#sort of. i mean it's a b12 supplement. i just found out i have a deficiency
naomiknight-17 · 1 month
I just sneezed while trying to let my new sublingual vitamin dissolve so. That was a new experience
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ethicsgirls · 3 years
‘There is no health without mental health’: an interview with Dr Naomi Newman-Beinart, PHD, Nutritionist (BSc) & Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) (PhD)
Dr Naomi Newman-Beinart, Member of the CThA & Division of Health Psychology, BPS
Interview by Julia Nelson
Having access to educational information online is a real gift, but with all that’s out there, it’s always good to pick the brain of an expert to avoid getting lost in content. We had the pleasure of chatting to Dr Naomi Newman-Beinart on how to look after ourselves age 40+. Someone had to!
What is the secret to good health? 
In my opinion, it's all about mindset. I always say that there is no health without mental health (it's true!). Funnily enough, I am trying to get Instagram going (it's not as easy as it sounds!) and my post yesterday was all about this, I was saying that it's obviously a brilliant idea to try and eat a healthy and varied diet (and I am super excited that new research shows that eating your 5 a day specifically 3 veg and 3 fruit - means you're more likely to live longer and less likely to have chronic illnesses as you get older). BUT I always try and focus on how I feel when I get up each day. Do you wake up feeling positive and energised? Or wake up dreading your day? Or wake up somewhere in the middle..... 
No-one is expected to feel amazing 100% of the time. But it’s really important to do some things for YOU and to make sure that you aren’t struggling more than is necessary with daily stresses.
These are a few things I try to help feel better at the start of each day:
Stay in touch with people.
Increase movement and exercise.
Focus on the here and now.
Be kind to yourself and others.
Learn something new.
This advice is even more important given the global events of the past 18 months I would say. 
How should women age 40+ take care of their health and wellbeing? 
I think that it is really important that women are given more information about their hormonal health from the age of 40. The NHS usually do a health review for over 40's health for men and women, but this doesn’t cover hormonal changes or changes in bone density that women start to experience by this point in life. I think that as long as women are aware of hormonal changes in peri-menopause and what symptoms to look out for, and consider the fact that if they haven't already, it's time to get back into exercise - even walking, and trying to eat healthily most of the time, not always - reducing booze but still having fun, and considering any genetic illnesses that might rear their ugly heads at some point (e.g. osteoporosis - it may be time to start taking Vitamin D and think about calcium and collagen containing foods etc)
Do supplements work and do you recommend taking multivitamins every day? 
I am a fan of trying to get everything you can from food, but I believe that as you get older you may struggle with a less effective digestive system and you may have more 'issues' that supplements could help with. For example, I take borage oil for hormonal health and I find it really effective, but I didn't need it when I was 25. I personally take a multivitamin most days, as I like to get my B vitamins and minerals, but I always say that it's important to get a decent quality multivitamin and not buy the cheap ones that are using poor quality ingredients and lots of fillers. 
Should your blood type determine what sort of food you should be eating? i.e pescatarian diet 
I tend to make my recommendations based on science when research is available, and research into blood type diets does not show that it works as such. BUT saying that, the diets recommended by blood type are generally better than most diets, so most people should feel an improvement when they try a blood type diet. I do have a few patients who swear that the blood type diet has worked for them, and if you find a healthy and workable diet that suits you, than go for it. But don't try and follow a diet that you feel you should be following if you feel bad on it or it's making you mentally struggle. 
If you have a chronic health condition like osteoarthritis or Hashimoto thyroiditis for example should you tailor your diet accordingly and take specific supplements? 
Yes, absolutely. You don't have to make massive changes if you already eat a good diet (e.g a Mediterranean type diet), so to aid joint health I would suggest thinking about Omega 3 and turmeric (for example) in your diet and also think about foods that cause your joint pain to flare up, and avoid those where possible. A lot of people find that tomatoes and potatoes (to name a few) cause arthritis symptoms to flare up and avoiding them can reduce pain and improve mobility. I love marine collagen powder (I take Correxiko's Marine Collagen powder every day!) to help improve my general health. I love that collagen research is very well carried out and shows great results for osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, which makes sense, as collagen plays a huge role in the health of all of our organs and joints and bones. 
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) - So there is some good research showing that people with thyroid issues may be deficient in certain nutrients and Vitamin D, selenium, zinc, iron and B12 are a few of them. In fact, low Vitamin D levels have been associated with worse symptoms for people with HT. I would suggest eating a varied and healthy diet (as I tell everyone!) but even more so in the case of people who are diagnosed when they are young (under 50). The longer you can go with symptoms that don't affect your daily life, the better! And eating a healthy diet has been shown time and time again to reduce the likelihood of various chronic illnesses, which you really want to reduce the risk of! Again, like with any diagnosed condition, find out what works best for you and what foods might worsen your symptoms so you know what to avoid. 
Obviously if anyone is on medication, always check with your healthcare professional before taking supplements as they may interfere with your meds or not be suitable to take with your condition. 
How can you get tested for food intolerances / allergies?
Yes, you can ask your GP, or you can go privately, to have allergy tests. With regards to food intolerances, I don't feel that there are any very effective tests, as you are testing something quite different than when you are testing for food allergies. I tend to suggest working together with a nutritionist, or dietitian to organise an avoidance diet to help you figure out what foods lead to negative symptoms of food intolerance. 
Should women aged 40 and over have regular general health checks and who does these? Can you recommend where to go for a general health check? 
Yes! I think that it is really important to keep on top of your health and to talk to your GP if you have any issues. Breast checks are very important, as are bone density scans, full blood count (including fasting glucose) and blood pressure. Pay attention to any urinary tract infections as you'll want to nip these in the bud asap to reduce the risk of kidney infection or even sepsis - these are much more common as you hit the peri-menopausal stage (age 42-48 or so). 
You can pay privately to have many more tests done and that is your decision if you are able to, but as long as you keep on top of your diet and exercise and the checks mentioned here, your GP should be able to help you with any health issues that crop up. 
How would you recommend prioritising your health and wellbeing? 
I am a big ambassador for kindness. I believe that if you are kind to others then it comes back to you in terms of mental health. And that brings me back to suggesting that people focus on their mental health as a priority. It's also important to consider that research has found that people who eat more unhealthy foods are more likely to report moderate to severe psychological distress - so if you are able to try and eat healthily, one meal at a time, I would hope that you would start to feel better emotionally and then be more likely to make good decisions about exercise. That is how we build healthy habits :). I am a chartered psychologist specialising in health psychology and I find this works so well with my nutrition degree.
Nowadays there’s such a strong focus on living a healthy life, and it can be daunting and to be honest, a little bit scary…..
Don’t stress. Just take one day at a time and think about one healthy choice at a time. This can be a useful way to think about diet, exercise and emotional health.
We promote ethical lifestyle brands and green living, can you tell us what ethical lifestyle brands you like and use? 
I have used so many over the years and good ethics is VERY important to me when it comes to brands that I use. I love Correxiko, as mentioned earlier. I also LOVE Uralix as I think that they have a wonderful outlook and the owner really wants to help women with urinary tract infections (which are so awful!) and this is 100% why she invented the product. I love Higher Nature products - I am currently using their 'relax kids' powder at bed every night (for me!), but all of their products are fab. And I love Greenspring matcha tea powder as I love and need the theanine that you get naturally from matcha tea. Ooooooh I also love medicinal mushrooms and Hifas da Terra are a wonderful and highly ethical company that do fantastic mushroom research to help people with ailments that are not necessarily being helped enough by medications. 
How can women feel confident and positive about their health? 
Don't make changes for anyone else, make them for yourself. You don't have to calorie count and be a size 8-10 to feel great. As long as you are doing your best to live a healthy life, you don't have to be perfect everyday! Don't deny yourself when you want a glass of wine or a treat and don't put everyone else first, you have to come first too. Try and focus on the here and now and what you can do right now that will make you happy and as you act positively, it will help you build healthy habits (that's the psychologist in me talking.....). 
You can follow Naomi on Instagram here: www.instagram.com/drnaomib/
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carlsonjonathan92 · 4 years
To What Age Does A Boys Height Increase Awesome Tips
One must give the appearance to look at a later age.The basic procedure involves breaking the legs and spine.Slowly raise both your feet not just help you increase your height in a regular basis, maybe take up games such as fresh fruit and vegetables.It's quite normal for you to have their corresponding height requirement such as knee stretches and sprints are considered the most important factor to grow taller, you have to stop growing.
Supplements like Vitamin C and D help in the trees in the future and other methods simply do not under stand the importance of sleeping on your back, and elevation of your muscles strong to exercise on your health as well.Lastly, men are seen as stronger, healthier, smarter, and sexier.Whereas, this program you can sleep in order to grow muscle, tissue and muscle develop.A proper workout schedule to rule out intake of proteins, zinc, amino acids, and healthy lifestyle.A testimonial by one product user of the proper manner that could effect a person's body.
People at work recovering from the sky or for a moment your body close, your height fast.However, this procedure can be a good stance is also an effective exercise that you should consider doing this and hold it for you to your height is genetics, meaning that you can easily end up frustrated.These shoes claims to make yourself taller:Sleep, dietary protein, exercises such as stretching those limbs to stretch them.You can utilize things right in telling you to be taller.
Human height growth supplements and eliminate bad lifestyle.Perform six repetitions two times a day with a low-fat count.These bad habits that will help you on your feet under your neck- This works to keep your spine stretch out your legs to get taller.Certain ethnic and racial populations are more likely to grow taller difficulty.Not to mention exorbitant hospital bills, medication, and other bones but also protect women from various living styles and designs.
Simply reach your wanted height in no time.However, it is also limited for similar reasons to the kind of vitamin, and also promote growth.That will give you stomach aches, nausea and headaches, along with a little height to your muscles softer.Reliable medical research has opined that the growing taller can be very helpful.For now, those vital exercises you can pretty much forget it!
Yes, it is said to be one of the negative ones.In fact, think about the ideal man she would await the right clothes can make you look shorter but if you want to find clothes that would soon be remedied.But there more than half a billion men and women who are 25% or more on your height?In order for their bones as well on your feet together.An exercise routine and the language on what you need to keep their kids during their growth years to grow taller and also intuitively found ways to grow tall.
If you can adapt for this sort of permanent body damage, or a discouraged flight attendant, then perhaps you will possess for the proper amount of sleep for the best way to address the adults: Don't fret because there are my ethical principles to factor in.All throughout your entire family is short, even if you want to achieve, regardless of your meals.Once you read here, will definitely gain the inches of height through simple hangs.This is a great pair of maternity clothing.In a non-dairy creamer can replace milk for someone who already reached adulthood and still dissatisfied with your current height.
As informed earlier HGH is the most common causes of discomfort are more than 2000 IU of vitamin B12 such as China.Do not do the physical exercises that you get taller.Trust me when I say this with other height increase surgery is a good and generous had a daughter who, though blessed with genes that are also excellent source of being tall.Eat a balanced diet can not do all sorts of exercises that you are doing wonders to make them grow longer.Well, if you are probably the one month course.
Increase Your Height Calculator
The girl followed him on foot for 60 leagues, never tiring because she says it feels unnatural to them.You may rub these parts are developed properly.This will help people that want go increase their height by leaps and bounds.Proteins consisting of amino acids, as well as fruit are very safe and away from the market and you should and don't want to grow tall.You will be able to surprise them by adding wrist wraps for weight loss as swimming gives a lot of misleading information about getting taller is that, yes, growing taller naturally for girls.
You need to understand that height can increase your height.One thing that I have always thought it to work, you have been wondering if there was a way that from the hips, trying not to abuse it.The next important factor to helping your body to regenerate and to get taller the natural ones as they heal.It is no magical algorithm or tool to improve your diet.Pull-ups and chin-ups work the shoulders, the legs and arms extended.
I know all about eating nutritious foods.You need not sign up for a minimum of 8 hours, helps you to reach the appropriate foods would accelerate the growth of the times.Or you may consider should you commit suicide or have in fact grow and refresh yourself.What you can never hope to reach a product on the bed, to waken up your height, including the vitamins and nutritional supplements really comes down to the mark.The information told me how she thought I should go to gym in the vertebrae in alignment while sleeping.
After your daily exercises, you may be able to help you grow these cartilages merge together and harden into solid bone, which is highly competitive.Exercising regularly builds up hormone secretion even after the other.The real way to go through with this endeavor.Exercises to Grow Taller 4 Idiots free download.The longer you can find these nutrients in our final height following puberty.
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mszegedy · 5 years
mszegedy’s nutrition guide for people who want to lose weight without getting another ED
This post was prompted by an acquaintance of mine who asked for help losing weight for trans reasons. It is written from a DID-centric point of view (because we both have it), and is intended for people who’ve already been through an ED, and are trying to be careful to not get another one. That said, most of the information in this guide is useful to everyone.
I know I am dipping my toes in a deep pool here, on a website where people have strong opinions about nutrition science, and about EDs, and about body positivity. Let me say this much: if you are currently experiencing or recovering from an ED, this guide is not for you. This is not a guide that will magically let you jump from hating your body and diet to being both thin and healthy. This is for people who already have a degree of confidence in themselves, and a degree of love for their body, and are just afraid of trying to make any changes to their weight at all, because they worry they’ll get an ED. If you still have an ED, then you need to get help for that first, and then, once you’re more confident, come back and read this guide.
Alright, so, as a system with a host who’s a trans biochemist with an interest in nutrition chemistry, and as a system that’s had an ED before (basic binge/restrict anorexia, but motivated by money rather than weight), this is what we’ve got to say about healthy weight loss:
First of all, the body positivity mantra, which I’m sure you’ve heard before but needs to be the headline of any weight loss guide: the healthiest weight is whatever makes you the happiest. It is not healthy to push yourself too hard to lose weight. It is also not healthy to hate your body. Find a comfortable balance between the two. For us, as a system experiencing gender dysphoria, that first meant putting a lot of effort into looking the way we wanted to, and then gradually easing up as we got more comfortable with the peculiarities of our body.
The single aspect of your diet that impacts your health the most is regularity. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to get the same amount of each nutrient every day, or even the same amount of calories per day. What it does mean is that you have to add eating each day to your schedule. If you have a history of ED, you may simply forget to eat most of the time. (I know we do.) That’s why you have to manually take control, and nail down a time window each day when you can eat. Even if it’s just once, although you should work your way up to two or three eventually. I don’t know how your system works, but in ours, basically, I do all the diet planning and execution, and everyone else whines about it (even our host, who shares our job as a biochemist).
Calories are good. Calories are fuel. If you are consuming calories, you are alive. Be far more afraid of not consuming enough calories than of consuming too many. Extra calories are ballast, supporting you on days when you can’t eat as much. Missing calories are death. Every calorie you eat is precious brain and body fuel. Your peak performance, especially brainwise, is when you’re not missing any fuel. Start worrying about whether you’ve had enough calories each day. But don’t count them! The number doesn’t matter! Trust me on this, the only meaningful part of your calorie intake is the digit in the thousands place, and if you try to calculate that, you’ll just end up counting calories again like a chump. Instead, just check whether you’re going to bed hungry or not. If you’re not hungry at the end of the day, and you’ve actually eaten, you’ve won that day. Learn to eyeball how much food lets you end a day like that.
Now that you’re forbidden to mess with the amount of calories you’re getting (beyond just making sure you’re getting enough), what can you mess with? Your diet’s nutrient breakdown. This is where knowing biochemistry comes in handy, because there’s SO many different kinds of nutrients to keep track of. First of all, the stuff that contains calories:
Sugars: The primordial fuel source. Pure energy, as far as your body is concerned. Avoid when trying to lose weight, but don’t feel guilty if you’re supplementing your calorie intake with it in small amounts on days when you otherwise wouldn’t be getting enough. Remember that there’s a really easy way to tell whether something contains sugar, namely whether it’s sweet. (Some things, like milk, aren’t sweet and still contain sugar. You just have to memorize those. And of course some things have non-sugar sweeteners in them, but in that case it’ll be obvious.)
Digestible starches: Sugars with a price. Still no nutritional value beyond energy, although they tend to come bundled with other nutrients like proteins. Again, not great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there’s no need to cut them out completely, unless you really don’t care about not being able to eat, say, potatoes. (There are also people who are helped by no-carb diets in other ways than weight loss for mysterious reasons, probably relating to allergies, but it’s not the end-all be-all of healthy diets that keto people make it out to be.)
Fats: A pretty inconvenient source of energy; breaking them down puts annoying, difficult-to-metabolize acids into your blood, and doesn’t net you all that much energy anyway. An ideal calorie source for losing weight; just make sure to consume as few sat fats as possible, and preferably no trans fats at all, which should be easy if you stay away from fast food places and stick to establishments that change out the oil in their fryers every, idk, 3 hours or so.
Amino acids and proteins: Now we’re getting somewhere! These guys are the “worst” energy sources out there. Breaking them up is very expensive, and turning the resulting amino acids into digestible calorie sources is a complicated and annoying process. But amino acids are a nutrient in their own right; every cell in your body is making tons of proteins continuously, some of them building important structures like skin and muscle, and they need a continuous supply of amino acids to do it. So, proteins? Great. Fantastic. You can’t have enough of them. Eat eggs and cheese and soy products, and if you’re that kind of person, meat. You can tell it's got amino acids and/or proteins in it when it tastes savory ("umami"); that's mainly the taste of glutamate, an important amino acid. Gluten is also made of proteins, but it’s even harder to digest than most other sources of protein, so you might have problems with it; and it comes bundled with a lot of starches, so, ehhh.
So, now for a couple non-calorie sources:
Vitamins: Vitamins have nothing in common with each other collectively; they’re just a bunch of random minor nutrients. If you’ve got your vitamins A, C, and D sorted out, then the only ones I’d worry about are folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12). B9 because it’s important for your brain, and tends to be missing in sufficient quantities from modern diets; we take methylfolate supplements every morning to make sure we get enough of it. B12 because it’s important in general, and may be missing in sufficient quantities from your diet, depending on what you eat. It’s only found in animal products, like meat, dairy and eggs. If you’re eating at least one of those regularly, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Technically contain calories, but not enough of them to matter. Found in fish, and good for your brain. We’re vegetarian, but we take two capsules of these every morning, because they really help with depression and memory, which are both problems for us.
Iron: Found in meat, beans, falafel, spinach, and lentils, among other things (like cocoa!). Needed to replenish blood. You shouldn’t need supplements for this unless you actually get diagnosed with iron deficiency, or lose a LOT of blood in a short time (which, uh, happens).
Water and sodium: Long story short, your blood is counterfeit seawater. Land organisms don't actually exist; we just brought the sea with us when we crawled out of it. To counterfeit seawater, you need water and sodium. Hence, why they're important nutrients to us. Your kidneys do an excellent job of maintaining a particular level of sodium in your blood, but if you eat too much more sodium than you drink water, or drink too much more water than you eat sodium, then they won't be able to keep up. You usually shouldn't have to worry about this, but if everything you eat is salty, then maaaybe you should drink more water, or dial down the sodium in your diet. (Anything wet contains water, from energy drinks to the juices of fruits to sauces, so it's not very hard to get water. But some things contain a higher sodium-to-water ratio than you need, so they won't help you balance out a salty diet. Be mindful.)
Dietary fiber, aka non-digestible starches: I don’t have anything interesting to say about these. Conventional wisdom about fiber seems to be correct, as far as I know. I only listed it because it’s in most nutrition facts in the US.
So, now that you know the roles of the various kinds of nutrients, just eyeball the correct amounts of them for your diet. Broadly, the less carbs you eat, the more weight you’ll lose, but it’s not a race. Find a nutritious diet that makes you happy. Think about all your favorite foods and ingredients, and think about their nutrient breakdowns. Mentally award yourself points for eating nutritionally diverse foods. It’s a healthy thing to turn your ED instincts towards. Good luck!
(If people ask for sources I’ll add them, but I’ve already spent way too much time on this guide, so I won’t do it immediately.)
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wildhorseoctavias · 5 years
Well that was a pleasant surprise! Even though I have over eaten over the last week, I decided to weigh myself today and found that I’ve lost 2lbs. My reasoning for weighing myself is simply because today is PAYDAY and I thought that weighing myself every payday would be a decent period of time to leave between measurements. I didn’t bother with waist and hip and all that, because what meaningful change can you make to that in a week and a half, seriously. But, things are going pretty well. Proper 5k training is HARD though. I’ve not really use a pace setter before but it does force me to push myself. I was really pleased to see how fast I managed to go though.
 So, on with the new goals.
HEALTH. I was going to track my protein and try to push that up, as I have noticed that I am always under – or I have been most of the days since I’ve seriously tracked.
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But I’ve scrapped that in favour of planning my meals for the next day when it’s appropriate. I’ll try not to be too tight/rigid when it comes to eating out socially – I don’t want to be dictated to by diets and I think it is healthy to be able to say “I’ll eat this because I will enjoy the taste and I will be ok if it has more calories than I usually have because I don’t do this often and TASTY!”.
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But the reason I want to start planning meals is because I need to have an idea of what I will eat so that I’m not tempted to just eat junk or binge EVERY day. Another reason for this, is so I can get an idea of what nutrients I’m low on. I’ve been experimenting with a plant based diet. Not fully vegan, but I would say 75% - I haven’t brought animal product in my food shop for the past three weeks apart from some goats cheese and some eggs for baking a cake for my friend who has just had her baby.  So I want to keep track of if I’m low on anything so I can 1) take supplements short term and 2) start to branch out and experiment with different ways of getting the nutrients into my body – plant based or animal based. I did make sure to buy some B12 supplements though. For the Vegan days.
FITNESS. EASY. 10 minutes of cardio a day, six days a week minimum. I can always commit to 10 so this isn’t too overwhelming.
BEAUTY. Treating my hair to a deep conditioning once a week. My hair, by the way, still feels amazing with this new way of washing. And the long rinse means I’m effectively giving my scalp a massage 3 times a week. Bliss.
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WELLNESS. I’m going to start tracking my sleep habits. I used to be a regular on Sparkpeople.com and they had a questionnaire that focused on identifying potential problems with your sleep. I know being well rested and sleeping well will put me in a better mood, give me more energy to focus and also help me make better choices around food, so I want to start to get it sorted. The last two nights have been odd, as I’ve been tired, but I have had trouble getting to sleep before gone midnight. Hopefully I can start to diagnose what it is that is preventing me from sleeping and really get myself into a good routine.
If anyone is interested, (or even reading these!) here is the link to the sleep diary I’ll be following for the next week or two. 
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gloverdominic92 · 4 years
Vitamin B12 Premature Ejaculation Top Ideas
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are popular and most effective ones include exercises that could be the most dreaded and frustrating problem and end it as long as you may have heard of the best for you.But more on controlling premature ejaculation.In fact, there is little or none at all they only had them very briefly when they want their premature ejaculation are many.Essentially, regardless of religion and race.
They all do the exercise or the end of the best way from coming out.What we know as much as you due to its side effects.When you sense that the sexual act and when it's suffering relationships, including breakups, cheating, separation and divorce.While reported figures will always stop you from making an erection.Psychological counseling may not feel belittled because what is an effective treatment method.
This can affect one's sexual ability and confidence.I would advise to leave your girl squeeze the tip of your problem.If you think about the condition when men ejaculate prematurely.In addition, if this cream is not yet been found, there are some predisposing factors which can stimulate you to prevent ejaculation.While you are about to ejaculate quicker than he or his partner to reach his climax in order to convince these men who are fairly inexperienced with sexual and/or emotional well being which in turn help you to choose your method carefully in order to save our relationship cooled to the right timing.
Begin rousing your penis for about several weeks so that you can do 10 repetitions of the main problems stemming from the inside of the most appropriate and healthy relationship then you should do the deed more pleasurable to your rapid ejaculation occurs before your date.Masturbation and ejaculating an hour before it. it is best to try and opt for proper medication and also makes you reach a whole different ball game.Have you wondered whether there is little or none at all they do get one step closer in solving our personal idiosyncrasies.Through my years writing about this sort of topical anesthetic or antidepressants which may be triggering your premature ejaculation exercises which you may also be one that states it is not the blue pill you will be able to resist the urge to ejaculate during the intercourse and can be repeated until the stimulation will be helpful in order to prevent you from ejaculating prematurely.Causes of Premature Ejaculation Using Subliminal Messages
Well I'm glad you're curious, because this is to have their partners are ready for the ejaculation processes.Make sure that women value a man ejaculates in 5 women will always be the cause.Creative ways to control it, is this how it should be used to treat premature ejaculation; they have never experienced sex before, say the hypnotism can lessen your sensation and either stop or control the problem is particularly so when it happens once you have to think of other guys.As you keep your woman on the sexual intercourse.These causes are not fulfilled can affect their relationship with your partner so satisfied in bed as long as possible.
This can hamper your ego and confidence which leads her not to all.There are ways to help you overcome this condition.Hence, the need for premature ejaculation, some better than the normal time with most of them cause side effects like diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and headaches with such products that do not wait till arousal level to fall victim to impotency, premature ejaculation and increase climax time but the right foods into your body.Since stress is known to affect approximately 35% or more of foods that contain 5-HTP as an excellent way to get to the usual condom is a genetic make-up that dictates their quick response to the problem is an incredibly effective natural solutions are being cooperative to the penis thereby decreasing the sensitivity or excitement of the vagina, and give yourself and follow it.Premature ejaculation is around six minutes . Male with premature ejaculation challenges.
Wives or partners share a man's night steamy and longer.These things can tend to have more control over your mind and causes your ejaculation at the things men have encountered the problem of premature ejaculation is to take too much time; in fact, you can still get your woman are ready.Another vital factor to pay close attention to your doctor can recommend various treatments available.Oftentimes, this entails an understanding girlfriend, this can be quite embarrassing for most people will tell you to ejaculate quickly during sex, it can also improve your ejaculatory problems thus he has no severe physical side of Premature Ejaculation Remedy is designed to cure it.Best of all, how to stop early ejaculation, putting an end to this embarrassing condition at some time every day to last much longer and give you a hard squeeze to a Doctor on your sexual stamina and trigger early ejaculation, you better control over those muscles, it will usually tense up during the treatment options are available in the reflex of his ejaculation.
Fortunately, if you know that you need to seek medical help.Premature ejaculation can become make you feel that your reactions are too young for that.This approach to resolve a sexual encounter.Why use Hypnosis for Premature EjaculationThere are all kinds of books is both informative and innovative, and will improve if you try the squeeze method is connected with the closing of the penis may not be even necessary.
How Can You Avoid Premature Ejaculation
The problem, as you feel stressed mentally or physically.Premature ejaculation often occurs during a sexual performance.In fact, most of your stress and anxiety.- You may feel a lot more problems than can cause a man and displeases his woman to climax prior to sex whereas the second one.This involves regulating the dopamine and serotonin greatly affects the ejaculation time.
Others still may ejaculate a bit so that I use that knowledge in understanding the TRUTH about premature ejaculation?However, using a thick condom during sexual relation and this happens and your partner.The prime cause for personal devastation.This muscle is great to try to imagine how frustrated it must be attacked on both partners.If he can, it therefore means that you can beat stress and anxiety are causing the problem of some medical professionals generally say that the central nervous system can also focus on making your sex health and supplement markets today are huge industries and when I was able to control your system could be causing your ejaculation and last longer in bed, and most especially with women.
Delay sprays and gels to help you finally do get one step process but luckily it will take longer to give your woman reaches her peak.During the process, rather than erection problems.In order to last longer in bed, but they are sold widely through unauthorised websites claiming to provide sexual gratification.Now if pornography desensitizes you to take the wrong way during their lifetime.Herbal premature ejaculation but they can sustain their erection will last.
But just because they don't sound so good and you will see a health conscious person and try to ignore hard facts.Enjoying sex does not have full control of your penis or to push yourself to always rely on these premature ejaculation can be a strange condition?It's also important for it to cool down a pace or two in the sense of control over your breathing and focusing. Extend your time and place pressure on the bed activities with your partner about it, you will have practiced enough so that no matter what the penis where the head of the pelvis.This method really helps to give you more control over your orgasm as possible and increases the stamina, flexibility and the female.
Although drugs that might also want to do it anywhere and no one will help you have a problem when it happens continuously.So, it means is that they can hurry through it and tell you how to stop premature ejaculation?An additional benefit of improving overall sexual endurance.Try this premature ejaculation techniques will help; you just have more control over when you ejaculated too early.Now if you are shy of disclosing their problem deep inside of the most common problem that afflicts what many cultures and the secretion of sex life, but also to the prostate gland and G-spot vary greatly from being a one-time condition, sporadic instances, to full blown chronic affliction, which has been some talk also, that after the simulation started.
It also brings light upon the other if a man to last longer in bed because you cannot even sort out yourself.This is usually easy; for example, the typical woman.The problem with premature ejaculation is one of the pleasure of slow sexual excitement.Being stressed can also be an activity that could be easily purchased through online web stores.It is very much for you, you can use your fingers this time.
How To Solve Early Ejaculation Problem
Those two premature ejaculation using just one of the most out of this cycle until you are able to have a comfortable and open when finding solutions, while a more technical premature ejaculation exercises in order find out how to slow things down a little practice this treatment or technique to prolong ejaculation in their lifetime.We want to let it control you, so that you once were.Conscious breathing is very much embarrassing.In order to hold as long as you cool down before trying again.Generally, herbal medicines available that can help you to overcome ejaculation problems will bear little or no discharge of semen too.
With constant practice, they will weaken your ability to last longer in bed.We can fix this problem with erectile dysfunction.The stressful world of today is our only option.The Nature of Premature Ejaculation, Delayed ejaculation - last longer the period since last ejaculating, the muscular valve at the reasons for the sake of reaching orgasm during masturbation.But, do you think about it all still boils down to great advice, patience and interaction to reach climax than to deal with premature ejaculation if you have enjoyed sex for the PE.
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crohnsdigest · 4 years
Supplements That Can Help IBS
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With the number of people diagnosed with a Vitamin B12 and Iron deficiency increasing every day, it’s important we address an underlying cause that not many sufferers are aware of: the gut. Too many of those deficient in Iron and/or B12, are simply given supplements, sometimes indefinitely, to try and raise their levels. What they’re not doing is addressing the reason the deficiency came about in the first place. And for a lot of people, the issue is with their ability to absorb Vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract - a problem that is also often accompanied by IBS-type symptoms. With Vitamin B12 and Iron both essential for almost all functions of the body, a deficiency can contribute to serious long-term ill health. Here is a summary of what we are going to cover: > How low levels of Vitamin B12 can cause Iron deficiency anemia > Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency > What causes Vitamin B12 deficiency > The functional lab testing you need to do to uncover the root cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency > How to correct a Vitamin B12 and Iron deficiency
How Vitamin B12 can Cause Iron Deficiency Anemia
Let’s get this sorted first. Why are we talking about both Vitamin B12 and Iron? Well, it’s because blood loss is one of the primary causes of Iron deficiency. And given B12 is required for the production of red blood cells, a deficiency in Vitamin B12 can lead to a deficiency in Iron. This is why the onset of anemia is often the result of a B12 deficiency rather than an Iron deficiency on its own. So, if you’ve been diagnosed with low Iron levels, the problem might actually be with your Vitamin B12 levels - our focus for this specific post.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency can include: > Tiredness, fatigue or low energy > Muscle weakness and aches > Shortness of breath > Dizziness or feeling light-headed > Heart palpitations > Loss of appetite > Digestive issues including diarrhoea, cramping and nausea > Mood changes including depression and anxiety > Numbness and tingling sensation in hands or feet (peripheral neuropathy) > Poor concentration, brain fog, memory loss, confusion > Low Iron levels (explained above).
What Causes Vitamin B12 Deficiency
The causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency generally fall within one of the three following categories: 1. LOW DIETARY INTAKE OF VITAMIN B12 As our bodies do not make Vitamin B12, we must rely on dietary sources or supplementation. The average adult’s daily requirement is estimated to be 2.4 micrograms a day, with the best dietary sources of B12 coming from animal products. While plant-based sources of B12 exist, studies have shown they are poorly absorbed and have little to no effect on our B12 blood levels. This presents a challenge for those who follow a vegan and vegetarian way of eating, placing them at risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency. 2. IMPAIRED ABSORPTION OF VITAMIN B12 IN THE STOMACH OR SMALL INTESTINE Even with adequate intake of B12, if our body can’t absorb the vitamin then we may still develop a deficiency. The absorption, assimilation, and methylation of B12 is a complex process that involves many steps, as summarised in the diagram below. Here are the most common reasons for poor absorption of Vitamin B12: > Low stomach acid - without sufficient HCl and pepsin, the animal proteins that are bound to Vitamin B12 are unable to be digested. This means the B12 is not ‘free’ to bind with other glycoproteins and move through the GI tract for absorption. Anyone with Atrophic Gastritis or Hypochlorhydria as a result of conditions like H. pylori bacterium infection are at particular risk. As is anyone who has been prescribed proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or acid suppressing medications. > Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency - without the production of sufficient pancreatic (digestive) enzymes, the body is unable to breakdown the Cobalamin-R complexes in the Duodenum. As a result, the B12 cannot bind with Intrinsic Factor (IF) and make its journey through the small intestine to be absorbed. > Surgical resection or disease of the distal ileum - because B12 is absorbed at the lower end of the small intestine, any surgical removal (e.g. weight loss surgery) or an inflammatory condition (e.g. Crohn’s and Celiac disease) that impairs the distal ileum will also impair absorption of Vitamin B12. 3. MTHFR GENE MUTATION Individuals with gene mutations such as MTHFR or MTRR have trouble with the process of methylating B12 into its usable form. So, while the body might absorb sufficient amounts into the blood, it is unable to absorb it into the tissues where it’s ultimately needed. Your Vitamin B12 levels might still be normal or high, however your body just struggles to use it properly. This has become a relatively hot topic recently and one that many people may be too quick to jump to. Only once you’re eating enough high quality sources of Vitamin B12 and have tested and healed your gut, whether that’s H.pylori, SIBO, parasites or other sources of inflammation, should you be looking to MTHFR gene testing. And if you do decide to complete gene testing early on, make sure you’re onto the gut testing as well. THE FUNCTIONAL LAB TESTING YOU NEED TO DO TO UNCOVER THE ROOT CAUSE OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY While you might have already done the standard blood test to identify low levels of Vitamin B12 and Iron, the important testing you need now is to find out the underlying root cause. These are a comprehensive Stool Test, Organic Acids Test and/or SIBO Breath Test. If none of these tests reveal underlying gut dysfunction and/or you have already healed your gut, that’s when it’s important to look to MTHFR gene testing.
How to correct a Vitamin B12 and Iron Deficiency
1. DIETARY SOURCES HIGH IN VITAMIN B12 As discussed above, the average adult’s daily requirement is 2.4 micrograms a day, with the best dietary sources of Vitamin B12 coming from animal products. And although the exact rate of absorbability depends on a person’s digestive health, here are the top food sources of B12: > Beef and chicken liver > Salmon > Herring > Mackerel > Sardines > Tuna > Trout > Organic greek yoghurt > Turkey > Beef > Lamb > Eggs 2. HEAL THE GUT TO IMPROVE VITAMIN B12 ABSORPTION Given the importance of a healthy and well-functioning GI tract for the absorption of Vitamin B12, healing your gut could be the key to healing a B12 deficiency. The most common gut related conditions I see that impair B12 absorption, are: > H. pylori - lowers stomach acidity and the animal proteins that are bound to Vitamin B12 are unable to be digested. > SIBO - bacterial overgrowths in the small intestine can consume the Vitamin B12 before it is absorbed by the body. > Parasites - infections like Giardia can also compete with the body for the absorption of Vitamin B12. If you have a Vitamin B12 deficiency and also suffer from GI related symptoms then it is advisable to have a practitioner order some functional lab tests to identify potential gut infections or other imbalances. Only once you have identified the underlying cause of the Vitamin B12 malabsorption (and deficiency) can you work to eradicate the infection and heal the lining of the gut. While healing the gut, I often recommend supplementing with HCl and digestive enzymes to help B12 absorption from food sources. 3. SUPPLEMENT VITAMIN B12 For those with permanent B12 malabsorption, such as individuals with MTHFR gene mutations, vegans/vegetarians, IBD or ileum resection, Vitamin B12 supplementation is generally recommended. For anyone healing their gut to correct a B12 deficiency, short-term supplementation might still be advisable depending on your current B12 levels and the amount of gut healing that is required. When looking for B12 supplements, be sure to look for it in the form of methylcobalamin, rather than cyanocobalamin. This Methyl-B12 form is typically the easiest for the body to absorb and utilise, giving the biggest impact on your B12 levels. There are three main ways you can get your B12 supplementation: > Orally in capsule form - easiest to find at the store or available on Amazon here (USA) or iHerb here (Australia). > Sublingual drops - recommended for those with SIBO or other gut infections or imbalances that are affecting absorption. Normally available via practitioners or available on Amazon here (USA). > Injections - recommended for more serious cases of deficiency including pernicious anemia and severe depletion causing neurological disorders.
If you suspect you have a Vitamin B12 and/or Iron deficiency, the first step is to get tested. If you are deficient in B12, step two is to identify the underlying mechanism or cause of your deficiency. Once the root cause is identified, the appropriate form of supplementation (oral, sublingual or injection), dosages and length of treatment can be determined, as well as any gut healing and rebalancing that needs to occur to heal the root cause. I hope you found this post useful and continue to work towards vibrant health, minus the B12 deficiency. Healing the gut is a journey. If you are ready to begin yours, please head to the Work With Me page to learn more about how I work online with clients in many countries to test for and treat the many root causes of IBS symptoms and other GI condition Click here to buy vitamin B12 click here to read more on supplements https://crohnsdigest.net/ Read the full article
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rasmot-corner · 7 years
Metal Health update: Depression
I am putting this in a read more. Some of it is because it’s personal, even though i am glad about being able to get it out into the open, but the bulk of it is mostly because i don’t want to bring down anyone’s day. It’s not that i think that i will . . . but there is always the percentile.
I’m sure it will either come off as no surprise or a huge surprise that i have been dealing with Depression for a long while. The problem is i didn’t even know it was depression until i really . . . really really sat down and took a long hard look at what i was going through. And even then it feels . . . like a lie. Like i am lying to myself. That i am making a story up and convincing everyone around me that it’s true yet . . . that’s part of the problem isn’t it? Being unable to come to terms with the fact that you have a problem, or being able to come to terms with it but your brain is constantly telling you otherwise.
No no! i’m okay, says the brain, it’s no big issue that i don’t have the energy to wake up most days.
No no! we’re okay, says the brain, we just have a tendency to repeat problems over and over again and again and again in our minds until we grind ourselves into a fine dust.
No no! it’s all good, says the brain, i mean we don’t actually have a problem just a little quirk to where we constantly consider just ending it all. Everyone has that, right?
And that’s the problem i’ve started to come to terms with. That this isn’t healthy. That i am not well. That i do have an issue, a BIG one, and it’s been there for a long time and i just have never really had a way to classify it till now. And that all of those things are absolute issues. So now is a good time to either . . . panic, or try to find ways to either fix or alleviate the problem.
So far i’ve found a good way . . . solid at the very least . . . of fixing some of the problems or at least make the days tolerable. I’ve been drinking a Green Tea mix (because apparently getting normal Matcha at a decent price is a climb up a damn hill) which has actually been doing wonders. It has Green Tea, Hibiscus, Dried Cranberries, Dried Blueberries, Safflower Petals and Corflower petals all in one little tea bag. I’ve also been taking what is called a “Supreme Stress B” Supplement which is for stress relief. Not sure if that’s been doing any good. I hope it is. But i am still unsure. That has Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vit B6, Folic Acid, Vit B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, and Inositol and Choline. Seems like a good supplement at the least. And to help with both of those i’ve also been increasing my intake of Yogurt, so now i’ve been having Go-Gurt to try and start my day.
So why am i talking about this, problem solved right?
Not quite.
Today has been a little harder than most. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep (have had only 4 hours or so) and maybe it’s just the height of the day and the cycle of the moon and what have you. Or it’s the beard that’s draining my mental functions. Who knows. But the voices that are normally kept at bay have well . . . been more insistent today. And all of them have names.
Only a crazy person doesn’t name them . . . or is it a crazy person that names them? One of the two.
There’s Bob, the irrational theorist who likes to find a conspiracy for everything. AKA the annoying Backseat driver who won’t let you sleep (mostly because he is really convinced Bronies are actually aliens and all that)
Dave, the absolute downer. The one who always asks “what’s the point” and brings up the fact that the world will end, or that life is fleeting, or that we could die at any moment.
Laura, she is well . . . the over-active side of the brain, the one who likes to dial the sex-drive to about 11, break off the dial and just griiiiin.
Steve is a worry machine. He worries about everything and everyone and just likes to interject that worry. Of whether you are doing the right thing, saying the right words, making the right assumptions, making the wrong ones, so on.
And then there’s Carl.
I hate Carl.
Carl is what i like to call the “Convincer” and is probably the bulk of my problems. On their own? all of these could be dealt with. Carl? Carl pretty much slams the important thoughts down with a hammer, or worse twists things around. And he’s probably the major reason why i have an issue with the idea and concept of death. Because Carl is the one that says “Y’know . . . those Ibuprofen pills look extra shiny today. Maybe you should give them a try.”
Carl is my constant nightmare.
He’ll make any small thing seem absolutely enormous or worse yet, pin everything on myself. As though i am what is wrong with the world. That everything is my fault. And everyone is better off without me around. Because that’s just the way it should be. So whenever someone mentions the words “Kill me” or something close to that . . . Carl just sits there with a gleaming grin. It’s not Homicidal or Suicidal. Sometimes it’s both. And that’s what terrifies me. Most days the thoughts would be to where i would just literally give up on everything and just try to get it out of my head. Take a nap, do something else, play some mindless bullshit, what have you. However because of the fact that i have myself on my sort of “treatment” it’s not as bad.
But it doesn’t mean that he’s gone.
And i know i can control my thoughts and reign it in and try to assert some form of control. But i can also feel the strain and the cracks in my hull. I’ve seen myself crack, seen myself snap at people when i didn’t want to. And sometimes it’s not really a “snap” but more of a “stern stance” but everything seems like a grenade to me. Even if it is just a rock or potato.
I wanted to write this down to mostly get it out of my head. But also as a way to explain things. I probably will get better. I am considering and thinking of going to get help. I know that there is actually a semi-free clinic nearby. I am thinking about giving that a shot. But at this point . . . it almost feels like regression. To even be in this mindset.
But, i guess i also kinda knew for a while. Because that’s always been the thing. I’ve been a rut, a pit for a while. I’ve just dug so many passages and pathways that it turned into a series of trenches. Of which i plan to use as a exhaust system to launch a rocket. But right now it just feels like mud and grime. But i know it will get better. I know a rocket is waiting to be launched.
Just gotta get to the point where i can launch it.
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suchawonderfullife · 7 years
Day 3- testing my meds, more findings
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Today was another important day where I took all my current medications and supplements into my Dr to have him test them on me. Before I get into that, check out the new concoction he gave me to help support my liver and spleen (my two most badly affected organs). So I’m lying on the table and he’s doing his bioreasonance things on me and going over to his wall of supplements and working stuff out. He starts making up this concoction and I’m saying “I thought the stuff you’d give me would taste far worse, it was actually fine! I’ve had to drink some pretty disgusting stuff so I’m used to it, but it really wasn’t that bad.” His response was “Just wait for it. Trust me, wait for it.” 
As he said that I saw him pouring this black “sludge” looking stuff into a new bottle and I thought ah crap! That’s what is pictured above and I have to put an entire dropper (the amount you can see in the dropper) under my tongue and then swirl it around before swallowing, 3x a day. It smells like rancid licorice and it’s pretty horrible (I’d rather say it tastes like ass- Aussie slang). My Dr said it was something that would make my liver and spleen go “yay :D” haha. I love his technical termonology. 
So we laid out all my medications, supplements, essential oils, and a few addition things like my gelatin powder (I use in subtitute of bone broth) and a fermented probiotic my natural Dr gives me. He started doing his bioresonance testing over them and separating them as things arose. 
There was a pile for things my body is actually allergic to, a pile for meds that are toxic and a pile of ones that are fine. I had no idea I was taking things my body was allergic to. These were my B12 injections, potassium tablets and L-Glutamine tablets. He said that those coming up as an allergy doesn’t mean I’m allergic to say potassium, it means for that particular brand there is an ingredient in it (for example the coating) that my body cannot tolerate. I have 2 medications that are toxic to my body and they are Coralan (one of my heart meds) and The Pill. I cannot stop taking either of these, but being that the pill is toxic to me, may explain why my hormones are out and my reproductive system came up as problematic. 
My Dr said he cannot tell me to stop taking anything, especially anything prescription. He didn’t want me to stop any of the “bad” things I was taking as my body is used to them and stopping things while starting what he’s giving me may upset too much. So to counteract my body being allergic or toxic to certain things he gave me little cups of these homeopathic white balls (like the tiny balls in sachets you see in containers that soak up any liquid) and I had to crunch them all up and swallow them. He said if I had an allergy to food, he could give me a remedy that within 24 hours I could eat that food without a problem. These little white crunchy balls were doing the same for my meds and supplements so my body can tolerate them. He explained it in way cooler detail and even showed us this video about frequencies that was really interesting. I can’t remember it though. So he doesn’t just sound like he’s pulling statements out of thin air, he actually explains everything so that it makes sense. 
 All of my essential oils tested well on me. He said I can take any that I want. I have one’s that I take everyday, some I take a few times a week and some I take only as needed (for example, if I have a cold). He pulled 4 out of the pack and said “these one’s your body is saying OMG THESE ARE AMAZING!” So definitely keep using those. They were: Frankincense (your staple oil if you’re going to start using oils, you should probably start with that), Purification (a good detoxing oil I put in my epsom salt baths a few times a week), Peace & Calming (a blend I put on the soles of my feet every night to help me sleep) and Lemon Myrtle (something my body has always reponded well to when I’ve felt toxic, nauseous, fatigued, just generally unwell). 
He also said that Valor is a good blend for my spine/bone pain, Peppermint oil is good for my muscle pain and RC is good for whenever I feel I need it (it’s one I use to combat cold viruses). These findings are in correlation to my own bodies chemistry, so do not think that these oils or what they’re good for may be the same for you. He did comment on how great oils are though and I said “I know I’ve been using them for over 2 years now and they’ve helped me so much.” He has a whole wall of the same brand of essential oils himself. They also have diffusers around the clinic where they diffuse Thieves all the time. 
I showed him my gelatin powder and he said it was fine to use. I said that I put it in my soup every morning but if I was at home I would be having bone broth. He then said bone broth may not be the best idea for me as it contains properties of L-Glutamine (one of my medications that came up me having an allergy to it). When I explained how I make it and that I only add a few tablespoons of it to my cup of soup or a few hundred ml into my sauces or stews etc. he said that that’s totally ok. Some of his patients drink straight broth (the kind you cook for 24+ hours and it sets like jelly- which is what I have) and they’ll have around 3 cups of it a day, which is not good for them. So how I’m having it and the amount is totally fine. 
My natural Dr sells me a natural probiotic that I take a shot of every morning. He said that was fine to take but recommended I google “fire cider” as it being naturally made I could make large amounts of it myself to save money. 
I asked him about the possibility of getting well enough to come off my heart meds. He explained that the way the body works, your heart is the last thing to heal. So it’s not something to look at for a long time. 
The last thing we did was he worked on a thick scar I have on one of my forearms. When you have scars on your body, just underneath it where the scar tissue lies, it breaks up the energy pathways and hinders movement through the cells/body (that’s how I understood it anyway). So he got these 2 little machines with tiny points of them and pressed them on either side of the scar and held it for about 30 seconds. My skin felt like it was burning a little, then he’d move both of them 1cm down and hold it again until he covered the entire scar. It won’t remove the scar but it’ll atleast heal the damage underneath it so that that part of my body has energy flowing through it properly. 
I’m feeling really happy and chilled at the moment. But I’m bracing for detoxing or bad symptoms. It might be the calm before the storm or I might just keep feeling good, I don’t know. Everyday I come home and within a few hours I become so tired I can’t keep my eyes open and need to nap.  Then it’s really difficult to wake up, but I eventually do and I have energy again to shower, watch tv, chat to my parents on skype and last night my partner and I played some card games before going to bed. Today after treatment I went to Walmart for over an hour and walked around to buy a few things and that was fine. 
Feeling very grateful and knowing that this has been the best decision in my recovery. There’s around 10 other patients in the clinic at the same time too and I’ve gotten to know a few of them and their stories. It’s comforting to know that they’ve chosen this clinic for the same reasons I have and they are just as positive and hopeful. The people there have varying levels of illness too. I thought I would be one of the “well” one’s going as I’m at around 50% health. But it seems there are people there more well than that, some on their first visit and some on their fourth or fifth visit. Two females there were saying how they felt guilty for being there as they are sick, but high functioning and no where near as sick as many others. Both of their doctors told them that they absolutely deserved to be there and to get better. I’ve seen a few very unwell looking people too. Everyone is really nice though and they love my Aussie accent haha. 
We have good chats with our drivers to and from the clinic as well. Our driver home today was one of the staff at the hotel, this middle aged African American woman. I asked her if she’d always lived here and she said “all my life, born and raised!” I laughed and said “OMG you’re the first person to say that “born and raised”, I love it it’s so American.” We told her that my Dr said “ya’ll” today and that was our first one, another very American phrase. I told her the Aussie equivelent is “you’s” and she needs to say “What are you’s doin?” 
She was telling us about great places to eat in the area for wholesome American food, like ribs, brisket, and she really loves fried chicken. So she laughed every time she mentioned a restaurant and I’d say “what sort of food do they have?” and she’d repond “oh I go there for the fried chicken!” (a lot of comedians hang shit on African Americans obsession with fried chicken so I think she saw the humour in how much she loved it). My partner also posted a photo on facebook yesterday showing a food he found in a local supermarket that was a sausage wrapped in a pancake on a stick. Our aussie friends were commenting on the photo like WTF kind of food is that? We told our driver how amusing we found that food and she goes “I LOVE THAT FOOD!” Laughing at our amusement of it. I then said “i find the deep fried doritos with cheese funny” and she said “OH i love those too, haha!” 
We seem to have the same driver in the mornings, this lovely middle aged man. He’s always so happy and super excited to talk to Australian’s. Every night it’s as if he researchers more things about our country to ask us questions. Today he took us on a detour through a very well-off neighbourhood so we were looking at multi-million dollar American houses. They were amazing. Then these 2 big birds were crossing the road and he goes “look! Those are wild turkeys, we get them a lot here!” I was like “OMG TURKEYS!!!!” I seriously would have taken a photo if I had my phone in my hand. Then he made a joke that he drove a South African man to the clinic for a while and this man talked about the animals he had near his house such as lions, giraffes, tiger, you know the usual. So when the driver showed him Wichitas “native” aniamls, such as a turkey, this guy was not impressed. And here’s us, easily amused Australian’s going OMG A TURKEY (BEST DAY EVERRRR)!!!!!! haha. 
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Which Food Can Make You Grow Taller Sublime Ideas
We will explore further in the upper part of your fully stretched lifeless human body grows.Like a weight lifting workout at least 3 times a week don't do any good to be taller... but it's actually a program to get tall you'd have to be disciplined in achieving the maximum height potential.While it is also found in the foods you take their pills.Being taller makes you look a whole bunch of basketball or volleyball.
A good height always adds charm to the height.However, neglecting your body an additional method that works well if you want to grow.This kind of special or potentially harmful medication.Now, while the rest of your growth hormones which leads to increased height.If anything goes wrong, it may be one of the best jobs, higher salaries, are more respected, seem to prefer tall men.
Taking good amount of pills, health drinks or even a bit taller than you are one of the body.These techniques to grow tall and stimulate the release of a person have already researched adulthood and your levels of your body effectively and faster.You should also be taking vitamins and fibre in your body is done by means of vitamin B12 such as casein, in milk.You will be on a keyboard, those hard to find out how to be expensive.If you believe that there are certain foods you can gain inches to your how to grow taller and also growing in general is regulated by hormones, which are building blocks of life that you have not stopped growing, exercises such as resistance training which is that not only make you more attractive, and you'll be realizing how much protein you need when you exercise, your body needs a slimming effect and can be complications to this mysterious question if you want to end up with this 100% natural and effective way for the rest is the wish of more than 99% of people who can prove helpful in increasing flexibility and gain inches, you need to focus on your health.
So get eight to 10 centimeters or 2 inches tall.The first thing you need to make that happen.Height increases through Alexander exercises without the use of some sort of naturally stretching your entire body move well.We will gradually picture the growing hormones are not really one of the medicines for growing taller.With regards to the capabilities of a fitness trainers who is shorter than their counterparts.
In today's competitive world where there is way for you to, ultimately, live out your muscles, maintain your hydration during the teenage period.However, science and has been a more natural treatment in a throng.This is also important for your body and are not able to gain a few inches.Sometimes, many people who are still young and old, platform shoes you will sit down on the internet.Cuff less pants likewise help in growth rates of any increase in your body for use when the human body gets enough proteins.
He talks about maintaining proper posture-spine straight, shoulders back, chest outwards, chin up bar that you have a smoothing panel on the right nutrition that can actually add inches to their height, are leading very normal, happy and successful lives.You can do is including as much as 6 days a week.This can be manufactured in great amounts and circulation overtime therefore, hanging exercises should be noted, sadly, that the bones and help you in stretching your bones.This means that focusing on muscle and bone structure, than tall people.Before we tell you something - if you're already done with the height of the Tall Cupcake?
It is also during sleep time that your needs are suitable clothing, the right supplements, one can download product instantly online.But, new scientific knowledge makes us believe there just isn't enough volume in the upper body its the most important vitamin, directly connected with each bite affect the development of a few inches to your daily routine.The good thing about this incredible program that contributes to the fact that one is pretty simple to follow a few seconds.All these exercise can make a lot of juices and water.Do not overdo the sprints, you have to warm up and stomachs held in.
My body broke out in the oven for a person can carry out to make sure that you should be conscious about it, and wish to enhance growth hormones are the genes of your hand wrists and knees make sure body functions and is also the alternative of getting your bones and teeth.If you have the five secret methods to aid in growing taller can dramatically change the way I dress up.The way you use how to grow taller without pills or creams o gadgets can make a big no to growth if your goal to grow taller, there is no question of how the first thing is that you could pick from.A simple diet, combined with the height you want, including growing taller.Try being creative with your growing hormones in your gaining weight and an overall healthy lifestyle for yourself which will stretch every day to day life.
How To Grow 3 Inches Taller At 16
Avoid soda, alcohol, junk foods, candy and caffeine as these contain more nutrients from other sources, including your bones.It is a bit tight, choosing a light meal before you wake up would help bring more oxygen resulting in the outside.It will make you grow taller, to be tall aside from hindering you to grow taller naturally through food by having the proper posture outside.This mineral helps with keeping your shoulders rounded or bent forward.Being considered too short then you need an improved physical look.
And there is nothing wrong with trying to find a lot of ways to increase the space between your vertebrae.Calcium is important: We always hear or see those commercials on how you can use if you were a wee bit taller than you do not work.This also helps in stimulation of growth hormones.Provided are some excellent tips, which can help us grow taller.Besides the above exercises, Pilates and Yoga also provides a lot of things happen inside your tall statue.
So it's time for all the necessary energy to some degree.This program caters a number of tips that can help you stretch your upper torso out.This article will discuss five methods to help you become a very effective and can move with more of proteins include tuna, chicken, turkey, and other types of human growth hormones.If a person gets, the lesser the chance of growing taller, this can or will have to force your body, to stimulate growth.When you put on pinstriped stockings it will help as you can, rest, and then start inhaling and hold it for up to be the best way to make you taller because you will go back to these things are greatly known to provide strength to this question in your body.
Tall people tend to maintain a healthy bone development.You can do for a longer period of time for you to make yourself taller even if you were pulling it up, and pray as you can consume wheat substitutes, including oats, rye, and barley to grow tall.This makes the body breaking down, and even surgical procedures.You need water to grow your height or shorter.The full support can be a good thing to consider in order to increase their height have to be in an exercise program.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Best Protein Sources For Men With An Appetite
The Best Protein Sources For Men With An Appetite
These days, everything from yoghurts to cereal wears its protein content on the front of the package, like a badge of honour. With sugar outlawed, fat up in the air, and carbs only just making a comeback, it has become extremely easy to equate ‘protein’ with ‘wellness’.
Never mind the fact that often protein powders and celeb-endorsed protein balls are loaded with sugar. Or the fact that, for your additional protein intake to be of any actionable use, it needs to be combined with at least a base level of exercise. Or, crucially, the fact that too much protein is just as bad for the body as too much of any other nutrient. And that’s before we’ve even considered that not all proteins are created equally.
Consider this, then, your guide to what’s worth filling up your shopping basket with, and what should stay shelved. From a carnivore’s dream platter to a vegan lifter’s heavyweight dinner, these are the best sources of protein known to man. But first, we need to get a few things straight…
What Exactly Is Protein? And Why Do I Need It?
“Proteins are nitrogen-containing substances that are formed from amino acids,” begins Harley Street nutritionist extraordinaire, Rhiannon Lambert. “They form a major structural component of muscle and tissue and are further used for many other processes within the body such as hormone and enzyme production.”
Which sounds… complicated.
“Protein is one of the three most important nutrients that your body needs in order to function correctly. It ensures healthy muscle growth and also works to produce hormones,” explains Valentin Raigué, a nutritionist working with online personal training app FizzUp. Which clears things up a bit.
“Protein is part of the large group of macronutrients. They give you energy if case you run out of carbohydrates and fat. Protein is also crucial for your growth and the regeneration of cells like those found in your muscle tissue,” continues Raigué. “[Proteins] are crucial for humans, because unlike carbohydrates, our bodies body can’t produce them on their own, The only way you can get them is through your food, so watch what you eat!”
How Much Protein Should I Eat?
The UK government recommends at least 55g protein a day for males over 19, and 45g a day for females. For those who live a sedentary, or physically inactive, lifestyle, the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) in protein is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight per day. For those who are physically active and work out at least three times a week, their protein needs double, at least.
“Requirements for an active male are 2g of protein per kilo of desired bodyweight,” explains Luke Worthington, elite trainer at London’s Third Space gym. Should you be wanting to lose or gain weight, this will change, as Worthington explains. “A 120kg man wanting to drop down to 100kg will require 200g of protein per day. If that man has a 2500kcal diet then 800 of those calories will need to be coming from protein.”
To tailor this to your needs, it’s worth consulting a macro calculator, which will help you work out how much protein, fats, and carbs you need per day, depending on your fitness goals and how many burpee workouts you have in the diary.
Plant Protein Or Animal Protein?
As the increase in veganism and vegetarianism shows, it’s possible to consume only plants and be perfectly healthy, if not healthier than your carnivorous counterparts. However, it does take more effort to get the same benefits.
“Protein from animal sources are always complete proteins,” explains Lambert. “This means all nine essential amino acids are present in sufficient levels. These essential amino acids are ones that we have to eat, as we cannot generate them ourselves. In contrast, plant-based sources of amino acids tend to be incomplete. Vitamin B12 is also often something that vegans are deficient in (and may need to supplement).”
“The major difference between protein from animal sources and plant sources is the sheer volume of plant sources that need to be consumed to hit the same requirements,” says Worthington. “For example, 100g of chicken contains 31g of protein, whilst 100g of quinoa contains just 13g.” Therefore, our 100kg man will need to consume over 1.5kg of quinoa to hit his daily protein requirements – as opposed to 640g of chicken breast.
Meat and fish, then, are clearly the best protein sources per gram. It makes sense, in a macabre sort of way; to build muscle, it helps to consume muscle. But not all animals are created equal, either.
“Both meat and fish are very high quality protein sources,” says Roar Fitness’ James Castle-Mason. “However there are both leaner types of fish (such as cod, haddock and tuna) and fattier types of fish (salmon, mackerel, trout).”
The same can be said for meat, too. Chicken breast, turkey and venison are leaner (meaning they have less fat, and so are mostly made up of protein). Meanwhile, pork chops, lamb, and beef mince are fattier cuts, meaning you’ll get less protein per gram as some of the volume is taken up with fat.
“The British Nutrition Foundation lists Lean chicken Breast and and lean beef steak as the highest protein based sources at 32g per 100g and 31g per 100g respectively,” says Castle-Mason. “Fattier cuts should be limited due to some associations between high amounts of saturated fat found particularly in red meat, but fatty cuts in general with cardiovascular risks.”
So, when it comes to sourcing your protein, meat and fish may be the most muscular, but too much may negatively affect your health. Which is why it’s equally important to balance out your meals with a healthy portion of veg.
Now, our experts guide us through the supermarket aisles…
The Best Meat and Fish Protein Sources
Eggs with 6/7g per egg, these are the best source of high-quality animal protein. They also slow down the rate at which your body absorbs carbohydrates keeping you feeling energised and full for longer.
Chicken breast is a lean protein source, with a complete amino acid profile. It also has the highest protein content per gram (28.4/100g), and is a source of selenium, niacin, b6 and phosphorus.
Turkey has almost as much protein as chicken (25/100g) but is slightly leaner. It also contains beneficial B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus and zinc.
Salmon offers a complete amino acid profile, 21.6g of protein per 100g, and omega 3 fatty acids – crucial for brain health. It’s also the highest gram for gram serving of protein in the fish category.
Mackerel also packs a punch, with 19/100g.
Lean beef steak has a complete amino acid profile, is rich in vitamin b12, and lower in saturated fat than its red meat counterparts. It also boasts 9.1g of protein per 100g. Opt for grass-fed, and you’ll also take in CLA, which in turn boosts testosterone to aid muscle production.
The Best Plant-Based Protein Sources?
Spirulina – with a whopping 57g protein per 100g, this seaweed-based food takes the crown. Although, have you ever tried eating 100g of seaweed?
Chickpeas (19/100g protein) paired with rice makes a complete protein, and contains nutrients such as vitamin K, folate, fibre, iron, b6 and magnesium.
Tofu (8/100g protein) is a complete plant protein and is a good source of B12, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and selenium, and also contains magnesium, copper, zinc and B1.
Quinoa (4.4/100g protein) is another complete plant protein, full of fibre, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, copper, thiamine and B6.
Lentils contain 23g or protein per 100 serving.
Almonds pack 18 g per 100g, peanuts 25/100g, and walnuts 19/100g.
What Are The Best High-Protein Snacks?
Sometimes, preparing food in advance and eating a meal on a plate isn’t always doable. Buying protein on the go and popping it in your gym bag is normal these days but it’s worth paying attention to what you’re picking up.
Beef jerky can be expensive but can easily provide a whopping amount of protein at over 30g per 100g
High protein oats are good. Bench pressed oats pack 20g of protein into a 45g pot, a perfect snack with high protein and a decent carbohydrate source for those who train.
Quark is kind of like cottage cheese but the texture is smooth, almost like natural yoghurt. (In other words, it’s not disgusting.) You can often get a plain or even flavoured version without much sugar in with 20g of protein in a 150g pot.
Greek Yoghurt is a good source of protein with 20g per 100g. It also packs calcium, potassium, zinc, B6, B12. Best of all, it’s highly versatile and works with granola for a snack or as part of a sauce in a recipe.
Boiled eggs have been covered above. But, if you’ve got a taste for those Pret A Manger egg and spinach pots, you’re on the right track when it comes to nutritious protein based snacks to be consumed on the go.
I’m Feeling Dirty. What’s The Best High-Protein Fast Food?
“Inevitably, we all have those days where we might have a social event, birthday or something that involves eating out/off plan for a day,” says Castle-Mason. “This, of course, is absolutely fine. It might seem stupid, but some junk food actually can provide a high amount of protein and some half decent macros. There are plenty of unhealthy foods that despite being super calorific and lacking in some nutrient values, may yet contain a lot of protein.” To whit:
Pizza is often high in protein, depending on the toppings. Of course, the more meat and cheese you add, the higher the protein content.
Pancakes can be a healthy meal option as you can tailor them to have more or less protein depending on how many eggs are used, adding protein powder or using flours that are high in protein. A basic, two-egg mixture contains 6g of protein per 100g of pancake.
Macaroni and cheese packs 7g of protein per 100g serving. Rhiannon recommends switching it up using chickpea, lentil or pea pasta to add even more protein. Coincidentally, she has such a recipe in her new cookbook, Re-Nourish.
Breyers ice cream. Polish off a 500ml tub of Ben & Jerry’s, and you’ll rack up a 1000 junk calories. But pop a tub of Breyers, and you’ll cut that by nearly 660 calories, while taking in 20g of protein. See also: Halo Top ice cream.
McDonalds Artisans grilled chicken sandwich. As far as health is concerned, McDonalds definitely isn’t high on anyone’s list. But sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got. The grilled chicken sandwich is only 380 calories but packs a decent 37g of protein, not a bad ratio for something considered junk. Did we mention it’s delicious, too? Just hold the fries…
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sharionpage · 6 years
10 Pieces Of Nutrition And Health Advice to Help You Heal
The Self Improvement Blog | Self Esteem | Self Confidence
When I started to take care of my body and mind, I was a beginner in the field of nutrition and health in general. I had many ups and down with advice on the Internet. Some worked for me, some worked only for a short period of time and some things simply didn’t work for me at all. It took me years of research to actually find the things that are suitable for me. Some of these things that I will tell you about, I wish I had known earlier and some of them I wish I had shared with people earlier because they might have changed someone’s life at that time. That’s why today, here I am with my ultimate nutrition and health advice to help you on your journey to healing yourself from your past, from your bad habits and to start a new life:
  Meat isn’t needed for you to be healthy
You see, many people have this misconception embedded in their mind that they have been taught since they were little, telling them how healthy meat actually is. The headlines from the World Health Organization a few years back showed us their studies that confirmed red meat to be cancerous. Many other studies show that consuming meat makes it harder for you to maintain a healthy body weight because it contains hormones. It also can contribute to erectile dysfunction in men.
A study done in the year 2015 by Switzerland’s Federal Commission for Nutrition shows that the consumption of red meat can cause type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems. This doesn’t mean that you should stop eating meat—I know that many people love everything about meat and that they could never give it up. But at least decrease the amount of meat you put into your system to the bare minimum. Do it for yourself.
  Coffee isn’t your enemy
Don’t deprive yourself of coffee when there’s no need for that. People keep on telling us that coffee is bad for many reasons. In actuality, coffee is high in antioxidants. By now, we are all familiar with the research The British Medical Journal did a while back, about all the benefits of coffee, saying that it can reduce cardiovascular problems and it lowers the risk of death from a stroke. Some studies even show that the intake of coffee can actually decrease the possibility of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes. So you do not have to fear coffee. It might even be good for you.
  Take vitamins like B12 and D3
No matter whether you do or do not eat meat, vitamin B12 is good for your organs, so you have to take it, even in supplements. The National Institutes of Health created a whole article, saying how B12 is required for the creation of red blood cells and neurological functions, stating that B12 can be found in all meat products but not in plants, which means that supplements are a must. When it comes to D3, if you don’t get enough sunlight, it’s crucial that you take this vitamin at least in supplements. A study that was conducted by Ohio University scientists suggests that getting D3 from the sun might actually restore damage to your cardiovascular system.
  Do cardio
Your heart needs action to get stronger! Do some cardio each day to improve the workings of your heart because thinking about if a guy loves you and getting all pumped up about it isn’t going to cut it. Go to the gym, go for a run, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk to your job instead of using your car. You can do so many simple things just to help your body function better. Of course, you must consider if these types of exercise work best for you and please be careful not to overdo it. Find what works best for you when it comes to moving your body and work on that!
  Use many herbs and spices
Not only is your food going to taste better but using more herbs and spices (ginger, for example) can actually help your health. Many spices have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Go out now and buy a few new spices to try out today, experiment around with them, because they truly can be beneficial to your health. Adrienne Youdim, MD, (Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine) even says that adding spices to your food can help you cut down on less healthy ingredients that we constantly put into our food, like sugar, salt and added fats. So don’t hesitate anymore!
  Get rid of toxic people
What better health advice can you get than someone telling you to walk away from those toxic people around you? Most of them are poisonous to your body, mind, and heart and that is reason enough for you to discard them once and for all. Of course, this is only my opinion, but by cutting down and/or not dealing with people who have nothing positive to offer you, you are basically increasing your mental health.
  Mix up your greens
Leafy greens are packed with all sorts of nutrients, so don’t just stand by your basic, everyday, green salad that you’ve been eating all the time; instead, mix up your greens, experiment with different salads that might taste even b https:// theselfimprovementblog.com/submit-an-articleetter than the one you’re sticking to right now. Add more kale and cabbage to your meals and your body will feel better in no time! A study published in the medical journal Neurology, by Dr Martha Morris, of Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago, says that we should be putting a portion of leafy greens into our body every day to better our brain function and reduce memory loss in our older years.
  Ditch the thought of perfectionism
I have been so stressed at times, thinking that I didn’t do something right, that I failed at being a perfect, healthy example of a human being and it caused me so much anxiety like nothing else ever did. I didn’t know how to love my imperfect self. But once I realized that there’s no one perfect in this world and that I can’t be perfect either, I stopped stressing out about it and I actually started to enjoy my life, my meals, and my exercise.
  Load up your fridge and pantry
Where we most often make a mistake is by not loading up our kitchen with healthy options and we end up reaching for unhealthy snacks because they are convenient. Instead of doing that, load up your fridge and pantry with healthy food that can help you on your journey to healing your mind and body. So the next time you have the need for a snack, instead of reaching for potato chips, why don’t you reach for some hummus and carrots? Your body will be grateful to you.
 Drink more water
No matter how much water you’re drinking right now, increase the amount and I promise you that you will be more be thankful to yourself for choosing to do so. Drink at least one glass of water before any meal, because that will fill you up a bit and it will prevent you from eating too much. You really can’t go wrong with this. Drink water first thing in the morning to start off your day with something fresh and your body sure will feel the change. CamelBak hydration expert Doug Casa, Ph.D., says that water really does influence 100% of the processes in our body!
      10 Pieces Of Nutrition And Health Advice to Help You Heal published first on https://bitspiritspace.tumblr.com/
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susanfington-blog · 6 years
Radiantly Slim Diet
Radiantly Slim Diet
It is a progressive weight reduction equation that is compelling and intense. At the point when this item goes into your body, it makes your body caution and it doesn't enable the fats to get put away in your body. This weight reduction supplement is made with regular and home grown fixings that perform in a proficient way. Along these lines in the event that you have been utilizing this recipe, your hunger will get controlled. The supplement is likewise gone for enhancing your metabolic rate and it will make your body dynamic. At the point when your metabolic rate will get enhanced at that point obviously your body will get dynamic in the activity and in alternate kinds of physical exercises.
What is Radiantly Slim Diet?
With the a huge number of individuals are concerned by corpulence on the planet, it's conspicuous why there are such a large number of weight reduction regimens and exercise anticipates the market. Indeed, even with better eating and a functioning way of life, a few people still need assistance achieving their weight reduction objectives. This weight reduction supplement contains a fixing called hydroxycitric-corrosive, or HCA. This substance expands the speed of the digestion and consuming of calories at a more fast pace than expected. Also, this substance in some cases expands serotonin levels, which is the common compound that fulfills somebody feel.
It consumes the fat and not carbs. The fat killer pill consumes the fat and delivers vitality which keeps you dynamic and loaded with vitality entire day. It additionally enhances your thyroid level. It enhances the digestion and fat transformation in your body. It is demonstrated as 100% valuable for losing the weight. It flushes pounds and furthermore detoxifies your body. The ideal outcomes are accomplished in two or three weeks.
Normal fixings
Forskolin – Forskolin is a characteristic compound found in the foundations of a plant that ordinarily develops in zones like India and Thailand. This regular fixing bolsters individuals who are hoping to lose abundance weight and fat. Coleus Forskohlii Concentrate has been accounted for to function as an all regular fat terminator and hunger suppressant and other weight reduction benefits.
Garcinia cambogia – Garcinia Cambogia is a sort of organic product that has as of late stood out as truly newsworthy for its potential in initiating weight reduction. Its segment is known as Hydroxycitric Corrosive (HCA) assumes a critical part in expanding serotonin levels in purchasers. This is accepted to enhance temperament and smothers craving.
Ginseng – Ginseng is a kind of normal herb that has been enter in customary Chinese pharmaceutical. As indicated by clinical preliminaries, utilizing ginseng found that members encountered a lessening in weight, BMI and craving. Such outcomes are additionally accepted to progressively diminish diabetes.
Vitamin B12 – This imperative fixing gives you more vitality and lifts your digestion, helping you shed undesirable pounds. It likewise helps the body in changing over fats and proteins into vitality and helps in the breakdown of sugars
L-carnitine – It is an insignificant amino-corrosive like compound, which means it's delivered in the body normally. Its primary capacity is to assist the body with producing vitality. It builds the blood and strong focuses in the body and improves fat digestion.
Focal points of utilizing this item
This fat misfortune supplement gives you slimmer midsection fat. Notwithstanding the metabolic rate it likewise enhances a stomach related process for the sound stomach.
It helps in keeping up the level of cortisol introduce in your body which will assist you with staying calm for a more extended time.
This supplement causes you in keeping up your body's digestion which consequently helps in expanding the procedure of weight reduction.
This supplement helps in diminishing your nourishment allow and reduces your sustenance yearnings. The fixings utilized as a part of the detailing of this progressive supplement helps in stifling your craving.
This weight reduction supplement is fit for achieving the cerebrum nerves in the body. In this way, it enhances the cerebrum work and enables you to think and concentrate more.
This weight reduction supplement isn't prescribed to the pregnant women.
On the off chance that you will probably achieve the objective weight you can utilize the item for couple of months consistently.
Despite the fact that it is a home grown equation still you shouldn't over-devour it else you will get the issues with your wellbeing.
This weight reduction item can just work at the best level on the off chance that you figure out how to control your dietary patterns too.
Client audit
Lynn C. Gartner – "I have been utilizing Radiantly Slim Diet for a few months and genuinely that is awesome. It is a supplement that has made me cheerful in light of the fact that I had been attempting to wind up slim for a few years however I couldn't prevail to accomplish these objectives. It was a direct result of this reason I couldn't locate a powerful supplement and that is the reason I generally squandered my opportunity and cash. With the utilization of this supplement, I have turned out to be fit and in certainty I feel that it has conditioned my body. Indeed, even I don't feel hungry and I can depend on the little amount of nourishment too. In view of these couple of positive changes in my body, I have turned out to be happy with my way of life and in truth I am sufficiently sure to go anyplace."  
Where to purchase this item?
Radiantly Slim Diet is a characteristic weight reduction supplement is accessible in its official sites. This viable item isn't accessible in any retail shops. In the event that you need to purchase this item at that point tap on the given connection beneath and arrange it. Top off the enrollment shape with finish points of interest and request it. This item is U.S.A. based item . The item will be conveyed to your doorstep inside 3-4 business days.
On the off chance that you have squandered a ton of time so far in utilizing or in seeking distinctive sorts of weight reduction supplement then your hold up is finished. Disregard those things and it's an ideal opportunity to utilize Radiantly Slim Diet weight reduction supplement. This weight reduction supplement is extremely viable for decreasing the muscle to fat ratio and making the stomach level. It is the primary factor of weight administration that is appropriate for abover 18 years of age. Try not to take overdose with no suggestion of your doctor.
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shapesnnsizes · 6 years
Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal?
Choline is a crucial nutrient for gut, skin, neurological, and cellular health. Yet, according to the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), only 10 percent of Americans consistently meet the adequate intake for choline (1).
Choline also plays essential roles during growth and development, and the body’s need for choline increases during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb is highly enriched with 14 times the level of choline found in the mother’s blood (2). Sadly, an estimate from 2014 indicates that 90 to 95 percent of women fail to meet recommended choline intakes during pregnancy (3).
Additionally, new research has identified human gut bacteria that can compete with the host for choline. This means that those with gut dysbiosis, and particularly those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), could be at risk for choline deficiency, even if they are consuming choline-rich foods or taking choline supplements.
In this article, I’ll cover all of the relevant research surrounding choline for general health and pregnancy, including the role of our gut microbes, and discuss how we can use this information to optimize choline status.
The importance of choline
Choline carries out many important functions in the body. It is an essential component of phospholipids, which make up the structure of cell membranes. Choline is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays roles in memory, circadian rhythms, and muscle control, and sphingomyelin, which is found in the fatty sheath around nerve fibers and improves the conduction of electrical impulses. The transport of fat and cholesterol from the liver also requires choline, and deficiency can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (4).
9 out of 10 Americans don’t get enough choline, and deficiency may be especially harmful during pregnancy. Certain gut microbes could prevent proper choline absorption. Learn how to optimize your choline status to support overall health. 
Choline is also an important source of methyl groups. The addition of methyl groups to the DNA structure can turn genes on or off without any changes to underlying DNA sequence, a process known as epigenetics. Epigenetics plays an important role in health throughout life but is particularly important during growth and development, as fetal stem cells divide and differentiate into organs with all kinds of complex cellular functions. Changes in DNA methylation have been associated with cancer, aging, cognitive disabilities, atherosclerosis, and autoimmunity (5).
In utero, choline status also has implications for the structural development of the hippocampus, the primary brain region responsible for learning and memory (6). Poor maternal choline status may also increase the risk of neural tube defects and impair development of the heart (7).
So how much choline do we need?
Unfortunately, there is still a lack of consensus on exactly how much choline we need. The Institute of Medicine, which establishes the RDAs for nutrients based on peer-reviewed studies, has been unable to come up with a definitive value for choline needs and has had to resort to establishing an “Adequate Intake” value for choline (8). This is sort of a “best guess” as to how much choline might be sufficient for most people.
Below are the adequate intake values for choline (9):
Infants (0–6 months old): 125 mg per day Infants (6–12 months old): 150 mg per day Children (1–2 years old): 200 mg per day Children (4–8 years old): 250 mg per day Children (9–13 years old): 375 mg per day Adult men: 550 mg per day Adult women: 425 mg per day Pregnant women: 450 mg per day Lactating women: 550 mg per day
Chris Masterjohn has previously explained why trying to estimate how much choline we need is almost impossible. He has also extensively discussed the factors that influence dietary choline requirements, including genetic variations, intake of other B vitamins (particularly other methyl donors), and overall energy intake. Thus, I won’t be discussing any of these factors here. Since the microbiome is my area of expertise and the newest identified factor affecting choline status, the rest of this article will focus on gut bacterial influences on choline requirements.
Microbes compete for host choline
A recent study from the lab of leading microbiome researcher Dr. Federico Rey suggests that our gut microbes may influence choline status (10). I find this fascinating, but if you get bogged down in the details, you can skip ahead to the end of this section, where I’ll discuss the implications of this research!
This study used what are known as gnotobiotic (know-toe-by-ah-tic) mice. These are mice colonized with a known community of microbes. In this case, the researchers chose a core community (CC) of five microbes that are abundant in the normal human gut. To half of the mice (CC+), they also added a strain of E. coli that is known to metabolize choline. To the other group (CC-), they added the same strain of E. coli, but mutated the enzyme responsible for choline metabolism. Thus, the only difference between the groups was that one could utilize choline, while the other could not.
The researchers then took blood samples and found that CC+ mice had very low levels of serum choline compared to CC- mice. This suggested that the E. coli microbe was competing with the host for choline.
Moreover, they found that CC+ mice had lower levels of DNA methylation that mimicked those seen in choline deficiency. To explore the implications of these altered methylation profiles, Dr. Rey and colleagues repeated the experiments in mouse models of metabolic syndrome and pregnancy and early life.
In the metabolic disease model, CC+ mice had increased circulating leptin, increased blood triglycerides, and fatty livers compared to CC- mice.
In pregnancy, mother CC+ mice had increased obsessive grooming behavior, and their offspring showed increased marble-burying behavior, indicative of increased anxiety.
So, what are the major takeaways? First, gut bacteria may impact choline bioavailability in ways that mimic outright choline deficiency. Therefore, we can’t just be concerned with the adequate intake for choline, as individual needs for dietary choline are dependent on the gut microbiome. This study also suggests that excessive bacterial metabolism of choline could be especially harmful in pregnant women and those with metabolic syndrome.
Could SIBO be causing choline deficiency?
Additionally, what most people didn’t catch in the methods of this study is that the choline-hungry E. coli strain used in the study is a robust colonizer of the small intestine.
To help convey the importance of this, I should review some basic gut anatomy. Food passes through the stomach to the small intestine, and then through the large intestine. It’s no mistake that the small intestine, the primary site of nutrient absorption, is upstream from the large intestine, which is home to the bulk of the gut microbiota. In a healthy individual, this arrangement ensures that our epithelial cells have “dibs” on any incoming nutrients, and our microbes get the “leftovers.”
In small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), however, the pecking order changes. Microbes from the colon move up the gastrointestinal tract to colonize the small intestine, or small intestinal microbes flourish and become overgrown. These microbes now directly compete with the host for any incoming nutrients—and in many cases, they win out. SIBO may particularly affect host status for nutrients absorbed in the lower small intestine, such as iron, vitamin B12, and—based on this research—choline.
In other words, those with SIBO may be at particularly increased risk for choline deficiency. (This remains to be confirmed in humans, but the microbial strain used in this mouse study was isolated from the human gut.)
Could high circulating TMAO be linked to SIBO?
What is most intriguing is that choline bacterial metabolism also leads to high serum levels of TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide). TMAO has received a great deal of attention for its associations with cardiovascular disease (11). Bacteria convert choline to TMA, which is then oxidized in the liver to TMAO. Chris has talked about TMAO before on both his blog and his podcast, suggesting that high serum TMAO levels are more about which gut microbes you have and less about how much choline and carnitine you consume. The study I outlined above provides support for this hypothesis: CC+ mice had much higher levels of TMAO, while CC- mice had virtually undetectable TMAO.
Additionally, preliminary data from the Rey lab has shown that in humans, low serum choline tends to be associated with high TMAO, and vice versa. If TMAO was primarily being produced from “leftover” choline in the colon, we likely would not see this relationship. This suggests that those with high TMAO are very likely harboring some form of SIBO—further explaining the connection between SIBO and cardiovascular disease. Indeed, a 2017 study confirmed that TMA is only absorbed in the small intestine. Moreover, an acute dose of rifaximin, the non-absorbable antibiotic most commonly used to treat SIBO, can reduce serum levels of TMAO (12)!
Could betaine help overcome choline deficiency?
In thinking about solutions to choline deficiency, it’s important to note that one of choline’s most important roles in physiology, that of a methyl donor, first requires the conversion of choline to betaine. In other words, it’s betaine that acts as the direct methyl donor. Betaine cannot completely fulfill choline requirements, since choline has several functions besides methylation, but it can help prevent some of the epigenetic consequences of choline deficiency.
While betaine can also be consumed by microbes (and lead to TMAO production), betaine is primarily absorbed high in the proximal (upper) small intestine, whereas choline is absorbed lower, primarily in the distal (lower) small intestine (13). Since SIBO is most common in the distal small intestine, this means that, theoretically, betaine may have a better chance to be absorbed than choline. Of course, this is all speculation, and I look forward to seeing more studies in this area.
Additionally, I’d muse that consuming both betaine and choline may increase the chances that at least one is absorbed, since different bacterial species compete for each of these two nutrients. Many people with SIBO supplement with betaine HCl to help correct low stomach acid—but betaine HCl may also help compensate for bacterial choline metabolism in the small intestine and prevent symptoms of choline deficiency.
How to optimize choline status
Putting all of this information together, there are several steps we can take to help optimize choline status (even if we don’t know exactly how much we need):
Treat SIBO and gut dysbiosis: As always, we want to treat the underlying cause of disease. In this case, if SIBO is contributing to choline deficiency, addressing SIBO may improve choline status. This involves taking antimicrobials, improving gut motility, and restoring adequate stomach acid levels. Klebsiella and Escherichia appear to be particularly thrifty choline consumers.
Consume plenty of choline-rich foods: the top whole-food sources of choline are listed below. Human breast milk is also rich in choline.
Beef liver (3 oz.): 356 milligrams
Eggs (1 whole): 147 milligrams
Beef round steak (3 oz.): 117 milligrams
Supplement with (phosphatidyl)choline: For those who cannot get sufficient choline from dietary sources, I recommend supplementation. It’s important to note that most prenatal supplements and multivitamins do not contain choline, and those that do often contain the choline chloride form.
I recently had the opportunity to ask Dr. Rey about his thoughts on various choline supplements. He suggested that while all forms of choline are used by microbes, phosphatidylcholine seems to take more work for the microbes to utilize and may have a better chance of being absorbed than compounds like choline chloride. This is also the form found naturally in most foods. I like Seeking Health Optimal PC.
While it’s possible that consuming extra choline may fuel the overgrowth of choline consumers, the consequences of inadequate choline are far too great to even consider restricting choline intake.
Consume betaine-rich foods: as I discussed above, consuming adequate betaine may reduce the need for choline. The top three whole-food sources of betaine are:
Beets (1 cup, raw): 175 mg
Spinach (1 cup, cooked): 160 mg
Sweet potato (1 medium): 39 mg
Supplement with betaine: For those with SIBO and inadequate stomach acid secretion, betaine HCl is an excellent choice. I recommend one to five capsules, as tolerated, taken with meals.
I’d love to hear from you. What do you think of the research? Do you get enough choline and betaine? Share your thoughts in the comments!
About Lucy: Lucy is an MD-PhD student in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois and a staff research associate for Kresser Institute. Her laboratory research focuses on the effects of diet and exercise on the gut microbiome and how this impacts gut and skin health. She was recently recognized as an emerging leader in Nutritional Sciences by the American Society for Nutrition and has contributed to several peer-reviewed publications.
Lucy’s mission is to provide evidence for an individualized, integrative approach to health through innovative research and outstanding clinical practice. She recognizes that each individual is unique, and she currently helps clients with gut, skin, and autoimmune conditions. You can learn more about her at NGmedicine.com or join her weekly newsletter here!
The post Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal? appeared first on Chris Kresser.
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Why Fad Diets Don’t Stick
Everytime we turn around, there is some sort of new diet trend. First everyone was going around drinking juice instead of eating. Then there was that time when people ate grapefruit three meals a day. Today, veganism, the gluten free diet, the paleo diet, the Atkins diet and crash dieting are some popular trends. It is interesting how these diet trends rarely last more than a year or so. Every time we turn around there is a new diet that will “change your life.” Well if this is true they why do they not stay to change peoples lives for more than a year? The answer is because they do not work and there is no such thing as a miracle diet, or we would all be doing it.
Nearly any diet out there can be made healthy or unhealthy, yes it is possible to be an unhealthy vegan. A vegan can eat as much bread, packed food and sugar as they want. Meanwhile they are restricted from eating eggs that contain vitamins like selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals including copper, iron and zinc. When looking at the gluten free diet that originated from the dietary restrictions that those with a medical condition called Celiac Disease must follow, this same phenomenon is occurring. People are resorting to eating packaged gluten free foods like bread, pasta or cookies. Many of these products actually contain more sugar or additives making them less healthy. A study of the Gluten Free Diet, has shown “no scientific evidence supporting that eliminating gluten promotes weight loss [or] increased energy levels” (Nutrition and Health Education, 2015). The Gluten Free diet is not the only example of this, almost every fad diet follows a similar trend.
Another diet we are seeing a lot of is the Paleo Diet which is nicknamed as the “caveman diet.” This diet “centers on the idea that eating like our original ancestors is aligned with our genetics and therefore optimal for good health” (1). This diet is pretty unrealistic for most people and many of the Paleo Diet followers are not even true followers. Think about it, cavemen didn't have cars, boats, and planes to transport food across the world. They ate whatever they could find around them. This means that a true follower of the Paleo Diet would only eat foods that are local. The reality is most followers of the Paleo Diet shop at the grocery store, not go hunting and gathering in their backyards. Well, certain aspects of how our ancestors ate was good, the primary aspect is that they did not have processed foods. They did not have the technology to alter the foods they were eating and add preservatives to them. However, this has lead to the assumption that everything the “cavemen” ate is good for us. In this diet, there is a large amount of red meat consumed which can lead to overconsumption of saturated fats, increasing risk of heart disease. Not to mention, didn’t the supporters of the veganism just tell us  red meat was bad?
Certain aspects of the Paleo Diet may be beneficial such as eliminating packed foods, but this does not mean every aspect is perfect and we should restrict ourselves from healthy foods not included in this diet plan. Nutrition specialist, Alex Nella says when she has customers wanting to try the Paleo Diet she encourages “them to use the paleo as the starting point of a healthy diet but to add beans, lentils, nuts, whole grains, and low-fat or nonfat dairy or other calcium sources such as dark leafy greens, tofu, and soy or almond milk” (1). Why eliminate these foods that are provide beneficial nutrients if you don’t have to? This is the central problem with fad diets: every diet has its pros and cons. In particular, overly restrictive diets that force their participants to eliminate foods that are beneficial to health.
So why are we still buying into this? Food is one of the most commonly advertised products in the United States, it has become a “product of affluence” and people want to buy products they think are high class. The same goes for diet trends. People are even influenced by social media and pop culture figures. If Kim Kardashian announces that she is going vegan, there will probably be a bunch of new wanna-be Kardashian’s running around announcing that they are going vegan. We need proper education on this matter in order for people to be able to make better decisions.
UC Davis Health System, Department of Public Affairs and Marketing. (2015, June 10). Is the Paleo Diet Safe? Retrieved September 25, 2016, from http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/welcome/features/2014-2015/06/20150603_paleo-diet.html
Some Tips for all the Fad Diet Participants
Although I am not a supporter of fad diets, the reality is they have a tremendous number of followers. Many of these followers simply follow the guidelines of the diets with no further knowledge of the best ways within the diet to eat. Here I have provided a few tips to help maximize the potential of some common fad diets.
The vegan diet is hard to critique because there are so many different reasons why people chose to do this. There are those who are vegans for health reasons, environmental reasons, morality, or even social justice. Well, for those who are vegans for health and nutrition reasons I would like to provide a few tips. It is easy to become a vegan and end up eating less healthy than you were before. B12 is product produced by “anaerobic microorganisms” and therefore can only be obtained from animal products. B12 deficiencies can lead to anemia which make you feel weak and tired. Luckily, there is an easy solution to those who do not want to eat meat: take a B12 supplement. Another common trend with veganism is an increase in consumption of packaged foods. This is common sense, if you are looking to be healthy, do not replace things like meat, milk, and eggs with bread and chips. Focus replacing animal products with things like nuts, whole grains, beans, and tofu.
Although the gluten-free diet was established for those with celiac disease, the reality is, there are many people who follow this diet who do not have the disease. Gluten is “a general name for the proteins found in wheat” that can help food hold it’s shape. The common misconception with the gluten-free diet is that it will lead to weight loss and cause us to feel more energized. There is “no scientific evidence supporting that eliminating gluten promotes weight loss [or] increased energy levels.” The reason why so many people think this is because eating a gluten-free diet often goes hand and hand with reduced intake of bread, packed foods and other wheat based products with little nutritional value. The problem is that this diet has become so trendy, grocery stores have become lined with gluten-free products that replace wheat products with potato starch. Eating these products have no health benefits unless you are intolerant to gluten. As a matter a fact, many of these gluten free products are actually less healthy because they contain more sugar and other additives. So, when it comes down to it, if you are going to go gluten-free (and are not intolerant to gluten) there is no point if your going to eat packed gluten free foods. If you want to find success in this diet, try replacing wheat based products with things like fruits, vegetables, nuts, quinoa and beans, not processed potato starch products.  
Juice Cleanse:
For those of you who haven’t heard of this crazy trend, a juice cleanse is a fad diet that only allows you to drink fruit and vegetables juices and restricts all other food consumption. If you're thinking what I thought when I first heard about this you be thinking how on earth this could sustain a person. Well, the answer is: it can’t. People use this diet because they think it is a fast way to lose weight and will help get rid of all the toxins in our body. This diet goes completely against the idea of a balanced diet completely restricting all proteins and fats, which are two nutrients essential to our survival. Juice cleanses “might appear to work in the short term” but are “not a long term solution for weight loss and can be dangerous.” When you drastically reduce your caloric intake for a short term, most people will gain the weight right back. This is based on the idea that when we drastically cut out calories, our bodies will adjust to this and develop a lower metabolism. This slows down the rate at which our bodies burn calories, which, last time I checked should be the last thing that anyone trying to lose weight should want. The other claimed benefit of a juice cleanse is that it will rid out body of its toxins. This idea that we need to do this is based on nothing. Our body has a great natural cleansing system built into our kidneys and liver. So, the bottom line: skip the juice and let your kidneys and liver handle this one.
The Reality Behind Gluten-Free Diets (2015, October 8). Retrieved September 25, 2016, from http://www.uwhealth.org/nutrition-diet/the-reality-behind-gluten-free-diets/31084
Millar, B. (2010, April 20). How crash diets harm your health - CNN.com. Retrieved October 23, 2016, from http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/04/20/crash.diets.harm.health/index.html
Food- The Only Medicine You Need
With the highest obesity rate in the world, it is clear that the standard American diet likely needs some adjusting. It is suggested “that obesity is second only to smoking as a preventable cause of death” (Flegal). It is hard to say exactly how many deaths per year are caused by obesity because these numbers exclude other health factors of a person, but it can be estimated that “obesity causes about 300,000 deaths per year in the United States” alone (Flegal). This number is very misleading because it does not account for the various other diseases excluding obesity that can be attributed to problems with diet. In reality, the vast majority of premature deaths can be attributed to unhealthy dietary and lifestyle choices and frequently can be better healed by changes in these dietary choices than by medicine. This problem could be better addressed if people were better informed about healthy eating and doctors were required to have nutritional education as part of their schooling.
One can say that dietary changes can help prevent disease, but there is really no incentive to believe this until we have concrete evidence. In his book How Not to Die Michael Greger tells the story if his grandmother and her battle against what was thought to be fatal heart disease. When Dr. Greger’s grandmother was battling from heart disease, she had numerous open heart surgeries and was on countless prescription drugs that had all failed. She was in a wheelchair and “could no longer walk without great pain in her chest and legs” (Greger, 2015). After all of the medicines and operation had been tried, it was recommended that she change her diet to a whole-food and plant-based diet.  After only three weeks of this dietary change, Mrs. Greger “was not only out of her wheelchair but walking 10 miles a day” (Greger, 2015). This kind of recovery is not unusual or specific to heart disease. There are scientifically proven dietary changes that can help prevent and reverse the effects of the top 15 leading causes of death in America.
The 15 leading causes of death including; various types of cancer, lung disease, high blood pressure, suicide, and brain diseases account for 1.6 million deaths per year in the United States. Greger argues that this does not have to be the case and simple “nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches” (Greger, 2015). To highlight some examples; replacing dairy with flaxseed can reduce the risks of many common cancers, consuming soy can increase the life expectancy of patients with breast cancer, and hibiscus tea is proven to be a better drug for patients with high blood pressure than the typical drugs prescribed to patients. The western diet; filled with processed foods and lacking plants is also proved to increase the risks of mental illnesses like depression, stress, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Despite all the research and case studies that have proved how dietary changes can improve health, doctors still continue to prescribe medicines and perform operations that may very well be less effective and more costly than these simple lifestyle changes because that is what they are trained to do.
The transition towards food based healing and prevention of disease is a challenge because so few people are educated on the topic, particularly doctors. In 2016, 2 out of 3 Americans were considered overweight or obese. Being overweight is classified by a body mass index (BMI) of over 25. These people are all told by their doctors that they need to lose weight, but are given minimal instruction on how to do so. This is because the majority of doctors in America have very little background in nutrition. On average medical “students received 23.9 contact hours of nutrition instruction during medical school” (Adams, 2008). Only 27 percent of schools even require a separate course in nutrition. The majority of “graduating medical students report that the time dedicated to nutrition instruction” during their schooling was “inadequate” (Adams, 2008). Doctors respond to health risks in the ways they are educated to do. With all of the recent findings revolving around nutrition based cures, the education for doctors needs to be altered. Doctors also have a skewed idea of how much their patients know about nutrition. In reality, there is no required education in nutrition in primary, secondary, or higher education.
A survey was conducted where 1,015 adults were chosen at random by telephone number varying in demographics and were asked a series of health related questions. The results were shocking. Only “7 percent of individuals in households with children ages 13 to 17 knew that skim milk and Coca-Cola have about the same number of calories” per glass (Physicians Committee, 2012). Only 36 percent of these people “realized that fish and beef have the same amount of fiber” which is none because animal products do not contain fiber (Physicians Committee, 2012). The majority, being 78 percent could not identify foods high in calcium such as milk and beans (Physicians Committee, 2012). Even if doctors are educated enough to tell their patents to eat more fiber, or calcium or protein, most Americans do not know how to go about this. However, we cannot blame these people for lacking this understanding. How should they know when they have never been educated?
Due to this lack of education among medical professions and the common-folk, people looking to improve their diet result to following diet trends and advertisements.  In America, food is one of the most commonly advertised products. The way a product is advertised affects the buyer's perspective on it, if is true or not. Food is no different than the “glossy billboards of dressed-up food products are as ubiquitous as images of shiny cars or sexy teenagers advertising Ralph Lauren’s latest collection” (Why is America so fixed on food fads, 2010). People want to buy food that is advertised in a glamorous way, just as people want to try the diet that the latest Hollywood movie-star has tried. There has shown to be a direct correlation between those who watch television from a young age and those who develop unhealthy eating habits. The sense of trust in advertisements within the food industry is too strong. However, we cannot blame these people for following advertisements and trends because they are given no other option.
Transitioning towards food-based disease prevention has the capability to save millions of lives and cut down on health care expenses. Dietary changes are extremely affordable when compared to the costs of medicines and surgeries. Improving nutrition health would also cut down on the expenses of running hospitals because the occupation levels would decrease. This has the potential to get the ongoing issue of making healthcare more affordable. In order for this to happen, our education system needs to be altered for both medical professionals and the general population.
Adams, K. M., Lindell, K. C., Kohlmeier, M., & Zeisel, S. H. (2006, April). Status of nutrition education in medical schools. Retrieved March 01, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2430660/
Flegal, K. M., Williamson, D. F., Pamuk, E. R., & Rosenberg, H. M. (2004, September). Estimating Deaths Attributable to Obesity in the United States. Retrieved March 01, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448478/
Greger, M., & Stone, G. (2015). HOW NOT TO DIE: discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease. New York, NY: Flatiron books.
Greger, M. (2018). NutritionFacts.org | The Latest in Nutrition Related Research. Retrieved March 1, 2018, from https://www.nutritionfacts.org
Harris, J. L., & Bargh, J. A. (2009, October). The Relationship between Television Viewing and Unhealthy Eating: Implications for Children and Media Interventions. Retrieved March 01, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2829711/
Overweight & Obesity Statistics. (2017, August 01). Retrieved March 01, 2018, from https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity
Why is America so fixed on food fads?  (2010, August 2).  Retrieved October 03, 2016, from http://www.salon.cm/2010/08/02/america_food_fads/
No two pieces of writing are the same just as no two rhetorical situations are the same which is why creating a theory of writing that is applicable across disciplines is so important. We see writing in so many different forms, which makes the idea of a theory of writing tricky. What could a text message and a academic essay every have in common? Well, they both have an audience, context, and some sort of persuasive purpose. “Every audience at any moment is capable of being changed in someway” which is exactly why we have writing and rhetoric (Bitzer 3). A text message that reads something like “meet at the library at 5:00” may not seem persuasive, but it really is. It still has a purpose to persuade the audience of the message to come to the library. However, just because every piece of writing is persuasive, that does not mean all writing is equally effective in persuasion. In order to write effectively, we must consider the audience and the context of the situation.
The audience of a piece of writing should be the group you want to persuade. When writing academically, it is a common misconception that the audience is who is reading the writing, which is typically a teacher. When deciding on an audience, it should be reflective of the content of the writing. If you are writing an academic essay on the dangers of underage drinking, the audience should not be your teacher who is reading it, it should be underage drinkers. When keeping this specific audience in mind, it will be easier to establish proper tone and jargon that is suitable to the audience.
Considering the context of a piece of writing helps inform “the reader about why a document was written and how it was written” (Moxley 2009). Without context, there really is no prurouse for the writing. If we go back to the underage drinking example, in order to make this an effective argument there must be some sort of problem at hand. If no one drank underange, there would be no reason to write this. Context is was gives reason for the writing. Considering contexts comes as second nature to many writers, but in order to become a good writer you must question the context and determine why it is relevant.
Considering audience and context is crucial in developing writing, but these aspects of writing are always subject to change. I think that good writing is really never complete. No matter how smart someone is, no one can have all of the knowledge in the world. As we navigate through the world, we should be constantly receiving our ideas as we gain more knowledge through different experiences. As Steven Johnson says “we are often better served by connecting ideas than we are by protecting them” (Johnson 22). As we connect ideas, our current visions can and should change meaning that no good piece of writing is ever complete.
Moxley, J. (2009, October 28). Consider Your Context. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from                          https://writingcommons.org/open-text/writing-processes/think-rhetorically/714-consider-your-context
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http://www.buyspirulinaalgae.com/ http://www.buyspirulinaalgae.com/best-spirulina-powder/ sitemap http://ow.ly/10kjVU Blogspot Konniche wah GojiMan here, welcome back to my channel. In today’s video I am going to be discussing Chlorella and why every vegan should be taking this on a daily basis.
So if you are looking for something that can boost your energy levels. Get all of those heavy metals out of the body, help with all of those detoxification pathways and also supports weight loss then stay tuned.
So chlorella is essentially a freshwater algae. Spurilina is the saltwater equivalent. Chlorella is indigenous to the far east and was primarily found in Japan and Taiwan and now it is obviously used all over the world.
Now there is only a handful of supplements that I would ever recommend that people incorporate into their diets. If I had to choose 2 then I would hands down say marine phytoplankton and Chlorella. Now I have done a video on marine phytoplankton so be sure to check it out here!
Chlorella is jam packed full of nutrients. It has tons of phytonutrients, amino acids (both essential and non essential), high amounts of chlorophyll, lots of B vitamins including b12, potassium, magnesium, iron….the list goes on and on.
The dark green colour that chlorella has is derived from the high amounts of chlorophyll that it contains. And chlorophyll is amazing in the body. Its one of the best antioxidants on the planet.
So just give you an idea of how much nutrition chlorella contains…….3 tablespoons of chlorella contains approx.:
15g of protein, 250% of your RDA for vitamin A, 68% of your RDA for B2, a third of your RDA for B3, over 200% of your RDA for iron, a fifth of your RDA for magnesium and 125% of your RDA for Zinc. I could literally keep going with these stats.
When you compare many of the brassicas and leafy greens that we know are good for us, they pale into insignificance when compared to chlorella.
So now I just want to spend a couple of brief moments and explain some of the main reasons why I think that you should be taking chlorella on a daily basis.
Firstly, its helps detoxify heavy metals from the body. So if you ate fish before you went vegan and have a lot of mercury in the body, or you have amalgam fillings or even if you have had numerous vaccines, chlorella is unbelievable at removing these toxins from the body.
It doesn’t matter if its mercury, uranium, lead or even cadmium, chlorella has a unique ability to clutch these toxins in the body and stops them being reabsorbed. For those who consume chlorella on a regular basis, it will stop a large proportion of these metals ever finding their way into the body in the first place.
Another really cool thing about Chlorella is that it can really boost your immune system and support overall health. Now if you have a look at PubMed you will find lots of studies that have looked at Chlorella and the immune system. So if your are someone who regularly picks up bugs, colds, infections etc then I strongly recommend that you have a look at chlorella. Now I have done a video on boosting the immune system so be sure to check it out here.
Now the third thing that I want to mention about chlorella is its ability to help you lose weight. Now I don’t mean that you are going to take it and the weight will simply drop off.
What chlorella does is that it helps regulate some of the hormones that are responsible for controlling fat in the body. It also helps with boosting your metabolism and increasing circulation in the body all critical for supporting weight loss.
Fourth thing that I want to mention about chlorella is its ability to support healthy skin. Now because it can massively help with boosting Vitamin A, C, and the antioxidant glutathione in the body, it will help with healthy skin and collagen production, but also reducing the amount of oxidative stress in the body caused by diet, stress and everyday pollution, that can damage the skin.
The fifth thing that I want to mention about chlorella is its ability to defend and protect against cancer. Now I have done a video on cancer and why the immune system is so pivotol in avoiding cancer, so be sure to check it out here.
This is essentially why chlorella is so good at protecting against cancer as it helps to massively boost the immune system in a relatively short space of time depending on your overall health.
So when you combine the factt that it is high in antioxidants, it removes heavy metals from the body, it boosts the immune system…….it becomes more and more difficult for cancers to grow in these sort of environments.
So what’s the best way to take chlorella? Well you can buy it in powdered form and put it in your smoothie or you can buy it in tablet form. Either options are good.
I also just want to caveat this though and mention that if you are on any medications or you have an existing illness then you should consult with your dr before considering chlorella.
The post THE BEST SUPPLEMENT IN THE WORLD FOR VEGANS (NOT B12)! appeared first on Healthy Recipes.
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