#steve just says the word and billy will stop jumping in dangerous things
harringroveera · 1 year
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Billy’s Achilles heel: Steve Harrington
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Mean Eddie series. Part one part two
Minors shoo. More angst I'm afraid, jealous Eddie but our boy won't admit it.
How you've managed to avoid Eddie for a full week is anyone's guess but between cheer practice, sleepovers with Chrissy and hanging out with Steve and Robin, it's like a soothing balm for your heartache.
Except at the dead of night when the ache from missing Eddie threatens to overwhelm you. The thing is you're stubborn and you highly doubt Eddie is missing you. Why would he?
Billy Hargrove has also been trying to catch your attention, he's been flirting for the entire week and he's not shy about doing it in front of others either.
It's not like Billy isn't handsome, he is. However you've heard far too many things about him dating multiple girls, being a player. You weren't interested in being another notch on his bedpost.
As your at your locker and attempting not to look Eddie's way, his locker is right across from yours and he's busy chatting to Gareth, discussing the new Hellfire campaign he's planning.
You'd been with Eddie once while he was knee deep in campaign planning, watched as his tongue poked out while he was writing and weaving a new story for the next Hellfire night. He looked so cute and it made you giggle, Eddie smirks amused at your giggles.
"Princess, I said no interruptions if you stayed, I may need to punish you for that" he kissed you then proceeded to tickle you until you were breathless and laughing, Eddie watching you with a soft smile on his face.
It was one of the moments with him where you thought the two of you could be more. Obviously you were wrong.
Billy brings you out of your reverie and you realise he's been standing talking to you for a full minute. Shit. What did he say?
"We could go to the party then somewhere more private babe?" He winks at you and you jump as you hear a locker slam. Eddie's.
Gareth is watching him confused as he gathers up his notes. "Dude, what's up with you?" you tear your eyes away from Eddie and back to an expectancy Billy.
"Sorry, I have other plans with Chrissy" Billy frowns but spots Eddie before he can say anything else.
"Hey man, you got any weed for me? Need some tonight" Eddie's gaze briefly drifts over to you and your heart skips a beat, then he looks away and disappointment curdles in your stomach.
"No, I don't have any for you and your girlfriend" he spits out the word and you freeze. What was up with him? Evidently Billy must be thinking the same thing.
"What's crawled up your ass Munson?" Billy snaps and Eddie's brown eyes meet his, they flash dangerously. He's never been intimidated by Billy and he isn't going to start now.
"Next time you two want to flirt can you do it out of the way of us peasants. You're bringing my lunch up dude" you freeze at Eddie's tone. Seriously what the fuck was up with him?
Before Billy can reply you do. "You're insufferable Eddie. Billy's not my boyfriend. Not that is any of your business" you can feel the anger clawing inside of you and just dare Eddie to say something stupid.
He shrugs and avoids your gaze. "Your love life isn't my concern" he murmurs and you swear you're this close to losing it. You take a deep breath and shake your head.
"Whatever Munson" you're tired of crying about someone who just doesn't care. You walk away but Eddie calls out to you.
"Wait" you wait with baited breath for him to say something, anything. Come on Eddie. But he doesn't, he just stays quiet and you feel another crack in your heart.
"Never mind" whatever he was about to say it's gone now and you curse yourself for daring to hope.
Fuck you Eddie.
Stop, you're losin' me
I can't find a pulse
Stop, you're losin' me
Stop, you're losin' me
My heart won't start anymore
For you
'Cause you're losin' me
Taylor swift- You're losing me.
I don't want you to lose me, you think through your anger but nothing will ever change so what was the point of hoping.
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ultimatelytired · 2 years
word count: 11,246
Fandom: Stranger Things Pairing: Eddie Munson x Male!Reader Pronouns: He/Him Relationship: Romantic Occupation: Student Ability: N/A
[M/N]: Male Name  [L/N]: Last Name  [N/N]: Nickname  [H/C]: Hair Color  [E/C]: Eye Color
Warnings: vulgar language, violence, alcohol consumption
might make a part two, you never know, you never know.
that is all.
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“Look, there he goes again.”
“You’d think the teachers would expel him by now.”
“Did you hear? Apparently he jumped Thompson on his way to school and robbed him of all his shit.”
“What an asshole.”
“Oh shit, here he comes.”
The once bustling cafeteria came to silence when Hawkins Highschool delinquent stepped foot inside, those intimidating [E/C] eyes glared at anyone within a five foot radius. Grabbing his own tray of food, he sat down at a random table that was still full of people, but the moment he looked at them they quickly departed from the table in hopes of not being his new punching bag. There wasn’t a single redeeming quality about [M/N] the people of Hawkins could think of, he was rude, dangerous and ruthless, regardless of gender. People remembered a time when some prissy girl tried getting in his business, the type of girl that had a the mindset of “I can change him” or what not, she ended up missing several weeks of school because he beat her black and blue, tearing out some of her hair and knocking some of her teeth out.
Unlike Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove, both being dubbed as the King of Hawkins, he was called the Tyrant of Hawkins. Billy was scary and intimidating in his own way but he had charisma and a charm to him that made people like him. Steve was just a pretty face with just the charm and no intimidation, all [M/N] had was the intimidation and demanding aura around him that people couldn’t help but obey his every word in hopes on not getting on his bad side. Whether they were the losers, the jocks or the popular people, there wasn’t anyone within Hawkins High that didn’t know the full extend [M/N] will go to keep what he calls peace.
And then there’s Eddie Munson, the freak of Hawkins. Lover of metal and D&D, a man who failed his last year of high school and was repeating the year in hopes of graduating that year. Eddie Munson, the man who wasn’t afraid to express who he was, regardless of who was in attendance. Most people find him downright annoying, some find him surprisingly endearing, but most people just think he’s a lost cause. People just thought he was bound for failure, there was nothing good about interacting with Eddie. Dustin, who was busy eating his food, glanced up from his meal to spare Eddie a look and soon noticed he was staring across the cafeteria.
“Eddie?” at the call of his name, the others sitting at the table, stop what they were doing and look at Eddie “What are you looking at?” he asks and soon they’re all following his gaze, a few of them turning pale when they saw that he was staring at the back of [M/N]’s head.
“Dude, why are you staring at [L/N] for? If he catches you staring, you’re dead meat.” Gareth whispered to him “And I am not up to watching you get beaten to a bloody pulp.” Eddie just lets out a laugh, brushing some of his hair back while waving them off.
“You guys worry too much, I’m not gonna do anything.” they all sweat a little, it totally looked like he was gonna do something, but despite knowing how reckless he was, he wasn’t someone who would poke a sleeping lion. Eddie would describe [M/N] as a person with a button you shouldn’t push instead of having a short fuse, he had a short temper as is and chose to speak with his fists instead of his words, they seem to get the point across better than an explanation “… do you think he listens to Iron Maiden?” Jeff gave him a look.
“Eddie, don’t even think about it. You’ll be met with a fist before he even agrees that he likes listening to them.”
“So you’re saying there’s a possibility.” they all let out a groan, a few of them slapping a hand to their foreheads or squeezing the bridge of their nose. The sound of shouting and gasps caught their attention so they all look over and in horror saw one of the jocks from the basketball team dump their food on top of [M/N]’s head, he looked like a freshmen because he was laughing aloud while the rest of the basketball team watch in disbelief at what the new guy just did.
“AH HAHAHA!! Come on guys, that was funny!” he continued to laugh, missing the way everyone backed away as [M/N] slowly stood to his feet “I don’t see why you guys are so scared of just one gu—” he couldn’t finish his sentence when a fist connected with his jaw, causing him to tumble to the floor as blood sprayed out of his mouth. Each time the punk tried getting up his face was met with [M/N]’s fist, he laid no waste to him as he continued punching his face until he collapsed onto his back by Eddie’s table. The brunette watched as the [H/C] male grabbed him by the collar to lift him up and continue beating his face in with no remorse, by the time he was satisfied, he let out an exhausted sigh, sweat and chunks of food bleeding down his face as his fist was drenched in blood, regardless if it was his or not.
“Carver.” Jason flinched at the call of his name, [M/N] didn’t raise his voice to call him, his voice was scary enough that he could bend anyone to his will “What have I told you about controlling your dogs?” he swallowed thickly from where he stood, shrinking down when [M/N] stood up.
“T-That if they get out of line… you’ll put them down.”
“That’s right.” he starts, looking at the table beside him and grabbing Mike’s tray of food then proceeded to dump all its contents on top of the unconscious jock “I hope you remember this the next time you decide to act like a bitch.” He growled as he threw the tray down, his eyes then wandered over to Eddie, who was staring at him with wide eyes and jaw dropped “The fuck you looking at, freak?” he snarled at the brunette, who in turn swallowed thickly, raising his hands up defensively.
“N-Nothing! Nothing, I swear.” he got a scoff in response as [M/N] turned away, kicking the jock one last time then stormed out of the cafeteria, kicking the doors open and disappeared to probably clean the food off of him. The cafeteria sat in silence and watched as the basketball team hurriedly dragged the unconscious player to the sickbay, when they were out of sight, the students all bustled into chatter at the turn of events that just occurred.
“God, that no good [L/N] is so terrifying.”
“He’s even got the jocks listening to him.”
“I can’t believe that dumbass did that.”
“Nobody warned him?” Dustin and Lucas pat Mike on his shoulder, watching as he took deep breaths to calm his beating heart. He wasn’t going to lie, watching him beat his ass was so satisfying but once he turned those anger filled eyes in his direction, he couldn’t help but pray that he wasn’t next, that didn’t mean he wasn’t sad that his food was now on the floor.
“You good Mike? You look like you’re at the verge of fainting,” he raised a thumb whilst trembling slightly.
“And there he goes.” Dustin says, watching as he revved his engine and drove out of the schools parking lot “You’d think the teachers would have dealt with him at this point, but to think he’s even got them to listen to him.” Lucas lets out a sigh, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I-I’m good.” now with Eddie, his heart was beating just as fast as Mike’s, but for a different reason. The way he watched [M/N]’s face scrunch up in rage, the way he watched his bicep bulge with each swing, the way he watched the sweat run down his neck as he beat his face in. He couldn’t deny the fact that he felt something when those [E/C] eyes glared in his direction as he sneered at him, called him a freak. It was just that tone in his voice and the way he presented himself that made his heart race. 
“That was so hot…” he whispered under his breath. At the end of the day, all Eddie could think of was [M/N] and no matter how hard he tried to think of anything else, his thoughts of the tyrant would just come rushing back. The moment he and his friends stepped out of school they heard the roar of an engine, and there was the man in all his glory starting up his motorcycle, a Kawasaki Vulcan 750. He treated that thing as if it were his child, people said that his bike was the only thing that ever made him smile, and the one time someone made the foolish mistake to mess with his baby, he paid them back by totally their car to the point of recognition.
“Yeah, unfortunately, he does not discriminate.” they each shake their head.
[family’s video store]
“Yes sir, yes I understand… have you ever tried checking to see if the VHS player is plugged in?” Robin Buckley, who was currently on the phone with a customer that recently purchased a movie from the store, had called up complaining that it wouldn’t play “So it wasn’t plugged in? Then that’s probably the reason why it wasn’t working, sir.” Steve walked behind the counter after putting the returned movies back on shelf and saw the look of mild frustration on her face.
“Old man again?” he mouthed to her, to which she nodded while making the finger gun gesture and pressing it against her temple, he snickers softly when she pulled the trigger but continued to speak in way that she’s sympathising with said man. Steve’s head perked up at the sound of a motorbike, leaning back on the counter to take a peak outside and there he saw the infamous [M/N] [L/N], the Tyrant of Hawkins, pulling up into their parking lot. He couldn’t help the bead of sweat that rolled down the side of his cheek as he reminisced the past when they attended high school together, he was the one person Steve knew not to mess with or look at the wrong way. He had a reputation that preceded him, they both did, so they had a neutral relationship between each other. He takes a deep breath when he saw [M/N] get off his bike and start approaching the store, jumping slightly when the doors opened and he came right up to the counter.
“Harrington.” he says, voice uncaring for the man in front of him as he stared at him with that same neutral and unbothered expression he always wore when he wasn’t angry.
“[L-L/N].” he cursed under his breath for stuttering, embarrassed that he was still afraid of the man in front of him “What brings you here? I don’t suppose you’re here to rent a movie?” he swallows his saliva when [M/N]’s gaze hardened on him before ignoring him and looking at Robin.
“Buckley, I need to talk to you.” finally looking at them, she acknowledge [M/N]’s presence but held up her finger, telling him to give her a second.
“I’m in the middle of something.”
“Can’t it wait?” she gives him a look then goes right back into what she was doing before she was interrupted, Steve took a glance at [M/N]’s face and saw he was slowly but surely losing his patience, the way his eyebrows scrunched up as he hand formed into a tight fist. Steve all but recognised this was what [M/N] would do before he completely lost all rationality and started throwing hands, he took a step forward when he saw [M/N] raised his hand but was surprised to see he only pressed the hook set to hang up the phone.
“Wha— hey! You can’t just hang up the phone when I’m talking to customers, [M/N]!” she shouts at him, he just shrugs.
“Yeah, well, that’s not as important as to what I have to tell you.” she raised a brow, they stare at each other in silence until she let out a groan, his face lighting up slightly when she caved.
“Alright, fine,” she gestured for him to follow her into the back room and he nods, jumping over the counter and going in before her “Steve, you can handle things alone up front, right?”
“Y-Yeah, but—” he was ignored, he lets out a sigh as his hands slapped against his hips when he dropped them “Alright, I’ll be here.” Robin Buckley, lover of women, would never call herself anything special. Still in high school, she was just like every other average joe that walked those halls, though she was in band, that was probably the only thing cool she’d say about herself. So, never in a millions years would she have found herself in a sort of friendship with the cold and ruthless [M/N], however, right now he was anything but what his reputation says about him.
“I actually managed to talk to him this time!” he squealed out, hands cupping his cheeks as a bright red blush flushed across his cheeks. There was no trace of the Tyrant of Hawkins, all she could find was your typical high school teenage boy thinking about the love of his life, and his so happened to be Eddie Munson, the freak of Hawkins. Ah, now she can remember why the two of them got along, they both had that sense that neither liked the opposite gender and they became friends from then on. Most of the time it was Robin ranting on and on about a girl that’s caught her eye, but never actually having the courage to speak about her feelings, all [M/N] ever had to talk about how his feelings for Eddie continued to grow since he first saw Eddie.
“Oh yeah, and what did you say to him?” he then slumps forward, a dejected look on his face.
“I asked what the fuck he was staring at, then called him a freak.” she let out a defeated sigh, slapping a hand onto her forehead “I couldn’t help it, I was still angry that that fucking prick dumped his food on me.” his face turned sour at the memory, hand clenching into a fist but softened when she placed her hand on top of his.
“You really need to work on your anger management issues, dude.”
“I’m trying, I swear I am.” he lets his head hang a little, hand clenching and unclenching, showing that he was trying to calm himself “But my therapist is a pain in my ass, telling me shit that I already know is the problem and ain’t really helping me. I’m ready to throw hands!” he shouts as he stands to his feet, to which she quickly grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him back down.
“You can’t hit your therapist, you could get into serious trouble for something like that.” he grumbles at that, soon that lovesick expression found its way onto his face again, he was probably thinking about Eddie again.
“I really want to be about to talk to him, Buckley, but I’m scared that if I approach him, he’ll take it the wrong way. He might think that I’m trying to beat him up, but I don’t want him to be scared.” she rolled her eyes, planting her hand on her hip.
“Well then, I don’t know, give him love letters.” he looked up at her.
“Love letters?” she nods.
“Yeah, if you can’t find the right words to talk to him to his face, write that shit down and put it in his locker.” she then smacks his arm with the back of her hand “Isn’t English your best trait? I’ve read some of the stuff you’ve written, and let me tell you, that shit hits harder than you think.” he looks a little flustered at that, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend.” she shrugs.
“Whatever floats your boat.” he seats there for a couple minutes before nodding his head.
“Okay, I’ll give your idea a try.” she nods when he stood up “I'll tell you how it goes.” she grins and gives him a thumbs up.
“Go get ‘em tiger.” they then fist bump and he walks out of the room, he glanced at Steve and mentally rolled his eyes when he saw him almost fall over. He was totally eavesdropping on their conversation, but he could give less of a shit, he was busy thinking of what to write down to give to Eddie. Robin walks in after he drives off on his motorbike, leaning down to rest on the counter as Steve gives her a look of disbelief.
“Since when were you friends with [L/N], Robin?” she shrugs.
“Since high school man, learn to keep up.”
“Wha— but he had no friends!”
[next day: hawkins high school]
In the early morning, [M/N] was at school with a letter in his hand. Taking Robin’s advice, he poured his heart and soul into what he wrote down that he wished he could say to Eddie. He had a faint blush on his face as he pressed the letter to his chest before finding Eddie’s locker and slipping it in, not before checking that there was no one there to catch him in the act. With his mission accomplished, he laid in waiting for Eddie to arrive, just to catch his reaction. He really hoped that he didn’t take it the wrong way, he didn’t think the letter was a joke and that someone was playing with his feelings.
“Hey, Eddie!” [M/N] quickly fell back behind the wall he was leaning on to hide, peeking out ever so slightly to see that it was Dustin calling Eddie’s name, who had just arrived with that cute little smile spread across his face.
“Hey Henderson! You ready for tonight’s campaign? It’s gonna be a real spectacle!” he cheered, to which Dustin’s face lit up immensely and nodded his head.
“Totally! Mike, Lucas and I can’t wait!” he chuckles softly.
“Well, it’ll be worth the wait, I promise.” Eddie soon opens his locker to get a few things but blinked when something fell and landed on his feet, kneeling down, he raised a brow in confusion to see a letter “Hmm? What’s this?” Dustin peeks over his shoulder then backs away as Eddie stands up straight, flipping the letter to get a look at the front and back.
“There’s no name.” [M/N] scoffed at that, of course he wasn’t going to write his name on it, it’d be even more unbelievable and he’d probably take it as a threat and not read the letter at all “Think it’s a love letter?” both himself and Dustin laugh at the possibility.
“Yeah, I highly doubt it. Don’t get my hopes high like that.” he jokes, he then tears the envelope open and pulls out the letter. Dustin tried to read it as well but couldn’t when Eddie would pull it closer to his face, [M/N] wished to see his face just to see if what he wrote was good or not. His wish was answered when Eddie lowered the letter and there he saw Eddie’s face turn bright red, all the way to the tips of his ears.
“Eddie…?” Dustin softly called out, reaching forward to grab his bicep and shake him “You good?” he stuttered out words, raising his hand to cover his mouth.
“I-It was a love letter…” 
“What?! Let me see.” he exclaimed and snatched the letter from his hands to read it himself, [M/N] wanted to punch the shit out of that little bastard for taking the letter that was meant for Eddie alone, but couldn’t help but feel a little grateful, because there he got to see his flustered and bashful reaction to reading the contents of his letter “Whoa! Whoever wrote this, they’re batshit in love with you.” Eddie bites his bottom lip, shaking his head in denial.
“No, whoever wrote it is probably fucking with me.” he replied, this answer was exactly what [M/N] feared.
“No, no Eddie, I don’t think so.” he then waves it around a bit and hands it back to him “If this was really a joke, I highly doubt it would be written with this much care. Whoever wrote it, they definitely had something they’ve been wanting to say to you for a long time. If this was a joke, I believe it wouldn’t have been written like it was a goddamn novel.” Eddie takes a breath, lifting the letter to read through it once more before pressing it against his lips.
“A-Alright.” he pulls it away and smiles softly at it, making sure to fold it up then tuck it nicely in his front pocket. [M/N] turned so his back was pressed against the wall and the look of joy quickly spread across his face. He internally squealed to himself, hands pressed into his face to hide the huge grin on his face that he couldn’t suppress. Robin’s advice worked and it wouldn’t have worked as greatly as it did if it weren’t for Dustin, he must thank him in some way for clearing up the misunderstanding. He nods to himself, taking one last glance at Eddie before leaving for his first class of the day.
“A mixtape?” he slowed his pace.
From that day on, [M/N] would continue to write letters and leave them in his locker, finding new things about Eddie that had him falling in love with him, it was his favourite thing to do, especially when he got to see the little reactions Eddie would have upon reading the letters. He would always turn a shade of read, sometimes he would twirl a few strands of his hair around his finger as he read through the letters, maybe fidget with a few of his rings, but just seeing him smile was all that made his day. At the end of his day he would always rush to Robin to tell her that it was working, telling her that her advice worked wonderfully and that it was slowly building his confidence to talk to Eddie face to face. Yeah, about that. There were a few times [M/N] managed to build up some of that confidence and was planning on talking to Eddie a few times but at the last minute chicken out a end of sulking about his failures. 
[M/N] was sitting in the cafeteria now, some bit of food hanging loosely on his lips as he stared at his notebook. He twirled his pencil around his fingers then tapped it against his forehead, rubbing the end of it into his temple as he tried to think of other things to put into his next love letter but his mind went blank. He groaned and fell forward with his head hitting the cafeteria table, he was running out of things to say, he needed to think of something quick. He sighs to himself and lifts himself up, closing the notebook and tucking it away then decided he was done in the cafeteria. He swings his legs out and starts walking out that he just so happens to overhear something from Eddie’s table.
“Yeah! I’d appreciate something like that, means they actually took the time of day to make something sentimental, you know?” Gareth scoffed.
“Just as long as they put in songs that actually mean something, if it’s just random songs, it won’t really matter.” Mike raises his hand.
“I second that.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. I’ll remember what you guys said when I get a mixtape.” [M/N]’s face lit up, now that’s something he could do. With a new goal set in mind, he was going to ditch his last class in favor of making this mixtape when somebody slammed into his chest.
“What the?!” he exclaims, growling when whoever bumped into him spilt their food onto him “Fucking— again?! Watch it punk!” he shouts, grabbing the next victim by the collar of their shirt and pulling them forward, raising his fist to punch them across the face but stopped when he saw that it was Dustin.
“W-Wait, man…! I’m sorry, I d-didn— didn’t see you.” his friend group immediately stood to their feet to defend him, but what could they do against the tyrant, he could easily beat them all after tearing Dustin a new one. [M/N] took a glance towards Eddie, something Dustin didn’t miss, and saw the way he glared at him if he were to even leave a mark on him “I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry…!” he apologises once more, [M/N] looks back at him then closed his eyes, letting out a sigh as he let Dustin go.
“Accidents happen.” he says, grimacing when he looked down at the spilt milk all over his jacket “Just watch where you’re going next time, Henderson.” the cafeteria was brought to silence, absolute silence when [M/N] walked out. Did the tyrant just spare someone? Everyone was sent into an uproar just as Dustin collapsed, Lucas and Mike were immediately by his side.
“Dustin! Are you alright?” he was shaking, trying to calm his breathing but he nodded nonetheless.
“Y-Yeah… god! I thought I saw my life flash before more eyes just now.” he runs a hand through his hair as his friends helped him to his feet, what he couldn’t get out of his mind was the way [M/N]’s face showed annoyance but the moment he took one glance over at Eddie his face softened. He seemed to have been the only one to notice because they were all asking if he was alright and how lucky he was to have survived against [M/N], his eyes narrowed at the possibility.
‘He couldn’t possibly be…’
[with [m/n]]
“Mum! Where’s the cassette recorder?!”
“In the garage!”
“Thank you!” he dumps an array of different cassettes onto his desk, sorting them out by genre and splitting them up then grabbed the cassette recorder and player, plugging them with headphones so the residents of the [L/N] household didn’t have to suffer through the array of different songs throughout the night. A cigarette hung loosely in between his fingers, flicking the ashes into an ashtray as he listened to each song, bobbing his head while swaying softly “I hope he likes these.” he muttered softly, by the time he was finished it was two in the morning, but it was totally worth it. He laid on his bed, headphones in and listened to his final product, smiling ever so lightly. The next day felt like any other day, arrive to school early with barely anyone around and slip in a letter for Eddie but this time a mixtape, everything was fi—
“So it is you!” he let out a gasp, throwing himself against the lockers at the unexpected voice. Looking behind him, his face paled when he saw that it was Dustin “I can’t believe you’re the secret admirer!” he quickly slapped his hand over Dustin’s mouth, bringing his other hand up to press a finger to his lips.
“Would you keep your voice down?!” he snarled at him, he takes a quick look around to see if anybody heard, when he saw nobody he dragged Dustin into a supply closet and slammed him against the wall “Henderson! Don’t you know when to mind your own business? I thought you’d think twice about bothering me after yesterday, but I see you’re just as stupid as the rest of this fucking scho—”
“You’re in love with Eddie, aren’t you?” [M/N] sputters over his words, his tough guy façade slowly beginning to crumble when his previous threats went to deaf ears as Dustin smirked up at him “I saw the way you looked at Eddie yesterday, and after all those love letters I thought of the possibility that it could be you. I was really taking a huge gamble on that small little detail, but I guess I was right. You, [M/N] “the Tyrant” [L/N], is in love with Eddie “the Freak” Munson. Just admit it, it’s written all over your face.” [M/N]’s face was twitching as he fought to keep that glare on his face, but in the end let out a defeated sigh as he crumbled to his knees, hands holding a fistful of Dustin’s vest.
“I-Is it that obvious…?” Dustin’s jaw dropped immediately as soon as [M/N]’s true feelings revealed itself, he pushed himself back and saw his bright red face as he pressed his hands to his face “Yeah, I’m really in love with him it’s crazy.” even his voice sounded soft and meek, not a trace of that psycho from the day prior.
“Since when?” he was taken aback when a lovesick grin spread across his face, a look of complete adoration in his eyes as he tried to recounter the first time he saw Eddie Munson.
“Where do I even begin? It was probably during my freshmen year! He’s a year older than me but the moment I set my eyes on him, watching him be himself… ah, I was over the moon.” he then cups his cheeks, leaning into the palm of his hand “I fell in love when I saw him performing one night at a shitty gig that were  willing to let him and his band, Corroded Coffins, play. It was so mesmerising watching him play, I loved every second of it.” Dustin pursed his lips, raising a brow when he heard [M/N] let out a sigh as he leaned his back against the wall.
“Well, if you like him so much, why don’t you just tell him? You’ve shown him just how much you like him, so I don’t see the harm in just saying it to his face,” this caused the older one to let out a groan, throwing his head back then hiding his face in his knees.
“That’s the thing. I’m afraid I might say the wrong thing, I’m scared that I might scare him off. Don’t you remember who I am, Henderson? I’m the tyrant, the school delinquent that isn’t afraid to throw hands with a fucking teacher.” he runs his hands through his hair “I’m afraid when he finds out that I’m his secret admirer… he’ll think I was playing with his feelings as a new way to torture people.” Dustin placed his hands on his hips.
“Eddie always looks forward to seeing those letters.” this caused [M/N]’s head to perk up and look up at him “It’s his favourite part of the day, seeing what new things you love about him.” this caused him to grin sheepishly, closing his hands together and kicking his legs a little.
“Really?” he giggles softly. If Dustin where to mention [M/N]’s true personality to his friends, they would probably laugh in his face and tell him he’s ridiculous. That there wasn’t a single person in this world that the tyrant had a soft spot for, but that was where they were wrong. He’s seen the way Eddie’s face lights up upon reading the letters and now that he knows that they are really truthful— he lets out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’d like to consider myself a good friend of Eddie’s, like, really close.” [M/N] lets out a hum at that, acknowledging that fact by the fact he’s always seeing the two of them together acting like idiots “So… how’s about I give you a hand?” he gave him a wary expression.
“… what do you mean by that?”
“I think Eddie’s starting to like you, erm, the secret admirer.” [M/N]’s face lit up immensely at that “Eddie also has an interest in you, the tyrant, but it slowly turned sour after yesterday. He probably would have hated your guts if you actually hit me.” he groans.
“I know, that’s why I didn’t.”
“And I still thank you for that, [L/N].” this earned him an eye roll “If I were to have Eddie see you in a better light, and potentially boost up your confidence in talking to him, maybe I can help you two hook up.”
“Really? You’d do that?” he stands up but then stops, looking down at Dustin cautiously “What’s the catch?” Dustin smirks a little.
“Just your protection.” this caused [M/N] to quirk a brow “My friends and I are still losers, meaning we’re still targets in the jocks eyes. We by no means can protect ourselves from those assholes, so, I was hoping you’d keep an eye out for us in return for my services.” he let out a groan at that, why did he have to play babysitter. He genuinely wanted to refuse, but having Dustin as his inside man to help him get with Eddie… dammit, it was an offer he just couldn’t refuse.
“Alright, Henderson, you’ve got yourself a deal.” this caused him to grin, reaching forward to grab [M/N]’s hand and shake it enthusiastically.
“Pleasure doing business with you.” he rolled his eyes. Now, outside the supply closet was Eddie. He arrived a little early to school in hopes that he could potentially catch his secret admirer but upon opening his locker and finding the letter and a mixtape, all was for naught and he woke up early for no— wait, a mixtape? He felt giddy, taking the tape into his hands and opening the case and there he saw a little note written in it.
’I happened to overhear that you’d love to receive a mixtape. Thought I’d give you one as a gift. I hope you enjoy it, Eddie.’
~ secret admirer.
“Oh, what a sap.” the sound of a door opening caught his attention, he leaned back from out of his locker and narrowed his eyes when he saw [M/N] and Dustin walk out of the supply closet. He thought maybe [M/N] was threatening the younger one but was surprised to see Dustin laughing when the other grabbed the end of his cap and shook it a bit before pushing his head back and walking away “What was all that about...?” Dustin raised his head upon feeling he was being stared at, he jumped upon seeing that it was Eddie.
“Hey, Eddie! W-When did you get here?” he asked while approaching him.
“A couple minutes ago.” he then eyed the back of [M/N]’s back before he disappeared “Why were you in the supply closet with [L/N]? Was he threatening you again?” Dustin’s eyes widened before he raised his hands while shaking his head.
“Oh, no, no, no! I just needed advice for... intimidation?” he mentally slapped his forehead, even Eddie looked at him as if he were an idiot.
“Seriously? I’m surprised he didn’t give you a black eye.” Dustin waved his hand to dismiss him.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. We just let bygones be bygones, alright? He’s actually a pretty chill dude.” Eddie rolled his eyes, tucking the mixtape and letter into his front pocket, intending to listen and read through them later.
“Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
And see Dustin kept his end of the deal, Eddie would ramble about anything that came into mind and he would later report it to [M/N], because of this, it gave him more material for his letters. Sometimes he would think of new gifts to give to Eddie, a few times they got a little too big so [M/N] had to break into his locker just to get it in there. But also keeping his end of the deal, whenever [M/N] would catch Dustin and his group of losers getting ganged by anyone with ill intentions, he just stands behind them and give them that infamous death glare. Mike and Lucas have been starting to notice the lack of black eyes they’ve been receiving, and Dustin has been weirdly confident for some reason.
“Dustin, what did you do?” Lucas asked, eyeing him weirdly as he walked beside him.
“Lucas is right, you did something.” Mike agreed, Dustin just gave them a cheeky grin. 
“I’ve gained us, boys, immunity.” they both stare at him weirdly “At first I thought he wasn’t doing his job right, but in the end, it worked out just fine.” Mike and Lucas share a look with each other.
“Oh yeah, how?” they enter the cafeteria, Mike and Lucas intending to sit down with Eddie and the rest, but were confused when they saw that he was walking somewhere else “Dustin? Dustin! Where are you going?” their jaws literally dropped when he confidently walked over to where [M/N] was sitting, dropping his tray of food in front of him then taking a seat across from him, practically startling the poor soul who was reading.
“What the-- Henderson?” [M/N] questioned, looking over at him in confusion, he rolled his eyes when the brunette grinned at him “What the fuck are you doing over here?” he merely shrugged his shoulders, taking his bag off his shoulders and putting it under the table.
“Eating lunch with you.” he scoffed, making sure to bookmark his page before closing his book.
“Shouldn’t you be eating with your friends?” he asked while gesturing with his heads over to them, to which Dustin shrugged “I still have a reputation to up hold here, Henderson. I can’t just let these dorks see me going soft, all because of you--” he stuttered back his words when Dustin raised his finger, he was greatly offended that he was shushed.
“And they won’t, but I think it’ll help Eddie see that you’re not such a bad guy.” this caused him to calm slightly “Like I said before, Eddie was interested in you before and I think you’ll gain his interest again if he see’s you’re not that hard to talk to. And by doing that, you have me.” [M/N] rolled his fingers along the table as he eyed Dustin before letting out a sigh.
“Fucking, fine.” with that Dustin happily ate his food, [M/N] picked at his food “... does he like the mixtape?” the younger one let out a hum at that, he quickly swallows his food and nods.
“Mm hmm, he listens to it all the time.” this caused a rare smile to raise to his cheeks,
“I’m glad.” those who were staring that managed to see that smile were in complete shock, the only face he ever wore was a scowl or sneer, but this was the first time anyone has ever seen him smile like that at something that wasn’t his bike. Eddie, who was watching the entire interaction, felt his eyes widen at how charming that smile was. He couldn’t help but snort softly when he saw Dustin say something and in return [M/N] threw some of his food at him, but there was a smile nonetheless.
“Since when was Henderson friends with [L/N]?!” Gareth exclaimed, Eddie chuckled softly.
“Actually... I remember seeing the two of them together one morning, I thought it was nothing, but I guess not.” at the end of lunch he was hounded for answers by his friends, though they backed off a little when [M/N] walked by them but not without ruffling Dustin’s head.
“Later Henderson.” he happily waved his hand.
“Bye, [L/N]!” he then smirks at Lucas’ and Mike’s dumbfounded face.
“Since when did you gain [M/N]’s favor? I thought that was impossible to do!” Mike exclaimed, hands in his hair and ready to be torn off “Was this during the time you bumped into him?” Dustin just grinned cheekily at them, shrugging his shoulders.
“Maybe, maybe not. Hey, Eddie!” said man looked at him “He does like Iron Maiden.” Eddie’s face lit up.
“Well, if he likes Iron Maiden, then he can’t be all that bad.”
“No, Eddie, just no.”
[time skip: a few weeks later]
Dustin continued to sit at [M/N]’s table, must to the other’s displeasure, and just straight up harassed him because he had the power to do so. Dustin’s time with him actually got him a few ups rather than downs, mostly because he started to learn more and more about him. He learnt that [M/N] was actually really smart and the reason he never put in any of the effort to the schoolwork was because the teacher’s thought he’d end up as a lost cause, so he just gave up trying so hard. But the one thing he did put a lot of effort into was English, Dustin would often ask for his help for his English work and though he thought it was a hassle, the younger of the two could tell that [M/N] was having some fun with it. 
Sure Dustin promised [M/N] he would help him with telling him everything about Eddie, but Eddie wanted to know more about [M/N] as well. Eddie learnt that though the delinquent enjoyed listening to a variety of different heavy metal songs, he quite enjoyed listening to classical music as well via vinyl's. It was a shocker, but it did help calm him down when he was having trouble with his anger issues. The school also noticed the way [M/N] was starting to soften up and act less impulsive, they all had Dustin to thank for that, making the tyrant less tyrannical.
“Whatever you’re doing, Henderson, keep at it.” Eddie said, patting his shoulder and looking up in thought “You think he knows how to play D&D? I’d love to ask him to join Hellfire personally, but I’m afraid he’ll think it’s boring.” Dustin rolled his eyes, recalling the time [M/N] told him that he self taught himself how to play D&D so he could play alongside Eddie one day during one of his campaigns.
“I’ll ask him.” Eddie grinned.
“You’re the best.” he shrugs.
“So I’ve been told.” with [M/N], he was sitting just outside the parking lot reading the Lord of the Rings Book: The Return of the King. He was always a fan of J. R. R. Tolkien’s works, it was one of the many reasons he ended up loving English a lot, but he took up reading the books again when Dustin told him Eddie tended to make references from the books a lot. He closed the book and chuckled to himself at the amount of page tabs he had on them from the time he marked down the best parts of the book, he believed he believed he read enough and was planning on going home but stopped when he heard shouting.
“Hmm?” he glanced over and saw what he believed was Eddie’s Hellfire Club huddled around, he thought it was nothing until he saw a couple of jocks “Well shit, and here I thought I was going to have a quiet Friday evening.” he puts his book in his bag and leaves it by his bike before marching over to see what ruckus was all about, the students immediately parted upon seeing him and when he saw what was going on his blood ran cold. 
[a few minutes before [m/n] arrived]
“You think you and your lot of freaks are untouchable, huh, Munson?” Eddie laid on the ground, blood running down nose and black eye slowly forming on his left eye as he stared up at the bastard who punched him “You think just because Henderson is in good graces with the tyrant we can’t hurt you? Well guess again, bitch, there’s nothing he will do.” Dustin glared at them from where he stood.
“You’re wrong, you asshole!” he flinched back when another jock took a step forward.
“Oh, yeah? That asshole doesn’t care about anyone but himself! You’ve gotten arrogant because of the fact that you can talk to him, Henderson. But remember this, the moment he sees no more use in you, you’ll be the next punching bag on his list.” Eddie spits out the blood in his mouth and stands to his feet.
“What makes you think we need [L/N]’s protection, huh? I can handle myself pretty well!” he lets out a laugh when he was grabbed by his vest, yanked forward and standing eye to eye with the jock “You guys are just as scared of him as we are, you just hate that he’s close to him.” he winces when the jock reeled his arm back but paused when it didn’t come, he opened his eyes and noticed that the jock was looking down so he followed his gaze and his eyes widened when one of the newest love letters fell out of his pocket.
“What’s this?” Eddie sputtered out his words but let out a gasp when he was thrown back, Gareth and Jeff caught him before he could fall just as the jock bent down to pick up the letter.
“H-Hey man, give that back!” he shouts out desperately, heart dropping when the letter opened and the jock looked at the writing inside it, he soon laughed at what it said.
“Well would you look at that? The freak seems to have an admirer!” he shouts, reading through more of it then looked at Eddie with an amused expression “Do you really think anyone has any feelings for you, Munson? It’s probably nothing more than a joke. Nobody loves you, there’s nothing to love.” Eddie’s hands closed into a tight fist, those words really damaging his heart.
“Y-You’re wrong!” this response made him laugh.
“Wow! You really believe these feelings this person wrote for you are actually true!” he then drops the letter, raised his foot and stomped on it, making sure to twist his foot on top of it “You don’t deserve to be loved.” those tears that were threatening to fall finally fell, though Dustin couldn’t help but feel fear run through his veins. [M/N] always treated those letters with care, and seeing someone stomp on them means that they have a death wish. 
“You’re dead...” he whispered to himself, though the jocks seemed to have picked up on what he said and turned their attention on him.
“The fuck did you say, nerd...” they trailed off when someone stepped out from behind Dustin, he glanced up and there he saw that enraged look in [M/N]’s face that he hasn’t seen in a long time. Eddie also looked up when someone pushed passed him and saw that same expression that charmed him, [M/N] couldn’t see anything but red. He grabbed the piece of shit that had the balls to insult him; to insult his Eddie and stomp on his letter, and pulled them forward “H-Hey, now wait a minu-- minute!” [M/N] pulls his arm back, glaring at the poor unfortunate soul.
“Clench your teeth.” was all the the warning he got that was laced with venom, and for the next couple of minutes, [M/N] was laying waste into him. There was nothing that could stop him now, not the countless of students that were yelling at him to stop, not the people who were trying to pull him off as he beat his voice to the point he laid there unconscious and unable to defend himself. He ignored the way the jock clawed at his face and arms for him to stop but couldn’t, he made his Eddie cry... and he was going to make him pay with his blood.
“[M/N], stop!” Dustin shouted, grabbing at the arm that he was swinging with all he could and pulled it back “You’ve done enough... please, you’ve done enough.” [M/N] glanced back at Dustin and saw the sheer fear in his eyes, he then looked down at the poor unconscious sap and the blooded mess he was in. When Dustin saw his fist loosen up he finally let go of his arm, [M/N] took a deep breath then stood to his feet and looked over at Eddie. The two of them just stared at each other until [M/N] looked down at the dirty and crinkled letter, bending down to pick it up.
“H-Hey, wait--” Eddie was cut off when [M/N] slapped it against his chest as he walked past him.
“Next time, take good care of your valuables, Eddie.” nobody said a word as [M/N] walked away, hopped onto his bike and drove away. Eddie’s hands held onto that note like it was his lifeline as his friends surrounded him, asking him if he was okay, but he couldn’t help but shiver at the way his name rolled off of [M/N]’s tongue. 
’He said my name...’
[time skip: a few days later]
“... wanna talk about it?”
“Shut up, Buckley.” Robin snickered from beside [M/N], the two of them laying outside on the grass at school, though [M/N]  was drinking alcohol out of a flask. [M/N] told Dustin to stay away from him for a couple days because he was afraid he was going to have another outburst and take it out on him if he couldn’t control himself. He really went too far this time, that was on him, but he just couldn’t control himself when he saw Eddie crying; when he saw that motherfucker step on his fucking lett--
“You’re balling your fists again, [M/N].” he lets out a defeated sigh, hands relaxing.
“I think I’ve gone and done it this time, Robin. I think I officially scared him off.” Robin watched him sit up, face in his hands as he shook his head “I just couldn’t stop myself, Buckley. Just-- jesus, I lost all rationality and let out the anger I hadn’t realized I was bottling up all out on him.” Robin rolled her eyes and sat up.
“You’re overreacting, dude.”
“I don’t think I am.” he whispered to himself, she shakes her head and places a hand on his shoulder.
“If you’re so worried, just go talk to Dustin. He’s your inside man, remember?” he spares her a glance and saw she was giving him a look of reassurance “I can even talk to Dustin, that little twerp and I became friends sometime last year.” he makes a face.
“... nah, I think it’d be better if I talked to him.” she grins, punching his arm.
“There you go.” he scoffed with a laugh “Now hurry up, and sick and tired hearing that kid miss talking to you.” he scowls at her.
“Right, I was quite enjoying my peace and quiet.”
“No you weren’t.” he pouts. He was now at his locker, getting a few things out of it, ignoring the people moving around him and whispering bullshit about him again. He stopped caring about what others said about him, some rumors were true while others weren’t, they just put the blame on him because it was easier that wa--
“Hey.” he slammed his locker shut at the sudden voice, turning his head, he started screaming internally at who it was “You think we could talk for a bit?”
’Oh my god, Eddie! You’re talking to me! I can’t believe you’re talking to me! Is this a dream? If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up! What a dream come true! Eddie, the love of my life!’ he had a straight and neutral expression but his thoughts said otherwise.
“Sure.” he cried on the inside at his short answer, fuck sake.
“W-Well, um-- I’ve been meaning to say thank you.” this caused [M/N] to raise a brow.
“Huh, for what? I don’t remember doing anything for you.” this is where Eddie nervously twirled a strand of his hair then moving it so that it was hiding the lower half of his face, something that [M/N] found adorable whenever Eddie felt nervous.
“No. When those assholes took that letter from me...” he trailed off, a pained look on his face “I couldn’t do anything, and their words really stuck with me. But you, you stood up to them. You could have just looked the other way, but you didn’t, and for that I’m really grateful.” [M/N] swallowed thickly.
“Yeah, well-- don’t expect me...” [M/N] stopped himself before he could finish his sentence, shaking his head when he realized he was going to come off as an asshole “No, I-- fuck! I mean, it’s no big deal, Munson. You’re Dustin’s friend, so I couldn’t just turn a blind eye.” he internally fist bumped, nailed it.
“Well, thanks, tyrant.” [M/N] chuckled.
“No problem, freak.” they both laugh. Robin had confronted Dustin and told the young boy to talk to [M/N], he was already way ahead of her and was making his way to his locker but stopped in the middle of his tracks when he saw him talking to Eddie. Wow, what a turn of events. He froze up when [M/N] saw him and before he could say anything, Dustin backed away but gestured for him to keep talking.
“So, [L/N],” Eddie cleared his throat, his little DM persona surfacing up as he gave the taller male a confident grin “you know the Hellfire Club, right?” he nods his head.
“Yes?” Eddie then tugs on his battle vest, a smirk raising to his face.
“So then you know how we play D&D, right?” he was given another nod in response to that “Cool! I-I mean-- ahem. As the Dungeon Master, as a thank you for your services for protecting my friends and I, I would like to formally invite you to Hellfire. Now I hope you understand how valuable this invitation is, [L/N], because not just anyone can be invited into Hellfire. You should feel really grateful.” looking up at him, he was expecting to see an unimpressed expression and was going to be brushed off, but what he got was a look of excitement as [M/N]’s cold eyes sparkled while a red hue flushed to his cheeks.
“Really?” his voice reminded him of that of a child, he wished he could stare at that face a little longer but it quickly disappeared as it came when [M/N] shook his head to knock some sense into himself “I-I mean, uh, sure. I’ll take up your invitation, Munson. No take backs.” Eddie couldn’t help but laugh at that childish sentence.
“Haha, alright.” he then takes a step back, waving his hand goodbye “Tomorrow, at Hellfire after school. Be there early, okay? I need to show the ropes and recap on our last campaign.” [M/N] nods his head, giving Eddie a thumbs up as the metal head walked away.
“R-Right, totally!” Eddie flashes him a bright smile before finally disappearing, [M/N] stood in the hallway for what felt like hours at what just happened. Eddie came up to him. Eddie was the one that talked to him. Eddie thanked him. Eddie smiled at him. Eddie invited him to Hellfire. He couldn’t fight back that huge smile and when he saw there was no one around, he let out a biggest squeal, jumping in the air while pumping his fists then punching his locker “Fuck yeah! I did it! I did it!” he then crouches down, pressing his hands together as he continued to smile.
I did it.
[time skip: the next day]
Eddie wasn’t in the greatest of moods that day. Sure, he was happy when he woke up that morning. Why? Maybe it was because he was finally going to be able to interact with [M/N] [L/N] for the very first time instead of watching him from afar and hearing new things about him from Dustin, he could finally talk to him and look at him from up close. Maybe he was also excited to get a new letter from his secret admirer, things were looking great for his end of the week. He arrived at school with a big smile on his face, he approached his locker and opened it but... there was no letter. He looked through every nook and cranny for it but there was nothing, his heart dropped and he couldn’t help but feel heart broken. The words of those bullies coming back to haunt him. 
“Nobody loves you.”
“There’s nothing to love.” 
“You don’t deserve to be loved.” 
What made things worse was that he didn’t see [M/N] throughout that entire day, he tried asking Dustin but the kid didn’t give him any concrete answers to go off of. When everything was finally looking good for him, it all just went away as fast as it came. Was [M/N] even going to come to Hellfire? God, what was he even thinking? Of course he wasn’t. That guy probably has better things to do than come to some stupid roleplaying game with Eddie “the Freak” fucking Munson! He collapsed onto his chair within Hellfire, the end of the day came faster than he would he have wanted and now he was going to have to do this campaign in a shitty mood.
“Eddie?” a soft voice called out, his head shot up and there he saw the man he hadn’t realized he was aching to see. [M/N] looked nervous where he was standing, he stepped into the room and rubbed the back of his neck, there Eddie noticed [M/N] was holding something behind his back but didn’t question it and stood up in a slightly better mood.
“You actually came, [L/N]! I kind of thought you were going to pull a no show.” [M/N]’s eyes immediately widened, a look of shock evident.
“W-What? Why would I do that?” he then winced when he remember that he hadn’t shown his face to Eddie that entire day, going so far as to not tell Dustin what he was doing, what he was doing had to do with what he had behind his back “I-I was busy this entire day, there’s something I need to tell you.” Eddie fixed his posture at that.
“Yeah?” [M/N] could feel how fast his heart was beating, an eruption of butterflies bursting in his stomach as he thought of countless scenarios in his head. Eddie continued to look up at [M/N], seeing a new expression on his face, one of anxiousness. Before Eddie could say anything [M/N] finally pulled his arm out from behind his back and handed Eddie an envelope, an envelope with his name written on the front of it with a very familiar penmanship “W-Why do you... why do you have that?” he questioned as he snatched the letter out of his hand, did [M/N] steal this out from his locker? Was that the reason why this fucker didn’t show his face the entire da--
“I thought it would be better to give it to you now.” this caused Eddie to pause, what? “I know you might have been confused as to why you didn’t get one this morning, but I've been needing to tell you something face to face. I've always been better at writing down my feelings rather than verbally saying it, so...” he then gestured for him to read it, so Eddie did just that, tearing the envelope open and pulling the letter out.
‘to eddie,
this will probably be my last letter to you. I’ve constantly told you how much I’ve adored you, from the way your eyes sparkle whenever you’re happy, to the way you always have this passion in your voice every time you speak. there isn’t a thing about you that I don’t love. 
the moment you spoke to me, it felt like I was on cloud fucking nine. I nearly blew it and told you to fuck off, but I’m glad I was able to pull my head out of my ass. you have no idea what you do to me, you have no idea what I would do for you.
I love you, eddie munson, and there’s nothing in this god forsaken world that could ever change my mind about that. I just hope that you can feel the same about me now that you know who your secret admirer is. I was always so scared that you wouldn’t like me.
I promise you, I will give you all the love that you want and need. I will give you everything so long as I live, and I promise you that I will always be by your side loving you.
~ [m/n] [l/n].
Eddie looked up from the letter and there he saw [M/N] looking so small, averting his eyes from Eddie’s as he laced his fingers together, twiddling his thumbs while trembling. [M/N] thought Eddie wasn’t going to buy it, he thought Eddie was going to accuse him of stealing that letter from out of his locker and saying that it was from him. He was expecting Eddie to reject him, there wasn’t a single positive outcome to come out of this situation, and when he was going to accept that reality he suddenly felt a pair of arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug.
“Thank god it was you, [M/N].” his eyes widened slightly, taking in a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding in “I’m so glad that it’s you, [M/N].” he whispered, the latter swallowed thickly at that as he looked down at Eddie.
“W-What?” Eddie pulled away and [M/N] saw he had an expression that mirrored his “D-Do you mean you— you feel the same way?!” he exclaimed, Eddie laughed and nodded his head.
“I always felt a slight attraction towards you, [M/N], and I was quite torn whether or not I should fall in love with my secret admirer or the hot tyrant. I’m so glad you two are one in the same.” he then gently jabbed [M/N]’s side with his elbow “But who’d a thought you’re nothing more than a giant teddy bear. I’ve seen the way you act with Dustin when you think no one’s looking, you’re not very discrete.” this caused the taller of the two to let out a whine of sort, an embarrassed blush rising to his cheeks as he hid his face behind his hands.
“Stop it…” he mumbled.
“You’re really adorable.” Eddie sets the letter down on the table then reaches forward and grabs both of [M/N]’s hands, he rubs his thumbs along his knuckles. [M/N]’s was beating abnormally fast to the point he was surprised he hadn’t fainted from how happy he was, still not believing that Eddie felt the same way about him.
“C-Can I…” Eddie lets out a hum, smirking softly at the flustered man in front of him “… can I kiss you?”
“Hmm, can you, big boy?” he laughed when [M/N] pouted, wearing a face that resembled that of a kicked puppy “Alright, okay! I was kidding, you big dope.” Eddie watched [M/N] slip his hands free from his grip and raise his hands to his face, they gently cupped his cheeks and his thumbs caressed them. He probably would have purred at the affection but instead let out a hum when [M/N] finally pressed his lips against his own, it was a short and sweet kiss but it had Eddie craving for me. So when [M/N] was pulling away he let out a muffled gasp when Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him back into another kiss, next thing they knew [M/N] was laying on his back with Eddie on top of him pulling him into deeper kisses.
“Eddie… Eddie, please…!” each time [M/N] got a word out he would be silenced by another kiss, he later gave up and just pulled Eddie into a kiss that he poured his heart and soul into “I love you, Eddie…!” he smiled at that, briefly pulling away to rest his forehead on his.
“And I love you just as much.”
the other members of hellfire came in to find [m/n] and eddie making out on the floor.
eddie sat on [m/n]’s lap with a triumphant smirk on his face while the other continued to lay on the ground, hands covering his face as he wallowed up in embarrassment.
dustin came up to them and held out his hand, [m/n] side eyed him but gave him a high five.
mission accomplished.
[m/n] immensely softened up after finally getting together with eddie, he didn’t mindlessly get into fights with people anymore and just eddie or even dustin’s mere presence is enough to get him to calm down.
robin was happy for [m/n], he literally came running up to her with the biggest smile on his face and hugged her; twirling her around and everything.
this scared the ever living shit out of steve.
[m/n] started sitting with eddie and his lot during lunch, this was enough to get the bullies to back off.
sometimes [m/n] would help eddie with any of his homework, that being eddie openly complaining how hard it was and that he needed help from his hunky and gorgeous boyfriend to assist him.
whenever eddie got an answer right he would be rewarded with a kiss.
most of the time they would get distracted and not even be able to finish the homework.
bike rides are a must.
eddie loved the feeling of the wind breezing through his curly brown locks, often cheering as [m/n] drove down the streets of hawkins.
the first time eddie tried getting on his bike without a helmet [m/n] would just give him a blank expression with his arms crossed and just gave him the most disapproving glare he could muster.
safety first.
when playing d&d, eddie would incorporate [m/n]’s tyrant persona into the campaign.
the others loved it. [m/n] was a barbarian goliah who was a tyrannical king in their latest campaign and they had to strategise how to overthrow him.
they lost epically before he swooned the dungeon master.
they called him a cheater.
he called them sore losers.
dustin believes he’s the greatest wingman because of the fact that eddie and [m/n] are together, the two of them definitely favor him a lot. this sometimes causes the others to get jealous, but all he does in return for their retaliation is hide behind [m/n].
they all though have access to [m/n]’s scary dog privilege.
however, they all know that [m/n] would absolutely do anything for his eddie.
they remember a time they absentmindedly told [m/n] when eddie was being harassed by a few of the jocks in the past. they didn’t see him for the rest of the day until they saw the same guy that harassed eddie run away blooded and crying.
[m/n] turned the corner with blood on his knuckles.
he didn’t see anything wrong with it.
eddie is always flattered, but his heart is always over the moon because [m/n] continued to write him love letters and make him more mixtapes.
they would end up in eddie’s van laying together, listening to the music through his stereo as [m/n] read a loud all the new things he loved about eddie.
he loved eddie.
eddie loved him.
the tyrant and the freak.
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constantcrisis19 · 3 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat - Part 2
Billy Hargrove x GN S/O
Word Count: 1,168
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You were fully prepared to be ripped to shreds, but your lids flew back open when the creature let out a deafening shriek of pain and fury. 
You watched in wide-eyed awe as Billy came out of nowhere, swinging his hatchet down into the appendage with a roar, severing the arm from its owner before it could turn you into hamburger meat. 
You of course knew about what Billy was capable of with all the gossip that rotated around school about the fights he’d been involved in.
But word of mouth had nothing on seeing his wrath in person.
Time seemed to slow as you stared at him dumbly, your eyes tracing the sharp line of his jaw. His teeth were clenched together in rage as his usually handsome features twisted into something animalistic and possessive, blood painting his tanned skin black in the moonlight. His golden curls were like a halo, untainted and untouched.
He looked like an avenging angel.
“Whoa…” You breathed as the Demogorgon hastily retreated with a deafening cry that echoed through the forest, the moment broken when you and Steve sprawled to the ground behind Billy’s suddenly towering figure. 
The creature that emerged before the blond was easily twice his size, bathing the three of you in shadow, but he didn’t even flinch as its head flowered open with a bellow.
“Run!” Max yelled as she grabbed El’s hand and darted away, leaving the rest of you to fend for yourselves. Smart girl. You thought begrudgingly as you distantly noted Dustin getting a death grip on Steve’s forearm before hauling him up. 
“Dusty, wait!” Steve lost his grip on you when he was yanked in the opposite direction, the kids already scattering at the sight of a full-fledged Demogorgon. 
You eventually forced yourself to get with the program and scrambled to your feet, snagging a hold of Billy’s hand before taking off in a random direction, away from the others. 
“What are you doing!?” The blond called from where you were towing him behind you. But you ignored him for the time being, focusing on dodging low branches and tricky roots as you ran instead, the breaking of shrubbery behind the two of you indicating that the creature had given chase.
“Trying not to die!” You declared as you jumped over a fallen log, Billy easily following your lead. 
You were impressed with his ability to be light on his feet. You never had to say out loud to jump over cumbersome obstacles or dodge wayward trees because he was always a half a step behind you, the blond’s reaction time beyond anything you’ve ever seen.
No wonder he won every fight he’d ever been in.
“Great. What’s the next step in your plan?” The blond asked sarcastically and you barely kept yourself from tripping at the sudden inquiry, Billy’s grip on your hand the only thing keeping you upright. 
“I...haven’t gotten that far yet.” You admitted and you could practically hear the blonde’s eye roll from behind you.
“You’re in luck, I think we lost it.” Billy drawled your arm jerking as he slowed to a stop, forcing you to follow his example lest you dislocate your shoulder or something. 
You listened hard to your surroundings as you walked and he was right, there was no longer the sound of breaking branches behind you, so you hoped that the creature had lost interest and went back to the hole it had crawled out of.
When Billy’s hand slipped out of yours, you whirled around in a panic, fully expecting to see him ripped apart, but instead he was just staring down at the blood covering his chest with mild irritation. 
You had to admit to yourself that seeing him so clearly unbothered by the gore coating him or the violence he showed himself capable of was intimidating as hell. 
He seemed perfectly at home amidst the dangerous circumstances, never once losing his cool through the entire ordeal now that you thought about it. 
He just accepted the shitty turn of events and adapted.
“Hey, Y/n? You good?” You were pulled from your train of thought by his bored voice and you shook off the lingering shock in order to give him your full attention. 
“Uh, yeah. That was insane.” You gasp, a hysterical laugh bubbling out without your permission. You saw Billy side-eye you, but you couldn’t interpret his expression.
“Yeah. I didn’t believe it at first either but...well, you can’t really ignore it when it’s right in front of your face.” He agreed as he shook his head with a little smile, like it was an inside joke, and it took you a second for your brain to come back online at seeing such a soft expression on the blond. 
“Not that.” 
Upon Billy’s disbelieving look you corrected yourself.
“Well, yeah that, obviously. But also you.” 
You gestured at his entire person as if that would further prove your point and Billy hummed in question, not following your admittedly stilted explanation. 
Instead of waxing poetically about the blond -since you figured that it wasn't the time or place for such a thing- you settled for thanking him.
“Thank you.” You stuttered through your response and -before you even finished your sentence- he was already waving off your gratitude. 
“Don’t mention it.” He insisted and you awkwardly shuffled in place unsure of what to do next. 
You slumped back into a nearby tree, fiddling with a loose string on your jacket. You were definitely going to burn it once you got home since the cuffs were drenched in the mucus that had been covering the tree, making it a lost cause. 
“Fuck.” Billy sighed aggressively, the sudden curse catching you off guard. “I could really go for a cigarette right now.” He continued petulantly while staring up at the brightening sky through the swaying treetops and you relaxed upon realizing that the exclamation had nothing to do with the Demo-whatever coming back for round two.
“We’re horribly lost, aren’t we?” You lamented as you scanned your surroundings, a crease marring your brow as you squinted at the unfamiliar trees. 
Billy followed your gaze and studied them as well, realization dawning on his face as he quickly came to the same conclusion.
“Fantastic.” He sniffed, pushing off the tree that he had been lounging against in order to begin walking in a seemingly random direction. When you didn’t immediately move to follow, he paused and glanced back, one eyebrow raised in question.
“You coming, Sweetheart?” He smirked, amused with his use of nickname and you huffed indignantly, jogging over to the blond with a disapproving frown. 
“Don’t call me that.” 
You didn’t come on this trip only to gain the attention of your brother’s bully, that was the last thing you needed. Billy merely shot you a flirtatious smirk and you wrote off the heat in your face as an after-effect of you running for your life.
“Sure thing, Sweetheart.”
Prompt: Lost
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Nemesis: Retribution (3)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: EVENTUAL SMUT. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS. (18+ ONLY), polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, lots of angst, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, strong language, mentions of trauma, character death, fluff if you squint
A/N: We’re playing fast and loose with canon here people. Also thank you for the interactions. I love reading what you think and it helps me write the next chapters better. Also, I enjoy having someone to freak out with. Highlight of my life I swear to god. Enjoy!
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
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1:3 Hard Candy
Natasha stormed off the jet and into the conference room where she knew the rest of the team were waiting for them, fury radiating from her small frame. Catching sight of her target only made her grow angrier. She immediately ran up to Steve and growled up in his face causing him to immediately take a step back. Sam and Bucky were immediately alarmed, standing up to intervene and the latter's black vibranium arm whirring in preparation but Steve held up a hand to stop them.
"What the hell, Rogers? You send me on a mission with zero intel and this is what I find? Did you know?"
Steve's eyes narrowed down at her, the thick beard and longer hair adding even more to his already commanding presence. He knew exactly what Natasha was talking about and he did expect her to react this way.
"I wasn't sure, Nat. And I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if I was wrong."
"And if you were right?" she scoffed.
Steve swallowed hard before he answered, the blue in his eyes calming considerably. "I thought the three of you deserved to be the first to know."
"What the hell is going on?" Bucky asked, arms crossed on his chest and brows deeply furrowed. They didn't even know about any mission.
Natasha chuckled humorlessly and backed off from Steve. She ran a hand through her hair, the red bleeding into the old blonde color, and gestured toward the door at the approaching people.
"Well you weren't wrong, Steve."
That was the overall theme of the day it seemed. None of them could hardly believe that you were actually standing at the doorway. It's been ten long years and you were like the ghost haunting their dreams during that time, a pure and kind soul taken far too soon. Hell, they told stories about your selfless sacrifice to the new recruits. You had unknowingly become a legend.
A legend turned ghost story.
Now you looked more like a nightmare; dried blood caked your clothes and skin, a cold smirk lifting the corner of your lips, and a dangerous unhinged glint in your eyes.
"Well, I'll be damned," Sam breathed. "Y/N?"
"Hey, Sam," you said, the almost flirtatious lilt in your voice sending a shiver down their spines. "I go by Nemesis now."
"Nemesis?" Bucky snapped out of his daze, brows raised high and his jaw clenched, features seen clearer now with his shorter hair. "The notorious mercenary Nemesis?"
"I prefer private contractor."
While they had been honoring your memory, you had been building a ruthless reputation of your own that was widely considered on par in violence with The Punisher but with the added disturbing fact that you could be hired. Of course, no one but a select few knew who you actually were.
Until today.
Nemesis. The Greek goddess of divine retribution and revenge. A name that suited the dark avenging persona you had adapted and the only purpose you now lived for. In a twisted kind of way, you were doing the same work they were only with far less finesse and none of the righteous for the good of mankind purpose they usually had.
You shrugged, sitting yourself casually down on the nearest chair on the other end of the long table from where they stood. You have had a long night, your feet were tired and they were still looking at you with absolute confusion and disbelief. This looked like it would take a while.
You rolled your eyes as you unbuckled your stained bulletproof vest, throwing it haphazardly on the table. You hazarded a glance at each one of them as you made yourself comfortable, noting the changes in them too. The years had given way to a solemn maturity to each one, it seems things had changed for them too.
"Now that I'm here, you have 12 minutes."
"12 minutes? Until what?" Steve stammered.
He couldn't keep his eyes off you, couldn't for the life of him reconcile the person he was seeing in front of him with the person he knew. From your expressions to your movements and even to the tone of your voice, you were just so different and yet it just seemed to make you a more magnetic presence. Fresh guilt washed over him, knowing that he had failed you as your Captain. They should have kept looking for you.
"You'll see. 11 minutes now. Either ask your questions or tell me what you want."
"We all thought you were dead," Steve muttered, taken back by your hostility.
"Well that obviously didn't stick. How did you find me, Cap?"
It was Steve who found you. At first he couldn't believe it was really you, but the split second glimpse he got of your eyes from the body cam on one of the field agents weeks ago drove him to obsessively dig further. It was a shot in the dark when he sent Natasha and the twins on the mission tonight.
"By chance," he admitted. "We've been chasing a group of people suspected to be manufacturing and selling the super soldier serum. Our agents have had a few close encounters with you. I think we're going after the same people."
"So you're asking for intel?" you snorted, absentmindedly picking at the bloodstains on your sleeves.
"No," he said cautiously, wary at how relaxed yet tightly coiled you looked. "I'm offering you your spot back with the team."
You almost choked on the laugh that just escaped your lips. You couldn't help the short bark of laughter at the ridiculous proposition. Looking at their faces though it seemed that the offer was serious, although the reluctant look in their eyes at your transformation showed their inner conflict. You straightened your features and shook your head, the amused smile still on your lips.
"Look, I'm not exactly on brand for you guys anymore." You leaned forward with your arms on the table and landed your eyes squarely on Bucky's, the venom unmistakable. "Besides, I seem to recall I was deemed not cut out for this team."
Bucky felt like his soul left him at your words. There was a Molotov cocktail of emotions raging inside him; surprise, shame, relief, anger, guilt, and longing. It was killing him knowing that he had a hand in how drastically you had changed. He was deathly afraid of finding out your full story. He wanted to talk to you, wanted to beg for your forgiveness and make things right. How many chances would anyone get to redeem oneself with a ghost? He couldn't find the words though, his throat going dry and his tongue heavy in his mouth.
"Y/N, you know that's not the truth," Steve tried to insist.
"I'm not Y/N anymore and I already have a team." You waved a hand dismissively. "Also your 12 minutes are up."
All at once the power cut out in the Compound, drenching the room into darkness punctuated by the flashing emergency lights. You felt yourself get lifted off your seat and the next moment you were standing behind a formation of Avengers in the arms of the resident speedster, your arms on his chest to steady yourself from the daze of the sudden movement. His muscles were tense beneath your hands but his expression was gentle as he looked down at you.
He had wanted to rush over to you the moment you revealed your face. He wanted to hold you, jump for joy, speed around the entire city with you in his embrace. How you were alive didn't matter to him.
Only that you were.
It was only at Wanda's warning for him to stay back that he did. She showed him that you weren't the same person anymore and that they weren't sure whether you would still be friend or foe. To Pietro though, you weren't different.
You were just angry.
To him you were still his little star despite the others thinking you were closer to a supernova now. His little star was just hurting and he decided that he would do everything in his power to help you heal. He held your head tighter to his chest, intending to protect you from the anticipated danger and ready to get you to safety at a moment's notice.
"What the damn hell is going on?" Sam yelled, readying his guns.
A figure silently jumped through the window and rolled on the floor to stop right in front of the group, jolting the Avengers to defend. He stood to full height and took a fighting stance; clad in head to toe red, billy clubs at the ready, and horns glinting in the sparse light atop his head.
The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
"Let Nemesis go," he growled.
Natasha stepped forward, snapping her own batons in place. The crackling of the electricity from it sent lights to dance on the menacing expression on her face. The rest of the team watched closely the other entry points, expecting more to come in and if the first was any indication then they were in for a real fight.
Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, loud and not at all trying to be concealed. Walking straight through the front door, were two towering men in heavy military gear each holding an assault rifle aimed at the group. The sneer on one lent a dangerous taunting aura to his surprisingly handsome features as if to say just fucking try me. While the other had a burning steely focus that instinctively made anyone back off, the emblem on his black vest told them exactly who he was.
The Punisher.
The Avengers snapped to attention, each one drawing their weapons and aiming back. The air was crackling with animosity and fingers that itched to pull their respective triggers. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the first to break the standoff in the enclosed space. Willing for someone to break it.
You laughed.
The disorientation at your reaction was palpable across the room. You patted Pietro's chest, grinning up at him in reassurance that everything was fine. He released you from his hold reluctantly and let you step out of the protective cluster they had inadvertently formed around you. The three newcomers visibly relaxed the slightest bit at the sight of you.
"Weapons down," you said calmly, eyeing each one in the room. No one budged. "All of you. Now."
Steve being the first one to lower his shield was the catalyst in diffusing what could have been the fight of the century. As outnumbered as the newcomers were, they lacked nothing in skill and precise brutality. Frank followed in lowering his weapon and soon everyone did the same. There was still tension but at least it was now reduced to intense glaring.
You tutted and shook your head as you strutted your way to your three rescuers. "What I needed was a ride home, Frankie. Not a goddamn full extraction op."
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, not sounding at all apologetic and knowing you weren't really angry if the tired amusement on your face was anything to go by.
He smiled at you, that small open quirk at the corner of his mouth that was always accompanied by a roll of his tongue. He reached for you when you got close enough, drawing you close with a burly arm around the back of your shoulders. He kissed you on the forehead, a lingering gesture that clearly showed an intimacy between the two of you. The soft look on his face was reserved only for you and when he raised his face to the Avengers it was back to the cold threatening glare.
"Can you blame us though?" His voice came out gravelly, a favorite sound of yours. "The last time you were with these guys you were captured and tortured."
The word hung heavy in the air and though your back was turned, you could imagine the look on the faces of your former team. They didn't know about that yet. How could they when they had believed all this time that you died in the explosion?
"You forgot to mention blown up," Matt added, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his lips.
He removed his helmet, floppy brown hair instantly softening his persona. He peppered kisses on your palm and the inside of your wrist as he breathed in your scent to calm his own anxiety. He almost lost it when Billy had called saying that you had been taken. He was usually the last one to jump to immediate violence in your group, but the thought of you gone filled him with irrational fear. The possibility that history could repeat itself was unacceptable to him.
"I should have come with you."
"I could handle it and Billy was with me."
"Lot of good that did," he scoffed, switching to lightly biting your wrist. This wasn't unusual. Being blind, he relied on a more intense physical reassurance that everything was still as it should be.
"They weren't gonna hurt me, Matty," you argued, but it was more to help settle his nerves.
"All right, leave the foreplay for later," the last of the trio said, pulling you by your other hand closer to him.
He held you tightly by the waist and pressed you close, molding your body to his in a practiced motion. The smile on his face was scandalous and the mischief in his eyes was one that spelled trouble. The cheeky bastard winked at you before dipping his head to lay open mouthed kisses on your neck up to your ear right along your old scars. Shivers went down your spine and you couldn't help the low hum as your body reacted instinctively to him, stepping closer still until you could feel the heat of his body through his gear.
You knew exactly what he was doing. He was always the quickest to show affection in front of company, but this was a particularly golden opportunity for him to stake his claim in front of people he believed did not value you enough. Billy wouldn't be Billy if he didn't take it.
"Hey, pretty girl."
Across the room, the Avengers watched on with blatant curiosity at the apparent intimately familiar exchanges. It wasn't as much the fact that three men were bathing you with affection, but more that this cemented how far removed you were from their memory of you. They knew you as a starry-eyed recruit who stuttered at light teasing and preening at the slightest validation.
"Y/N," Steve called for you, forcing you to step away from Billy for the moment. You turned around to face them but Billy didn't let you go far, slinging his arm over your chest and this time contorting his body to yours.
"I told you, Steve. I'm not Y/N anymore," you said, a fleeting sadness flashed in your eyes before it was replaced with a firm pride. "And this is my team."
"We're taking our girl home," Frank declared, the threat underneath didn't need to be verbalized. If they took you again, it wouldn't end well for anyone.
"Wait!" Steve said urgently, halting your exit. "We'll hire you."
It was a last ditch effort. He was grasping at straws to keep you from disappearing from their lives again. He knew that if you walked out that door now there was no chance of ever getting you back. He just could not let that happen. This would only be temporary at best, but at least it would buy him time to convince you of a more permanent arrangement.
"Not interested."
"Nem." Matt as usual cautioned you from being too hasty. "Is this about the syndicates?"
You sighed. Matt was like a dog with a bone now. There was no choice but to let him chew on it. This was particularly important to him because the syndicates had been running amok in Hell's Kitchen and he was starting to find it difficult to keep his backyard clean.
"Yeah, apparently the stuff we found in the shipment yard was for making super soldier serums. The Avengers have been following the trail too."
"Why not just join forces then? We can get this done and over with a lot faster with their help," he reasoned.
"We're doing fine on our own, Matty."
"Matt has a point, sweetheart," Frank cut in. "We've been chasing this for years. I know a part of you is just itching to end all of this."
"It might help us find him faster. Do you really want to spend another ten years pulling at threads?" Matt added.
You closed your eyes, hands clenching at your sides to control your anger. It grated at you when they ganged up on you like this, but your anger was more because they were right and you knew it. You hated it, but they were right.
It was Billy who intervened, pulling you again to hug you from behind. His hold was firmer than before, aimed more to calm your shaking body. His voice came out calm, but resolute. His first priority was always making sure you were okay and you obviously weren't okay with this.
"You heard the lady. It's a no."
Frank and Matt sighed and shook their heads, but backed off. They weren't about to push you about this no matter how much they knew this would help you. They'll try again to convince you later, but they weren't optimistic. It was fortunate for them that there was more than just one stubborn person in the room.
"Please," Steve interrupted. You had almost forgotten that there were other people in the room. Almost. "We need your help. They have someone who keeps getting in our way and every time we get close he either fights us long enough for the trail to grow cold or leads us on wild goose chases. We can't let that serum be available to whoever can pay for it."
He didn't know what it was that he said that made all of your heads snap in his direction. Your eyes in particular were suddenly wild with barely restrained fury. He would take it. At least he had your attention.
"We can't let that happen, Nemesis," he finished, making sure to use your preferred name. Anything to possibly get himself into your good graces.
"Do you have a name?" you ground out.
"A name, Steve. Do you know who this guy is?"
"By the way he fights he seems to be a merc too. Looks like military background though from where I'm not sure," he said slowly, carefully choosing his words in the hopes of you changing your mind. "He goes by Salvacion."
"We're in."
Earth's Mightiest was stunned at the sudden reversal of your decision. As firm as you had rejected the offer, you were jumping at it now with the addition of your own team.
"Let's get one thing straight though, Cap," you began, the rage still burning in your eyes like wildfire. "My team and I will work with you. It's all of us or none of us. We'll help you lock up the syndicates and destroy the serum. We'll play nice, but Salvacion is mine."
Steve took a deep breath, relieved that you had agreed but also deeply concerned at your visceral reaction to a name. He had to ask.
"Because that's the motherfucker who killed my sister."
A/N: I feel like you guys have more questions now. Come freak out with me through the comments and reblogs! I write faster when people freak out with me. It’s the truth. Now that you’ve seen our girl with ALL our strapping men, what do you think? Who are you most curious about now?
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
We’re Us
A little commishy for my bxtch @thinger-strang.
Read on Ao3
This shit is SOFT
“Dustin, we all saw that fireball hit you,” Will said accusatorily, gesturing to the red bean bag on the ground at Dustin’s feet.
“Okay, first of all, you’re supposed to call a pause of play before using my real name,” Dustin said, all in one breath. “And second of all, the fireball only hit my lute, therefore I sustained no physical damage.” Dustin gestured to the cereal box that was taped to a jump rope, slung over his shoulder like it was a prized instrument.
“No, it didn’t. We all saw it hit your shoulder. You’d lose that arm at least, and take probably, like, fifty damage points.” Lucas pretended to aim a bow and arrow at Dustin while he spoke.
Dustin was getting dangerously close to huffy territory.
“Fine. Whatever. I’ll take the stupid damage points. Can we resume play yet?”
Everyone nodded, and they fell right back into battle.
It wasn’t often they took the game off the DnD board, but the weather was perfect, summer beginning to make itself known a little earlier than usual, giving them April days that were clear and perfect and made for the best LARP sessions known to Indiana.
Will aimed a fireball at Max, and launched it right as she darted out of the way. It sailed past her, missing her left hand by less than an inch, and she laughed wildly, raising her pool noodle sword and aiming blow after blow at him.
The bean bag hit the fence and went spiraling awkwardly into the small alley between the house and the old wooden fence
It was Will’s last fireball, and he hurried to retrieve any he could reach, dodging as best as he could around Max’s wild sword-wielding.
She tended to wallop them as hard as she could, somehow knocking the wind out of them with her soft excuse for a sword.
Will scrambled to pick up his bean bag from the overgrown grass and curling weeds, catching his breath quickly in the alley where he couldn’t be seen.
And then a sound drew his attention away from the battle.
It was a soft sound. He wouldn’t have heard it if the rest of the party had been so quietly focused on battling one another less than twenty feet away.
But he did hear it, and his head whipped around to find the source of it.
Steve and Billy.
Against the house.
It was like time stood still.
Like Will had been hit by one of Mage El’s freezing bombs.
Steve had Billy pushed up against the side of the house, their bodies pressed flush together.
Steve was clearly propping up Billy with his body, Billy’s mobility cane, the one he had let them cover in stickers, was laying forgotten on the ground.
Billy’s arms were wrapped around Steve’s shoulders, his hands curled in the fabric of Steve’s t-shirt. Steve had his arms wrapped around Billy’s waist, half holding him close, half not letting him fall without his cane.
They were kissing like they were trying to devour one another, and Will realized that the sound he had heard was a moan.
It wasn’t like seeing Lucas and Max kiss, or Mike or El, or even Nancy and Jonathan.
Seeing Billy and Steve,
Will knew he shouldn’t be seeing them.
He knew this was wrong, and people said two boys kissing was foul and bad.
But this didn’t look anything but, well, loving.
The way Steve was making sure Billy didn’t fall while they kissed, the way sometimes they would pull back and smile, their faces never moving more than a few inches away from one another.
One of Billy’s rough hands left its place clawed in Steve’s t-shirt, reaching forward to brush one thumb clumsily down his cheek.
They pulled back from one another, smiling stupidly, still staring into each other’s eyes.
Billy brushed his thumb down Steve’s cheek again, and Steve moved like he was nuzzling into the touch, turning his head to the right, pressing a kiss to Billy’s rough, scarred palm.
It made Will feel like he was floating in space with nothing keeping him down.
Steve pressed a kiss to Billy’s cheek, then his nose, then his other cheek, and Billy’s cheeks flushed and he giggled, a sound that was so foreign to Billy Hargrove it almost made Will rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing the right person.
And Billy smiled, so calmly and easily.
It made his whole face change. He looked like a completely different person.
And Will realized, he’s never actually seen Billy smile like this.
The only times he’d come close, we tight tiny things that never reached his eyes and were dropped within a second or two.
This was a genuine smile, full of genuine happiness, and god -
They’re in love.
They’re two boys, and they’re standing right in front of Will and they’re in love.
They went back to kissing, moving their heads slowly side to side, their mouths opening and closing and Will was so aware of having never kissed anyone before.
“Will, seriously! I’ve been yelling for you-”
Mike stopped talking the second he rounded the house.
He was stalk still, his mouth hanging open like a dead fish at what he saw.
Will’s heart was thundering against his ribcage, and he tried to push Mike back towards the game, pleading quietly at him to move.
And then the rest of the group was joining them. Faces mirroring Mike’s dead fish expression as they stared, open-mouthed, at Steve and Billy.
Will had his back to them, but in the quiet, he could hear. He could hear the soft sounds and the moans, and even the giggles that made his face go hot and his stomach do a whole gymnastics routine inside of him.
Will was staring at each of his friends in turn, pleading with them to just turn right around, and continue on with play as nothing had ever interrupted their battle.
Like they haven’t just stumbled on a huge and dangerous secret.
He went as far as to push Lucas, gently shoving him backward saying go! Go! Under his breath.
The last thing he needed was for Steve and Billy to notice them here. To realize what they had seen. What they know.
And then-
“What the fuck?”
Billy and Steve broke apart, looking towards the entrance of the alley, and seeing all six of the party, staring at them.
Max had been the one to speak, and she was looking at Billy oddly, almost like she didn’t know who he was.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked, her voice quavering slightly.
Billy looked like he wanted to ground to swallow him right up.
Steve scrambled for the forgotten cane, keeping one hand on Billy’s elbow as he crouched down.
The movement made Will’s stomach flop over.
It was practiced.
Once Billy was standing on his own with the cane, Steve approached the kids calmly, his hands raised up like they were all wild animals that might attack at any moment.
“Look, I know how this looks, and you guys can’t-”
“It looks like, you guys were making out .” Dustin’s tone was hollow, and he looked as struck dumb as the rest of them.
“I know, and I mean, yeah. We were, but you need to listen -”
Steve whipped right around when he heard the murmur.
Billy was standing slumped over against the house, one scarred, shaking hand covering his face, the other clutched so tightly to his cane his knuckles were white.
“Bill, I’m here, okay? I’m not going anywhere. You’re okay.” Steve rushed to Billy’s side, holding onto his elbow again, brushing his fingers softly through Billy’s short hair, winding his fingers through the wild curls that were just long enough to form. “I’ll deal with this. It’s okay. They’re not going to tell.” Steve glared at the kids when he said that, as if daring them to argue.
Billy kinda, fell forward, leaning against Steve once again, his face going into Steve’s neck.
Steve didn’t react, still brushing his fingers through sandy blond curls.
“You all know what could happen to us if people found out?”
Nobody answered him.
Truth is, they did know.
They knew the stories about young men being beaten nearly to death. Being run out of town or put in the hospital over nothing but a rumor.
Being gay wasn’t something that was tolerated in Hawkins.
Hell, Will himself has been pushed around and called queer as long as he could remember.
Even by his own father.
“We won’t tell anyone.” Will felt like how Billy looked. Like he was shaking apart right in front of them. “I promise. We won’t. Not anyone.” He could barely get the words out. It was like his jaw had locked up with the rest of his bones.
He thinks it would kill him if anything happened to Billy and Steve over this. They needed to keep them safe.
He needed to keep them safe.
“Yeah. I promise,” El parroted. Steve beamed at them.
Will knew El had been very confused the first time she heard about Ryan Anderson, the high school sophomore that had been humiliated and beaten so badly his family had to leave town six years ago.
She didn’t understand how a boy that liked to kiss other boys was something that merited violence.
Hopper had surprised them all by saying that it didn’t, but some people felt like it did.
Who you kiss doesn’t matter as much as who you are. If you’re a good person, it’s all just extra fodder. But some people like to they’re better than anyone that’s different than they are.
El had called those people bad and that was the end of it.
“Billy, I won’t tell.” Max didn’t take her eyes off Billy while she spoke. “I swear. I’ll never tell anyone. Not even mom.”
Billy’s hand flexed on the handle of the cane, and his knees gave a wobble. Steve kept him upright, leaning over to murmur into his ear.
Will could just barely make out the words I’ve got you.
“I promise, too.” Dustin’s cereal box/lute was forgotten on the grass at his feet. “The party protects each other. It’s one of our laws.”
“Yeah, we stick together. This isn’t different.” Max gave Lucas a watery smile when he spoke up in turn.
Mike was quiet.
It was well-known how much he disliked both Steve and Billy.
All of the kids had some trouble trusting Billy after everything that had happened last summer. Billy didn’t seem to blame them. He kept to himself, even when he moved from his cold room in the military hospital into the Byers’ spare bedroom seven months ago, he was like a ghost moving through the house.
Only Steve could make him come out of his shell in those early days. Only Steve could make Billy join them for dinner and movie nights, take slow walks around the yard with his walker, and later with his cane. Only Steve could make Billy’s shoulders relax from their defensive position up around his ears, and now, it was finally dawning on everyone why.
The kids mostly left him alone, only Max and El bridging the gap and actually speaking to him. Max had been determined to see Billy through his recovery, glaring at him and watching like a ginger hawk while he did his physical therapy, practicing his grip and moving buttons from one bowl to another.
El would sometimes talk to Billy in a hushed voice. She would get him on his own and hush words like Papa and Mama and bad and Billy would have to retreat to his bedroom for slowly decreasing amounts of time.
Nobody but Joyce and Hopper knew what she saw in Billy’s head. They were just informed that he wouldn't be returning home after his two-month stint in the military hospital. Max hard clenched her jaw and nodded jerkily and nobody dared ask any further questions.
He and Will traded a lot of good mornings and tended to generally avoid eye contact when they came across one another in the house.
But none of them hated him, they were just a little weary.
Mike, on the other hand, had some unexplained vendetta against both Billy and Steve and Will found himself willing Mike to be kind in this moment. To not see this as some power over them, or something.
“Okay,” he said slowly. “Dustin’s right. We protect each other.”
Steve gave them a smile that was so dazzling and bright, it almost gave off its own light.
His eyes were shining and he gave a watery laugh.
“They really meant it when they said children are the future.”
“Who said?” El asked him.
“I don’t know, actually. Just people, I guess.” Steve shrugged, jostling Billy who was still nestled in his shoulder. “Look, seriously guys, thank you. I can’t even imagine how I would’ve felt if-nevermind.” He cut himself off quickly, shaking his head. “It just means a lot. To both of us.” Steve smiled at them one last time, this time much softer and thoughtful. “You’re good kids.”
Nobody said anything else. They didn’t know what to say to Steve.
“I came back here to get my fireballs. I, uh, I got ‘em.”
Everyone looked back at Will, and, almost like they were coming out of a trance, began picking their makeshift weapons back off the grass, and chattering idly as they went back to the yard in order to continue their battle.
Will lingered for a second, looking over his shoulder at Steve and Billy, who were still wound together.
They were talking softly, and Will was pleased to see Billy lift his head back up, still looking pale and nervous, but smiling at Steve.
He leaned back down and planted a kiss on Steve’s neck, right above the edge of his t-shirt.
Will felt his face go hot, and tugged himself away, going back to the game.
It wasn’t until well after dinner, when everyone else had gone home, that they spoke about it again.
Will. Will! Do you copy? Over.
The static rasping of Mike’s voice through the walkie-talkie was coming from under Will’s bed where he had stashed it.
He quickly turned down the volume dial on the side before answering.
“Yeah, Mike. I copy. Over.”
“We need to talk about today,” Mike said through the walkie. “I mean, did you have any idea? Over.”
“No. I didn’t,” Will said, truthfully. Finding out had made a lot of things clunk into place, but that doesn’t mean Will knew. “Over.”
“It’s just, neither of them seem the type. You know? Over.”
Something about that statement didn’t sit too right with Will.
Before he could respond another voice crackled through the channel.
“This is gold leader joining the conversation to let Mike know he’s being a dick. Over.”
Will laughed. Trust Dustin to listen in on the conversation and come forward to defend Steve.
“Lucas, do you copy, too? Over.” Will waited a moment after he asked.
“Yeah, I copy. I wanted to hear what you all were saying first. I don’t really know what to think about all this. Over.”
“I don’t think there’s much to think about. Steve seems happy. Billy too, I guess. Over,” said Dustin.
Will’s heart swelled with a pride he didn’t quite understand at Dustin’s words.
Outside in the hall, the phone rang.
Will heard his mom scramble to pick it up, calling softly down the hall for Billy, and the unmistakable thumping of Billy and his cane coming to take the call.
He heard his mom scrape a chair over for him and retreat to her room, giving him some privacy.
“It’s just scary, you know? Like, something really bad could happen to them if anyone else found out.” Will thought for a second. “You think anyone else knows? Over.”
“Robin. She was making comments to Steve a few days ago about his secret relationship and I kept asking him about it until he punched me in the arm. She knows. Over.”
“I’m just confused,” Mike sighed down the line. “Steve dated my sister for like, a year. And Billy is always disgusting and flirting with my mom. Or at least, he would do that. You know, before. Over.”
“Yeah, that’s just Billy being Billy,” Max chimed in.
“You have to say over when you’re finished. Over.”
“ Fine, dickheads. Over.”
“That makes sense, but Steve and Nancy doesn’t. Over.”
“Lucas, it doesn’t have to make sense. David Bowie says he likes guys and girls. Billy has, like, three different magazines where he says that. Over.”
“Max is right. We don’t have to understand any of this. They seem happy, and good together, and that doesn’t really concern us. Over.” Will was hoping he could speed through the rest of this conversation. He could hear Billy in the hall, shifting and murmuring something Will couldn’t make out but was dying to overhear.
He had a feeling he knew who was calling.
“But, now it does concern us. We know. And as we’ve previously established, the more people that know, the more danger they could be in. Over .” Dustin almost sounded as though he might cry.
“Then, we can’t talk about it. Not unless we know for a fact that we aren’t going to be overheard. And maybe we should give them codenames. Only call them something like Han and Leia when there’s a chance of someone listening in. Over.”
“I like Lucas’s codename idea, but I’d rather die than call them Han and Leia. Over.”
“Okay, Mike, it was the first thing that came into my head! What, you think you have a better idea? Over.”
“I don’t know. Harold and Maude? Over.”
“That’s stupid, Mike. Clearly, they’re Bert and Ernie. Over.”
Will snorted at Max’s suggestion. He heard Billy coughing wildly in the hall. He listened carefully to him until it died down and he knew it wasn’t a bad one.
“I think we’ve come to an agreement. If we need further discussion, codenames: Bert and Ernie. Okay, my mom wants me to spend time with her tonight. So this is gold leader, signing off. Over and out.”
“I’m going too. Over and out,” Mike said.
“Over and out,” said El, not surprising any of them that she was listening in. She did that a lot. Simply listen to her own walkie, and when asked why she didn’t say anything would shrug and go nothing to add. They only asked that she sign off so that they knew she got whatever information they had discussed.
Everyone followed with their own sign-offs, and Will twisted the top knob on his walkie, shutting it off.
There was a moment of silence out in the hall, and then three beats on Will’s door.
He found Billy on the other side, slumped in the chair under the phone, his cheeks going red.
“Can’t get up,” he grunted. “Can’t reach the hook.”
Will didn’t say anything, nodding quickly and avoiding eye contact as he took the phone, placing it carefully back on the hook.
Billy got stuck in chairs fairly often.
His core muscles had been slashed up worse than anything else, and sometimes he just needed a good pull up.
Will took hold of his wrist, leaning his body weight backward to yank Billy to standing.
Billy kept his weight heavily on his cane, patting Will once on the upper arm in thanks.
“You guys know Steve has one of your little walkie-talkies, right?”
“ What ?”
Will genuinely didn’t know that.
“Dustin gave him one. I don’t know when, but he’s got it.”
“So, uh, so he heard. Everything.”
“And relayed it all to me through an embarrassing amount of tears, by the sounds of it.”
But Will could see that Billy’s eyes were brighter than usual in the dark, and suddenly Will remembered that there had been a wet spot on Billy’s sleeve.
“It’s fine. I mean, well, you’re good kids. All of you.” Billy patted him on the shoulder again. “I was shitting myself out there when you found us. Thought for sure one a’ yous would go squealing.”
“Maybe we would’ve. Before.”
“Never thought I’d be grateful for nearly being turned inside-out.”
“And I never thought I’d be grateful for being found dead in the water, but here we are.”
“Yeah, shit’s pretty weird if you stop and think about it for a few minutes. Near-death experiences really put your sexuality in perspective.”
“Is that why you two started dating? Perspective?”
Billy huffed a breath, looking up towards the ceiling. He coughed twice, and Will could pretty much hear his lungs rattle and crackle.
“Yeah. ‘S why we started dating. Both of us kinda realized there’s no sense in feeling like shit about the things that can actually make you feel not like shit.”
“So, you’re in love? Both of you?”
Billy’s cheeks were flooded with color, the deep red spreading all the way back to the tips of his ears.
“I think so. We’re both a little too fucked in the head to say it, but,” he shrugged lamely, not bothering to finish his thought, and looking anywhere but at Will.
He gets it, though.
Fucked up parents make for fucked up kids.
Will considered himself the luckiest person on Earth, and any kinda parallel universe, that he had his mom to stop, and later heal, all the damage his dad had caused.
“Well, I’m glad that you have it. Both of you. I mean, we saw you guys. And after everything, it's good that you’re happy.” And Will meant it.
Even before last summer, he had never seen Billy look the way he did when he was kissing Steve. Look that calm, and relaxed, and that goddamn happy. It really meant something.
Especially to Will.
Because he had never thought of someone looking that happy when they kissed someone else.
He had never thought of a boy looking that happy when he kissed another boy.
Billy surveyed Will for a moment, still leaning heavily on his cane in the hallway.
Will had the suspicion that Billy could see right through him.
“He came to visit me a lot when I was in the hospital. Steve, I mean. I don’t know why he did. It’s not like we were friends or anything. But one of those days, when I was barely awake he started talking about everything that happened those couple days.” Billy shifted closer to the wall, bracing himself with one hand as he lowered himself back into the chair. “The Russians. I don’t know what he’s told you kids, but it wasn’t pretty.”
“He hasn’t said anything. I mean, we all saw how he looked after, so we figured maybe he got in a fight.”
Billy chewed on his bottom lip.
“Look, you gotta swear not to tell any of the others this, but, uh, it was a bit more than a fight.”
Billy was giving him a meaningful look and something churned around in Will’s stomach.
Billy gave a tiny, shaky nod.
“He started talking about it. Said after that, he started thinkin’ about shit different. Said he thought he was gonna die down there and that nothing would change without him. It was heavy, and I was mostly feeling the same way, and I think that’s why he told me. Knew that I could get it. After that he kept visiting, and I noticed that I didn’t hurt as much when he was there. Or maybe I did, but having him there, squinting at the t.v. ‘cause he can’t see worth a’ shit, or making some stupid comment about a nurse on the floor just made it easier. He makes a lotta shit easier.”
“I think that’s what it should be like. I don’t think love should make things harder.” Will thought of his mom and dad, and how different she acted with Hopper.
Like she didn’t hurt as much when he was there.
“It was hard in the beginning. I mean, before we got together. I thought that he didn’t feel the same way, you know? That I was just being an idiot, feeling like that for my best friend. But then he told me. He’s always been a lot braver than people give him credit for. Anyway, he told me, and it should’ve been fucking terrifying. And I was scared of people finding out. Still am, but it’s like, even if we get run outta town, and everyone we care about turns against us, it’ll be fine because we’re not just me an’ him, we’re us .”
Billy blinked quickly, almost as if he was surprised by his own words.
They clanged around in Will’s head.
We’re not just me an’ him, we’re us.
“You don’t have to be scared, though. I mean, of people finding out. Of turning against you both. We won’t let that happen. Not about something like this.”
Billy gave him a weak smile.
“I guess it makes sense. I mean, you all took me in after killing half the town. Tracks that you wouldn’t throw me out for. Being gay.”
“There are worse things to be than gay.”
“Psycho killer not one of them?”
Will gave Billy as unimpressed of a stare as he could muster.
“That wasn’t you. You forget, I know what it was like to have him controlling me. I know what it’s like to not do anything to stop him, even when you are fighting with everything you’ve got. I nearly killed my mom. I even might have, if I’d been stronger. You fought against him, and in the end, you won. I never could’ve done that.”
Billy just stared at the wall slightly above Will’s left shoulder.
“I killed people, too. When he had me. Led a whole group of people right into a trap. And it still scares me what he did. But I know that it wasn’t me that did it. It wasn’t you that did any of that, Billy.”
“I tell myself that. Hell, Steve tells me that about every five minutes. Just hard to watch yourself doing that awful shit and not be able to tell your body to knock it off.”
Will didn’t know how to respond, so he didn’t.
Billy was right. It was a nightmare watching yourself hurt people around you, feeling like you were in the backseat, screaming at yourself to stop.
But Billy had done what Will couldn’t’ve.
Right at that last moment, he stood up to the thing controlling his every move.
Stood up to that horrific flesh monster, adn died rather than let it kill El.
El, who he didn’t even know.
And then Billy’s bedroom door down the hall opened slowly, and Steve poked his head into the hall, swearing under his breath when he saw someone in the hall with Billy and trying to duck out of sight, knocking the back of his head into the doorframe and swearing again.
Billy laughed, a low wheezy laugh that ended in a short coughing fit.
“Real fuckin’ subtle, Harrington,” he choked out.
The door opened once more and Steve stepped out into the hallway, trying to look casual.
“I didn’t realize it was you there, Will. How’s it goin’?”
Billy laughed again, and gestured for Steve to come and help him stand up.
Steve did so quickly, smiling warmly at Billy when he had righted him on his feet, and keeping hold of Billy’s arm.
“Why are you sneakin’ in my window like some kinda perv?”
“Because I wanted to talk. I have a lot of emotions today.” Steve turned to address Will. “You kids are gonna be the death of me. And I mean that in the nicest way I possibly can.”
“Yeah, well. You guys are family.” Will shrugged, feeling very awkward when both Steve and Billy. Looked as though their eyes were overbright. Will panicked, trying to think of an exit strategy before he saw either of them cry.
He had seen them both in too many intimate moments today.
“Um, I’m pretty tired, so I think I’m gonna go to bed. Let me know if you need, uh, help tomorrow. You know, heading of my mom or anything.”
Will turned on his heel and slipped back into his own bedroom.
“Alright, Bert. It’s been a long day and I’m gonna need some help getting into bed. My legs have gone totally stiff.”
“Oh, in no way am I Bert! I’m totally Ernie. You’re Bert. Think about it: you’re surly, and rude, and-”
“Gonna dump you if you don’t shut up and help me go to bed.”
“Spoken like a true Bert.”
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  T H R E E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   t h r e e  |  j e a l o u s y
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.3k warnings: angst tbh. and not the healthiest relationship but ya know what it’s billy so we persevere, unwanted advances, more angst x
I had a request for a jealous billy, so I hope you like my take on it x
That was the third time in the last thirty minutes that Steve Shit-For-Brains Orth touched you. Three fucking times. The first two times he was willing to look past but the third? Fuck no. The asshole, who was sitting with his clunky arm on the back of your chair, had not-so-casually rubbed his thumb along your spine, inciting a rather surprised look from you and a rather murderous one from Billy.
Of course, Steve couldn’t see the rage practically oozing from Billy, but boy was it there. Especially when you went out of your way to lean further into your desk as though to avoid his grabby little hands.
But that didn’t stop Steve.
Billy could see the frustration on your face as you fought to keep your cool in front of your classmates as his hand dipped beneath the desk to give your thigh a firm squeeze.
The same thighs that Billy’s face had been buried in just this morning.
All Billy saw was red as you pushed Steve’s hand away, muttering something to him under your breath before raising your hand to excuse yourself. With an anger so palpable radiating from his every pore, Billy watched you leave the classroom and thought of the various ways he could kill that fucker before you returned.
“Billy,” the girl, Sam, he’d been paired up with groused, “are you even paying attention?”
“No,” he simply said, barely hearing her above the sound of his own blood coursing to his ears. “Sorry.”
He wasn’t sorry, of course, only irate. The vein in his neck pulsed against his skin as his blood pressure skyrocketed. This was the type of thing that drove him to the brink of insanity when it came to having to keep the two of you a secret for the sake of his plan. It was bad enough that he couldn’t parade you around like he wanted to, even worse that he knew, deep down, that your little arrangement hurt you beyond belief – but this? Watching you get pawed by these dickheads all the while he was forced to take a backseat?
He couldn’t stomach it.
His knuckles were white from the grip he had on his pencil but even as he felt it splinter off into his palm, his grip never waned. Not for a second. It was either that or kill Steve Orth and, while that sounded great, he couldn’t. Not yet, at least.
Just as the pressure of the pencil in his hand got to be too much, you waltzed back into the room with your head held high, seemingly unfazed by the naked eye – but Billy saw right through it. He knew you, more than either of you would like to admit, and he could see the irritation as clear as day in those gorgeous eyes of yours as Steve smirked playfully up at you from where he sat.
Subtly, you gave Billy a gentle nod, silently talking him down from doing anything stupid in the middle of the classroom, before taking your seat yet again.
Thankfully, Steve managed to keep his hands off of you for the remainder of the class but, unbeknownst to both you and Steve, that assholes fate had been sealed. Billy might not have been able to do anything to him yet, but he would. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.
The bell eventually rang out and Billy, wasting no time at all, pushed himself off of his desk and walked up beside you. “You okay?” He asked, but his eyes were trained on Steve who was much too busy high-fiving one of his friends to notice Billy’s murderous stare.
“I’m fine, Billy,” you laughed, “he’s an idiot, but he’s a harmless idiot.”
“Harmless?” Billy’s voice was low and impressively tame considering the fact that beneath it all, his blood was boiling. “He has no right to touch you.”
Glancing over your shoulder you smiled at one of the other cheerleaders before looking back at Billy. “I appreciate the concern, Billy, but I’m fine.”
That casual tone of yours just about killed him every single time. It was a punch to the gut compared the woman he had all to himself behind closed doors. This version of you, this censored version, was just a part of the charade, he knew that much, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
The rest of your classmates slowly filtered out of the room, eventually leaving you and Billy alone as you tossed your notebook into your bag. That weighty stare of his was ever present, but you pretended not to notice in fear of someone walking in. Billy Loomis was a lot of things, but subtle, he was not.
At least where you were concerned.
“That’s bullshit,” he seethed, “someone ought to show that fucker he can’t just go around touching what isn’t his. He—”
“What isn’t his?” A bitter laugh tumbled out of your lips. “I’m not a piece of fucking meat, Billy. I’m not his, sure, but I’m not yours, either.”
You watched the muscle in Billy’s jaw clench and that vein in his neck that always seemed to swell whilst he was under pressure visibly strained and pulsed before your very eyes. “I didn’t say you were,” he muttered, “I just meant that he needs to learn some respect.”
“He does,” you agreed, “but that’s not your job to teach him.”
Leaning against the desk, he ran a hand through his hair and glowered across at you. “I could tell it bothered you, so why the hell are you defending him?”
You rolled your eyes and swung your bag over your shoulder. “I’m not defending him, Billy. Steve’s an asshole, we all know this, but I don’t want you to get in shit thinking it’s your job to defend me. I can look after myself, Billy. I promise.” With another futile glance towards the door, you reached forward and gently ran your thumbnail against his bottom lip. “Besides, you’re too cute for a fistfight.”
Upon dropping your hand back down at your side, Billy caught it and gave it a squeeze. “I can’t help it if I get heated about all these assholes. Look at you.”
“You can help it, actually,” you laughed. “Don’t engage, first off. And, secondly,” you leaned in a little closer so that your lips were dangerously close to his ear, “try to remember who it is I’m fucking at the end of the day, hmm?” You pulled away and offered him a quick wink before walking out of the classroom. “See you at lunch, Loomis.”
“All I’m saying is that if he didn’t want me giving sage advice to those renting a fucking movie, then why hire me in the first place?” Randy asked with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You, Tatum, Sid and Randy were all outside eating at the fountain whilst waiting for the other two idiots to join. Pushing your sunglasses further up your nose you smirked across at Randy. “Randy, you told the guy not to rent the movie. Your job is to make people want to watch these movies.” You popped a carrot into your mouth. “How you’re still employed is truly a mystery.”
“That’s the thing,” he laughed, “he fired me!”
“Shocking,” Sid chuckled, “what did you say when he fired you?”
Randy stole a celery stick out of your Tupperware container and bit down. “Nothing, I kept working. Fire me? Not on my watch. No thanks.”
With a shake of your head, you stretched out your legs on the concrete slab of the fountain and found Stu bounding towards you with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you guys hear?” He asked, swooping down to kiss Tatum’s cheek. “Our man, Billy, snapped.”
You froze mid-bite and immediately looked at Sid who had sat up looking concerned as ever. “What?” She asked in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Billy and Steve, man,” Stu laughed and snatched a carrot stick from your stash. “The two of them got into it during one coach’s drills and Billy just,” he bawled his hand into a fist and slapped it against his other hand. A resounding smack echoed out around you. “Clobbered him, man. It was awesome!”
With your appetite long gone, you slowly swung your legs back onto the ground and pinched your brow. You were raging. Not only had the idiot ignored you by engaging with Steve, but he’d gone ahead and fought him, too.
“What?” Sidney croaked. “W-Why would he do that? He’s never been the type to just fight someone like that. Did Steve do something to provoke him?”
You chewed on your lip and stared ahead as Stu merely shrugged. “Don’t think so,” he stole another carrot and grinned at something in the distance. “Ask him yourself, here he comes.”
Your blood was boiling beneath your skin as you watched Billy casually waltz over to your group as though he wasn’t wielding one hell of a fucking bruise on his cheek, accentuated perfectly with a small, clean slice along his cheekbone that would almost surely scar. The fucking moron.
“Billy!” Sid gasped, jumping up to tend to her boyfriend’s injuries.
You, on the other hand, forever the other woman, remained dutifully planted on the edge of the fountain. Not that you would have tended to him in any way, shape, or form in that instance. In fact, you weren’t sure you could trust yourself not to add to the mess on his face.  
“I’m fine,” he muttered, giving her hand a quick kiss as she gently observed his cheek. “Things just got heated on the field, is all.”
“You should see the other guy,” Stu beamed, “I hear Steve lost a tooth!”
Your anger swelled, momentarily blinding you as the rest of your friends laughed and asked for a play-by-play of events. Not quite trusting yourself, you pushed yourself up from the edge of the fountain wall and grabbed your bag. “I’ll see you guys later,” you hummed, not looking up at the bruised idiot in fear or snarling at him.
“You don’t want to stay for story time?” Stu asked, looking between you and Billy in amusement.
“Can’t.” Smacking on what you only hoped was a convincing smile, you shook your head and gestured to the school. “Forgot I had a meeting with Miss Wills about getting my biology grade up.”
Just before you turned on your heel to head back into the school, you just managed to catch Billy’s eye as he dutifully sat beside Sidney. She was leaning into him, gently prodding the scar along his cheek with a concerned frown marring her pretty face. He, on the other hand, was staring evocatively across at you with a small frown of his own.
Clearing your throat, you waved them off rather quickly before heading back inside of the school. You were too angry to care about how you felt the weight of his stare all over you before finally disappearing from sight.
You locked your bedroom door that night and closed your curtains to avoid rolling over and seeing the idiot that was currently plaguing your every thought staring back at you from the second story of your house. In fact, that was what you did for the next three nights all the while managing to avoid Billy Loomis as much as humanly possible whilst at school.
So far, he had tried on four separate occurrences to get you alone. Whether it was subtly nodding towards an empty classroom with the gang around or lingering by your desk after English in hopes of pinning you down for a chat, it was obvious that Billy was desperate to talk with you. To smooth things over. To move on from this rather ugly display of jealousy.
But you weren’t. And, honestly, you weren’t sure if you were going to be any time soon, if at all.
A small dose of jealousy was only normal every once in a while. Not healthy, by any means, but a normal part of any relationship. Only this relationship you and Billy had was anything but normal. He had a girlfriend. A lovely, kind girlfriend who would have given him the world three times over if he asked. So just how Billy was the one with the audacity to be jealous made no sense.
Whenever you thought about it, you got mad. The injustice of it all was truly something you couldn’t wrap your head around. Just how Billy Loomis, the one with a girlfriend, could get jealous of a guy you were barely even acquaintances with really threw you for a loop. And yet you, the asshole who had somehow fallen in love with him, had to quietly take a seat and watch him dote over another girl in public.
Dote over your best friend.
Oh, the irony was delicious.
Tossing the book you’d been reading aside, you let out a quiet groan and closed your eyes as you heard the familiar jiggle of your window. It, like it had been for days, was still locked, thankfully, and your curtains still drawn in fear of seeing him.
The commotion tonight, was brief. He only tried for a second or two before you heard him meander his way back down to ground level. With an annoyed sigh, you reached for your book only to stop dead in your tracks when your doorbell rang out through your whole house.
Shooting up from your bed, you immediately lunged for the door and held your ear to it as your mother quietly complained about just who it could possibly be at this hour of the night.
Please be anyone else, please be anyone else, please be—”
“Oh, Billy,” your mother gushed. She’d always liked Billy. The traitor. “It’s awful late, is everything okay?”
Furling your brow, you pressed your ear further into your door and heard Billy’s deep voice say something – something probably charming – before your mother’s voice called up to you.
“Y/N, sweetie,” she beckoned, “Billy Loomis is here.”
You opened and shut your mouth several times over as you thought of your next few words. Somehow swearing at him from where you stood didn’t seem like the best idea with your parents in the house so, instead, you opted for the next best option.
You said nothing.
Holding your breath, you stood at the head of your room in nothing more than your flannel sleep shorts and tank top while hoping beyond hope that Billy would be ushered out of your house.
“I’m afraid she might be sleeping, dear,” your mother sympathetically cooed, “was there something you needed?”
Pressing your ear tighter to the wood, you barely made out the words ‘book’ and ‘homework’ before another sympathetic cluck escaped your mom’s lips. “And it’s due tomorrow?”
You panicked. His ploy was obviously to come up here and search for a book that didn’t exist all the while your parents carried on with their regular scheduled programming downstairs – but your parents weren’t dumb, nor were they naïve. Surely, your mother would offer to come up and root around for whatever it was he lied and said you had before she would inevitably have to wake you up in order to deliver the goods to the lying Loomis.
Your anger pulsed as realization dawned on you.
You had to go downstairs.
“Did you say something?” You asked, feigning innocence as you pushed your door open and made your way down, barely glancing at Billy who still stood in your entryway. “What are you doing here?”
Billy licked his lips. “I, uh, wanted to swing by and pick up the book for our English assignment. I think you must have grabbed mine, too, when you were putting your stuff away.”
“Nope,” you shrugged, “I don’t have it.”
Billy awkwardly smiled across at your parents before looking back at you. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you replied coolly. “Maybe you left it at Sid’s house?”
His shoulders briefly fell at your tone and, for a split second, you felt your heart fall into your stomach. You knew you were hurting him with the callousness of your words, but you had to stick to your guns this time around for your own sanity.
“Guess I must have misplaced it,” he wryly admitted. “Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Y/L/N.” His eyes flickered to you. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You nodded, prepared to watch him leave, but before he could get a foot out of the door, your mother stopped him.
“Wait, Billy,” she ran out of the living room and into the kitchen, leaving you and Billy alone for all of three seconds before she shuffled back in. “Here,” she held out a dish packed to the brim with Shepard’s Pie. “I know your dad’s been working a lot of late nights so dinner’s might not be the most well-balanced, but a growing boy has to eat.”
Feeding the enemy. Typical.
“Y/N made it,” she bragged, unwittingly fanning the flames of annoyance in your chest. “It’s delicious, too.”
Touched, Billy grabbed the Tupperware container from your mom before glancing at you. He knew you could cook, you’d cooked for him several times in the span of your friendship – long before the two of you began…doing whatever it was you were doing – but as he accepted the container, there was an emotion there that was much too raw and real for you to try and decompress.
You realized, slowly, that your mother’s offering of Shepard’s Pie was probably the first time a maternal figure had paid him any mind since his own mother had walked out on him all those months back.
Your stomach dropped at the thought.
“Y/N is a great cook,” he agreed. This time, his voice was much quieter. “And thank you again, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
Once again, you watched him turn on his heel to leave the house but, with that niggling feeling of guilt twisting inside of your belly, you opened your mouth before you could so much as think to stop yourself.
“I’ll walk you out,” you muttered, flashing your mother a fleeting smile. “Be right back.”
Slipping on some shoes, you ignored Billy’s obviously surprised face as he lingered in the doorway before finally looking across at him. “Let’s go.”
The night was brisk as the two of you strolled towards his car in silence. You shivered absentmindedly as your pajamas offered no real sense of protection from the chill before glancing at Billy. Naturally, his eyes were already on you.
“Do you think your mother’s watching us right now?”
“Knowing her?” You shrugged. “Probably.”
He swallowed hard. “We should talk about what happened.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I know what happened. You saw Steve touch me and got irrationally jealous over it and, rather than deal with it like a grown man, you punched him and he lost his fucking tooth.”
A flicker of anger crossed over his handsome features. “It’s not that simple, Y/N, he—”
“That is probably the only simple thing about our little situation, Billy,” you acknowledged quietly. “You got jealous and you punched a guy. Doesn’t get simpler than that.”
“He deserved it,” he argued. “He’s a moron and shouldn’t have touched you. Do you know how hard it is to see that and not defend you the way I wanted to while it was happening?”
“Defend me?” You sneered. “Or stake your claim on me? No offence, Billy, but the entire male population of our school could ask me on a date tomorrow, and you’d have no fucking say in the matter. Whether they touch me or ask me out or anything, because you and I aren’t a thing.”
Billy chewed on his bottom lip as his grip on the Tupperware tightened considerably. “Yes, we are.” His voice was eerily calm despite the panic surging through his chest. “I love you, I told you that at the cornfield and I meant it. I fucking love you, Y/N.”
“You did,” you said, “and my feelings haven’t changed but you can’t be blind to the fact that this isn’t working, Billy. You getting jealous over me getting unwanted attention from a guy all the while expecting me to sit there and watch you and Sid flaunt your shit all over town?” You could feel your eyes begin to water as your emotions got the better of you, but you wouldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t dare. “I’m supposed to sit there and trust what you’re telling me. That you will break up with Sid, that you do love me, that, if things were different, it would be me you’d be with and only me. But one guy squeezes my thigh and you lose your shit? Where’s the fucking sense in that?”
“I fucked up,” Billy admitted, his bravado long gone. “I see that now, I fucked up. But --”
“But,” you scoffed. “See, there it is. An excuse. I don’t want your excuses anymore, Billy. I want you and while I thought that was enough, I’m seeing it’s not that easy anymore. Not if you get to act like this unhinged asshole whenever I get a sliver of attention.”
You watched Billy’s eyes search your face as his hands trembled. He wanted to reach out and cradle your face, you could tell that much, but – tale as old as time – with an audience, even if it was just a possibility that it was your mother, he remained still. “Don’t do this to me, Y/N,” he pleaded, his voice shaky. “Please. I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sosorry.”
“I just think we need to take some time away from each other,” you muttered. “For our own sanity.”
“No,” Billy argued, stepping towards you in desperation. “No, Y/N, I need you. Please don’t do this.”
“I think you need to either make a decision with Sid or be more open with me about what the fuck is going on inside of that head of yours. You can’t go around punching people because you get jealous, Billy. And, until you figure your shit out, I think we should stop this. Whatever this is between us.”
“It’s a relationship,” Billy’s brows furrowed in outrage. “Two people who fucking love each other is a relationship, Y/N.”
A sad smile broke out across your face as you stared up at the starry sky above you. “Two people who love each other but can’t show it. Who have to hide whenever people are around in fear or being seen as anything more than good pals.” You shook your head and met his frenzied stare. “That’s not a relationship, Billy. That’s fucked up. We’re fucked up.” You sniffed and gestured down to the Tupperware in his hands. “Enjoy your food. I’m going back inside now, and I meant what I said. We need some time apart so, please, don’t come around here anymore. At least not until…” you let the sentence hang in the air, unsure of your next few words.
“Until what?” He was clinging to your every word but there was an anger so palpable radiating off of him that made you take a small step back. “Until you decide that you don’t want me anymore? Walk away and leave me like my mother did?”
You cocked your head to the side and hoped like hell the hurt you felt at that accusation didn’t directly show on your face. “If you truly think I would do that, Billy, then we’re even more fucked up than I thought.” You sniffed and began to turn back to your house. “I have a lot of faith in you, Billy, and a whole hell of a lot of trust. It’s about time you showed me that same consideration.”
The raw emotion on his face was jarring and almost made you hang back long enough to console him like you would any other time, but you couldn’t. If he couldn’t trust you, what the hell hope did either of you have at this becoming a real thing? Walking back to your house, your heart broke and any emotion you fought so desperately to keep down began to bubble to the surface. But you wouldn’t break down though, at least not yet.
You always had your cards on the table when it came to Billy Loomis and it was about time that he started showing his, as well.
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neonponders · 3 years
This isn’t what @memes-saved-me had in mind for this post but lol (read their tags, they’re delightful) 
Thinking about a younger Billy and an older Steve today ✨
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Billy scratched at the hair on his nape. He wanted to grow it out; really had always wanted long hair. And now, as he peered at the other sophomores trying to fluff themselves bigger to match the juniors and seniors, he just might.
Long hair was in. Mullets, rock star manes, extensions - even the opposite. Women with buzz cuts and pixie faux hawks. Pleasant little surprises in Hawkins, Indiana, and Billy might finally indulge in that.
Plenty in this town was backwards as all hell. Girls wearing white stockings like it was the fifties. Boys and girls alike clearly letting having learned hair styling from their out-of-date parents. Two girls with beehives sat in his English class.
But it was fine, because there was plenty of present-day styling, and Billy wouldn’t get any shit at home for matching his peers.
Cherry Lane. The most backwards spot in Indiana.
But that’s okay, too, because small town people need occupations. Parties.
A cool senior with teased, black hair walked right up to him and handed him a neon orange sheet of paper. He saw others holding similar invitations all day. 
Party on Friday night. Address, dress code, and everything.
Caught him by surprise, that a dress code would be needed for one of these things, but the invitation just said ~casual attire~ and someone in his Advanced Biology class told him that Tina hosts the best shin digs, often with costume themes.
So he went. The late summer evening was still humid as all hell, making the party split between the massive house and the matching yard a convenient way to start a weekend.
He’d had alcohol before. Enough to know he preferred tequila drinks over vodka and gin, but the safest way to wake up the next day was to just stick to beer. No matter how bitter or sharply carbonated some of it was made.
Maybe that’s why he heard people hollering about King Steve.
Keg stands weren’t original to Hawkins, but Billy preferred them next to a bonfire on a beach. But people were really yelling for this king to do the damn thing - 
“Steve, why are you even here? You graduated in May,” Tina’s voice cut through the din.
“I live down the street! You really think you’re making this much noise without me noticing? And all of you shut the hell up! I’ll do a keg stand the day one of you dip shits can actually beat my record.”
Another surprise:
Steve Harrington.
Billy’s dumb luck had him three years behind, so he couldn’t look at that face in the hallways. Sit behind that head of glossy, bouncy hair in European History. He still lived in town, apparently. Right down the street. Billy asked around and discovered he worked at the mall and attended the community college -
“Heard you been asking about me.”
Billy stared wide-eyed over his beer. He recovered quickly, but not before Steve bounced on the balls of his feet, smug. That hair was really distracting.
These people really gossip about everything.
“I didn’t think anybody actually went by a title like that.”
“I didn’t put it on my resume, that’s for sure.” Steve’s smirk grew into a smile. Christ, the guy really had that Indiana, home town handsome thing to his face.
That was dangerous. Billy’s gut told him so, the way it bruised like someone had poked it. And wanted to be poked again.
“Let’s do this properly. Steve.” He held his hand out.
It wasn’t queer to accept a handshake. “Billy,” he replied.
“Jesus,” he scoffed involuntarily, releasing Steve’s large hand. His weight shifted over his feet. “Everybody knows everything here.”
“Not everything,” Steve said. His voice sounded...reassuring? But the way his eyes blinked...and a darkness slipped behind his eyes like a curtain. Adults liked to call it maturity. Wisdom beyond years. Billy called it ghosts. Everyone had ghosts behind their eyes. But...he had a hard time imagining what ghosts this pretty senior in suburban America would already have.
Then again, Billy knew better.
Except, as the party progressed and the weekend flowed into a new week, Billy really couldn’t imagine what made Steve slouch a little, and what made his eyes fade out of a conversation. Billy probably should have put more attention into how much he’d begun seeking the guy out.
He worked in the ice cream parlor at the mall. The uniform was equal measures ridiculous and hilarious, but his coworker was cool as hell. Robin. Not Steve’s girlfriend, even though they carpooled to work and community college.
Steve’s house proved just as luxurious as Tina’s, with a pool to boot. A house which supposedly stayed empty more often than it hosted its own family. Steve notoriously didn’t host parties, which....seemed uniquely odd.
Apart from Billy visiting the ice cream shop, it seemed Steve’s only other visitors were high school freshman. Which was weird. That’s weird, right? Then again, Billy was ball and chained to eight hours a day, five days a week to high school. There was plenty of time for Steve to be with friends his own age.
Except he showed up at the next party on Halloween.
Tina’s house boasted a surprising number of Hawkins graduated seniors, forcing the party all the way out onto the street.
Just like before, Steve manifested beside Billy, announcing himself with fingertips brushing his slowly growing, weak little mullet. “Growing that out?”
Steve’s already heavy eyelids were heavier with alcohol. Billy had his customary cup of beer, but his cheeks flushed for a different reason. He had to rub the back of his neck to make the tickle stop.
“Yeah. Maybe it’ll touch my shoulders next year.”
“Have you trimmed it?”
Billy frowned at him. He’d heard some things come out of Steve’s mouth that were endearing in a ‘bless his heart’ kind of way, and this was among them. “No, that defeats the point of making it longer.”
Steve shook his head and waved for him to follow. “Come here. I’ll trim it.”
“You’re not cutting my hair,” Billy scoffed. And followed.
Billy did his best not to look around the living room; to see any eyes apart from the ones he imagined on his backside. He followed at a leisurely pace. Not eager to be with King Harrington anywhere...
The guy walked right into the closed master bedroom. Billy stood outside of it, stunned at his audacity and the fact that no one was inside it already - 
“You coming?”
Billy’s not a coward -
Actually he is. But he’s an overeager sophomore with a dangerous crush even more.
Steve dug through the master bathroom’s drawers until he found a pair of scissors in their own case. “Sit on the tub.”
By tub, he meant jacuzzi edge. Billy perched. Steve gripped his shoulder to step into the tub with a comb that smelled of foreign hair product and aftershave. Billy’s nose wrinkled. “Wash that first.”
Then he jumped at the tub faucet turning on right beside his ass. Steve laughed. “Chill out. I’m washing it.”
Billy settled with a disgruntled shake of his head. “My hair is curly. You’re not supposed to brush it at all.”
“You’re in the hands of The Hair Harrington, sweetheart. Just relax.”
His shoulders sagged right underneath the weight of sweetheart.
I’m so screwed - 
Of all people to show up in the doorway, Robin from Scoops showed up with an energy that insinuated more sobriety than the guy wielding scissors.
Her mouth hung open like she had come with something to say, but then she sputtered through laughter. “Oh shit. Are you consenting to this?”
Billy rolled his eyes. “If he cuts my ear, I’m beating his ass.”
“I’d appreciate more faith from you, Buckley. I cut your bangs for you.”
Billy chirped, “Really?” admittedly feeling a bit better.
Steve intercepted with the order, “Are you gonna play music or what? I’m so tired of Tina’s music.”
That’s how Billy wound up in a bathroom with college freshmen trimming his ends and styling his hair while Steve and Robin shout-sang to Whitney Houston.
It was great.
Steve curled the top of his hair so he had ringlets falling over his bold brows. Steve, who had his hands all over Billy’s head until he washed the hair down the drain and filled the tub for a bubble bath. Billy scrutinized himself with a handheld mirror until Steve wrapped his arms around him and they tumbled backward into the wet landing.
Tina was hardly pleased to find the three of them making a mess of the jacuzzi, but she sassed a quick thank you for warding off people trying to fuck in her parents’ bed. Billy didn’t have words; only laughter at Robin putting her hair into a wet mohawk and Steve piling bubbles onto his head.
Steve insisted they go back to his house afterward. “It’s November and we’re soaked. Your car will be fine. I can come back and park it in my driveway if you’re that worried.”
That wasn’t the problem.
“It’s fine that your parents are never home, but mine will only recently lifted my curfew for good behavior.”
Somehow, he convinced Steve and Robin to drive him back to his house, at the expense of letting them change at Steve’s first. Billy had his eyes on a beautiful Camaro and was just a few more months of allowance and part time jobs away from having her.
It was his first time in Steve’s house. He had to admit, he preferred Tina’s layout and decor, but he got to wander around. He saw Robin use one of the guest rooms. He saw Steve’s....incredibly boring room. And said as much.
“A prison cell has more personality.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Are you ready to go?”
It wasn’t until Billy lay in his own bed that those words tumbled through his brain. His fingertips moved through his still-styled hair. It felt better with those dead ends gone. Steve did a good job. Steve liked Whitney Houston and Blondie and a little of everything, really. Steve cared about his appearance enough to be a self-taught stylist.
Steve didn’t have a lot of furniture in his room. Clutter on the dresser and desk, sure, but all of it monochrome or neutral colors. Steve who had an old BMW, house, and surely a bank account to match, but didn’t buy anything in excess. Like he wasn’t allowed to, or something. Billy indulged every scent he got on things he wanted, but Steve didn’t.
Steve had a nailed bat in his trunk. Billy heard it rolling around on their way back to his house, and finally bent over to look under the seats and saw it.
Steve was a walking contradiction. A contradiction who smelled good but didn’t say much when Billy and Robin talked about history. Who started giving Billy free ice cream but never asked about Billy’s stepsister. Who gave Billy rides and gave him the hookup to the high-paying neighbors of Loch Nora for mowed lawns and dogs walked.
Steve helped him get his car sooner than he would’ve otherwise but didn’t ask for anything in return.
Steve, who was always available for a good time, but looked sad when left with his thoughts.
Billy didn’t take well to not being the center of attention. He’d grown up with an interrogation lamp over his head, and sought positive interaction everywhere else. He got so much of it from Steve, that the occasions where Steve bumped against him...refused him, or ignored him, or reminded Billy that he was a rinky dink sophomore lit a match in his belly. And he’d swallowed gasoline for too much of his life.
“That’s something a virgin says.”
Billy couldn’t even remember what he’d just said. He was already, instantly, seeing the glow of embers on the fringe of his vision. “Excuse me?”
Steve shrugged as he got up from his couch. “It’s whatever. It’s fine. Just showing your hand, is all.”
Billy couldn’t believe it. Steve was either the biggest idiot in Hawkins - which he knew wasn’t true considering there was a real cesspool that smoked underneath the bleachers - or he was so far in denial that Billy had a whole new reason to be pissed.
An involuntary sound left Steve when Billy came up behind him and pushed him against the wall underneath the stairs.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Billy wasn’t some cute sophomore. He stood toe to toe with Steve, barely an inch shorter. If this is what it took for Steve to realize that, fine.
To realize that Billy wasn’t some teenager scared shitless of a girls’ bra -
Steve regained his footing, and closed the distance between their mouths. It was small, soft, and brief. Rationality should have made Billy step away. Punch him, maybe. But Billy wasn’t rational. His shock held him statuesque, barely breathing while Steve moved a hand to cradle the side of his head and neck -
A sound left Billy this time, as Steve angled his mouth over Billy’s. Where he learned Billy was scared, so scared of Steve. His body dashed rationality against the wall and kissed him back tentatively, and then earnestly, just trying to keep up until Steve’s other hand framed him in. As Steve pushed against him until Billy walked backwards to have himself pressed against the wall.
He felt drunk as his hands let go of Steve’s shirt to hold onto the curvature of his ribs. He panted while Steve kissed his throat and washed Billy’s senses with his warm, sweet fragrance; his hair brushing Billy’s face and inspiring him to turn his face into Steve’s scalp. Inhale him into his lungs.
Billy didn’t know what game they were playing. But Steve outplayed him.
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Tell Me No Secrets: Chapter 9
Pairing: Steve Harrington X Reader X Billy Hargrove
Begins in Season 2.
Summary: You thought you escaped the world of science experiments and torture when you walk out of that lab. However, high school has other plans, somehow you end up as unlikely friends and love interests to the two most desired boys in school. Not to mention monsters from another dimension and a little girl named El from your past that just won’t seem to leave you alone. Maybe that lab wasn’t as bad as you thought, at least there people left you alone.
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Chapter 9: The Captured
The trees are a blur as the car roars forward. The bewildered and angry faces of Dustin and Steve in the rearview mirror sparks a twinge of guilt. It’s better this way though, they don’t need to be involved. It’s bad enough that Max and Billy are involved. Groaning as the two men in the car pull out behind Billy but in front of Steve. You can feel how startled Steve is and his growing panic as he realizes what’s happening. 
Billy glances behind him and growls out, “Friends of yours?” 
“Something like that…” you say absentmindedly as you assess the situation behind you. 
Realizing that they have far more information than you would like punches you in the gut as town quickly approaches. 
You make a decision.
“Pull over.”
The order hangs in the air. 
“Are you crazy?!” Max yells, pulling herself forward in the seat, “They’ll catch you!”
“That’s the point,” you say emotionlessly as you regard her. 
“What is going on here!?” Billy yells angrily beside you.
“They’re going to take her!” Max screams turning to Billy, “You can’t stop! She’s going to give herself up to save us!”
“Fuck that,” Billy says as he revs the engine and makes an abrupt turn to the right. The car behind you all skids but makes the turn at the last minute. 
“You need to let me do this,” you say calmly. 
“Like Hell I do!” he says rage in his voice. 
You huff in annoyance, “They will succeed, if not today, someday.”
“Then it’s not going to be today,” Billy says, taking another abrupt turn trying to throw them off your trail. 
“You need to let me do this,” you say matter of factly.
The alleyway you find yourselves in is a dead end. Billy curses and slams his hands on the steering wheel as you get out of the car. 
“No!” Max yells as you exit the car, Billy reaching for you a moment too late. 
You turn to the men, each of them pointing a gun at you. Steve pulls up behind them a moment later and grabs his bat from the back seat. 
“Steve… Don’t…” you murmur tiredly. 
“They can’t have you!” Steve yells.
“It’s okay…” you soothe them.
“So you’re coming quietly?” questions one of the men. 
“Good choice,” the other murmurs as he pulls the trigger. 
The panic from those around you is palpable as you fall to the floor the dart sticking out of your neck. Steve and Billy make to run towards you before they turn to the men and to rush them. 
With the last of your strength your message echoes in their minds, “Don’t forget…”
Horror fills them as they watch her fall to the ground. Her eyes roll back into her head and everything goes silent before the rush of rage brings everyone snapping back to reality. Billy pulls back and punches the nearest man as a tranquilizer dart flies towards him. Steve falls next his bat rolling uselessly to the side. Max and Dustin panic and scream as they rush to Steve and Billy. 
Max whips around in just enough time to see the two men haul her up and throw her limp body in the back seat of the car. Methodically, as if kidnapping is second nature to these monsters, they move Steve’s car. Dustin is struggling to pull Steve out of the way. 
Max cries out in sadness, feeling helpless, as her friend vanished from sight around the bend. She’s left with her unconscious brother and a panicking Dustin.
“What do we do!?” Yells Dustin snapping Max from her shock.
“I don’t know!” She yells back, anger masking her fear. 
“We have to do something!” Dustin yells as he paces back and forth. He would periodically rake his fingers through his hair. 
“Like what!?” Max screeches back fists flying to her side in rage and frustration.
With no small amount of effort the two preteens drag their older and heavier brother figures into Billy’s car. The two young men are slumped together unceremoniously in the back seat as Max takes the wheel of Billy’s car. 
“Are you sure about this?” Dustin asks, hesitation clear in his voice. The memory of the last time Max drove clear in his mind.
“Zoomer. Remember?,” She says pointing at herself in confidence, “Besides, you didn’t die last time,” she says flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“It was dark last time! No one was on the road! It’s the middle of the morning!” Dustin argues crossing his arms.
“Stop being such a baby! It’ll be fine!” She exclaims, frustration seeping into her voice. 
With that, she starts up the car and nervously pulls out onto the road. Slowly the preteens make their way to the police station. Not without many near misses and loud honks of other drivers. 
The preteens jump from the vehicle and rush into the police station yelling for Hopper as they do so.
“What are you two doing here? Why aren’t you in school?” Hopper asks in bewilderment coming out of his office. The receptionist unable to control the duo before her. 
“They took (Name)!” Both Max and Dustin yell in a panic turning towards the confused chief of police. 
When you wake up you are strapped to a chair with a helmet over your head. Your head is completely silent for the first time in your life, and if you weren’t concerned with figuring a way out of this, you would be enjoying it more. The room is dark save for the single fluorescent light in the very center of the room. There are one-way windows on one side of the room and you can practically feel the eyes of the people on the other side. 
A man that you recognize from your childhood enters the room and regards you as a science experiment. He’s wearing a brown suit with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. He hasn’t changed much except for the now graying hair on his balding head. 
“Three… How have you been? You are quite the sneaky little thing aren’t you?” he asks conversationally as he sits down across from you at the table.
Your answer is an emotionless gaze. You can feel yourself retreating back into your mind as the man in front of you regards you the same way as so many years ago. Like an experiment, as if you are less than him. 
“Where have you been hiding all this time, hmmm? With Melanie Snow perhaps?” he quips pulling the cigarette from his lips. The smell burns your nostrils as he releases a puff of smoke. 
You feel your chest constrict as he mentions her name. 
“I see you’ve made friends with a Steve Harrington? A Dustin Henderson? A Maxine Mayfield? A William Hargrove?”
“They aren’t my friends, they are annoyances,” you answer monotonously. 
“Annoyances?” he sounds almost amused.
“Yes… If it wasn’t for them your lackeys would be dead,” you spit the words at the man fire in your eyes as you regard him coolly. 
“Dead, you say? You would do that?” he asks leaning forward on his elbows.
“I’m not a child anymore,” your voice is ice.
“No… I suppose not… However, we will be picking up where we left off. Perhaps we will see the results that we want after all this time.”
With that, he gets up and leaves the room. You keep your mind calm and clear as you access the situation you are in. 
It’s not long before a couple of men in white come into the room and push you from the chair. Their handling is far rougher than it should be as you walk down the hallway. You can hear the cries of a few children, but you keep your face void of any emotion. The room they take you to is the same one from your childhood. You see the number three on the wall and suppress a shudder. You are shoved inside, but before the door is shut you turn to the man behind you and lock eyes with him. 
“You know… cheating on your wife when she’s pregnant with your child is disgusting.”
The look on his face as the door closes is priceless.
“We have to help her!” yells Dustin as he paces the living room floor of (Name)’s house.
“Can Elle find her?” questions Steve his hand in his hair as he sits on the couch. 
“Damnit!” curses Billy as he punches the arm of the chair he’s in, “What good is this?” 
Steve and Billy had woken up in a panic upon realizing what happened. They had given their statement to Hopper, who had been very displeased that Max had driven to the police station while the boys were unconscious, but that’s a talk for another day. They went to break the news to Melanie which is how they found themselves setting up camp in the Snow living room. 
“Hey just calm down man! We’re going to figure something out!” Clenching his teeth against the pain in his head. The tranquilizer making his head pound with the leftover drugs still coursing through him. 
“Well, what can this Elle girl do?” he rounds on him anger radiating off of his person.
“More than you!” yells Dustin.
“Hey! Yelling about everything isn’t going to solve this!” yells Max. 
“She’s right…” laments Melanie, “She’s going to have to get herself out of this.”
“But Elle can-” Dustin begins.
“She would be putting herself in danger!” Hopper interrupts, “You don’t know how they found her, they could do the same to Elle.”
“We can’t just do nothing!” yells Billy as he stands up from his seat and takes a step towards Hopper. 
“I’m not risking Elle being found. That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to do anything.” Hopper holds his stare until Billy backs down. 
“Why do you care anyway?” Dustin asks looking over at Billy in confusion.
“Why do I-?” he looks angrily at Dustin, “Because-” He trails off looking unsure of himself for just a moment before his anger covers it up. “None of your business twerp!” 
“Will everyone just calm down?” Yells Hopper trying to maintain peace. 
“How?! How are we supposed to do that?” Asks Dustin shaking his head in frustration.
“Can someone just do something?!” screeches Melanie before she collapses to the floor crying. 
Everyone is silent as they regard her, each of them thinking the same thing...
‘But what can we do?’
The next few days you sit quietly in your old room listening. Your powers while not entirely snuffed out are muffled and it isn’t long until the helmet is replaced with another stronger one. You don’t mind as much they think you do as you feign sleep all the while listening. 
It’s in sleep that you feel him though. He’s frantic and angry and feels very alone. 
You can’t blame yourself for this. You say calmly regarding him. 
His eyes widen when he sees you sitting there on his bed. 
“You got out?!” he says getting up and coming towards you.
No… I am still there…
“How are you able to…?”
We have a connection Billy… Perhaps it’s our emotions that bind us… We understand hurt better than most…
“You let them take you!” he explodes, “You could have fought them! We could have fought them! Max is… Max is really upset! And damn Harrington! He- Damn it!” He yells angrily picking up a can of hairspray and throwing it against the wall.
It had to happen…
“No, it didn’t! I could have… done something... protected you…” He sits down on the bed defeated, his elbows resting on his knees.
You’re silent for a moment, ‘There are bigger things at play than you understand. They would not stop and I had to think of more than just myself…’
Tell them not to worry… 
“Not to worry?!” he yells, “You’ve been captured by some freak show scientists, and no one is supposed to worry?!” he jumps up from the bed and towers over you breathing heavily in his rage.
You regard him silently with the same patience that you always have. 
Trust me…
With that, you vanish from his mind. Blinking you are abruptly woken up by the sound of a little metal flap swinging as food is shoved into your cell. You sigh as you glare at the hard bread and porridge that is sitting in the bowl. It’s important that you keep your strength up though it’s imperative to your plan. You pick up the tray and begin to eat.
“What do you mean you saw her?” Steve asks, disbelief clear in his voice. He hadn’t been sure what to think when Billy asked to meet him behind the school, but this wasn’t what he expected. 
“I told you! I saw her okay?! I don’t get it either!” Billy yells all while trying to keep his voice down. He doesn’t need anyone seeing him and Harrington talking behind the school, too many questions. 
“But why did you see her and not me? I’m her friend!” Steve says defensively and maybe a little jealously. Why were you talking to Billy and not him?
“I’m her friend too! You aren’t the only one!” 
“Yeah right! What have you ever done for her huh?” 
“She-” Billy looks away from Steve. He can’t know…
“She what?” Steve presses, voice going lower in a warning. 
“None of your business! Look, I just wanted to know if that makes any sense to you!”
“I mean… she’s special… you know…” Steve says uncertainty clear in his voice. 
“Yeah, I know she is…” Billy says remembering the day you casually told him you were going to help him.
“So what do we do?” Steve asks.
“She said to trust her…” Billy says trailing off in thought. 
“If she contacts you again see if she knows where she is. We’re going to get her back,” Steve says with finality. “Truce?” he asks holding his hand out to Billy. 
Billy regards it for a moment before he nods, “Truce.”
The two young men clasp hands in a firm handshake, both trying to have a tighter grip as they shake on it. 
“What are you trying to do? Break my hand?!” Steve yells.
“You’re such a wuss Harrington!” Billy laughs as he pulls back.
“Wuss?! You face a Demogorgon and tell me who the wuss is!”
“What the fuck is a Demogorgon?” 
“You have a lot to learn Hargrove. A lot.”
You feel yourself growing stronger every day. And among the quiet in your mind, you’ve noticed something else. You can tap into emotions and you spend the next few days wreaking havoc on the workers of the lab. You cause anger outbursts, crying spells, and lust to run rampant. Papers are thrown to the floor in a rage and balled up in fits of uncertainty. You plant lies in their minds with the simplest of sentences. If you didn’t know any better you would say you’re having fun. 
“It seems we’ve underestimated you…” Carl Watt says from his position in front of you. He adjusts the button on his ugly suit jacket as he sits down before you.
You just regard him blankly as silence rings throughout the room.
“You have caused quite a few problems for us. Are you having fun?” he asks patiently as if speaking to his six-year-old daughter who made a mess in the kitchen. 
You gaze down at the steel table in front of you, eyes unseeing as you creep in his mind. 
“If you don’t cooperate there will be consequences.”
Again you are silent at his threat. 
“After all we wouldn’t want anything to happen to your friends would we?”
You fight the reaction. The flinch. The twitch. The way your mind screams at the man before you in rage. You give him nothing as you continue to gaze down at the table, the silence stretching long and cold in the sterile room. 
“You think you’re fooling anyone? Teenage girls are so easy. You all have the same weakness. Emotions. Boys. Attention. You are not nearly as complex as you believe you are.”
You finally raise your head to look squarely in his eyes, your own void of any emotion as you regard him. 
“You think you’re fooling anyone?” You mimic, “Men are so easy. You all have the same weakness. Power. Lust. Control. You are not nearly as complex as you believe you are.”
Carl looks enraged as his fist flies onto the table. Instead of flinching as he wanted, you merely tilt your head to one side and regard him in boredom. 
“And you said teenage girls are emotional. You should really have better control than that,” you say calmly. 
“Get her out of here,” he says through clenched teeth. 
Walking back to your cell you sense it suddenly. A tickle in your mind. You snap your head to the side and hear it plain as day.
They know.
They found it.
The door. The door. The door!
There is panic in the words and in the mind. 
He’s fourteen with dark hair and wild green eyes. You remember him vaguely from when you were here before. 
You collapse as the boy enters your mind and you are thrown into a dream. 
Billy is in a car accident. He’s pulled into a void. The screams are too much. 
You try to pull away from him. To break away from his hold on you. 
The creature that fills the sky is terrifying. Black and everywhere. It fills your mind and you know in your heart that this isn’t over. That the Upside Down is beating at the door. 
You gasp as you are thrown back into your head. The haunted green eyes of the boy down the hall filling your vision. 
“Get up!” yells the guard. 
You are kicked roughly in the side as you double over again. The other reaches down and grabs your hair dragging you up to your feet. 
“Not so tough without your powers are you?” spits the guard.
You blink and reorient yourself before you wipe the blood from your nose. You can feel him at the edge of your conscience. 
Bad men… bad…
‘Yes…’ you think to him, ‘Bad men…’
He pauses for a breath as you are thrown back into your cell. 
Out out out???
The thought seems to soothe him as his mind quiets and he drifts off to sleep. Vaguely, you wonder if he even knows how to talk. His mind is less fragmented than you originally thought though. You can use that to your advantage. 
Billy opens his eyes to see you standing before him.
I need you to be ready.
“For what?” he asks instantly alert and sitting up, “Ready for what?”
The moment I expose them…
“What do you need us to do?”
The old base is where I’m being kept. Elle knows where. I will need a distraction in precisely three days’ time. You need to listen very carefully to my instructions. In a glass bottle mix carbon disulfide, phosphorus, and sulfur with a metal lid. This solution is highly flammable if exposed to air.
“What do you want us to do with that?”
I want to burn this place to the ground.
I know! Such a long time coming! Concentrating has been difficult even with inspiration for this story! The next chapter will probably be the final chapter for this story, but never fear! I'll begin work on "I'll Tell You No Lies" the sequel to this story set in S3 of Stranger Things! There may be a little short in between this story and that one because I have such affection for this weird triangle between MC, Billy, and Steve. Please drop a comment to tell me your thoughts!
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COSMIC - S3:E2; Chapter Two, The Mall Rats - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
Baffled with Mike's sudden behavior, El seeks out Y/n and Max for advice while Will struggles to get through to Mike and Lucas. Billy takes his co-worker on a field trip, and Steve and Dustin enlist a helpful ally in their top-secret mission.
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||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
"And then he said he— he missed me. And then he just hung up."
Max, who had been pacing for as long as El had been telling the story from her bed, pauses briefly.
"He's a piece of shit." She says, resuming her angry pacing.
"Mike doesn't have jackshit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick," she stops again, a strained grin growing on her face. "And I guarantee him and Lucas are playing Atari right now,"
A sigh comes from Y/n, who sits up against Max's headboard, one leg dangling off the bed and the other propped up next to El. A similar expression to Max works its way onto her features as she looks between the two girls.
"She's right," she shakes her head, cupping her glass of f/d in her left hand even tighter. "I was with Will earlier and he told me he and Lucas were meeting at Mike's house,"
Growing visibly confused, a wounded expression comes over El's face as she looks between them.
"But... friends don't lie."
"Yeah, well boyfriends lie." Max fires back. "All. The. Time."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"She knows I'm lying. She knows I'm lying!"
Mike paces his basement floor, his heart hammering in his chest just at the thought of how deep he was into trouble. Lucas sits on the recliner, just feet away from Will who was setting up the campaign Y/n had helped him to plan.
"I don't even understand," Lucas says. "Why lie?"
Will looks up from the D&D board he was setting up.
"Hopper," Mike answers. "He threatened me,"
"Did he say he'd kill you?"
Mike stops, looking at Lucas baffled. "What? No!"
"So what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that if I don't do what he says, he's gonna stop me from seeing El. Like, permanently,"
"Did you try telling her the truth?" Will asks. "You, know tell her what Hopper wants?"
Mike shakes his head, seeming eager to dismiss the thought. "No, she—" He sighs, running a hand over his face. "She wouldn't understand. She wouldn't take it the right way,"
Will makes a face. "I think you're underestimating her,"
"It wouldn't matter anyway," Mike says, clearing beginning to get worked up again. "You don't understand," he looks again between his two friends with a frantic look in his eye. "Neither of you understand. Hopper's crazy. He's lost his mind. I had no choice. I really had no choice,"
"You could have told her the truth," Will tries again. "That was an option,"
"So was consulting me first," Lucas chimed in, causing Will to roll his eyes and return to his game. "Because, the way you handled this..." he shrugs. "You're in deep shit,"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"You're gonna stop calling him," Max says, growing stern. "You're going to ignore his calls. As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist."
"Doesn't exist?" El gaped.
"Or you could call him out," Y/n adds. "Confront him. Work it out?"
"Bullshit! He treated her like garbage," Max says, turning back to El. "Now you're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine."
El nods stoically as the works soak in.
"Give him the medicine,"
Y/n smiled to herself down into her drink at that before taking another sip.
"Mm-hmm," Max nods, proudly. "And if he doesn't fix this? If he doesn't explain himself? Dump his ass."
Both El and Y/n's eyes go wide.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Mike slaps his hands against his forehead after collapsing into the couch with an aggravated groan.
Lucas winced beside him.
"I'm not gonna lie. It's gonna be bad,"
Lucas draws in a deep, thoughtful breath. "But, you can fix this." He jumps to his feet. "It's just one little mistake. I've made hundreds. Thousands!"
Will looks up from the D&D board again with a frown.
"Are you guys really this bad at relationships?"
Lucas looks over at him and scoffs. "I wouldn't call Me Winning Max Back Five Times being bad at relationships," he boasts, turning back to Mike.
It's Will's turn to scoff. And he does so while placing another character on the gameboard as he mutters to himself. "I would,"
"That's right," Lucas continues, not having heard Will's little remark. "Max has dumped me five times. But what I have done? Huh? Have I despaired? No. I've marched back into battle and I've won her back every freaking time."
"I don't think that's a good thing, Lucas," Will tries again, but is again, ignored.
"How?" Mike asks.
A grin stretches across Lucas's lips. "I'll show you." Lucas makes a break for the stairs, gesturing for Mike. "Come on,"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Come on," Max says, pulling El and Y/n up to their feet.
"Where are we going?" El asks.
"To have some fun," she answers, pulling them both to the door. "There's more to life than stupid boys, you know."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Mike jumps from the couch and follows Lucas closely on his heels, leaving Will without warning and no time to follow.
"Wait, guys!" He calls, peering over the table and up the stairs where they have already disappeared. "I'm still here!"
The only answer he receives is the muffled sound of the garage door opening and closing upstairs.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Another plastic spoon dives into the sea of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, scooping up a taste for Erica Sinclair. Robin reluctantly hands the spoon over to the young girl who waits eagerly with her posse of friends. She gives the taste a moment of thought before licking her lips and discarding the spoon.
"Hmm, can I try the Peppermint Stick?"
"Haven't you already tried the Peppermint Stick?" Robin asks tiredly.
"Yes, and I'd like to try it again,"
Fighting a losing battle with a sigh, Robin turns to the closed window behind her and gives an exasperated cry.
On the other side of the window, Dustin is seated at the break table with an open copy of Russian to English translation while Steve paces the floor and eating a banana.
"Поездка в Китай звучит хорошо, если действовать осторожно... Неделя длинная."
"So what do you think?" Dustin asks, pausing the tape he had gotten of the broadcast the previous night.
Steve nodded, shoving another piece of banana in his mouth. "It sounded familiar."
"The music," he answers through stuffed cheeks. "That music right there at the end,"
"Why are you listening to the music, Steve?" The boy asks, growing aggravated. "Listen to the Russian! We're translating Russian!"
"I'm TRYing to listen to the Russian—"
-"Alright!—" Robin comes lumbering through the door she had just thrown open.
-"but there's music—"
"—babysitting time is over." She orders, her sudden appearance sending Steve stumbling back in shock. "You need to get out there. Hey, my board!"
Robin gestures angrily to the YOU WIN | YOU SUCK whiteboard that had now been wiped clean and replaced with the Russian to English Alphabet from the book.
"That was important data, shitbirds,"
"I guarantee you what we're doing is way more important than your data," Dustin says.
"Yeah," he says, matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, and how do you know these Russians are up to no good, anyways?"
Dustin gapes up at Steve, looking dangerously close to livid. His voice lowers in a not-so-quiet whisper that only entertains Robin more.
"How does she know about the Russians?"
"I don't know!" Steve whines, once again through a mouthful of banana.
"Did you tell her about the Russians?"
"It wasn't me," he says, through puckered lips.
"Hello, I can hear you," Robin says, pulling their shared gaze over to her. "Actually, I can hear everything. You are both extremely loud. You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country on tape, and you're trying to translate but you haven't figured out a single word because you didn't realize the Russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do."
She looks between the two gaping boys and quirked a brow.
"Sound about right?"
Robin knows to take their silence for a yes and grabs for the tape. But Steve is just a bit quicker and swipes it out of her reach.
"Woah, what are you doing?"
"I wanna hear it,"
"Cause maybe I can help," Robin shrugs. "I'm fluent in four languages, you know,"
"Russian?" Dustin asks hopefully.
"Ou-yay are-ay umb-day,"
"Holy shit!"
"That was Pig Latin, dingus,"
Steve whacks Dustin on the arm, "Idiot!" He hisses.
Robin takes a seat across from the Dingus Duo, lounging back.
"But I can speak Spanish, and French and Italian and I've been in band for twelve years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me,"
Steve gives a nervous laugh, the beginnings of 'I don't know...' dying on his tongue. The shrill cry of the customer bell ringing loudly from out front and Robin jumps in.
"Come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate. I don't even want credit," She flops over the table, reaching for the tape in Steve's hand. "I'm just bored."
Steve has only a moment to think on it before the sound of the bell returns. Erica wanted more samples. Steve didn't want to go out and work, but he couldn't deny Robin's credentials. And so with a begrudging look, Steve hangs up the tape for a scooper.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The bus doors swing open with a squeak and out spills a small group of mall-goers. In that bunch, is Max, Y/n, and El.
El's jaw goes slack when she takes in the sight of Starcourt Mall.
"So, what do you think?"
It was wonderful. And wonderfully terrifying. It was exciting and new but it was also extremely intimidating. El hadn't seen a building this huge since the lab—apart from Chicago—and as she stood here now under the gaping mouth of the archway she couldn't help but feel like it was ready to swallow her whole, never to be seen again.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Max asks.
"Too many people," El answers sadly. "Not safe,"
Max chuckled. "Seriously?"
"You have superpowers," she whispered excitedly, giving her a nudge. "What's the worst that could happen?"
"I think you just answered your own question," Y/n laughed.
But truthfully, every possibility of disaster popcorning in her brain was lulled to sleep by the idea of sharing a day showing El a well-deserved day out.
And seeing the yearning growing in El's eyes as she gazed upon Starcourt's walls—a look she hadn't seen on the girl since the snowball—was all the persuasion she needed. It was time to make new memories.
The three of them.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Starcourt Mall was brimming with activity that day, most like it had any other since its grand opening. The entrance swallowed whole gaggles of citizens at a time, the outer rims of its halls pumping life all throughout, but none more so than the heart. It was here the neon azure sign bearing its name shone brightly even in the waterfall of sunlight pouring in from the roof of skylights. The yellow and blue hands of the clock telling everyone the warm morning had leaked into a toasty afternoon.
There is joy and plenty of unbridled fun being had by all who attend, and yet they all seem to pale in comparison to the new trio bounding in.
A grinning Max and Y/n have hold of either of El's hands, only releasing when the three of them have reached the very center of the mall. Joy fills their lungs as they watch El, silent and slackjawed as her wide eyes drink up everything around her.
"So," Y/n gave her friend a light nudge, unable to wipe the painful smile off her sore cheeks. "what do you want to do first?"
Max gave another chuckle. "You've never been shopping before, have you?"
El's still shocked face comes to look between her friends, and she shakes her head.
Max and Y/n share an elated look and turn back to El, knowing they were thinking the same thing.
"Well then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything," Max says, spreading their infectious smile to El.
Y/n's eyes widened with delight. "I think I know where to go first,"
Seizing the hands of her best friends, the three of them took off, disappearing into The Gap, unknowingly missing their respective significant others only just.
"I just... I don't understand what we're looking for," Mike sighs, two of his best friends in tow.
"Something pretty and shiny that says 'I'm sorry.'" Lucas said, eyes already scanning the mall for outlets that might cater to their needs.
"What, just something that literally says 'I'm sorry?'"
Will laughed and Lucas threw his hands to his face in agitation.
This wouldn't be easy.
·· ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
Lifeline - Part 9
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 5800+
Warnings: Arson, major angst, fluff, drugs, Domestic violence, relationship abuse, mental/physical abuse (Please be cautious reading this part if you have any of these triggers. This chapter may be dark, distributing, uncomfortable, and/or upsetting to some.)
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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AN: Flashbacks in Italics
Someone knocking on the door makes you jump and stare wide-eyed at it. You sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes, and slowly stood up. The knocking continued to get louder, sending a dull ringing in your ears. You went to the hall closet to grab the wooden baseball bat and went over to answer the door. This is when you wish the door had a peephole or that there were windows by the door, so you could see who it was, but there was nothing to see who was on the other side. You let out a deep breath, opening the door, and swung the bat, but find Steve ducking out of the way before it hit him.  
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” You dropped the bat as it clattered to the ground and covered your mouth. “Steve...I thought...I thought you were…” Your voice stumbled as you felt more tears run down your cheeks.  “I’m so sorry, Steve. I could’ve really hurt you. I don’t…”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m fine.” Steve reassured, placing his hands on your upper arms. You tensed up, taking in a sharp breath, and he dropped his hands back to his sides. “Are you okay, YN?” You stared at him as if you didn’t know what to say. Your mouth was opening and closing, but the words weren’t coming to you. “Let’s get inside.” You nodded, turning back around. You walked in and watched him close the door behind him and place the bat from the ground beside it. 
“I thought...I thought you were him. He called me, and I thought he was at the door because he found me. And then he wasn’t, and I...I don’t know...” You went over to the couch to sit down, putting your head in your hands as tears continued to fall down your cheeks.
“Do you want me to call Thor?”
“No,” you sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes. “He’ll just make it another reason why I shouldn’t have my own place.” You glanced over at Steve, and he was shifting back and forth on his feet with his hands in his pockets like he was unsure about what to do next. 
The room remained silent, the only noise being your sniffles and shaky breathing. “Who did you think was at the door?” Steve asked, breaking the silence.
“Excuse me?”
“You said you thought I was him at the door.” Steve's eyes traveled to the front door and then back to you. “Are you in some kind of danger?”
You bit your lip, hearing his threat ringing in your ears, staring hard at the floor. “It’s a long story.”
“I got nowhere else to be,” he stated, making you look up at him. 
You nodded, sliding over on the couch so he could sit beside you. You let out a shaky breath, not sure where to start this story. “Sorry, do…did you want anything to drink?”
“No, I’m okay, thanks though.” He shot you a warm smile, sitting down next to you but still keeping some distance between you. 
You cleared your throat, biting your lip. “Where to start...I was in my junior year of nursing school when I met him at a bar called The 9….
“Hottie, five o’clock,” Wanda whispered in your ear. You glanced over your shoulder to your five o’clock, and Wanda was right; he was handsome. His hair was cut short on the sides, but the top was the perfect length to run your fingers through, and he had just the right amount of stubble.  
“Hey, guess who walked through the door,” Sharon teased, tilting her head to the door. You looked over to find Vis. “Wanda, your man crush is here. Go talk to him.”
“Not unless YN goes and talks to the five o’clock hottie, which we all know will never happen.” Wanda shrugged, and Sharon shot you a knowing look. 
“Fine, I’ll do it.” You downed the rest of your drink and slammed it on the table. “Watch and learn, ladies.” You turned around and started walking over to him with a smirk on your face, but at the last minute, you turned left and headed to the restroom. You never could flirt on a full bladder. When you walked back out, you could see Sharon shaking her head at you, and you gestured for her to calm down with her hands. You looked at your now ten o’clock to see him still sitting there with a drink in his hand and scrolling through his phone. You let out a deep breath and went over to him.
“Hi, I was asked to come over here and talk to the 5 o’clock hottie in the hopes that one of my friends will finally get the courage to talk to the guy she has been crushing on for the last year.”
“Really? Do you think it will work?” He asked with a contagious smile on his face.
You glanced over to see Sharon pushing Wanda over to talk to Vis until she finally gave in. Vis smiled once he noticed her and motioned for her to take the seat across from him.“Yeah, it seems to be working. She’s in the red leather jacket talking to the blonde with the glasses.”
“Oh, yeah, I see them,” he chuckled, pointing at them. “Billy Russo, studying criminology at John Jay College, but you know me as the 5 o’clock hottie.” He stood up and held out his hand.
“YN Odinson, nursing student at NYU.” You shook his hand with a huge smile on your face. “It’s nice to meet you, Billy.”
“After I got to know him and meet some of his friends. I found out his friends called him Billy the Beaut.” You shake your head at the nickname, glancing in Steve’s direction. “At the start, he was the perfect gentleman. He was smart, kind, and loving for someone who was an orphan.”
“He was an orphan?”
“His mom was a meth addict, and his dad left when he was young. He ended up jumping from foster home to foster home until he was old enough to decide what he wanted to do with his life,” you sighed, wringing your hands together. “I looked up to him while I was in nursing school; I knew if he believed in me, I could do anything. My family loved him when I first bought him home. Thor was happy to have someone he could rough house with and talk sports. And my mom and dad were happy I found someone that made me happy. But, Loki, right away--” you let out a deep breath, shaking your head “--didn’t like him. It was kind of weird to see because everyone who met Billy liked him. He had this charming charisma and the good looks that made it easy for people to like him. I think it really bothered Billy that Loki never liked him, but it’s not like he was the first person.” 
“Maybe Loki picked up on something no one else did.”
“It’s possible--” you shrugged “--but after graduation, my friends and I decided to go out and celebrate….
“How do you think you did on Dr. Coulson’s final?” Wanda asked, taking a sip of her martini. 
“I thought it was pretty easy, but I studied my ass off for his final. It even frustrated Billy because I wasn’t giving him any attention his past week,” you joked.
Wanda let out a worried chuckle. “How have you two been doing? I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever.”
“I know, Billy keeps me busy. When I’m not with Billy, I’m either working or doing homework. This semester has been crazy.”
“I agree with that.”
“Ladies, are we done talking about school? We have taken finals and are pending graduation; it’s time to drink and forget everything we learned,” Sharon shouted, following it with a woooo.
“Yeah, no, I am not a woo girl, and don’t make me one,” you joked with a smile on your face. 
“Let’s take a group selfie together.” You all smiled for the first one but then took a serious one and then a fun one. You sent the fun one to Billy, and he replied with, be safe. 
“Excuse me, ladies, but these drinks are from the gentleman at the far table over there.”
“Aww, that is so nice of them, but I have a boyfriend,” Wanda stated matter of fact. 
“Thanks to me,” you added, forcing her to roll her eyes. “I would’ve rather got some food.”
“Stop complaining and enjoy the free drinks,” Sharon smiled, waving at the guys who sent them over.
Many drinks later and pictures taken, you were on the dance floor with the one they called Killmonger. He knew how to move, and you were struggling to keep up with him; Odinsons weren’t built to dance like this. He smiled, making you stop, and told you to follow his movements. It took you a while to get the moves down, but once you did, it turned out to be a lot fun. 
Someone from behind you grabbed your hand and turned you around. You smiled once you saw it was Billy, and you put your arms around him. “Killmonger, this is my boyfriend, Billy. I told you about him.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Billy.” He held out his hand to him.
“Yeah, pleasure,” he shook his hand, glaring at him. ”YN, I’m going to take you home, so go get your things.”
“Okay.” You walked back to the table to say goodbye to Wanda and Sharon and grab your purse and jacket. “Hey, I’m heading out, it looks like Billy surprised me and wants to take me home.” You smiled at them, but their eyes remained focused on the dance floor. You turned around to see what they were looking at, Killmonger and Billy were in each other's faces. You ran back out to the dance floor and got in the middle of them. “NO, BILLY STOP. He didn’t do anything; we were just dancing.”
“He should keep his hands to himself and not try to get with another man’s girlfriend.”
“Dude, I wasn’t. Like she said, we were just dancing.”
“Billy, forget about it. Let’s turn around and get out of here.” You pushed his chest, and he backed away with his hands up. You saw something unsettling dark in his brown eyes, and it made you nervous.
“Okay, fine.” He turned around and grabbed your hand, squeezing it hard. You looked back at Killmonger and mouth sorry, and he held up his hands like it was all good.
When you got out of his car, he pushed you against the side of it, grabbing both of your wrists. “Tell me you won’t do that again.”
“Do what? Dance?” You asked, and he squeezed his hands around your wrists, making you wince. “Billy, stop, you’re hurting me.”
“Well, watching you dance with another guy hurt me, so don’t you think you should know what that feels like.” He squeezed harder, and you tried to break his grip, but he continued to squeeze. 
“Billy, stop.” Your eyes started to fill with tears. 
“Not until you apologize for hurting me.” You didn’t think he could squeeze any harder but he did. 
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you cried, and he let go. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you as you cried into his shirt, and held you close. 
“I’m sorry, too.”
“On the drive back, he told me how he hated my friends and how they were a bad influence on me. I told him we were celebrating and having fun, and he needed to get over it. Then, he punched me, but like before, he apologized right away and comforted me.
A few months later, he proposed, and I said yes. Everyone was happy for me, but Loki. He was the only one who told me I was making a horrible mistake. I should’ve listened to him because it only got worse.” You paused, shaking your head at the terrible memories. “After we got engaged, I started to notice how he would make offhand remarks about how I dressed and about my friends. It wasn’t so much physical as it was mental, but after a while, it changed...
  You were at the kitchen sink, washing dishes from the other night when Billy came home with a big smile on his face.
“Hey hon, guess what happened at work?”
“You got the promotion?”
“I got the promotion,” he smiled, coming over and wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your neck. 
“Congratulations,” you smiled, turning around in his arms and kissing him on the lips.
“I think we should celebrate with the wine and the glasses your parents got us for our engagement.”
“I thought we were going to wait until our wedding day.”
“Why wait, when this is huge news.” 
“Okay,” you agreed, forcing a small smile as you patted his chest, and he leaned down to kiss you again. 
He reached into the top cabinet and pulled out two wine glasses with the date of our soon-to-be wedding on them and a bottle of wine. He grabbed the corkscrew opener out of the drawer, slammed it shut, making you jump, and he popped the cork out. He poured two even glasses of wine and handed you one. 
“To the better days ahead of us,” he toasted with a smile, and you hit your glass with his. When the wine hit your lips it tasted divine, and you wish you would’ve waited until the wedding, but you understood how hard he worked to get this promotion, and he deserved this. “Let’s forget the dishes and go out onto the patio and finish off this bottle of wine; what do you say?”
“No excuse, coming from me,” you smiled, following him out with the glass in your hand. 
“Wait,” he came to an abrupt stop, and you ran into his back, forcing the glass to slip through your fingers and smash onto the floor into tiny little pieces. Your hand quickly covered your mouth when he turned around. 
“Hon, this is why we can’t have nice things. I try to be spontaneous and romantic, and you ruin it with your clumsiness. Do you want us to have a broken marriage because right now, that’s what it looks like you want.”
“No, I don’t; I’m sorry,” you whimpered, backing away from him. “It’s just you...you stopped really quick, and I bumped into you, and it fell out of my hands.”
“Oh, so this is my fault.” His eyes darkened, standing over you, and you gulped. He set the bottle of wine and his glass on the table beside you.
“No, I didn’t say that.”
“It’s like you never learn,” he sighed with his hands on his hips. “How many times are we going to have to go through this until you finally get it?” He shook his head, slapping you across the face. 
“After he hit me, I left him and went to Loki. I told him what’s been happening, and he wanted me to end the engagement. I never did because Billy did what he always did after he hit me, he showed up being all caring and apologetic, and I would fall for it and go back to him. This happened a few times throughout our engagement, and then I made my second mistake; I married him.” You reached for your wine glass on the coffee table and took a long tentative sip. “Are you sure you don’t need anything to drink?”
“No, I’m okay.” Steve nodded, keeping a close eye on you.
You finished off the glass and resituated yourself on the couch. You bit your lip, feeling Steve’s eyes on you. When you peeked up at him, he looked worried, almost scared for you. You returned your eyes back to the couch cushion. “I think I only married him because he made my family happy...while besides Loki.  Everyone got along with him so well, and I don’t think I wanted to take that away from them.” You shrugged, rubbing your forehead. “Loki was disappointed in me and told me he wouldn’t help me anymore if Billy hurt me again. Billy did, but then I went to Thor…
“Thor, why don’t you believe me? Billy hit me. How else would I have gotten a busted lip and bruises on my arm?”
“I don’t know, YN, you have gotten clumsy over the years, so maybe you fell and hit your head and don’t remember.”
“Then where is the bump on my head.”
“Look, it was probably an accident; he cares about you way too much to hit you on purpose.”
“Really? I can’t...I can’t believe you,” you shake your head, feeling tears build up in your eyes.
“I am going to call Billy and tell him to come get you, you can talk it out here, but then you both have to go. I have company coming over,” he chuckled with a child-like smile.
You sat there listening to Thor talk to Billy on the phone. Why didn’t he believe you? Oh, because Thor is a selfish, stubborn prick that chose to believe your husband over his own sister. Why you chose to run to him instead of Loki was a mistake you would never make again. 
“YN,” Billy said in a calm voice. “What’s wrong? What happened to your lip?” You stared at the floor, not wanting to look at him, not wanting to be near him, not wanting to have anything to do with him. He came closer to you and put his hand on your back, making you flinch away from him. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Billy nod over his shoulder. “YN, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I took work out on you. I’m trying to change. I’ll go talk to someone. I’ll try to be a better man for you, and I promise I am going to make it up to you. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I will think of something great, and you’ll love it. We’ll go away for the weekend, go hiking, see a movie, whatever you want. Please, forgive me for being an asshole. You’re the only one who understands the real me, and I promise, I won’t make you feel this way again.” 
You stared into his brown eyes and saw how much pain he was in. It hurt you to know he was feeling this way, and you wanted to make him feel better. You reached over to cup his cheek, and he leaned into your touch. Your lip twitched up into a small smile, and he leaned over, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“I love you,” he whispered, kissing you again.
“Me too,” you smiled, leaning into this touch to hug him. “I forgive you, and I’m sorry, too.”
“And just like that, I forgave him. Why did I always forgive him? I don’t know. He always had these puppy dog eyes he would pull and make me feel sorry for him. But, every time he hit me, I would forgive him and apologize for making him feel that way. It was like a trigger in my head forcing me to tell him I’m sorry when I did nothing wrong.” You shrugged, running your hand through your hair. 
“What happened after?” Steve leaned forward, trying to catch your eye to get you out of your head. 
“Thor moved here and decided to become a firefighter. I thought he was joking, but surprise, he wasn’t.” You wring your hands together, chewing on your bottom lip. “Looking back, I remember seeing these women come into the hospital regularly saying they fell down the stairs, dropped something on their face, making excuses for someone that was hurting them. I didn’t understand why they didn’t just leave; I mean, it’s not that hard. Why would you want to stay with someone who continues to hurt you? But, here I was living the same way they were, making up excuses for him and believing that one day he would change.”
“Did your parents ever suspect something was going on?”
You nodded. “My mother, Frigga, sensed something was happening, and Loki may have even told her about it. She did ask me about it once before she died...
“YN, darling, how are you and Billy doing?”
“We’re happy,” you replied, forcing a tight smile.
“That’s a lying smile if I’d ever seen one,” she smiled, putting her hand under your chin so you would look up at her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, we’re fine,” you stated with a scratchy voice. 
She placed her hand over yours, and your eyes flashed to her. “Sweetheart, me and your father, want you to be happy, and if that’s not with Billy, then it’s okay. The only reason we took to him so fast was because we have never seen you so happy, but it feels like something has changed between you two.”
“It’s nothing. Billy still makes me happy, but sometimes he gets angry, and I can’t bring him back.” 
“I know, sweetie, but I want you to know you’re always welcome home at any time.” She gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. “If it’s to get away for a while or take some time for yourself. ”
“I know, mom. Thank you.”
“Looking back now, I realized she wanted me out of the relationship as much as Loki did.” You shake your head. “Loki told me after she passed away that she knew what was going on. She wanted to help me, but all I did was push her away, and I did the same thing to my dad before he passed away. I think the only reason I didn’t ask for help was because I was scared of what Billy would do to those who wanted to protect me.” 
“What made you finally want to leave him?” 
“I don’t know because it wasn’t one fight that triggered it, but we did fight the night before I left, but that’s beside the point. It was just exhausting being his wife and trying to be the perfect couple. Every event I went with him to, I had to smile for every picture, stand by his side, and be a proud wife for all he accomplished. If I wasn’t perfect while you can just imagine what he would do,” you gulped, noticing Steve clench his jaw.
“And I was tired of fighting and walking on eggshells around him. Trying not to say or do the wrong thing that would set him off. He started to get more controlling, and he always wanted to know where I was when I wasn’t home or at work. He never let me go out with my friends, which forced me to lose a few friendships I cherished.” You shake your head as you let out a sigh.
“I didn’t drop everything and leave on a whim; I made a plan. It took me four months, but it worked. I saved up enough cash, told my boss why I had to quit, and she was happy for me; I got this anti-tracker app for my phone, told Loki the plan, took one of his cars here, and showed up on Thor’s front step. He finally believed me, and I think the bruised ribs and black eye helped bring him to that conclusion... 
You rang the doorbell, not knowing if Thor was home or at work at one of the many fire stations in this city. You fiddled with the loose strand of fabric on your sweatshirt as you waited. No one was home, but you didn’t have anywhere else to go, so you sat on the steps with your luggage beside you and waited. You needed to get out of your head, but you couldn’t. All that came to your mind was the fear of what will happen when he finds you. What is he gonna do to you? Your eyes remained focused on the uncut grass in front of you as you pulled your cap closer to your eyes. Every car that drove past made your heart speed up, thinking it was him. Your eye throbbed like it had its own heartbeat, and every deep breath you took felt like a stabbing pain. 
“YN, what are you doing here?” Thor asked, making you jump and place your hand over your heart. Your eyes connected with his, and his expression went from joy to concern. “What happened? Are you okay?”
You shook your head when the tears you were holding in started to fall. You wiped the tears away with your sleeve and looked at him. “I couldn’t do it anymore,” you sniffled.
“YN, who did this to you?” Thor sat down next to you and placed a tentative hand on your shoulder, causing you to tense up before you relaxed. 
“Are you gonna believe me this time?”
He removed his hand from you and let out a deep breath. “Billy. He did this to you?” He asked more so than making a statement.
“Not the first time either,” your voice cracked, feeling a lump in your throat. 
“I’m the worst brother ever,” he sighed beside you. “I don’t…I’m sorry for not believing you. I was an arrogant, selfish moron.” He slid closer to you and took a deep breath. “I thought...I thought you were happy and I didn’t have to worry about you. I trusted him to take care of you, not fucking hurt you.”
“Me too,” you cried, leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder. 
“Does Loki know?”
“Loki’s known the longest.” 
He nodded. “I’ll call Loki to tell him you made it here.” 
“Thank you.” You leaned over and hugged him.
“You’re welcome.” He rubbed your back. “And I promise you, Billy won’t get anywhere near you; I know a lot of cops,” he stated with slight humor and anger in his voice.  
“What happened to your long hair?” You hugged him close, noticing how short his hair was. 
“Oh ah…some old man chopped it off,” Thor replied, letting out a defeated sigh.
“How is your brother doing with everything now?”
“He’s a lot more protective, sometimes a little too protective,” You breathed a chuckle, forcing Steve to crack a smile. “I was only going to stay for a month or so, but he convinced me to stay and start over. Even got me a job, and looking back, I realized it was the best decision I have made for myself in a long time.”
“Doesn’t Billy know where you are?” 
“The thing about Billy is--” you sighed, meeting Steve’s eye “--is he never asked a lot of questions. The only time he took an interest in my life was when it was beneficial to him. As strange as it sounds since we were married for six years, Billy has no idea where Thor lives or that he’s a firefighter.” You bit your lip, shrugging your shoulders. “But I know it’s only a matter of time before he figures it out and finds me.”
“Don’t you mean if he finds you?” Steve narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to figure out the answer himself.
“No. Finding people is part of his job. Figuring out their habits, retracing their steps, and so on. He’s quiet, sneaky, and might already know where I am and is waiting for the right time to strike.” Your eyes flickered to the front door and then back to Steve. 
“Don’t think like that.”
“How can I not?” You shrugged. “I mean, I already feel like someone is watching me. I am constantly looking over my shoulder. I barely sleep; hell, I almost hit you with a bat.”
“But you didn’t,” Steve reassured, scooting closer to you. “Besides, you have way too many people that care about you, and they won't let anything happen to you.”
“I know, but you don't know him.” You shake your head, running your hand through your hair. “You don't know what he’s capable of.” Your voice cracked, staring down at your shaky hands. Steve reached over and hesitantly placed his hand over yours, and you looked up at him. 
“I can say everything is going to be okay like everyone has been telling you, but you’re right, I don’t know what he is capable of, and I don’t know what the future brings,” he breathed, giving your hands a soft squeeze. It sent a warmth coursing through your body, easing your body to relax. “In these moments, life is tricky, but if you continue to hide and live in the past, it tells him he won. But if you break down barriers, and dare to move on and live in the present, then you won. It’s hard to move on, trust me, I know, but it gets easier with time.” 
You scoffed. “It’s always about time.” 
“It is, and no one ever gives you a direct answer of how long it will take,” he said, narrowing his brows together. “I’m happy for you, though. You got out, and that is always the hardest part. I’m sure there were moments when the idea of getting out felt impossible, but you’re here now. You trusted yourself and got out, and look how far you’ve come.” He gave your hands one more reassuring squeeze before he brought his hands back to his lap. 
You let out a deep breath, your racing mind coming to a stop. “Thanks, Steve.” 
He nodded, shooting you a small smirk. “You mentioned finding people was part of his job; what does he do for a living?”
“He helps run a private detective agency called Anvil.”
“Anvil.” He furrowed his brows together, leaning back against the couch. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”
“They helped solve a lot of big cases.”
“Didn’t they assist the FBI with the Arson Artist case like a year or so ago?” He asked, peeking over at you.
“Yeah, that one sounds familiar.” You bit your lip, trying to remember who he was. “Wasn’t he the guy targeting first responder's families because they kept putting out his works of art he created through arson.”
“I think the word he used was destroying them,” Steve sighed, clenching his jaw.
“What was his name again?”
“Alrich Killian.” Steve sat up with his elbows on his knees, rubbing his hands together, and glanced over at you.
“Yeah, that’s it; how did you know that?” You questioned him, but then you answered your own question. “Oh, wait, you used to live in Brooklyn.”
“Yes, but I did talk to Anvil when I was brought in for questioning.”
“Really? Why were you brought in?”
“I know a few people who lost someone in those attacks,” he answered, staring down at the floor and letting out a deep breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Steve. That’s awful.” You reached out and placed a comforting hand on his forearm. 
“Yeah, it was. It was tough watching my colleagues go through it.” He nodded, staring wide-eyed at the coffee table before they traveled to your hand on his forearm. He placed a hand over yours as his eyes met yours. “It had to be hard saying goodbye to someone before you left for work, not realizing that would be the last time.” The look in his eyes was all too familiar to you. It was one you have seen one too many times in the mirror yourself; it was pain. You gulped, squeezing his forearm once more as you pulled your hand back to your lap.
“I can’t even imagine.” You rubbed your lips together, not knowing what to say.
“And with it being such a traumatic event, all of us were advised to talk with our department therapist, and many of us did. I think it helped all of us, and it makes me happy that I chose a profession that is willing to take care of their employees.”
“Yeah, that’s awesome. It’s the same at my job.” You nodded with a warm smile. “If I’m being honest, you’re one of a few I’ve talked to about Billy since I got here.”
“Wait, really? Why?”
“It’s not something I want to talk about, and I don’t know how to talk about it.”
“I get it. It’s hard to talk about the past because you can’t erase it, it sticks with you, and the only thing you can do is forgive yourself for what happened and grow from it. Trust me, it’s hard reliving those memories you would rather forget, but it helps to talk about them instead of bottling it up and leaving it for another day.” 
“Spoken like a true professional,” you joked, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Trust me; it will help.”
“I do trust you,” you confirmed, making his smile spread a little wider. “Maybe, I’ll give it a chance.”
“Is that the time--” he pointed to your clock on the wall and whistles “--I should get going. I have a shift in five hours.” 
“I’m so sorry this is my fault.” Your smile turned into a frown, running a hand through your hair. “I was going on and on about my…”
“Hey, hey,” he interrupted you, holding up his hands. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. It happens, we lost track of time.” You nodded with a tight smile.
“I’ll show you out.” You went and opened the front door when he stopped and turned around to face you. He was close enough that you could see he had little specks of green in the blue of his eyes you hadn’t noticed before. 
“Oh, the reason I stopped by was I wanted to give you a housewarming present.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a billiard number 8 ball on a keychain. 
“Is this because I beat you,” you smiled as he placed it in your hand.
“You caught me on an off day,” he joked, putting his hands in his pockets, walking the short distance to the stairs connected to the small porch. 
“Keep telling yourself that punk, but thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He stopped and turned around. “Are you going to be okay after I leave? I could call your brother on my way home.”
“I’ll be okay, but I appreciate it. If you didn’t show up, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”
“Happy to help, and if you ever need to talk, my ear is always open,” he smiled, stepping down the stairs. “Have a good morning, YN.” 
“You too, and have a safe shift,” you waved, closing and locking your door behind him. You looked down at his gift, and it brought a smile to your face. It was a silly gift, but the memory behind it made it more meaningful.
AN: Thanks for reading Part 9! We finally got to learn about her tragic past, and I hope some of you got answers. We also got to learn who her husband was, and for those of you who don't know who Billy Russo is, he is the beaut off The Punisher. Was anyone surprised? I thought putting him in the part made more sense because Brock Rumlow would be too obvious, and I felt like he didn't fit the part as well as Russo did. And what about Thor coming to the realization of what was happening to his sister when she showed up on his steps? Do you still think he still regrets not noticing it sooner? And Steve, could the reason he left Brooklyn be because of what happened to his friends during the Arson Artist mess, or was it something else? All these questions, so little answers! Haha! Hope you all are still enjoying it after this deep part. Remember likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. Thanks for reading!
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 18 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (17)
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Set Them On Fire
Today, you need the sun. You need it hot and bright, to offer you protection, to burn anything that comes out of the flames. But there are clouds in the sky, threatening to hide that damn ball of fire. Bouncing your leg, the only thing keeping you down to Earth is Billy's hand on your thigh, trying to calm you down. You had to call in sick today, telling Anthony both of you got a cold and passed on to the other. And now the manager of the pool knows you're living together. But it doesn't matter. This matters, setting those monsters on fire and being done with it.
“Relax, babe.” He says, squeezing your thigh a little, making you look over him. “It'll work.”
“It will.” You tell this more to yourself than to him.
Half an hour later you reach the only hole left, joining the party who gathers a few feet away, in the protection of the threes. When you step out of the car, you feel a rather cold breeze, the one that announces a storm. Max hands you the bat, which you gladly take, holding it tight. The kids are getting things ready. Well, they're helping Eleven, you're not sure how since she's the only one with superpowers, as she searches through the woods, making sure all the Demodogs are in the tunnels.
The idea is to use one of the robots to take a stick of small dynamite into the tunnels, so when it explodes, the fire will spread through the whole thing quickly, since it's basically soaking in gasoline. When Eleven finally stands up, taking off the fabric that was covering up her eyes, everyone starts moving.
“They're all in there. They already started digging again. We gotta do it now.” She says, and immediately, Mike gets the small robot ready.
“This takes thirty seconds to blow up, more than enough time to get in the there, drive it inside, and run back here.” He announces, standing up to his feet. “Who will go there?”
You were expecting then to be nervous, to push it around, not wanting to get too close to the hole, not when the clouds are threatening to give the Demothings a chance to hunt in the daylight. But no. They start arguing about who gets to go.
“Seriously.” You mumble, running a hand through your hair and pacing around. You just need this day to end. You just need the fire to catch.
“Hey, hey.” Billy reaches you as you walk away from the others, not wanting to listen to their arguments. The guys are fun to be around, and they manage to get a laugh out of you despite being sad about Jason, despite being anxious about the Demodogs, but now you just can't, not today. There's too much at stake. “Come here.” Billy hugs you, your arms embracing his midsection, head on his chest. He has this thing, you don't know how, you don't even know if he actually tries. But when Billy hugs you, the rest of the world vanishes. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is, Billy makes it all disappear.
“Everything I want to do right now is–”
“This is not the place or time to make out. Let's do this!” Hopper's thunder voice cuts you short, and you take a couple of seconds to swallow the anger before letting go of Billy.
“Let's go. It'll be over soon.” He bends over to place a soft kiss on your lips before taking your hand and walking over the party again.
Lucas won, he gets to put the robot near the hole. You watch as he does it, lighting up the dynamite and running back here as Mike moves the thing forward, making it disappear inside the tunnel. Dustin is counting down, and you close your eyes, your body frozen.
“Seven, six, five, four–” It happens, a small explosion followed by wild, high flames taking over the exit. It makes a weird noise as the fire spreads, but it soon vanishes, fading away as it takes over the tunnels underground. “I must have miscalculated.”
“It's working,” Eleven says, focused, blood coming out of her nose. “I can feel them dying.”
“Great,” Hopper says, a gun in hand, ready to act if things go south.
You're allowing yourself to relax now, despite the clouds covering up the sunlight, and the thunder that can be heard somewhere from above. The rain won't put down the fire, it'll keep burning for several hours, until all the gas is consumed. All the Demodogs will be nothing but ashes by then.
Several minutes pass by, and a light rain starts falling. Summer storms are unpredictable, they come suddenly, and can either last ten minutes before the sun comes out again or two days. But it doesn't matter. Nobody seems to be bothered by the water so there's no reason for you to overthink.
“Can't we go now? It's done, isn't it?” Robin asks, removing some of her hair that's glued to her face. “It's pouring.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Steve answers, his eyes, like everybody else's, on the flames, coming out of the hole. “I think this is it.”
Eleven breaks out of her state, taking a deep breath and turning around. “I think we can go.”
You're relieved, if the words can even express how you feel right now. You're grip on the bat loosens, and you lay it on your shoulder.
“Home, then. A little party to celebrate?” Steve suggests, and they murmur in response, obviously excited.
But a groan, a snarl, building up from a low whisper to a loud, disgusting noise shut them up. Slowly, all eyes turn back to the hole, and your heart stops when you see it. When you actually see the thing making that noise.
As it crawls out of the tunnel, yelling, groaning in pain, it's skin falling apart, you immediately recognize it, despite never seen the thing. This Demodog just evolved into the full thing, eight feet tall massive Demogorgon. Now, the rain is a problem. Out here, with the water hitting its skin, the fire is being put out.
“Hopper, start shooting!” Joyce yells, and Hopper moves, blasting that thing, and despite some painful growls, it also gets its attention, and now, it's looking over here. At you. And when it starts moving, the commotion starts. Everyone who knows how to use a gun has one, Billy included, and the shooting begins.
You wish you could be brave. You really wish you had the courage you had when Neil attacked Billy. To just go there and beat the shit of this... This... Thing. But instead, you freeze, unable to move, just looking at the monster, and it comes towards you.
“(Y/N)!” Billy's voice reaches you at the same moment you feel his arm around your waist, pulling you back. “C'mon.”
You don't know what comes to you. The kids are so brave, they have been dealing with these things for a while now, and you just... You can't move. You can't think. Your eyes can't believe what they're seeing, your legs won't obey your commands. You're just... Paralyzed.
“Take her away. Now.” Someone says, and you feel yourself moving when the Demogorgon jumps, moving way too fast for something so big, landing right among you, splitting the group in half.
It's close now, close to you. It lowers his head, not seeming to the bothered by the many bullets hitting its skin. You see it, looking right at you with no eyes, and its head opens, slowly, and you feel like you're inside a nightmare, the worst nightmare you could ever imagine.
It happens fast, and it snaps you out of your numbness. Billy pushes you away, raising his gun, shooting the creature until there are no more bullets left. Then you see it, you feel it, the thing ready to jump over Billy. That makes you move. From your state, you hold the bat with all the strength left in your body, stepping forward and swinging it right into the Demogorgon's head. The nails pierce through its already sore skin, burned, peeling off, and when it moves back, flinching away, you pulled with it, only letting go of the bat when you stumble down, a sharp pain on your knee and right forearm.
“Everybody get back now!” Eleven shouts and you're quickly pulled up, right into Billy's arms as he moves both of you away from the thing.
Holding on to Billy, you see as Eleven steps forward, furious, raising both her hands. Then, the impossible, which insists on reminding you it's not impossible anymore, happens again. The flames start flowing out of the tunnel, like a fireball, creeping through the woods, leaving a trail of fire on its way here. On its way to the Demogorgon. In a violent push, Eleven lowers her arms, and the fire swallows the creature, which makes the most horrifying sounds you ever heard. It tries to fight it, to run, to attack, but by the looks of it, Eleven is holding it back too.
The groans are deafening, and you can't look anymore, hiding your face on Billy's neck. It only gets worse, louder, and the rain falling on you feels hot. Then, it stops, and before you can process what happened, you're pushed back in a wave of power, both you and Billy hitting the ground hard. Your first instinct is to look at the monster, sitting up abruptly, checking if its anywhere near you. But you see nothing. Nothing but ashes falling down with the rain. It's gone, disappeared.
“Damn it.” Billy groans and your attention falls on him.
“Billy.” With a hand caressing his cheek, you quickly check for any injuries. “Are you alright, baby?”
“I will be after I wash the Demogorgon's ashes off.” By the comment, he's ok, so you lower yourself to kiss him, over and over again, until you hear someone clearing their throat behind you.
“We're all fine too, thanks for asking.” Robin comments.
“Oh, shit.” You mumble, stumbling back to your feet and almost falling back down on the process. “Maxine? Dustin, Steve... All the rest. Mike? Lucas, Joyce...” As you look around, you mentally count, making sure everyone is alive and well.
“Everyone is here.” Eleven says, a tired smile on her lips as Mike hugs her. “They're gone. All of them. I double-checked.”
Breathing out, you run a hand through your hair, a laugh escaping your lips when Billy hugs you, lifting you up. “I told you, princess. We'll be just fine.”
The drive home is chaotic. Everyone is dirty with rain, mud, dirt, and Demogorgon ash. And also blood, since you save a graze on your forearm and a wound on your knee.
Back home, as Lucas and Maxine fight over who will get to shower first, Billy lets you go first, as usual, and when you're done, you have to go and pacify the young couple. Lucas decided to let Maxine go first, and the fighting ends. As you wait for Billy, you clean the wounds, noticing they're not as bad as you feared. Lying down on the bed, you close your eyes, thinking about Jason. You only wish it all happened before, so he'd still be around, but it feels good to know nobody else will get hurt. That you had a part in it, even though it was so tiny.
“So...” Billy says, and you open your eyes when you feel the mattress moving under his weight. “We got our summer back. Whatever is left of it.”
“We still have three weeks until college.” When you notice he's coming to stand above you, you push him back, climbing over him instead. “Then it'll be crazy. Will you really go on with that routine? Drive to Indianapolis Monday morning, drive back here Friday after class?”
“It'll be tiring.” You explain, lowering yourself until your face is only an inch away from his.
“Are you sure that–”
“Stop trying to make me change my mind about it. I want this crazy, exhausting routine because I want this. Me and you, together. I want this.”
Biting your lip, you hold back a smile. “I love you, Hargrove.”
“Love you too, future Mrs. Hargrove.”
• • •
Life has fallen back into the old pace. Now, only two weeks left of summer, you use your free time to hang with your friends and Billy. You finally feel safe to stay out at night again, but the pain for missing Jason is still very real. You visit his grave once a week at least, mostly with Monica, holding her as she cries. But other than that, the rest is getting better. Steve still teases you, Mike doesn't let go of the incident in his house, Lucas and Maxine keep fighting like a married couple, Joyce and Hopper decided to replace your parents, worrying way too much about your relationship with Billy. Diane comes to visit every once in a while... Life is good, and you're enjoying it.
Today, you just returned home from having lunch with Monica, closing the door shut and throwing the car keys on the table. Billy is on the chest bench, and as you stop to watch, he gives you a look and a wink.
“Almost done here, princess.” He says as you walk closer, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
“Nothing.” You simply say before sitting on his lap, straddling his hips. “Do twenty more.”
“Why do you always find a way to bug me when I'm working out?” He rolls his eyes, not bothering to stop lifting the weight.
“One...” You start, giggling. “Two... Three.”
“I've been here for half an hour. I'm tired.”
“Four. I can see, you're all sweaty. That's disgusting. Five.” Billy fakes an angry face, raising his leg and kicking your back, forcing you to fall against his chest. “Billy!”
You move to stand up, but he presses the bar in your back, trapping you down. “Where do you think you're going?”
“Alright. Let me up.”
“Only if you kiss me.”
“If you don't let me up I won't kiss you for a week.”
“I heard that before. It lasted an hour.”
“Uhm...” You're looking at his lips as he speaks, immediately regretting what you just said. “You're so lucky you're a good kisser.” Giving up that stupid idea, you kiss him, feeling when he puts the weight away, arms coming to hug you.
“What the hell.”
“Ignore them,” Maxine says, and when you raise your head to look, you see as she drags Eleven to her room.
“Now that we were interrupted, let's get ready.” He stands up as he speaks, carrying you with him.
“Ready for what?”
“I told you I'd take you somewhere special. And today is the day so wear something nice.”
It doesn't matter how many questions you make, Billy won't say a thing.
You choose to put on a light blue dress, since he told you to dress up nice, despite not knowing where he's taking you. You were thinking about a restaurant, the mall, one of the cute snack bars, but when we start driving out of town, you don't really know what to expect.
“I'm gonna need you to close your eyes from now on.”
“Just do it. C'mon.”
Giving him an exaggerated eye roll, you do as he says, knowing he'll be checking you. After a couple of minutes, he stops the car, telling you to wait. He then opens the door for you, taking your hand and helping you out. “Can I?”
“No. Wait.” He covers your eyes with both his hands, and you walk carefully. You feel a fresh breeze messing with your hair, the wild smell of the woods filling your nose. “Look now.”
You open your eyes when he removes his hand, and what you see is nothing less than Hawkins, the tiny houses down there, as you stand some feet away from the cliff. A smile immediately spreads through your lips, as you admire your home from afar. “Billy, this is... Amazing.”
“I knew you'd like it.” He hugs you from behind, resting his head on the top of yours. “Since you love this city so much, I thought this would be the right place.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you turn around to look at him. “The right place for what?”
Smirking, Billy searches for something in the pocket on the inside of his jacket. Raising an eyebrow, you step away, crossing your arms. “I will make the right question this time.” He takes a small, dark blue box. Your eyes go wide and your heart starts drumming in your ears, as your mind tries to process what's happening, telling yourself not to think what you're thinking.
“W-what question?” Stuttering, you keep looking into his eyes as he opens the box, pushing the hair away from your face since the wind is making it fly wildly.
Slowly, very slowly, you lower your stare to the box, now open, and you see two rings. “Right here, with the whole town as my witness, I want to know if you would, someday, be my wife.”
“Yes.” This time, you don't fight it. You can just let the word roll out your tongue. “Yes, baby.”
The smile that comes to his lips it's the most beautiful thing in the whole world. Billy takes your hand, putting the ring on your finger and you do the same soon after. “Was it the right question this time?”
“Shut up and kiss me, Hargrove.” Rolling your eyes, you pull him closer, standing on your toes.
“As you wish, princess.”
The kiss tastes like a promise. Like pure and complete bliss. This is where you're supposed to be, Hawkings, a small town, so different from everything you ever experienced. And, despite the moments of terror you've been through, you'd go through every single one of them a hundred times over if it only meant you'd end up here, with Billy's lips on yours, his arms holding you so close. In your own particular heaven.
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina @nope-thanks
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gravegroves · 3 years
Can I ask about 2 and 8 for the wip tag game?
I've already talked about 8 (search #tag game in my tags and you'll find it).
But omg thank you for asking about 2!!
2. Like a Bat Out of Hell, Indiana
Oh man, oh man. This. This right here? This is my baby. My precious. The one I wrote so self indulgently that even if no one else likes it, I LIKE IT. And I'm completely okay with that.
El and Hopper fail at closing the gate at the end of s2, Billy appears at the Byers' house just in time and so begins a mad dash across the country, trying to outrun the end of the fucking world.
Tw: death (no one we care about though)
The sound of a car roaring into the driveway has Steve's heart crashing up into his throat and they all turn to watch as headlights dance across the living room walls, sharp and blinding, like a goddamn beacon of hope.
And Steve doesn't have time to think about why the deep rumbling of the engine sounds so familiar.
He moves the kids now or they die.
"Get to the car, now!" Steve screams, just as the window at the end of the hall explodes inward.
Max gets to the door first and tears out of the house, sprinting toward the high beam lights with the boys hot on her heels.
"Billy!" She screams and goddamnit she can't mean--
She reaches the car, yanks the passenger side door open and pushes the front seat forward, shoving Dustin, Mike and Lucas into the back before diving in herself, righting the front seat in a practised move just in time for Steve to jump in after her.
And yep. There he is.
Hargrove's expression would be hilarious if they weren't seconds away from being overrun by a horde of carnivorous monster dogs.
"What the fuck do you losers think you're doing?!" Billy roars, eyes bugging slightly when he recognises Steve.
Steve grabs him by the collar and screams into his face: "Just fucking drive!" 
A loud crash has them both snapping their heads to the side just in time to watch as a hundred Demodogs or more come rushing out from behind the Byers' house, heading straight for them.
Without another word, Billy yanks the car into reverse and accelerates before hitting the breaks. Steve's stomach swoops as their momentum lets the wheels slide over the gravel to land perfectly on the road.
He grabs Billy's arm, yanks on it like it might shake some urgency into him.
"Hargrove, go!"
"Seatbelts! Get the seatbelts" Max yells at the others.
That's what she's worried about? Steve thinks, even as he reaches over his shoulder to strap himself in.
Then Billy puts the car into gear and guns it forward and they go from 0 to 70 mph in ten seconds flat, zooming down old, twisting back roads and Steve honestly can't believe that Hargrove's insane, wannabe NASCAR driving is gonna be what saves their asses tonight.
"What the hell are you doing all the way out here with my sister, huh?" Billy yells, taking his eyes off the road to look over at him and Steve might seriously have a fucking heart attack.
"Eyes on the road!" He exclaims, foot searching the footwell for a break pedal that isn't there, "For real, man? You want to do this now?!"
"Or you can get out and fucking walk, amigo," Billy snarls, swerving around another Demodog leaping for the hood of his car, "What the hell is up with these dogs?"
"Billy, stop it! Can you jus-- look out!" Max shrieks, her arm shooting between them to point straight ahead and the kids all begin yelling as the flower-in-bloom-faced ugly fuck grows larger in the windscreen at an alarming speed.
Smooth as butter, Billy avoids the gaping creature in their path, not taking his foot off the accelerator for even a second. Steve's heart beats a drum solo against his adam's apple. His fingers feel fused to the edges of the seat, holding on for dear life.
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that?" Billy turns to look behind him and Steve clenches his teeth so hard his jaw hurts, barely restraining himself from yanking Billy around to face forward again.
"Hargrove, I swear to God--"
"Oh god, look."
Steve turns his head the slightest amount to see Lucas pointing out of the window at the treeline to their right.
Lots of them.
So many slimy, greyish bodies that the forest floor has all but disappeared and transformed into a churning sea of dark, slick oil.
More worryingly, they're all running in the same direction as the Camaro.
"What the…" Billy falters when he looks out of the window at the treeline, then seems to shake it off, placing his undivided attention back on the road for once.
He speeds up to pass a whole group of the beasts trying to cross to the other side, narrowly misses being cut off entirely by the mass of Demodog bodies. Steve releases a hand from the seat only to clutch at the grab handle on the door. He closes his eyes, swears he can feel his stomach fall out of his ass when the wheels on his side of the car lift into the air for half a beat.  
"Shit, we're gonna die!" Dustin wails, voice wobbly as Billy jerks the wheel again to avoid a creature charging straight for them. If the kids weren't already packed in like sardines they'd be sliding around back there, seatbelt or no. "We're definitely gonna die! This psycho is gonna kill us before the monsters do!"
Billy scowls into the rear-view mirror and grits out "Hey kid, you're welcome to get out and walk."
"You literally tried to run us off the road a week ago--"
"Not the time, Dustin!" Max snaps and shushes him.
"We need to get to the gate!" Mike blurts out, leaning forward to speak directly at Steve. Demanding. "We need to help El!"
Steve doesn't even have the faintest idea of how to begin doing any of that.
"Dude, we can't just go back there, are you crazy--" Lucas pulls him back and they continue to argue in harsh whispers.
"If you losers don't shut the fuck up, I'll crash this goddamn car just so I can take you all with me." Billy barks, knuckles white on the wheel.
"Oh my god, see! What did I tell you?" Dustin exclaims, "He's dangerous, Steve!"
Yeah, well, he's all that we've got, Steve doesn’t say. "Shut up, Dustin."
They turn into the first proper residential street and Billy misses a tree by an inch as he tries to avoid colliding with five demodogs hunched over something on the road.
Oh god, was that a body?
"Harrington, where the fuck am I going?"
Steve closes his eyes, overwhelmed and completely out of his depth. They might have been the B team, but there hadn't actually been a plan B--
"Fuck, fuck! I don't know--"
"Billy," Max pleads, voice shaky with terror, silencing them all, "My mom…" 
Billy sighs explosively before turning down a side street, barely slowing down.
It's not just Max's mom, but Dustin's mom, too. Lucas's family. Mike's family. 
They reach Old Cherry Road first and Billy barely allows the car to come to a full stop, Demodogs further down the street are taking notice of them already, stalking forward, mouths blooming excitedly. Steve eyes them warily until a garbled oh fuck from the back seat draws his attention to the other side of the street and--
It's bad.
The porch light sets the stage for a grizzly scene at the Hargrove residence. A woman lies directly beneath it, like the opening shot to a fucked up play, her head of red hair spilling over the top step.
She's very obviously dead. Steve can see where she must have tripped on the welcome rug -- awkwardly stiff and upturned between her feet -- and he can only hope she got knocked out in the fall and didn't feel a thing that came after. There isn't much left between her head and her knees except for a dark patch of gøre.
The headless body of a man lies slumped against a truck parked in the driveway, one arm stuck through the open car door, half torn off within his jacket. Blood still running down the concrete incline, pooling in the roadside gutter.
"Oh, you Bastard," Billy spits, barely a whisper.
The longer Steve stares, the more horrifying the scene becomes.
He doesn't want Max to see this. Or Billy.
Max doesn't make a sound.
Billy slams his fist against the steering wheel a couple of times, then peels away from the curb before the Demodogs can get too close.
Dustin's house is dark. There's no car in the driveway.
"I told her Mews had been seen in Loch Nora. She must still be out looking..." Dustin trails off quietly. Shellshocked.
It's almost midnight. Steve doubts she's still out looking for a cat. And if she is...
"I wanted to keep her out of the way."
No one says anything.
They drive.
The Sinclair house is dark, too, no lights on except for the motion sensor activated ones over the empty carport.
Billy doesn't bother slowing down. The area is absolutely swarming with creatures already.
"It's so late. Where..." Lucas falters, scanning the houses they pass, like he made a mistake and his home will appear any minute now. "Where did they go?"
"I'm sure they're okay, man," Steve tries, but it feels flat, false, "If they're in a car they could make it out. Your mom too, Dustin."
Billy grimaces, but says nothing.
"What?" Steve demands.
"I was just here looking for Max. They were home." 
He keeps a laser focus on the road now, on avoiding the monsters spilling out onto their path, growling when he's forced to change down a gear before aggressively working his way up in speed once more, jaw clenched tight.
"You probably caught them on their way out." Steve insists.
Billy looks doubtful, but he nods anyway. Neither of them enough of an asshole to take a kid's hopes away like that.
They move on.
"Let me out," Mike says, quietly. Trembling. Hands pushing against the back of Steve's seat like he'll be able to bend it out of the way through sheer force of will.
No one moves.
The front door to the Wheeler home is open, door splintered where the deadbolt held, but the wood didn't. The car is parked in the carport. All the lights are on. 
Karen Wheeler's corpse lies forgotten and half devoured on the front lawn.
In the driveway, a tiny yellow sock lies next to bloody drag marks disappearing into the grass--
Oh god...
"Let me out." 
Steve's lips move, but he can't seem to draw breath enough to produce sound..
Billy seems to shake himself out of a daze, takes a deep breath beside him. "Nah, kid."
And Mike just snaps. 
"Fuck you! Fuck you!" He screams, punching and kicking the seat in front of him.
Steve leans forward out of the seat and puts his head in his hands. 
"Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Mike shrieks, begs.
"No." Billy says again, evenly.
Mike's voice breaks on a wordless scream.
Steve wants to do his own bit of kicking and screaming, but someone needs to keep their fucking head in the game or they're all going to end up dead.
By some twisted turn of fate that someone is turning out to be Billy fucking Hargrove.
Hysterically, he remembers hearing about Billy abandoning Carla Green to walk home alone from the quarry after she'd scratched the Camaro's dashboard with her fake nails by accident.
Mike kicks the back of the seat again. Billy says nothing.
All the kids are crying, now.
Mike's screams eventually taper off into babbling sobs and Dustin does his best to comfort him through his own half-choked cries. Lucas is whispering to a sobbing Max, his own breaths hitching and heaving uncontrollably, on the edge of breaking.
Steve's eyes sting, hidden behind his hands.
He lifts his head up and glances over at Billy, still tracking the side of the road, the edge of the trees. He looks so normal that it almost throws Steve for a loop. He wants to grab Billy by the collar again. Shake him. Scream: what part of this aren't you getting?
"The fuck is going on?" Billy hisses, almost to himself and oh, right.
"Later," Steve promises, hoarsely, digs the heels of his hands into his eyes hard enough to see stars.
"You know what they are?"
"Yeah." Steve says after a great deal of swallowing past the lump in his throat.
If Hargrove's voice betrays even a hint of emotion Steve knows he's gonna fucking lose it. Luckily, the guy keeps his shit together so Steve can keep a lid on his.
"You know what kills them?" Billy continues.
"Heat," Dustin says, voice thick, "And, like, bullets."
Billy nods, "Alright, how warm are we talking?"
"They don't like warm weather or daylight, but I don't think it kills them. Weakens them, maybe. Sends them underground."
"Fire will." Steve says, pulling at his hair until it hurts, dragging himself out of foggy despair and into the present where he's needed. He accidentally runs his gaze past Karen's body and tries not to dry-heave.
Mike is still crying behind him and god fuck, they should get out of here. The kid shouldn't be seeing this.
"Where do we go?" Max whispers, like she read his mind. She sounds as lost as Steve feels.
Billy revs the engine and turns to Steve, "Any requests?"
Steve thinks about the huge empty house waiting for him, a gaping nightmare at the edge of the woods. He balks at the thought.
Where the fuck do we go?
"Just get us out of Hawkins."
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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I felt like everything was going in slow motion. The realization that the monster was still there, going back to Starcourt if it wasn’t already there. My friends were there.
Steve was there.
Whatever was going to happen was going to happen at the mall, that was where this was going to end.
I should’ve gone with them. I knew Dustin and Erica would be safe at the hilltop. I knew it and I should’ve spoken up more. I couldn’t just stand by and let them fight this thing when I’m standing doing nothing.
I looked next to me to Dustin just as I noticed the wetness on my cheeks from the tears.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
I sniffled and wiped my nose as I looked down at my shoes, “I’m scared,” I admitted, looking back up at him, “I -I just don’t know what to do.”
Dustin sighed deeply and looked from me to the bottom of the hill, “Go,” he told me gently, looking back to me, “I hid my bike here, remember? Erica and I will be fine, but you’ll be too worried to be any help,” he said jokingly.
I shook my head, the thoughts I previously had about leaving Erica and Dustin disappearing quickly. I didn’t want to leave them either. I was between a rock and a hard place.
“No,” I said instantly, “Dust...I don’t want to leave you guys alone. If something happened here and I wasn’t around...I dont know what I’d do, Dustin. Really, I think I’d die if something happened to you.”
A small grin crossed his face, “We’d be able to see something coming, Lou. Besides, whatever the demogorgan wants- probably El- is still at the mall by the looks of it. Erica and I will be fine, but you’ll be here internally and externally freaking out. You know we’ll be safe. And I know you’ll be safe if you go there.”
I shook my head immediately, “Dust, no. There’s no way I’d-“
“Lou,” he said, cutting me off quickly, “I love you, but you’re going to be more of a liability here worrying about everyone at the mall, then you would be just at the mall. I’m not worried about you going there because I know-“ he stopped himself.
Dustin took a deep breath and nodded once, “I know Steve would do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Lou.”
My heart fluttered at his words. Dustin thought the same way I did.
Dustin put his hands on my shoulders, staring me right in the eyes, “Go down the hill and get my bike, Louise. Please.”
I bit my lip and nodded to him, “The second-the absolute second this is over, I’ll come back here to get both of you,” I told him stepping backwards out of his grasp.
He grinned up at me, “I know.”
I quickly reached out and grabbed Dustin, pulling him into a hug which he reciprocated hastily.
“I love you, Dusty,” I murmered.
“Love you too, Lou,” I heard him say quietly.
I pulled away from him, “I’ll be back soon,” I promised, taking a few steps back.
He nodded, “Go,” he implored.
I breathed out, nodding to him quickly, before turning and, carefully, running down the hill to the spot where I met Dustin a week earlier with moms car. I went to the tree line and grabbed his trusty bike, which was still hidden among the trees. I walked it over to the road and got on it as fast as I could without falling over, and began peddling quickly in the direction of Starcourt.
All I had was the cool breeze hitting my face and sounds of my steady breathing and wheels rolling on pavement. I was scared. Absolutely terrified.
I was scared for my friends at the mall.
I was scared for Steve. I was being honest when I told him I wasn’t sure what I would do if something happened to him and I wasn’t there.
I was scared for Dustin and Erica alone on the hilltop.
I was scared for the rest of Hawkins...this monster seemed more dangerous than the ones Dustin and Steve told us about.
My thoughts just kept repeating those same things over and over again. I couldn’t think of anything else. The ride was taking forever. My legs were burning. After the events of the past 24 hours or so, my body felt like it was giving up.
Every inch of me was in the worst pain imaginable. I was breathing heavily and felt like I was on the verge of passing out.
But as I rode past the empty businesses on Main Street and down the familiar roads of Hawkins and saw the bright flickering lights of Starcourt come into focus all the pain I was in was worth it, because I knew I was going to be able to help them. Somehow.
As I got closer to the doors of the mall I saw three different cars.
The Wheeler’s station wagon. Billy’s car that was smoking heavily.
And the ToddFather. I stopped peddling and jumped off the bike, running over to the yellow convertible that I had last saw Steve and Robin leaving me to get to. The front was smashed up but they weren’t in it.
They had to have gotten out themselves, I told myself. Billy hadn’t gotten them, a monster hadn’t gotten them. They were okay.
I ran towards the doors and ran into the mall without breaking my stride. I heard loud popping and banging and fizzing noises. As I ran to the food court, I saw the fireworks lighting up the ceiling.
I was speechless watching them go off. It wasn’t until a looked a bit further down from the sparkling display that I saw this...blob of a monster standing and swaying trying to get out of the halo of bright lights that were surrounding it.
I took a few faltering steps back in absolute shock about what was in front of me. This was the monster that was threatening all of us.
I began running to the escalator, I knew the fireworks were coming from above and I just knew it was the party tossing them onto the monster to distract it while Hopper, Mrs. Byers and Murray tried to close the gate.
Once I reached the second floor I looked along the railing and saw Steve leaning over it with his hand outstretched behind him, waiting for Robin to hand him a lit firework.
“Steve!” I shouted as loudly as I could, as I began jogging to him.
He looked around quickly before he found me. I could see the shock and confusion on his face a got closer to him.   
I ran to him and he opened his arms without another thought. I ran right into the hug, wrapping my arms around his neck as he held me to him tightly around my waist.
“What are you doing here?” he asked me.
He pulled away from me and put both of his hands on each side of my face, “I just...needed to make sure you were gonna be okay. Dustin and Erica are okay at the top of the hill...this is where the fight is.”
“I wish you would have listened to me,” he told me quietly.
“Would you have listened to me?” I asked him back.
He let out a small laugh, “No, probably not,” he said lowering his hands.
“Hey? Lovebirds!” Robin shouted.
I looked to her quickly, “Hate to break this up but we have a few more important things to deal with,” she said as she lit a firework and tossed it over the railing.
Steve took my hand and we went over to the last remaining unlit firework on the floor, Robin grabbed it and lit it, shoving it into my unoccupied hand, “You get the last one, make it good!” she instructed.
Without thinking twice about it I turned toward the railing, looked at the giant monster in the middle of the food court, surrounding my sparkling lights and fizzing sounds. I leaned as far over the railing as I could and threw the firework, it started falling down by the monsters face before it exploded into blue and red lights.
There was only one more pop after ours, I looked to Steve, “Is everyone out?”
He shook his head, “I - yeah I mean, I think so.”
The monster below us roared loudly, realizing that there wasn’t anymore blinding light and noises to distract it from what it must have been there for.
“El,” Steve whispered from next to me.
I looked over to him and saw him looking down at the food court, I followed his eye sight and saw El laying on the ground of the food court with Billy hovering over her.
“We have to help her!” I told him as I let go of his hand.
Before he could answer me I was already rushing toward the escalator.
“Hey-hey- Lou! Stop!” he called out after me.
I stopped only when I felt his hand on my wrist, “Lou, just wait a second!”
I turned to him, “We have to help her!” I told him sternly with tears beginning to form in my eyes, “we have to get to her.”
I saw the battle going on in his head, his eyes were moving rapidly back and forth trying to figure out something.
I looked behind Steve to see Robin looking over the railing with a shocked expression.
I looked over the railing at the same time Steve did and saw Billy had left El’s side and was walking to the monster in the midst of the flashing lights and fires that had broken out around the food court.
The monster was snarling and roaring, but I lept my eyes stuck to Billy. Unsure of what he was doing.
The monster had taken a few steps closer to Billy, and by extension, El. El was cowering in fear behind Billy.
But then something shot out of the monster mouth and Billy lifted his hands up taking the brunt of the attack.
Almost like he was...protecting Eleven.
I let out a small gasp as I heard Billy screaming, along with the screeching of the monster.
There was a tentacle from the monster that came out and went into Billy’s side. Billy was hunched over in pain. Another tentacle from the other side of the monster came out and went to Billy’s other side. Billy was groaning in pain and the monster continued to screech in his face.
I couldn’t look away from the sight below us. I was in shock watching everything unfold. Steve and I were squeezing each other’s hands. I couldn’t look away to look at him to see how he felt.
The monster was going to kill Billy. Right there in the Starcourt mall food court. Right in front of all of us, including his little step sister, Max.
More tentacles began sprouting up from the monster and began attaching themselves onto Billy.
Billy screamed out in agony as his hands dropped from the front of him, and his body fell back limp, the only thing holding him up was the monster, before he finally fell forwards onto his knees.
The monster opened its mouth roaring in Billy’s face, as Billy screamed loudly. Another tentacle shot out of the monsters mouth and went for Billy’s chest.
From somewhere in the mall I could hear Max screaming out his name. The tentacles retracted from Billy’s body and he fell to the side, landing on his back.
My chest tightened and tears welled immediately in my eyes. He gave himself up to protect El. I wasn’t sure what she did or said to him, but he must have...I don’t know, come back to his senses. Broken free of whatever hold the monster had on him.
I looked over to Steve and saw his mouth hanging open, looking down at Billy lying on the ground.
“Is he dead?” he asked quietly.
I looked back to Billy’s body, “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
The monster began screeching loudly and stumbling backwards.
I gasped as it loudly snarled, “What’s going on?” I cried.
Steve pulled me back just at the right second as the monster stumbled into the railing of the second floor where we were. The monster teetered for a moment before falling over.
We ran back to the railing and looked over at it, laying among the flames.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike and Max going over to El, with Mike hugging her instantly. Max walked slowly to Billy and got on her knees.
I looked back to Robin and Steve, “Come on,” I implored, rushing towards the escalator to go to them.
I ran down the escalator and into the food court, over to Mike, El and Max.
“Are you guys okay?” I asked, falling to my knees as I made it to them.
El looked up to me, wide eyed before looking back to Max, who was going over to Billy’s body.
I wrapped an arm around El and brought her close to me, “El are you okay?” I asked again.
“No,” she whispered as she looked over to Max, kneeling next to Billy just a few feet from us.
I let go of El as Mike wrapped an arm around her tightly. I watched Max but didn’t know what to do or say to her.
I felt an arm slip around my shoulder and didn’t need to looked up to know it was Steve kneeling next to me.
El removed herself from Mike and walked over to Max, falling to her knees next to her where she wrapped her arms around her and pulled Max to her in a hug as Max sobbed.
My eyes filled with tears watching the two of them together. El was saying reassuring words to Max, trying to help calm her down. El looked back to us, unsure of what to do, but none of us knew what to do at that point either.
The rest of the group had finally come down and were all around us. Lucas immediately went to Max and El, where El let go of Max and Lucas held onto her, letting her sob into his shoulder, with Mike going back to El’s side immediately.
We all just stayed there quietly, unable to articulate our emotions at that moment. What was there to do or say? This wasn’t the outcome any of us hoped for.
The silence was broken by people running into the food court in camouflage uniforms and helmets carrying large assault weapons. They were all yelling at us quickly and loudly and I couldn’t make out a word they were saying.
We all got up quickly with our hands raised, with Steve stepping in front of me to put distance between us.
“Dr. Owens sent us, we’re with the national guard! Is this the only monster?” one of them yelled once the rest of the guards stopped yelling.
We all sheepishly nodded our heads, “Lower your weapons!” he called over his shoulder to the others. They all simultaneously lowered their guns and in turn, we dropped our hands slowly.
“We’re going to get this cleaned up,” he told us, “when the police or anyone asks you, what we had here tonight at Starcourt was a massive fire. Understood?”
I took a deep breath and nodded my head, unsure of how, exactly this was going to be cleaned up.
The guard sighed and nodded back to us, “You’re all free to leave then. Go,” he instructed.
Steve turned to me immediately, “Come on, Lou,” he whispered.
I looked around him to see Max and El. Max was silently crying with Lucas and El both with arms around her leading her out.
“Let’s go outside, Lou,” Steve said bringing my attention back to him.
I looked at him and nodded, I took his hand in mine and let him lead me out.
Thank you everyone for your patience! Sorry this took so long...it’s been a weird time with everything going on and trying to navigate life. But I’m happy to bring a new chapter out for this!!
GIF credit to owner and title credit to REO Speedwagon!
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
Billy is a bit terrified by this sassy child, but will fight if someone looks at her wrong.
you know. i thought immediately of erica? like if billy joined the scoops troop he’d despise and adore her altogether. a little scared and very intimidated, but he’d give her all he’s got.
uh, so, here :)
Billy had only been in the shop for three minutes. Just in his tank and red swim shorts and flip flops. Shivering a bit from the cold of the ice cream parlor. And then...he was shoved aside as a quick little figure darted past him and up to the counter. No apologies thrown or gifted.
“Steve!” the pipsqueak of a girl rang the little silver bell relentlessly, turning more than a few heads in the store.
Then, Billy heard a familiar voice as the back door to the break room flew open, “What is it now, Erica?”
Erica leaned onto the counter and spoke in a whisper that could probably be heard by half the parlor’s customers, “Any updates?” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed something so incredibly exhausted Billy almost sympathized.
“No, Erica, we may not even need you to do this, it’s too dangerous.” Steve leaned his hands on the counter and Erica reached up and grabbed hold of the little red handkerchief. So much so that you could see Steve’s dark chest hair. He was forced to lean down as Erica spoke in a lower tone, but that was probably just for effect. She sure got it though, Billy was close to stepping in to save Harrington.
“I was promised adventure, Steve. I want to do something, so go back there and tell Buckley and Henderson that I want in.” She let go of Steve’s uniform gruffly and twirled around only to be faced with a bemused Billy. She glared at him something fierce, “What are you looking at, Blondie?” she raised her eyebrows sassily. Now this wasn’t what Billy had come to deal with, but it sure was interesting.
“What are you looking at?” he retorted. Sure it wasn’t the most original but this child looked to be nine so excuse him.
“I’m looking at you because you are staring at me, freak.” She didn’t even look fazed when Billy crossed his arms and tossed back a warning expression. “Plus, Steve and Robin are busy right now.”
“Oh yeah?” he planted his feet a little, “With what?”
“Important business,” she crossed her own arms and tilted her head along with the syllables.
“I need to see Harrington stat,” he snapped his fingers and Erica stared at him in twisted disgust.
“I’m not their visitor escort,” she theatrically stomped to the back room. And as the doors opened and closed he heard Harrington’s voice.
“We are not letting her do that, Ro— Erica, this is not a kids area. Out!” Steve blocked the door before Erica could continue through the doorway and placed his hands on his hips.
Erica wasn’t moved in the slightest and Billy inched his way closer to them, “Dustin is in there with you so if that were true you’re doing an awful job.”
Billy snorted and that caught their attention, they both glared at him so he shrugged innocently, “She’s not wrong, Pretty Boy.”
Robin showed herself, on her toes and searched over Steve’s shoulder. She caught sight of Billy and he waved with fake enthusiasm. “Oh,” Robin snorted, “It’s you again.”
“Shove it,” he discreetly flipped her off. Erica, on the other hand, stomped right up to Billy and poked him right in the middle of the chest sorely.
“What do you want?” she demanded.
Billy raised a brow, “I have input on my father’s whereabouts,” he watched as Steve paled, Robin disappeared with a hand covering her mouth, and Erica stepped back with a loaded amount of understanding to her eyes.
She nodded and stepped a little out of the way of the door with a sweep of her arm, “After you.”
Going to an abandoned warehouse with just the five of them was maybe, possibly, just about the worst idea they’d ever had a group. And, to be fair, they hadn’t been in a group for more than 24 hours. So there shouldn’t have been much expected.
“It’s gross in here,” Erica stepped closer to Billy and away from the dripping pipe poking out of the ceiling. “Acid could fall on us at any point!” she called up to Steve and Robin in the front. The words echoing distortedly. Dustin, who was between the two duos with a flashlight, lifted said flashlight up to look at the ceiling.
“Hey!” Steve yelped and snapped his fingers attentively, “Light please!” his voice was more quiet than Erica’s had been. Billy appreciated that much.
Dustin ignored it though, “It’s just water, Erica, what you should worry about is the rats. I saw a few in the front.”
“Rats?” Steve asked, his voice pinched and high.
“Yeah?” Dustin laughed nervously, “Why?”
Steve looked right at Billy and Billy furrowed his brow, “We need to get out of here now,” Steve ordered and pushed Robin forward back where they came from. “We shouldn’t have come here so late in the evening. Let’s go find Hopper and tell him what you said, Hargrove.” Robin stopped allowing Steve to push her but she didn’t disagree.
“What’s up now, Steve?” she asked him. Steve looked fearfully around, feet tapping against the concrete as he motioned to move.
“Rats are never a good thing, Robin, rats carry disease. Like- like,” he waved his hand floppily in the air, “That plague. The Black Plague, rats are not a good sign and with all that shit going on with the pumpkin fields last season?” He shook his head and pointed forcefully, “So we are going!”
All of them were still for a carried out moment, “I’m with Harrington,” Billy decided and flicked Erica’s shoulder when she pouted. She punched his arm in retaliation with vigor that made Billy grunt. There was a squeak from below them and a scream from Erica the next second.
“There’s something by my foot!” she yelped and stayed still in shock. Billy, in a flash, picked her up and ran with her in his arms back the way they came. She was still screaming but he ignored any complaint she had until he saw the light of the opening hole they’d come through. “Billy, wait for the others!” she whacked his shoulder blade. He slowed down and looked behind him to see Robin and Dustin sprinting towards them.
Dustin waved his arms, “Steve’s coming, go!” Billy took that and tossed Erica out before squeezing through himself.
He got a kick to the shin, “I could’ve gotten out myself, bastard!” she scolded. Billy winced and leaned down to rub the sore spot on his leg. He was caught in two little arms and a face full of textured hair and bumpy beads. “But thank you,” she said and backed away. She stared at him a moment and then watched Dustin and Robin emerge from the broken driftwood hole.
“Where’s Harrington?” Billy asked after a minute or so passed with no sound of the other man.
Dustin was chewing on his thumb, “He was right behind us, I swear he was.”
Robin stepped towards the hole again with a mix of hesitation and determination set on her shoulders, “I’ll go search it out.”
Erica rolled her eyes, “I’m small for conveyance and Blondie,” she pointed at Billy, “Is bulky enough for similar reason. I say me and him go in and look for Sailor Boy,” she glanced pointedly at Robin. And then elbowed Billy harshly when he didn’t say anything in agreement.
“Ow,” he muttered under his breath, “Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his own eyes in pathetic defeat, “Let’s go, he probably just got water on his head and freaked out.”
“Hey, no, I’ll go, he’s my friend,” Dustin directly addressed Billy with his eyes.
Robin folded her arms, “Well then I might as well go in,” she debated. Billy took notice of Erica sneaking through the hole while the two bickered unhelpfully. He tip toed around them and followed her in, and then continued to follow her into the warehouse again.
“Hey!” Dustin’s voice echoed, “Wait for us!”
Erica scoffed and stomped one of her feet, “You two are useless right now, keep watch or something!” She tugged on Billy’s wrist and started jogging down the dim hall. The floor was a little wet and it sounded like she could have been jumping in puddles. She screamed suddenly and Billy sprinted down and saw three huge rats blocking the doorway back into the main room where Steve must have been. “Steve?” she yelled as she carefully kept an eye on the black rodents four feet away from her pink sneakers.
“Erica? Go back out, Sinclair, I got this covered!” Steve’s unbodied voice carried along the walls.
“Harrington!” Billy roared and pulled Erica slowly behind him and away from the stationed rats. “Get your lanky ass back here!”
“Can’t really do that man!”
“And why the hell not?” Billy watched as the rats took a sort of running stance. He heard a pained grunt from the other room and then—
“Your dad’s here.” Billy bit his lip hard to contain a gasp of surprise he was sure he didn’t even feel.
He pushed back at Erica gently, “Run, Sinclair. I’ve got your back.”
And so she ran and Billy planted his damn feet.
second part here
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THE. ROLLERS. TAG. I. UFF. I don't even have word im iff uff uff
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Thanks babe glad you liked them and here is a thought on how this all gets started.
Steve starts skating because Carol decides after watching Xanadu that she wants to take it up and pesters Steve into leaning with her. She lasts all of three months but Steve, Steve loves it, likes to put on his headphones, pop a tape in his Walkman and skate around town to forget his problems. When he gains popularity in high school he instead forgets about his problems at parties drinking cheap booze and smoking shitty weed and his skates gather dust for nearly two years.
 He takes up skating again after fighting the Demogorgon at the Byers house and it becomes a daily thing, at first it is just to distract himself from thinking about it, about having an excuse to get out of his big empty house where every noise makes him jump. Steve learns to love it again, the wind in his hair as he skates around town and he takes up ice skating during the winter, something he has not done since his childhood when the snow and ice makes roller-skating impossible outside.
 Billy does not start  skateboarding right away when they get to Hawkins, his old board broken before the move, he does not get a new one until the weather turns warmer, doing odd jobs here and there. The first time Steve sees Billy skating around town, shirt and hair billowing out behind him, Steve is on his skates, is not looking where he is going, too busy watching Billy and he slams right into a stop sign. He lays there hoping Billy did not see him, hoping no one did and that the ground will just swallow him up. He does not get that hope as a shadow falls over him and he reluctantly stops glaring at the poll to see Billy grinning down at him.
 “Go away!” Steve says immediately covering his face with both arms as his cheeks heat and Billy laughs.
 “What had you so distracted pretty boy?” The slap of Bi bored hitting the ground is loud in Steve’s ears before he is being grabbed and hauled up, forced to latch on to Billy as he tries to get his skates back under him.
 “There was a moth.” Steve says the first thing that comes to his mind, ignoring Billy’s disbelieving look, trying really hard to ignore the feel of Billy’s broad shoulders under his hands and Billy’s hands wrapped around his hips callused fingers rough against his skin, that is dangerous territory.
 “Must have been some moth.” Billy’s tongue slides out of his mouth and Steve cannot help but track it with his eyes.
 “Yeah, was pretty” Steve says distracted and immediately feels stupid as his flush reheats.
 Billy hums at him, fingers tightening for half a second before he pulls back a little making Steve feel dizzy at the loss as he quickly pulls his own hands back, curling them around his bare stomach. “You should probably ice this.” Billy says dragging a finger down Steve’s face where there must be a red mark, the pressure of Billy’s thumb cuing his brain into the low grade sting he has been ignoring, too distracted by Billy. Steve's breath gets short as Billy’s finger trails over his lips and he can barely see the blue of Billy’s eyes when he flicks his up to look at him. “Wouldn’t want it to bruise.” Billy adds dragging his hand away, with a little tug at Steve’s bottom lip.
 Steve flushes all over again as his dick goes immediately hard, Billy smirking at him, tongue out as he passes by once more before disappearing down the road. It is the first of many boners to come at the hands of Billy Hargrove and Steve tries to desperately avoid people on his way home, unable to will it away.
 Billy is back on his board in the blink of an eye, giving Steve whiplash as he tries to get his brain back on line. Then Billy is close again, hand smacking Steve’s ass making him yelp, as he passes with a wink and a “See ya around pretty boy, don't let just any moth distract you.”
Thanks again babe, ly 💜💜🥰
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