#sombra e ossos netflix
blacksea-bitch · 2 years
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marcelllyn · 4 months
The return of the princess
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Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this, I never read the books, but I watched the series. I know that Aleksander is a monster, but he has a tragic past, and it is also Ben Barnes who portrays him. This will be a fanfic with a few chapters, while I work on the Sirius Black fanfic. I don't know much about the Grisha universe, but I'll research it if necessary. (I almost always spend more time researching than writing) Synopsis: The princess is back after spending years in a convent. It didn't seem like a big deal to Aleksander, but the princess's desire to get to know him more and more begins to worry him. Warnings: English is not my first language, almost no revisions, mild anguish, sexual mentions.
There were new visitors to the small palace, which meant more headaches for the general. On the same rainy morning that the guests arrived, the king made a big announcement: his daughter would return from the convent where she spent much of her life. It was no secret to anyone, even though she was his bastard daughter. Something that only three people in the kingdom knew, including the general. He protected her with everything in his power.
Aleksander pretended to be enthusiastic about the news; if he cared about the royal family, he could simply kill them with the touch of his hands, but it would go against his conduct even if it is a little dubious.
Two days after the announcement, the princess arrived, and he made no effort to look beautiful that night. He hated eating dinner or looking at the king's wrinkled face as he sat on that throne, but it wasn't the king he was getting ready for. Sometimes, at some events, ladies were interested in him. “All for appearances,” he thought.
Arriving at the throne room, there were flowers everywhere: white and blue margaritas and several pink tulips. His nose began to get irritated by the strong smell of the flowers; the environment seemed so different from normal days, prepared just for the princess. Normally, it was dull and colorless; you couldn't smell anything other than the drinks that were always in the king's hand.
Various servants and Grisha serving everywhere, family members, and people in important positions chattering about very futile things. The looks of fear at him never stopped; he liked, in a way, being feared by those people, but sometimes it irritated him deeply. He could barely step foot in the place without all eyes going his way.
After the ritual of greeting the king and queen, he met some lords and some people he didn't know and had no interest in meeting. Finally, the princess joined them; luckily for him, the event would soon end, and he could finally return to the comfort of his room and his troubled mind.
— Dear guests. — The king said it in a groggy voice. — It is with great happiness that I tell you that my daughter Ekaterina has returned to the comfort of this beautiful palace!
The king was already drunk for a change; I wish Aleksander could too, so next to the king appeared a short woman, no more than 1.70, with long black curly hair, her brown skin shone in the light, and with a smile, she sweetly waved to the guests.
Aleksander's eyes lit up when he saw that stunning figure right in front of him, almost as if she were a goddess blessing his day just by being present. The party suddenly seemed interesting, the smell of the flowers was wonderful, and the incessant chatter was like music. She was beautiful, very different from her father; she never met her mother, but she was sure that her daughter would draw all her beauty from her.
Several people went to talk to the princess; even though they wished they could introduce themselves, they thought it would be better to leave that for later. Princess Ekaterina was not an option for him, so there was no point in courting her.
Ekaterina, in turn, hated big and pompous celebrations, with people clinging to her, wanting to make guesses even about the way you breathe. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible by making some stupid excuse. The king wouldn't let her leave, even if she were dying.
The smell of flowers was something that calmed her, a way to distract her mind from several women touching her hair with their filthy hands and some dukes looking at her like a piece of juicy meat. And suddenly, as if by light, he followed a man who passed behind the women. He was handsome, with his hair combed and his military way of walking.
Like a frightened animal, there was the beautiful princess cowering in a corner of the garden, delicately pulling the grass and getting dirt on her hand. The night was beautiful, with a full moon and many stars. He liked the strong cold wind; winter was coming, his least favorite time. It felt great to be in an open environment, away from his father's gaze.
She knew that her father didn't miss her; she just saw an opportunity to have a celebration that, deep down, was for him to show off, as if being king wasn't enough.
A long sigh that wasn't hers made her look to the side, and she saw the same man before, standing and looking at the sky. She was excited by the idea of ​​being able to talk to him and declared herself. His stepmother had said that this was the famous General Kirigan.
— The night is beautiful — she commented.
She had thought the man had noticed her presence and wanted to be polite, but from the way his eyebrows rose, he hadn't seen her.
— It's not safe for a princess to be alone out here. — he replied with a strong tone of voice.
— I'm safe with the general around. — She declared and went towards him, stopping in front of him. — That's what I hope.
— I think it's better to go in; it's windy, and you could get sick. — said the general, still in his crude tone.
— I plan to enter when my father is lying in his bed and the queen is sleeping with one of her beautiful lovers. — The princess laughed as the wind blew her hair to the side and in front of her face.
He wanted to laugh, but that would show a terrible lack of manners on his part. I thought that a princess who came from a convent wouldn't be that sinic, but there must be a reason why she was sent to a convent from the age of six. His stern face.
— No sense of humor, I get it. — Her delicate hands anxiously removed all the hair that the wind brought to her eyes. — Could you ask something?
His heart pounded in his chest, she was a figure of power, but not like him, she couldn't tear anyone in half. Maybe it was because he had barely been around male figures for a long time, and he was so handsome especially in the moonlight.
— Of course, I just don't know if I'll be able to do it.
— I would like your permission to visit the small palace, mistress; it is a great curiosity of mine. I won't make any fuss, I promise. I don't want to disturb your generals things.
She bit her lower lip as she waited for his answer. It was strange how her body filled with adrenaline just by looking at him. You had to lift your head to be able to look into his eyes. I wanted to see the Grisha and possibly see old friends. She remembers light flashes from some friends moving fire and others making it float with the wind.
— not? — She furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.
— I'll be very busy these days, and if I couldn't keep an eye on you in the palace, your father probably wouldn't approve. It wouldn't be a good idea; maybe at another time.
So, without her being able to give him an answer or beg, he turned his back and walked away. He knew that it would not please anyone that she was attending the small palace, after all, she was no different from her father or stepmother. He was still royalty, he saw the Grisha as exotic animals.
— Why can Nikolai travel and I can't? — asked the princess.
— Dear, your brother, besides being a gentleman, is the general of the first army. — said the queen in her sinic voice.
— I don't see General Kirigan traveling like that — he replied.
—You just got back anyway. You don't know everything, darling. — The queen smiled, taking a sip of her wine. — Kirigan traveled a lot—to battles, to go to warp.
Ekaterina snorted. She wished she could do something fascinating besides staying in her room all day or just wandering around her kingdom. Not that she wanted to go to war; she just didn't want to stay still. But certainly, between staying in the comfort of her room and the bloodbath that is war, the choice was obvious: her room.
He gave silent thanks for the full table set in his kingdom; people were starving, and he was very lucky.
She looked at the general, who, for some reason, was having dinner with his family that night. It was ridiculous how restless she was—like a child around him. His eyes were deep and obsidian, looking sideways as he feasted on the lam meat.
— I see that you have been very interested in the general; you talk about him whenever you can. And there was the reason—just his humiliation. The queen said, in her less resilient tone, that she wanted to shame her and punish her for talking about Nikolai. — I'm starting to think you want to sleep with him. — He joked.
The ice-cold wine running down his throat became hot, and his cheeks burned. He threw a hateful look at the queen. He was lucky it wasn't his mother, just the woman his father had the misfortune to marry. It was incredible how she loved to provoke fights and embarrassing situations.
Without looking at the general sitting in front of him, he completely ignored what she had said.
— She talks a lot about you, general, she even said that you were very handsome. Ekaterina didn't lie, of course. — The queen ran her hand through her stepdaughter's hair. — Isn't she cute too? Even though I have tiny breasts,.
The general drank all the wine in his cup and didn't respond, which was much worse. He really was very handsome; he even mentioned it on the night of his arrival and commented on it at least five times. Or maybe ten. A few good times, but never directly to your stepmother.
— She's really very pretty; she must have taken after her mother. — The general said. Making a wicked smile appear on Ekaterina's face.
—What did you say? — The queen of Ravka arched one of her thin eyebrows.
— I meant, her mother's beauty is really something that stands out; after all, she doesn't look much like the king. Already Nikolai has pulled your beauty, madam. — A lie, Nikolai was very handsome; maybe he wasn't even their son. You could see how good the general was at lying. Possibly not so much, since she knew it was fake or wished it was a lie that he called her stepmother pretty.
Even with kilos of makeup, you could see the lady's cheeks turning pink; it was stomach-churning. But, in truth, it was the fact that the general found her beautiful that made everything increasingly strange. She was rarely courted.
— you my dear. — said the queen sensually.
There was a smile on his face that quickly disappeared as he turned to face his father, displeasure evident.
— Go to your room. — He ordered,
— I didn't finish eating.
— I won't tolerate you making fun of my wife like that. I thought I was sending you to a convent to fix this thing of yours… — He coughed. — Your lack of education! Go up to your room immediately!
The girl looked half-closed at her father and said:
— I thought you sent me to that hellish place with the intention of getting rid of me, keeping me as a disgusting secret that no one could ever discover. — His impetuous tone served to make the king increasingly irritated. — And I didn't eat dessert; I refused to get out of that chair.
— Because if you don't leave this table now, you'll be without food for three days! — the king shouted
— Well, so be it. — Like a spoiled child, she continued to sit with her arms crossed.
— General, please, I'll take him to his room! — ordered the queen.
The general got up, walked over to her, and pulled the chair back.
— I'm not getting out of this chair. You can even try… — Effortlessly, the general held her in his arms; even as she struggled, he didn't show that he was making any effort.
Stepping out of the dining room into a long hallway, he gently placed her on the floor.
— Come on, I'm not going to carry you to your room.
— You can go back to your dinner. — That sounded much more like an order than a request. — I know where my room is.
— The order was for me to take the nuisance to the room. — His strong hands grab the princess's slender arm. —Then go to your room, trouble.
She was in shock at his slightly cruel words. Being called a nuisance was common; she had been called that since she understood herself as a person. His first word should have been hindrance, probably. However, he didn't like the way the word sounded when it came out of the general's mouth.
He decided that walking and getting it over with would be much easier. The silence began to become disturbing, and then Ekaterina said:
— I imagine you and Nikolai know each other; how is my brother? High? Strong, I imagine; he was always very electric.
No answer.
— The dinner was good? I found it a bit bland. — she said, looking at his feet and black boots. — I liked the boots.
The hallway seemed longer than usual; there were many doors, and the floor was white stone. It was beautiful.
— Is your room upstairs? — The general's voice was beautiful when calm. Like a symphony of angelic vowels that sent shivers down anyone's body.
— Yes. — He faced the staircase ahead. — I don't need your company anymore; I don't want to disturb your dinner.
— It’s already gotten in the way.
She rolled her eyes and started up the stairs. The shame of the queen's words had not crossed her mind. Implying that a princess wants to sleep with the general. In front of the general, what a ridiculous and shameful thing!It is even worse to say about the breasts.
— I don't want to sleep with you. — I was making it clear. — I also only mentioned it five times, out of pure curiosity.
The general chuckled softly with a smug smile.
— Five times is a lot, even for someone who is just curious. What exactly were you curious about?
— Banal things. — He smiled. — And, actually, five times is very little. Normally, I can't stop talking about people I'm interested in.
— What kind of banal things? — He stopped walking. — Let's clear up your doubts.
— I no longer have any questions; they have all been answered.
— Not for me; I don't remember talking to me other than that night in the garden. — he said sarcastically.
— I asked my father, If you were married, why didn't you let me go to the small palace. Why only you wear black and some other silly questions.
— I'm not married, and I don't intend to either; marriages are hard work and require a lot of patience. My Kefta is black; there is no one like me in this place; it's more to differentiate. — That man's gaze was like fire; it made your entire body feel hot. — The king would not like to see you in the small palace. But you can go there at your own risk. However, I prefer you to go when I'm not busy.
— Weddings are beautiful. — He scored. — They are loving and can be wonderful if you choose the right person.
The woman stopped in front of a large door. It was the wedding part that bothered her; he had extraordinary beauty and should pass that on by getting married.
— Of course they are. — He mocked. — Good night, Princess.
— Good evening, General Kirigan. — She smiled sweetly and opened the bedroom door. - Have a good night of sleep.
— The same for you, miss. — He waited, standing in front of the door, still with a smug smile.
The two looked at each other for seconds before the door cut off contact. But Ekaterina remained still for a moment, a sudden desire to invite her in. He shook his head several times and walked away from the door. He looked at his room; since he was six, nothing had changed except his bed. Full of dolls, teddy bears, doll houses, and extremely green-pink. The smell of flowers was perfect for the moment.
When the general left her, all the feelings for dinner and her father, missing her mother, and how everything seemed so… Melancholic came to the surface. She wanted to be someone else's daughter, but she understood her privileges as the daughter of the king of Ravka. A feeling of despair and a knot in her stomach appeared when she looked briefly in the mirror.
She hadn't noticed before how the pink dress made her scars evident; she was afraid that the general had noticed or even anyone else.
She held tightly to an old rag doll her mother had made for her and threw herself onto the bed. Even with a room full of trinkets, it was empty. She hates that; she should have called the general to stay with her for a moment without saying anything, just that he was present. So, then, she wouldn't have to deal with her mind constantly reminding her of the convent.
That was it, there will be more chapters soon. I hope you enjoyed.
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neozhelps · 1 year
Opções de rpg de bruxos e escola de magia pra gente esquecer de vez Harry Potter
Os Feiticeiros de Waverly Place (um universo super divertido, criativo e que mama bastante nas tetas de hp, ainda tem o conflito de irmãos disputando pra ser o feiticeiro da família)
A Arma Escarlate (obra nacional, considerada o HP brasileiro, com escola de magia e casas, protagonista negro e periférico)
Winx (asinhas *-*)
Escola do Bem e do Mal
Sombra e Ossos (livro chato, universo top)
Turma da Mônica (que se encaixa em TODO TIPO DE PLOT)
Inspirado em irmãos Grimm (a série e os livros originais, pegaria algo estilo dark academy)
A Ordem (série boa demais na Netflix)
Inspirado no rei Arthur e a Távola Redonda (assistir Merlim ou ler Lendários da Tracy Deon)
Descendentes (eu, ninguém aguenta mais rp de descendentes, mas ainda é uma opção melhor)
Percy Jackson/Mitologia Grega (pjo não precisa ser sempre sobre o acampamento meio sangue e semideuses, a gente também pode focar nas aventuras de um único deus. Nesse caso dá fácil pra pensar nas deusas da magia, principalmente Hécate e criar todo um universo de seus adoradores e semideuses)
Crônicas dos Kane/Mitologia Egípcia (o mesmo exemplo anterior, mas CDK é magia pura, amuleto, maldições. Não precisa de varinha e a maioria é poc)
Tem tantos universos pra se inspirar que dão muita abertura para um plot de magia. É só usar a criatividade e deixar de lado a nostalgia. Eu sei o quão bom é jogar em um universo que você gosta, mas é melhor ainda reconhecer quando não dá mais pra usar ele como base pra nada.
deixo aqui todas as indicações de ume graminha linde e acrescento: cdk e pjo é perfeito, descendentes também.
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lumitie · 1 year
Ordem de leitura de Sombra e Ossos
Sombra e Ossos é o primeiro volume da trilogia que deu início ao universo Grisha criado por Leigh Bardugo, e que recebeu uma adaptação pela Netflix que já se encontra na segunda temporada.Acontece que esse universo foi expandido para uma duologia, a Six of Crows e, posteriormente, para mais uma, a Nikolai. Mas para ninguém ficar confuso, resolvi trazer a ordem de leitura dos livros de Sombra e…
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bibliotecabacon · 1 month
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O Demônio na Floresta - Leigh Bardugo & Dani Pendergast
Graphic Novel
✧ GrishaVerso ✧
Conheça o início do destino grandioso e sinistro de Darkling na graphic novelque antecede a trilogia Sombra e Ossos, recentemente adaptada pela Netflix.
Antes de Ravka ser liderada pelo Segundo Exército, antes da criação da Dobra das Sombras, e muito antes de ele se tornar o Darkling, havia um garotinho solitário oprimido pelo seu próprio poder extraordinário.
Eryk e sua mãe, Lena, passaram suas vidas inteiras fugindo. Mas eles nunca encontrarão o refúgio que tanto buscam. Eles não são somente Grishas – eles são os mais raros e perigosos desse grupo.
Temidos pelos que querem destruí-los e perseguidos pelos que desejam explorar seus dons, Eryk e Lena precisam mascarar suas habilidades a todo momento. Mas os segredos mais perigosos são os mais difíceis de esconder...
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geekpopnews · 11 months
Sombra e Ossos | Série é cancelada após 2 temporadas
Sombra e Ossos entra para a lista de séries canceladas pela Netflix! 😱 Leia a matéria para maiores informações! #sombraeossos #netflix
A série, que é uma adaptação da trilogia Grisha de Leigh Bardugo, teve a sua produção cancelada após 2 temporadas. Como divulgado pelo Deadline, a Netflix tomou essa decisão após o fim da greve dos atores de Hollywood. Sombra e Ossos não foi a única cancelada: Glamorous, Agente Elvis, Farzar e Capitão Fall também foram afetadas. Relembre “Sombra e Ossos” A série Sombra e Ossos (2021) é…
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ravkabr · 4 years
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Tradução da entrevista com Amita Suman para a imprensa, matéria do site GMA NEWS
Tradução por Lissa Millano.
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editshelnik · 3 years
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danielle galligan x icons
like or reblog if you saved
pcppyaIex on twitter for credits.
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duartedits · 4 years
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— shadow and bone headers.
like or reblog if you save, please.
credit me on twitter @refugebrekker
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lukovstuff · 3 years
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• like or reblog if u save;
• © @ivanlukosv on twitter;
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lovelockscreen · 3 years
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Wallpaper/lockscreen- Shadow and Bone
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blacksea-bitch · 2 years
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Icon | Kaz Brekker | Freddy Carter
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↝ icons inspirados na duologia six of crows.
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alanisearth · 3 years
hm lets go i'm gonna translate these
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"Everything in the show is BEAUTIFUL, the costume, the photography, the scenarios. The Little Palace is incredible just like the way that the Grishas use their powers. Is very cool and it's visually perfect"
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"I need to say that the cast choices were very good, everyone bring the caracthers from the book to life perfectly, but Ben Barnes as Darkling is everything we dream! He is seductive, misterious and charming all the time."
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"The way that the Crows are mixed with Alina's history is perfect and make you thing that always has been there. They are obvious one of the best things on the show, with moments that make you laugh, cry, get tense with whats was about to happen"
hm a part 2 maybe?
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phmultiw · 3 years
darkling random header's.
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essa saga >>>>
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bibliotecabacon · 1 month
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Ruína e Ascensão - Leigh Bardugo
✧ GrishaVerso ✧
Terceiro volume da trilogia Sombra e ossos, que inspirou a série da Netflix “Não estou arruinada. Eu sou a ruína.” Após o seu embate com o Darkling, Alina Starkov se vê encurralada no subsolo, tentando recuperar as forças para salvar Ravka das garras de seu oponente. Sob a proteção e a vigilância do Apparat, Alina atinge outro status – agora não é somente a Conjuradora do Sol, mas sim uma Santa que carrega em seus ombros a esperança de fiéis que rezam por um futuro mais brilhante. No entanto, invocar a luz nunca foi tão difícil. Com o futuro do país em suas mãos, Alina partirá em busca do terceiro amplificador de Morozova, o mitológico pássaro de fogo, com o objetivo de derrotar o Darkling e libertar Ravka de uma vez por todas. Eletrizante do começo ao fim, Ruína e Ascensão é a conclusão impecável da aclamada trilogia Sombra e Ossos, que inspirou a megaprodução da Netflix.
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