#sun x nora
darksaiyangoku · 9 months
RWBY Christmas Tales
Speedy Christmas
Nora sat on the bed as she was on a voice call with Sun.
Nora: Hey babe! So how did the mission with the Corps go?
Sun: *laughs* You wouldn't believe what we saw over there. There was a supply run in the depths of space that got intercepted by a group of space pirates and we had to go in and stop them. Turns out, all the ship had were stocks of this trading card game called Battle Mech 3000.
Nora: Pffffff, you were called just to protect a bunch of cards?
Sun: Pretty much. It worked okay, though. The pirates got their asses kicked, the crew was safe and I even managed to get a deck. Plus a free expansion pack! We can play when I get home. I can't wait to see what you've done with the place.
Nora: Oh... uh, yeah! Um, I better get going, I'll see you soon!
Sun: Nora- *shut off*
Nora: Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!
Nora started panicking. She was so busy on missions with the Justice League that she forgot to put up the Christmas decorations. With no time to lose, she burst out of bed at top speed and raced to the basement. She grabbed every piece of decoration she could find and placed them all over the house. A banner hung on every doorway, small statues were placed on every shelf, both an inflatable Nicholas the Merry and snowman were put outside, lights hung from the roof and finally, the tree was set up, complete with red and white baubles, green tinsel, multicoloured lights and a statue of Super-Rose on top.
Nora: *smiles* Who needs an angel when you got Ruby! *looks around* Wow! This looks great and it only took me 20 seconds. Hmmmm, what else can I do?
[2 hours later]
Sun opened the door and took off his Green Lantern Ring. He grinned widely as he saw all the decorations surrounding their house. Just then, Nora dashed in, wearing a red and white onsie with a Christmas hat.
Nora: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!!! *glomps Sun*
Sun: Agh! My ribs! *chuckles* Still gotta get used to that. And wow, you really went all out this year.
Nora: This is nothing. Wait until to see your gift. *dashes in and gives Sun'z present*
Sun: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! O gotta open it, I gotta open it, I gotta open it!
Nora: *flicks Sun's nose*
Sun: Ow! What was that for?
Nora: *takes away present* You know the rules, do not open until Christmas. *smiles* Now come on, show me that new Battle Mech game!
Sun: Hold on a sec.
Sun moved his tail around Nora's waist and pulled her towards him. He embarced her and gave her a long, deep kiss. Nora closed her eyes and wrapped her arms over his shoulders and kissed him back.
Nora: *breaks kiss* Then again, I'm not in a hurry.
Sun: Neither am I. Merry Christmas, Sparky.
Nora: Merry Christmas, Shiny.
The two of them leaned in for another kiss and danced around the hallway for a wonderful Christmas Eve together.
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superiorsturgeon · 18 days
Fantasy AU:
Warrior Monk!Sun: Guys, we need to talk. Since you came back from your dragon- and ogre-slaying missions we’ve gotten a lot of complaints.
Knight!Jaune: Is it because I forgot to get the princess out of her cage and started dating the dragon kidnapper?
Samurai!Ren: Is it because I cooked dinner for the ogre terrorizing the town and damaged that barn with our lovemaking?
Warrior Monk!Sun: I…
Warrior Monk!Sun: …what…?
Warrior Monk!Sun: *shakes his head* No, it’s about what happened in the guild tavern last week.
Earlier, in the Village Tavern…
Ogre!Nora: 😠
Dragon!Pyrrha: 😠
Knight!Jaune: Go!
Samurai!Ren: *starts stopwatch*
Ogre!Nora/Dragon!Pyrrha: *start furiously eating two entire haunches of beef in a spectacular display of bloody speed-eating*
Townsfolk: *stare in horror as the monster women go to goddamn town on half a cow each*
Back at the Guild…
Samurai!Ren: I think Sun may have a point.
Knight!Jaune: You’re just mad your girlfriend lost!
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
There’s Something On Your Face
Another day, another dollar, another poorly written news story.
Jaune Arc may have finally landed his dream job at the, Daily Planet. Being able to tell, and explore various stories that help inform people throughout the world. Being able to see, and hear all sort of things. And, being around some of the most talented reporters in the world. It was his dream come true!
But, good gods the people here were illiterate.
Jaune: Haaa… Good lord…
Nora: What’s wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: This place is filled with some of the most talented news reporters in the country, but they all seemingly pose the writing capabilities of an eight grader! Which isn’t all the surprising considering the country’s falling education system…
Nora: Why, what did they spell wrong?
Jaune: Ruby, was writing a report about the ecological damage, Lex Corp has committed in that gas leak we had the other week. And, she wrote: ‘The effects of the ass leak will have unseen effects…’ Ass leak… Good lord…
Nora: Well… it’s where gas leaks emanate from.
Jaune: …
Jaune: You’ve been hanging around, Yang too much. That… that was just horrible.
Nora: She makes worse puns than that, and you know it.
Jaune: True. Speaking of bad puns, where is, Yang?
Nora: I don’t know, maybe she got an exclusive scoop, and had to go report on it again.
Jaune: Yeah, another exclusive scoop…
Jaune turned to look outside, his mind gazing over the familiar high rise landscape before him as a question that had been plaguing him ran amok. That stopped when he saw a green blur fly past followed by a white figure chasing after it.
Jaune: Oh, looks like, Superwoman’s got a dancing partner. Though I don’t think it’s a good dancing partner.
Nora: Wait, what?!
He said this as nonchalantly, and generally uncaring as possible as he saw his coworkers rush to the window to see what was a abuzz.
Jaune had been at the, Daily Planet well before, Superwoman had arrived. He had reported on her first exploits as a hero saving, Metropolis. Had conducted several personal one on one interviews with her. Hell, he had even been saved by her a few times. So seeing her go about doing superhero things like saving the city from an alien invasion, some villain with a massive ego boner, or simply saving some kids kitten stuck in a tree, he had seen it, and written about dozens of times before. It was time that the new blood reported on such stories. Besides, he would know about it all in the end anyway, when he checked up on their atrocious grammar mistakes anyway.
But, as, Jaune looked through the window to see, Superwoman’s white cape billowing in the wind. Her dazzling smile radiating the sky as he blond locks of hair shined seemingly created a halo of light around her. Making her appear like an angel in the sky. He couldn’t help but ask himself the same question he often found himself ask all the time as of later:
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Who was it that wore the mask of, Superwoman?
: Hey, Jaune!
Jaune’s musing from grading more spelling mistakes, and poor grammar was broken when a warm voice freed him from his stupor. He looked up to see violet eyes hidden behind thick black rimmed glasses with a warm welcoming smile he knew all too well.
Jaune: Oh, hello, Yang. Where have you been?
Yang Xiao Long had been working at the, Daily Planet for a few years now, she was a highly skilled reporter with an uncanny ability to always snag the hottest scoop from under your very nose. She also had this odd habit of suddenly disappearing, and reappearing at will. She could have been fired for this if she didn’t keep on bringing such fantastic news stories though.
But, as he looked upon her, her dorky little smile, and her hair tied in its usual ponytail. He could help but wonder how she would look like if she removed those ugly frames of hers, and wore contacts, it was such a shame to hide such a beautiful dace after all.
Yang: Oh catching this juicy story by the docks!
Jaune: The docks? What were you doing around there?
Yang: Oh… I was… I was just out for a jog. That’s all~!
He could help, but quirk an eyebrow at her rather odd remark. They lived in the same building, the docks were on the other side of town from where they lived. And, she found this supposed juicy story on a jog? That didn’t add up.
Jaune: And, the story?
Yang: How, Lex Corp recently bought it, and how a lot of strange items have been coming through. And, an odd amount of stuff like fruit, and vegetables.
Jaune accepted the paper containing, Yang’s story, and put if with pile of stories he need to review. Her brief synopsis sounded ridiculous, but, Lex Corp was a shady place. He was once been given a bag of peanuts by them, and he would swear on his life that whatever he ate that day wasn’t a real peanut.
Jaune: Okay, I’ll give it a look see when I come to it. Need anything else?
Yang: Nope, that’s all.
Jaune: Okay, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to pondering how our education system if failing to teach proper english to people.
Yang: Okay! I’ll be here if you need me.
Jaune watched her, the country girl in the big city seemingly skip her way to her desk to work on what ever new story she had concocted.
She was a nice girl, but she was a little odd. Everyone was a little odd so that wasn’t a huge problem, but their was something especially odd about, Yang. He had several feelings about the girl, he understood, and rationalized them as best he could.
And, yet there was just something he couldn’t pin down about the girl.
Jaune looked to the clock on the corner of his computer screen, and saw that it had ticked past six o’clock. He looked around the office, and saw that it was only him, and one person left in the office.
He rubbed his eyes as he stood up. He grabbed some paper, and walked over to the last person in the office.
Jaune: Congratulations. You the only person who didn’t piss me off today.
Yang: What?
Yang looked at him confused as he handed her back her news story. She looked at the paper, and the only mark she saw was the stamp that read: ‘Print it.’
Yang: I’m confused.
Jaune: I’ve been reviewing, and fixing everyone’s stories all day, and yours is the only one I didn’t have to fix. To which I thank you.
Yang: Oh, no problem, Jaune! Were there any bad spelling errors you need to fix?
Jaune: Lets see, first off there was, Ruby’s mistake of writing, ‘Ass leak,’ instead of, ‘gas leak.’ Nora got lost on a tangent of talking about pancakes in her story, again. Neptune’s story was supposed to be about the new swimming pool that was built, but he spent most of his time failing to flirt with girls according to, Sun. And, the cherry on top was, Blake’s report on the faunas rights rally. Instead of writing, ‘feline’ she for some reason wrote the worss, ‘peal lime.’
Yang: Pfft-hahahaha!
Yang’s warm laughter was infectious, and brought a smile to his face as he watched her happy smile play across her face.
Jaune: Considering the fact she is a cat faunas she should know what the hell she’s talking about, but nope. Apparently she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Yang: ‘Peal lime.’ Ha! That’s a good one.
Jaune: Yeah. So thanks for not giving me more work to do for a change.
Yang: Just doing my job, Jaune. Think nothing of it.
Jaune: It’s always nice to have something to relax to. So let me have this one. Okaaaaaaay…?
Jaune’s words began to slur as his head tipped inquisitively to the side as he looked at, Yang’s face. The action made, Yang nervously fidget as he appeared to be looking for something.
Yang: I-Is there something wrong, Jaune?
Jaune: There’s something on your face. Hold still, I’ll get it.
Yang’s face started to become flushed red as, Jaune leaned down, and moved closer to her face. She started stuttering as his hands came closer to closer, and then the unthinkable happened.
Jaune had pulled off her glasses.
Jaune: Ah ha! I got it, there was a disguise on your face, Yang. Or perhaps I should say… Superwoman~!
And, had swiftly, and effortless unmasked her super hero persona.
Yang: H-How… How did you find out…?
Jaune smiled softly at her as he took a seat in the chair across from her. He handed back her glasses to which she rapidly put back on to hide herself so to speak.
Jaune: I thought you’d put up more of a fight, and deny you were, Superwoman. But, to answer your question, I’ve had several reasons to suspect it was you. The fact that when one of you is present, the other has seemingly disappeared. That you seeming always have the scoop, then Superwoman deals with it before the authorities could possibly deal with it. Before we even have the oppression to publish the story. You seemingly have insane reflexes that no normal human with years of experience could develop. And, i know you have super hearing; how else could you have heard where, Mrs. Schnee’s wedding ring fell. You had her back to her, and it fell upon a carpet, I couldn’t hear that, and yet you did. These are all speculative reasonings though, easily can be construed as drawing conclusions. But, do you really want to know how I knew you were, Superwoman?
Yang: H-How…?
Yang was sacred, for the first time since she had dawned on the cape, she was genuinely scared. She knew, Jaune could be highly analytically minded when he wanted to, and that he had this terrifying habit on picking up on the smallest of details. And, if he seduced her secretly identity just by noticing the small details others would pass over, what else had he discovered about her?
Jaune: Your eyes.
Yang: What…?!
Jaune: Your eyes… People may share the same shade of blue, brown, yellow, what ever colour there is. But, they don’t look that same. I remember staring into those violet eyes for the first time, and being mesmerized by how soft of a warm violet they were. Then, I remember when, Superwoman saved me from that weird, Toy Master fellow, I couldn’t help, but notice how beautiful her eyes were. But, I knew this was the first time I saw them, I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that I’ve seen them before. And, I finally answered that lingering question that plagued the back of my mind. So, does that answer your question, Superwoman?
Yang: …
Yang: I-I’m not in my costume… Y-Yang’s just fine… And, yeah… that answers my question… Well at least some of them, but yeah…
Yang looked away nervously before starting, Jaune down with a worried expression etched across her face.
Yang: So you know my secret identity… N-Now what…? Are you going to tell the world that, Yang Xiao Long is, Superwoman?
Jaune: No, no I won’t tell anyone.
Yang breathed a sigh of relief that washed away all the fear she had been building up.
Jaune: However, you have to do one thing for me.
And, suddenly all that fear, and dread came rushing back like a tidal wave.
Yang: A-Are you blackmailing me?!
Jaune: Mmm… Kinda, yeah.
Yang was shocked, she saw, Jaune as such a sweet, and caring person, was he really going to blackmail her?!
And, what would he make her do? Steal a vault, break a bridge, kill someone?! What could he possibly…
Jaune: Perchino’s, tomorrow, say five o’clock?
Yang: Eh…?
Yang looked towards this goofballs smiling face as she was utter lost in thought at what he just said. So lost that she honestly took a minute to go from her fear to being blackmailed to realizing what he had just said.
Yang: P-Perchino’s… a-at five…?
Jaune: Does six work better?
Yang: Waitwaitwait! Are you asking me out on a date?!
Jaune: Surprised?
Yang: Honestly, yes. Yes I am… I thought you would tell me to rob a bank for you, or something like that. Not ask me out… o-on a date…
Jaune: Well, if it makes you feel better I’m asking you because I’ve been meaning to for a while now.
Yang: Y-You have?
Jaune: Yeah, it’s just every time I try you’re suddenly gone. But, now I know why. So, since I have you here; Does five, or six o’clock work for you?
Yang: …
Yang: F-Five o’clock…
Jaune: Awesome! Well, it’s late, and I need to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, Yang. Don’t stay up too late saving the city! Bye.
And, with that, Jaune was gone, leaving a bewildered, Yang behind.
In the space of five minutes, Jaune Arc had turned her world upside down. He unmasked her effortlessly, twice. He had her quaking her her boots when he said he was going to blackmail her into committing a crime. And, he had asked her out on a date instead.
He had asked her out on a date.
Yang was asked out on a date.
Yang: I have a date tomorrow…
Yang: …
Yang: I have a date tomorrow…?
Yang: …
Yang: I have a date tomorrow!~!
Yang squealed in glee as she realized that her crush had asked her out on a date. This was unbelievable, unforgettable, highly unpredictable, highly…
Yang’s exuberance was cut short as she saw that several of the offices windows had been shattered from the high pitch her joyous squeal had made. She looked about the office, before looking back at the window in shock.
Yang: …
Yang: Oh shit…
I had a thought the other day: It’s called the Kryptonian AU, who says, Jaune has to be the Kryptonian.
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howi99 · 3 months
???: *looking at the dagger, the one that saved her life multiple times* One day, i'll thank you for everything you did for me.
*knock on the door*
Sun: Hey Ash? You up?
Ash: *sigh* Yeah Sun, "I'm up".
Sun: Scarlett just finished taking his shower.
Ash: *Groaning while getting up from her bed* I hope he didn't use all the hot water.
Sun: ... Well...
Ash: *sigh even more* Of course he did. *Taking her change of clothes* I'll heat myself a bath, so don't wait for me.
Sun: *nods before leaving her alone*
Ash: ... If it wasn't for him reminding me of Jaune, i would have kicked his ass. Who can't control their teammates shower time? That's rubbish.
Once in the bathroom, she took a look at herself in the mirror while waiting for the bath to be ready.
"Ash": What a joke. False name, false life. *Getting undressed, showing the multiple scars she has on her body* ... They say more and more men like scars on a woman... I hope he won't mind too much. *Looking at the bath, no steam could be seen* Idiots, all of them.
She put her hands inside the water, using her semblance to heat up the water while the crest of Gloucester activate
"Ash": ... I feel the irony in that forsaken crest activating for a god damned bath. What a joke. *Looking at her reflection* With those white hair, i could probably pass for a Schnee. That would be nice...
Once the water was hot enough, she finally entered it.
"Ash": Ah~ nothing beats a hot bath.~
*knock on the door*
"Ash": *irritated* Sun, if you needed to use the bathroom, you should have gone BEFORE i entered the gosh darn bath!
Neptune: *muffled by the door* Nah, it's not Sun. But you told us about your friend, Jaune was it?
"Ash": *now intrigued* Yes?
Neptune: Well, i think he's on the news. Jaune arc, young huntsman-in-training, hurt while trying to stop an attack against the SDC heiress. Apparently, no one else was hurt.
"Ash": ... That does sound like him, alright. *Sigh* so you decided to become a huntsman too...
Neptune: You don't ask how hurt he was?
"Ash": Knowing him, probably nothing major. He and his father are... Sturdy.
Jaune: Atchou! *Sneeze* Golly, someone must be thinking about me.
Nora: *nudging him* It must be your loveeeer~
Jaune: *laughing* As if! Now, *pan out to him being in a hospital bed with some bandage on his ribs* could you pass me the apple Weiss gave to me? Instead of eating all the quarters by yourself?
Nora: Let me think.... *Eat another one before giving him the rest* Here.
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A Hawk and Highland cow mini comic🐮🦅❤️ also happy 2nd anniversary to one of my fav games of all time HFW!❤️
And of course I want to give credit to @finrays for making colorful clay creations of our fave HZD/HFW characters as different animals and making Talanah a hawk. I mean what the animal would she be? It suits her so well!❤️ anyway, I’m going to make more of these mini comics in the future!
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rocknroll7575 · 6 months
RWBYRonpa: Beacon's Killing Game!!!
Ruby Rose - The Ultimate Hope
Weiss Schnee - The Ultimate Prodigy
Blake Belladonna - The Ultimate Novelist
Yang Xiao-Long - The Ultimate Boxer
Jaune Arc - The Ultimate Support
Nora Valkyrie - The Ultimate Electrician
Pyrrha Nikos - The Ultimate Champion
Lie Ren - The Ultimate Sage
Sun Wukong - The Ultimate Jokester
Neptune Vasilias - The Ultimate Womanizer
Penny Polendina - The Ultimate AI
Mercury Black - The Ultimate Breakdancer
Emerald Sustrai - The Ultimate Illusionist
Roman Torchwick - The Ultimate Schemer
Neo Polatain - The Ultimate ice cream maker
??? - The Mastermind
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blackknight300 · 1 year
RWBY Ships Song Match-up
I have been looking for songs I think fit RWBY ship's. Here's a few I found that I thought fits these ship's. Feel free to add to it
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lancaster(Frist Date):
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Lancaster (Proposal):
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I don't apologies for my Lancaster bias
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craziechwiv · 4 months
The Paladin & their Succubus frenemy - 6
(TW!!: Domestic Violence): Read at your own risk.
As the group and the two guards were walking ahead, with the crowd of injured servants behind them, Jaune decided to ask the two who they actually were.
Paladin Jaune: Hey? Neptune, was that your name?
Neptune: Uh yeah, what's up?
Paladin Jaune: So, what were you and Sun before...all this?
Neptune: Oh, I'm glad you asked! Partly because, most people ask Sun besides me, but. I'll tell you.
'Where to start? Well, me and Sun met 5 years ago. I was training in becoming a warrior of some kind, and Sun was already a pretty popular fighter. Although, a bit smug, he could back up his skills to anyone who'd try to call him out.'
'Seems like you guys are some capable fighters to me, when was the first time like?'
How'd we met exactly? He was in a brawl at a bar at our old hometown. One guy tried to sneak up on him and so, I tackled the guy. Took quite the hit in return but Sun repaid the generosity by knocking the guy out. Soon after, him and me were high tailing out of there, laughing our asses of, well Sun was...I was trying to catch my breath.
'Heh heh, we all have our adventures my friend. Either good or bad.'
'But after that, we've decided to be traveling partners until we, actually became partners.'
'Oh, I see. Well, I'm glad you both are together. It seems to me you both are a well-adjusted team. And you fighting those demons, even with inures, was impressive enough.'
As Neptune was speaking to Jaune about how him and Sun met, the rest of the group were ear hustling in, with Sun smiling softly as Neptune talked his heart out about the two of them.
Champion Pyrrha: You really found a great man.
Sun: Don't I know it? He's scrawny sure, but he can sure as hell fight and take hits like no one I teamed with.
Dwarf Nora: Hidden strength type? That kind of reminds of a special man of me own.
Monk Ren: I wonder who it could be.
Dwarf Nora: Oh, surely not you~.
Reaper Ruby: Hm.
Champion Pyrrha: Something on your mind, Ruby?
Reaper Ruby: No, just wondering about something...
Sun: What is it?
Reaper Ruby: How did you both find out...uhm...
Sun: We were the one for each other?
Ruby nods her head slowly.
Sun: Hm, we just...spent a lot of time together. I got to know him and he got to know me. And we just sort of, clicked. Hell, once we were done with this mission, our pay would've sent us on a nice vacation until it was back to our daily lives of exploration. But, with some of the people we've lost...I don't know how true our actual pay may be.
Sun moped abit, now thinking about their current problem before he felt a hand plant itself on his shoulder. He looked towards his right side to see Ruby patting it.
Reaper Ruby: It's not your fault. Like Jaune said, you both tried your best. Plus, we maaay need to have a talk with who wanted these servants in the first place, since they might be in trouble.
Sun: Oh, they won't be. Trust me.
Reaper Ruby: Why do you say that? Of course they'll be in trouble, they risked people's lives!
The rest just looked at her with confusion or at each other, sensing she didn't know the situation entirely.
Dwarf Nora: Does she not know who we're meeting?
Reaper Ruby: Who?
Nora loudly whispered to Ruby.
'It's the Schnees!'
Meanwhile, as the group was still making their way out of the forest to civilization, there was a commotion going on in a manor at their village.
???: Didn't I say, to be dressed accordingly to what I said?!
A white-haired man shouted at a younger woman, slapping her across her face as his hand left a slight mark on it. The young woman was stunned but looked back at him, silently nodding her head as tears began to slowly form and fall from her eyes.
???: Now, go and get dressed, less I have to punish you once more.
???: Y-Yes father.
The young woman hastily went into her room, hearing the man turn his attention to someone else, possibly her mother...
???: Oh, give me a break! Can't either of you worthless broads dress properly?!
???: W-What did you just call- AH!
The young woman flinched as she heard the screams, followed by muffled crying as the man shouted at her mother some more.
???: Don't even dare speak to me in that tone. Do you know how fast I could have you all jailed? Exiled?! EXECUTED FOR ALL I CARE?!
The young woman just crumbled as she wept, yearning for the day the man she calls her 'father' dies.
???: Someday Weiss...someday.
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dragonking10 · 2 years
Sun was sitting down at a table holding a pack of ice on his groin
Sun: Ow! I think I broke something in my pelvis.
???: Atleast yours isn't fried
Sun looks over and sees Oscar with burnt marks all over and hair still stcking up with several icepacks over what he sees is scorch marks all over his groin.
Sun winced: Oof what happened to you?
Oscar: Well let's just say sex with an android in the shower was NOT a good idea.
???: If you think that's bad
They turned to see Jaune rolling to them in a wheelchair they can see him wearing a cast all over his lower body from the waist down.
Sun: Oh God! The hell happened to you?
Jaune: Ow! Well my newly wedded wife decided to use her semblance on me.
Oscar and Sun winced
Oscar: Oof
Sun: Damn!
Jaune: Yeah it also didn't help that when I was trying to use my aura to heal my pelvis, I accidentally aura amped her semblance.
Oscar: As long as I've known her I never thought she'd be a bit perverted.
Jaune deadpanned: A bit? A BIT!?!? You have NO IDEA how perverted she really is, it's like she's all innocent and naive around everyone but whenever she and I are alone together it's like her personality turn a 180 from an innocent naive little angel to extremely perverted badmouthed little demon.
Sun: I'm afraid to ask, but how perverted are we talking?
Jaune: Let's just say that Ruby knew every single perverted methods that could even put professional porn stars to shame.
They winced even more
Sun: Shit. How long were you two at it?
Jaune suddenly looked tired
Jaune: Five . . . Fucking . . . Days . . . STRAIGHT!!!!
Oscar: Ouch.
Sun: Holy hell! How are you alive?
Jaune: Pure fucking luck. Anyway what the hell happened to you two?
Sun winced: It was Blake's heating cycle.
Jaune: Oof
Oscar: Yikes!
Sun: Yeah even my clones was not enough to satisfy her.
Oscar: I got burnt
Jaune: You'd think Atlas would've made her waterproof
Oscar: Oh she is, it's just that Penny forgot to turn off a little security system her father installed to keep perverts away.
Jaune: Ouch.
They heard some kind machine coming close so they turned to see Ren in a full body cast except the head riding on what seems to be a mechanical wheelchair rolling to them and stopped next to Jaune.
Sun, Oscar and Jaune: . . .
Ren: . . .
Jaune: Nora?
Ren nodded: Nora.
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frickingnerd · 11 months
RWBY Masterlist
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➤ Team RWBY
➤ Team JNPR
➤ Students
➤ Adults
➤ Villains
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ftvs-cm45 · 2 years
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Kiss Scenes in RWBY
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nishloves · 1 year
moots <3
despite being an e, I'm very awkward on social media and it's hard for me to interact with people who aren't my irl, but surprisingly I made so many friends here (even though we don't talk as much) and that makes me so happy 🥺🩷
noelle; @icyminghao
my first moot <3 I was so excited when you followed me back because I literally loved your works, we haven't talked in a long time but i genuinely adore you and hope you're doing well! and all the dedicated songs made me so happy that you think of me this dearly
sunny; @feat-sun
thankyou so much for supporting me<3 all your comments have uplifted me throughout my tumblr journey and motivated me to post my works, thankyou thankyou <3
kat!; @ksyongi
we just became moots and I don't know you that well but I seriously love your works and had almost squealed when I saw you followed me because you were one of the first accounts I had followed on tumblr<3 hope we can get to know each other better!
my irl bestie <3
kat; @blackcat2907
I know we haven't interacted a lot, but I love seeing your posts on my dashboard (I used to love pjo too and now am getting back into it again!) I hope in future we can talk more and get to know each other!
kala; @jeonride 🐾
I remember following you because of your immaculate recs and i felt so honoured when you followed me back! almost like a reassurance that my fics are now getting better <3 hope we can get to know each other better soon!
sunny; @sunnylovespickles
I remember following you a long time ago because of kala's recommendations and then doing a happy dance when I saw you followed me back! we haven't interacted much but you seem like a beautiful person and I hope we can get to know each other better<3
aania; @aaniag
thankyou for supporting me so much! it really feels nice to think that you have an audience to write for and an audience to appreciate your works! all your interactions made me so happy <33
may; @som1ig
i can't stress just how much I loved your pjo series and being updated on it! you seem like a very chill person with a very cool vibe and I hope we can get to know each other better! <3 ( spoiler : we did and i love you sm more now aaaaaaa <33333333 )
aznik; @thepoopdokyeomtouched
our first interaction was both of us simping on desi svt and honestly, i found you to be a full vibe since then, thanks for supporting me sm, thanks for liking my fics and interacting with me and thanks for all the motivation you've unknowingly given to me, just- thank you for existing <3
aiden; @gojos-thot-patrol-main
my first anime moot and our first interaction was absolutely nuts- i still go back to #jjk soap opera tag and end up cackling because of how messy every single thing was- not to mention that all your sukuna fics are my guilty pleasure and i literally squealed when i got the notif that you followed me and we're moots now!!! hope we interact more and take care of yourself!
star; @starsstuddedsky
i just can't stress enough how much i am in love with your fics and specially wlih because i had been religiously following it- i love your works and i really really hope that we interact more <3
nora; @woozvc-main
we've just become moots and haven't really interacted a lot but i love your smaus and i'd love to talk with you more <3
mina; @alsktudy
gosh, i really think that your fics are so cute- i really appreciate all the comments, all the reblogs and all the interactions you bestow upon me and you're such an amazing and chill and fun person too! hope we talk more <3
sarah; @kkooongie
we haven't interacted much out of tag games but oh my god your works are so awesome- and your series are literally chef's kiss. awaiting all your upcoming works, you're amazing <3
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superiorsturgeon · 6 months
Sun: I’m collecting relationship data for a study! Let’s start with what you find most attractive about a potential partner…
Sun: …so…chest, or ass…?
Pyrrha: *discretely checking out Jaune’s ass while spotting him on the squat rack* 😏
Blake: *nestled into Yang’s breasts on her bed* 🥰
Ruby: *rubbing her face against Weiss’ collarbones in her vol 1 outfit* 🤤
Nora: Personally, I’m attracted to a good personality!
Nora: …yes…Ren’s thick, throbbing personality…🤤
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Things Have Changed
Jaune having drinks with some old friends in, Vacuo.
Jaune: Thanks for inviting me to out with out guys, it’s really nice to catch up with you all.
Neptune: Think nothing of it man.
Sun: Yeah, its great to hang out with you.
Coco: And, you’re finally stylish enough to hang around us as well. You used to look pretty…
Neptune: Like a dork.
Sun: A total nerd.
Velvet: Guys! That’s mean!
Coco: I was going to say pedestrian, but those work too. But, now… MmHH~! Mama likey~!
Jaune: Oh… W-Well thanks, Coco.
Coco: I mean the hair makes you look so much more mature, especially with those white streaks in it.
Neptune: And, armour is more form fitting. It suits you better.
Sun: And, you’ve got some muscles on you, no more lanky self! Though I doubt you look anywhere as good as me~!
Velvet: And, that tights ass…
Jaune: Oh, thanks guys…! Wait, what was that about my butt?
Coco: You have such tight looking ass~!
JSN: …
Jaune: Okay… That’s a first…
Coco: Never had a hot girl compliment you before.
Jaune: Well yes she has, but never my butt.
Neptune: Oh? Is there some hot lady making moves on you?
Jaune: Why as a matter of fact; Yes, yes there is.
Coco: I call bullshit!
Jaune: And, why do you find that hard to believe?
Coco: No offence, Jaune, you’ve certainly gone from a two to an eight on the hotness scale. But, I seriously doubt some hot ladies are chasing after you; You may look hotter, but you’re still a dork.
Jaune: Well, you better tell that to all those, Milfs back in, Mantle that I wasn’t a hot piece of meat then.
Neptune: Bullshit! There’s no way a bunch of milfs would be after a Huntsmen-in-training.
Jaune: Oh, I’m not a student anymore.
Velvet: Well, you may have gone your own way after, Beacon fell, but you’re still a first year student.
Jaune: No I’m not. See, here’s my, Hunter’s license.
Sun: The hell?!
Coco: WHAT?! I’m still a third year in training, and you’re already a licensed, Huntsmen?! That some fucking bullshit right there!
Velvet: Well either way; Congrats on becoming a, Huntsmen, Jaune. I’m sure you do good out there.
Jaune: Thank you, Velvet. So, do you believe there is a hot lady chasing after me now?
Jaune: What?! Come on guys I’m telling the truth, honestly.
Neptune: What kind of a hot babe would be chasing after you?
Jaune: My wife for starters.
CVSN: Your what?!
Jaune: My wife. Can’t you tell I’m married? Oh wait, my gauntlet is hiding the ring. Well no matter, I’m married.
Neptune: Who the hell would marry you?!
Jaune: A lady with impeccable taste.
Coco: So… Wasn’t, Weiss then…
Neptune: Hey she’s got good taste!
Jaune: She went for a womanizer like you, I highly doubt that.
Coco: Fair point.
Neptune: Hey!
Velvet: Was it, Yang?
Jaune: No she, and Blake are dating.
Coco: They are? Good for them.
Neptune: That Ruby girl?
Coco: she doesn’t have good taste.
Sun: Ouch.
Sun: Is it, Nora?
Jaune: No she, and Ren are still a thing…
Velvet: Are they?
Jaune: Uhh…? Honestly I don’t know with those two. Ren, is so emotionally stunted it’s hard for, Nora to get through to him.
Coco: Then who is it; Who is the lucky lady to managed to bag?
Jaune: Her name is, Jinn. Jinn Arc.
Coco: Jinn eh? Pretty name. What is she like?
Jaune: Insanely smart, and knowledgeable about everything! If you guys have any secrets, secrets you haven’t told anyone about, she knows about them. Not to mentions she kind, and very curious, she loves experiencing new things. It’s so adorable seeing her reactions when she tries sometimes new. I’m so happy I married her.
Velvet: Wait, she knows our secrets?
Jaune: Every secret, anyone has every made. She knows.
Velvet: Well that’s unnerving.
Coco: How can she know out secrets if she’s never met us before?
Jaune: Well… Consider it a semblance of sorts if you will.
Coco: Sounds like a powerful semblance.
Jaune: Insanely powerful.
Neptune: Enough about her personality; What does she look like?
Coco: Yeah, what does she look like?
Jaune: Oh, she has rich ebony skin, long silky black hair, and luscious indigo eyes.
Sun: And…?
Jaune: And, what?
Neptune: Her body, what’s her body like.
Coco: Yeah. Are we working with an hourglass figure, or what?
Jaune: Oh, she was the definitive hour glass figure, it only adds to her absolute beauty that she is.
Coco: Nice~! And…?
Jaune: And… She’s thic… Like: Thic THIC~!
CSN: Nice.
Coco: But, I still think you’re lying.
Neptune: Yeah, pics or it didn’t happen!
Sun: Sorry dude, I have a hard time believing you’re married, much less to some bombshell hotty.
Velvet: Sorry, Jaune, but I find it difficult to believe too.
Jaune: Et tu, Velvet?
Velvet: Sorry.
: Well, if you want proof of, Jaune’s wife, then I’m all to happy to oblige you~!
Jaune: Ahh! Jinnnnnnnnnnn…
Velvet: Wait, your wife is actually hereeeeeeeeeee…?!
Neptune: Who is crazy enough to marryyyyyyyyyyyyyy…?!
Sun: What, that’s bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiii…??
Coco: …
Jaune: Nnnn…?! Ahh sorry I get lost in a trance when I look at…?! Coco! Your nose is bleeding!
Coco: Hello, Mommy~!
Jinn: My oh my. Such charmers aren’t you~?
Jaune: W-What are you doing here? Didn’t you say you needed a rest. And, more importantly; what’s with that lustrous outfit?
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Jinn: Oh, this~? It’s rather hot here so I decided to wear something a little more… breezy~! Do you not like it?
Jaune: I love it! But, don’t wear it in public again. Too many people are gazing lustrously at what’s mine…
Jinn: Ohh I love it when you get dominant with me~! Now as for your other questions; I was resting in our room, but it’s so lonely back there all alone… I wanted my beloved knight to come back, and… comfort me~! Can you do that dear, please~?
Jaune: C-Certainly! Bye guys, husband duties are calling!
Jinn: We’ll chat later everyone. We’re going to be quite busy soon. Oh, and Coco?
Coco: Yes…?
Jinn: Be a good girl, and you can join us later, okay~?
Coco: O-Okay…
Jinn: Good. Bye everyone~!
CVSN: Bye…
Sun: Holy shit! She’s real?!
Neptune: And, hot as hell!
Velvet: She’s the most beautiful woman, I’ve ever seen before in all my life!
Coco: H-How did she know I wanted to join them in a threesome?! I didn’t say anything?!
Velvet: I think the nosebleed said something about that.
Coco: Like that says, ‘I wanna bang you.’ I was just registering how hot she is!
Sun: And, she’s married to, Jaune?!
Neptune: How did that blond goofball land such a hot babe?!
Velvet: Must have been the hair.
Coco: His hair is really alluring.
Sun: It’s better than, Neptune’s.
Neptune: Dude?!
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howi99 · 3 months
Meeting from the past 3/3
Mercedes: *looking around the room* This school... *Smile* It reminds me of my hold school, back when i was your ages.
Ruby: Oh oh! Where you a huntress? Did you kick bad guys butt? *Does karate chop* aya!
Mercedes: Oh my, yes. *Looking sad* I never really liked fighting. But, to protect others against bad people, i fought with all i had.
Ruby: *feeling a bit bad* W-well, now we are the one who will protect you!
Mercedes: *smiling again* And i thank you for your help... Ruby, was it?
Ruby: Yep!
Mercedes: *looking at everyone until her eyes met Ash's one*... Sorry, my dear, but... Have I seen you before? I feel like we met before.
Ash: *sweating* N-no! I'm from Vacuo, no way you could have seen me! Ah ah ah!
Mercedes: Is that so? But your eyes...
Jaune: *opening the door* I'm back! And with enough food for everyone!
Mercedes: Jaune!
Jaune: *smiling while giving the food bags to Yang and Pyrrha* Mom! *Hugs her* I missed you! How's dad? And my sisters? Did Saphron finally move?
Mercedes: *laugh* They are fine! And yes, they finally moved. *Chuckle* the house has finally known silence for the first time in 3 years.
Jaune: And what about yourself? Did you sleep well? Did you eat correctly?
Mercedes: I'm the mom here, Jaune. Shouldn't i be the one asking this kind of question?
Jaune: You know me well enough, but i know you too. You only bake!
Nora: *poking Jaune side* You don't present us, fearless leader?
Jaune: *slap his forehead* How could i forget! Mom, this is my team! Nora, Ren and Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Hello!
Ren: Nice to meet you.
Nora: HI! Are you as good of a cook as Jaune?
Ren: Nora!
Nora: What?
Mercedes: *laugh* Oh, i don't know... Jaune, what would you say?
Jaune: *sigh* In making sweet, she beat me... But i am getting better!
*everyone is talking to everyone*
Ash: *sigh while looking at Jaune*
Mercedes: *sitting next to her* I won't tell him who you are.
Ash: *heart skip a beat* L-like i said, i-
Mercedes: Do you wish me to tell your father you are ok?
Ash: ... *Sigh* How did you know?
Mercedes: You mean outside of the knife you have at your side, your amber eyes and the fact you keep looking at Jaune while smiling like you fid when you were height?
Ash:... I'm that obvious?
Mercedes: *smile* Don't worry, you hide it well enough for him to not recognize you and spill your identity out. But Ash? Really?
Ash: Well, it was close to my real name. Or at least the one they gave me back then. Beside, it goes well with my hair, no?
Mercedes: *sigh* I'm so sorry for what happened to you-
Ash: It wasn't your fault. Besides, if it wasn't me, it would have been someone else. *Smile* And i don't wish anyone that.
Mercedes: *hugs Ash*
Mercedes: *leaving* It was fun seeing you! We will be there for the vital festival!
Jaune: Bye mom! See you next time!
Sun: Welp, it's been fun, but we gotta bounce. Ciao everyone!
Neptune: Yeah, Ciao!
Ash: *timidly* S-see you later! *Leave with Sun and Neptune*
Ruby: I like your mother.
Jaune: *smile* Everyone does... *Sigh*
Yang: What's wrong VB? Already missing her?
Jaune: No, just... *Looking at the gift from her childhood friend* Just having a bit of nostalgia, i guess.
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Requests are now closed. Thank you for the lovely hawk and highland cow suggestions! Threw in some of the older drawings I did because why not? If I’m being honest I kinda want lil plushies of these two now ❤️
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