honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Special Note (2/2)
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Warning: none
Pairings: Stefan Salvatore x Female Reader
Summary: Continuation of part one.
Part One Here
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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You had gotten ready and you were all dressed up. You were just waiting outside for Caroline to come and pick you up. Stefan said in his letter that Care was going to come pick you up and take you to wherever he was.
You were pretty excited to see what Stefan had planned. You were not expecting this at all and as far as you knew, you and Stefan did not have a date or anything tonight. Caroline pulled up into the driveway and you could see from where you were that she was smiling.
You walked over to the car and got in the passengers seat. You buckled up and then Caroline drove off. 
"So.. what is this surprise?" You asked.
"I can't tell you that." She said with a chuckle.
"I- pleaseee! The wait has been killing me, I really want to know." You whined.
"And you will know soon." She said with a chuckle. "But it is a surprise so you can't know." She laughed.
"Fineeee." You said with a chuckle. The two of you just talked about normal things while she was driving. You had no idea where she was going, the way she was going did not seem familiar to you at all.
The drive was about 25 minutes. The two of you finally got to where Stefan supposedly was. You got out of the car and so did Caroline. You were at what seemed like simply just the woods. You were very confused as Caroline led the way.
The walk took about 10 minutes. You couldn't lie, you were kinda nervous now too. You knew Stefan would never ever ever do anything to hurt you but, why was he getting Caroline to lead you deep out into the woods?
You started to see some light as you got closer. Then Caroline randomly stopped in her tracks. You looked at her confused and she looked back at you with a smile.
"You have to walk the rest of the way first, and don't worry, it's just right over there." She said.
"Alright?" You said with a confused chuckle. You continued to walk in the woods, now without Caroline. As you came closer to the spot you began to see fairy lights hanging across the trees. You looked up at them with a smile.
Stefan must have done all of this for you. He was so sweet and romantic. You then saw the whole set up as you walked to the spot. There was fairy lights wrapped around the trees around you, some hanging from the branches.
You then looked down to see a trail of rose petals on the ground. You smiled and followed the trail. As you followed the path, you looked up to see Stefan standing a little ways away from you. He was in a tux and there was a beautiful arch with flowers all on it.
You smiled and walked over to him. You looked up at him smiling. He was smiling back at him. You couldn't believe that he did all of this for you. He took one of your hands in his own.
"Hi baby." He said smiling.
"Hey Stef.." You giggled a little. You saw Caroline walking over from the corner of your eye. She was watching the two of you and recording what was happening.
"So, why did you do all of this for me?" You asked with a chuckle.
"Well, for one, I love you." Stefan said with a smile. You smiled and bit your lip. "And second, well.." He then let go of your hand and got down on one knee. You gasped softly when you saw what he was doing.
"Y/N, you make me so happy. I never thought that I would ever find love again, that I would never find anyone who accepted me for who I am and what I am, but you did. No matter what, you always did." He said. You could feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.
"You love me for who I am and you are such an incredible woman. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life. I don't even know how I was able to survive without you. With that being said, Y/N Y/LN... I don't want to spend another moment without you in my life, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked. You smiled and were happy crying.
"Yes Stefan! A million times yes!" You said. He smiled and got back up and pulled you in for a kiss then hugged you. You smiled and held onto him tightly. Once you two were done hugging he lid the ring onto your ring finger.
"I can't believe that I am going to be Mrs. Salvatore soon." You said with a giggle as you sniffled. 
"I love you so much Y/N.. and I can't wait to spend the rest of my eternity with you." He said with a smile.
"I love you too Stefan." You smiled back and the two of you kissed again. Caroline stopped recording on her phone and clapped for the two of you. 
"Oh my god, that was so cute!" Care said. "I wish nothing but the best for you two." She said with a smile.
"Thanks Care." You said with a smile.
"And thank you so much Caroline for helping me with the whole set up, the ring, well everything." Stefan said. 
"You're welcome. I'd do anything for my best friend." Caroline said with a smile looking at you. You smiled back and hugged her. You were soon to be Mrs. Stefan Salvatore and you couldn't be happier.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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salvatoraesarc · 2 years
gonna try and get back into wire , stef’s is stefsalvatore if anyone wants to add !
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
i just saved the url stefsalvatores …….. thinking 🤔
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salvatoraesa · 4 years
HELLO ! i wanna start using wire again so if you’d like to add stefan, his user is stefsalvatores ! I had to make a new one bc I forgot my old email so if you had me before you can delete that :)
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rippaers · 5 years
i’m not feeling great so i’m gonna get off my laptop but you can come bug me on discord  ( det. jake peralta #3386 ) or stef on wire ( stefsalvatore ) !
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
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STEFAN :   stefsalvatore  NICK ( @deviltinged​ ) :   nickyscratch  JENNIFER ( @checksider​ ) :  jennycheck
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