#stay on your lane creep
weirdcat1213 · 9 months
Stay away from the girls Akio you weird weird mf
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ryan-waddell11 · 5 months
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he’s a whole mood
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madtomedgar · 1 year
Are there conversations to be had about attraction within the lesbian community? Sure.
Do men have any place at all in this conversation? Absofuckinglutely not.
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gretavanlace · 3 months
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Softer, Softest
Josh Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: sexual content, language, slight angst, penetration, cockwarming, etc
Okay, the quickest of blurbs (under 1k) because I have neglected my josh lane lovelies so, so terribly. I received a request for bad day/comfort josh but now I can’t find the ask. Did I answer it and forget? Perhaps. Who knows? Anyway, this is just a fast fix, but I promise a full length josh fic is right around the corner ❤️
Josh is lounging across the living room couch, battered paperback in hand, when you push open the front door with a clattering of keys and the thunk of your bag hitting the floor.
”Stay there.” You implore, when he moves to stand in greeting. Just the sight of his face, so beautiful and bright-white love, has tears threatening in your eyes.
He notices right away, and his own eyes turn wide with concern, “What is it, dove? What happened?”
”Nothing.” You shake your head adamantly as you kick off your heels, leaving them where they don’t belong in a way you normally never would, “Nothing I want to talk about, anyway. I just had a shitty day, and I missed you.”
”C’mere, baby…” his voice is soothing, lulling you like a melody as he pats his thigh, “Come sit.”
Hiking your pencil skirt up enough to straddle his lap, you settle in against him with a sigh of content. He is warm, and he is home.
His palm strokes up and down your back, wrinkling the silk of your shirt under its weight, “I’m sorry you had a bad day. How can I help? Are you hungry? I could make you something. Or draw a bath with those salts you like, read to you?”
You shake your head against his shoulder with a heavy sigh, “No. This. I want this.”
”Alright,” you can hear the soft smile in his tone, he is pleased to be what you want in your moment of struggle, no matter how small.
Fingers crawling upward, he squeezes at the clip tucked into your hair and releases it, then scratches lightly at your scalp to give you a shiver.
”That feels nice.” You murmur, nuzzling into his neck until he is all you can smell.
”Here,” he whispers, gently nudging your shoulders, “sit up a little.”
You do as he says and study his lovely face as he concentrates on working the buttons of your shirt before pushing it off of you. Next pop the clasps of your bra, and the bliss of being free of it sends another delicate shiver undulating up your spine.
“There we go, dove.” He pets at your hair again and then pulls you back in, blunt nails lazily tracing your back until you feel like glittering liquid in his embrace.
”Thank you, Josh.” Your lips brush against his soft skin as you speak, “I’m sorry.”
”What are you sorry for?” He asks, matching your quiet as his hands continue to coddle you.
”For being a baby.”
”You are a baby,” he reminds you, words filled right up with love. “You’re my baby.”
Suddenly, your heart feels too big for your chest. How did you ever get so lucky? Do you even deserve him? Certainly not…no one does. “I love you. I love you so much. I just want to disappear inside you and live there forever.”
He laughs at this, that tiny giggle that melts you right down to your toes every time it peeks out, “Isn’t it usually the other way around? Me disappearing inside you?”
You giggle to match him, “Classy, Joshua.”
”I am but a caveman,” his fingers swirl circles into the dimples of your lower back, “a disgusting specimen of the lesser species.”
Another laugh flits off your tongue. You know he is trying to cheer you up, and as always…it’s working. “You are no such thing. You’re so good to me.”
A comfortable silence creeps in, but your mind is working overtime. His comment, me disappearing inside you, playing on an endless loop until you can’t stand it any longer.
”Hey,” your voice is meek, timid and unsure, as you toy nervously with the mala beads looped around his neck.
”Hmm?” He pecks a tender kiss into your hair.
”Am I really your baby?” Why do you feel so shy about this? Normally you’re adventurous and even more outgoing than he is, which is really saying something. But right now you feel…inexplicably bashful.
“Of course you’re my baby,” his lips are pressing kisses against your head again as he audibly breathes in the scent of your hair.
“Can you…” you twist those cool, smooth beads around in your fist idly, “I want…”
”You want what, dove?” He soothes your nerves with that loving lilt laced through his tone, “Tell me. I’ll make it happen. I’ll give it to you.”
”I want to be closer to you,” your words breathe into his ear just before your teeth sink gently into his silken lobe.
He knows. He somehow always knows.
“Lift up, baby bird.” His voice, rasping with subdued lust and stark devotion, needles at your heart until your head swims.
You rise up on your knees and watch on as he tugs your skirt up even higher and then pulls at the waistband of his pants.
You lovingly tease him about these khakis and their elastic waist. You call them his ‘dad pants’ just to watch him become uncharacteristically crass and grab his crotch with a ‘I’ve got your daddy right here, dove’. But right now? Right now you’re more than grateful for the lack of buttons and zippers for him to contend with.
With your gaze fixed on his gorgeous cock, he sweeps your panties to the side and eases you down onto it. Hissing as the heat of your cunt envelopes him.
”Is that better, baby?” He asks shakily, once you’re seated in his lap, filled up tight and snug with him.
You relax fully in his arms and it tugs at his heart-strings, making him even more completely fucking gone for you. He would set this whole world on fire if you felt even a little bit chilly.
A haunting, calming song begins to hum out of him, the vibration of it purring from his chest and straight into your heart.
”You sound so pretty,” you praise, cheek pressed just beneath his throat until the weight of the world seems to lift away and disappear.
”And you feel so pretty, dove.” He’s lightly scratching your back again, coddling you into a haze. “Softer than satin absolutely everywhere. Inside and out. Soft here,” the back of his hand brushes down your arm, “softer here,” his thumb kisses your lips, “softest here.” His hips lift ever so lightly.
Without waiting for a response, he begins humming to you again…guiding you gingerly into sleep while he rests, safely nestled inside you.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @lvnterninthenight @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake @gretavangroupie @hugorobinson @jaketlove @josh-iamyour-mama @alwaysonthemend
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Mission Control 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Captain Hydra
Summary: a man marches into your life on a mission
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The man walks you straight through a yard and into the thicket of trees behind. If he wasn’t so confident, you would think he had no idea where he’s going. His hand stays locked around your arm as he has you staggering over peat and leaves.  
You come out on the other side of the trees to the open highway. A car zooms by but he doesn’t stop. He keeps going, the force of the cars whipping by blowing around you, horns honking. He pushes you towards the cement barrier. Before you can lift your leg, he lifts you. 
He puts you on the other side and follows. He doesn’t miss a step. On and on, across another three lanes and down into a ditch. Across the field. You look back and he yanks you, nearly taking you of your feet. 
A chill creeps through you, numbing you to the terror boiling in your gut. Your legs tremble but don’t stop either. You’re too scared to resist. 
The sky darkens and the moon peeks out from behind another line of pines. On and on. At last, your body gives out. 
Your legs burn as the fold. He catches you. He puts you over his shoulder and presses on. That’s when it really sets in. It’s happening. You don’t know what just that it isn’t good. Your body wracks as your tears flow free, rolling down to your hairline as you hang upside down. 
When he stops, you’re in a clearing. He puts you down. You sit on the dirt as he squats in front of you. The moonlight barely limns his figure. He reaches to his belt. He pulls out a pair of thick cuffs and dangles them. He tilts his head.  
You sniffle, “please, I won’t go.” 
He stares then slowly hooks them back on his belt. He stands and looks around. You hear him in the dark, twigs snapping, leaves rustling. You catch a glimpse of his shadow now and again. The crickets hum and dampness rises from the ground. 
A spark, then a full bloom of flame goes up. The fire casts a light over the barrier built with large rocks and the pile of thick sticks broken to fuel it. The night flickers with the cinder and he approaches you again. He moves you to sit closer to the heat. 
He lowers himself next to you, legs bent, arms resting on his knees. He just sits and watches the flames. You look down and slump. You’re exhausted. 
You flinch as he grips your shoulder. He lowers his legs, crosses them, and pulls you down until you’re on your side. He guides your head onto his thigh. He holds you there. He doesn’t need to give the order. 
The adrenaline never quite evaporates, merely recedes. Your eyes close on their own. You plummet into a pit of darkness. Your head and body ache with the sheer senseless sleep. 
You wake with a chatter. The man still sits. He hasn’t moved. You flutter your lashes at the lightening horizon. 
His hand drifts from your shoulder and crawls up your neck. He brushes along your cheek and over your hair. You hold your breath. Your scalp aches as you brace for another cruel yank. He retracts and pokes your shoulder instead. 
You sit up and stand only when he does. He reaches for you and you cower. He rips your knapsack from your arms as he spins you. He hurls it away into the trees. Then, it’s back to walking. 
You’re stiff from a night sleeping on the ground. Your clothes are damp from the dew and a frigidness lingers in your skin. He keeps you moving until the sun meets its apex. 
You come to a lot in the middle of another highway. It’s empty but for a black motorcycle. He marches you to it and guides you onto the back. He straddles the front and flips up the kickstand. You’re too tired to be confused, to wonder about how and why and what. 
He taps his shoulders. You hesitate but grab onto them. It might not be so bad to fly off but you’re still human. You still have that need to survive. 
He takes off with a roar of the motor. You yipe and squeeze tight. You fight against the wind and lean forward, hooking your arms around him as you feel your grasp slipping. He doesn’t seem to mind as you cling to him. He has a heart. You can hear it through his back. 
You close your eyes as the wind tunnels around you, whipping around the bike and your bodies. He’s a barrier to the brunt of it.  
He rides through the night and beyond. You have to keep awake to stay latched on. He keeps on and on, into another crowd of trees, one so dense that it darkens the daytime.  
When at last you are still, you as good as fall off the motorcycle. You stumble until he grabs onto you. He moves you in front of him and puts his hands on your shoulders. He leads you from behind. Twisting and turning you in a deliberate path.  
You look up at the faded planks on the side of the reclusive house. You clatter up the steps beside him. He stops and tugs the back of your jacket. You think he wants you to stay still. There’s a beep and something clicks. Then something else. 
You look around in confusion. He flicks your cheek. Hard. You wince and hiss and look forward. He points over your shoulder. You follow the gesture to the door as the latch rolls back on its own. 
You stop before the door and just stare. Where the walls are covered in wooden siding, it is metal. You gulp. He reaches around you, stepping flush to you. He pushes the handle down and shoves the door inward. His other hand nudges your lower back. 
You enter and automatic lights flash on. You gape at the room before you. It’s like any other cabin you’ve seen. On television, you were never rich enough for vacation homes. There’s a floral couch and a matching armchair on a round area rug, right before a fireplace, a table with a lamp by the chair. It’s all startlingly normal. Not like him. 
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bg3-stole-my-soul · 4 months
Honestly I feel the need to say this here and now—
I do not hate Ascended Astarion as a story. It is a powerful way of showing the cycle of abuse and how your actions (or in the case of ascending him inaction) can lead a victim into repeating it.
I do not mind Ascended Astarion as a character- yes he creeps me the flying fuck out, but that was the P O I N T
He is meant to be tragic, sad, anger inducing, creepy— because he is the culmination of you helping Astarion become that— the very STEREOTYPE of the hypersexual noble vampire. Neil did absolutely AMAZING voicing him, and the way he describes him as being Astarion going “mask off” is in regards to the fact that Ascended Astarion is now POWERFUL enough to not have to bother appeasing others— not that Spawn Astarion is constantly acting or lying because that would undermine Astarion’s very IMPORTANT story— because that notion betrays the writing of both Spawn and Ascended Astarion. Ascended Astarion is a character now RULED by his fear and trauma, while Spawn is someone who grew past it.
I do not mind people liking Ascended Astarion, or writing for him. We all love to bang a fictional villain from time to time— I know I do. However what I do NOT like is when those fans say that he is BETTER OFF this way, or that he is the "true" Astarion. Because if it hasn't been made clear already, he isn't. Is Ascending Astarion a valid way to play the game? Yes. Everyone's choices are their own— but please don't try to justify why you did it. Just stay in your lane.
I am greatly saddened because I used to like the concept of playing with alternate universes where Astarion ascended— but after seeing his rabid fanbase and their wild “explanations” I am just sick of the guy—
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wizardofrozz · 2 months
Above Coruscant (pt. 2)
Commander Fox x reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: +18 MDNI, slight exhibitionism, hair pulling, unprotected PiV sex, outdoors sex, mentions of sexting, glove kink if you squint, the armor stays on, enjoy lol
A/N: If you haven't read part 1, this might not make a whole lot of sense but if you're just here for the filth, then you could probably skip the first part lmao. I'm not even sorry for the person I become when it comes to writing Fox 😈
Part 1
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It was easy to forget how populated the city-planet was until you were hundreds of feet in the air, your speeder bike cutting through traffic lanes. Coruscant's air was slightly less polluted this high up, the smog hanging somewhere below your dangling feet, and you savored the fresh air. 
Well, as fresh as Coruscant could be. 
Your heart skipped when the familiar imposing shape of the Coruscant Guard's headquarters came into view. It had been about a week since your mission with a certain Marshal Commander, and to say you were excited to see him again was an understatement. Hells, you couldn't even think too hard about him without remembering how he tasted. 
That was something you knew now, and your treacherous brain made sure to remind you far too often. 
The soles of your boots had barely hit the duracrete outside the club when Fox’s com had started to chime, and even with the modified helmet on, you could see how he had deflated. You barely said goodbye before he took off, jogging to the nearest landing pad in time for a gunship to swoop down into view. At least he looked just as disappointed as you felt before the larty whisked him away. 
The details of his assignment were need-to-know - you knew better than to ask - but the first message that came through one evening helped. His messages were scattered and irregular, but he kept up the conversation throughout the week since you last saw him. Conversations ranged from innocent ‘how is your day?’ to messages that had you setting your datapad down and hoping no one noticed the wide-eyed look on your face as you shifted in your seat. 
Yeah, this visit was long overdue. 
Bringing your speeder closer to the surface, you merged into the skylane that would bring you around to the Guard’s headquarters, and your heartbeat skipped. Even in the middle of the day, the military police headquarters was intimidating. Red dots moved about near the front of the building in perfectly spaced lines, and if you didn't know any better, you'd automatically assume their superior was a dick. 
Well. He kind of was, but that was beside the point.
Cutting a sharp left, you slowed to a reasonable speed, deciding to avoid the spectacle it would be if you used the main entrance and headed for one of the landing pads near the back of the building you were more accustomed to using. Thankfully, the landing pad was empty and covered in shadows.
The brakes squealed as you brought the bike to a stop, and you flinched. Making a mental note to call your usual garage later, you shut the engine down, unaware of the shadow lingering in the doorway. The fumes weren't as heavy on the surface, but it was a noticeable difference, and you tried not to grimace as you climbed off the bike. Maybe one day you'd get used to it. 
Wrapped up in your random train of thought, you missed when the shape near the door moved closer, just enough to make the paint on his armor discernible. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you turn toward the building. Shock outweighed your joy for a few precious moments. 
"Stop hiding in the shadows like a creep," you huffed, thinking about tossing your riding goggles at his stupid head. The urge didn't go away when his armored shoulders shook faintly with silent laughter. 
“Wasn’t hiding,” Fox countered, pulling his helmet off to reveal the faint smirk on his face. Maker, how did it make you want to kiss him more?
“Hm, seemed like it to me,” you mumbled, tucking your goggles into the saddlebag beside your leg. You didn’t turn to look at him, mostly because you didn’t want him to see the smirk on your face but also because you were curious about what he’d do. Some of the messages he sent you the last few days were…detailed. “I think you were hoping to sneak up on me.” 
A low hum was Fox’s only response, and it took considerable effort to stop the gasp from tumbling past your lips when you realized he was close enough that you could lean back against his chest if you wanted. Gods above, you were on a landing pad where anyone could walk through the door, but apparently, Fox didn’t give a shit. Honestly, you didn’t either when he leaned down, his soft exhale brushing past your ear. 
“And if that was my plan? Then what?” 
He hadn’t even touched you yet, and it felt like you were going to disintegrate on the spot. Well, a week's worth of subtle and not-so-subtle teasing would do that, you supposed. 
“Then I’d hope you’d follow through with one of those ideas I’ve heard so much about,” you whispered, leaning back just enough to feel the brush of his chest plate against your shoulder blade. “My personal favorite was something about bending me over this bike.” 
This time, you did gasp when Fox pulled you against his chest, the harsh cut of his codpiece pressing against your ass. You couldn’t care about that, though, when he growled, and the sound sent a wave of heat pumping through your veins. You wanted to hear it again. 
“Oh, I will, cyar’ika, don’t worry,” Fox murmured, nudging the side of your face. His lips brushed your cheek as he spoke, and his grip on you slackened only for him to knead your hips gently. “But that’ll be for later.”
It took all your self-control not to bodily drag Fox onto the speeder and race back to your apartment. Then one of his hands started to drift down, his fingers teasing the top of your pants, and instead of pulling away, you leaned more of your weight into him, one of your hands drifting back to trace the outside of his thigh plate. 
“You’re done for the day, so what’s stopping you?” You felt his sigh before you heard it, and that alone had your hopes plummeting. 
“Senate called an emergency meeting. Either I’m stuck here until they’re done or switch places with Stone.” His wandering hand doesn’t stop, sending a chill racing across your skin when just the tips of his gloved fingers slip under the waistband of your pants. “Can’t leave just yet, but I’d still rather be here.”
At this point, you’d take whatever relief you could get. 
“You’re on call, then?” Laughter rumbled against your back, and you would’ve smiled, but the open-mouthed kiss just under your ear wiped any coherent thought from your mind. All you could think about was Fox’s mouth and his hand slipping further into your pants.
“Yeah, but pretty sure Thire isn’t gonna call me unless the galaxy’s on the verge of ceasing to exist.” 
Even though the situation wasn’t ideal, it was better than nothing. 
Fox’s eyes were bright even in the shadows of headquarters when you twisted your upper body around to see his face. 
“Good to know,” you whispered before pulling him into a heated kiss. The ghost of the first kiss you shared with Fox had been haunting you since it happened, but this time was different, hungrier. The bitterness of caf lingered on his tongue as it slid into your mouth, and you sighed, releasing the side of his thigh to grip his vambrace. 
The contact made his fingers twitch, the fabric of his gloves brushing over your sensitive skin just enough to force a pathetic sound past your lips. Every inch of your body was humming with need like you hadn’t experienced in a long time, if ever. You blamed it on the steamy messages that were finally becoming a reality and the pent-up frustration you’d been shoving down for nearly a year now. 
You blamed that when you tugged Fox’s arm, whining against his lips, “Please.” 
This close, you could feel the shudder that rippled through his body, and the hand still holding your hip tightened, keeping you in place. Your mouth dropped open, but no sound came out; every thought in your head was obliterated as Fox slid a finger through your soaked folds. 
When you finally opened your eyes, his face was out of focus. Intense was a good word to describe Fox at times, and right now, it was the only word you could think of to describe the look on his face as he slowly slid a finger into you. The fabric of his gloves wasn’t unpleasant, but you were almost positive that anything he did at this point would drive you wild. 
Fox drove you wild, plain and simple. 
The deliberate pump of his finger made your lids heavy, and you clenched around the digit when the muscle in his jaw fluttered. In this position, you couldn’t move well, your hips trapped in place by his iron grip, and any attempt to grind against his hand was pointless. Although, your attempts at finding more friction seemed to goad Fox into giving you what you wanted anyway. 
As he added a second finger, Fox’s eyes darted around your face like he was searing the visual of you like this into his mind. The soft, pleading whine of his name made his eyes darken, and his tongue poked out to wet his lips. Your eyes tracked the movement. 
“Fuck me,” you whispered, finding his eyes. 
“Right here?” Fox’s voice was rough, each word dragging over gravel as they passed his lips and your pussy clenched around his fingers. A sinful smirk lifted the corner of his mouth, and fuck, you never wanted to see someone’s face between your legs as bad as you did at that moment. 
“What? Scared?” You wanted to pat yourself on the back for not sounding as ruined as you already felt. 
Then, the smirk on Fox’s face turned wolfish. 
The disappointment at being empty only lasted a few seconds, your head spinning when Fox pulled you around to face him. It had to be the armor that made him look so broad. Although, if you remember correctly (you remembered perfectly), his shoulders still looked just as wide when he wasn’t wearing armor. 
The back of your legs bumped the seat of your speeder, and you slid onto the cushion without being prompted, fighting off a smirk when you leaned back against the control panel. Your feet came to rest on the housing holding the seat in place, your knees falling open as an invitation, and the way Fox’s eyes raked down your body made your walls flutter weakly. 
Fox said nothing as he walked around to the back of the bike. The model you drove was compact, narrower than most, and Fox easily straddled the engine. Your throat clicked as your eyes trailed upward until you reached his face. 
Maybe this position wasn’t the best idea when he’s looking down at you like that. 
Shuffling forward, Fox gently knocked your feet off the durasteel, moving to stand over the seat and forcing your legs open wider to accommodate his hips. The kama hanging around his hips brushed against the material of your pants, and suddenly, you needed to feel him again. 
The second his eyes dropped to your belt, your hands moved; Fox smirked, his hands resting on your knees. He took over once your pants reached your knees, and you tried not to snort at the few failed attempts at getting your pantleg over your boot. Any hint of amusement vaporized the second his fingers teased the inside of your thigh. 
“Take my codpiece off.” The order - and that was exactly what it was - made you jump, forcing your attention away from the feather-light touch of his fingers. 
For some reason, it wasn’t until that moment that you realized he was still fully armored…and would remain that way. Your lips parted around a nearly silent whine, but your hands were already moving to do as he said, even as his fingers wandered higher. 
It took a few tries to find the correct clip, but once you did, Fox groaned low in his throat without the pressure of his armor. Gods, he looked bigger than you remembered, but before, you could only feel him through layers of clothing. If you were being honest, you never thought you’d get past a few fleeting touches. 
This was much more than you expected. Not that you were complaining. 
Your thoughts screeched to a halt when a finger hooked up the band of your panties. Your breath caught when Fox shuffled forward again, only to pause. Fox’s eyes darted around like he was looking for something, and you tried to follow his movements. When he huffed through his nose, you reached up to gently cup his face, drawing his eyes back to you. 
“Probably should’ve thought about the logistics before we got here,” Fox mumbled, his nose wrinkling. The mannerism unique to him made you smile absently as you tried to think of a solution. 
“Come on, handsome, you’re a Marshal Commander. Don’t think you can keep us upright and fuck me senseless at the same time.” It was meant to be a joke, and it came out that way, but when Fox’s dark eyes snapped to your face, all the moisture in your mouth evaporated.
All you could do was throw your arms around his shoulders to keep yourself from tumbling off the speeder when he suddenly pulled you further down, stretching you out under him. The hand not wedged between your bodies grabbed the valley between controls, bringing his face inches from yours, and your walls fluttered again. 
“Watch me,” he growled. 
A broken gasp was punched out of your chest when the head of his cock brushed through your folds, gathering your arousal, but it didn’t fully hit you that, yes, you were about to do this until he paused at your entrance. Your nails scrapped against his backplate, clawing to have him closer, and Fox didn’t make you wait long. 
Lightning arced up your spine, your mouth dropping open as his hips shifted forward. It wasn’t until Fox’s mouth slanted over yours that you registered the high-pitched moan falling from your lips. Although he wasn’t much better, the kiss muffled his answering moan as he sank into you with care. 
The pinch of his armor should’ve bothered you when his hips finally stopped moving, but the hint of pain only made the pleasure clawing its way out that much more intense. Fox shuddered when you whimpered. 
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” he panted into your mouth, his free hand squeezing the side of your thigh. 
“Fox,” you gasped, one of your hands sliding into his hair. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you made note that it was softer than you imagined. Then, he shifted his hips, and you might as well have forgotten what hair was. With a grunt barely muffled behind his teeth, Fox picked up a slow, careful pace that punched a broken sound past your lips that you tried to smother against the side of his neck. 
The bike shook with every roll of his hips, and while you had teased him about it earlier, you genuinely hoped you wouldn’t tumble to the ground. At least it would be an interesting story. 
As if he were reading your mind, Fox slid his hand up to your waist to coax your back to arch slightly so he could wrap his arm around you, lifting your hips in the process. The slight change forced your shoulders down against the control panel, and the next rock of his hips had stars exploding behind your eyelids. He wasn’t fast enough to muffle your cry this time, yet he didn’t seem to care anymore as he moved a little faster. 
“There we go,” he rumbled, his lips brushing over the corner of your mouth. 
Lights flashed in your vision, and you couldn’t tell if it was passing speeders or the pleasure blinding you at this point. Every nerve ending felt like it had been scorched, and Fox’s labored breathing and the occasional groan frayed your nerves even more. Your fingers tightened in Fox’s hair, and the answering moan that filled the air had you clenching around his cock, your back arching further. 
“Do it again,” Fox panted, his hips moving faster and harder than before. The bike trembled dangerously, but you were too far gone to care. You blindly did as he asked while he zeroed in on the spot that made your body tense almost painfully. His voice broke around a soft cry when you tugged on his curls again, and a fresh wave of heat coursed through your veins. 
Mindlessly, you forced your hand between your chest and Fox’s. The first brush of your fingers against your clit had every muscle pulling taut as you raced closer to the edge. 
Fox cursed, blindly searching for your mouth as his thrust grew sloppy. The speeder bike’s frame whined under the strain. 
You teetered on the edge for a heartstopping moment, blood rushing in your ears, and then the pleasure crested in a spectacular explosion of color. Fox shuddered against you, and you were almost too far gone to realize his hand had moved from the controls to cover your mouth. 
Sensations blurred together until all you knew was Fox: the feel of his hips snapping against you one last time, the vibration of his chest as he groaned one last time, and the taste of his mouth on your tongue. You were addicted, without a doubt.
The bike wobbled when Fox slumped against you, the hard press of his chest plate forcing out the little bit of air in your lungs with a wheeze. The fragmented pieces of your awareness slowly knitted back together, your fingers absently combing through the curls on the back of his head. Your lashes fluttered when he shifted, the soft hum in the back of his throat vibrating against your chest. 
The fucked out grin on his face had no right looking that good, and you vowed to see it again and again. As many times as he let you. 
“Told you I could,” Fox mumbled, blindly searching for a handhold to take some of his weight off of you. 
What he said sank in after a few seconds, and your borderline delirious laugh filled the air, making his smile grow. 
“It wasn’t a challenge,” you managed between laughs, your smile matching his. Fox merely shrugged, but his smile faltered when he moved to stand straighter, his expression pinching briefly. 
“Good, ‘cause my legs kinda hurt now.” Another laugh fell from your lips, echoing off the building surrounding you, and you pulled Fox back down into another kiss, smiling against his lips. 
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@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit
@moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness
@trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @cw80831 @hetalianskywalker @bankseys-rat
@sev-on-kamino @dickarchivist
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mariacallous · 7 months
Recently, Planned Parenthood released a statement on the Oct. 7th attacks and the broader conflict between Israel and Palestine. Their statement condemned Hamas’s attacks on civilians, and specifically condemned sexual assaults committed against Israeli women during the violence. They also noted how thousands of Palestinian women and children had been killed in Israel’s counteroffensive, stated the need for Palestinian women to maintain access to reproductive and maternal healthcare, and condemned both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
The social media reaction to such a balanced and empathetic statement? Furious, unrelenting anger.
The statement was quote-tweeted thousands of times by social media users outraged by the statement. Planned Parenthood was accused of spreading Israeli propaganda, ignoring Palestinian deaths and fabricating rape claims, and enabling genocide. These outraged users aren’t conservatives who always oppose Planned Parenthood—they’re progressives furious that an organization they normally support put out a statement they hated. Now there are calls to end donations and Planned Parenthood staffers are fighting with donors. Their own employees, affiliates and organizers are making public statements against them.
This outcome was predictable to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of social media dynamics. And it raises an obvious question—why release a statement at all?
Metastatic social justice
It’s actually quite common for organizations and activists to get into hot water these days by addressing areas outside their expertise. Trans activists in Vancouver loudly insisted there can be no Trans Liberation without Palestinian Liberation, which caused pushback all over Canada. Two years ago, New York City’s Pride organizations courted controversy by excluding LGBT police officers from the city’s Pride parade in the name of racial justice. There are YIMBY housing organizations taking a stand on abortion rights and climate organizations demanding a Federal Job Guarantee.
There’s a common theme here. Organizations that appear to be single-issue advocacy groups are increasingly commenting and taking stances on issues outside of their narrow focus. Activism is becoming more global in nature—if you are an activist for one cause, you’re expected to speak up about all causes now. It’s not enough to ‘stay in your lane’, you need to be protesting and advocating for all forms of social justice. Pro-choice advocacy is now part of your racial justice non-profit. Jobs packages are in your environmental bills. Your LGBT organization has a stance on ‘Defund The Police’ and your housing group has a stance on Israel/Palestine. Social justice is metastasizing.
This phenomenon has happened on the right as well—see the NRA transitioning from being a somewhat non-partisan group to essentially being an arm of the GOP—but it’s especially striking in the current progressive movement. There’s a real sense in which NYC Pride is no longer an LGBT advocacy organization, but rather an overall progressive social justice organization. That may sound like an exaggeration, but they kicked out a gay organization (the Gay Officers Action League) to accommodate another form of social justice. It’s the internal logic behind a LGBT Pride march excluding LGBT people.
This also explains the online fury at Planned Parenthood. Their statement was thoughtful and balanced, but deviated from the dominant and overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian progressive narrative. Their donors expect them to advocate not just for progressive goals in women’s health, but progressive goals everywhere.
This type of activist mission creep risks stunting the progress on the core issues that social justice advocates care about.
The downsides of missions creep
The urge towards mission creep comes from a reasonable place. If you care so deeply that you spend your free time (or your career!) as an activist for a particular issue, the odds are that you also have strong feelings on many other issues. You’re also likely to live in a bubble of activists and people who think like you, and so your conversations professionally and socially may often center around all sorts of political issues. But as an activist it’s important to remember that most people you’re trying to reach are not like you and don’t think like you.
The typical voter is over 50 and does not have a college degree. They also don’t think about politics all that much. They are far, far away from the mindset of a typical activist. And when they do have political opinions, those opinions are far more varied and haphazard than a committed political partisan would guess. I think a few minutes scrolling the twitter feed of the American Voter Bot is invaluable to understand how voters think. This bot takes real voters and profiles them in brief tweets. While some look as expected—a Democrat who supports gun control, for instance—many look like this:
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Most people are a confusing mix of demographic signals, issue positions and partisan identification, and they rarely fit squarely within one political tribe. That’s the danger of turning a single-issue advocacy group into a generalized progressive messaging group—you’ll end up alienating a far wider group of potential allies than you realize.
If Issue Group X declares loud progressive positions not just on Issue X but also on gun control, abortion, Palestine, Medicare For All, trans rights, free trade and school prayer, they won’t attract a large diverse group of people who care about Issue X. They’ll end up attracting a narrow slice of progressive activists who are ideologically pristine enough to agree with them on every issue.
The ultimate result of activist mission creep is that your issue ceases to be something that people across the ideological spectrum can work together on. It becomes coded as a red tribe vs blue tribe issue, gets swallowed by the general culture war, and progress grinds to a halt as partisan warfare starts.
The most likely outcome of Planned Parenthood voicing an opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is not that they make any difference at all towards that conflict. It’s that they alienate their own supporters with differing views on Israel/Palestine. They’ve undercut their own ability to make progress on reproductive care and reproductive rights for no gain.
One thing at a time
None of this is to say that individuals shouldn’t care about many issues at once—they obviously should. And general purpose ideological organizations can and should tackle many policy areas. But it’s a poor strategy for single-issue groups to try to become general purpose organizations. There are real benefits to staying in your lane.
One example of a movement that has done a reasonable job at this is the pro-housing YIMBY movement. While there are some instances of YIMBY groups straying from their purpose, for the most part they’ve done a good job staying narrowly focused, and that that focus has allowed them great success.
YIMBYism is a far more ideologically diverse movement than many people realize. There are conservative YIMBYs, neoliberal YIMBYs, Democratic YIMBYs, libertarian YIMBYs, and many left or socialist YIMBYs (although in true socialist tradition, some want to break away from the YIMBY label and create a sub-label PHIMBY). This isn’t just a feel good story about how conservatives and liberals can be friends—this has a real impact on YIMBYs getting things done. It’s part of why you see both Republican and Democratic officials at the local level working towards YIMBY solutions in different cities, and why those solutions can often pass without bitter partisan warfare. It’s why the YIMBY Act in Congress had Republican and Democratic co-sponsors. It’s why YIMBYs are scoring victories in blue states like California and red states like Montana.
This sort of thing matters. YIMBYs are a big tent and they’re getting things done. It’s hard enough to make real change happen on a single policy or a single issue. Whole movements try for years and still sometimes fail. Single-issue groups trying to address every issue at once aren’t going to succeed. The urge towards mission creep is strong, and too many groups are weakening their core strengths to address problems they can’t solve. Single-issue organizations shouldn’t burden themselves with having the answer to every question, with having a stance on every issue, and with having to be all things to all people. It’s ok not to comment. It’s ok to stay in your lane and just work on one problem. It’s ok to try to change the world just one issue at a time.
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raythekiller · 1 year
Weird question, but how would the creeps and Lane be affected by a reader who has obsessive pheromones. Ex. Any person they spend enough time with, the person (or people) surrounding them gets obsessed with the reader. I kinda imagine everyone putting on a gas mask once they snap out of it lol
I wonder if Lane would be affected, would they stay the same or be worse?
Please and thank you for serving us. I bid you a good day. Take care 🩷🩷🩷
🗒 ❛ Reader With Obsessive Pheromones ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: this was such a fun concept to write
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Absolutely falls for it. And it's so difficult to snap him out of it because he will not leave your side unless he's being forcefully dragged away, and that while still putting up a fight. Gets super touchy with you and actually treats you decently. He's just going on and on about how attractive you are and wow is that a new perfume? Once Masky manages to pull him away he'll refuse to come near you or even look you in the face, embarrassed about his own behavior. Avoids you like the plague.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
My God he's already horny normally, imagine now. Hits on you nonstop in a very suggestive manner and is another one that refuses to leave your side. Will probably try to kiss you once or twice before being dragged away. To everyone's surprise, he doesn't seem to mind the fact that he was only obsessed with you because of the pheromones and still hits on you while wearing a gas mask. He's just funky like that.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He gets super flustered around you and stutters twice as much. Doesn't really try to flirt or make any moves, he just stands there awkwardly. Actually doesn't take him long to snap out of it since he gets overwhelmed with his own feelings and scurries away from you himself, without much needed intervention. He didn't like the feeling so he only talks to you while wearing a mask.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Oof... Well, you see, obsession kind of triggers something... demonic inside of him, pretty similar to how I describe him in my NSFW posts. He's unable to speak and just kind of circles around you, acting like a guard dog. Will actually roar and claw and bite at anyone who tries to approach you or take him away from you, so he's the hardest to snap out of it. If he manages, though, he'll apologize for his behavior and ask you to please be more careful with this... power of yours.
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Look, I'm trying to keep this post SFW, but it's getting a little difficult. He doesn't really show any change in behavior, to the point you might think he's immune somehow. That is, until he corners you against a wall, demanding you help him with the... Uhm, problem you've created. You'll have to get him out of it yourself. Once he's back to normal, he'll threaten you to not say a word about what he said to you to anyone else, his face flushing lightly underneath the mask.
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Extremely similar to Masky. Doesn't show any sings of being affected until he makes a move, running a hand up your thigh and kissing your neck. You have to be lucky enough for someone to walk by or else things might escalate. Once he's normal again, he'll chuckle at you like it's no big deal, writing something on a piece of paper and handing it to you. It reads "Played a dangerous game there, doll".
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
Oh boy. It's gonna be pretty impossible to get them out of it because they don't want to go back to normal. They enjoy the feeling of obsession. Follows you around like a lost puppy and does literally anything you ask them to, but asks for kisses and such as compensation. Can and will threaten to kill anyone that approaches you, being another creep or family member or anything else. They want every last bit of your attention and they plan to get it.
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lokisprettygirl · 6 months
My Love is mine, All mine (18+) (CEO! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Modern AU)
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1
Summary: You dive down the memory lane and think about how you first met the love of your life, your husband, Daemon.
Warning: 18+, smut, mention of rape, insecurities.
Note : This will probably be the most boring thing i have ever written..you are warned. Expect 3-5 parts (or I don't really know yet 😂)
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“Ugggh i don't want to be here” Shelly mumbled next to you so you gave her a side eye, she never wanted to be there. There were a couple of guys demonstrating a product targeted towards women, a decorative ring designed for women that could potentially save their life while they were out clubbing or about doing anything literally,
At first look, the ring looked like any other ring, adorned with jewels and glimmering in the light. Although upon closer inspection you could see that it had a hidden compartment under the fake diamond stud.
Inside the compartment was a red button, a single press of which would send an emergency alert to the local authorities as well as several emergency contacts on your phone, not just that but it also shared the precise location on a live moving map.
There was a group of women watching the presentation take place so you took Shelly as you were really intrigued by the product and as well as the guy giving the demonstration.
His name was Daemon, Daemon Targaryen, he was the tallest guy you had ever laid your eyes on, 6’3 to be astute, he had bronde hair- a mix of brown and blonde, and the most intense eyes you had ever witnessed, he was charming and charismatic and it wasn't like you to get attracted so quickly so even you were surprised by your own behaviour that day.
“Sooooo ummm no offense but how does it work? Is it battery operated?” A girl asked him so he picked up the ring and walked towards her,
“Don't worry I won't pop the question to you” he joked and it made everyone laugh including you. He showed her the 2.0 mm charging point inside the ring so she nodded her head..
“But what if the creeps out there recognise the ring?” Another girl asked him so he went back to the table and picked up another ring from the box..
“They won't..every purchase comes with a fresh design.. see for yourself” he gave her the ring so she checked it out and gave it back to him with a nod of approval.
The longer he talked about it though the more people started to leave, people were not interested in buying the ring even though it seemed like something everyone should own, they kept leaving until it was just you and Shelly. That's when Shelly mumbled something in your ear and ran off as well.
You watched Daemon sighing, there was a defeated look on his face that you noticed immediately but since you were still there he didn't stop the pitch. As you raised your hand up he gave you a smile.
The kind of smile that you knew would only bring you trouble..
“How long it stays active after charging..what is the duration?’ you asked him so he looked at another guy with him that you came to know later was his cousin Aemond.
“We are working on it..it stays for 10 hours for now but we are definitely trying to make the duration longer without comprising the size of it”
“10 hours? That's good enough to find someone if they're in trouble or missing” He gave you a smirky smile as you said that. “So are you selling them?” You asked him and you could tell he was excited by the prospect of leaving this place with at least one sale.
“Of Course..it's 10 euros only” he told you so you pulled out your wallet from the purse.
“Cool I'll take three..one for me..for my friend and my mom”
“Great” he clapped his hand together in excitement before he spoke again “We've also developed an app that will allow you to sync the ring with your phone. Once the connection has been established, it will not be interrupted even if your phone gets misplaced or powered off.” he informed you so you nodded.
“All this for 10 euros though? That's..very affordable..do you even make any profit?” you asked him a genuine though a bit intrusive question so he smiled politely.
“That's not a priority at the moment..goal is to give every woman a chance to be safe” he said in big words that you could have interpreted as a marketing gimmick but when you had learned the reason behind why he had invented this thing, you had realized his words were not empty that day.
He made you walk with him towards the station and Aemond excused himself as he wanted to get a drink, it was a warm day in Birmingham that day.
Once he was done cutting the receipt , you grabbed the rings and wished him good luck with the startup but as you were about to walk past him you heard him calling your name again and your heart skipped a beat.
“Yes?” You turned around to look at him so he hesitated for a moment before he stepped towards you,
“Ummm apologies if this sounds inappropriate but how old are you?” you gave him a smile as he said that. You'd pass out if he was intending to ask you out on a date.
“Just short 21” his face fell down as you said that so you crossed your arms..
“Ohhh” he let out a sigh, there was a look of disappointment plastered all over his features.
“Why did you ask? ” You couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle so he gave you a tight lipped smile.
“I .. nevermind.. thanks for buying our product..call us if you face any difficulties..stay safe yeah??”
You felt disheartened as he said that as for once in your life you were really hoping a man would ask you out, for once you found yourself being more into a man then he was into you.
Later on you had learned that the only reason he didn't ask you out that day was because he thought you were too young for him, he was twenty eight at the time and he didn't want to come across as a predator and a creep by dating a young girl in college. That went against everything he stood for.
But perhaps it was meant to be with you two because..Eight years later you were sitting in a restaurant waiting for him to get there so you could celebrate your four year wedding anniversary and he was late, as he always was at times but you understood that, he was a busy man.
What started as a small, humble operation was now a multimillion-euro company, all thanks to the vision and determination he had shown to make the world a safer place for women.
“God I'm sorry sweetheart” his voice made you snap out of your thoughts so you got up and hugged him tightly, the expensive cologne on the side of his neck comforted you immediately,
“It's okay..I just got here” you mumbled softly so he puckered his lips and shook his head.
He kissed you and made you sit back down again, at times like this he felt like a complete arse, sure he was doing this for both of you but he often felt as if he was making you feel neglected on occasions when he should have been with you, especially after everything you had done for him.
You were there for him when he had nothing in his name, when he was that eccentric bloke that went to women's colleges, workplaces and schools to sell a ring that nobody believed in at first..he had seen the worst of the life with you and in those moments he had decided that he was going to give you the best this world could offer you, he doused you in lavish gifts and fancy lifestyle, foreign trips and what not but deep down he knew all you needed from him was him. Just him.
After dinner and a few drinks as you both reached home you already had your hands on each other, that was one thing that never changed in your relationship with him, he was as passionate with you as he was the first night he had taken you like that, with his success and fame came several temptations on his way and you were not the most secure person, the older you got the more insecure you became of your looks, especially because of how he was desired so greatly by women younger than you but he made you feel as if you'd always be the only woman he'd desire in this way.
“Gods i have missed you babylove” he whispered in your ear before he trailed his lips down to your neck, he was on a work trip for a week and had just returned yesterday so the feeling was definitely mutual.
You loosened his tie while he unzipped your dress and picked you up to sit you down on the dresser, your fingers quickly worked the buttons of his shirt while his lips latched onto your neck.
“You're lovely you know that right? I don't think I told you how stunning you looked today”
You smiled sheepishly as he cupped your cheeks and kissed you while he murmured sweet honey into your ears.
“You did…twice actually” he smiled before he slipped your underwear down your legs, at times like this he couldn't really contain himself. Especially when he was away from you for days, the urge to get back to you and fuck you senseless would always eat him up. He had met you for the first time when you were just twenty one, and he always remembered you because you believed in his invention, you bought that ring that day and that memory was seared in his heart.
But you were too young for him, too innocent, so he didn't make his move that day. However the fate wasn't allowing him to move on from that encounter so it kept bringing you back to him until he had given into this feeling.
Next morning you woke up feeling tired but relaxed at the same time as he had completely worn you out. Nights like this were really affirming for you for several different reasons. He had already left for work, you grabbed your phone and called him but it went straight to voicemail so you put the phone down and sighed. Since you had your day off and had nothing much to do today you decided to call Shelly and your other friends to go for a brunch date.
Daemon was tired too that day and all he wanted to do was get back home early for once and surprise you since it was your day off. However he stepped into a silent house and an empty bedroom so he sighed and laid down on the bed with his business suit still on his body. He had organized the annual office party tomorrow so he knew he wouldn't get any peace moving forward.
He pulled out his phone to see if there was a text from you but there was nothing and he didn't want to disturb you if you were out shopping so he put it down and closed his eyes, it didn't take him long to drift into sleep.
As you returned home, you found Daemon passed out on the bed. Despite his exhausted state, he still managed to look adorable with his mouth open, that was one of his endearing qualities. You removed your heels, climbed onto the bed, and gently tucked his hair behind his ears. The sudden touch caused him to shift and wake up
“Hey theree” you mumbled softly as you climbed on top of him so he rubbed his eyes and gave you a smile.
“One day I come home early and you're not here to kiss me first thing” he feigned a hurt look so you gave him a pout..
“Sorry i didn't tell you, I was out for a brunch with Shelly”
"That's okay darling, I was jesting" Daemon said as he caressed your cheek with his fingers "How was your brunch?”
"Good, it's been long since we met so we had a couple of drinks" you said as you slowly undid his tie, you didn't understand how he was able to sleep like this.
“Sounds fun..” his smile dropped so you caressed his cheek with your thumb to bring his eyes back to you.
“What Is it? Work stuff?” you asked him softly.
“Mmmm ..I just..it's not that, i came home today and you weren't here and I just..felt sooo lonely..I'm not whining I'm just..is that how you feel when I'm not here for you?” He asked you softly so you leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“What do you want me to say?”
“Start with the truth and then you can sweeten it up to preserve my fragile ego” you chuckled as he said that
“I miss you of course.. would i want you to come back home like a normal guy once the work hour ends? Of Course i would but you're not a normal guy, you were born to do something great with your life and I'm here to support you all the way to the end..”
His eyes teared up as you said that so he flipped you around and laid you underneath him, you took his jacket off as he kissed your neck,
“I couldn't have done any of this without you”
“That's not true..you were doing this even before you met me..you would have done this with or without me–” he placed his thumb on your lips before you could go down this road,
“No you don't understand..you don't quite understand what you mean to me..” he mumbled tenderly as he kissed you over and over again, his lips barely brushed over yours as he kept mumbling between each kiss.
“Mmmm I think you made it clear when you made me your missus”
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he quickly rode your dress up and entered you swiftly,
“I love you.. and I'm sorry for being so absent –”
“It's okay..as long as you come back home, as long as you're mine and mine alone..it's all okay”
The next day at the office party you got all dolled up and hung around his arm throughout the evening. The party was the same as every year, he went all out to show his appreciation for the people who worked for TargSecure. People loved him, there was no questioning that, especially the women, he was extra attentive to their needs, they got higher pay and better leave days, their safety was the first priority for the company as Daemon wouldn't have it otherwise.
You saw Aemond and his wife Emma there so you spent your time with her while Daemon was busy with the employees, everything was the same as the past years.
However, there was this one little problem, one so insignificant and probably a figment of your imagination. And that small problem was your husband's young hot new secretary Sheena Mulaney that you knew was upto no good.
@anukulee @erebus-et-eigengrau @daenny-t @123forgottherest @mcufan72
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jaennwrites · 2 years
Little things | Captain John Price x f!reader
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feels like I'm the only person obsessed with this man, so I'm doing a service to all the Captain Price lovers fr.
summary: an eventful morning with Price :) cw: established relationship, smut, size kink (kinda), unprotected sex, praise, slight violence, aftercare, L-bombs (i think that's all of them or at least the major ones) word count: 2,615
ofc reblogs and comments much appreciated :)
You woke up to the sun gently warming your face although causing major obstruction to your vision. Lazily using your arm to shield your eyes from the sun but it only helped so much so you opted to just turn away, only to be reminded of the man you were sharing a bed with.
John Price…your captain.
You couldn’t specifically remember the first time you both slept together but the pattern eagerly ensued almost every time you both got the chance. 
It was indeed a privilege to be able to see the captain so relaxed, you seemed to always wake up before him so you would always have the chance to examine his face and it was as if you always found something new. 
Today was the prominent stubble growth, typically Price had always made an effort to shave his uniquely styled beard that you had a crazy infatuation with, but he has been really busy recently. Last night was the first time in 3 weeks that you guys had the chance to sleep together, you will admit that he made sure you knew that he was sorry.
You halted all movements as John stirred in his sleep but he soon calmed down and was quietly sleeping again. You noticed he always slept on his back as well, maybe that's why his face was so perfect.
You contemplated the risky move you were going to take but took it not caring if John awoke. You carefully pulled the blanket off of him, stopping a few times so as to not wake him. Soon enough his entire bare torso was visible allowing you to view one of your favorite things about John.
His scars.
Your favorite being a medium slash on his right arm that he got on a mission with you. You two had been running away after being overwhelmed by a cartel you can’t bother to remember the name of and he had found a fence that led to an abandoned part of the town. You urged him to go first but he firmly denied, he pulled the fence open and pushed you through first, but that’s not how he got the scar.
There were multiple enemies following behind you two and you hadn’t thought that they would be able to catch up in time but they did, but instead of Price allowing you to help him fight, he zip tied the fence closed knowing you had lost your knife in an earlier fight. 
He pushed you away and demanded you run towards an abandoned house, promising that he would meet you there. You ran hesitantly at his request and of course he met back up with you, rewarding you with a kiss on the top of your head but also with the scar that you’ve grown to love. 
“You’re a creep” A deep accented voice spoke ripping you from your silent trip down memory lane 
“No” You poorly defended resting your head on his chest as you looked up at him 
“Oh?” He hummed looking down at you 
“Oh” You repeated in an answering tone 
“I could’ve sworn I fell asleep with the blanket over my chest” He teased 
“Bad memory” You smiled 
The way John looked at you was intoxicating but this morning the look was different, it seemed somewhat sad in your opinion.
“I don’t like that look” You joked wrapping your legs with his so you could be closer 
“What look?” He questioned closing his eyes 
“Like a high school boy about to break up with his girlfriend before they start college” You joked 
“Secondary school” John teased 
You rolled your eyes playfully before sighing knowing that Price would never tell what was so clearly bothering him, you were just hoping it wasn’t you. You went to get up from his bed but his arms stayed tightly wrapped around you.
“Am I not allowed to leave?” You teased 
“Last night was the first time in weeks that you slept in my bed…” “You’re not getting away so quickly” He spoke with his eyes still closed 
You let out another sigh before turning your attention to the resting man, hell if he wasn’t going to let you go, you might as well keep “creeping”.
You stared at his closed eyes trying to remember the vibrant blue that continued to surpass your memories every time he opened his eyes. If you were an idiot you would admit that you were practically in love with the man, oftentimes you found yourself wishing he’d randomly come up to you and say that he loved you too. 
“What?” John questioned sweetly as one of his eyes peeled open to meet yours
“I’m not even doing anything” You defended with a small laugh 
You playfully huffed making another attempt to escape Price’s arms but once again his hold remained tight. He pulled you on top of him before placing a soft kiss on your lips giving you a smile after.
“Can you stop being so eager to get away from me?”  “Breaking my heart” He joked 
“Let me get on you then” You teased sitting up
“That sounds nice” John spoke as a smirk creeped onto his face 
His hands trailed from your hips slowly, simultaneously pulling off his oversized shirt you wore. You breathed in deeply at the feeling over cold air on your now bare torso.
John was a major “boob” man, the infatuation he had with your breast could entertain you for centuries. You couldn’t hide the smile that spread across your face as you watched his large hands go to your chest like magnets. 
You let out a sigh of contempt as you relaxed into the feeling of his rough hands massaging your chest. He used a hand to guide you down before happily taking turns sucking your nipples and leaving hickies on the soft skin of your breast. 
John always opted for hickies on your chest or just about anywhere that wasn’t visible, he wanted you to remember him but professionalism still needed to be maintained, he was still your captain.
“You’re obsessed” You teased prying his mouth off of your chest 
“You have perfect tis, what can I say” He defended moving his kisses to your mouth once again 
Your hands cupped his face with a slight smile forming as you felt all his facial hair. Your hips slowly grinded on his; filled with excitement for what was inevitably about to come.
“Fucking hell (british ppl talk tee hee)” John groaned placing his large hands on your rocking hips
“Captain” You teased sitting up knowing John went crazy for your little “performances” 
You smiled at your success to get the Brit so riled up as he wrapped an arm around your waist before flipping you over so that he was now hovering over you.
“I hate when you tease me” He defended 
“Liar” You hummed 
Price often had a funny habit of dropping most of his weight on top of you, whether you were just joking with each other in bed or he was ramming into you, he loved doing it and to be honest you didn’t really mind.
“Fuck you” You joked hoarsely as he dropped his body weight onto you 
He smiled propping himself up, freeing you of his weight, but he just stared down at you, once again with that somber look you noted before.
“What is it?” You asked searching his eyes as if to find an answer 
“I love you” John spoke 
He loves you.
“What?” You asked in disbelief but only for the best reasons
Captain John Price…loved you, you knew he cared about more than he’d ever admit, but this reserved man who always pushed you forward first, always questioned your comfortability, praised you ability…of course he loved you.
“I don’t want to scare you off” “I love you, and I want you to know that I care for you, all that sappy stuff” He joked placing a gentle kiss on your lips 
“I love you too John” You smiled
Price smiled down at you before kissing you again, you felt his hand descend under the blanket you two laid under, he pushed your legs open before fitting himself into the space he had made. A soft moan escaped your mouth as you felt his hard bulge prod at your exposed wet slit.
“Tell me” “Tell me you want it” He teased covering your neck with wet kisses 
“I want you” “Please” You begged shamelessly 
Price placed a kiss on your lips before freeing his leaking erection from his boxers. He looked at you amusingly as his large tip prodded your entrance. 
He was big all around, in every aspect of the word, whether it was his height, his general build, or wickedly enough, his dick. 
“Ready?” He asked covering his tip in your wetness
You nodded eagerly which made him laugh a bit but soon enough your eyes were fluttering closed as Price pressed into you with a deep groan. You placed one hand on the side of his face as you kissed him to remedy the fiery sensation of him stretching you out. 
“I love you” You moaned into his mouth 
Price smiled down at you taking in the sight of you, the marks on your tits, the way they bounced which each of his thrusts, the way your free hand gripped the bed sheets, everything about you was arousing, even when he wasn’t pounding into you.
The burning hunger that overtook his body when he saw you simply holster your gun, when you put on a mask, when you waked, hell even when you spoke to him. Everything about you always made him want to tear your clothes off and sink his dick into you.
Your legs involuntarily closed as John sat up making his thrust harder and faster, this was a common occurrence and every time your body began to tap out, he took it as a challenge to push you over the edge of stimulation.
“Open them”  “Or I’ll make it worse” He teased stopping his motion
“Just…” You began but just like every other time you didn’t know what to say, you didn’t want a break, you didn’t want him to stop…you just didn’t know 
“You know the safeword” John spoke placing his hands on your knees that were still shut 
When you and Price first hooked up, you saw the above average size of him which resulted in the agreement of a safeword and you were sure of the decision after having sex with him. You both decided on just saying his call sign ‘Bravo Six”, there was already a serious connotation attached to the words so it made sense to use it for a serious situation.
You obliged and opened your legs with instant regret as you saw the familiar smirk of a man who was about to drop half his weight on you.
“Stop” You warned attempting to be serious but the smile creeping up on your face assured Price that you were not.
His pace began again and you paid no attention to the shenanigans that Price planned on pulling, because you loved when he fucked you like this. When his face was so close to yours, his forehead resting on yours, being able to feel the vibrations of his groans on your face.
“Fuck” You moaned as Price’s heavy body pressed down onto you 
“I love you” “You’re mine” “I’ll fucking kill armies for you” He groaned before placing a rough kiss on your parted lips 
John lifted up his body allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist as your body scoured for more of him which he was glad to give you. 
You could feel the pit in your stomach building, it weirdly felt like a good stomach ache almost, you were close to cumming and John knew it. The way your breath got ragged as if your body was starting to panic, the way your legs were locking around Price’s torso, but his favorite thing was the eyes you gave him. The way they got low, the way you could barely keep them open, the faint dampness of your lashes from when your eyes watered when he first put his dick in you. 
“You wanna cum?” He teased 
“Yes” You moaned shamelessly
Price slowed his pace but his slow place was just as potent as his fast one, his thrust became deep and taunting forcing loud moans out of you everytime he sunk himself back into you. 
“Oh my god” You moaned loudly as your orgasm overtook you 
“That’s my girl” He praised clearly amused by your unfolding
It was a domino effect when you came and one thing John made sure was that you came before him because if you didn’t then he couldn’t. He loved the way you began to tremble under the pleasure, the sensitivity of each part of you, that’s what he looked forward to with each of your “encounters”. 
Your body shivered as Price peppered kisses on your neck and collarbones and picked up his pace once again, other than your hand that was gripping his, your body was practically just spasms now as his tip kissed your cervix with each hard, fast, deep thrust. 
“Is my beautiful girl, all cock drunk” He teased 
John began to focus on achieving his orgasm seeing that if he didn’t stop now you wouldn’t be able to get up for the day. He let go of your hand to your dismay, he used his now free hand to prop up your hips as he got rougher than you ever could imagine. 
“Please” You moaned loudly not even sure of what you were begging for 
“I love you so much” He groaned loudly pressing so deep into you that his pelvis smacked your clit
Price watched amusingly as some of his cum seeped out the sides of the “seal” you both created. He finally pulled out and made his way to the bathroom to run you a bath. John took full responsibility for his rough demeanor during sex and so he always made sure to make up for it after. 
You groaned at the soreness you felt as you sat yourself up; you loved sex with John but my god did it take a toll on your body after. 
“Stop trying to be independent” He playfully scolded before picking you up bridal style
He placed you in the tub before getting in behind you; he placed small kisses on your now wet shoulder. You laid your head back onto Price’s chest allowing him to wrap his arms around you peppering kisses on the top of your head.
“Why do you always kiss the top of my head?” You asked examining his hands 
“Cause I like to” He defended with a smile you could hear in his voice 
“Seriously” You spoke playfully slapping his knee
“I like the smell of your hair”  “And I love you” “That’s how I show it” He shrugged 
You craned your head back smiling at your upside down view of the handsome British man, you reflected on all the times even before your first hookup that Price had his face buried in the top of your head.
He always fixed any headgear you had on, always taking something out of your hair, and  patting down your flyaways. You sat yourself up turning your body to face him because it finally hit you. 
Captain John Price had been in love with you long before you two even had sex.
“I love you” You smiled
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highonmarvel · 7 months
Hello! It's not 2024 yet,but it will be in one more day so Happy New Year in Advance! May I please request a dark!reader with a soft!dark Bucky? Not a dark or fully dark Bucky but soft dark one like the Bucky you wrote in your recent story called 'Himalayan Salt'. Your dark Bucky really scares me as they are truly dark and cruel,and stay true to the dark fics genre. But for this request,may I request that he won't do any hitting or physical abuse towards the reader? Because I find that I really liked your 'Himalayan Salt' soft!dark!Bucky.
My request is dark!reader is obsessed with Bucky and stalks him,snaps his pictures to keep to herself,steal his stuffs to keep as souveniers,basically everything a yandere would do. But she has no clue that Bucky is also obsessed with her,probably more than she is of him and that he knows everything that she's doing to him when she thought he wasn't looking or didn't notice. He even finds it amusing and think of her as an adorable amateur stalker. She doesn't talk to him and never introduces herself to him (which Bucky wishes she would do) because she thinks someone as handsome as Bucky wouldn't even spare someone like her a glance so she resorts to watching him and fantasizing about him from afar.
Reader got herself in his apartment (that he didn't have proper security or proper locks for on purpose so she can enter easily and his apartment,not hers,because she wouldn't be able to get him back to her place as easily) to hide and wait until he gets back. He has tiny cameras in his apartment that connects to his phone that let him know that Reader is in his apartment and is about to kidnap him. He get home ASAP,acts normal and unaware and purposely stands near to a spot that he knows reader is hiding at and turns his back to her to let her knock him out. She knocked him out and tied him up/restraints him on his bed. He woke up some time later to reader explaining her plan to keep him and reader forces herself on him. Which he pretends not to like at first so he can let her have her moment and let her think she has the upper hand here. But then he started laughing and giggling which confuses and creeps reader out before he broke out of his restraints easily and flipped her over,pinning her on his bed and revealing that he's knew all along and he's far more obsessed with her as he thinks about her everyday,enjoying the little game they play that's she's unaware of and have his way with her in the end. His turn.
I know you said to expect physical abuse or hitting in your fics as they are dark fics but I want to request that Bucky doesn't hit or physically abuse reader in any way in this one,if I can. And vice versa with reader never hitting or physically abuse Bucky except to knock him out as I find her chloroforming an enchanced super soldier unrealistic. Just the non con or dub con committed towards Reader by Bucky in the end. So I guess it's a soft!dark!reader x soft!dark!Bucky request.
Sorry for this long & shitty request and sorry if this isn't really in your lane. I just needed to get this off my chest before I forgot about the idea completely. And I just wanted to try my luck. It's also okay if you don't want to do it,I understand ❤ I'll be treating myself to your other works and upcoming stories in the future. Take care of yourself,hope you're doing well,stay safe and have a blessed New Year ❤❤❤ Thank you for just reading through my terrible request alone and sorry to put you through this lol. Thanks again ❤ Much love! 💞
i’m gonna be honest with you, i wasn’t really into this. the idea sounds cool but i’m not really into dark!reader, though i see where you’re coming from, and i get that my fics are really fucking dark, but someone has to do it. but this was so well thought out and you were so kind at the end i had to do it for ya. and i had fun! it was outside my comfort zone, that’s why it took so long (among other things.) you had a lot here so i apologise if it doesn’t come out as you wanted, but i tried my best, and i did change it just a little bit. here it is:
Amateur Hour
Bucky Barnes: A glimpse generates an obsession, though maybe it’s not as one-sided as you think.
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content warnings here!
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Sort of subdued all your life, you’ve never had the courage to come right out and say you liked someone, and that led you to observation more than conversation, watching people you admire closely, but nothing more, until you see him.
It’s a fairly overcast day, the sun just peaking out enough so as to not make the air cold. You sit peacefully on a park bench, reading a novel without the threat of rain tempting fear of getting your book wet. You hear someone coming down the path, obviously, because this is a public park, and you don’t know why you look up, but you do, and the wind is knocked right out of your chest.
You’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him, brown hair and mysterious steel blue eyes with a perfectly sculpted jawline and just enough stubble so as to make your heart rate pick up. You don’t realise you’re staring after him until he turns and gives you a quick friendly smile, pink lips upturning for a moment before he continues, but enough to make you develop an obsession of sorts.
You’re used to watching people you admire, and that’s as far as it goes, but this… this is different. He has to have been sculpted by God Himself, strong arms and broad shoulders you all but want to be wrapped in. You could never speak to a man like that, but you could never let him escape in the streets and never see him again, you’re already haunted by the image of him having only briefly met his eyes, you know you’ll go insane if you don’t know him, and so a less insane option is to… watch.
Very casually, you shut your book and stand, stretching before strolling in his direction, keeping your footsteps small enough so that you can follow without him getting suspicious as to why you don’t overtake him. You take in the tress around you, nature you usually appreciate, but you can’t really observe any beauty anymore without knowing they will never compare to the man in front of you. It’ll never be enough now.
And you don’t know it, but Bucky smirks to himself as he hears your gentle footsteps behind him.
You turn out as he does, and usually you would be more vigilant to pickpockets and busy people speed walking on the pavements of New York, but there’s nothing in the world that can take your focus off of the back of his head. You’re sure you must have bumped into a few people, but you can’t recall it, mumbling an apology every once in a while until you stop them completely, trying to keep as silent as possible. You follow him for a bit, though you’re not sure how long; every concept you’ve ever known—time and space—are nothing compared to him. You’re desperate for him to look at you again, you almost want to out yourself right then and there and force his lips onto yours, but you know that’s dumb, yet still it takes you a lot more self control that you ever thought you needed to keep your cool.
You reach a block of apartment buildings and slow down slightly—with less people around, you don’t want to look suspicious. When he turns to one, you turn to the one across the street, watching in the reflection of the glass door entrance as he lets himself into a building. So that’s where he lives. You jot down the address in your notes app and take a picture of the place, just in case, ducking behind a car to see if one of the windows will open revealing him. You frown when after a few minutes, there’s no movement, and so you head around the back, where the flat is facing an empty lot rather than a long road. And you see him, standing by his window, the breeze perfectly combing through his hair.
So you’re the quiet type, you note, seeing as he’d rather his place face no one than everyone. You can’t help yourself from taking another picture, and just before he disappears from your sight. Once he’s gone, you press your back against the wall and grip your phone with both hands to take in that beautiful sight forever. You can’t fight it anymore, you have to know him.
Bucky chuckles to himself as he steps back. He knew you were in the park, he came specifically for a walk to see you, but he wasn’t really expecting you to have such an immediate and visceral reaction to the sight of him. Bucky’s no stranger to flirty glances, but he saw that glint in your eyes, and he knows it; it’s the same one he had when he saw you. When he heard you get up behind him, he hoped it was because you were going to introduce yourself (not that he needed your name, but that seemed like an easier way to go about it) but when the sound of your footsteps didn’t speed up or die down, he knew you were following him. Bucky’s obsession with your started when you’d sweetly bought a cake in a cute bakery, and you just screamed innocence to him right off the bat. Now, well, maybe you’re not so innocent in your own eyes, but, if anything, you’re a little naïve to him, and he finds it adorable.
The next day you head back over and sit in your car for a little bit, waiting for him to come out, but you get an opportunity just as good. The mailman comes around with probably some junk mail, and you hop out your car, pretending you were entering your own building. When he opens the door, you stop him.
“I’m just going in, don’t worry, I can take it from you,” you say with a friendly smiles. He thanks you for helping him on his long route as he hands you a few letters and magazines: junk. You wave him goodbye as you step in and the door falls shut behind you.
“Do you live here?” a voice asks, and you startle as you turn to security seated behind a desk.
“No! I’m just volunteering a little on the mail route,” you smile at him, innocently, and raising the pitch of your voice to appear sweeter, “And I’m sorry, I just need a little help getting it into the right boxes.
“Well, I can do it for you,” he offers, but you shake your head.
To avoid suspicion you offer, “Well, there’s five floors, you can do floors one and two and I’ll do three and up.” You counted that the man you’re obsessed with lives on the fourth floor.
He agrees and you get to work putting mail where he tells you each person and their door number.
“James B Barnes?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. You had done a few on his floor and asked a little about each, but most of them were either women or people living together, and you knew he had to live alone, he seems really reserved and to himself, likes the quiet.
“James? I don’t know a James…” you frown as he furrows his brows in thought, but suddenly he snaps his fingers and smiles, “Ah, Barnes! That’s Bucky, 4D, really keeps to himself.”
Bucky. But you have to make sure it’s the right person.
“I see,” you say as you gently place letters in a box on the fourth row marked with the letter D, “You don’t know much about him?”
“Nah, only that he’s really into gloves, never see him without ‘em, even in scorching hot weather.”
The man you saw yesterday was wearing gloves, even though it wasn’t really cold. That has to be him.
It takes a while to fill up the rest as you try to keep friendly conversation going to not appear suspicious. When you’re finally done, he goes back to scribble something down on a piece of paper.
“You know, he says as he finishes it off, “If you’re going to be coming down this way for a while, you should have the building code, make it easier for you,” he hands you the piece of paper with a smile.
“Thank you!” you say, a little too eagerly as you read the code: 8496, “I’m often busy with work so I’m not sure how many days I can be here,” you sulk, “But I’ll try come in every once in a while, count on it.”
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, apartment 4D, you’re getting somewhere.
You’ve started to notice that you’ve been so distracted lately you’ve been misplacing items; a t-shirt you thought was in your cupboard would end up on the floor, a few of your bras seem to have disappeared, and you can’t find random notes you’ve written and placed throughout the house. But it’s fine, once you have him you can deal with all that: none of that is as important as Bucky.
You’ve always been a bit of a loner, but the next two weeks you spend talking to no one, not even responding to work emails as you stalk Bucky. You’ve managed to sneak in a few times (he doesn’t lock his door) and grab some of his stuff—you even wear his t-shirts sometimes, absolutely intoxicated by his scent—snap a few pictures for memories. Following him around, you find that you were right: he is more of a loner; he hardly talks to anyone, he’s got two friends, Sam and Steve, who he sees maybe once a week for drinks, but that’s it.
On a Friday night, you snap: you have to have him.
Bucky is in the middle of taking a sip of beer, watching Sam and Steve laugh at his deadpan joke, when he gets a notification on his phone. It’s a specific sound he has just for the cameras in his house, tells the guys it’s security, and they get it, they think Bucky is a little paranoid from his past, but if anything, his past makes him more comfortable to being exposed to attack, he knows he can take them, and no one with half a brain cell would try a serious-looking well-built man.
He manages to excuse himself for the night, but not without a little protest from Steve and Sam. To get out of explaining himself, he places money on the table for the men to get another round on him, and they cheer as he exits the bar.
Outside in the dark, he opens the app and turns his phone landscape to swipe through the multiple cameras set up in his house to get to the one where you are. Of course you’re in his bedroom; he’s noticed you’ve been stealing some of his clothes, once even a pair of his boxers, and so he moved your stuff to a better hiding spot. From watching you, it didn’t even seem like you noticed your things going missing, that or you didn’t care, but he knew you weren’t as attentive as you thought. Once he literally followed you in his car just to see how far he could go and you didn’t pay it any mind, walking through your neighbourhood as normal—though, granted, you did have your earphones in.
Excitement ripples down Bucky’s spine and he can’t help but smile at the screen as he notices you ducking behind his bed. Really? Behind his bed? Not even in the closet? He bites his lip to prevent himself from laughing, but not in a malicious way, in an adoring way, that you really are committed to this, but not as committed as he is. He’s seen the chloroform, baseball bat and ropes you bought, you’ve been planning it for a little, but nothing could prepare you for him.
He has to stop himself from full on sprinting down the road to get back home. He does to want to show up sweaty and panting, so he tries with all his might to make it casual stroll. He makes sure to slam the front door behind him so you know he’s here, and he sighs loudly as he shrugs off his jacket before tossing it onto the couch. Maybe it’ll spook you too much if he went straight to his bedroom, so he goes to the bathroom first to freshen up a bit, give you time to really think this through, maybe you’ll change your mind. Not that he’ll change his.
His bedroom door is closed, which he finds a little cute because he knows he left it slightly ajar, but you didn’t really take that into consideration. When he enters, he turns to close the door behind him, giving you time to sneak up and hit him over the head with a bat.
He falls, pretends he’s been knocked out, as if a bat could take him out; he’s been punched through walls and barely flinched before getting back up to fight. It takes a lot in him to stop himself from smiling as he feels you lift him from under his armpits and drag him onto the bed. It takes a bit, but once he’s lying down, you puff out a breath and wipe your brows; that was a bit of a workout for you, but for him… how easy it would be to manhandle you.
He hears you shuffling and feels harsh rope chafe against his skin as you wrap a piece around his ankle, not nearly tight enough, and he thinks it’s because you don’t want to hurt him, which is sweet. You’re just so sweet.
Once you’ve ‘secured’ his ankles and wrists, he waits a few moments before he pretends to stir, coming to consciousness. He puts on a confused and scared look as he notices you at the edge of the bed, as if he hasn’t been dreaming about this for the longest time. As soon as your eyes meet his, he can hear the near whisper, swoon-like sigh you give. Bucky has never considered himself too attractive, doesn’t pay much mind when someone is attracted to him, neither gives him an ego boost or knocks him down a notch, but you, the way you’re so affected by his presence has his heart rate picking up.
“You’re just so beautiful,” you breathe, “Bucky.”
Bucky tightens his fists to prevent himself groaning at the sound of his name falling from your lips, and he’s struggling even more now to restrain himself, wanting to fuck you so hard that’s all you can say, just broken sobs of his name as you come over and over, legs trembling around his waist…
“I’m sorry,” you apologise as you stand.
The corner of his lip twitches, and he can tell you’ve noticed, but that scared face he’s putting on for your benefit quickly takes over his expression as you climb over him. He wants to beg you to stop, maybe give you a little more time to feel in control, but it’s been a while now, and he can’t help the chuckle that slips past his smiling lips.
You look up from his crotch to see him full-on laughing now, not necessarily deranged, but laughing like you’ve told him a genuinely funny joke. You sit back on him carefully as you watch this odd behaviour, that really unsettles you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologies, still with a smile on his face as he shakes his head, “It’s just… come on, now. You’re adorable, but what is this, amateur hour?”
You don’t really have time to take in his giggly response to being ostensibly held captive before he easily pulls himself free of the restraints. You gasp and grab hold of his waist as he grabs hold of your hips, easily pinning you underneath him like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Trying to contain his amusement, he drops his head to hide his smile, but can’t hide it away again when he looks back down at you.
“Two weeks?” he breaths over you, his tone not mocking, but near incredulous, “Try two months, sweetheart. I’ve seen your internal conflict, knowing what you were doing is wrong but not being able to stop, huh?”
He raises an eyebrow with his question and you gulp and look down from his eyes to through his legs.
“Where do you think all your shit’s being going? Things don’t just disappear, touches aren’t always just dreams. And listen,” he brings a hand up from your waist to gently tap your cheek, signalling for you to look back at him, and you do, “I’ve enjoyed playing this little game with you, but I’ve been waiting too long for this now to let you have all the fun.”
You gasp as he ducks his head to press a gentle yet possessing kiss to your neck, grasping onto his hair to keep his mouth against your pulse. He smiles against you, and you take a deep breath in as you turn your head to allow him more space, gently tugging him downwards as you listen to his soft kisses and feel the loving stroke of his fingers on your inner thigh. His gentleness soon turns a little more rushed, like he’s desperate; he lets out a choked groan as he grinds his tightening jeans against your thigh, which you return with a moan of your own, pulling his head from your neck which he at first tries to fight, so lost in the taste of your skin, the quickening rise and fall of your chest against his, your sighs of his name, but he reluctantly pulls away, only to be immediately pulled down to your face as you crash your lips against his. He can tell you’re eager by the way you shift your thighs every once in a while, but he knows there’s fear in the trembling fingers that hold him against you.
Once his tongue slides into your mouth, you know it’s over, unable to stop yourself from draping your arm over his neck so he’s as close to you as possible.
“Bucky…” you moan against his mouth, rolling your hips against him.
“Fuck,” he rasps.
You desperately claw at the waistband of his jeans, and he smiles as he pulls away and sits up to take in your flushed cheeks; he’s hardly touched you and you’re already pleading, “Please, please, please.” He’s sure by now the only words you can get out are ‘fuck,’ ‘please,’ or ‘Bucky,’ and he can’t quite decide which is his favourite one… Definitely his name.
“It’s coming, sweetheart,” he says as he undoes his belt, “Hold on.”
It’s no task for him to pull off your pants as you arch your hips, and he really can’t help but smirk to himself as he notices the dark patch on your underwear when he slides it off next.
He props himself up as he slowly pushes into you, grunting at how good you feel. You moan and Bucky rewards the sweet sound by hiking up your thigh to hit you deeper. You cry out as he bottoms inside you, digging your nails into his back and squeezing your eyes shut, cunt tightening around him, too.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as he pulls back and pushes into you again. Your hands move to grasp onto his shoulders, and if you’re pushing him off, he doesn’t notice it, letting out a whimper when he hits your spot again, your fingers grasping onto him for dear life.
He tried to keep slow, but he hurries a little, fucking addicted to feeling you, so lost he’s letting pathetic noises fall from his lips as he pushes into you each time, making sure to give praises of, “Fuck, that’s good, you’re so good, fuck,” between harsh breaths, and you can reply with nothing but whines and moans under him.
When he feels your legs begin to tremble, he pulls the one over his waist further back, hitting you even deeper, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, and this time he feels your nails break into his skin.
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky,” is all you can get out as he hovers over you.
“You gonna come, sweetheart? You can do that, fuck, please, please come for me.”
If the feeling of his cock wasn’t enough to drive you over the edge, his pleads and whines do it; you let out a broken sob of his name as you clench down on him, orgasm ripping through you better than in all your fantasies.
“Fuck, yeah, yeah, that’s good, ‘m gonna come in you now, okay?”
And it doesn’t take long, a few more thrusts and he releases himself inside of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting out a long groan of your name. When his breathing has slowed slightly, he raises himself to look down at you, and he doesn’t think he could deny himself another round, whether you want it or not.
[taglist; @cjand10, @pr30087, fill out this form if you’d like to be added!]
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gallaghersgal · 2 days
I don’t know if someone has sent something like this in but I had a thought the other night about getting in an argument with Richie (and previous not having gotten into many with him, being shy and staying in your lane as a waitress) in the restaurant and he says something not intending for it to be suggestive, but it is. You reacting positively to it but leaving embarrassed. He unintentionally follows you out and asks you about it. Jksodhe I’m sorry for rambling 😖😖
this ask has been wasting away since... idk probably july. but it's itching my brain all of a sudden so. mature for suggestive language. pre-canon setting!
the bullshit that richard jerimovich put you through. god, it would be enough for anyone to just walk out. but you needed this job, so you put up with his nonsense. at least he's easy on the eyes.
today he's in the dining area with fak, slamming the side of the ball machine every time the younger man makes a mistake. there's a rush happening too, or at least there was. you michael, and ebra handled it all. much to your disdain mikey just laughs it off when you bring richie's absence to his attention, telling you, "relax kid, we can handle this shit. let the old man fuck around."
you groan as you wipe your hands, fingers feeling tender from all the piping hot sandwiches you'd just served up. you march your way into the dining area intending to give that old fuck a piece of your mind. he brushes you off similarly to his friend, you swear sometimes those two are just iterations of the same person.
"fucks sake princess, i don't see a line out the door," he jabs, gesturing obnoxiously towards the now empty area.
"oh, fuck you richie," you spit back at him, reaching out to shove him lightly.
"yeah? fuck me?" he taunts, crowding into your space. "i bet you'd like to, huh princess."
he doesn't even say it with any low, lustful tone. it's a jab, an insult even. but the words send heat creeping up your cheeks and you stammer out, "f-fuckin' jagoff," before turning quickly on your heel.
crisp chicago winter air helps soothe your racing mind, the shock against your bare arms bringing you back to reality. that was embarrassing. wanting to have sex with a coworker was bad enough already, but a coworker nearly ten years your senior? that's the beginning of a workplace nightmare.
richie steps into the alley and you glare at him. his hands raise in defeat, one holding a lighter as an unlit cigarette hands from his lips. he lights the thing and takes a drag, then pulls it from his lips to observe, "you look fuckin' cold."
"oh, thank you captain fucking obvious," you bite back, but your voice trails off as he cages you in against the wall.
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Mosley Lane: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Summary: This is the last piece of the puzzle. The piece before you can finally be set free from all this pain. You're going to do whatever it takes to help your friend and more importantly, yourself.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Hey, I came in as soon as I heard," you say and step into the briefing room. "There's an abduction?"
"Yeah. Aimee Lynch, eight years old, was taken an hour ago from a winter festival in Ashburn."
"Any witnesses?"
"Her mom, Barbara, was right next to her when she vanished."
"There must have been hundreds of people there. No one saw anything?"
"We're not completely void of hope. We have a few witnesses who gave descriptions of an older man and woman around Aimee when she disappeared. Here are the drawings from the sketch artist."
JJ puts the sketches on the screen and your heart immediately drops to your stomach. You recognize the people in the sketches.
"No way," you gasp.
"What is it?"
You look at JJ and immediately shut your mouth.
"Excuse me." You get up and leave the room while pulling your phone out and dialing Hotch's cell. "Hotch, listen, I know who the abductors are. When I was in prison, my cellmate told me why she was in there. She worked for this couple as a babysitter and long story short, she went down for the crimes they committed. She knows this couple. I'd like to talk to her."
"Good. Follow the lead."
"Can I take Spencer with me? I have to go back to that prison."
"Yes, that's fine."
You hang up and walk back into the briefing room.
"Alright, Reid, you and I are going to head to the family's house. The two of you," he says to Emily and JJ, "I want you to work with Garcia. We need to look at every local abduction or attempted one in the past year and see if there's any overlap."
"Actually, I need Spencer. I'm following a lead. Something to do with my cellmate in prison. I'll explain later but it relates to this case. I need him with me."
Spencer and Derek look at each other while Emily and JJ stay quiet.
"Okay, yeah. Prentiss, you and I are going to the family's house. JJ, work with Garcia."
"Sure," JJ nods.
"Oh, and the suspect's names are Roger and Anita Roycewood. Just trust me on this one."
Spencer leaves the briefing room with you, waiting for an explanation you're not sure you're going to give. He pulls you into an empty office and blocks your way out of this one.
"What is going on? I'm more than happy to go with you, but what is it?"
"My cellmate was arrested for the crimes of the suspects. I know who they are. Anita and Roger Roycewood. She was their babysitter. I have to talk to her which means I have to go back there. I feel like I'm doing better but if I go alone, I'm afraid I'll take ten steps back. You make me feel safe."
Spencer pulls you into a hug and you wrap your arms around his neck. He allows you a few minutes of being in his arms until he pulls away from you.
"You're always safe with me."
He leans down and kisses you, and you welcome the comfort by kissing him back. After allowing yourself to feel content, you and Spencer take one of the FBI standard vehicles up to Goochland where you were imprisoned. The closer you get, the more you can feel the familiar fear creep in. You get through security after showing them your badge and park in the visitor section. You grip the steering wheel but don't move to get out. I can't do this. I can't be here. I shouldn't be here. I should move on and stay as far away from this place as possible. What good is it going to do me to be back here? What if—
"Darling?" Spencer asks when he sees your knuckles are white from how hard you're gripping the wheel. He places his hand on your shoulder and you snap out of your own mind. "Y/N?"
"Are you okay? I could go in there."
"No, I made a promise and I have to do this."
"Okay. Whenever you're ready."
You feel like you're ready in ten minutes, and you slowly climb out of the car. Spencer follows you inside and to the check-in desk.
"Hi, I'm here to visit Ashley... Um, I don't know her last name." You turn to Spencer. "I never asked."
"I need a last name, ma'am," the clerk says.
"Um, I'm sorry," you chuckle nervously. Being back here is making your head swirl. You try to remember what the guards called her since everyone refers to everyone else by their last name. There is a cloud in your brain blocking this information. Spencer rubs your back and the cloud suddenly clears in your head. "Parks. It's Ashley Parks."
"Take these badges and keep them visible at all times. Go through this door and Officer Medley will take you back."
You and Spencer take the visitor badges and clip them to your shirts. You follow Officer Medley to the room where the visitors can speak to inmates through a thick pane of glass and through phones on either side. You and Spencer sit down and look at each other while waiting for Ashley to come out. You're bouncing your leg and Spencer places his hand on your knee to get you to stop.
The door opens and Ashley walks through it with handcuffs on her wrists. You get tears at the sight of her after so long away. The guard removes the cuffs and allows her to walk to the seat right across from you. She smiles when she sees you and picks up the phone.
"It's so good to see you. You look well," she says. Her words bring tears to your eyes. You feel so guilty for leaving her in here. "No, don't do that. If you start crying, I'm going to cry."
"Okay," you sniffle and force the tears away. "Ashley, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Spencer."
"Ah, the man who taught her chess," she grins.
"Yeah," Spencer nods.
"Well, I don't think you're here to just say hi to me. Did something happen?"
"Remember that promise I made to you?"
"If I am found innocent and I don't return, just know I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you out of here."
"Go, you have court," she smiles with tears in her eyes.
"I promise, Ashley. I'll get you out of here."
"You don't have to do anything for me. I made some friends here. There's a group of ladies who are kind of nice."
"Roger and Anita are here. They're in Ashburn."
"What?" she whispers.
"They've kidnapped another child. Her name is Aimee Lynch and she was taken from a festival two hours ago. There are people there who saw Roger and Anita. We have their sketches."
"I can't believe this. How can I help?"
"I have to get in contact with your lawyer and get a retrial for you. We have your file, the fact that you babysat for Roger and Anita, the claims you made, and the 911 call you made for one of the families. My team is going to catch them before they can hurt anyone else. This might be enough to grant you your release."
Ashley has tears in her eyes and she looks between you and Spencer.
"Don't give me hope."
"Ashley, you're going to go home." Ashley puts her head in her hands and cries, allowing herself to feel the hope after so long of not having it. "You're going to see your parents again. I just need one thing."
"Anything," she sniffles and looks at you.
"I need to know everything about Roger and Anita, and the way they kidnapped children."
Ashley tells you what you need to know, and you and Spencer leave the prison. You call her lawyer, Abel Jefferson.
"Abel Jefferson? My name is Y/N with the FBI at Quantico. Listen, I'd like for you to try and get a retrial for your client, Ashley Parks."
"I can't just demand for a retrial. There are things that need to be done--"
"Like new evidence?"
"What new evidence?"
"Roger and Anita are in Ashburn right now. They've kidnapped another child. My team is already on the case, but I'll get what you need for a retrial."
Abel sighs and doesn't speak for a solid minute.
"Bring me the evidence first, and then we'll talk."
If you're going to get this retrial, you have to know where they're staying. After they parted ways with Ashley, Roger and Anita left the house they had been staying in before. You don't have a clue as to where they are staying now but you have faith your team will figure it out in no time. 
JJ and Penelope work to put everything they know onto the bulletin board. Aimee Lynch was last seen at a winter festival this morning at ten. She is four-foot-eight with blonde hair and green eyes. You're nervous for her since temperatures are dropping with chances of snow. If Roger and Anita have her outside, she'll be dead soon. Reporters have put this AMBER Alert on their news channels, and one woman came in to talk to JJ.
Whoever took Aimee, took her son.
Well, that's what she says every time a child goes missing that's her son's age. Charlie went missing eight years ago, and she comes into the station claiming that her son is alive and he is missing just like all the other kids. She stays in the station for the first twenty-four hours.
She now has eight left.
You pull into the BAU parking lot and stay seated with your hands on the wheel. They're not as white as before but you're still tense.
"Are you okay?" Spencer asks.
"I'm out. I'm not going back to that cell. I'm free."
"Yes, you are. You did so well. I'm proud of you."
You look at Spencer with tears in your eyes.
"I want to cry so bad right now. Being back there brought back not only memories but everything that was placed onto my shoulders.
"So do it. Cry."
You do. You crawled over the center console and into Spencer's lap and just cried for ten minutes. He did nothing but hold you, rub your back, and comfort you. God, you're so in love with him. After your moment, you two head back into the BAU and up to JJ and Penelope. You quickly explain to them what is going on so they're aware of what you're doing.
"So, I talked to Ashley's lawyer and he needs evidence before he can get a retrial. Ashley told me how they kidnapped children but maybe their routine changed?"
"What did she say they did?"
"Anita would be around calling for a lost son, distracting the parents of the child they wanted. Roger would swoop in and take the child before the parents ever knew they were gone. When Roger got too old to handle a squirming child, he'd use one of the older kids. Threaten their family or something if they didn't help."
"Sarah said the same thing when Charlie was taken," JJ says to Penelope. "There was a mother looking for her lost son."
"Well, if it's the same people, they've been doing this for close to a decade."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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owliellder · 1 year
Handle with Care
Leon Kennedy x afab Demon! Reader
MDNI 18+
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Description: Still brand new to working as a STRATCOM agent, Leon and another young agent are sent to investigate similar reports of a strange creature roaming a small town. (Taking place a year after RE2)
Warnings: Porn with plot, slight dub-con, no use of y/n, minor violence, guns, knives, a lil sprinkle of angst, swearing, manipulation, mentions of blood, non-detailed description of animal death.
Tags: Significant size difference, Dominant! reader, Submissive! Leon, enemies to lovers, unprotected p in v (wrap it up pls), semi-public sex, dirty talk, praise + degradation kink, neck biting, hickeys, begging, possessive behavior, spit kink, light choking, oral sex (cunnilingus and a slobbery blowjob), multiple orgasms, creampie, slight aftercare
this is my first fic, I have zero idea what I'm doing. I just needed some crazy self indulgence. pacing is probably super weird cause i'm really tired. kinda did this to stay awake at work. also this is not proofread, so if you see a super random word just know i'm sleep deprived and autocorrect is wack
It was late when Leon and another agent around his age, Trevor, were sent out to a small town neighboring Omaha, having been briefed on their task a couple days beforehand.
"...an easy task. I trust it won't take you two long to have it under control" an older man grumbled out, looking at the two young men sitting across from him at his desk as they looked over the vague information handed to them moments prior. The man leaned back in his office chair, letting out a low sigh at their worried looks. "You're not made to handle it yourselves, just have to follow protocol; call it in, keep the area secure, and the subject contained to the best of your abilities while you wait for us. Got it?"
Leon was the first to nod, which prompted Trevor to do the same, albeit less confidently. "Understood, Commander..." Leon responded, his voice wavering ever so slightly as the situation slowly dawned on him.
He hadn't dealt with anything like this since Raccoon City, which was still fresh in his mind. The screams, the blood, the bodies-
"I'm putting a lot of faith in the two of you." The commander's voice cut through Leon's thoughts, pulling him out of his small trance long enough to respond quickly. "Thank you for trusting us with this, Commander. We'll act accordingly."
Trevor was busy tapping his fingers against the steering wheel of the unmarked black SUV they were in, slowly driving around the empty streets of the town in search of their target. They had to remain vigilant, which meant no music. Talking, however, was allowed as long as they didn't discuss sensitive information.
"It's probably just some fucked up dog." Trevor said, keeping his focus on the road with an irritated look on his face. "I was talking with some of the others before we left and they all said these types of sightings always end up being nothing..."
Leon moved his gaze from the passenger window to his partner, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. "Better to check it out than to leave it." he stated simply, his voice hushed. Don't get Leon wrong, he didn't want to be here either. It was already 1:20am and all he wanted to do was lay in his bed. He didn't feel ready enough for this, back out working to protect the people, but as an agent instead of a cop. He signed up to fight criminals, not horrors beyond his comprehension.
Trevor groaned, the car coming to a creeping halt in the middle of the two lane road as he dramatically slammed his forehead against the steering wheel. "I don't know, dude," he turned his head to look over at Leon, his lips pulled back in a thin line. "I just feel like we're being sent out on a wild goose chase. They have us training to handle the weirdest shit, yet they want us out here because 'we've had some sightings'?" Trevor sighed, lifting his head up slightly to throw the car into park before leaning back in the seat, his shoulders slumped. Leon nodded silently while giving the dramatic man an awkward look, slowly turning his head to look out the window again.
The SUV sat parked in the deserted street for over an hour before Leon spotted something out of the corner of his eye, lifting his head up from where it rested in his hand. He nudged Trevor, who was busy messing around with the pocket button on his shirt, before silently pointing his index finger towards the windshield.
"What? You see something?" Trevor asked, voice raspy from exhaustion. He squinted as he leaned forward, trying to focus on what Leon had pointed at. "I'm-.. I'm not seeing anything." Leon wiped under his left eye with an annoyed sigh at that, closing his eyes for a brief moment to collect himself. "In that parking garage across the block-" he leaned more towards Trevor, helping his gaze follow where he was pointing, "there's something moving up there. I can see light."
Trevor cocked an eyebrow as he finally spotted what Leon had been looking at, turning away to look at him questioningly. "....so?"
"So?! Are you serious?! Did you even read the file? This town has a curfew!"
"It's probably just some random homeless dude looking for a spot to set up."
"Even if it's just some random homeless dude, we're supposed to check out any activity we see tonight." Leon whispered harshly while he gestured for Trevor to start driving, which he did with an attitude.
The two drove over to the parking garage, Leon proudly noting the toll booth and the hours for the structure posted on a sign next to the barrier gate once they pulled up across the street. The other agent seemed less than impressed, shaking his head slightly as he parked the car, turned it off, and slipped out along with Leon.
They gave each other a quick once over, making sure they both had their proper equipment before stalking across the street and into the parking garage. Both flashlights now on, they cautiously looked around the empty parking garage, walking up the steep platform to the second level.
"I think I saw it on the third level, but they could've moved.." Leon whispered, his gun drawn in his right hand while the left sat over the right, holding the flashlight. Trevor nodded silently in acknowledgement, walking behind and slightly to the right of the Leon
The two men grew ever anxious as they made their way around the parking garage, slowing down their already cautious walk once the faint glow of a light could be seen hitting against the wall that held a single elevator and a door to a staircase. They paused briefly to give each other a quick glance before continuing on upwards, slowly rounding the corner while trying to remain as silent as possible.
Leon was the first to make it around the corner, if only by a second, before he quickly threw his hand back against Trevor's chest. He pushed the man back while stepping back himself, both hidden just around the corner by a large concrete support. Trevor gave him an incredulous look, though he made sure not to make any noise.
"There's something standing at the top." Leon whispered, clicking his flashlight off as he furrowed his eyebrows. The other agent followed suit, turning his flashlight off with a now very confused expression. "It was big. Looked like it was ducking underneath the beams.." Leon continued, his voice quieting even further.
Trevor leaned in so he could at least understand his partner, tilting his body to the right slightly to try and catch a glimpse of whatever he saw. "Okay, I'll uh-... let me head back down to the car so I can radio this in. Don't want the sound alerting whatever it is." he whispered back before nodding to himself.
"Yeah-..yeah, okay. I'll make sure it doesn't make a run for it." Leon responded, tucking the flashlight into its designated loop on his tactical belt as Trevor quietly shuffled back down the levels of the parking garage.
With his gun at the ready, Leon slowly peaked his head from the concrete support, trying to catalogue the details of the creature in his head as best as he could;
Over 8 feet tall, dark grey horns on its head.. those look like goat ears. what? ...muscular, broad shoulders... claws? Fur starting below the knees, cloven hooves, and is that a tail? Okay... is it not wearing clothes- what the hell am I looking at?
Leon's expression gradually turned more into a more baffled look as he took in the creature's features. He could only tell so much, considering its back was facing him. The fuck is it doing?
The young man figured his partner didn't want to radio him to tell him he alerted the higher ups, seeing as the sound might give away his position, so he remained in position.
He swore he only looked away for a second, but the creature had vanished, the faint sound of its hooves striking the pavement echoing through the parking garage. Assuming the creature was continuing to walk upwards, he quickly moved from his hiding spot to shuffle upwards, remaining slightly crouched down as he positioned his gun in front of him. Noticing the dead deer sitting near the corner of the lot, he grimaced. The poor thing was torn to shreds. Leon shook his head, focusing back on the task at hand as be pressed his back against the next concrete column that stood where the next corner was, taking a moment to breathe before cautiously peaking his head around it.
A face meeting his startled him backwards, almost losing the grip he had on his gun. He could hear a breathy laugh as he attempted to quickly reorient himself.
"You know I could hear you down there." You spoke with a smirk, standing upright fully so you were towering over Leon, looking down at him. "Im not deaf."
Leon shakily held his gun out towards you, taking quick steps back to add distance. "Stay-.. Stay right there! Don't move any closer or I'll-"
"You'll what? You'll shoot me? Gonna call for your friend?" Cutting him off with a low chuckle, you stared down at him with lidded eyes, smirk growing at his obvious fear. When he didn't respond, you took a large step closer to him which caused him to scramble back, almost tripping over himself.
You crouched down again, smirk slowly turning to a frown as you glared at him. "Thaaat's right. I didn't think so." There was a brief moment of silence before you took a couple quick steps forward, smacking the gun out of his hands with a snarl. It fell to the ground with a loud clatter, sliding numerous feet away.
Leon only had his knife left, but he was frozen with fear. Grabbing the front of his shirt, you yanked him upwards slightly as you tilted your head down to breathe him in, closing your eyes all the while. A low purr rumbled from your chest as you took in his scent, further burying your face into his neck before slowly pulling back to lick your lips.
He was stuck watching your obscenely long and pointy tongue poke out from your mouth, your sharp teeth and large canines on full display as you grinned at his scared expression. "You reek of fear. Not built for whatever job has you out here watching me."
With that, you let go of him. He fell to the floor with a pained gasp, his knees having buckled the moment you grabbed him.
You stood back up fully once more, staring down at Leon with an almost curious expression as he looked back up at you. He was on the verge of tears. He knew he wasn't ready to fight the infected again, but he wasn't expecting whatever you are to be so... different...
"What's the matter, sweet boy? Demon got your tongue?" You smirked again, hooves scraping against the pavement as you crept towards where he laid. He let out a small whimper, tears beginning to fall from his eyes as he watched you move closer. Once your hooves sat where his feet were, you let out a sigh, expression softening.
You hunched over, carefully unclipping his tactical belt from his waist before tossing it in the general direction his gun went minutes ago. Leon closed his eyes with a soft sob, expecting the worst as you now stood right over the top of him. Instead, he felt your large hand gently caress his cheek, wiping away the tears that fell.
Looking up at you through watery eyes, he sniffled, bottom lip trembling as he gave you a confused look. "I know I should just kill you now, but god, you're probably the most adorable human I've seen." You hummed, shifting slightly so your knee sat between his legs when you crouched down. "Got that cute pouty lip, pretty eyes..." your voice trailed off slightly as you complimented the frightened agent laying underneath you.
Leon was even more confused now, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as you continued to stroke his cheek. He didn't try to move out from underneath you, but he wanted to.
"I can tell you're just a fragile one." You spoke, your voice falling to a low growl. "Shouldn't be working with things like me. You'll get hurt..." Leon let out a gasp as you suddenly grabbed the tops of his clothed thighs, pulling him closer to you. "W-wait! Wait! Wait!" He yelled, finally willing his hands to move so he could try and pull yours from his legs. "D-don't-!"
You shushed him softly, hunching over him so your face was right above his. Your sharp claws dug into his thighs as you tightened your grip, not enough to break skin but enough to be uncomfortable. "I won't hurt you, sweet thing. Just wanna get a better look at you..."
As you began to run your hands up from Leon's thighs to his waist, he couldn't help but look down towards your hands, his brain suddenly processing the fact that your naked and very human-like! Despite the demonic features, of course. Your breasts were fully in view to him, and though your crotch was also in view, it was covered in a thick patch of fur.
"H-hey, don't- what are you doing...?" Leon spoke, his voice shaky and hushed. Growing awkward with the strange situation, he began to squirm a bit under your touch, the flush on his cheeks from his crying quickly deepening with embarrassment.
"Stop moving.." You growled into his ear, voice low and commanding. You watched your hands trail around his body, claws snagging quite a few times on the fabric of his clothes. You took the opportunity to bury your face into his neck again, breathing in his sweet musk.
Leon had no idea what was going on. Obviously this was better than being mauled to death, but he wasn't trained for *this*. Aggressive monsters he could handle, what was he suppose to do with the ones that apparently want to seduce him? He was hoping Trevor would come back soon, but he probably decided to wait outside the parking garage to make sure this beast didn't make a run for it.
"C-can I just-?" "No." You were quick to cut him off, face still buried in his neck while you felt him up.
He'd be lying if he said the attention wasn't making him hard, even if the situation was weirding him out. He hadn't touched himself in over a year since all he felt was shame and guilt every time he tried, the trauma Raccoon City caused really did a number on his psyche.
Your hands were warm, large, Leon didn't know how he felt about it. He was only a couple inches away from being 6 feet, but there was something about having a beast that was so much bigger touch him this way. It was freeing.
The sound of Leon's static filled radio echoing from across the pavement caused you to turn your head to look over at it, those goat ears of yours perking up as you listened. Kinda cute for a demon. "Looks like your friend is calling for you.." you whispered, slowly standing up while bringing him up with you by the collar of his shirt.
You dragged him over to the radio, yanking it from the belt before holding it up to mouth. "Go on. Why don't you tell him you've got it under control?" your voice was so sultry now. It made him shiver.
Leon did as he was told, watching you press the button so he could tell Trevor that he lost track of you and that he was going to survey the rest of the parking garage's levels before coming back down. You listened with a smirk as Trevor quickly responded back, acknowledging his decision.
You let the radio fall once it went silent, what sounded like a purr rumbling from your throat as you wrapped your arms loosely around his chest, hands pressed flat against his pecs with clawed fingers splayed out. "Good boy, Leon..." you cooed into his ear, having heard his name when Trevor responded through the radio.
Leon swallowed dryly at your praise, his blush immediately returning before looking down at your hands, watching as you began to unbutton his shirt. "Come on now... Let me take care of you.."
Something must be laced with your voice cause it was really starting to fog his mind. He should be scared, fighting for his life, shouting for help, anything, but he couldn't. He was too focused on the way your hands felt against his now exposed skin, helping you as you gently pulled his shirt off his shoulders and out from where it was tucked into his pants.
The agent let you guide him back down to the ground, watching as you unbuttoned his pants, sitting propped up on his elbows. The hook on your claw grabbed the hole in his zipper, pulling it down slowly. You instructed him to lift his hips, and from there, both his pants and boxers were swiftly tugged down and tossed aside.
It was a warmer night, thank god, so he didn't have to worry about freezing to death. Gave him room to worry about those claws as your hand wrapped around his dick. He groaned weakly at your grip, eyes closing partially as his blush spread down to his exposed chest.
"Such a pretty cock, but I wouldn't expect anything else from a pretty boy like you." You chuckled lowly, your breath hot against his dick as you languidly stroked it. Before he knew it, your tongue had come back out of your mouth to take the place of your hand, wrapping it around his shaft.
It was such an intense feeling; the way the tip of his cock sat against your tongue in your mouth, how it wriggled around every inch of his thick sex, the amount of drool that oozed from your mouth, running down your tongue so it absolutely coated him. The wet sound it made was so obscene.
Leon covered his mouth with his left hand while the right weakly gripped one of your horns, wanting to muffle his whimpers and moans so they wouldn't echo and alert the other agent just outside. He still babbled on quietly; "F-fuck..ple-ase, thatfeelssogood-.. fuck! oooh god... pleasepleaseplease-..!"
You chuckled softly, moving your head down to wrap your mouth fully around his cock, continuing to work your tongue around it as you sucked simultaneously. You repeated the process a few times, pulling your head back to stroke him with your tongue before sucking again. His noises were so pathetic, it was adorable.
Eventually, you pulled your head away fully, tongue slowly unraveling from his cock with a breathy laugh. Leon whined loudly, looking absolutely spent, his face fully flushed pink and his eyes closed, now fully laying back against the rough pavement. You hadn't let him finish, he was so close.
"You taste as sweet as you look..." You hummed, licking your lips to savor the taste of the man. It was easy to manhandle to sit up on his knees, watching in a trance as you turned around, laying your chest flat against the ground as you kept your ass lifted up. "Come on, baby boy. Let's put that mouth of yours to good use.."
Your tail, long and thick, snaked around Leon's neck, squeezing ever so gently as you used it to pull his face down into your crotch. He groaned, bringing his shaking hands up to part the fur covering your cunt before quickly starting to lap at your folds, whimpering at the taste.
You smiled, letting out a soft sigh as he moved his hand underneath to circle your clit with his thumb. You made sure to keep your tail wrapped around his neck, keeping his face firmly pressed into your pussy. He was good with his mouth, whimpering and moaning into you every time you praised him;
"Good boy..."
"Doing such a good job for me.."
"That's right, use that pretty mouth."
"Bet you look adorable, all messy and pussydrunk.."
Leon felt so good, weakly stroking his cock with one hand while he kept your pussy parted with the other, his lips and chin wet with your slick as he continued to eat you out sloppily. He was soaking up your words like a sponge, it's been so long since he'd been taken care of like this. Who knew all he needed was a bit of some domineering attention? Doesn't really matter if it's coming from a demon or not, apparently.
His dick was still fully covered in your saliva, making it all the more nicer to stroke it while he tended to you. The feeling of your tail wrapped around his neck, your sultry voice speaking words of encouragement, the taste and smell of your cunt, and the way his hand thrusted lazily over his cock caused his orgasm to quickly build up, whispering rambled nonsense as he spurted cum across the floor underneath you with weak moans and shuddering breaths.
You cooed, moving your tail from around his neck down to his waist, pulling him up so he was standing on his knees and not sitting back on his haunches anymore. He moved his hands up to stabilize himself, holding tightly onto your hips with a dazed expression.
"Felt good, didn't it, handsome?" You whispered, prompting him to nod lazily as he stared down at your ass, moving his right hand to grab at the base of your tail. Wonder how that works..
You chuckled, furry ears tilting back to listen in on him easier. "Well don't leave me hanging, baby. I can feel you pressing against my leg.." You pulled him closer with your tail, causing his dick to grind against the inside of your thigh.
Leon groaned at that, so sensitive from his orgasm barely a minute ago. He was already rock solid again, letting his hands feel around your ass for a moment before standing up a bit so he could position himself at your leaking hole. He steadied his hands, gripping your hips tightly as he pushed himself into you slowly.
Despite being vastly bigger than him, you were still so tight, wrapping around his cock so good, all warm and soft inside. He let out a long and drawn out whine, throwing his head back as he clenched his teeth. "I-oh god you're so soft-..f-fuck! So wet.. hghh~.. shitshitshit-" He trembled as he began to thrust, drooling onto your lower back a bit as he worked himself in and out.
Leon's pace rapidly sped up, the sound of wet skin slapping and your moans echoing quietly as he was brought closer to another orgasm. He was still reeling from the first one, moving his right hand up to tightly grab the base of your tail again to use as leverage for his fast and sloppy thrusts.
He came again with a strangled cry, feeling your silky walls milk him dry. It had been so long since he'd even cum once. His body continuing to tremble as he carefully slipped his overly sensitive cock out of your entrance, whimpering quietly with every ragged breath he let out. You let your tail slowly slip from around him so he could lay back against the concrete column, standing up with a satisfied hum as his cum dribbled out of you.
Seconds later, you began to collect his abandoned clothing, giving him the few moments to calm down and recollect himself a bit. Once you had gathered all of his items, you helped him redress, even buttoning up and tucking his shirt into his pants for him. All he could do was stare at your hands as they fixed him up, dazed and tired.
"There we go. Back to looking all professional." You giggled, bending down a bit to nip at Leon's neck. His hands immediately flew into your hair, moaning as you licked and sucked at his adam's apple. You pulled away soon after to admire your work as the hickeys already began to show, a few red indents left from your sharp teeth.
"If anyone asks, you won the fight. Okay, baby boy?"
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97keanu · 1 year
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"ˣ'ˢ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵒᶠ ʰᵉʳ ʰᵃⁿᵈˢ
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Dave Lizewski x demonic!Reader
Premise: In this chapter, Dave takes Katie to Melody Lane Tavern, along with You and the rest of the group because somehow, he isn't really sure why, this has turned into a group outing. When you see Dave and Katie chatting it up, you decide to get a little revenge by dancing with Todd on the dance floor before the real concert starts. Unfortunately, Dave seems inspired and begins dancing with Katie. You find out how far your heartless mean girl soul is willing to go to get revenge for the jealousy you feel.
Later, you find out what happens to bad girls who decide to double down and get interested in the lead singer.
Tags/CW: Dark Fic, Dark Themes, Morally wrong choices, Nerdy!Dave, Jealous!reader, Jealous!Dave, DRAMA, a lot of miscommunications, semi-sex crazed!reader, reader who is a mean girl who likes to fuck her feelings away, wrong person wrong time, right person is just out of reach, refusal to admit crushes, mutual pining, revenge sex, aggressive, doggy, blowjobs, soul connection, red string of fate, soul connection sex, public orgasm, hidden orgasm, dubious consent on that one, semi-mentions of drugging, blood, gore, canon typical gore, reader is taken advantage of via demonic spell, reader is kidnapped, cliff hanger but there are a lot of dark themes in this one so needed a little break where we stop.
A/N: This chapter is packing a LOT. We are going to start out pretty fun and I'm throwing the Todd Haynes girlies a bone (if you forgot who he is in Kick Ass, he's Evan Peters <3). Later in the chapter we meet the creep, Nikolai, and unfortunately there is horror and angst once again. Our two lovers are in for a long night.
Read part one here, and read this part on ao3 here read part three here
words: 7.2k
Likes/reblogs/comments inspire me to keep going!
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Early spring has a chill in the air that makes Dave's bones shiver. Winter still hasn't unleashed her grasp on the small town of Devil's Kettle, and Dave is pulling his jacket closer to his body for warmth as his breath trails in front of him. He has a strange feeling that the chill isn't just from the cold. No, there's something off about tonight, he just has no idea what.  Besides that, he had horrible dreams all last night. He can't remember much of them, but what he does remember involves blood running down stone, the rushing sound of water, and for some reason, your voice screaming out for him. Speaking of you, Dave is currently following your puffy jacket silhouette in the dark as the two of you walk up to Melody Lane Tavern. He sees you shoot him an interesting look over your shoulder, he wishes he could ever get a real read on what you are feeling. Even though he finds himself knowing you so deeply, anticipating your needs most of the time before you even voice them, he never knows how you truly feel. Which is to say that right now, you're shooting him a look that he can only describe as repressed anger, but he has no idea why you would be so angry with him. He hates when he thinks you’re angry at him the most, he can’t help but feel like everyone else who thought you two made an odd pair might just end up being right about it not working. That's another thing, he has no idea why you of all people would ever give him, world-class nerd, the time of day. Yes, you two have been friends ever since you plucked him off the playground and proclaimed best friends forever in front of all the other five-year-olds there, but this fairytale should have ended a long time ago for him. He was so sure that by the time you two reached middle school, you would see the truth, hear all the mean things the other kids would say about him, and walk away like his mom did his dad.  But no, you actually stayed, and on top of that, you never even made him feel like a loser. You never said anything about him liking comics or being obsessed with superhero movies. Even when Dave told you that he wishes he could be a superhero, like a real-life superhero, you just listened and told him that you 'found him pretty super'. It was one of your rare tender moments with him. Not to say that you two aren't extremely close, but it does feel like half the time he never really knows what you actually think of him, beyond being a best friend and someone you can depend on. 
For a while, especially when puberty hit and his hormones went crazy, he wondered if he could ever actually be with you, in more than a friend way. But Dave also knew that every other boy in school was hounding for you, and you confided in him that you hated how it made you feel like an object. Your adamant denial of boy after boy really made Dave believe he had zero chance with you. In fact, he tried so hard not to see you as a romantic interest so as not to ruin the lifeline friendship he had with you, since at the time you were his only friend. 
No, Dave learned years ago to keep his feelings for you hidden deep, and by now it's as easy as breathing not to act on them. Even if sometimes you drift through his mind while he gets some much-needed release at night, he feels guilty after, knowing to his core that you would never love a guy like him more than a friend. And he was content with that just to be near you, but he also knows if that's the case, then he needs to move on to someone actually in his league. 
That's where Katie Deauxma comes in. Todd and Marty have been hounding Dave for years to find some girl, any girl to talk about with them. While they have been lusting after anything feminine and that walks, he's never chimed in. In fact, they're not as close friends as he wishes he could be because of that. It makes it so awkward. Not to say Dave isn't a man with needs, but he is not a total horn dog the way they are. 
This was a point of contention between the three boys. At first, they actually tried to get Dave to admit to secretly fucking you all these years, or at least being some sort of cuckold to your obviously promiscuous ways. You're one of the most popular girls in school, of course, you're a whore, right? Well, Dave knows for a fact that you've never had sex. You would have told him that, he's your best friend. Even though that information would have hurt him, despite his constant refusal to accept or admit what's under the surface for you, he believes he would know if you had had sex. That's what best friends do, tell each other stuff like that. 
After Dave finally had a break and stopped talking to Todd and Marty for a week, they didn't bring up their suspicions that something had to have transpired sometime between the two of you. Instead, they moved on to trying to get interested in any girl at school that wasn't you. 
That's when Dave finally noticed Katie. She sat next to him in Biology III and for the whole semester, Dave never gave her a second glance. When she and him were partnered on a project last week though, he learned she was actually really nice, and he kind of liked her laugh. She wasn't as beautiful as you, not by far, but she wasn't not pretty. No, she had her own charms, and in fact, she was much more in Dave's league than you would ever be, and that was a more pressing fact. Along with the other fact that Dave was a Certified Virgin, who had never had even a kiss before, Katie seemed like a safe bet. Obtainable. 
And now here he is going with you to see her at this concert tonight, which he still can't quite believe was an accident on your part for turning it into a group outing. He just doesn't get why you would do that to argue anyways. So now the two of you are meeting Todd and Marty here, while Katie brings along her friend Erika. 
Dave feels you grab his hand and pull him into the bar as Marty and Todd have a senseless game of pool in the corner. He allows you to pull him to towards them, and he catches a glimpse of you two in the mirrored backsplash of the bar. For a moment, it almost looks as if you are the one bringing Dave to a date, the way you’re pulling on his hand and biting your glossy, juicy lips with a smile. He can’t help it, his heart flutters around his ribcage, and he has to close his eyes for a moment to make it stop. He knows he can’t think like that, especially when he’s trying to have a date with Katie right now. 
Todd and Marty stop their goofing around to welcome Dave and you, and you can see a twinkle in Todd’s eye as he looks you up and down. That’s something else, Dave knows for a fact that his friends, Todd more so than Marty, are totally obsessed with you. They think it’s awesome they get to actually hang out with a popular girl when it once in a blue moon happens that all of you are put together in an outing such as this. And Todd isn’t even subtle about how badly he wants you, he gets hard just seeing you enter with a low-cut top and mini skirt. Oh yes, Todd is going to have the most wicked thoughts about you tonight when he’s in his bed alone, Dave can practically see the scenes play out in his mind right now. Dave isn’t sure why the idea of Todd having such a hard-on for you angers him so, but it does. If Dave were a different man, he would knock Todd out just for looking at you the way he does. But he doesn’t have that kind of authority, Dave isn’t entitled to worry about who drools over you are not. 
“Dave! You finally made it, are you ready to totally woo Katie tonight?” Dave could audibly groan from how loud Todd is saying it, and as Todd does, Dave notices your eyebrow twitch out of the corner of his eye. 
“Yeah, sure dude, hopefully it goes over well as a group thing…” Dave says half-heartedly, honestly feeling a bit lost right now in the decades-old bar, not really sure why he is here in the first place.
He knows why, of course, but something about tonight just feels totally off. Honestly, his muscles feel so tense, like he needs to run, get out of here. He also has this deep feeling to take you with him, something tells him you’re not safe here tonight, none of you are. He wonders if this is what the unknowing teens of a B-list horror movie feel at the start of the night, this heavy cloud over their heads that they keep denying is going to surely drown them if they don’t take action. Just like those teens, Dave chooses to ignore the feeling and sit down at a table with the group. 
As he does, Katie and her friend Erika come through the doors of the bar, Katie getting up onto her tippy toes to look around for Dave. He immediately jumps up from the table, knocking his knees against it like the dork he is, and trying to not acknowledge the pain, instead waving Katie over the best he can through gritted teeth. God, he hopes he doesn’t look like a complete loser right now. He feels terribly insecure at the moment. 
“Katie! Over here!” Dave calls out, and Katie finally spots him, pulling Erika over with her. 
They fit into the booth with ease, Katie sitting next to Dave, who is sandwiched between her and you. Dave can't see you seething while he chats up Katie. 
No, instead he leaves you next to Todd and Marty who are arguing over which girl in whatever video game of the week is the hottest. You cannot believe how head over heels nerdy Dave is for Katie. Your heart sinks, and the burn it leaves is practically radiating off of you, even Todd notices your reaction. 
"Hey, you alright?" His geeky voice asks nervously. Even though he and Dave were good friends, he hardly ever got to talk to you. You really didn't give him the time of day either, but he couldn't help that he thought you were one of the hottest girls in school. He often wishes that Dave would give up the details between you two, there's no way there's nothing going on between you two, right?
You ignore Todd for a moment, focusing on how Katie just made Dave laugh instead, and that's when a wicked plan began unfolding in your pretty little head. You turn to Todd. 
"Yeah, I'm just peachy, Todd." You put on a fake smile and bat your long lashes at him. "Actually, would you like, totally come dance with me?"
Todd's face goes red, his words unable to come to the surface for a moment, then he nods, excitedly. 
"Y-Yeah, I'd, I'd love to!" He looks back over at Marty who seems in disbelief that Todd is getting to dance with you. 
You turn to Dave who is blushing and asking Katie all about her day, and scooch. 
"Hey, Dave, can you let us out of the booth? Me and Todd are going to go dance." You say it so sweetly, so innocently, and yet Dave's blue eyes go bigger than usual, confused. You continue to move towards him so he and Katie have to get up. 
When you and Todd are out, Dave says something he can't help himself from. 
"Why? Why would you do that?" He knows you don't like Todd, not even really as a friend, why would you ever go dance with him? Todd's face looks at Dave angrily for his comment. 
"Because why not?" You say with a smile and take Todd's arm, leading him more towards the dance floor. Dave is speechless. He sits back down with Katie. 
He has the hardest time keeping his eyes off you and Todd. Katie begins to pick up the conversation from before, but Dave's interest is split. He sees as you rub your body into Todd, Todd at first looking like he might faint, then gripping into your hips and actually helping you! How could he do this to Dave? 
Katie tries to grab Dave's interest again, she was actually having a pretty good time before this. She glances at Erika, who is next to Marty as if to say 'What the hell?' to Dave's reaction. Erika shrugs and now Marty is trying to invest her in a conversation about Star Wars that she's surprisingly not uninterested in. 
"Dave? Do you want to go dance too?" Katie finally asks him, and he has to blink and rethink what she just said to take his attention off of you, where you're grinding your ass into Todd's crotch. 
"What? I mean…" He glances back to where Todd looks like he might just cum in his pants right there and then, and his own anger starts to drift somewhere inside him. He knows he has no right to be angry with you, you're not his girlfriend, and you're way too good for him. But if that's the case then why the fuck are you dancing with Todd? 
Dave looks back into Katie's eyes and nods, his brow furrowed. 
"Actually, I'd love to dance, Katie. Let's go." It's the most confident thing he's spoken all night, and for a moment Katie is wooed by how bad he seems to want to dance with her. 
Dave leaves the booth with Katie and begins to take to the crowd where you and Todd are dancing. He hopes you see him as he puts his hands on Katie's waist, not quite bold enough to dance as provocatively as you are, or sure of if Katie would enough that. 
You're still dancing to the pre-concert music, your eyes closed and feeling weirdly excited that Todd's cock is hard against your ass. You never really wanted to talk to him since he's such a geek and way too much of a loser, but he isn't ugly. No, you always thought it was strange how Todd was actually pretty good-looking, but his personality was never really your cup of tea. It doesn't matter much anyways, you're doing this to make Dave jealous. Speaking of, where was he?
You open up your eyes and spot the seated Erika and Marty with no Dave insight. You scan the crowd immediately, and your eyes land on Dave and Katie dancing, your jaw tightening. Did he really wanna play this game with you? For some reason, tonight you're feeling like you'd risk it all to make a point. You watch Dave until his eyes catch back to you, and you hold his gaze while you bend all the way down and show Todd your ass. You're surprised that some of the crowd goers are even watching, a few cheering when you do your filthiest moves. You can see as Dave's mouth falls open for a moment, and you can't help but smirk. You wonder if that's what set him off because suddenly he's leaning in towards Katie, and it looks like he's going to kiss her. 
You could scream, the only blessing being that if he did kiss her, you missed it as the crowd gets more encircled where you and Todd still dance. You can't see Dave, but you hope he can see you. You flip around and face Todd, where he's totally head over heels for the whole experience. He has a totally goofy grin on his face, and he looks you in the eyes and does something you're surprised by. He brings you in and crushes his lips against yours. 
Now, you know you could have done it to him, as revenge for Dave kissing Katie, but something had stopped you. You're not sure if it's because the switch that made you attracted to Todd hadn't flipped or something else, but when he kisses you, you can't seem to find it unpleasant. In fact, you close your eyes and lean into the kiss. 
You've kissed a few of the few boys at school you every so often found some fun in, but Todd is actually a pretty good kisser in comparison to anyone else you've kissed. You feel like your lips are tingling when they're pressed to his, and somehow your hands are up and twisted in his messy mousy curls. You can almost hear Todd moan if it wasn't for how loud the music was. As you pull away, Todd only becomes more eager for you, kissing down your neck, somehow hitting all the spots that turn you on. You can't help the heat that spreads down your back and between your legs. Maybe you can do something to really get back at Dave, but would it be too much? 
You have no idea if Dave can even see you anymore, but you feel so compelled to drag Todd to the restroom right now. He wouldn't be your first, and your sex drive has never been low. Besides, maybe a good fuck would make this night easier, and make your heart less tender. You know somehow you will regret this later, but here you are, whispering your plan into Todd's ear. He looks at you like he's dreaming, totally into it and dazed by the fact that you actually want to fuck him. It's more of him who's dragging you to the restroom instead of the other way around. 
You quickly find a single-stall bathroom, opening it, and closing it behind you two. Todd already has his hands on you, he wants you so bad. He doesn't even know if he should tell you he has never had sex before, but god he is so lucky that he gets to do it with one of the most popular, sexy girls in school. He is halfway through getting your skirt down when he stops to look you in the eyes, none of this makes sense.
"Are you sure you really want me to…?" He starts, his breath heavy from how much he's been kissing you. You grab him and pull him in. 
"Yes, I know, it's weird for me too how badly I want to fuck your nerdy cock, but can you do me a favor and just bend me over already?" You don't know what's gotten into you, tonight has been so strange, but you oddly feel like it's meant to happen this way. You can't deny how horny you are either. 
Todd doesn't even need to hear anything else, he's ready to take all of your commands. You bend over the sink and look into the mirror with a slightly bitchy smile, and Todd needs to fuck that smug look off your face right now. He drops his jeans and grabs your ass, wrenching your panties down, the moment making him bold. 
His cock is so hard against your ass, and you can't believe he has the audacity to tease it between your ass cheeks. You almost gasp when he does though, surprised at how big he is. You never took him for having that big of a cock, but it's moderately girthy and long. The feeling of it against your bare skin excites you, and you feel his precum painting your ass. You look into the mirror and give him a look that lets him know you're done being played with, you need his cock right now. He obliges happily, spreading your legs and lining himself up, wetting the tip of his cock with your own wetness. 
You jump from how quickly he slams into you, not expecting this energy from such a dork. You gasp from the feeling of being so full so quickly and look at Todd, seeing how satisfied he is with your reaction. God, is this nerd really going to fuck you like this? You were used to being more dominant, but you bite your lip and cry out as Todd continues to move inside of you, his cock is just so hard. 
You hope Dave can tell how much you're enjoying this. Something tells you he can feel it, you don't know why, but it's as if you can almost feel your energy centered on sending itself to him. 
Todd lifts your leg up with ease, again surprising you with his strength. He leans that leg onto the sink countertop, and you cannot believe how deep he's getting in your pussy, the feeling making you forget about Dave for the moment. Todd pushes your body until your face is practically against the mirror's glace, your breath making condensation against it. Todd is totally lost in the feeling of your tight pussy, his breath husky and his muscles tight. 
"Fuck….you like this you little whore?" He says, almost to himself, quietly like it's a kink he's not sure he can have with you. For some reason, the fact that this loser had you so vulnerable and was fucking you so hard was turning you on. When he called you a 'little whore' you couldn't help but feel your pussy tremble. 
"Oh yeah?" You say, breathy and looking back at him. "Why don't you tell me how you like fucking this slutty cunt?" 
Todd seems emboldened once again and picks up the pace, his thrusts almost hurting but you find the sensation to be amazing. 
"I can't believe you're such a filthy girl that you'd let a loser like me fuck you without a condom." He almost growls out, and you remember that you in fact did forget to use protection. The thought sends a mixture of fear and pleasure through your body. The idea of how dangerous this is somehow makes it better. God, what is with you tonight, you never thought of yourself as someone who would do something like this.
Todd continues you fuck you, and you can clearly feel him getting closer. You decide you do something before he fills you up with his cum. You pull back from him, and he looks confused for a moment before you turn around and drop to your knees. He down at you with a lazy, lust-filled grin like he's won the lottery. 
"Oh my god…" He whispers out, looking down as you look back up at him and take hold of his cock. 
You stroke him gently, placing your perfect lips around it and tasting yourself. You reach down to your own clit between your legs, your knees on the dirty bathroom floor. You can't believe what such a slut you were being, but it didn't matter. What mattered was getting Todd's cock down your throat in a way that turns you on. 
You feel Todd placing a hand on the back of your head as you get into the rhythm of it. You glance up and see how much he's enjoying it, as well as a look on his face that tells you you're never going to live down letting him fuck you. You can also tell by how he starts fucking your face like he's been waiting for this, likely dreaming about the chance to get in your pants. And now he's a bit smug about it, sending his hips thrusting deeply til you're practically choking on it. Something about that makes your pussy clench as you rub tight and fast little circles on your clit. You can taste his precum seeping out onto your tongue. He's getting so close. You close your eyes and enjoy him face fucking you, getting lost in how dirty you feel for doing this. 
"Keep those eyes open for me…" He breathes out, half commanding, the other half letting you know that he needs it to cum. He needs to be able to see those pretty eyes while he drains his cock into your mouth. 
You look back up at him, your eyes almost watering from how he's fucking your throat, your breath so hard to keep. Holding it turns you on more, the asphyxiation of it making your brain and pussy go crazy for it. This nerds cock really has you completely dumb for it right now, you feel like such a whore. You keep eye contact with Todd and feel that as you do, you are getting closer yourself. 
You actually have to back off stimulating your clit, so close to the edge that the littlest movements keep bringing you almost there. You can feel your eyebrows worry and as you look up at Todd he is throwing his head back and slamming his cock down your throat, cum drenching the inside of your throat, it's so hot. You let yourself join him as he does, and you cum, your legs tightening so hard you shake. Your moan is muffled and gurgled by his cock in your throat, and you can feel your own eyes close as you get lost in the sensation. You force yourself to swallow even though it's difficult, and Todd slowly comes out of it. 
He looks down at you, his breathing heavy and his eyelids tired. He slowly pulls his cock from your mouth, and it's like a switch flipped. He's leaning down to help you up, even though he feels like a total king for being able to do what he just did. Todd also feels like he needs to take care of you after something like that, he had no idea he would end up being so aggressive. He gently pulls you up and helps you bring your skirt and panties up to cover your dripping pussy.
“I-I, I can’t believe you let me do that…” Todd is trying to keep his hands on you where ever he can, and it’s already irritating you how clingy this nerdy no longer virgin is. You move your hands to keep him off you. 
“Yeah, it’s not a big deal Todd.” You say snarkily, and turn from him when you think you’re finally ready to leave the tiny bathroom. At the very least, your heart feels better. You feel centered, and ready to enact anymore revenge tactics you need to if it will get to Dave. 
“We, we probably should’t tell Dave about this…” Todd mumbles, messing with his curls with anxiety. You turn back for a moment, and smile widely. 
“No! You should tell him, let him know what he’s missing out on.” You can’t help how energized you feel right now, you give Todd a wink and leave the restroom. As you do you think he mumbles something else about Dave actually having feelings for you, as if. If that were true, he wouldn’t have brought Katie fucking Deaxuma here tonight. He would have already confessed his real feelings…right? 
Dave stopped dancing with Katie when he noticed you and Todd had gone from the crowd. He tried to keep it up with Katie, but his focus was just totally elsewhere. What really surprised him was when Katie actually stood up for how Dave was treating her. She took Dave’s face right in her hands, and looked him in the eye and asked if he was here with you or her tonight. Dave knew the answer in his heart, but his mouth confirmed that he was here for Katie. She seemed satisfied, and took him deeper into the crowd, her body moving against Dave’s in no way a girl ever has. Maybe Dave can get his mind off you and actually enjoy this if he tries. And he does. He really does try to lean into her soft skin, holding onto her hips as they sway to the music. But as time goes on, and you’re out of sight he suddenly feels so strange.
It’s almost as if he can sense you, but he can’t see you. And what he sense right now really doesn’t make any sense to him, but it is making his cock hard right now. Fuck, and now Katie thinks it’s because of her grinding her ass into Dave, not this weird feeling Dave has about you. It’s almost like he can sense your pleasure, like he can feel how good it feels for you. He has no idea that you and Todd are having an excellent time in the restroom right now, but he can feel it so clearly, it’s almost driving him insane mixed with Katie’s grinding. 
Dave can’t help himself, the feeling of pleasure is washing over him in waves. He is already a horny man, it doesn’t help that he has all the friction of his dance partner and this strange connection with you. The weirdest part is he has felt this before, late at night, when he was alone in his bed. He still doesn’t know that the reason he gets so horny at night for you is because you’re likely touching yourself thinking of him in your own bed. The connection is something he has felt for you for so long it is as easy as breathing, he doesn’t even question why he knows where you are, what you’re feeling, and when you touch yourself at night. It actually makes Dave’s brain melt a bit if he thinks too hard about it, he doesn’t really want to admit to how much he feels for you in all these different ways. 
The other pressing matter right now that he feels is Katie’s ass, which he is getting so excited for he could almost ruin his jeans. He prays that he won’t, he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but as the feeling builds he starts sweating, breathing heavier and heavier, and trying to come up with a game plan for what he’s going to do if he blows his load right here and now. He can hardly think though, it’s so hard when he can feel you coming closer to climax yourself. He can almost see you as he closes his eyes. 
He imagines you right now, on your knees touching yourself, he can see it, I mean really see it. He has no idea who you are with, or if this is even real, but God does it feel real. It feels so real he can imagine you sucking on his own cock, taking it down your pretty little throat and moaning into it from how much you love the feeling. Dave has completely forgotten about Katie, who is oblivious to the fact that her date is caught up in another woman’s pleasure. Dave grips Katie’s hips and imagines it’s your hair, pulling you deeper into his cock, until he can barely fit anymore. He can sense you coming closer and closer now, and his cock is raging against his jeans, ready to explode at any moment. 
That’s when he feels it, so suddenly, you falling over the edge, and his own cock is twitching, leaking out the longest orgasm he has ever had. Dave tries everything in him to not cum right now, but he can’t stop it, it’s happening and now Katie is getting thrust into his cock. He has to hold his breath to not moan out, but here he is cumming in his pants while you have some kind of spell over him here. Katie turns around when she notices how weird Dave is acting, and Dave’s eyes fly open when she yells his name over the music. 
“Dave?” She looks at him confused, the dim lights in the bar are helping the fact that a wet spot is forming on his jeans, and Dave can hardly speak, his mind still stuck with you, in the afterglow. 
“I…I’m sorry Katie, I have to run to the bathroom real quick.” Dave blurts out, and doesn’t really wait for Katie to respond. Katie is left there feeling totally confused, but has no idea what just happened. 
Dave is working his way through the waves of the crowd, which keeps seeming to get thicker and thicker as everyone waits for tonights band, which Dave has zero interest in really, but he knows you are some what obsessed with the boy band. Right now, he isn’t really worried about that however, right now he needs to clean himself up in the bathroom. 
When he reaches one of the single stalls, he is surprised to bump into you, his voice leaving himself, his eyes looking at how your hair is tousseled and your clothes are dishevled. A sinking feeling starts pouring itself right into Dave’s very soul. You look at him with a smirk and leave to go see the band, not even saying a word to Dave. In fact, he can almost feel you roll your eyes at him when your back is turned to him, which hurts more. 
He goes to open the door and finds Todd in the bathroom, trying to fix his own clothes and hair, extremely surprised to see Dave right now. 
“Dave! Hey…hey man, uh, how–” Todd tries to come up with any words that will make this situation less awkward for him right. Dave cuts him off before he can even continue. 
“Please don’t tell me what I think just happened, happened Todd.” Dave’s possessiveness of you can’t help it, he knows you’re allowed to fuck whoever you want, but he needs to know you did not just fuck Todd fucking Haynes. 
“Um…No man, no, she just asked me for some help with something, it’s not…” Todd is struggling to come up with a lie, it’s almost insanely clear, but Dave’s heart can’t take it. He just nods and leaves the restroom, deciding the let his jacket cover up any spot on his jeans by wrapping it around his waist. 
He leaves and begins walking with no real direction when he spots you again. This time you look like some sort of nymph, or succubus, sitting on the edge of the stage, watching the band set up. Dave can see you chatting with the singer, that raccoon looking fuck. The singer looks up and actually locks eyes with Dave as he parts through the crowd towards the two of you, and Dave immediately feels a cold chill run down his spine. This man is bad news, he has to get you away from him, it’s almost instinctual how badly he knows that this man wants to hurt you. Even if you potentially just fucked one of his buddies, the feeling Dave has right now is more urgent than that. 
Dave finally makes it to the stage, and you turn to him, and Dave knows something is wrong. You have this look in your eyes, it’s unnerving how empty you seem. You don’t even really acknowledge Dave, you are so busy trying to get this weird, older singer’s attention. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Dave grabs your arm, trying to get your attention, but the singer steps in, dipping down to speak to Dave since he’s so much taller on the stage. 
“I don’t think it’s any of your business, besides, she was just heading out to grab us some drinks at the bar, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” The man stares at you with a viscous, disgusting grin, and Dave can feel all the anger of the night welling up inside of him. Before Dave can speak, it’s like you’ve been commanded by the man, hoping off the stage and getting ready to go grab drinks. 
“Oh yeah…” You say, your voice totally devoid of real thought, almost drunken already, though Dave is sure you haven’t really had anything to drink tonight, not to mention you’re only 18 anyways. “You just have to try one of these 9/11 tribute shooters, but you gotta drink it fast or else it turns kinda brownish!” 
You giggle as if you’ve told one of the funniest jokes, and before Dave can stop you, you’re slipping through the crowd to go get drinks. Dave is totally lost on what to do, but the band members seem to be going about on their own tangent now, and what Dave catches pisses him off even more. 
“So, Nikolai,” One of the bandmates start speaking to the singer. “Do you really think she’s a virgin? I mean she seems kind of…” 
Dave interrupts, slamming his hand onto the wooden stage, a few people besides Nikolai and the bandmates looking at his outburst. 
“Listen to me you fuck.” Dave has no idea where this spirit is coming from, but he rolls with it. “You bet she is a virgin, and a girl like her would never give it away to a loser like you, not to any kind of fucking loser, so just leave her the fuck alone!’
Dave can feel his face go hot, he knows deep down that after seeing how you were with Todd, you probably aren’t even a virgin, but he is projecting his anger onto the men infront of him. Along with the belief that he is saving you from some scummy 23 year olds who don’t deserve to prey on you at all, he feels righteous in his outburst. His shoulders drop when the bandmates almost laugh at him, then continue to ignore him. God, maybe he really is just a loser who is obsessed with you. He isn’t even supposed to be feeling this strongly about you like this, you’re his best friend, why should he care if you hook up with someone? The pit in his stomach still tells him he should protect you from these men, though. 
After a moment, you’re back with a tray of red, white, and blue drinks, totally oblivious to Dave standing right there, still in that strange state Dave doesn’t know what to do about. He feels so helpless right now it hurts. Dave watches as you climb back on stage and gawk, twirling your hair and biting your lip to talk to Nikolai. 
“I think we should go…” Dave says to you, and you look back at him with the cruelest look you’ve ever given him. 
“Don’t you have a date tonight, Dave? Why don’t you go find Katie…” You completely disregard him, and Dave is devastated. The way you speak to him hurts in a way that he didn’t think you would ever do. Dave is speechless, and Nikolai is taking you now, moving you somewhere backstage. Dave is lost in the crowd, his feet somehow moving him and he finds himself back at the table where Erika and Marty have gotten to know each other, Katie sitting totally lonesome with her cheek on her hand. 
Dave stopped dancing with Katie when he noticed you and Todd had gone from the crowd. He tried to keep it up with Katie, but his focus was just totally elsewhere. What really surprised him was when Katie actually stood up for how Dave was treating her. She took Dave’s face right in her hands, and looked him in the eye and asked if he was here with you or her tonight. Dave knew the answer in his heart, but his mouth confirmed that he was here for Katie. She seemed satisfied, and took him deeper into the crowd, her body moving against Dave’s in no way a girl ever has. Maybe Dave can get his mind off you and actually enjoy this if he tries. And he does. He really does try to lean into her soft skin, holding onto her hips as they sway to the music. But as time goes on, and you’re out of sight he suddenly feels so strange.
It’s almost as if he can sense you, but he can’t see you. And what he sense right now really doesn’t make any sense to him, but it is making his cock hard right now. Fuck, and now Katie thinks it’s because of her grinding her ass into Dave, not this weird feeling Dave has about you. It’s almost like he can sense your pleasure, like he can feel how good it feels for you. He has no idea that you and Todd are having an excellent time in the restroom right now, but he can feel it so clearly, it’s almost driving him insane mixed with Katie’s grinding. 
Dave can’t help himself, the feeling of pleasure is washing over him in waves. He is already a horny man, it doesn’t help that he has all the friction of his dance partner and this strange connection with you. The weirdest part is he has felt this before, late at night, when he was alone in his bed. He still doesn’t know that the reason he gets so horny at night for you is because you’re likely touching yourself thinking of him in your own bed. The connection is something he has felt for you for so long it is as easy as breathing, he doesn’t even question why he knows where you are, what you’re feeling, and when you touch yourself at night. It actually makes Dave’s brain melt a bit if he thinks too hard about it, he doesn’t really want to admit to how much he feels for you in all these different ways. 
The other pressing matter right now that he feels is Katie’s ass, which he is getting so excited for he could almost ruin his jeans. He prays that he won’t, he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but as the feeling builds he starts sweating, breathing heavier and heavier, and trying to come up with a game plan for what he’s going to do if he blows his load right here and now. He can hardly think though, it’s so hard when he can feel you coming closer to climax yourself. He can almost see you as he closes his eyes. 
He imagines you right now, on your knees touching yourself, he can see it, I mean really see it. He has no idea who you are with, or if this is even real, but God does it feel real. It feels so real he can imagine you sucking on his own cock, taking it down your pretty little throat and moaning into it from how much you love the feeling. Dave has completely forgotten about Katie, who is oblivious to the fact that her date is caught up in another woman’s pleasure. Dave grips Katie’s hips and imagines it’s your hair, pulling you deeper into his cock, until he can barely fit anymore. He can sense you coming closer and closer now, and his cock is raging against his jeans, ready to explode at any moment. 
That’s when he feels it, so suddenly, you falling over the edge, and his own cock is twitching, leaking out the longest orgasm he has ever had. Dave tries everything in him to not cum right now, but he can’t stop it, it’s happening and now Katie is getting thrust into his cock. He has to hold his breath to not moan out, but here he is cumming in his pants while you have some kind of spell over him here. Katie turns around when she notices how weird Dave is acting, and Dave’s eyes fly open when she yells his name over the music. 
“Dave?” She looks at him confused, the dim lights in the bar are helping the fact that a wet spot is forming on his jeans, and Dave can hardly speak, his mind still stuck with you, in the afterglow. 
“I…I’m sorry Katie, I have to run to the bathroom real quick.” Dave blurts out, and doesn’t really wait for Katie to respond. Katie is left there feeling totally confused, but has no idea what just happened. 
Dave is working his way through the waves of the crowd, which keeps seeming to get thicker and thicker as everyone waits for tonights band, which Dave has zero interest in really, but he knows you are some what obsessed with the boy band. Right now, he isn’t really worried about that however, right now he needs to clean himself up in the bathroom. 
When he reaches one of the single stalls, he is surprised to bump into you, his voice leaving himself, his eyes looking at how your hair is tousseled and your clothes are dishevled. A sinking feeling starts pouring itself right into Dave’s very soul. You look at him with a smirk and leave to go see the band, not even saying a word to Dave. In fact, he can almost feel you roll your eyes at him when your back is turned to him, which hurts more. 
He goes to open the door and finds Todd in the bathroom, trying to fix his own clothes and hair, extremely surprised to see Dave right now. 
“Dave! Hey…hey man, uh, how–” Todd tries to come up with any words that will make this situation less awkward for him right. Dave cuts him off before he can even continue. 
“Please don’t tell me what I think just happened, happened Todd.” Dave’s possessiveness of you can’t help it, he knows you’re allowed to fuck whoever you want, but he needs to know you did not just fuck Todd fucking Haynes. 
“Um…No man, no, she just asked me for some help with something, it’s not…” Todd is struggling to come up with a lie, it’s almost insanely clear, but Dave’s heart can’t take it. He just nods and leaves the restroom, deciding the let his jacket cover up any spot on his jeans by wrapping it around his waist. 
He leaves and begins walking with no real direction when he spots you again. This time you look like some sort of nymph, or succubus, sitting on the edge of the stage, watching the band set up. Dave can see you chatting with the singer, that raccoon looking fuck. The singer looks up and actually locks eyes with Dave as he parts through the crowd towards the two of you, and Dave immediately feels a cold chill run down his spine. This man is bad news, he has to get you away from him, it’s almost instinctual how badly he knows that this man wants to hurt you. Even if you potentially just fucked one of his buddies, the feeling Dave has right now is more urgent than that. 
Dave finally makes it to the stage, and you turn to him, and Dave knows something is wrong. You have this look in your eyes, it’s unnerving how empty you seem. You don’t even really acknowledge Dave, you are so busy trying to get this weird, older singer’s attention. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Dave grabs your arm, trying to get your attention, but the singer steps in, dipping down to speak to Dave since he’s so much taller on the stage. 
“I don’t think it’s any of your business, besides, she was just heading out to grab us some drinks at the bar, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” The man stares at you with a viscous, disgusting grin, and Dave can feel all the anger of the night welling up inside of him. Before Dave can speak, it’s like you’ve been commanded by the man, hoping off the stage and getting ready to go grab drinks. 
“Oh yeah…” You say, your voice totally devoid of real thought, almost drunken already, though Dave is sure you haven’t really had anything to drink tonight, not to mention you’re only 18 anyways. “You just have to try one of these 9/11 tribute shooters, but you gotta drink it fast or else it turns kinda brownish!” 
You giggle as if you’ve told one of the funniest jokes, and before Dave can stop you, you’re slipping through the crowd to go get drinks. Dave is totally lost on what to do, but the band members seem to be going about on their own tangent now, and what Dave catches pisses him off even more. 
“So, Nikolai,” One of the bandmates start speaking to the singer. “Do you really think she’s a virgin? I mean she seems kind of…” 
Dave interrupts, slamming his hand onto the wooden stage, a few people besides Nikolai and the bandmates looking at his outburst. 
“Listen to me you fuck.” Dave has no idea where this spirit is coming from, but he rolls with it. “You bet she is a virgin, and a girl like her would never give it away to a loser like you, not to any kind of fucking loser, so just leave her the fuck alone!’
Dave can feel his face go hot, he knows deep down that after seeing how you were with Todd, you probably aren’t even a virgin, but he is projecting his anger onto the men infront of him. Along with the belief that he is saving you from some scummy 23 year olds who don’t deserve to prey on you at all, he feels righteous in his outburst. His shoulders drop when the bandmates almost laugh at him, then continue to ignore him. God, maybe he really is just a loser who is obsessed with you. He isn’t even supposed to be feeling this strongly about you like this, you’re his best friend, why should he care if you hook up with someone? The pit in his stomach still tells him he should protect you from these men, though. 
After a moment, you’re back with a tray of red, white, and blue drinks, totally oblivious to Dave standing right there, still in that strange state Dave doesn’t know what to do about. He feels so helpless right now it hurts. Dave watches as you climb back on stage and gawk, twirling your hair and biting your lip to talk to Nikolai. 
“I think we should go…” Dave says to you, and you look back at him with the cruelest look you’ve ever given him. 
“Don’t you have a date tonight, Dave? Why don’t you go find Katie…” You completely disregard him, and Dave is devastated. The way you speak to him hurts in a way that he didn’t think you would ever do. Dave is speechless, and Nikolai is taking you now, moving you somewhere backstage. Dave is lost in the crowd, his feet somehow moving him and he finds himself back at the table where Erika and Marty have gotten to know each other, Katie sitting totally lonesome with her cheek on her hand. 
You have no idea how you got to the back of stage, but here you are, doing rounds of shots with Nikolai, the lead singer of Low Shoulder. The whole in the very center of your being where jealousy and Dave usually housed was fading away after each drink and giggle you had with the band. You feel totally out of it, somehow only a few drinks have you feeling drunker than ever. Everytime Nikolai catches your eyes, the way he looks so deeply into them makes it feel like he is the only man in the whole world. You feel almost proud of yourself for keeping up with these older boys, you don’t feel like they are treating you like a child for still being highschool at all, in fact you feel like they are totally into you. You feel so popular right now, it makes you ecstatic. Dave slowly keeps slipping your mind, more and more. You keep talking with the band, until they finally tell you they have to go on and perform, but you’re their special girl for the night so you can stand off to the side, backstage if you will, and watch where no one else can. The thought sends you over the moon happy, you feel so inclined to do whatever Nikolai says that you can’t do anything else even if you wanted to. 
The band leaves and begins playing, the crowd excited and ready for some real live music after all the recorded ones. You spot Dave and Katie in the crowd for a moment, Dave’s eyes on you, and you surprisingly feel nothing at the sight. Why would you when Nikolai is standing there, so completely better than anyone in this room. You can practically feel the hearts lasering out of your eyes at him, you vision feels like a vignette around him, he seems so bright, you are simply a moth to the flame that is a dirty 20 something boy. The idea that this makes no sense doesn’t even come to your mind at this point. They just continue to play on, their song singing of a lost friendship, and you are sure that Dave’s eyes are boring down on you, that’s the one thing you can feel, that grounds you. 
It isn’t enough though, you are so entranced by the band that you don’t even smell the smoke. The flames are practically licking at your back like the devil himself is trying to get a taste of your tender flesh before you notice. And when you do, you just stare at those orange flames as they begin taking up the curtain of the stage. The band is now dropping their instruments, and the next thing you feel is Nikolai grabbing your body, pulling you away. The crowd is screaming, the horror is hitting everyone who is trying to claw their way out. You don’t even think your heart is beating faster than normal, this is no normal reaction to such a thing. 
You are pulled from the building, the smoke rising and rising, a few people getting out, but you can tell there are many still stuck inside where the flames are engulfing the structure. You look dazed at it, still being taken farther away from the disaster. 
Just before you are pushed into the bands van, you see Dave, he’s sprinting towards you like his life depends on it. He is screaming your name, reaching out for you. He has soot and dirt on his face, like he had to claw his way out. Katie is trailing behind him, and the sight of her makes that pit open up inside of you again. You turn from them, and allow yourself to be pulled into the van, Dave’s hands hitting the metal side of it, his screaming continuing, he is running after the van as it pulls away. 
The last time you see Dave with your own eyes is through the back window of the van while he desperately tries to keep up.
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