#sorry i’ve been sad posting a lot it’s been a terrible week for the tribe
alefelul · 7 months
friendship of nine years ended today for the exact reason you’d expect.
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clockworkmegrim · 7 years
Random Megrim Update
Ok so the blog birdhism just got a ton of hate for posting about veganism. And, like, I’m only mentioning so you guys have some context for why I’m rambling on about this. They’ve said they don’t rly wanna talk about it anymore, so don’t go bug them over it, thanks. So like, firstly, I’m allergic to beans and soy and nuts, so my sources of protein are ... limited. So, I sometimes eat meat so that I don’t go back to passing out every day like I did when I was little from lack of protein. As a kid, I had to be force fed eggs for months in order to be deemed healthy enough to attend school. I hated it, like, it was terrible.  When I was really, really sick, and my organ damage from high school was slowly killing me, my doctor had to remove wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, nuts, and sugar from my diet. Trust me, that was a lot of eating nothing but bamboo, and that wasn’t exactly amazing either. Now, here’s where I’m getting around to the vegan stuff. I’m from SoCal, and there’s a vegan market about every 3 miles, until you hit farm country where there’s straight up nothing for miles. And, the stores that aren’t vegan specialty places don’t have non free-range meat. Like, state and county laws have said that having any kind of caged, GMO, or antibiotic infused meat is illegal. So, first off, meat prices are through the frickin’ roof, and secondly, the meat industry isn’t exactly doing fantastic here. We’ve also made plastic bags illegal, and a host of other things. Rabbit fur is legal and the native tribes on the reservations are allowed to hunt but that’s about it. Except for the really rich jerks who paid off the police that one time so they could go hunting. That was awful. My mom and I had to bury all the animals. Again, I’m coming around to the veganism here. I can’t go full vegan b/c of that whole meat substitue allergy thing. However, hell if I eat meat every day. One, I don’t like it that much, two it’s expensive, and three, cooking it is way more effort than I’m willing to muster. ((The only things in my house that eat meat every day are the California Wildcats, because if I don’t appease them with tuna and kibbles, they’ll eat all the local lizards. However, I feed them the most sustainable and eco friendly tuna I can. So, while it’s not vegan, it’s definitely not something I feel great about.)) Also, it should be noted, nonsustainable food is also illegal here.  Again, unless you’re one of those rich hunter weirdos who don’t even eat what they hunt they just throw it away. Then, it’s still illegal, but people are so damn rich and have under the table connections that they don’t face any punishment. What I’m getting around to is, while I’m not vegan, I only eat meat when I have to. So, like, maybe twice a month. I don’t eat hamburgers or veal, because it’s gross and sad. I refrain from eating lamb whenever possible, because it makes me sad, and like, most fish kinda makes me wanna die inside if I have to eat it. So, when I really need that actual food protein, yeah, I eat meat. But, (and I’m not saying do this bc this is pretty extreme) due to my organ damage, mostly I eat meal replacement drinks, and potatoes, and pasta with no seasoning. Like, that’s what my body can process, and that’s basically it. I’m unable to eat butter substitutes, so sometimes that happens, and I’m really really really lactose intolerant, so there goes milk and soft cheeses. So, basically, you can sometimes eat meat without being gross about it. At least, around my area you can, because we have insane high standards for meat quality. Also the don’t wear leather side of veganism is harder for some people, but leather is so damn expensive that I can’t afford it anyway. But, so are hemp clothes, so the vegans who say you can’t wear polyester or cotton have given me trouble for not being able to afford hemp clothes. And, I don’t wear furs, they creep me out. My great grandmother had a mink shawl and I had to hold it once when we were cleaning out my grandma’s house, and trust me I’ve never been more uncomfortable in my life (it still had the little feets and the heads and it was like an awful human centipede kinda thing but it was mink and I was REALLY freaked out). So, mostly I just wanted to put this out there that, like, people who are super pro meat confuse me. Like, if i could just drink pediasure all the time, I probably would. In fact, when the organ damage acts up, I can only drink things like level and pediasure, three times a day, for up to three weeks. So basically, if you’re super into meat, we aren’t gonna see eye to eye on like anything and don’t invite me out to dinner. I’ll just be awkwardly drinking meal replacement goo and staring at the floor. In summation, don’t be mean to vegans. sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this off my chest.
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