#sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit! i havent been here much
gayairbud · 1 year
amazing to see people who are still dedicated to the endverse cause ;___; truly the best television of the last 25 years. question: what's a fic concept involving endverse cas that you haven't encountered yet but would love to see more/any of?
the brainrot is permanent im afraid HRNVSDKJGH
sorry for letting this one sit in my inbox for a bit but its genuinely such a good question i had to take some time to think abt it!! to be honest i dont read a lot of fic (i tend to get "the itch" and consume as much fic as i can in the span of like 2 weeks and then dont touch it again for months idk) so its tough to answer this as something i havent encountered yet/a new idea, but i WILL say im always on the hunt for fresh takes on "old" ideas.
obviously this isnt a new concept and is the basis of a lot of endverse fics, but i always love to see fic exploring how things progressed into what we see in endverse, specifically regarding the breakdown of power and/or the fallout between more characters than just dean and cas. i think a lot of fics tend to cover the same root idea but just a different interpretation of how it would play out in terms of dialogue etc, and im more interested to see unique ways that this power dynamic couldve broken down that havent been explored as much. i dont think every fic has to go the extreme route either, like not every concept has to be as intense as something like first church at the end of the world (not being a hater, just what i would consider an extreme example). but it would be cool to see the cult idea handled in other ways, like maybe with a little more subtle nuance than is presented in canon.
obviously the bias there is strong since that idea of "HOW DID WE GET HERE???" is also what i personally like to explore in my own endverse stuff RHGSDNKJGH
alternatively as a complete wild card, i think someone should put ishim in there. like why not. love a little ishim dynamic lets just get crazy with it
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gwyns · 2 years
Idk if anyone else is like this but I would have been more OK with e/riel if it wasn't for the shipers. Every time I see an anti nesta/lucien/gwyn etc post it's always an e/riel (or a toxic fey/sand/feyre stan but I think those usually overlap, I guess shiping e/riel effects the way they act about their other ships/faves too). I'm new to the fandom (I got into it post hosab so maybe them making the book about themselves might have already pissed me off too) and I'm usually pretty open with letting people ship what they like but e/riel has become almost a red flag for me tbh. Like, I'm an elucien and tbh I even feel more comfortable seeing elain/tamlin content than e/riel because I know that at least the people behind it are just having fan and not harassing real human beings online.
i agree. i've said before that e/riel, in theory, is something i'd normally ship (i like broody boys and soft girls ok) and that if sjm does decide to go in that direction (which i highly doubt at this point but you know) i'm sure she could make me like it in some capacity. but the fandom absolutely ruins it for me. they took a ship i just didn't care for and made me despise it. i rarely hate ships this much, i can only think of three and one of them i don't even really hate anymore 😭
the (annoying) thing with e/riels is they try and act like they're somehow the elite when it comes to elain and that if you don't do everything the exact way they'd do it, you're wrong and a misogynist and you hate elain when........ that's not how it works. i don't ship tamlin and elain at all but even they are more interesting than what the fuck ever it is that e/riel could bring to the table lmfao. once you stop taking e/riels' out of context quotes and fabricated recounts of the books as fact, you discover that there's next to nothing for e/riel in the actual series. their fandom relies solely on headcanons and aesthetics and that's fine but when they go around and try to act like all of their fanfics are things that happened in canon? no. but you know what actually did happen? azriel underestimating elain and trying to stop her from doing something she said she wanted to do. very sexy 😍
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selfcarecap · 3 years
I always get so cranky when Im on my period. And I was just imagining… what if Peter and you havent been dating for too long and you snap at him a few times because youre in pain. But he doesnt know ur on ur period and gets really sad and tries to apologize 🥺
God sorry this request has been in my inbox for SO long but I‘m on my period and I couldn‘t study bc pain. But I managed to write this instead lol
Your day started with a bed full of blood and a body full of pain.
You were in a bad mood before you even sat up and weren’t expecting to do anything other than lie down, eat and complain all day.
That’s until Peter showed up at your door. You completely forgot that he was supposed to come over today. At least he brought you food. And it would be a lie to say his presence didn’t at least cheer you up a little.
Now you’re lying in bed next to him, both on your phones and simply enjoying each other’s company. Or at least you’re supposed to be enjoying his company.
But how could you when Peter’s breathing is so fucking loud. And too fucking fast. Did no one teach him how to breathe properly?
You try to ignore it for a bit, turn up the volume on whatever video you’re watching on your phone.
But it feels like his breathing gets even louder at that.
You try to calm down but all you hear is his breathing. You slowly turn your head to look at Peter; you can feel the annoyance on your face.
His eyes meet yours and his expression turns into one of concern, his stupid puppy eyes making it look like he’s about to cry from your death stare directed at him alone.
He swallows—even louder than his breathing—not saying anything. Can’t he tell how loud he’s being?
“Peter,” you finally say and a quiet “Yes?” leaves his mouth.
“Could you stop breathing so fucking loudly? And fast. Take fucking deeper breaths.”
You don’t enjoy seeing his face fall even more, but you can’t deal with him right now, the pain all over your body is enough to deal with already. Peter can get a grip.
You look at your phone again, turning the volume up once more and you hear a small “Sorry” from beside you.
You don’t hear anything for a while- no words and no annoying breathing either. You also notice your pain subsiding. But just a little. If Peter said something annoying now, you couldn’t guarantee that you wouldn’t get violent.
You don’t pay attention to him as he leaves your room, apart from when your bed creaks a little when he gets up from it. You let out a breath of annoyance.
You put your phone down when Peter has been gone for a few minutes and walk to your window, opening it and breathing some fresh air.
The pain is still there, but it’s not bad enough to affect your whole mood. You’re glad your hormones have decided to calm down a little.
As you lie back down on your bed, going on your phone, Peter comes back with a plate full of some of the food he brought earlier. You forgot about that.
He stands in front of your bed and offers you some fruit and your favourite chocolate.
You put your phone down and take the plate, “Thank you.” He’s too high up for you to kiss his face, but you take his hand and press a kiss to it.
“Um I…”
You look up when you hear Peter’s voice and frown when you notice the sad expression on his face.
“Uhm, I-I wanted to say sorry,” he explains, fidgeting with his hands.
You pull your eyebrows together, “For what?”
“I uh. For breathing so loud.” It sounds more like a question but you can tell how bad he feels. You can’t help but let out an amused hum.
“Aw, come here,” you pull him to the bed and straddle him after putting the plate to the side.
“You don’t have to apologise,” you say. You press a kiss to his nose and his temple and his jaw and his neck, making him smile.
“I’m just.. My stomach hurts, my boobs hurt, it feels like blood is constantly gushing out of my vagina, my back hurts, my feet hurt. Spider-Man could have been sitting next to me and I probably would have been annoyed at him too.”
Peter’s breath hitches at the mention of Spider-Man, even more than when you said the word vagina. Does he have a crush on the superhero? You can’t wait to tease him about that sometime.
“Oh. So you’re on your period?” He asks, carefully wrapping his arms around you.
“Yes, and I’m in pain. I promise it’s nothing personal and I just wasn’t feeling well. But I’m a bit better now.”
“If there’s anything I can do to make you feel better, let me know.”
“I’m okay now. The food was very much needed though, so thank you.”
You reach for the plate again and start eating some of it, still on Peter’s lap.
You hold the fork up to his mouth every few bites, giving him some of the strawberries.
He takes a bite and you quickly push at his chin, closing his mouth before he starts chewing. Peter gives you a shy smile, remembering his habit of eating with his mouth open.
You feel better, but his chewing irritates you even during the time of the month when it doesn’t feel like you were shot in the uterus.
Finishing off the chocolate Peter got you—he only gets one piece—you hug your arms around his neck, kissing the side of his head. “Love you, Pete,” you say absentmindedly, but you realise Peter’s grip on your waist tightening.
You pull back, looking at his face, “Have I never said that?”
He shakes his head, and now his puppy eyes are adorable to you.
“Well, I do lov–”, “I love you too,” you both say at the same time and chuckle.
“I love you too,” Peter says again, gazing at you like you’re the only girl in the world.
You take his face into your hands and kiss him until your lips hurt.
With you still straddling him, Peter puts the plate on your nightstand so he can lie down on his back, you resting on top of him.
You have no idea how he knew you needed this, but a nap on top of Peter sounds like a dream right now.
You kiss his cheek one more time and get comfortable, your knees resting next to his waist, the rest of your weight fully dropped on him.
Peter’s warm fingers slowly run up and down your back and you feel him pull the blanket over you. This time his breathing is calm and deep—and most importantly quiet—and it lulls you into a much needed sleep.
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🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
oooo interesting....... ok. as we all know i cannot shut the fuck up this is under the cut bc despite me having less than 10 mutuals total i also apparently decided to soapbox at the end so im uhhhhh very sorry. not sorry enough to edit anything tho LMFAO
first off i wanna say that i actually dont have that many mutuals LMFAO i only just recently (in the last uhhh three or four months, over the course of this blog which has been around for going on 2 yrs) started rlly putting effort into reaching out and making mutuals. im also only including "true" mutuals here, people who I mostly interact with on tumblr and not through discord, bc shout-out to @venexus @tay-is-writing @scotchtapehanta and @myherowritings yall r some of my bestest friends but we're not close bc we're tumblr mutuals! we're tumblr mutuals bc we became close through discord beforehand, and thats a big difference imo. also i wanna note that this is in chronological order! and i wanna say most of these blogs r 18+ because that's the content i tend to consume, so please please please respect their policies wrt interaction.
imma start this off with @cellotonins bc cookie is the first true mutual i made on this blog and what a first pick! theyre an absolute sweetheart, i adore seeing them on my dash, and im so excited to see where they'll be taking their new blog. rest assured i will be lurking in their inbox the whole time🧍
@andypantsx3 andie andie andie my beloved....... funnily enough i found her through one of HER mutuals when i was on a Jason Todd kick. and then i absolutely devoured her masterlist, and the rest is history. andie is the only person i will read oblivious reader from tbh, i adore her writing so much i cant even be annoyed JHABFJHAFBV and ma'am you have perfected the art of just the right level of slow burn & length of fic i applaud you
@ofmermaidstories merm! what is there to say about merm other than if u havent read her bakugo fic surrender (when youre ready) then what r u doing reading this silly lil love bomb and not that??? merm is going places lemme tell u. shes gonna publish a book and be a huge successful author and i will get to tell my cats as an old lady that i knew her when she was writing anime fanfiction.........
@wuhllow willow my darling my bakugo sister wife. i made that up just now idk if itll stick. absolute queen of bakugo characterization its like she n i share the same braincell wrt him. every time she makes a bkg post i commandeer it and add my 2 cents i just gotta its a compulsion..... everything she writes makes me wanna write more
@ihatebnha caitie's so fucking cool and if i get my way i will bully myself into her good graces. if u want good convo along with good writing, shes the blog for u. caitie if u see this brace urself im going to be friendship-courting you soon and that IS a threat be ready for me to hop in ur dms at any time
@saintdabi vic holy fuck i dont know how i managed to get them to follow me...... im still a lil intimidated by them tbfh i always feel a lil like im annoying them IUSHBDF but the takes??? the hot takes??? about like EVERYTHING from characterization/meta to just. talking about real-life bullshit on their blog...... im always sitting looking at the convos on their blog like "no lori u cant send in five asks thats too much" lmfao (esp bc im usually reading them the morning after theyve finished......)
@suguwu ALSO someone whose support is a mystery to me HBSDFUVH bee.... u know im a bnha blog right...... ik im working on that gojo fic but why r u here (im not complaining) bee is an absolute legend and shes going to fucking slaughter me with gothic romance geto when that comes out,,,,,,,, like deadass itll kill me. also someone who's a lil intimidating but in a "my older sister's cool friend" kinda way O.O
@izuukii scouts a lil bit of an outlier so disclaimer we did technically meet on discord through their 404 server! n e way ive only followed them for a week or so but im loving how eclectic their content is LMFAO scout definitely has a lil for everyone which is so fun. also i cant wait for nov to end so we can sprint together again bc i swear my writing production has more than halved with sprint bot out of commission......
and finallly adding @sipsteainanxiety on the end here breaking the chronological order bc i have known shay for almost two years!!! omg we actually JUST met up irl 🥺 it was so fun; she should technically be wayyy up at the top with folks i met through discord but we interact on tumblr so much i figured it was silly not to talk abt her. my OTHER bakugo twin flame, we ALSO share bakugo braincells and she's conditioned me into writing a couple hundred words on a certain fic every time i see ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ for which i am begrudgingly thankful
i wanna note now that i included literally ALL of my mutuals bc again i dont rlly have that many! that includes some who i've only just started interacting with & i might not know well, so if ur on this list and going "wait we havent talked that much why did she tag me....." thats why LMFAO im terribly sorry if it puts u off.
and here comes the soapbox. im gonna be honest, i think the culture of mutuals on this site is..... well, not necessarily toxic or unhealthy, because making friends bc of a shared interest is so fucking cool! especially if you're both working hard on it—writing is so much more fun when you have someone to support you and cheer you on, and bounce ideas off of. thats one of the reasons i decided to be more active and reach out more on here! i need enablers yall. badly. pls enable me
but i do wanna put out here..... theres a strange result from mutual culture where it feels like EVERYONE involved looks at everyone else and thinks to themselves "theyre all closer to each other than i am, they're doing it differently and im not doing it right" and that feeling sucks. it rlly does. so i guess one of the reasons im tagging people im not super close to is to reassure people looking at this that like....... im still figuring this shit out too. interpersonal relationships are fucking HARD, ya girl is autistic she KNOWS, so like. take it one step at a time and try not to compare the way you're feeling to the way other blogs project themselves—you dont really know what goes on behind the scenes, how much anyone truly talks to anyone else in DMs or otherwise. these are blogs! you're not seeing every aspect of anybody!
and i finish it off with hey! if u are someone i tagged that i dont know super well and r thinking "wow i wanna talk to her more" (or someone i tagged who i do interact with a bunch and just wanna get to know me better!) pls do! im friendly lol. and if i havent yet i will be jumping into ur dms at some point. thats a threat. its inevitable 👁️👄👁️ i just need to be in the right mood
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hrina · 7 years
Hi cass! I know ur busy rn with exams and work but i realllly want to read a blurb where youre giving harry a blow job and making him lose his fucking minddd where hes moaning so much and writhing and cant think straight UGH god please i havent been able to find one oddly enough
i technically finished this on thursday but i edited it tonight and i gotta say, im pretty happy with the finished result! i hope u are too, love :’) here’s my inbox (if u wanna leave me some feedback, it means the absolute world) and if u like this, here’s my masterlist ! 
also, this is considered a blurb even tho it’s actually 2.8k words but...the more the merrier! pure smut and a tiny bit of fluff bc who doesn’t love that. enjoy!
You’re in a mood. 
It’s not a bad mood, per say. 
It’s the kind of mood where you’re feeling overwhelmed. Where you’ve been thinking about Harry, and how sexy and mysterious and dumb and goofy he is, and you’ve been hit by the urge to love on him. The kind of mood where your heart is just so full of affection, and you know that you’re not able to use words to properly convey the sentiment.
You don’t know what Harry’s doing right now. Probably downing the last of the holiday eggnog, if your guess is correct. Your finger hovers over the call button on the screen of your phone as you debate whether or not this excuse is tangible enough to get him over to your place. Eventually, the ache in your chest (and between your legs) wins out.
“Hello, darlin’,” he picks up on the third ring. You smile unthinkingly–you could listen to the slow drawl of his voice for eons. 
“Hi,” you say, “Are you busy?”
“Jus’ finishin’ up some leftovers,” he replies, and you chuckle quietly. You know him well.
“Do you wanna come over?” you ask, holding your breath. 
“Sure,” he says immediately, and your cheeks hurt because of the size of your grin. You play with the hem of the pink knit sweater adorning your body (it’s a size too big, and Harry loves the way the sleeves of the fabric drape down your arms. “Y’got little sweater paws!” he usually coos before kissing you sweetly.)
“Why?” Harry’s voice pulls you from your thoughts, “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, “I’m just…in a mood.”
“Oh?” his voice rises an octave, and you can nearly feel his cheeky smirk through the phone. You roll your eyes, even though his assumption–as naughty as it is–is entirely correct.
But he doesn’t know that.
“Shut up, you pervert,” you shoot him down, and he lets out an affronted squawk. The sound makes you laugh, and you sit your phone a bit more securely against your ear before speaking again. “Okay. So I’ll see you in twenty?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he quips happily. You bid your goodbyes before hanging up. As soon as the call is over, you’re rushing into the nearest washroom to make sure that there’s nothing in your teeth and that every hair on your head is set perfectly in place. 
When Harry knocks on your door twenty minutes later, you have to remind yourself not to rush towards the sound. You wait a whopping five seconds before your hand is closing around the knob and you’re welcoming him inside.
He looks really fucking cute. He’s wearing those Vans that he’s been enjoying as of late, and a pair of grey sweatpants. Your eyes drift up to his torso, taking in the black sweater with pink print over the breast, and you have to stifle a giggle–of course he’d be wearing his own merchandise.
“Hello, darlin’,” he smiles at you, cheekily repeating the same greeting that he had uttered over the phone. You step closer to him as he toes off his sneakers, leaning up and trying to sneak in a kiss. Except he’s not anticipating the action, so your lips end up bumping against his chin instead.
“Sorry,” you snort, and he chuckles quietly. His right hand curves around the nape of your neck, and he guides you up for a proper kiss. 
“So,” he mumbles against your mouth, smirking at you when you finally pull away, “Why did yeh need me to come over, hmm?” 
You correct him. “I didn’t need you to come over. I just asked if you wanted to hang out.”
“Please,” Harry says, rolling his eyes teasingly, “Practically begged me, you did. ‘Harry, can you come keep me company? I’m so lonely without you!’”
His voice rises an octave as he mimics you, and you shove gently at his chest, your jaw dropping. “You know what, I changed my mind. You can leave.”
“Fine,” he shrugs, grinning devilishly. A moment later, he’s slipping his feet back into his shoes and beginning to turn back towards the door. He’s stopped when you reach for the sleeve of his sweater, tugging on the fabric lightly and ushering him closer to you.
“No,” you say, a coy smile playing on your lips. You’ve abandoned your little performance, because seeing his devious smile is enough to remind you of why you’d called him over in the first place. “C’mon. Stay. Like I said: I’m in a mood.”
“I dunno, love,” Harry pretends to think about his options and tries to conceal a smirk, “Y’were awfully rude.”
In response, you simply lean up and reattach your lips, catching his bottom one between your teeth and nipping on it softly. Harry makes a surprised rumble in the back of his throat, but the sound eventually melts into something similar to a sigh. Your hands find their way to his chest, balling up the material of his crewneck and holding him close to you. Once you’re sure that you’ve successfully kissed the banter out of him, you pull back with tinted lips and a sultry expression on your face.
Harry’s mouth is still puckered slightly, his eyes clouded with awe. You take a step back, and he follows you with a step forward, his hand shooting out reflexively to clamp around your waist and keep you close. The action makes you giggle. 
“You’re–,” Harry’s breathless from the kiss, his lips parting as he finally understands the reason you’d called him over, “–You’re in a mood.”
“Mm-hm,” you nod, your fingers finding the nape of his neck and playing with the small curls that are trying their best to grow out. You give him an innocent flick of your eyes, and before you can register what’s happening, he’s got one hand in your hair and another down your pants. 
“Jesus!” You gasp when his fingers find your budding clit with little to no preamble. Harry knows your body quite well, considering that the pair of you have only been together for a few months (five months and sixteen days, actually, but you’re not keeping track).
Harry shakes his head, tilting your chin up so that he can lick and kiss at the skin of your throat. “’S not my name, love.”
“Shut up,” you choke out, your eyes fluttering shut as he rubs tight circles against your clit through your underwear. Your knees are quivering, and you feel as though they’ll give out on you any second now, but Harry’s got you pinned to the wall with his hips, and you can feel a slight bulge in his jeans pressing against your upper thigh. The sensation reminds you of why you wanted him here in the first place.
“No,” you mumble, your hands finding his shoulders and giving him a light push. Harry makes a noise of surprise, stepping back and gazing at you with confused eyes.
“Wanna suck you,” you tell him before he has the chance to question you. His breath hitches in his throat, and he squeezes his eyes shut as a pained groan falls from his lips. You swear he would have doubled over if not for your arms snaking around his waist.
“Fuck…really?” he asks, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at the roots. You whimper in affirmation.
You don’t suck him off too often. His cock is quite big, and you can only go a few minutes before your jaw starts to ache. Tears always end up spilling from your eyes, and your voice is always guttural and hoarse the next day. Because of this, blowjobs are an activity that is reserved only for special occasions. Harry doesn’t really mind, though. If he’s being honest with himself, he much prefers being between your legs instead.
“Okay,” Harry opens his eyes, throwing a thumb over his shoulder, “Couch?”
“Yeah,” you agree, your stomach churning with glee.
Seconds later, you’ve got him sprawled out on the sofa, his legs spread wide and his sweatpants pooling at his ankles. You can see the defined outline of his cock curving to the side in his boxers, and his sweater is rucked up a bit to show the ferns inked into his hips. You press a kiss to the matching tattoos, peeking up at him and reveling in the way he gulps.
“Wanted you since I woke up,” you mumble, and Harry’s pupils seem to dilate even further than they already had.
“Yeah?” he grunts. His right hand reaches out to cup your cheek, stroking your face gently as he gazes at you with adoration and lust swirling in his eyes. “Wanted me t’stretch those pretty lips?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod, shuddering at his words. Harry smirks down at you, opening his mouth again.
“Y’like it when I talk to you like that, hmm? Like t’be dirty.”
“A bit, yeah,” you say meekly, hooking your fingers into the elastic waistband of his briefs. Harry hisses when you slowly pull them down, exposing his cock to the cool air of the room. You wrestle with the fabric for a few seconds, satisfied only once his underwear have finally joined his sweatpants. You then look back up at where his cock is laying against the exposed skin of his stomach. Harry sighs when you run your fingers along the sensitive parts of his inner thighs.
“Can I?” you ask, even though you know the answer that he’s going to give.
“Fuck,” Harry curses, because the way you ask for permission never fails to make him throb, “Yeah, yeah, love. Go on an’ get it.”
That’s enough for you to grasp his cock daintily, angling the tip so that you can dip your head down and give a long, broad lick over the head. Harry’s hands fly to your hair, a strangled groan falling from his lips as the first taste of precum bursts onto your tongue. 
The sound only encourages you, and you wrap your lips around his tip, running your tongue over the tight, red skin. Harry sighs, his fists clenching in your hair as you move down and steadily take more into your mouth. You haven’t been able to take him all the way yet (at least, not without gagging), but it’s something that you’ve vowed to work on whenever you decide to treat him. 
(And in your weaker moments, you may or may not have practiced on a banana a few times, but honestly, that’s something that he doesn’t need to know.)
And honestly…how could you not? He looks so damn cute, with his sweater laying crookedly across his abdomen and his cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink. His lips are parted in awe as he watches you hollow your cheeks and give a few gentle sucks, easing your way into far more intense territory.
“Fuckin’ love this mouth, y’know that?” Harry whines, a hand slipping down from your hair and cupping your jaw. “Always so good t’me, pet...always do me over so well.” 
His thumb rubs at the corner of your lips tenderly, and you angle his cock in your mouth so that he can feel the tip pressing against your cheek.
“Bloody minx,” he gasps, the muscles in his stomach clenching as though he’s just been shot, “Gonna be the death o’ me.”
You whine at his words, sending vibrations through his dick, and Harry swears that he can feel them resonating across his entire body, seeping into his bones. His toes curl in his socks, and you pop off of his cock, holding it upright and licking a fat stripe up his shaft.
“Jesus,” Harry whispers to himself, trying to keep his eyelids from drifting shut. You smile and gaze up at him with twinkling eyes, your mouth quirking to the side teasingly.
“Not my name,” you quip, repeating his previous words. Harry chuckles breathlessly, shaking his head at your antics. His low laugh quickly melts into a moan, though, when you let your tongue trace over his balls gently. He throws his head back against the couch with a loud thump, and you detach yourself for a moment to check on him.
“You okay?” you ask, genuine concern laced through your voice. Harry groans, nodding his head quickly and peering down at you. The sight that greets him nearly has him in tears.
Your eyes are hooded and hazy, hair falling into your face. Your lips are puffy and darker than normal, and there’s a thin strand of saliva still connecting your mouth to his cock. Harry whimpers painfully, and your eyes widen when you feel his cock actually jerk in your grip.
“Fuck, you’re–you really want it, huh?” There’s surprise and awe woven in between your words.
“You’ve no idea,” Harry’s voice is high-pitched and reedy, and he honestly thinks that he’s going to start sobbing if you don’t get back on him soon. “Please, love, please just–’m so hard, need yeh to just–that’s it, there we go…” 
He sighs in relief when the head of his cock disappears past your lips once more. You’re sucking with fervour now, determined to get him to cum. You’ve had a taste of him–of the way his abdomen clenches spasmodically, of the pleading words dripping from his mouth like hot syrup, of the heady and salty liquid that bubbles at the tip of his dick. All of it spurs you on, encourages you to take him further into your mouth until he’s brushing the back of your throat and you’re desperately breathing through your nose to avoid choking. 
“Fuck!” Harry yells the word brokenly, and then you’re nearly gagging when you taste the first spurt of his cum. You stroke a particularly prominent vein with your tongue, feeling it throb lightly as Harry empties his load inside of your mouth. He’s looking down at you, your gazes locked as you take it all (just how he likes it), with watery eyes and a spit-slicked mouth and a sore throat as proof.
You continue to swirl your tongue around his shaft as you feel him begin to soften, before tilting his cock to the side so it rests against the inside of your cheek. Harry watches with wide, fucked-out eyes as your throat bobs, indicating that you’ve swallowed. 
“Fuckin’ amazing, you are,” he babbles out the praise, staring down at you and running his hands over every inch of you that he can reach. His fingers weave through your hair, then rub against your temples, then your cheeks, then the corners of your lips. 
He watches as his cock slowly slides from your mouth. You press a kiss to the shiny head, and Harry sobs from the sensitivity. The sound makes you giggle as you begin to pull his boxers back up his legs, setting his softening cock down against his right thigh.
“C’mon, handsome, help me out,” you murmur when Harry refuses to lift his hips and allow you to slide his underwear back into their rightful place. He lets out a moan of complaint, covering his face with his hands and lethargically shaking his head.
“Can’t move,” he whines, “Sucked the fuckin’ life outta me, pet.”
You snort, abandoning your efforts in favour of scrambling up and straddling his waist. You reach for his wrists, tugging on them gently so that his hands are no longer shielding his eyes. Harry slowly maneuvers your fingers, intertwining them with his and pressing soft, lingering kisses to the back of your hand.
“You’re incredible, y’know that?”
“Am I, now?” you tease, smirking at him. Harry nods, his eyelids fluttering slightly, and you can’t help but to feel a warm flood of pride wash over you. You’d made him lose his damn mind, made him cum so hard that he was about to fall asleep right in front of you.
“Yeah,” Harry sighs, snapping you from your thoughts, “Incredible, amazing, unreal…all o’ that stuff.”
“That’s very sweet,” you tell him, stroking his jawline tenderly and beaming down at him. “Thank you.” 
Harry returns your smile (albeit, his is a bit more sleepy) before melting a bit further into the cushions of the sofa. “Can we jus’…stay like this fo’ a bit? Please? I’ll fuck you afterwards. Promise yeh.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing, gnawing on your lip to keep the sound inside. “Sure, Har.”
“You’re the best,” he mumbles, his head tilting to the side as he drifts further and further away from consciousness. You watch him lovingly, pursing your lips as you try to hold back a smile. His eyes are shut, nostrils flaring as his breathing begins to even out. The last thing he mutters to you makes you giggle quietly into your palm and wonder how you ended up with someone who is just so damn cute.
“Tha’ was…was much better than leftovers.”
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punkcherries · 7 years
get ready to rrrrrumble
jesus christ this is a long ass submission so uh puts it in a read more also puts my txt in bold so its easier to read 👍
Right, so I’ve just read everything that happened in the last few asks you got and I’m just gonna sit down and tell you this right now. You better strap the fuck in because this is long and if you’re not gonna read it, shame on you, because all of this is specifically about YOU and the problems people have with you (the people Blu mentioned). First off, I’m not Blu, so don’t go and start calling him names in your server because you’re finally, FINALLY, being called out on all the bullshit you do. I used to be your friend, I left on semi-good terms, and this entire thing is going to explain WHY I left + why you need to square the fuck up.
sounds like fun whoever u are
You need to get your shit together and seriously change yourself, but of course you’re not gonna do that, because you’re an incompetent piece of shit who has your head so far up your ass you can’t see all the things you do wrong. You act like you’re the person who suffers the most, and that anytime anyone is rude to you it’s THEIR fault, not the fact that you did something terrible to someone or that you started some drama. I’ve been fed up with this shit for months, and have been hesitant to say anything directly to your face, because you don’t even know me that well and we hardly talked. We did interact a few times, but those few times were absolute hell to me, because I must have literally retracted some kind of disease just from being near you. You are the fucking EMBODIMENT of tumblrina, and it’s so fucking sad because you weren’t like this before (based on what a few others have told me).
the use of tumblrina here is jus makin me laugh ur a funny guy buddy but i feel like my past self is worse thn my current self like past me participated in cringe culture so like ew
The way you talk? Absolutely fucking horrid. Sit the fuck up and talk like a normal goddamn human being. I’m here to talk to you, not to decipher some 57 commas and abhorrid shortening of words. Jesus fucking Christ Sombre, I can understand Internet slang and cutting some words up, but you fucking butcher the English language so bad it literally sounds like a toddler having a stroke while mashing at their keyboard. It’s “that” not “tht”, it’s “thing” not “thng”, it’s “something” not “smth”, and for GOD FUCKING SAKES IT’S “THE” NOT “TH”. ARE YOU LITERALLY SO FUCKING LAZY THAT YOU CAN’T EVEN TYPE “THE”, A THREE LETTER WORD. I don’t give a shit if you’re talking like this to sound like an anxious uwu tumblr piece of SHIT, it sounds fucking IDIOTIC and it’s an ABSO-FUCKING-LUTE PAIN TO READ.
language is fake and is mostly just sounds we give meaning, im very sorry if you have trouble reading the way i type and id be more than happy to try and not speak to you like i usually do to everyone else if you just asked politely and talked it out with me (tho the idiotic part is accurate im not very smart lmao)
SPEAKING OF YOUR TUMBLR, LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR UPSET.TXT TAG. If you think anyone is gonna pity you, SPOILER ALERT! THEY’RE FUCKING NOT. Unless they’re your shitty “friends”, NOBODY fucking gives a shit, alrighty? Speaking from my perspective and a few others, nobody’s gonna see this venting on their dashboard and give two shits. Unless they’re your mutuals, they won’t care and it just leaves a bad impression. It’s pathetic how when ANYTHING negative happens to you, you decide to take to Tumblr to boo hoo crypost about it. You wanna vent? You wanna cry yourself to sleep? Cool, talk about it on your server, NOT FUCKING TUMBLR, WHERE LITERALLY ANYONE CAN SEE IT. This is just like how Facebook used to be, you see these posts of people posting personal shit and getting bit in the ass for it later, YEAH WELL THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU RIGHT NOW BUDDY. DON’T LIKE IT? DON’T FUCKING VENT ON TUMBLR.
i rarely vent on here dude like?? do you see the time gaps between the posts in my vent tag? its also my blog so i can post whatever i like as long as im not hurting anyone yo, plus the point of venting for me at least isnt to like get attention or sympathy its to let off some steam not to mention most to all of my vent posts are vague as hell so like…. why do you even care though?? if i get bit in the ass then thats my problem not yours
Right, so let’s talk about your “im gay” tag too! You identify as male, correct? That’s cool! Congrats. But you’re not gay if you clearly show an interest in girls. Doesn’t matter if they’re fictional or not. Your “im gay” tag is filled with girls (Bismuth, some anime girl, pinup girls). NEWSFLASH ASSHOLE! You’re male, those are females! Opposite genders! That means you’re NOT GAY! WOAAAAAH! So who are you to be reblogging and posting all this shit about how hetero people are the devil, hetero people are the worst wah wah, when you yourself identify as a guy and clearly seem to be interested in girls, even if just a little?
dude i used to identify as nonbinary i only recently started identifying as male, hell i used to identify as female ages back so like? the posts in that tag are most to all old and i do realize my attraction to girls isnt gay, hence why ive only been referring to my attraction to dudes as me being gay post-male identification i guess
Speaking of all the heterophobic shit you reblog, have you not considered it could make some of your followers feel absolutely terrible? I’m bi myself, I like both guys and girls, but holy FUCK when I see that shit on your blog it makes me feel guilty for liking guys at all! Is that how you want people to feel? Whether they’re pan, bi, or straight, that shit’s literally so fucking damaging and it sure as hell hurts to see! And don’t throw that “some of those posts are jokes” bullshit at me, because guess the fuck what! They may be jokes to people who aren’t hetero, but they sure as hell don’t seem like jokes to those who are! How would you feel if I made a joke that was even SLIGHTLY negative towards homosexuals? Wait, no, don’t answer that, because I already know how you’d feel. You’d get pissy, you’d stomp your little baby feet over to Tumblr, and then crypost about it, saying you’re facing homophobia and being harassed blah blah blah.
HETEROPHOBIC IM LAUGHING…. buddy…. pal…. heterophobia is fake and im very sorry if those post make you feel bad as a bisexual person (im also bi so) but heterophobia isnt actually a thing, comparing jokes directed at straight people to lgbtphobia is inherently lgbtphobic as it compares little jokes most to all directed at bigoted/ignorant straights to something that can often result in the actual literal death of hundreds of people for their gender/orientation- that doesnt happen to straight people dude
Also: you don’t have autism. Were you officially diagnosed? Because I’m gonna be real fuckin’ honest, it doesn’t sound like you have autism. You sure have something, hoh yeah, but it’s sure as hell not autism. You put your “autism” up on a pedestal and act like it’s one of the only things about you, like no hunty, your mental illness doesn’t define you. Nobody gives a shit, okay? Your mental illness isn’t an excuse to act like a literal fuckface, it’s not an excuse to treat people like shit, and it sure as hell isn’t an excuse to blame everything on others and make yourself out to be the good guy because “my autism made me anxious or forget things ;w;”. This is the exact kind of tumblrina thing I’m talking about, people on this goddamn website act like their mental illness is the only quality about them and that not being neurotypical makes them special. NEWS-FUCKIN-FLASH, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. You don’t see me using my mental illness as an excuse for my actions, because I actually step the fuck up and take responsibility for shit I’ve caused. My mental illness does not define me. There’s more to me than that. You need to realize that your fake-ass autism isn’t an excuse for you to be a fucking asshole to the people around you, and that your actions do have consequences. Stop blaming others for shit you’ve caused, stop calling people jackasses when it’s YOU who’s insulting people and twisting the truth, and for the love of God tell your white knights of friends to shut the FUCK up if they don’t know all the details of a situation.
i was technically diagnosed albeit in a nontraditional fashion (a psych at our middleschool was the one who diagnosed me) and i have never defined myself solely by my autism nor have i used it as an excuse for my fuck ups, ive literally apologized and stopped doing the things i did since the blu incident, i recognize i fucked up there and i apologized and i havent done the whole lying out of anxiety thing since, also my white knights of friends??? YOURE the one coming into MY inbox to tell me how shit i am after i blocked blu i literally just want this to be over leave me alone dude
Alright, so now that we’re done talking about YOU, let’s talk about your fandoms. You like Osomatsu-San. Okay, that’s fine. What’s not fine is how FUCKING obsessive you are about it. There’s nothing wrong with liking something and being attached to characters, making art of it, having a blog, reblogging it, talking about it, that’s okay. That’s okay! But you? You fucking hold the characters so close and act like they’re your own characters. You get upset when something doesn’t go your way in the show. This was evidenced by how many times you’ve complained about episodes (guess where? upset.txt) after they’ve come out. That anon about the straight joke? You got so heated over that, didn’t you? Saying Chibita was “out of character”, BITCH, what do you fucking know? He’s not your goddamn character! The writers will write him however the fuck they want. It’s THEIR fucking show, it’s THEIR fucking characters, and it’s THEIR decision of who does what and who acts like what. There’s a VERY thick line between canon and fanon, and you can’t seem to distinguish that AT ALL. You merge your shitty headcanons with the canon universe, and when something doesn’t go your way, you FREAK THE FUCK OUT and go crying about it in your server or on your tags.
youre blowing that ONE FUCKING POST so out of proportion ive never complained abt ososan in upset.txt outside of MAYBE episode 4 and that would be because of the NONCONSENSUAL SEX SCENE i KNOW my headcanons arent canon i KNOW that the chibita/snowtoko complaint was MINOR and i fucking LIKED THAT EPISODE A LOT!! i didnt cry i just felt that based on how the staff have characterized chibita up until that point it was a little jarring to see him react like he did THAT IS ALL! what the fuck!! how would you even know what i talk about in my servers!! youre obviously misinformed my guy!!!
Lemme tell you something, Sombre: Karabita isn’t canon. OH SHIT! I SAID IT BOYS! THAT’S A FUCKING CURSE ISN’T IT!! No, sorry, sit the fuck down and suck those tears up, because it’s true. It’s not canon. It isn’t. You grasp at straws to say it is, but it isn’t. Chibita wore somehing blue? Oh shit, it’s Karamatsu! He’s clearly in love with him! No, sorry honey, that’s not how it works. Of course Chibita would feel pity on him and let him stay with him (ep 24), because who wouldn’t? That doesn’t mean they’re dating. Karamatsu may be the most bisexual person ever, but he sure as hell isn’t dating Chibita (at least, not canonly). Speaking of Chibita, you need to stop acting like any other Matsu x Chibita ship is literal hell. They’re not. There are some decent ones out there, and although they’re rarepairs by now, they’re a lot better quality than the Karabita bullshit you spew out.
me saying karabita is canon is a joke, and my disdain for non karabita matsubita ships is based half in coping reasons and half in chibita has literally no chemistry with the other matsus and seems to not like any of the other bros at all whereas hes actually shown some level of tolerance or interest in karamatsu
While we’re on the subject of non-canon ships, Atsutodo isn’t canon either. Fuck’s sake, they were on screen together for 10 damn seconds. Yes, I’m aware there’s card art of Atsushi and Todomatsu having a meal together, but they’re very clearly not dating if Todomatsu is still going out with girls and holding their hands etc. Oh, speaking of Todomatsu: Your trans hc of him? Generic as fuck. He’s not trans. Call me a transphobe, I don’t give a shit, but he’s not trans. Look at the -kun animes. He’s a guy. Where in his life would he have magically been a girl and then go right back to a guy? The time span between a 12 year old and a 21 year old isn’t long enough to allow you time to transition. In that day and age, it wasn’t even acceptable to be transgender. So none of the Matsus are trans, get that out of your head. Get those “autism hcs” out of your head too, because I KNOW you hc Kara and Jyushi as autistic (and I’m aware you used to headcanon Ichimatsu as autistic too, but we’ll get to that later).
i know atsutodo isnt canon i never said it was all the “x ship is canon” jokes are about karabita and theyre jokes dude, i just think atsutodo would be cute. why the fuck do you even care about my trans hcs?? theyre HEADCANONS they dont HURT ANYONE and like dude there are trans children out there….. stop being a fuckface about simple headcanons what the fuck.
Lemme tell ya something. Karamatsu sure as hell isn’t autistic. Literally the only reason you headcanon him as such is because you yourself claim to be autistic and because “uwu he’s m fav,,,, i relate to him,,,”. Also, I realize “jyushi is autistic xD” headcanons are common, but JESUS FUCK it’s time for them to die. Jyushimatsu is just bizarre in and out, it’s his personality and his way of life. If you’re gonna hc him as autistic for his personality, you’re obviously ignoring his physical abilities. What about that time he cloned himself? Grew different sizes? What about how he seemingly has no bones (tentacle arms)? But oh, let’s ignore that, because he’s always got a smile on his face and he has a childish personality so DURR HE’S OBVIOUSLY AUTISTIC. Also, you used to headcanon Ichimatsu as autistic, but as soon as you started hating him you threw that headcanon out the window. This is PROOF you only headcanon your favorite characters as autistic, and that’s some of the STUPIDEST shit ever.
literally just let people headcanon what they want if it doesnt hurt anyone, im sure in canon theyre not autistic but this is HEADCANON. and is this also to imply that just because a character can do bizarre thing with theyre body they cant also be autistic?? what the fuck does that have to do with anything??? and i didnt throw my autistic ichi hc out the window because “i hate him” i dont even hate him im indifferent to him i hate his fanon incarnation because its stupidly out of character and one note, i also didnt even drop the autism hc for him i feel like he definitely 100% could be autistic but i just dont think about it as much because i think about other characters more than i think about him
Oh yeah, I’d love to hear why you hate Ichimatsu so much? Shut up, I know it’s because “hhhh he abuses kara” but that’s fucking wrong. Listen, Ichimatsu isn’t exactly my favorite either but at least I don’t make him out to be a fucking asshole to Karamatsu. All of the brothers have treated Karamatsu like shit at one point or another. They’ve thrown things at him, ditched him, called him names, ignored him, it’s a fucking trope in the anime that Karamatsu was the one to get hurt. Sure, season 2 has kinda turned that around, but the whole “Ichimatsu is bitter to Karamatsu” thing is the dynamic between them. They DO have moments where they’re not onto each other, though. See how Ichimatsu followed Karamatsu into the woods? Remember the episode where they switched clothes? They didn’t kill each other neither of those times, did they? And yes, I’m aware Ichimatsu has hurt Karamatsu at times (the bazooka, I think smacking?) but he doesn’t LITERALLY ABUSE HIM. You don’t see him kicking him around, PUNCHING HIM, HITTING HIM, EVERY SECOND OF HIS LIFE. Yes, he calls him names. Yes, he���s threatened to hurt him (“I’ll kill you, Shittymatsu.”) but he’s been stopped or HAS stopped every time. If he really was so intent on hurting Karamatsu, don’t you think he wouldn’t ignore his brothers and hurt Karamatsu anyway? But no, he didn’t, and he stopped each time he grabbed Kara. That’s because the entire “Ichimatsu despises Karamatsu” thing is a GAG in the show. It’s meant to be funny. It’s not meant for your negative ass to label it as abuse and then boohoo about it every time Ichimatsu is mentioned. That’s not a valid reason to hate a character, hell, even Karamatsu’s seiyuu said in a Doramatsu CD that Karamatsu was just comic relief. And if you’re gonna look for a reason why Ichimatsu dislikes Karamatsu, consider the hinted and well-supported reason: Ichimatsu “hates” Karamatsu because of how confident he is and how he can always be himself. Ichi is insecure. Ichi is antisocial. Kara, on the other hand, can express himself and show how “cool” he is. Consider that Ichimatsu wants to be more like him, hence why he said he’s the “number one Karamatsu boy” in that one episode.
okay this is just ridiculous i DONT HATE ICHIMATSU and i KNOW its a GAG, i KNOW they get along sometimes i KNOW all the brothers have shat on kara I KNOW THIS abuse takes many forms though and in a more serious anime the way the bros treat kara would probably be depicted as abusive, but it isnt a serious anime so its a gag and i understand that thats FINE, did you even watch the ichimatsu incident? ichimatsu got plenty fucking pissed off at karamatsu and stuff and the “number one karamatsu boy” nonsense was him being concerned about how karamatsu might think of him as such not him calling himself a karamatsu boy, and yes i know the whole ichi wants to be cool and confident like kara thing i understand that but even so that wouldnt logically excuse his bitterness toward kara but again, its a gag anime so its whatever, youre also ignoring the facet of his disdain towards kara being in part because kara is also vain and ichi finds this annoying and thinks kara is fake as hell because of it there was something in i think a magazine where the bros are all asked what they think of eachother i think and i THINK ichi said something along the lines of him not liking kara because he fakes being nice for the sake of his own ego or something (which is likely ichi just having a negative image of kara rather than that actually being the case because i dont think karas that smart but who knows i dont!!) so like y’know
In conclusion, I would like to say you need to shut the fuck up and chill with your fandoms and headcanons, realize headcanons aren’t canon, and also get your head out of your ass. You’ve done so many wrong things and need to stop blaming them on others. You’ve lied, insulted, and put the blame on so many of your old friends, you’ve avoided people who you deem “toxic” (simply because they have different opinions than you), you think people can’t form their own opinions, and you don’t back up your friends when they’re getting shittalked. You act like an assoholic brat and cannot, for the life of you, open up your eyes and see this. You’re lucky the dicktwats on your server are there for you, because if they weren’t, you’d be all alone, and honestly? That seems pretty good at this point. Fits you perfectly.
i know headcanons arent canon, i know ive lied (though ive really only insulted people who were dicks to my friends and maybe blu which probably not a good thing but i mean hes also insulted me so?? even i guess??) and i regret that, im more honest now and try my best to show kindness to people who have done me and my friends no wrong, ive only ever put blame on blu i literally dont blame anyone else for anything, i dont avoid people i deem “toxic” i avoid people i dont get along with because if i dont get along with them then theres no reason to talk to them im gonna let them live their lives, of course i think people can form their own opinions what on earth are you talking about???? when did i not back up a friend when they got shit talked?? i dont remember that but id like to deeply apologize if i ever did, unless youre talking about when someone in my server insults blu over ykno… him not leaving me alone and harassing me when ive done nothing but mind my own business since the incident, then while it was kind of uncomfortable for me because i felt it was the wrong thing to do i couldnt exactly muster the words to protest it. im very sorry you feel that way im always trying to improve and i like to think that im making some level of progress in being more sensitive and kind to those around me. but also dont insult my friends they didnt do shit weve been minding our own goddamn business this entire time blu is the one who started it back up again.
Now, go back to crying in your server and soaking in self-deprication, fuckass.
yknow i get the feeling i know who this is but i dont want to jump to any conclusions so, uh, okay! see ya my dude :0c
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