#sorry I've been letting my inbox collect dust
theghostbunnie · 1 year
What’s your art process like?
I'm really bad at verbally explaining so big apologize in advance
It changes each time between each peice but my major differences each time I feel are in the sketching phase. I used to never sketch and go straight into lineart, I still can but it won't produce the best quality I can deliver. So I think that goes to show whatever is considered the most "impressive" option isn't always the best option and artists should focus more on what works well for the individual to achieve a better peice.
Sometimes I block out shapes first, I'm pretty decent at imaging things in a 3D space and shape blocking really helps put that down on the canvas. If the drawing is going to have flat colors with minimal shading I block in the character by shape and clean up the lines later or as I go along.
I should really work on just being messy with it as focusing on the details and every last bit way too early on has really been slowing down my process.
When It comes to coloring I just kinda go on a vibe, nothing really structured or planned out about it
Sorry ik this isn't really helpful
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frecklystars · 2 months
I used to use tumblr a lot, but haven't been on in years. I logged back into my account for the first time in ages and I'm not exaggerating when I say my eyes lit up when I saw that you're still posting.
I remember you. I remember loving your posts, and all the joy you brought me before. I also remember how you struggled before, and I know you're struggling now.
But I want you to know that, from the bottom of my heart, I am so glad you're still here. ❤️
Holy shit. I am so sorry the first post from me that you see coming back on tumblr for years is me recovering from an attempt on my life. I want to say "I'm not usually like this" but I am... like this, now. I have dealt with the most horrific, terrifying forms of abuse in the last two years to the point where I cannot self ship with Tr/nsformers anymore, or self ship just in general, I can't trust anyone without walking on eggshells, I can't function anymore. I don't know if you were here 3 years ago, or maybe you remember me from earlier than that, before I was into TF. but I have C-PTSD now with a lot of really shitty shitty triggers and one major one is TF and it has been really heartbreaking having to adjust to that bc it was a special interest, where I got the most comfort from any of my main F/Os for almost 3 years. Being abused and having self shipping ruined for me is the most horrible thing to happen to me in my life so far. I didn't just lose a special interest, I lost a lot of trust in people that I cared about who betrayed me, I lose so much sleep bc I have nightmares/flashbacks all the time. I live in fear every day. I was stalked both offline and online. I've been trying to focus on Barbie for the last year now since that was the only hyperfixation I was able to actually have again, but that's been slipping away too since [gestures to the Fucking Horrors] and I just, I just have this very firm wholehearted belief that no matter whom I self ship with, any character would want to abuse me just like my abuser did, that anyone could be manipulated and turned against me, bc I was conditioned to believe that. and for the life of me I cannot shake it off. and I got so tired of dealing with this for almost 2 years so I just... tried to end everything on my one year F/O anniversary with the F/Os that I'm supposed to feel safe with. right now I am just very numb and barely existing
I'm sorry you have to see me like this, but my queue is always posting happier and lighter stuff when I'm offline, so rest assured I just make vent posts every now and then, and then I delete them. I'm barely online anymore I just don't see a point. I really wish you could have seen me before I was abused 2 years ago, I was still struggling but I was at least... myself. I haven't been myself since I was abused I don't know if I can really go back to that bc I still haven't been able to leave my situation fully. I am so unhappy all the time. I feel bad for being so negative, normally I try to be more positive especially when I get such nice asks, but it's just been getting worse and I really don't think I can keep holding on that much longer
Thank you for taking the time to send a nice message. I wish I was in a better headspace to reply. I was going to just try to reply at another time bc I am in the worst headspace rn, but I didn't know if I could wait until I was in a better headspace bc I don't know if I'm going to improve at all. I feel so hopeless. but I also didn't want to just let this ask sit in my inbox and have it collect dust for months and months. I wanted you to know I read it and I appreciate what you said. Giving you a hug. I love you. Thank you for remembering me
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textsfromthetva · 2 years
I don't think I've ever seen you post about any of the other projects Loki's been in. How do you feel about his movies? Which one(s) are your favorite?
First off, I'm sorry for letting this sit in my inbox collecting dust for three weeks, considering the fact that it's actually a great question and it caused me to really reflect on my thoughts about Loki in the MCU. Unfortunately, none of those thoughts got to a point where they were worthy of publication on the esteemed tumblr dot com, as I doubted they would pass the savage peer review of much more dedicated fans. They still won't.
Honestly, I'm scared, anon. People probably won't agree. But since you asked so nicely:
Thor - solid tragic backstory established with a certain flair. Loki is by far the most interesting thing about the whole movie. Not that I actually dislike it as a whole, I just don't think it's anything special in the context of the MCU. It's a fish out of water comedy interrupted regularly by a heartbreaking tale of loss of identity, self-hatred, and daddy issues. Which is a... choice? I guess? Kenneth Branagh's love of Shakespearean tragedy really shines through, is all I'm saying. Tom really established his brilliance right out of the gate, so that brings it to a solid 8/10 on my Loki-scale.
The Avengers - now... look. This movie has a lot of flaws. But I love it. I was in my mid-20s okay, I was exposed to it at a weird time in my life and I was obsessed. I watched it three times in cinemas, including once in New York City, while I was there on a study trip with uni. I probably watched it half a dozen times after that. And Loki was so much fun in this! Just the perfect villain for that movie. He was the Moment. I'm not even gonna get into the tragedy of the mind stone's influence fucking with him, Thor not realizing, lack of acknowledgement of the fact that he literally tried to commit suicide two movies ago, or the many implications of past torture by Thanos, I just like watching him be flamboyantly evil and smack people with his cane. The other stuff gives the story depth that I'm not actually sure it actually deserves. Still, 10/10
Thor: The Dark World - we can all agree that this movie is, uh, kinda meh. At least in my opinion. However, I think it's very important in terms of Loki's character development and the development of his relationship with Thor. For that reason alone, I admit to having watched it more than once. Also, he's such a little dramatic bitch in this, it's what we all deserve. 7/10.
Thor: Ragnarok - this is where some people will start throwing rocks at me. I really, really like this movie. I love Taika Waititi, I love his whimsical humour, I love how goddamn silly and lighthearted this thing is compared to The Dark World (and Avengers: Age of Ultron). Fuck grimdark angst, we have bright colours and fun. It just means the few emotional whammies hit all the harder too. I've heard people confidently call this movie a character assassination, in regards to Loki, and I really can't express in words how little I care. He is now Jeff Goldblum's trophy twink. No explanation needed. Let the guy be chaotic for once, he's earned it! 100/10.
Avengers: Infinity War - nope. Dont' wanna talk about it. -10000/10
Loki - well. I'll refer you to this edit of mine:
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This show is a general mess on so many fronts, but I still feel such fondness for it. And judging from the number of viewers it got, the world will watch just about anything if it has Loki in it, which, you know, valid. And would I be running a whole damn blog about it if I actively disliked it? No, I would not. 9/10.
There we go. Based on my personal rating, Thor: Ragnarok wins. The trophy twink can't lose.
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addictedkinn · 3 years
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(CLOSED) " addictedkinn's (late) 850+ followers editing competition! "
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yeah, this is completely out of the blue.
firstly, tsumiki and i would like to thank everyone for sticking with us and the edits this blog has had to offer.
i talked to tsumiki, and we decided that it's finally time for me to step away from this blog. i planned to let it go when i reached a certain age or probably 1k followers, but i've grown more unmotivated as time went on and i've also realized how making edits for people all the time has taken up some free time in my life (which was the same reason i got rid of my old cr edit blog). i mostly prefer to make edits when i feel like it.
it was also stressful to make like 15+ edit requests, and breaks didn't really help because those requests will still be there when i return (which isn't your guys' fault of course, i enjoyed making you all happy with my work!)
(also i'm starting to loose interest in danganronpa since i've been obsessing over another fandom lately, just thought i'd add that too since it's pretty much this blog's most requested).
anyway, tsumiki will be solo running this blog after i leave. but before i go, i decided to hold an editing competition!! because you know, i don't want to leave just like that (i may pop in sometimes to post self-indulged edits).
(also i am so sorry for my requests that have been collecting dust in the inbox for a while now, they've been deleted since you know ;w;)
ok enough sappy talk let's get on with the contest.
-- more info below --
when entering the competition, you will have the option to pick and edit any of the following: (doesn't have to be all of them)
♡ -- 3-9 icons
♡ -- 1-2 moodboards/aesthetics
♡ -- 2-4 phone/pc wallpapers
♡ -- 2-4 headers
you can edit with any sources and themes (as long as they're not on our blacklist). (and if you want, you can use tsukimi and i's whitelists).
♡ -- must be following to participate (duh)
♡ -- reblog this to enter!! (if you're promoting instead, please say so in the tags)
♡ -- be sure to @ us and tag it as "addictedkinn 850+ followers editing competition"
♡ -- please don't take part if you're on our dni
♡ -- the contest will end on april 26th around 2pm est
♡ -- don't rush yourself! take as much time as you need ^-^
prizes (doing less because yeah)
♡ -- 1st place: 3 icons, 1 moodboard, 2 wallpapers, and 2 headers
♡ -- 2nd place: 3 icons, 2 wallpapers, and 1 header
♡ -- 3rd place: 3 icons and 2 wallpapers
promos -- @helin-edits / @gremedits / @proonvedits / @pek-pek-editss / anyone else because i now have bad memory of edit blogs i like (feel free to tag anyone else if you want)
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chromium7sky · 4 years
The Devil Wears Armani| chapter 11
A/n: amg, finally updated this one 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 you guys can follow this story with #damirae , #devilwearsarmani and #fashionistaau tag
2 weeks. It's been two weeks since the last video call. Raven have been pouring her attention on working the suit that she has planned for Damian Wayne to wear for the Gala.
She had done the cutting, the sewing and all, and what's left is doing the embroidery. She chosen the gold thread selectively which give the vivid glow and bring out the majestic value to the wearer.
The embroidery are complete within 95% thanks to a specified sewing machine which she bought with the price money she won before during the her first fashion competition. It helps alot.
The date of Gala approaching like crawling on the thread of time and for the final touch, she combined all the pieces into a handsome looking suit.
As she put the wardrobe on the mannequin, she took a step back and see it as a whole picture. With her both hands, she makes the photograph gesture to capture the feels of how Damian would look like if he wears them.
Contemplating and satisfied she felt after she iron the suit and store in special cover suit. She looked at the calendar and looks like she has extra two weeks before Gala.
Speaking of Gala, she wondered what would the dress look like since it was Damian who made for her? Would it be shoulder bare? Would it be one piece dress? Raven rubbed her chin as she wonder then she noticed herself on standing mirror. Slowly she spin to the left then to right as she look her body shape contour. If she was designing her own dress she probably went with thick fabric drape style. Simple, elegant and exclusive.
Her eyes glanced at the clock that's shows 10.30pm.
She blink her eyes. How come she didn't thought of it. What would his design for herself? She did shown her sketches to Damian but won't he shown his? Curious, curious.
Raven imagine what if she asked, Damian would probably say, ' you don't trust me? Tsk tsk.' Raven sighed as her hand run down her face thinking about that. "Maybe I'll try to ask tomorrow."
Suddenly, a bleep sound indicate a message comes in. Raven blink then looked at her phone screen.
"Girl, You busy today?"
- Karen
It's been a while. Raven smiled then diligently answered the question.
"Not quite. Just finished designing a suit. What's up?"
She hit send.
Then came up another message on her inbox.
"We got party tomorrow at Viva La coast at Riverside. Wanna come?"
Raven narrowed her eyes then humming. Should she go or not? Perhaps she need a time off after that intense week. A little entertainment doesn't hurt.
"Sure. You pick me up?"
" For course, sis. 😘 See you at 8pm, tomorrow."
"On it.👌"
Raven smiled then landed on her bed. As she let out her relief sigh she put her phone at table nearby.
As she sleep, she dreamt of something pleasant. She's at fountain garden where surrounded by fragrance flowers and palm-like trees.
She notice her dress has gold accent along with silky texture clothes. Slowly her hands touched the dress she wear, felt it's smooth surface.
Her heart stop as she felt a hand holding her waist. Slowly she turn her head over her shoulder and -
Her eyes wide open as soon as she heard her phone alarm. She blink once then twice, trying to process her thoughts. When a sprinkle of dream remembrance filled in her her head, her cheeks start to blushed. Her hand quickly grab her pillow beside her and buried her face beneath it.
"O dear, don't tell me it's him that I'm dreaming about last night." She let out her sighed. She had fallen for him.
A message bleep chiming in her phone makes her peek under the pillow and quickly she reached for her phone.
A message from him.
'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG' Raven's heart start racing. "Wh-Wha...H-How...." She tried to question reality, how on earth he's messaging her. Right now?
"You're awake?"
Raven bit her bottom lips as she look at her phone screen. Her finger diligently working on touch screen pad.
"Just awake. Can't sleep?"
She hit send button. Then for a few second she received his reply.
"I just had dream about you...
You look beautiful."
A dream? She blinked. Then another message comes in.
"Still busy working on the suit?"
Raven biting her lips to keep it as a secret but it's almost 25th like in 5 days away, so....why not? Her finger tapping the keyword on screen replying him.
"Actually I've finish the suit."
She replied. Another thought hit her and she quickly tapped it on the phone.
"I did promise making for dinner right? Maybe tomorrow?"
Again she send the text.
Interval in 2-3 second, her phone bleep it back.
"That would be great. I'll bring something as surprise."
Surprise? Raven mind start racing, mostly to that forbidden thoughts. What kind of surprise? She bit her lips and start typing.
"Well uh, I hope it's not a refrigerator you're bringing."
She shaked off those thought and try keep the conversation as innocent as possible.
"No. It's not. It's something, you probably would like it. 😏"
Raven looked at the emoji face he send. Did he send an emoji? Damian Wayne doesn't use emoji while texting or emailing.
"Well, alright then. See you tomorrow?"
She hit the send button.
Then a message came in.
"Can't wait to see you.♥️"
Raven flopped to her bed and her face now are red tinted. What is this? Why is this feeling so intense? She closed her eyes retracing her memory between them. Those bickering and end up with hot make out along intimate session in his office.
"I guess we should discuss about this terms of relationship." She talked in her pillow.
She has complete all the order that has been request by some local boutique and some are from online website. She's quite amazed with things that happens after the talk show incident where Damian said about Raven going to Wayne Gala this week.
People start to shift their attention to her especially her design clothes. Does Damian intend to promote her? She rubbed her chin then sudden, Mona, her assistant knock her door.
"Come in."
Mona peek behind the door, she smiled and slowly walk to her boss. " You have received a gift!" The assistant handled to her a parcel.
"A gift?" Raven whisper under her breath. Could it be Damian? Her eyebrows furrowed. She took out knife letter and slowly cut , unwrapped the parcel and she saw an apparel, black with velvet felt. There is the tag at the collar says Draco.
Her eyes widen. Draco? You mean Melchior Draco?
"Who is it? Your lover?" Mona feeling excited.
"No. This is from my competitor." Raven cover the box and push it away. Her head suddenly filled with painful memories about her and Melchior encounter. The way he flirt her before her first joining competition, the betrayal, and stolen her design to built his empire.
Her heart boiled with anger which in result she crumpled her paper nearby which made Mona a bit fall back by her intimidation.
"I'm sorry about that, Miss." Mona bow her head quickly apologize for not realise what is going on.
Raven snapped back from those memory and quickly look at the paper . " Oh!" She's surprise and quickly she try to straighten up the paper she crumbled. " No, no, it's okay, Mona. It's nothing." She smiled. " You can go now."
" Ah, alright then." She nod and walked to the door and-
" By the way, boss, there's a caller said he's from metropolis daily planet wanted to interview you about being guest at the gala." Mona turned to her as she spite out another appointment.
" Well, set it tomorrow then." Raven tidy up her table and throw the parcel to the bin nearby.
"Uh, you threw that?" Mona pointed at the parcel inside the dustbin.
"You want it?"
"Ummm...it looks beautiful." Her assistant fidgeting.
Raven smiled and took the parcel. She dust a bit. "Take it and wear where I don't see it. Or else I end up burn them with hellfire." Raven eyes shown deep hatred and anger.
"Ok boss." She smiled, quickly snatched the parcel and run to the exit.
As she was alone in her office, she slump in her chair and sigh heavily. "I guess he's also in town too." Her finger tapping on her table creating random melodies.
Its 7.55pm, Raven now waiti g for Karen to pick her up as she lingers in her living room. She's wearing a one piece black dress decorated with golden and black labuci make it more fabulous looks.
She look at her phone to kill her waiting time until she stumbled on a post by E fashion news.
"Top trending designer DRACO are in town for launching their latest collection 'BLAK MAJIK' "
As raven read the article, she felt upset as she remember Melchior stole her ideas in doing a line fashion about magic before she presented the ideas at her first fashion show competition.
As she read the article, the sound of the car honking makes her jolt and quickly look at the window. It seems Karen has reached at her apartment block, quickly she goes out and greet Karen who parked at the entrance.
"I heard that bastard Melchior are in town." Karen slowly stirred her cocktail as her and Raven where sitting on a table outside of the Viva La Coast restaurant.
"Yeah, I did read the article about it." said Raven as she drink her pina colada. " So, who are we waiting for again?"
"I forgot to tell you, Kory won't be able to join us. She has to come with her boyfriend meet with his family at Wayne Mansion."
"Wayne Mansion?" Raven's eyes jump out. Wayne, wasn't Damian last name is Wayne too?
" Yeah, but she's dating with Wayne's older adopted son, Richard Grayson. A high profile detective , probably will be promoted as soon. " Karen updating the status of their friend.
"I see." Raven looked at her drink. It's been a long time she hasn't talk to Kori because of her business setting up her small company.
"How about you then? You and Mal?" Raven raised her eyebrows.
"Well we've been planning for a wedding maybe in next year. " Karen smiled.
"Wait, I thought you're still in doctorate?" Raven eyes wide open as she remember Karen used to be a student in mechanical and atomic engineering.
"Will be graduated in two months." Karen smiled widely as she let out the fantastic news.
Raven goes all tears as she heard the good news. "Oh my god, Karen! I'm so happy!" She tried to hug Karen across the table.
Karen laughed with Raven's sudden behaviour. "That's why we celebrate it!"
"We should buy a cake. Wait, I know! Waiter!" Raven call up the waiter to get some dessert as celebration.
Raven turns her head to Karen.
"I wanted you to design our wedding dress and suits." Karen faces flushes as she speak her request. " I really, really adore your work , Rachel. I wanted you to design it."
"Damn it , Karen. You make me all teary." Raven wiped her tears as she smiled sheepishly. " Of course I will."
"Karen, do you know anything about the youngest Wayne?"
"You mean Damian Wayne?"
"I heard that he just back from middle east after doing charity project between the Wayne Enterprise and Leviathan Industries."
"I think everyone knows about that, Karen." Raven smiled as she drink up.
"I am very speculate that both of you have met." Karen with her mischievous smile now painted on her lips. " Is that the same guy who become your muse in your long lost sketch book?"
Raven clutches her hand on her drink, almost breaking it but she keep with her calm face. " I don't think so." She tried to denied it following with Karen's giggle.
"Plus, when he said there will be Raven in Wayne's Gala, I was like 'Raven?!' to the tv screen and I swear there's something going on between both of you." Karen crossed her armed with one eyebrow raised as she looked as Raven like she's a suspect.
"Well..." Raven averted her sight to the table and nervously tug her hair behind her ears. " There is."
Raven jolted as Karen slammed the table with her drink. "TELL ME."
She swallowed her saliva as she seen Karen being over eager. She sighed as she adjust her seating, leaning towards the table.
"It start with that day, the day when he show up out of nowhere with that deal." Raven start to spilled what happen recently.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
I just wanted to say that despite my being a cassunzel shipper and not necessarily agreeing with all of your TTS takes, I do really appreciate your work within this fandom. Or at least the little space you've carved out for yourself. I believe it's okay to have differing opinons about ships or characters or plotlines in a fandom like TTS. It's okay to not vibe with a ship and folks shouldn't take criticisms of the way a ship is presented in canon as an affront to their personhood or a blanket statement to not ship it. You can do your own thing and be just as happy. At least that's what I've come to think after being in fandom for so long. It's just not worth it to get wrapped up in all that and let it make you upset. That's a quick way to let Tumblr or fandom culture in general ruin a thing for you. That being said, I think your analysis posts keep me on my toes, as you often have ideas I've never considered. Which I think is a good thing! Getting outside your comfort zone and trying something a little different than the norm, you know? Plus, I think it takes a lot of skill and work to expand a story like TTS in the way you have in Benighted Snow and I so super respect that story. I was originally quite intimidated by the idea of it and avoided it for a while cause I'm pretty firmly a cassunzel shipper but I'm really glad I read it when I did. Your writing is just really amazing and inspiring in ways I am continuously impressed by. Seriously, reading that story and Bitter Snow has honestly been such an eyeopener when it comes to understanding Cass' character and trying to engage with the lore of the show on a deeper level. There's so much I could say about how much I respect your work. It's got me wanting to understand the lore of the show better or wanting to write for the fandom in general. Your work is so engaging for and extremely detailed and thought through. And in general, I'm always curious about your thoughts about TTS plotlines or characters or whatever cause it always makes me think back on the show in different ways, consider things I hadn't before and want to re-analyze everything. Your ideas have about the show have opened my eyes in a lot of ways. You obviously care deeply about Cassandra and other a lot of other aspects of TTS and expanding and engaging with the lore of this universe! So thank you so much for all of your writing and your many interesting thoughts! I'm always coming back to your blog to see what you have to say (Sorry this is so long)!
my blog is like 95% long ass posts ya never need to apologize for rambling to me kjsjkd
but thank you!! yeah i don’t expect or need or even particularly want folks to agree with all of my thoughts™ and for sure like - i mean sometimes i’m making arguments or writing out analysis about the text and i do tend to have very strong opinions but i feel like just as often i’m talking about nebulous ideas and storycraft and how i would tune tts to suit my particular tastes, which is an exercise that is about me and what i like and only concerns the text in that i am talking about a hypothetical platonic ideal thereof. and i do try to make that distinction clear when i’m writing a post but also first and foremost this blog is for Me it is the junk bin where i keep my thoughts and i know what i’m talking about so sometimes a post starts off as analysis and flips into hypothetical platonic ideal talk halfway through without warning and you all just. get to deal with that LMAO
the past like week or so has been funny because i had that night of like adhd hyperfixation brainmelt a little while ago and ranted semi-coherently at three in the morning while answering some of the really old asks that have been collecting dust forever and then my inbox just EXPLODED ksjdfjk
anyways the point being. i’m preaching to the choir here obv but i am not the arbiter of what tangled opinions are Good and Correct, nor am i trying to be because that would be insane ajklsdfjk
also bitter snow has been such an undertaking and i’m very proud of it and i’m just !! always so grateful for the sheer amount of enthusiasm for it. like the combination of rarepair fic + protagonist is a polarizing character half the fandom despises + just literally the fact of eldritch fantasy civil war fic of a disney princess show kind of guarantees it’s always going to be sort of a niche fic and - i’ve said this before but when i started posting it i really did not anticipate the amount or the quality of engagement it got. but holy moly bitter snow has the best group of commenters in the entire tts fandom, i swear - the amount of you who are leaving like LONG comments on every chapter or almost every chapter with your thoughts / feelings / speculation / analysis is bonkers!! i appreciate it so so much!! i’m a very quality over quantity person in the kind of reader response i want to get and the quality of the reader response to bitter snow has been and continues to be just overwhelmingly high and i am continually amazed and thankful 💜💜💜 
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