#strange contraptions
that's what we're watching in science rn
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sluckythewizard · 6 months
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these are A BIT OLD but uhhh here check out these aggio doodles i did forever ago. still VERY happy w my colors :3
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rattlung · 7 months
i like the fact that at gortash's little workspace thing underneath mind flayer colony, there's a potion of see invisibility bcuz i like to think that he gets pissy abt durge's baby blanket granting invisibility after a kill. bro got jumpscared one too many times
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spocksbrainworms · 8 months
For season 3 of SNW I really want them to lean into the sitcom cheese vibes. Because I want nothing more than for there to be someone alone on the ship. For whatever reason everyone else has disappeared. Maybe poofed away by a Q-esque being.
And I want this explicitly for the purpose of an engineer having to solo operate the Enterprise via Rube Goldberg machine.
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CAL OBVIOUSLY THIS IS FROM LAST NIGHT BUT I WANTED TO ANSWER ANYWAYS SHSJSKSKSK ILY!!! I actually slept pretty well so perhaps this is why 😌
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d1anna · 1 year
i love having the weirdest dreams napping on the couch
#not really but#my first dream i started to lucid dream while we were walking through a parking lot#i started to fly and the dream was glitching as i realized i was dreaming and it kind of freaked me out so i just forced myself to wake up#but then the second dream was also weird#my parents and i were driving through the old rich side of town at night and we pulled into the parking lot of this bed and breakfast place#and we got out and it seemed normal albeit dark to me but my mom seemed scared and kept telling my dad she heard someone laughing#we got up to our room and my dad went to go do something so it was just me and my mom#we were also rooming with this guy for some reason but he was nice#i was just sitting on a chair and the guy was walking to the door when suddenly the door opened and he was like who’s there#and the person at the door was silent for a bit before closing it really quickly and saying sorry#the guy was like uhh 🤷‍♀️ idk what just happened my#and my mom was like go shut the door but when i went to shut it it had all of these contraptions and mechanisms#it was strange and then my dad was like let me back in and so i did and he talked to my mom for a bit about the strange things going on#he said the old owner liked to collect antiques and stuff and he thinks the place is haunted#my mom was like well i told you that i heard laughing in the parking lot#then guy that we were sharing the room with comes out of his room with bandages all over his face and i’m like what#my mom says something to him and then another guy (the same guy from before) comes out looking just like him just without bandages#and my mom is like i can help and i was like what#the guy takes off his bandages and he’s like it’s my teeth#but also side note i was weirdly struck by how handsome he was for an older man#but then my dream decided to focus on my mom like twisting and fixing his teeth into the right place#weirdly enough i wasn’t freaked out by it but it was just interesting#anyway that’s my dream i need to stop napping on that couch#dianna.moon
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renee-writer · 2 years
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I Fought the Law Chapter 52 What Strange Contraption is This?
“What type of devilish contraption is this?” is how Jamie reacted to the car. Elizabeth huddles against her husband, her wide eyes on it.
“It is,” Jamie number 2 frowns, “a horseless carriage. Not dangerous.”
Elizabeth still refuses to move away from her husband to approach it. Jamie is equally as hesitate. “We would prefer a regular carriage or just a few horses if you don’t have a carriage about.”
“Well, I am afraid that isn’t possible lad. You see, this is the only carriage about and the only horses are under the bonnet.” Murtagh says.
“I am sorry.”
“There is an engine under here,” Jamie touches the front of the car, “it moves it like a team of horses would.”
“A lot faster too.” Angus adds.
“Come Elizabeth. Let us be brave.” Jamie leads her towards the strange horseless carriage. The other Jamie shows them how to get in. After a second of hesitation, they climb in. Murtagh, Angus and, Jamie climb in front.
“It will make a noise. Don’t be alarmed.” Murtagh says. Jamie nods as Elizabeth rests against him. He turns over the engine and the soft purr has Elizabeth jumping. Her husband sooths her. They start off. Jamie looks out the window, his eyes wide in amazement at how fast everything seems to move past them.
“So fast.” He is heard to whisper.
“Aye, and Murtagh is a slow driver.” Angus teases.
“I am a safe driver.” The old man mumbles.
“It is a big difference then driving horses.” His natural curiosity has him looking up at what Murtagh is doing in front of him.
“Aye, that it is.” His descendant says.
They pull up to Claire and Geillis ' flat.
“This should be interesting.” Angus says.
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aliensmoothie · 1 year
i WOULD reblog an ask meme but so many of them are soooooo sucks and stanks . they do not scratch the right itch iwant to talk about WEIRD things .
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tiquiajomari · 1 year
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"Strange Contraption"
A vending machine suddenly appeared in 19th century Japan and people are curious about it.
by Jose Maria Tiquia
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Amity Parkers are super good at dealing with superhero and villain battles, getting out of the rubble, helping others get out, etc.
This doesn’t shock anyone. There’s so many cities that consistently deal with superhuman battles that millions of people around the world are used to it and know what to do during a battle. Hell, there’s even government standard safety drills in schools about villain attacks now.
They didn’t stand out for a long long while among crowds of other city goers trying to flee a battle scene.
That was until a green glowing android appeared out of nowhere defeating heroes and villains alike because their abilities were rare enough to be hunted by this mysterious newcomer. So far no known weapon is able to hit the being while intangible.
That is until one unassuming citizen pulls out a strange wrist ray contraption that seems to actually stun the creature for a few seconds.
NOW all eyes are on these citizens that once lived in Amity Park
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alastor-simp · 9 months
Alastor with a female reader who is selectively mute Part 1
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I always wanted to know how Alastor would react to a demon character like this or who is similar to Komi-san from Komi Can't communicate, so this is going to be my take on it.
**First Meeting**
Your arrival in hell wasn't a pleasant one. Literally the second you fell, you were approached by demons left and right, either trying to rob you or offering to sleep with you. Yelling at them would have been easy, but you were a very anxious person to the point you were mute with everyone you encountered. Surprisingly, you were able to run away from the unwanted problems you faced in hell, and was able to come across a flyer that was taped to one of the alley walls. "Come stay at the Happy Hotel" it read, and you figured that it might be a good place to stay for a while and try to make a sense of what you could do now that you were in hell. Having followed the map that was on the other side of the flyer, you were able to come across the hotel, but the neon sign was different then what the paper said, but you figured they probably were remodeling it.
The hotel was huge, it was plastered with neon signs, but also had a radio tower on one side, a large fish like contraption, and a pirate ship. "Amazing" you thought to yourself as you made your way closer to the door, and lightly knocked. A cheery voice was heard on the other side and soon the door opened to reveal a pretty, blonde girl. She had devilish features, but a very adorable baby face, and her smile was quite cute as well. "Oh! Hello! My name is Charlie Morningstar. How may I help you?", she said to you with big bright eyes, as she was patiently waiting for your response. Clenching your jaw, feelings of anxiety began to well up in your stomach, but you bared with it and simply held up the hotel poster in front of Charlie. Charlie was a little curious about your strange response, but she put the pieces together that you were wanting to stay at the hotel. "SQUEAL!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING!", she said as she threw her arms around you in a bear hug, then letting you go as she pulled you into the hotel.
The inside of the hotel was nice, but needed some remodeling, but you liked it overall. Looking around, you noticed the other demons that were in the hotel. A mini demon was zipping around in a cute dress, cleaning the ceiling with a duster, a cat like demon was chugging a bottle of booze at the bar, and a very tall spider was standing next to the record player, picking out a song. Stopping what they were doing, they all turned to look at you, curiously. Nervous, you raised your hand at them, signifying a hello. The cat demon just nodded his head and continue chugging, while the fast demon zipped in front of you, waving back with a smile, before zooming away to finish cleaning. The tall spider gave you a wink, as they walked to the bar and took a seat. "Vaggie! We have another patron!" Charlie said, as she yelled out next to you, while also leading you to one of the lobby couches to have a seat. As Charlie walked away, your eyes began to scan around the hotel, taking in every detail, and also glancing at the portraits hanging on the wall with Charlie and what looked to be her parents.
"Why Hello there! Who might you be?", a static voice said, as you looked up to see a red suit man with a very sharp smile standing in front of you, leaning down to place his face closer to yours. He was dressed to the nines in a red striped coat, along with a monocle and bow-tie. He also appeared to be holding a microphone staff? Was he a singer by chance? Realizing you were getting distracted, you just nodded your head at the man, and pointed to the poster, similar to what you did with Charlie. The man raised an eyebrow, as he continued to lean closer, most likely waiting for your answer, as his smile got wider, almost breaking his face.
**Alastor POV**
Alastor's eyes continued to stare at the quiet demon, who was holding the poster and kept tapping against it frantically. Amused, Alastor leaned closer, while moving his staff to tap against her chin: "Something wrong my dear? Cat got your tongue?" Alastor watched as the demon remained silent, but he could tell by their eyes that they were nervous, oh how entertaining. "Oh Alastor! So nice of you to show up! This is our new patron who just arrived at the hotel", Alastor heard, as he turned to see Charlie smiling at him, while dragging Vaggie by the hand. Leaning back from his position, Alastor continued to gaze at you while turning back to Charlie. "Ah! So this wayward sinner is here to stay at the hotel! Excellent!" Alastor beamed, as he look down at you, while you shifted in your seat.
**Your POV**
You started to feel a little uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on you, making you clench your hands on your lap. You noticed the other demon next to Charlie. She had long grey hair, and only one of her eyes was showing. She did give you a hard gaze when she saw you, but it softened after few minutes. As she came closer to you, she waved her hand as a hello, while also asking what your name was. You stayed silent, as the butterflies in your stomach made you feel like you wanted to vomit, as everyone was watching you, waiting for your answer. "Whats the matter with you, toots? You deaf or something?", The spider demon had taken a seat next to you, while wrapping an arm around your neck with one of his arms, while poking your cheek with his other hand. Freezing up, you felt your eyes start to water, and you started to slightly shake. Charlie noticed your reactions and bent down on her knees to gaze at you, asking if you were alright. Taking a slow deep breath, you nodded then made a notion with your hands asking for something to write on. Charlie quickly got up and ran to the desk to grab a large notepad and pen, before coming back to you. Once you had the notepad, you began to write down what you wanted to say, before turning the notepad around for everyone to see, while giving them a shy smile:
"Hello my name is Y/N. I just arrived in Hell a few minutes ago and I saw your poster and wanted to stay here. I'm sorry for not responding to you guys normally, but I am selectively mute, I'm sorry again. Its very nice to meet all of you!"
Everyone around you slowly read the notepad and all turned back to look at you. Charlie and Vaggie looked very apologetic, the spider just shrugged his shoulders, the mini one just continued to smile at you, but more softly this time, and the cat demon just continued to drink from the bar. The man in red, or Alastor as they called him, continued to smile at you, seeming unfazed by what you wrote, but you noticed his eyes soften a bit, but he made sure to hide it from the others. "Oh! I'm sorry if we made you uncomfortable." Charlie began to bow her head, but you waved your hands, letting her know it was alright. Charlie raised her head, and soon her frown turned back into a bright smile: "Oh yes, let me introduce everyone! This is Vaggie, my girlfriend. The spider next to you is Angel Dust. Niffty is the small cute one. Husk is the one at the bar, and this is Alastor." You listened to all of the names Charlie said, and looked at everyone, while smiling and nodding your head. Angel Dust smirked while looking at you, turning you head to look at him: "You're quite a cutie aren't ya? I bet your voice sounds very sexy." Angel continued to wrap his arms around you, continuing to flirt with you, until Alastor's staff smacked him on the head. "Now my good fellow! It's not proper to talk that way to a lady! Please kindly remove yourself from them!" Alastor said, as he gazed at Angel, smiling still, but it looked more menacing this time. Angel let you go, while rubbing his head: "Satan F*** Al! You didn't have to hit me with that thing!" Vaggie then yelled at them both to be quiet, as she walked over to front desk and grabbed what looked like to be a room key. She walked back and handed it to you, telling you that your room is on the fourth floor and you can go up there and get settled. Nodding your head as a thank you, you began to walk over to one of the elevators and made your way to your room.
Arriving in your room, you scanned around the interior. The room had some dust and cobwebs, but a little cleaning would help with that. The room was decorated in a maroon red, with a large bed with black sheets, two large windows with curtains, a bathroom and a very wide closet. It almost felt like you got the home suite, which made you feel guilty as you really didn't need a extravagant room like this. Still in thought, you were alerted by a rhythmic knock on your door. Walking over, you looked in the peephole to see Al standing there with his big smile. Opening the door, you nodded your head at Alastor, as he smiled down at you. "Hello again my dear! I was wondering if you had time to chat!"
***Alastor POV***
The quiet sinner nodded her head at Al, while opening the door, allowing me to come in. How adorable! He thought, while making his over to the center of the room and turning back to look at them. "Now my dear! I am here wanting to apologize for how I acted in the lobby! I wasn't behaving like a proper gentleman and I understand if I made you uncomfortable, so let me offer you my sincerest apologies! Let's start over from the beginning, shall we?" Alastor bowed his head a bit, as a sign of him apologizing, and extending his hand out in a handshake. You appeared taken aback in Alastor's eyes, ,but you gave him a soft smile and shook his hand. Once you finished shaking hands, you grabbed the notepad and pen again and began to write to Al, as he gazed at you, wondering what you were writing before you turned the notepad around. Alastor leaned closer, and began to read the message:
"It is alright, Alastor. There is no need for you to apologize. And besides, I'm the one that should apologize for not answering your question when you asked me."
Alastor finished reading, and turned his eyes towards you. His sharp smile slowly turned into a soft grin and his glowing eyes had softened. "Don't worry about that my dear! Now I take it since you will have just arrived in Hell, you are lacking some necessities correct?" Alastor had moved away from you, as he continued to talk while walking around your room. Turning back to you, you gave him a small nod. "Then we will head to the city! Me and Charlie can accompany you! What do you think?" he said, as he turned back to you, with his large grin coming back. Nodding your head at Alastor was his indication that you accepted. Smiling wider, Alastor turned back to you, as he made his way to your door. "It feels that I have extended my stay, so I will leave you be darling! Do make yourself comfortable!" he said, as turned his head back to you. Pulling out the pad again, you wrote down another message and showed it to Al.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome my dear! Have a pleasant evening! Also don't forget to head to the kitchen later! My mother's famous jambalaya is on the menu for tonight! So good, it nearly killed her! HAHA!" , Laughing out his response, Al watched as he saw you give him a smile, a real smile this time. "My! What a gorgeous smile!" He thought, as he bid you adieu and made his way back to the lobby. As he made his way back, Alastor stopped and thought about you. Puzzling was a word he used to describe you. He had never encountered a sinner down here who chose to not speak while having the ability to do so. He mostly assumed you were terrified of him, due to his status as "The Radio Demon. Most feared overlord in Hell.", but that wasn't the case. Something about you made him feel odd, hell he even apologized to you, which he would never do given his massive pride/ego, so he wondered why. Seeing you write on the notepad and apologizing for not responding normally, made his heart ache. Why should you apologize for something like that? Realizing he had stopped in the middle of the hallway, he carried on back to the others, still thinking about you and also how would your voice sound when you spoke out loud. Alastor smiled wider, as he thought you were going to be a very special and entertaining sinner here at the hotel.
Part 2 of the story is Here
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punkshort · 2 months
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In Another Life | Part I
Pairing: Marcus Acacius x f!reader (time travel au)
Chapter Summary: Your brother and his friend surprise you after work with a handsome stranger crashing on your couch who claims to be from Ancient Rome.
Chapter Warnings: language, food consumption, major romcom vibes, mentions of prostitution, mentions of OC death, mentions of OC pregnancy, flirting, sexual tension
WC: 6.5K
A/N: this is a soft/romcom Marcus Acacius mini-series. Heavily inspired by Kate & Leopold. Also, let's just assume Ancient Romans spoke and could read English.
Series Masterlist
Time was of the essence. He had to move quick.
People would say he was a coward, no doubt his legacy would be tarnished, but if he escaped with his life, so be it.
He didn't bother with spare clothes, just an extra set of sandals and food thrown into a satchel before he crept down the dimly lit hallway, careful not to wake one of his many servants.
He loved his palace. It was a place of peace and comfort for him, but come morning, it would be ripped away and he would be thrown into the pit. A general, Rome's deadly sword and the Emperor's right hand man, would become a lowly gladiator. Trained to perform and kill for amusement.
And all because he refused to play the Emperor's sick game.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't help train another legion of young men half his age to fight and die for their vanity. For their greed. When the Emperor announced his new task, all he could think of was his unborn son. He would be of age now, had he lived. He could have been training him to die.
He padded down the stone steps softly, hardly making a sound, his combat training serving him well. He managed to get just outside the city limits while it was still dark, but he could see the glow from the sun breaking the horizon. He didn't have much time to find a place to hide. He was still too close, and no doubt warriors would be looking for him once Geta realized he had fled.
Gods above, if they found him... his fate would be far worse than one of a gladiator.
He stumbled across a small clearing, head twisted around to make sure he was not being followed when he tripped over something large and heavy.
"Oh, shit!" he heard a young male voice exclaim.
Quickly, he unsheathed his sword and aimed it toward the voice. Confusion painted his face when he saw the unusual clothing and utterly strange contraption behind him. Before he had a chance to say anything, leaves rustled and he swung is sword towards the noise. Another young man, similarly dressed to the other, emerged from the thicket.
"State your names. Quick."
"Uh..." the first man trailed off, hands raising slowly in the air. "D-Danny. Daniel. And this is... Victor."
"Dude! C'mon! You know I -"
"Silence!" the general roared as loud as he dared. "What is your business here?"
"Science! Just... experiments. And the like," Danny said hurriedly, glancing at Victor for help. He nodded.
"Yes. Experiments."
"And are you citizens of Rome?"
They paused and looked at one another again.
"We are citizens of... York," Danny said.
"It's new," Victor added.
The general looked back and forth between the two men before ultimately deciding he did not have the time to quarrel with them and they did not appear to be a threat. He dropped his sword to the side and glanced around.
"You did not see me," he said sternly, turning to leave.
He glanced back over his shoulder, pausing.
"Are you running away?"
"Fleeing," Victor added quietly.
"Fleeing?" Daniel repeated.
"I do not see it fit for you to ask such questions of someone above your station," he snarled. The two men exchanged worried looks before continuing.
"We're leaving. If you're looking to jet, you can... y'know," Danny said, jutting a thumb over his shoulder towards the strange looking contraption.
"Can you get me to Greece?"
They grinned and nodded.
"Sure, dude."
The general glanced around once again, his brow furrowing when he saw the light stretching high into the sky, brightening the landscape and soon, giving his position away.
"Then I accept."
He sheathed his sword and stomped over to the men, startling them both with his intensity.
Victor turned to unlock a door, struggling a bit before it popped open and crawling inside. Danny stuck out a hand and gave him a nervous smile.
"What's your name?"
His eyes dropped down to the frail looking hand before him, then slowly, as if he couldn't decide, lifted his arm to grasp the inside of Daniel's forearm, giving him a vigorous shake.
"General Marcus Acacius."
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"What the fuck?" you grumbled under your breath, rereading your brother's text.
Danny: I have a friend crashing on the couch, won't stay long
Shuffling your bag onto your other shoulder as you walked down the bustling city street, you tapped out a response.
You: It better not be Lizard.
Danny: It's not, but he's here 2
Danny: Just visiting
Fucking Lizard. You've known him since he was maybe ten years old and you were fairly certain he never matured past that age.
Given you had two extra people waiting for you in your already cramped apartment, you decided to grab a couple pizzas on the way home instead of the sushi you had been thinking about all day. Choosing to be a little selfish, you made one of them a white pizza, it being your favorite, and made your way home with the last bits of energy you had left.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you walked into that day.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you stepped into your apartment, door wide open behind you, two pizza boxes balancing in one hand as you stared blankly at the massive man standing with his back to you in the middle of the living room. He was dressed in some strange type of robe that fell just above his knee and his head was bent, looking at something on your coffee table.
When you cleared your throat, he swung around and defensively placed a hand at his waist. That was when you noticed the massive and very real looking sword at his side and your blood ran cold.
"D-Danny!" you yelled, your eyes glued to the stranger's hand. As if he finally sensed your fear, he dropped his arm and straightened up.
"Danny!" you yelled again, louder this time.
"Yeah? Hey! Sorry," Danny said, hurrying into the room with Lizard following on his heels.
"Oh, pizza? Sweet," Lizard said, reaching for the boxes and brushing past you as if an armed man wasn't standing in the middle of your home.
"Who the hell is this?!" you exclaimed, pointing towards the stranger while glaring at your brother.
"I told you already, he's a friend who's crashing on the couch for a few days," he replied, following Lizard into the kitchen, pizza the only concern at that point.
"My lady," the man began again, "please allow me to explain."
"My lady?" you repeated with a scowl. "I thought you guys stopped playing Dungeons and Dragons after high school."
"That's not -" Danny shook his head with a mouthful of pizza, "this is General Acacius."
"General?" you said quizzically, raising an eyebrow first at Danny, then towards the large man in your living room. "Be serious, Danny."
"He is!"
"I promise, what he says is true," the general chimed in, taking a step closer and stretching out his hand. You sighed and dropped your things onto your table.
"I'm too tired for this, it's been a long week."
The general frowned, hand still outstretched. "Daniel, please explain to your mistress she is not to challenge men above her lover's ranking."
You balked and gagged. "Lover?!"
"Mistress?" Danny said at the same time with a similar look of disgust. "Gross, dude, she's my sister."
Something in the general's face shifted when he learned you were siblings and he looked at you with renewed interest. "Ah, so you do not belong to another?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed a plate, tossing a piece of white pizza on it before Danny and Lizard ate it all. "I don't have a husband, no. And that's a super sexist thing to say, I don't care if you're role playing or not."
Turning around to exit the kitchen, you were surprised to find the general somehow snuck up on you. Standing just a few feet away, you nearly ran into his strong, broad chest. He lifted a hand to tilt your chin up and whatever biting remark you had locked and loaded died on your tongue. You finally allowed yourself to get a good look at him. Dark, brooding eyes. Thick, brown curls dusted in grey, the color matching his beard. Sharp, angular nose and pouty lips.
Okay, so he was good looking. That didn't negate the weird dress and obvious mental illness.
"Your name?" he murmured softly, finger still hooked under your chin.
You cleared your throat and responded with your name, to which he nodded before dropping his hand. His gaze drifted to your plate and his nose wrinkled. "What is this you are eating?"
"Pizza?" you replied, squeezing up against your counter so you could get past him and get some space. "Help yourself."
"What is pizza?" you heard him ask Danny. You collapsed onto the couch with a groan and took a bite, fully not in the mood for whatever weird shit your brother had going on.
"It's Italian, you'll like it," Danny replied.
The three men trailed in from the kitchen to join you in the living room, your moment of peace and quiet over.
"This appears to be some bastardized version of flatbread," the general said, lifting the piece of pizza and giving it a tentative sniff. "What is this red? Some kind of pepper paste?"
"It's tomato sauce."
"Alright, enough with this bullshit please," you said, but the men ignored you.
You watched as he took a bite and almost instantly spit it out. "This is vile."
"Hey, that's authentic New York City pizza. Nothing vile about it," Lizard said. You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.
"General - I'm sorry, I'm not calling you that. What's your real name?"
"That is my real name," he answered, cocking his head at you from the other end of the couch.
"General Marcus Acacius," Danny told you, cursing under his breath when he dropped some cheese on his shirt.
"Okay, Marcus," you began, but he shook his head.
"It is quite inappropriate for you to -"
"I don't give a shit, I'm not calling you General like I'm in the fucking army!"
The room fell quiet as you glared at Marcus, daring him to say another word. When it became evident he wasn't going to, you took a deep breath and continued.
"If you don't like the sauce, there's another pizza in the kitchen without it. Go try that," you said, voice a little softer now. He nodded and rose to go find the white pizza, leaving just the three of you for the first time.
"What the fuck, Danny?!" you whispered angrily. "Why the hell is there a guy in a dress pretending he's a fucking general in my home?"
"He is a general," Danny whispered back. "From Ancient Rome. I'll explain everything later," he said, straightening up when Marcus's footsteps approached.
"This is far better. Thank you, my lady."
"Oh, look at that. You already have something in common," Lizard said with a fake, syrupy voice. "You both love gross pizza."
"Thought you just said authentic New York City pizza can't be gross?" you sneered.
"Boom! She got you, Lizard," Danny laughed. Marcus looked around the room, confused.
"You said your name was Victor, did you not?"
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth with a napkin.
"Lizard's just his nickname. His real name is Victor," Danny explained.
"Yeah. No one calls me Victor. Just like no one calls you Marcus," Lizard explained.
"Only those dearest to me are allowed to use that name," he explained. "Such as a parent or a lover." His eyes flickered up to you quickly before focusing on his pizza once again.
"Does that make you his lover now?" Lizard teased. You kicked a foot out and jabbed him in the hip.
"Shut up," you grumbled.
"Do you not follow the proper steps to obtain a lover in your land?" he asked, genuine curiosity painting his face. "It is much more than simply calling another by a name. If a man were to deem a woman acceptable, he would make an arrangement with her father to wed." He scratched his chin in thought for a moment before adding, "unless, of course, she is a whore."
Lizard and Danny doubled over, howling with laughter while you stared daggers at them both.
"Did I say something to warrant such laughter?" Marcus asked you. You rolled your eyes.
"No, you did not."
"Rule number one, General," Danny said, gasping for air and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Don't call girls whores."
Marcus looked taken aback.
"I meant no offense. A whore is a common profession where I am from. There is no shame in it."
"Alright, can we stop talking about whores?" you asked, exasperated.
"Yeah, good idea. Let's find you some clothes to wear and we'll set up the couch so you can sleep. It folds out, don't worry," Danny told Marcus.
"My tunic should suffice," Marcus said, glancing down at his clothes.
"Uh, not in New York, man. Might stick out a little," Lizard joked, then stood to take his plate back in the kitchen for seconds.
"Depends on what side of town you're on," you mumbled under your breath.
"You can borrow something of mine," Danny said, standing up to go to his room. "You're a little bigger than me but I think I have something that'll work."
You eyed Marcus up over your plate, taking in the finer details of his appearance. "Where are you from? Really?" you asked. He turned to you with a sigh.
"Come on. You can drop the act, they're gone," you said, narrowing your eyes at him.
"I promise, I am telling you the truth," he replied, his gaze boring into you so intensely that it left you spellbound for a moment. "Your brother and his comrade found me on the outskirts of the city with some... contraption. They said they would take me to Greece, however it is clear this is not Greece."
"A contraption?" you repeated nervously. Oh, fuck.
He nodded. "I had never seen anything like it. I do not know what happened but once I entered, there were bright lights and a loud crack and... I must have lost consciousness. I woke in your lounge, utterly confused."
"Shit," you whispered, putting your plate down so you could angrily scrub your face with your hands. Danny, although very irritating and far too dependent on you for basic survival, was incredibly gifted. His intelligence stunned his teachers since he was three years old. He was doing long division at five and became fluent in Spanish at seven. By the time he entered high school, he had grown extremely interested in science, where he met Lizard. For years you had witnessed failed experiments and fireballs in your backyard, but you saw all their successes, as well. Since they were fourteen, Danny and Lizard talked about time travel and you always brushed them off, even when they began to build different devices throughout the years that claimed they were on the verge of a breakthrough, but of course, nothing ever came of it.
Until now.
No, that was crazy. There's no way they actually travelled back in time to Ancient Rome and returned with a Roman general... right?
"Why were you going to Greece?" you asked, tiredly dropping your hands in your lap.
He paused for a moment and you could see the hesitation in his eyes. He opened his mouth to reply right when Danny emerged from his bedroom with an armful of different clothing options.
"We'll go shopping tomorrow and find something else that will fit," he said, sheepishly handing over the clothes. Marcus slowly reached out and set them down on the cushion next to him.
"Thank you."
"Hey, I'm gonna take off," Lizard said from the kitchen doorway.
"Yeah, alright. Hey!" Danny said, swiveling around before he left. "You'll be back tomorrow, right? I need your help with the... thing."
You narrowed your eyes in his direction but remained silent. Once Marcus was asleep, you planned on having a very heated conversation with your brother, so you saved that little tidbit for later.
"Yeah, sure thing, man."
You stood to clean up the leftovers while you listened to Danny explain the concept of a pull-out couch to Marcus, then after that, a bathroom. The more time that passed, the more nervous you became. What if this was real? Was it even possible?
Quietly, you stepped out from the kitchen. Marcus was sitting on the edge of the pull out mattress, hands clasped together between his knees as he stared blankly at the floor. For the first time, you felt bad for him. If everything he said was true, he had to have been so confused and scared.
"Hey," you said softly. He lifted his head with a jolt of surprise. "Here's some water," you said, offering him a plastic bottle. He took it and frowned. "You twist the top to open it," you explained, ignoring how ridiculous it felt to tell a grown man how to open a bottle of water.
"Thank you," he replied, setting it down on the floor next to his bed.
"Do you need anything else?"
He shook his head and gave you a small smile. "No, my lady. Thank you for your hospitality."
"You're welcome," you said shyly, inching towards the little hallway that led to your bedroom. "We'll get you back home, Marcus. Don't worry."
He swallowed and smiled again. "Of course."
You smiled back and awkwardly clapped your hands together. "Well, if you need anything at all, just knock on one of our doors."
He nodded and with a sigh, began to peel back the sheets.
"Good night, my lady," he said once your back was turned. You swiveled back around and gave him a little wave, his deep brown eyes looking breathtaking in the evening light.
"Good night."
Flustered, you knocked into the doorframe on your way back to your room. Cursing under your breath and rubbing your shoulder, you slipped behind your door, finally putting an end to your humiliation.
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The next morning you sipped your coffee in your kitchen as you replayed the argument you had with Danny the night before once you were sure Marcus was asleep.
"You need to get him back home. Tomorrow, Danny," you had said sternly.
"There might be a slight hiccup with that," he replied, bracing himself for your anger. "The machine needs repairs."
"What the fuck do you mean?!" you seethed as your paced around his cluttered room.
"Don't worry, sis! We can fix it! But we just need a couple days."
"How many days?" you asked with a glare.
Danny shrugged. "Two. Three."
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"A week, tops."
"A week?!"
"Shh! You'll wake him up!" he scolded, pointing angrily towards the door. "Lizard's coming over tomorrow, we'll get working on it right away. Something happened on impact when we returned, I didn't factor in modern day atmospheric pressure originally, but -"
"I don't give a shit what the reason is, you just need to fix it! You have no clue what the ramifications are by keeping him here! You could alter the course of history or something!"
"You watch too many movies," Danny chuckled, but quickly stopped and cleared his throat when he saw the look on your face. "I'll fix it. Promise."
The caffeine hadn't even had a chance to enter your bloodstream before Danny woke and dropped yet another problem onto your lap.
"Do you think you can take him shopping for some clothes today while me and Lizard work on this thing?" he asked as he poured cereal into a bowl.
"So now I'm running errands for you?" you snapped.
"C'mon, don't be like that," he replied as he put the carton of milk back in the fridge. The dynamic between you and your brother was wearing thin. It was always up to you to be the levelheaded one while he just allowed the wind to take him wherever it pleased, completely carefree while you harbored all the stress of basic responsibilities.
"Try to just enjoy the adventure for once," he added before messily scooping cereal into his mouth.
"Yeah, right," you grumbled under your breath before bringing your mug to your lips and taking another sip.
"So, is that a yes?"
"Fine," you said with a roll of your eyes. "If only so I can get away from this apartment and the inevitable chaos those repairs will bring. Just don't piss off my neighbors, okay?"
"Good day," you heard Marcus's deep voice rumble behind you. You jumped and swiveled around, gaze flickering down briefly to take in his borrowed clothes. Danny was right, he needed something that fit.
"Morning, General," Danny said with a grin. "Sleep well?"
"Surprisingly, yes. Even with all the noise outdoors... tell me, is it ever silent here?"
"No," you both said in unison. He nodded and looked down at his tunic, which was crumpled up in his fist.
"Do you have a servant I can give this to for washing?"
"That would be me," you said, stretching out your arm. Marcus hesitated for a moment.
"The lady of the house shouldn't have to perform such arduous tasks."
"I agree, yet here we are," you said, taking the tunic and tossing it over your shoulder. "I have to put in a load, anyway."
You changed your clothes and freshened up while listening to your brother scrape together some type of meal for Marcus that he found acceptable, then pressed the button on your tiny washing machine before heading back into the kitchen.
Marcus glanced between you and Danny while chewing the last piece of a baguette.
"My sister's gonna take you shopping for some clothes," Danny explained. Marcus looked down at his attire and nodded.
"To the market, then?" he asked you, trailing after you as you tossed your bag over your shoulder and walked down the hallway towards the elevators.
"Something like that."
"I have plenty of denar," he said as you jabbed the call button.
"Denar?" you asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather satchel filled with unfamiliar coins. You grinned and shook your head.
"Don't worry, I got it."
"Please, your hospitality has already been gracious enough," he said, following you into the elevator when it opened.
"If you can find someone who will take that, then be my guest," you said, tapping the lobby button. He was about to say something else when the doors closed and the car violently jolted, startling him.
"What is this?"
"It's an elevator. It lifts us up and down so we don't have to take the stairs."
His jaw hung open in disbelief until the doors slid open to reveal the lobby, then he broke out into a huge smile.
But once he followed you out onto the busy New York City street, peppered with pedestrians, bicyclists, couriers, and a sea of vehicles, then his eyes practically bugged out of his head.
"I see now where all the noise comes from," he said to you, raising his voice a bit over the commotion as you walked. It was actually endearing to see him experience the city for the first time, something you took for granted every day leaves most people in awe. It was easy to forget that.
"Stick close," you said with a small smile when you saw him tip his head back to gaze up at the towering skyscrapers.
"What is your profession, then?" he asked as he walked by your side. You noticed with envy that others on the sidewalk veered out of his way, his massive shoulders and hulking frame no doubt the reason, instead of brushing past him, like what most do to you every day.
"I write for a fashion magazine."
"Oh, so you're a poet?" he asked, intrigued. You shook your head with a small laugh.
"No. I write about romance in the lifestyle section. I have a column every month on a different topic and I also pick three reader questions to answer and publish on the website every week."
It was clear he hardly understood what you were talking about, so you stopped at the nearest newsstand and grabbed your magazine. After paying, you ushered him over to a bench and sat down while you thumbed through it.
"Ah! Here we go," you said, proudly handing over the magazine and tapping on the corner of the page.
"'Are Soulmates Real'?" he read aloud the title before frowning at you. You nodded.
"Yeah, I talk about the idea of soulmates and how it's putting too much pressure on the modern woman to find this perfect partner when in reality, they don't exist."
"And how do you know this?" he asked, clearly amused.
"I don't, but I wrote from experience," you shrugged.
"So, since you have not found a soulmate, that means they do not exist?"
"No, it's an opinion, Marcus," you explained, "the magazine pays me for my opinion and outlook on things."
He sighed and closed the magazine with a shake of his head. "I am sorry you feel that way."
"Are you saying you believe in soulmates?" you asked.
"Well, I cannot say one way or another from experience, but I like to believe they exist, yes."
"Do you have a wife or family waiting for you back home?" The thought hadn't even occurred to you before now and you felt guilty, but he shook his head.
"My wife died many years ago during childbirth," he said sadly, and your heart plummeted. "She was young and I had just made rank, so her father arranged our marriage in order to ensure a safe and comfortable life for his only daughter." He looked down at the magazine in his hands but he wasn't really reading it. He was too lost in thought.
"She was with child very quickly after we wed. I had not even known her a year by the time she passed, but the time I had with her was enjoyable. I thought very much one day we would learn to love one another," he said, giving you a sad smile. "Was not meant to be."
"I'm so sorry," you said softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "That's horrible... I don't even know what to say."
"It was a long time ago now. I never did remarry, although I had many offers. I became entirely focused on war, fighting to keep Rome and her citizens safe. It is what I was meant to do," he said, exhaling loudly and looking around. "Is this what you feel you are meant to do?" he asked, holding up the magazine. You laughed, grateful for the change of subject.
"No, probably not."
He grinned and nodded in agreement. "Yes, I imagine you are destined for much more, my lady."
"You think so?" you asked, scrunching your nose self-consciously.
He nodded, his gaze drifting over your face solemnly.
"I do."
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If elevators impressed Marcus, then the escalators within Bloomingdale's practically floored him. He was so enraptured with them that you had to nudge his shoulder to remind him to step forward before he tripped when you got to the top.
"This is unlike anything I have ever laid my eyes on," he said to you in wonder, his head rolling around on his shoulders as he gazed around at all the lights and signage.
"Yeah, Bloomingdale's is special," you said dreamily. "Sometimes I get to tag along with girls from work to pick out fashion samples for the magazine. It's always so much fun."
You led him over to the men's section and turned to study his broad frame. "You're probably an extra large," you said as you began to sift through the racks, picking out various shirts in different styles and colors and draping them over your arm. He watched you without saying a word, just occasionally feeling the material between his fingertips whenever he saw something that caught his eye. When you got to the pants, you paused and pursed your lips. Glancing around, you spotted a measuring tape left on one of the registers. Grabbing his hand in yours, you dragged him over and shoved the shirts in his arms.
"Here. Hold these while I measure your waist and inseam."
He frowned for a moment but did as you asked, then jumped when you wrapped your arms around his middle with the tape.
"Sorry, it will only take a second," you murmured, ignoring how muscular and firm he felt under your hands. You took note of the number and flushed when it came time to measure his inseam. You chewed on your lip and glanced around, searching for a worker to maybe do it instead, but none were nearby.
"Okay, I'm going to have to measure the length of your leg," you began to explain. "I need to... put my hand close to..." you trailed off and gestured vaguely towards his lap and it finally seemed to click.
"Oh," he said in surprise, glancing down. He cleared his throat and nodded but you could see the pink creeping up his neck.
"I'll be fast," you assured him, "unless you prefer I find someone else."
"No, that is quite alright," he told you, standing tall and tucking his hands behind his back. Glancing around the store once more, you fell to your knees with the measuring tape. You tried not to think about it, tried not to look, but his clothes were too snug as it was and it was right fucking there.
Jesus Christ, you had to get it together. You were not lusting after a time traveling Roman general in the middle of Bloomingdale's. But it was impossible to ignore the impressive looking bulge right at eye level.
"Okay," you said quickly, standing up so fast your head spun. "Got it, let's go."
You hurriedly dropped the measuring tape back on the counter and swiveled around, looking for men's pants while trying to hide how flustered you were. You grabbed a few pairs of jeans and khakis before adding them to Marcus's pile, and avoiding his eye, you pointed over to the corner.
"You can try them on in there."
You waited outside patiently, listening to him struggle with a zipper. You had to draw the line: there was no way you would help him with that. But when he emerged from the dressing room for approval wearing a nice fitting pair of jeans and a white polo shirt, you kind of missed those tight clothes from before. You gave him a smile and thumbs up and he grinned before stepping back into the dressing room. When he turned around and you saw his ass in those jeans, you tilted your head to the side and raised your eyebrows.
Okay, the new clothes weren't so bad, either.
You picked him out two pairs of pants, an assortment of shirts, and paid before going to the intimates floor to grab some underwear, socks, and pajamas. On the way to the men's section, you passed by some mannequins wearing lacy lingerie and robes. Marcus frowned and tugged on your elbow.
"What is that for?"
You glanced in the direction he was pointing and inwardly groaned.
"It's undergarments women wear," you explained, hoping to leave it at that, but he still had questions.
"What is the purpose of the colors if they are under your clothes?"
You sighed and pinched your nose. "It's for sex, okay?" you whispered to him, looking around quickly to make sure nobody could overhear you.
"Sex?" he repeated at full volume. You shushed him, your cheeks flaring with heat, but he just gave you a bewildered look. "Why must I be quiet?"
"We don't talk about sex in public here," you told him, voice still lowered. "It's inappropriate."
"Why on earth not?" he asked, but he kept his voice soft for your benefit as he followed you into the men's section. "Nothing is more natural or beautiful than sex."
"Yeah, well, I don't have all the answers, Marcus."
"And why would a woman drape herself in such garb? A woman's body is a work of art. It is meant to be worshiped and admired just as it is. One would not hang ornaments off a statue of Venus, so why would a woman -"
"I don't know, Marcus!" you said, grabbing a pack of boxers and then a pack of white socks. "Men just like it, I guess."
He scoffed and shook his head but chose not to say anything further when he picked up the agitation in your voice.
You paid for the rest of the clothes and handed him the bag to carry as you led him to the exit. "Are you hungry What do you usually eat around this time of day?"
"It varies. I quite like fish with some bread and cheese."
You thought about it for a moment before your face lit up and you snapped your fingers.
"I have an idea."
Right around the corner from Bloomingdale's was one of your favorite bagel places. You found a table outside and made him sit then hurried inside to order two lox bagels. You almost grabbed Diet Coke but then thought that might kill him, so instead you got two waters and met him back outside in less than ten minutes.
"Try this," was all you said, handing him a warm bagel wrapped in paper and smelling absolutely divine.
Carefully, he peeled the paper away and sniffed the bagel before taking a hesitant bite. You waited, your own bagel untouched, for his reaction. His eyes snapped up to yours and a slow smile spread across his face.
"This is magnificent."
You giggled and tore into the paper covering your own lunch. "I had a feeling you would like it. Fish, bread and cheese."
He nodded and took a bigger bite. "Very wise. Tell me," he said, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "How has no one asked your father for your hand in marriage? You are bright, strong and beautiful. I am shocked you are not taken."
You decided to let the taken comment go that time and swallowed your food before replying. "Our parents are dead, first of all. But secondly, even if someone was interested in marrying me, they wouldn't need to ask my father. They just ask the woman directly now."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "My apologies. I was unaware of your parents' passing."
"That's okay," you shrugged. "It was a long time ago. Danny was a teenager and I had just graduated high school." You looked up at him, realizing he wouldn't understand what that meant. "I was nineteen. I had to grow up fast and help keep an eye on Danny," you settled on saying, figuring that would sum it up enough.
He nodded and looked down at his food, quietly thinking over what you said. "Has a man ever asked for your hand?" he asked before taking another bite of food.
You laughed. "Uh, no."
"Why is that humorous?"
You sighed and glanced around. "I haven't exactly dated many winners." He cocked an eyebrow at you and you added, "I seem to only attract assholes."
"Ah," he said in understanding. "I am attracted to you. Does this make me an... asshole?"
Your eyelids fluttered and you nearly choked on your water. "W-what?"
"I said, I am attracted -"
"No, I heard you, I just needed a second to process what you said," you told him, feeling your heart beat loudly in your chest. He tilted his head at you curiously.
"Does this surprise you?"
You laughed and fanned the back of your neck nervously. "Um, yes, a little. People don't usually go around just announcing when they're attracted to someone. They're a little more subtle than that."
"Oh. Have I made you uncomfortable? I do apologize," he said, his deep brown eyes softening as he gazed at you across the table.
"It's okay, I just didn't expect it," you chuckled, waving him off and focusing on your food with a stupid smile stretched across your face. He watched you eat for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitching as he replayed what you just told him.
"You did not say if you are attracted to me," he said, drawing your attention back up to him. "Is this because you are not, or are you being... subtle?"
You grinned and shook your head. "You have a weird way of flirting."
He smiled back, the creases next to his eyes deepening. "I told you. Where I am from, sex is not something to be ashamed of. It is enjoyable and discussed often. Unless one has devoted themselves to a life of celibacy."
Definitely not, you thought. He let the subject drop as he finished the rest of his lunch and sat back in his chair, looking around at the cars inching by and beeping their horns angrily. You remained quiet for a few minutes, debating on what to say, if you should say anything at all until you finally decided fuck it.
"I'm attracted to you, too."
His head swiveled in your direction and he grinned. "Thank you," he said sincerely.
You giggled in disbelief before you said, "you're welcome."
Something had shifted between you on the walk back to your apartment. It felt so different from just a few hours ago, and it wasn't just the shocking confession over lunch. You had learned a little more about each other, let the other in and shared personal details about your lives, trusting one another with your vulnerability. And for once, you didn't feel raw and exposed. Strangely, it felt like you could trust him. Maybe it was because you knew he would be gone in a few days and it didn't feel like you had much to lose.
However, when you got off the elevator and walked toward your apartment, the sounds of power tools and shouting coming from the other side of the door, Marcus stopped you. He plucked your hand from your side and brought your knuckles to his lips, brushing over them gently while maintaining eye contact, the entire moment making your hands tremble and your heart to flutter excitedly in your chest.
"Thank you for today, my lady. I had a lovely time with you."
You smiled shyly at him and looked down at the ground.
"Me, too," you replied softly.
And it was then you realized you very much might have something to lose after all.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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schizodiaries · 2 years
car slowed down next to me while I was taking a walk earlier today, I’m trying not to read too much into it
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mingtinysworld · 5 months
Shards of Lust
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1k
Summary: you see your boyfriend sporting a new finger accessory and he notices you staring. He wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if he didn’t show you what he could do with it right?
Warnings: MDNI, fingering, sharp object included don’t actually do this irl
Network: @newworldnet
A/n: OK SO RIDKSJSKSK THE FINGER THINGS LIKE HELLO it’s actually been driving me crazy. I want to be fingered by him so bad like you don’t understand. Also sorry this was the shortest I’ve ever written💀 but hope you still enjoyed. Please like, comment and reblog ilyyyy. - J:)
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You wake up groggily, slowly rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. As you sit up in bed you can see Yunho getting ready in the hotel mirror. He’s almost ready for the Coachella stage, just finalizing accessories and details. He looks very handsome in his black suit, looking like he’s ready for a business meeting.
You let out a sleepy sound and catch Yunho's attention through the mirror. He gives you a soft smile and you attempt to give him a smile back, even though your eyes are almost glued shut. You crawl to the edge of the bed and sprawl out, looking at him upside down.
"Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" He asks.
"I guess. The time change is still messing with me though." You say with a pout.
"Aww baby, I know. It's alright, next week we'll be home and you can sleep in peace." He assures.
You nod along as your eyes graze over every inch of him. You observe the strange ring like accessories that he's putting on. He slides them on with ease and then flexes his hand in and out. You feel hypnotized and feel your eyes boring into the mirror. You unfold yourself from your pretzel form and go to stand behind Yunho.
You fit your chin against his shoulder and wrap your arms around his waist, breathing him in. He tilts his face downward and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead.
"Hi baby." He says gently. When you don't say anything and just freeze, he's concerned for a split second. He follows your line of sight and sees your transfixed stare on his hand. You're looking at the contraption that sits prettily on his index and middle finger with curiosity. It makes his hand look robotic almost, and the sharp tips glow menacingly, weirdly inviting in a way.
He watches you take it in, totally enjoying your reaction. He's pretty sure he can read your filthy thoughts at this point, from the way your breathing has stopped completely.
"You really love these, huh?" He asks with a knowing smirk. He wiggles his fingers, and you're broken out of your trance. You redden as you try to act normal, clearing your throat and making eye contact with Yunho.
"I-i mean I just think they're really cool! I've never seen anything like it." You trail off uncertainly.
He turns around to face you and grabs your elbows to guide you to the edge of the bed once more. He sits you down gently and crouches in front of you, looking up with sultry eyes.
"Do you want a demonstration?" He questions. You give him a quizzical look, mind completely blanking.
"W-what? A demonstration of what?" You ask with a nervous gulp.
He flexes his hand and looks down at it. "How this works. How it feels." He leans closer, his lips mere millimeters from yours.
"Please." You plead with a hushed murmur. You’re not exactly sure what you’re pleading for. His lips are finally on yours and he kisses you with a quiet intensity, stroking your exposed thighs. You hum into his mouth, enjoying the feel of his touch on your skin. He drags his hands up higher to the waistband of your shorts and tugs lightly. You get his message and lift your hips high enough for him to slip off the material. He takes your underwear with it, leaving your bottom half exposed. You wiggle a bit impatiently and he stills your moving hips with a firm hand.
"Now be good for me alright? I don't have much time so let's make the best of it." He reminds you of the fact that he has to leave for rehearsals soon. You stay still and anticipate what's to come. He spreads your plush thighs apart, strings of arousal stretching in between. He chuckles quietly to himself and moves even closer. He lays his whole palm against your cunt and you shudder from the feel of the cold metal against your most intimate part.
He moves up and down slightly, making you release shallow breaths. Still keeping eye contact with you, he slowly enters one armored finger. He goes slow as to not hurt you with the sharp tip, although you wish he would just destroy you. He gauges your reaction and is pleased when he sees you trying so hard to not squirm. He speeds up the force of his finger and you gasp and hold on to his shoulder.
"Another one please." You choke out.
Yunho looks at you concerned for a second, but immediately complies as he sees the state you're in. Your eyes are glistening with unshed tears and your mouth is making the most sinful sounds. He can feel his pants tightening with every whimper you let out, but his focus is totally on you for today.
He adds a second finger and you can feel the noticeable stretch instantly. His unforgiving pace makes you see stars and you clench around him, making him groan with gritted teeth. You squeeze his shoulder again, needing something to ground you. The cold metal drags against your walls and sharpens the tight feeling in your core. Once he hits your spongy spot you're done for. Your orgasm washes over you and you gasp from the intensity of it.
Yunho pulls his fingers out and sees that the metal is completely covered in your juices. Before you can stop him he puts the fingers in his mouth and makes a show of licking every inch clean. You groan in humiliation and throw yourself back to lay flat. He chuckles at you and grabs tissues to help clean you up. You stare at the ceiling and process everything. You loved the experience so much, wanting to do it all over again.
Once you're clean and clothed Yunho gets ready to leave, he kisses you goodbye and heads to the door. He gives you a silly finger wave and you wave right back, but before he can shut the door behind him, you hold it open and lean towards him and whisper.
"I think we might have to make that lil gadget into a regular occurrence."
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envy-of-the-apple · 5 months
Hihihihi!! Happy Belated Bday!!!! I hope you had a good day 💗
Just wanna say again I love ya writing 🤍 Question for the Naha AU, Would the Naga hatchlings be able to speak English since they grew up around reader? And do you think Satoru and Suguru would develop more speech the longer they’re around reader?
Could y’all maybe stop giving me ideas for the naga au??? This isn't very nice
Top of the Food Chain pt 3
Part One Part two
(Dark!naga!Satosugu x reader)
(Warnings: implied forced relationship, yandere, dark content etc etc)
"I saw a shark today."
That certainly caught your attention.
"I'm sorry, you what?"
"Triangle fins, sharp teeth," Nobara casually continues, "a shark."
You move, more worried than upset. "Did it attack you? Are you okay?"
You glance down at her body. In just a few years, she'd grown to be slightly smaller than you. In terms of looks, she's resembles a human pre-teen. Compared to her brothers, she looks more human too. Her hair can hide the fins that protrude where her ears should be. Her eyes are more human, rounder. If it weren't for her tail, swishing in the water behind her, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
"We did fight." Nobara grins. Sharp teeth, just like her fathers'.
"Not funny," you reply.
"We did! Can you guess who won? I'll give you a hint: she's right in front of you."
She manages to pull a laugh out of you. You shake your head at her, more exasperated than anything else.
"No more fighting any more sharks," you tell her, but when she grins wider, you know she won't listen.
In human years, she's barely an infant. In Naga years, she's barely a teenager. Yet, she's so independent. Nobara started hunting for herself as soon as she started staying in the water around the clock. Not even Yuji and Megumi became this hands-off, despite both being larger than her.
It's probably why you had a soft spot for her. You'd never admit this to the other two hatchlings, but Nobara was your favorite (and you had a feeling she knew it, too). She resembles you in a way. Different, from the rest of the group. A bit isolated. It doesn't help that neither of her fathers seemed to be interested in her as soon as she started venturing into the water. You can count the number of times they've visited her on your hand. And you were pretty sure it had more to do with the fact you were with her, rather than Nobara herself.
She was alone. Much like you are.
The siren hums, giving you a small 'aye captain', which causes you to laugh again. Despite how uncaring she appeared, you were certain Nobara liked it when you worried for her. Cared about her. You just wished she wouldn't go to extremes just to get your attention.
Her expression brightens just then. Her tail swishes, creating small waves as she rises up. You were a few feet away, right at the bank, looking down at her as she wiggled.
"Oh! I found more human things!" She excitedly told you.
"Did you?" you ask, tilting your head, smiling.
There's a nod, before she's diving down, disappearing into the depths. She comes back up to the surface a few minutes later, depositing a few trinkets onto the bank.
It's your fault for instilling such a curiosity for humans. She was the first to pick up your tongue, practically a native speaker by the time she started to swim. Because of her ability to venture into the ocean, she started picking up strange objects, returning back to you. You and her would sit for hours, sifting through the stuff she brought. Her fascination with humankind thrilled you. You were always more than willing to share your knowledge with Nobara.
"What are they?" she asks in pure fascination.
"Hm, let's see," you reply, looking through the stuff.
It was a rather small haul. You didn't mind. She's found a couple of interesting things today.
"Oh, a claw clip," you note, picking the plastic contraption with both hands, "you use this to hold your hair, to get it out of your face."
It's pretty. Cheap looking, but ultimately pretty. You like the designs. It's a pretty color too. Periwinkle.
Nobara looks at the hair ornament with wonder.
"A claw clip." She tries.
"Here, I'll show you. Turn around." You tell her.
She does as she's told, swishing in the water. You lean over the bank, grabbing her beautiful hair. You needed to be careful. Nagafolk have more sensitive hair than yours but she doesn't seem to mind your fumbling. When you're finished adjusting the clip, you ask her to look at her reflection in the water.
"Well?" you ask.
"Wow," she gushes, "I look so cute!"
You laugh, light and airy. She beams at you, and for a moment, she looks like a kid, with no sharp teeth, no desire to go shark hunting.
"What else?" she asks, moving back to the bank.
You hum, picking up the book next. It was soggy from all the time it had spent in the water. You could somewhat make out what was on the title. But the ink on the inside was completely ruined.
"Books don't do well in water," you tell her with a pitied smile, "sorry."
She frowns but urges you to explain the last object. You'd been purposefully saving it for last. In a strange way, it was sentimental to you.
"A camera," you explain, "you can use it to take pictures."
"Pictures?" Nobara echoes.
"Remember those photographs you found last week? Pictures and photographs are the same thing." Nobara nods at your explanation.
She takes the camera from your fingers, examining it.
"We can get pictures from this?" She asks, and you can't help but note the excitement in her tone.
"Not from this camera no," you tell her, "Human technology and water don't mix."
She huffs. Her expression oddly reminds you of Suguru's whenever Satoru did something disappointing. She truly was her father's daughter.
"That's stupid," she finally tells you and you have to throw your head up and laugh. Your shoulders shake. You can catch a hint of a smile from her before she goes back to examining the camera.
It's cheap, one of those disposable ones you'd find at the check-out aisle at a grocery store. It was a hassle to take care of, working with the film, taking it to someone who could turn it into something visual. You knew that because-
"-We took a camera just like this for our trip," you start, "We were supposed to take pictures of every island that we visited. Something we could have taken home with us."
The cruise. The explosion. You washing up on this hellhole of an island. It felt like years ago, but how long ago was it? You'd already lost your sense of time.
You glance up. Her eyes are thoughtful, staring you down. Too wide, you can't help but think. Her eyes are too wide to be human. Because she isn't human. She wasn't one of you.
"If you could, would you leave?"
It takes you a moment to process her words. You can't formulate a response, not quickly enough. This should be the time when you become the adult she's looking for. When you coddle her and assure her that you will never leave her.
When you open your mouth, nothing comes out.
The reason why Nobara was your favorite, was because she was a lot more smarter than you.
Her eyes flick down. Her hands, still holding the camera, grip tighter threatening to break-
Then, she straightens herself. Posture righted, angled, taut. Her fins flare out before flattening. She could smell them coming.
You, on the other hand, heard them before you saw them.
A breaking of twigs, a silent hiss. You expect it, yet you still flinch when a clawed hand rests on your shoulder.
You can feel yourself deflate. Times up.
In front of you, Nobara frowns, unimpressed. You can feel Satoru nuzzle his face into your neck. Suguru is clicking something to the hatchling. In turn, her face curls into a sneer. She hisses something back.
You hate it when they do this, ignore you in favor of speaking a language you'd never understand. Satoru and Suguru would always gleefully leave you out. Nobara, however, was far more accommodating.
"What's he saying?" You ask her.
She huffs, crossing her arms and looking away.
"He asked if I took you out to the open ocean."
You glance at Suguru, hoping your face is as disapproving as you feel. Suguru meets your gaze, a silent challenge.
"Did you?" A new voice comes.
Yuji appears first out of the foliage with a bright smile and wide eyes. He's followed by his second oldest sibling. Megumi gives a slight warning hiss when his youngest sibling almost barrels him over.
"I didn't!" Nobara insists, glaring at Yuji. He only grins back, glinting his sharp fangs. Smile of a predator, you think to yourself.
"Nothing like that happened." You turned to Suguru, "We just stayed here. I never left."
It was a promise to both of them, one you hope none of the hatchlings heard. Or at least, paused enough to decipher.
Yuji and Megumi slither up to greet you despite you still being trapped in Satoru's hold. The larger naga huffs, not happy with the sudden attention you're receiving. You ignore Satoru, smiling when Megumi briefly touches your arm in affection. Yuji gently leans down to bump foreheads.
"I don't get why you two had to come along," Satoru says, his tone light, but you can still sense the annoyance. His hold over you becomes ever so slightly constricting. Even all these years, and he's still terrified of you being taken away.
They both are, even when Suguru tries to deny his paranoia.
Yuji pouts at his father's words. He turns to you.
"You were gone forever." He whines. "We got worried."
When Megumi glances away, you know he shares the sentiment. It's nice to know that despite their reptilian features, you could still instill a semblance of humanity within these three.
"I didn't mean to scare you," You say, not just talking to the hatchlings, "I wanted to spend time with Nobara for a bit. Look at the things she brought!"
You mention to the human artifacts. In response, Suguru picks up the camera with sharp claws. Neither Suguru nor Satoru had ever been interested in the things humanity tossed on their shores.
The boys follow in their father's footsteps. Yuji only nods, Megumi doesn't even bother giving a response. No matter how hard you tried, only Nobara was truly interested in human culture.
To prove your point, she hisses, her fins flattening to the sides when Suguru handles the camera too roughly for her taste.
"Careful!" She warns. "Don't break it."
An amused smile before Suguru tosses the camera in her direction. She catches it just before it hits the water, still scowling. He doesn't react to your look of disapproval. Satoru laughs, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
Suguru titters something in her direction. Nobara hisses. Yuji and Megumi also stiffen. You fight the urge to sigh. You don't need a translator to know what he's saying.
"Megumi, Yuji," you call, "stay with your sister for a bit, please? Your fathers and I need to talk for a bit."
Yuji's more than happy to dive into the water with his sister. She squabbles with him, dunking his head under the water in an attempt of casual drowning. Megumi's the one who hesitates. You've always thought he knew more than he let on.
You give him an encouraging smile.
"Go on."
You wait until their heads dip underwater. Then, you wait a few moments more, prolonging the inevitable.
"You shouldn't scare them like that." You finally say, not looking at either of them. "They're just kids."
"She's old enough to understand the dangers of you being in the water," Suguru responds.
"Of course she is, but she doesn't need constant reminders." You're not arguing. You're not arguing. "They—the hatchlings—don't need to see me as weak."
"But you are." Satoru playfully says. As if to prove it, he curls his hands around your hips and waist, easily hoisting you into his arms. You knew better than to struggle, reluctantly putting your arms around his neck.
"I know my own weaknesses. They don't need to coddle me. I get that enough from you two."
Satoru shrugs, burying his head back into your neck, soaking in your warmth.
"In any case," Suguru continues his earlier conversation. You watch as he glides over, a clawed arm caressing your shoulder, "you shouldn't be out with her for so long. The boys will start to notice your favoritism sooner or later."
You frown at his words. "I'm not playing favorites. At least Megumi and Yuji have each other. Nobara's out here all alone."
Nobara had fully developed her gills when she was just a year old. The more she spent her time out in the ocean, the more worried you got for her loneliness.
Suguru hums at your words, tracing your legs.
"She won't be lonely for long. Aren't the females migrating this season, Satoru?"
The other naga nods. "Yeah, this new moon. She'll make plenty of friends in the open ocean."
You blink at Satoru's words, trying to sit up from his embrace. He just huffs in annoyance, gripping you tighter.
"She—Nobara's leaving?" You ask.
Suguru smiles, enjoying your naivety.
"Of course, my love. All hatchlings do. Soon enough, Megumi and Yuji will go out and scout their own territories. Don't human young leave their parents once they're old enough?"
They do. You have. But in human years, Nobara, Megumi, and Yuji are still toddlers. In naga years, they're barely teenagers. To you, they're still babies. They're so young. Would they be able to fend for themselves out there?
Nobara asked if you could leave, would you. Maybe she wasn't just asking for your sake.
"If anything, that's good for us!" Satoru exclaims. "The caves' getting too crowded. It'd be nice to finally get to stretch out again."
Suguru nods in agreement. When you don't share their joy, he leans down to your eye level.
"You'll miss them, hm?" He asks.
You nod. There's no need to lie. He laughs at your honesty, kissing your cheek.
"I'm sure they'll visit from time to time," he assures, "hatchlings don't typically have any sentiment for their parents, but I'm sure the three will make an exception for you."
"Besides," Satoru pipes in. "The nest won't be empty for too long."
You look up at him in mild alarm.
"What do you mean by that?"
Suguru gives his mate a soft smile.
"This was our first mating season," he explains, "a success, I'd like to call it. We'll have many more sets of hatchlings in the future."
They both peer down at you. Eyes turn to slits. Purple and blue.
"And you'll be a wonderful parent to all of them. Just like you were to our first three."
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