#stealing your tag >:3
channie-143 · 6 months
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God just one chance Christopher one chance 😩
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psystirene · 8 months
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Slugcat Shipruary 3 - Full Moon
Using my OWN designs this time... yippee! This is an edited version of my Gourmand design (made it lighter) and I adapted an old Nightcat design of mine to better fit this style (+ my theme of making this look like 🌖. you know)
Uhmmm ngl this ship grew on me a lot drawing this. As I've said before I have a soft spot for it since it was one of the first I thought about <3 So among the adjustments, I made Nightcat a bit chunkier, as I imagine Gourmand spoils the colony once they come home with so many new foods and recipes. Nightcat reads the stars to help their colony navigate the world. I imagine maybe they're somewhat of an inventor like Gourmand is, so they are always learning off of each other, though Gourm spends more time leading the group and Nightcat has more time to experiment with the new plants and objects they find on their travels. Also i think Nightcat would have the Mark of Communication from the beginning <3
anyone like rambles. I like rambles. hi shipruary people
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kenobihater · 2 years
thinking about how rdr2 is about redemption yes, but also about loyalty to what matters, love of family, and the consequences of both. arthur loved dutch, loved him enough to follow him to hell and back, but not enough to remain blindly loyal when dutch betrayed him and john. he put his love of his brother above the love of his father, because his father taught him well, taught him the importance of family. if not for dutch and hosea raising arthur to believe in the importance of loyalty to what's right, if they had just raised arthur as a mindless outlaw, if they hadn't instilled in him the meaing of family, he likely wouldn't have cared about john enough to betray the man who saved him. for example, bill and javier weren't raised by dutch and hosea like arthur was, but they were loyal to him all the same. they weren't treated like dutch's children like john and arthur were. because the values of family and of right and wrong weren't instilled in them alongside the value of loyalty, they sided with dutch despite his fall from grace and remained blindly devoted to a man who no longer deserved it. but because dutch and hosea taught arthur and john the importance of thinking for themselves and choosing what was truly right as well as the importance of family, they realized that dutch was going down the wrong path and causing senseless deaths with his recklessness, and arthur and john decided they had to leave. arthur knew he was never going to get out, but he at least wanted his little brother to have a semblance of a life away from the gang. he wanted him to have a chance because he loved him, because they were raised together, and because they were raised as a family. dutch had a huge hand in his sons betraying him, not only because he drove them away and betrayed them himself, but because he and hosea raised them right!!
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loquaciousquark · 3 months
when will eppie hawke and fenris meet tavish and astarion? (:
"And anyway, it won't be that bad. One last little Fade rift. We'll barricade it up as best we can, send a message to Skyhold, go home, and—"
One of the craggy footholds crumbles away beneath Hawke's foot, and it's only Fenris's quick hand that saves her from a plummet back down the side of the barren mountain. "Hawke, please."
"Please yourself. I said you didn't have to come."
Fenris throws her a longsuffering look, the flickering green lightning of the rift casting weird shadows over his eyes, but he doesn't let go of her arm until she's got both feet on solid ground again. "Just seal it and let this be done."
"My heart's only desire, lover," Hawke says, smiling, just as another pair of voices rises from the other side of the rift.
"Careful—careful! It shocks like the entire Hells are in there. Where's Gale?"
"Wherever Karlach dropped him, I suppose, with that little sprained ankle of his. No, I see them, they're almost here. Come away, darling. No need to get so dramatically close."
"This, from you?" says the woman, just as she and her fellow voice round the far edge of the rift. "Oh!"
"Well!" Hawke says almost at the same moment. Two of them after all: a short, slim woman with auburn hair pulled back in a low tail, and a tall, lithe man with hair as white as Fenris's and eyes that gleam like rubies. The man has a dagger drawn already, a thin smile playing over his face; the woman's fingers rest on her sheathed rapier, but her gaze is open, friendly. Hawke plants her staff on the rocky ground in as welcoming a gesture as she can manage. "Fancy running into someone like you up here of all places."
"I could say the same," the woman says. The green rift, still hanging between them and stretching a good twenty feet into the sky, gives an ominous rumble. "Our wizard's been fretting about magical disturbances along the city's borders for weeks. He finally traces the source to this location, and here you are at the heart of it. I'd like to believe it's coincidence."
"Alas," Hawke says, "one of my greatest faults is a terrible habit of being around when things begin. Fenris can attest to that better than most." She lays a hand on Fenris's shoulder, but he's stiff as iron, eyes glued to the man's dagger, and he's reached back for the hilt of his greatsword. "I'm Hawke, by the way."
"Call me Tav."
"And I'm Astarion," the man says grandly, accompanied by a wholly unnecessary flourish of his dagger. "We're here to steal the world."
"Save it," Tav says sharply.
"Of course, my dear. Save the world. What did I say?"
Fenris makes a short, disgusted noise, but Hawke's pleased to see he's let go of his own sword. She doesn't think this Astarion is going to kill them—not easily, anyway—and she likes the look of Tav despite herself. Both of them quick on their feet, she thinks, both moving gracefully with an innate, self-assured balance. As Tav steps around the rift Astarion moves with her like water, without even needing to see where she's gone. It reminds her a great deal of Fenris and herself, actually, though Hawke would give an arm to trust her own feet that much.
Fenris, it seems, has come to similar conclusions, and he rolls his shoulders as he releases their tension. Even his voice has lost its nascent fury, which for Fenris is practically friendly in situations like this. "The rift is dangerous. We will guard it until the Inquisitor can seal it permanently. Be on your way."
"Inquisitor?" drawls Astarion with that same, thin-lipped smile. "Sounds like someone from dear Shadowheart's former enclave, don't you think?"
"I don't think they're Sharran," Tav says. "Are you?"
"What a speculative look you've put on," Hawke says, delighted. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Unless you'd like me to be Sharran, in which case, I most certainly am and in fact have always been."
Both Fenris and Astarion roll their eyes—hilarious in its own right, but heightened by the clear antipathy still remaining between them. Fenris sighs. "Hawke—"
The rift explodes.
Green lightning shatters over the rocky cliff. The rumble bursts into a deafening roar; the faint breeze that had been dancing around them sweeps up into a hurricane. The air cracks and snaps with a sudden smell of ozone.
Hawke throws her hand over her eyes. She can't see—the wind tears her hair from its bindings and she can't see past the brilliant flashes of blazing green and she can't hear— "Fenris!"
Someone's fingers wrap around hers. She wrenches up her staff, calls for fire—for ice—for anything—but the rift has become a maelstrom and every scrap of magic sucks into the raging whirl before she can shape it. Her boots skid on the stone as she tries to brace against the inexorable pull, pebbles and rocks rattling along every step. She can't—the hand wrapped around hers has seized tight as a vise, but she's slipping anyway, and Maker, she can't—
A man's echoing voice, stripped bare of all artifice, wild with fear: "Tav!"
The wind dies. Not slowly, not gradually; it falls off like someone's upturned a glass over the rocky cliff, and Hawke's ears roar in the sudden silence. The wind is gone, and the rift is gone with it as if it had never been, the thunderous clouds that had been swirling above it already dissipating to glimpses of blue morning sky.
"Andraste preserve me," Hawke says, loud in the quiet, and she looks over to see Tav still crouched against the face of the mountain. One of Tav's hands clutches a dagger she'd wedged deep into a stony crevice; the other is still wrapped tight around Hawke's wrist where she'd pulled her away from the tempest.
No sign of Fenris. No sign of the other one—Astarion. A long white scrape in the stone marks where Fenris's sword had sought and failed to find purchase, disappearing at the precise place where the rift had torn itself open.
Gone. Gone, gone. Her heart hammers in her throat, and she indulges in thirty seconds of agonizing grief before she sets it aside, turns, and pulls Tav to her feet.
"Well," Hawke says at last. "Looks like it's just you and me, then. Ready for an adventure?"
"Yes," Tav says, her grip on Hawke's hand like steel, and her eyes blaze. "You and me. Let's get them back."
Everything hurts. Everything godsdamned hurts, and Astarion lets out a pained groan as he rolls to his back and drops his arm over his face. His ears ring like bells, and something twinges painfully in his left hip, and the inconvenient sun has decided to blaze right in his face and gods damn it, he'd known they ought to wait for Gale. Wretched wizard and his weak ankles. Wretched Tav and her complete inability—
"Tav," Astarion says, and sits bolt upright.
No Tav. Not even the dark-haired sorcerer with the wide smile. Just that taciturn warrior in leather and half-plate seated on a rock a few feet away, watching Astarion get his bearings, his greatsword slung across his knees and a deeply sour look on his tattooed face. The skies above them are clear and blue as a song.
No Tav. No Hawke. No rift. No plan, and no company besides an irascible stranger with the same sudden look of dawning horror.
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thelunadiviner · 4 months
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don't make me tap the sign
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bookofmormonmemes · 12 days
STOP normalizing the grind and START normalizing going and doing the things which the Lord hath commanded; for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he comma
i regret to inform you that the original context of this quote probably did involve a significant amount of The Grind. like in that specific instance of needing to go bribe, swindle, and murder his way to acquiring them plates, nephi was probably very much a friend of hustle culture.
which is to say.........when normalizing the grind...........do not forget. the crime
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beckyblah · 2 years
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Sometimes you gotta climb onto a roof and commiserate w ur new bestie about how you’re both depressed and sad <3 just teenager things
You know the drill by now, not my most fave art but by god I drew it so now you’ll see it !!
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deerspherestudios · 1 year
What made you come up with the concept of this game? Also do you have a playlist based off of Mychael?
I think I've always wanted a cryptid-like yandere for the gamejam when it all started. It was a very barebones concept about a lonely mushroom man who sets up spore traps in order to ensnare and kidnap company. It was supposed to be way creepier and invasive as a oneshot thing, and was never meant to have multiple days in the story.
I'm glad I didn't go in that direction, though. I'm having more fun fleshing out Mychael's character and I made this blog because people were asking for it! I don't think a one-shot would've been able to build the sense of mini-fandom it has going on ❤️
As for a playlist, there's one based on Mushroom Oasis here! I plan to add songs as the Days go on.
But I do have a general Mychael playlist in the works! It's a mix of cute/creepy and romantic/platonic vibes that just fit him in my opinion. I'm still trimming and fine-tuning it!
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If you guys have suggestions for Mychael songs feel free to let me know ❤️🍄🎶
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chimerahyperfix · 3 months
isat everyone loops au but it’s very much a horror thing and it’s in like a conga line type formation. Based on the concept of saving the game lol. Only one person is looping and the LAST person looping is ‘Loop’ [aka they take their roles, its referred 2 as redacting in mmy notes as it basically removes them from the world entirely.] The timeloop goes through everyone, one at a time, all in a row, over and over. If your redacted you remember, until the next save happens and THEY redact and you aren’t anymore and you forget. Yeah the plot’s still 90% the same. Yeah the world kinda forms around the empty hole whoever is redacted has left. Loop is the only one who remembers everything and interacts with whoever is redacted and like…. is tthe reason the save stars exist? which makes them, technically, a secondary antagonist. Sorgy loop :[
oh to be in a cycle of love and hate and life and death and you! can’t escape! no one can! And you loop, and everyone loops, and it’s ssuffering all the way down!!!!!!!! rahhhh rahhhhhh
bonus redacted sif as an example. Haiiiii
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morgandekarios · 5 months
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"Just follow my lead"
Inspired by this textpost I made
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phosphorus-noodles · 2 months
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had a rough day so i made an au of my au to cheer myself up <3
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there's not much to this au besides these silly fellas meeting in the beastkeeping classes at school and becoming good friends (or maybe more ?! 😳🤯) but it's still cute <3
joel is in that track for sniffer autism reasons (they're both insects...) and oli is there bc his dads were like "you're a critter. you should learn about critters. go study the critters boy" (that and his name matches both tracks lol) but he really just wants to be a musician 😔 sad! also i don't know how to name palismen hope this helps
(and also shoutout to @10piecechickenmcnugget for helping me brainstorm assorted things for this thanks bestie xoxo)
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kraymerman · 11 days
Now that the Grand Fest has officially come to an end and the winners announced, I would like to give a few words.
To Team Past: Congratulations big time for your win! You put in the good fight and prevailed despite, quite frankly, overwhelming odds (and out of our two opponents, you were the ones I would've wanted to win, if it wasn't us)! Well well done! 👏👏👏
And to my fellow folks on Team Future: Well done! We faced the same overwhelming odds as Team Past, combined with Past's odds stacked against us, and although we came in a very, very dead last, by Joe we didn't go down without a fight, and the effort alone, the drive to never give up, deserves praise enough. That just makes us underdogs, just like the dear idols that represented us! And unlike the Past or the Present, there is no way of escaping the Future, it'll come whether you like it or not! Be it tomorrow, next week, or next year, we will, eventually, prevail! Because we're the Future, and the Future is the marching passage of Time! Well done, guys! Well done indeed! 👏👏👏
(have the Splatpost I made after the fest ended. it's the exact same one that I had for the fest, but I just added the underdog part)
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papakhan · 5 months
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digitalised that sketch i did of Sun and Starstepper
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cyberiada · 1 year
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attack on @hackingmachine !! funniest coincidence of all time. and why they both named cordian
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you get a sarah :D
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