#strategies for reading to young disabled children :)
pinkfey · 2 years
yes this is going to ruin my whole day
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
I am writing a character with FASD. The information I've found on the condition is all about how it looks in children, but as the story goes on, he's going to age, and I wonder if any of you might have some idea of how the symptoms might look in a teen or adult, or know where I can find that information.
Hi asker,
I found you some resources!
MedicalNews Today has a quick, easy to read summary to start off
This PDF about Adults with FASD from The Center for MSACD at Emory University is another easy to read general overview
A scientific paper, What Happens When Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Become Adults?, from the National Library of Medicine
This PDF resource about supporting adults with FASD by Community Living British Columbia, which includes a common developmental profile
This page on resources for and about adults with FASD by the National Organization for FASD Australia, which includes two PDFS by the organization (one on how to support adults with FASD, and one for young adults with FASD), as well as various links for resources and information both for and about people with FASD
This resource page meant for adults with FASD from the National Organization for FASD UK, which has information on FASD as well as resources that can help the person
This page on Understanding and Supporting Adults with FASD from the Indiana Alliance on Prenatal Substance Exposure
This PDF of a paper, Understanding and Supporting Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Strategies for Health Professionals: an Opinion Piece, of course aimed at doctors and whatnot, from the Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences (Vol 16 Number 3 Article 2)
Also, feel free to scroll through our intellectual disability tag; about a third of people with FASD have intellectual disability due to it (source).
Hope this helps,
– mod sparrow
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elloellenoh · 2 years
The Dangers of Current Book Bans and Censorship in the US
This movement to ban and soft censor (quietly pull or not purchase) books is extremely dangerous. They are deliberately targeting diverse books, in particular - LGBTQ+ and BIPOC, because this is a movement to silence historically marginalized voices.
The people leading the book banning effort don't want these books in schools, libraries, even bookstores! They are not content to police their own children, but have taken grave overreaching steps to police what ALL youth have access to. But the worst part is the deceptive campaign of lies and misinformation that is used to control a very specific narrative. Books are accused of being porn, grooming, race baiting, fearmongering. But that’s not what it is really about. At the heart of this book banning movement is a desire to take away our youth’s ability to read and empathize with people who are not white, not cis, not straight, not able bodied. It is the most egregious form of othering. It is hammering home to those who do not fall within those labels that they are not part of the American story. Because when they ban LGBTQ+ and BIPOC books as they scream “think of our children!” what they are really saying is they are only interested in protecting a very specific type of child.
These book bans are driven by the larger movement to restrict classroom conversations and lessons about race and LGBTQ+ issues that has been led by certain groups driven by fear and hate in response to the progress made by marginalized voices. It’s not new. There have always been people in power who are afraid of what “losing their power” would look like. They thrive on fear mongering. Fear of the poor, of immigrants, of Black and Indigenous people of color, of those with mental and physical disabilities, of LGBTQ+ people, of all who are not like them. And these days anyone speaking up become the targets of harassment, hate and threats, especially teachers and librarians.
But know that they are targeting schools, and children, because controlling education and our youth is a long game strategy for them. If the impact of racism and bigotry are not taught in the classroom, if books about marginalized kids are censored and unavailable, we risk creating a generation of kids who never learn the value of empathy. And when marginalized kids don’t see themselves in the literature they read, we teach them that they are not valued, not wanted. That they are not equal. And there is no greater devastation to a child than to feel like there is no place for them in the world.
Right now we all need to be aware of what is happening and do whatever we can to speak up, make noise, fight back! There are so many ways you can help. Read articles. Pen America and Book Riot has been following the bans across the country. Take a look at all the books being banned. Support the authors and the books however you can. Go to the library and borrow them. If they are not there, ask them why. Attend local government meetings and make yourself heard! Form banned book clubs. Write to your local school boards, assemblymen, congressmen, let everyone know that banning and censoring these books is wrong! There are both small and big things that everyone can do!
Remember, there is a young person out there who needs one of these books so that they can feel seen and loved and know that they are not alone. That book just might save their life.
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faceofhind · 2 years
How To Improve Memory Using Memory Exercises
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The brain is the body's most intricate organ. It controls a variety of bodily processes, decodes sensory input, and manages our emotions. Additionally, it is where memory, intelligence, and creativity reside.
Even though the brain exercises extensively every day, some activities may improve connectivity and function. In turn, this might assist in preventing age-related brain degeneration.
Even while you are sleeping, your brain is still working. However, some activities can alter how the brain functions, which may enhance memory, brain power, or creative ability.
If you are a student who is having trouble studying for a big test, you may quickly discover that you will need the assistance of some study tips to make your life easier. Learning memory exercises is beneficial for many students of all ages. Teachers frequently make suggestions for exercises that they have used or learned since beginning to teach in an effort to assist their students.
Of course, everyone must use what they find appealing. What functions for one person may not function for another. Teaching a child to tie their shoes is a simple example of this lesson in action. When asked to try a new method of learning, his focus might be off and cause frustration. Perhaps one parent uses a different approach, or the grandparents have different opinions about what is ideal.
Children with learning disabilities need to learn effective memory-boosting techniques that are catered to their individual needs. A child who has trouble remembering might need to daily associate certain things with the same colors. Perhaps certain smells or shapes help them remember things. When a child is blind, they can learn to associate through touch or smell. Grandpa may use the same cologne or aftershave every day, and Grandma might too.
There are times when teachers use a different teaching approach than parents. An argument may start when the child asks the parent for homework assistance because the parent will employ a different strategy to achieve the same goal. The work that is submitted may receive a poor grade if the child is not taught to argue with the parent. Consistency and cooperation in the parent-teacher relationship are successful in this area.
Have you ever written a silly but offensive song about someone you found offensive? Despite the fact that it might be interpreted as cruel, this was a fantastic memory test. Even though it's not typically done so, music can be a useful tool for teaching kids how to remember things better. When comedians use crude music to make jokes, the audience frequently remembers the comedian simply because the music served as a means of imprinting the comedian in the audience's minds. Even if you can only remember the melody and not the words, the outcome is still the same.
Playing rhyme games can be a great memory aid. The antics of the characters in Dr. Seuss stories have entertained countless people since they were young. Many of the words are meaningless in actuality and don't even make sense. But because of the rhyming effect, they helped someone remember the story.
Repetition is the key to memory exercises. You must practice the actions repeatedly in order to learn how to do them. similar to always keeping your car keys in your purse to prevent loss. Have your kids learn to put their shoes and backpack in the same spot every night if you struggle to get them to school on time because they take too long to find them. If you use these simple memory techniques, your boss will be pleased that you arrive at work on time every day.
To read more article like this, stay on our blog....
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kvibe-test · 10 days
Protect Your Kids: Online Gaming Safety for NY Parents
Ensuring Children's Safety in Online Gaming: Parental Controls and Strategies for New York Parents
Ensuring children's safety while they participate in online gaming is a major concern for parents and guardians. With the rising popularity of video games, particularly among young players, the importance of robust parental controls has become more urgent and necessary. This blog explores the crucial elements of parental controls in gaming, highlighting technology, effective parenting methods, and specific advice for parents in New York.
Technology and Parental Controls
Contemporary gaming consoles and platforms come equipped with a range of parental controls designed to ensure children can game safely.
Console-Specific Controls:
PlayStation: PlayStation consoles feature comprehensive parental controls through the Family Management system. Parents can impose playtime limits, restrict online communication, control spending, and block access to inappropriate content.
Xbox: Microsoft's Xbox Family Settings allow parents to manage screen time, apply content filters, and handle privacy settings. The app also provides activity reports to monitor playtime across different devices.
Nintendo Switch: The Nintendo Switch offers intuitive parental controls via a dedicated smartphone app. Parents can set time limits, track gameplay, and receive notifications about new friends or console activities.
General Features:
Time Limits: Establish daily or weekly gaming time restrictions, ensuring children do not overindulge in gameplay.
Content Filters: Restrict games based on ESRB ratings, ensuring only age-appropriate content is accessible.
Spending Limits: Set limits on in-game purchases and new games, preventing unwanted transactions.
Online Communication: Limit or block online communication, ensuring children interact only with known friends or no one at all.
Parenting Strategies
Implementing effective parenting strategies is vital to ensure safe and balanced gaming experiences for children:
Stay Informed and Involved: Parents should get acquainted with the games their children play. Participating in gameplay with their children can build trust and understanding. Additionally, teaching digital literacy and online etiquette ensures children grasp the importance of safe online behavior. Set Boundaries: Utilize parental controls to set healthy boundaries like playtime limits, spending caps, and content restrictions. Discuss these limitations with children to build trust and instill values. Encouraging a balanced lifestyle with breaks, physical activity, reading, and socializing is also crucial. Role Modeling: Manage your own device usage to present a balanced approach to media and technology, serving as a positive example for children.
Best Practices for New York Parents
For parents in New York, here are some tailored best practices:
Choose Age-Appropriate Games: Ensure the games your children play are suitable for their age. Use ESRB ratings as a guide.
Learn and Use Parental Controls: Acquaint yourself with the parental controls available on gaming platforms. The New York Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection advises parents to use these controls to safeguard their children's personal data and finances.
Monitor Internet Access: Control or disable online chatrooms and manage internet access to prevent exposure to unsuitable content.
Protect Personal Information: Educate children on the importance of not sharing personal information online and being cautious of scammers and phishing attempts.
Parents in New York have shared positive experiences regarding the effective use of parental controls. For example, one parent mentioned that setting time limits and keeping an eye on online interactions significantly reduced their worries about their child's online safety. Another parent noted that discussing game content and spending caps led to a better understanding and trust between them and their child, which enhanced their overall relationship.
Parental controls are an essential tool in ensuring the safety and well-being of children engaged in online gaming. By understanding and utilizing the various controls available on gaming platforms, parents can create a safer and more balanced gaming environment. Staying informed, setting boundaries, and promoting digital literacy are key strategies for effective parenting in this context.
#ParentalControls #OnlineGaming #ChildSafety #NewYorkParents #DigitalParenting
Learn how to manage your children's gaming activities effectively: https://bloggerfy-test.webflow.io/
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iwantjobs · 3 months
7/10/2024: It's hot as a semi-homeless-disabled-mental stuck in the garage in 96 Fahrenheit degree everyday trying to be on a strict but healthy diet, exercise the belly, and thinking of the next strategy to find a job as the female Buddha without looking desperate for God (Jesus' father) living as a female is never desperate for his children (never turn gay I mean. By turning gay is going out with men during gay song and gay melody). It's like being in a sauna 10 hours a day--probably good to lose the water bloating. Trang at 51.23 years old. At least my chips-eating zits are going away thanks to applying salt to kill the bacteria and curry powder to erase the read scarring. Even looking this smelly and dirty, all my stinky human body parts are regular washed with plain soap ans tiny water for my skins is well protected from touching anything that is no mine. I always brush my teeth, floss gums, and scrap My tongue after eating. My clean feet are covered with old socks from touching dirt. My hands are clean with tiny soap and water even if I touches a chip for I hate smelling like food even though food saved me from marrying having children in this gay world during this gay song. In the future, when I return to Vietnam eternally, I will volunteer to the commies sweep the street and clean a public bathroom as punishment as a Vietnamese from abroad returning to live in homeland for your homeland is not trash. I will tell the commie and it's people that a culture, a religion, a country can never rise unless they have clean bathrooms, kitchen, and streets. The Vietnamese native might laugh at me, if if I see their streets, kitchens, and bathrooms being dirty, it will be too having the last laugh. I am actually 100% cleaner now than when I was young and not crippled, a mental, and semi-homeless because i don't have sex, i don't bring friends home because I don't trust where my friends' sanitation (gay men have sex in the second hole and that hole smell so be careful fag hags hanging out with them), I don't sit in public places, etc. I am much Trang at 51.23 years old. Those who want to save the planet, this is how you live folks: use the least amount of electricity to satisfy humans so no air conditioning unless it's life and death so humans might have to look messy and wet, but never dirty and smelly thanks to some tiny water, plain soap, and brushing teeth, scraping tongue, and flossing. The planet is ugly now because the humans abuse it to make their lives being comfortable and convenient--its time we humans give up some of our convenience and comfortability by looking a bigger messy and sweaty. It never dirty or smelly so the environment can heal a bit. However, when there's a business meeting, we are sharper and cleaner than a surgeon 's knife. For you Christians and white people, don't bother laughing at me if you step into your house with outside shoes and backyard shoes for I cut off people's feet if they step into my house (I don't have on yet because I am semi-homeless) with outside shoes and backyard shoes.
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vera-playschool-121 · 3 months
The Importance of a Stimulating Preschool Environment
Preschool is a crucial phase in a child's development, serving as the foundation for lifelong learning and social interaction. The environment in which preschool children spend their time plays a significant role in shaping their experiences, behaviors, and cognitive development. A well-designed preschool environment fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning. This article explores the essential elements of an effective preschool environment and its impact on young learners.
Physical Environment
Safety and Accessibility Safety is the top priority in any preschool setting. The physical environment must be child-proofed to prevent accidents. This includes securing furniture to walls, covering electrical outlets, and ensuring that play areas are free from hazardous materials. Additionally, the space should be accessible to all children, including those with disabilities. Ramps, wide doorways, and appropriately sized furniture are essential for creating an inclusive environment.
Organization and Layout A well-organized preschool environment is divided into distinct areas that cater to different activities. Common zones include:
Learning Centers: These are dedicated spaces for specific subjects such as reading, math, science, and art. Each center is equipped with relevant materials and resources that encourage exploration and hands-on learning. Play Areas: Both indoor and outdoor play areas are crucial for physical development and social interaction. Outdoor spaces should offer a variety of equipment that promotes physical activity, such as climbing structures, sandboxes, and tricycles. Quiet Zones: These areas provide a calm space for children to relax, read, or engage in quiet activities. Soft furnishings, such as bean bags and cushions, help create a cozy atmosphere.
Social Environment
Positive Interactions The social environment in a preschool is shaped by the interactions between teachers, children, and parents. Positive, nurturing relationships are fundamental. Teachers play a critical role in modeling respectful and empathetic behavior. By creating an atmosphere of trust and encouragement, teachers help children feel valued and supported.
Collaborative Learning Encouraging collaborative learning through group activities and projects helps children develop essential social skills. Sharing, taking turns, and working together to solve problems are vital components of social development. A preschool in Panathur environment that promotes teamwork fosters a sense of community and belonging among children.
Cognitive Environment
Stimulating Materials A cognitively stimulating environment is rich in materials that provoke curiosity and encourage exploration. These materials should be age-appropriate and culturally relevant. Examples include books, puzzles, building blocks, art supplies, and natural objects like shells and rocks. Rotating materials regularly keeps the environment fresh and engaging.
Language and Literacy Language development is a cornerstone of early childhood education. A print-rich environment, where children are surrounded by written words, supports literacy skills. Labeling objects, displaying children's artwork with captions, and having a well-stocked library corner are effective strategies. Storytelling sessions and opportunities for children to express themselves verbally further enhance language development.
Emotional Environment
Sense of Belonging Creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere helps children feel secure and valued. Displaying children's artwork, celebrating cultural diversity, and recognizing each child's achievements contribute to a sense of belonging. When children feel emotionally safe, they are more likely to take risks and engage fully in learning activities.
Encouraging Independence Preschools in Bangalore is a time for children to develop independence and self-regulation skills. Providing choices, encouraging decision-making, and allowing children to take responsibility for simple tasks, like tidying up or serving snacks, builds confidence and autonomy.
The preschool environment is a dynamic and multifaceted space that significantly influences a child's early learning experiences. A well-designed environment that balances safety, organization, positive social interactions, cognitive stimulation, and emotional support lays the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and development. By prioritizing these elements, educators and parents can create a nurturing and enriching preschool experience that fosters the holistic growth of young children.
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kidstherapy · 3 months
Common Issues Addressed in Kids Therapy and How They Are Treated
Kids' therapy plays a crucial role in addressing various psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues that children may face. In Singapore, professional children's counselling services are readily available to help young ones navigate their challenges and thrive. 
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This article delves into the common issues addressed in kids' therapy and the effective treatment methods employed by child therapists.
Anxiety and Stress
Excessive worry
Sleep disturbances
Avoidance behaviors
Physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helps children understand and manage their anxiety by changing negative thought patterns.
Relaxation Techniques: Breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation to reduce stress.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): Involves parents in the therapeutic process to improve the child's anxiety management.
Behavioral Issues
Temper tantrums
Behavioral Therapy: Focuses on reinforcing positive behaviors and reducing negative ones through a reward system.
Parent Management Training (PMT): Teaches parents practical strategies to manage their child's behavior.
Play Therapy: Uses play as a medium to help children express their feelings and learn appropriate behaviors.
Persistent sadness
Loss of interest in activities
Changes in appetite or sleep patterns
Talk Therapy: Provides a safe space for children to express their feelings and develop coping strategies.
Family Therapy: Involves family members to improve communication and support.
Art and Music Therapy: Allows children to explore their emotions creatively.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Difficulty following instructions
Behavioral Therapy: Focuses on improving organizational skills and self-control.
Social Skills Training: Helps children interact more effectively with peers.
Medication: In some cases, prescribed to help manage symptoms.
Trauma and Grief
Emotional numbness
Difficulty concentrating
Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT): Helps children process traumatic experiences and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Assists in reprocessing traumatic memories.
Support Groups: Provide a sense of community and shared experiences.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Difficulty with social interactions
Repetitive behaviors
Communication challenges
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Positive reinforcement enhances communication, social skills, and learning.
Speech and Occupational Therapy: Addresses specific communication and sensory needs.
Social Skills Groups: Helps children practice social interactions in a structured environment.
Learning Disabilities
Difficulty reading, writing, or doing math
Trouble understanding and following instructions
Poor organizational skills
Specialized Educational Support: Tailored learning strategies and interventions.
Cognitive Therapy: Improves memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
Collaborative Approach: Involves teachers, parents, and therapists working together to support the child.
Building a resilient future for your child
Kid’s therapy in Singapore addresses many issues, providing essential support for children facing emotional, behavioral, and developmental challenges. By seeking help from experienced child therapists, parents can ensure their children receive the guidance and treatment they need to overcome these obstacles. If you're looking for expert child counseling or kids therapy in Singapore, don't hesitate to contact a qualified child psychologist to help your child build a resilient and healthy future.
Take the first step to empower your child's future! 
Contact us at https://kidstherapy.sg/contact to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards resilience and success today.
About the Author: Kids Therapy is a division of Olive Branch Psychology and Counselling Services. At Kids Therapy, we offer an integrative therapeutic approach to help children between the ages of 3-12 express their feelings and prevent or resolve their psychosocial and behavioral challenges. The process allows a child to develop better social integration, growth and development, emotional modulation, and trauma resolution. We believe the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to the therapeutic process does not work.
We take an integrative approach to psychotherapy, combining different elements of specific therapies, including cognitive, behavioral, physiological, and psychological aspects of the child, to address the issues and concerns. Your child is unique and special!
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slickvicz-blog · 8 months
Botho ke Bontle
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Sintu Ndzube Storyteller Plaatjies iTolo Music Growing Gauteng Together
With the largest economy in the country, we strive in utilizing the Gobal Business Service sector to create jobs, to empower the youth, & to clean our surroundings for a Conducive Place. Listen Here
Digital Economy
with Security
for the local and international market
for the largest growing economy. https://youtu.be/efnk7pyThLI?list=PL6ixkQ6_TyoYzwsd1qzAetXriOLfMLtnz Botho ke Bontle With the largest economy in the country, we strive in utilizing the Gobal Business Service sector to create jobs, to empower the youth, & to clean our surroundings for a Conducive PlaceBotho ke bontleYES go gontle go bona 87% of our youth under the age 35, being employed by jobs created by the GBS close quote, Deloitte researched Bontle jwa Kasi Economy as a prime host of the GBS hubs for transformation to the province & its residents, bringing their growth rate to more than 3,5%, decreasing unemployment by 20% by 2030 With the first hub in Soweto already recruiting & training local youth, Nasrec, Alexandra & Tembisa will then follow Growing Gauteng Together the 2030 strategy aims to double the province’s economy, improve the health care mo dikasi with access & privilege to Health facilities for dikasi le dihostel'e Not considered a conducive place for both unemployed mothers & children with disabilities, mothers cannot enroll their young ones because dikolo ga dikgone go ba amogela, life ya ko dihostele le tla ntshwarela (hmm) Not only are they disabled they also don't have birth certificates, & mothers with no identity documents yet willing to work for their young ones Unemployed youth employed to deploy NYAOPE, Lord intervene (help us please) Give us strength & knowledge to grow our own food & Thank you for the Anti-substance abuse helpline, along with all the 5,000 reports from the caring mothers & fathersBotho ke Bontle... End
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https://youtu.be/efnk7pyThLI?list=PL6ixkQ6_TyoYzwsd1qzAetXriOLfMLtnz Read the full article
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bairusong23conceptart · 9 months
Critical Analysis
(Grammar correction powered by DeepL Write)
Loudoun F. M., Boyle B., Larsson-Lund M. (2023) 'Making choices in digital play spaces: Children’s experiences', Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, available on: https://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2023.2271050 [Accessed on 20 Nov, 2023]
In the Reader section, I mentioned the unexpected development caused by respecting the choice of the target children during the experiment. The popular strategy of providing enough choices has influenced the expansion of gameplay and art aspects in current games.
The digital age has brought about a significant change in children's play, with a shift towards incorporating digital elements into everyday activities. This article explores children's experiences and choices in the digital play space, a topic that aligns with my research in child psychology and digital media. The relevance of this topic is particularly evident in the ongoing debate about screen time and its impact on child development. This critical analysis aims to examine the article's methods, findings, and broader implications and place its conclusions within the larger academic discourse on children's interaction with digital games. The digital world has greatly expanded the stimulation of the senses. Children's senses are particularly sensitive, which is different from young players (who make up the largest group of players) and are fully capable of making their own choices and self-regulating.
I chose the section of Discussion to expand the critical analysis.
The study's use of focus groups to collect data directly involving children's perspectives is commendable. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) stresses the significance of taking into account the opinions of children. It is important to ensure that the text is accessible to a broad audience, including those with cognitive disabilities or low reading literacy.
However, questions arise regarding the diversity and representativeness of the sample. The absence of detailed information about the participants' demographic backgrounds restricts the ability to generalize the findings. It is essential to have a complete understanding of how children experience digital play in various social, economic, and cultural contexts to gain a holistic view.
The article notes that giving children the opportunity to make choices during the experiment resulted in unexpected development. This discovery prompted further research into the effects of choice-driven strategies in digital games, specifically in relation to the evolution of contemporary gameplay and artistic elements. The intersection of game design, child development, and media consumption is a crucial area of study.
Digital games offer a wide range of choices, including gameplay, visual art, and narrative elements. Game designers are increasingly using these tools to create immersive and interactive virtual worlds. Children can engage in role-playing, environmental exploration, and even shape their own game worlds as technology improves. Modern digital games are characterised by their immersive and creative nature. However, the abundance of choices in these games presents challenges.
However, the abundance of choices in these games presents challenges. It is crucial to strike a balance between challenge and accessibility to ensure engagement without causing undue frustration. Additionally, too many choices can overwhelm children and make decision-making difficult. The game designer's task is to balance providing options with keeping gameplay simple and clear. This requires a delicate balance.
The social aspect of digital games is an important consideration. Multiplayer online games have enabled global interaction between children, providing opportunities for social learning. Children can develop skills in cooperation, competition, and communication. However, ensuring safe and positive interactions, especially for young players, presents significant challenges in terms of regulation and supervision.
Digital play can have both positive and negative effects on a child's development. While it can offer educational and developmental opportunities, excessive or inappropriate screen time can negatively impact physical and mental health. Therefore, parents and educators must balance the benefits of digital exploration with the need to monitor playtime and activity types.
Freedom of choice in the digital play space has a profound impact on the quality of children's play experiences. This autonomy influences gameplay, artistic elements, and plays an important role in children's psychological and social development. It is essential to examine how these games impact children's lives and development to better understand and support their growth in the digital world as technology continues to evolve.
The growth of the digital play space has given children more choices and control. This shift presents both opportunities and challenges. Game designers, parents, educators, and policymakers must collaborate to ensure that digital experiences have a positive impact on children's development. In a world of ever-evolving technology and media, new opportunities for learning and development are constantly arising, along with new challenges and responsibilities. To foster an environment where children can thrive and fully develop in the digital age, it is essential to keep up with these changes.
The role of digital games in children's lives is multifaceted, as they are more than just entertainment venues. They are platforms for learning, creativity, and social interaction. The choices made in these spaces can have lasting effects on cognitive and emotional development. Understanding the dynamics of digital environments is critical for parents, educators, and policymakers. This understanding will guide the development of strategies that leverage the positive aspects of digital play while mitigating potential risks.
Integrating digital games into educational settings offers another avenue for exploration. Educational games can be powerful learning tools, providing interactive and engaging ways to teach a variety of subjects. The challenge is to design games that are both educational and appealing to children, striking a balance between learning goals and entertainment value.
Digital literacy plays a crucial role in children's participation in digital play. Children, as digital natives, are often fluent in navigating the digital environment. However, digital literacy encompasses more than just navigation. It involves understanding the impact of digital actions, identifying online risks, and developing responsible digital tool usage skills. Educators and parents should collaborate to develop these skills and guarantee that children are proficient in using digital games while also being aware of their potential impact.
In summary, exploring children's experiences in the digital play space raises numerous questions and reflections. The scope of this topic is broad and multi-dimensional, ranging from the impact of choice on game design and child development to the role of digital literacy. This article aims to comprehensively analyse how digital games are shaped by the children who participate in them, and how they, in turn, shape the games. It is evident that our comprehension of children's digital play must continue to evolve to adapt to the changing technological and media landscape of this digital age.
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thxnews · 1 year
Conquering Math Anxiety: Unlocking Academic Success
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  Young boy studying math in class. Photo by Woodley Wonder Works. Flickr.  
Math Anxiety: Embracing Numbers with Confidence
Overcoming Fear of Numbers Many children worldwide experience math anxiety—an unsettling fear or stress linked to math tasks. This anxiety can be debilitating, discouraging young learners from confidently approaching math problems. The fear of making a mistake often stands as a barrier to effective math learning. Symptoms of Math Anxiety Math anxiety can manifest in various ways, including nervousness, dread, or even physical symptoms like sweaty palms or an accelerated heart rate when confronted with math-related tasks. These emotions can create mental blocks, making it challenging for students to grasp mathematical concepts and apply them effectively. Empowering Young Learners Addressing math anxiety necessitates a supportive and empathetic approach. Teachers and parents play a vital role in helping children overcome this hurdle. Breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps and reinforcing effort rather than merely correct answers can gradually build math confidence, empowering young learners to embrace numbers with confidence.  
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Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom for Secondary School Students. Photo by James Rhoda. Wikimedia.  
Reading Comprehension: Beyond Words
Unlocking the Meaning Behind Text Reading goes beyond decoding words; it involves comprehending the deeper meaning behind them. Reading comprehension is a multifaceted skill, requiring the ability to analyze, infer, and synthesize information from text. Navigating Reading Challenges Children who struggle with reading comprehension may accurately decode words but often struggle to connect the dots between sentences and paragraphs. This challenge can hinder their performance across various subjects. Enhancing Reading Comprehension To address this challenge, educators and parents worldwide can employ strategies that focus on enhancing reading comprehension skills. This may include asking questions to stimulate critical thinking, promoting discussions about the material, and exposing children to diverse genres and topics to broaden their understanding of the text.  
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What are they doing in there... Photo by Scott & Elaine van der Chijs. Flickr.  
Nurturing a Love for Learning: Sustaining Interest
Fostering Curiosity and Engagement Maintaining a child's interest in subjects like math and reading is crucial. When young learners lose interest, their enthusiasm and effort may wane, hampering their academic progress. Sparking Passion for Learning Educators and parents worldwide can ignite a passion for learning by introducing engaging and relevant content. Math and reading need not be perceived as dry or abstract subjects; instead, they can serve as tools for exploring the world. Real-world examples, hands-on activities, and literature that resonates with children's interests can make a significant difference in fostering a love for learning.  
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Young girl showing the mental struggles that come with dyslexia. Photo by Kristine Lewis. Flickr.  
Facing Unique Learning Challenges
Learning Disabilities: Overcoming Obstacles Specific learning disabilities like dyslexia or dyscalculia can make it extremely challenging for children to excel in reading and math. These disabilities affect how children process information, making it difficult for them to acquire and apply essential skills. Early Identification and Support Recognizing the signs of learning disabilities is crucial for early intervention. Teachers and parents globally should be attentive to indicators such as difficulty in reading fluently, problems with number concepts, or persistent struggles despite adequate instruction. Once identified, specialized support and strategies can be implemented to help children with learning disabilities thrive academically.  
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Oceanway Middle School on Earth Day with a new outdoor classroom. Photo by JAXPORT. Flickr.  
Bridging the Opportunity Gap: Equal Access to Education
Limited Resources: Equalizing Opportunities Socioeconomic disparities can lead to unequal access to quality educational resources and tutoring, depriving disadvantaged children worldwide of essential support. Ensuring Equity in Education Addressing this issue requires a collaborative effort from communities, schools, and policymakers across the globe. Initiatives to bridge the opportunity gap, such as providing free or low-cost educational resources, offering after-school programs, and ensuring equitable access to quality schools, can make a substantial impact. By leveling the playing field, we can help all children reach their academic potential, regardless of their socioeconomic background.  
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Academic Achievement Award. Photo by Hugo y Charli. Flickr.  
Building Blocks for Success: Academic Achievement
Math and Reading Proficiency: A Path to Success Proficiency in math and reading serves as the cornerstone of a child's educational journey, regardless of geographical location. These skills are not confined to specific subjects but serve as essential tools for understanding and excelling in various disciplines worldwide. Unlocking a World of Opportunities In today's interconnected world, strong math and reading skills open doors to a myriad of professions and career paths. From STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields to literature, social sciences, and more, a solid foundation in math and reading unlocks a world of opportunities for children worldwide.  
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Soon Amandine got more and more confident. Photo by Sebastien Bertrand. Flickr.  
Building Confidence and Self-esteem
Empowering Personal Growth Continual academic struggles can erode a child's self-confidence and self-esteem, impacting their overall well-being. Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence in one's abilities. Fostering Resilience and Self-Belief Children worldwide need a supportive atmosphere where making mistakes and seeking help are encouraged. Promoting a growth mindset, where effort and perseverance are valued over innate abilities, can boost a child's self-confidence and motivation to improve. Recognizing that mistakes are opportunities for growth enables them to become more resilient learners.  
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Poverty and kindness of the child. Photo by Bibek Gaire. Wikimedia.  
Breaking Cycles of Poverty: The Economic Impact
Education as a Catalyst for Change Insufficient proficiency in math and reading can have a lasting economic impact, contributing to cycles of poverty worldwide. Education is a powerful tool for breaking this cycle, but academic struggles can impede progress. Leveling the Playing Field As children from diverse backgrounds aim for academic success, it's essential to address these challenges. Early intervention, access to quality resources, and equitable opportunities can empower young learners globally to reach their full potential and break free from the constraints of poverty.   Sources: THX News, National Report Card & National Center for Education Statistics. Read the full article
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Effective Strategies in ABA Therapy: Building Strong Foundations
ABA therapy is a form of behavioral therapy that uses methods and techniques to help children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) improve their learning skills. It has been used for over many years, so it's definitely not new. However, there are many myths surrounding ABA therapy that prevent parents from using it effectively. This article will explain how effective strategies can be incorporated into your child's ABA schedule so that they can get the most out of each session!
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Establishing Routines
Routines are an important part of ABA therapy. They help children with autism stay calm and focused, which makes it easier for them to learn new skills. In addition, routines can also be used to teach kids about their disabilities.
For example, if your child is working on learning how to tie their shoes, you could use a routine that involves putting on socks as part of the steps required for tying shoes. This will help reinforce what they're learning while providing additional opportunities for practice at home or in school (depending on where you're getting your ABA therapy).
Prompting, not prompting
Prompting is a strategy used to help clients learn new behaviors. It's not a reward, reinforcer or punishment. It's not even a threat!
Prompting is simply an instruction given by the therapist to the client in order for him/her to perform an action on his/her own. When you prompt someone using ABA therapy techniques, you're telling them what you want them to do and how they can do it (for example: "Can you point with your finger?"). When we give our child this instruction without prompting him or her first, he/she won't know what we want them to do until after we've finished speaking--at which point it may be too late for him/her to respond appropriately without any guidance from us at all!
Differentiating between reinforcing and rewarding
Reinforcement is defined as a consequence that follows a behavior and increases the probability of that behavior happening again. A good example of reinforcement is when you receive a paycheck at the end of each week, which makes you want to go back to work every Monday. In contrast, rewarding is giving someone something they want or feel good about but it doesn't increase the probability of that behavior happening again. For example: if your child gets an A on their math test because they studied hard instead of just getting lucky on one question (which happens sometimes), then giving them ice cream as a reward might not be effective at increasing studying behaviors in general since it wasn't earned through effort or skill development.
Identifying academic areas
The first step in planning for ABA therapy is to identify the academic areas that need to be taught. This can be done by observing your child's behavior and listening to what he has learned in school so far.
Identify strengths and weaknesses: It is important to understand what your child already knows, as well as what they do not know. These are areas where you will want to focus your teaching efforts during ABA sessions. For example, if your child can read words but cannot write them yet, then you would want him/her learning how to write those words during therapy sessions instead of focusing on other skills such as phonological awareness or comprehension skills (both of which might come easier).
Identify interests: You also want identify any specific interests that may motivate your child into wanting learn more about certain topics or subjects; these are excellent motivators for starting new lessons! For example: If a young boy loves playing soccer with his friends outside every weekend during summer break from school then maybe one thing we could do together would be creating an activity booklet about soccer rules & regulations so whenever he gets bored inside after lunchtime during winter months when there aren't many outdoor activities available due snowfall etc., instead of watching TV all day long like most children do nowadays--instead maybe we could spend some time together reading up on different types of balls used throughout history until finally reaching modern times where everything has changed drastically compared past centuries' standards such as using rubber instead leather stitching techniques etc..
Teaching Clients About Their Disabilities and Strengths
You can teach your clients about their disabilities and strengths in a number of ways. The first step is to determine your client's strengths, which you can do by observing them in everyday situations. For example, if they're trying to get dressed in the morning and have trouble finding matching socks or shoes (a common issue for autistic people), that could be an indication that their visual processing skills are impaired--a disability.
Let's say you notice that one of your clients has difficulty making eye contact with strangers when talking to them; this could be due to social anxiety or simply being overwhelmed by the situation at hand (another common symptom). In either case, it would be helpful for this person if they knew how much eye contact matters when interacting with others socially; this knowledge might help him feel more comfortable around people overall and lead him down paths toward better communication skills down the road!
ABA therapy is effective when you make sure you are doing it right.
When you are working with an ABA therapist, it is important to make sure that you are doing it right.
Having a good therapist is essential. You want someone who has experience and knows how to do their job well. They should also be able to explain everything clearly so that you know what's going on and why they're doing certain things during therapy sessions with your child. This can help ease any concerns or worries that may arise from time-to-time during treatment sessions (and there will be days when these concerns pop up).
Having a good plan in place is also key--you want something concretely laid out for both yourself and your child so everyone knows where they need to be at all times during each session, whether it's for homework assignments or practicing skills such as reading/writing letters/numbers; following directions; etcetera...
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Thriving Minds Academy is the best ABA therapy near me. We are a school that provides a wide range of services to help students reach their full potential. Our staff has over many years of combined experience in autism and behavioral therapy, so we know what it takes to help students succeed. Thriving Minds Academy have an amazing facility with classrooms, playgrounds, and gymnasiums all designed to give your child the best possible experience while they're with us!
Thriving Minds Academy 850 S Ironwood Dr Ste #110, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, United States +1 480-806-8000 https://thrivingmindsaz.com/
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lookedafterchild · 1 year
[gallery columns="1" size="full" link="none" ids="13730,13593"] What is SEND? It stands for Special Educational Needs And disabilities and can affect a child's or young person’s ability to learn. this can affect their: Social Skills Abilities to make friends Reading and writing Issues. Ability to understand things Concentration Issues Physical Abilities. I think my child may have special educational needs It's important to get in contact with the school's Or Nurseries Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) if your child is not in school or nursery you can contact your local council What support is available For My Special educational needs and disability, Child or young person. If You live in the United Kingdom, you can check the Governments SEN Support Guide Your child will also be entitled to an Educational, Health Care Plan (EHCP) which will have a strategy that all people involve in your child's care can follow. so everyone is on the same page and pushing in the right direction. Further Resources And Advice Find your Local Authority Send Strategy. Quick Links: KCC, Medway (to make sure your child or young person receives all help available) Attend and be pro-active in attending appointments and strategy meetings. Get SEND Training and offer it to everyone hired and working with SEND Children and Young People
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pixenite · 1 year
How To Do Product Packaging Design For Generation Alpha Consumers?
Attention marketers, a new generation is emerging in the market: Generation Alpha. They have the power to influence your present or future sales, so if you want to capture this market early, you must read this article. Effective product packaging design ideas can help you capture the soul of your brand, and the right product packaging design in Ahmedabad can help you achieve this.
Who Falls Under The Bracket Of Gen Alpha?
Gen Alpha refers to those born between 2010 and 2025, currently around 12 and 13 years old, assuming the upper end of the range. The first member of Gen Alpha was born in the same year as the launch of Instagram and the release of the first-generation iPad. If you want to stay ahead of retail competitors, you cannot ignore Gen Alpha.
Is It Wise To Consider Gen Alpha So Early?
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Starting young applies to all generations, but it is especially true for Gen Alpha. Several studies have shown that preschoolers are already influenced by brand names. Additionally, they are the first generation to grow up with digital technology at their fingertips.
Understanding The Characteristics Of Gen Alpha
To provide failure-proof marketing strategies for Gen Alpha, it is important to understand their character traits. Without further ado, let’s get to the point:
Inclusivity is necessary: Gen Alpha advocates for inclusivity and care that everyone, especially intellectually and physically disabled people, should be given opportunities and resources. They make choices based on whether brands support this value.
Social media dominance: Social media heavily influences their preferences and purchase decisions. To increase your chances of capturing Gen Alpha, ensure that you have a strong social media presence.
They do not play by rules: Rules are meant to be broken, especially for the younger generation. It is challenging to put them under any rules, as they are more liberal and rebellious in nature. They are growing up in a world where they can access information and solutions on their own.
They are environmentally conscious. Gen Alpha has a keen interest in environmental issues and sustainability, and they make conscious choices for a better tomorrow. When planning product packaging, it is important to keep environmental factors in mind. In fact, different sects of buyers are choosing environmentally conscious brands over others.
They are impatient. Gen Alpha’s behavioral trait is that they are very impatient, expecting instant solutions to their problems. Unlike their millennial parents, they want a quick fix.
Short attention span. With each generation, attention spans decrease. Therefore, it is essential for product packaging designers to create designs that grab users’ attention quickly. Gen Alpha loves funky and creative designs, and they always wish for something personalized, out of the box, and attractive. For them, glitter is gold.
Factors Affecting Gen Alpha’s Purchase Decisions:
While purchasing decisions do not change completely across generations, several factors can dominate a generation’s purchase decision. To understand packaging trends for 2023, read our detailed blog here. Today, we will discuss the key factors that influence the decision of Generation Alpha:
Personalization: Gen Alpha supports their own belief and value system, and that is why personalization is crucial for them. Choose personalized packaging that has a positive global impact.
Sustainable packaging: We expect Gen Alpha to be more environmentally conscious and to believe in sustainability. Gen Alphas are more likely to purchase products with naturally sourced ingredients and, of course, environmentally friendly packaging.
Millennial influence: The younger generation is expected to have a great influence on their millennial parents. Therefore, product packaging should impress millennial parents and Gen Alpha kids alike.
According to a marketing professor at Dretsch, children can connect with a brand at a very young age, as early as 3 years old. Therefore, it is essential for brands to capture the potential market with amazing product packaging design
Conclusive Words
Packaging is the extension of the brand and with the right product packaging you can capture a great amount of the market with ease. If you are not sure how to do it in the right way, then you must contact an expert product packaging design company in Ahmedabad. We have extensive years of experience in product packaging for various industries.
Artical Source : https://www.pixenite.com/how-to-do-product-packaging-design-for-generation-alpha-consumers/
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Why SDG-4 is importance in Higher Education?
Importance of SDG-4 Higher Education
Ensure Inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
 Mobile Learning
Open Educational Resource
Theory of change
Underlay any changes project with the theory of change model. Especially when targeting development goals. 
Best Engineering College in Jaipur Rajasthan has an additional l topic to teach a student about Sustainable developmentally which is equally important to know, it is more vital than ever for the community today than when the UN introduced the all-encompassing Agenda 21 global action plan in 1992. It guides social, environmental, and economic growth. This is important that climate change and other environmental threats underscore the need for a coordinated strategy for sustainable development that balances social, environmental, and economic factors. This project name called Goal 4 is crucial in higher education because it ensures everyone has access to high-quality education and fosters lifelong learning. Children must get free primary and secondary education by 2030. They also inspire to eliminate gender and economic imbalances and give universal access to quality higher education. Every two out of five will never enter a classroom. For Sustainable Development Goals they must overcome this gap, addressing quality and equity in education. With a strong educational foundation, it’s possible to attain Sustainable Development Goals. In India, higher education helps people become more self-sufficient, enhances economic growth by boosting skills, and improves lives by increasing chances for better lifestyles. We all must ensure that all young people have equal access to high-quality higher education and technical and vocational training. Improving quality will require policy changes, and removing fundamental barriers, including gender discrimination, food scarcity, and violent conflict.   
Status Of Goal 4 In India
Private Colleges of Engineering in Jaipur, Rajasthan told some facts to the students about SDG-4 goals with improvements in the enrolment and completion rates for female students in higher education, also great progress has been made in India to pursue the universalization of higher education. There was some survey that net enrolment in higher education for both boys and girls was 100 percent, while the national youth literacy rate was 94 percent for males and 92 percent for females at the time of the survey.  They said high-quality education and lifelong learning are two aims that the new National Education Policy and Sustainable Development Goal 4 have in common. They should provide universal, high-quality education to all Indians, the government’s main program, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, is supported by several focused programs, including nutritional support, higher education, and teacher training.   
Let’s See Some Targets.
They should ensure that all girls and boys finish equitable and high-quality higher education by 2030.
They will also give insurance equal access to quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university, for women and men by 2030.
They have to commit to increasing the number of teenagers and adults with the necessary skills (technical and vocational) by 2030.
They Should eliminate gender gaps in higher education by 2030 and ensure vulnerable groups, such as disabled people, indigenous peoples, and children, have equal access to all levels of education and vocational training.
Incorporate reading and numeracy into all youth and adult male and female education by 2030.
They said that all students have the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, such as education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promoting the culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and culture’s contribution to sustainability.
By 2030, significantly increase the number of scholarships available to developing countries, especially LDCs, SIDS, and African countries, for higher education, vocational training, and technical, engineering, and scientific programs in developed and developing countries.
At Top Engineering Collage in Jaipur, Rajasthan, SDG 4 guarantees everyone accesses to a high-quality education. They also ensure that Goal 4 aims to reduce gender and economic disparities and provide universal access to quality higher education. They always follow the government’s flagship program, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, whose aim is to provide universal, high-quality education to all Indians.It is important to work on SDG-4 for good education and future growth.
Source : Click here
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educationtech · 2 years
Why SDG 4 Quality Education is important for poverty reduction - Arya College
Importance Of SDG 4 In Higher Education
Ensure Inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Mobile Learning
Open Educational Resource
Theory of change
Underlay any changes project with the theory of change model. Especially when targeting development goals.
Best Engineering Colleges of Jaipur Rajasthan has an additional l topic to teach a student about Sustainable developmentally which is equally important to know, it is more vital than ever for the community today than when the UN introduced the all-encompassing Agenda 21 global action plan in 1992. It guides social, environmental, and economic growth. This is important that climate change and other environmental threats underscore the need for a coordinated strategy for sustainable development that balances social, environmental, and economic factors. This project name called Goal 4 is crucial in higher education because it ensures everyone has access to high-quality education and fosters lifelong learning. Children must get free primary and secondary education by 2030. They also inspire to eliminate gender and economic imbalances and give universal access to quality higher education. Every two out of five will never enter a classroom. For Sustainable Development Goals they must overcome this gap, addressing quality and equity in education. With a strong educational foundation, it’s possible to attain Sustainable Development Goals. In India, higher education helps people become more self-sufficient, enhances economic growth by boosting skills, and improves lives by increasing chances for better lifestyles. We all must ensure that all young people have equal access to high-quality higher education and technical and vocational training. Improving quality will require policy changes, and removing fundamental barriers, including gender discrimination, food scarcity, and violent conflict.  
Status Of Goal 4 In India
Private Colleges of Engineering in Jaipur, Rajasthan told some facts to the students about SDG-4 goals with improvements in the enrolment and completion rates for female students in higher education, also great progress has been made in India to pursue the universalization of higher education. There was some survey that net enrolment in higher education for both boys and girls was 100 percent, while the national youth literacy rate was 94 percent for males and 92 percent for females at the time of the survey.  They said high-quality education and lifelong learning are two aims that the new National Education Policy and Sustainable Development Goal 4 have in common. They should provide universal, high-quality education to all Indians, the government’s main program, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, is supported by several focused programs, including nutritional support, higher education, and teacher training.  
Let’s See Some Targets.
They should ensure that all girls and boys finish equitable and high-quality higher education by 2030.
They will also give insurance equal access to quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university, for women and men by 2030.
They have to commit to increasing the number of teenagers and adults with the necessary skills (technical and vocational) by 2030.
They Should eliminate gender gaps in higher education by 2030 and ensure vulnerable groups, such as disabled people, indigenous peoples, and children, have equal access to all levels of education and vocational training.
Incorporate reading and numeracy into all youth and adult male and female education by 2030.
They said that all students have the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, such as education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promoting the culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and culture’s contribution to sustainability.
By 2030, significantly increase the number of scholarships available to developing countries, especially LDCs, SIDS, and African countries, for higher education, vocational training, and technical, engineering, and scientific programs in developed and developing countries.
At Top Collages of Engineering in Jaipur, Rajasthan, SDG 4 guarantees everyone accesses to a high-quality education. They also ensure that Goal 4 aims to reduce gender and economic disparities and provide universal access to quality higher education. They always follow the government’s flagship program, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, whose aim is to provide universal, high-quality education to all Indians.It is important to work on SDG-4 for good education and future growth.
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