#spiderman oc rp
whomuses · 1 year
open || flying spider He didn't realise what he'd done until he'd done it. Confused, disorientated - the threat that had loomed near, as he had ducked into a crouch and hissed. His fangs were hidden behind his mask, but the noise had come loud and clear from his throat. His wings were half-lifted and spread, making him look bigger, before the shame had flooded through his body at what he was doing.
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The New Kid in Town
(Open Starter featuring John Bienville. Female muses preferred, can be Heroic or Villainous)
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When you first drop into a new city, odds are you don't want the first words out of your mouth to be "Oh Crap", and you definitely didn't want that "drop-in" to be literal. And yet that's what was happening to John Bienville, Homme Araignée of Crescent City. He was minding his own business, swinging along to intercept a bank robbery when a portal opened up and sucked him in, dropping him off.... Somewhere in this multiverse of madness.
"Well, that's gonna be sore in the morning," he groaned, rubbing his back as he slowly stood and looked around, wondering where in the name of Bayou Bourbon he was and how he was supposed to get back home... Or at least have some fun while he was here.
Little did John know he was already on someone's radar, and that someone was on their way...
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Welcome to Spider Society!
*A wild Disco-Spider has crossed your path!*
She’s here to welcome you - Will you accept?
Made in response to @brown-spider prompt 💕💜💙 shout-out to @spidey-bie’s Tech Tarantula as well!
Diane Pastors is Disco-Spider - a web-slinging, roller-skating, bass-playing, disco-diva! She catches you hanging around campus and is here to give your Spidersona a warm welcome!
Do you have a spidersona? Drop their info in my askbox! I’m neurodivergent and dying to hear (seriously!). Consider this a welcome to HQ! Pretend we’re all on campus and Diane is here to show you the ropes, dish the latest gossip, or whatever you want! As a member of the Welcome Committee and writer of the Society’s ‘Canon Event Advice Column’, her ears are open!
Plus she’s and Ansi are always recruiting for the Hobie Brown FanClub! For Spider-people who are not normal about Spider-punk. Wanna join?
I want to meet all the Spider-people, y’all I crave it! You all are so cool and creative lemme hear please!!! And make sure to check out all the other cool new recruits here!
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vellichorom · 5 months
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spooky month 6 was wild with all these cameos man
( ft @tomiechu's lovely OCs & @lemoneychicken's bob !!! )
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tarkiiory · 5 months
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Bitch, I move through London with the euro-step
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Got a sneaker deal and I ain’t break a sweat
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jackiequick · 14 days
In The Shadows / Marvel Comics OC ⌚️
Elias Drake-Thorne
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Face Claim: Jonathan Bailey
Full Name: Elijah Henry Drake Thorne
Age: 26
Height: 5’11
Zodiac Sign: Virgo (reserved, analytical, and observant)
“Elias” (tends to have a softer, more modern sound compared to the traditional)
"Eli" (a casual version of his name)
"The Silent Observer" (due to his quiet and observant nature)
“Eli-Bear” (it’s what his mother used to call him)
Relationship Status: Single
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Elias Drake is a figure of quiet strength and subtle complexity. His reserved nature allows him to carefully observe and analyze situations from the sidelines, stepping in only when he feels he has a complete understanding. This calm and stoic demeanor often masks a more impulsive side, revealing a slightly rash and temperamental edge when things don’t go as planned.
Despite his reserved exterior, Elias exudes a quiet confidence. He doesn’t need to be loud or overt to make an impact; when he speaks, people listen. His calm and gentle mannerism makes him approachable, yet he tends to be soft-spoken and slightly sarcastic, especially around new people. His empathetic nature allows him to offer kindness and support, though this is reserved for those he truly believes deserve it.
Reserved and Observant: Prefers to stay on the sidelines and notice details that others might miss, giving him an edge in understanding complex situations.
Quietly Confident: Makes a strong impression without needing to be overtly loud; his thoughtful insights and calm presence often capture attention.
Independent but Collaborative: Enjoys working alone but understands the importance of teamwork and collaboration when necessary, balancing solitude with cooperation.
Slightly Rash: Although generally measured, he can act impulsively when his temper flares or when faced with significant challenges to his principles.
Kind but Selective: His kindness is genuine but selective, extended to those who earn his trust and respect. He is gentle and supportive but discerning about who receives his warmth.
Protective and Loyal: His loyalty is unwavering for those he cares about deeply. Elias’s protective instincts ensure that he stands by and defends his loved ones, even if he seems distant to others.
Quirks and Interests:
Wears Glasses: His glasses add a thoughtful and intellectual touch to his appearance.
Bookworm: Though he enjoys reading, he has a stronger passion for films and often uses them as an escape.
Slight Temper: He tries to keep it in check but can be a bit hot-headed when frustrated.
—Background 🗞️
Elias Drake-Thorne grew up in a gritty, crime-ridden neighborhood of New York City, an environment where survival demanded caution and sharp instincts. His family lived on the fringes of society, often struggling to make ends meet, but they instilled in Elias the importance of resilience and intelligence. The loss of his parents instilled a deep desire for justice, but unlike the flashy superheroes he saw on the news, Elias preferred to operate in the shadows.
His quiet and observant nature helped him navigate the dangers of the streets, but it also set him apart from others his age, who often resorted to louder, more aggressive means of coping.
Struggles in School:
Academically, Elias was never the best student. He found it hard to focus on traditional subjects that didn’t capture his interest. However, when it came to technology, engineering, and creative writing, he thrived. Teachers often noted that while Elias lacked discipline in some areas, he excelled when left to explore topics on his own terms.
He was the kind of student who would rather figure things out through hands-on experience than by reading textbooks. His self-directed learning led him to develop a keen understanding of technology and electronics, often repairing gadgets or inventing small devices for fun.
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Career at Stark Industries:
Eventually, Elias’s natural talent with technology earned him a spot at Stark Industries as a tech consultant. Despite his unconventional academic background, his skill set made him an asset to the company. Elias was particularly valued for his ability to think outside the box, offering creative solutions to complex problems.
While he kept a low profile, preferring not to attract attention, he found satisfaction in contributing to projects that supported the Avengers and enhanced Stark’s technology. His job allowed him to quietly play a part in protecting the world, even if he was never on the front lines.
Passion for Writing:
Though technology became his career, Elias’s true love has always been storytelling. He developed a passion for writing early on, finding solace in crafting narratives that explored justice, corruption, and the complexities of human nature. In his free time, he began writing investigative pieces, focusing on the darker, hidden parts of New York’s criminal underworld.
His reserved nature made him an excellent investigator—people rarely noticed him, and he was adept at blending into the background. His articles, though often published anonymously or under pseudonyms, became a way for him to expose the truths others were too afraid to confront.
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—Likes ☕️
Iced Coffee: Elias has a penchant for iced coffee, which keeps him alert during long nights of work or writing.
Drama Shows: He enjoys drama shows, particularly those with complex characters and intricate plots. He finds them a great escape and a source of inspiration for his own writing.
Mac & Cheese: A comfort food that reminds him of simpler times; he often makes it for himself when he’s feeling nostalgic or in need of a quick meal.
Simple Fashion: Prefers understated, practical clothing—jeans, simple tees, and comfortable shoes. He values functionality over fashion trends.
Homebody: Elias enjoys staying in and tends to be a homebody. He finds solace in the comfort of his own space, away from the chaos of the outside world.
—Dislikes 📌
Loud, Crowded Places: Due to his reserved nature, Elias dislikes loud, crowded environments which can be overwhelming and stressful for him.
Disorganization: He values order and tends to be irked by disorganization, whether in his personal space or in his work environment.
Unnecessary Attention: Prefers to stay out of the spotlight and avoids situations where he is the center of attention.
Overly Sweet Foods: While he likes mac & cheese, he’s not a fan of overly sweet foods or drinks, finding them cloying and unappealing.
—Nerdy Interests 📼
Films and Series: Elias is a film enthusiast who enjoys everything from classic cinema to modern blockbusters. He often analyzes films and series for their storytelling techniques and thematic depth.
Video Essays: He enjoys watching video essays on a variety of topics, including film theory, technology, and social issues. They provide him with new perspectives and insights.
Music: Music is a big part of his life, and he has a diverse taste ranging from classical to modern genres. He often listens to music while working or relaxing at home.
Tech Gadgets: Beyond his professional work, Elias has a deep interest in the latest tech gadgets and innovations. He enjoys keeping up with the latest advancements and understanding how they work.
Comics and Graphic Novels: While not a superhero himself, Elias enjoys comics and graphic novels for their storytelling and artistic value. They provide him with creative inspiration and a way to unwind.
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—Elias Drake-Thorne's Soundtrack Playlist 🎧
“Sweater Weather” – The Neighbourhood
Perfect for Elias’s cozy, laid-back, and home-centered vibe. It’s atmospheric and moody, reflecting both his introverted nature and subtle complexity.
“Sure Thing” – Miguel
This track brings out Elias’s grounded, nurturing side. It has a sensual yet chill vibe, showing his capacity for caring deeply and being there for those he holds close.
“Saturn” – Sleeping At Last
A beautiful, introspective track that mirrors his thoughtful, reflective nature. It hints at his connection to loss, his desire for justice, and his emotional depth.
“Leave The Light On” – Tom Walker
A perfect fit for the more intense, emotional side of Elias, where he wrestles with personal struggles. The song’s message about holding on through tough times connects to his quiet but strong resilience.
“I’ll Be Good” – Jaymes Young
This song matches Elias’s inner conflict, balancing his quiet demeanor with a desire to do better and strive for justice, even in his more discreet ways.
“Flares” – The Script
An emotional, heartfelt track that speaks to Elias’s experience with loss and his gentle side. It captures his vulnerability and the quiet strength he draws from those experiences.
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—Style & Background Insights 🔓
Casual and Practical: Elias's style is understated and practical. He favors simple fashion choices—think well-fitted jeans, casual shirts, and comfortable sweaters. His look reflects a preference for practicality and comfort over flashy trends.
Subtle Elegance: His wardrobe includes pieces that are stylish yet subtle, with a preference for muted colors and clean lines. This aligns with his reserved personality, emphasizing functionality and a low-key elegance.
Tech-Influenced Accessories: Given his tech-savvy nature, Elias often wears minimalist tech accessories, such as smartwatches or sleek glasses, which complement his practical and intellectual style.
Challenging Upbringing: Growing up in a tough, crime-ridden neighborhood in New York, Elias witnessed the harsh realities of life early on, despite trying to see the light in the darkness. This environment shaped his cautious and observant nature, instilling in him a deep-seated desire for justice and a resolve to make a difference in his own way.
Dual Career: Balancing a career in tech consulting with a passion for journalism, Elias has forged a path that reflects his diverse interests and skills. His work at Stark Industries showcases his technical prowess, while his journalism endeavors highlight his creative and communicative side.
Quiet Heroism: Elias’s approach to justice and heroism is understated. He works behind the scenes, tackling issues with a subtle, yet effective impact. His focus is on creating change quietly and meaningfully, rather than seeking the spotlight or overt recognition.
Homebody Nature: Preferring a quiet life at home, Elias finds solace in simple pleasures—like enjoying a cup of iced coffee, indulging in drama shows, or spending time with his favorite books and films. His home is a sanctuary where he can unwind and recharge, away from the demands of his professional life.
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—The Soft-Spoken Journalist 🖥️
Elias Drake-Thorne, much like a male counterpart to the iconic Lois Lane, embodies a blend of strength, determination, intelligence, and kindness. His journey reflects a deep commitment to storytelling and a passion for uncovering the truth, making his transition from tech consultant to journalist a natural evolution of his career and interests.
~Career Transition
Shift to Journalism: Elias's career initially centered around tech consulting at Stark Industries, where his technical expertise was invaluable. However, his true passion has always been storytelling. Recognizing that his heart lies in writing and reporting, Elias has made a deliberate shift towards journalism, focusing more on his love for writing and storytelling.
Focus Areas -> Elias's new role allows him to explore a range of topics:
- Entertainment and Celebrities: He writes engaging stories about the entertainment industry and celebrities, providing fresh perspectives and in-depth coverage.
- Technology: Combining his tech background with his journalistic pursuits, Elias covers the latest trends and innovations, offering insights that bridge his technical knowledge with his storytelling skills.
- Real-Life Events: His investigative work delves into significant real-life events, uncovering hidden truths and presenting them in a compelling manner.
- Lifestyle: Elias also explores lifestyle topics, sharing stories that resonate with his audience and reflect his understanding of contemporary issues and interests.
- Passion for Truth and Impact: Elias is driven by a desire to make a difference through his work. His stories aim to inform, inspire, and impact readers, emphasizing authenticity and the search for truth.
-> Narrative Style
- Thoughtful and Insightful: Elias's writing is characterized by its thoughtfulness and depth. He brings a nuanced perspective to his subjects, combining detailed analysis with engaging narrative techniques.
- Empathetic and Relatable: His approach to journalism is empathetic, focusing on the human element behind the stories. Elias’s kindness and sensitivity enable him to connect with his subjects and readers on a personal level.
- Commitment to Authenticity: Elias prioritizes honesty and integrity in his reporting. His commitment to presenting accurate and meaningful content reflects his dedication to making a positive impact through his work.
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—Fun Facts 🖇️
— Multilingual Skills: Elias is fluent in both English and Spanish, a skill he picked up growing up in a multicultural neighborhood. He enjoys using his language skills to read international literature and connect with a diverse range of people.
— Phobia of Public Speaking: Despite his career in journalism, Elias has a deep-seated fear of public speaking. He prefers written communication and finds large audiences daunting, often opting for written articles over speaking engagements.
— Collector of Vintage Cameras: Elias has a growing collection of vintage cameras. His fascination with photography extends to collecting old and rare models, each with its own unique story and history.
— Night Owl: Though he often forces himself to adhere to a morning routine due to work demands, Elias is naturally a night owl. He finds that his creativity and productivity peak during the late hours, which is when he does most of his writing and thinking.
— Unusual Hobby: Elias is a bit of a “house husband” at heart. He takes pride in keeping his living space organized and enjoys the routine of household chores, finding them oddly therapeutic.
— Pet Peeve: He’s easily annoyed by loud or chaotic environments, preferring quieter, more serene settings where he can concentrate and feel at ease.
— Dream Destination: Elias dreams of visiting Paris, France someday, drawn by its rich cultural history, iconic landmarks, and vibrant arts scene. He’s eager to explore its museums, architecture, and culinary delights.
And we’re done! Pls let me know what you think 💭
Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @ximehs @savemewattpad @lazywolfwiccan @terry-perry @triptuckers @daughter-of-melpomene @superspookyjanelle
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cosplay by
@kystat_ and
Gia Gerardi
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babsggordon · 10 days
What are you going as for Halloween?
I wanna be Princess Leia, or maybe Dr. Quinn
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sunny-spider · 6 months
you’re telling me babies don’t come out of portals and into their parents home??? blasphemy.
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webslingerkid · 7 days
Not bad
Hold up, aren't you Phin? I thought you died??
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sevspins · 8 days
rp partners wanted!!!
hi!! i’m seven ( sev ), im 18 years old and i’m searching for some rp partners…dm me if you’re interested!
fandoms: x men, marvel, stranger things, the last of us, horror ( scream, IT, X trilogy, chucky etc etc. )
will not RP with anyone below 16
no nsfw
i’m most experienced in x men rp and i’m fine being any role as long as the story is intriguing
be invested !!! actually get excited to plot, make playlists if u want, pinterest boards etc.
fine playing multiple characters if necessary
very oc friendly
i RP on discord and use TupperBox for character profiles!
if you’re interested you can rely to this or just dm me!
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d0ct0r-0ct0pus · 5 months
⚙️ You've stuck your webs into my business for the last time! ⚙️ (Roleplay ad and info)
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My name is Sam! I'm a semi-literate roleplayer. This blog is solely dedicated to roleplaying Doc Ock, Otto Octavius, or my Ock OC, Hans. (if you're interested in doing an rp with him, I'll give you his info). I'm open to roleplaying with any character you'd like to play, canon or oc. I'm also open to pretty much any type of roleplay(shipping, action, angst, etc etc). Regarding ship/romance roleplays, I am open to any type of pairing (mxm, mxf, mxgn), although I'm often more used to mxm pairings. Send me a DM if you're interested, please! If you've read this far, well, the real crime would be not to finish what we've started...
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⚙️ You have a train to catch. ⚙️
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blccdingout · 1 month
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❝ ᴏʜ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ᴏɴ
ᴏʜ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ᴏɴ … ❞
low activity multimuse, featuring canon and original characters from yellowjackets, scream, descendancts, marvel, & more !! charted by ava !!
❝ ... ʙᴜᴛ ɪɴɴᴏᴄᴇɴᴄᴇ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɴᴇ
& ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɪꜱ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ. ❞
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ultravioilence · 4 months
once again desperately searching for writing partners! please check my pinned post/interact with this post if you’re interested!!
looking for literate and very descriptive writers for 1x1 mxf plots! :) (bonus points if you’re willing to write as the male for me because that never happens!!) please please please interact or reach out if you’re interested! <33
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prpfz · 3 months
🤠 Hey, I'm a 26F looking for other 20+ partners.
I'm more than happy to double up considering that I am really only looking to write OCxCC. I'm fine with MxM, FxM, FxF and so on. Obviously there will be smut and other mature themes in the plot.
I am going absolutely insane wanting to write foe Marvel, specifically X-Men. I'm really looking for someone to write Logan against my OC. Character’s that I'm most comfortable writing are: Frank Castle/The Punisher, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Karen Page, Felica Hardy, Tony Stark. But I'm definitely more than willing to try my hand at anyone else, Like Steve Rogers/Captain America, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soilder, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine, etc.
I'm also currently stuck on my phone at the moment so my replies might be shorter than I think they are. But, I definitely try to write around 2-3 paragraphs or a little more, it just depends on the day. That being said I do reply really quickly and am hoping to have others that can give out at least a few replies a day.
Anyways, enough rambling from me, if you leave a like I'll definitely get back to you!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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tarkiiory · 10 months
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