#some player's name made me picture the team with a set of pet doves
unusualcliches · 2 years
So you know how Sunday mornings are for sleeping in and cuddling with your kid in bed? I mean, it's the best way to get some more sleep when the little devil comes get you up *and* also get some lazy cuddles in before they're up and about. I mastered this technique when mine was about two and it never failed me before. But it turns out preteens are a whole different beast.
It's been years since my now 12yo even attempted to wake me up, not since he learned how nice it was to have the house to himself all morning without an adult to "pester him" about playing videogames in his pjs for hours. This particular morning though he was hungrier than usual, and he likes to pretend I haven't been teaching him to make his own breakfast since he was *seven*. Naturally, I asked him to lie down with me for a little bit and was legitimately surprised when he went with it - those cuddles are super rare now so I was gonna indulge. But, of course, I fogot all about the smartphone attached to his hands at all times, and because teen boys can be very self-involved he didn't think to put on headphones before hitting play on his favorite youtuber's latest video.
All this to say... I don't think a full hour of a FIFA tournament is what they mean when they talk about the benefits of lucid dreaming 😅.
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