#some of y'all feel like you're two seconds away from saying gay men don't face homophobia REALLY or MOC don't face racism REALLY
ventbloglite · 20 days
I think the existence of MRAs and everyones inability to see outside of the baby box marked 'basic feminism' has really hindered the progression of feminism, dissolving toxic masculinity and patriarchy. We do not live in a world in which women are the only kinds of people who face oppression and bigotry. We do not live in a world where women who are also part of other marginalised identities are the only ones who experience intersectionality between those identities.
You want to change how the world works to be more equal, accepting and fair? Listen to maginalised men as much as you do marginalised women.
Also, it's basic and ignorant to assume that when marginalised men talk about being oppressed they mean 'by women' even when they're not saying it. The systems which be are the oppressive force, not another gender. Again, you want progress and justice for women? Move on from this concept please. It's hurting women as well as men to view the binary genders as enemies forever who cannot and will never be safe around each other or work together.
Being a man is not a shield against other forms of predjudice, it shapes that predjudice, which is also why being a women and another marginalised identity has it's own shape too. Bigots take in all your factors when they decide how to hate and oppress you. People are begging you to take your head out of the sand and realised that men who are marginalised (for reasons that are not 'being men') face specific types of bigotry based on the intersection of their marginalised identity and being men. TRANS men. GAY, MSPEC and ACE men. Men of COLOR. Men who are NOT CHRISTIAN. POOR men. FAT men. MENTALLY ILL men. PHYSICALLY DISABLED men.
People do treat these kinds of people different because they are marginalised and men! If you would expect those who are not women to listen to women about the problems they face and not groups like MRAs who are assuming what feminism is saying then why are you listening to misinformed or bigoted people who are not marginalised men to determine what these marginalised men are saying?
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