#stufio ghibli cosplay
twyla30 · 4 years
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I tried to do a little bit of howl! I am not super happy about the wig and i feel I don’t fit him as a character much! But it was a fun adventure!
Follow me on Instagram @mms_cosplayadventures
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majestmystix · 3 years
Plug of cringey tiktoks pt. 1
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hello! this is going to be kind of long, so i apologize in advance! i’ve been trying to find my class & aspect for years now since i got into homestuck. for reference, i’m an enfp & an enneagram 6w7 (tritype 6-4-1/6-4-9, can’t decide which one fits me more). i’m also a gemini sun, cancer moon, & gemini rising. while i’m not the biggest fan of harry potter my hogwarts house is ravenclaw.
a bit about me:
i’ve never understood the dichotomy of “science versus art” because in my opinion both are so deeply intertwined and both are a huge part of my life! i enjoy both the sciences (specifically biology, ornithology, and natural sciences) and the humanities (history, art, literature culture, etc) i love gathering information, learning new things, and sharing it with others. since i was a kid i enjoyed classifying animals (specifically birds), plants, and to this day i consider myself a hobbyist bird watcher.
some of my other interests are tolkien (lotr, the silmarillion, & the hobbit, as well as tolkien lore in general), star wars, jojo’s bizarre adventure, the MCU, demon slayer, theatre, stufio ghibli, pokémon, and fashion history/design history. whenever i get into a piece of media that i care about, i want to learn as much about it as i can! in the past as a kid i would get super obsessive about my newest interest. i also love to draw, sew, paint, cosplay, write, dabble in animating, study art history movements, train my pet parrot, and just be creative in general. i also did martial arts and theatre in middle school and high school. i guess you could describe me as a generalist or a jack of-all-trades? i want to know everything there is to know about things i’m interested in. and i’m always working on side projects, creating stuff, and just putting my ideas into action.
because of my vast amount of interests i’m able to easily relate to other people and form acquaintances and friends but i only have a few very deep, very close friendships. like, i’m very social and make friends easily but while i have a big circle of people i know there’s like >5 people who i consider to be my best friends.
despite being outgoing and extroverted i am also a very analytical and inquisitive person. researching, overthinking, and overanalyzing is my jam. i’m not afraid to confront harsh realities and discuss solutions to social issues, how to make a project more efficient, or doing copious amounts of research when writing essays/reports. people who are just meeting me perceive as being a friendly, fun, extroverted person and nothing more, but there’s more than what meets the eye. people who know me better know that i love to pick apart huge concepts like ethics, philosophy, etc. and tend think about “the big picture.” while having a type B personality i’m a high-achieving student with clear set goals for my future. if i care about a topic i’ll write an essay about it for fun XD
Looking back, a “character arc” i’ve gone through in the past is developing maturity. i was kind of a late bloomer in middle school and high school so it took me a while to start really “acting my age.” it might be due to undiagnosed ADHD (considering getting tested for it) but it took me a bit longer than my peers to “grow up,” if that makes any sense. i had to learn to become more open to change and realize that growing and changing is good and important.
so i guess the reason why i’ve struggled to find my aspect is that i see myself equally creative and equally analytical. i enjoy creating things as much as i enjoy learning new things, & i would consider myself as both a creative and a scholar.
i have no idea what aspect i could be. maybe light or space? but it might be something else entirely. XD
as for classes i haven’t the foggiest either. i’ve juggled around sylph, seer, and even knight at one point in the past but i still don’t know lol.
as for blood color, bc of my zodiac i’m a goldblood, but i’m curious what alternative hemotype i’d get based on my personality!
lastly, i have no idea what my lunar sway is bc i have gotten both derse and prospit different times in quizzes.
again, apologize for the length of this message. thank you so much! :) 🤍🤍🤍
Your most likely classpect appears to be a Seer of Space - your class reflects your desire for knowledge and researching, whereas your aspect covers your creativity, focus on the big picture and the main sciences you enjoy also fit into it (especially as it relates to nature). Overall you appear to be searching to know and understand Space. In some ways your focus on knowledge does suit Light and your focus on interests suits Heart, but as these easily fall under Space they are less likely.
If you think your aspect is Light instead, you may want to consider Heir rather than Seer - it would better describe how it surrounds you and why your interaction with it may make it seem like another aspect at times. However, considering that you do consider Space as a possible aspect for yourself you probably don't need to consider this. Feel free to ask me questions about it if you are uncertain though.
As for blood colour, you haven't given me enough information based on what I use to determine it to be certain. However, considering enneagram can reflect your desires I'll make some suggestions based on that: Bronze (craves support and safety), Olive (values familiarity and others) and Indigo (suits the inward energy of 6 and outward energy of 7).
You could be a dual dreamer, but it's also likely that your class or aspect is skewing it. Based on what you've stated here, it's likely class is affecting it and you are a Prospit dreamer. Asides from a couple of things like being analytical, you do consistently suit Prospit and even how you act as a Seer mirrors a Prospit Seer rather than a Derse Seer.
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