#store mats
saoriplease · 2 months
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gawki · 1 year
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After a full year of being closed, my store is officially open again for a short time! The store will close at 11:59 p.m. CST on October 9th! New prints, play mats, and patches. Experimenting with recycling clothing with one of my pals, too! And, retiring a bunch of stuff so I can make new stuff! Hope y'all like it. <3
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themuseumlady · 1 month
tape, cardboard, and newspaper!!!
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to go a bit more into detail on this - from what I understand, this was on display* in a house for a number of years. This particular piece comes from the home of the harbormaster (a lovely man), and was exposed to light and about 50+ years of cigarette smoke. The boat in the photo is an early ferry in my area, and the cardboard it is mounted on seems to be some sort of church(??) yard sign(???)
we are still deciding the best course of action for this piece, but in all honestly, as a smallish museum/historical society with a laundry list of pieces with urgent conservation needs, we don't have the manpower to do anything other than keep it in a dark and temperature controlled space.
There are a lot of things that make me sad when I see pieces like this, because its so easy to see how important it was to its former owner, and it hurts me that we can't pour all of our time and resources into every piece that needs help. There are pieces even in this intake (which I cannot show because they contain identifying information about my location) that will be prioritized as they demand more immediate conservation efforts. Time can be a cruel opponent - and all we can do is our best.
anywho!!! all this is to say Support your local historical society!!! they are trying their darndest to preserve your local history and can't do so without community support! (and support does not always mean money!!! genuinely just interacting with your local historical societies can mean so much)
*I am unsure the specifics of where/how long it was on display for
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highdefinitions · 4 months
one thing i’ve learned is that matt boldy is gonna have his arms around his teammates. because love is alive in minnesota
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artsekey · 1 year
If you have a poodle or doodle or most any other “hypoallergenic” dog you MUST get them groomed, this is not a suggestion, it is not OPTIONAL, it is MANDATORY!
It is part of the breed’s BASIC CARE!!! Matting of the hair is painful for the dog! It can restrict their movement and cause serious hygiene issues! Allowing your dog to become overgrown and matted is irresponsible at best and abusive at worst!!
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brehaaorgana · 9 months
People joke about ADHD all the time, even swear up and down they totally think they also have it, but then if you ask for an accommodation, to please please please provide things in fucking writing, EXACTLY what they want and need, you will even work it out WITH them, like they promised they would do — repeatedly over and over, and then you don't get it people really will fucking be like:
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I am using the incorrect bathroom (TM) to place my shelving and store my things. Homegirl literally removed various sundries and toiletries from a CLOSED CABINET and SHELF because she's interested in boundaries and accountability for my mess.
I said months ago I wanted to improve things for her comfort level and needed a written list of what precisely that fucking looked like in order to achieve it and not miss anything she deemed important. I explained how ADHD works, why I needed a written reference. Why I had to have it laid out, and if something needed changing we needed to write it all out. I would've made the list myself, but they said they would make it for the whole house to hold up their end of things. And, thinking this was a very reasonable adult solution to keeping the house in good shape, I said okay, come up with the list of expectations and what is needed and that way we can update how we handle chores. Awesome. I will do that to uphold my end.
No list ever gets made or drafted or anything despite my bringing it up, knowing we need to do it, but I DO get berated for failing to meet expectations and boundaries that were never fucking provided or delivered and include "don't store toiletries in this particular bathroom because I don't like it."
I can't believe I am a goddamn adult who gets treated like an idiot child for expecting adult communication instead of snide ass passive aggressive bullshit and basic respect for my things.
Because when I fucking get home, my shelving has been removed and a cabinet emptied of my things and placed in the "correct" bathroom.
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Oh shit she solved it, this doesn't look cluttered at all!
What a vast improvement to storing things in appropriate storage!
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shiroicorner · 2 years
Edit: Im so sorry this was written for my main tumblr where the link is on the top and then I posted it here and forgot and oh well :( I’ve been helping people with questions so far so I realized right now about all the mess I made 🙏💕
Hello!! 💕 My store(s) open in half an hour! This is the last opening of the year 🎉🎉 there’s some restocks and sales. The desk mats are in their own store. All the stores have links in my carrd (on top or the side depending where you’re seeing this :D) ☺️💕 I’m going to continue prep now! See you all soon 🥰
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moonahsrobin · 4 months
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Someone help him
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asha-mage · 8 months
Lesbian Rand AU?
[Send me a potential AU and I'll answer with five things from that story!]
Oh boy, here we go-
A lot depends on the setup. A big part of Rand's character is reckoning with the failures of his past life and the foundation of a lot the interesting ways Jordan interrogates the gender binary is built on the idea that those mistakes are a remix of Paradise Lost/The Fall. LTT is at both at once Eve and Lucifer. Eve in that he acts without the consent or permission of his other half (Latra Posae Decume- the Adam of this version) and runs of on his own in defiance of her will. Lucifier in that in his pride, he believes he can match or surpass the Creator, by attempting to Seal the Bore with only saidin. As a result, paradise is lost- the AoL is destroyed in the breaking by LTT's sin, an entire Age results where all men take the blame to a greater or lesser extent, for the original sin of one man. Of course, Jordan isn't just running with this premise as simple fact- he's interrogating the idea of original sin, salvation, and redemption and raising inherent and complicating questions. Does it make a difference that LTT's intentions where pure and genuine? That he didn't know and couldn't have predicted the consequences of his actions? How does Rand suffering for LTT's do any justice to those who suffered and died in the Breaking? Is chasing the splendor of an Age that could shatter so easily even a worthwhile endeavor, or should the focus be on letting go of the past and building something new? Does that mean forgetting and forgiving and is that fair?
All this to say is that, I think for a Lesbian Rand AU to work the story would probably need a reversed gender dynamic to the one that is present in the books- which I don't know that I could ever write both because it would veer very uncomfortably close to the most misogynistic elements of our own historical societies, and probably have to exceed them in brutality to work (something I'm not very good at, since a lot of my world building energy is usually directed at reshaping and re interpenetrating those historical societies through more queer and equitable lenses), and because a lot of what I connect to in Rand's story has a lot to do with the specifically queer male reading of it. That said if I could or would do that, I think it could also work very effectively as a queer female reading in the same thematic ways.
Rand and male channelers in general in the WoT verse already fulfill a lot of the tropes commonly associated with medieval witches- individuals tainted by an otherworldly power that is poorly understood and inherently transgressive to the gender roles of their society, as well as threat to the established social order (to put it mildly). It's not hard to translate that to a theoretically tainted saidar and the feelings of a resulting broken world onto a theoretical female Dragon. Rand in this context fulfills a pretty familiar role- Joan of Arc, Himiko of Yamatai, Elizabeth Woodvile, etc- savior and hero to some, witch and monster to others.
My brain of course goes to female Mat to be Rand's love interest in this AU- trickster and guile heroine. Mat's specific brand is easy to imagine transcending into a female character in a strict patriarchy, both because Mat's role in the series is already pretty gender transgressive (as befits a trickster shapeshifting archetype), and because it's easy to imagine again that simmering homoerotic temptation Mat and Rand's relationship inherently invokes, but gender flipped: Mat representing a liberation a refusal of the traditional gender roles that Rand can't quite decide if she truly wants or only wants because she was raised to want them. Rand specifically being homosexual rather then my bisexual head canon means that, I would probably air on the side of it being compulsory heterosexuality/heteronormativity- and genuinely wanting the life of adventure and liberty offered by Mat's promises of running away together.
I could also see Min (again as her Gender Weird makes her surprisingly easy to translate into a traditional patriarchy without loosing core elements of her character) as Rand's love interest- again in largely the same role as the series. Someone who Rand could just be....herself around, who couldn't overawed or terrified or brow beaten into seeing a monster, but rather just a person- a woman sacred and overwhelmed and being crushed by the expectations of a savior, and all the fears of being a monster. Conversely I don't know that either Avihenda or Elayne's relationships would still function the same- not without flipping their genders as well which defeats the idea of the premise. A few extra thoughts (since 1 and 2 are basically just big disclaimers)-
While I find the idea of Lesbian Rand having to learn from Short Gay Ball of Anger Uncle Moiraine very funny conceptually (Moiraine is already a pretty strong riff of mentor characters like Obi Wan and Gandfalf, but genderflipped, and I find the idea flipping that back but keeping the more unique aspects of Moiraine's character to be interesting), I also can't help but find the idea of Moiraine as an older, slightly rattled/mad, female wilder Moiraine with the same motivation as in the series just as intriguing as a mentor figure to Lesbian Rand. It would give the entire series a very different vibe, but that's just a natural outcome of the premise as well. I once said Moiraine is a woman who, if she had be born into a patriarchy would have easily been burned as a witch- but the truth is, the idea of Moiraine as a witch to clever to burn, a witch who is surviving the curse of her power, and struggling to see the savior who may yet be able to reverse that curse and save their world...their is an Appeal There.
It's scary conversely, how easy it is to fit the Aes Sedai in general into a gender flipped Randland, and I think speaks to how effectively Jordan wrote them and their institutional flaws. Mired in traditions, secure in their power, comfortable in ordering the world to their will- a mix between the Catholic Church and an order of magi, angry and resistant to reform and change that alters the base of their power, presided over by ancient and yet ageless cabals of entrenched elders. The scene, easily one of my favorites, in the series, in Fal Dara, is almost sickeningly easy to imagine with the genders flipped- a young woman still bright eyed and scarred of what she is and what she is capable of, with three thousand years of tales of women going mad from power, declaring themselves the Dragon falsely in greed and lust for power and leaving the world to suffer for it, walking into a a room with three ancient wizards who tell her that this is her fate, to be this messiah and destroyer both, it hits sharply and exactly the right way.
Again, I don't know that I would do it, and I find what Jordan is doing with gender and sexuality already in the Wot Books inherently more interesting and....less....I don't know sticky? But it's a fun thought exercise.
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britcomsstuff · 8 months
hello again ghesties guess who has more redbubble designs to promote‼️
this time we have a fun little humphrey design in both pin and sticker form for all your decoration needs
happy shopping laddies 🫶
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lyncotek · 1 month
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This article will discover How Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats Can Improve Safety. In industrial environments, retaining costs under control and visitor and worker safety paramount are crucial issues. Strategically setting outdoor entrance mats is one often-not-noted method that efficiently addresses both troubles. This mattress reduces the cost of maintenance and overhaul by preventing falls and spills by preserving the environment around indoors for longer
Understanding the Diversity of Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats
There are numerous types of business outdoor entrance mats, each made to fit unique situations and necessities. Options starting from absorbent mats that take in moisture to scraper mats that successfully dispose of debris from footwear are to be had to meet any need. Aesthetic choices, weather, and foot traffic quantity are only a few of the factors to recollect even as choosing the correct mat.
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Enhanced Safety with Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats
The primary purpose of outside entrance mats is to improve safety by using reducing the threat of journeys, falls, and slips. This matting drastically decrease the hazard of mishaps by using imparting an extra traction-rich floor, particularly in damp or slick circumstances. They also keep footwear from being tracked interior and developing problems by collecting moisture and particles from shoes.
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How Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats Reduce Maintenance Costs
Over time, you may store quite a little cash on protection by investing in great outdoor front mats. These mats protect indoor flooring surfaces from dust and moisture at the entrance, increasing their durability and decreasing the want for common cleaning. By doing this, exertion fees are decreased and the demand for expensive cleaning resources and gear is reduced as nicely.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats
When deciding on access mats for commercial locations, there are a few matters to not forget. These include elements together with placement and length to guarantee top-of-the-line insurance and efficacy, sturdiness to face up to sturdy foot visitors and awful weather, and customization selections to meet branding specifications.
Installation and Maintenance Tips
To maximize the use and durability of outside entrance mats, proper installation and maintenance are crucial. By using the counseled installation techniques, you could lessen the hazard of journeys and falls by ensuring the mats are firmly and flatly hooked up. Moreover, frequent upkeep and cleansing, such as vacuuming, shaking, and washing, contribute to their persevered efficacy.
Cost-Effectiveness and Return on Investment
Good entrance mats may be steeply-priced up the front, but in the long run, the benefits heaps outweigh the price. These mats provide corporations a robust go-back on funding because of the reality they minimize place and tear on interior surfaces, decrease the want for ground cleanings, and avoid injuries that could cause pricey legal responsibility claims.
Environmental Sustainability
Eco-friendly access mat solutions are developing in reputation as sustainability will become an extra considerable issue for companies. These mats, which might be lengthy-lasting and products of recycled substances, help business sustainability objectives in addition to making indoor space purifiers.
Future Trends in Entrance Mat Technology
It is anticipated that future developments in entrance mat generation will concentrate on improving effectiveness and overall performance. Mats with superior dirt and moisture retention and much less complex protection will quit result from material and design enhancements. Real-time mat overall performance monitoring and management also can be made possible via integration with clever building systems.
Commercial outdoor entrance mats play a crucial position in improving safety and decreasing preservation prices in business spaces. By preventing slips and falls, minimizing dirt and moisture access, and defensive indoor surfaces, those mats provide a cost-effective approach to commonplace facility management demanding situations.
How do outdoor entrance mats improve safety?
Can entrance mats really reduce maintenance costs?
What types of materials are used in commercial entrance mats?
How often should outdoor entrance mats be cleaned?
Are there any regulations regarding entrance mats for commercial spaces?
#Introduction#This article will discover How Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats Can Improve Safety. In industrial environments#retaining costs under control and visitor and worker safety paramount are crucial issues. Strategically setting outdoor entrance mats is on#Understanding the Diversity of Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats#There are numerous types of business outdoor entrance mats#each made to fit unique situations and necessities. Options starting from absorbent mats that take in moisture to scraper mats that success#weather#and foot traffic quantity are only a few of the factors to recollect even as choosing the correct mat.#Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats#Enhanced Safety with Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats#The primary purpose of outside entrance mats is to improve safety by using reducing the threat of journeys#falls#and slips. This matting drastically decrease the hazard of mishaps by using imparting an extra traction-rich floor#particularly in damp or slick circumstances. They also keep footwear from being tracked interior and developing problems by collecting mois#How Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats Reduce Maintenance Costs#Over time#you may store quite a little cash on protection by investing in great outdoor front mats. These mats protect indoor flooring surfaces from#increasing their durability and decreasing the want for common cleaning. By doing this#exertion fees are decreased and the demand for expensive cleaning resources and gear is reduced as nicely.#Factors to Consider When Choosing Commercial Outdoor Entrance Mats#When deciding on access mats for commercial locations#there are a few matters to not forget. These include elements together with placement and length to guarantee top-of-the-line insurance and#sturdiness to face up to sturdy foot visitors and awful weather#and customization selections to meet branding specifications.#Installation and Maintenance Tips#To maximize the use and durability of outside entrance mats#proper installation and maintenance are crucial. By using the counseled installation techniques#you could lessen the hazard of journeys and falls by ensuring the mats are firmly and flatly hooked up. Moreover#frequent upkeep and cleansing#such as vacuuming
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advancedscurvy · 2 months
if i am paying more than $30 for any article of clothing it had better be fucking natural fibers and not plastic
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 22
"Too Sweet" by Hozier
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ghostcrows · 11 months
i love Stuff but i hate loving Stuff when i know how much of it plainly shouldnt exist bc it fucks people over or it fucks the environment over or its just like if you think about it too hard you wonder why everything in your life is centered around useless cheaply made kind of neat things...call that...etsystential dread. did you like that one. let me know
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machidielontheway · 3 months
found the perfect carpet to go with / to replace the exact same one i have... but the seller doesn't do postal service, only hand to hand :((
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transgenderboobs · 1 year
finding out corporate took away the mats we were meant to stand on to prevent pain and injury from Being on our feet for 8hrs because "they look bad" but they haven't done anything about the Ant Problem or the BLACK MOLD IN THE CEILING 😂🤪🤣😝
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