eyes warmed, leaving Victor feeling like he was being watched after by a benevolent sun, and Yuuri said, fondness and certainty mixed with emotions it was surely too soon to be feeling, “No, I know.”
They looked at each other, Victor content to not move and return to a place where they would no longer be able to exist unquestioned. Victor had always considered a world with questions to be the only one he wanted to live in, but now...
Bucephalus whinnied, the sound gently knocking at the door to the new world Victor had just been introduced to.
He emerged, different from who he had been before he had entered it.
“I hope I can borrow some of your courage, for I am to attempt some conquering myself.” Yuuri said softly, determinedly.  
Victor, knowing just who Yuuri intended to conquer, just said, softly, truthfully, “I’m sure no one has the gall to refuse you anything, Beloved. If they do, come and find me, you’ll find that I’m a worthy ally to keep. Now, Let us conduct ourselves so that all men wish to be our friends and all fear to be our enemies.”
Yuuri smiled shyly, and ducking his head, said “Thank you for your support. I will carry it with me as I charge onto my personal battlefield.”
Victor smiled, knowing the moment of truth was very near, and said lightly, “You sound like you’re saying your farewells, Beloved.”
Yuuri looked back with determination and nodded, bowing, “I must take my leave, reluctant as it may be. I hope that you… I wish you the best of health. Be well.”
Victor echoed the farewell, softly, eyes trailing the boy as he walked away, towards the palace.
Victor wondered what Yuuri had been about to say before he changed his mind. He wondered if it meant Yuuri had, just for a moment, wanted to stay in an unquestioning world as well.
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asideoftrashplease · 6 years
Chapter 6 of Just Look Don’t Touch is up!!
Link to AO3
Summary: In which Ice Castle Hasetsu shuts down when Yuuri is seven, he never follows Viktor's career as a kid, and he grows to idolise Viktor (and eventually fall in love) anyway.
Nineteen and full of hope, Katsuki Yuuri starts working at a strip club to fund his dreams of pursuing competitive pole dancing. However, he soon finds that stripping is nothing like he'd expected. At his lowest point, he meets twenty-three year old Viktor Nikiforov, who turns his whole world around in a single act of kindness before retreating back into the world of competitive figure skating. With new funds and new inspiration, Yuuri begins climbing up the pole-dancing ladder with one eye on Viktor Nikiforov's achievements. He knows Viktor Nikiforov is going to make history, and he wants to make history right along with him— but first, he has to learn to overcome the pressures of competitive sports.
Here’s a scene from the chapter:
Yuri adds him on Snapchat after that. He sends videos of practice in St. Petersburg, and videos of Yakov yelling, captioned in grumpy Russian. Even more often, he sends pictures of his cat, a young kitten named Potya.
Through Yuri, Yuuri gets an inside view into life in St. Petersburg. Yuri often videos himself speaking as he walks through the city, as opposed to texting. Yuuri soon learns that it's because he speaks English a lot better than he writes. His written English is limited at best.
It's— nice.
St. Petersburg is a beautiful place. It has a markedly different presence from the electric energy of New York City. Yubileynyy Sports Palace is beautifully located, and through Yuri, Yuuri is often blessed with the sight of long manicured avenues and sprawling lawns against cornflower blue skies, twilight jogs home by the Neva and the sunset over the ornate facade of the Winter Palace.
This is the city that Viktor has made his home, and Yuuri can't help but see him in it, can't help but be fonder of it for that. He can see Viktor strolling through these old stone pavements, stopping for coffee in a small cafe, or walking Makkachin in the park. He knows Viktor Skypes Makkachin through Yuri sometimes. He knows Viktor misses her terribly.
Sometimes, he even imagines himself there alongside Viktor, and has to pry himself from his daydreams. He's still not yet sure how far Viktor wants to take this. Still, he hopes that one day Viktor might take Yuuri to the place he calls home, might walk him down those winding avenues and introduce him to the people he loves.
In the meantime, however, he bides his time counting the silver strands of Viktor’s hair in the light of morning, in the freckles dotting his shoulders, and the way his lashes sweep down over his cheeks in sleep.
He is Viktor’s for as long as Viktor will have him, and that — that is an incredible gift.
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joeys-piano · 6 years
A to Z of Joey
rules: answer all the questions and tag 10 blogs you wanna get to know better. tagged by: @axlaida - hi, peep and @yurioniceaesthetic - what’s up, homie?! this is my second time doing this tag, so i’ll make this post funny A - Age: timeless
B - Birthplace: Mars
C - Current time: 34 degrees closer to sunset
D - Drink you last had: blood of a watermelon
E - Easiest person to talk to: my buddy, Sam, at @porkcutletbowltrash
F - Favourite song: when you’re browsing through some tabs, but don’t know which one is playing music
G - Grossest memory: cleaning a chicken coop
H - Horror yes or horror no: sure, I’ve been known to scare people
I - In love?: it’s hard to live life if you don’t have love
J - Jealous of people?: i’ve learned to let go and care about what’s important to me
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: keep walking. any feeling you feel for someone at first sight is either infatuation or lust kicking in because biology is hardwired so that the human population continues to grow. however, the logic chooses who we choose to love and when we do. we just gotta listen to that little nugget
M - Middle name(s):         (that emptiness is my middle name)
N - Number of siblings: 1
O - One wish: I wish I believed in myself more when I work on fandom-related projects. I’m the first person to put myself down when I try something new, and it’s been a weird game where I’ll trash myself, but still work on something and surprise myself about it. It’s just...hard right now.
P - Person you called last: My bro from another life, Sammy
Q - Question you are always asked: do you know that your graduate gown is a different color? Yes, I do. I knew as soon as I walked into the ceremony.
R - Reason to smile: even a fake smile will release dopamine so that you feel better inside when dark days are ahead
S - Song you sang last: that one song about born to make history
T - Time you woke up: 6:23 a.m. for you morning birds!
U - Underwear colour: why is this for U? why it can’t umbrella or run in the rain?
V - Vacation destination: Hasetsu
W - Worst habit: believing that i am, indeed, inadequate for many of the things that i do/participate in because more experienced people have and will do it better than me, and i’m still pissed about those writers who told me that i should only focus on fluff because they could handle realistic elements and stories better than what i could. that’s just messed up...
X - X-rays: for dental work
Y - Your favourite food: crunchy food
Z - Zodiac sign: the fish one
So since this post was out of humor, I’m not sure if I want to tag people to this. Most of my answers here were pretty strange.
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pandamilo · 7 years
7 for the matchmaker prompts? Otayuri?
“You are my bestfriend and I’m secretly in love with you but if you take the last mini cookie, I will fucking fight you.”
The first time you tell someone youlove them, it’s meant to be special.
Even Yuri can admit it’s meant to besweet and corny, even if his two primary examples of love confession aredisgusting and over the top (but so are the people who said them so, what did youexpect?)
The first time Viktor had actuallysaid I love you, properly to Yuurihad been at sunset when they were visiting Hasetsu and were standing on thebeach. He had taken Yuuri’s face into his hands and whispered it before kissinghim softly (Yuri had gagged as Viktor was making him photograph them when hedecided on this particular “spontaneous moment”). Yuuri hadn’t said it back butthey had made out for long enough that Yuri had ditched them there.
When Yuuri first said I love you everyone was out to dinner inSaint Petersburg and after singing karaoke and dancing stupidly with Viktor. Yuurihad turned to him and turned bright red before getting out his little speech ofI love you so much Vitya (Viktor had cried and the entire bar had cheered, Yurihad ditched them and caught a cab home).
It wasn’t that he had anythingagainst the idiots… that was a lie, they were idiots, but that wasn’t hisactual issue with their very public displays of affection, what he hated was,how easily they could say those words.
Yuri was terrified of saying it in any real compacity to anyone besides hiscat and that was usually just when they were alone.
There was someone Yuri loved thoughand he was determined to admit it the next time they were together if it wasthe last thing he did.
It was like having a secret he reallydidn’t want, it was eating away at him. It was like the words that were meantto make him feel joy, disgustingly sweet, happy and nauseous was now making himfeel, well nauseous, disgusting, dreading his own existence…
So, he was going to do it, eventhough the person he wanted to confess his love to was a stoic Kazakh that hada quick wit, a broad comfortable chest, dark eyes and was an utter geek when itcame right down to it. Oh, and he was also Yuri’s best friend.
After literally years of hanging out,watching movies, debating the inner workings of video games, rp-ing, going onwhat were basically dates but without any of the exciting thrill of thinkingyou might end up making out at the end. Yuri was done, he needed this outbefore he was friendzoned for the rest of his life, pining over someone hecould never have.
Or even worse! Otabek found someonehe liked.
Yuri was fairly sure that would have actuallybeen the end of everything. There was no way he would have been able to stopOtabek from dating someone he liked but Yuri knew he wouldn’t have been able tostay his friend, that would have killed him.
So, Yuri had decided that now thatOtabek was visiting him, Yuri was going to take him out on one of theirnot-dates, sit him down and just tell him everything. Not in the disgustinglycorny way the old man and the pig had said it but in a way that seemed nice andrestrained for Yuri.
That is, of course, not whathappened.
Instead, Yuri had blurted it out in afit of fear and anger in defence of the last double choc-chip cookie withwalnuts and a chocolate coating on the bottom. And they were mini, like who eatssomeone else’s mini cookie,seriously?
“You are my bestfriend and I’m secretly in love with you but if you take the last mini cookie, I will fucking fight you.”
So, there’s Yuri, having just threatenedhis best friend with the most awful confession in the history of the world andOtabek was simply just staring at him, hand hovered over the cookie with anexpression that was starting to make Yuri feel physically ill.
So, Yuri did the only reasonable courseof action, picked up the cookie and shoved the entire thing in his mouth andcontinued to stare down his best friend.
“You love me back?” Otabek’s eyebrowswere crinkled together in confusion and his head had tilted to the left makinghim look like a confused puppy without the flopped over ear.
Yuri choked on the cookie, nearlypropelling crumbs and cookie debris onto their tiny table in the middle of a(thankfully) mostly empty café.
What Yuri was apparently unaware of,since he had been concentrating so hard on figuring out on how to tell Otabekthat he loved him, he had been staring intently at the last cookie, hence whyhe had gone at him when Otabek had attempted to take it.
What Yuri missed from being so caughtup in himself, was that Otabek had just confessed that he was in love with Yuribut didn’t want to ruin their friendship. When Yuri had not replied but hadcontinued to have a staring contest with a cookie, Otabek had felt compelled toeat it out of need to do something other than feel dreadful.
There they were, two best friends whohad just confessed to each other in a way that was so completely unique to themthat Yuri had gulped down the rest of the cookie and started laughing. Otabekjoined in a few seconds late and they both ended up with tears in their eyes.
“You’re a dork.” Otabek muttered,smiling at Yuri.
“You love me.” Yuri replied with thesame thing he always did whenever Otabek teased him.
“I really do, Yura.” Otabek’s voicewas louder then normal, eyes intent on Yuri’s face, waiting for his reaction.
“Love you too, idiot.”
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kasumi-chou · 7 years
Yuuri let out a small yawn as he stretched his feet out in front of him, basking in the soft midday sun on the engawa – ‘Ohhhh, is that what the Japanese porch is called?’ Victor had questioned the first time he had used the word.
He perked up curiously as he heard the door gently open behind him.
“Yurasha~” Victor whined, stepping up behind him, “Yuuko said that I have to watch the sunset from the base of Hasetsu castle before I leave!”
He leant backwards on his hands to stare up at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay?” he responded hesitantly, earning a bright smile in response.
“Tonight,” Victor clarifies, causing him to blink up at his boyfriend in surprise for a moment before frowning.
“But what about-” he started, only to trail off when Victor waved a hand at him.
“Your parents have already agreed to watch Yurochka for us for a couple of hours,” Victor ensured him.
“But-” he started, only for Victor to shake his head.
“Yes, I already talked to Yurochka and he knows. Mari organised for us to go out for dinner before sunset, so, we have to go,” Victor started before leaning down to press a kiss against his forehead.
“Dress nice and don’t wear your ugly tie,” Victor told him brightly before disappearing through the door he had just appeared through.
He sat there a moment, staring after his boyfriend before shaking his head with a sigh.
“My tie isn’t ugly,” he mumbled to himself as he turned back towards the garden.
“Papa, you look pretty.”
Yuuri turned towards the door, where Yuri stood - staring at him with wide, curious eyes.
“Pretty?” he questioned, “Good pretty?” Yuri huffed at him while wandering towards him.
“Pretty is always good,” Yuri insisted. He chuckled while reaching over to ruffle the boy’s hair, “But not that tie.” He let out a groan as he brought a hand up to his tie.
“What is wrong with my tie?” he mumbled. Yuri walked over to his suitcase and started going through it. He smiled to himself, watching as all his clothes were pulled out or pushed around - ensuring that he would have to organise his suitcase later - until the six-year-old found what he was looking for.
“This one,” Yuri declared while holding a tie high into the air. He raised an eye at the tie that was mainly black, with a picture of a tiger on the front surrounded by flames.
“That one?” he questioned hesitantly, wondering how the tie got into his suitcase because he didn’t recognise it at all.
“Yeah,” Yuri said, walking over to hand him the tie. He carefully slipped off his so called ‘ugly’ tie and replaced it with the tiger one Yuri insisted he wear. He stared at himself in the mirror, still unconvinced on the tie.
“I don’t know, Yurochka,” he mumbled while running a hand over the tie to help it lay flat. Yuri let out a dramatic sigh, which earned his attention immediately. The boy slumped on the bed with a pout on his lips.
“I like that tie,” Yuri mumbled. He bit back a chuckle as he gently undid the tie from around his neck and sat down on the bed beside Yuri.
“Do you want to wear the tie?” he asked, earning a gasp of delight as the boy bolted upright.
“YES!” Yuri shouted in excitement. He smiled as he gently wrapped the tie around the boy's neck and did it up properly.
“There you go,” he said, moments before his arms were filled of the excited boy.
“Thank you, papa,” Yuri said happily before jumping off the bed and hurrying out of the room, “I’m gonna show Vicchan!” Leaving him alone to figure out what he was going to wear if he wasn’t allowed to wear his favourite tie.
“Ninjas! Really?” Victor gasped in delight as they slowly came to a stop at the base of the Hasetsu castle with their hands laced together, a few minutes before the sun properly started to set.
Dinner had been nice, just a simple meal at one of the local restaurants who seemed more than happy to cater to his foreign boyfriend. As simple as it was, Victor had been entranced by everything. The restaurant decorations, the food presentation, the overall politeness of their waitress - it was rather endearing.
He smiled softly as he nodded his head at his boyfriend question. Victor let out a gasp of delight before suddenly letting go of his hand and stepping in front of him, shoving a phone into his now free hand as he moved.  
“Take a picture! I’ll have to show Yakov!” Victor demanded while posing. He rolled his eyes by unlocked his boyfriend's phone and started snapping a few pictures.
“How do I look?” Victor asked, while purposely winking at him.
“As gorgeous as ever,” he said without thinking while tilting the camera to the side a little to try and get the last ray of sunlight to light to highlight Victor’s hair.
“You think I’m gorgeous?” Victor asked, causing him to pause and look up from the phone. He let out a small cough of embarrassment, hoping that his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.
“Always,” he mumbled while turning back to the phone in his hands. Victor stood there, staring at him with his head tilted to the side, a look on his face that he could only describe as love written on his face.
“I think you are the gorgeous one,” Victor said while moving towards him. He barely had time to move the camera before he found himself wrapped up in Victor’s arm, pushed nice and tightly against the skaters chest.
“No,” he mumbled while wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist, smiling to himself as he felt more than heard Victor’s responding chuckle.
“Oh,” Victor gasped suddenly, causing him to pull back to look up at his boyfriend. Victor gaze was focused on something behind him, causing him to shift around to see that the sun had begun to set.
Hasetsu had already begun to glow a soft purple colour from the setting sun, highlighting all the sakura petals that were still falling from their trees.
“Yuuko was right, I had to see this,” Victor said while gently letting go of him and moving closer to the hailing.
It was like all the air had left his lungs as he stood there staring at his boyfriend’s back.
It was almost like the gods were highlighting him, pointing the fading light of the sun on Victor as sakura petals surrounded him - to the point that a few got stuck in his hair.
Victor let out a soft laugh that set his heart racing as he gently ruffled his hair, trying to dislodge the petals.
If he could pause any moment in time, he would greedily pick this moment in a heartbeat.
“This is just incredible, Yurasha! The lighting and the petals and the...” Victor’s voice faded as he turned back to him, “Yurasha, what are you doing on the ground!”
He swallowed nervously as he knelt on the ground in front of his boyfriend, gently opening the box clutched tightly in his hands, “Victor Nikiforov,” he started before pausing to take a shaky breath.
He had practiced this for what felt like months, going over and over everything he wanted to say but at the exact moment he had to deliver, he couldn’t remember anything he had planned.
“Victor Nikiforov,” he started again, “Before we meet, I… I never thought I would fall in love. I-I-I thought I would be alone forever with only Yuri… and then I met you. You, who welcomed not only me but my child into your life, showering us with gift after gift... I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you for all the things you have done for me - For buying me a house, for giving Yuri a future to strive towards, and for most importantly, showing me what true love is. So, Victor Nikiforov, I know I don’t deserve you, but will you marry me?”
“No,” Victor said, shaking his head. He slowly dropped his gaze to the ground at the sudden rejection, fighting back tears. Had he been confusing the signs? Had Victor not wanted to marry him after all?
“Yuuri,” Victor mumbled while gently grabbing his face in both his hands, “How could you think that you don’t deserve me?” The Russia mumbled while starting to rub gentle circles into his cheek.
“You have given me so, so much. Love, affection, reason. All my gifts are me trying to thank you for everything you have done for me, Yurasha. Please do not think you are undeserving of me. The truth is, I am undeserving of you. I was meant to be the one proposing, lyubimyy. I want meant to buy you a pretty ring, and organise a fancy proposal with a violin or something,” Victor told him before chuckling softly, “Of course I’ll marry you, Yuuri Katsuki. I would want nothing more.” He barely had a moment to process Victor’s words before he was pulled to his feet and into a deep kiss.
“He’s out cold.”
Yuuri couldn’t help but chuckle as Victor moved towards Yuri, who was slumped over one of the dining tables, fast asleep.
“He wanted to wait up to say goodnight to you two,” Mari mumbled as he wiped down some of the nearby tables.
“Do you recognize that jumper, Yuuri?” his mother asked while appearing in the doorway that lead to the kitchen. He glanced towards her before turning back to his son as Victor carefully scooped the boy up into his arms.
“Oh, is that my ‘Y’ jumper?” he asked, earning a hum of confirmation.
“We found it while clearing out the old storage room,” his mother said, smiling brightly at him.
“I think it is bedtime,” Victor said softly while gently brushing some of the hair out of Yuri’s face.
“For who?” Mari questioned, earning a chuckle from Victor.
“All of us, I think,” Victor said before holding out a hand towards him. He smiled as the ring wrapped around his finger glimmered slightly in the light.
He still couldn’t wrap his head around it.
Victor had said yes. He was officially engaged to Victor Nikiforov.
“Yes, yes,” his mother piped up, “It is late. You two should head off to bed.” His mother waved them off. He smiled and wished his mother and sister a good night while accepting Victor’s hand and lacing their fingers together.
“I didn’t realise how late it was,” Victor said as they made their way towards their bedrooms.
“You wanted to walk along the beach,” he pointed out, earning a soft chuckle in response.
“I like walking along the beach with you,” Victor said while giving his hand a gentle squeeze before they came to a stop outside their bedroom. He opened his mouth to offer to put Yuri to bed when Victor rose his hand and planted a gentle kiss on it.
“Go get ready for bed, I’ll tuck this one in,” Victor said softly. He stood there a moment before nodding his head. He moved forwards to plant a gentle kiss onto Yuri’s cheek before heading into his bedroom to get ready for bed while Victor tucked Yuri in.
He let out a small yawn as he rummaged through his suitcase for something comfortable to wear to bed, only to give up after a moment of searching to go through his boyfriend - correction, fiancée’s – suitcase instead. He pulled the first shirt he found over his head before crawling into bed.
“So, I just realised a small problem,” Victor said while entering the room and starting to get ready for bed himself.
“And that is?” he asked while taking his glasses off and setting them to the side.
“You don’t have a ring,” Victor said, sounding rather upset with his realisation.
“Oh,” he mumbled, “Um, I think it is the front pocket of my suitcase?” Victor made a small noise from the back of this throat while starting to go through his suitcase, after a moment he cried out in success.
“You bought two rings?” Victor questioned while joining him in bed.
“They are a matching set,” he said softly while gently grabbing Victor’s hand and slipping the ring off his finger.
“If you,” he started before taking the second ring from Victor’s palm, “put them together, the pattern on the inside make a picture,” he explained while showing Victor the snowflake that the two rings created when put together.
“It’s perfect,” Victor mumbled softly in awe.
“I thought you would like it,” he mumbled while grabbing his fiancée’s hand and gently slipping the ring back into place. Before he could slip the other ring onto his own finger, Victor gently took it from his hands.
“Yuuri Katsuki,” Victor started, causing him to blink in surprise, “Before you came into my life, I was nothing but a depressed man trying to find a reason to live. You have not only given me a reason to live, but you also give me something to look forward to whenever I come home. It isn’t just you who has stolen my heart, but your son, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that you and Yuri have to best lives I can possible give you. So, Yuuri, lyubimyy, Yurasha, will you do me the honour and marry me?”
He stared at his fiancées with wide eyes for a moment before shoving Victor’s shoulder gently.
“Hey, I already proposed,” he mumbled, pouting at his boyfriend. Victor snorted out a laugh while grabbing his right hand and slipping the ring into place.
“I know, but I just wanted you to hear the rough draft of my proposal speech, seeing as I don’t need it anymore,” Victor mumbled while raising his hand up to his lips to press a kiss against the top of his hand.
“It was better than mine,” he sighed while lifting the blankets up beside him, inviting his fiancée to join him under the sheets.
“I don’t know, I rather liked yours. ‘I don’t know how I will ever repay you’, I can think of a number of ways you can repay me honestly.” He gasped at the smirk that came across Victor’s lips.
“Vitya!” he said while shoving his fiancée away from him, “I can’t believe you. We are in my parents’ house!”
“I didn’t mean now, Yurasha,” Victor laughed cheerfully while wrapping him up in a hug and tugging him down into a lying position.
“We will have a lifetime together to repay each other, lyubimyy, we don’t have to do anything now,” Victor ensured him.
“A lifetime,” he repeated softly, before tilting his head up to stare at his boyfriend, “I like the sound of that.”
Skater Next Door AU
AO3 Skater Next Door 
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n3rdlif343va · 7 years
Do u do prompts ? Cuz if u do... Vampire Victor & ice seller (its how u say it ?) Yuuri.
Alright with a little bit of clarification, I am happy to bring you this little ficlet ;)
Vampires were supposed to love blood. His family had been telling him for centuries that his tastes for human foods, especially sweets, made no sense considering his origins, but Victor simply didn’t care. Blood always came with a hint of iron, no matter where it originated from, and the taste had grown dull to him over the years. Human food, different everywhere he went in the world, had far greater variety.
His desires for flavor, in food and life, left him the family outcast. He had separated from them over ten years ago, never looking back as he began his quest to find a place to call home.
It changed every few years. He would find himself strolling along the streets of St. Petersburg or taking in the sites in Barcelona, but Victor could never find a sense of peace. Nowhere he had been felt like home and Victor found himself missing a place he had never found.
By chance, he ended up in Hasetsu, a sleepy town with a dormant castle looking over it. The beach was peaceful and the nights were long, giving Victor the perfect opportunity to explore the town without the need to constantly hide from the offending sun.
The days when the fog rolled in, thick and covering the town like a wool blanket, Victor would venture out early, covering every part of his skin with long coats and broad hats. He had discovered a rhythm to this place, slow and steady, without the need to rush between destinations. It was as close to home as Victor had ever been.
He had rescued a companion, a brown fluffy beast who he suspected was not the dog he was pretending to be. They lived together in harmony in an abandoned inn at the edge of town. The townsfolk assumed he had made the unfortunate mistake of purchasing the place, and no one ever questioned his arrival or his decision to stay. Despite his odd hours, he had become a staple among the townsfolk and the desire to remain increased with every sunset.
On one of his nightly walks, belly full of local cuisine and liquor sloshing in his brain, Victor heard the soft tinkling of a musical cadence. Following the noise, he came upon a truck, decorated blue and black and plastered with pictures of various frozen treats. The sweet teeth that existed as Victor’s hidden fangs vibrated with the anticipation of the sticky sweetness. All the ice cream shops and bakeries closed in the early parts of the afternoon, leaving them inaccessible and Victor full of desire for a proper treat. Eagerly stepping up to the side of the truck, Victor barely withheld a gasp at the heavenly sight in front of him.
A young man with flawless skin and ink black hair was teasing a little girl as he delivered her bright pink cone. His brown eyes were plain in color, but the humor Victor saw there made his still heart seem to flutter. When those eyes turned his way, Victor felt himself fall for the nameless stranger.
“Hi!” Yuuri called from the window of the truck, barely containing the gasp that wanted to escape him. The stranger was stunning, the type of attractive that would leave men and women praying for an ounce of his attention. Moonlight catching in his silver hair and the shimmering lights of the ice cream truck dancing in his icy blue eyes, made the man an irresistible force of pure lust. Swallowing hard, Yuuri attempted to hold the gaze burning into his own. “Can I get you something?”
“What’s good?” Victor asked, stepping forward to rest his elbows on the drop down counter. He was a breath away from Yuuri and could smell the enticing sweetness of the ice cream mixing with the smell of sulfur and something else Victor couldn’t place. His heart told him the man smelled like home, while his brain told him to stop being an idiot.
“May I suggest…” Yuuri leaned back into the truck, using the moment to gather himself. The smooth skin, the lines of muscle flexing in Victor’s arms, and the beautiful smirk playing across Victor’s lips had left him speechless. Humans shouldn’t be allowed to be so gorgeous, Yuuri thought to himself, filling a cup to the brim with cherry red ice. “Cherry ice. It’s sweet and a little tangy.” Pushing the cup toward Victor, Yuuri remained a half a step away from the counter. “Free since it is your first visit to Eros Treats. I’m Yuuri, by the way.” Running a hand through his hair, Yuuri adjusted the glasses on his nose. The lens had been replaced with fake glass years ago, but he continued to use them to throw off anyone who would suspect his change in mortality.
“Victor,” he responded, greedily accepting the offer without hesitation. “How do you know this is my first time?” Victor carefully licked the top of his ice, never breaking eye contact with Yuuri. He loved watching the blush spread over Yuuri’s cheeks and deliberately took his time devouring the very top of the shaved ice.
“I…” stuttering, Yuuri glanced around Victor and wondered why no other customers had approached the truck. Sighing, he again fiddled with the hairs at the back of his neck. “I definitely would have noticed you if you had been here before.” Taking a chance, Yuuri leaned himself back onto the counter. When Victor stepped closer again, Yuuri barely held back his yelp.
“Well, nice to meet you, Yuuri. I love sweets, but it seems that you are the only one who sells them at this hour.” Finishing his last bite, realizing how quickly he had consumed every drop of syrup and frozen shavings, Victor flushed down at his cup. His flush deepened when Yuuri reached for his trash and their fingers brushed together momentarily.
“Sundown is when you will find me,” Yuuri twisted to throw the cup away and startled when he turned to find Victor sucking the syrup from his own fingers. Wordlessly, Yuuri passed Victor a stack of napkins. “I work over at the Yu-topia onsen with my family during the day.” Not that he was ever outside during those hours, but Yuuri felt no reason to share this information with Victor.
“Sundown is perfect,” Victor winked, purposely letting his fingers trace over Yuuri’s hand as he accepted the napkins. “I shall see you tomorrow then?” Lingering over his admiration of Yuuri’s adorable face, Victor finally stepped back to preserve his own dignity. Something about the man made him want to sing sonnets under the moonlight. 
“I hope so!” Yuuri called to Victor’s back, raising a hand in a wave that was quickly returned by Victor’s long fingers flicking into the air. He plunked back onto the stool, feeling the excitement of something new. It had been a long time since he had felt anything at all, and Yuuri could only pray that Victor would return the next day.
Looking back only briefly, Victor began to whistle as he made his way down the road. He had been searching for centuries for a place of his own, a place that he could call home, and he knew, without a doubt, that he had finally found it in a pair of plain brown eyes under a mop of messy black hair.
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willag42 · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfic Recs with Reviews  ["F” Authors]
Note: Doing some major reformating of the YOI fanfic rec pages. The pages that include my reviews are now having the posts separated alphabetically by author (see below). I am also creating separate page(s) that allow filtering the fanfics by category. It's a work in progress, but I'm having fun with it.
This page includes my YOI fanfic recs (with reviews) for authors whose names begin with "F".
Note: For any authors whom I don't know the gender, I refer to them with they/them. If any authors wish to correct me, please do so.
AUTHORS REC PAGES: #0-9 -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z
Refer to this masterlist for all of my YOI fanfic recs.
Fahye (@fahye)
Rating: Teen Words: 22.9k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Space AU; Alternate sports AU; Ballisting - fictional sport; Royalty AU ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: "No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win." ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: One of the reasons I fell in love with YOI so hard is because it is about ice skating. It is beautiful, graceful, athletic, about creating a performance, and each competitor's main source of conflict is themselves (which I prefer to rival stories where your main source of conflict is other people - I'd rather the focus be on bettering yourself and overcoming your weaknesses). So when fanfics move away from that setting, they have to have some other grab to it. This story is also sports story, but it's about a (as far as I know) made-up sport called ballisting that is very similar to ice skating in that it's beautiful, graceful, athletic, about creating a performance, and each competitor's main source of conflict is themselves... except it occurs in zero G's. It's gorgeous! And major props to Fahye for creating such a gorgeous sport. The plot is similar to the anime, with some key differences being that Victor is royalty and ballisting only has one major competition that is mainly performed by royalty, which Yuuri wouldn't normally qualify for. Also, Victor and Yuuri's relationship has a decidedly more romantic route. In addition to Stargazer, Fahye has written a sequel, Gravity, that focuses on Otayuri with some Victuuri on the side. Otayuri is not normally my style, but the story is still worth the read for the continuing storyline (which has more politics that the first), the ballisting, and the side Victuuri (who start planning for children, d'aww). Overall, an amazing "other sport" story, probably the best one out there.
fangirlandiknowit (@fangirlandiknowit101)
I see the universe in your eyes
Rating: Teen Words: 21.4k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Space AU; Captain Victor; Captain-in-training Yuuri ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Before Yuuri realizes what’s happening, he’s been kissed by Viktor Nikiforov. It's a small kiss, but Viktor's lips are soft and dry, brushing over his slow enough that he can feel the tingle of it for minutes afterwards. It was a kiss, and- If Yuuri wins, he can ask for another. Maybe more than one, even. (Maybe he’ll ask for as many kisses as there are stars in the universe.) ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: This is a fun, light-hearted, sci-fi adventure one-shot that starts off with a bang: Viktor, space Captain extraordinaire, is stranded on a ship ready to explode after a space pirate attack, and Yuuri, Academy trainee, saves his life. Viktor is smitten and proceeds to constantly invade Yuuri's space, while Yuuri is flabbergasted with his idol's attention. The test for becoming Captain of his own ship is coming up and Yuuri is anxious yet determined to get first. (And then he proceeds to destroy all records). Sweet and charming, this is the perfect fic if you needed a dose of infatuated Victor, successful Yuuri, drunken dancing, and mutual pining.
feelslikefire (@feels-like-fire)
Rating: Explicit Words: 43.7k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Canon divergent; Time loop AU; Groundhog Day AU-ish; Sochi GPF ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: A story where Victor learns to appreciate his life and his loved ones and not take any of them for granted. The story follows similar to the structure of the Groundhog Day movie, where things initially take a turn for the worse (though Victor never gets to the point of committing suicide) before he makes a conscious effort at improving his life. And falling in love with Yuuri is a big factor in this change. Different from the movie, falling in love with Yuuri and having Yuuri fall for him isn't the trigger to finally stop the loops - in fact, his relationship with Yuuri is the first thing he tackles. They're able to develop the start of a loving relationship that Victor fights for with every loop before he finally learns to appreciate everything else around him. Also different from the movie, the story provides some explanation for the time loops, alluding to Baba Yaga, a creative bit of Russian mythology added to the mix. The story also gives a full chapter after the loops have ended to show how everything has impacted Victor's life, what he's learned, and what he still needs to improve upon, which I really appreciate seeing. Overall, a wonderful, romantic, positive story.
forochel (@forochel)
say not a word; I can hear you
Rating: Teen Words: 20.9k Status: Work In Progress Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Pacific Rim AU ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: "He was from Hasetsu," Chris tells him quietly. "Oh." Caught mid-laugh is a slight, young man with kind, brown eyes. He's soft all around where edges should be, nothing like - nothing like a Ranger. "You think he's gone back there? Really?" There's a pause, Chris spinning his spanner around his knuckles. He shrugs. "I dunno, Yuuri's always had a streak of crazy in him. So. Maybe." ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: Pacific Rim is one of my favorite movies, and seeing Yuuri and Victor in the lead roles with their own unique Jaeger is awesome. I hope this story eventually has an ending, because it's a fun read.
The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On
Rating: Teen Words: 36.1k Status: Complete Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Tags: Merpeople AU; Archaeology; Nerdiness; Fluff ❤❤❤❤❤  Summary: Katsuki Yuuri, an archaeology post-grad, gets drunk on a remote beach on Rebun Island, Hokkaido. It's sunset, and he's about to discover a whole new world. ❤❤❤❤❤  Review: AKA: The best Victuuri mermaid AU with 314% more accurate archeology. That’s a whole fucking heap-load of archeology, and my head, though aching with all the research done to help understand terminology and concepts, still says thanks because I love learning such things. And I love how Yuuri and Victor are passionate and knowledgeable about such things, and transcend cultures on that shared passion to create a heartfelt relationship.
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You know the shower pic from ED in which they're splashing water happily? I want the beach episode they cut from the show! (Victor in a skimpy speedo am I right??)
AAAA HELLO! I want you to know that the Skimpy Speedo!Viktor is the more accurate headcanon I had ever heard. 
I don’t know if you wanted them to be at Hasetsu’s beach…but I changed it a bit! They went on vacation together :D (honeymoon, maybe?) Thanks for requesting! 
“What do you meanit isn’t a nudist beach??“
"Viktor, we talked about this”
“But Yuuri…I don’t want to get a tan line!”
“Love, I don’t know where the nearest nudist beach is,but I don’t think it’s anywhere near”
“Any beach can be a nudist beach if you try hardenough”
“Please, Viktor, all I ask for is peaceful holidays. Idon’t want to get arrested”
“Well, I’ll take my speedo then”
“Honey, no”
 Viktor packed his favorite red speedo. The skimpiest one,with a material so thin it let little to imagination. And Yuuri felt readyburry himself some few kilometers under the hot sand.
“Yuuri! Babe! Look at Makka splashing on the water!!Take us a picture!!”
The entirety of the beach was staring at him. How couldn’tthey? Not every day you get to see someone as hot as Viktor fricking Nikiforovalmost completely naked. Unless, of course, you are his husband. And instead ofstaring, his husband was shamefully covering his eyes.
“Viktor, put something on please”
“What’s the matter?” he asked, titling his headinnocently like a little kid, but pointing at his crotch at the same time“it’s completely covered!”
“Viktor, it jiggles”
“No it doesn’t!” he snorted, completely ignoringhis husbands pleads, and the curious eyes of almost every other human at theshore’s area “Come on Makka!! Let’s go to the sea!!”
As Yuuri saw him running towards the water with the dog, heconfirmed that it did, indeed, jiggle.
 After a while though, when Viktor got himself deeper intothe sea and let the water censor his holy parts, Yuuri calmed down a bit.
Unlike his husband, he wasn’t really a fan of exhibitionism,and he preferred to stay clothed for the occasion. Of course he was wearing histrunks, but his short-sleeved sweatshirt never left his body, and the mysterynovel he had been reading never let his curious fingers.
“Yuuri, come swim with me!” Viktor called out forhim from the sea, spitting a mouthful of salty water “The water is lovely!Aren’t you hot?”
“Uhm not really” He kind of was though, and thesmall drops of sweat beginning to form at his hairline gave him away“Maybe in a while”
“Nooo but, babe! I want to swim with you!”
“And I want my butt to stay sand-less, thank you verymuch”
“Yuuri!!” The water was rather wavy that day, andas Viktor complained, a wave hit him on the back of the head and got himchoking on horrible sea water. Of course, Yuuri laughed “That’s not funny!”
“Believe me, it is” He said, putting his bookapart on the sand.
“Are you going to swim with me or what?” Viktorinsisted, and Makkachin barked behind him approvingly.
“I don’t know…”
“Come on!!”
Yuuri sighed, giving up, and taking off his glasses.
“Yes!! You’ll see how nice and fresh the wateris!!”
He let the cloth of his sweatshirt slide down his arms, andhe suddenly felt vulnerable. Viktor was right, any beach could be a nude beachsince, right then, Yuuri felt naked. He knew he wasn’t in a tight, flashyspeedo, but he also knew his body wasn’t as pleasing to look at as was Viktor’swas. Viktor didn’t have stretchmarks, Viktor didn’t have that little lump offat between his hip and his ribs he just COULDN’T get rid of, and Viktor’s skinhad neither pimples nor hair in awkward places. Viktor’s skin was flawless,pale and smooth, reflecting the sun with more intensity than the water, makinghim shine like some kind of treasure the current had pushed to the shore. Hewas beautiful. Waiting for him, with the water hanging around his hips, thewaves hitting his back every now and then and leaving a halo of white foamaround his stomach. White, but not as white as the blinding shine of his hair,and the perfect teeth of his heart-shaped smile.
“It’s cold” Yuuri shivered, head sunk between histense shoulders, and a foot beginning to test the waters.
“No it’s not!” Viktor reached his arms forwards forhim “Come on, don’t be a chicken!”
“Ugh I’m not a chicken” the way he wrapped hisarms around his own body, covering from both the cold and the stares, saidotherwise.
“Prove it, then” Viktor took his hand in his,slowly pulling him forwards and deeper into the sea “See? It’s not thatbad”
Yuuri hissed, from the cold of the water reaching thesensitivity of his crotch and his stomach, and the freezing skin of hishusband’s hands. Hands, that as soon as he was close enough, sunk their fingerson the flesh of his hips. Grabbing him, pulling him closer, forcing him intothe fresh embrace of the ocean.
A small wave raised the water’s level almost all the way uptheir chests, and Yuuri threw himself onto Viktor’s arms, clinging from hisshoulders like a kitten thrown in a bathtub, trying to keep himself as dry aspossible.
“Easy there” Viktor giggled, taking advantage ofthe situation by hugging him close against his chest “You’ll get used toit, you just need to…” he cupped a handful of water in his hand, andsplashed it on top of his dark hair “…get a bit wet!”
“Ah, fuck!” Yuuri yelped, jumping in his place,but never getting away from the embrace “I hate you!”
“You don’t” Viktor chuckled softly and pushed hishair back “You love me”
Yuuri hummed, clinging onto him with his life, wanting toabsorb the heat under his freezing skin.
Makkachin got out of the sea and shook the water away,deciding to nap on the warm sand instead,  yet always keeping a guardian eye on hisowners from afar.
“See? Even Makka is cold” Yuuri mocked.
“No he’s not. He’s just giving us some privacy” Hesmirked and planted salty kiss on his mouth, letting the lulling sway of thewaves rock them to their gentle beat.
Yuuri felt an awkward clash of temperatures, from thecoldness of the sea and Viktor’s icy skin, and its contrast with the swellingheat of his mouth and the blush beginning to spread on his own cheeks. Onlythen, pressed so close against him, feeling the naked skin of his thighsagainst him, he remembered they were almost naked. Only then, he began to getthe tingles of modesty in him. And, only then, he could allow himself to turnthat modesty into excitement, heat, the sensuality of the encounter and theroaming hands on his skin.
He deepened the kiss, greedily, wanting more of thatbittersweet shame that tasted so good on his lips. Of course, Viktor complied,kneeling a little bit and sinking their bodies further into the water, enjoyinghow Yuuri heated up the touch in response to the cold. He was overwhelmed.High, on the smothering hum of the ocean, the scent of salt and seaweed, submergedinto the surreal reality that was their wet, slippery skins.
When Viktor’s lips aimed for his neck, however, Yuuri had toprotest.
“Hmm, we should leave that for later” he saidagainst his own will “when we get back to the cottage”
“Why?” Viktor didn’t stop, at all, as he didn’treally got more objections “We are quite far from the shore”
“You never know when a snorkeling kid will pop up rightbeside you” They laughed and pressed the cold tips of their noses together“But I promise that, once we get back to our room…” he leaned intohis ear, and heated his breath on purpose as he whispered “…you won’twant to keep that speedo on any longer”
None of them was cold anymore. At all.
 When the sun began to set, the couple decided to go for awalk through the shore. They held hands, occasionally swinging their arms backand forth, or picking up the nicest seashells they came across the way. Becauseof the sandy wind (and maybe a bit of Yuuri’s pleads) Viktor had put on and oldshirt, long enough to cover the speedo. Needless to say, his husband wasgrateful. And  so they both enjoyed the dreamlikeparadise, that perfect entelechy: the roars of the waves and the coast’s windblowing on their ears, the soft sand under their feet, and the thin layer ofwater reflecting the sunset, making them feel like they were splashing on amirror. 
Makkachin was right behind them, his curly hair a mess, tangledand hardened by the sand.
They walked absentmindedly, way too lost in the moment tocheck the time. And, by the moment they realized, they were a few kilometersaway from their beach umbrella.
“Hmm, we should get back” Yuuri let go of his handto hug him by the waist instead, resting his head on his shoulder “nightis about to fall”
“Yeah, you are right” Viktor kissed the top of hishead, feeling the exhaustion of the day beginning to kick in, as they turnedaround to walk the way back. Of course, Makkachin follow obediently “I’msort of tired”
“Me too. I can’t wait to get to the cottage andbathe…I have sand literally everywhere”
Viktor chuckled, tracing his fingers gently through the skinof his forearm.
“Maybe we can shower together” he gripped hisshoulder tighter, massaging it a bit, sensually “How does thatsound?”
“Pretty good” Yuuri purred, looking upwards andonto the beautiful sunset. But he wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking atthe glint of Viktor’s eyes, reflecting the last rays of sun. He was looking atthe pink and orange lights tainting his messy hair like watercolors. He waslooking at his smile, how genuinely pleased he looked, at ease, so much calmerthan during practices and competitions. He was suddenly filled with a randomsprout of love, bubbling and burning, almost painful, and he just had to stop middle track and kiss him.
He did it slowly, sweetly, titling his head to the side andletting his lips mold to Viktor’s, lose their shape and their shame, as hemelted onto the touch.
However, as he took his hands to cup his cheeks, heimmediately retracted them and broke the kiss, looking at Viktor with buggedeyes.
“Honey, your face!” he touched it again, this timewith his knuckles “It’s burning!!”
“Is it?” Viktor blinked, taking his own hand tohis forehead “I don’t feel it”
“Viktor…did you use sunblock?”
“Oh my fucking god” Yuuri sunk his head in his hands,already picturing his husband as red as a ripe tomato, not even beginning totell where the speedo ended anymore “Your skin will turn so red in a fewhours!! It’ll peel!!”
“It won’t, trust me! I know my skin!”
“Love, your skin is so thin and pale! It’ll hurt…a lot!”
Viktor snorted, rolling his eyes, and continued to walk hisway to the cottage.
Yuuri didn’t know if he should laugh or cry out of theinevitable “I told you so” frustration, as he squeezed more aloe cream onto hishand and rubbed it on his husbands back. He decided to go for the first option,and laugh through all the process.
“Stay still, Vitya” He giggled. Was he teasing him? Viktordidn’t know, he just suffered “it won’t feel better if you don’t treat it”
“I look like a shrimp” Viktor whined, looking at the bright,furious read all over his skin. He pressed a finger on his arm, watching howthe white print of his fingers turned pinkish once again as he let go “Ouch! Ihate this!!”
“You said you didn’t want to get a tan line?” Yuuri took a mischievousfinger to the elastic of Viktor’s boxers, and pulled it down a little to reveala blinding-white pale butt.
“Hey!!” He tried to slap his hands away, but the contacthurt and his husband laughed even harder “You are so mean to me!!”
“You should have listened to me this morning when I told youto use sunblock” He fondly kissed his cheek, and watched the white stamp of hislips drawing on the hot skin “You still look cute though”
“I do??” Viktor smiled, full of hope.
“Well, cute for a shrimp”
thanks for reading yay!
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justrae2010 · 7 years
Perfect Strangers
Phichuuri Week Day 5 - Childhood Friends AU
The gravel scratched at Yuuri’s palms as he crawled along the playground by the school gate, knees already a bloody mess. He hoped his mother wouldn’t be mad at the blood on his socks. She would probably be more mad about the lost glasses though.
He sniffled at the thought, rubbing over his eyes with the black sleeve of his school jacket. It came back wet.
Stupid J.J, he thought with a quivering lip. The Canadian transfer student had barged past Yuuri in his rush to get home and hadn’t even bothered to look back when he’d knocked Yuuri to the ground in his haste. At least, Yuuri didn’t think he had. He hadn’t been able to see - his glasses had gone flying. He’d heard the crack of them hitting the floor though, sounding alarmingly sharp.
He’d been on his hands and knees for what felt like hours now, scouring the playground for any trace of his glasses. Even if the lens had shattered, if he could just salvage the frames...
“What are you doing?”
Yuuri blinked up. A maroon coloured shadow hung over him, topped with a mop of jet black. Maroon... the colour of Fujioka Elementary’s uniform, the school just around the corner.
And did the kid have a cell phone? Yuuri may not be able to see it but he had certainly heard it, recognising the familiar click from his sister’s iPhone. A frown nudged into his brow, his tears temporarily forgotten. “Did… did you take a picture of me?”
He couldn’t see. He really did have amazingly poor eyesight, the world little more than blurring mashes of colour beyond a few inches in front of his face. Even the kid standing over him was little more beyond his stark dark hair and distinct school jacket. Black trousers connected the maroon to the playground floor, and was his skin a little more tanned or was that just a glare of colour from the jacket?
The tops of the maroon outline jerked a little higher. “You look funny.”
Yuuri’s face crumpled on instinct. Funny. As if J.J hadn’t been enough, now random strangers off the street were laughing at him...
He sat back on his heels, feeling grit bite into his kneecaps and his lip quiver traitorously. What clarity there might have been left in the world around him from his poor eyesight was quickly stolen in the blurring well of tears, one breaking free down his cheek with an embarrassingly loud hiccup.
“No, I’m sorry!” The boy said in a rush. “I didn’t mean it like that! I just wondered what you were doing...”
Yuuri sniffled back, feeling his glittering eyes go as round as dinner plates. “I, um, I lost my glasses.”
“What do they look like?”
“Um.” The question caught Yuuri off guard and he had to think for a moment. “Blue. I-I mean, they have blue frames and the lenses are quite big and square-ish.”
The figure in front of him moved and stepped into the playground with him, black head turning from side to side. He wouldn’t find anything, Yuuri thought to himself bitterly. He’d searched every inch of the ground around him already. They must have scattered off somewhere - maybe they’d gotten kicked out of place when the other kids had left too. The boy must have had the same idea as he disappeared further into the school yard away from Yuuri, distinct maroon fading into the whirl of distant colour from the bright jungle gym behind him.
After a few minutes, he lost it entirely. “Hello?”
Footsteps crunched at the gravel and the maroon jacket reappeared from the jungle gym, getting larger with every step. “I’m still here! I’m just looking.”
“Um, it’s okay.” Yuuri twiddled his thumbs in his lap. “You don’t have to.”
The jacket was still moving across the playground though, covering new ground that Yuuri hadn’t crawled to yet. Yuuri followed the shift of colour avidly, not wanting to lose place of where the Fujioka student was in the schoolyard.
The mop of jet black hair shifted in the air as he looked, head twisting around him in earnest searching. “I don’t mind,” he said without stopping. “I’m Phichit by the way. What’s your name?”
Yuuri just blinked. Stunned. “Yuuri. Yuuri Katsuki.”
What was happening?
“I can’t see any glasses, Yuuri...”
Yuuri’s face dropped into his hands and he groaned - though it came out more like a whine. He scrunched his eyes shut against his palms, wondering just how he could break it to his mother that he lost his new glasses in a way that would make her the least mad. Maybe if he was able to find Mari first, she would be able to help cover him; help him figure out a plan before their mom found out what had happened.
“Can you see much without them?”
Little Yuuri shook his head, overgrown black hair brushing over his eyes. Usually, his fringe would just bounce off the lens of his glasses… “No, I - I can’t see anything.”
“Can you get home?” The boy sounded closer.
Yuuri blinked up a fraction from his palms and more tears welled. He hadn’t thought about that. How was he going to get home? He might know the route well enough but what about when he got to road crossings, and the river bridge, and - and the train! He’d never be able to see the signs, know when it was safe to cross. It would be a hair-raising journey. His fingers trembled against the ground of the schoolyard just thinking about it.
“Where do you live?”
The Fujioka boy was back in front of him again, his shadow falling over Yuuri. Bright light burst behind his head of dark hair like a halo.
Yuuri’s mouth ran dry as the thought ran through his head. “Y-Yutopia. The onsen.”
“Oh, I know it!” The maroon jacket shifted and one black trouser leg crooked slightly more than the other. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
Yuuri wanted to say yes, but - “But my glasses-”
“It’s getting dark, Yuuri,” Phichit interrupted firmly - but friendly still. “And I can’t see anything. Maybe we can check again tomorrow before school?”
For a moment, Yuuri’s mouth hovered open, waiting for words to  come to him and argue to stay. They never did though. They couldn’t - Phichit was right. Yuuri’s head hung as the thought sank in, realising the burst of light he’d seen behind Phichit’s head must be the sun falling in the sky, getting ready for sunset. It would be dark soon. Then he’d be in even more trouble. He closed his mouth and nodded shyly. His lower lip pouted with disappointment.
Something moved in front of him and Yuuri’s jolted back in surprise. A tan coloured smudge stuck out in front of his face, connected to Phichit by a trail of maroon. Yuuri reached up with slightly trembling fingers.
Phichit’s hand closed around his and pulled him too his feet, Yuuri crying out sharply at the stretch in the cuts over his knees. They knocked together painfully as he straightened up.
“Yuuri! You’re hurt!”
Yuuri bit his lip. It did hurt - more than he’d realised when he’d been crawling on the ground! Leaning on one leg, he stretched out the other a little in front of him, wincing at the sting that tremored through his knee. Something warm trickled slowly down his shin.
“I’ll carry you.”
The blur shifted in front of him into a more solid expanse of maroon. Yuuri blinked. Was Phichit expecting him to climb on? “Wait, what?”
Hands molded Yuuri’s arms over Phichit’s shoulders and Yuuri felt them dip as Phiciht crouched down, looping his fingers around the back of Yuuri’s knees. A squeak left him as he left the ground. His red face buried in the soft material of Phichit’s jacket, hoping the Fujioka Elementary student wouldn’t notice the whimper that left him as the skin around his knees stretched painfully.
“That’s okay, right?”
Yuuri nodded into Phichit’s shoulder.
Phichit started walking.
It was only then Yuuri started to notice the change in the light, the coloured splashed around him just a fraction darker than he was used to. Phichit’s jacket looking more black than maroon the further away from the school they walked. Something orange glowed in the distance, dancing low over the town.
Phichit walked at a steady pace. They didn’t cross anyone on the streets but Yuuri felt the rush of air and heard the cars drive past them on the alongside road, Phichit pausing at the traffic lights and Yuuri fumbling for the button to the crossing. All the while, Phichit’s hands kept a firm grip around the underside of Yuuri’s thighs, piggybacking him without a problem. Neither one of them said anything while they moved through the town and Yuuri guessed Phichit knew Hasetsu well enough to find the onsen since he hadn’t asked for any directions.
He didn’t recognise the name though. Phichit. It was very distinctly un-Japanese. Hasetsu was a small town and pretty much everybody knew everybody anyway, but someone like Phichit would stick out like a sore thumb. Yet Yuuri had never even heard of him. Weird.
The ring of the warning bell by the rail crossing rattled in Yuuri’s ears.
“Can you get my phone? It’s in my right pocket,” Phichit said as they waited, air whooshing in front of them from the train.
Yuuri slipped his hand into Phichit’s pocket as requested, pulling out the slim phone. It felt the similar to  his sister’s. Still, he wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. Mari let him play on her phone every now and then but Yuuri didn’t have one for himself yet like most of the other kids at school did. Maybe when he got to Junior High and business picked up a little more at the onsen.
The phone felt alien in his hand, not sure what Phichit wanted him to do with it since both his hands were occupied with holding Yuuri off the ground.
“Can you take a picture? I want to be able to show my parents my first friend in Hasetsu. Swipe it to the left.”
Yuuri did, but couldn’t see if it worked or not. He assumed it had when Phichit didn’t correct him though, reaching his arm out in front of them.
“Just click the button. You’re gonna smile, right?”
Yuuri didn’t have a choice; he was the blind one, not Phichit. Phichit would be able to see in the camera if Yuuri was still frowning. He felt the Fujioka student shift, tilting his head to fit in the camera frame as Yuuri’s thumb hovered over the slightly indented round button at the base. He forced his stiff cheeks into a smile and clicked.
The rest of him probably looked a mess. His eyes were itchy and probably red from crying, squinting along the length of his arm as far as he could see. He could feel how hot his face was, just imagining the pink glowing of his cheeks. That photo was going to be laughed at later no doubt, Phichit’s family all giggling around the dinner table at the little blind Japanese boy their son had spent the afternoon rescuing.
He slipped the phone back in Phichit’s pocket quickly, burying his face into his friend’s shoulder as the whistling of the train faded. The warning alarm quietened and Phichit stepped forward.
It wasn’t far now, Yuuri knew. He could feel Phichit’s arms starting to tremble a little, even if he didn’t say anything. The thought just made Yuuri’s cheeks burn hotter; he knew he was a little chubbier than he ought to be, promising himself he’d spend more time skating at the Ice Castle with Yuuko to lighten himself up. Takeshi always called him fatso too…
“There’s an ice rink around here?”
Yuuri froze, heart stopping - had he said all that out loud?
“If you skate, you must know who Victor is right? Victor Nikiforov?”
Yuuri’s throat suddenly ran dry at the question; he didn’t just know Victor after all - he adored him. He couldn’t say that though… could he? How big a fan was Phichit? “Um, yeah.” he settled on vaguely after a moment’s pause. “I named my dog after him.”
He wasn’t sure if it was weird to admit that or not and held his breath as he felt Phichit’s head turn a fraction, his black hair tickling Yuuri’s nose. “Really?” Yuuri could hear the smile in the Fujioka boy’s voice. “That’s so cool! Is he at the onsen? I’d love to meet him. I don’t have a dog, but I’ve got hamsters. Three. They’re named after skaters too - Kristi, Stephane and Johnny.”
Kristi Yamaguchi, Stephane Lambiel and Johnny Weir, Yuuri pieced together in his head. Phichit must be a pretty big skating fan too.
Yuuri didn’t know what to say.
“Is that Victor?”
A dog barked softly ahead of them and Yuuri lifted his head. He knew that bark…wetness suddenly lapped around Yuuri’s knee caps and he sucked in a sharp gasp as Victor’s hot tongue licked at his wounds, batting him gently away with a fluttering hand. As much as he loved the dog, it stung too much. His teeth bit down on his lip, biting back the tears welling in his eyes.
It wasn’t enough to hold back the whimper when Phichit carefully set him down though, wounded skin rearranging itself around his bleeding knees. An arm wrapped around his shoulders and helped him hobble forward to the door.
Through the doorway, the pale brown of the wood of the onsens interior suddenly filled with blocks of colour - colours Yuuri recognised as his mother’s clothes.
“Yuuri!” Yep, definitely his mother. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re home. I was getting worried.”
Yuuri just hung his head. She didn’t sound angry. He was sure that would change when he told her what had happened. Shame lifted the hairs on the back of his neck and sent a chill shuddering down the back of his spine, fists clenching nervously at his sides. “I’m sorry, okaa-san.” he swallowed hard, a lump lodging itself uncomfortably in his throat. “I … Iost my glasses. I’m sorry.”
He dug a thumbnail into the side of his finger, focussing on the pain there and in his knees as he waited for the yelling to start. His family wasn’t exactly the most well off in the town after all and glasses weren’t exactly cheap - especially with his prescription.  
He should have taken better care of them, even if it was J.J’s fault that he’d gotten knocked over.
A small warm hand closed around his, fingers slipping his thumb away from where he was engraving his nail print.
“Don’t worry, Yuuri.” Phichit said softly. His hand was warm, squeezing Yuuri’s fingers comfortingly. “They must be back at the school somewhere. I’ll come by tomorrow so we can look for them before class, okay? We’ll find them.”
Heat bloomed over Yuuri’s cheeks and he felt his head duck even lower in embarrassment. Phichit was holding his hand - and offering to help him! Nobody ever did that…
“How sweet!” Yuuri couldn’t see his mother clap her hands to her cheeks but he could very much image it. “And you helped Yuuri home too?”
The fingers around Yuuri’s tightened. “It was no trouble.” Yuuri could hear the beam in Phichit’s voice, knowing he meant every word. He could tell. “I should get home though - before my mom sends out a search party. New town, and everything…”
So Phichit was new to Hasetsu, Yuuri nodded inside his head. No wonder he hadn’t heard of him before now, why Phichit had referred to him as his ‘first friend in Hasetsu’.
His hand suddenly went empty.
Yuuri turned instantly, searching for Phichit but the maroon shadow of Phichit’s Fujioka jacket was already backing away down the path from the onsen when he found it, shoes clicking on the pavement as the blur got smaller and smaller. A small slither of it moved. Was Phichit waving? It looked like he could be…
“See you tomorrow, Yuuri!”
Yuuri stuck his arm in the air too, just in case. “Bye!”
Out of nowhere, he was suddenly beaming. He’d made a friend. How had he made a friend? He couldn’t even make friends when he was trying! Yet somehow he’d managed to find one when he was crawling on the school playground, covered in blood, blind and crying. It was bizarre, and crazy, and … honest. Phichit had honestly helped him for no reason. Honestly chatted to him like the easiest thing in the world.
Yuuri was bubbling, brimming with happiness that he hadn’t felt since his sister had given him a signed poster of Victor Nikiforov for his birthday last year. He couldn’t wait to tell his mother about his new friend - couldn’t wait to tell everybody!
If only he knew what Phichit looked like...
A gentle hand smoothed over Yuuri’s shoulder, guiding him back inside when the last lingering flash of maroon disappeared into the darkness. “Let’s get you inside and clean up those knees, hm?”
His mother’s voice was still soft and gentle - not at all the anger he’d thought he’d hear when he got home. He really was lucky, he thought. He had the best family. And now the best friend too! He couldn’t wait to see Phichit’s face when they found his glasses tomorrow. Maybe they could take another picture together when Yuuri could actually see the camera.
The excitement shrank away though as Yuuri took notice of his mother’s words. Suddenly, he remembered his knees. In seconds, it all came crashing back. Stinging pain shot through his system and his lip started to quiver as he remembered how much it was hurting, tears spilling over and down his cheeks. His mother’s warm arms wrapped around him and lifted him up, cradling him close while he cried and cooing sweet, soothing whispers in his ears about his kind new friend.
AO3 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/11137044
34 notes · View notes
fanficsaddict · 7 years
Omega verse:
Tumblr media
Blue roses and golden apples by RedxLipstick, Explicit,58k
Chapters: 20/?
-After a whirlwind night Victor Nikiforov is sure he's found his mate in one Yuuri Katsuki. But Yuuri doesn't remember any of this? Worse still-how can Victor control his every alpha instinct screaming at him to claim his omega?
Victor goes to Hasetsu to court and coach the lovely omega Yuuri Katsuki. Then Yuri Plisetsky shows up and Victor and Yuuri are pretty sure they just became parents and adopted a pup.
This is the story of Victor and Yuuri falling in love through the skating season and of Yuuri, Victor, and Yuri growing together as a family!
This story covers Victor and Yuuri meeting at the GPF banquet through the canon timeline, and beyond (with lots of fluffs stuffed in along the way)!
Change og hea(r)t by oooohno, Teen,9k
Chapters: 8/8, Finished
-Yuuri is an omega, in a world where omegas are incredibly rare and sought after. He has hidden his secondary gender well, and even though he's almost constantly in the public's eye, no one has even suspected he is an omega. And Yuuri wants to keep it that way. After presenting, omegas are typically shipped off to the alpha that paid the most for them. It's not hard to figure out what happens to them at that point. Since Yuuri has hidden, he has not been claimed by an alpha, and he is even a competitive figure skater with his idol (and fiance) as a coach. He's doing well for himself, but his biology cannot be hidden for long.
Chrysanthemum by MasterFinland, Explicit,11k
Chapters: 8/8, Finished
-It's in your lips and in your kiss. It's in your touch and your fingertips. And it's in all the things that make you who you are, and your eyes irresistible.
Cupid’s chokehold by transyuuri (headfirstslider), Explicit,51k
Chapters: 15/?
-A look through the life of Yuuri Katsuki, his struggles as an omega, and his love for alpha Victor Nikiforov.
Forgotten in heat by JuliaTries101, Mature,10k
Chapters: 6/6, Finished
-Yuuri goes into heat early while his Alpha is away! How will he cope with this, and will someone find him in time? GODDAMNIT VICTOR
Heated by Edelwing, Explicit,18k
Chapters: 7/7, Finished
-If there's anything that Viktor disliked in this world, is to go trough a rut. Yuuri believes he can change that.
My sanctuary by sophia96, Mature,120k
Chapters: 78/?
-Omegas are rare, almost extinct.
Since they're so rare, the state have created a program to make sure that the few omegas will be properly taken care of.
This means that the omegas who present, will be shipped away to an assigned alpha.
Yuuri presented as an omega at seventeen. And by the help of his family and friends, he succeded in keeping his secondary gender a secret.
But when he unexpectantly runs out of scent blockers, he is forced to tell Victor, who will do whatever it takes to protect him.
But Yuuri doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in hiding. He hates the way omegas are being treated and he will do all he can, to prove to the world what an omega is actually capable of.
Shared gravity by phoenixwaller, Explicit,203k
Chapters: 71/?
-Yuri Katsuki doesn't advertise his alpha status, in fact he'd rather it be relatively unknown. He feels that he's never fit the stereotype, and is much happier blending into the background. However, much to his dismay, his alpha instincts are awakened one summer morning.
At first he's angry, believing that his new coach, Victor Nikiforov, has brought back an omega in heat for a day of passion. But when he intrudes to order the couple to a safer location he learns the truth. Victor, the most decorated male figure skater ever, has his own secret.
From there an inexplicable gravity grows between them, their shared secrets pulling them together in ways that both learn to cherish.
Signs of love by dia_dove, Explicit,122k
Chapters: 14/14, Finished
-After being discovered by his peers as an omega, Yuuri runs from the world of figure skating. It's only to see his friend skate that he returns to the rink one more time. When he runs into skater and alpha Viktor Nikiforov, his body reacts in a way that neither he nor Viktor expect.
Sunset in Hasetsu by animefanime, Mature,20k
Chapters: 11/?
-The gentle swish of silken fabric, the soft pitter-patter of their zori on the pavement as they strode along. The sounds sent a message to every man, woman, or child within earshot, calling their attention to the beautiful creatures passing within their midst. The beloved Geisha of Hasetsu. 
Victuri, Geisha AU, Omegaverse AU.
Treasure in the Tavern by DancingAnya, Teen,24k
Chapters: 10/14
-Yuuri is what most people call a treasure. As one of a very, very small population of male omegas, people would actually kill to get their hands on him. But he doesn’t want that. After running away from his fate of marrying the prince of Grande, Victor Nikiforov, Yuuri dedicates his life to magic: a skill forbidden for his kind. He runs a small tavern and keeps mostly to himself in a secluded town. But what happens when he comes face-to-face with the man himself? How will he keep his freedom when the world only wants him tied down?
Magic AU with alpha/beta/omega dynamics. Omegas are rare and forbidden from performing magic, and male omegas are hardly even known of. Katsuki Yuuri, a male omega, was going to be given to Victor Nikiforov, the crowned alpha prince, before he ran away and started his own tavern.
Yutopia by animefanime, Explicit,63k
Chapters: 27/?
Victor’s azure-hued eyes widened as he gazed upon the golden gate of the Omega temple, sparkling in the morning rays under its covering of snow. It was the most renown of its kind in the world. The Alpha breathed deeply, but picked up only the scent of incense wafting from within. A small smirk curled at the corner of his mouth.
'Of course, they wouldn’t allow that heavenly aroma to escape. It would drive every Alpha mad. They’d be breaking down the doors.' He chuckled softly.
You can’t plan for everything by RivDeV, Explicit,158k
Chapters: 27/?
-Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it's just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he'll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help.
Unintentional by Neth8271, Teen,9k
Chapters: 6/?
-When Yuuri's heat is two weeks early and his Alpha, Viktor, is nowhere to help him through it, dire consequences are met.
Can Viktor or any of Yuri's pack be able to help him before it's to late?
Where our heart lies by LilyAu, Explicit,76k
Chapters: 14/15
-A devastating raid on Yuuri's village leaves him an orphaned, unpresented war slave. The life of his one remaining family member rests in the hands of his abusive master, whose crimes have caught the attention of the military. Powerless but desperate, Yuuri agrees to assassinate the Empire's famous General Nikiforov in the hope that his success will persuade his master to return his adopted brother to him. However, things go slightly awry when Yuuri catches the attention of the general's son. This unexpected turn may be problematic... Or maybe just the opposite.
Not Alone by DazzledGhosts, Not rated,67k
Chapters: 15/?
-Katsuki Yuuri has been training alongside Victor in St. Petersburg for a while. He has been so careful for no one to know that he's an omega. But while skating one day, Victor notices something different. What's that smell coming from Yuuri's neck? Without realizing it, he finds a scent suppressant patch on Yuuri's neck and curiosity wins the better of him. He tugs and is hit directly with that smell of cardamom and honeysuckle.
Victor falls into his first ever rut. But not because Yuuri is an omega. But because the omega he is smelling is Yuuri. A story where secondary genders do not define you. Where Yuuri is strong despite everything that comes his way as a result of his omeganess. Where Victor strives to be the best alpha he can, but all he wants is to be Victor and Yuuri. Not Alpha and Omega.
Love on Ice by ShiroPhenix, Teen,29k
Chapters: 9/?
-Victor Nikiforov 5 times world champion stared impassively at his ceiling, Makkachin spread across his stomach. He absently patted the dog’s head as pondered about what he should do next after his recent win. He wanted something new, something people have yet to see about him. Surprise is something he is known for. However he had already won every competition there is, the grand prix, the Olympics, the Four Continents and the world championships...
A smile broke out of his face. Looks like there is still a stage he could surprise the world with. WORLD SYNCHRONIZED FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP
Hardwired by kanekki, Mature,4k
Chapters: 1/1, Finished
-Yuuri’s heat arrives early and Victor misses it completely, causing disastrous side effects.
Dance into my Heart by AhHHH (Dorky_Fujoshi), General Audience,8k
Chapters: 6/?
-Yuuri Katsuki is an omega.
Yuuri is nervous around other people, their judgemental stares and words making him want to run and hide.
Going into unfamiliar places became a chore, until he met the famed alpha dancer, Viktor Nikiforov.
For the Good by starsinhereyes, Not rated,7k
Chapters: 4/?
-With the High King ready to step down, Alpha Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov needs a mate before he can be made King of Moskal. Omega Prince Katsuki Yuuri of Hasetsu would be more than happy to stay at home and rule by his sister’s side his entire life, but with Moskal’s proposal and the threat of war if it is refused, Yuuri agrees.
Society’s views on Omegas greatly differ between the two countries, and suddenly Yuuri is viewed as subhuman, even by his betrothed. The prideful Omega prince doesn’t react well to his new surroundings, but will he manage to overcome the stigma and prove the stereotypes wrong?
Illusions of a Promise by Anonymous1313, Explicit,29k
Chapters: 9/?
-They made promises to each other as children, holding each other’s hands as they stood in the middle of the frozen lake near the palace. During the night of a devastating attack that resulted in death, grief and their separation, Yuuri was torn from Viktor’s arms in a sea of red.
The fairy tale of a life they had became nothing but a faded memory, washed away by the twisted story of their reunion in a future where neither are who they used to be.
–“You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. No one can tell me otherwise. No one.”
Desideratum by persephoneggsy, Teen,4k
Chapters: 1/1, Finished
-Victor was ready. He wanted it, badly. The only problem, unfortunately… was his mate.
Retrouvailles by persephoneggsy, Teen,31k
Chapters: 12/12, Finished
-retrouvailles: the feeling one gets after reuniting after a long time
After he presents as an Omega, Yuuri Katsuki is sent to study abroad for ten long years. When he returns, he's far, far different from the adorable little boy that used to follow Victor around like a puppy.
Victor is shook.
Down to Earth by Kaishiru, Explicit,22k
Chapters: 4/?
-When Yuuri whispered for his Alpha to take him, Viktor was gone. Nothing else existed around them then as he claimed the Omega's lips with his own.
Fever by MilkTeaMiku, not rated,15k
Chapters: 1/1, Finished
-Yuuri had always known he was a little bit different when compared to other figure skaters. Of course, the fact that he was socially awkward and rather ungraceful kind of made him stand out anyway, but it was more than that.
It was biology.
Compatibility by daisiesonice, Explicit,19k
Chapters: 6/6, Finished
-Victor was not looking for a tour guide, but he found Yuuri. He also found a few new kinks. Yuuri was looking for a compatible alpha to spend his heat with, then Victor blows him out of the water.
[18:32] Phichit: perfection is an unreachable standard. you'll meet a hot dude tomorrow and things will get steamy.
Dearly beloved by Sophia96, Mature,55k
Chapters: 26/?
This is the story about unconditional love between true mates. When they are destined to be together, there will be nothing standing in their way. Not even language barriers or great distances. As long as they have each other, they will never need anything else.
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colecnvs · 7 years
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Finished the Geisha!Yuuri piece I was working on!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ 
I have to stop drawing once every few hours due to my eye strain. This one is based from @animefanimefic​‘s Sunset in Hasetsu! Hope you guys like it (*ノ▽ノ) 
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bethdiane · 7 years
Yuri on Ice Thoughts
They’ve come so far… when Victor had first come to Hasetsu, to Yuuri, Victor was… well he was Victor Nikiforov, world champion skater, gorgeous and elegant and perfect—but he had no idea who Victor really was. And to Victor, Yuri was Banqueat Boy, the bold, sexy, shirtless man who’d quite literally swept him off his feet to dance with him all night, no fear, no shame—the ultimate seducer. That’s why he’d asked Yuri so many personal questions about his love life when he’d first arrived—he didn’t just want to “get to know him better”—he wanted to know if he had any competition! But they had both fallen in love with an image, an idea, a memory. Not a real person.
But then something changed after they spent time together. Yuri had told Victor that he “wanted Victor to stay Victor.” Victor was speechless at this. He knew right then in that moment that it was different, staring straight out at the sunset over the ocean. It was almost too perfect for him to even believe. Yuri had not only learned who “Victor” really was, but he loved it enough that he wanted to preserve it, no matter the cost for him. And now come to find out that that was why Yuri had wanted to end his coaching relationship with Victor, so that Victor could keep being himself and doing what he loves. It was the highest form of sacrifice Victor had ever known.
Now, Victor was no longer a god in Yuri’s eyes—untouchable, unreachable, almost nonexistent in reality—but instead a real mortal human being, flesh and blood, just like him, with mistakes and flaws and problems—and it was the reason Yuri was able to love him the way he did.
And Yuri was no longer a glorified crush to Victor, a beautiful lingering memory of a sexy playboy, shining radiantly with confidence and charisma. He’d found out very quickly that while that was in Yuri somewhere, it was hidden so deep underneath his overwhelming anxiety, insecurity, and depression that he was an entirely different person—a shy, nervous, awkward wreck who preferred to run from his problems than to face them.
Honestly, they were both a little disappointed in each other at first.
And then as fate would have it they actually fell deeply, madly in love.
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When Yuuri was 12, Yuuko showed him Victor’s home life spread in the gossip magazine she’d bought with the money she got from her weekend job helping Takeshi’s parents run the front desk at the ice rink. Victor was skating his free skate in the television while he and Yuuko and Takeshi all changed from street shoes to skates.
“He has a poodle!” Yuuko had exclaimed. “Isn’t he so cute?” She flipped the magazine around for Yuuri to see and in an instant, Yuuri was in love.
Makkachin, the Poodle’s name as declared by Victor’s interview answers, was a brown, large sized Poodle. He was just a puppy in the picture, but already he was a fairly large dog.
“I wish my mom would let me have a pet,” Yuuko had said. “But she had allergies. Boo.”
They laced up and Yuuri couldn’t get his mind off of the dog and how Victor had been pictured holding it so dearly, so close.
Did Victor talk to Makkachin when he wasn’t practicing? Did he go over ideas for free skates or short programs? How much did Makkachin inspire Victor?
By the magazine’s next issue, Yuuri was showing off his new puppy Poodle. Somehow, he’d worn down his mom and dad, with a little help from his big sister, Mari.
“His name’s Vicchan,” he told Yuuko after practice. He’d skipped that day as he’d been taking care of Vicchan, showing him around his new home and letting him smell all the rooms and exploring the garden.
“You named him after Victor?” Takeshi asked. He made a kiss face, but Yuuko cut him off.
“You’re lucky, Yuuri. Take good care of him, okay?”
Yuri took Vicchan with him on his runs after school and between skate practice and ballet.
At night, Vicchan was allowed to sleep in Yuuri’s bedroom so he would talk to him.
School was hard and his anxiety left him depressed at times when concerning his lack of friends or rather, his complete lack of self-confidence in making new friends. He spoke about his ballet lessons with Minako and how he liked the classes and her very much. She helped him get stronger and believe in himself, even when it was feeling really hard to do. He told Vicchan how his skating was improving and how Minako was suggesting he try and enter some competitions.
But most of all, Yuuri talked to Vicchan about Victor.
“I wonder if he gets very nervous before he performs?” Yuuri had asked one night after his very first competition. It had gone horribly. Yuuri had choked before his turn, seeing all the people there to support the other skaters. His parents and Mari and Minako and even Yuuko and Takeshi and his parents had come to support him, but there had been so many people. He’d only ever skated with Takeshi and Yuuko.
At the Ice Castle Hasetsu, the rink was never very full. His first skating lessons had been done by Takeshi’s mother. She’d taught him the basics like standing still and learning how to skate forwards and backwards and even spin in circles, but since then, he’d been teaching himself with Yuuko, watching Victor perform on the small television in the common room and then trying to copy it.
He was due to skate second to last and after watching all the other children skate so perfectly, he’d nearly winded himself by breathing to quickly and leaving him light headed and shaking, tears in his eyes.
He’d ended up skating, though. And he wobbled and fell and utterly humiliated himself.
“I don’t know how I can ever skate in front of someone again,” he told Vicchan, hands wrapped around the dogs neck. Vicchan was panting as he sat. They had ran around in the garden before sunset and he was gearing down for a nap, until his human dragged him up onto his bed to talk to him.
“I should just stick with dancing.”
Vicchan wuffed and had shook Yuuri’s arms from his neck so he could curl in his lap with a gurgle-y yawn.
“I love you too, Vicchan.” Yuuri had petted at Vicchan for a while more, going over everything that had happened that day in his head. Vicchan was very good at helping him with his anxiety.
When Yuuri was 19, he left Japan for the very first time. He was going to Detroit, Michigan to train under a skating coach and get a degree in business management with a minor in English.
His English was horrible. His accent was thick and he felt silly talking aloud in public and what made everything worse was that he couldn’t take Vicchan with him.
He’d sat up all night before his flight and hugged and talked to Vicchan. Told him to be a good boy and not steal the steamed buns from Mari and be nice to the guests in the onsen.
“Mom and Dad and Mari will take good care of you. I just have to finish school and I promise I’ll come home. I may even finally be able to get to the Grand Prix.”
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