#sorry about that i also have one video of him but. long story short i am technologically incompetent
thelegendofhino · 1 year
So. An explanation of who hino is. Apologies in advance for the lack of pictures, i dont have access to them at the moment but i will make a better post with all of that in the near future.
Hino is an npc in botw that stayed at the dueling peaks stable. Every day starting at 12pm, he stands outside the stable, thinking to himself. He really likes the moon and is researching the blood moon phenomenon. He tells you what the phase of the moon will be that night. Starting at 10pm, he will start to watch the moon in the sky until 2am, where he'll just stand there looking sad until finally going back into the stable at 3am to sleep until 12pm the next day. He does this every single day. If it rains, he'll stand inside the stable by the entrance and complain about how he wont be able to see the moon in the rain, and he wont tell you what the phase will be if you ask him while it is raining.
During a blood moon, he continues his regular routine until the blood moon starts doing its thing at 11:30pm, where hino will take off running around the stable. If you talk to him, his text is all red, and he will be... very excited, to say the least. Its almost as if hes worshipping the blood moon, but also as if hes just straight up possessed. During this time, his focus seems to be more on the "blood" aspect of the blood moon, which is further emphasized in totk. He even growls sometimes. Its awesome. He doesnt really seem to reguster the fact that you are speaking to him. After the blood moon passes, at around like 12-12:30 ish, he stops running and goes back to his regular spot, completely unaware of how he was just acting (or very much aware and just actubg really normal about it), and will continue to watch the moon as he usually does before once again going to bed at 3am.
In totk, he is no longer at the stable. Occasionally, a newspaper npc will mention a person who was researching the blood moon who was excited to visit a monster fort. In this game, hino is captured at 4 different monster forts (as far as im aware), and a 5th one for a quest at zoras domain. He is still researching the blood moon, but this time hes focusing more on how it revives monsters, and he gets captured because he got too close. He will be sitting inside of a cage behind the boss bokoblin in the fort and will be completely unresponsive to anything going on unless you take the cage off of him (you can put him back in the cage and he'll comment on it too). Saving him will cause him to give you 3 things, the first thing being either salt-grilled meat or mushrooms or fish, the second being sneaky meat and seafood or hasty fish skewer or energizing fish skewer, and then the third thing being hearty elixir, enduring elixir, or fairy tonic (or if your inventory is full he'll give you 20 rupees instead. Also, it seems he will continue to only give you fairy tonic if you still have the previous elixirs that he gave you). He will talk about the phase of the moon and then disappear to another monster fort. Saving him from all of the forts will cause him to disappear entirely until the next blood moon refreshes everything, putting him back into the forts.
When the blood moon starts at 11:30pm and hes still in the cage, he will start to mumble about blood. Honestly, to me he sounds kind of miserable. If you rescue him and speak to him during the blood moon, he will hurriedly give you the 3 items and then.. he will begin reacting physically to the blood moon. He wont run around or anything, but he will start breathing heavily and then it seems like hes in a bit of pain. He will then say one of three things, very excited and possibly agitated, text red once again, and then disappear again. If you speak to him only after the blood happens, he will comment on how it makes him feel alive.
For the zoras domain quest, he doesnt give you the 3 regular items but will instead give you a diamond as a reward. From what i can tell, he doesnt show up at that monster fort again. Unfortunately, i dont have his dialogue for if thats the first time you ever save him or if you save him during a blood moon (or its the first time and its a blood moon)... im gonna have to make. Two extra save files or just one if i do it right just to get that dialogue. And i absolutely will do that, eventually.
Im currently working on getting all of his moon phase dialogue, but im not very good at keeping track of that and you can only save him 4 times before each blood moon, so im not actually sure if i have it all or not.
Through my... stalking him in totk, i figured out you can postpone a blood moon for the next night if you go to the depths and wait in there. The blood moon will not activate at 12am and will instead happen the next night and you can just keep postponing it by going to the depths each time.
Overall, he seems to be fairly different than he was in botw.. my headcanon is maybe the upheaval did something to him. I mean, the blood moon is cooler than ever in totk, so i wouldnt doubt it. Its definitely affected him somewhat. He just seemed a lot calmer and more reserved in botw so its very interesting to see how hes changed a bit, though to be fair he has a lot less dialogue in botw than he does in totk. Hes awesome either way, i used all my travel medallions on 3 of the forts he can be in (since one of the locations is actually in a place that has a shrine) just so i can see him if i ever miss him enough, lol.
Thats my somewhat disorganized summary of hino. Ill make more in depth posts with pictures of his dialogue soon. I just have to get the pictures from my switch first..
I do have this picture
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I was VERY excited when i first found him, but it was before i had my own copy of the game so i had to wait a whole two weeks to see him again.. i was ITCHING to play
Important edit: if its your first time saving him for the ja'abu ridge fort quest, he doesnt give you a diamond. Im currently figuring out what caused him to give me a diamond when i did that quest.
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Little Bit of Food
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N sees a TikTok video of couple where the women serves her partner more food on his plate than on hers. For research purposes, she just wants to see how he would react.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammar errors, SHORT
A/N: since I am Mexican and Peruvian, the foods mentioned are typical foods that I grew up eating, I LOVE these foods so much, if any other Latine readers have suggestions of what dishes should be mentioned, comment below and I’ll tag you when I use them in another one shot. Also, sorry if it’s short, I don’t think I can build off a lot of “story material” over a TikTok trend, you know?
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Y/N was watching TikTok and she saw a video that was interesting to her.
It was of a couple and a woman served her husband more food on his plate than on her own. The husband insisted that his wife should have more food and that he could eat something later.
Y/N knew that Henry was going to busy at the gym for a few hours so that gave her plenty of time to make one of Henry’s favorite meals that Y/N introduced him to, and that’s bistec a lo pobre. She bought sliced New York steaks from the Mexican grocery store (there’s always a butcher there), also some tortillas and 2 avocados to make guacamole or a sandwich later. When she went back to Henry’s house, she started cutting up tomatoes and onions so it would give the steak flavor. She put the onions and tomatoes aside in a bowl and got out the white rice in the pantry to wash the rice.
Half an hour later, Henry was came through the door sweaty and with a happy Kal.
“Ay hola, Kal, como te fue con tu papi, hm?” Y/N asked, kneeling to pet Kal.
“You call me papi?” Henry asked, drinking water from his sports bottle.
“When I’m talking about you to Kal, yes. Ain’t no way I’m calling you that though, it’s weird because I call my actual dad, papi. So don’t even think about it.” Y/N warned Henry as she washed her hands in the kitchen sink.
“Too late, I’m already thinking about, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her cheek as he hugged her from behind.
“Stop it. I’m making your favorite so please take a quick shower and then I’ll call you when it’s ready. Do you want one or two eggs?” Y/N asked.
“Two please, thanks love.” Henry said, kissing her lips before heading upstairs for his shower.
Y/N began sautéing the onions and tomatoes in the pan before adding in two pieces of steak for Henry, we’ll, one and a half, she cut a half piece for her plate. She got a plate out of the pantry to serve two ‘scoops’ of rice, adding the cooked steaks with tomatoes and onions on top of it, and preceded to fry two eggs on a different pan.
“Toro, food!” Y/N shouted and Kal calming running. “I said ‘toro’, not ‘oso’, you need to practice your Spanish, Kal.” Y/N said and placed Henry’s plate on his side of the table. Henry came running downstairs with his hair wet but he’s dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt.
“Thanks love, it looks amazing.” Henry said, kissing her.
“That’s good, now eat up, you’ve had a long workout.” Y/N said and that’s when she got a smaller plate, served herself a half scoop of rice, her half steak with 3 pieces of tomatoes and onions, and no eggs. When she sat down and said “let’s eat”, Henry looked at Y/N’s plate, then at his own.
“Darling, were you snacking while you were cooking again?” Henry asked, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the lack of food on his girlfriend’s plate.
“No, no, I didn’t snack at all. Eat before the eggs become cold.” Y/N pointed at him with her fork.
“Are you sick? You didn’t have to cook if you weren’t feeling well, love.” Henry said in a concerned voice.
“I’m fine Henry, I went to Fernando’s market today but the steak was too expensive so I only bought 2.” Y/N lied, she buys like half a pound of steak, there’s still 3 or 4 pieces in the fridge. Henry got up and grabbed his keys. “Where are you going?”
“To the market to buy more steak, what cut do you order a again? Med-ee-ya Libra de what?” Henry asked, opening the door,
“No no no, Henry, there’s no need for that, I can survive without bistec, please sit down and eat.” Y/N said, Henry closed the door, put down his keys, and sat back down.
“What about the eggs or the rice? I’m sure you could fill up on that, you told me you ate that when you were younger when there was nothing to eat.” Henry said.
“The last eggs were used on you, Toro. Now please eat before your food gets cold. You want something to drink? I got chicha (It’s a purple corn drink) if you don’t want soda.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, that’s fine, darling.” Henry said, when Y/N walked into the kitchen, Henry switched his plate for Y/N’s. When Y/N came back with chicha for Henry and soda for her, she saw what Henry did.
“Toro! You weren’t supposed to do that. You had a big workout, you’re bigger than me, you need all the protein you can get from this.” Y/N said, trying to switch the plates back but Henry refused.
“Nope, you cooked all this, you deserve to eat your delicious food. I could find something later.” Henry said,
“But you must be hungry, just eat it, I can make myself some potato quesadillas later.” Y/N said, attempting to get the plate back from Henry but he swatted her hand. “Toro!”
“I’m sorry love, but it’s for your good.” Henry said.
“I Don’t want you to be starving,” Y/N said,
“I won’t starve, my love. Watching you enjoy your food is filling enough for me.” Henry said and Y/N’s heart melted. She got out of her seat to sit on Henry’s lag, placing her hands on his neck to hug him.
“Amor, it’s a prank. There’s more steak in the fridge that I can fry up, there’s a lot of rice on the stove and plenty of eggs. Now please eat while I go serve myself more food.” Y/N said getting off him and grabbing her plate to do exactly that.
“You scared me, love. I was about to head over to the market…where is it by the way?” Henry asked,
“Haha, i can’t even tell you, I just know how to get there.” Y/N said, placing her steak in the pan and she watched Henry eat his meal.
“Delicious! This might even be better than your bistec empanado, did I pronounce that right?” Henry asked,
“Yes you did, Toro, but bistec empanado with sopita aguada is comfort food, along with quesadilla de papas, which I will be making tomorrow, I’ve been craving it,” Y/N said.
“That sounds so good, I have to make sure I work out even more. When I made you my girlfriend, I had no idea you would try to fatten me up.” Henry said and Y/N gasped, flipping the steak.
“I would never, how dare you accuse me. I’m gonna make flan for my friend’s birthday on Saturday so I’m gonna make another one just for us.” Y/N said and that made Henry laugh.
“I love your flan, darling. Your cooking skills put mine to shame.” Henry said. Y/N placed her steak on her place, serving more rice, and began frying an egg.
“I was born with that sazón, Toro.” Y/N said teasingly. She finished frying the egg, served it on her plate, and went to sit down. “Better?” Y/n asked, showing Henry her plate.
“Much better, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her. Kal barked. “Yes bear, you can have some steak too.” Henry said,
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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medlarmeadows · 25 days
i'm in love with you too, dumbass
cc!Charlie Slimecicle x fem!reader
Synopsis: Four times you hid your unrequited love for Charlie, and one time you discover the love is requited.
Warning(s): feelings, some tooth-rotting fluff, angst, kissing.
Word count: 4k
A/N: This is finally done! Sorry it took so long, it became much longer than I expected it to be. Will probably take a break from writing after this, because creative juices have kind of run out recently (part of the reason this took so long. Hope you enjoy it!
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The chaos of conventions never failed to amaze you. Granted, it was your first time at one, but within the short period that you spent at the convention, you just felt equal parts amused and overwhelmed by everything.
Including Charlie.
It wasn’t that you couldn’t stand his presence – he was one of your best friends, of course you wanted to spend as much time with him – but if you had to swallow down the butterflies in your stomach one more time, you swore you were going to vomit them out.
As it turns out, going on an extended vacation with your best-friend-that-you-are-in-love-with-who-doesn’t-know-you’re-in-love-with-him-and-most-likely-will-not-return-the-feeling was not the best thing for your emotional and mental well-being.
To a certain extent, you were able to hide your feelings behind a camera, what with being his plus one (platonic) and camera woman (he was paying you in food, so who were you to say no?) for the convention. It was pretty rewarding too, watching him interact with fans and other creators.
You were happy seeing him be happy.
However, you were still spending hours on end with each other, so there were bound to be instances that threw you off.
“Hey, I haven’t said this yet, but you look really nice today,” Charlie told you as you were resting on some benches in a quieter part of the convention.
You nearly sputtered water out of your mouth.
“Thanks?” you replied, praying to God that your face hadn’t turned bright red. Panicking, you try for a banter:
“I mean, I look the same as always? Don’t tell me you think I look ugly on a daily basis.”
“For the record, I think you look pretty on a daily basis. You just look prettier today.”
He said it with the sincerest look on his face, his eyes crinkling as he smiled at you softly. So many words threatened to pour out of you in that moment, some suave retort on your tongue, some embarrassing confession behind gritted teeth. But all that came out was:
“You look great too.”
Charlie lets out a chuckle.
“You’re just saying that because I complimented you.”
“Well, was I not supposed to say anything? I don’t know how else I should’ve responded – ”
“How about just take the compliment, dumbass,” he huffs out, but you can hear the affection in his tone.
Affection that was 100% platonic, you tell yourself.
You’re saved from trying to come up with another response as another one of Charlie’s creator friends approaches, launching them into a discussion about something like therapy and a funny video idea.
Just like that, you were back behind the scenes, behind a camera, your pride and friendship protected for yet another day.
When you had stepped out the house that day for a picnic, you weren’t expecting it to be so fucking cold.
It was freaking September! Why was it so windy?
You tried your best to pay attention to the story Ranboo and Moonzy were sharing, but half your focus was on not shivering whenever the wind blew through the park.
The other half was trying it’s best not to let your eyes linger on how the wind messed up Charlie’s hair just right.
“Can you pass me the strawberries?” asked Charlie.
It takes you a second to register that he was talking to you, and you give him a stiff nod, not really trusting your teeth not to chatter if you replied verbally. Your fingers seemed to also be stiff as you gripped the box of strawberries and handed it to him.
When he takes the box from you, your fingers brush just the slightest, sending a shiver down your spine that you wish you could blame on the wind.
“Thanks – Jesus, why are your hands so cold?” he exclaims.
In a second, Charlie’s put down the box of strawberries on the picnic mat and cupped your hands in his.
Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic.
“It’s really fuckin’ wimdy,” you blurt out.
It sends your friends into a fit of laughter, Ranboo and Moonzy’s story interrupted as they burst out in giggles over your comment. You’re chuckling along with them, but you’re also still really fucking cold.
“Here, take my sweater.”
“Wha – what, wait – ” The rat running the hamster wheel in your brain is sprinting as you try to salvage the situation. “Then you’ll be cold, idiot.”
If you wear Charlie’s sweater, you think you might combust.
But the stupid, handsome, kind, idiot only shrugs and begins to pull his sweater over his head, before holding it out to you. You stare at him dumbly for a second, still trying to come up with a way to reject the sweater.
“God, stop being stubborn and take it, I’ll be fine,” he sighs, brandishing his sweater at you like a weapon. “We both know I’m better at dealing with the cold than you are.”
He’s right, because every time you watch a movie with him, you’re usually hogging the blanket.
But that’s different from taking his sweater!
As the cogs in your brain keep turning, you hear another sigh from him before your vision goes dark. You yelp and start batting your hands as Charlie forces his sweater over your head.
“Charlie – you fucking – I can’t see – ”
“Just wear the stupid sweater, dumbass,” he chides as he gets your head through the collar. “Now, put your arms through the sleeves, or do I need to help you with that too like the baby you are?”
Your eyes widen and you look away from him in panic. As your gaze shifts away from Charlie, you unintentionally lock eyes with Moonzy, who gives you a knowing look.
(Why was she so perceptive.)
(Why did Charlie indirectly calling you baby make your neck uncomfortably warm.)
“Guys, this isn’t the Ranboo baby stream,” you mumble as you put your arms through the sleeves.
That sends your friends into another fit of laughter and signals Ranboo and Moonzy to continue the story. Now, with everyone’s attention back on the story, you privately settle into the warmth of Charlie’s sweater.
You try not to think about how long the sleeves are as you bury your cold hands in the fabric.
You try not to think about how much bigger the sweater is on you than on Charlie.
You try not to think about how you could smell his cologne on the sweater.
You wouldn’t say that you were a very short person. You’d like to think that you were about average height. It wasn’t your fault that most of your friends were freakishly tall.
Including Charlie.
Whose house you were currently in.
And trying to get snacks from the top of his cabinets because of-fucking-course it had to be in the highest cabinet possible.
“I swear to God if I fall, I’m charging him for my medical bills,” you mutter under your breath as you drag a chair over to climb on to. But just as you were about to put both feet on the chair, Charlie walks into the kitchen.
“ – taking so long to get the snacks,” he says as he enters, pausing when he sees you about to hop onto the chair. He stares at you quizzically, head cocked to the side.
“Why do you look like you’re about to climb onto my cabinets?”
“Because you decided to discriminate against me and put the snacks in the highest shelf possible,” you huff, resuming your mission.
But as soon as you’re rising to your full height on the chair, you feel hands place themselves on your waist. You’re lifted off the chair easily and placed back onto the floor so swiftly you don’t manage a reaction in time.
You’re still staring at Charlie dumbfounded by the time he’s replaced you at the cabinet, chair nudged aside, and retrieved the snacks.
“You could’ve just asked me to come get them, dumbass.” Charlie turns around with an armful of chips.
You’re still trying to process what just happened. You point a finger at Charlie.
“Why’d you pick me up?”
He raises an eyebrow at you, amused.
“To stop you from falling off the chair?”
“But I would’ve been fine.”
“Or you could’ve fallen. Ever heard of being safer than sorry?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, trying to clear the fog in your brain that has randomly spawned. Your cheeks were warming, you needed to get a grip.
You’re snapped out of your head when Charlie brushes past you, turning just slightly to send you a playful smirk.
“Let’s get back to watching the movie. Or you do also need to be carried over like a princess?”
“Shut the fuck up,” you snark back, annoyed at him and also yourself.
You’re grateful that he had turned back around with a chuckle, because you were pretty sure the tips of your ears were turning red based on how warm they were getting.
You spend the rest of the movie as far away from Charlie on the couch as possible. When he asks why you’re so far away (and to stop hogging the blanket), you kick at him and try to play it off as wanting to stretch your legs out.
It’s definitely not because you think your brain would shut down if you were any closer to Charlie.
Clubbing was always a fun thing to do with friends, because no matter how many people were crowded around you, or how stinky the place was, it was always fun just jumping around and dancing with your friends.
Of course, it helped when all four of you had consumed a considerable amount of alcohol.
“Let’s dance!” Moonzy squeals, pulling you away from the group and towards some open space before you can object.
The two of you bounce around each other, showing off half-assed drunken movements of really cool dance moves (see: orange justice) and screaming the lyrics of the songs blasting through the speakers at each other.
You’re so engrossed in trying to dip Moonzy without dropping her you don’t notice Charlie come up to you until he’s right next to you, causing you to shriek.
“Jesus – Charlie!” you yell at him, smacking his shoulder for scaring you.
He rolls his eyes, nudging you with his elbow.
“Not my fault you were so caught up trying not to drop Moonzy. I just came over to see what the fuss was all about.”
Your tipsy brain latches on the implication that he was watching you and Moonzy. Your cheeks start to warm at the possibility that he was watching you.
“We were so close before you came over,” Moonzy says with an exaggerated sigh. “You ruined our moment.”
Charlie fakes offense, dramatically placing a hand on his chest.
“I sincerely apologise, fair maiden,” he says in a stupid medieval accent. “However can I make it up to you?”
Moonzy lets out a snort, shoving him playfully before stepping away, saying, “Forget it, I’m going to get us more drinks.”
She shoots you a mischievous look before leaving the two of you. Your brain catches up a second too late for you to retaliate.
Damn Moonzy and her stupid perceptiveness.
Turning towards Charlie, you feel slightly awkward now that your dance partner had left you. But it seems that Charlie didn’t feel the same as he quickly grabs your hands.
“Let me show you how to actually dip someone, dumbass,” he says with a smirk.
Your expression turns panicked for a split second, but you’re not able to object before he’s pulling you towards him sharply. One arm wraps around your waist securely and suddenly he’s dipping you low towards the ground.
You’re acutely aware of how close the two of you are, how snugly his arm fits around your body, and how you could spot the specks of brown in his blue eyes.
As he brings you back upright, your proximity to him remains the same. You let yourself get lost in his eyes for a few seconds, before you realise just how close your faces are.
Nervous, you reflexively wet your lips. Charlie’s eyes dipping from your eyes to your lips catches you off guard, causing your breath to catch in your lungs.
There are words dancing on the tip of Charlie’s tongue. Words you know would ruin you, and your friendship. Because it’s not going to mean anything to him, and it’s going to mean the world to you.
You know what he’s about to ask.
You’re not sure if you have it in you to say no.
It’s as though someone dumped an ice bucket on you as you become uncomfortably sober. You yank yourself away from Charlie, breathing heavily.
“I need to go,” you say breathlessly, eyes darting around for where Ranboo and Moonzy might be.
Charlie’s brows are furrowed, like he notices something was wrong, but he didn’t understand why you were reacting the way you did.
“I’ll take you home,” he says automatically.
“No!” you shriek before you can stop yourself.
The air between you two becomes tense. It doesn’t help that the DJ had changed the song to something slower, no noisy techno beats to diffuse the situation.
“Damn, if I was such a bad dance partner you could’ve just said so,” he jokes, but you can hear the bitterness in his tone.
“It’s not that,” you say immediately. Because it wasn’t his fault. It was never his fault.
How could it be his fault that you fell for your best friend?
“Then?” he questions. “What’s your deal?”
It’s sharp, accusatory, almost like a wounded animal. One hand is clenched and the other is fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
You know your best friend well enough to know that he’s hurt.
You know you’re fucking up your friendship in real time.
“I can’t tell you,” you choke out, cursing yourself internally because you know how flimsy that excuse was.
Charlie raises an eyebrow at you. You know he can see through your bullshit.
A moment passes between the two of you as he looks like he’s mulling over his thoughts. He runs a hand through his already messy hair, something like distress passing over his face.
You could just leave.
You don’t know why you’re waiting for his response.
“Fine,” he says slowly, grinding the word out like he’s forcing himself not to say what he actually wanted to. “But can you text the group when you’re home? Please?”
There’s concern in his eyes, even underneath all the hurt. Your heart drops like a stone because even though you were being a total asshole to him, Charlie was still looking out for your well-being.
“I will,” you promise.
You’re quick to book it out of the club after that. Not even bothering to find Ranboo and Moonzy, knowing that Charlie would eventually find his way to them and let them know what had happened.
That you had left in a hurry after being the worst friend ever.
All because of your goddamned feelings.
You avoid Charlie for two weeks.
In fact, you avoid Ranboo and Moonzy too because the guilt of being a bad friend weighed down so heavily on you that you couldn’t bear to see your other friends.
It was isolating and caused you to spiral down a deep dark hole you didn’t know how to pull yourself out of.
You tell yourself you deserve it.
Over the course of the two weeks, you tried to formulate a way to apologise to your friends, particularly Charlie for being rude and running out on him. You spent nights muffling your frustrated yells into your pillow because you don’t know how to tell him that you were sorry without exposing your feelings for him.
Part of you wondered if you should just bite the bullet and confess.
But another part of you tells you that was stupid, and you go back to drafting apology after apology to salvage the mess you had caused.
It’s during one of those moments when you were lying on your bed deep in thought that your doorbell rang. Confused, you creep to the door to check who it was. You hadn’t ordered any food or delivery, and you weren’t expecting anyone to show up –
You spot messy brown hair and blue framed spectacles through the peephole. He’s looking down, but you recognise Charlie regardless.
Your blood runs cold.
Should you let him in? Were you even ready to face him again after you practically threw your friendship in his face? What would you even say?
Knocking on the door interrupted your thoughts. You were taking too long.
“Y/N?” called Charlie. “Please let me in. I just want to talk.”
I just want to talk. Maybe he was coming to demand an explanation. Maybe he wanted to tell you he was uncomfortable and that he didn’t want to be friends anymore. Maybe –
“I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door, I know you’re there,” he says.
You let out a heavy sigh. Your thoughts threatened to overwhelm you once more, but your hand moves before you register it. Suddenly, you’re opening the door and coming face to face with Charlie.
In the two weeks you had avoided him, it didn’t look like much had changed. He still looked healthy, save for slightly darker circles under his eyes.
Did you cause that?
The two of you stare at each other on opposite sides of the doorway. His eyes scan your face, as if gauging your reaction to him being there, before tilting his head as though asking to be let in.
Sheepishly, you step aside and allow him into your home.
The sound of the door closing is far too noisy for your nerves, making you flinch slightly as the two of you move to your living room.
Where you continue to stand in awkward silence.
Fuck, how could you have let your friendship come to this?
Charlie is the one to break the silence, placing a paper bag you hadn’t noticed him carrying on the coffee table.
“I brought your favourite pastries.”
You blink.
He sends you a shrug, tucking his hands into his pockets.
“Thought I might butter you up before asking why you’ve been avoiding my texts and calls.”
There it was.
You worry your lip, hands fiddling with the hem of your sweater nervously. You turn your words over in your head, trying to come up with some semblance of a reason that wasn’t complete bullshit.
When Charlie realises that you’re probably not going to respond anytime soon, he sighs and continues:
“I came to apologise, too.”
That snaps you out of your thoughts. Your head snaps to look at him as you meet your gaze directly for the first time since the club.
“Why?” you ask, cringing when you realised that’s exactly what you had said a minute prior.
Charlie runs a hand through his hair, eyes closing briefly like he’s steeling himself.
“At the club,” he begins slowly, “I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry for that. I should’ve asked first, should’ve waited for you to respond to dancing together and being that close. I’m sorry – ”
“No, stop. Don’t apologise,” you interrupt him, eyes wide. His expression falls, and you think you see fear in his eyes.
So, you ramble on like a steam train running off track. Your words pour out of your mouth before you can filter them.
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t make me uncomfortable – I mean, I was uncomfortable, but that was my own doing. None of it is your fault, I should be the one apologising for avoiding you and – and being a terrible friend.”
You pause to take a deep breath. Charlie’s mouth is hanging open slightly, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head.
You push on before you can stop yourself. Before your brain could tell you that this was a bad idea.
Because you know your next words could change everything.
“I’ve been a shit friend to you because I’m in love with you, Charlie.”
It feels like time stops for you, as you gauge his reaction. You hold your breath without realising and watch him carefully.
This was the moment he was going to tell you that he doesn’t feel the same. That he’s not comfortable being your friend anymore. That he doesn’t want to see you again. That he –
He laughs.
Not a full belly laugh, but a snort that leads to a chuckle. That crinkles the corners of his eyes and fills them with joy.
You feel a pang in your chest, and tears start to prick your eyes. Taking a step back from Charlie, you lower your gaze shamefully.
But then he’s striding up to you and lifting your head up to look at him with gentle fingers on your chin. Charlie’s other hand brushes down your arm to take your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together.
“Don’t apologise,” he says, eyes shining. “I’m in love with you too, dumbass.”
It’s your turn to have your mouth hanging open as you process his words.
“You’re what?” you ask dumbly.
He chuckles again, hand moving from your chin to hold your cheek. You can’t help but tilt slightly into his warmth, revelling in his affection.
“I’m. In. Love. With. You.”
He punctuates each word carefully, sincerely, like he’s making sure that they pierce through your confusion and straight into your heart.
And they do, because the weight lifts from your chest, and the corners of your mouth start to raise into a smile.
Because your best friend was in love with you too.
“Holy shit,” you breathe. “For how long?”
He hums as he thinks, thumb caressing the side of your face.
“Several months, now? Before we went to that convention in LA,” he admits.
“Me too, holy shit,” you breathe, letting out a small chuckle. “Were we just dumb this whole time?”
“Mm, no, I think that’s just you,” he teases, giving your nose a pinch.
You feel your cheeks warm at the action, but you manage to give a sarcastic, “Sure thing.”
Charlie let’s out a breathy laugh at your response, before his eyes turn serious again and he cups your face in both his hands.
“I’m in love with you,” he reiterates. “Can I please kiss you?”
You tell him yes without hesitation, your hands coming up to hold the back of his neck. Because finally you could let your feelings come through as transparent as glass.
He pulls you close and slots his mouth over yours, capturing you in a sincere kiss.
Time stands still again as you embrace. The two of you pour out months of frustration and unrequited feelings (that was really requited the whole time) into the kiss.
When the two of you pull apart, there’s joy shining in both of your eyes. The moment is sweet, before it’s broken by laughter as the two of you consider the stupidity of your situation again.
Charlie spends the rest of the day at your place, the two of you passing stories back and forth when you were hiding your feelings. And when your expression darkens a little as you remember that you have to apologise to Ranboo and Moonzy for avoiding them too, he kisses a little bit of the darkness away.
Finally, you no longer had to hide your feelings deep in your chest.
Finally, you could wear them on your sleeve, as the one you love held your hand.
The end.
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tadpoleteef · 6 months
gamer girl 👾
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word count: 1.5k
pairing: austin x female!reader
warnings: SMUT, oral (m receiving), lil fem dom???, unprotected sex
summary: austin’s playing video games with friends and isn’t paying attention to you. long story short you end up trying to dom him which obvi doesn’t go far and then you ride him in his gaming chair yassssss.
a/n: hiii so i’ve been reading fan fiction for years and i’ve always wanted to write it. i wrote an austin butler one shot like 2 years ago, posted it, but it was just awful so i deleted it. then i had a the summer i turned pretty phase, and wrote a one shot about jeremiah fisher confessing his love to you. this story was also deleted because of how just awful it was. anyway, i think my writing has gotten a little better soooo here’s a little smut one shot for ya.
it was around 8pm on a saturday night, and you and austin were at home, spending the rest of your night in your little apartment. you were sitting on your bed in a short white lace nightgown, scrolling through instagram. austin was across the room sitting at his desk, playing a game on his xbox. he had been playing for a little while now, screaming at his friends into the microphone and raging everytime he had to redo the level.
getting a little tired of his lack of attention, you put your phone down and walked over to where he was sitting. you stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders gently. he relaxed into your touch, leaning back into the chair with his eyes still locked on the screen in front of him. you leaned down to his ear and whispered,
“are you having fun, handsomel?”
it took him a second to respond, so you tapped his shoulder lightly which made him look back at you then back at the screen.
“uh- what? oh yeah im fine sorry im about to die”
right when he said that the tv went black and the words “game over” illuminated the screen. you could hear his friends complaining through the microphone. he threw the controller down on the game, rubbing his eyebrows and letting out a sigh.
you giggled a little bit, it was funny to see a grown man get so upset over a video game. “it's okay love, just try again” you spoke. he turned around with a stern look, “i can’t just fuckin’ try again, it’s gonna take me hours to redo all this.”
you were a little taken back by his harsh tone, so you took your hands off his shoulders and rolled your eyes, annoyed that the game was getting more attention than you. you layed back on the bed staring at the ceiling. you weren’t upset that austin was choosing his game over you right now, i mean he worked practically everyday so he needed a break sometimes, you were just craving him. jeez, when were you not? you wanted his touch, his lips on yours and his domination. you wanted him right now and that was the only thing going through your mind. acting on your thoughts you walked over again but this time you stood in front of him, between him and the desk.
“baby- could you please move?” he moved his head to the left and right trying to see around your waist. you stepped closer and put your legs through the arm holes of the chair, lowering yourself onto his waist. you were now facing him, your chests together as he looked at the screen with a confused, mad look. He kissed your cheek then laid his chin on your shoulder, pressing down the buttons on the controller. you smirked knowing he had no idea what was about to come.
you started off light, moving your hips back and forth. you weren’t sure if he knew you were even moving so you applied some more pressure, fully sitting on his dick. “guys over there ov-” he stopped mid sentence. with your smirk growing bigger, you went faster, now basically dry humping him. he switched the mic setting so it was on mute and questioned “what are you doing?”
you looked at him and took off the straps of your nightgown, letting it fall down to your waist, showing off your matching white undergarments. he looked at you up and down, drinking in your figure. you had him wrapped around your finger.
you bent down to is ear and whispered, “you’re gonna sit still and act normal while i take your dick, sound good?” you cocked your head to the side, awaiting his response. he looked up at you with a shocked expression, coming from your dominance toward him. “i like it when you’re bossy.” he squeezed your thigh. “and you didn’t answer my question.” you added to his compliment. he gave you the ‘let’s see what you got look,’ and you knew you had the okay. you took a little less pressure off his waist so he could pull down his sweatpants, boxers following.
you sat down so his member was resting, hard, against your stomach. you looked away from his piercing eyes and spat onto the tip, slowly taking your thumb and spreading it around. he bit his lip and closed his eyes for a split second taking in the feeling. he snapped out of his trance quickly when his friends started yelling at him for his inactivity.
he went to respond but you stroked his cock slowly and he but his lip to hide back a moan and put the mic on mute again. you bit the inside of your cheek trying not to smile after seeing how much pleasure he was receiving. he let out a low groan when you cupped his balls slowly. you stopped your hands, looking at him. he quickly mouthed “sorry” as he disobeyed you. “not one noise from you” he nodded and you stroked him again.
after a few minutes of austin holding back moans, you could tell he was close, he was barely even focusing on the game anymore, mostly on the way your fingers gently warmed his cock. you stopped and stood up moving your panties to the side. he furrowed his eyebrows, needing more of your touch.
“how bad do you want it?” you rubbed your clit slowly in front of him. he looked down at your hand then back up at you. “really really bad” he took one hand off his controller and grabbed your waist. you switched the settings so the mic was now on and got close to it, “hi boys, austins not feeling to well, gonna let him get some rest.”
after you finished your sentence austin said bye then immediately smashed his lips into yours. the kiss was sloppy but deep, both just focusing on grabbing whatever skin you could. he pulled away and rubbed the tip against your clit gently. you sucked in a breath, knowing that meant he wanted you now. you moved forward a little more and slowly sat down. you two had just had sex two days ago but every time he first entered you, it was like you were a virgin all over again. he was without a doubt big, stretching you out as you finally sat all the way down on his cock. you moaned and let your head fall back.
wanting more, you moved your hips back and forth, placing your hands on his chest. “does that feel good angel?” he questioned, blue eyes staring into yours. “yes, oh yes” you started to go faster, austin saw your need and started fucking up into you. at the angle you two were sitting at, he was hitting your g spot with the first thrust. your moans turned into screams as he hammered into you.
“oh my god aus that's so good” you moaned and he smirked and then faster, the room becoming hotter by the second. he took one of your hands and pressed it against your stomach hard. you could feel his dick going in and out of you. “you feel my big my dick fucking your pretty pussy? gonna put a fuckin’ baby you mama”
his words brought you over the edge, and he could tell you were about to cum. he circled your clit with his fingers taking one last glance at your gorgeous body being destroyed before you cried out a moan. your orgasm sent a hot flash through your whole body. your legs were shaking and your heart was racing. without even thinking you got off austin and got on your knees in front of him, trying to help him out.
he laughed, “such a good girl helping me out” he made a makeshift ponytail with your hair and was forcing your head down. the sounds coming out of your mouth were erotic. girks and glugs filled the room and you could feel tears streaming down your face. his dick started to twitch in your mouth and you grabbed his balls again. you felt the warm cum coat your throat before you tasted it. you swallowed and took your head off him, sitting back onto your calves.
he leaned forward into the chair, grabbing your chin and making you look up at him. He had never seen anything more sexy. your hair was all frizzy, mascara running down your face onto your neck, and a mix of his cum and spit spilling down your lip. He wiped it off with his thumb and then placed it in your mouth and you sucked the mixture off.
“you really thought you could dominate me?” he laughed and helped you up, sitting you down on the bed.
“hey, i had you for like the first 10 minutes” you responded smilining.
he wiped you up, got you all clean, and took you to bed. you two ended the night off by having multiple little tickle fights, and arguing over which board game you should play next weekend. right before you drifted off you heard austin's voice softly say.
“I will admit, domination by y/n y/l/n is something we should do more often.” his words took you by surprise, but you smirked and snuggled closer to him.
yep, wrapped around your finger
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shwoyo · 1 month
can we get tsukishima and kuroo x figure skater gf headcanons pls?
skater gf hcs ! ﹫kuroo ; tsukishima
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🏷️: fem!reader, skater!reader, fluff, not proof-read :))
wc: 536
a/n: sorry for the long waitt! honestly i wanna be a skater girl so bad but the second i'm on one i'm screaming. also, if there's any grammatical errors or wrong spellings, this is NAWT proof-read so i'm sorry
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he's neutral about it
he talks to yamaguchi about how cool you are me thinks
is also worried, but keeps to himself most of the time
will always say "keep safe" when you leave to skate
when you bring him to watch you skate, he'll be smiling brightly when watching you
BUT will drop his smile once he sees other people near him LOL
will take videos of you skating and puts it on his story to flex you :3
i feel the other first years will find out about you, and of course ask tsukki about it
"hey hey! i heard your girlfriend skates" hinata says
tsukki will keep his response short though
"hm, yeah, she's very good at it," he says stoically
"how is she? does she get injured a lot? can she teach me some tricks?" hinata asks
"she's fine, and rarely gets injured. and no, she cannot" he replies
would keep entertaining hinata's question though, cause he gets to show you off
his ig feed would probably just consist of volleyball & you, skateboarding, or just with you with your skateboard
if ever your skateboard breaks, he'll probably save up and buy you a new one on your birthday
if you get injured though, he's worried
"are you okay? are you stupid" "tch, you should've been more careful" he says as his eyebrows furrows
he's not angry no, he's just vv worried okay !!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals
would already know what you're craving & would buy it immediately
would do your errands as well !! willingly !!
when you recover, he'll watch you 24/7 when you skate
but he'd probably not let you skate right away
"dumbass, be careful! do you wanna get injured again?"
he gets so worried sometimes
"don't do that, it might harm you baby" with a pouty face
but all in all, he's okay w/ it! he just wants you to be safe.
will talk to kenma about you, he'd boast about how good you are
will have the biggest grin if you master a trick
"you're so cool baby! do that with caution, though."
at some point, would also wanna try skateboarding...
"teach me, baby, please!" "i'll be fine, promise!"
but once he's on a skateboard, he's screaming n crying LOL
"maybe... i'll just leave you to it... never again."
when you get injured though, he's reciting everything he says about safety
"i told you to be safe!" "you should've done that carefully" "don't do it so carelessly"
he's only saying those because he's worried !!! ok !!!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals (2)
will do anything you ask of and will buy you your favorite food (or current cravings)
once you recovered, he's not letting you skate yet
"after a month! what if you get injured again?"
again, he's only saying this because he's worried !!
and after that happens and he lets you skate again, he'll be watching over you 24/7
"be careful, y/n!"
will calm down eventually
but whenever you leave to skate, will always remind you to "be careful" and "watch your movements carefully".
OH and random thought, he would buy you both skateboard keychains & phone charms !!
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© shwoyo, all rights reserved
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dollypopup · 3 months
also also- to cut so many intimacy scenes in a season where body positivity was the focus is a slap in the fucking face
The showrunners claiming that love scenes matter less after the couple has gotten together- bullshit. I call fucking bullshit. Because that scene of her riding him at the end of the season could have made up for a LOT of disappointment in the ending. That bed is symbolic. Them being TOGETHER in the bed is symbolic and meaningful and says so much and is such a perfect way to represent they are a unit again. He was on that sofa for so long in part because of a rift between them with Lady Whistledown in the storyline, but also because that was a safe place for him. That was the first place he and Pen had sex as a couple and they were happy and they were in love, and it was difficult for him to leave that.
A scene at the end where she is on top, riding him, and they are on the bed together, signifies his trust in her and them moving together into the future. It is important. And it should have gotten more than just 20 seconds on the screen. Her on top was meaningful, because in the carriage, she is a passive participant to pleasure. On the sofa, she asks him to tell her what to do, and when he says he'll do it all, she demands to be a part of it. And in riding him, she is an active party in the intimacy. He can relinquish the control, trusts her enough to do so, and she trusts him enough to be in the vulnerable position of being on top. A position women who have had concerns about their body in a fatphobic society know all too well. Why cut it so short? Why not truly lean into that?
You cannot pat yourself on the back as a body positivity season to make bank off of your plus size viewers and then cut so many intimacy scenes, Shondaland and Netflix. That's fucked. You cannot profit off of us and then do a half assed job in telling our stories.
Where are the fat writers in the room? The fat editors? To say 'actually, this love scene is important. we should cut something else'. Why is it that we don't get Colin going down on her? It was filmed, why was it cut? Why are there less intimacy scenes between Pen and Colin than there were for Benedict?
How are you going to claim over and over that this is representation, and then do our representation dirty? I would understand in part if it wasn't even filmed, for various reasons. Actors feeling uncomfortable, the scenes being unnecessary to the narrative itself- but they were filmed, and they were VITAL.
Pen and Colin are FROSTY after that Lady Whistledown reveal. To use words from a very hilarious video: he doesn't wanna dip his quill in her inkwell anymore after finding out about the lies. Because for Colin, love and intimacy and trust are all entwined. He can't have angry sex with her because he craves intimacy, not just sensation. To have one without the other isn't fulfilling for him. So they split apart and apart and apart, until they come together again. (pardon the innuendo) Them having sex at the end of the season is supposed to be the sigh of relief the viewers AND the couple get after that angst. It's the payoff. They had distance, and now they are together again. They were apart and now they are one. They are joined.
Where was the payoff?
Nicola talked about the importance of intimacy scenes, that they are not throwaways, that they mean something to the plot, and for them to be scrapped feels like an injustice. An injustice to the people who saw themselves represented in this story, (note: I'm a fat woman, and I'll say, I do NOT feel personally represented, because I'm a size 18/20 and a size 8 lead isn't my representation, but many many people do not feel as I do, and so if you DID see yourself on screen, I'm sorry: you deserved that intimacy montage), an injustice to the narrative, and an injustice to your actors, who put themselves in a very vulnerable position to deliver the most poignant love story they could, who really went for it, and who ended up on the cutting room floor.
Nic and Luke love this pairing, you can TELL they're shippers, you can tell they have so much empathy and adoration for Pen and Colin. They poured their heart into those scenes. To see them cut is a disservice and a disrespect.
We fucking deserved better.
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fictionalthrill · 8 months
A Stranger Valentine: Steve Harrington One-Shot
A/N: Greetings! So here it is! After a very long hiatus, I'm finally back with a little one-shot for Steve Harrington. It is my first in a while and I hope it won't be my last. I'm a little nervous about it, but I might as well just stop overthinking and go for it. And oddly enough, this just so happens to be my blog's 7th anniversary! I hope you like it!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Description: Steve puts himself out there on Valentine's Day. (3292 words)
Love interest: Reader
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         It was a nice, breezy, and all together, regular day in Hawkins. A somewhat busy Monday for some businesses, including the Family Video. Customers had come and gone. The shelves ripped apart; most rentals gone by the evening. Surprisingly, things had died down for a bit, giving Steve and Robin a breath. The bell at the door rang as a couple of customers exited, giving way to Dustin.      
         “Hey, Robin!” He greeted. 
         “Hey, nerd.”
         “I don’t take that as insult, no matter how many times you call me it,” Dustin said.
         Steve then appeared from the back room. “Okay Robin, make a note, we are out of When Harry Met Sally, Flashdance, Splash, Footloose, Sixteen Candles, and Back to the Future. I just went over some inventory and those are the ones most asked for and the ones we are out of for now.” He glanced over the counter. “Sup, Henderson?”
         “Do you have The NeverEnding Story?”
         “On a school night?” Steve said as he stood behind the counter. He reached for the bin of returned movies while he looked at his young friend.
         “Yeah, Susie and I are gonna watch it together on Valentine’s Day while we talk on the phone.”
         “You are guys are so weird,” Robin said.
         “Those are your Valentine’s Day plans?” Steve asked.
         “Well, there really isn’t much to do at a distance. Plus, it doesn’t help that Valentine’s Day is on a Wednesday this year.”
         “Right. Also, Valentine’s Day is two days away, why are you asking about the movie today?”
         “The NeverEnding Story is a beloved film. It could just as easily be on your little list of out-of-stock movies.”
         “Doubtful,” Robin said.
         Out of nowhere, a VHS box fell to the ground. The sound earned the attention of the trio by the counter. Then, a hand was raised from behind one of the shelves.
         “Sorry, that was my bad.” Someone’s voice rang. Their head poked up as well. 
         “You’re good,” Robin responded.
         Steve failed to tear his eyes away. He watched as the girl continued to scan the films, while she enjoyed the music that played on her Walkman. Steve was pulled out of his trance by Dustin who snapped his fingers in his face.
         “What? What?”
         Dustin looked between the shelves and Steve. “You really shouldn’t stare, Steve. It’s rude.”
         “I often tell him,” Robin said as she flipped through the pages of a magazine she usually hid behind the counter.
         “I wasn’t staring,” Steve said.
         “Oh, you were just ogling at Y/N,” Dustin said. 
         Steve’s head snapped towards Dustin. “You know her?”
         “Uh, yeah, most people do.”
         “Huh? I could have sworn she just moved here.”
         “No, she moved back,” Robin added.
         “What you know them too?” 
         “Duh, dingus.”
         “How do you both know her, and I don’t?”
         “Probably because you were too busy being King Steve.”
         “Yup! Y/N was in your year,” Dustin said.
         “How do you know anything about her?” 
         “She babysat Mike and I a couple of times.”
         “And you know her how, Robin?”
         “She tutored me in algebra.”
         Suddenly, Y/N made her way over to the counter with a couple of films in hand, cutting the trio’s conversation short. 
         “Okay, I think that’s enough browsing for the day,” she said as she removed her headphones. 
         “Hey, Y/N!” Dustin smiled.
         “Dustin Henderson? Look at you! You’ve gotten taller!”
         “And you’ve stayed the same.”          “Well, I think I hit my growth spurt too early and ran out quickly.”
         “It happens.”
         “Hi, Robin!” She glanced at Steve. “Hi, Steve.”
         “Hey, Y/N!”
         “Hi,” Steve said shyly. 
         Robin moved to the computer on the counter while Y/N handed the movies to her.
         “How long will you be renting these for?”
         “Um, you can put me down for two nights. Seems like you guys have been really busy, today.”
         “Yeah, it’s been oddly hectic for Valentine’s Day week.”
         “Oh, that’s right! Wednesday… is that why I couldn’t find a copy of Sixteen Candles?”
         “Oh?” Robin looked at Steve. “No, Sixteen Candles?”
         Steve shot Robin a disappointed look, realizing she never listened to him earlier. “Yeah, sorry. We’re all out of that one…” Steve told Y/N.
         “No, worries. I just like to rewatch it every now and again.”
         “Sorry,” Steve said.
         “It’s okay.”
         “Okay, you are set to go,” Robin said as she slid the movies to Y/N.
         “Thanks. Well, I’ll see you guys around. Bye!” She locked eyes with Steve before she headed towards the door.
         “I don’t think I’ve seen you this off your game since our Scoops Ahoy days, dingus.”
         “Yeah, Steve, you were just there. Staring. Again!”
         “What did you guys expect me to do with you two here?”
         “Uh, act normal,” Robin said.
         “I did act normal. She wasn’t really interested.”
         “Maybe cause you were avoiding them.”
         “I wasn’t avoiding them. They clearly aren’t interested.”
         “I believe you just haven’t been trying hard enough,” Dustin said.
         “I second that,” Robin said.
         “When’s the last time you went on a date?”
         “Ha!” Robin exclaimed. 
         “What? It hasn’t been that long.”
         “It’s been a while. Actually, I don’t think you’ve dated anyone in the time that I’ve known you.”
         “Come on! It has not been long.”
         “Long enough.”
         “Whether that’s the case or not, maybe you should just try. Why don’t you ask them out?” Dustin said.
         “Because he doesn’t know how. He’s done nothing but stare at her each time she’s been in here.”
         “I’m right here, Robin. Besides, I helped her the second time she came in.”
         “You pointed to where the comedies were and practically ran away from her.”
         “Fine, so I’m a little off my game. So what?”
         “Maybe you just need to not think about it as much,” Dustin suggested.
         “What do you mean?”
         “Just ask her out. Let the words come out and don’t think about it too much or else you’ll psych yourself out.”
         “Can’t believe I’m getting advice from Henderson.”
         “Like that’ll work,” Robin commented.
         “You’re not really helping,” Dustin said.
         “Okay, how’s this for advice? Stop living in the past. You’re not the same Steve from high school, which means people don’t act the way they used to around you. The real world is different, and you are in it. So why don’t you just grow a pair and just ask her out! What’s the worst that can happen, that she says no? You’ve been rejected before, and you’ve lived. You’ll be just fine no matter the outcome.”
         “Uh… okay, thanks.”
         On Valentine’s Day, Family Video saw a lot of traffic from the moment it was opened. Girls came around in their little cliques and grabbed snacks to go with their choice of films like The Blue Lagoon, Endless Love, An Officer and a Gentleman, Flashdance, and more. These were also popular among the guys that strung along their girlfriends or the dates they had for the day.
         Steve had finished shelving some of the returns before he made his way to the counter. Things had died for a bit, so he took the opportunity to stock some movies before more customers showed up. This would leave Robin with the inventory in the back. When he went to check on her, he found her lying back on a chair, a magazine covering her face.
         “Of course,” he said.
         The bell at the door rang, and Steve eyed the monitors on the desk in front of Robin. The footage showed Y/N, as she made her way to the counter. Steve felt his heart rate increase. He took a deep breath and exited the back room, immediately coming face to face with Y/N.
         “Hey,” he greeted.
         “Hi!” Y/N said as she fished some movies from her messenger bag. “I’ve come to return these.” She placed the films on the counter.
         “Alrighty.” Steve reached for the films while he worked on the computer. He noticed two of the three titles: Cinderella and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Steve felt this was his time to make small talk. “Had yourself a Disney night?”
         “A Disney night… Cinderella and Snow White?” He smiled nervously. 
         “Oh! Kinda. I had to babysit two little girls and as you can imagine they love princesses.” Y/N beamed.
         “Right. And if you baby sit boys, what do you usually go for?”
         “Easy. Star Wars. Or E.T. Dustin can testify to that.”
         “Classic choices right there.” He saw the last title: Grease. “I’m guessing Grease is more of a personal choice.”
         Y/N chuckled. “Yeah, you’re not wrong. I like to have one for myself for when the kids fall asleep.”
         “Understandable. Uh, that’ll be four-twenty-five.”
         As Y/N searched through her wallet for her money, Steve watched her for a moment. He took in her soft features and notice how delicate she looked. She pulled out a five-dollar bill and handed it to him. Steve charged the films and took out three quarters to give back.
         “No movies for tonight?”
         “Didn’t really have any in mind. Weirdly enough I got no calls to baby sit tonight. And I didn’t make plans so, right now   I don’t know what the rest of the day holds.”
         Robin’s words replayed in Steve’s mind. Grow a pair and just ask her. He thought. Now or never, Harrington.
         “Listen, since you don’t have any plans for tonight, would you…” he cleared his throat and continued. “Would you like to go see a movie? With me? Tonight?”
         “Oh… like on a date?” she asked.
         “Uh, yeah—Only if you want…”
         Y/N smiled at him. “What did you have in mind to go see?”
         Steve swallowed. “There’s this new movie coming out… Pretty in Pink…”
         “I’d love to.”
         “Yeah. You had me at movie and now I’m even more excited knowing it’s to see Pretty in Pink.”
         Steve chuckled. “Great. That’s great. There’s a showing at eight. Can I pick you up at seven-thirty?”
         “That sounds perfect.”
         “Awesome, so I’ll see you tonight.”
         “I’ll see you tonight, Steve.” With that Y/N exited the Family Video. 
         Once she was out of sight, Steve couldn’t help but fist bump the air. It had actually worked. He asked and she said yes. Steve turned around and jumped when he noticed Robin just stood there.
         She had a smug look on her face. “Told you so, Harrington.”
         “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks.”
         Funnily enough, Steve had forgotten to ask Y/N where she lived. Luckily, Robin helped him figure it out. He arrived just as he had told her; seven thirty on the dot. He popped a breath mint in his mouth as he walked up to the door. He combed his fingers through his hair, adjusted the jacket he had on, and rang the doorbell.
         A minute passed before the door swung open to reveal Y/N standing opposite of him. Steve eyed her for a second before he swallowed so hard the breath mint went straight to his stomach. He could have sworn he heard Dustin telling him to stop ogling at the girl. 
         He snapped out of his daze. “Hey.”
         “Hi. You alright?” She asked.
         “Me? Yeah. I’m good.”
         She smiled. 
         “You look great, by the way. Uh, beautiful actually.” Steve noticed her cheeks grew warm. 
         “Thank you.”
         “Are you ready to go? I’m not rushing you, though.”
         “I’m ready.”
         “Alrighty, let’s go.”
         Steve moved aside as she stepped out and locked the door behind her. They walked together to his car, and Steve picked up his steps to beat her to the passenger side. He opened the door and closed it after she climbed in. Steve then marched over to the driver’s side. As soon as he got in, he started his car, and drove on to the movie theater. The ride started off a bit quiet with both parties rather nervous about the date, not that they’d confess anything to one another. Suddenly, Steve turned on the radio and the catchy beat of Daryl Hall and John Oats’ You Make My Dreams Come True, came through the speakers. Steve caught on to Y/N tapping her hands on her lap in tune to the song, and so he left it on that station. After that, the ride didn’t feel as long. Before they knew it, the song finished when they arrived. 
         Steve made sure to get the door for Y/N and together they strolled over to the ticket booth. Being a gentleman, he bought their tickets, and the pair made their way inside. Steve eyed the snacks counter and turned to Y/N at his side. 
         “Would you like any snacks?”
         “Uh, only you do.”
         “I could definitely go for some popcorn. We could share?”
         “If you want you can get us some seats while I get the snacks.”
         “Are you sure? I don’t mind going with you.”
         “Yeah. Movie will start here in a bit so were gonna see plenty of people filing in and before you know it, the good seats will be gone.”
         “Okay. I’ll see you inside.”
         A few minutes later Y/N waved Steve over the minute she spotted him coming into the theater. Steve was hugging a bucket of popcorn while also holding a beverage on each hand. When he reached the seat next to her, Y/N stopped rubbing her hands on her upper arms and helped Steve with the drinks. She placed each one on the cup holders and Steve sat next to her. The lights dimmed and the screen slowly went on. Steve leaned a little closer to Y/N.
         “Are you okay?”
         “Yeah. It’s just a little colder than I expected, and I totally forgot my cardigan at home.”
         “Yeah, but it’s okay.”
         “Here, hold this.” Steve handed her the popcorn and proceeded to remove his jacket. He then extended it to her. “Take it.”
         “What? No, Steve. I couldn’t.”
         “You can. Take it, please.”
         Y/N took the boy’s jacket. Steve wouldn’t say it out loud, but he loved how she looked in it, even in the dimmed theater. She warmed up immediately. 
         “Thank you,” she whispered. 
         “You’re welcome. Popcorn?” He whispered back. 
         “Yes, please. Thanks.”
         Steve handed his date the popcorn and kept a small handful. The film started and the pair got comfortable in their seats. At one point during the movie, their hands bumped into one another when reaching for the popcorn.
         “Sorry,” Y/N whispered.
         “It’s okay. Some good popcorn.”
         Steve shook his head as he watched the movie, the words echoing in his head. Some good popcorn? Idiot. 
         Mid way through the film Y/N slightly leaned her shoulder into Steve’s armrest. Steve took as deep breath and enjoyed the closeness. They would remain like that until the end.
         As the pair exited the theater along with the crowd, Y/N gushed to Steve about how much she enjoyed the movie.
         “I thought it was pretty sweet. Thanks for bringing me.”
         “You’re welcome.”
         As they strolled on over to the car, Y/N got a little closer to Steve. 
         “Why did you bring me?”
         “Why did you bring me to see this movie tonight? On Valentine’s Day?”
         Steve stopped in place. “Oh, I- uh, I thought it was pretty obvious.”
         She stopped as well and gazed up at him. “What?”
         He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, that I… that I… like you.”
         “That’s good. I like you too.” She grinned.
         “You do?”
         “I thought it was pretty obvious.” 
         Steve chuckled and nodded. He noticed a man at the street corner selling roses. Without saying a word, he started jogging towards the man. Y/N turned, and her eyes followed his figure.
         “One sec.”
         She watched as Steve got a rose from the man and jogged right back to her.
         Steve extended the rose towards her. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
         She accepted it.
         He continued. “I didn’t make a big deal of it because it’s only our first date and I didn’t want to freak you out.”
         “I love it.”
         They continued on back towards Steve’s car, not that far apart from one another. When they reached the car, Steve being a gentleman once again, opened the door for her to get in. 
         On their way back, there was a soft love song playing on the radio, which they both enjoyed in silence. According to the host, it had been requested by some lovesick caller. They pulled up slowly to Y/N’s home, and Steve turned off the engine. As they sauntered to her door, Steve realized he didn’t want the night to end. Sure, he had been a bundle of nerves the whole time, but even then, he enjoyed her company and thought her shyness was just adorable. When they reached the door Steve stayed on the second step, while she stood at the top. They were at eye level this way.
         “Steve?” She said shyly. 
         “How come you didn’t ask me sooner?”
         Steve took a deep breath. It was as if the date had only just begun again. “Honestly? I couldn’t muster the courage to ask you out.”
         “What changed?”
         “Robin gave me a harsh, but much needed pep talk.”
         “And how did you decide on a movie?”
         “It seemed like you love ‘em. I tried to hold Sixteen Candles for you cause you asked for it the other day. But then, I saw this movie had the same chick in it. So, I took a shot.”
         “Molly Ringwald.”
         “The actress you’re talking about. It’s Molly Ringwald.”
         “Right, yeah. That one.”
         She smiled. “Well, I’m glad our first date was on Valentine’s Day. It will stand out from any future one’s.”
         “Future one’s? You sayin’ you would go on a date with me again?” His heart was beating through his ears.
         She played with the rose she held in her hand. “Only if you want to. I wasn’t sure if you’d ask again.”
         “I do. I really, really do.”
         “Then it’s a date.”
         The two stood under the moonlight for another minute, as if waiting for something else to happen. However, nothing did.
         “Well, thanks again, Steve. I had a really great time.”
         “Me too.”
         “Goodnight, Steve.”
         Y/N smiled at the boy before her, one more time. She then turned to the door, unlocked it, and stepped inside.
         Steve waved softly at her and watched the door close. He stood there for a brief moment, kicking himself for not doing more to not bring the night to close so soon. 
         Suddenly, the door opened, and Y/N stepped in front of Steve in two quick steps. She placed a delicate hand on Steve’s right cheek, leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his. 
         Steve was stunned. His hands slightly hovered around her, before they came down to settle on her hips. He pulled her in a little tighter, relaxing into the kiss. He felt a warmth between them, as he savored her soft lips. He could still taste the movie theater popcorn.
         After a moment, Y/N broke the kiss and took a step back. Steve’s eyes remained closed, and his hands lingered on her hips. He finally opened his eyes and gazed into hers.
         A giggle bubbled in her throat. She took another step back, but Steve couldn’t resist pulling her in by her hips and kissing her one more time. Steve broke the kiss on this occasion and saw as he had left her stunned this time around. As he gazed back at her, he watched as she began to take slow steps backwards into her home.
         “Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
She then closed the door and lied her back against it, with a hand hovering over her lips. Steve couldn’t see this. Which meant she didn’t see him when he raised his fists in triumph. 
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Don't be afraid to let me know what you think! If you are interested in another Steve Harrington One Shot, I wrote one a while back. Here is the link:
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neo404 · 3 months
Sorry I’ve read all of the Nick fics and I’m in love with your writing, I was wondering are you ok with me requesting some things like a curvy male reader and I mean like man titties, some stomach, big ass, thick thighs cause they save lives with Nick
Maybe it could be a headcanon post
the reader probably wore things like tight high/low rise bell bottoms, a skims dresses, basically clothing that shows off his body more, would his brothers wonder how Nick pulled male reader, if he were to be posted would his fans ask “NO WAY NICK CAN HANDLE ALL THAT” just a funny concept that would make me feel included.
hope you enjoy this, and im so glad you send this request, it warmed my heart the "it would make me feel included".
Nick x Chubby Reader
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Not NSFW but sex is implied in one point.
• Nick loves you. He fell in love with you a long time ago and found the courage to confess, to his surprise you said yes. So now you two are dating.
• Nick loves the way you dress. He loves you fashion sense, he thinks you have the best outfit ideas and he LOVES how you make your body look. He stares at you a lot when you are getting ready, admiring you curves, rolls and plumpness. Sometimes when you catch him staring, he gets shy and his face blushes.
• Nick is a big fan of buying clothes for you and with you.
• Nick is the fan number one of physical touch when he is with you. His hands HAVE to be on you. He loves, loooves, LOVES cuddling with you. He likes to hug you; he will lay on your tummy and thighs…
• Speaking of thighs. He loves them, so big, soft and warm, perfect to crush him. He will put his head between them, resting the back of his head against your stomach. Nick will beg you to play with his hair while the two of you talk and catch up.
• He also likes the fact that he is strong. He will pick you up. I will. I will make you sit on his lap and reassure you that you don’t need to worry about anything because he is a strong boy. (I too get self-conscious when getting picked up by someone or sitting in someone’s lap, im kinda self-projecting here lmao)
• You are in the background of a few videos. Fans going crazy when Nick made a ‘soft launch’ of your relationship. Some people showering you in love and warm welcomes. You and Nick started posting more content with you in it, everyone always complimented your fits and eventually you opened an Instagram to post pictures and videos showing your clothes and how to combine/style them.
• Matt and Chris love you but always joke around with Nick that he can’t handle you, and that it must be tiring doing all the job in bed. Nick always gets pouty and mad as his brothers and you just laugh it off.
• Nick loveeees to grab your thighs, tummy, waist and arms and squeeze them. He also picked up the habit of biting you (gently and loving of course).
• Nick who is absolutely in love with you and is not afraid of showing you off. He made you model for some merch and space camp photos. He also posts pictures with/of you to his stories and snaps regularly.
• Nick will playfully squeeze your man tits and say they help him release stress. He also loves laying his head in your chest, like a lot. He says he gets his best sleep when he has his head there.
• Big fan of summer because he gets to see you in more revealing and fresh clothes. He will go feral when you wear dresses or skirts, but his favorites are crop tops. He melts when you show off your stomach, he will buy you more crop tops and short, fresh clothes every summer.
• Over all, amazing boyfriend who will volunteer to get crushed by your thighs. Such a cutie.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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Thoughts on Short Chapter 90.1 (Long Post)
First of all, what in the world just happened? That short chapter was so unexpected for a short chapter.
Endo is really good at messing all of our brains in just four pages. Upon seeing it as an extra chapter, I thought it’s going to be on a lighter side but I don’t expect it to be dark and centered around Anya!
So here are some of my 6 takeaways. (Long post again sorry!)
1.Anya is probably not the real spelling of her name or not even her real full name
-Anya is pretty sure herself that her name is spelled as Ania, she spelled her name the same way in the Eden Entrance Exam.
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-And the expression in her face when Loid corrected her tells a lot. (I’m really amazed how Endo conveyed this without the readers letting know what is going on in Anya’s mind. Meaning that he still doesn’t want to reveal that snippet of her thoughts process since it surely would reveal something about her past) Her expression was so subtle but it tells that for her, she's certain that it was really letter I. Then settling with oh, but not like a happy and excited or enlightened ‘Oh!’ But just a simple, Oh, okay... Like she had no choice but to just agree.
And her lying in her bed thinking about the name, saying it aloud as if familiarizing it.
So here are my thoughts about Ania/Anya’s name:
Ania is part of a longer name
Maybe Ania was a nickname given to her because she has a longer one.
I just told my sister days ago that Anya’s name sounds like Ostania and maybe that is where her name came from. So maybe Ania is just what they named her deriving from Ostania itself.
Ania could also be an acronym for something. Like the A could stand for Apple since the experiment is called Project Apple. The rest of the letters however I have no idea.
Ania could also be an experimental name (Like what I saw on some posts here the AN1A one so they decided to call her Ania but it was not a name but a label for her.
2.Why Loid assumes it was Y and not I
In the documents Franky had given him in the first chapter, her name is spelled Anya with a Y. Meaning, the orphanage thought her name is spelled that way but we can understand for Anya it was always spelled with I not Y. (The document is not readable in the manga but it was clear in the anime)
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3.Endo has plans for everything, especially for the three main characters and their back stories
Endo often says that he thought things in a spur of a moment in terms of making this manga (Reference: fanbook Endo interview page 176) like how he decided Anya being a telepath on the last moment and called it luck that it worked out lol. But this was clearly planned and the anime creators, directors and writers are aware and is working closely with Endo. What he pulled in this short chapter isn’t something that can be thought for the last minute. It is planned from the very beginning. Probably some of the little details in the manga might mean more that what meets the eyes. (I saw a video before and in that video they showed Endo's studio and they showed miniature models of the designer chairs on the volume and there are chairs there that were just briefly shown that is yet to appear. I saw the video before the release of Volume 11, the one with Emile and Ewen and I saw their chairs in the line up of the models. So you can't convince me that he hasn't planned anything where he wants to take the plot next.)
4. The Anime on Anya's nameplate change
Anya's name changed in her nameplate, from Ania to Anya at exactly end of Season 1 Part 1 episode 12. Anime have been very persistent in showing that nameplate.
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(Episode 3, not in the manga)
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Then Episode 11, we saw the change of her name spelling on her test. So the short mission 90.5 took place before she got her first stella.
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The Season 1 Part 1 Finale, we see this nameplate and I went to check the short mission of this in the manga and no, the manga didn't show the change of nameplate in that particular chapter.
Now I'm rethinking that it was really a well thought decision of Clover and Wit to make the Aquarium episode and this episode in the finale rather than starting the dog arc crisis and it was smart and sneaky of them.
Anime is doing a lot of work to elaborate the manga and I love them for that!
5.Like Father Like Daughter
It would make sense that in this family Loid and Anya would be the one who bears fake names. Yor being the one whose name being real symbolizes how she doesn’t lie about anything besides being an assassin, and there are times when she isn’t even keeping the fact that she is one. She always does things, mainly, because she genuinely cares for Anya and Loid not for her job at all (as the story progress she thought less about them being just a cover for her). Yet Anya and Loid often does things for their own ulterior motives (Anya for wanting a family for herself and Loid for his mission). They’re the ones who actively kept protecting their secret identities. The ones with the most the secrets. Both have names different from their real ones. Really makes sense don’t you think?
6.We could get an Anya backstory arc, if not by the next chapter, sooner than we expect.
We might have snippets of Anya’s backstory but I believe that Endo would not give out the whole thing. It’s too early to reveal it and what could Anya’s trigger be for her to think about everything that happened in her past?
Loid is triggered when he was rendered unconscious by Anya’s tonitrus
Yor is triggered when she’s thinking about Yuri
How about Anya?
What could trigger her to remember everything she went through?
-Will she perhaps see something or someone that will make her remember her past? (I read a fanfiction about her meeting a man who used to adopt her, it’s from coloredice I think and I can’t help but seeing it happen in canon)
Yet this is a short chapter, maybe Endo will continue this with another short chapter or give us a full chapter in the next two weeks centering around Anya. But it could also be not, since it could also just a way for Endo to add additional details to the narrative. But why bring this up now? for sure, it was a reminder, maybe a preparation on what the future ten chapters to the 100th holds.
Now it’s time for you to tell me what you think? Let’s be Twilight and overthink this four chapter short because our man's too attached to even care about knowing Anya’s background.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
im currently brainrotting over agito as you can see..can you write how you think he would meet reader and how their relationship would develop into romance with him? like actually i sat at work for like 15 minutes trying to think how but i actually cannot cook anything up.
(Also I'm seeing the ghost stuff and I'm interested...gonna have to do research for dis one☝️)
sorry if i keep sending you silly asks😞
—🪡 anon
JOIN US WE HAVE SEXY POPES WHO DOUBLE AS FRONTMEN AND FREAKY GHOULS. Listen to them, I highly recommend listening to the meliora and prequelle album before delving any deeper. Watch some YouTube videos abt the lore. PLUS THEY HAVE LITTLE EPISODES <3
Time for some more Cakemaster 9000
Phew, this took a while
Kanoh Agito: How does he fall for you?
• Like what I mentioned in one of the headcanons, you work for Katahara. While Agito doesn't directly work for him apart from beint his representative fighter, he's technically his family AND The Fang.
• However, you two hardly see eachother when on the job. BUT-
• You two visit the same coffee shop. He loves his morning Latte, and you love (insert your favorite Cafe drink here)
• When you first started working, you were surprised to see the Kanoh Agito at a small coffee shop.
• He usually greets and addresses you formally, not interested in any small talk.
• "Sheesh, what a stick in the mud" It's not that he was trying to be rude, but he did come off a little condescending when he greeted you. (He has tone issues)
• One day you woke up late and didn't have time to stop and get your usual.
• He notices your absence. "They can't be sick, they showed no signs of it two days ago"
• Long story short, he picks up your order and goes looking for you. Once he finds you, he stiffly hands it to you. "You were late I presume. I picked this up for you"
• Everyone in the room was shocked. The cold hearted Fang buying someone a drink? You smiled warmly and looked into his eyes "Thank you, this was very kind of you"
• His breathing hitched, and he felt speechless. Was he....flustered? "Don't let it happen again, you work for the Chairman afterall"
• You obviously didn't let it happen again....buuuttt it was super sweet how he seemed to care about you enough to get you something.
• To return the favor, you arrived earlier and got him his Latte. Listen, he was speechless before, now he was in shock. He didn't show it though. In his lifetime no one had ever bought him anything or returned a favor. There was a first time for everything.
• You saw through his attempt to hide the baffled expression on his face. It was kinda- cute.
• "Why have you done this?" "Why not? I'm just repaying you" "I-" "Shush, just take the drink, it's burning my hand"
• He has to get there before you now to ensure that he sees you. He's a bit friendlier with the greetings, too. Don't expect a smile though, just a softer glance in your direction.
• When he was around you, he didn't feel like he needed to be The Fang of Metsudo. You didn't hold him to any higher standard when you chatted, you didn't bother holding back a few curses. He felt as if his soul was on Earth instead of hanging in the balance.
• On one of your off days, the two of you get coffee and sit down for once. Finally having a slower paced discussion. It lasted a few hours, you did most of the talking while he had a response to almost anything. There was a lot he didn't know about pop culture.
• Coffee dates became your thing, even though it wasn't technically a date. More like two friends hanging out. Discussions got into deeper topics like pasts and whatnot.
• Agito decided that he could trust you, so he opened up about the Human Gu Ritual. He didn't know what trauma was, so you explained to him that his feelings and memories about that time in his life would be very traumatic.
• "I'm glad you could tell me that, but are you okay? If I had something like that on my chest I'd cry" "I'm quite alright, I'm not fazed in the slightest but I had no idea the caliber of the topic. I hope I didn't ruin the conversation"
• You tapped your cheek and sighed. "Have you ever been hugged before?" Agito thought for a second. The embracing gesture? The only physical contact he's hand was a pat on the shoulder or when he's fighting.
• "No, I don't think I have" "Well today's your lucky day, bring it in"
• He froze as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into you. His heartbeat raced as he thought of what to do. "Just tell me if you don't like it" you squeezed him gently. He awkwardly put his hand behind your back and rested it there.
• You let go after a few seconds, but he didn't want you to. "How was it?" You smiled.
• "I'm not sure" He smoothed out his suit, trying to relax himself after what just happened.
• A few days passed and you haven't seen him anywhere. He wasn't at work or at the coffee shop. You start to worry. Did you drive him away? Was the hug too much? Oh god was he dead?
• All the while Agito was keeping an eye on you from afar. Not letting you see him, but he could see you. He felt very fragile after that day, he almost felt ashamed. He wasn't good at managing his emotions. And what happened moved him in a way that frightened him.
• He summons the courage to talk to Katahara Metsudo about how he felt. He was the only parental figure he had in a sense.
• "You are a grown man. Is this really a difficult concept to grasp?" Katahara looked out the window of his office. "I'm inexperienced, these feelings are foreign to me"
• 'He's not referring to himself as we and us anymore, this must be serious' Katahara turned around. "To put it simply" he laughed "Tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• "I have a strong regard for you" Agito came clean. You know how I said there was a first time for everything? Well he had a hint of red on his cheeks. This beast of a man, blushing? Utterly adorable
• "So you're saying you love me?" That's the word. Love. He nodded. "Well. Say it then. There's nothing holding you back"
• He pauses for a moment, he's not exactly fond of eye contact. But this was for (Reader)
• "I love you"
• You wrap your arms around his waist again. "That's all I needed to hear"
• His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at you. You parted from the hug and tilted your head to the side. "Wanna go out to a restaurant sometime?"
• "Are you asking me out on...what is it that they call it...a date?" "Yes" you stated bluntly. Beating around the bush or teasing wouldn't get far in this situation.
• "We can talk about plans later, I have important matters to attend to" he look your hand and grazed his lips on you knuckles. Planting a small kiss on it.
• "Now where did you learn that?" "It's a romantic gesture they do on television" you bite your lip from calling him a dork.
• "I'll meet with you later about this date. Until we see eachother again" He leaves, and you're alone again.
• Man, you're already falling for him. It's not like you'd hate dating him. But you didn't want to be head over heels just yet. You looked at your knuckles and sighed "Ah what the hell, being love isn't that bad"
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(4) TENDER LIKE A BRUISE ─── ethan landry 𖦹
ೃ⁀➷ “The heart is the toughest part of the body. Tenderness is in the hands." — ‘The Country Between Us’, Carolyn Forché
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pairing. spiderman!ethan landry x reader
warnings. swearing, mention of blood, death, alcohol, and sex
summary. after that stint with the spidersuit on halloween, quinn’s getting suspicious… (1) (2) (3) (4)
a/n. sorry for the long wait everyone! also sorry that this is such a short chapter, i sprained my ankle the other day LOL
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The night after you save Ethan in the Spidersuit, you and your entire friend group are crowded in the apartment, ready to watch a shitty indie movie Mindy got from her uncle, who was as big a movie-geek as she was. 
First, however, Quinn had flicked on the news. She coursed through every channel, until she stopped on an opinionated broadcast by the name of the Daily Bugle, some obscure network that Ethan had worked at for, like, a year while he was still in highschool.
“He’s kind of, like, the devil,” Ethan told you one time at a diner, a place you landed in since you two couldn’t choose which place you wanted to order at. 
“J. Jonah Jameson seems like a very interesting creature. Devilish for sure, though,” You said, scrolling through the man’s miniscule Wikipedia page, alongside a handful of tweets using his biased shaming as reaction videos. 
Ethan held the plastic-lined menu in his large hands, turning it over to see the other side. “He was big on work ethic, meeting your quota, having to show him every article before it was published, stuff like that. It was really efficient, actually, but he was just… insufferable.” 
“Worst boss ever?”
“Worst boss ever,” Ethan said, shaking his head and taking a sip of his drink - a chocolate milkshake. 
So, it really was a surprise that Quinn was itching to watch his news, practically vibrating out of her skin. Even in general it was uncharacteristic of her, as she always seemed bored to death by the news Sam watched in the morning. 
“Quinn, I thought you hated the news.” Tara said, mild mannered and sitting down next to Mindy. 
“Especially this bald head-ass,” Mindy said, scooching over to make room. 
Quinn waved off everyones protests. “Someone I know is in this.” She then sat on the floor close to the television screen, “I just need to watch this one bit, ‘kay? Then we’ll get to whatever epistolary movie you want, Minds.” 
“It’s not epistolary, it’s a mockumentary about—“
“Yeah, yeah, we get it, Uncle Randy’s got you all educated.” Chad walked in with a pillow, pushing his sister over and plopping down right in between her and Tara. 
You were in the kitchen with Ethan, heating up bags of popcorn in the microwave, when Quinn cranked up the volume of the news way high. You could now hear it from there, and you both caught the segment's tagline. 
“Spiderman’s New Sidekick: Menace, or Martyr? Just last night, the attention-seeking “hero” was seen causing more mayhem in the city of New York. The troublemaker was accompanied by a similar web slinging partner - though still suspiciously hiding their identity. The following clip has been sent anonymously to us.”
The tv network then played a clip of you, fidgeting with the web slingers, clumsily making your way through New York and hitting several garbage cans over in the process. Your suit, however, was encapsulated in darkness, and all anyone could see was that white hood and those big curved eyes the mask had — tell-tale spiderman features. 
Your eyes darted to Ethan’s own, who was wide-eyed and pale. 
Ethan had long grown inured to the media’s attention on him, seeing as he had been doing this spiel for two years now - but you being in the news was a whole other story. 
The boy leaned over, presumably to whisper pretend sweet nothings in your ear (truthfully completely panicked thoughts about you in the suit) when Mindy interrupted your thoughts. 
“Oh my god, Quinn, don’t tell me you’re watching Jameson bash Spiderman because you don’t like him?” Mindy groaned, sinking into the couch. 
Quinn was quiet, which was really just an answer. 
Mindy leaned over from her spot on the couch. “Give me —“ she and Quinn wrestled for the remote, “the remote, I can’t listen to this entitled senior citizen bash Spiderman any longer—“ 
“He’s informing the public about a troublemakers misdeeds—“
“He should be informing the public he’s getting admitted into a senile care home—“ 
Then the two of them landed on the floor with a thud, the microwave went off, and Chad took over Mindy’s space on the couch, artfully “yawning” and placing an arm on Taras shoulder, who gave him a look but didn’t shrug him off. 
Well. So much for a peaceful night. You can see why Sam spent so much time at Danny’s place. 
The majority of you were sporting hangovers, and had wished to experience a relaxing evening, falling asleep to the droning of a Meeks-Martin Movie Recommendation (a name Chad protested everytime you said it, saying, “it’s associating me with Mindy’s movie-geek bullshit”) whose philosophical points generally flew over your head. 
(Hangovers excluding you and Ethan, who had spent the rest of the night patching eachother up, in which you were privy to Ethan’s nursing skills - or more accurately, the lack thereof. 
You had found yourselves once more in the apartment's cramped bathroom, except this time you were getting bandaged up for the scrapes on your elbows. 
You were squirming under Ethan’s touch, his hands in a heavy grip on your forearms. At some point, Ethan had enough of your movement, used his large hands to pull you close by the waist, and continued his idle work on your arms there. 
The manhandling had you so flustered you dared not move for the rest of treatment, turning your head away from the mirror so as not to reveal the terrible blush on your face. 
On the other hand, Ethan was completely oblivious of the nature of his actions, focused on bandaging your wound correctly. 
In the end, despite all the fuss, he forgot to use rubbing alcohol, and didn't know how to tie the bandage, leaving an articulate bow to finish the wraps off instead. Still, you appreciated the effort. 
He had done it in his awkward, stilted way, which was incredibly endearing in its own right.)
Silence flooded the room, until you pulled the popcorn out of the microwave, and you and Ethan poured the bags into their respective bowls for each person. 
Mindy and Quinn then untangled themselves from each other, getting up and wiping the dust of their clothes like nothing had ever happened.
“So,” You said, trying to play it cool, “what’s the deal with Spidey, my boyfriend's boyfriend?” 
Ethan followed from the kitchen, pushing you playfully (and hoping this fake nonchalance was convincing enough). “Turn that nonsense off, Q. Don’t you remember Jameson’s outburst when I quit?”
The man had had a tantrum when Ethan quit the poor summer job he was working in their offices. 
Ethan got the job in the first place because his dad was part of the NYPD, and Jameson thought Ethan might be able to spill some incredibly confidential “juicy” details about ongoing cases. When Ethan failed to deliver, Jameson forgot about him, and he spent two months doing miniscule tasks, like sorting paperwork or going for coffee runs. 
Suffice to say, it wasn’t the office experience Ethan was hoping for, so he promptly quit. There was also the awkward matter of Jameson’s increasing hatred of Spiderman, wherein Ethan was forced to regularly voice his “irritation” toward the hero. 
(Which was kind of hard to put his heart into when, well, he was the hero.)
And although it was a proper quitting, too, with a two weeks notice and everything, Jameson didn’t care, and berated seventeen-year old Ethan in front of the twenty something workers he had under his feet. But Ethan hadn’t cared too much either, and went to the theater to watch a movie right after. 
You and Ethan waited for Quinn’s familiar jabs at Ethan’s old job (in which Quinn had laughed for a solid ten minutes when he came home from quitting, in utter shock that her little brothers first job ended with a 60-year-olds toddler tantrum), his “love” of Spiderman, or even just Ethan in general - but nothing came. She merely shifted her gaze from you to him, before shrugging, and handing the remote back to Mindy. 
So movie-night was back on, but a certain feeling was creeping up both your spines, twin looks being traded between you and Ethan. 
What exactly had prompted Quinn to watch a broadcast about Spiderman? No matter how much she ranted about the hero, she equally hated Jameson and the news. 
You wracked your brain for a single solution throughout the entire movie, and it had only clicked when Mindy began her routine film-analysis, bringing out the small, rollable white board you all had tried to hide from her, just so you wouldn’t need to listen to any more movie essays. 
You got up, and pulled Ethan along with you, Mindy shooting you two a disgusted look, and Chad throwing you a thumbs up. 
(You hadn’t noticed, but Quinn’s eyes trailed after you with a glint of suspicion.)
“She knows,” you said, hushed and ducking in the dimly lit apartment hallway near your bedroom. 
“What?” Ehan said, brows furrowed. 
“She knows. Quinn.”
“Quinn knows what?”
“Oh my god,” you refrained from hitting him, “Quinn knows you’re Spiderman.” 
“Quinn knows y—“
“No, I mean, what as in what the fuck?! Are you sure she knows?” 
“I just - she was looking at us weirdly during the Spiderman broadcast, and through the entire movie, too—“
“That doesn’t mean she knows, right? She could be looking at us because we’re “dating”, or because — ‘cause I’m her stupid Spiderman geek brother, or—“
“Okay, but she could also be looking because she knows you’re Spiderman, knows I’m the weird sidekick on the news—“ 
“[Name]! Just,” Ethan pressed two fingers between his eyes, “can we let this go? Just for tonight?” 
You sighed, leaning your head against the wall. “Fine! Let’s just… pretend none of this ever happened. That she, like, probably doesn’t know.”
“Okay! Okay, you win. But just for tonight, because I swear, if I wake up tomorrow and my mom’s blasting my phone because Quinn told someone about it—“
“She doesn’t know!” Ethan repeated, before sticking his fingers in his ears and walking away like a little kid. 
You shook your head at his immaturity, but stuck your tongue out at him when he wasn’t looking, anyway.
After that isolated incident of suspicion, you and Ethan kept a particularly close watch on his sister's actions, reactions, and movements.
How she reacted when Ethan raved about how much he “adored” Spiderman, the faces she made when Sam passed The Daily Bugle channel on TV, how guarded her body language was when you walked around Central Park and someone called out from afar that Spiderman had just swung by. 
And she was so fucking suspicious. 
Quinn’s eyes would thin, looking at Ethan and you when he talked about Spiderman, she’d watch intently when Sam passed Jamesons channel, if even for a second, and she’d look to the skies every time somebody shouted “Spiderman” in the park or the streets. 
Ethan countered your every thought, however, constantly reminding you of her previously mentioned hatred for the hero, using that as an excuse for her every move. 
You two find yourselves arguing over the matter again, this time while walking across campus to your next classes, having to hold hands as you did so just so people wouldn’t think your arguing was actually you two in the process of breaking up. 
“E, she knows. I mean, for gods sakes, what person who doesn’t know sends their brother nasty looks when someone talks about Spiderman?” 
“Well, maybe, I’m her little brother who she’s made fun of every moment for the last nineteen years?”
“Oh my god, Ethan, we can’t keep pretending she doesn’t know you’re Spiderman!” you whisper shouted in his ear, pretending to pick something out of his hair. 
“Well, I was just suspicious, but you two have gone ahead and confirmed it for me.” Quinn suddenly appeared beside you, walking in tandem with your paces. 
Then, you and Ethan both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, shock still, jaws dropped, almost getting hit by a bike in the process. 
“What?” She said, tilting her head to the side. 
“What?” Ethan said back. 
“What -“ You began, but the irony sunk in rather quickly. “No, fuck— Quinn, how the f— how did you find out?” you whispered low, pulling her by the sweater sleeve as you began walking again. 
Quinn looked back to make sure nobody was listening secretly, like she had done just moments prior. “Again, I was just suspicious. Knowing was all you two. But… you guys are kind of, like, really obvious. Like, on movie night, you were fighting in the kitchen about the popcorn, and when I turned on the news you went quiet. When me and Mindy argue about the better heroes, you look at eachother like you’re about to burst out laughing every time I say I hate Spiderman. And your Halloween costume,” she pointed at you, “had a hood that looked a lot like the one on TV.”
You scratched your cheek sheepishly, considering the facts against you. “Okay, we are… more obvious than I thought.” 
“We?” Ethan said, incredulous. “I’ve hid this for years.” 
Quinn snorted, stifling a laugh. “Ethan, you’re fucking terrible,” she punched her brother, “at lying. I just never brought it up. Honestly, what the hell is “I’m going out for patrol — no, I meant I’m going on a date with [Name]” supposed to mean to me?” She mocked Ethan’s nervous stuttering. 
Ethan went red. “I— well, — I mean, dad doesn’t even know, and he’s like a bloodhound.”
Quinn shrugged. “Sure, he doesn’t say anything, but he also never reports any unnatural cobwebs he finds on the criminals either.”
“I’ll be damned,” Ethan said, starstruck. You patted his shoulder pitifully. 
“Does anyone else…?” You gestured lightly to the general population on campus.
Quinn shook her head. “Not that I know of. And I won't tell anyone, if that’s what you mean.” 
The three of you stopped to sit at a water fountain, the conversation becoming much more serious by the look of Quinn’s face. 
She had bit her lower lip, suddenly looking far off, a mix of melancholy and fury shining in her brown eyes. “As long as you don’t get yourself killed, Ethan, I won’t tell anyone.” 
Ethan gulped, probably remembering all the times he did exactly that. “I promise, Quinn, I—“
“Because I know you will, Ethan. And I will fucking dig our brother out of the earth if you dare to—“
All of a sudden, this didn’t feel like a confrontation between friends — it felt like a heartfelt conversation between family, and you felt very out of place. 
Just seeing how furious Quinn looked, but how her lip trembled, how fists clenched with the memories of their brother, how Ethan leaned away, trying to escape any confrontation in relation to their brother, how his expression tensed - it made you feel icky, like you were interrupting that which was none of your business.  
As you were about to leave, step away from the incredibly private situation and duck into your school building, Quinn grabbed you by the hand. “[Name], promise me, please, keep my brother safe. You’re in this way deeper than I am, so…”
She waited for confirmation. When you didn’t respond, Quinn continued. “You love him, I can tell, so please, just… keep him alive, for me, okay?.” 
Your mouth opened and closed. She still thought you two were— 
You considered telling her the truth, but - but her gaze was so desperate, tone so heartfelt, the only thing you could do was nod.
From there, you could feel the guilt eat at you, simultaneous to the burning you felt in your heart. You wanted to protect Ethan, you wanted to keep him safe - you did not want to lose him, for that would be like losing a limb. 
And then Quinn’s words echoed in your ears once more: you love him, I can tell—
You breathe, in and out, conscious coming back to the Earth, and you slip away from the pair of siblings, Quinn’s words ringing in your ears, Ethan’s gaze lingering on you as you stepped into Blackmore.
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taglist: @iloveneilperry @backtotheshitshow @hazehepburn @powowowy @ifilwtmfc @oscarisdaddy69 @al1v3cvp1d2@bloodyeverything @diamondci1ty @l5bryinth @gojosbucket @volturi-girl-imagines @sflame15-blog @thatoneembarrasingmoment @bajadotcom @cerealzzz @elynk @theapulidooo @solaceinwritings @1horrormoviewhore1 @anthemabby @mia-luvs @dont-get-upset @knxv1lie @verveta345 @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @xyzstar @ihearttokissboys
strikethrough = wouldn’t allow me to tag, sorry!
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
Hey honey love your work, I was wondering if you could do what the boys (so'lek, nor, eetu and whoever else) would be like as dad's (hcs preferably) if that's okay, ofc when you can 😁
Here you go, my dear 🥰 Hope you enjoy!
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Characters: So'lek, Nor, and Eetu
Fandom: Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Warnings: Short. Headcanons?? Fluff?? Idk poor warning labels lol
Taglist: @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter @neteyamsyawntu @awesomenessfeet @mooniequeen
Any child of his will have him wrapped around their little fingers. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
He is their personal jungle gym.
You know how male lions play with their cubs that also helps them create social and survival instincts? Yeah, that's So'lek.
Once those kids get older, it's easier to say "no" to them, and he's easily labeled as the Strict Parent.
He secretly loves the "new baby smell". His mate might not catch a break between children just from this alone.
I see his children growing up to be rambunctious and playful, the opposite of their father. I just think it's a nice contrast. He's gotta have a little bit of sunlight in his life, ya know?
Anyone remember Bambi's dad? The Prince of the Forest? That's So'lek. Go watch Bambi 2 and you'll know what I'm talking about.
He's very unsure. Has no idea what he's doing. Poor guy just GOT here.
He will constantly ask other Na'vi around him, "Am I doing this right? How do I-? Wait, shouldn't I try-?"
This makes him the Helicopter Parent, unfortunately for any mate of his that will have to deal with that 🤣
Any small jump those children make off of even the TINIEST of steps will send Nor into a small panic attack.
LOVES holding babies against his chest. It's so warm and fulfilling. Everything else that was once so horrible about his life immediately melts away.
As the children get older, Nor is constantly hounding them about safety. He always needs to know where they're going and how long they're gonna be gone. Sometimes, if they're running late, he's immediately ready to start a search party. You can't exactly blame the poor guy for being paranoid.
The Fun Parent.
Eywa help any mate of Eetu's because they will have to simply accept the fact that he will be the fun parent to their children. No matter what.
Have you ever seen that viral video of the gorilla dad who constantly steals his child away to play while the mother chases him? That's Eetu.
Nefika has always insisted that Eetu should learn to slow down and teach younger Na'vi by telling them stories and warning them of the dangers of hunting. And now, he finally does. While he is still the fun parent, having kids has taught him to slow down.
His children and other Aranahe children LOVE his stories as well. Nefika grins like a cat who got the cream whenever she finds Eetu sitting still, surrounded and trapped by children, eager for more stories.
If Etuwa has kids as well, she and Eetu with take their little ones and go flying together. Flying is a must for any children of Eetu.
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fryday · 2 months
RE: Phil being quiet and Dan making the innuendos and winks, I actually think the opposite.
Phil said in his coming out video that he had been out and comfortable with himself for years and would have preferred to do a short video just talking from inside an actual closet lol
My interpretation is that he would have been ready and comfortable to be out as a couple this whole time but since Dan wasn't (isn't?), he deferred to Dan's comfort level. He let's Dan make the jokes because he gets to set the boundary.
I think the comment about doors was like, an agreed upon message. Almost like a press release statement lol I think they talked about it and decided that was the messaging. Especially since they referred to it in the mukbang 2 video.
Anyway that's just my interpretation. Hope that makes sense. I love scrolling through your theories! I'm the same age as Dan and I've been a phan since 2010 so it's nice to see the phantom come back more mature and kind that it was before.
(x) sorry for taking so long to respond to this! i think that is a really good interpretation of it, yes! one which i hadn't thought about at all
a counter-proposal re: how phil would've been happy with them being out as a couple long before, would be that phil is generally quite a private person and the stuff he shares with us on amazingphil, when he's acting purely on his own instinct and isn't interacting with/playing off of dan, is anecdotal but not necessarily revealing about himself as a person or his life. and i feel like he's quite professional in that way, that he shares what's pertinent to him doing his job well ie comedic stories, but doesn't go beyond that.
we also know that for the longest time he didn't actually feel the need to talk about his sexuality online at all because, as you said, he had already been out to some people in his life for a while by then and (a) thought that he was happy the way things were and (b) didn't really think it was a big thing that needed to be addressed on his public platform. but we know from COTY that part of why he was making it was so it could help people who might need it, and we know from his opinions in hindsight that actually coming out online DID make a difference in how free he felt after all. but perhaps, his relationship with dan was not something that could HELP people in any obvious way, and at that point it might have seemed irrelevant to him anyway from a freedom of expression standpoint because dan was hardly online/was hardly going to be online with him anyway. so he might not have felt the need even then to be transparent about them as a couple.
tl;dr - to me, phil comes across as a generally private person even if we're not talking about his relationship with dan, so he MIGHT not have found it relevant for them to be out as a couple before anyway.
but that's all speculation to do with the past! as things are now, if they actually have agreed to hard launch and are leading up to it, i totally see your POV and am inclined to agree with it! it seems to fit with what we know of them as people and as a pair, that phil would allow dan to set and push the limit as he's comfortable with it, because phil is the one who would be more chill/indifferent about it/what they share about it either way.
that was all just me thinking out loud though!! i don't have the answers, obviously, and i haven't kept up with dnp as closely in recent years as a lot of others around here have, so i'm def open to hearing other opinions :)
(also thank you! i love talking to people about their theories too. it's always v insightful and interesting! and i agree that the golden era of dnp and the phandom is now; overall i feel like there's a lot more to learn and gain from the experience of being here now vs before!)
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s-brant · 2 years
okay for my steve girlies i’m just having some thoughts abt him as a boyfriend rn that i cannot get out of my head so you’ll have to put up with this.
as a partner i feel like he’d be the most touchy person on the face of the earth. constantly having his hands on you in a casual way whether it be holding hands, pulling you onto his lap to sit there even when there’s a spot open right next to him, standing behind you with an arm wrapped around you, playing with your hair/clothes/jewelry, and so on. he’s probably very touch-starved so i feel like he would be on you 24/7 and very shameless in terms of PDA because he’s just dying to have someone to love. robin and dustin would fake gag in the background but he could care less. also he gives me the vibes of someone who is just constantly warm. like the human incarnation of a furnace, so cozy and inviting in terms of cuddling.
boyfriend steve in season two was very cute to me (i.e: him coming to apologize with flowers even though he literally didn’t even know what he was sorry for because she was the one who hurt him, trying to cut her off when she was drinking too much/take care of her) so i can only imagine he’d be an even sweeter boyfriend in the later seasons with his character growth. i picture him being chivalrous for some reason, like always opening the car door for you, wordlessly taking off his jacket to put it over your shoulders when it’s cold and you stubbornly didn’t wear one, and not wanting you to pay for dinner even though his salary at family video is probably not that great. long story short he is a simp and very romantic. i feel like that’s just canon at this point but i digress.
anyway for the sexy stuff you’re gonna have to go under the cut
okay here we GO
i personally feel, despite my love for the kinkier fics, that steve is pretty vanilla in bed. at least, until he’s exposed to something new by a partner? like i feel that he would be open to trying certain things with you because duh you’re you and he loves you and why wouldn’t he wanna try slightly freaky shit with you, but it’s not something he just thinks up himself if that makes sense? but that doesn’t mean he can’t rock your world, let’s be 100% clear on that. this man eats pussy like it’s a five course meal and i will die on that hill. he’d get so into it, his eyes would close and he’d make soft little noises into you every time you pull on his hair UGH. you sitting on his face is probably his favorite thing you two have ever done because, honestly, suffocation between your thighs is a great way to go as far as he’s concerned.
also, it’s canon at this point that he’s hung right? did that originate from joe keery’s bulge in those tight ass vintage levi’s? probably, but it’s a steve thing now and i wholeheartedly agree with the fandom’s unanimous decision that he has unparalleled big dick energy. that being said, i also feel like he knows how to use it. a lot of well endowed guys aren’t that great because they’re like “oh i have big dick so sex with me is good already and i don’t need to do anything” but steve is a ladies man. he knows what he’s doing, and he doesn’t even need the buffer of kinks and shit to fuck you stupid. and he would be soooo cocky about it. i feel like he would be into degradation and dumbification a bit. he loves the fact that you are basically rendered useless when he’s fucking you open with his thick cock, caging you in with his arms by your head and cooing at you while the room is filled with the wet sound of him pounding into you. the filthiest he gets is whispering stuff like, “look at you. hardly even fucked you yet and you’re already a dumb little slut for me, huh?” like he can get nasty but i feel like it wouldn’t go far beyond dirty talk like that.
then there comes the hopeless romantic in him that cannot resist the opportunity to make love to you. i fully believe he is one of the people who seeks out that type of intimacy more often than the type in the paragraph above simply because he is so needy to be loved. his parents literally have never been in the show and never seem to care, he hasn’t had a steady girlfriend since nancy, and he doesn’t exactly get affection from other people in his life, so he would be absolutely insatiable with you.
his favorite kind of lovemaking is that slow, barely conscious morning sex when the two of you wake up right as the sun’s rising and he is faced with the realization of how much he loves you in those quiet moments. he’d be so sleepy, most of his weight would be let go if he’s on top of you, but you don’t even care because you’re caught on that hazy line between being asleep and awake as well, and the pleasure of him fucking you is heightened by it. it’d be full of sloppy kisses and heavy-lidded eye contact, both of your noses brushing with every deep thrust he makes into you. sometimes you’re on top though, and for those times he’ll just wrap his arms around your back to pull you down so you’re chest to chest while you do the work, albeit very lazily, and enjoy the sight of you. his favorite position for this lazy morning sex is when he’s spooning you tho. it happens the most often anyway, when he wakes up hard and naturally starts grinding into you from behind, which then escalates as normal. he’d keep a hand on your face to keep it turned for him to kiss your mouth and cheek though. just because he’s behind you doesn’t mean he won’t long to see your face and kiss you during.
i also feel like there would be a natural dominance to him that’s unrelated to any actual bdsm or dom/sub thing but rather his default disposition with you. he could definitely get down with being in a more submissive position sometimes and allow you to take care of/worship him—which would probably leave him with teary eyes by the end because of how overwhelming it is—but he gives me a lot of casually dominant energy. he loves sneaking into your bedroom in the middle of the night and fucking you with a hand over your mouth right across the hall from where your parents are sleeping, whispering to you that you have to be quiet and good. he also loves manhandling you, it turns him on unlike anything else to just toss you down on his bed and rip your clothes off because he can hardly wait to be inside of you. it’s also little sfw things like knowing what you like from your favorite take out place so he just orders for you or stopping to tie your shoe when it comes undone because he just loves taking care of his girl in the most innocent ways as well as a sexually.
he has a breeding kink by the way. it’s not something he acknowledges as a kink officially or even fully realizes, but considering that the man wants six children in canon, i feel like the idea of getting you pregnant, or even just coming inside of you whether or not you’re on a contraceptive, definitely gets him going. and if you are pregnant eventually once/if you two decide it’s what you want, forget about it. my god, he would be on you all the time. he’d love having you ride him with your breasts bouncing and a bit fuller from the hormones, your belly protruding with a bump as an undeniable piece of evidence that you’re his. it just checks all the boxes for him. i also believe that his chivalrous behavior would increase tenfold when you’re pregnant. in the later months, you physically cannot tie your shoes so he is right there to help you. he’s always extending his hand to hold while you walk, walking with his body closest to the street and yours closer to where it’s safer, and in general being even more of a simp than usual. if you thought he was a gentleman before, when he knows his baby is inside of you, he’s literally trying to do anything and everything he can for you.
now don’t even get me started on him as a dad. this has gone on long enough.
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months
Hey Slushie. I have some questions about your AU:
1. I am seriously confused on Donnie’s situation in the bad timeline.
like I know it was mentioned in one of your short stories when he and Mikey were having a quarrel and that red thing-a-ma-bob but it is still very unclear to me.
2. When Donnie meets mayday, how does he process the fact that his older self made a child of his own genes and what would timothies reaction be (both in the good timeline and the bad timeline [I know the bad timeline one is mentioned but like J want his initial reaction])
3. (related to the 2nd Q) did Timothy know about his idea of making a child before she was made. If he did, ot would show a really powerful trust that Donnie has for Timothy
4. in the good/bad timeline, what is Mayday’s reaction to draxum before and after she found out about what he did to her father.
5. How does Timothy help with Donnie’s hallucinations and since Mayday is his child, does she also have them, like about never saving her father or not being strong enough.
6. In canon, The mud dogs are the complete opposite of the mad dogs. So since everyone is a bit different, what will the mud dogs in your AU look like.
Yeah… these are a lot of questions and I hope it isn’t too much. Hope you can answer them and please, continue the great work!!!
1. So, it’s okay you’re confused. I’ve only given out a small amount of teasers for the direction that the future timeline is going. There’s been a bit more expansion on my patreon, but not much. The little bits I’ve dropped are more world building and filler, and less plot. So I don’t want to say too much. There hasn’t been any more expansion on that stone in particular. Just know, it’s Krang related, and we’ll see it again! I’m setting things up that we’ll see further down the line. Some stuff I’m okay with mapping every little bit out for ppl but there is some stuff I’d like to keep you guessing 😜!
2. This is one of those things I’m keeping shh🤫!
3. Timothy knew that Donnie was trying to come up with contingencies, but he thought the plans were more along the lines of like some kind of binder with all his passwords, or maybe a cool ass avatar that could still control the resistance tech in a worst case scenario (*subtle wink at Kat*) Timothy had no idea about Mayday or Donnie trying to create clones.
4. She’s heard a few sanitized stories, but Mayday of the bad timeline has never met Draxum (he was already dead). And in her traveling to the past, I don’t think she’ll meet him. Like canon, Draxum won’t be taking part in the movie plot—also I’m still not sure of Mayday’s post-movie future, so bad timeline Mayday might never even get the chance to meet her Grandfather at all.
But Baby Mayday in the good timeline, on the other hand, will grow up with Draxum around. She won’t be given all the details until she’s probably old enough to understand the complexity of the situation. She’ll be conflicted, but with Donnie being in a healthier place, and her getting a very watered down side of things, Mayday will find she can’t hate her Grandfather for long. Her uncles have all done stuff they’re not proud of, she can still love them, and so despite the things he’s done in the past she can still love Grandpa Draxum.
5. Timothy will sometimes ramble on about his favorite anime, comics, or video games, or he’ll just read a book while being present in the same room. He can walk Donnie through breathing or grounding exercises when things get really intense. Mayday doesn’t have Donnie’s hallucinations.
7. Sorry, to say. I like the Mud Dogs enough in the show, but they’d pretty much be the same.
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marching-weirdo · 16 days
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if you told me that I would draw pj masks in 2024 two years ago I would ask who are they.
gunntech au sketches cause I'm normal. also taken during ap us history so ignore random strokes :3. headcanons under more.
my trans king!!!! 💪💪
gave him scars. most are long and thin, since they usually happen when hes running
let Greg give him a haircut before he transitioned, now never not gets a Greg haircut ™️
stays up late reading, hence eyebags
I have a trans male friend who loves this au as much as I do, so he asked if he could "model" for catboy.
again, this was during class, so he was smouldering like Flynn Ryder while I was learning about Pennsylvania so you know
the more you know
anyway he's Filipino and I'm like OOH THIS WOULD BE COOL
so he's filipino american
also BIG EYES cause cat
gay (thanks romeo) but he's only had, like, two crushes in his life
one of the two kids who go to school
could care less what people think, likes to show off scars ("For the ladies!" his gay ass says)
interesting marching weirdo fact, the lines making up Connor are more scraggly and rough then the others! it's kinda to show he's an angst boy for me lol. but it's cool lore about me!!
imma be honest, Connor was my least favorite sorry!!
also ignore bad gay pride flag, I ran out of colors
Japanese american (I think it's in @elmushterri video)
oh also @elmushterri is the creator of this au so follow super cool and amazing and intelligent and interesting and-
psa out
see Connors flag error for bad Yuri flag
amaya is super careful about getting hurt
see, El said in a qna that amaya was under a super strict household so her aunt probably would want her to shave her legs, etc until said aunt eventually gets redeemed and amaya can be her own girl boss
so I read that and said "HOLD MY BEER"
so when she was like 9, she got a scar on her cheek due to training with Connor and Greg
amaya went home and her aunt starting freaking out
idk if I want the aunt to say it directly to her or like to a friend on the phone that amaya hears, but her aunt says something along the lines of "scar" and "uncivilized" and "ugly" (I imagine what amaya heard was a distortion of what her aunt actually says but I degress)
since then, amaya makes sure to be as safe as she can and not get scars.
she eventually gets one on her leg, but she can cover it with pants
so she changes the "Don't get hurt" philosophy to "only get hurt where you can hide that scar"
so she is the most careful of the three
but she has multiple scars around her body
for a while she thought "if I get a scar on my arm, I won't on my face" philosophy because ngl she's my version of anxious™️
but eventually she realizes that's dumb.
her back is shredded due to enemies trying to cut her wings
eventually when she is in therapy and an adult, Luna will draw shapes on some of her scars and vice versa
adult amaya still gets embarrassed whenever someone sees her scares
amaya has terrible eyesight. horrible. Luna knows this
has a hair pin with a moon on it as a gift from luna (the notes that came with it said "for when you need to shank a bitch on short notice"
wears it everywhere
keeps hair long to hide neck scars and only puts it up during training or on duty
fun story: Greg and connor wanted her to get a really short hairstyle so they could be the "Bob boys"
amaya refused and greg and connors dream died
the other kid to go to school
star pupil. young prodigy.
as all mae whitman characters should be
fun fact: took me hours to do her nose.
finally figured it out when I looked at katara fan art and said "ah"
her lines are very curvy and delicate to show her more level-headed thinking.
as opposed to connors roughness
my fav. I support her rights and wrongs 😔✊️
rich kid mullet let's gooooooo
i kinda got inspired by a cross between andrian from miraculous ladybug and dick Grayson from Wayne family adventures
speaking of adrian
he's French American because of course
he grew out his hair to match amaya and connor hates him now
home schooled (rich kids smh)
because he's homeschooled, he doesn't care about cuts and scars and hurting himself because he thinks it's perfectly normal
also, he was sprayed with acid during a test (you know those dinos from jurassic Park who shoot venom? that but feral child)
incredibly buff and will hug you to the point of death
I looked and he seems to not have many ships with men
so an ally
he's also clueless so...
he doesn't actually know that homophobia is a thing
he sees two men kiss he thinks cool
two women? cool
a woman and a man? SAVE ROOM FOR JESUS
joking.hes chill
he has dimples and the biggest smile ever
for angst: his smile gets smaller and smaller as each season happens.
as a teen, his resting face is a smile
eventually resting he looks in pain
incredibly smart
romeo hates how smart he is
but romeo is street and lab smart
greg tries
he can tell you about quantum theory but doesn't understand that people are sarcastic
he's probably autistic or has adhd or both
he probably wasn't professionally tested
Luna probably gave him a lizard to watch and Greg didn't move for 16 hours
also luna and greg are besties
because of course
fun drawing: very square
I wanted him for two reasons
1: he's always stiff due to being a Gunn
2: he feels like a robot: infinite possibilities but only if a button is hit
anyways thank you! sorry for long post! villains up soon!!
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