#stOP it boys no queerbaiting in my videos
croucify · 6 months
✶ STARGIRL — hamzahthefantastic x reader
004 ✶ Worth It For Once
stargirl masterfile – next – previous
SUMMARY: hamzah has a crush on a youtuber who's always out and about and slushies see their relationship progress on social media! (smau)
DISCLAIMER: reader is a brown haired girl and for some pics that aren't faceless, i'll be using olivia rodrigo cause i love her and she’s filipino like me hehehe
A/N: THANK U SM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!!! here’s part 4 for now and i’ll be posting my 100 special later <33
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liked by kynewman, user168, and others
slushynoobz New video with 2 random girls that did our makeup, help us spread the virus plzsz
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user627 I'm scared
user019 hamzahs face LMAOOAOAOO
ynln virus has been spread to me pls send help
↳ hamzahthefantastic I'm right here to help
↳ ynln okay dr hamzah!
↳ thatmartinkid stop flirting in front of me pls.
↳ ynln oh thats not…
user567 is this a slushynoobz x gfs video...
We Got Makeovers
91k views • 10 hours ago
uploaded by slushynoobz
the first clip of the video showed you and mandy sitting on the couch, dressed like hamzah and martin.
you were in an all-camouflage outfit while mandy wore a button-up tee that her boyfriend usually wore. “hi it’s hamzah,” the boy said off-camera while you mouthed the words. martin and mandy doing the same.
“woah! i look a bit different today hamzah and you look different too!” martin continued after saying hello to the camera.
the girls were trying not to laugh then martin and hamzah went to sit beside them. “we’re just joking!” martin laughed as he was finally seen in the frame.
“today’s video is gonna be real special cause we have two guests,” you smile at hamzah while he speaks to the camera, this being noticed only by martin and mandy. “mandy and y/n and they will be cooking something up with us.”
the two boys continued explaining and joking around before you and mandy started prepping their faces for the makeup.
the whole time, you and mandy joked and teased the boys about them being canceled for this video as it looks like they’re queerbaiting.
“are we actually?” martin asked with wide eyes, looking between his friend and the girls.
you and mandy kept a straight face on that convinced the boys until you two gave each other a look and burst out into laughter.
the video switches to a new clip and it starts out with you feeling your leg cramping up and feeling like it was sleeping.
after a while of putting makeup on hamzah, the worst part of it was putting on eyeliner on a boy. and you thought it was already hard for you but it was even harder now.
it was hard keeping his face in place while you drew the line and so, you straddle him, legs on the side of his thighs and you were sat on his lap.
hamzah’s hands found their way to your hips, holding you so you don’t fall off. your cheeks were flushed when you felt his hands and you were thankful his eyes were currently closed and your back was facing the camera.
mandy and martin were too busy in their own world while she did his makeup. “it’s good now, open please.” you whispered to hamzah and he opened his eyes. you looked at both the eyeliner's shapes and his eyes went from your eyes to your lips and when you caught him you got off his lap and sat beside him again.
you and mandy finished with their makeup at the same time and the boys showed off their looks while you filmed them.
you four were laughing the whole time, the sound of your laughter still in hamzah’s mind even after filming.
hamzah was beside you while filming the outro, wrapping an arm around his body and leaning to his side with mandy doing the same.
you can feel your breath hitching in your throat as you look up at hamzah and when he catches you looking at him, he sends you a small smile.
even with the camera recording you two, you didn’t seem to care what their viewers would think. your gaze was still on hamzah and his on yours, his mouth gaping slightly to say something but was cut off by martin’s voice.
“hamzah? hamzaahhh?” he tried to get his attention, mandy noticing what was going on.
he looked up at his friend then his eyebrows knit in confusion. martin nods his head towards the camera and he faced there too.
the four of you all smiled at the camera awkwardly then the video ends.
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @kingvioleta @tumb1rgir1z LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD!!!
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kawaiixchaotic · 10 months
billie eilish has been dropping hints about her sapphic attraction for years but felt pressured out of the closet on the red carpet today, bc it's all the interviewers kept fixating on. yes she said she is physically attracted to women in an interview recently but ppl keep pushing for details that we are not entitled to. and everyone's so happy about it too, which is funny to me. y'all switch up quick. remember when y'all accused her of "queerbaiting" over a music video and an instagram caption? bc i do. the only reasoning you all had was that she had only ever (publicly) been with boys. as if one cannot like both boys and girls. as if one has to use dating history to earn queer credit if they are attracted to multiple genders. that, and her saying she was "straight as a ruler" one time when she was 15 or smthn, which, let's get real. we've all said that. i said that. and now I'm a lesbian.
a similar situation happened with kit connor from heartstopper. he held hands with a girl and you all went fucking ballistic. to me his case was worse bc he got practically kicked and shoved out of the closet. he didn't get to come out on his own terms. i hope you guys aren't still expecting anything from that poor kid, bc he doesn't owe any of you bullies anything, and i wouldn't blame him if thoughts about the heartstopper fandom leave a bad taste in his mouth to this day.
so why am i bringing all this up? bc there's something particular about the online LGBTQ+ community that has been bothering me for years now: Check your biphobia. Because clearly it is affecting your worldview a whole lot more than you think, no matter how young you are, or how progressive you think you are.
Any public figure who even alludes to liking multiple genders, you put under a microscope. you wait for them to "prove it" to you. any action they take that doesn't feel queer enough to you, you pounce. they are (i feel, deliberately) misinterpreted and ostracized, and what hurts most is, we are supposed to be there for anyone who is questioning their sexuality as a safe space, to help them figure themselves out, answer their questions. and yet somehow we've become their biggest opps. what hurts more is the fact that it's mostly very young people doing this! I don't know if you're all just looking for things to be mad at or what. But I could honestly rant about this for all of eternity so let me end it with this:
TLDR; by taking the stance that public figures have to show and prove their queerness, you are furthering biphobic stererotypes, and by drawing the ridiculous conclusion that an individual is "queerbaiting," (which is a corporate marketing tactic, ffs) you are freezing them in time and being unreasonable about the amount of growth and self-discovery we do as human beings. grace should not only be afforded to those who are "out," and only validating queerness if someone announces it is unfair and ignores the many circumstances that could prevent someone from coming out, like risking danger at home, legal persecution, or simply a want for privacy. STOP BEING SUCH INSUFFERABLE LITTLE ASSHOLES.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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living-animal · 2 months
I have some gripes with Film Cooper on YT due to a video he made. If you wanna hear about it, here it is
First off, title- “this man lives in a dog suit” factually incorrect, he does not live in a dog suit, he wears it on occasion
Next, he’s tweaking over the fact that a German tv host is treating the man in a dog costume like a dog- isn’t that how you’re meant to treat all costumes?? Like they’re real?? Isn’t that the whole point of Disney? It’s the same way you treat cosplayers as the character. It’s fun to pretend.
Barely over a minute in, Film Cooper accuses Toco (the man in the suit) of being sexually aroused by the tv host calling him a “good boy” and claims that Toco must have a fetish for being treated like an animal. I feel like I don’t need to explain why that’s bad.
“Theres no way this isn’t a [fetish]. There’s no way that him dressing up as a border collie and walking around being called a good boy isn’t a [fetish].” (He was using a code word as to not get demonetized)
I can easily combat this claim just from he simple fact that this is likely not an often occurrence for Toco. He does not walk around all day in public being called a “good boy” by “hot German women” as Film Cooper puts it.
He then shows the first ever recorded instance of this suit on the internet, posted by a Japanese artist on their Twitter, showing off the suit they had made, and Film Cooper has an audibly and visually disguised reaction. “They made this for a human” yes Cooper, they did. I’m scared to see what would happen if Film Cooper ever accidentally stumbled upon a furry convention. I’m sure he would have a heart attack and die immediately.
He claims that this is “not furry” which is factually incorrect. In fursuit terms, this is just a hyper realistic quad suit. “Furry might be the closest thing” is true for the suit itself, but Toco is not a furry, Toco is likely some form of alterhuman/therian, which, from this video, I can safely assume Film Cooper doesn’t know shit about. “Furry is anthropomorphic” anthropomorphic doesn’t just mean walking on two legs, that’s bipedal. “A furry stands on two legs” a furry can be on four legs. It’s called a quad suit. Anthropomorphic means human-like, whether that be in physical form, intelligence, or emotions.
He also adds that furries “fuck”?? Which to me implies that furries/fursuits are sexual in nature, which is a whole other can of worms.
“He wants to be a border collie that licks his own BB hole” that’s a big claim. Wanting to be an animal doesn’t automatically mean you want to lick yourself?? And it’s frankly disgusting to me that that is what Film Cooper imagines when told that someone wants to be an animal. “In my opinion that’s gross. Haha. I think it’s disgusting. You like to dress up as a dog, walk on all fours all day and lick your BB hole?” When did he say that Cooper. Stop making freaky and perverse assumptions about people you’ve never met.
He then shows a video from Toco’s account of him in the costume outside a window, but edits it, turning it black and white and adding scary music. This was entirely unnecessary, and just feels like fear mongering to me. He proceeds to compare the video to the horror movie Tusk, and more terrified ramblings of there “being a guy in there”. Yes, Cooper, that is how costumes work.
“What is wrong with this man” I don’t know, he has a hobby that makes him happy? Why the fuck do you care so much, Cooper? Because his suit is uncanny? Because you think it’s “weird”? Well I think your constant queerbaiting is weird, and you don’t hear me accusing you of being an animal fetishist. And then he has the audacity to make his motto “what’s up weirdos” and call his audience “weirdo nation” while actively making content harassing and attacking ACTUAL weirdos. Don’t call yourself a weirdo if you have a visceral reaction to someone actually being weird.
“I guess the implication is that he wants to be a dog so bad because he’s in love with dogs?” OH MY FUCKING GOD?? What the actual literal fuck. The fact that Cooper just accused this man of being a literal ZOOPHILE for no other reason than the fact that he dresses up in a realistic dog costume is actually so fucking sick. Shit like this is the reason alterhumans/therians receive so much hatred on a daily basis. This makes me so fucking sick. Cooper has the fucking audacity to accuse a stranger on the internet of being a zoophilic animal fetishist because he wears a costume. It’s so fucking baffling to me. And he says it so casually. “The implication here” WHEN was that EVER implied ANYWHERE in Toco’s content.
(He then proceeds to go on some random unnecessary spiel about sexism ((in a very performative way I might add)) or whatever)
He talked about age regression and pet regression a bit, and said those were fine (although he’s clearly uneducated about those things), but he says that Toco buying an expensive suit to “be a border collie everyday” is different. (Although I would like to add, WHERE TF ARE YOU GETTING THE IMPLICATION THAT HE DOES THIS ALL DAY EVERY DAY.)
“This, it’s safe to say, we can make fun of.” No, Cooper, you can’t. Because if you educated yourself beyond literally just watching this guys videos and having a baseline knowledge of furries, you would know about a little thing called alterhumanity/therianthropy, which it’s safe to say, you can’t make fun of. Asshole.
“I’m defending this against nobody. Nobody is looking at this being like “no, come on, man, he’s just chilling.” It’s like, no, this is fucked.” No, actually, Film Cooper, it’s not, and a lot of people are actually normal, and don’t fucking care about a guy in a dog suit having fun, unlike you, on your little queer-baity white savior complex high horse, who likes to call yourself a weirdo for wearing rings and having long hair, while also bashing ACTUAL weirdos. You’re the only one making up incorrect statements about this guy’s life to cry over as if it were real. No, this man does not LIVE in a dog suit, and no, he is not attracted to animals, you sick fuck.
He then shows the second video Toco ever uploaded on his YT channel, and proceeds to make fun of Toco’s poorly translated attempts at being polite and introducing himself, because Toco is a Japanese man that doesn’t speak any English. He had to translate this, presumably using some sort of translator app. Japanese is a very difficult language to translate into English, and vice versa. He also makes his tone out to be far more aggressive than necessary, and calls his narcissistic (???) for making an intro video (which a think a lot of people who have YouTube channels do) the phrase I’m specifically referring to was “I’m going to start uploading videos at my own pace” which was very clearly translated from Japanese, as the original Japanese text was on top of the English, but FC went on a whole ramble about some “GUYS EVERYONE CALM DOWN IM SO BURNT OUT” my brother that is a whole new sentence. Where are you getting all this from?? Are you seeing something that I’m not??
He then commented on said video, clearly in a cruel and bullying way, asking Toco to “put on the dog suit and twerk” which I would most definitely classify as sexual harassment. Wow Cooper, I love your humor! It’s so funny to sexually harass people on the internet, and it’s definitely not super wrong and disgusting because Toco is a man and has a weird hobby!
Next, there’s a Q&A from Toco. In the beginning of the video, Toco literally has a disclaimer that he may have some translation errors in the video (because he doesn’t speak English and had to translate from Japanese) we know Cooper saw this because he literally read it out loud. Next thing he does, is after Toco answers the first question; “Q: why did you want to become a dog?”
“A: I’ve had a vague dream of becoming an animal since I was a child” and Film Cooper compared this to FELIX CIPHER, the person notorious for believing he is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. I don’t think I need to explain why this is absolutely abhorrent behavior. Not only is it making light of some extremely offensive and antisemitic behavior, but also further demonizes furries and alterhumans/therians. And also it’s just incredibly distasteful, and not at all an accurate comparison. Sure he says that Felix Cipher is worse, but he still made the comparison. He also says to Toco “let dreams be dreams. Just don’t do it.” I’m glad to see we’re encouraging people to repress themselves and what makes them happy just because YOU personally don’t like it, Mr. Film.
Film Cooper claims that Toco is “avoiding questions” even after just a second ago he acknowledged the disclaimer about mistranslations and misrepresentations.
“I don’t want to spend 30k on a [dog] suit and walk around as [a dog]” okay, then don’t? Nobody is forcing you to do that. Nobody’s even forcing you to watch this content if it makes you so uncomfortable. If you were to see it and say “I’m uncomfortable with this, I don’t want to watch it” I wouldn’t care. But when I start to care is when you go out of your way to make a video harassing, attacking, and insulting an innocent man on the internet for money and clout.
He calls him “annoying” because of his sentence structure, and because FC felt as though he was avoiding questions, even though we know, and it has been stated three times now, that Toco does not speak any English, and this video is poorly translated. He’s mad at Toco for saying that he doesn’t know why the trigger for wanting to be an animal. But what do you want him to say? If he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know. Things like this are hard to place.
The next question, he once again makes up entirely new sentences from Toco’s answers. He makes Toco out to be angry and “indignant” with the questions he’s receiving, even though Toco has been nothing but polite, friendly, and respectful. And he also continues to misinterpret what Toco is saying, accusing him of “interrogating himself” because he was asking the viewers questions, and Film Cooper interpreted that as Toco asking himself questions?? For some reason. I think Film Cooper just lacks any form of literary comprehension.
Cooper continues to reinstate the fact that Toco is “an adult human man in a dog suit. He has a job, he goes to work..” but I think that just further humanizes Toco, doesn’t it? It makes me dislike him even less. I don’t care that he’s a grown man in a dog suit, I care that he’s a human being with feelings and a life beyond what we see online of him.
He accuses Toco of being defensive again. The question was if the costume was modeled after any specific border collie, and Toco said it wasn’t, though due to poor translation, it came out as “it’s not my collie or my friend’s collie” to which FC goes on another ramble acting out Toco being “defensive” about the origins of his suit design, making him once again appear like a creep.
Film Cooper, again, takes a clip of Toco moving around in his suit, and turns it black and white and adds horror music over it to make it look scarier. I don’t know why he insists on doing this so many times.
He also accuses Toco of not answering questions again, even though he did, and Film Cooper continues to misconstrue what Toco says “Q: are you tired of being human?” “A: sometimes it is reported that I am tired of being human. I never said that. […] Be aware of incorrect information.” Toco says he has never stated to be tired of being human, yet Film Cooper accuses him of not answering questions, AGAIN, due to his misinterpretation of Toco’s answers, not Toco’s own lack of answers.
He accuses Toco of not answering AGAIN; “Q; the topic is getting a lot of attention. How do you feel about it now?” “A; I am very surprised because I didn’t expect this to happen […]” The answer to the question was that Toco was surprised, but Cooper decided to focus on the rest of the answer, where Toco talks about how grateful he is for all the comments people have left, apologizing for not replying, and asking people about how their country is viewing him. Toco answers the questions every time, but Film Cooper chooses to focus on everything but Toco’s answer, just to keep calling him a freak. “You are a real life cosmic horror villain. Lovecraft would write a story about you.”
“A day in his life is him as a dog.” No it’s not, Toco wears the suit to make content, and the content he makes is specific to the dog suit and his desire to be a dog. So it makes no sense why Film Cooper is confused as to why Toco is making content about his dog suit “as if it’s normal”. Because in this context, it is. This is his channel where he posts about his suit, so obviously, the suit is a normal thing on his channel and it’s going to be treated as such.
Toco replied to a comment asking if he tells people he know about his suit, saying that he was too insecure about it, and only tells people he’s close with. Cooper had this to say;“He should be embarrassed to do this at work. Don’t do this at work.” He literally just said he didn’t!! The previous question was literally “have you ever gone outside [in the suit]” and Toco’s response was no. Obviously he’s never done it at work. Goofy.
That’s the end of the video. I have many, MANY smaller things about this video that upset me as well, but this is just the important things. And rewatching this video to make this post has filled me with a violent rage and hatred for Film Cooper like never before. We all clowned on his for the Marsha P. Johnson thing, I thought we all hated him now, why do we all still love him?? Anyways, dear Film Cooper, please do a MODICUM of research before you make tasteless videos like this, literally just look up therianthropy and alterhumanity on tumblr.com and that’ll clear some things up for you. And to Toco, I love your videos, never let jackasses like Film Cooper tell you that you’re a freak for doing what makes you happy. There’s a whole community of people just like you out there, and I hope you’re having fun and still making bigger bucks than Film Cooper ever will 🫶🫶
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solaroppositesyaoi · 1 year
Hold on ,,, i kinda fell out of the fandom a while ago
Is Tervo canon now?? Like... earnest canon? Not just in that limbo between homophobic jokes and queerbaiting but like... Actual committed, loving relationship that they're both working on and they don't just sometimes kiss for laughs?
Because in that case i might start watching again
(I fell off just before the christmas special)
So the short answer is yes though not 100% and I understand if that’s not what you’re looking for but if you have time you can listen to me go off:
So they pretty much do everything except stare directly at the audience and announce that their in a relationship but the show pretty much tells us they’re in relationship
We’ll start with the Christmas Special since you stopped there.
There’s only one “tervo” scene where Terry reveals he’s been practicing punching for Korvo’s Christmas present and they share a kiss which is the best kiss we’ve gotten from them.
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It’s very sweet
Now onto s3
I’m linking my own video if you want to watch the scenes yourself but don’t worry I’m gonna break into them: link to video
There’s a lot of little things through out the season the word “husband” is thrown around a lot, in episode 2 Terry refers to Korvo as babe a personal fave of mine. There’s also huge implications they’re having sex with each other which you know helps.
The main episodes with the biggest Tervo moments are episode 3 The Pupas Big Day and episode 8 The Cubic Lattice Crystallizer
The Pupa’s Big Day features jealous Korvo in the best possible way (this is my personally favorite episode in the series by the way)
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I don’t want to ruin the episodes for you but Terry is buddy buddy with a new character and it drives Korvo crazy. In the end the episode ends with with this line:
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Tervo for the soul
The Cubic Lattice Crystallizer starts well with this:
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After the fam goes on vacation and a few shenanigans happens until Terry and Korvo end up a museum of betrayals which features an animatronic of Korvo getting banged by Chris the red goobler
This sets off Terry who shows quite a bit a jealousy from the situation I’m not going to show it cause of tumblr’s nsfw rules but the animatronic says something along the lines
“I’m coming harder than I do with Terry”
The final scene I want to talk about come from the season finale The Fog of Pupa. Ms. Frankie reveals the cunnilingus Korvo gave her in the s2 finale and Terry give him this look:
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It’s just screams Terry’s pissed at Korvo for this but why would he be if they weren’t in a relationship??
Outside that we have the Halloween special where it’s revealed Korvo gave Terry bj coupons for Valentines Day
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Also found this excerpt article with Mike McMahan (here’s a link for the entire article)
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In the s4 preview (youtube link) Terry pretty much is the sole reason Korvo is British now because it made him horny, he also calls Korvo sweetie in the clip.
We also have a Valentines episode to look forward too which a lot of people are speculating a tervo wedding as “something big” is suppose to happen to two characters hmmm…..
So are they in a relationship? I like to think so but I’m also autistic and a little insane and I eat up all the scraps they give me. Maybe I’m delusional but i feel there’s a ton of evidence here. If you think this is just queerbait material I understand but I think it’s pretty clear they’re in love with each other. Either way I can't wait for s4 and more tervo content for me to tear into and analyze the death.
Anyway thanks for sticking with me here and I hope this answered your question!
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pearlposts · 5 years
Keith Eats Everything At Shake Shack
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kimbapmmbapbap · 3 years
More k-dramas y'all should watch
So, at the end of 2017, I created a post going through my favourite dramas of all time. Obviously, I have watched more dramas since then so I have a few more dramas that everyone needs to watch!!
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
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This is an obvious one, so if you haven't watched it, have you been living under a rock?? When I first heard of it just before it came out, I thought it was going to be a rip off of weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo. But boy, was I wrong!! This drama has the perfect amount of romance, comedy, thriller and crime, so it is a good all rounder drama!! The whole cast (not just the leads) had amazing chemistry. The only flaw with this drama is that it does queerbait a little. I wish they either didn't add it in the story or fully went with that the main lead is Bi.
The story surrounds a girl with superhuman strength who wants to be a video game designer. She has always hid her strength due to fear if hurting others and losing her power. She in a unrequited love with her childhood friend who is now a police officer. She then crosses the path of a CEO of a video game company and her starts to become more chaotic. With a serial killer on the loose, Do Bong Soon needs to decide if she will keep a low profile or use her powers for the better good while also falling in love on the way.
While You Were Sleeping
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Again, an obvious one, but it has to be watched!! Like strong woman, I was a little apprehensive of this one. Mainly because I hadn't heard good things about Suzy's acting before this came out. But it really surprised me and I really loved it! I'm a sucker for anything crime related, so with a really cute love story as well, it was amazing!! It has really good chemistry and likable characters. The second male lead is also amazing!! I usually don't get second male lead syndrome, but damn I felt it even though I also really loved the main lead. I can't really find any faults with it.
The story surrounds two people who can see the future through dreaming. This includes good and bad things. When the female reporter about dying while on the job, she quite her job to try and changes her fate. A prosecuter move across the street from her, initially they do not get on and their bond starts to grow. Together, they use both of their skills and their power to help change the future and solve crimes along the way. They also soon realise that this is not the first time they have crossed paths.
Psychopath Diary
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I cannot recommend this drama enough!! Honestly, it is so underrated!!! Yoon Shi Yoon's performance is incredible, he really embodies the role here. It is so funny, and sweet. You also see a serial killer low key but high key fall in love with the male lead, so there is major gay vibes. The only issue I have with it is, I wish there was a little romance involved. But it is a not a major want.
The story surrounds a pushover who is working at a stocks company. After a major issue arises, he becomes the Scapegoat of the company and is being blamed for it, even though he tried to prevent it. Due to this, he decides that he will end his life. On the way to do this, he witnesses a murder and accidentally picks up the serial killer's diary. While trying to escape, he gets hit by a car and gets amnesia. When he wakes up and reads the diary, he believes that he is the serial killer.
Honestly, please watch this drama, it is so so so funny, the chemistry of the whole cast is incredible. It also possibly has one of my favourite villians in any drama.
Your Honor / Dear Judge
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Yes, I am a simp Yoon Shi Yoon. He is just so good and thus role just confirms it! His acting is incredible, king of the double roles! He plays twins and you really tell when either pop up on screen which one he is. This is a really wholesome drama that makes you cry. It has some really sweet moments in it, the leads have such good chemistry. This only issues with this one is that the ending felt rushed. I hate that the TV company changed it from 20 eps to 16 eps.
The story follows a set of twins. Twin A is a top judge in Korea, who is incredibly smart and is living a rich life. Twin B is a criminal who has been screwed over multiple times by the justice system and Twin A. Their mother always sides with A and will tell B not to bother him. When A goes missing, B goes undercover and takes his brothers place. He soon learns about the corrupt world of the court system and his brother. B meets a law student who is meant to be shadowing A. Like B, she has also been affected by the corrupt system and is wanting to be a judge to convict those who have wronged her. Together they fight the system while also falling in love.
Because This is Our First Life
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This is a slice of life drama so will have some heavy moments in it. But on the whole, it is just so lovely and cute. The acting is incredible, they really take on the role. It also has one of the best female friendships which is not toxic, they all genuinely care for eachother and want eachother to achieve their dreams. It also has some true badass moments in it as well! I feel like all slice of life dramas have this, but it does have some frustrating moments where the characters are almost purposely making their life's difficult
The story focuses on a woman who is a drama script writer. Due to her patriarchal family who always favour her brother and being let down by her crush, she wants to move out. She ends up moving in with a friend of a friend of a friend. It is to her surprise that the person who she is moving in with is a man who is very much stuck in his own ways and likes to stick to routine. Due to their own desires to be on their own, they decide to get married to relieve the pressure that their families are giving them. This (of course) causes issues and both have to learn about their new feelings for eachother while trying to get through the struggles of life.
Thirty but Seventeen
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This drama is the definition of wholesome and cute. I feel that while I was watching it, it went by so quickly and I always had a smile on my face. The romance is so cute and lovely and you could tell they really cared about eachother. The side characters were also amazing and sweet. Honestly, the acting is incredible. The female lead does an amazing job.
The story follows woman who as a child was involved in a bus accident and fell into a coma. She wakes up over ten years later and learns that her family have stopped coming to see her. While on the search for her family, she resides with a man and his brother who are now living in her old family home. The two soon learn that there are more connected than they thought. With the man trying to push her away, the more his feelings grow for her.
Introverted Boss
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This is a revenge to love story. It on the whole is a really cute drama where you get to see the leads grow for the better. The acting is incredible and you really fall in love with the leads and the support cast (except for the second lead). It is not a perfect drama, but it is a really easy watch with an interesting story.
The female lead is a stage actress who quits her job to work at a marketing firm. This firm happens to be where her sister used to work. She is out to get revenge against the CEO of the company who she blames for her sister's death. She learns that the CEO is extremely introverted and becomes confused by how he was responsible for her sister's death. As the story goes by, she becomes more intrigued by him and focuses less on revenge and more on helping him open up.
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Ahhhhh, how do express my love for this one!! It is just amazing!! The story was so well thought out and the actors did a fantastic job. It was so satisfying to watch, I wanted to be a member of the mafia lol. The villians were also incredible, like I just love this drama so much. Like Your Honor, the only issue with this one is that the ending felt rushed.
The story surrounds a Korean man who was adopted into an Italian family and became the consiglerie of the mafia. After an issue with his adoptive family, he travels back to Korea in search an insane amount of gold bars which happens to be underneath an unsuspecting block of flats. He then gets involved with a major legal court case with a pharmaceutical company. As he delves deeper into the case, dark secrets start to get revealed.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Hello Kanmom. I’m a fairly new ARMY (joined 2 months ago) so I decided to create a Twitter account to follow the boys and some BTS fan accounts. In the past I’ve been part of several fandoms and I’ve never seen a fandom that’s both passionate and toxic at the same time. The amount of hate that’s spewed by shippers and solos (esp towards Jimin and Jungkook) is distressing. The fandoms I’ve been part of also had shipping and shippers but never at the scale of BTS. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with shipping as long as you’re not hurting people or fetishizing. Yet, there’s constant ship wars and amounts of vileness thrown around daily. I follow mostly BTS fan accounts and some Jikook accounts but I still see some of that hate. I recently fell into a dark hole of Twitter and holy crap. It’s worse that I thought. I’m talking hate accounts dedicated to vilifying and smearing Jimin and Jungkook. Just the most toxic, vile, and disgusting things I ever read. Why is it always them? (We know why…they find jikook threatening.) The thing is most of their claims are easily debunked but so many people still believe it. I know Jimin and Jungkook are kind and caring people who would never do any of the things they are being accused of. It hurt reading these things. I wish the hate would stop. All of this because of a ship? Are they this scared that they’ll turn out to be not straight? Are they this desperate? They resort to call these two men liars (that they queerbait or it’s fanservice). They’re implying they’re sexist and misogynistic by calling them playboys or womanizers (with no proof whatsoever, just videos and images taken out of context). Anything to keep their y/n fantasies alive. My lord. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and reading. Kanmom, what is happening to this fandom? I was told by a former ARMY (who left the fandom because of this) that it wasn’t this bad a few years ago. Since jikook have been getting louder, the hate has increased. I hope Jimin and Jungkook never come across these accounts. I know they don’t care (I’m happy Jungkook told off the haters) but as a fan and supporter of both, it hurt. Luckily, I blocked them and reported them. Which is what I’ve should’ve done in the first place instead of reading the accounts. Sorry for this rant but damn, I had to get that out. At the end of the day, Jimin and Jungkook are happy, healthy, and loud and that’s what matters to me.
Anyways, I’m sorry for this long and unnecessary rant. I had to vent and your blog keeps me sane and calm. You’re really good at listening and your thoughts are always appreciated. I’m leaving Twitter and sticking to tumblr. It’s so much positive here. Much love. 💜
Hey anon, sorry it took me some time to get to you.
It's kind of sad that there are those that are finding the toxicity so bad they feel the need to leave the fandom. It ain't easy, I know, but we need to remember why we are here. We are here for BTS. We are here to enjoy their music, the performances. We are here to love and enjoy what these young men share with us, to hear and share their positive messages.
And as for us Jikook's we are also here to love and support JM & JK. We see the hate, we fight back by reporting and blocking on the one hand, while sharing the love on the other hand.
You can come rant here any time (well, when I decide to reopen my anons, that is, lol).
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loki-the-bi-frost · 4 years
Why yes, I did, in fact, start watching Boy Meets World purely because of a YouTube video in my auto play titled “Jack and Eric being an old married couple for 9 minutes straight” and yes I did fully know I was going to be queerbaited, but did that stop me? Hahaha do you even KNOW me??? So yes, I have fallen into the BMW and Jeric and Shory hellholes and shall never be saved and I shall be salty my entire life
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staurora · 3 years
My Thoughts on OnlyOneOf’s New Music Video
Ok so I don’t usually post stuff like this (I don’t usually post anything lol) but I’ve been thinking a lot about OnlyOneOf’s new comeback and I thought as a queer man (bisexual with a preference for men to be exact) I could offer some perspective into the situation. This is going to be a very long post though, as their are lots of factors and I like overthinking shit so. Bear with me. Also, remember that I can’t speak for the whole LGBT+ community. This is all just my opinion based on my own experiences. If other queer people are uncomfortable with this, they have every right to be.
Firstly, I don’t stan this group. I’m definitely considering it now, and I have looked into them a little before, but I don’t know a whole lot about them. I actually just saw people talking about the teasers and when I went over to YouTube, the MV had just been released. I watched it and at first I had very... mixed feelings.
I loved the song. One of the reasons I had looked into OnlyOneOf before was because I came across their music and was immediately in love. Their music feels different from other kpop artists, more experimental if I had to describe it. The choreography was gorgeous and well executed, and the music video itself was just art. It really told a story with every shot. The very sexual, mature nature of the song paired with the mostly soft visuals in each scene really made it feel like the story of a teenager hanging out with his crush. The two could be doing very mundane things, but his desire for the other makes his mind wander. There were lots of shots that zoomed in on points of contact, such as the thighs touching with the two riding the motorcycle or one guy touching the other’s hair, and they really reminded me of that feeling when you have a crush on someone and suddenly every touch between you and them is magnified. Basically, I loved it and it reminded me of my own experiences.
Despite how much I liked it, I was still very on the fence about it for a while. I love most things that involve queer representation and stories I can relate to, but I’m also usually extremely guarded because most “representation” I encounter is done to either capitalize off of gay people without actually helping us out or to sell a fetishized version of us to horny straight women. I also was worried that the members could potentially have been forced to do this concept by the company and gay or straight, no one should be forced to do sexual things they don’t want to do. But the more I think about this music video, the less uncomfortable I get.
First of all, I don’t think this is queerbaiting. I’ve watched so many shows that queerbaited the shit out of their audience but this isn’t that. Queerbaiting is when a fictional story hints at a queer relationship between two characters but doesn’t actually deliver. In the story that OnlyOneOf tells, I think it’s hard to say they aren’t delivering. I think it was very on the nose in every scene that this was a story of a group of friends who are interested in each other.
I think where the confusion comes in is the fact that it feels less like a modern story queerbaiting viewers for money and more like an older story hinting at queerness but not delivering simply because of a restrictive social climate. For years, queer people in America, for example, had to censor their own stories and could only hint at what was going on without showing it. Now that it is more widely accepted here, those stories can be told more frankly. But in many countries, telling an explicitly queer story is still the equivalent of throwing your career down the drain. I’m not from Korea so I can’t truly speak on the political climate, but I do know that queerness is still not very acceptable in their media. 
Basically, in my opinion, this is not queerbaiting. This isn’t two characters growing closer and closer, getting queer fans hopes up until they say “You’re a great friend!” and the story ends. This is an idol group sharing a queer story and keeping it just vague enough for them to continue making a living off of their music.
Second of all, from the research I’ve done, it looks like OnlyOneOf tends to have a fair amount of freedom when it comes to their music. At the very least, I found that KB produces some of their songs and Rie choreographs at least some of their dances. With this in mind, I find it hard to believe that idols who regularly participate in the making of their songs and dances were forced into this concept. I watched the behind the scenes video for the Libido MV and none of the members appeared uncomfortable. I’m not saying their company 100% didn’t force them to do this, but it seems very unlikely to me.
Now, I certainly think it’s okay to worry about whether an idol is comfortable with the content they’re making, but I feel like everyone who has should ask themselves whether they worry an equal amount about other idols doing sexual concepts. I have seen plenty of idols do choreography that is just as sexual as the choreography for Libido, but very few people ask if those idols are okay with what they’re doing unless they get very clear warning signs that they aren’t. But when a boy group has a queer music video, when fans stop thinking that they’re singing about women, suddenly you’re worried? It’s an obvious double standard, no two ways about it. 
In conclusion, I like the song. I like the music video. I was worried at first just like plenty of other queer people, but I think whether this was a cash grab or not, it was handled with grace. With the backlash OnlyOneOf is now facing, it seems less and less likely that this was just for marketing though. Either they did this for the art, or it was a marketing choice that backfired drastically so they’re still not profiting off of queer people, because this choice wasn’t profitable. Either way, it’s good music, it’s beautiful, and it tells a story that I and probably many other queer people could relate to. I’d call that good representation.
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spnasylum · 4 years
Sarah Z Silenced Me!
I’m a black queer SPN fan as I’ve said before. I just watched a nearly 2 hour long video Sarah Z made about the Supernatural finale. She makes it so obvious that’s she’s a Heller and Minion. She spends most of the video making references to Misha while barely mentions Jared and the only talk of Jensen is her talking at length about his alleged homophobia. She claims Castiel is “the most important character” on the show. She seems to want to convince that Supernatural queerbaited, but uses the same old problematic stereotypes and congratulates Misha on being so pro Destiel while it makes everyone else uncomfortable (yeah because he wants your money, girl!) She also seems to think that seasons 14 and 15 where leading up to canon Destiel (girl, where????) with no real evidence of it. I left this comment…yeah I know it’s long!
“I’ve been a hardcore SPN fan for a long ass time, I grew up on it, been to cons, done foolish things in the name of Gish etc etc. I thought the finale was beautiful, I’m not really a crier and I was sobbing. I loved the more laid back cover of "Carry On…”. I have never seen the appeal in Destiel and as a queer fan I actually find it to be incredibly problematic and not at all representative of anything other than bad stereotypes and toxicity (every other LGBTQIA+ fan I speak to feels the same way). The shippers have gone way too far, its become cult like and has turned SPN into a mockery, they are a small but very loud part of the fandom who manage to make all of us look bad to the cast and crew and even people outside of fandom culture. Many The Boys fans are not looking forward to Jensen joining the show for no other reason than the possibility that some of them may follow him and they don’t want that kinda energy over there. The show didn’t queerbait us because everyone involved with the exception of Misha Collins have been very clear its not real and would never be canon. Anyone who managed to convince themselves otherwise despite repeatedly being told it wouldn’t happen played themselves and have no one to be upset with other than themselves (and maybe Misha because he kinda encouraged them to sell merch which he shouldn’t have done knowing their reputation.)
PS the accusations that the CW, with so much rep on its network, would go to great lengths to somehow edit the American airing of the show to “silence” Dean from declaring his undying gay love for Castiel (who’s I love you I still see as platonic. You can look up to someone, have them be a good influence in your life and love them dearly without wanting to screw their brains out) Why then with so much homophobic rage for just this one specific show and only two very specific characters they decide they must stop Dean saying “me too” or whatever at any cost would they let the “super secret REAL script” play out on screen in another country for a show with a dedicated global fanbase. Why would a network with so much rep, that makes sure to have diversity on their network, want to conspire to stop Dean Winchester specifically. Like I’m seeing conspiracy theories and hashtags that would make flat earth truthers embarrassed for destiel shippers detachment from reality. “
Within minutes, literally MINUTES, it had been removed. No discussion, just straight up censorship. So I’m leaving my comment here instead along with the link to the video so you can hear the same nonsense I just did.
I think this is her tumblr https://dingdongyouarewrong.tumblr.com/  I see a post defending the bullying and harassment the Destiel shippers are doing online being waved off as just “over zealous women” or something... insane.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 4 years
YOUTUBER AU I’m such a fucking sucker for those. It can be anything you want really. Maybe they are friends doing a challenge or something and they end up kissing (or more ;)) or they could meet each other at like a creator even and take a pic together and everyone starts to ship them... :)
HI! Anon I am so sorry, life has been *general handwaving* a MESS. But, I’ve finally gotten most of my shit together and look! A fic! Finally!!! I hope you enjoy two ridiculous boys being ridiculous.
“You guys asked for it, and here it is. The explanation to Bendy and the Ink Machine! Now, I’ve watched a ton of playthroughs of this, especially The RatKing’s, as well as played through it myself, and I think I’ve got it.” 
Such a simple statement, it made it through both of the editors as well as Steve and Dustin themselves without raising any red flags. But as with everything, once it had been released on the internet it became fuel for fans to break apart and over analyze. 
The comments started pouring in, the standard mix of support and people trying to break apart his theory. But one comment in particular would stand out and begin something so much bigger than itself. 
Twenty minutes after Steve had pressed upload, someone with the username Random Hoe posted a comment saying Awe! A collab between you and Billy would be totes amazing!! While an innocent comment in itself, it began to pick up steam as people ranted and demanded for the two popular youtubers to interact more. It turned from video ideas to outright shipping within two hours, and only five hours after the video had been up, people began tagging Steve on Twitter with everything from edited screen grabs to fanart and video edits, all about Steve and Billy’s secret yet undying love for each other. 
Steve had almost quit Youtube as the fanbase for what had been dubbed “Stilly” steadily grew and became all the more ravenous. There were less and less comments and reactions to his theories, whether movie, video game, or even book related, and more and more comments about how he needed to do a collab with Billy ASAP, and how he’s queerbaiting, and how it’s okay to come out, it was 20Gayteen after all. He had tried to do damage control, but it only made things worse. 
And then someone showed Billy, and Steve not only wanted to quit Youtube, but also crawl under a rock. 
Billy’s only reaction to someone sending him a picture of Steve and Billy during a live stream was “Nice art, like the hair,” but Steve could have sworn his mouth twitched down in a grimace before Billy recovered his composure. 
But Dustin had convinced Steve to keep going, and with two months of no recognition or new content, the frenzy of Stilly shipping died down. It never disappeared, but no one sent anymore art to Billy and stopped tagging Steve in all of their posts. That had been in February. 
Vidcon was in June, and Stilly was the least of Steve’s worries. He’d been asked to host a panel on the new game show he and Dustin had begun hosting on Youtube TV about pop culture trivia, and then host a live episode with various Youtube guests as competitors. It promised to be relatively simple, a simple explanation of the origin and behind-the-scenes and a simple Q&A session followed by what he spent every Thursday doing for the past two months. And it was, him and Dustin breezing through the panel bouncing off of each other and the first round of Did You Know? You Don’t Say? flying by as the famed beauty guru aced almost every question. But once the second guest stepped on stage, Steve knew it was all going to go to shit. 
Because Billy Hargrove, The Rat King himself, swaggered out on the stage in flip flops and an Everlast crop top and flopped into the contestant’s chair with a smirk. Steve froze, mouth suddenly drier than a desert. 
Luckily, Dustin didn’t even stutter. “Ah! The next victim. Should we go easy on him?” He waggled his eyebrows as he asked the audience. The audience shouting brought Steve out of his daze, and with a shake of his head, he turned and spread his arms out wide. 
“Well then, let’s begin. So, Billy, Do you know what the rarest MnM color is?” 
The cocky smirk melted off of Billy’s face, replaced by one of thoughtful determination. He’s silent for only a moment before he looks up and says, “Brown, like your eyes, Pretty Boy.” Steve feels his pale skin flush with heat, but he coughs and tries to play it off.
“Quite the charmer there, Rat King. Luckily, your lines are actually true. One point! Let’s see it!” He calls out and then looks behind him to the television screen currently displaying the scoreboard. A large blocky 1 appears and the audience cheers. 
“Alrighty then,” Dustin says after the crowd dies down. “Next question. Billy, Do you know the original name of Istanbul?” Billy chuckles, and shakes his head.
“Easy. Constantinople.”
Dustin fake pouts and looks over to Billy. “None of that Rat King charm for me?” The audience laughs, and Billy chuckles before throwing a wink at Dustin.
“Not quite old enough to ride this ride, bud.” 
Dustin scoffs and shakes his head, making the curls bounce around wildly. “Whatever you say, old man. You did get it right by the way. Let me see another point!” Dustin mimics Steve and gestures towards the scoreboard which now shows a big, white 2. 
“Your turn, Pretty Boy. Give me something hard.”
“Alright. Let’s see.” Steve pretends to look over his notes before seeing the perfect question. “So, Billy, Do you know which two American states don’t observe daylight savings time?” Billy stares blankly at Steve. This was the final question in their lineup, but he had asked for a hard question. 
Luckily, Billy recovers quickly and clears his throat before giving another chuckle. “Damn, I know I said give me a hard one, but I wasn’t expecting that. I’m gonna go with Hawaii and Alaska?” Steve shakes his head and gives a small sigh. 
Dustin gives a little cheer, and then runs over to a table off to the side of the stage where they have a cue card that the contestant has to read off of if they lose. It was Dustin’s idea, the You don’t say? part of the title. It’s his favorite part of the show, because they get to see their contestants say some ridiculous things.
“Well, unfortunately, that was incorrect,” Steve announces over the booing audience. “And, following the rules, you now have to read whatever is on this card.” Dustin hands Billy the cue card with a wicked grin. 
Billy sighs and flips over the card. There’s a moment of silence as he reads over what the card says, and then he looks up at Steve and clears his throat.
“Would a Pretty Boy want to go out with me?” He says in a clear voice, gaze never leaving Steve’s. 
Suddenly too many things for Steve to process happen at once. He feels the heat return to his cheeks and his mouth dry out again, the audience goes wild, and a buzzer sounds, signaling that they were out of time for Did You Know? You Don’t Say? Dustin comes through and pushes a frozen Steve off-stage, where Billy is waiting in the wings. With the audience’s weighty gaze gone, the feeling returns to Steve all at once.
“What the hell man? What was that out there?” He hissed at Billy. The man simply shrugs and gives another one of his trademark smirks.
“Just giving the people what they want, Princess. Try to keep up.” And then he turns around, and walks away. Simple as that. Nothing to it. 
Steve wants to scream. Fortunately, he and Dustin have been friends for years, and he knows all of Steve’s tics by now. The stagehands shoo them from the wings, and he pulls Steve through one of the backdoors to outside the convention center. Somehow, he also procures a water bottle in the hustle, and hands it to Steve once they’re both sitting on the steps outside. Steve takes the water bottle gratefully and chugs half of it in one long gulp. He pulls it away and wipes at his face before sighing. He seems to deflate, like a balloon losing all of its helium at once, and Dustin puts an arm around him. It’s awkward because he’s shorter than Steve, but it’s still comforting nonetheless. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Dustin asks quietly.
“I- I’m so stupid. For just a second I thought it was real, but why would it be? What would someone like him see in someone like me?” Dustin lets out a huff before pulling away and turning towards Steve.
“Steve, buddy, pal o’ mine. You’re an idiot. If anything, he doesn’t deserve you. He’s a pompous ass for pulling a stunt like that. It’s bullshit.” 
“He could have anyone. Between his paycheck and his pecs, he’s one of Youtube’s hottest content creators.”
“Yeah, sure. But for the sake of alliteration, he also lacks personality. The guy’s a huge dick! And he proved it today. He knew that you wouldn’t shut him down and bitch him out on stage, so he thought it would be funny to pull that shit.”
“Yeah, he is kind of just a publicity-seeking asshole, you’re right,” Steve admits, feeling a little better, and a lot angrier. “You know what, Dusty-Poo? I’m gonna find him, and give him a piece of my mind.” He stands up, itching for a fight and knowing who to go find for one.
“Tha-that’s not exactly what I meant but sure! Go knock him down a peg.” Dustin stands up as well and follows Steve back onto the main showfloor. 
It takes about twenty minutes to find Billy amongst the crowd but Steve sees him, and locks in like a tiger stalking his prey. Or something cool like that. Thankfully, Steve doesn’t have to make a huge scene as he walks up to Billy and gets in his face. 
“You. Me. Conference Room 3. Now,” Steve says, poking a finger in the middle of Billy’s chest to emphasize his point. Billy chuckles, but still follows along as they walk into the empty conference room. Once they clear the doors and Steve hears them swing shut behind them, he turns to Billy.
“Explain. What the fuck was the point of that little,” he wavs his hand around, “stunt you pulled during the game show?” 
Billy raises an eyebrow. “Told you Pretty Boy. I gave the people what they wanted. 
“So that’s it? It was a publicity stunt?” 
“You tell me. You’re the one who started the whole thing,” Billy shoots back, still holding on to an air of nonchalance, but Steve can his patience waning.
“You- you mean the stuff from February? When I happened to mention you in one video? You think I meant for that shitstorm to start, for fun and publicity?” 
Billy only shrugs again.
“Okay. Nope. Again, I mentioned your channel one time, as a source. Gave credit where credit was due. I do it for all the channels I watch! I’ve mentioned Nancy’s channel like 8 times, and Jonathan’s too. Never had this shit started with them.”
“They’re married, Steve. Like super married. Of course it wouldn’t. We’re both single, queer youtubers. Of course shit’s gonna stop. Didn’t your agent or whoever look over your video?”
Steve huffs. “Oh yeah, let me just go hire an agent, cause I have such a need for someone to monitor my every move,” Steve snarked. Billy just looked at him like he had failed to add 2 and 3.
“You’re telling me you, part of one of the biggest channels on Youtube, don’t have an agent?” 
“We’re not one of the biggest channels, and we’ve never needed one! We’ve got our team of editors and assistants, no need for some agent.”
“Steve,” Billy says patiently, like he was explaining something to a child, “You have over 4 million subscribers. That’s a big channel.” 
“We’re still not one of the biggest channels, dipshit.”
“Oh, I'm the dipshit? I didn’t start a fucking fandom frenzy apparently by accident. Because I was smart and got a fucking agent.”
“You’re such an asshole.” 
“Whatever you say Princess.”
“Stop fucking calling me a princess!” Steve screams, voice booming in the silent conference room. “Why do you do that? Pretty Boy, Princess, Stevie? Just- just stop with the fucking nicknames. It’s not fair.” The second part of his outburst comes out as a whisper, sounding almost desperate. 
Billy was at a loss for words, but then again, he had always been more of a man of action. 
So he says nothing, only gives a seconds’ thought of what he was going to do, before lunging forward and doing it. 
Steve’s next words are muffled as Billy crashes their lips together with absolutely no finesse, teeth clacking. It probably constituted as the worst kiss Billy has ever had, but as he moves back, Steve grabs a fist full of blond locks and pulls him forward. Their 
second kiss is far better. By no means is it soft, but that was just par for the course with them wasn’t it? 
The kiss comes to a natural ending as they both pull back to breath, before Steve starts to giggle. 
“You really need to work on your pick-up lines, Rat King.”
A soft gasp from the doorway cuts off Billy’s retort, and they both turn to see a girl decked out in Youtube merch, including a jacket with the Upside Down Theories logo on it. She had dropped her backpack, and was open-mouthed gaping at the two. Her eyes are as wide as dinner plates as she frantically gathers up her backpack and shoots out of the conference room. 
“Chances that this blows up online by tomorrow?” Steve asks, turning to the blond next to him. 
“I’m betting in the next two hours, Pretty Boy,” Billy replies.
A wicked smirk creeps onto Steve’s lips as he shrugs and says, “Oops. What was that about getting an agent to help with this stuff?” 
Aside from this taking FOREVER, I hope you guys enjoy this! It was tons of fun to write.
tag team: @lostnoise @gideongrace @stevefuckingharrington @a-magey @catharrington @trashycatarcade @myboyfriendsteve @thesummerof84 @lightsupinthenorth @smashmouth-hargrove (lmk if you would like to be added/removed from the list!)
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this isn’t a malicious ask, but i’m just genuinely curious what your take on crankiplier is when you take into consideration that
1) ethan has given his fans explicit permission to ship him with people and write fanfiction as long as they don’t harass him with it
2) mark has reblogged a piece of crankiplier fanart
3) they’ve flirted or interacted in a way suggesting they’re attracted to each other purposefully for the fandom’s response,
exhibit a) when they called one of their bits “queerbaiting for charity” (mark petting ethan + calling him a good boy + feeding him fruit snacks + eskimo kissing for donations on a charity stream)
exhibit b) mark saying he thought about kissing ethan onstage during tour (i assume because the fangirls would’ve gone nuts)
exhibit c) in general, knowing that jokes about getting married, dating, implying a sexual relationship, etc. would cause fan speculation but proceeding to include them in videos regardless
i’m not big on shipping real people either, and we should all certainly do our best to keep that part of the fandom low-key, but like. the circumstances here are much different than septiplier. i wouldn’t shame anyone for this one
Ok so as I said, I’ll try to address each of your points. Thank you for being willing to talk with me, I hope you’ll take into consideration the points I’m going to make. 
1) I’ve seen those posts, and while it is true that Ethan has said these things, it was (correct me if I’m wrong) a while ago and his position on this may have changed since then. I know that isn’t a real convincing point, but you also have to agree that Ethan in particular is generally very permissive towards his fandom. But his permissiveness should not be taken as a free pass to ship him whenever you want. If a parent says you can go out with friends, that doesn’t mean you can go to Junkie Jimmy’s house party. Just because you have been given permission to do something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, or that you should.
2) Again, correct me if I’m wrong (because I haven’t seen the post), but a lot of ship fanart (especially controversial ship fanart) tends to be pretty ambiguous due to the nature of shipping. Unless said fanart was undeniably ship art, it’s very possible that Mark simply saw a cool piece of fanart and decided to reblog it without checking the context of it. If anyone knows what post this is, please tell me so I can figure out if that might have been the case.
3) This is probably the biggest point I’m going to make here, so I’m going to put it in bold. It’s never ok to ‘speculate’ on real people’s lives with regard to their interpersonal relationships. Ever. Full stop. It is not the job of content creators to tailor their content to leave out parts that would ‘cause fan speculation’. They’re real people, not characters whose every interaction is available for debate. They’re not ‘suggesting’ anything. They’re just people who live their lives and are comfortable in their friendship with each other. People do that. And it’s not the job of anyone who doesn’t know them to decide their relationship. You don’t know them. None of the shippers here or anywhere else know them. And using them for your own fulfillment, sexualizing them into lovey-dovey caricatures of themselves, is truly and simply morally repugnant. 
Your points rely on suggesting that Mark and Ethan are purposely ‘riling up’ the fanbase by making content that ‘suggests’ crankiplier, but the truth is that either a. it’s a joke between friends (your own friends probably mess around with each other in the same way. I know mine sure do) or b. the shippers are reading way too far into simple interaction.
I’m not trying to be a stickler about these things, but when it comes to real people shipping, it’s not about saying ‘ohh you can’t ship that’ just because you can. I’m not saying it just to ruin anyone’s fun, or to be ableist towards people with hyperfixations (I have ADHD. I know neurodivergent people can still be ableist, but that’s beside the point), or anything like that. I’m against crankiplier, and all rpf ships, because they rely on sexualizing and purposely misconstruing interactions between people. Real people, with lives, and thoughts, and relationships with their loved ones. Real people with boundaries that must be respected. 
And it’s no coincidence that most of these ships tend to be mlm. It’s a symptom of toxic masculinity that people can look at a healthy friendship between two men and say ‘they can’t be that close without being gay’. It’s not your place to interpret that. 
So here’s my message to rpf shippers: leave them alone. Ironically, by being gross about their relationships, you only drive these people farther apart because they begin to believe that anything they do will be sexualized by shippers. I saw it happen 4 years ago. It can, and will, happen again.
To those with hyperfixations: I hear you. I was there, once. I learned to change my trajectory a little bit to focus only on fictional characters (by zealously reading YA novels about dragons. If it works, it works.). I know that’s waaaay easier said than done, but if you make a real commitment to yourself, you can find a way. And maybe, in a few months, your old ships won’t be so enticing anymore.
And to those who choose to harass and send death threats, on either side of the argument: stop. You’re not helping anyone. One day, the fandom will come together and say that there is no place for rpf shipping here. But every aggressive comment pushes us farther apart. 
I know this sounds ironic, coming from me, but I don’t have any hate towards those who rpf ship. You are not a bad person. What you are participating in, however, is ethically wrong. You must know that. The only people in this entire circumstance that I harbor any ill will towards are the people who continue to insist that rpf shipping is right. That somehow they, as fans, get to ‘speculate’ on the relationships between others. They who continue to show disrespect towards the very content creators they claim to support so much. And I refuse to support that.
Thank you for sending this ask and allowing me to elaborate on my stance on these things. I know this is unlikely to change anyone’s minds about it, but it’s all worth it if even one person can realize that they’re supporting something they shouldn’t be supporting. And to those people: it’s ok. Trust me, we’ve all been there.
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My Thoughts on Queerbaiting & it’s Harm, a short essay because I feel like it
Plus a video essay that sparked it.
This is more just a general post about queerbaiting and it’s negative effects on societal views and our one queer experiences, but it is brought in by something. That something I will not post here, as things are still up in the air on if it is queerbaiting or not, but it got my thoughts rolling on queerbaiting in general. If it ends up being so, I might post it here in the future.
So many movies and tv shows use the queer experience in heterosexual connotations. Think of the entirety of the run of Merlin (2008) hanging on one boys secret which he could be killed for. The sea monster secret in Pixar’s Luca. The romantic bickering and romantic blocking of the characters in the scenes in Sherlock and Falcon and Winter Solder. Steve and Bucky? Dean and Cas not being vaguely confirmed until one of the last episodes, without a happy ending. How many friendships between two male characters would have been romances if one of them were a woman? Why is it considered harmful to want characters to be queer? “Stop making male friendships gay” they cry. Why should we? So many movies are based on male friendships. Almost none are based on romantic love between men.
This latest instance talked about a (presumably straight character-we shall see) discovering his sexuality as he matures. The notion of the specific “discovering” of one’s sexuality is such a big part of the queer experience, whereas heterosexual people don’t have to discover anything, because it’s what they are told from the beginning of their lives. The queer experience being shown through a heterosexual light removes any sense of our agency from our most personal experiences through doing so.
This is brought on as said before a specific discussion of a currently running tv series, so I will keep that private (though if you know, you know) and a video essay that I had watched a couple of days ago. I would post a link, but y’all know tumblr hates links. So I’ll leave a screenshot here. Definitely go check it out, focused on Disney’s failings of queer content. I also recommend his other videos.
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bciwasinlove · 4 years
Hey! I read your post about the ask Emily got from a ziammie and I wanted to say I completely agree with what you said+I would like to add that I don't get why ziam shippers can't just leave us alone the way we larries leave them alone. Regardless of what the truth about ziam is, spamming larry blogs about ziam is unnecessary and uncalled for. Especially when the person in question has already done their research on the topic and has taken a stance.(also don't feel obligated to answer my ask :D)
Hi thanks for the ask and yeah I completely agree it's even more wtf when these ziams claim larries are being rude and anti like to them [were not] It's legit toxic solo liam stans and zsquad members hating on them not us but everyone hates larries so surprise surprise we are always blamed for everything. This supposive hate from larries includes Emily but these ziams are from twitter not even on tumblr but made a tumblr to send @lovemylarents an anon hate ask to say larries are hypocrites yet again umm what you came to an app to HER acc and constantly drag us into your lane.
I've said this before both here and on twitter but if they were ACTUALLY calling larries hypocrites bc larries are calling them delusional or saying their favs would hate them that would be fine but their not their just trying to shove ziam MPs and proof down larries throats every minute and calling larries who say they don't believe in ziam hypocrites. Even calling larries like @lovemylarents who have been in this fandom for a decade and DID read the MPs or YouTube videos they recommended and still doesn't see it hypocrites.
If they want to go there since they keep calling us hypocrites for not believing in ziam, we will. Their BG proof/reasoning for saying it's a BG is inconsistent with not all ziammies believing the same thing, some of their MPs are legit just comparing ziam to larry going larry did this well so did ziam and half their proof is larry proof/songs going it's also ziam related. Ziammies need larry to be real for ziam to be real larries don't need ziam. Larry had a concrete foundation that makes the house of larry stable ziam only has an unstable house with no concrete foundation bc they just stole extra parts lying around from the larry house to make a ziam house.
I'm tired of it I use to be believe what you want and I really don't care what you believe but when they constantly go LARRIES YOU SEEING THIS OR ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE I'm going to say something. I'm not kidding tho they steal a bunch of larry proof and say it's for ziam [examples: warning selfies for BG, triangle from louis, Home, Alive, RBB&SBB,"this specfic shade" ext.] The triangle necklace fron liam can possible be linked to liam not being straight but there is no link to zayn. For example for larries in the Miss You MV we not only have the triangles but the word styles written meaning it's Louis saying I'm not straight AND I'm with Harry. Or another one we have not only Louis triangle tattoo [permanent unlike a necklace] BUT also Harry tweeting the same week Louis got the tattoo "you can tell a man by his ankles." Which once again is proof Louis might not be straight AND proof of Harry being his lover.
Funny tho all this hate to @lovemylarents started when she debunked their popular most stable proof to link the bears to ziam on twitter. The proof is the Ziam Levine Stylinson sticker on the bear one night which turned out was/is a tumblr fans url and they gave the sticker with their utl on it to a tech person who found it funny and put it on the bear during the concert but it was only on once so it had nothing to do with the boys. Emily like all veteran stans debunk/make it known when well used proof is fake [example: 2013 larry marriage theory] it's what they do and the sticker had STYLINSON on it so wouldn't Emily want it to be real?
They claim these things especially the bears have always been linked to Ziam to or that Ziam has been as big as Larry since the beginning but any old time veteran fan I talk to [plus from my own knowledge of being a 9 year fan] ziam wasn't really gaining traction until late 2014/early 2015 and any major 2015 bears MPs ziam is not mentioned. For me the thing that pisses me off the most is when they say "larrys closeting didn't worked and ziams did thats why less believe in ziam over larry."
IF LARRYS CLOSETING DIDN'T WORK YOU WOULDN'T HAVE SOME LOCALS SAYING THEY WON'T JOIN THE FANDOM BC THEY THINK LOUIS IS HOMOPHOBIC OR GP THINKING HARRY IS A QUEERBAITING WOMANIZER! This phrase invalidates everything larry has been put through I hate it so much. And @lovemylarents made a good point if they believe larry and ziam are genuinely real this phrase makes it seem like ziam didn't fight hard to show the fans the truth of what they are being put through the way larry did.
This response is getting long haha sorry but my last statement is Emily like other veteran larries don't believe in ziam they have been here since the beginning and Emily along with myself and the rest of our GC have looked at ziam info and don't see it so PLEASE stop calling us hypocrites all the time for not believing in it.
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gaycatastrophe · 4 years
20, 29, 16, 6 for the ask meme!
20. What is THE destiel song?
oh god okay so you've just picked the question that I could write an entire thesis on and unless you picked this one because you've seen me rambling in the tags about it I am SO sorry because this is about to become a really long post.
THEE Destiel song has to be Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. It encapsulates the Too Muchness of their dynamic because the song is fundamentally about putting all your faith and devotion into one person as if they were your God. "Someone to hear your prayers/ someone who cares." As I said in the tags of this post,
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Like Dean the faithless man prays to Castiel only and Castiel angel of the lord lets this man take the -el suffix meaning "of God" out of his name and chooses Dean over Heaven again and again and even literally decides to become God. For Dean. I know this has all been said before but literally guys (gn), they are each other's Personal Jesus, cmon.
The song is also specifically referenced in the show, by Dean. So in 5x02, the episode immediately preceeding Free to be You and Me, Cas has to call Dean's cell to learn where Sam, Dean, and Bobby are and then when he meets them in the hospital Dean says "since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?" The hook of Personal Jesus is, of course, "reach out and touch faith," but it's plausible based on that alone that the reference was unintentional. But like. "Feeling unknown/ and you're all alone/ flesh and bone by the telephone/ lift up the receiver/ I'll make you a believer" -- the song's narrator is asking their love interest to pick up the phone. In the most god-complex-y way imaginable. (And a split second after Dean asks this as Cas is starting to explain, Bobby interjects, "enough foreplay!") Imagine if Cas had understood the reference at the time.
This makes me feel insane because if you think about it for even half a second it's so horny. Like I just can't wrap my head around any watsonian explanation for Dean making this song reference thats not either (a) he's flirting intentionally or (b) his brain is making a subconscious association between Cas and this song. And the song, particularly with the music video is so horny in specifically such a Dean way. The video is in a southwest/Spanish setting (technically it was filmed in Spain but aesthetically they’re clearly aiming more for southwest American cowboy), there's horses, it's implicitly supposed to be set in a brothel according to the Wikipedia page, and the members of Depeche Mode are all dressed in cowboy hats and leather.
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I mean the music video was released in 1989, watch this and tell me you can't imagine ten year old Dean glued to a shitty motel TV completely entranced by this video and young enough to not be sure why he likes it so much. Why was this reference written in to the episode if Dean is straight? I mean it's queerbait I get it but it's a pretty subtle line if you're not extremely familiar with the song already, so. Why?
29. Was Dean going to say "I love you" to Cas after the purgatory prayer?
Hooooooooo boy. Good question! That scene hits either way, is the thing. I don't think Dean was going to say the exact words "I love you" there, but I do kind of think Cas stopped him from saying more in person because of the Empty deal. Dean's prayer in that episode - the fact that he begins it with "I hope you can hear me" - he's not sure as he's praying that Cas is even still alive.
I think Cas was guarding both their hearts by preventing Dean from repeating that emotional vulnerability, because even if he wasn't going to say "I love you," a repeat of that sort of raw unguarded apology and forgiveness from "still beautiful" Dean Winchester, but this time face to face, coupled with the relief on Dean's features from knowing Cas is alive and okay, mightve done Cas in anyway. : )
16. Which fanfic trope would you force onto Dean and Cas in a canon episode?
Cas possessing Dean. I promise I only want this the normal amount. No further comment. :P
ok ok ETA you don’t understand, it fits the themes!!!
6. Which character should have never died?
Yeah I'm gonna have to copy your answer here and say Charlie, that one really hurt and felt so pointless. Kevin, on the other hand, should have been brought back to life and left alive and well after that. >:(
[spn asks]
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guccifloralsuits · 4 years
Hey! Sorry if this is rude or dumb but I keep seeing the word queer-baiting used on twitter about Harry and I know you don’t think that’s true but I’m confused about what actually is supposed to mean? no one can seem to agree what it is and you seem like you know it so yeah sorry if this isn’t okay to ask I know it’s not your job to educate me
happy to help!!!! Queerbaiting is widely misused as a term, & doing so can be really harmful. It’s not dumb or rude at all to ask!
By definition, queerbaiting is when entertainment content intentionally leads on LGBT+ audiences with the promise of representation w/out delivering, or by doing so in a dismissive & harmful way. There are a few main components for what qualifies (& doesn’t qualify) as queerbaiting:
Queerbaiting happens only in a fictional context.
Queerbaiting is explicit and intentional. 
Queerbaiting is when audiences are led on to genuinely believe that the non-straight/non-cis aspect of a character is being set up to get canon-recognized, only for writers to dismiss or leave these claims unacknowledged
Queerbaiting also includes (but is not limited to): only canon-confirming lgbt+ ships w/in the last few episodes of a series, the “bury your gays” trope, & tokenizing lgbt+ characters & reducing them to plot-devices or shallow stereotypes. 
Let’s break each bullet down further: 
A. Queerbaiting happens only in a fictional context. Real people can’t queerbait because 1) it’s really harmful to label certain clothes, mannerisms, physical traits, or mediums of self-expression as gay & 2) we should not be forcing people to out-themselves or prove their level of queerness to us before they are ready just so they can be #allowed to express their identity.
B. Queerbaiting is explicit and intentional. This is where a lot of people get confused. What this means is that queerbaiting is when hinting at sexuality is physically in the script or description of the dialogue.
Implicit gestures or the onscreen sexual chemistry between two characters is not enough to call queer-baiting (actor chemistry is implicit & often unplanned). complimenting a same-sex character on their appearance/clothes/character is also not not enough to call something queerbaiting (it’s not an explicitly queer overture).
C. Queerbaiting is when audiences are led on to genuinely believe in the possibility of canon leading towards confirmation of a non-straight/cis aspect of a character by their dialogue and by script-written action. It’s a whole different ballpark to HC a character as gay (cus #vibez) vs. to have a character go on a storyline arc about their romantic attachment to a same-sex character only for them to later dismiss it as “I was just experimenting lol.” (I’m looking @ you, The Politician & Ryan Murphy).
Let’s look at 2 examples of what might and might not be considered queerbaiting. you don’t need to know the background context to understand these scenes for our purposes.
Exhibit A: Moreid & This Scene from CM (you can click to watch for full context, the relevant part starts at around 00:57). The Dialogue:
Reid: There's an old Buddhist saying that, when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.
Tara: That's lovely.
Reid: There's a corollary for friends. When you meet a true friend, you will be bound together though space and time for 500 years. Which means...in 2200, I’m gunna get Morgan back for that practical joke he played on me last week.
Morgan: bring it, Pretty Boy. I’ll be waiting for you.
Reid: I’ll be there.
So like. I choose to believe that was gay in my head ❤️. But I see some people in the cm fandom have called this Queerbaiting before, when it actually isn’t because writers took the time to add “corollary for friends.” (If that wasn’t there it’d be different, but...) It was playing on fans love of Moreid’s dynamic, sure, but I did not leave that scene thinking “oh my god, the writers are going to make moreid canon holy shit!” I left it thinking “wow I can’t wait to read fanfic about this 👀.” The show-writers weren’t honestly leading me on to believe that this was a relationship which was going to play out. There was no direct sexual ambiguity here. There’s absolutely a different convo to be had about inclusive representation but. This is ship-teasing at best
In contrast, let’s look at this scene where Stiles goes to a club in Teen Wolf. You can watch it here (but honestly? You don’t need to see the video to see the baiting and that’s a key difference, too). Dialogue:
[A girl pulls at Stiles to start kissing in the club. He stops, for a moment]
Stiles: I...thought you liked girls?
Girl: I do like girls. Do you?
Stiles: yeah. Absolutely.
Girl: great!
Stiles: so you also like boys?
Girl: Absolutely! Do you?
Stiles: [looks off in contemplation, as if he’s never considered the possibility before].
This scene was both intentionally written and explicitly leading when Stiles looks off and they end the scene before he answers. I did leave that scene thinking “wait oh my god....they’re going to let stiles be canon bi, holy sHIT—“ and then they didn’t. And they had explicitly alluded to Stiles attraction to guys before this too, like asking if gay guys would find him attractive, or responding “I could be!!” When his dad tells him “you’re not gay.”
Do you see the difference between these examples? Implied subtext alone doesn’t fall within the confines of baiting, and queerbaiting is baiting fans, at its core, about a character’s ambiguous sexuality.
D) other forms of queerbaiting: only giving fans a canon lgbt+ relationship within the last 3 episodes of a series, making a queer couple canon only for one or both characters to immediately get killed off, tokenizing lgbt+ characters & reducing them to plot-devices or shallow stereotypes. This is an attempt to get “hey look!!! We’re so inclusive!!!” points without doing literally any of the work.
E) further reading:
Fandom: Please stop Misusing the term Querbaiting (also a good guide on the difference between ship-teasing & queerbaiting)
Iowa State Professor explains the ins & outs of queerbaiting
hope this helps!
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