#still wish duolingo had Croatian
an-archii · 3 months
Guess who maybe kinda definitely started learning Arabic.
It's me.
@duothelingo are you proud? I'm on my 8th language course (don't ask if I've completed any of them yet, you don't wanna know)
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babaleshy · 3 years
Why I'm Learning Russian
It's been a while since I was last here on this site, and since I seem to be back-back for good(?), I figured I'd update everyone following me on what's going on right now.
And I figured I'd make a separate post talking specifically on why I've chosen to learn Russian (instead of Serbian).
First off, I still wish I could learn Serbian due to family reasons, but there's a severe lack of sources for me to use. Duolingo ain't got shit regarding the language. I wouldn't have cared if it was listed simply as Croatian! I just wanna learn the language!
Thanks to the whole anti-communist propaganda in the states, many Americans (whether by ignorance alone, by design, or some combination thereof) would hear a Slavic language and get pissy. At least this is what I think is likely the reason behind why it can be so hard in some areas to find just books on a Slavic language. If you're lucky to find any, it's always Russian. The area I live in has plenty of Polish, Russian, and Serbian populations (albeit descendants of immigrants, but you get the idea). You're think they'd have a decent amount of books at the local library. The best I could find was a book meant to teach how to translate written Russian (apparently you have to have a ridiculous aptitude for high-difficulty languages or have to already be familiar a bit with it?) and a Polish For Dummies book. That's it.
There aren't any community colleges nearby that I can find that event teach foreign languages at all (this is a right-wing-heavy area, so surprise-surprise).
But in this country as a whole, the only Slavic language I can find that you will commonly find in colleges and universities if any Slavic language at all is supported is Russian.
So that's reason number one: accessibility.
Another reason is that there's quite a bit of stuff happening in the country that due to Americans not expecting to take on foreign languages on a regular basis, let alone a complex one, the ruling class could easily claim what Russians are saying whether it's a soundbyte, a video with audio, or signs and posters and such. They're relying on the American people to be completely ignorant of the language so they could spin whatever they wanna say however they need it to say. (This would largely be fux news' area of expertise, as they've been doing so recently with the protests in Cuba by not only showing protests that occurred in Florida and passing them off as Cuban protests in Cuba, but they straight-up blurred out posters because someone might know how to speak Spanish.)
On top of this, there's something boiling in Russia, so if the Russian people need help and ask Americans for advice, it would be nice if some Americans spoke their language, instead of relying on Russians (and anyone not American in general) to know English to some extent.
So there's reason number two: avoiding misinformation and misunderstandings.
I don't have to tell you twice that climate change is happening right now and that we may not see the climates of many regions go back to normal within our own lifetimes even if we did everything right.
However, worst case scenario, what if we were too late? Where in the would could remain habitable for humans? There's Greenland, Canada, Antarctica (which would be warred over for territory because of course it would), and then there's Russia. Russia is semi-landlocked thanks to the arctic ice on the northern coasts, but once that melts, they would easily be able to trade by sea. They also have a lot of currently uninhabited land that, in this worst case scenario, would be thawed out and quite fertile and suitable for agriculture, especially for the potential billions (remember, we're passed the 7 billion population point) that would emigrate just to be able to survive. This means that if you wanted to move to Russia, it's probably best to learn the language.
That's reason number three: it will be the largest habitable landmass on the planet if we cannot bring about a chance of reversal to climate change.
The last reason is due to the possibility that if I went back to school for what I ultimately want to be (paleoecologist), my interests (pleistocene ecology) may lead me to digging up frozen carcasses out of the Russian permafrost. There's also an attempt in a Pleistocene Park in the making right now (all that's missing is the mammoth which we will never successfully clone) to bring back fauna we still have that once existed there to help with the land's ecosystem in the Russian steppe. And so far, it's succeeding in its goals. And as a paleoecologist, this would be right up my alley. But knowing the language would be incredibly helpful, too!
Russian isn't actually hard for the reasons many "top x videos" claim it to be. The alphabet isn't that hard, to be honest. It's the cases, which is where I'm stuck at right now.
Duolingo is not a good way to learn a language, as they do not teach grammar or cultural context. The app has become a game that makes you rely on memory and hopes you'll catch on.
No other apps that I have found will teach the grammar in a beginner-friendly way for free, either. I'm poor, and can't afford this shit, so I'm hoping to borrow that library book I mentioned earlier (now that I've learned the alphabet quite nicely) might be able to give me a better idea in a way that I can best understand it.
For now, I'm focusing on keeping up my practice as well as building a nice vocabulary bank. That's going to make learning the cases much easier. The good news is my husband is also interested in learning the language and even he learned the alphabet without much of an issue. So I have someone to practice with.
Hilariously, like with Spanish, I have a problem with a foreign language... I can read it fine, I can hear it okay, but writing it? Eh.. And speaking it from memory? Holy shit I struggle. But my husband hasn't had much of a chance to really practice thanks to his job, so maybe it's the lack of practice?
Regardless, learning independently is going to be a nice primer for when (maybe if, who knows) we can finally go back to college once we've moved with my parents (long story) because the university in the area they want to move to does offer Russian. If things go well, I plan to take more than 2 levels (the university requires all students to take at least 2 levels of a foreign language).
So yeah. That's why I'm learning Russian. It's actually really fun, and I do watch vlogs from Russians on YouTube so I get a better understanding of their culture, too. I'm jealous they don't have this fucked up concept of a "lawn" like America does. All it is with the houses and dachas is native plants and fruits and veggies they decide to grow. Lucky...
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princessalethea · 4 years
ESSAY: Reaching Out to You
(Previously published on Patreon and Substack)
I’m still having a hard time writing on the laptop. The last few months have been full of actual handwriting as I fill pages in my journal, take copious notes during dharma talks, and write scads and scads of poetry. There’s something about poetry. For me, it just has to be written by hand. 
Every time I open the computer and sit down with it, I am immediately overwhelmed with the need to go do something else. And, in these “uncertain times,” I have been giving myself permission to do that. It’s resulted in better eating habits, more exercise, fewer weeds, and a clean living room, kitchen and foyer. I’m still playing around with German and Portuguese on Duolingo, and I’ve picked up a few words in Croatian. I’m almost finished reading Buddhism for Dummies—Hinduism for Dummies is next. 
There was a brief time this month where I did consider Camp NaNoWriMo. I added all of 1600 words to my indie rock romance. I don’t know if any of it’s useable. I’m still too close to the whole Songwriting thing. (More on that in a sec.) The only other time I sat down to write was when I added 500 or so words to my Green Mountain Girl Christmas romance. A byproduct of having Hallmark’s Christmas in July movies on in the background to keep me calm during the day, I’m sure. 
But these are the days we really need to forgive ourselves. Like…more than usual. 
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance is about to run out, and I’ve stopped signing & selling books from my home because I don’t feel safe going to the post office, but my expenses (apart from food and AC) have been fairly low, so I have a little saved up. I’m not going to be in dire straits because I still don’t have a damn agent yet, or a new book contract. Do I wish I had finished a novel in July? Sure. But even if I had, what would I have done with it? Shove it in the trunk and start on the next one. 
Looking back on the last two months, I feel that my time was more wisely spent. 
I am so glad I wrote that essay back in May, when I was still early in the throes of Saturday Songwrite. I was in love with everything. Rockets in the blue sky. The smell of blooming magnolias as I walked around the neighborhood. Surprise rain showers. Packages from dear friends. Chaos gardening. A mop-headed singer named Gary and the community of strangers all over the world brought together by his antics on Instagram. 
Shortly after I wrote the May essay, I started adding all the Songwriters as friends on Instagram. (It was something I had already done with the folks from Rick Worthy’s chats, because “the friend of my friend is my friend,” you know.) Maybe I would get sick of Snow Patrol, throwing myself into the deep end of the fandom like this, but I hadn’t gotten sick of this band’s songs after over a decade. (“The Lightning Strike” is still my surefire way to calm down during a panic attack.) I was willing to take the risk.
I think I was friends with Camila first, who runs the SnowPatrolNewsBR fan site out of Brazil (thus the desire to learn a bit more Portuguese). She was there for the Songwrite session where Gary saw absolutely none of my lyric ideas. After filling four pages with suggestions, he called an end to it. Frustrated, I typed “Not a damn word ACK!” into the chat. Of course, THAT he saw. What then ensued was a hilarious and frustrating non-conversation where Gary attempted to talk to me, and the Instagram algorithm wouldn’t let him see any of my answers. (I’ll have to write up that whole detailed adventure for you guys one day—suffice it to say, it was incredibly emotional and epic). 
While Gary popped off to work on the song, I went live on Instagram in case any of my fellow Songwriters were still around. After not being heard in such a huge way, I wanted to tell my side of the story. My face was completely red, and I vented to the few lovely souls who stopped in to listen. 
When Gary went live again at the end of the hour he read of a list of the phrases he’d used in the song, including “not a damn word”, which a sweet fellow Songwriter had suggested he add to his list anyway. Gary even showed us where he had written “not a damn word” at the top of his legal pad. My chat erupted with “Alethea!” shouted by my friends from all across the world, and my heart melted. 
Gary probably didn’t see that either. It didn’t matter.
That was week 11 of Saturday Songwrite. Odd numbers are my friends—my lyrics had magically managed to find their way into songs we created on weeks 5, 7a, 9, and now 11. (My ancestors would be proud—odd numbers are Greeky luck thing.)
The protests and riots really picked up after that, and after Blackout Tuesday Gary put Songwrite on pause. I knew I would miss spending time with my friends, so I went live that Saturday at “Gary o’clock” to give any lonely, wandering Songwriter a safe place to hang out. A few showed up. We chatted and commiserated and found solace in each other. 
There was never another Songwrite after that. 
I had unknowingly picked up the Songwrite torch at the exact moment Gary set it down. With it I assumed a great responsibility that I was absolutely prepared for—after all, the last lyric of the last Songwrite had been mine. In a way, I felt like I owed it to the Songwriter community to do what I could to keep us connected. 
Which is why it feels like I’ve lived several lifetimes since that May essay. I’ve been helping to hold a brilliant, compassionate worldwide community together with whatever tape and glue I have at my disposal…while also grieving the loss of Songwrite myself. I mean, we all knew it was going to end sometime. We just didn’t expect it quite so soon. We didn’t exactly have time to prepare. We didn’t have time to say goodbye. We didn’t have closure. But we had each other.
And now we have a song.
“Reaching Out to You,” the first single released by Snow Patrol and the Saturday Songwriters, is now available on Spotify (and a million other places, depending on your level of subscription). I invite you to have a listen. Dance around your living room. Play it on repeat. (Seriously! We need to rack up the number of listens!)
The full five-song EP, The Fireside Sessions, will be out August 21st. The digital album is available for pre-order at Amazon, iTunes, and other venues. Hard copy CDs are available through Snow Patrol’s website. 
Instead of trying to find a way to pay the Songwriters for our work, all proceeds of the album’s sales are going to the Trussell Trust, a charity that supports a network of food banks across the UK. (Because no one should have to go hungry right now, and Snow Patrol is mostly based out of the UK.)
And so it was that Gary Lightbody had a brainwave and used his powers (and Instagram) during lockdown 2020 to save the lives and lighten the heavy hearts of thousands of dedicated fans across the world. And maybe, through our efforts, we can put food in the bellies of thousands of hungry children in the UK…who will be able to grow up and write their own songs and inspire more people. I am honored to have been a part of this cycle. To still be a part. 
Because the story’s not over yet…
[To Be Continued]
The post ESSAY: Reaching Out to You appeared first on Alethea Kontis.
from ESSAY: Reaching Out to You
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eurolinguiste · 7 years
With new apps and online communities sprouting up everyday, there are an endless number of resources to choose from to learn almost any language. You can also connect more easily than ever with native speakers around the world. It’s often easier to feel overwhelmed by the different resources out there than it is to struggle to find them.
Even so, if you’re looking for a way (or an additional way) to make language learning a part of your day, here’s a list of 100+ ways to do just that.
They’re organized by the skills they help you build to help make choosing the right tools easy!
100+ Ways to Learn a New Language
There are essentially four different aspects of language learning – reading, comprehension, speaking, and writing. There are resources that cover all four of these skills, but there are also those that focus one one or two of the aforementioned. 
Getting Started
Use a to-do app to keep your language tasks organized and keep track of your “path goals”. // Path goals are the steps you take to ultimate achieve your “vision goals” (your big, long-term goals). You can read more about goal setting in this post.
Join #CleartheList to keep accountable with a fun group of learners. // We share our goals each month and encourage one another. 
Set specific times for various study tasks. // For example, use your commutes to listen to audio. Do a round of flashcards while you’re brushing your teeth or waiting for your lunch to heat up in the microwave. Use your lunch break for an online lesson or some course book study.
Commit to just five minutes per day. // It adds up quicker than you might think!
Download an app to your mobile device so that you always have something with you. // You can check out the recommendations below, but I personally love Duolingo, Memrise, and LingQ.
Attend a language webinar or live Q&A. // These are fantastic, free online classes that are offered by language bloggers. One of my favorite live Q&A vloggers is Benny Lewis of Fluent in 3 Months.
Take an online language course. // There are tons of great courses online both free and paid. Some of my favourites are Language Routine Mastery, Language Habit Toolkit, and of course, Say Goodbye to Shy, as well as my new free 7-day email course The Busy Language Learner.
A Few Quick & Easy Tasks 
Sometimes it’s just about getting your systems into place, preparing for your actual study and building some momentum. When this is the case, here are a few quick tasks you can complete when you only have a moment, but need or want to do something.
Create a “things to check out list” // That way you can focus on whatever you’re using now, but don’t forget about the other resources that look interesting to you when you decide you’re ready for them.
Open your coursebook to the next lesson // And if you’re feeling ambitious, read the first page. There’s a good chance you won’t stop there.
Look up a word you’ve been wanting to know // This can be a word in your native language that you want to translate into your target language, or a word you heard/read in your target language that you want to look up in your native language. 
Make a list of words to look up later // Same rules apply as above.
Create an account on a language learning platform you’ve been meaning to use. // It can be iTalki, HelloTalk, LingQ, Lang-8, the Innovative Languages courses, Lingoda, Baselang, Rhinospike, you name it…
Send a message to a potential language exchange partner
Distill a page of an old language notebook // This is where you go through an old notebook and copy the words you still don’t know (but find useful) into your new notebook.
Find an article that explains something you’re currently struggling with in your target language. // For me, this was this post on the in subjunctive Spanish.
Read an article from a language blogger on how to learn languages. // Some suggestions are: Fluent in 3 Months, I Will Teach You a Language, Lindsay Does Languages, Fluent Language, Actual Fluency, French Lover, etc. And of course, the blog you’re already reading, Eurolinguiste.
Join a Facebook group // There are tons of lovely Facebook groups that are either language specific or just general groups of fellow language learners.
Do Some Math // Numbers can be tricky in a foreign language. They’re not easy to pull up or understand right away and we sometimes end up doing more translating and mental counting than needed. It can really slow you down. Practice some basic maths in your target language to get more comfortable with numbers.
Sign up for a language mailing list to get tips sent right to your inbox // This can be language specific or not.
Grab one of my 100+ Conversational Words & Phrases Worksheets // So far I have them for Korean, Chinese, French, Italian, and Croatian.
Learn super helpful phrases in your target language // Like: “How do you say ___ in ___ language?” or “Can you repeat that?” or “Can you say that differently?” or “What is ___ in English?” or “Please say it again slowly”.
A Little Bit of Everything
Duolingo // This is a fun and popular language learning app that is available for a variety of languages. You can complete a lesson in just a few minutes, whether at home or on the go.
Assimil // Assimil is my favourite course book series. They have a much wider selection of material available for French speakers, but what they have for English speakers is pretty great as well (if more limited).
Attend a Gathering or Conference // Even if you are not a polyglot (or don’t consider yourself one), I’ve heard good things about each of the language events around the globe. I will actually be a speaker at the upcoming Montréal Lang Fest and it would be incredible to see you there!
Start a Challenge // Like Lindsay Does Languages’ IGLC. Or Benny Lewis’s Speak in a Week.
Visit a Museum or Monument // Whenever M and I travel, I try to pick up the brochures in my target languages and opt for the tours offered in other languages (if available). On our most recent trip to the Getty Museum I had fun reading about the history of the museum in every language but English.
Watch Language Lessons on Youtube // There are a ton of great educational channels available on Youtube. Some of my favorites for Mandarin include Yoyo Chinese and Chinese with Mike. Just do a bit of searching to find videos in your language!
Use a Language Program // There are both free and paid programs to help you with your language learning including: Busuu, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Rocket Languages et al.
Teach Someone Else // One of the best ways to ingrain a skill (or just better understand it) is through the act of teaching someone else. I began to understand German grammar better when I had to explain it to my father and my tones improved as I started to teach M words in Mandarin.
Start Using FluentU // I was contacted by FluentU a while back to test out their platform and I was impressed. It is a tool I really wish I used more. They also have an incredible blog for each of the languages they feature.
Play Games // If you’re at a beginning level, card games are a great place to start as are word games. Board games can be fun (if you have friends to play with), as can video games (whether online community based or just foreign language versions of games). I play my favorite Nintendo games in Mandarin and I know other language learners who play online games like WOW in their target languages.
Take an In-Person Class // But don’t allow yourself to become one of those students who does the bare minimum to succeed. Take an active interest in learning the language and use the class as a launching point. 
Bust Out Your Phrasebook // And learn phrases rather than individual vocab words. My personal favorite phrasebooks are this one from Tuttle, this one from Assimil and the Lonely Planet Series.
For Advanced Learners: Take a Free Online Language-Specific Class in Your Target Language // Instead of taking a class on your language, take a class in your language. MIT and Coursera offer several courses in other languages for free online.
Try out Glossika // This is another course that offers elements of reading and listening.
Use Forvo to hear how things sound // This is a great online dictionary for tons of languages with audio.
Submit something to Rhinospike // And get it recorded by a native speaker so you can hear how it sounds. Be sure to reciprocate for someone else!
Travel to the Country // Not for everyone – it can be pretty expensive. But it is an option if you have the means.
Reading & Writing
Graded Readers // McGraw-Hill puts out a great series of easy readers. For those of you unfamiliar with the term “graded reader”, read this.
Native Language Books // What better way to improve your French reading comprehension than by reading classic French texts like Le Petit Prince or L’Etranger? The same can be said for any great literature in any language.
Use LingQ // LingQ is honestly my favourite app for language learning right now because it combines one of my favorite things (reading) with vocabulary study. You can use the content they already have available or you can important your own reading material.
If your language has a different writing system, learn it.
Translations of Your Favorite Books // Like Game of Thrones or Harry Potter? Why don’t you read it in your target language rather than in your native language? If that’s too hard, there are tons of children’s books available to choose from! Dr. Seuss and even some Disney stories are available in a wide selection of languages.
Memrise // Memrise is an incredible online resource and my favourite way to learn new vocabulary.
Flashcards // You can either make your own or use pre-made cards like those made by Flashsticks. Or you can go with digital Flashcards like Antosch & Lin or Anki.
Label Objects in Your House // Make up sticky notes (or use Flashsticks) to label objects in your house to help you build up your day-to-day vocabulary. If you don’t want to overwhelm your loved ones, do it one room at a time.
Textbooks // I particularly like the material that Tuttle puts out. Assimil is another of my favorites.
Keep a Language Journal // It’s a great way to hang on to all the awesome things you’ve learned, review them, and look back at where you were at a few months back.
Free write in your target language // Just because or to submit for corrections.
Translation from Your Target Language // Bust out a target language document and your dictionary and get to work with this old school way to learn a language. In addition to translating the document, I like to keep a second notebook on hand to make notes on the information that is new to me and that I’d like to retain.
Translation into Your Target Language // This is a bit harder than translating from your target language into your native language. So if you want to up your translation skills, this is definitely a good activity.
Change the Language Settings on Your Devices // You can set the language of your phone or computer in your target language, and there are tons of other ways to get inventive with this option. Heck, even my car is set in one of the languages I’m learning (I changed the radio/control panel language in the settings) as is my gaming system.
Change the Language Settings on Your Social Media Accounts // This sometimes needs to be done separately from the device itself.
Check Out the Ethnic Foods Section of Your Local Grocery Store // Learn the ingredients of the foods you eat! 
The Instructions and Ingredients on the Backs of Products You Buy // I’ve done this forever with my shampoo bottles. Now that I’m learning Mandarin, I’ve even started doing it with the tags on my clothes and the instructions for everything I buy. Since I do most of my shopping at the local Chinese market, I end up with tons of material to learn from.
Go to the Library // No need to spend money you might be able to save by checking out the language section at your local library.
Write a script // Scripts are great exercises because they really offer you the chance to focus in on a specific subject  and learn the vocabulary and grammar you need just for that topic.
Newspapers and/or Magazines // Whenever I travel, I try to pickup newspapers in my target language. Even if I don’t use them then, I can save them for when I have time.
Make Friends with Your Dictionary // Open up to a random page and learn a new word. Make a list of words you’d like to know, look them up, and create a new flashcard set or vocab list like this. I also like Language Surfer‘s advice on this technique.
Use Readlang // I only just discovered this tool and I’m going to have to add it to my arsenal of study tools.
Use Lang-8 or iTalki‘s Journal Tool to Write // These sites offer your the opportunity to write in your target language and have it corrected by a native speaker. It doesn’t cost anything, but be kind and reciprocate. Correct another language learner in your native language too.
Find a Website Available in Multiple Languages // Open your target language and your native language in two different windows and do a comparison. Take notes. Wikipedia is a great starting point.
Install your Language’s Keyboard on your Phone or Computer // I use my Chinese keyboard to type emojis – it forces me to remember the words for different moods and objects.
Read a Comic // Who says you need to read text-only books anyway?
Focus on Grammar // If you grammar needs some brushing up, spend some time reviewing or learning. Most older language learning texts are great for this as are the Teach Yourself series.
Participate in the Language Reading Challenge!
Grab a guide // My favorites are the Why X is Easy series for French, German, Italian, Spanish, English, and Chinese. Or the Master Japanese and Master Chinese books.
Speaking & Comprehension
Pimsleur // Try a free lesson.
Skype Lessons // If you’re not sure where to find a tutor, iTalki is my favourite platform for connecting with excellent teachers. I’ve also enjoyed Baselang (for Spanish) and Lingoda (for Spanish, German, and French).
Language Exchanges with Native Speakers
Language Exchanges with Others Learning the Same Language // Don’t just rely on native speakers to help you practice your target language. Partner up with others who are learning the same language as you! Lindsay and I did this for Korean and it was a great way to keep accountable.
Converse with Friends
Read Aloud // You know those books I mentioned above? Use those to work on both your reading comprehension and speaking abilities by reading aloud.
Podcasts // There are so many incredible and FREE podcasts available in a wide range of languages. The Innovative language series like RussianPod101, SpanishPod101, JapanesePod101, ChineseClass101, etc. 
Listen to the radio // If you’re ready for it, you can dive into native language radio programs, or you can try out something like News in Slow French/Spanish or Slow Chinese.
Conversations with Yourself // It can be intimidating trying to converse with a native speaker for the first time, so why not get some practice in on your own first?
Audiobooks // This is great for those of you that spend a good amount of time in the car. Why listen to “The Three Musketeers” when you can enjoy “Les Trois Mousquetaires”? The great thing about most players too is that you can slow them down!
Find a Restaurant in Your Area // Get some practice in ordering and conversing in your target language.
Record Yourself Speaking // This is a learning technique that I’ve used often in music and that can certainly carry over into language. One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation and speaking abilities are to record yourself and listen back. You’ll definitely hear mistakes you didn’t even know you were making!
Go to a Cultural Event in Your Area // About a year ago I went to an Italian heritage festival hosted by a neighboring city with my parents. It was a great opportunity for me to brush up on my Italian, enjoy delicious food, make new friends, and hear a variety of Italian music (everything from opera to pop).
Start a Vlog // Record yourself speaking in your target language and share it on Instagram (like I do) or on Youtube.
Watch Commercials on Youtube // They are short and some even have captions. They’re a great way to get bite-size language exposure.
Watch a Movies or TV Show with Subtitles // If you’re looking for something a little more involved try graduating up to television shows or movies.
Watch a Movie or TV Show without Subtitles // Even if you don’t understand everything, this can be a great way to push your comprehension or get a better feel for what level you’re at.
Watch an Overdubbed Version of Your Favorite Movie // Try watching it with and without subtitles. You already know the plot and can probably remember a good chunk of the dialog.
Watch a movie or tv show that is more than one language // This is a little less intense than watching an entire series or movie in a foreign language. One of my favourites for Russian is The Americans. You can really have fun with this and even use it to learn a conlang like Dothraki by watching Game of Thrones. Hey, it’s all in the name of learning a language!
Listen to Music in Your Target Language // Spotify has a great collection of music to choose from although some artists have blocked certain countries. I also use Kougu which is the Chinese equivalent of Pandora (and oddly enough, they have a French language channel). I have also started playlists for the languages I’m learning that you can checkout on my YouTube channel.
Work on Pronunciation // Focus on properly pronouncing your language’s alphabet or combinations of sounds (for example tones in Mandarin). Really break it down so that you can work on just creating the right sounds. This is especially crucial if the language you are learning has sounds that don’t exist in your native language.
Record yourself // You can record  one of your lessons or exchanges, or even your monologue. Be sure to listen back!
Learn different interjections an onomatopoetic expressions. // These are fun ways to sound more “native”.
Focus on learning conversation connectors. // These are great tools to give yourself the chance to think and segue into new topics. Anthony Lauder has a fantastic list for Czech. You can use it as a basis to translate into your target language.
I like to think that learning about the cultures associated with the languages you’re learning as a bonus to developing your ability and attachment to what you’re studying. Consider the following:
Read a Book About the History of Your Language // Or about the group of languages to which yours belongs (i.e. Slavic languages rather than Croatian).
Read a Book About the History of One of the Countries Where Your Language is Spoken // It can be a general history, one on a specific time period or specific movement. Whatever interests you.
Read a Book About the Experience Someone Had Moving to or Traveling Through a Country Where Your Target Language is Spoken // This is a great way to get an outside perspective.
Learn to Cook a Local Dish // Double bonus if you can cook it using the recipe in your target language rather than a translated recipe!
Take a Look at a Map and Learn About the Major Cities // Use a map to pinpoint the larger cities and look them up. Don’t cheat and Google “large cities in XYZ country.” Get familiar with your country’s geography and where the major cities are located.
Learn About Some of the Holidays Unique to the Country Where Your Language is Spoken // Double bonus if you can find a celebration in your area and attend!
Don’t go looking for something if you don’t have a problem. // I don’t know what it is about language learning that leads to us hoarding resources, but there is definitely something. Perhaps it’s in thinking that we’ll be more thorough or that a new resource will solve a problem for us, or who knows. I’ve recently adapted a more minimalist approach to language learning, so I only bring a new resource in when I have a problem my current resources don’t solve.
Learn some of the common hand gestures or body language used by those who speak your target language. // There are some infographics like this, but watching movies or tv shows is another great way to do this.
Take a course that teaches you how to be a better learner overall // Like the Learning How to Learn course on Coursera or Scott Young’s Rapid Learner course.
I’m tackling some of the items on this list of 100+ ways to learn a language from @eurolinguistesk… Click To Tweet
I hope to continue building out this list, so if you think there are any techniques I’ve missed, please feel free to share in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you!
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The post 100+ Ways to Make Language Learning a Part of Your Day appeared first on Eurolinguiste.
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