#srry this took a lil longer than i thought
vveakfish · 7 months
Star and i started playing with the idea of the gallery opening for (WIK)YWM back in october and we got lost in the weeds thinking abt what the waynes would wear to an event like this.
It was so much fun to mess around with more fashion oriented illustration since thats not normally my wheelhouse but i had so much fun
Now, i will be the first to admit that Tim’s outfit is fucking goofy, but that was entirely the point.
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The thought was that Yes, he is technically the host, and this is Technically a high society event, but Tim’s a lil shit stirrer and i think he’d get a kick out of seeing all these stuffy 1%ers huffing and puffing abt his outfit choices
plus i felt like it matched the theme of the gallery. Paying homage not just to Mapplethorpes Photography, but his impact as well
jacket | pants | top | belt | boots
Dicks was SOOOOO fun to design
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he’s like a barbie doll to me idk what else to say
we took inspiration from a bunch of actual Oscar De La Renta pieces when trying to figure dicks garment out (star’s the one who suggested i look at their catalogue when we were brainstorming, everyone say thank you star!) but i knew what i wanted to put him in as soon as we chose mapplethorpe as the focus of the gallery
(i didnt end up drawing wally’s </3 i really wanted to, but i no longer have the free time to. maybe one day. we’ll see)
inspo | inspo | inspo
Bruce’s was a Fucking Challenge let me tell you
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and im going to be honest, i dont know a damn thing about menswear other than the fact that 9/10 its boring as hell. I just wanted it to be fun and funky.
And yeah, okay maybe this isnt the kind of thing that bruce would typically wear, but i feel like him putting this much effort into dressing on theme for tims event is just a nice little “im proud of you” moment, even if he cant use his words to say it.
i did not look at other suits for inspo other than to figure out how the fuck to draw a tux jacket. so no inspo pics for this one, srry.
alright, thats all for now. Its late and i just wanna post this chapter
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edsbev · 7 years
Do you mind if I give you a prompt? Like reddie but the losers find out about there relationship because Eddie was wearing Richies sweatshirts all the time...
me? going over the top? it’s more likely than you think
this is 2.8k of reddie being disgustingly in love. also theres some making out
Most nights, you will find therowdy, gangly-limbed members of the Losers’ Club hunkered down in Big Bill’sbasement, or lazily stretched out in Ben “Handsome” Hanscom’sbedroom, lazily watching the same old movies and hiding away from everyone whoisn’t each other.
Tonight, though, on Mike’sbirthday, they’ve decided to ditch their usual hermit-like ways, and are out inthe world. Celebrating at the old drive-in.
The movie hasn’t started yet.Cars still pulling in, tyres slowly crunching over gravel, headlightsperiodically bathing them in a bright glow. Eddie sits in the bed of Richie’struck, listening to Bev instruct Bill and Ben on how to set up the pillows andblankets for Optimal Coziness, and tries not to look at Richie.
It’s hard, though, becauseRichie keeps looking at him.
Richie’s leant against the sideof the truck, arms crossed over his chest, chatting to Mike. And every now andthen, his gaze will slide over Mike’s shoulder, catch Eddie’s own gaze, and befollowed by a slow, sly grin. The type of grin that two people with a secretwould share between them.
Eddie’s face goes hot, presseshis blushing cheek to his shoulder.
Because here’s the secret: heand Richie are dating.
And not a single one of theLosers know.
“Well,” Richieannounces, pushing himself away from the truck and stretching his arms abovehis head. “I’m gonna go take a piss. Anyone wanna join me?”
His gaze lands pointedly onEddie.
“Oh, me, I do,” Eddieblurts, jumping over the side of the truck bed and landing on the gravel. Hewobbles on his feet as Bev straightens, pushing her hair from her face.
“Tell Stan to hurry up withthe snacks if you see him on your way there, why don’t you?” she huffs.“Also, Richie, when was the last time you cleaned your truck?”
“Never,” Richiereplies with a grin. And then he’s gripping Eddie’s shoulder and leading himaway.
Richie and Eddie have beendating for a month.
They’d been dancing around eachother and their feelings for a while. Until one night, while they were hangingout in Eddie’s room like they usually did, Eddie started laughing at one ofRichie’s bad jokes. And Richie watched him with an odd look on his face for a fewmoments before going “fuck it,” leaning forward, cupping Eddie’sface, and kissing him.
It was Eddie’s first kiss.
Richie is Eddie’s first everything.
And so it’s all new and excitingand scary and daunting and Eddie wants to have time to process all of it beforeadding ‘everybody knowing’ to the mix.
This means, however, a fuck tonof sneaking around.
“I don’t know how I’m goingto get through this whole movie without cuddling you, Eds,” Richie says,as they approach the small, eerie looking building at the back of the lot thathouses the bathrooms. “I mean it’s cold, dark, we’re all gonna be squishedtogether in the back of my truck…how am I supposed to not snuggle thefuck outta you?”
They came to a halt in front ofa door on the side of the building, above it painted the word MEN’S. Eddietries the handle, but it’s locked. Where the keyhole would usually be reads theword “occupied.” Right. So there’s only one toilet.
“We’re just gonna have tohave some of the others sit between us,” Eddie replies, stepping back.They’re quite a way away from everyone else, the chatter and bustle of everyonesetting up their cars a distant hum. It’s so dark, feels much colder out here,a tall chain-link fence rattling in the wind behind them, a dull lightflickering near the bathroom door.
Eddie wraps his arms aroundhimself. Wearing only a thin cotton sweater that does little to keep the chillout.
“Hey,” says Richie.The pout he’d been sporting at Eddie’s words suddenly morphs into amischievous grin. He moves closer to Eddie, eyes alight in the flickeringlight, and pokes Eddie’s side. “You cold, baby?”
“Maybe,” Eddiereplies, ears a little pink. Richie’s grin widens. (Eddie wishes he didn’t lookso cute, with the tip of his nose red from the cold and his dark curls ruffledin the wind). “You still can’t cuddle me, though.”
“Mm, but there’s no onehere to see us,” Richie says. And then he’s unzipping his white and purplewindbreaker, stepping behind Eddie, and engulfing Eddie in the fabric of hisjacket. His warm, firm chest pressed against Eddie’s back, arms wrapped aroundEddie tight.
“Richie…” Eddiebegins, but he feels himself leaning into the embrace.
“Come on, Eds,” Richiesays, voice muffled as he buries his face in Eddie’s hair. “I’m justkeeping you warm. And I gotta get my fix of cuddling you now, because I won’tbe allowed to do it later.”
“You’re so fuckingclingy,” Eddie laughs. But he’s fully relented now, twisting around sotheir fronts are flush together, sneaking his arms around Richie’s waist. Andhe feels nervous, the guy in the men’s room could come out and see them, anyonecould stroll over at any moment. But he also feels safe and warm wrapped up inRichie’s jacket like this. With Richie smiling down at him.
“I’m clingy?”Richie says. Shakes his head with a laugh. “You were the one whowouldn’t let me leave the bed when I slept over the other night. Even though Iwas literally dying of thirst. Like, on the verge of death.”
“Hmm, I don’tremember,” Eddie lies. “Think you’re just lying because you’re afraidto admit you’re the clingiest boyfriend to ever exist.”
He expects a witty retort, animpish grin, a round of their usual bickering. But Richie’s face softens, andhe leans right down so their foreheads are pressed together.
“Is it weird that I like itwhen you call me your boyfriend?” he murmurs, brown eyes looking deep intoEddie’s own, dropping every and now to look at Eddie’s mouth. “Because Ireally fucking like it.”
“It’s not weird,”Eddie says. It’s been a month and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it.“I like it too.”
Richie grins, tilts his head asthough in greeting. “Boyfriend.”
Eddie grins back, mimicks him.“Boyfriend.”
The sound of a door handlingrattling open sounds behind them. They spring apart.
The guy, looks like someone’smiddle aged dad, gives them a little awkward nod as he leaves the restroom.Eddie gestures toward the open door.
“All yours,” he tellsRichie.
“I can’t just leave youalone out here in the cold,” Richie says.
“I am not going inthere with you-”
“No,” Richie snorts.He shrugs off his windbreaker and holds it out to Eddie. “I’m clingy butI’m not that clingy. Just take this.”
Eddie hesitates. Because yeshe’s cold but he doesn’t want to be responsible for making Richie cold. But Richie just thrusts thejacket into Eddie’s chest, rambling on about how he’s fine, has a nice thickhoodie on, is naturally hot anyway, before disappearing into the men’s room.
Eddie standsout there alone. In the shadows. In the cool night air. And he tugs on Richie’sjacket.
He ends up squished between Bevand Stan in the back of Richie’s truck. Richie lying by Bev’s feet. Andhonestly, he thought he was going to struggle with not being able to cuddleRichie as much Richie would (because, yeah, maybe he can be a little clingy).But it’s a little easier when he can snuggle down into Richie’s jacket, zip itright up so the collar covers his mouth and nose. Breathes in the scent that’sinterwoven into the fabric - the smell of Richie’s detergent, deodorant, hintsof sweat and cigarettes. It’s too big on him, sleeves falling over his hands,but it’s so warm.
At one point, Richie tilts hishead back, washed over with the colours of the movie screen, and smiles at him.And Eddie feels warm from the inside, too.
(Bev and Stanalso glance over at him, eyes grazing over Richie’s jacket, but Eddie doesn’tnotice).
After that night, it kind ofbecomes a thing.
‘It’ being Eddie wearingRichie’s clothes at every possible opportunity.
Sometimes, when they’re out,Eddie will put on a little show of shivering, rubbing his arms to warm them up,giving Richie pointed looks, until Richie shrugs off his jacket and places itover Eddie’s shoulders. Sometimes, after a particularly heated make-outsession, in which Richie’s collarbones are covered in marks, Eddie will scoopup Richie’s shirt from the floor and pull it over his head.
He’s beginning to compile a smallcollection of Richie’s clothes in his closet.
“Is that Richie’s?”Bev asks one day, frowning at the white hoodie Eddie is drowning in. A smallspike of panic shoot through Eddie’s heart, but he manages to compose himself.Gives her a nonchalant shrug.
“Dunno,” he replies,“Don’t think so.” And she leaves it at that.
“Dude that shirt’s too bigon you,” snorts Ben one evening, eyeing the old band tee that practicallyhangs off one of Eddie’s shoulders, and reaches his upper thighs. Eddie’sbreath gets caught in his throat, but he swallows it down.
“Is it?” he says,squinting down at himself as though he only just noticed. “Huh.Weird.” And then he walks away before Ben can look at it too closely, andrealise that it doesn’t belong to him.
Eddie should probably just stopwearing them, at least until they tell their friends about their relationship.But…he just really likes wearing Richie’s clothes, being surrounded bythat faint scent of Richie, being bundled up in all that fabric. And none ofthe other Losers have really said anything other than the occasionalobservation or two. So he thinks he’s getting away with it.
About two weeks after the drivein, Eddie and Richie lie together in Eddie’s bed, facing each other in themiddle. It’s dark and quiet, Eddie’s eyes trace the curve of Richie’s chapped,pink lips, the slope of his jaw, the freckles splattered across his pale skin, inthe dim light - only a breath away.
Eddie wears his favourite pair ofshorts, and one of Richie’s dark, baggy hoodies with nothing underneath.
“You know, I think I’mrunning out of clothes,” Richie murmurs, surveying Eddie’s - Richie’s -hoodie with a small smile. Eddie reaches out and runs his fingers down theslope of Richie’s nose, brushes the backs of his knuckles against Richie’scheek - Richie’s eyelids flutter at the touch.
“What are you gonna doabout it?” Eddie teases softly, dropping his hand in the small gap betweenthem.
“Nothing,” Richiereplies. When Eddie raises an eyebrow at him, he grins, and grazes his hand upEddie’s thigh. Leaves Eddie’s skin hot and tingling as he trails up alongEddie’s hip and slips his hand under the hem of the hoodie. Fingertips searingover Eddie’s bare waist. “You look really fucking good in myclothes.”
Eddie’s stomach dips. Richie pullshim closer, closing that gap between them, and kisses him.
Kissing Richie is somethingEddie’s not sure he’ll ever get used to, either. The feeling of Richie’s hotmouth on his, the slide of their lips together, the heat of Richie’s tongue inhis mouth. Eddie slides his hand into Richie’s hair and twists his fingers inRichie’s curls. Shudders at the way Richie hums against him, tightens his gripon Eddie’s waist.
“You’re so fucking cute,Eds,” Richie breathes, ducking down to nip at Eddie’s jaw. “Sofucking cute it’s unfair.” He presses their foreheads together, lipsbrushing when he adds, “do you know how hard it is for me to stop myselffrom just jumping you every time I see you in one of my shirts? It’sreally fucking hard.”
“You hardly stopyourself,” Eddie snorts. “I mean, look at what you’re doing rightnow.”
Richie laughs, pushes Eddie ontohis back and leans over him. Places one hand by Eddie’s head, the other stillon Eddie’s waist, rubbing circles into Eddie’s skin with his thumb.
“Asshole,” he says.“Remember the other day when you wore my Led Zeppelin shirt? While we werehanging out at Bill’s? I literally felt like I was gonna explode.”
“I’d have liked to seethat,” Eddie jokes.
Richie shutshim up with another kiss.
This kiss is a lot hungrier thanthe first. Richie presses his body right down along Eddie’s, Eddie bitesRichie’s bottom lip, Richie’s hand ventures lower, to the curve of Eddie’s ass.Squeezes.
“Richie…” Eddiebreathes.
There’s a knock at the window.
Richie jolts away from Eddieimmediately. The two of them, chests heaving, gaping at the drawn curtains.Because the only person who knocks on Eddie’s window is currently kneelingright beside him.
There’s another knock.
“It’s not me,” Richiehisses.
“Obviously,” Eddiehisses back.
“Then who is it?”
A murderer probably. Eddiestares at the window wide-eyed, heart in his throat, and he’s sure that they’reabout five seconds from dying.
“Eddie! Open up! I knowyou’re in there!”
Richie and Eddie exchange abewildered look.
It’s Bev.
Richie immediately dives off thebed, in a way that’s overly dramatic and unnecessarily noisy. He presseshimself flat against the carpet, out of sight, and Eddie fixes his hair andpulls back the curtains.
Bev’s round, freckled face beamsat him. Gestures for him to unlatch the window.
“What the hell are youdoing here?” Eddie asks, once he’s hoisted the window open. Cold hair hitshis face as he peers down the side of his house. Bev is standing on a ladder,held in place by Ben and Mike. Bill and Stan are a little way away on the frontlawn, still on their bikes, chatting idly. “All of you?”
“Good to see you too,Eddie,” Bev says brightly. “We’re kidnapping you for a late nightescapade.  Richie, too.”
Eddie’s blood runs cold.“Um. What?”
“Richie’s here isn’the?” Bev asks, trying to peer past Eddie into the darkness of his room.“He wasn’t at his place so we figured he’d be here.”
The question is pointless. Bevis far too perceptive for her own good. She fixes him with one her very knowinglooks, an eyebrow quirked and the corner of her mouth lifted and says,“because you’re dating.”
Eddie probably shouldn’tsurprised, but hearing that coming from Bev’s mouth still feels a bit like apunch in the gut. “N-no. No we’re not.”
“Come on, Eddie. You’vebeen wearing Richie’s clothes for weeks. You’re literally in one of his hoodiesright now.”
Eddie blushes furiously, tryingto sink down into said hoodie, and mumbles, “No I’m not.”
Bev ignores him, craning aroundto call into his room, “hey, Richie, you up for a late nightadventure?”
“Richie’s not here rightnow,” Richie replies. “Please call again in five to ten businesshours.”
Eddie could kill him, resistingthe urge to slap his hand to his own forehead. A grin splits across Bev’s face,and she gives Eddie look that is somewhere between very pleased, and smug.
“Whatcha doing in there,Richie?” she says, not taking her eyes off Eddie. Eddie winces, alreadydreading Richie’s reply.
“Nothing,” Richiecalls. “Definitely not dating Eddie in here, that’s for sure.”
This time, Eddie really doesslap a hand to his forehead.
Bev laughs, clear and bright inthe dark night, and then begins climbing down the ladder. “We’ll bewaiting down here for you. You might wanna put some warmer pants on, Eddie.Though I’m sure Richie’s enjoying that shorts and hoodie combo.”
“She’s right!”
“Oh god,” Eddiegroans.
Richie is already up andsearching for his shoes when Eddie turns around. And Eddie knows he should getready too, but he can’t stop himself from hesitating. A feeling of discontentswirling around in his stomach. Because it’s not a secret anymore. They know.And Eddie feels relief, too, because he hates keeping things from hisfriends. Is nice that there is no longer a secret between them. But…it justfeels a little daunting. That this is now out in the world.
“Hey,” Richie says,noticing Eddie’s hesitance. He crosses the room and cups Eddie’s elbow.“You okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie manages.Richie presses his lips together and pushes them up toward his cheek, obviouslyunconvinced.
“They’re the only ones whoknow,” Richie reassures him. “You know nobody else would be smartenough to figure it out. It’s still a secret, okay?” He circles his thumbinto Eddie’s elbow. “It’s okay.”
Eddie sighs, and it’scomforting, because he’s right. “Okay.”
“Plus,” Richie says,pecking Eddie’s lips. “Now you can wear my clothes all the time.”
Eddie shoves him away, huffs.“Shut up.“ 
But he smiles back when Richie smiles at him, relaxed, and he changes into jeans and pulls on his sneakers and together they join their friends out the window. 
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Reko + S/o borrowing her clothes
I’m sorry but tumblr deleted your ask for some reason, but I was still able to finish it! I know things aren’t doing so great right now, but I hope I can at least make you smile!
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Reko was hanging out with her bandmates so she currently wasn’t with you at the time. You understood that she needed her space and that she needed to get some space, but it didn’t stop you from feeling just a lil’ bit lonely. You find yourself walking into Reko’s room and you notice that she had left her coat behind. She wouldn't notice if I borrowed it just for a little while, right? You thought as you picked up the sleeveless coat and slipped it over your shoulders. You looked into the mirror and noticed that she had also left her gloves on the corner of the sink. Why not? You think as you pick up the gloves and put them on as well. You give yourself another look in the mirror and laugh. If anyone saw me right now, they’d think that I’m just an obsessed fan instead of Reko’s lover.  You shake your head, smiling and walk out of the bathroom. 
You decided to wear Reko’s clothing around for a little while longer when you got a text from Reko saying “Hey, srry I didn’t txt u sooner, Im already at the house and I got takeout.” Normally you would have been ecstatic over the fact that she brought home food, but seeing that you were currently wearing her clothing while she was unlocking the front door, you were frozen in fear just staring at your phone. 
You hear the door creak open “Hey babe, I got the takeout….” Reko trails off when she sees you. “Pffft” Reko laughs “Wha-don’t laugh at me!” You yell out of embarrassment. Reko puts the takeout on the kitchen counter and hugs you.  “You look adorable.” She chuckles as she ruffles your hair. You jokingly give her a little shove, and she just starts to laugh even more. “Ok ok, I leave you alone,” Reko smiles as she takes out the takeout box from the paper bag “If you let me take a picture with you!” she says with a  smile that’s brighter than the hundreds of stage lights you’ve seen with Reko. “Alright fiiine” You grumble as Reko puts her camera into selfie mode.
“Say cheese!” Reko teases as you smile with her and rap your arms around her waist. “You really do look adorable in my stuff, you should do it more often.” Reko points out as she gets silverware for you to eat the food that she bought. You both start to eat when you get a notification on your phone. You look at it and see that you got a text from Alice that said “Did you see Reko’s post?” You looked confused as you responded with “no wdym? What’d she post?” It took a little while but he responded with Just take a look at it yourself.  
You were curious, so you opened instagram and the first thing you saw was the picture that Reko had taken of you in her outfit, with the caption of “gotta love my #1 fan <3”. Reko looked over your shoulder and laughed as she looked at your shocked expression. “What? Didja think I wouldn’t show the world how cute you are?” You give Reko a light nudge and pout “It’s one thing sharing that with our friends and family but it’s another thing entirely when you post that to your literal thousands of fans!” That does nothing but make Reko laugh even harder and she gives you a light kiss on the cheek. “Huh? Hey! What’s that all about?” You jump as you glare at her. “I’m sorry, I can’t help the fact that you’re so cute.” Reko teases.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Injured Love
Avatar: The last Airbender
Zuko x water bender! female reader
Warning: violence
Specifics: fluff, fighting, water bender, injured, man vs man, based off an episode, romance, race neutral reader
People: Zuko, you, rogue earth benders, Lee, Lee’s family, Uncle Iroh (mentioned)
Words: 1,411
Requested: By @rikersgirl22   Can you write a ATLA Zuko, where the get injured somehow and the reader helps him or something?
Authors Note: i think i went a lil much with this!!!! this is way longer than i anticipated so (srry༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽) i wrote this based off of the episode called “zuko alone.” also the reader is a water bender. i hope this is what u wanted. feeback meh babehssss and enjoy this lil emo boi👍
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Traveling with just Zuko and no Iroh was challenging. Zuko thought he was better off leaving his uncle. You knew he had chosen the wrong decision but trying to change his mind would be useless. 
Ending up in the Earth Kingdom, you both meet a young lad named Lee. He was fond of you both, but mostly Zuko. 
The young boy even invited you both to dinner. You smiled at seeing how Lee enjoyed Zuko’s company. The only bad thing was nobody knew Zuko was the lost fire prince. If they knew they would probably try to get him out, or worse. So his powers and identity were a secret.
“I can see that you make this boy happy. He looks up to you Zuko,” you chuckled lightly placing your hand on Zuko’s shoulder.
“You’re starting to sound like my uncle.”
You shrugged, “maybe thats a good thing.”
Unfortunately, there were rogue Earth Kingdom soldiers who were terrorizing the town. They were violent because of food. 
“They have Lee,” you shouted in panic to Zuko. 
You and Zuko made it to where these men had the boy tied up. 
Zuko tells them to let the boy go. Your fist balled up with disgust and rage, water starting to show around your fists. They were going to pay for what they did to this town and family. 
The “soldiers” ask Zuko who he is and other questions. 
One soldier runs to him but Zuko shows who is stronger. You shake your head and run towards the other men. You collect enough water and throw it at them. 
“You should of given us the kid when you had the chance,” you proclaimed, retrieving the water and making ice spears out of them. You shoot them to one guy and he gets pinned down. 
Another has his spear to you and swiftly turn around and flip him over. You put him with water in a bubble and let him suffer for a few seconds. He drops down and you elbow him in the face, knocking him out. 
All that was left was this man with these two hammers. He looked more rough and tough then the others. 
“What do you think about this one Zuko? Do you think you can take him down with out your powers?”
Zuko took out both his swords that were on his back, “I don’t know...but I’ll try.”
The man using one of his hammers smashed the rocky ground and using his bending powers to throw the piece of rock at you both. 
Not taking it Zuko cut the rock into small pebbles. 
Throwing more and more in your guys path, you went and used your water bending on him. You created a wave to go at him but he put up a rock wall and stopped it. As he was throwing more and more rocks at you, you turned your water once again into mini spears and went through the rocks. 
One of the pieces flew to Zuko, hitting him right in the stomach. He slid back in pain. Your face changed into worry and you sprinted to him. He put his hand out to you, signifying he was fine. 
“Its okay y/n.”
Zuko charged towards the man and the guy just kept throwing more and more pieces at him. You used your bending again splitting from the force of the water the pieces in half. 
Once more, Zuko got hit. You again, ran to Zuko’s aid, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. 
“Zuko, I think maybe you should back out of this one,” you tell him worriedly. 
You knew without his powers he would lose. Zuko was skilled in many things but he was still young and learning. 
“No!” He shouted at you, anger and annoyance evident in his tone. 
He stood up again and kept slicing the rocks that were thrown at him. 
The man then pushed his hammer on the ground and it erupted a huge piece of boulder sticking out, crashing against Zuko. 
“Zuko!” Yelling his name out of fear, you slide to Zuko, putting a water wall. 
He laid on the floor and you sat by him. Crying his name and placing your hands all over his face. His eyes were closed shut. 
“Zuko, please wake up. You have to wake up,” you cry out to him. 
The man comes through the water wall you had created and is about to smash you. You turn around and gasp at his presence. 
“Leave her alone!”
Zuko shoots up and uses his fire bending to make a ring of fire around him. The man gets thrown by the fire. 
Fire around Zuko you sit a distance from him shocked. Now people would know who he was.  
Zuko ran to the man again but this time he used his ability to throw him across. The soldier had debris all over him and he looked up to the prince, “who are you?”
You were terrified over that question. Zuko answers by telling everyone his full title and royal heritage.
The crowd erupts into gasps and whispers. People accusing him or calling him a liar. Zuko retrieves the dagger that belonged to Lee. You and Zuko walk toward the boy but his mother separates you both from him, stating to not take a step closer. You roll your eyes, and go closer to the mothers face even when she told you not to. 
“No Zuko,” you are a hair away from this woman, “let me tell you something. For trying to teach your son an example of love and forgiveness you are a poor excuse for a mother.”
She opens her mouth wide and is shocked.
“You teach your son to hate on others who you don’t know or don’t like. Let’s just hope karma won’t come biting back to you and your family in the future.”
She shakes her head being irate, “leave.”
“Gladly,” you mutter, stomping away from all this stupid commotion. From all of this! You wasting your time fighting when she and others weren’t even appreciative. How ungrateful!
You and Zuko ride away into the sunset. As you peer over your shoulder you see Lee looking at you two with disgust. 
“One day he shall learn to forgive,” you mumbled to yourself. 
You both set up camp further in the wilderness. 
Both of you sitting on the cloth you called bed, Zuko speaks up, “I’m sorry y/n, you were dragged into all of this.”
You shake your head, “That mother gets whats coming to her! She deserves it, that ungrateful woman! Zuko I know Iroh would of been proud of you the way you stood up today. Even though in the end people were mean to you, you were the bigger person and fought for them. You fought because you knew what was right. You are the hero today Zuko, whether that kid realizes it or not.”
Zuko smiled and tries to stand up but winces in pain holding his stomach. 
“Zuko, you’re hurt,” you said worriedly. 
Zuko tries to shrug it off, laughing, but again winces. “Yeah, it happened when I was fighting those rogue benders.”
You gently laid Zuko back and stroked his cheek. “Wait here.”
Zuko needed medicine, so you set off to get some berries and some leaves. If Iroh has taught you anything its that the earth is a safe haven. Using mother nature and what she has given can make such a difference. 
You collected the correct amount of herbs and set your way back to Zuko. After creating some type of aid you went back to him. 
“Here, let me help you.”
You lifted Zuko’s shirt slightly and saw the bruising there. You touched it feather like. “Drink this, it will make you feel better.”
Zuko lifted his head and drank the tea you made. He moaned at the taste, “Its good.”
Nodding, you collected some cream you made as well. Placing it all over your fingers, you applying a little amount to his skin. He groans in pain and bites his lip. 
“I know, I know,” you reassure him. 
Zuko relaxed once again and sighed. “Thank you y/n,” he said touching your cheek like you did to him earlier. “What would I do without you?”
“Probably be stuck in a hole somewhere,” you joked. 
Zuko smiled and you bent down to kiss his lips, lightly. “Get some sleep Zuko...we have a long day tomorrow.”
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sunbaethehuman-blog · 7 years
Indecisive - ( Pt. 1)
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Yoongi Angst | Taehyung x Reader
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 (coming soon)
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader | Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, BTS x Reader, series
Author’s note: SECOND FANFIC AYYYYY. I’ve been writing this one since….. this summer maybe?? lol idk im lazy af and i still have other stuff to write. RLLY GOOD STUFF TOO. ive been into angst stuff lately bc i love to break my heart over n over again :’))) thats my kink guys!!! getting my heart broken!! haha jk im srry i will sto p anyways. I love yoongi with all my heart,,,, but i also love taehyung with all my heart so i was like WHY NOT AHAHAHA bias vs bias wrecker ok now i’m overdoing this author’s note thing im srry pls enjoy btws i posted this without rlly reviewing it so YEAH LETS GET IIIIIIT
“Ew, what kind of face is that?” a low voice asked, looking at the screen on the phone you were holding up, the front camera facing you and raven haired male that sat next to you as you took a selfie. You had your face scrunched up, eyes rolled up to the point where the only the whites of your eyes were shown, you clicked the camera shutter.
“What’s wrong with silly pictures?” You pouted and turned to your date. As he looked back at you, he scoffed, “you call that silly? That’s more ugly than it is silly.” His tone was serious but you knew his humor consisted of roasts.
You couldn’t help but laugh and playfully hit his shoulder, “Okay, okay. We’ll take a good one.” Your hand still in position, you smiled at the camera showing teeth, while the young man smirked. Click. “There we go.” You cooed. The lights began dimming, indicating the movie was about to begin so you put your phone away.
You were amazed by the fact you were able to ask Yoongi out on a date to the cinema. You weren’t sure how to go about it but you asked your best friend, Taehyung for advice, he seemed weird about it but eventually he said to just go for it. You and Yoongi were good friends to begin with but you felt something else go on between you two (a lot of sexual awkward tension to be exact). For a while, neither of you acknowledged it, knowing it could possibly ruin your friendship, and that’s something the neither of you wanted.
Deciding to see a romantic comedy, Yoongi was first against it, but it was the only thing you could stand watching. Horror wasn’t your cup of tea, so Yoongi let it slide. To your surprise, you heard Yoongi laughing along beside you. Looking at him laughing, you couldn’t help but smile too.
Then, a sudden burst of happiness hit you. It was weird–it would happen from time to time and it’d come at the most random times. The feeling was strong and passionate that just couldn’t be ignored.
“Hey, Yoongi…” you began, but you stopped. Yoongi’s phone was vibrating in his pocket. As the screen lit up, his eyebrows knitted together, “ahh, what can I do..” he flashed his phone at you, “it’s Suran. I’ll be back.” Answering his call in a low whisper, he got up from his seat and walked while crouching, trying not to block people from veiwing the movie and walked outside of the movie theater.
All of your firey passion was gone in an instant. Your heart’s content was quickly replaced with sadness. ‘Why am I being like this..? It’s not like he’s leaving.. Ohmygod. Am I jealous?’ You felt frustrated about your own feelings. ‘No! I can’t be. They’re both my friends.’
Holding a burdensome conversation with yourself, a voice whispered into your ear, “I’m so sorry,” it was Yoongi. Making you snap out of the lonesome quarrel, you turned your head towards him, “Suran is… in need of my help. I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
To your understanding, you nodded, “alright. No worries, I hope everything’s fine..!” and with that, he rushed back out.
Trying to keep your cool, you sunk into your seat, ‘they’re both my friends… then why am I feeling like this?’ you could only ask yourself that same question over and over.
‘Next time, maybe?’ you asked yourself. The autumn night breeze blew your hair, chilling your cheeks and runny nose. The hoodie you wore under your jean jacket kept you warm. After Yoongi left, you had been in a sour mood and decided to leave without finishing the movie. You felt like you needed to take a walk, and that’s what you did. It felt nice to have some time to yourself and sort out these senses.
Getting home, you plopped down onto your bed, spreading your limbs out. Staring at the ceiling, you contiplated whether or not to text Yoongi. And after many debates, you finally decided yes. Pulling out your phone from your purse and clicking the message app, you picked Yoongi’s contact.
YOU: Hey, how is Suran doing? Is everything okay?
After a few minutes, you recieved a reply.
Yoongi-nie: Hey, everything’s fine, I guess. her boyfriend broke up with her so she needed my moral support… how was the movie? sorry i didn’t stick around long enough to see the ending. did they end up together?
YOU: oh no that’s terrible. HE DIDN’T DESERVE HER. HE’S AN ASS. I got her back, tell her that. and the movie was good. :) you lied guess we gotta redo this lil date so you can find out for yourself! haha
The reply from Yoongi took a little longer than you had hoped.
Yoongi-nie: Date? i didn’t know this was a date… i thought we were only hanging out….
What–. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your heart was pounding hard against your chest.
YOU: Oh, hanging out? lol then do u want to go on a date sometime with me…?
At that point, you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Turning your screen off, you screamed while throwing your phone to the other side of your bed. The anticipation and anxiety began to build. “WHY DID I DO THAT? JEEZ, FUCK. OHMYGOD. NOOO. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK–” Ding! You received a message.
Quickly crawling to the other side of your bed, you flipped over your phone and rushed to unlock it.
Yoongi-nie: No. Sorry. I don’t like you like that. I always thought I treated you like my annoying little sister, but I don’t want to keep leading you on. I’m sorry but I don’t feel that way.
Your heart sunk. It was the end. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were expecting. Your life isn’t like the romantic comedies. You weren’t going to get the boy. It happens.
YOU: Ahhh. Okay. Sorry, I misunderstood. I probably made you feel uncomfortable. Thanks for telling me the truth, though. I really appreciate it.
Yoongi-nie: Are you okay? I don’t want you to be depressed or anything.
At this point, your heart felt destroyed.
YOU: OMG. Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. I just need some time if that’s okay.
Yoongi-nie: Take all the time you need. Again, I’m sorry.
YOU: Don’t apologize. It’s okay, seriously. Goodnight.
Yoongi-nie: Goodnight.
Recieving that last text, you set your phone on silent and played music. You didn’t think playing your favorite songs could make you feel so sad.
The next day felt draining. Although you didn’t have work, your morning wasn’t as enjoyable as it could’ve been. Doing what you usually do on your day off, you jumped into the shower. Since you had no plans of going out, you only changed into comfy sweats and a t-shirt, and tied your hair up into a pony-tail. Next, you cleaned your apartment while listening to music that blasted through your speakers. It was a good distraction until you heard a knock at the door.
Turning down the music, you took a look at yourself in the mirror that hanged in the hallway before the front door and moved away misplaced strands of hair out of your face then opened the door.
It was Taehyung wearing his baggy tan hoodie and ripped blue jeans. He had what seemed like bags filled with food in his hands. “Good morning!” He smiled. You were able to keep it together since the night before and all morning but for some reason, seeing your best friend’s face made you break into tears. “Taaaaaehyuuuuung..!” you sobbed.
The brunette’s smile was wiped off with concern and confusion, “woah, woah what happen?” He closed the door behind him and placed the bags onto the table before wrapping his lengthy arms around you.
His warm embrace made you cry into his chest even harder and hug back. All that was heard were muffled sobs. “There, there.” he said softly, stroking the top of your head. He was patient with you, he always was. And it was rare to see you cry, Taehyung knew you were a strong when it came to your feelings. Stress, frustration or even just sad movies never made you cry.
After a few minutes of ugly sobbing, you stepped back, letting go and looking up at him through your blurry vision. Taehyung looked back into your eyes and only chucked, “well that’s a sight for sore eyes.” cupping your cheeks, he wiped away your tears as you sniffed. “Are you ready to tell me what happen?”
The only response you gave him was a slow nod. Tired of standing at the door, the both of you moved the conversation to your living room, where you told him about your heartbreak.
You sat at one end of the couch in a little ball while Taehyung sat at the other end. “Ahhh… this is so embarrassing…” you sighed, rubbing your eyes and sniffed.
“Why are you embarrassed? These are your feelings. There’s nothing you should be embarrassed about.” Taehyung comforted.
You sighed once again, “ah… why did I have to fall for Yoongi? I should’ve just fallen for you instead. We’re practically married,” leaning your head against the leather cusion of the couch and giggled.
Only a corner of Taehyungs lips lifted, “that’s food for thought.” He leaned over and patted the closest limb he was able to reach, which was your foot, weird but it still felt comforting, “I don’t know what else to say but to move on–things like this happen. I don’t want to sound like a jerk and tell you this but it’s the truth,” he sighed, “and I don’t want you to keep bringing your hopes up for them to be suddenly broken down again.”
Taking a deep breath and rubbing your eyes before combing through your hair with your fingers, you looked at him, “aghhh, you’re right. I have to get over him…. and I’ll start by eating that food you brought–where it at?” you got off the couch and quickly walked to the table in the hallway where Taehyung left the bags.
Opening the bags, it felt as if the food itself was glowing and shinning on your face. Was there a choir of angels singing? Who knows but you could hear them loud and clear. All you could do was mischievously laugh to yourself, “oh, Taehyungie. You know me so well.” The bags were filled with all of your favorite snacks and drinks.
“I thought we could watch some movies and chill all day while eating junk food,” the owner of the low and husky voice popped in, watching you drool from the hallway.
You looked up at the direction it come from and smiled, “Taehyung, you have perfect timing.”
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the-monkeies-girl · 7 years
#6 for Gaston?? ;)
HERE’S A LIL ONESHOT. srry if its not what you guys expected lol i was super tired while writing it! Thanks for reading, reblogs and likes are all appreciated! Have a good one.
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Title: The Night Before.Pairing: Gaston x Reader.Words: 1,368.Rating: T.Summary: After sharing a kiss the night before, Gaston meets with you and tries to explain what he’s feeling.
“Pretending that nothing happened isn’t going to help either of us.” Hearing that voice in the morning was the last thing you expected. Hearing it as the first sound to awaken your senses after opening your front door was also to say the least, a big surprise. Stepping down from your front door, you pushed on his chest to get him to back away so you could walk. He did, but only half a step. Sighing in defeat, you stopped trying to maneuver your way around his broad body and cocked your hip to the side. You were all to aware of what he was referring to. You had been thinking about it ever since last night. You had gone to bed thinking about it and you had woken up thinking about it. 
You didn’t quite expect Gaston to be outside your house door though, ready to pester you about the mishap in the tavern the night before. You figured he’d have been too hungover to actually be awake this early, but here he was in all his post-war glory. Reckon, he did look a bit messier than his usual self, with a few stray hairs, bags under his eyes, and disheveled tan jacket that clung perfectly to his structured torso.
Looking at him in astonishment, it appeared as if he didn’t sleep at all and spent the night waiting to see you again. Clearing his throat, Gaston fixed his jacket, buttoning a few buttons in the middle before slicking back his hair. Rolling your eyes at the thought of Gaston performing such a romantic task specifically for you, you acknowledged his words. Swallowing softly, you grasped your skirt and tugged the fabric out of his hands swiftly. It left him a bit starstruck as you flattened the front of your dress and muttered to him, “It didn’t mean anything. It was just a kiss.”
“That’s a lie.” True, you thought to yourself and tipped your head back in meager defeat. “I was there. I felt it, your lips on mine.” Gaston’s mouth curled into a deep smirk at the memory replaying itself inside of his mind. “I know you kissed back before you ran off. I should know, all women kiss back when I-”
“We were both drunk. And I didn’t run off. I went home because I got tired.” Now that was a lie. You indeed ran off for reasons you weren’t quite sure of just yet. If given a bit more time to think, you could imagine the reasons being confusion or conflict. 
Holding your hands up, you pressed them against his chest to keep some sort of distance between the two of you as he took that half-step back towards you. They lingered desperately against him, something that Gaston took notice of right away. His previous statements were all absolutely right, but you had focused on at least pretending it didn’t happen. Gaston lifted his hands, cupping yours in one smooth motion. He wasn’t going to let you run away like you had last night. He was going to stay for as long as it took to get you to feel what he felt when you kissed him.
You shuddered. You figured he would have rough hands, he just appeared that way, but you didn’t expect them to be as calloused as they were. More specifically, it was his fingertips that felt more calloused than the rest of his hands. Wonderment found itself sneaking into your mind for a second, and you wanted to know what his hands felt like on more bare skin. You shook your head, getting that thought away from you as soon as possible before staring at Gaston sternly. The mere height difference between the two of you was almost laughable, but Gaston was bent down and leaning towards you to make for a more private conversation in the middle of a cobbled road. “I usually don’t go around kissing narcissistic jerks.” You informed him.
Gaston laughed at this, giving you a rather toothy smile before leaning closer to your face. You could feel his breath on your skin as you stared into his eyes. You had all intentions focused on standing your ground but it was a hard thing to do with him staring at you so intensely. “You can’t just pretend you felt nothing.” Gaston whispered. The tone he had used was more sensual than anything and normally it would had left you melting but you weren’t going to give in that easily.
“I do intend on pretending it didn’t happen just for the sake of my pride.” You snorted slightly. You caught eyes with the built man captivating your attention, and vice versa as you couldn’t take your eyes off of him any longer. Something swirled in them. Gaston was amused and seemed to be enjoying this, as if he knew something that you didn’t.
“You can’t tell me you didn’t feel something when we kissed.”
“You mean disgust?” You retorted with a bit of a smirk drawing its way to your lips. “Because I felt that.”
You were playing hard to get, Gaston thought to himself and let go of your hands. This was a playing field he happened to know all too well. He also knew that the only way to get a definite answer out of you, rather than one that was sarcastic and seemingly off put, would be to play easy to get. It’s all about the element of surprise, Gaston smiled at his train of thought. 
He’d just have to admit the truth and see where that gets him. Everyone loves a little truth in their life. “I felt something.” He paused and searched for the right words, for they was surely needed to set the mood. “I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone so much before. It was like… Kissing myself. Kissing absolute… Beauty…” By the time he got to the last word, his was a lot more breathless and seemed almost defenseless. It set off alarms in your mind.
“I’m flattered, but like I said, I don’t usually go around kissing-” You didn’t get the chance to reply completely as Gaston cupped the right side of your face. It was a tender stroke that left you feeling light headed. Involuntarily, you found yourself tilting your head towards his hand, eager for the warmth it was giving your cheek. “Narcissistic…” You knew what was happening but the mere way he was looking at you, unlike the way he looked at most things, was something to be alarmed at. Gaston looked into your eyes as if he cared for you, which was something extraordinary considering the only thing that usually gets this sort of look from him is his reflection in the mirror, “jerks…”
With one last movement, Gaston had captured your lips once again. It was like the night before, only this time, you were going to remember it all as clear as day. The way his lips melted against yours, conforming to the shape of your mouth. They way they didn’t force anything out of you as if you owed him this kiss, no. They were gentle and smooth, and it was then that you gave up. Gaston knew you felt the same as he did, and there was no point in trying to deny it any longer.  The stubble on his face tickled yours as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. An overpowering sense of urgency overcame you at the beckoning call of such emotion in a small gesture of affection. 
You cupped the back of his head, tangling your fingers into his dark hair, letting your eyes fall shut and kissed back as eagerly as you had imagined you did last night. It was heavily appreciated for a few seconds later, Gaston reached around your waist with his free hand and pulled you against him. Chest to chest, you found it difficult to hold onto any sort of rationality as he kissed you with such passion. Gaston reached up, now cupping both sides of your face. With his thumbs stroking your cheeks adoringly, he pulled away and muttered against your lips, “Was that disgust you felt?”
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