#some of the Tamagotchi DS games
littlest-nightingale · 6 months
little! 13th Doctor because I've talked ab her as a caregiver but not as a little:
 • oh my god. she is a DISASTER
 • she goes to great lengths to hide her regression/not regress. like she is FIGHTING IT
 • about... 1-3 years old? she's little little
 • i genuinely don't think she had an entirely pleasant regression the entire time she was the doctor. i actually think she was that miserable. like maybe there were some regressions that were enjoyable but i think she was lonely and upset most of the time
 • she was absolutely desperate not to let the fam know. She didn't want them to think she was weak, and she definitely didn't want them to see her when she was so helpless.
 • part of it was definitely because this regeneration was a woman! lots of people started treating her differently when she regenerated into a woman, and part of that was that people thought she was weaker or dumber or more incompetent. So she definitely didn't want people to know she regressed! she didn't want to be viewed as more incompetent than people already seemed to view her as.
 • it was also because she was running from her issues. regression takes away what little filter she does have. if she was to regress and say something about the stress she was under, the fam would definitely start pushing her to talk about it, which she very much doesn't want to do!
 • finding out about the timeless child ordeal broke her. She had an entire childhood she couldn't remember because it was taken from her! and, because we know she could remember little glimpses of it, what if regression allowed her to remember. little bits and pieces. little glimpses into tecteuns experiments. maybe even the few times she was forced to regenerate.
 • after finding out, regression wasn't safe for her! memories she wasn't even supposed to have started slipping through the cracks, and unfortunately, her regression isn't entirely voluntary.
 • it didn't help that she spent 19 years in isolation immediately afterwards. she was stuck in that cell and she would regress and she would remember and there was nobody there to help her through it.
 • and even afterwards, she didn't open up about it. ever. She pushed through, she regenerated, and that was it.
 • in terms of regression gear, she has quite a lot. that doesn't mean she uses it.
 • 10, 11, and 12 were also regressors. 10 got a metric fuckton of regression gear and that collection has been modified and added on to with each new regeneration.
 • most of this is kept in a nursery/playroom originally made for 10, which she has asked the TARDIS to hide down the longest hallway she could generate (sometimes the TARDIS pushes the room forward. 13 doesn't take that well)
 • she keeps one stuffed animal in her room. one raggedy stuffed giraffe clara had gifted 11. it is hidden under her bed next to a teether and a box of stim toys
 • given her just. general autism. and how she is. she can get away with alot. she can have stim toys. she can stop talking. she can have cute onesie pajamas. you get the idea. so at least she has that.
 • but stepping away from the absolute misery, here's some happier ones:
 • i think there were positive regression triggers, even if she suppressed it. like at Yaz's grandma's wedding, when they were doing the henna tattoos (i believe that's what they were? im not too familiar with the culture, excuse me if i am wrong and feel free to correct me) as well as the fez, and getting her new clothes!
 • She has a tamagotchi! She is very good at taking care of it, despite it all. She also has a ds with Nintendogs, which was previously used by 11. it's modded so she can have more dogs than the game allows =]
 • she has matching bracelets with her giraffe plush!
 • Shes got a blanket with stars on it, sometimes she lays on top of it with her nightlight on because. sparkly
 • she draws on herself. yes she has paper yes she could draw on a more permanent surface but it's more fun to draw on herself
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tamapalace · 1 year
Tamagotchi Uni: Enhanced Sounds
Okay, now this is neat. The Tamagotchi Uni is going to provide a Tamagotchi experience like no other Tamagotchi before, but did you catch this feature in some of the hands-on videos? The Tamagotchi Uni appears to feature enhanced audio. Instead of the Tamagotchi Uni just producing the basic noises for button presses, attention calls, and animations, it looks like we are going to be hearing other sounds that we have not yet heard on a Tamagotchi device.
In an unboxing video of the Tamagotchi Uni on YouTube, Ambi unboxes the Tamagotchi Uni and shows some features, and the explore feature caught our eye. As Ambi chose which location they wanted to explore, which was the sea location, you can see that as their Tamagotchi character listens to the turtle character, the sound from the Tamagotchi Uni sounds just like the sounds that characters make on the Tamagotchi Corner Shop game on the Nintendo DS back in the day! You’ll also see this when Ambi has their Tamagotchi character visit the Tama Depa and as they are greeted by the clerk, you can also hear the audio.
This is a really subtle enhancement to the Tamagotchi Uni, but it really does make a big difference. The Tamagotchi Uni is very much giving us a more robust Tamagotchi experience, and the enhanced sounds are an awesome addition! Be sure to check out the video above to catch a glimpse of what this sounds like! Did anyone else notice this?
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frillybear · 5 months
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I'll make a better post some other time but I finally got my hands on the tamagotchi jrpg game that came out for the ds . For some reason I got another copy of corner shops seems like the seller bundled them ! Now I own 3 copies of corner shop lol
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shadowredfeline · 1 year
Two in One Post
For my A-Pal’s on this day Post.
I had so much memories of Rayman! Back as a kid, the first Rayman game I ever own is Rayman 3 on my Xbox, Original Xbox. But since it didn’t work with my 360, thankfully I did ordered the HD version on the 360. But I do enjoy other Rayman games too. Like I do own the 1st one on PlayStation 1, and the best part is that if I don’t have a memory card, I can use a Password and remember it later if I want to continue the game. But kinda hard to get used to back then. Because video games that require a password to continue the game is really hard to get used to. But back in the DS was released, I was so glad they stopped doing that. Back onto the Rayman subject. Not only I own the first one, but I also owned Rayman Origins on my Wii, but doesn’t do online stuff, so I had to get used to having friends playing local Co-op with me. Same for Rayman Legends since I have it on my Switch. But it was cool Rayman also go other themes too. Especially with Uno since Ubisoft had to publish that title besides the Game shows that had to feature some of Ubisoft’s own style of Hosts since they didn’t want to Copy of what hosts look like in the show. And the last time I did something Rayman related, I drew Lisa’s two characters D.W. (Dora Wagster) and Joey discussing that Rayman wasn’t here to Date her. And I even drew Lisa doing a Rayman 1 pose back in 2018. But I’m sure Riya or Raygal will be pleased to tag along with Lisa. Even since Rayman came back to tag along with Mario during the Rabbids taking over his World. Which it was bizarre to see the Rabbids giving Rayman a rest and having to tackle Mario’s world instead. But I’ve seen Mario crossover with other franchises before like Sonic when they both played in the Olympic Games, and Dragon Quest when they want to do a board game called Fortune Street, and even had Pac-Man and Tamagotchi race with him in his Arcade games of Mario Kart which I missed the most.
And for my P-Pal’s new character
Looks really cool he made his new OC, Aace. Which it was nice for Miya to have another cousin besides the Speedsters. But if he discusses family differences, it might be like how I have cousins from a different family. Like with my mom who has her brother and sisters when they had kids. And they’re now all grown up and starting their own family. But with Aace, his outfits look just like what Jason and Mikie wore. Especially his pajamas and Autumn/winter clothes looks new. But I’m sure he might get use with the Ramcats. Even for Lisa, Tory and the Kids.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Hello there, Aace. I’m Shadow Ramcat and this my sister, Tory, my brother Caleb, this my Wife, Lisa, and these are our kids, Lighting, Speedy, Zack and Penny.
Tory 😺🩰: And this is my Daughter, Julie.
Kids: Nice to meet you, Aace. 😊
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tomyo · 5 months
Tomyo's Backlog Adventure: 1 Year Later
How it's going
It's been a little over a year since I made the backlog list. Admittedly I did not get through it much simply because I was extremely busy as an artist all that time. Initially I think I hoped I'd get a decent chunk through the DS games only to really never break through much.
What I got/played since
So what are the games I haven't listed?
Well let's see; Sonic and The Black Knight, Wii Music, Pokemon Pearl, Some Japanese Gameboy games of Hamtaro and Tamagotchi, the Dream Eye, Style Savvy Trendsetters, and as of this week, Tomodachi Collection and a substantial amount of Sim 3's content. (Edit: I can't remember if the islands HM DS games and sonic free riders were added on since) There is also a number of switch content that I just refuse to mentally process. Part of making the list was to address how I had gone feral with game collection but was not actually playing the games. I would say in some ways having that list helped me curb my unchecked spending which as you can guess got widely ignored for switch downloads. The irony is I would say I did a lot of switch gaming as well. Notable releases like Sonic Frontiers and Tears of the Kingdom were some of the games I ended up borrowing from the library and spending way too much time on. During the start of the year I was heavily gaming Splatoon 1 only to fail at my mission to collect all the gear before the servers went defunct. There's also been a part of me that spend the last 6 or so months hyper fixating on Tamagotchis. While not traditional games, they do indeed simply function as mini game systems and part of me sees the progression in them as my "gaming time".
What I want to get
Admittedly the urge to buy is flickering in me somewhat. Why? The rise is 3DS game costs. Now with the e shop closed, there is a renewed interest in content that had gone untouched for a while. The big wake up call for me was hearing Tomodachi life now goes for around $100 these days. My other experience in the last year is hunger for 3 things; The sonic games I missed during the GameCube/Wii era, Cooking Mama, and the Japanese series model debut. So here's my list:
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remakes
Legend of Zelda: A link between Worlds
Project Mirai with Cards
Nintendogs 3DS (while I have a digital download, I want physical)
Yet another copy of New Leaf
Story of Seasons
Pokemon Sun and Ultra Sun (the only two 3ds games I don't have from the mainline)
Pretty much every Cooking Mama game
Smash for 3DS and Wii U
Ducktales Remaster
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Shuffle
Loosely a few Japanese games like the soul eater one or the switch model debuts
Fashion Dreamer
Various Tamagotchis and Gigapets
Pocket Sakura
That Sega Eyetoy game
What I want to do
Some of the biggest hurdles are playing through Pokemon and Bokumono games on my list for very different reasons. Bokumono games are always a struggle because the require time being set aside to both plan out the game period and to marathon game days, especially during the 3DS era where this is a lot of mechanics to juggle. On the opposite end there is Pokemon to which most of the games on the list I want to stream my playthroughs as it's in part a ribbon master challenge. Pokemon games will probably stay put aside for an undetermined amount of time but I do want to clear out a lot of Bokumonos.
Right now I have been working through ANB to dizzying results. At some point recently I became very frustrated with the loop and set it aside leading to a hyper focus on FoMT's remake which is super easy and will likely hit my clear in just a day or two more of gameplay(my majors goals are to go through mining and fishing in the upcoming winter season and return to go for endgame houses and achievements at a later time). Admittedly I want to return to the battle that is ANB despite its frustration; feeling like I'm creating the progress is half the enjoyment is the struggle. Part of me even forgets what my end goal reach is for that one but my best guess at the moment is mainline story completion, yuri romancing, and full transition.
Onwards from that would likely be tackling either Trio of Towns or Animal Parade. Animal parade is certainly the harder of the two to pick up since it often requires the most effort to set up but of the two, I find it the more accessible story wise as simply every trio of Towns is overwhelming.
As for the casual dailies; Wild World and My Little Shop have been hard to call finished but also do not really have enough to move forward with. MLS is a pretty repetitive mini game series with a vague end goal of achieving clovers so I might just declare it finished with anyways. Wild World slowed to a crawl simply because I missed certain bug and fish seasons and on top of that is hard to enjoy when there is so little to do in game for progression outside of nonstop fishing/bug catching. Wild World might end up ending prematurely with just the encyclopedia completions since the act of endless money making for a house/charity doesn't appeal deeply to me when it is just an end goal. What might start up instead is a series on Nintendo's (and friends) various fitness trackers; My personal trainer walking, my weight loss coach, Wii fit U, the pokewalker, pocket Pikachu, pocket hello kitty, Pokemon go pikmin bloom, and for funsies the Fitbit and my phone's step tracker cuz it's cute. There's a personal love that Miiblr just exists here there's a good number of fitness things that exists around the miis. Part of me can loose the idea that I enjou watching the meters go up on these devices as the gameify walking. My Wii fit U meter has been carried with me for a while now as the goal to see the distance walked and the heights climbed is a huge enjoyment. Seeing as there are other counters, I see myself wanting to just reach a point carrying all of them for the fun of it.
Some games to stream; Pokemon Channel, Wii Music, Space Channel 5, Sonic Adventure, shenmue, and Time Stalkers all make the cut. As obviously mentioned so would most of my Pokemon games if not for being put on the back burner. Possibly towards the end of the month, I might return to some tiktok streaming with Wii Music and Pokemon channel (especially since this one is pretty camp themed). The dreamcast games are a little more tricky because I have a set up in mind but it's just hard to achieve currently. The other thing preventing streaming is my aforementioned job which takes up most of my nights these days. While most of these games are pretty easy to play in one sitting, the bigger rpgs might have difficulty.
And then finally friend plays; sonic 06 has been long on hold as I keep not visiting the very friend that lent me his PS4. At the same time, the latest game has not been decided for my yearly D trip yet; the choices stand as almost certainly Sonic Free Riders, Time Stalkers, Nintendoland, and shenmue.
As it stands I'd like to get out of the way 14-20 games on the list this year; a bunch already half played, some simply shallow games to begin with, 2-4 with the power of friendship, and about 4-7 requiring actual time investment. Additionally out of the 76 on the OG list; at least 7 of them are going to be shelved for now (the Pokemon ribbon master play throughs). Of that 69 (nice) left, 7 are known hold off, 6 are wrap ups, 3 require additional meddling, and 12 simply required setting aside time to play. There's still tons of games but since my art career is a bit on hold atm, I would like to delve into these games more this year.
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OG tbh creature
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I recently got a secondhand copy of Tamagotchi Corner Shop 3 for the DS, and for some reason I cannot figure out how to do the card shop bit properly, the instructions are really unclear and it’s confusing. Would anyone be able to help me with that section? I’ve looked up guides etc and there doesn’t seem to be anything for the third game.
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project-omori2 · 2 years
So OMORI is heavily implied to take place in the 90′s or early 2000′s. This can be seen via several references in both Faraway and Headspace: 
Pet Rocks are just Tamagotchi toys mixed with the first generation of Pokémon games.
Kel has a Walkman in his room.
There’s a console at Hobbeez that resembles a Super Nintendo.
Pluto is still considered a planet.
The Download Window is a reference to older Windows operating systems.
The Dial-Up enemies in the Junkyard reference... dial-up internet.
That electronic singing fish in the igloo near the Frozen Lake.
The list goes on.
I have mentioned this before, but I want OMORI 2 to be set in the late 2000′s/early 2010′s. Some things I could reference include:
The 7th generation of game consoles, especially the Wii
The Nintendo DS, along with Generations IV and V of Pokémon (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Heartgold/Soulsilver, Black/White, Black2/White2)
The first version of the iPad
The mobile games from this era (Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Subway Surfers, etc.)
The Great Recession of 2008
Silly Bandz
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celestialmango · 2 years
What other anime do you like? Any good ones you recommend? (Or if you want to keep which ones you like private, that's fine). I've watched a couple of series, like naruto
I watch Naruto for a while but recommendation? I got three off the top of my head. Log horizon, Overly Cautious Hero, and That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. I like Isekai and Fantasy.
Oh, also Ouran Highschool Host Club, that one's friggin hilarious. Also watched some Hellsing and the episodes I watched were pretty damn good, nice animation. The original Yu-Gi-Oh + season zero where Yami sets a dude on fire and other scary things like feeds a dude to giant worms and has another guy eaten by his own tamagotchi, Yu-Gi-Oh Gx and 5d(after that it just went downhill to me). I liked Shaman King. I watched a lot of digimon, I liked the first one and the second where Kari was older. Also tamers, favorite digimon are Impmon, Wizardmon and Beelezemon. Saw a few episodes of the data squad and thought that was funny.
Played some of the games too, Digimon Cyber Sleuth and hacker's memory, Digimon world dusk. Lost my copies of those and I don't have a ds anymore. Everyone already knows about Pokemon but I watched it up to pearl and haven't watched it since. I friggin loved team rocket and the siblings May and Max because of their character development. Dawn was alright.
Watched some fate but it's hard to track down episodes so I didn't get to watch alot. Did watch Today's Menu for the Emiya Family tho. Even bought the cooking game. It has a little record that has the steps and ingredients to make the recipes and if you have the ingredients for them they're really good.
Mm that's all I can think of right now. I'm probably forgetting some but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't really watch anime all that much anymore. Not a lot of the new stuff interests me. Oh wait fuck, I forgot about Food Wars, I like that one too, not only is it funny but you can learn cooking tips just by watching it like how honey and onions both are able to tenderize meat.
..I think I'm a little all over the place with the genres I watched.
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"too young to be a 90s kid but close" (aka 00s kid) aesthetic:
-nyan cat, llams with hats
-owls. everybody loves owls--
-minecraft before the jungle biome. minecraft hunger game servers.
-slap bracelets
-long sleves under tank tops...jean skirts with... leggings.... dc shoes... shell shoes...
those 60 seconds multiplication tables. the big blocks with 100 squares, but the strips of ten squares, the single squares? also shape wooden blocks. yellow hexagons, green triangles, blue diamonds, youd make pictures with them.
-morning circle. playing 7 up at school. FOUR CORNERS
-u knew the cookout was lit when they had huggies those juice barrel drinks that u bite the top foil
-nintendogs on your grey ds plus cooking mama
-remembering vaguely having to use a cd player as a kid, then an mp3, than an ipod-
-zebra. print. everything.
-japanese erasers
-duct tape purses
-the justin bieber sounds like a girl debate
-yo danny phantom hE wAS JUST 14
-shark boy and lava girl. sky high. stewart little. minutemen. halloweentown. the thirteenth year (mermaid). smart house. spy kids. twitches. princess protection program (bonus points if you watched it live and counted how many times they said princess). lemonade mouth.
-staying up late enough to see george lopez start to play
- "mom how do you spell cartoonnetwork whats the website"
- that weird fosters home for imaginary friends mmo
- fucking TOONTOWN
- "disney!! three six five!!!!!"
- microsoft paint created MASTERPIECES
- was... was kidpix a thing
-bill nye the science guy and liberty kids
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-alvin and the chipmunks covers.
- school store! get me a pencil grip for a quarter.
-crimp your hair bitch... or straighten it. or clip in feathers. or strands of dye-
-bakugan and tech decks
-wheezers 'beverly hills' on the playground. we will rock you on the bus.
-camp rock. highschool musical. epic disney crossovers.
-if you didnt have a blog on blogspot.com you weren't shit (with the extension where you could feed the fish)
-lisa frank folders or those folders with close up of dogs and cat faces
-having to learn the fucking recorder. hot crossed buns... hOt croSssED BUNS,,,,
-did anyone play that weird wizard typing quest
-clUb PENGUIN. wizard 101. pirates of the carribean online. webkinz.
-everything is not what it seems when u can get all you wanted in ur wildest dreams
-popular snacks at snack time,,,: gritz, gogurt, fruit roll ups tongue tattoos, zebra cakes, cheese dip crackers, those cookie crackers where u took the red stick and spread it... gushers
-in the wee hours of the night you could hear... hear the chia pets taunting you
-orbeez. monster gummies. hotwheels beat that. fur real friends. pillow pets. littlest pet shop. yugioh. bop it. floam. tamagotchis.
-underdog. undeRDOG. UNDERDOG!
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-when you were playing on the ps2 and u fucking lost the fucking MEMORY CARD
-playing gta the one where the guy wears the blue shirt (liberty city? ) with the sound off... memorizing cheat codes... square circle square-
-the fucking wii... making miis for literally everyone in ur class and sending the ones you didnt like to the parade
-slap slap slap... clap clap clap... SLAP SLAP SLAP.... CLAP CLAP CLAP (i.e 3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF from here to the stars,)
-when the teacher rolled out the elmo projector and those transparent plastic papers
-megan, MEGAN! (i.e i ran over oprah.....)
-the dell computers took over
-bruh message me on msn... then skype
-making a facebook page. liking all the fucking dumb facebook pages you could
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-Z̵͖͂Ô̶̘Ö̴͔́. ̵͉͊Z̷̭̊O̷̻͒Ô̸̟ ̴̛̞Z̸̭̕Ȏ̸̗O̴͎̊ ̴̡͑. P̵̧̈Ȃ̷͖L̴̞̚S̶̰̐
-okay those weird ass beads u always got for Christmas that you had to iron to make shapes
-the fortune tellers... pick a color... blue? okay b-l-u-e. OK now pick a number... ok ur gonna marry lindsay lohan and have 80 kids
-team edward vs team jacob determined your survival
-thE yEar tHree THOusAnD
-black eyed peas
-fucking angry birds and flappy bird murdered everyone
-that rabits game... let them go to the moon
-every dvd had that coming soon bullshit
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-stealing ur cousins gameboy
-Sugar. Spice. And everything nice.
-that fucking monkey at some of some fucking tv shows what the fuck was that fucking- hi im paul,,
-asdf videos! (desmond the moon bear.. i like trians)
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-if you didnt flip ur shit everytime u saw a yellow car and yell BUMBLEBEE
-when the phone rings in school "THE PHONE... THE PHONE IS RI N G ING"
-kidz bop. wholet the dogs out... who who? who?
-We all want to forget .... annoying orange and fred but god wont let us..
-MY SHINY Teeth and ME.
-that weird ass spongebob half time episode where theyre in the dome... or the spongebob episode with wormy... or the spongebob episode with the hooks (dont touch the hooks) or david hasslehof in the spongebob movie...
-invader zim
- I LIke to move it move it...
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-where the sidewalk ends from the school library... with goosebumps and diary of a whimpy kid.. BOOK FAIRS
-no one knew how to use a fucking green screen
-🎶 we the peoplee... in order to form a more perfect union...🎶 conjunction junction whats ur function 🎶 puff the magic dragon 🎶
the original teen titans
teach me how to dougie. soldier boy. the hoedown throwdown. the hannah montana movie 3d they were giving 3d glasses away literally in walmart
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daydream-lolita · 4 years
Hello everybody! I’d like to encourage Littles to show off their Littleness in public without fear of judgement/shaming/mockery/being too ~obvious~, OR making others uncomfortable, so here are some handy hints for embracing your Little side (safely) in Public spaces.
Backpacks ~ backpacks are a great way to keep all your Little stuff together in one place, and can be a Little accessory in themselves! Google things like “kawaii backpack” or “harajuku backpack” for some adorable ideas.
Water bottles ~ the OG of sippy cups! Buy a cute themed one, or a plain one and decorate it with stickers! Holding it with two hands makes me feel extra Little, but do whatever works for you.
Colouring Books ~ easy to get away with in public, as Adult Colouring Books are a legit thing nowadays. Make sure to pack your best crayons/markers!
Listening to Music ~ I’ve got a whole Spotify playlist dedicated to Littlespace (full of Disney and soft songs mostly), which is perfect for on-the-go. Fill your ears with whatever makes you feel safe and warm!
Reading ~ depending on your Little age, you might like to pack a light novel for your Trip Into The Public Realm (or an audiobook to listen to!).
Candy ~ things like pop rings, candy bracelets/necklaces, and lollipops are a great public substitute for teething rings/pacifiers (or if you just have a sweet tooth!).
Oversized Clothes ~ another great (and subtle) way to feel Little in public. Wearing biiig clothes can make you feel eeextra small, so give it a try - I would recommend comfy hoodies and cardigans that give you sweater paws!
Stim Toys ~ Stim Toys are very common these days, so things like Fidget toys and spinners won’t warrant a second glance. There are also Rubik’s Cubes, marble mazes, and water ring games!
Games ~ If you’re lucky enough to have a DS or Switch, now is the time to use it! Otherwise, there are Tamagotchis, Digimon, and cheap handheld game options available at most toy stores!
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samgirly · 4 years
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I felt very down and frustrated yesterday, so to cheer myself up, I drew some tamagotchi babies! I had them when I was little, and also loved the Tamagotchi DS games! Which one is your favorite? 💖💖💖
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emersonfreepress · 4 years
If the ro's were to get into video games what genres would be there favourites? Thank you
nice! Kile, Jack, and Rupan/Rohan actually are into video games 👀 80s and 90s era ofc 😌
Gabe would enjoy puzzle games, pretty much exclusive. He can get lost in Tetris or Minesweeper for hours!
Kile likes platformers, fighting, and racing games. They'll play anything at all but they tend to finish games quickly, so games that are more about getting good and beating your own score entertain them the most! They'll also like multi-player first-person shooters in the future, I think.
Jack is a nerrrddd. He likes platformers, puzzles, interactive movies (anyone remember those??? 90s kids remember 😂), but especially role-playing games and point-and-click adventure games. I can also seeing him getting into old school interactive fiction lol. He'll play just about anything that isn't horror or overly violent, though. His godfather owns an arcade and both of his parents are Big Nerds, so you can imagine how much time he's spent with video games growing up 😅
Jessie would be so about Pokémon but it hasn't hit the North American market yet 😩 (there are no words for how disappointed I am that I can't reference it in this story lol). but yeah RPGs or platformers with adorable graphics would certainly work best for her. From Dig Dug to Kirby and other cute things, the less violent the better! RPGs that actually let you play as a girl would appeal to her too even though that's not technically a genre (sure felt like one back then tho). She doesn't game on her own but she's had several Tamagotchis!
Rain... honestly, I can't see them being into video games. Like, I can imagine them very specifically liking the Style Savvy series for the DS and 3DS 😆 but that's super specific and realistically they wouldn't buy a whole ass gaming device just for that lol. Esp not at whatever age they'd be when those came out! Can totally see them trying to get into JRPGs because of the character and costume design? But they’re just not a gamer!
Rupan/Rohan likes fighting games, racing games, shooters, and beat em up games! Though, really, I think the most important thing is for a game to have a fast, challenging pace. They can easily lose a whole day in an arcade by accident, completely monopolizing either a classic like Pac-Man or a light gun game like House of the Dead. And they’re always gunning for a spot on the high score list. Their initials? FTP. ACAB if they can fit it 😆 (they get deleted a lot lol)
Vi would only like story-driven stuff that didn't have a high score counter. A score counter is the easiest way for a game to turn from fun to an anxiety-ridden, perfection-driven obsession. They're also a super sore loser, so nothing competitive or combat-related would be much fun either 😆 Oh, but! I can see them enjoying management simulators, like SimCity, or some kinds of turn-based strategy games! They would excel at those but they don't like video games enough to ever get super into them.
Heidi and video games don't mix! They just don't interest her.
Curt wouldn't like video games until the era of multi-player shooters arrives. Totally the grown dude wrecking and shit-talking preteens in Call of Duty after work 😂 I can see him becoming a full-on gamer once that becomes a thing! Guess it's the social competitive elements.
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childoftermina · 4 years
90s stuff BEN/Ben probs still does/likes/says
{Like I have mentioned in my last post, Ben still uses the typical 90s slang..well, he's a 90s baby after all which is why it's not for from being more of a fact than a hc}
Ima just list things he might say/do and the meaning/reason behind that
-as if -> pointing out something unrealistic sarcastically
"I got all the heart containers in Majoras Mask already :D" "...as If! >:("
-sup -> short term of what's up, popular again
-aight -> short term of alright, also popular again
-Don't go there -> different way of saying it's enough, or don't you dare
-Fly -> kinda popular again, something pretty or cool or attractive
-hella -> technically another word for really ör very
"I was hella excited when I got my Nintendo64"
-Whatever -> when you disagree but don't wanna fight about it
Psyche -> actual form of SIKE -> means not
Salty -> describes someone who is mad/angry about something
Phat -> something really cool
Oh snap -> exlamation of disbelief or shock
"Oh Snap I forgot to cut the tag out my shirt"
Still does/has/ used to do
-as shown in the picture, he has a kurt cobain haircut :D (because he likes to stim on his hair)
-still feeds his Tamagotchi
-still blows on his DS cartridges and the cartridge sloth thingy?? before putting the cartridge in (pft I also do that..not a 90s kid though)
-owns a ton of colorful gel pens (gel pens were a huge thing in the 90s)
-loved these butterfly-hairclips!!
-definitely had a game boy
-would make these origami finger games with the TLoZ characters he knew at the time
-used the green L'oreal kids shampoo and if there was a matching bodywash, then that too
-probs hated the smell
-had furbies
-probably also collected slap-bracelets
-wanted to get his regular earlobes pierced when it was a thing but wasn't allowed
-since I hc him as partly german, he used to listen to "Die Ärzte" and sometimes does to this day (it is a german punk band, they still make music)
-grungy boy (grunge was a huge thing in the 90s, piercings were too, though)
{I am NOT a 90s baby nor a 90s kid.
I just tend to know a lot of things about certain things.
I still use some of the slang, so that was an easy one.
Had to research some words to make sure I am not spreading any false Information!
Again; headcannons are not facts.
Also; his mom probably was the one who cut his hair.
Also would've posted more german stuff (with translation of course) but I didn't know if anyone would be interested so I just simply didn't}
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cinnbar-bun · 4 years
bro twisted wonderland 😳 welcome to the band wagon broski can i get some hcs about boomer malleus, baby epel and pomeranian riddle with such a gamer s/o they play minecraft together, build a house, get a dog, raid a village and maybe become minecraft gf and bf 👉👈 ? have a good day!!
Well actually, I’ve been following it for a while but I was like “LET ME WAIT UNTIL AN ENGLISH RELEASE COMES OUT” because I wanted to experience it like it’s the first time but then I caved and watched playthroughs on YouTube. Lmao guess who my fave is~
Probably has never played Minecraft cuz like...he didn’t really know it existed??? He’s got a Tamagotchi so I’d assume he’s into quieter, relaxing game modes versus more hardcore video games
It takes him a bit of time to adjust to the controls, but he’s a good listener. Explain it to him a few times and it’ll start to click eventually.
He’s not the greatest at designing or crafting, but he’s so proud when he shows you a small house that can barely fit in a bed. It’s so amazing to him. Of course, when he sees your home he’s in awe like “please teach me how to create that”
Despite his ranking as a mage, I don’t think he’d be too into the fighting aspect of Minecraft. If you put it on peaceful with like 0 monsters, that’d be nice to him so he can just travel with you and start a farm. But if you put monsters, he’d prolly try avoid them. He has no coordination when he’s forced to do something so he’d probably fumble and die.
When he finds out you can get a dog he’s like :0!!!!! Collect all the dogs!! And horses!!! And cats!!! And the B I R DS! The birds make him insanely happy, especially when you put a jukebox and they start dancing, he’ll start bopping his head along with them. It’s adorable.
Probably is the one to suggest putting your Minecraft beds together. Not because he gets the significance or understands the meme, he just says it’d look more pleasing and save room if you smooshed the beds together. If you DO explain the meme, he just nods solemnly and says it’s nice that there are traditions like this in a game.
Heard of it but never got to play it. Maybe even watched others play it.
You’re like “okay we can start off easy-“ but he takes the controller and jacks it up to the hardest mode.
It starts off innocent enough, you two are making a house and stuff. Mining a bit. Nothing too crazy or wild and he’s pretty good at it
That is until a few nights in when he has an arsenal of weapons at his disposal. Literally commits a slaughter while you’re screaming for him to be careful. His eyes are dead set on the screen and he’s killing monsters like no one’s business.
“I think you’ve collected enough. The sun is almost up and your weapons are almost gone.” “Oh really? That was fun!”
Collects dogs to work as killing machines. Tames a horse to ride and kill more monsters. Grows a garden to feed. Mines to collect and craft armor.
“I’m glad you’re having fun-“ “I’m having lots of fun, (Y/n).”
He knows the minecraft bed memes. But he’s so damn busy trying to get ready to fight the Ender Dragon you have to ask him. He stops and is like... yes perhaps... maybe I can... put my bed next to yours...
He relaxes and makes you a garden the next day
You probably have to tell him about it before you play. He is annoyed that there’s not a lot of rules to play by, but he does try and research the most effective ways to play. You have to encourage him to play freely
It takes him a bit because he’s so dead set on playing like the guidelines that you have to tell him to take it easy and explore
He’s a bit nervous about playing by himself without rules so he’s a bit slow. Eventually he goes wild and recreates a palace and garden. It’s very huge and you’re shocked at how grand it is.
He claims it’s incredibly easy and he’s very into talking about the construction process. Let him talk he’s having a great time okay
Cater makes a joke about “putting the beds together” and Riddle asks you later what it means. You explain it and jokingly ask if he’d like to put your beds together, and you look at him and he’s red.
“P-perhaps. We should uphold the spirit of Minecraft Beds and put them together.”
A creeper blows up part of his garden and he is screaming and cussing it out. Screams so loud he loses his voice. Poor boy.
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plazahunter157 · 3 years
Digimon World 3 Maps
Digimon World 3 Maps
Digimon World 3 Underground Map
Ultimate Starter Savefile: Digimon World 2003 PAL - PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save: mopiee: 3: 8/3 2:51AM: It has to be 3 vs 3 battle tbh: MrMcMahon: 2: 7/31 5:39AM: Does the NA Greatest Hits version have all the extras the EU version has? Electricfemale: 2: 6/26 9:21AM. Set It Back: Digimon World 4. To its credit, Digimon World 4 did try to shake things up by giving. A map of the real life locations used in Digimon Adventure 01/02, Digimon Tamers and Digimon Tri.
I have so many memories of this game. Good, bad, and some… kinda stinky and nasty.
Digimon World 3, also known sometimes as Digimon World 2003 is a role-playing game created for PlayStation. Learn how to play DIgimon 3 on your computer, playing the role of Junior inside the world of Digimon Online. In this video, learn how to get this beloved video game on your computer. Digimon World DS Junk Factory Map DS By catprog GameFAQs DS / DSi Digimon World DS Digi Farm (Default) The Spriters. Lets Play Digimon World DS Part 18: LAVA RIVER YEAH!! YouTube Digimon World 3 Underground Circuit Board Map PlayStation By. Digimon World DS Walkthrough Part 6 Steamy Jungle Part 1 YouTube Digimon World 3 Map CASADEWICCA.
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It has nothing to do with the cartoon show and just about everything to do with the original virtual pets. You remember Tamagotchi? There was a line for boys, called Digimon. The point was that this wasn’t a mere pet. No, this was a monster. You wanted this thing to grow up big and strong, so that it tear the other kids’ monsters apart. You wanted this thing to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents. This wasn’t Pokemon, where you love your Pokemon and everyone has a good laugh while the monsters fight. No. Here, they can die. You don’t heal them soon enough, they’ll die. And you’ll feel bad, because you failed. And the other kid? He’ll laugh at you because you just helped his monster get even stronger. Yeah, this was the bonafide cockfight that everyone accused Pokemon of being.
Well, just about all that is in this game. It basically serves as an expansion of the virtual pets, letting you explore the world of the DIgimon instead of just being some kid who’s enslaved one in a tiny machine. So, instead of pitting your monster against other kids’ monsters, you pit them against wild monsters instead. “Random” encounters are usually recolors of “boss” or mascot monsters, except that they’re not really all that random. The battles take place in the same map, just like Chrono Trigger (something I wish more games would do). And instead of just being a monster raising sim, it’s a monster raising sim with a story and a recruiting sim. It’s a weird game.
At first, battles will seem like they’re automatically played. All you can do is watch your monster kill or be killed, or tell it to run away. You can also throw items at it. As you increase its intelligence, however, you can use more commands such as “Defend” or “Stay the heck away from that guy” and you’ll even open up the possibility to directly tell your killing machine to “blast that guy with a fireball of horrible, fiery death!” Battles aren’t turned based, either, and instead are played out in real time, although there will be times when all the characters do are just run after each other. It’s a simple system and is actually a lot more complicated than its virtual pet incarnation.
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The gameplay in general is very much like a cross between and RPG and a virtual pet sim. You can buy or sell items. You feed your monster, clean up after its mess, give it exercise, teach it, tell it “good night”, praise it, chastise it, cry when it dies, and welcome its replacement. There’s a town that starts off very sad looking and bare, but throughout your travels, you’ll find Digimon that will go to your town and build stuff (like an arena!) as long as you meet certain requirements.
The graphics are hit and miss. All the backgrounds are beautiful. The back of the case boasts that each screen is hand drawn. I don’t know how true that is (everything seems like CG), but it’s pretty. The 3D models, though, range from acceptable to ugly. And the two or three FMVs in the game have horrible, ugly people walking around. Fortunately, they don’t really focus too much on them.
The sound is… Well… Again, hit-or-miss. Most of the BGM is slow and melodic. It’s forgettable. Most of the time, what you’ll hear is your character’s “grsh grsh” footstep sounds, or your monster’s oddly feminine “graw” roar (unless it’s an awesome centaurmon or andromon, and then it say “OH YEAH” with a deep voice). Most sounds are just that, environment. There’s nothing here that you’ll want to put in your playlist.
The story is largely forgettable as well. You go back home one day and you’re this crazy Digimon fan. So, obviously, you have one of the virtual pet keychains sitting in the floor of your room. Thing starts to glow, you’re sent through a warp, and you land yourself in the Digital World and you’re introduced to your first Digimon, which is going to be a child (so it skips the infant and baby stages). Usually, you’ll get Agumon or Gabumon. You can get more Digimon later on, like Patamon. So, after this happens, this old Digimon tells you “The Digital World is dying and this town is dying! All the inhabitants have left! Please tell them to come back” and you have no choice but to lie to the old man and tell him you’ll do it. Well, it is in your best interest to get Digimon to join your town, since it opens up more and more options, such as an arena where tournaments are held (and seriously, it’s pretty good stuff), a restaurant so your monster can get all happy and stuff, a hospital, and other useful resources. Apparently, when you get enough Digimon inhabiting your town, you unlock the final dungeon and can fight the final boss… but I never did any of that because I was making sure my monster was well fed and ready to maul whatever was stupid enough to come against us in the arena.
There’s a multiplayer mode where you and friend can make your monsters fight by putting a second memory card (for your friend) and each choosing a team of registered monsters. Then, it plays out like an arena match. Unlike the virtual pets, if your monster loses, nothing bad happens. Heck, most of the times, the monster you choose will be the best monster you’ve managed to raise and might already have been long dead. It’s usually a tearful reunion.
Digimon World 3 Maps
So, do I recommend this game? Yes, I do, if you want to lose hours of your life to it. Actually, I don’t think anyone will be in danger of that anymore, since the franchise is practically dead and no one really plays this game anymore. But I grew up with it and I like it a lot. Also, you get to sic your monster dinosaur on other monster dinosaurs. That’s awesome enough to count for something.
Digimon World 3 Underground Map
Its sequels are all pretty bad though.
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