realmsofgames · 1 year
Alien Challange: A Battle for the Galaxy
Alien Challenge is the cult classic fighting game from International Games System featuring a cast of intergalactic aliens come to battle for control of the universe.
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Let's get right into the characters.
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Burnie is a flame alien from somewhere very hot! He wants to make the galaxy hot to meet his flamin fury. He controls fire with attacks like his flame ball which is a useful anti air. ROG ranks him as F tier for his stubby normals and low damage.
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This is Dougster. Dougster comes from a football world his powers are based on his keen tackling abilities as well as strikes and grabs. Dougster's primary attacks are charge, bash attack, and football throw. ROG places him in B tier.
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Drew is the next alien on our list of challengers. Drew is a clown from a jester world where laughing is no laughing matter. His powerful bowling pin attack combined with his unconventional clown ears uppercut make him powerful at long range.
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Fang is a werewolf who can shift into man, man beast, and dog form. Fang's motivations are unclear, but ROG likes to speculate that he hopes to find a cure for his lycanthropy by becoming the galactic champion. His long range normals make him dominant in the mid range with moves such as beast claw, leg sweep, and paw swipe. Fang's normals give the added bonus of being able to swipe away burger and spinach power ups from an otherwise impossible position. For his powerful mid range and power up dominance ROG places Fang in A tier.
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Jean Paul is a shinobi trained in the shadow arts of the east. He seeks to find greater and greater challenges to prove the superiority of his ninja style. Jean Paul has quick jabs, but that's it. His pokes are weak and jump ins can be beaten by even the weakest anti airs. For this reason Jean Paul has been placed in F tier.
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Melanie is a female warrior who is fighting to show her girl power. She uses her long range breast attack to keep enemies at bay. ROG places Melanie in A tier.
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Nic-san is a monk seeking spiritual enlightenment. He is following in the footsteps of the previous galactic champion Claus and hopes that victory will lead him to enlightenment. His powerful sweep kicks can be used to knock enemies to the ground for a chance to continue your pressure. Nic-san is rated at C-tier.
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Stevareno is the last character on our roster and the best has been saved for last. Stevareno is a golden man who can shift into multiple forms such as peace sign, missile, spike arm, and anything he puts his mind to. Stevareno has a tool for every situation. Jump ins are all but useless against his great anti airs and attempts to keep him out will be met with his missile transformation dive attack. Even powerful midrange characters like fang have trouble locking him down due to his low profiling mud pool ability. ROG places Stevadore in S tier.
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While not on the main roster, Claus can be unlocked by pressing right 8 times up 4 times and down 4 times on the character select screen. As the former galactic champion Claus is a force to be reckoned with. His power is only matched by his wisdom and in the right hands Claus can be the most dominant character in the game. ROG assigns Claus to S tier.
All in all Alien Challenge is a great fighting game with simple controls, easy to understand systems, and a cast of characters that appeal to everyone. ROG recommends you head down to your local arcade and check it out, if you can't find it in your area (we we're unable to locate any arcades on the east coast of the united states that had Alien Challenge) you may have to travel to Taipei, the HQ of IGS, where you'll find Alien Challenge in every arcade without fail. ROG gives alien challange a 6
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trikarsa-blog · 5 years
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cinefast · 3 years
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#whitemansburden : the #springsteenesque #season2 of #thewire in the hands of the talented @jamesransone and @officialpabloschreiber #ziggysobotka #nicksobotka #bluecollarblues #ibs #stevadore #port (à Port of Baltimore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0zDethrG0/?igshid=76fim64bk9m8
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Aid (for kriegankorsair)
aid help them with a task. 
The clean up wasn’t something the Chapter usually engaged in. Usually it was done and gone long before such operations could begin, however when it was ones home that had been sacked, it made the clean up a little more pertinent. Everyone had been involved one way or another, which was how it should be as far as Dante was concerned. Even those who were not from Baal, even those who had arrived after the fighting had finished were helping in some way or another.
He had not slept for a month, he ached with a tiredness that seemed to have crept into his very bones, but he would not rest while others worked. How could he ask them to accomplish tasks while he sat out? That was not his way. The Rogue Trader ship had set down in a clear space, bringing what he hoped were supplies; food especially would be appreciated. He watched a moment before pushing off the boulder he had been leaning against and strode over. Waving the Sanguinary Guard away - they too had other tasks they should be doing - he approached who he thought was in charge.
“Do you require assistance?” he asked. A bunch of flustered looking Stevadores looked aghast as he dared to lead a hand, but he ignored them. If aid was needed, he would give it himself.
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ssaalexblake · 5 years
Buffy s4 when an adult instead of a child (u know... like 3/4 of the season i’ve not done yet);
Ethan and Giles?? Exes, that level of resentment??? Scorned lovers.
Riley’s balls poster is the devil 
those dorm rooms being that great?? Dark magic
What Faith did to Riley and Buffy was So Fucked Up
It’s better to fast forward all the initiative bits 
Part Demon in Buffy means something totally different to Part Demon in Angel. In Angel it’s ‘u look human but have demon powers’ but in Buffy it’s a chop shop. 
that those Tara/Willow magic scenes??? Wow that’s gay. Can’t believe orgasm spell got past the censors but they weren’t allowed to like, be couply. I can believe this bc i was alive then, but like... straight ppl logic is wild. 
there is legit an entire episode here where smg and whatshisface just had to roll around in bed fake having sex and... I’d kill to see video of how they reacted to That being their job that week. 
also in relation to that: what the fuck?!?!?!?!?
Beer Bad was actually Kinda funny... I mean... I’ve never seen a more accurate portrayal of asshole straight white college guys flexing their Super Amazing Philosophy knowledge. And that was Before they turned into cavemen. Amazing. 
i now know what syphilis is and them not giving a crap Xander had it is 50x funnier now.
Forrest is... Way too mad about Buffy and Riley for it to be because of the initiative he’s actually like, super into Riley and can’t say so b/c this was don’t ask don’t tell era. 
(what do u think the initiative would have done if they’d found a gay demon??? that’s in my brain now gdi)
It’s harder to enjoy ‘something blue’ as the utter comedic genius it is now i know about season six. But That doesn’t mean i don’t put the effort in to do so because it is Truly wild. 
Willow’s behavior is Super Questionable and foreshadows the back end of tara/willow before she even meets Tara. 
She’s very... Controlling. Her instinct is Always Magic. 
Buffy casually Forgetting to tell Riley Faith was in a coma because she stabbed her in the stomach to be a snack for her Then vampire boyfriend is unintentionally hilarious. 
but sure buffy it’s nothing more than her hurting u and ur friends. U did nothing morally questionable here.
Maggie Walsh was Super creepy. 
Like, needs arresting creepy. Stop watching ‘you children’ having sex. Stop making zombie monsters out of parts in your military basement. Be less of an asshole professor. just stop maggie. 
... I’m honestly still sitting here horrified about Riley’s balls poster.
and Buffy having no idea what a Stevadore is in context of joyce x giles in this day and age is different because i can google it and... OKAY THEN 
very different to child me just being confused 
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You don't need no psychiatry Come on baby you can talk to me Cuddle up on the couch with me We can talk all night for free You don't need to be hypnotized Lay down here and look me in my eyes Cuddle up on the couch with me
Olivia Newton-John, “Talk to Me”
stevadore sonTAg whomst>!?
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‘Bomb Carts’ Haul Containers at Busy Port of Charleston <img width="150" src=" border="0" alt=" Stevadores unload containers from the Northern Magnum, a Panamax container ship, at Charleston.
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jsoleracamino-blog · 7 years
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Working with the Stevadore & Terminal Co. #TCinGC #MarshallIslands
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