#some splatoon players need to stop.
hollowsart · 3 months
10 minute penalty for disconnecting mid-match.
I hope it affected that player on the enemy team for their poor sportsmanship by flopping on me cuz they kept killing me. I HOPE YOU DIDN'T GET THAT WIN COUNTED YOU JERK.
I HATE when people do that for NO REASON but to be RUDE.
I'm literally just trying to play and have a chill time and you are NOT helping. to the block list with you.
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logged back in to check on the tree rework and ngl i actually really like the final product. only thing i hate is that mining speed boost is locked behind precision mining and that ability is so fucking annoying JFHJKG im basically wasting a token to get to it bc i dont like having particles pop up in my face so i just disable it... could go around and get it from the top but that wastes even more tokens bc my tree isnt going that way at all
the change to gemstone and mithril powder costs means that i dont have enough gemstone powder to complete my tree anymore ;-; back to the grind i guess
somewhere along the way i gained a spare 5m mithril powder
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dr-spectre · 1 month
I watched this YouTube shorts video which has over 100k likes on it where it basically went "oh the Splatoon fandom is weirdddddd!!! It has weird porn in it guys!!! Isn't that crazy?!?! It's so toxic guys!!! They found ways to weaponise racism guys!! They are so vile about splatfests guys!!!! They are gooning to splatoon characters!!! They are kids!!"
I hate to break it to you dude but.... that's literally every fanbase in existence.
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Every single fandom on planet earth has weird porn in it. Splatoon is no different. Is it fucking weird to goon over the player Inklings and Octolings as they are confirmed to be under 18? YES! VERY VERY WEIRD AND THAT BEHAVIOUR NEEDS TO GET CALLED OUT!!!!!! But a large majority of fans who engage in NSFW content are looking at the Idols and other adult characters, not the literal teenagers. Plus adult Inkling and Octoling ocs do exist, i should know BECAUSE I MADE MY OWN!!!!!
Also do not judge people's fetishes unless it's actively harming someone or it's illegal. That's wrong on so many levels. Stop making people feel guilty about what they are into man. If someone wants to make an NSFW art piece with Marie's feet then I'm not gonna judge them publicly for it. That's straight up rude and the guy in the video was basically doing that by showing some stolen fetishy art and adding an "eww" audio clip on it... Fuck off dude. Leave them alone.
He also got the release year of Splatoon wrong by saying 2013 instead of 2015.... Not the worst mistake but still... Kinda paints a picture on how much he truly cares about this franchise you know?
One of his points can be boiled down to "they are using splatfests as a way to weaponize racism." What the FUCK are you talking about? The last time i remember a Splatfest being toxic was in Splatoon 1 with CALLIE VS MARIE! THAT WAS REALLLLLLLL BAD! Other than that it's been friendly jokes and little jabs at the enemy teams. He fucking used this terrible video as a way to demonstrate his point too....
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Every Splatoon fan on the planet doesn't like that video, It just comes off to me as so disingenuous.
Also fun fact! SPLATOON 1 TO 3 HAD UNDERLYING THEMES ABOUT RACISM WITH THE INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS!!!!!! Splatoon 1 was about the introduction of that idea and it was very black and white with hints of grayness found in the sunken scrolls. Splatoon 2 was about making it more gray as Callie joined the Octarians and THE ENTIRETY OF OCTO EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!! Splatoon 3 was the conclusion to that theme with DJ Octavio helping out the NSBS and Octolings co-existing with Inklings peacefully. But did he bring that up? NOPE!!!!!!!
Trying to paint the Splatoon fandom as some "toxic trojan horse" is just... fucking wrong. There are plenty of fandoms out there that are 100x worse than Splatoon's. The Splatoon community is extremely diverse and sure there are issues that need to fixed and yes there is racism. The Splatoon community is leagues above any other shooter game community by far. Play a bunch of quick play matches of Overwatch or TF2 to see what I'm saying. You're gonna be seeing the n word more times than a Quintin Tarantino movie.
Also he talked about peak character design in the Splatoon games, and the one character he mentioned was.... Big Man... The only male Idol and not anyone else. That just seems a bit.... suspicious to me...
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.52 gal!
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Okay so uuuuuh .52 is one of my least favourite weapons in the entire series. A big part of that is bad memories from having to deal with the kGal in Splatoon 2 for several years, but while Splatoon 3's .52 isn't as good I still think it's an absolute chore to fight against as it's probably the most dishonest weapon in the series, being fully built around using its Wall, decent range, and blazing fast time-to-splat (if a 52 pops out of ink and starts shooting at you, connecting with the first two bullets, it's practically unreactable and depending on latency can actually kill you literally before they've started shooting on your end) to set up unfair fights in its advantage.
I am not saying that 52 players are bad or that they're being carried by their weapon or some such (there is no weapon in Splatoon so good it'll get you free wins), but 52 is probably the weapon that does the most work for you by giving you a lot of really powerful, flexible tools. There's a reason that Melon, the player with the highest X-power in the world and the first player to get 4000+ X-power, primarily uses .52 Gal: It has the tools you need to take control of a match and keep pushing your advantage.
All that said, don't feel bad about your favourite weapon, whatever it is, because no matter what others think of it that doesn't reflect on you as a person. I don't like .52, but I get why other people do! It's a powerful gun with a lot of agency and stopping power, and if that's what you're after then there's really not a better option, and I am glad you're having fun!
But could you maybe please start having worse RNG when you're shooting at me specifically? Please?
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Special-Forces Beret / Zekko Hoodie / Punk Cherries
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psudopod · 9 months
Splatmas is coming, and you know what that means?
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Bet none of you guessed it's Psudopod's Big Lecture on How Y'all Need SPORTSMANSHIP!
Sportsmanship is behaviour and attitudes that show respect for the rules of a game and for the other players. 
Part 1: Rules of the Game.
There are indeed rules, here they are!
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In Splatoon 3 you may be reported for breaking the rules for the following infractions;
Inappropriate Nickname
Intentional Disconnection
Unsportsmanlike Play (Self-Destruction)
Unsportsmanlike Play (Disrupting Team)
Intentionally Not Contributing
Network Manipulation
Malicious Use of Glitches or Errors
Griefing (the action or an act of deliberately spoiling other players' enjoyment of a game by playing in a way that is intentionally disruptive and aggravating)
I've bolded the rules I see broken, often, especially during splatfests. Thankfully, I rarely see the ones I didn't bold. What I do see, pretty often, is Bad Sportsmanship.
I am referring to mid-match squid parties.
What are squid parties? A squid party is when the players ignore the in-game objectives and do... Whatever they feel like! Usually, this is seen as people standing around squidbagging together. It's honestly pretty fun! When everyone is on the same wavelength and the full lobby parties, it can be a cool time to explore how the game feels, play party games, and be silly! Note however, I said the full lobby. To play by your own rules when any single player is playing by the game's rules, is unsportsmanlike.
Thankfully, for all you partiers, there is a simple and easy way to make sure every player in your lobby is playing by the same rules; private lobbies! Make a private lobby, invite your friends, or join a pool to make some friends! I imagine "Squidparty" is a code you could use, but please do share any codes you've tried in your reblog. You can even plan games in lobbies, like "bumper brushes" or "hide-and-seek"!
Please, if you want to party, join a private lobby. Everyone else there will want to party, too. Assume everyone in public lobbies is there to play the game as described by the rules, even if they leave you to party.
If you are in a lobby to play, don't ignore partiers. They are just as often "Griefing" with intentions to use your mercy against you. Kill. Leave the lobby. Report. Move on. Pick any of the multiple rules that apply to squid party behavior. You can find the report button in the battle logs section of the terminal. Don't join a private lobby and report the goofs going on there, don't join a public battle and goof.
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Part 2: Respect for Other Players
The Sportsmanship life doesn't end when you put the controller down! Y'all still Unsportsmanlike in the community. You need to treat other players right. We don't have Rules out here, but here's some bullshit I'm sick of seeing:
Racism (colorism and xenophobia)
Bullying (extreme language, hate mail harassment)
Being a sore loser (BS points 1 and 2, really.)
I don't need to re-hash the colorism issues. This is an old problem. Stop. Please remember your comments on the physical features of the idols can be hurtful, real people share those features.
What I do have to hash is the xenophobia. Y'all aware that blaming an entire nationality for you losing is bigoted? Y'all aware that claiming an entire nationality is just too good at the game is a stupid stereotype? Stop saying weird shit about Japanese players.
Bullying- hey, are you aware saying "KYS," any suicide baiting, is bullying and harassment? This is EXTREME language. Do not throw that shit around in the Splatfest tags when you're sad you lost. Do not throw that shit around in plaza posts. You will lose your plaza posting ability, account-wide. I dare you to send that shit on anon. I will drag your ass. Again.
It's ok to be sad you lost, but please be aware that lashing your negative feelings out on real people, or in ways that can hurt real people, is POOR SPORTSMANSHIP. Do you remember, in grade school sports, how the coach would tell you to line up and tell each member of the opponent team "good game"? You ever wonder why?
You should always be grateful and courteous, respectful, and constructive to every one of your opponents. You would not be able to play the game without opponents.
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This splatfest, I really hope to see some better sportsmanship inside and outside the game.
I've said way too much already, I'll leave you with homework. This 'fest, I'd like for you to thank your opponents. Even when they beat you. Especially then. They did their best and respected you with a display of the fruits of their effort.
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1-b and random videogames they like <3
Awase - mario cart, something about hitting his friends with red shells and stealing first place last second really makes his day <3
Sen - he doesn't play video games by himself a lot but him and the rest of the common sense kings have game nights where he is either so good that its scary or so bad that its laughable... worse part is no one knows which it will be that day.
Kamakiri - any fps game really. Halo, cod, fortnite, as long as he gets to cuss out 12 year olds in the lobby hes happy.
Kuroiro - gothic horror games that dont rely on jump scares to scare you, so like Little Nightmares and games like that.
Kendo - she likes a mixture of different types but mostly open world and cozy games. She mostly lets game osts run in the background while she does other stuff.
Kodai - splatoon. Specifically the story mode and salmon run. She used to play ranked and turf wars but she got too good at it so she stopped lmao. Seriously though she is scary good at this game and this game only.
Komori - farming sims. Specifically ones like stardew valley or sunhaven. She will stay up til ungodly hours and just be like "i need these fucking turnips to grow damnit.."
Shiozaki - simple moble games like flappy bird or crossy road, other than that she doesn't really play video games
Shishida - grandpa mindset so he doesn't know what a video game is, loves playing board games with his friends though
Shoda - i dont think he plays a lot of videogames but he is strangely good at multi-player games, shoda wins the class mario cart tournaments every time and he doesn't even know how to drift
Pony - Tomadachi pet games (idk if thats what they are called lol) where its just a little pocket pet that you have to keep alive, she will get stressed if she forgets to feed it and its actually adorable <3
Tsubaraba - LOZ:Tears Of The Kingdom
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Nothing more needs to he said...
Tetsutetsu - save the princess type games because its manly to help those in need of saving. (He also has over 5000 hours in hello kitty island adventure)
Tokage - idk why but I feel like she has hundreds of games no one has ever heard of. She only has like 5 or 6 hours in most of them but theres one shitty as game she lets rot in the corner thats her favorite. How tf do you have 20000 hours in 'block game HD'
Manga - Genshin Impact. He downloaded it as a meme at first but then he got invested in the storyline and characters backstorys. Definitely found himself crying at 3am because of the inazumas mushrooms backstory (they do be dead kids tho)
Honenuki - I dont think he plays a lot of videogames but when he does, he sucks. Idc how many hours he has in whatever game he will find a way to lose every time. Its kinda sad to watch honestly. T-T
Bondo - those games where you start off with boxes full of shit and you have to organize it in the room or you have to organize the water by color. Stuff like that
Monoma - classic save the princess type games. Mario, Loz, ect. He needs to feed his savior/ superiority complex and these games do it quickly
Reiko - horror games that dont look like horror games. Like they start off all pastel and cute then over time it gets darker and darker. Like omori.
Rin - he only plays videogames with people. (So the common sense kings game nights and class mario cart tournaments) but he does play solitair and sun haven rarely. Also if pony for some reason cant take care of her virtual pets today she gives them to rin because hes the best virtual pet sitter. <3
Idk why but for some of the class on this I struggled so badly </3 I still like how most of it came out tho.
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
Tips On Keeping A Healthy Mindset In Splatoon 3
Feeling frustrated? Beaten down? Like you're getting worse? As someone who's played since 2015 Splatoon 1 days, here's a few reminders:
Splatoon 3, Unsurprisingly, Has Major Connection Issues Nintendo likely did not realize just HOW massive this game's popularity would end up being! We're at 10 million copies sold since September 2022 (and Splatoon 3 sold 13.3 million TOTAL in its lifespan) Chances are, you're going to be splatted in unfair ways, and you're going to miss shots/damage in unfair ways. Take it as is! It's frustrating but it doesn't mean you're necessarily doing badly.
Your Worst Games Do Not Determine Your Actual Skill We all have bad days! We all have off days, we may be stressed or tired or just feeling very unfocused for the day. Maybe previous losses have us tilted and more clumsy. It's okay! No one can play their 100% best every single day. If you're having some bad rounds, take a break! The more relaxed, calm, and focused you are, the more likely you'll do better! Try to roll with the punches, learn some lessons from the losses, and find your fun in the games!
Take A Break! Play Other Games, Do Other Things Sometimes we just need to walk AWAAAY from this game for a while, especially if our frustration gets super bad. I know people wanna land just one more win, just one more rank up...But we gotta learn how to take the L sometimes and go take care of our mental health. Splatoon, while understandably frustrating at times, should always be FUN in the end too. When it stops being fun, stop playing! You'll feel much better after a break and can return to it with a clearer head!
For Best Results, Play With Friends! Universally, I hear many people have more fun in Splatoon when playing with another person, or even a squad! You can handle losses more easily while ranting or laughing together during! If you don't have friends to play with, there are many servers dedicated to finding people! Also you can just post here on Tumblr a few times; I'm sure others are looking for folks to play with too!
Ultimately, There's An RNG Element To Splatoon 3 Matchmaking Does Not Exist In This Game. In Splatoon 2, we had a ranking system! If you were A- to A+, you'd be matched in Rank with JUST A- to A+ players. Now there are the occasional smurfs (people on alt accounts), but generally you had people your own rank exclusively! Splatoon 3 doesn't have that! Not for Turf War, not for Anarchy. X Rank even doesn't have real matchmaking, as those in X 1800 have fought people in X 2500 or higher. So this means you have no control over what teams you fight, or what teammates you get. You can, and will, get unlucky. You losing does not always mean it was your fault! Some players may be more skilled / have more hours / etc, and you can't be blamed for that! Accept some losses were just streaks of bad luck that came your way. Take a deep breath, accept it as it is, and go on to the next match!
I hope this helps, and remember to take care of yourself first and foremost! And as much as we love it, it is indeed just a game, and has no bearing on you as a person, your self worth, etc.
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ace-girlboy · 6 months
//warning, kind of rant-y//
I keep seeing people getting excited about a splatoon 4 announcement but- and this is just me- it kinda seems too soon for that? Splatoon 3 has been out for less than two years and while I know the switch is near the end of its lifetime and they’re gonna have a new installment for the next console……I feel like it’d be better if they like ported 3 or something? At least for another few years, just since like I said it’s been *less than 2 years of Splatoon 3 being out*
And maybe if you play the game all the time then it’s different but for more casual players, excitement over Splat 4 makes it feel like Splat 3 is over before it even started.
It’s been 1.5 years since the game was released which to me feels like it should be in its prime of updates and events! Like we are literally still getting new maps, songs, weapon kits, etc. (I’m pretty sure they also said we would get all the old maps back, and I’m still waiting for the maps from 2, which idk if those will happen anymore but if so then we still have a ton of content we are getting). It literally feels like Splatoon 3 is only halfway through its lifespan, and people are already moving on. Which is why it seems more like they should port it to the new console for a few more years instead of making a new game.
Plus I’m not gonna buy a new console and game just for splatoon 4 because even though I love this franchise, I don’t have that kind of money, and why should I when we haven’t even had this game for 2 whole years yet? This goes for everyone else too who doesn’t have the money for a new console and $60 game and doesn’t want to get completely left behind as everyone rushes to play Splat 4. Like I haven’t even had time to get tired of the new maps and weapons and stuff yet. It’s not like 3 is dead or anything, or that the franchise is in major need of a new installment. Sure it would be nice to get some more lore or a new solo campaign, but that doesn’t mean I want to move on from 3 immediately.
Idk it just feels like everyone is being WAY premature. We have only had this current installment for like a year and a half. We are still getting new content and even when that stops it doesn’t mean the game won’t be enjoyable for most people. Is it really so much to ask that some of y’all slow down and appreciate the current game we have? I’m not saying you can’t hope for a Splatoon 4 or for more content or anything, but it feels like some of y’all are a bit too quick to discard this game in anticipation of the fourth one, despite the game literally still updating and not even being out for two years 😭
(And yes I’m aware that even if Splatoon 4 is announced this year it will probably be another year before it’s released so that would be 3 years of Splatoon 3, but still, 3 years is kind of early? Not as early as 2 or 1.5 but still a little bit early imo)
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deanthe · 7 months
//vent I really need to get this off my chest. After Splatoon 3's final splatfest comes to a close, I'm probably going to stop interacting with the Splatoon community as much as I can. It's been four years since I've gotten truly into Splatoon, (that's a complicated, yet much nicer story for some other time) and while I don't regret it by any means, it's definitely been an exhausting ride, and I kinda want to get off of it before I barf.
Getting the most obvious thing out of the way, the way Nintendo has been handling Splatoon 3 has been really disappointing. It has far more improvements than flaws, but this game has had some really bizarre decisions made with it compared to the first two games. Maps, kits, ETC... I'm not gonna delve into the specifics, you probably already know what I'm going on about. Secondly, while what I just said still holds true, I feel like the community reactions to these changes have been... a bit too much? Like, yeah, splatfests are imbalanced. Maps have been bad. (up until Drizzle Season 2023, at least) But these problems have been absolutely blown out of the water. Fucking, death threats have been sent to people who join the Shiver's teams. Despite the whole appeal of the Splatoon community being a place of self expression and lack of judgement, a lot of Splatoon subcultures really... aren't that great. Being deadass, competitive Splatoon is boring, and its players are super rude and annoying. I don't like to generalize, but I've yet to interact with a single comp player I enjoy talking to. Every single one I've met has tried forcing me to play a certain way, no matter if I'm even fucking playing with them. I was harassed for using sticks. In a B- lobby. Back when I was new to Splatoon 2. The hacking scene is a dumpster fire. The main person who's created the most well known and fun Splatoon hacking system is a piece of shit, for one. For two, have you even touched the first game anytime after 2017? Yeah, it's full of hackers. Can't play turf war for 15 minutes without having to sit there and not play the game because someone is hacking and getting away with it because Nintendo doesn't moderate the servers anymore. The Coroika fandom is if you took Splatoon fandom and infected it with My Hero Academia fans. Yeah. Are any of you familiar with Splatoon Florida? It was an old parody account on Twitter that I used to own that got popular SUPER fast. Could not handle it. It spawned nearly 50 clone accounts based on the other 49 united states, and I had even gotten impersonation accounts pretending to be me and saying really, really awful things. This paired with the queerphobia I faced and hatemail in general stacked on top of my mother having multiple strokes and almost dying at the time, pushed me over the edge, and I deleted SplatoonFL after someone told me that they hoped my mother had another stroke and died. Now, I feel like shit for name dropping people in my vent, as it's been awhile since most of this garbage has happened and I don't want to seem petty, plus this isn't intended to be a callout post. But I really do feel the need to let this shit out of my system, and frankly I'm tired of watching these people be appreciated while remembering what they've done to me, small and insignificant or not.
Theecorner, AKA Danniee, banned me from their Discord server after I loudly expressed distaste for jokes being made about Dream, as I was one of Dream's victims and felt very uncomfortable bringing him up. Keep in mind that insinuated that I did not enjoy the conversation multiple times.
Pufuu had made a Twitter post with a screenshot of our DMs. I was irritated that he had kept making fake Splatoon leaks with zero indication of them being concepts, and he thought that was wrong. A couple Tweets before this, ironically, he boasted about getting another annoying fake leaker to block him.
Caitlin Koi had acted aggressive towards me after I expressed concern for her after a seizure which, her seizures are very much real and very dangerous, though I should mention she also uses them as an excuse to be an asshole and guilt trip people.
Vaqeii. Fuck you. (He has very few actual fans, I just wanted to express my hatred towards that fucking slime since he's also one of the Splatubers who had traumatized me.)
I'd like to restate that I don't regret my time in the community one bit. I love it here for the most part. It's just gotten far too much, and I'm. Frankly a little bit done and ready to move on. I'll try to keep strong and stay for a bit so I can enjoy the rest of Splatoon 3's update cycle with my friends and the people I enjoy being around. After that though, unless something happens to change my mind, I'll be gone after that.
Knowing the current state of the Splatoon community, I wouldn't be surprised if I started getting harassed again for this post. Hell, wouldn't it be hilarious if THIS vent post got screenshotted and edited to be about Roller Coaster Tycoon, to? Yeah, that was a thing that happened. No, I haven't forgotten about that. You know who you are. Real fucking proud of you, I am.
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Okay I don't wanna
Be like
A dick
But some Team Present players need to stop being such sore losers
I stg overnight since the grand fest some Present players went from super confident to pissing all over team Past's excitement for their unexpected victory
"Oh well it's not gonna affect the story THAT much so don't get too excited"
We know
"They already have the story planned out it's just gonna be aesthetics, don't get your hopes up"
We know
"Well the vote was super split so they're probably just gonna give equal focus on Present anyway"
We know how Splatoon stories work, anyone who's actually paying attention to that knows damn well we're not ACTUALLY getting a great turf war game or whatever we like to openly daydream about
Present and Future are very VERY likely still gonna be important themes in the next game, as they were already set up in 3's main story, we already know this
Idk maybe I just went in fully expecting to lose and accepting it happily, so I wasn't super emotionally set on winning
But like
There's a wild difference between reminding people to temper their expectations and huffing copium cus you don't like seeing the people who fairly beat you excited about their victory
And I'm worried a good chunk of y'all are sliding into that latter category
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 22
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.4k
Back to the Start! Previous Next
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While making a private battle for your team and the S4, you begin to wonder what you could possibly do to win against Emperor. Rage alone won’t carry you through the match, but it’ll definitely help.
The S4 have already spawned with their purple ink, and your team with orange.
Leo speeds off to the centre, Aloha doing the same. 
‘There isn’t much I can do. If Edging Jr.’s more agile than Aloha, then I can’t risk him facing Tasha.’
The two of them duke it out in the centre, Leo using the stage to his advantage and going behind the walls for cover. 
‘Leo wouldn’t stand a chance in a one-on-one, against him. He ties up almost evenly with 'Loha.’ 
You look over at Milo, who seems to be charging up his splatling, getting ready to aim at Army.
‘-and even having Milo spray and pray with his splatling isn’t enough. And that’s just one player.’ 
‘N-pacer wouldn’t be in Leo or Milo’s range, so it’d be charger vs. charger. But Emperor would want to take care of that quickly.’
Milo opens fire, and Army hides behind a nearby wall. Once Milo’s out of charge, Army comes out thinking he’s safe. Unaware that you were waiting. You jump Army, and splat him.
‘None of this will ever work against team Monarch! How could we possibly- no, no. I’m thinking of this all wrong. I’m thinking way too logically.’ 
Leo and Aloha have both taken lots of damage, and Leo looks much more tired than Aloha. He never did have good stamina.
‘We need to be unpredictable.’ 
Skull and Tasha have taken their respective spots, Tasha being a little closer to the center than Skull.
Mask slowly swims by, not showing any ripples in the ink. But he leaves a trail, and that’s what gets him splatted by you.
‘Use our specialties to our advantage.’
Leo backs away from his one-on-one to recover, and Aloha taunts him.
‘Stop working individually.’
Aloha doesn’t have time for another remark before Tasha splats him with no hesitation.
‘Work as a family.’
A moment of realization later, you shout out to your teammates while backing off and inking a few spots they missed.
“I’m sorry for lashing out at you guys earlier. Our best bet is to cover each other at all times!”
“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?!”
“Do it better!”
“Alright, boss!”
Mask realizes that it’s useless to be sneaky around you, so he attempts to attack from above, followed by a burst bomb. You pretend to be unaware that he’s there, dodging at the last second, only to let your back face him and dash off. ‘An easy target,’ he thinks. Before he can send another bomb your way, he’s hit with double the firepower from behind. 
“You didn’t really think our boss was that stupid, did ya?”
Milo makes his way closer to the center after you and Leo give him some easy inked ground to run on. After being splatted again, Army’s facing Milo. Milo keeps his distance, which annoys Army to no end. Milo isn’t landing any shots, though. Army smirks when he notices this, trying to close the distance. You won’t allow it, not with the way Milo was obviously giving you a clear path to surprise-attack Army. Milo moves in again to try and attack Aloha, forgetting that Skull was just barely in range. A quick tap of Skull’s trigger has Milo down, and Tasha fires right back milliseconds after, despite not having enough range to hit Skull. Aloha looks at the wasted ink.
“Hah! I thought you never mis-”
Aloha’s all bark and no bite, especially when his so-called #1 fan manages to take down his leader. Tasha made Leo a path straight to Skull because no, she never misses.
“Good job, Leo!”
You shake your head while looking at the S4’s results of the match. They’re strong individually for sure, but it’s useless if they don’t work together. Nobody up to this point has come close to their strength against you, but it’s still too easy. They still refuse to work together. Just about every splat that your team landed on them was because of a surprise attack, or because they were too preoccupied with another teammate.
“First off,” You vaguely gesture at Army, Aloha, and Mask, “Start super jumping to Skull. You were spending half your time making it back to center stage, only to be splatted again. Time wasted.” Aloha pretends to check his ‘nails’, still not wanting to work with the S4. Army slaps his hand down, and forces him to focus on you.
“Also, one of you stay back when Skull gets splatted. Tasha uses Milo as an anchor when she’s down in our practices. You do the same. I suggest Mask since he likes staying back and inking anyways.” You hear a groan come from Mask. you glare at him.
“Or you could just leave right now and never get any stronger. Your choice.” 
Mask straightens up just a bit, and tightens his grip on his roller. He doesn’t care what others think of him, but the more people that he can force into hopelessness, the better. If training means he’ll see stronger, and more players lose their will to battle again, then so be it.
“Alright, let’s do it again!”
“Alreadyyy?” Leo drags out his word like a kid being told that it’s time to get off their gaming console.
“You’re lucky you got a break at all. I don’t plan on stopping between every match.”
And so, the next few hours were filled with nothing but battles. Even Tasha’s aim was getting a little lazy, and that’s when your forced everyone into a break, which didn't take much convincing. You wordlessly helped Tasha stretch her arms while Aloha and Leo groan in exaggerated agony. Even Skull’s panting from how much you’re making him change positions during battle. Not that you’re not struggling too. You quietly do some breathing exercises to reset your system and trick it into thinking it can take all this. Milo refuses to complain, knowing that this is all for the best, but he’s sweating buckets. Two minutes into your break, and you think Mask is either dead or fell asleep insanely quickly. His chest is rising and falling quickly, so you assume he’s just resting.
“Training isn’t,-” Army huffs, catching his breath, “Isn’t efficient if we can’t do our best.” he takes another second to recuperate, “Any more than this and it will only harm us.”
You close your eyes in thought for a moment, slumping against the wall to your right and agreeing with him. No point in hurting anybody.
You slowly walk toward the entrance of Deca Tower, and only Tasha and Milo follow.
“Come on lazybones, I’m buying everyone dessert.” Leo and Aloha jump up at that, fighting about who’s going to get a bigger Sundae. Skull swiftly walks over, and you think that’s the fastest he’s walked in a few hours. Army points out that having dessert is not the best thing to consume after training.
“If you want to go eat some grass, go. You all deserve it, at the very least.”
You almost make it out of Deca Tower, but you notice someone missing from the group. You drag yourself back over to the possibly dead cyan squid, who’s laying on his back, on the floor. You very gently nudge his arm with your foot.
“Hey. We’re getting dessert.”
You nudge it again.
“I dooon’t caaaare. Just let me dieee.”
You nod in understanding. Mood.
You bend down right next to him, so only he can hear.
“I’ll buy you the limited edition copy of Squidracer.”
He already had other, older versions of the game, and that’s what he wasted his money from Salmon Run on. A limited edition is supposed to release tomorrow, but he doesn’t have nearly enough to pay it off, and there’s no doubt all of the copies will be gone in a matter of minutes.
He picks his head up off the ground to look at you in bewilderment. You must be joking, right? That thing’s like- 8, 000, 000 coins. Just what are you made of?
“For real. All I ask is that you try to keep up, and get stronger so that we can have a real, fun battle one day.”
He lightly nods, and you offer him your hand, forgetting that he’s not a fan of physical contact. Which means you don’t think twice about how he used your help to get up off the ground. A big step for him that you didn’t even notice. 
Even if he wiped his hand on his purple camo LS roughly to try to get rid of that unfamiliar touch.
You really do believe in every one of them, huh? You even believe that the least motivated of them has a chance at getting better.   
Next Part
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eziojensenthe3rd · 1 month
Midnight Gaming: Serious Squidding
So last night I played some Serious Sam past midnight, checked socials later to find... Nintendo takes down Splatoon 3 video for mentioning sex.
So during a time when Half-life and Halo have led fps games away from one-liner spouting, 90s fps games to ones that focused on a narrative, Serious Sam was a series that stood in defiance of the changing tides with hordes of screaming headless mobs running towards you the player.
The hordes arent really an exaggeration as for the time, croteams first game featuring the tshirt wearing warrior, The First Encounter, was notable in pc gaming for having tons of enemies swarming you on screen, across various arenas and an array of explosions.
My first entry though was infact The Next Encounter on the gamecube before I eventually grabbed the HD remasters as well as 2 and bfe on steam. Beaten First Encounter on normal difficulty and sometimes play the other games from time to time. 2 was the one that repelled me the most due to how cartoony it looked. It was presented like a saturday morning cartoon with corny jokes and all whiched clashed with the bloody carnage. It just didnt mesh well and neither did Before First Encounter and that was for opposite reasons.
BFE from what I heard from rumours was originally meant to be just another military shooter that croteam was working on before it got canned and they repurposed a lot of the enviroment assets for a Serious Sam game instead. Its just a rumor but it does explain why it was all in modern Egypt. But yeah that game felt a bit too grounded at times with the story and graphics being a bit drab. Also it has glory kills? You could melee some enemies with a prompt and just kill them outright, without the need to use your guns, just press the melee when your close enough and you'll blink towards an enemy, kill them outright and move on. Also BFE seems badly optimised for Switch since i've seen a lot of graphics pop in whenever I turn around a corner.
So early parts of First and Second encounter? Fine enough, you go through arenas, face several enemies, you run backwards at times, its serious sam... maybe I dont like Serious sam that much? I like it enough and there are times when it becomes tense and yet.. I often just lose interest nowadays. Could be that I often play on Normal since to me it feels.... fair. You want to play Serious Sam in a way that makes you dread every healing item and ammo pickyp you come across? Play them on Serious difficulty, the highest difficulty thats unlocked from the start, and you will definatly develop some new phobias. I tried playing on Serious for TFE and, there is, never a time where you can reliably let your guard down. Every corner, every hallway, EVERY ITEM, there will be a chance of enemies being spawned. Sometimes right in your face. Go watch a playthrough on Serious difficulty or play it yourself and you'll understand why.
Actually, the games story at first was going back in time in order to find and stop Mental right? Thats what the early games before BFE were about, travelling through the timelock to try and stop an alien overlord who is trying to destroy humanity right? Right? Because I dont think time travel is really utilised much as a narrative device in this series. All the time periods you could potentially visit and fight enemies in. The first encounter only had Egypt. The second encounter had some time periods to go through. The next encounter also had that but that wasnt really made by croteam. 2 didnt had time travel instead going by multiple worlds and BFE onwards was just in modern times on earth. Seems like only croteam only did 2 games that barely scratched the surface on time travel and then just dropped it. Isnt that strange.
Just to wrap this segment up, I will say one more thing. I also went and played the two serious sam ports on steam, Classics Revolution and Serious Sam Fusion... beta.
CR seemed to be focused on the classic versions of TFE and TSE while Fusion is based on the HD remasters and BFE, both of course have workshop support. And you know what, its nice to play Serious Sam with mods, playing through a remastered version of TFE's maps with Overwatch weapons was neat.
So moving on to news, Nintendo. That company has garnered a mixed opinion nowadays. On one hand making great games and on the other hand striking down any form of appreciation shown by their fans. This however does come off as a bit silly though in my opinion, A video by Splatoon youtuber Liora Channel was struck down for "Sexual Content"? So Liora did a video called Splatoon Girls which focused on women who played Splatoon and talked about themselves and their personal lives. Some of these women have admitted they dated some high-profile splatoon players and engaged in casual initimacy. Nintendo didnt like that so they struck the video down.
Now, I'm aware the series is rated around 3+, its very much marketed towards kids but, to be honest I dont think the playerbase is mostly just kids. I guess it was more around late teens to early 20's maybe and with the lobbies allowing for miiverse style picture posts allowing anyone to post any drawn image, I wouldnt think the fanbase is that prudish. Then again I dont play Splatoon so I could be very wrong and Nintendo could be right but if this video that Liora made was to interact with women splatoon players and they admit to having initimate relations, is it really right to strike it down because it clashes with intended marketing. I dont know but i'll leave you the article from gonintendo.com and you can decide for yourself.
Thank you all reading, feel free to leave some feedback and game suggestions. Anons are currently on.
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peachymilkshakes · 9 months
Fashion Dreamer, a review by a Style Boutique/Savvy/Girls Mode long time fan
I recently got the game and due to recent backlash of it I figured I'd write sort of a ramble review on it now that I've played through the initial tutorial phase and gotten to the meat of the game. I will most likely update my post once I got to the last Cocoon, so look out for that (or don't. Whichever floats your goat)
First a bit of a backstory. Back when I was a tiny little peach, I was gifted this game by my grandma called "Style Boutique" It was the first game on the NDS. I was immediately hooked. It had so many different brands of clothes to choose from, most of which I had memorized (And I still know them by heart if you asked me) not only that, but it also had a game function where if you finished the main story of entering and winning all the contests, then you could just keep running your own boutique, even on the Nintendo Network. You could sell your clothing to other players, and you could shop in other peoples stores too. I had MANY trips down to my local library just to connect to their wifi and download some clothes for my in game character to wear. I had many great memories with this game. Not only that, but I grew a fondness to the cast of characters. Namely, Grace, Dominic and Renée.
After a few years, Nintendo stopped supporting the game, and moved on to the newer title, Style Boutique 2. Which I didn't play at the time as my parents never got it for me. However, I played it a bit later when I had my own money, and to my dissapointment, the game wasn't the same as the first. This trend of the games getting worse kept going with the 3rd entry too. I played it for a while, but none of them managed to hook me as much as the first game did. I never quite understood why though.
Fast forward to now. Syn Sophia's newest title "Fashion Dreamer" is out on the switch. And I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I feel like the clothing selection is really cute and diverse, and the idea of the social media connections is also a really fun mechanic. I think I understand some of the critisisms. That the game loop gets boring after a while, and that they wished the clothing brands from Style Boutique came back. Personally though, I like this fresh new take on the fashion game genre. Something that Syn Sophia definately popularised. And although I can feel this getting boring, I really enjoy styling my character, and treating the game as nothing more than what it is meant to be: a digital paper doll.
Is it worth 50 euros though? Hm, It depends on what you think this game is worth. I do think it would be worth it once the DLCs hit. That said, many game companies have been doing this whole release an unfinished game spiel and I could write an entire book about how much I hate how nintendo treated animal crossing and splatoon just to prove this point but I think you can make your own conclusion there.
The game misses reoccurring characters like Grace, or at least a more tangible way to play. It doesn't need to be exactly like Style Boutique. Not in the slightest. It would be nice if we had at least something to make progress on besides the gameplay loop that we have going on right now.
I think this game deserves critisism. However, I'm also not going to pretend that this game is a pile of hot garbage. Because it's just not. It's a solid game which I really would reccomend you play if you love dressing little characters.
Verdict after the tutorial, not more than 5 hours in: the game is fun and refreshing. I like where Syn Sophia is going. However, I miss the first Style Boutique. (Which is perhaps nostalgia talking to me) 6.5/10
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trislosherfan25 · 2 years
Need Splatoon players to stop being scared of seeing Japenese players in their lobbies. Yes, Japanese players are better than players anywhere else at the TOP LEVEL of competitive play, but even at that, they don't always win. Those people are not the people you're fighting in your turf war/anarchy/x battles. When you encounter Japanese players in your lobbies, they are on the exact same ranking system you are. The game is going to try to match you up with people who are close to your skill level. Even though there's not a visible ranking system in turf war the game is still keeping track trying to give you fair matches. The biggest issue you'll probably face when playing Japanese players is some lag or connection issues, as these occur whenever you're playing someone incredibly far away from your location.
TLDR; stop being scared of Japanese players in your lobbies, they are the same skill level as you and everyone is just here to have a good time
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chillspacebear · 1 year
So with the new trailer that just dropped today for Drizzle Season 2
I noticed that they’re not adding any shooters this time; this is the first time where there hasn’t been a single shooter in an update.
With how everything’s been distributed over the seasons, this is very much a good thing. But then I got to thinking about the weapons they’re adding overall and things there aren’t so good…
This season will add ten new weapons (8 kits and 2 new weapons). That is a record low for this game. And after this update, how many weapons are left that don't have second kits? 21.
.52 Gal
Range Blaster
Flingza Roller
Dread Wringer
Hydra Splatling
Nautilus Splatling
Heavy Edit Splatling
Splat Dualies
Glooga Dualies
Undercover Brella
Splatana Stamper
It's been an entire year, and not every weapon has a second kit yet; that is ridiculous. All but 5 of these are weapons that have been in the game since launch; some players will need to wait over a year just to get a second kit, that is pathetic.
It gets worse when you look at another trend the devs have been doing. So far, they've added new weapons for most of the classes in the game
Shooters: Splattershot Nova
Rollers: Big Swig Roller
Chargers: Snipewriter 5H
Brushes: Painbrush
Blasters: S-Blast 92
Sloshers: Dread Wringer
Splatlings: Heavy Edit Splatling
If they follow this all the way through, we’ll also get a new Dualie, Brella, Stringer, and Splatana. That, times two, equates to 8 more weapons to add with the updates: that's now 29 weapons to add before updates stop.
With the rate they've been adding weapons, we will just barely get a second kit for every weapon by the second Sizzle Season, the last major update of the game. But that also means it's unlikely for any weapon to get a third kit, something that's been done in both the first and second games.
If Splatoon 3, the game that celebrates itself by having the number 3 everywhere, doesn't have 3rd kits at all… that's unacceptable���
The Splatoon dev team needs to pick up the pace with the weapon kits if they don’t want this game to be the one that handles giving weapons kits the most poorly.
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
also can u infodump about ur agents
hi i will but its kind of a lot. Putting a break on this cause its long
Alister's a chill but still serious guy. He used to play turf war and ranked a ton as a kid while also working as agent 3 for the new squidbeak splatoon. His parents are missing. Cuttlefish took care of him cause of that, kinda treated him like a grandson. He almost outranked callie and marie in terms of skill before he was partially sanitized. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself. The only medication he's willing to take is his antidepressants. He loves the squid sisters and has so much merch of them, mainly from his youth. He has no fashion sense and will walk out of the house in the worst outfit you've ever seen thinking he did ok. He renamed the nss to neo squidbeak splatoon when he was promoted to captain. He loves his boyfriend josh a lot, ignore the fact they tried to kill each other in their first encounter. They live together.
Zara is cheerful and seemingly confident. But she thinks of herself as a fraud and is worried about people finding that out. She's good at her job as agent 4 and more but she focuses on her mistakes a lot. She is really good at building and using computers and the like. Her laptop is enhanced by octarian technology, she has reverse-engineered it. She prefers making friends more than splatting enemies, but knows when she needs to stop being friendly. She used to have a celebrity crush on Pearl and Marina when she was young. It didn't stick but she still loves the two. She has worked with them and still does as a social media manager. She is a lot less involved in agent work than she was as a kid due to her job + being with her girlfriend but she still loves it.
Josh is really mysterious, but still very talkative and nice. He has a lot of repressed memories. He's glad he can't remember some of them. He used to be a trainee in the octarian military. The calamari inkantation changed his life. He used to be a lot more daring and reckless, but he'll never remember. He's agent 8 of the new squidbeak splatoon. Something's wrong with him, but he's okay. He has a special interest (inkling culture) that he studies a lot. He isn't the best at socializing sometimes. He's loved alister since the two were stuck in the deepsea metro. He likes wearing most clothing, except for things that are tight. He loves loose, baggy sweaters. It took him awhile to do agent work, but he's good at it. He still can't play turf war matches with pink and teal as the ink colors without feeling dread. Ink bombs scare him a little.
Orion is a bit of a loner. He was recruited as agent 7, by his own request mainly. He's an old friend of josh, though josh doesn't remember that much, and josh seems like a completely different person. He worked in the octarian military until the domes stabilized. He mainly did it for his family, who he still visits often, no matter how awful travelling conditions are. He values connections the most despite insisting on going on missions alone often. He has a bit of an ego due to his experience. It won't ever hurt him though. He wants to train the new agents, though they're hard to work with. He doesn't mind.
Violet is the most energetic of the group. They feel a lot of pressure being neo agent 3, they have a feeling captain alister did a lot as agent 3, from what they've heard. They were an orphan that learned to survive in the wilderness with their best friend, scope. They got help from another soon-to-be close friend, too, and want to repay them by secretly letting them explore alterna (that will definitely go well). They love alterna. They hate the fuzzy ooze. Theyve been partially infected by the fuzzy ooze, though this doesnt show too much. Mr. grizz considered them partially mammalian when the two first met. They hated that. They want to be a pro splatterscope player when theyre older. They love the z+f one in particular. They do aim drills with their friends. They love their friends dearly.
Scope is quite rowdy but still well meaning. He had gotten lost from his family while on a salmon run, and violet had found him. He couldn't have asked for a better friend. He doesn't know his original name, he feels bad about it, he wants to learn about his culture. He's agent 5 for the neo squidbeak splatoon. He helps out violet on missions. He was apart of a family of stingers, and strives to be one himself. He really wants to work with violet as snipers some day.
I have an agent 6 in the works, but ill talk about them later
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