#steve gets a gnarly beard!!! i love this guy.
ghostlysage · 10 months
mini bigtop post
hi tumblr folk! hope you guys have been well! ive come to give you a little collection of artwork from the last week or so. a couple notes!!
1.) the first image is of pre-death cesare! not a solid design yet but may be the final! he has semi-greasy black hair and ohoho… i have a whole thing planned out for him.
2.) 4&5 are designs for steve in prison after the events of season 2’s finale! technically its 1-2 years after he first gets locked up when he starts a mad hair-growth sesh… 4 is more accurate as the lovely @mlparthur informed me he is BALDING!!!! jevil took his hair… (inside joke :3)
anyhoo, take care!
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addiquinnbrah · 5 years
Chris father setting you two up
You had just moved to Boston. Everything was new to you; work, the city, the food, housing, and health. You loved changed which is why you decided to move there since you just hired as a school teacher. Due to all this you had to have checks ups for everything before the school year started. OBGYN done, optometrist check! It was now time to head to the dentist. It was a muggy New England morning but walking there seemed like a good idea. The air was nice and crisp and frankly you loved the walking commute. 
Upon arrival you check in with the receptionist, sitting around for what seemed only five minutes, you hear your name being called. Standing you walk towards a friendly looking man. You smile dimples showing softly. “Welcome Ms. Y/LN. From your file I see your new to New England.” He chuckles. “Must be a big change from the hot.” You giggle in response agreeing. “It’s certainly a change. But it’s a nice one.” You sigh a bit home sick. “I’m a very family oriented, but I needed this. For me.” He nods patting your back leading you to a mellow blue moon. You look around taking in your surrounding. “Well I’m Dr. Robert Evans.” Sitting down across from you, he overlooks your file smiling. “I love new having new patients.” Putting gloves on he rolls close to you. “Let’s look at these chompers.” 
It only took about fifteen minutes for your oral exam. Dr.Evans starts to clean his station. “Everything look impeccable Ms.Y/LN.” You nods proud of yourself. “Oh please call me Y/N.” He nods in taking notes for your file. He chuckles looking up at you. “Uhm, excuse me if this is a bit odd.” He points at your left hand. “I see you don’t have a ring on your finger.” You start to get a bit creeped out. “You see I have a son. He’s a great guy, and he’s too busy with his work.” You start to relax a bit again still unsure of what was happening. “ I mean if I'm not being too forward, but I see you as a great girl and well I think you and him might click.” Gulping, unsure of what to say. I mean if he was trying to set his son up, he must have a face only a mother could love. “I know what you’re thinking! He’s not ugly I swear. He’s not weird either. He just hasn’t found the right girl.” You giggle, amused he caught on to your thoughts. Looking at you a bit anxious. “So, uhm, what do you say? I can set it for tomorrow at a nice brunch place?” Still unsure, you almost protest but word vomit beats you to it. “Sure, why not. I’m new here, so it’ll be nice to meet someone.” He jumps up a bit too eager. “Great, I’ll let him no. He's in town.” You stand up, starting to head out. Waving goodbye, you head home still confused at what just happened. 
Chris looks at his dad dumbfounded. “Hell no!” He protests. “I’ve been here one day, and you are already trying to set me up!” His tantrum earns a few giggles and chuckles from his siblings. His dad sighs. “Son, she’s a great girl. She’s new to the area.” Scott chimes in. “Is she anything like sticky fingers Stacy.” “Or Disgusting Dinah?” Carly adds smirking. Chris stares at them annoyed. “Shut up! Dad I’m not going.” His mother walks in, she gives Chris the guilt trip stare. “Christopher Robert Evans!” Putting her hands on her hips. “You will not talk to your father like that. Besides, we all can agree you need someone in your life. I need grand babies.” Carly looks insulted. “Hey! My kids aren’t enough for you.” Shanna walks in with Dodger. “What about Dodger? Isn’t he your grand baby?” Lisa looks at her children shaking her head. “Chris, please go. It won't hurt it’s just a lunch date. If there's nothing there you just forget about her.” Chris looks at his parents signing. He was always a family guy. “Okay, but this is the last time dad.” His father smiles big happily. “Great! I’ll let her know to meet you at Daisy’s Brunch Bunch.” Chris chuckles nodding. He thinks to himself, ‘What has he gotten himself into.’ 
The next day approaches. Y/N is in her room, well what’s left of it anyways. “Urgh! Why can’t I find anything cute. I mean it’s not like it matters. He probably won’t be in to me.” Her eyes go wide “ Or what if he Joe’s me and gets obsessed and kidnaps me.” She paces around. “I don’t wanna get You’d!” Hyperventilating, she finally calms down when she sees a little yellow sundress. “YES!” Jumping on the bed she grabs it running to the bathroom. Chris on the other hand has never been calmer. He couldn’t wait for the date to be over. “Oh god, what if she's weird?” But on the back of his mind he wonders “Or what if she’s the one?” Scott walks in listening “You talking to yourself again weirdo?” Chris nods. Scott knew him so well. “I guess you can say I’m a bit nervous now.” His dad walks in. “Son, why haven’t you left?” Chris looks at the clock. “Shit!” Grabbing his keys he bolts to the car. 
You keep looking at your phone. ‘He’s fifteen minutes late’ you think to yourself. Should you leave or give him five more minutes? Before you could get up, you are met by a tall husky man. In a way he looks like a lumberjack. A beautiful one. He has a gnarly beard, and longish brown hair, almost 70′s style. He smiles at you. “I’m sorry I’m a bit late.” He shines his pearly teeth. “The traffic is awful.” He sticks his hand out. “I’m Chris.” You shake off your annoyance. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” You study him a bit. He looks familiar, but how? You’re new! Chuckling Chris notices, sitting down. “If you are wondering where you’ve seen me I’m an actor. I play Captain America in the MCU.” Finally knowing who he is you jump a bit. “That’s where you're from! Not Another Teen Movie! You’re Chris Evans.” Chris gives you an astonished stare. “Well most people only now remember me as Steve Rodgers.” He laughs. “Nice to know people have seen me in other stuff.” Laughs you take a drink of your coffee. “Oh please, that movie is my shit. How, could I not.” You smile dimples showing even more now. Chris smile grows wider. He felt a little flutter in his stomach when he caught a glimpse of those dimples. Maybe his father had a point about this date. Maybe this new change was the start of something new. 
This is my first ever imagine. I don’t know if I should make this as a series or let it be as is. I do take request! I do cute, smutty, and drama! Please inbox me if you would like a one with your name the kind of imagine you want and the man you want! 
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mattwinthewoods · 4 years
Encountering a Tree Person in the Remote wild of the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota
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Here's a little preface and to be aware there is a bit of NSFW material within this story: I was with three other guys luckily, otherwise I would of gotten the HECK out of there. We put in at North Moose River and traveled up through Iron/Lac La Croix past Curtain Falls up into Crooked, past Lower Basswood Falls and ended up on Horse just as a storm was hitting, this was on our 7th day. Luckily(?), there was a spot open (the second site on the north side after the gap into the river).   We were setting up tarps and I was pumping water with my trusty MSR pump and I noticed two of my buddies whispering to each other and it made me wonder what was going on. "There's a guy talking to Steve," my friend motioned back towards the woodline, "He came out of the woods." I walked back to find Steve talking to this skinny, disheveled figure who looked right out casting of a bad movie. His personal hygiene immediately made me think of Howard Hughes when his mind was dissolving. This man's fingernails were so dirty, gnarly and long that so much dirt was pushed beneath his fingernails that they were literally black. He had a long beard and long hair which was matted and dirty with sticks and other debris within it. He immediately asked if he could trade some things he had for any extra food we might have. He also told us that he was hiking on the "Angelworm" trail (the Angleworm Trail is the actual trail) and was camped out by our latrine. Wow, I did not like the vibe of this strange man immediately.   It started to storm badly again and he scampered back to his "shelter." Exchanging hesitant glances beneath the tarp in the rain, we decided that it was too rough to paddle out and we might have to spend the night here with this nut in the woods.   I've never felt more unsettled camping in my life. He seemed that kind of crazy person that could come out of the woods firing a pistol at us. We gave him tortillas and some granola bars in exchange for some tackle and some other random things, one of which was a knife. I know....., it was spooky.   He proceeded to tell us that his name was Aaron, and that he lived in the woods and was looking for psychedelic mushrooms. He was/is basically tripping his life away in the woods... He would talk non-stop about hunting for blueberries and how he would eat mushrooms and trip and think about blueberries, and it eventually got weirder and weirder.   After leaving and coming back about twice, each time bringing more things out of the woods to try and give to us, he began to talk about a baby deer that he used to carry and how it would buck him now and then. But, the more he spoke, the more he rambled and had long, drawn out pauses. He then told us, and please excuse the language and scenario, that the only animal in the woods that "gives you their warmth," are snakes. And, he told us if you have a big enough snake, you can make love with it. He proceeded to tell us several animals men and women can have relations with. Needless to say, we were all horrified and looked at each other agog.   The strangest thing he said, among many strange things, was his description, "how flowers grow over a shallow grave." I was having all sorts of bad thoughts after he uttered that sentence. Finally, I had had enough of his lingering and crazy talk. "Hey, you have anything else going on tonight?" I asked him, I trying to soften the blow into, "because it's our last night here, you know, and we just want to chill and reflect, could you give us our space please?" I had decided to try the empathy route.  I saw his eyes droop and he said okay, but would it be alright if he came back in the morning for some food? We had told him that we were leaving the next day and we would give him all we could? Yes, come back in the morning... Not gonna lie, we all slept with our gear under our vestibules and didn't leave anything out that night. Steve said that night he was swatting something that kept poking his tent as he was set up closest to the wood line.  I had the hatchet laying next to me as I slept. The next morning we broke down the tents and got ready to go. "You guys want to come back here a sec?" Steve shouted out. "What's that?" he asked pointing to the ground near his tent. I kid you not, a pile of human feces was near his tent. We shook our heads, let's get the F out of here, So, Aaron comes out of the woods, we showed him the bag of food (three potatoes, instant coffee and some sugar and salt packets). "This is all for me!?" he asked. We all nodded and he thanked us and told us that he was going to beat us to the portage. We watched as he gleefully skipped off into the woods toward the Horse River.   I have never had such a sense of relief as I did leaving that campsite that morning. Much of it still seems unreal. Our friend Chris had taken photos of Aaron and when we hit Ely he went to the Ranger Station. "Oh you met Aaron?" the Ranger told him. Apparently he's quite known to them. 
If you ever run into someone that mentally ill in the wilderness, it would probably be best practice to leave them alone and report them to the authorities.  
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