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“Hey, dragon breath. Cook something for me, would ya?”
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waywardtrainernate · 9 years
Send me a ★ to see what one of my character’s Pokemon did to your character.
1. Tripped your character and caused them to fall into a mud puddle.
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He probably didn’t mean it. Probably. That mess of vines just appeared there on the ground by itself -- that definitely wasn’t grass knot.
That doesn’t mean the fox isn’t going to snicker at the sight of his muddied victim, though.
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waywardtrainernate · 9 years
Send me a ❡ and I'll suggest a Gym Leader profile for your character:
Title: “Soul of the Dragons”Type Focus: DragonSignature Pokemon: AxewSignature Move: Dragon ClawGym Location: Celestic TownGym Puzzle: Cave maze (choose the right path)Badge Design: blue meteorite shapeMusical Theme: Ice BattlePrize TM: Dragon ClawPrize Purse: 1000P
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waywardtrainernate · 9 years
i would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | i dislike you or you annoy me. | i would like to get to know you better. | i pity you. | you confuse me. | i feel indifferent towards you. | i would be friends with you. | i would fight by your side. | i would hug you or hold your hand. | i would kiss you. | i would sleep with you. | i would lie for you. | i would protect you. | i would fall in love with you. | i would kill for you | i respect you. | you are my family. | i don’t know you.
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waywardtrainernate · 9 years
A thought about them that they’d never share: “Does Aura eat people? Maybe she doesn’t. I don’t really know much about dragons, but maybe not all of them do...”
First impression of them: “That’s-- that’s a dragon. Oh gosh.”
Favorite thing about them: “She’s really nice, and her Pokémon seem really important to her too!”
Least favorite thing about them: “Hah, well...” She’s a dragon.
Hopes for their future relationship: “That we remain friends.”
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waywardtrainernate · 10 years
Send me “Play!” and I’ll post a song that reminds me of your muse!
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moonlit-spirits-blog · 10 years
That... was certainly not a human. So many creatures had evolved or been wiped into extinction by people since she was awake last, and yet dragons were still alive? Amazing.
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Still, there was no saying whether this one would be friendly or not, so better to be on her guard -- in a form where she could actually fight back if the thing attacked her.
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moonlit-spirits-blog · 10 years
(( hiiiiii wow this OC is interesting!))
//bless u Aura mun
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waywardtrainernate · 10 years
Well that was a terrifying and slightly embarrassing experience. Although even now as he looked over the edge of the rock, seeing the little creatures trying to climb up the relatively smooth surface without much luck, they still looked creepy to him. They may have only been small now, but someday they'd grow and evolve into fierce haxorus.
"They're called axew. And they could probably pretty easily tear a chunk out of you with those tusks," he muttered, shuffling away from the edge of the rock. He didn't fancy falling down there and getting eaten.
"Nate, playing dead is not necessary mind…" Aura sighed as she looked down at the playful little dragons, wondering how in the cosmos they managed to follow him this far. Walking over to a high-ish rock (high enough so the little Pokemon can’t jump on), she sat him down there and leaned on the surface, watching the dragons squeak at them excitedly.
"There, you’re safe. They can’t reach you from here. What were these Pokemon called again…?"
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waywardtrainernate · 10 years
Send me a ♥ to find out how my muse feels towards yours.
Out of all his friends, Aura is quite possibly the one Nate considers the most unique. And that he'd least want to make angry because his life could possibly depend on it.
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waywardtrainernate · 10 years
Send ☎ for a rushed text
[Text] ice cream?
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waywardtrainernate · 11 years
Your character has just discovered my character’s journal/diary. Leave a  ☱ in my askbox for an entry that’s about you.
I wonder if Aura can take people with her when she travels through worlds. That sounds like it’d be fun!
Although then again, if she lives in a world full of dragons, I think I’m better off here.
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waywardtrainernate · 11 years
Battle Theme: Suicune’s theme (not a dragon but still fitting??)
Battle intro: “W-wait, you mean a Pokémon battle, right…?”
Victory: “Ha ha!”
Defeat: “Erm, I was just… I don’t… well, I guess I lost!”
Assist (Item): “Do you want a potion or something? It helps heal Pokémon during a battle…”
Assist (Move): “Hey, look out!”
Taunt: “Y’know, I’d have thought you were stronger than this— wait, no, you don’t have to prove it or anything—!”
Reacting to Taunt: “… Ha, whatever…”
Retreat: “I think maybe we should stop now…”
Reacting to Retreat: “Well, that’s okay, I guess. I mean, battles can get dangerous when Pokémon aren’t willing to fight…”
Perfect Victory: “Huh? Wait, I won?”
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