learnmercy · 3 years
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happy birthday to storm @strkefrst / @karatetm!   i know you said you don’t really celebrate your birthday, but i wanted to give you something special to let you know we’re all glad you were born! not only are you kind and funny, but you’re talented as hell, and i’m happy to call you my friend. i hope you have a good day, even if you don’t do anything for your birthday!
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vypcr · 3 years
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vdcvvvy · 3 years
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THE  NIGHT  STARTED  OUT  WELL  ENOUGH.        Bobby  had  told  her  that  they  were  going  on  a  double  date  with  a  friend  of  his,  but  he  never  mentioned  who  (  and  to  be  fair,  she  never  asked  him.  She  was  just  happy  to  get  to  meet  more  of  his  friends  since  it  had  been  so  long  ).  Natalia  had  gone  out  and  bought  a  new  dress  and  wanted  to  make  sure  she  looked  presentable  enough  since  she  was  still  rebuilding  her  belongings  since  all  she  had  had  fit  in  her  luggage.
Everything  was  turning  out  to  be  great  until  she  saw  the  woman  who  had  answered  the  door  at  the  address  Bobby  had  given  her  to  where  Johnny  was...  and  then  Johnny  and  her  stomach  dropped  and  suddenly  she  wasn't  drunk  enough  for  what  was  about  to  happen.  
Yeah,  she  had  been  avoiding  going  back  to  see  Johnny  but  she  didn't  think  it  would  be  quite  appropriate  after  she  and  Bobby  started  dating.  She  was  doing  it  out  of  respect  and  now  she  was  feeling  blindsided.  She  hardly  touched  her  food  and  focused  on  a  liquid  dinner  as  the  whole  thing  seemed  more  tense  than  anything  she  had  ever  been  through  before.  Of  course,  Shannon  recognized  her.  How  could  she  not?  Johnny  hadn't  even  looked  at  her  and  Bobby  was  so  tense  beside  her  that  she  could  all  but  feel  it  radiating  off  of  him.
Suddenly  she  stood  up  without  saying  much  of  anything  except  a  murmured,  "I'll  be  right  back."  Standing  up  too  quickly  wasn't  exactly  optimal  on  a  few  glasses  of  wine  so  she  steadied  herself  before  she  made  her  way  outside  and  as  soon  as  the  cool  night  air  hit  her  face  she  just  began  to  laugh.  She  laughed  until  she  had  to  sit  down  on  the  concrete  flowerpot  and  then  she  cried.  Elbows  on  her  knees  and  her  face  in  her  hands  and  her  whole  body  shook  with  the  effort  to  contain  the  sobs  that  caused  the  trembling  throughout  her  body.  She  was  angry  and  she  was  hurting  and  worst  of  all,  she  was  EMBARASSED.  Deep  down,  she  knew  Bobby  meant  well  and  that  this  was  something  he  had  been  pushing  for,  for  her  to  actually  go  talk  to  him  again  but  she  just  was  finding  every  excuse  not  to  so  he  took  that  excuse  away  from  her.  It  was  admirable,  she  gave  him  that.  But  it  didn't  make  it  hurt  any  less.
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@strkefrst & @chrmatiica​ P A I N for Johnny and Bobby
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knowspain · 3 years
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the  one  where  daniel  brings  people  closer  because  they  wanna  kick  his  ass.
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notafossil · 3 years
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   ❝ yeah, well-- i got shot. ❞ he lifts his brows, but his smile is playful as he takes Johnny’s extended hand to give it a firm shake. he probably wouldn’t have left the army otherwise.  ❝ so now here i am. how’ve you been, man? ❞
@strkefrst​  ♥’d for a CK verse starter
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mercytaught · 3 years
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》     》     👫     /     five  headcanons for @strkefrst​​.
1.    johnny  got  her  interested  in  karate  when  she  was  around  four  or  five.  he  taught  her  small  things  that  she  in  turn  went  home  to  her  mother  and  showed  her  what  she  had  learned  and  she  couldn't  get  enough.  she  did  karate  with  him  until  she  was  about  eight  when  things  between  her  parents  got  a  bit  strained  and  while  he  did  do  his  best,  he  wasn't  around  for  awhile  so  she  stopped  learning  or  wanting  to  until  she  reached  high  school.  by  the  time  she  wanted  to  get  involved  again,  he  had  already  started  training  miguel  which  pushed  her  even  further  away.
2.    her  father  had  nunchucks  in  her  hands  as  soon  as  she  could  hold  them  without  falling  over.  it's  one  of  the  reasons  she's  so  good  with  them.  it  was  something  she  still  did  even  when  she  wasn't  doing  karate  itself.
3.    she  has  her  own  motorcycle  jacket  and  helmet.  johnny  started  taking  her  on  rides  when  she  was  a  child  and  he  would  take  her  out  even  as  a  teenager  when  he  wanted  to  spend  some  bonding  time  with  her.  it  was  one  of  her  fondest  childhood  memories  going  on  rides  with  her  dad  and  uncles.
4.    laura  has  johnny's  short  temper  and  attitude.  she  may  look  like  her  mother  but  her  attitude  and  mannerisms  are  all  johnny  and  it  drives  her  mother  crazy  because  she's  a  spitting  image  of  him  when  she's  upset  or  annoyed.
5.    when  laura  is  mad  at  her  dad,  she  speaks  to  him  exclusively  in  russian  (  or  spanish  to  throw  him  off  ).  but  she  will  refuse  to  speak  to  him  normally.  he  may  be  able  to  understand  her,  but  he  doesn't  generally  speak  it  back  to  her  and  when  he  does  manage  to,  it  throws  her  off.
6.    when  silver  beat  him  up,  laura  had  snuck  back  in  to  her  house   from  prom  and  found  him  drunk  on  the  couch.  she  carried  him  to  bed  and  climbed  in  with  him  and  held  him  when  he  cried  to  her  about  being  a  bad  dad  and  how  he  regrets  when  he  wasn't  there  for  her.  she  reassured  him  and  told  him  that  she  couldn't  ask  for  a  better  father.  
7.    much  to  nat's  dismay,  johnny  inadvertently  swore  around  her  as  a  baby  and  her  first  word  was  "fuck".  and  nat  had  never  let  johnny  live  it  down.
8.    laura  got  johnny's  blue  eyes,  except  hers  are  so  dark  they  can  almost  pass  as  black  or  can  turn  almost  a  silver/grey  blue.
9.    when  she  left  cobra  kai  after  the  incident  with  hawk,  she  took  a  small  break  from  karate  until  she  went  to  her  dad  and  asked  him  if  she  could  join  even  though  she  had  felt  he  had  replaced  her  for  some  time.  
10.    laura  is  the  only  one  of  the  kids  who  has  managed  to  get  a  point  /  hit  in  on  johnny  and  she  actually  was  able  to  take  him  to  the  ground.  she  is  way  too  proud  of  that.  
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moraltaughtarchive · 3 years
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@strkefrst​ asked: five times shared:  ( five times the receiver shared something (either a material or feelings or secrets!) with the sender )                 ’ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴𝚂 ’ 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙱𝙻𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂.
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first.   johnny   is   an   odd   man.   she   doesn’t   particulary   like   him.   he   is   rude   and   loud   and   a   tendency   to   put   kids   in   danger   and   she   wonders   if   he   ever   dealt   with   his   trauma   or   this   was   his   way   of   believing   he   could   help   make   kids   tougher.   but   he   also   shares,   one   day,   after   she   makes   a   comment   about   robby   and   miguel   and   how   messy   everything   was.   he   speaks   of   one   ali,   and   her   father.   and   she   knows   this   tale.   sam   is   baffled,   when   johnny   tells   how   her   father   stole   ali   away   and   a   pause   gives   her   some   thought.   so   sure,   two   sides   of   a   story,   but   she   asks   the   important   question.   do   you   still   think   he   did   that?   didn’t   ali   said   you   two   were   over?   and   johnny   falls   quiet.   he   shares   with   her;   no,   i   don’t   think   that.   and   sam   is   pleased.   got   to   start   somewhere.
second.   she   unscously   picked   up   his   trick   with   the   bottle   cap.   she   is   not   good   at   it   and   he   catches   her   trying   to   do   it   one   day   after   practice.   he   corrects   her   hand   and   the   way   she   should   flex   her   fingers   and   when   she   finally   does   it   and   it   lands   right   on   the   trash   can,   she   beams   back   at   him.   and   the   next   time,   they   do   it   together,   making   a   little   competition   out   of   it   and   sam   hasn’t   feel   more   free   in   weeks.
third.   she   knows   it’s   a   bad   idea   to   not   tell   her   father   what   she   is   doing.   but   the   dojos   are   split   now,   and   she   needs   both   sides.   sam   hates   how   she   feels,   that   she   is   betraying   mr.   miyagi   by   training   with   johnny.   but   she   feels   good.   a   little   strike   first,   know   mercy   energy.   he   teaches   her   the   tornado   kick.   he   shares   with   pride   and   poise   how   to   do   it   and   she   listens.   it   takes   her   all   day   to   land   a   hit,   and   while   it’s   not   where   she   wants   it   to,   it   makes   her   proud   and   johnny   looks   back   at   her   and   she   beams   again.   he   looks   as   proud   as   miyagi   and   her   dad   did   when   she   did   her   first   kick.  
fourth.   it’s   before   the   tournament.   johnny   finds   her   on   her   own   and   give   her   a   small   box.   inside,   there   is   a   headband,   alike   his   own,   except   it’s   not   black   but   purple   and   she   has   to   laugh,   it   has   a   small   design   on   it,   an   eagle   and   she   smiles.   she   ties   it   on   her   gi   for   good   luck   just   as   she   tied   the   lotus   design   on   the   side.   she   hugs   johnny   right   then,   a   smile   on   her   lips.   later   that   day,   as   she   turns   to   look   at   johnny   and   her   father,   she   feels   she   could   defeat   everything.  
fifth.   johnny   and   her   dad   find   her   at   the   house   guest   house.   it   should   be   her   hers   in   a   few   months,   when   she   chooses   to   move   there   and   think   about   college.   her   father   hugs   her   and   goes   to   make   her   favorite   food   to   make   her   feel   better,   giving   her   a   moment   with   johnny.   she   is   holding   mr.   miyagi’s   photo   in   her   hands   and   she   been   crying   all   day.   johnny’s   words   are   small   but   nevertheless,   offer   comfort.   that   man   could   kick   ass,   larusso.   don’t   think   he   would   ever   be   dissapointed   in   you   or   your   dad.   you   will   make   it   right.   sam   swallows,   as   he   tells   her   he   has   to   leave,   something   about   miguel   goign   to   mexico.   robby   will   go   too   it   seems   and   she   nods.   he   gives   her   his   red   jacket,   for   safe   keeping.   and   that   night   she   hangs   it   next   to   his   father’s   red   jacket   from   okinawa.   bonsai   and   eagle   staring   back.      she   will   make   this   right.
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vdcvy · 3 years
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THE  DATE  WAS  FUN  and  it  served  its  purpose  to  get  her  mind  off  of  some  things  and  Bobby  had  even  won  her  a  stuffed  fox.  Summer  was  almost  over  so  she  was  enjoying  these  moments  because  she  knew  once  school  started  again,  it  would  be  harder  to  get  him  alone  and  away  from  the  guys.
IT  WAS  WHEN  THEY  WERE  on  their  way  to  Bobby's  car  that  she  heard  and  saw  Johnny  and  Dutch  drive  up  and  Bobby  hooked  an  arm  around  her  waist  and  switched  sides  with  her  so  he  was  closest  to  the  car  since  Dutch  was  there.  Natalia  didn't  say  much,  she  just  hugged  the  stuffed  animal  and  waited,  though  she  could  see  the  look  on  Johnny's  face  was  less  than  pleased  and  then  he  made  eye  contact  with  her  and  she  realized  WHY.
BROWS  FURROWED  AS  she  looked  at  him  and  gave  him  a  very  pointed  'why  are  you  so  upset  with  me?  you  don't  have  the  right'  before  she  just  continued  walking  knowing  that  Bobby  would  catch  up  with  her.  
THE  NEXT  MORNING  SHE  woke  up  from  where  she  fell  asleep  on  Johnny's  couch  as  she  had  been  staying  there  most  the  summer  while  Ivan  was  still  in  Russia.  It  took  her  a  moment  to  realize  that  he  hadn't  woken  her  up  like  he  usually  did  to  come  to  bed.  Did  he  even  come  home?  Picking  herself  up  off  the  couch,  she  made  her  way  up  to  his  bedroom  and  didn't  see  him,  but  she  knew  he  was  still  somewhere  in  the  house  because  his  keys  were  on  the  dresser.  Shrugging,  she  figured  she  would  take  a  shower  and  then  go  find  him  and  she  deposited  the  stuffed  animal  amongst  her  things  and  grabbed  some  clean  clothes  and  headed  into  the  shower.
KEEPING  AN  EAR  OUT,    just  in  case  she  popped  out  soon  enough  just  as  Johnny  was  coming  into  his  room.  "Hey."  the  tension  was  suddenly  thick  in  the  air  and  it  nearly  crackled  like  thunder  as  if  it  were  a  palpable  thing.  It  made  her  uneasy  and  she  stopped  and  just  stared  at  him  a  moment  like  she  usually  did  when  she  was  trying  to  understand  one  of  his  behaviors.  "Who  pissed  in  your  cheerio's  this  morning?"  Maybe  not  the  best  turn  of  phrase  but  this  feeling  she  was  getting  from  him,  she  knew  something  would  spark  the  fuse  one  way  or  another  so  she  might  as  well  be  the  one  to  do  it.  "Is  this  about  last  night?  I  see  you're  somehow  still  pissed  off  at  me  that  you  didn't  even  wake  me  up  to  get  off  the  couch."  Honestly,  she  didn't  have  time  for  it  --  nor  was  she  in  the  mood  for  whatever  it  was  that  was  wrong.  "What  did  I  do  this  time?"
@strkefrst​ gets plotted paaaaain
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kairate · 3 years
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SHE   ARRIVES   IN   9   INSTEAD   OF   10.   A   NEW   RECORD.   mind   you,   johnny   taught   her   how   to   drive   around   LA   and   well,   it   helps   when   there   is   a   rush   and   an   emergency.   the   door   is   open   and   she   finds   him   there,   on   his   couch,   a   drink   by   the   table   as   expected.   “oh   johnny.   you   look   like   shit.   to   think   I   thought   this   was   a   sexy   look   a   couple   years   ago.”   shannon   sighs,   closing   the   door   behind   her   and   shakes   the   first   aid   kit   before   them,   and   medical   supplies   she   has   gotten   from   the   store.   she   turns   on   the   lights   on   to   catch   better   sight   on   him,   and   damn.   “you   say   a   senior   citizen   kicked   your   ass?”   the   tease   is   there   but   really,   she   is   worry.   she   send   him   to   him,didn’t   she?   she   went   to   him   for   robby   and   this   silver   guy   beat   him   up.   “alright,   sit   up.   gonna   stitch   you   up   and   hope   for   the   best.”
starter for @strkefrst​
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spydered · 3 years
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This wasn't exactly a conversation she wanted to have with him, but Natalia knew it was one that needed to happen. She knew Johnny, probably better than anyone else did. She knew his temper and she knew how he would react to what she had to tell him.
Walking past the bowl he keeps his keys in, she swiped them and shoved them in her purse before she set her purse on the floor by the door. There was no good place to have this conversation, so it really didn't matter where they were except that Robby was at her house resting and so she figured she would go over to Johnny's apartment. Robby knew where she was going if he needed her.
If his reaction to what she had to say about her interactions with Kreese was any clue into how Johnny would react... she was in trouble.
Sitting on the edge of the couch once she was settled, her elbows rested on her knees and fingers steepled together. "Yeah, I know I kind of started this conversation on the phone earlier, but we need to actually talk in person about it. I owe you that much." She finally looked up and watched him come back into the small room. "I owe you an explanation as to why I left the way I did. That it wasn't because of you. At least not in the way you may expect of it. And it all boils down to Kreese." That seemed to be the trend. Everything went back to that sociopath and it seemed as if she just couldn't get away from it.
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There was no sugarcoating anything so she just dived in. "So, you remember the night after the All Valley loss?" of course he did, but she had to start somewhere, right?
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starter for @strkefrst​ bc P A I N
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learnmercy · 3 years
sensei lawrence  ,  🎁  for a spotify wrapped starter.
       give yourself a try by the 1975.
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                    ‘ what would you say to your younger self? ’     @strkefrst​.
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vdcvvvy · 3 years
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FOR  THE  FIRST  TIME  IN  HER  LIFE,  she  hated  Ivan.  She  hated  him  with  every  fiber  of  her  being  for  dragging  her  from  the  only  happiness  she  had  ever  had.  She  had  a  nice  life  with  friends  and  she  had  finally  been  able  to  have  Johnny  in  her  life  the  way  she  had  always  wanted.
And  then  Kreese  happened  and  everything  fell  apart.
Ivan  hadn't  even  let  her  graduate  first.  They  were  on  the  first  flight  out  as  soon  as  he  could  settle  his  affairs.  But  it  was  what  happened  not  long  after  settling  back  into    Volgograd  that  she  found  out  that  she  was  pregnant.  Not  exactly  ideal  as  Ivan  flew  off  the  handle  when  she  told  him  but  they  made  it  work.
The  pregnancy  wasn't  an  easy  one  as  she  was  still  young  and  her  body  had  gone  through  a  great  amount  of  stress  and  pain  that  she  actually  thought  she  had  lost  the  child  on  more  than  one  occasion.  The  last  trimester  and  a  half  she  spent  in  bed  on  complete  bedrest  and  Ivan  took  some  time  away  from  work  to  take  care  of  her.  
Ilya  'Elijah'  Romanova  was  born  right  before  midnight,  so  he  was  born  on  August  19th  instead  of  August  20th,  which  would  have  been  wholly  ironic  as  his  father's  birthday  was  on  the  20th.  
Months  passed  and  Ilya  was  finally  healthy  as  could  be  after  spending  some  time  in  the  hospital  and  Natalia  had  sat  down  with  Ivan  just  before  he  turned  one  and  she  wanted  to  go  home.  Home  was  never  Russia.  Home  was  in  California.  Home  was  with  Johnny  and  once  the  doctors  signed  off  safely,  Ivan  once  again  moved  them  back  into  the  house  he  left  since  he  owned  it  still.  
Natalia  wasn't  even  on  the  ground  for  a  full  twenty  four  hours  before  she  was  in  contact  with  Laura,  because  she  was  unsure  if  Johnny  was  still  living  at  home  or  not.  She  had  completely  missed  graduation  so  she  didn't  know  what  had  happened  after.  After  a  round  of  tight  hugs  and  fawning  over  Elijah,  she  was  curled  up  on  the  couch  taking  a  quick  nap  while  she  waited  for  Johnny  to  come  home.  Laura  had  insisted  she  rest  and  it  gave  her  time  to  spend  with  her  grandson and she’d wake her when he came home.  
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                      @strkefrst​ gets a plotted starter 
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knowspain · 3 years
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╰   *  𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭  𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 :                    ––––––   ft.   @strkefrst
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      he’s not sure what his dad is cooking, but he’s a little too tired to actually ask. he hadn’t slept well at all, in truth, his mind is a little all over the place. he realizes he’s being asked a question a little too late, and looks up to find Johnny offering out a coffee. he takes it with a thanks, hands wrapped around the hot mug.  ❝ what’re you making? ❞ 
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mercytaught · 3 years
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there  were  definitely  things  in  her  life  that  she  wasn't  proud  of  and  sometimes  she  spoke  without  thinking  about  it  first.  but  she  really  fucked  up  this  time.  so  much  in  fact  that  she  couldn't  be  home  after  she  said  it.  granted  her  father  wasn't  always  the  beacon  of  greatness,  he  did  the  best  he  could  and  she  loved  him  more  than  life  itself,  but  on  the  other  hand...  she  had  some  unresolved  anger  and  sometimes  when  just  the  right  buttons  are  pushed,  she  says  things  that  she  very  much  does  not  mean.  
where  do  you  think  i  learned  it  from?
the  words  played  on  a  loop  in  her  head  over  and  over  again  and  she  slumped  down  in  the  passenger  seat  of  her  brother's  car  and  she  wiped  at  her  face  with  the  sleeves  of  the  hoodie  she  was  wearing.  she  hadn't  slept,  haven't  done  much  of  anything  but  curl  herself  up  on  duncan's  bed  and  cry.  
shifting  her  gaze  from  out  the  window  to  her  phone,  frantically  tapping  her  thumb  on  the  screen  to  see  if  her  dad  had  responded  yet  and  she  looked  back  out  the  window  when  she  saw  he  hadn't.  she  could  hear  robby  talking  to  her,  but  the  words  were  just  so  muted  that  she  didn't  even  register.  luckily  enough,  her  mother  had  made  sure  to  turn  on  the  find  my  phone  feature  on  her  dad's  phone,  just  in  case  something  happened  (  but  she  knew  it  was  because  of  what  happened  after  prom  ).  
"he's  at  Miyagi  Do.  You  can  just  drop  me  off.  I  know  you  don't  want  to  be  there."  She  murmured  and  sunk  down  further  in  the  seat,  but  robby  was  robby  and  by  the  time  they  got  there,  she  was  almost  in  full  panic  mode.  there  was  a  fine  tremble  in  her  hands  as  she  fumbled  for  the  door  as  she  made  her  way  out  of  the  car.  
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hands  dug  into  the  hoodie  as  she  headed  around  the  dojo  to  the  back  and  she  didn't  even  know  how  she  was  going  to  handle  this  but  might  as  well  jump  feet  first.  she  easily  spotted  her  dad  and  she  went  over  to  him.  "i..  um.  can  we?"  words  were  hard  and  she  didn't  care,  she  stepped  forward  and  wrapped  her  arms  around  her  dad  and  hugged  him  as  the  sobs  started  again.  "i'm  sorry  dad,  i'm..  i  didn't  mean  it,  i  really  didn't  and  i  didn't  mean  to  hurt  you."  the  words  were  lost  in  the  sounds  of  the  sobs  that,  if  she  hadn't  been  holding  on  to  him  she  would  have  sunk  to  the  ground.  
@strkefrst​ as if we don’t have enough pain lol
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moraltaughtarchive · 3 years
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@strkefrst​​ asked: ‘ you’re letting your emotions control you. ’       𝐑𝐏 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄:   SPARRING / TRAINING.
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FRUSTRATED   SIGH   ESCAPES   HER   LIPS.   hand   brushing   over   sweat   above   her   forehead   as   eyes   settle   on   johnny   as   if   he   is   talking   gibberish.   she   tries   to   focus,   hands   moving   at   own   accord   as   she   returns   to   a   familiar   stand,   legs   apart   and   arms   circling   as   she   breathes   with   the   motion.   “what   am   I   suppose   to   do   then?   let   myself   get   hit?   you   are   not   pullin’   punches,   johnny.   people   in   real   life   won’t   stop   just   because   I   look   small.”   not   tory.   not   kyler.   no.   they   strike   harder   and   faster   and   she   is   done   being   at   the   receiving   end.
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