#sorry I haven't made any qrs
eepy-enby · 2 years
Murders by Miracle Musical Virtual Piano sheet!
Sorry that this one is quite short. I'm running out of original sheets to post, so I won't be uploading very many Virtual Piano sheets in the future. This is just the first part of the song because I haven't edited the rest of the midi yet. Maybe one day I will, lol.
For the best experience I recommend this Roblox game or alternatively this browser version.
(Made by editing a pre-existing MIDI file and using this converter website)
𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨 - 𝙗𝙮 ミラクルミュージカル (𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡)
Transpose: -10
e- e-e-e-e- e-e-e-e- [eu]-e[er]-e[et]-[et]-ert[eu]-e [9ryoa]-[9ryoa]-[qe]-r[0W]-[0W]-[9e]-r [0W]-0- [qY]-[qY]-r[qe]-[Yqip]-e[qr]-e [eu]-e[er]-e[et]-[et]-ert[eu]-e [9r]-[9r]-[(e]-r[0W]-[0W]-[qe]-r W-0- [qY]-[eY]-r[8et]-[(Y]-[8t]- [eu]-e[wr]-e[Qt]upq-[0a]sa[(p]-O [eu]-e[er]-e[et]-[et]-ert[eu]-e [9rps]-[9rps]-[qeps]-[rps][WO0a]-[0W]-[9e]-r [0W]-0- [qY]-[qY]-r[qe]-q-q- [eupsf]-e[erpsf]-e[etpsf]-[etpsf]-[epsf]rt[eupsf]-e [9radg]-[9radg]-[(epsg]-r[WO0af]-[WO0af]-[qepsg]-r [WOaf]
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions at all!
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akehoshimystar · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Ito: Fuwaaa...
I was so worried and nervous that I couldn't sleep at all, wondering if I had made any mistakes or omissions in my preparations. Just when I thought I was finally able to sleep, I had a dream about oversleeping and jumped out of bed, unable to sleep yet again...and ended up waking up more than an hour earlier than planned. Finally, the day of the event arrived. As I continued preparing for the opening, a yawn that I couldn't contain escaped from my mouth.
Ito: (Everything was going well until I got into bed. I should have considered the possibility that I wouldn't be able to sleep if I came in too early... Ah, there I go again.)
Ai: Yashiro.
Ito: !!
The moment I heard a familiar voice from behind, I sealed my mouth with everything I had.
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Ito: Hello.
Ai: How’s the decoration check?
Ito: Complete and ready, including the hanging ornaments.
The scent of the gel candle was much stronger than the sample, so I was a little concerned about it.
After consulting with Kise-san, only the items close to the table have been rearranged. The rest went smoothly as planned.
Ai: Okay.
Ito: (.….Was I not found out? Of all people, Kosaka-san seeing me yawning while I'm working is just too much...)
Ai: By the way, I think I saw you yawning a few times now. Haven't you been sleeping properly?
Ito: (Busted, not to mention, he saw all of it!!!)
I’m sorry. Compared to usual, yes..... But my head is clear enough. I'll be careful not to make any mistakes.
Ai: I hope I won’t be seeing you staggering.
Ito: That won’t happen.
Ai: Okay.
Ito: (I-I’m still in one piece...)
Ai: I just asked Yuzuru about yesterday. Apparently, you had a meeting after work until almost midnight.
Glad to see you’re working hard.
Ito: (.....Eh)
I reflexively accepted what was offered to me. After opening my hand, I found a brand-new mint candy, unopened.
Ito: This is….
(Eh? Did he just give this to me?)
Ai: You can rest until the others arrive.
Yuzuru and Onda should be able to prepare the kitchen in time, so I will help out in the dining area before we open.
Ito: Okay... also, umm, thank you. I will be enjoying this.
Ai: Make sure you're awake by the time the doors open.
Ito: Yes.
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As per usual, Kosaka-san left behind a concise message. I watched him walk out leaving only the sound of quiet footsteps.
Ito: (... It was so unexpected that I couldn't even react.)
(It's true that yawning during work is bad, but instead of being forgiven without a warning, I was even thanked... Oh.)
(Maybe it's not that unexpected. He’s just a strict King, not a ruthless tyrant.)
The tape still attached on this candy wrap was from the convenience store closest to the venue. After listening to him, I wondered if he had gone out of his way to buy it for me, as a result, my morale was suddenly boosted. .….I have to give it my all. The words I had been repeating all night, as if to remind myself, came out in a voice that’s different from yesterday. The candy I didn’t buy myself tasted like a cold, clear, and beautiful morning. And then, a few hours later.
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Customer 1: I can give this to the staff? Then I want to give it to you! Also, I would like to apply for a bouquet.
Mao: Thank you. To apply, please use this QR code.
Also, if you don't mind, please write your name and a short message on this card as well.
Customer 1: A message card?
Mao: This will help me remember your face later.
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Customer 2: So this will make it easier for you...? Will it really help you remember if I write it down?
Mao: I'd like to do that as much as possible when I deliver you a bouquet.
I want to choose flowers and packaging that I think will look good on “that person” rather than “someone”.
Customer 1: ...! I want to write a lot. If I order more, can I get one more of this card!?
Customer 2: Same here, even if I don't get one, I'll still order more. Give me the one with the most stickers!
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Customer 3: Bill, please. It was really delicious. Also, this, if you don't mind... I want to give one to you.
Riku: You’re giving me that precious piece? I couldn’t be happier.
It's a shame to put it on the board, so I think I'll hide it here.
Customer 3: Excuse me, I'll add a dessert order. Please let me give you one for the board, one for yourself, and one for your pocket...!
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Customer 4: Here, Rie-chan. Happy birthday.
Customer 5: Wow, what a lovely bouquet! Thank you, Mukai-kun.
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Ai: You can have this one too if you like.
Customer 4: Eh? But I only ordered a bouquet for my girlfriend...
Ai: During your conversation earlier, I heard that Mukai-sama also had his birthday the other day. It may not be much, but this is from our store.
We wish you a happy birthday.
Customer 4: ...! Sorry Rie-chan, I said I was going to give you my stickers earlier, but I want to give them all to this person!
Ai: It’s an honor. Please enjoy the rest of your day.
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Ai: [Yashiro. Put mine on and bring out the extra board.]
Ito: [Understood. I've got some addressed to Onda-san as well, should I separate these?]
Ai: [You can put them all together. If you separate them, they'll stand out in a very weird way, as there would be a difference from the board of those in the dining area.]
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Riku: [Still, the kitchen is almost invisible from the hall. I’m not sure if it’s impressive of the customer to be able to find him or of Tomose who managed to get found?]
[Ah, I think table A is calling for me. I'll handle them.]
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Kiho: [Excuse me, can someone bring me bookmarks from the back before I do the next fortune telling?]
Yuzuru: [I’m on it.]
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Yuzuru: [Mao, the last drink order from that group is quite a lot, right? The food serving has calmed down now, so I can make some.] 
Mao: [Thanks for the help. I'll do the billing with His Majesty.]
[Also, Ito, if you're going to put out additional board, paste the ones you got for yourself too. We’re not the only ones receiving them now, aren’t we?]
Ai: [Why would you even put that away? Include them all at once.]
Ito: [Understood. Then...]
Tomose: [The food for table D is up.]
Ito: [I'll take care of that before the board, thank you.]
(The information flying around on the intercom is so fast that I'm getting dizzy just from listening to it, but now is not the time to be distracted...!)
The area decorated without compromise after fighting against the tight budget….. The food and drinks made with attention to both taste and appearance…. So far, the reaction from the customers has been very good, but I have no time to feel relieved just yet. The flower-giving battle has become more exciting than I could have ever imagined, so I have been suddenly placed in the hall as the “flower board manager.”
Ito: (I thought the board might have been too big, but I'm really glad I picked this size.)
(Let’s see, Kosaka-san got 3, Onda-san and I got 2. And this one is for Kiho-san...)
I gradually got used to peeling off and pasting the stickers, my hands even became faster.
Ito: (.….No good. I was so engrossed in my work that I lost track of reality again.)
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Riku: Oh. It's getting more and more colorful.
Ito: Oh, good work. Should I take care of your flowers?
Riku: Thanks. You can put them up later.
Ito: Eh?
Riku: I guess you didn't notice after all.
It's our break time, you and me.
Ito: Oh….
Riku: You heard it, let's wrap this up for now. 
I'm going outside for some fresh air, care to join me?
It may not be much, but I can at least buy you a coffee.
Chapter 6>>
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momo-qrs · 7 years
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