#still how they intend to be percieved in my fics
nompunhere · 2 years
Heya! I jus wanted to say how much I adore and appreciate your blog, especially your HK content. It was definitely a unexpected discovery a year or two ago when I first found your fics. Pillbug's Protection was my first, and will always be my absolute fav. God, I dunno what it is about Quirrel and Ghost's dynamic, especially Quirrel dotin and fussin over Ghost, actin overprotective/protective, bein somewhat fatherly/parental towards them, and taking note to make sure they're alright. I know everyone writes Ghost differently, but I lovelovelovelove it when peeps characterize them as not so stoic and brave, like, fleshin' them out, and givin 'em a range of emotions and thoughts despite the fact that all Vessels died before hatchin' and the child inside was "carved out/hollowed/corrupted/tainted" with Void, and thus gave them a directive to ascend up towards the Pale King's light. Oooo, I know you ain't too heavy on the darker themes, but imagine a fic explorin Ghost's headspace, how they process trauma they might not even realize they've had, how they really percieve themself (hollow? vessel? duty-bound? a thing and not a bug? supposed to be pure and hollow despite bein' the opposite? internalizing self-doubt, self-loathin?), what they think of their relation to the Pale King, White Lady, and Hornet, how their existence affects others' perception of them, how normal bug culture had to be taught to them and how they were stilted on how to show affection and emotion at first, how they feel knowin they lack organs because they're pretty much primordial ooze personified into a child-like bug-root-god-thing shell and cloak?, how they think they hafta go through with freein the Hollow Knight and purgin the Radiance, how that's their only true purpose (even if it kills them), how they believe they won't be missed or mourned, how Hornet and Quirrel feel towards them havin' to end the Dreamers' lives jus to break the Seals… things like that.
Oop. My brain spilled. Sorry, sorry!
But yeah, any content between Quirrel and Ghost, especially hurt/comfort, protective/safe/soft vore, how their dynamic of bein pred and prey is handled, the sticky situations they get themselves into… I eat that up (no pun intended).
Again, thank you so much! These fics are a comfort for me, and Quirrel is a comfort character (and I sorta project onto Ghost?? Idk, I'm weird and they have so much character/narrative potential).
whghwhsahahhgevhghwwaegguhwhhhhhhhhh where are my crying screaming love reaction images I can't- euhwaewhhhhhh
this may be a vore blog but that doesn't mean I can't ramble about my fandom interests and dive deeper into character building mmmmm *clapclapclap* lessgo
so! I haven't thought tooo much about my Traveler and Tiny Ghost AU recently, but I still have some leftover thoughts from last year. I do love writing Ghost and Q/uirrel's dynamic, and as for Ghost's personality, I just write them how I see em, which was influenced by how I played them in game and by how I see them written in others' fics. Which is generally "curious and playful highly-skilled gremlin who has lived too long and been through too much to really be a child but at the same time is lacking some crucial development/worldly experience and deserves to regain at least some of the childhood they missed out on." I think I was supposed to switch out of quotes and back into rambling like a quarter of the way through that. eh, anyway. are they a child? are they an adult? both, kinda! probably! but anyway-
Me? Getting inspiration to try and go back and work on that TATG fic I started a year and a half or so ago? It's more likely than you think!
it continues the character and relationship development while also covering, y'know, plot (cough cough Archives), and how it relates more directly to this ask is that it acknowledges that "hey. you're not pure, are you? ...plan A probably isn't gonna work." not too much coverage on all the other stuff, but merhaps I could throw some more introspection in there! I seem to have a tendency for that these days anyway,,,;; and I did recently jot down an outline for a fic(let?) that's almost entirely just introspection on how O/ro is simultaneously touch averse and touch starved by the time present day rolls around, so. it's possible! man if only I could get my head out of K/ingdom's E/dge for two goshdarn seconds-
but! yes!! thank you!!! please feel free to brain spill if you feel so inclined!!!! asks like this make me hapbee (maybe someday I'll even get around to the other ones sitting in my askbox! *stares blankly at askbox* s. someday.)
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neomedievalist · 2 years
how yaoibrained am i for pegoryu/shukita
i am inclined to say you do know and percieve the truth here like. things were said. pegoryu is just real and i still love and miss them so much honestly as much as my heart has moved on from p5. like, it is yaoibrain in the sense that any persona fan has to significantly warp the writing in the game to make it good, but also, my heart still loves them. shukita is a BIT more yaoibrained bc i do feel there is fujobait shenanigans happening but also like, yeah, lol. i think the problem here is... I am yaoibrained about this like. it genuinely is the persona fan Writing Warp because im so attatched to p5 protag as a character based on reading between the lines that ive done that is just not. what they intended and also the fanbase loooves to just take one line and run with it lol. p5 characterization in fic is. abysmal. well point being im very fond of him. i love persona protags genuinely they are some of my fav characters and a lot of it is sheer delusion to be completely honest but it also means i find them fascinating in pairings.
anyway, tldr, you know and percieve the truth, but this is also a persona fan's folly, and i may perhaps be also blind to the truth
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tannithvibes · 4 years
ive done a trans spectrum hc list before but here's like a full LGBT one from me as inspired by @aetherocean
• obvs my oldest hc is genderfluid lesbian athena
• clay, ava, maya, and Gaige are some others i hc as genderfluid
• Zer0 and Maya are both bi + ace (and theyre bffs)
• Gaige, Zane, Amara, Rhys and Vaughn are pan
• Moze and Fiona are transbians
• Lilith, Roland, Mordecai, Sasha, Nisha, and Tim are bi
• Brick, Wainwright and Alistair are trans + gay
• oh Nisha, Tim, Axton, Krieg, Zane, Rhys, Vaughn and Mordecai are also trans
• actually it's safe to say i hc almost everyone as trans/nonbinary/genderfluid okay
• i used to think wilhelm and aurelia were both straight but now im feelin ace + either bi or pan for them idk
• Krieg is pan and also ace
• Sal is ??? bi maybe?? or aroace
• actually wait i might be feeling enby lesbian for moze that's good too
• Tannis is trans + bi
• oh god i have terrible memory who am i forgetting.....help
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