#solo trip to san francisco and i literally did not let it leave the store and no one else was allowed to touch it
blueberrythyme · 1 year
they sell blue bottle coffee in 12oz bags at target right now and i’m making myself a french press of it rn and i’m like. vibrating with excitement
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thesylvalining · 7 years
Recently, an Italian friend of mine noted sharing my recent bicycle tour experience and outlook on life is one of the best things I can do to make my society better. I didn’t even consider enriching society when undertaking this cathartic journey; I did intend to try and comprehend my country — but even more so, I wanted to understand myself.
Pause: just in case any of you were asleep during the last five and a half months (four and a half of which I was dragging my crazy butt, bike and crap from Berkeley, California to St. Augustine, Florida)… well, I just laid out what you missed.
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The Southern Tier route — however I started in Berkeley, California and cruised down to connect with the route in San Diego.
Turns out, I undertook a rather timely experience. During the era of “me too” I traveled across the USA as a solo female. Simultaneously, I threaded through areas of our very divided country — like the South — that many Americans view as unfriendly and unwelcoming. However, I discovered a very different America: a kind, welcoming America, across the board.
I also interacted with countless people who cling to “buts.” Not the cute, Italian variety — no, the kind that allows folks to evaluate their own lives and positions. They’d say things like “I always wanted to hike the Pacific Crest trail…but…” or “I wish I was as brave as you are… but,” with Borat-like pauses:
I connected with a whole slew of sympathetic souls — black, white, brown, yellow, conservative, liberal, female, male, somewhere in between — who seemed to be living lives differently than the ones they really wanted to live.
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Waiting until dark before (spoiler alert!) I rode through the closed slide in Big Sur, California.
Simply showing up on their doorstep (in a guise not often spotted in rural America), in their section at the restaurant or their checkout isle at the grocery store, I became a mirror. I reflected back their own unfulfilled dreams, desires and fears. And occasionally, I was lucky enough to inspire. For example: meet Freda, a remarkable woman (and Warm Showers host) in Gautier, Alabama. I stayed with her over a weekend; in her listing on Warm Showers, she clearly states she doesn’t host cyclists on weekend — but it’s fine to ask anyway. I asked,  since the weather was wetter than a whale’s back and luckily, Freda didn’t want to turn me away.
But, she wanted me to “know what I was getting into.” Every Friday and Saturday, three more people turned up the chaos dial at her house and one was her friendly daughter, a recovering drug addict. Fred said I’d have to keep a very close eye on my valuables. Her daughter simply couldn’t help it; if something was in plain sight, she’d take it.
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Sunset on Dauphin Island, Alabama (my next stop after staying with Freda). Incidentally, Freda was the one who took me to that nationally renowned BBQ joint I mention (The Shed).
I decided to stay. Freda’s honesty won me over — and the fact that staying in the rain would put a real damper on my weekend (pun intended). Freda’s daughter didn’t end up being around but her grand-daughters were. After a refreshing rest day with Freda and the girls (one about eight I believe and the other an early teen), I was reluctant to leave. Freda and I kept in touch and she sent me pictures and once, a video of the girls at a Mardi Gras parade. She said they’d only let her snap away because she was sending them to me — apparently I made an impression on them as a solo girl, adventuring by bike.
So among the other missions I inadvertently signed up for, I think sharing my experience in order to impress upon and inspire people to truly follow their hearts’ desires is one. I know change is difficult and not everyone has a gypsy soul like yours truly; nor is everyone able or willing to literally pick up and move out into the Great Unknown. Society and socio-economic status are powerful enough without adding in drug addictions, hurricanes or wildfires. Or being part of (as some folks I encountered) a struggling family of farmers or ranchers to whom time off is a necessary foreign concept. However, I encountered so many people with regrets and potentially conquerable fears that I can’t help but want to instigate a little change.
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Enjoying the h*ll out of Mardi Gras season in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Below is a video recorded on March 7, 2018 (shortly after the butt crack of dawn) at my dad’s Rotary International meeting in St. George, Utah. Both of my parents are champions of support, not only during this powerful, wondrous chapter of my life but generally speaking. My dad gave weekly updates at his Rotary meetings while I was riding and got enough people hooked on the journey that there were 20-25 Rotarians in attendance.
I apologize as the pictures on the screen aren’t visible in the very low-tech recording I rigged up by leaning my cell phone against a half-full cup of lukewarm coffee. The pictures throughout the blog and in the slide show below the video are the same ones I employed in the presentation. Taking a gander ahead of time may help as I refer to pictures often.
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Sometimes when it rains, it pours — like it did when I hid out for three deluges this day on my way to Morganza, Louisiana.
So here’s my little challenge to you: share this post and/or video with someone in your own life who is clinging to a “but.” We never know what will stick, like a patient, helpful bur and someday, cause a great, wonderful change.
This little lady has all the gear she needs for a cross-country bike trip…
On this bike! Just kidding.
My bike is in the bottom of the cart, in pieces. Above is all the crap I carried — which my dad refers to as really heavy 🙂
Awesome, self-explanatory sign south of Santa Cruz, California.
Me hanging out with (left to right) my brother Kyle, his girlfriend Kathy and Uncle Brian in Berkeley, CA.
Meeting the sisters on the ferry from Oakland to San Francisco — Colette, in the purple, offered to put me up in Pismo Beach later if the stars aligned.
A perfect example of guerrilla camping.
That ubiquitous, gorgeous bridge in Big Sur, California.
Schlepping bike and gear up the dirt trail the locals used just south of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California.
Riding the closed road in Big Sur with very little traffic.
Sage and Kiyan and I enjoying the festivities at the bridge reopening party just south of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California.
Nothing to do but ride on through…
After riding through the closed slide, a chance meeting in San Simeon with docent Alan. I stayed with him and his wife Judy for four days in total. Here we are in Morro Bay, California.
Staying with Colette in Pismo Beach, California.
Meeting fellow biker friends like Swiss Phil and Rosy and Canadian Dan (I think that was his name 🙂
Taking the left turn in eastern San Diego.
Heading into the agricultural desert in California’s Imperial Valley.
Discovering the border wall in Jacumba, California.
Making the most of a rest day in Jacumba, California.
The 2500-3000 foot descent after Jacumba, California.
A glorious new friendship with Katherine and her bike, Jonie in Glamis, California.
Meeting up with mom and dad in Phoenix, Arizona.
Salado cliff dwellings near Tonto Basin, Arizona.
Making friends with Alan and Myrna in Globe, Arizona (here we are visiting Besh Ba Gowah Native American ruins).
Simpson Hotel in Duncan, Arizona where I spent Thanksgiving.
My castle in Duncan, Arizona behind Simpson Hotel.
A big climb on the way to Duncan, Arizona.
Fred, the mastermind behind fixing my broken rack with bailing wire, screws and electric tape.
Riding up Mule Creek road after getting help from Fred, almost to…
New Mexico!!
Hanging out with Eleanor, who put me up for a few days near Cliff, New Mexico.
Hiking with Joseph in or near the Gila Wilderness.
The mother of all flats…
Gila Cliff Dwellings with Noel, Susan and company outside Silver City, New Mexico.
Entering Texas, where even the dinosaurs are bigger.
Broken pannier clips in El Paso, Texas.
The Beehive in Marathon, Texas (my home for two nights).
Navigating the Chihuahuan desert in Texas… for a long time…
Christmas in Del Rio, Texas.
Spending Christmas with Lisa and Eoin.
My drinking buddy and awesome uncle Casey.
Christmas at the Cottons, which includes hanging with Beth, who rocks.
Hydroponic lettuce farming in Rockne, Texas.
The infamous Warm Showers host, Carol in Carmine, Texas.
Baby Sylva, born in Richards, Texas.
The awesome crew at Live Oak Nudist Resort in Texas.
Welcome to Louisiana!
Getting marooned in Merryville, Louisiana.
Braving the roads after the winter storm.
Frozen swamps near
Drying everything I own at a Catholic church in Morganza, Lousiana. The secretary, Retta and her husband took me out to dinner, which was an amazing surprise.
Finally arriving in Baton Rouge, sightseeing (here, I am at the top of the Capitol building).
Meeting Mike — LSU’s mascot — with another amazing WS host, Mark.
Heading to New Orleans, sleeping in a garage (another WS accomodation) in Lutcher, Louisana.
Arriving at where I was staying: Tami’s! She’s a friend of a friend but we were instant buddies. Here, we were eating King Cake for breakfast on her sweet balcony.
There was some sightseeing, some voodoo…
And of course food! First, beignets and cafe au lait at Cafe du Monde.
Then a seafood boil while it poured outside.
Here I am at the Shed, in Gautier, Alabama.
One of many heavenly sugar sand beaches in Destin, Florida.
A cloudy day to enjoy a different kind of beach beauty in Inlet Bay, Florida (staying with yet another wonderful WS host, Martin).
And then I had to suck it up and ride inland through A LOT of rain…
Staying with John after the WS host never showed at the Pizza Hut in Blountstown, Florida.
Heading further east out of Tallahassee…
Camping behind a church in Wellborn, Florida (night of the sprinkler fight).
Helping with a couple simple farm chores with WS hosts Diane and Maria in Monticello, Florida.
Enjoying Ichatucknee Springs State Park on Priscilla’s recommendation!
And meeting the awesome guys at Amigo’s dive shop, thanks again Priscilla!
Quality time with my new friends Mildred and John in Palatka, Florida.
Celebrating with beach time in St. Augustine, Florida, my ultimate destination.
Meeting up with my bro and going to Universal Studios (thanks to Alycia for the ticket hook up!).
Relaxing by the pool at my friend Chris’ house in Apopka, Florida.
Spring training baseball game with Kyle-bro and Chris.
Still curious? Good! I have an ebook in the works regarding the whole experience, with lots more pictures. Stay tuned and sign up for the blog (if you haven’t already) to receive a notification when the ebook’s ready to download. Grazie, gracias and thanks for reading!
Presenting Roads Less Traveled Recently, an Italian friend of mine noted sharing my recent bicycle tour experience and outlook on life is one of the best things I can do to make my society better.
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