#sully beau brown
caudatoshiabi · 1 year
It's finally done
According to ibis this room 17h36m somehow
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cheeseblind · 1 year
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sullybobs · 1 year
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Let's Play SUSHI GO PARTY | Board Game Club
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sullivanbeaubrown · 1 year
hate it when mom and dad fight
(nrb plays bank heist)
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natjennie · 3 months
save me nrb fake artist... nrb fake artist save me...
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yb-five · 1 year
You know I really don’t get how Adam and Sully bully Teri for being French when their own names are BlamPIED and BEAU Brown
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eli-like-a-lie · 10 months
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I ... I need to go look at some corn flakes
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norollsbarred · 1 year
I loved how well each player matched their characters. Holly's a witch, Adam's a virgin, Laurie's a goth. Oh wait.
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act-iv · 2 years
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Dogboi/Catboi behaviour
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lizzieehearts · 1 year
she sully on my beau till i brown
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caudatoshiabi · 2 years
Made a lil compilation of my favourite moments from the recent bgc
Should I do these everry episode?
Content warning: it's really sus
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runwithwolvcs · 2 years
Addicted to You
where do we go now?
Word Count: 3697
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"And we're lost." Sulli stated as she stopped walking, waiting for Kaycee to catch up to her. Her best friend had insisted on going hiking, citing the lack of time they had been spending together. Kaycee said she felt guilty for putting her new beau before her best friend. While that may have been true, Sulli really hadn’t noticed. Between school and work, the only time she had to herself, had been spent in Paul's bed.
A secret between the two of them that they had agreed upon. No drama. That's what she told him she wanted, and he agreed to keep the peace in the pack. Neither of them were sure of how Brady would take it. Just because he had hurt her, doesn’t mean she wanted to do the same. Sulli cared about him a lot.
Kaycee screwed the top off of her water bottle and took a sip, before ensuring Sulli, "No, I swear this was the way Collin and I came."
"I don't think this is even the trail, Kay," She said, pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket and unlocking it. She held it above her, hoping to find a bar, but no signal was found,  "Fuck, I don’t have service. Do you?"
Kaycee did the same and shook her head with a grimace, “Maybe one of the boys is around.”
“Nu-uh, that's the last thing that we need.” Sulli said forcefully. She didn't want Brady or Paul to find them, she was still mad at the younger wolf and she had yet to tell Kaycee she had been shagging Paul for the past two weeks, let alone on speaking terms with him. “We are independent women, we don’t need them. We’ll find the trail.”
“Sulli,” Kaycee pointed to something behind her. She turned to look, and eyes widened as she watched the giant wolf take a step towards her slowly. It bowed its head to show that he wasn’t a threat before laying down and resting her head on his paws. 
She had never seen anything like this before. Paul had once shown her that he could transform into a wolf, but it was from a safe distance. Sulli didn't remember him being this big.
A smile grew on her face as she recognized the fur colour, but more so that the wolf's eyes were nearly identical to Paul's dark brown ones. 
“Paul?” She asked to confirm, a whine left his mouth and the younger girl took two steps forward, close enough to touch him much to Kaycees warning from behind her. Reaching forward, Sulli scratched behind his ear, "You're like a big puppy."
“Maybe he can lead us back to the trail,” Kaycee said from behind her, but Sulli was too mesmerized by the giant animal to respond.  The wolf stood up, and Sulli realized just how big he actually was. The two of them now eye level with each other, his eyes never leaving her own.  She reached up to pet his snout, causing him to lean into her touch before letting out a huff and running back into the brush that he had come from. Kaycee gasped and asked,"Did he just leave us here?"
"Are you two out of your fucking minds?!" Paul nearly shouted as he came out from where the wolf had run off to. He was only in a pair of cutoff shorts, not even a pair of shoes on his feet. Sulli let her eyes rake over his body, not caring that he was currently angry with them. If anything, it turned her on. Not that she would admit that to him with Kaycee standing next to her, as far as she knows, Paul was still on her No Kiss list.
Sulli shrugged as her eyes met his now hardened eyes, much different from the wolf's soft ones, "We were just hiking."
Paul scoffed and looked from her to her best friend, pointedly saying,"You know better than to be out here, I know you do" 
"Her and Collin--" Sulli tried to defend her friend. No matter how attractive his current frustration might be, there would be hell to pay if he messed with Kaycee. 
"Yeah, Collin was with her, " He stressed, turning back to the shorter of the two girls who had crossed her arms defensively.
Sulli rolled her eyes, "It's just a hike! It’s done every single day by other people."
"I don't--" Paul started, but was soon cut off.
"Point us back to the trail and we'll leave. " Kaycee said softly, she wasn’t as confrontational as the other two and it was showing.
"No, I'm taking you back to Emilys." Paul said, his eyes flicking to Sulli as if he expected a reaction. She didn't even know who Emily was, or at least she didn't remember her. Racking her brain, the only other person she could remember spending any memorable time with was a beautiful woman she had thought to resemble her own mom. Though she couldn't recall her name. Perhaps it was Emily, but she didn't know why they would go to her house either way. They couldn't be that far from Kaycees car.
"Why?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
"The pack hangs out there. Emily's Sam's wife.." Kaycee answered for Paul. Sulli was starting to realize how involved Kaycee was getting in all this pack nonsense. It made her happy to see her friend finding her way. Kaycees parents were fine, they had let her stay with them quite a bit during senior year, but they had left Port Angeles for a fresh start, both of them.
Deciding against questioning them again, Sulli instead went for a logical response, "Kaycees car isn't there, that's stupid."
"Collin will grab her car." He mentioned as if it was an obvious solution before saying, "Lets fucking go."
Sulli groaned as he walked past them in the opposite direction they were heading. Kaycee followed him with no complaints, but Sulli couldn't help but mutter, "You're so annoying."
 Paul and Kaycee walked ahead of her for the rest of the hike, laughing and talking about things she had no idea about. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a tiny bit jealous, though she knew how in love Kaycee was with Colin. It ticked her off to see the way Paul was with her best friend, he certainly wasn’t that way with her. 
Even in bed, he was all serious and calculated. Pillow talk was strategic on his end, never bringing up a topic they may have her looking for a quick escape. It worked, but she didn't know this fun, easy going side of him existed.
"Just through there." Paul directed Kaycee before stepping in front of Sulli, blocking her way past him.
She folded her arms over her chest and looked up at him, “I liked you better as a wolf.”
 “Are you done?” He cocked his eyebrow as her childish statement.
“It was just a hike.” She whined. Sulli felt like she was being reprimanded by a parent. That was the last thing she wanted to equate him to, it was bad enough that she was lusting over someone who practically babysat her. She likes older guys, that wasn’t new for her, but one that had watched her entire life implode at eleven years old, that was different. There was a vulnerability there that she wasn't ready to accept.
“You were lost.” Paul pointed out.
“We have bear spray.” Sulli muttered. It wasn't the best excuse, but it was true.
“It's not the bears I’m concerned about.” He told her and she was now the one getting annoyed.
“Well if you don't tell me, how am I supposed to know?!” She asked exasperated. It felt like they were going in circles. He was protecting her from something, there had to be something if he was this strung out, but he refused to let her know and it was making her irate.
Paul shook his head, “You don’t need to know.”
“This whole conversation is fucking pointless then.” She remarked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Is it?” He asked, a grin forming on his face. He looked a lot younger when he wasn't so serious. She liked seeing him relaxed, his jaw unlocked with no frown lines near his eyes. It sparked something inside of her to know that she was the reason he had let his guard down now, even if it was only momentarily.
One of his hands slid around her waist to her ass, roughly squeezing it as she bit her lip to suppress a moan. He pulled her into him causing her hands to land on his chest to stop herself from crashing into him completely as he leaned down and softly said, “You’re cute when you’re annoyed.”
Before she could respond with a snarky remark, his lips were on hers and she was sliding her hands up from his chest to wrap her arms around his neck. She didn't even register that he had walked her backwards until her back hit a tree, Sulli was too enthralled in their kiss.
With his hand still massaging her ass, she couldn't help but rock her hips forward into his with a moan. 
She pulled away before she could lose herself in his touch and mumbled, “We should go before Kaycee’s mind hits the gutter.”
“Let it.” He said huskily before bringing his lips down and sucking on her neck.  She hummed in satisfaction as he almost immediately found her sweet spot, just below her jaw. Her resolve was quickly dissolving as he brought his other hand down to her thigh and hoisted her up against the tree. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned involuntarily as she felt his hardness through her leggings.
“How far is your house?” She asked needily. 
Paul pulled his lips away, a smug smirk on his face as he told her, “Too far.”
She let out a small whine, ready to tell him to take her right then and there before a black mass of fur caught her eye. Another wolf was staring right back at as she quietly tried to collect her thoughts. “Um…”
Paul looked over his shoulder at what she was distracted by and the wolf huffed and backed away, disappearing into the greenery. Paul looked back to her and gave her one last peck before telling her, “Let's get you back to Emilys.”
She pouted, running her hand through his hair. “But--”
“We’ll continue this later,” He promised, dropping her back down to her feet. His hands moved from her waist to her ass, giving it a squeeze before removing his hands from her completely. He ushered her in the direction that Kaycee had gone which led into a clearing where a small cottage-like house sat.
Sulli remembered it.
Emily and Sam, they were friends of Sue’s. Emily would babysit her when Sue or Paul were not available. She turned to Paul, no longer wanting to head into that house, “Maybe we--” 
“Paul,” A deep voice cut her off, both of them looking into the direction it came from. She noticed the man named Sam as he motioned Paul over.
“I’ll be right back,” He told her, tapping her ass gently before walking in the older man's direction, leaving her alone and uncomfortable. She frowned at his retreating figure before looking back at the homely cottage just as a woman stepped outside.
“Sulli?” The beautiful woman on the doorstep called out. 
She recognized her, still a beaming ray of sunlight, as she had been ten years prior. Sulli recalled telling Paul she reminded her of a Disney princess. Now, the more she knew about the pack, she could almost laugh at how comical it was. She was basically snow white, and the wolves were her dwarves.
Sulli nodded while trying to stifle a laugh, “Yeah.”
“Come, come, there's some fresh muffins inside.” Emily said brightly. Sulli glanced over at Paul one last time, he was intently listening to whatever Sam was telling him and figured it was important wolf business that she wasn’t about to interrupt.
Letting out a small sigh, she made her way up the front steps and followed behind Emily to the kitchen. Everything was exactly how she remembered, save for a few new photos here and there.
“Where's Kaycee?” She asked shyly. As much disdain she had for this place, she wanted to be polite, for Paul’s sake.
“She went with Collin down to the beach.” Emily informed her, “Muffin, sweetie?”
“Sure.” She nodded, sitting at the table. Sulli grabbed a muffin, and if possible, Emily's smile grew wider than it already was. The older woman sat across from her at the round table and Sulli avoided all eye contact as she let her eyes wander the art and photos scattered about.
Paul sauntered in after an excruciatingly long amount of awkward silence and sat next to her, his arm immediately draped on the back of her chair. She watched him closely, he was no longer relaxed. The crows feet by his eyes signalling his frustration and tension.
Sulli nudged her foot against his under the table, getting his attention, before she asked, “Everything alright?”
He nodded, taking a muffin, “All good.”
“Not a need to know, got it.” She chided, leaning back in her chair. Her eyes not leaving his figure.
Paul watched her for a beat before he grinned at her, “Now you’re catching on.”
“Prick.” Sulli mumbled.
He chuckled softly, playing with the ends of her hair from where his arm rested across the back of the chair. It eased her anxiety enough to let out a breath of relief. Sulli crossed her ankle over his, interlocking the legs. The heat from his bare calf on her fabric covered leg reminded her of his promise to head back to his place. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.
“So, Sulli, how have you been? You were just a little girl the last time I saw you.” Emily asked with a bright, warm smile. She couldn't believe how naive the question was. Did they really not know how the system worked? 
Sulli frowned at the question, “Fine, I guess.”
Sam asked as he sat down next to Emily, mirroring Paul's position,“Just fine?”
“Yep,” She answered tightly.
“Were your foster parents as nice as Julie said they were going to be?” Emily prodded. Clearly  she was hiding her disdain for this topic better than she thought she was.
“Emily,” Paul shook his head. At least someone could sense how uncomfortable this topic was for her. Sulli had never even mentioned anything about foster care to her. They talked about her career, and his. Sometimes school, but nothing dating back to her time in the system.
“Sorry, it's  just she had said this family was really looking forward to---”
Sulli abruptly stood up. Not wanting anything to with this conversation anymore and walked out the door. She made her way down the rickety porch and looked for a way leading back to the main road.
“Sulli!” Paul called out. Making his way down the porch and grabbing her arm gently to stop her, “Sulli, wait,”
“Let me go,” She sneered, wrenching her arm out of his hold. Sulli was starting to feel claustrophobic from all the memories she had from the yard they stood in. How happy she had been. Just to have it ripped out from under her.
Paul backed off, raising his hands in surrender, “She was just--”
Sulli interrupted him by waving him off, as she started walking further from the cottage, “I don’t care. Tell Kaycee I’ve left for me, yeah?”
“What are you going to do, walk all the way back to Forks?” He asked in disbelief, he kept up with her with ease, his long strides able to put himself ahead of her and in her way. She looked up at him in annoyance.
“I'm sure there's a bus or something.” Sulli pulled out her phone to try and figure it out.
“I’ll just drive you.” He insisted, almost pleading with her.
“No, I want to be alone.” Sulli shook her head. That was the last thing she wanted. To be stuck in a car with him while feeling the way she did. 
“Sulli, we’re friends now.” He said, a small teasing smile on his face. “You can tell me anything.”
She paused mulling over what she was willing to tell him, or anyone for that matter. There wasn’t much. Sulli had opened up to Brady and look at how that turned out,  “Since Emily wants to know so bad, tell her I was only with that foster family for a week. That's how nice they were.”
Paul's eyes widened at the new information, “What? What do you mean a week?”
“There were six more after that, they were just so amazing,” Sulli continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Six?” He questioned with a frown.
She nodded,  “So I’m sorry, I have nothing nice to say nor  do I want to talk about it with the same people who put me in that situation.”
“That's not fair.” He frowned.
“Don’t you dare lecture me on what is fair.”   Sulli scowled, finally reaching the tipping point she had been heading towards since Paul had reentered her life. No amount of sex or sneaking around was going to mend the cracks they had all made in her trust, she just didn't think he would ever hurt her anymore than he had already.
Though, he was quickly proving her wrong.
“Sulli,” Brady's voice sounded from the porch, looking concerned. She looked back at Paul, whose face had changed into one of anger.
She scoffed and went for the jugular,  “You know what's not fair? Being ripped from my fucking home, only to be dropped off with the only relative I had left, who I didn't even know existed.. “
He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off again, “No, no, it gets better. They didn't want me either, so then I was shipped off to a home in Portland to this couple who thought they were getting a foster son. Imagine the shock on their faces when they found out Sullivan was a girl's name too.”
“Sulli,” He tried again softly. Though she can see in his eyes that he wasn’t happy. Dark, brown pools of unmistakable rage.
“I’m  not fucking finished.” She seethed,   “You see, the husband, Larry, hated me, literally hated me, Paul. So  much, that he pushed me down a flight of stairs because I talked back to him. So please, tell me what you think is fair, I would really like to know.”
Tears were streaming down her face and she hadn't even realized it. Paul reached for her, prompting Sulli to take two steps back as he sullenly said, “I would have never let that happen to you--”
“But you did.” Her voice strained as she struggled to pull herself together.
“Come on,” Brady said as he began trying to pull her away as a warning growl left Paul’s throat.
She pushed him away, “No, I’m mad at you. You’re both assholes, did you know that?”
Paul turned and walked away, heading towards the treeline. Her jaw dropped in shock as she yelled towards his shaking retreating figure,  “Yeah, leave again. You’re so fucking good at doing that!”
“Stop provoking him.” Brady spoke seriously, stepping in front of her to block her view of Paul.
“Fuck you.” She pushed at his chest, “You…you made me trust you just to fucking leave me too.”
“You know I didn’t want to.”
“But you did!” She shouted at him tearfully, “You left me!”
“Brady!” Paul shouted from the treeline, watching the two of them interact with the most anger she had witnessed from him. 
The audacity for him to be mad at her for talking to Brady, after he had initially ruined their friendship. She wanted to hurt him just as he had done to her, without thinking of the repercussions, she impulsively grabbed Brady's cheeks and kissed him.
He reciprocated for a moment before pulling back, “Stop, we can’t..”
Sulli looked  back at Paul with a smug look, just as he exploded into a wolf, looking back at the two younger ones before taking off into the woods. The smugness immediately turned into guilt as she felt sick to her stomach from seeing the sad eyes of Paul's wolf.
“Fuck, Sulli!” Brady shouted, looking at her with wild eyes before back in the direction Paul had run off to.
She shrugged, trying to play it off, “He's the one trying to ruin my life, and you’re helping him.”
“He’s not trying to ruin your life.” Brady said while rolling his eyes, “He cares about you, he just wants to get to know you..”
“I had sex with him.” She said honestly, adding a small dig at Paul's expense, “He knows all that he wants to know.”
“That was quick.” He snarked.
She scowled, “wouldn’t have even happened if you didn't stab me in the fucking chest.”
Bradys anger took over anger as he forcefully said, “Yes, it would have. I know you and I know him. You two are made for eachother.”
“No, we’re not.” Sulli denied, “He doesn't really care about me. “
“He does, and you just hurt him by kissing me. Now he's going to be pissed at me too.” Brady stressed. She could see the worry in him, and it just added another knife to the collection he had left in her heart. He was more worried about Paul being mad at him than the fact that she was currently breaking down. This isn't the Brady she was friends with.
She shook her head, “Well who cares how I feel, right?” 
“Sulli,” Brady called as she turned on her heel and walked towards the way she suspected was the road off of this suffocating property.
“Go, run after him.” She looked over her shoulder as she walked away, “I don’t ever want to see you again, Brady.”
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cheeseblind · 1 year
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Live and Imp-Person | NRB Play Blood On The Clocktower
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sullybobs · 10 months
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"You can be the master of my dungeon anytime."
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sullivanbeaubrown · 2 years
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vote in the rest of the polls HERE!
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natjennie · 5 months
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best quality: his wiggles
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