#solangelo hours hitting HARD
incorrect-riordanverse · 10 months
if there is a fanfic rewrite of the sun and the star…. or if anyone wants to try their hand in it….. hit a girl up….
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heyimboredtalktome · 1 year
Nico: Sleeping is nice because you're not actually dead and you're not awake so it's a win-win situation
Will: Nico, no-
Nico: It's like being dead without the commitments
Nico: An open relationship with death
Nico: Death with benefits
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cabinofimagines · 3 months
Cryptozoology Ver. 1.0.1
Happy birthday Danny!! This is a different POV version from Cryptozoology- the story that was not told before! Have you read the first fic? Read this one! If not- a full version with both POVs is out too!!
Pairing: Leo Valdez x gn!reader, this is a solangelo fic at it's heart- Request: That's between me and Danny's chat, as many things. Word count: 4k Warnings: None!
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Will Solace cared for his friends, making sure that they ate enough, slept enough, and were happy. However, to Will’s chagrin, there was only one thing that at the moment would get Leo Valdez to eat, sleep and be happy. It was the exam period and Leo simply was not listening, unless Will would get him a significant other- something that Leo thought would only happen after pigs learned to fly, but Will had other plans... 
“Leo, I promise I will get you a lover soon enough!” Will waved his hands, “You just have to trust the genius that I am!” “Sure thing,” Leo scoffed, “And how will you do that?” “I have a plan.” Will assured his friend, “I simply need an appropriate candidate.” 
And perhaps he already had one. He didn’t even need to try too hard to stage the first meeting and start Leo’s infatuation. Will passed you on your way out, went straight to Leo’s, and forced him to take a break. While Leo was out he watched the first meeting through the window of Leo’s dorm. The target acted just as Will had suspected, hiding away from Leo, and Will could not wait until Leo’s sleep-deprived brain would start acting its magic. Sure, Will might’ve been unaware of their name, but he had seen them around in the cafe where he worked and he just knew they would be a good fit for Leo.
“Dude!” Leo stormed into his room, “I think I just met Mothman!” 
All according to plan.
The day after your chance encounter with Leo Valdez (where you heroically ran away from him, after hiding behind a tree, and then a second time in the hallway), you ranted to your friend about it, much to his dismay.
“I mean how embarrassing! I named a lizard after him!” You pouted, “What is the chance? I wasn’t even aware he was near until I saw him bolt away!” “I’m sure he’ll not mind that,” Nico said, “If he’s as idiotic as you paint him to be, he might even find it endearing. What’s his name anyways?” “I’m not telling.” 
“And why won’t you tell me the name of your crush?” Nico was exasperated. “Because you’ll try something!” You squint your eyes at him, “I know you will.” “So we’re calling him fireboy? Because he is hot?” Nico teased, and you laughed, but Nico was not deterred, “Okay, tell me the name of your lizard then.” “No.” 
From the look in your eyes when you talked about Fireboy, Nico knew that he needed to figure out who Fireboy was and how to get you together, if he were to enjoy a calm lunch ever again.
What Nico wasn’t expecting was having to fend off another guy. 
He had stared at the blonde barista in the past (for no reason at all) and didn’t like the interest the guy was showing in you. Of course, he could believe that you didn’t have any interest in the barista, but the way that, since entering the café, the barista kept staring at you intensely, rubbed him the wrong way. Clearly this guy had an interest in you that went past you as a customer. Yet, it was busy and Nico was keeping your seats occupied while you stood in line. He glared as the barista handed you more than just your coffee.  
“So you’re saying you won this ticket?” “Yes.” “From the barista just now?” “Yes.” 
“And you’re sure he wasn’t just hitting on you?” 
“With the way he was eyeing you, I don’t think so?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Nico, unwillingly, felt his face warm. You simply shrugged as you smiled at your friend teasingly, and Nico sighed, “Guess I’ll get a ticket and we can go to the movie together.” 
So, a few hours later, you were sitting together in the movie theater. You were pretty sure you might have switched up the seats, but did it matter? You both had the tickets for these seats anyways. Nico had gotten the popcorn, and the ads had just started, all was good. 
Except, all was not good for Will. While Leo had just told him that the ‘cryptid’ had named a lizard after him, it took Will a moment to realize that his ‘cinema date’ had failed. Someone was sitting in the cryptid’s seat, and Will didn’t like that. He had invited Leo, and the plan had been to get Leo and mothman to sit together. If this black-haired guy had not been sitting in the wrong seat, it would have been a date! Basically! The worst part was that now he had to make sure Leo wouldn’t see Mothman, otherwise the whole ‘cryptid’ mystic would stop and Will’s efforts would be all for nothing. 
Fine, Will Solace resigned himself as he quickly pushed past Leo so he would get to sit next to the black-haired boy, fine, Will Solace would have a ‘date’ with this kid. Fine.   
Nico, on the other hand, felt triumphant as he noticed the big ass glare on the blonde’s face. Clearly this had been some kind of setup for a date, and he managed to fuck it up. (Y/n) was not even aware that the barista had entered the cinema and sat next to Nico, all for the better. Nico made eye contact with his seat neighbor, and stuck out his tongue, to which he saw the blonde tense up. Take that, barista boy. 
Will Solace felt his heartbeat speed up, as he realized a second flaw in his strategy- he might have started crushing on the enemy. 
Will was not giving up, and a few weeks later the perfect opportunity presented itself. He found a very good sale on fresh fruits and filled his arms with them to use them as a matchmaking ploy. The plan was simple- give you the cold fruits, tell you to hand them out to Leo, and bam! You would get talking, get a hamster, get a house- but first… 
“Hey, do you like mandarins?” “You’re that barista, aren’t you?” you looked at him suspiciously. Will nodded. “Look, as a promotional bit I need to hand these out,” Will lied, “but if you just take them off my hands, then I will be free to have a lunch break!” Will pushed the fruit in your hands and started backing away. Flabbergasted, you made sure not to spill any as you looked at the blonde. “Why would I need this much fruit?” You looked like you really wanted to hand the fruit back to him, so Will had to act quickly. “Just hand them out if you don’t!” Will turned around and took a small sprint. He quickly rounded a corner and not-so-subtly spied on you. With only a bit of luck, you would instigate a conversation with Leo, who was sitting alone, within the next five minutes. And that would mean-
Oh no. Will glared at the black-haired boy who approached you, the same kid that had prevented you from sitting with Leo. His ‘definitely not a crush’. Why was he putting the fruit in a bag? Goddammit! You walked away with your friend, and Will knew he couldn’t keep taking this (cute) boy's interference. Something had to be done. Will wasn’t sure what yet- but murder was still on the list. 
Meanwhile, Nico smiled to himself. He saw the blonde glare, and he felt great having meddled with his plans again. Sure, Nico had to admit that the blonde looked cute when giving away the fruits to you, but there was no way you would fall for someone who was simply giving out fruits, instead Nico subtly walked you into the canteen, spotted your Fireboy (he stopped caring about the name now that he had a face), and nudged you to hand out the fruits there. You might not have put together that Nico knew what your crush looked like (although he did not know his name), but that would all help Nico’s plans. You would never figure out that he was playing Cupid (all in order to get you to shut up about Fireboy during your Mythomagic games, certainly not to rile up the blonde barista who is trying to hit on you). 
Nico was a little proud of his plan- and the next step of it. He overheard Fireboy’s friends mention a party happening, and Nico had to find a way to get you to the party, although he would be the last one to go, he had a foolproof plan. Of course, you still weren’t invited but he guessed that it would matter little to you if you found out the real catch at the party. 
“There are cats.” Nico deadpanned, and he immediately saw you crack. Sure, you weren’t planning on going out today, but how often does an opportunity like this present itself? “But they’ll be inside!” “With that amount of sound? I don’t think so, but your loss.” Nico picked up his Switch again, continuing his Hades run. “Why do you even want me to go?” You sounded a little suspicious, as you squeezed Nico’s Blahaj. 
“So you’ll stop trying to steal my plushies. Just go, nobody cares you’re not supposed to be there!” And that stinky Fireboy would be there, which is why you should go. Of course, Nico didn’t really want to miss out on hanging out with you, but he had to keep his priorities. 
 “How many cats are there?” You considered your options. “Four.” “Fuck.” and there you went. 
A few hours later you knocked on his door, just in time for the both of you to catch the newest episode of the show you were watching together. Yet, you seemed a little fidgety and it only took a little prodding from Nico to figure it out. 
His plan had worked perfectly. Take that blonde barista! He would never stand a chance against the power of cats and your weirdness. 
Yet, Nico’s plan seemed to work a little too well, for one of Fireboy’s friends had spotted you and put the puzzle pieces together. 
Lucky for Nico, the friend was not Will Solace, unluckily for Nico, Will was a nosy bitch, who worked at a café. Will slid Jason’s favorite drink towards him. 
 “Hey, Jason, can you do me a favor?” Will intensely stared at Jason, his hand still on the lid.
“I don’t know, can I?” Jason looked from the drink to Will, who nodded as he moved the drink a little closer. “Yes you can.” Will said as Jason picked up the drink and examined it closer. On the side of the drink, Will had scribbled ‘for the best dude I know’ with a very badly drawn sun on it. Jason didn’t like the prospect of the favor being bought out of him, but he wasn’t complaining. He could always feign forgetfulness and not do it. 
“I need you to figure out who the cryptid is. Name, address, age-” Will paused, “It sounds like stalking, but you have a class with them, so maybe you can talk to them?” 
“Oh, I know the cryptid. We did a project together once.” Jason squinted at Will, “Are you trying to get (Y/n) and Leo together?” “Pfft, what? It’s not that obvious, is it?” Will laughed curtly, before going back to being serious, “Their name is (Y/n)?” “You didn’t know their name?” Jason sighed, “Of course not- either way, Leo’s obsessed with the cryptid simply being a cryptid.” 
“Good, all according to plan!” Will smiled, “I need you to approach (Y/n)’s friend and ask whether the cryptid is interested in Leo at all.” Will shrugged, “Not sure if the magic is working from that side.” 
“You mean Nico?” Jason asked
“The cute black-haired boy?” Will asked. “No.” Jason said, “I will not ask your crush whether he likes you.” 
“He’s not my crush,” Will shook his head, “He just keeps intervening with my plans for Leo and (Y/n)!”
“I suggest you just talk to him yourself, Will.” but as Jason suggested the normal thing to do, Will shook his head again. 
“Pretty please?” Will looked at Jason as he lifted his hand, clearly indicating that he would push the drink off the table if Jason did not agree. Jason shook his head as he gave in. Will did make his favorite after all, and perhaps he could befriend Nico on the way. He would probably be a little less weird than his current friends- 
“How do you know Nico’s name anyways?” Will asked after a moment. 
“He and Frank play Mythomagic together sometimes,” Jason looked at Will, “You sure you don’t want me to find out whether he likes you?” 
“No” Will blushed, “Not until Leo and (Y/n) are together! Then I can focus on myself. Who’s Frank anyways?” 
“Dating Nico’s half-sister,” Jason explained as Will seemed relieved, “Not that you would care, as you don’t have a crush” Jason laughed, while Will glared at him. ───────────
It took a bit for Jason to find Nico, but he eventually got word from Frank that Nico would be at their usual place for Mythomagic. When Jason got there, Frank hadn’t yet arrived, but Nico was going through his deck. Jason felt relieved that (Y/n) didn’t seem to be anywhere near. 
Jason sat down opposite of Nico and cleared his throat. Nico looked up from his deck.
“You’re Jason Grace, right?” Nico asked, “You finally got a deck?”
“Not yet, maybe you can help me though.” Jason looked at Nico, whose poker face was all too good. He could not make out what Nico was thinking, so he simply continued, “I have a friend who’s interested in you and was just wondering if-” “Not the Fireboy, right?” Nico interrupted him. “What?” Jason took a moment, “Who?
“Small, curly hair, petted cats with my friend yesterday,” Nico sounded a bit disappointed in his next sentence, “you know, ‘Fireboy’, as my friend will not give me his name.” 
“Oh! No, not the cryptozoologist. Any reason why you’re asking?” “For said friend, mostly. Would be disappointing if Fireboy fell for my charms while my friend swooned for him. Anyways, cryptozoologist?” Nico asked and Jason grinned.
“He thinks your friend is Mothman.” Jason elaborated, and Nico nodded. “He’s not wrong.” 
“Sure, anyway, you’re single then? Not interested in the cryptozoologist yourself?” “Pft, I’m not that pathetic.” Nico laughed, “Why are you interested?” “Asking for a friend.” “Toucheé” Nico shrugged, still taking the boy before him in. He had never really spoken with Jason before, but he seemed friendly enough, and if there was something he needed, it was more friends (especially if you were to ever start dating the cryptozoologist, who would entertain him then?). Besides, perhaps he could actually get Jason involved with Frank and his Mythomagic games. They needed more players, desperately. 
“Either way, the cryptozoologist is going to the library later today–” 
“Why tell me?” “No reason.” 
“Well, so are (Y/n) and I, we’re studying together today.” Nico answered shortly, “Look, Jason, great conversation we’re having, but I only engaged in it because I thought you were going to get into Mythomagic.” 
“Oh!” Jason hesitated, looking at the cards, “I mean I would love to, I just really do not know where to start.” 
“I have an extra deck,” Nico started going through his bag, “I can explain the basics in a duel now, and then you can try it against Frank when he shows up. I think Frank also has a more beginner-friendly deck with him- so you won’t be annihilated too quickly.” 
“Uh-” Jason was not prepared for Nico to start talking so fast, or so much.
“Of course, you’ll eventually have to find a deck structure you like,” Nico kept going, “or invest in something more competitive, but just for getting the hang of the game this should be enough.” Nico laid out some cards and grabbed a few figurines, “let’s start with the kind of cards that you can encounter, before going to the phases of your turn.” 
“Firstly! On a different topic, would you know if (Y/n) (L/n) is interested in Leo?” “No” Nico glared at Jason, he didn’t know this Leo kid but you only had one crush and that was your little cryptozoologist. Jason, in the short span of their conversation, blown away by the sudden development of Nico’s talkativeness,  had forgotten that Nico mentioned he didn’t know Leo’s name (or maybe, he simply figured that Nico was joking. Nico could joke, right?). “Okay,” Jason seemed disappointed, “Alright, let’s get into this game” Nico started enjoying the conversation a lot more after that. 
After a few hours and some intense Mythomagic games (Jason won once with Frank’s beginner deck! Nico seemed proud), Jason encountered Will on his break, drinking tea.
Jason leaned down, next to Will’s ear. 
“So the good news is, Nico is single.” Jason told Will, who spit out his drink and then quickly turned his head. “Why did you ask him that? I gave you a simple-” “I can see the way you eye him.” Jason cut Will off, “Also, be quiet, or do you want people to approach you on your break?” Will grumbled a little before continuing. “It’s because he keeps messing up my plans!” Will watched his tone, “I eye him in disdain, not longing.” “Yes, I see the romantic tension is to die for.” Jason feigned drama as he moved on, “The bad news is, I’m not sure whether (Y/n) is interested.”
“That’s a lie.” Will looked Jason in the eye, “Ask (Y/n). For me?” “I’m not a messenger.” “I will get you more staples.” “I will be a messenger.” Jason agreed, “You better get the staples, because I asked them this morning-” Will looked at him in surprise.
“I only asked you to check at lunch?” Will raised an eyebrow, “You knew already and kept me waiting?” 
“I didn’t know whether Nico liked you, buddy.” Jason shrugged, “(Y/n) seemed like they’re interested, but Nico gave a definitive ‘no’ when asked. Maybe he doesn’t agree with the pairing, maybe (Y/n) simply got flustered at the thought of someone liking them. Who knows?” 
“You’re supposed to find out!” Will exclaimed, “I’m not sure whether this information is worth the staples.”
“Well, perhaps if you would talk to Nico you would ‘find out’ that you have a lot in common!” Jason bit back. 
“I don’t think I can, Jason.” Will quickly took another sip from his tea, definitely not out of nervousness.
“He’s going to the library today with (Y/n)- and Leo is too. Who knows what he will be planning?” Jason offered, “He might try to put Leo in a bad light, I don’t know.” Will glared at Jason. 
“And what am I supposed to do? Be a distraction?” 
Sadly, Will needed to make sure that Nico didn’t intervene with your study date. He needed to talk to Nico, and he needed to get back to work as his break was over. He only had two hours left- hopefully he would be at the library in time. 
“We should study in the library today.” Nico said, as if he didn’t overhear Fireboy complaining about wanting to do that. 
But right as he was about to walk into the library, the blonde barista was in his way. 
“Nico di Angelo, we need to talk.” “How do you know my name?” 
“I’ve been trying to get Leo to date someone for weeks now!” 
“I don’t know this Leo guy, but I was matching (Y/n),  and if it wasn’t for your meddling it would have worked!” 
“Well if it wasn’t for you, (Y/n) would already be dating someone. Leo, for example.” “I don’t care about your plan, just leave them alone!” Nico scoffed, “You need to understand that (Y/n) only has the hots for that weird cryptozoology guy anyways.” Will glare dropped, and after a moment, he started laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” Nico was filled with confusion, but Will just kept laughing. Nico realized he kind of liked this laughter from his opposition, especially as Will's face got a little red in the process. Could he make Will blush like that too? Before more thoughts could develop, Nico half-heartedly hit Will on his head, “Answer me.” Will looked at Nico, realizing that Nico’s pout was pretty cute. 
“Leo is the cryptozoologist.” 
“Oh, oh.” 
From here on out they needed a plan, together. 
Luckily things were already moving in the right way, because during the time  Will and Nico talked, Leo and you had interacted. Not a conversation, of course not, but an interaction nonetheless. 
“You’re late.” You stated as Nico sat down in front of you. “So?” Nico shrugged, “Mythomagic took a little longer than planned as we got Jason to join.” 
“Grace?” You asked, and Nico huffed. “Clearly, I meant Todd.” He stated “I fucking wish,” You sighed, “Either way, Fireboy just took a picture of me.” 
“Seems like me being late is the least of your issues.” Nico opened one of his textbooks, “Maybe you should just talk to Fireboy, or I don’t know, leave a note written in code and see if he figures it out.” 
“I won’t, what do you care anyways?” you sighed again, as you looked at Nico. “I care about getting a good grade on the next exam, which I will not get with your fireboy-complaining,” Nico glared at you. 
“If you played less Mythomagic and Hades you wouldn’t be complaining about my complaining,” You stated and Nico rolled his eyes. “We’ll see- maybe you’ll run into Leo again soon.” Nico focused on his books, and you figured he didn’t want to continue the conversation. You also figured that Nico finally found out who Fireboy was- but you didn’t know how. Maybe it was an accident, or maybe it was the blonde barista you’d spotted talking to Nico through the windows just now. They would look cute together. 
Nico had invited you for a double date. You found the date alright- but Nico was nowhere near, nor was his apparent date.
You wondered why Nico had stood you up. He was normally really punctual, but somehow he was not in front of the café, and after a bit he messaged you, asking you to just go in and sit somewhere. It was as if you were out of luck- every table was taken, and there were not a lot of free chairs. You figured you could get a coffee to go if nothing else, so you made your order with the blonde barista, who was smiling brightly. He pointed you to the only empty chair in the cafe, where your boyfriend sat. 
“Will recommended I visit the cafe today, and get an employee discount on the drink.” “Nico stood me up on a ‘double date’.” You smiled, as you tried to spot the blonde in the cafe, “Did Will just leave?” “He didn’t actually have a shift today,” Leo laughed, “I checked with his coworkers, it’s wild what they do to get us together.” 
“When do you think they’ll figure out we’re already dating?” You asked, as you purposefully kept your awkward distance from Leo. “At the marriage ceremony, most likely.” Leo laughed. “Ours or theirs?” You asked, as you joined his laughter. 
“Whichever is first…” 
From across the street, Nico and Will shared a fist-bump as they noticed the awkward banter between the two of you. “Well, job well done,” Will sighed, “I guess it’s time for our date!” “Our what,” Nico blabbered, as Will simply smiled and grabbed his hand.
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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bringingglory · 3 years
Hey bestie, for the fanfic ask thing I’ve got these for you: 🖊 (if you don’t have a snippet then just like describe a scene you’re excited for, and you know which fic I’m asking about lol) ✨ 🍰
aldkjfhasdf hey bestie, my love, my light, asjdfhlaskdjf thank u in so much for this ask <333
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
okay first of all, this whole scene feels so embarrassing bc its SO SAPPY. like, i would have posted a more comedic scene, but all the funny college crack shenanigan scenes are very unpolished rn so uhhhhh have gross sappy corny scene instead alkdjsfhasdlk while this scene is slightly less unpolished than my other scenes, it is still subject to change bc, yknow, rough drafts
Hajime spun around to see Tooru sprinting towards him from the baggage claim.
A breathless laugh bubbled out of his chest. “Oika—”
Tooru dropped his luggage handle and threw his arms around Hajime’s neck.
Hajime let out an oof before he caught Tooru and wrapped him in a hug.
“Iwa-chan,” he breathed. “I’m in California!”
“Yeah, you are,” laughed Hajime. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
The smell of Tooru was overwhelming. He smelled like the stale recycled airplane air that came from a fourteen hour flight, but he thought he could smell the beach sand on him. Tooru was tanner than when Hajime had last seen him, and he could see the faintest freckles dotting the back of his neck, and even though his hair had turned a lighter brown from the sun, his shampoo still smelled the same.
Standing in the middle of the airport pressed chest to chest with Tooru was addicting, but Hajime was afraid that if he didn’t pull away soon, he wouldn’t pull away ever. But when he tried to take a step back, Tooru tightened his arms.
Hajime froze. “Uh, Oikawa—”
“Be nice to me,” Tooru mumbled into his neck. “I missed you.”
Ohhh, this was so bad for his heart.
He hesitated for a moment before tightening his arms again. “I missed you, too.”
He could feel Tooru’s smile spreading across the skin of his neck and his heart stumbled in his chest. Hajime let them stay like that for another second before he pulled away.
“Okay, let me go now,” he said. “We should stop blocking the way.”
“Fiiiine.” Tooru pulled away with a dramatic sigh.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
sdfhalskdjfa feels weird saying positive things about urself bc im terrified of sounding arrogant but uhhhh alkdjfhaldskfdsalfjsdflkjhdalksjfhalksjdfhlkads okay
1. comedic - or at least i try really hard to be. i really try to put humor in a lot of my fics bc i don't want to make stuff *too* serious or dramatic, plus i think having light-hearted moments makes the serious moments hit a little harder. or at least i hope they do akljdsfhlaksd
2. conversational - idk if this is a good adjective? but it's a thing that i kind of strive to make my prose to be. like, ever since i read the wings of fire series in 7th grade, i've noticed that the prose itself is conversational or it has a v specific voice (i dont mean like character voice, but that counts too) and i really liked that so even though i write p much exclusively in 3rd person, i always try to make the prose a bit conversational, if that makes sense (not that 3rd person is commonly voiceless, but like u tend to get more voice in 1st person stuff). god i hope i dont sound like an asshole aldkjfhasdkl
3. poetic - this is a VERY recent thing and also my writing isn't always poetic, BUT every since that One Summer Day last august where i decided to learn how to write poetry, i have learned to write more poetically and sometimes it shows in my writing via the convoluted metaphors i come up with alkdjfhasd. ofc my writing isn't always poetic, so im just saying that this is v much a sometimes thing. and uhhhhh, i also literally cant come up with any other adjectives lol
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
so this is a super cute solangelo fic and who doesnt love solangelo BUT the part of this fic that makes it a comfort fic for me is all of the FRIENDSHIP and the HUMOR.
so a quick summary of this fic is that nico di angelo gets stuck in a time loop bc of aphrodite, and he can't get out of it until he figures out his "love troubles." she catches him when nico's trying to run away (he's running away bc will "rejected" him).
and so there's a lot of cute stuff about love and realizing people care about you and family and helping people and also it's just funny, like the scenes with hades and nico were p funny. it's overall just a fun romp and a light-hearted story and i just love it so. so much. i reread it when i feel sadboyhours or something bc i genuinely just love the friendship and everything about it.
once again, eye of my apple, life of my light, thank u so much for the ask bestie <333
ask game
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buoyantsaturn · 5 years
I��ll Be There For You (1/1)
summary: remember that one part in FRIENDS where ross gets married and monica sleeps with chandler because she's lonely, and then they do a really bad job of keeping their relationship a secret? that's this fic, except it's solangelo
word count: 4,386
read on ao3
Leo was getting married - how, you might ask? Nico couldn’t tell you. He’d known Calypso for no more than three months, two of which were spent on planning the wedding, and now they were all on some island in Greece for the rehearsal dinner. He was trying to pace himself with the alcohol - because he knew that he would want to get hammered after that disaster of a wedding tomorrow - but after half an hour of sitting at a table with Jason and a handful of Calypso’s family members and listening to them arguing, Nico had to excuse himself to get a drink.
He went to the bar and poured himself a glass of wine, then scanned the room for someone else he could talk to - luckily for him, most of Calypso’s family only spoke Greek, so even if they tried to talk to Nico, they couldn’t hold a conversation. He found Reyna and Piper at one table, deep in conversation, then saw Leo across the room surrounded by a group of older women - probably Calypso’s aunts and grandmothers, and Nico was not about to jump into that.
He frowned when he realized that he didn’t see Will, and so he started walking around the room with his glass of wine in the hopes that he would find Will sooner or later. He kept his eyes on the tables, assuming that Will was just hidden behind someone else due to the angle Nico had been at, though doing so almost made him trip when he suddenly found someone sitting on the ground against the wall.
“Will,” Nico said, brow furrowing. “What are you doing?”
Will wrapped his hand around the neck of a champagne bottle and held it up for Nico to see. “Drinking.”
That couldn’t be good. Nico sat beside him and took the bottle from him, glad to notice that the bottle still felt full, and set it out of Will’s reach. “Why?”
Will dropped his head onto Nico’s shoulder with a heavy sigh. “It’s nothing.”
Nico poked him in the cheek. “Tell me what’s wrong, Will.”
Will grabbed his hand to keep him from poking him again, though when their hands dropped to their laps, Will still didn’t let go. “How come Leo was the first to get married?” he muttered, then groaned and turned to hide his face in Nico’s shoulder. “Oh no, that was really mean. I think I’m a little bit drunk right now, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Nico told him and squeezed Will’s hand. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“It’s just… When am I gonna find someone? Why can’t I ever find someone who wants to be with me for more than a few months?”
Nico felt his heart breaking at the absolutely defeated sound of Will’s voice. “I’m sure you’ll find the right girl soon.”
Will seemed to hesitate before he said, “What if I shouldn’t be looking for a girl?”
His heart skipped a beat. “Are you telling me you’re gay now?” Nico asked, hoping his tone was more joking and less hopeful.
Will’s head shook gently against his shoulder. “No, not gay. Bi, maybe, or pan. I dunno, I haven’t even dated a guy since college because it’s always been easier to just date girls. Like, I never know which guys to look for, or how to tell if they’re even into me, and...but you already know that much.” He sighed again. “Maybe it’s time I give up on girls.” Will tipped his head up to look at Nico at the same moment that Nico turned to do the same, and their eyes met. “Could you help me find guys? Like, be my wingman or something?”
Why couldn’t Will have told him this five years ago, when he first moved in across the hall and made Nico fall in love with him? He really hoped that Will couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
Nico cleared his throat and pulled his gaze away from Will’s, looking instead at the slowly-shrinking crowd of people in the room with him. He took a sip from his glass of wine as his eyes scanned the room. “Well, right now, I see three guys who probably aren’t straight, but probably don’t speak English, either. I also don’t really know your type, and I kind of need to know that to help you find a guy.” He hesitated before speaking again, though his noticed that the hand holding his wine glass had started to shake with nerves, so he set that on the ground and kept his eyes locked on it as he said, “However, I know for a fact that there is one guy here that doesspeak English, is definitely gay, and is really into you.”
Will’s head flew off Nico’s shoulder as he started looking around frantically, his hand squeezing Nico’s as he said, “Who? Where?”
Will looked at him with eyes the size of dinner plates, his jaw hanging open. After a few moments of staring, Will said, “Uh, do you want to...not be here anymore? Let’s go somewhere else.” In a second, he was on his feet, pulling at Nico’s hand until he followed him up - but not before he grabbed the champagne - and led Nico out into the hallway where it was much quieter and lacked the prying eyes of their friends.
Will finally dropped Nico’s hand, though he grabbed Nico’s face with both of his hands instead. In that second, with the smell of alcohol on the breath that puffed against Nico’s cheeks, he realized that Will was much more drunk than he’d let on. “Tell me you like me,” Will whispered, staring into Nico’s eyes and holding his face millimeters from his own.
“I like you.”
Will dropped his forehead against Nico’s. “Tell me you’re not lying.”
“I’m not lying.”
Will pressed his lips to Nico’s, and pulled back a moment later, just far enough that he could speak without really moving away. “Promise me this will still be real in the morning.”
Nico twisted the fingers of one hand into the fabric of Will’s shirt, keeping him close. “God, I hope so.”
When Will woke up in his hotel room, he didn’t remember how he got there. He recognized the head of dark brown hair beside him as Nico, but it did not immediately register that something had to have happened between them to lead to Will waking up beside his best friend. When it didregister, Will shot up so fast that he nearly fell out of the bed, then panicked and crawled back under the covers when he realized he was naked.
Nico rolled over, eyes cracking open as he propped himself up on an elbow, and the blankets dropped away to reveal his bare chest - and the final dots connected in Will’s head. “Will?” Nico asked sleepily. “Are you okay?”
“What happened last night?” he demanded, hoping he didn’t sound as panicked as he felt. His heart nearly broke at the way that Nico’s expression dropped, and a realization hit him in that moment that Nico’s heart probably had broken.
“You...don’t remember?” Nico whispered. “No, there’s no way you were that drunk, you have to remember, please!”
Will sat up and gathered the blankets to cover as much of himself as possible while trying his best not to accidentally reveal anything below Nico’s waist. “I mean… We slept together, I know that, but… Nico. You’re my best friend! People don’t sleep with their best friend!”
“So you don’t actually want to be with me?” Nico asked, and Will thought he might’ve seen the beginning of tears in his eyes. “You made me promise that this would still be real in the morning, and now you’re going back on your promise?”
“I don’t know!” Will exclaimed. “I don’t know how I feel, it’s like it was all a dream! Like… Like I was sleepwalking last night, like it was me, but it wasn’t me, you know?”
“No, Will, I have no idea what you’re trying to say!” Nico flopped back onto the bed and ground his palms into his eyes. “If you want me to leave, just say so. If you want to forget about all of this, or if you never want to see me again--”
“Woah, what?” Will pulled Nico’s hands from his face and forced him to look up at him. “Did you not just hear me? You’re my best friend, I’m not about to cut you out of my life! I just don’t want to complicate things because we’re sleeping together.”
“We already did it, Will, it’s not like you can just take it back!”
“I know that! But what about when we go home? Do we go back to the way things were, or are we suddenly, like...together?”
“Why don’t we just play it by ear?”
Will flopped onto his back beside Nico with a groan. “I think… I think what happens in Greece stays in Greece, you know?” Even as he said the words, Will felt like he was arguing with himself. Why couldn’t they play it by ear? Why couldn’t they just be together when they so clearly liked each other? Okay, maybe Will had never allowed himself to even think about liking Nico before, but this was no way to start a relationship, right? They’d be back in New York in a few days, so if Will really wanted to try things with Nico, then he could try it at home.
“Oh. Okay, fine.” Nico stared up at the ceiling, his expression forcefully blank, and Will hated that he was the cause of that look.
“I’m sorry--”
“No, I get it,” Nico said, then sighed, his eyes closing.
A moment later, his eyes opened again, his gaze still painfully neutral as he tipped his head to look at Will, and he said, “So… While we’re still in Greece…”
Will pressed him into the mattress with a nearly-bruising kiss.
Leo’s wedding fell apart, just as Nico had expected, though it happened quicker than anyone could have imagined. Somewhere between the end of the ceremony and the start of the reception, the couple had broken up, meaning that Leo arrived to the reception alone and had to announce the end of his marriage.
The next morning, the group of friends - sans Leo - boarded a plane back to New York, while Leo had to remain in Greece for another five days to celebrate his honeymoon on his own. Somehow, Will had managed to convince Jason to swap seats with him - which really wasn’t that hard, since they all knew that Jason had had a crush on Piper since day one - and so for the next twelve hours, Nico and Will sat next to each other.
They hooked up in the bathroom, defying their “only in Greece” rule because everyone knew that the rules didn’t apply over international waters, and promised each other that that would be the last time.
When they finally returned home, Reyna said her goodbyes to the group on the sidewalk before heading into her building across the street from the rest of them, and Will and Piper parted ways with Jason and Nico in the hallway between their two apartments. While Jason immediately went to his room to take a nap, Nico got to work unpacking his suitcase, and prepared a load of laundry. When he went to open his front door so that he could head down to the laundry room, he found Will on the other side, his hand raised as if to knock.
“Uh, hi.” Will said, lowering his hand awkwardly and scratching at the back of his neck instead. “I was just, uh…” He sighed, and dropped his hand completely. “Does it count if I’m still on Greece time?”
After they slept together for the - fourth? Fifth? - time since the rehearsal dinner, Nico and Will laid back on Nico’s bed. Will rubbed at his face with a groan, then dropped his hands down onto the bed. He turned to Nico when he said, “I don’t think my whole what happens in Greece plan is going to work very well.”
Nico rolled onto his side and gave Will a blank stare. “I did try to tell you.”
“I know,” Will said, resting a hand on Nico’s cheek and leaning in for a quick kiss. “I’ll listen to you from now on, I promise.”
“I don’t know that I trust your promises anymore,” Nico shot back as he narrowed his eyes. “But… Does that mean we’re dropping the only in Greece rule?”
“Do you want to?”
Nico shoved at Will’s chest. “Of course I do, you idiot, I didn’t want that rule in the first place!”
“Ow, hey!” Will rubbed at his chest. “Is this what I’m getting myself into? Is this going to be an abusive relationship?”
“Of course not, stupid, shut up.” Nico grabbed Will’s face and pulled him close for a kiss, slowly licking his way into Will’s mouth as his hands traveled into Will’s hair, and Will’s arms wrapped around Nico’s back to hold him against him.
Will broke the kiss and stroked a hand up and down Nico’s back. “So, if we’re dropping the only in Greece rule, then that means we can be together here and now. And if we’re going to be together, then do you think we should tell the others?”
Nico scrunched up his nose, and immediately Will darted forward to kiss the wrinkled skin. “What was that for?”
Will grinned. “You looked cute.”
“Shut up,” Nico laughed, and tugged at the hair on Will’s head. Will rolled himself on top of Nico and blew a raspberry into the crook of his neck, causing Nico to shriek and try to shove Will away. “Get off of me!” After he did manage to push Will away, it took a few moments for his laughter to finally subside, until he was laying beside Will in the quiet room, sharing soft gazes as Nico’s fingers continued brushing through Will’s hair and Will’s hand started up and down his back once again. “What if we tell the others, and it ruins this?” he whispered, his gentle smile fading away. “What if we...hold off on saying anything for a little while. We can go out a few times and make sure this is what we really want before anyone else has to know.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Will told him, and leaned in for another kiss.
From somewhere else in the apartment, Nico heard a door close, then Jason’s voice called out, “Hey, Neeks, what’s this laundry basket doing on the floor?”
“Oh, shit,” Nico whispered, and jumped out of bed. He found his discarded boxers on the ground and pulled them on as he heard Jason knocking on his door, and shouted, “Hang on a second!” He spun around and yanked the bedsheets over Will’s head as if that would hide him. He rushed to the door next and cracked it open just far enough to stick his head out. “What?”
“Dude, have you been sleeping this whole time?” Jason asked. “Look, I’m tired too, but sleeping for so long is just going to make your jetlag worse.”
“Did you need something, or are you just here to pester me?”
“Yeah, you left a full laundry basket just laying in the middle of the floor, I almost killed myself on the way to the bathroom.”
Nico rolled his eyes. “Don’t be dramatic, you’re fine.”
“I know I am, but do something with it before somebody else comes over and trips over it,” Jason told him.
“I’ll do it in a minute,” Nico said, and started to shut the door, though Jason stopped it with his hand.
“Hang on a second,” Jason said, and stepped closer, narrowing his eyes as he looked over Nico’s face, then down to his neck and chest. “Are those hickeys?”
“What? No, what the hell?”
Jason grinned. “Dude, did you get some in Greece?”
“Don’t say get some,” Nico said defensively.
“Would you be getting some right now if I weren’t here?” Jason pressed against the door to open it further, and no matter how hard Nico tried, he couldn’t keep the door shut.
“Jason, don’t you dare--”
“Is it someone I know?” Jason teased as he finally pushed the door open far enough that he could peek inside...and see Will out of bed, shirtless and tugging up his pants, freezing solid when he noticed Jason’s gaze on him. “Oh shit.”
As Jason backed out of the doorway, he tried to shut the door, though Nico stopped him and followed after him. “Jason--”
“Was that Will?”
“Please forget you ever saw anything,” Nico said, “and get out.”
“But...I live here.”
“I don’t care! Go hang out with Piper or something!” Without waiting for another argument, Nico ran back into his room, shutting the door behind himself and leaning back against it. To Will, he said, “So, uh. Jason knows.”
Will tugged his shirt on over his head. “Did you ask him not to tell anybody?”
“Oh, uh--” He spun around and ripped the door open again, calling out, “Jason! Don’t you dare say a word to anybody about this, or I’ll kill you!” Nico stepped back into his room, shutting the door, and said, “I think we’re safe.”
Surprisingly enough, after Jason’s immediate discovery of their relationship, Nico and Will managed to sneak around for the next two weeks - though they probably couldn’t have done so without Jason covering for them whenever they went out together. It was only once they’d gotten to comfortable and too careless that they ended up being caught again.
They were in Will and Piper’s apartment this time, making out on the couch. Will was laying back on the cushions with Nico straddling his lap, kissing and sucking at biting at Will’s neck while Will’s hands traveled underneath Nico’s clothes. Neither of them heard the key turning in the lock, nor the front door opening.
Only when Piper screamed, “Oh my god!” did Nico finally pull back, and Will raised his hands as if to say I wasn’t doing anything!
“Piper! You weren’t supposed to be home yet!” Will exclaimed, sitting up and practically lifting Nico off of his lap so that he could stand. “Uh, this isn’t what it looks like?”
Piper scoffed. “It looked like you had your hand down Nico’s pants! How is that not what was happening?”
“It was a trick of the light,” Nico replied in complete seriousness.
Piper crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the two of them. “How long have you two been together without telling me?”
“Together?” Will laughed awkwardly. “What? I don’t know what you mean, we’re not--”
“Since Greece,” Nico cut in, tipping forward and burying his face in his hands.
“Since Greece?” Piper shrieked.
“Shut up!” Will hissed. “Leo’s across the hall, we can’t let him know that we were hooking up at his wedding!”
“You did what?”
Leo had gotten back from Greece a week after the rest of his friends, and was still so lost in heartbreak that he needed constant consoling from his best friends - but Piper was busy. Leo let himself into Nico and Jason’s apartment, ready to throw himself into Jason’s arms and weep and whine for an hour before Jason finally kicked him out to sleep. However, instead of the usually bright and lively apartment, Leo walked into a dark room, the only light coming from whatever movie was playing on TV, and the only voices talking in hushed whispers.
That is, until he heard Nico shout, “William Andrew Solace, I’m trying to watch this movie!” followed by peels of laughter as Leo saw the vague shapes of who must be Nico and Will tip over on the couch. As Leo walked further into the apartment, the laughter stopped, replaced by hums and other sounds of...no, they couldn’t be--
Leo came up to the edge of the couch - and since it was dark, he couldn’t be certain of what he was seeing, but his mind didn’t normally play these kinds of tricks on him - and he saw Will and Nico... kissing.
He ran straight for Jason’s room, not even knocking before bursting through the door. “Jason!” he hissed. “Will and Nico are out there...and they’re kissing! Right out there in the open, where you could just walk it at any time!”
“I know, Leo, which is why I’m in here and not out there,” Jason replied from where he was lounging on his bed. “Nobody wants to see that.”
“What do you mean, you know?”
“Dude, calm down,” Jason told him, sitting up and setting his phone aside. “They’re dating, but they’re not telling anyone, okay? I found out by accident, and so did Piper.”
“Piper knows too?”
Jason rolled his eyes and hopped out of bed, heading toward the door and nudging Leo aside so that he could open the door. He peeked out cautiously, just in case things had escalated in the living room, though once he deemed it safe, Jason said, “Hey, Nico, Will. Leo knows now.”
“What the hell, Jason? Did you tell him?” Nico asked.
“No, you idiot, he walked right past you two minutes ago.”
“Oh.” Nico turned his attention back to Will who was hovering over him, and poked him in the chest. “That’s your fault.”
“How is it my fault?” Will argued.
“I was just trying to watch a movie! It’s you that couldn’t keep your hands off of me.”
“It’s your fault for being so tempting--”
“Alright, please stop,” Jason cut in, rubbing at his eyes, before a realization struck him. “Wait, if we all know, then you might as well tell Reyna, too. It’s pointless to keep her out of the loop when the rest of us know.”
Will glanced down at Nico - and finally moved off of him, as if just noticing the compromising position they were in - and said, “Uh, I would actually rather we not tell Reyna just yet.”
“Yeah,” Nico agreed. “She’s scared off some of my boyfriends in the past, I don’t need her to threaten Will’s life, too.”
Will smiled at Nico so bright that it could’ve lit up the room. “Aw, I think that’s the first time you’ve called me your boyfriend.”
Nico shoved at him, and if Will’s smile had lit up the room, then his friends would have seen the blush rising on his cheeks. “Shut up.”
Reyna had moved into an open apartment directly across the street from Nico and Jason’s apartment about six months ago. It was nice to be so close to the rest of her friends, and she liked being able to look across the street to see whether anyone was home rather than waiting for someone to text her back.
There were other times that weren’t so great, though - like the rare occasion that she brought a date home and her phone immediately started blowing up with group texts because they’d seen her through the window. Or even worse, having to see the people that Jason or - more often - Nico brought over for the night. She always happened to look over at the worst possible moment whenever that happened. At least she had curtains, unlike Nico and Jason, those monsters.
There was one night, maybe a month after Leo’s failed wedding, where Reyna was relaxing on the couch in her apartment and just so happened to look across the way to see Nico standing by his window. Her curiosity got the best of her, and so she watched as Will appeared in her line of sight and stepped up behind Nico, wrapping his arms around his waist. Reyna narrowed her eyes as Will tucked his face against Nico’s neck and seemed to be...kissing him? No, that couldn’t be right.
Then Will’s hand slipped down the front of Nico’s pants, and Reyna shouted, “Oh hell no!”
She leapt off the couch and ran out the door, across the street and up to Nico’s apartment in record speed, trying to throw the door open once she got there, though it only opened a crack due to the locked chain.
“William Andrew Solace get your hands off of him!” she growled, and heard a long string of curses from inside the apartment.
Behind her, Piper’s door opened to reveal Jason, Leo, and Piper herself, likely all coming to check on the commotion. From inside, Reyna saw Nico rushing toward the door and coaxing her back a step so that he could undo the chain. In a second, she burst through the door, not even slowed down by Nico trying to hold her back - his socks just slid right across the wood floor.
When Reyna’s eyes landed on Will, he was as pale as a sheet, eyes darting frantically from side to side as if searching for an escape. As Reyna continued forward, she finally pushed Nico aside, and Will scrambled backwards, eventually tripping and falling onto his back on the ground.
“If you ever lay a hand on him again, Solace,” Reyna threatened, “you won’t live to see another day.”
“I didn’t--” Will stuttered, “I would never--”
Nico jumped in between them, arms out and presenting himself as a human shield for Will as he announced, “Reyna, stop! I love him!”
Time seemed to stop. All of Reyna’s anger and protective instincts melted away in that second. She watched as Nico’s eyes widened, like he hadn’t realized what he’d said until that moment.
Over Reyna’s shoulder, Nico could see the rest of his friends in shock, trying not to laugh, and somewhere in between. Behind him, Will slowly rose to his feet - still cautious in case Reyna had another quick change of mind - and grabbed one of Nico’s hands to spin him around.
“You...what?” Will whispered.
“I…” Nico hesitated. “Uh, I mean, I--”
Will cupped Nico’s face in his hands and dropped his forehead against Nico’s, whispering, “I love you too.”
Nico took hold of the front of Will’s shirt, pulling him the rest of the way down to kiss him, and from somewhere behind him, he heard a wolf whistle.
thanks for reading!!!
buy me a coffee
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hahahafangirl · 6 years
To My Muse (Solangelo!AU)
Hi everyone it seems like I’m on team Solangelo now. To My Muse
Pairing: Solangelo (Nico di Angelo/Will Solace)
Rating: K+
Summary: At this point, all Nico di Angelo wants to do is to finish the draft of his final book. Also at this point, all Will Solace wants to do is works through the summer to stay alive. Perhaps there are many things else that they also need, but they aren’t aware of them, yet. Okay, maybe they just need to do it step-by-step, and thus that first step is at The Flying Ship. To @fangirlingatthreeam, whose prompt inspire me greatly to start writing again (lol) ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Maybe it’s time to get out of your room.
Nico di Angelo was not amused. At all.
His mornin-- afternoon. Yes, afternoon, started at precisely 5:30pm by the immense sunlight pierced through his window; which, was properly shielded by his thick, charcoal-colored curtain, promptly designed and positioned so that this particular, specific, discrete, exact, distinct situation could be avoided. Impossible. Absurd. Insurmountable. Irreparable. Futile. Impervious. Out-of-question.
Gods, if only his bursted brain cascaded this much vocabulary in the last week, then this blasted situation would have been avoided.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The exact cause of Nico's sudden awakening from his beauty slumber, beside the fervently scorching Californian sun, was Jason Grace - his saving grace, most of the time, but currently, his greatest curse - enthusiastically threw out his arms and let the curtains flew over to two sides, deliberately letting the raging shines engulf the enchanting darkness of sleep in his one, single attempt to wake Nico up. Jason's answer, if he was ever be interrogated for his profound crime, would be "I ran out of shit to give." It doesn't matter that Nico had already slept for sixteen hours, gods, he haven't had a proper rest in the last seventy-two hours that lead to such state, but it was not the time to be awake yet. Time is an illusion, and the only clock Nico followed is his own heart.
And thus, Nico fought. Intensely, passionately, fiercely, for his liberty, his right to continue to fake his ineluctable death by simply closing his eyes for an immensely short period of time in a dark room.
"And what the fuck was that, Grace?!"
"The sun has risen, Nico, around twelve hours ago, and was about to finish his shift. I just want to make sure that you're not dead -- well, you have a book to finish afterall. By the way, Piper wants me to remind you that the next checkpoint is three weeks away from now."
"Well, yes, thank you for your tremendous, most genuine concern. I'm sure that Ms. McLean would not be pleased to find out that I died in your merciful care."
Oh, did Nico mentioned that he is a writer?
Yes, he is a writer. Yes, his series is a hit. And yes, Nico doesn't live with a roommate for sheer economical purposes, but for humanity's sanity over making sure that he is alive and shield the paparazzi's attempt to convince T*mblr and Tw*tter that Nico di Angelo, author of the successful "Dystopian 20.48" series, is indeed a vampire. Just,... no.
He spied, with his tiny crack of eye-openings due to the need to sleep, that his blond roommate just rolled his eyes. "I appreciate the... appreciation, Nico. But seriously, you need to stop this."
"Stop what? Sleeping? Working? Writing? Being an author? Breathing? Make yourself clear, Thunderboy."
"I swear to the gods, Nico, that thunder after my speech in eighth-grade was a coincidence-- and by 'stop this', I mean 'stop your dysfunctional sleeping schedule and fix it.'"
"How so, Grace? Didn't I just slept," Nico paused, turning his head slightly to look at the clock on his desk "through the evening?"
"I don't know, Nico, you are 23," Jason dramatically paused, massaging his temple "you ought to know how to take care of yourself by now."
"Don't bring ages in here, Mr. I'm-a-25-year-old-mother-hen-that-sleep-in-my-Superman-themed-bed."
"Nico, the point is, you can't just not working in a week and then just rushed yourself the next three days writing and not doing any, anything else." Jason flung his arms out, again, slightly forwarded his body and glance his blue eyes around the room, trying to make a point "I know you got writer block and sometime need to rush for deadlines, but Nico, take care of your health for once."
This is a speech that is too familiar to him, Nico silently thought, a variation of a multitude of scolding he received from this exact Jason Grace, started from seventh grade, when Nico started douse himself to the idea of writing books, to now, this very moment, and perhaps will continue for the rest of his ephemeral life. Nico knows he was being melodramatic, but whatever.
Still, he got what the older boy was trying to say, and kind of regretting his life choices. Surely he would not live, functionally, this long, without the saving grace that is the care of Jason. And even though Nico was pretty sure that this situation will happen again, at that moment, he almost promised to not project himself into this kind of working habit again. Jason seemed to pick up on it, too - Nico's penitent aura, that's it. He sighed, long and tired, like a mother just finished scolding her premature son for some misdemeanor he committed again and again despite her reasoning.
"Fine, just... get out of here, your room, the apartment, I mean. At least go to the new coffee shop right across the street and tell me how the drinks tasted like. I heard that they served pastries, too."
"Fine, Mom." Nico answered, sarcastically, and went to the bathroom door, right at the edge of his room that is connected to the one, single bathroom in the apartment. Bless the designer, for not making Nico to walk out of his room for his humanly need, or at for least giving him that illusion.
Afterward, Nico did just that. Walked to the coffee shop, laptop in his messenger bag -- at least he got outside and attempt to be productive, Jason cannot disapprove of that -- and calculate how much his conversational word-limit should be.
"Good afternoon, welcome to The Flying Ship, how can I help you today?"
Well, that was before how breathtaking he realized the barista was.
The first thing he registered through his eyes was the kid's blinding smile -- toothy, genuine, immersed in sunshine, charm and happiness -- then the curly mop of hay-colored hair hidden in his dark green cap. Hay-colored perhaps was not the best, nor the most accurate narration Nico ever made in his life. His hair was the color of hay, drenched in the lavish, divine golden hue of the sun -- just like how Nico captured the shade of the rice fields of that August he spent with his family, with the early afternoon fire dancing through the land, sneakily give kisses to his olived skin and the grains, along with the soothing warmth of Bianca's hand safely engulfed his palm. The safety and peace assured his yet to be tainted soul. His eyes, sky blue, Nico noted, were different. They sparkled through the fluorescent, blinding light of the shop, tranquil and limpid as the summer sky yet so passionate, as if the vast blue outside was actually a part of the orbs. They reminded Nico of no memory in particular, though sent him a feeling he longed to embrace - a specific kind of equanimity that even his words can't yet to described, a passion so distinct that no matter how much he tried to tune the color wheel again, the hue produced never, ever precisely transcribed that feeling.
The boy behind that counter was his blessing and curse at the same time, though this situation is different than Jason's case. Jason was with him long enough for his case to be practical, and the stranger in front of him only sent emotions and feelings. The boy was peace and passion, simultaneously. Yet, the brighter shade of his physique reminded Nico of calmness and the quieter shade reminded him of raging emotion.
Gods, had he already fallen for the boy that hard?
Nico realized, after finishing his dramatic depiction of the stranger, that he must looked like an idiot after standing still, eyes gorged on the sight of the worker right in broad daylight. He must flee now, Nico thought, about to chicken out another potential human interaction, before reminded himself of cakes and coffee.
It's not Jason's fault that the good coffee at home ran out, he reminded himself.
Robotically, Nico moved toward the counter, though leaving some space in between to signal his attempt to read the menu first before ordering. He hoped that the barista would not mention, or better yet, noticed, the awkward situation that was Nico di Angelo staring at his face several seconds ago. He settled for macchiato, and told the boy such:
"One expresso macchiato, please, with no sugar and a bit more cream."
"Yep, and may I please ask for your name?"
"Alright, 'Staring-doe-eyed-boy'"
"What?" Nico can felt his face becoming more of a tomato-hybrid, the summer heat become bit by bit tenser.
"Nothing, Nico-sir."
"Seriously, drop the 'sir', and what did you just call me again, before that?"
"Seriously, dude," the barista -- Will, his nametag said -- let out a small laugh "You can't just blatantly stare into anyone's face and expected them not to notice."
This time, Nico allowed his face to blush, full-force; no, more of that Nico can't stop the crimson to flood to his cheeks, red the shade of embarrassment and awkwardness.
"No problem, though," Will, the Golden Boy, had a wash of guilt over his freckled, tanned face "People gaze a lot once they stepped foot in here. It's not a typical shop, after all. Though I do appreciate you taking in my... visage, first of all things." Will smiled over the purposefully cringy French accent, the corner of his lips turned mischievous and playful "Is that all for you?"
Oh, yes, the order. He forgot "Can I get the blueberry mousse, too? And... one chocolate cake pop."
"No probs, Staring-Guy," the teasing smile was at it again "Your total would be $14.30."
"That's... quite nice, compare to most place these days." Nico noted, his eyebrows raised in an amusing surprise, and fished out the bills from his pocket
"Well, we tried our best." Will cheerily smiled, accepting the money and clicked a few more button on the cash register. His long, delicately shaped yet calloused and strong, carefully picked the change; then, with his unwavering smile, drop the coins to Nico's hand. "Your order should be finished by several minutes. Enjoy your time!"
Nico silently nod, though his facade cannot completely hide the steaming embarrassment left over from several minutes ago, nor the fact that Will's pure, blinding smile melted at least some frost in his lonely heart. They were probably just "customer service smile", Nico reminded himself, try to keep his heart from preaching to high to the sky, though the fact that he felt the need to control such feelings was enough to judge how... infatuated he was with the barista.
If Percy Jackson was here, he swore, that boy would have already made a "your type" joke, just for the sake of relieving the high school nostalgia.
With Will temporarily out of his sight (such unfortunate), Nico had his time to give The Flying Ship a complete, thorough look. The concept is not foreign, yet fairly new in this part of the world -- a book-themed coffee shop. The Flying Ship -- though at this point Nico would like to shorten it to 'the Ship', or 'the Boat' if he decided to be less nice -- the interior walls were painted by a faint, bright yellow, shining enough to pop-out the color of the shop, yet translucent and just light to ease the soul. Along the walls are flimsy notes drew by markers and ballpoint pen, as if the shop deliberately encourage clients to leave lovely words on their walls (though, some little shit will decided to sabotage the nice intention by carving some vulgarities, just like how we was in high school). Strangely enough, there were pure white clouds painted on the walls, as if the sky is truly in a pastel-yellow shade and the blue out there was just an illusion. Along the walls are bookcases -- at least ten of them, Nico estimated, each were brimful with covers and words. Half of those are teen and young adult novels, it seemed like, though there were a mysterious number of equally intriguing thick books, as if people are really about to read Les Miserables at a coffee shop. How did they got such tremendous amount of books, Nico doesn't know, yet soon after he spotted the poster near a bookcase: SELL YOUR OLD BOOKS AND RECEIVE COUPONS! written in bright neon sharpies and elaborately decorated, the arrow pointed to the register.
At that very moment, Will's beaming voice entered Nico's mind, not fake, overly sweet yet bear the candied taste of nectar (or what he imagined that taste would be). Will was calling his name, since apparently his order was completed. Nico was so lost in thought and his observation to judge how fast or slow the service was, but that's not really important. He quickly picked up the tray, tried to not make any awkward, unnecessary eye contact while also tried to balance said tray by his two hands; he was careful not to spill the coffee, and picked the elevated area of the shop. Said seating space looks quite cute and inviting, perhaps since it was foreign as well, and people tends to examine and taste the flavor of the exotics; especially if it was something as simple as a seating style, completely, reasonably within one's comfort zone. For all intents and purposes, they traveled and get thrilled in every small, strange and new aspect of life. That's being said, the table was very, very comfortable: the table is low, kotatsu-styled, in which one the only fluffy object between their butt and the floor is a cushion pad. It was adjacent to the glass wall, which was bestrewed here and there with cute, tiny doodles on the rainbow-colored rows of post-it notes. He could see the busy, hectic street outside yet completely removed from it; as if for once, one would enjoy only witnessing life through their safe glass boundary, completely invisible and out of touch with the frantic beat of life outside the glass. Two separate worlds; an audience beholding a manic yet melodious and graceful play. As if the intense heat from frictions outside was translated to warmth, filtered through the glass, and percolate into his heart; pure energy without the chaotic side effects. And that's why it seemed very, very comforting.
His choice of seating did not take into consideration that it was the place that enabled him to most conveniently seeing everything that Will does behind the counter. Not at all. If asked, it was because "I had a lot of stuff on my tray and don't want to risk it."
He also didn't bargained for the eloquently flowing river of words inside his head, nor the fact that his "writing" style has gotten quite sappy inside his brain. Not at all. If asked, he would answer that "Maybe Jason was right; getting out of my room was a good idea!"
He opened his laptop and began to write the next part of his story. He got an inspiration.
Two lovers, in an abyss of a dystopia; the make-up camping site, the quiet, atypical moment of freedom and a project of destruction. ----------------------------------
Hope y’all enjoy this mess lmao it had been a while since I stopped writing. Btw, the book that Nico is writing in this fic is currently parts of a series that I really, really wants to work on in the future, so I’m hoping that one day I could bring myself out to write it haha. If you reached this point, thank youuuu so much for reading this fic, and please support me so that I can be motivated to not dropping this fic off. <3 All criticisms are welcome, I would absolutely love it if y’all have any comment on anything about this fic.
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Our Songs - A Solangelo Fanfic
Summary: Alternate Universe. Will was a famous pop singer who has released an album, and some of the singles from that album topped the chart for a couple of weeks. Nico was an indie musician who played guitar and piano and he didn’t really care about what is happening in the entertainment industry. For him, it’s the music that mattered. Not who sang it. One night, probably the stars up above were aligned, or simply it was just fate, but they met.
(Rating: Teenage and Up Audiences || read on AO3)
CHAPTER 4: "The Song and the Singing”
(Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3)
Chapter Summary:
Will sang one of the songs that Nico once wrote, a long long time ago. Then Will sang the song that they wrote together.
Nico had never written a song with someone else before. And he’s never been in a professional recording studio before. So his first experience of visiting the recording studio where Will did his work was overwhelming. In a good way. All the shiny musical instruments and sophisticated mixing stuff amazed him. And Will was not lying when he said that the people in his team were amazing. Probably because all of them were passionate about music, Nico didn’t find it that difficult to start talking with them. And he instantly hit it off with Austin, the one who usually played keyboard for Will when was performing. And just like Kayla said, Nico found that the whole song writing and producing stuff in a studio was something that he learnt quite quickly, and he enjoyed every moment of it.
So Nico spent most, almost all, of his spare time when he was not working, either in the studio or in Will’s apartment. If he’s not working on the song (they finally managed to come up with a title that everyone agreed with), he just hung out there, writing some small pieces that he kept because who knew, maybe he could come back to those small pieces later on and made them into something. Sometimes he would play the instruments, or jamming with the others to some songs, usually with Austin. Austin even agreed to help Nico with a new song that Nico has started writing.
It was not even two weeks later when they decided that they could start the real recording process for Will’s single. They have finished recorded all the music tracks yesterday so now they only needed to record Will’s vocal. Then it would be the final mixing. Lee Fletcher, the producer, he was even confident enough that they would have the final version of the song by tomorrow, or even tonight. And if everyone’s happy with it, they just need to send it to the mastering engineer as the final step for the song production. The first song where Nico professionally became one of the co-writers, and he was even acknowledged as one of the song-producers.
Nico was excited about it. Maybe a bit too excited. When he walked in to the studio, no one was there yet. Then Nico realized that he was too early for a good one hour. Nico shrugged his shoulders,  and crossed the room to pick up one of the acoustic guitars that was lying around in the room. He slumped himself to the couch, and started strumming the guitar. He played a few notes, then before he knew it, he was already absorbed in playing something that he’d had in his head for a few days now. He hummed along as he played the melody, already thinking about the lyrics that he had written in his notebook.
“That was really nice.”
Nico’s heart stopped beating for a second as his head jolted up. Will stood in front of him, holding a cup that smelled of coffee, his other hand was hidden in his pocket. He had a gentle smile on his lips, his blue eyes were twinkling. He was wearing an old denim shirt that he left unbuttoned over a simple white shirt.
“Sorry,” Will said, flashing an apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you, but that was really beautiful.”
Nico felt a strange flutter in his chest as he let his gaze fell down to the floor. It was not the first compliment that he’d ever received. But, the fact that it was coming from Will, somehow it made it feel more special.
“Thanks,” Nico said but kept his eyes at the floor.
Will walked to the other end of the couch and sat there. Nico kept on playing some random notes on the guitar.
“Are you going to upload it on your channel? The song that you were just playing?”
Nico shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe,” he said, still not looking at Will. “I don’t know. It’s not finished yet.”
“I’m sure it’s going to be great.”
Nico flashed him a smile and continued playing the guitar. For no reason, he started playing one of his older songs.
“I know that song,” Will said, making Nico stop and turn his head to Will. “I like it. A lot,” Will added, then sipped his coffee.
Nico raised his eyebrows. “Are you stalking my videos?”
For a second, it looked like Will was blushing. Maybe. Will pulled his legs up and leaned his back against the armrest of the couch so he was facing Nico.
“No,” he said, holding his cup with both hands as he peeked at Nico over the brim of his cup. “I was just… you know, scrolling through your old videos.”
Nico chuckled. “That one was like, one of my oldest videos.”
“I like it,” Will said. “It’s…I know that it’s not the happiest song, but it’s deep and honest.”
Nico smiled slightly. He remembered he wrote the lyric for the song when he was in high-school, when he was having a hard time dealing with his social anxiety and self-worth. He remembered writing those lyrics as he locked himself up in his room, trying to fight his own demon in himself who kept on telling him that he belonged nowhere. And even though Hazel was already around at that time, a tense relationship with his new step-mother, who seemed to scold everything that Nico did, it didn’t make things easier for him Basically, he wrote that one when he was in one of his darkest times.
“Play it for me, please?”
Nico tilted his head a little. The left corner of his lips curling up into a half-smile. “Only if you sing with it.”
Will’s smile was soft but his eyes, his blue eyes were bright and for a second Nico thought of how beautiful he was.
“Okay,” Will said, still smiling that beautiful soft smile. “I’ll sing.”
Nico shifted, and started playing the intro.
He was slightly surprised, but at the same time, delightful to see how Will started singing perfectly on the right notes.
                                     “I spend too much time in my room.                                      I keep too many secrets from you.                                     I like to be alone but it’s bad for me.                                    Because I spend too much time in my room.”
Nico kept his eyes at Will, and got even more surprised when Will continued singing the second verse, like he already memorized the lyrics of the song.
                                    "I spend too much time on my phone.                                     I know I’ve said I liked being alone.                                    But I care way too much about what they think                                    So I spend too much time on my phone."
Nico kept on playing the guitar. And Will kept on singing.
                                 "My mama don’t like my tattoos                                   So I had to act like I do                                  The only thing that I learned in school                                  Is life treats you well if you’re cool.
The song didn’t really have a chorus. And just like Will said, the lyrics were not exactly talking about sunshine and unicorns and happiness. But the way Will sang it, how his voice seemed to be filled with raw emotions, it was something that sent a shiver down Nico’s spine. Will sang along as Nico played the guitar, seemed to have memorized all the lyrics.
His voice somehow sounded even softer when he was singing the last verse of the song.
                           " Sometimes I still think about you                              I don’t tell you all the things I used to                             Don’t like to admit that it’s bad for me                            But I spend too much time in my room"
Nico put the guitar away on the floor and stared at Will in amazement.
“Oh wow,” he said. “Will, that was…really nice.”
Will turned his head away from Nico for a second, but it could not hide his cheeks from blushing.
“Thanks,” Will said as he looked back at Nico. “But really, Nico. I love that song so much. It’s really…” he paused and chewed his lower lip, like he was trying to find the right words. “Relatable? I don’t know. I just feel like that song really speaks the words that I don’t think I could have said by myself.”
“And you sang it perfectly, Will.”
Their eyes met in silence for a moment, and Will’s eyes were so blue, so bright, so beautiful, Nico was breathless for a second. He suddenly had this urge to cradle Will’s cheek with his hand, to ran his fingers through Will’s blond curls, to slowly trace-
“Yo! You two already here!”
Austin’s loud and cheerful greeting jolted them both back to the reality. Nico quickly picked the guitar back just so he had something that he could hold on to, as he tried to tell his doubling heartrate to go back to normal. Will jumped off the couch. He seemed to incidentally spill some of his coffee to his shirt as some small dark spots were now staining his shirt.
“Oh! Austin! You’re here!” Will greeted Austin, voice suspiciously a pitch higher than usual.
“Yeah, it’s almost 11 already,” Austin said as he walked down to the couch. “We should start at 11, right?” Austin asked and sat on the couch.
“Right! Right!” Will said, nodding his head so quickly, it was almost like his head about to fall of from his neck. “I’m just… uh… gonna get more coffee.”
The next second, Will already left them with wide steps, then disappeared behind the door.
Austin turned his head to Nico, who absently fiddled with the guitar.
“Is he okay?” Austin asked.
Nico made a non-committal sound before he answered. “I think so?”
Austin shrugged his shoulders. “Okay,” he said. Then he grinned and playfully punched Nico’s shoulder. “Anyway, we’re recording the vocal today. I’m pretty sure that Lee would let us hear the final mix by tonight. Exciting, huh?”
Nico lifted his head to smile at Austin. “Yeah. It is,” he said.
In fact, he couldn’t wait to hear the final version of the song.
Nico put the headphones on and stared at Will through the glass window that was separating them. Next to him, Lee leaned forward a little.
“Ready, Will?”
Will stretched his lips into a small smile and gave them a thumb up.
“Great,” Lee nodded. “Three, two, one.”
Nico’s hand flew to earphone as the Will started singing along the first note of the instrument.
                      "The weight of a simple human emotion weighs me down                        More than the tank ever did                       The pain it’s determined and demanding to ache                       But I’m okay"
Nico’s chest contracted as Will’s voice softly turned a bit louder as he sang the chorus
                         And I don’t want to let this go, I don’t want to lose control                        I just want to see the stars with you                       And I don’t want to say goodbye                       Someone tell me why                       I just want to see the stars with you
They have practiced the song a couple of times in the pre-production process. But this time, listening to Will singing it, it just felt…magical.
Will kept on singing. Nico knew for sure that Will had this soft singing voice that was also strong enough to reach higher notes. But as Will reached the bridge, with the instruments slowly intensified, it was like an angel slowly floating down from Heaven, singing for the stars hanging in the sky.
                        Don’t give it up just yet, stay grand for one more minute                        Don’t give it up just yet, stay grand                        Don’t give it up just yet, stay grand for one more minute                       Don’t give it up just yet, stay grand                    
Will kept on singing to the chorus, right after the bridge. He had his eyes at Nico, and even with the distance between them, and the glass window, it was like Will staring right at him, through him.
And as Will sang the words, for just that moment, Nico felt like Will was singing for him, only for him.
                       And I don’t want to let this go, I don’t want to lose control                        I just want to see the stars with you                       And I don’t want to say goodbye                       Someone tell me why                       I just want to see the stars with you
Will’s voice was so soft, almost like he was whispering as he sang the very last line of the song, still with his eyes at Nico
                    With you
And at that moment, Nico realized how wonderful, how delightful it would be. To watch the stars above them with Will.
Only with Will.
Author’s Notes:
The song quoted in this chapter: I Spend Too Much Time in My Room by The Band Camino, and The Fault in Our Stars by Troye Sivan
Kudos, comments and feedbacks are always highly appreciated <3 
The next chapter will have another one of Troye’s songs. Any guess on what song will it be ;p?
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Solangelo Road Trip
I know this took two weeks, sorry, but here is that fic you requested @rachel-elizabeth-truth. It probably sucks, sorry about that. I haven’t done anything really solangelo related recently. Hope I didn’t mess them up too much.
Nico’s POV
I hate road trips.
Being stuck next to a bunch of obnoxious people singing along to annoying pop songs for hours on end? No thanks.
So how did I get here, packing the few things I have into a small backpack, preparing for one of these terrible horrible trips?
Will Solace and Hazel Levesque.
These two will be the death of me.
Bad pun.
“Nico! Hurry up! Everyone’s waiti-“ I opened the door, interrupting Will.
“I’m ready. Though I don’t want to go,” I mumbled.
Children of Apollo must have super hearing or something. “I heard that. And I don’t care. You need to get out of that cabin and actually interact with human beings.”
“But I don’t want to interact with human beings,” I groaned.
He ignores me. Go figure. He just turned around and walked toward Half Blood Hill, expecting me to follow him. I rolled my eyes and trailed behind him, shuffling my feet, trying to make it as obvious as possible that I don’t want to go.
When we reached the top of Half Blood Hill, I saw the Seven.
Around Camp, they’re legends. It’s kind of ridiculous sometimes, how they’re seen as these brave warriors who are capable of anything. I’ve known them longer than most, and I know how much they don’t act like heroes. Except for maybe Jason and Annabeth. Though they’re both perceived as a bit more than they actually are. They’re just a bunch of teens who were given a lot of power and a lot of pain. Percy, for instance, is annoying, sarcastic, and dense. Not exactly your typical, Disney-type (I like the original Grimm tales better than the Disney versions Hazel makes me watch) knight in shining armor.
I’m a bit of a different story. I’m not as ostracized as I used to be, but I choose to be a bit apart from the group. Unfortunately, the seven, as well as Will, don’t let me. They sit at my table during meals, volunteer me for things I don’t want to do, and make me do things like road trips. It. Really. Sucks.
(I actually kind of enjoy it, but I’ll never admit that out loud).
Hazel came up and hugged me, as if I hadn’t seen her leaving the cabin earlier that morning. I let her, though I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes. It makes you seem annoyed that your sister is showing you affection.”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” she interrupted. “Anyways, are you ready? We’ve been waiting for you for ages.”
Leo was leaning on the door of the front passenger seat, restless as always. “So, we’ve got a bit of a problem. The van’s magic is wonky, and it’s stuck in 7 seat mode. It’s gonna be a bit squished.”
I groaned. Why does everything happen to me?
Everyone climbed into the car and claimed their spots. Argus was driving us (Thank goodness. I would never trust Jackson to drive me anywhere) and Leo had apparently claimed shotgun earlier. Percy, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper sat in the back, a bit squished, but they didn’t really care.In the middle, Hazel, Frank, and Will sat comfortably. Gods, if I have to sit next to sunflower boy, I’ll officially die.
 Leo rolled down the window and smirked at me, still in place, not moving. "Get in the car, loser, we’re going shopping!”
I raised an eyebrow. “But…I thought this was a road trip?”
He rolled his eyes and looked back at the others. “Really, guys? You still haven’t shown this uncultured, 1930’s kid Mean Girls? That’s like, a necessity!”
Will opened the door, annoyance visible on his face. “Just get in Nico. Argus is getting impatient.”
I trudged towards the van, sure I was going to regret everything. I was about to squish between Hazel and the left door when the car suddenly started moving and I landed in Will’s lap. We both blushed hard. I tried to get up, but felt like something was tying me to the chair.
I turned and saw everyone in the car holding in laughs at my situation. “What the hell?! Why can’t I get up?”
Annabeth was the first to get over her giggles (more like snorts), and respond. “Chiron had the Hecate cabin make magic seatbelts because he doesn’t trust us to wear ours. They won’t come off until we turn off the car.”
My face paled. “S-So i’m stuck like this?! For how many hours?”
Argus grunted. Annabeth’s grin widened even more, which i didn’t think possible. “Looks like Argus isn’t going to stop for you. So you’re stuck like that until we have a pit stop. Which is in two and a half hours. Enjoy!”
I was going to shove my fist into her face, but I was restrained. And Percy would personally murder me. I’d like to live long enough to see Percy thrown up on by his baby sister.
I have strange priorities. You don’t need to tell me that much.
I was glad I was faced toward the front, and not towards Will. My face was redder than a tomato. I was pretty sure Will’s was too.
Everyone else, though, was talking about everything from the Romans’ next visit, to Leo’s latest antics.
Will and I stayed silent most of the time. He occasionally piped in, but I stayed silent the whole time. Hazel was saying something, but I was too focused on the boy beneath me. Why did it bother me so much that his shorts made his warm, sun kissed skin brush against my calves?
Hazel reached over and snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, making me jump a little. She rolled her eyes. “Nico! I was talking to you!”
She smirked. Oh no. “Were you too busy thinking about Will?”
My face turned beet red as everyone in the car laughed. I looked away towards the window. “I-I wasn’t thinking about him!”
I could feel Will smirk. “Oh, come on. I know how hard it is not to think about me.”
I turned towards him and glared. “Why would I think about you? I’m trying to cut down how much I gag in a day.
Suddenly, the car was silent except for our intense gazes.
“Aw, you’re trying to deny it,” Will cooed, pinching my cheek. I jerked away from his touch and grumbled a curse.
Will suddenly blushed and looked away. I say looked away, but with the tight space we were in, it was really just averting our eyes towards something other than each other.
I hate awkward silences. Especially when it’s between me and Solace. As well as the rest of the car.
Somehow, my face warmed even more when I realized the rest of the Seven were watching us. I looked at Hazel and Frank from the corner of my eyes. They were avidly watching, analyzing our every move. Will looked up and his face softened for a moment. He must have sensed my discomfort, because he glared at the others and they began to at like it had never happened. Which surprised me because he is about as intimidating as a puppy in a pile of candy.
I gave him a grateful smile, then glanced at Jason. He winked and gave me a thumbs up. I groaned and hit my head on Leo’s seat in front of me repeatedly. These people are going to cause my early death.
Well, technically it wouldn’t be “early,” but there’s no point in being technical with these people.
I began to wonder what was going on in Will’s mind.
Will’s Pov
I am going to die.
I am going to die.
It’s official.
I’m going to die.
What do you do in a situation where your crush is sitting on your lap for two hours straight? Two hours of blushing, of looking anywhere but right in front of you, of trying not to kiss him senseless? Two hours of endless teasing from the 8 other people in the car? One of Argus’ eyes winked at me when Nico wasn’t looking.
I’m doomed.
I don’t know whether to be happy or sad that we’re taking a pit stop in half an hour.
I turned and noticed Piper trying to hold in her laughter but failing miserably. I stuck out my tongue childishly and it just made her laugh harder.
 I huff, pouting. I turn back towards the front just to see Nico whip his head back around. I could see the tip of his ears were red. Was he…staring at me?
No, he couldn’t have been. He hates me. He could never like me back.
Suddenly, an Imagine Dragons song came up on the radio. I wasn’t familiar with it, but I recognized the band. Leo smirked at Percy and his eyes flickered towards me and Nico. Percy began belting out the lyrics, terribly I might add. Nico began to repeatedly bang his head on the seat in front of us. I couldn’t help but snicker at the sight. Obviously, the others were up to something, and it was annoying the heck out of Nico.
Annabeth caught on and sang in place of Percy. Piper and Jason followed, until the chorus came. Naturally, I already knew it before it even played. Perk of being an Apollo kid. Nothing Left To Say is actually pretty ironic considering what we’ve been through, but I digress.
Suddenly, I jumped at the voice that came out from right in front of me. Nico was…singing.
“There’s nothing left to say now!” Nico immediately covered his mouth with his hands, but the damage had been done.
“I told you it would work!” Percy called out between giggles.
I couldn’t help it. I began to snicker. Which turned into chuckles. Which turned into full-fledged snorts and laughter.
Nico pulls his hoodie over his face, trying to hide from the obnoxiously loud laughter surrounding him. I bit my lip to keep from cursing. Holy Hera that was adorable. This child of Hades is going to cause my doom.
What am I saying? He already has.
Nico’s POV
Just ten more minutes. Ten more minutes of being incredibly embarrassed over and over again. Great. Just great.
We neared the gas station without much happening. I was surprised at how easily we were able to drive with no monsters attacking us. In fact, it was too easy.
Then, I heard the growls.
Piper rolled her eyes. “There’s a monster right behind us, isn’t there?”
Wow. I spoke too soon.
Argus stopped the car in a parking spot in front of the convenience store. Hazel looked out the window. “Oh. Great. Three dracanae.” She opened the side door.
Will reached out to open the door on our side. I just stared at his hands like a creep. What I forgot was that I had been leaning on the door, and that the seatbelt had come off. I yelped and fell out of the car, landing on my butt. Solace, the rude ray of sunshine he is, fell over laughing. He seemed to have forgotten there was no door as well, because he fell and landed on his face.
I laughed possibly harder than I can ever remember laughing. I didn’t hear the screams of agony of the dracanae as the others tried to slay them as quickly as possible. All I saw were the tears streaming out of my eyes, and a certain blonde head bobbing up and down as we snorted and laughed over and over. Every time we stopped, we’d just look at each other and start laughing all over again.
Suddenly, I heard Leo groan. “Why are you two red-faced and panting?”
I whipped my head around so fast I almost got whiplash. The seven were staring us down, some of them with gold dust on their arms or in their hair. I scowled at a certain smirking Latino.
“We weren’t making out!” Will let out. “I was laughing at him ‘cause he fell out of the car, then I-”
Jason held up a hand. “Just get in the car.”
I noticed Hazel had an evil glint in her eyes, which meant she was either going to try to get revenge on me and fail terribly, or she was going to end me.
I really hoped it was the first one.
Everyone got in the car before me. To avoid Will, I got in on the other side of the car. Everyone else was already in their seats, some of them with a smug look on their face. I shared a worried face with Will. What were they planning?
I tried to squeeze inbetween the door and Hazel, but suddenly, Hazel pushed me to the other side of the car. I was in Will’s lap again. Suddenly, the car started and I felt the restraints keeping me in place. The others in the car were laughing while Will and I blushed for the millionth time that day.
I forgot how terrible sisters could be.
Will’s POV
I hate these people.
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vlindervin7 · 7 years
For the wonderful anon who asked:  Could you maybe do a canon verse solangelo situation in which they're about to have their first kiss and they're like, nose to nose, but something interrupts them and they're suddenly brought back to earth lmao- I just love things like this! Basically I just want an internal freak out from Nico and to see what he does about it afterwards x
Hope you like it x
Ours are the moment I play in the dark
When he turns his head to look at the boy beside him, Will is already looking at Nico, that same intense yet gentle look in his eyes, the one that reminds Nico of a blue summer sky when you know a storm is coming; right now it’s still good and pleasant, but don’t get too comfortable, the sky can break open any moment now. Nico loves the thrill of it, the expectation, the way your skin tingles with the weight of the air and your lungs get filled with heaviness.
He wonders what kind of storm is approaching at the moment. Will only gets that look in his eyes when he’s deciding whether to do something or not, weighing the positive and negative outcomes in his head. It’s clear the positive side is winning, although it seems like he’s struggling with something.
Nico would ask what it is that has him looking like that, but for some reason can’t force the words to come out. Like there’s something pushing them back inside. Or maybe he’s just too overwhelmed to speak; a ray of sunlight streams through the clouds and perfectly rains down over Will, like a velvety cloak, doing that thing sunlight always does to Will, bringing out the best parts of him and making him look softer, coloring his skin a deep, tanned bronze and his hair golden. His freckles are brought out and stand out more prominently on the bridge of his nose.
The sun hitting Will in all the right places is not a coincidence, Nico thinks. It seems as if the sun, the brightest creature in this universe, has picked Will as her favorite, most likely because he burns as bright as her. The effect the sun has on Will, is the effect Will has on the rest of the population. Pulling out beauty. The lake glistens.
Without realizing, the two have gotten closer to each other, two raindrops knitting together. Nico’s heart is beating like crazy when he realizes he can count the different shades of green hidden inside the blue of Will’s eyes, when he realizes their pinkies are touching, that the goosebumps on his arms are from Will’s breath on his cheek. He suppresses a shudder when Will touches his cheek, seemingly wiping away an eyelash.
Nico is pretty sure Will is going to kiss him. Nico is absolutely sure he wants Will to kiss him. There is no doubt in his mind that if Will doesn’t do it soon, he will.
Will moves closer still, impossibly without their lips touching and now his breath isn’t landing on his cheek, it’s falling onto his own lips and gods, Will smells really nice, like peppermint and early mornings, and his eyes are probably, most likely, absolutely the most beautiful thing Nico’s ever seen, his hand moves from the ground up up up, onto Nico’s cheek again, not doing anything, simply laying there and then --
‘Godsdamnit, Jackson!’
They jump back, almost as if they’ve gotten an electric shock. Nico’s heart is still beating harder than before, Will averts his eyes, runs a hand through his hair. A blush is sitting sweetly on his cheeks, pink and standing out like a brush of paint, applied by the careful hand of an artist.
‘Um I -- I should probably go check what’s going on. See if no one’s hurt’, Will mumbles, scrambling to a stand.
‘Yeah -- yeah, of course. I’ll come with.’ And Nico is standing too.
Still not catching each other’s eyes, sneaking looks when the other isn’t. In front of them, Jason is lying under a tree, soaking wet, with Percy laughing so hard he’s wheezing above him.
fuck this no I hate my friends I hate my friends I hate my friends is what goes through Nico’s head among other things. He can’t believe his idiotic friends managed to ruin this perfect moment, a perfect moment he’s been waiting months to happen mind you, just because they weren’t able to resist a challenge or something? Because they couldn’t act like the grown-ups they are. They’re only back at camp because it’s summer and they have a break from university.
Nico was begrudgingly happy to see them when they arrived, but he’s taking every positive feeling he’s ever had about them back and if he could, he’d burn them in front of their eyes as one does with pictures of an ex. And he’d make them watch.
‘What the fuck is happening?’, he hears Will exclaim next to him. He turns his head and is greeted with the sight of one angry Will, a blush still sleeping on his cheeks, eyes spitting fireballs. Damn, he’s hot.
Nico has seen Will get angry maybe once or twice in the two years they’ve known each other. He doesn’t get angry very often, is a firm believer of the ‘don’t fight violence with violence’ stuff, but when he does get angry it’s explosive and the opposite of when Nico is mad. He gets frightfully calm and intense.
Will takes a deep breath and his anger somewhat evaporates, is lead into his clenched fists. He closes his eyes, brings one of his hand through his hair, closes his eyes for a second.
‘What is happening?’, he repeats, collected. Jason, who’s still lying on the ground, and Percy, who is definitely not laughing anymore, just look at him like they have no idea of what’s happening or why they deserved such an outburst. Well, Nico supposes they don’t and really, honestly didn’t really do anything wrong. The real crime here is bad fucking timing.
‘Uh’, Percy lets out. ‘Nothing?’
‘Are you unable to act like adults for once in your life?’, Nico snaps then, finally out of the trance that was Will’s lips millimeters from his plus the sight of angry, hot Will, and back in the real world.
Percy and Jason shift their eyes to Nico and look just as confused, if not more, than they already did. 
‘You know what? I don’t have time for this’, Will says, already walking away. ‘I need to be at the infirmary. If anyone’s hurt, find me there, though honestly? I’m not sure I want to treat either of you right now. Hope you have a good day.’ The last bit is said so sarcastically, he might as well have said Go to hell and the effect would’ve been the same.
He doesn’t look at Nico at all.
As soon as he’s out of earshot, Jason gets up. ‘What did we do?’ He sounds extremely confused.
‘Maybe it’s the fact that you act like children?’
‘We don’t act differently than we normally do? I don’t -- ‘, Percy’s speech is cut off by Jason interjecting: ‘Wait, did something happen between you two?’ He has his concerned I-must-take-care-of-fragile-little-Nico-older-brother voice on and Nico does not want to deal with this right now.
‘No, thanks to you two morons.’ What he wants to do right now, is go back to his cabin, lay on his bed for three hours, stare at the ceiling and etch the breathtaking sight of Will under the sunlight looking like he should be the sun god, into his brain so as to never forget it. Maybe imagine what would inevitably have happened if they weren’t interrupted. Then he wants to meet Will for dinner and ask him why he didn’t look at him at all after they got up, if he regrets it. And after Will then hopefully says that Of course he doesn’t, he wants to take him by the arm and lead him into the woods and shove him against a tree or something, to continue where they left off.
Jason is looking at him, all narrowed eyes and suspicious, while Percy is still in the background saying: ‘I’m so confused!’
Poor guy, Nico thinks, he deserves it.
‘Are you okay?’, Jason asks, still looking entirely too suspicious for his own good.
‘I’m fine, Jason’, Nico answers and then he’s gone.
That night, at dinner, after Nico spent almost three hours doing nothing and replaying the events of the day in his head and adding an ending to where the story abruptly ended, Will does not talk to him. He does not look at him. He does not ask him to go the woods and shove him against a tree. He does not acknowledge his existence. And coming up with an ending to an ongoing story is nice and all, but only if the answers are actually clear at the end. Nico has never been a fan of open endings. He likes it straightforward and clear.
This is everything but. No, that’s not right. This could be how the story ends. They’re friends, by some sort of power they almost kiss, Will realizes that is not what he wants at all, he doesn’t want to be Nico’s friend when it inevitably dawns on him that Nico does want that, their friendship is over, the end.
He would’ve been fine simply being Will’s friend and admiring his beauty in silence, at least for the time being. It’s not like he would know what to do at all if something were to happen, having no experience whatsoever. So he would’ve been content imagining what Will’s lips taste like, if they’re sweet, soft, warm. He would’ve been fine touching Will’s arms sometimes, under the guise of wanting his attention for something, would’ve been fine having his breath taken away by the otherworldly blue of his eyes and being endeared when Will excitedly tells him about something. He would’ve been fine.
It would’ve probably gotten difficult after a while, but he figured his feeling would eventually fade, like his feelings for Percy did.
But now that Will knows, his vision of the future is shattered. And it hurts. It really fucking hurts.
Because for so long Nico didn’t acknowledge his own feelings, he pushed them down, forced himself to ignore them. The whole thing with Percy, though he’d gotten closure, wasn’t something he was too keen on experiencing again. Especially with Will, his friend whom he cared about. Their relationship as it was, was wonderful and not something to touch or taint.
Well, Nico should’ve knows his feelings have a life of his own.
It had gotten too much for him to keep pretending they weren’t there, but he told himself he wouldn’t deal with them the same way he did with Percy’s. He’d deal with them healthily and be fine.
Only now he isn’t fine and he isn’t dealing healthily and he’s hurting.
While eating, Jason had subtly murmured that he was there if Nico felt like talking to him or something. Nico didn’t answer, but it was nice all the same. He doubted he would, Jason wasn’t always the best at advice, but he was there and that kind of destroyed the familiar urges of leaving camp and being on his own that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
It just – it’s just so stupid. Because he’s convinced that if he trusted himself enough and that if Will reciprocated his feelings, they could be something very nice. He knows, he’s been imagining it for months now, not that he’d ever admit that to anyone.
There’s no point in dwelling on what could’ve been when it’s never going to happen, because that’s just what life is. You have all these expectations and dreams, but in the end everything ends up being five shades darker and grayer and duller than you initially planned for. It’s better to not hope or expect anything at all, because life never turns out to be that good and all it leaves is bitter disappointment on your tongue and darkness in your heart.
Nico knows this all too well.
‘Hi, Hazel.’ The apparition in front of Nico’s eyes is a little blurry, but he sees Hazel well enough. Lying on his bed once again – he feels like the Nico from two years ago who barely left his room to eat and who eventually got dragged out by a very persistent Jason.
‘Hey, Nico. Reyna says hi.’
‘Tell her hi back. How are you? How’s Frank?’
‘I’m fine and Frank’s doing great too. How are you?’
‘I’m fine’, Nico answers instinctively. It’s still not super easy for him to talk to people, tell them how he feels. Hazel was always the one that was able to drag it out of him more than other people, but the response to hide and pretend nothing gets to him is almost automatic. He’s not sure he feels like having a real conversation about feelings today.
Well, it’s just his luck Hazel always picks up on his lies. He sighs when she raises her eyebrows in preparation to what will, without a doubt be emotionally draining.
‘Are you sure, Nico?’
And Nico does not like to lie to Hazel, especially when he knows it’s no use anyway so he answers: ‘I guess? Kind of.’
The raised eyebrows don’t go down, but stay eerily high. ‘Okay, not really. But it’s fine, I don’t really feel like talking about it.’
He doesn’t, not really, but he has to admit, when Hazel’s eyes turn concerned and, impossibly, get even softer, the urge to just spill everything and let her soothing presence lift him up is strong.
‘I’m your sister, Nico. You can talk to me, it’s what I’m here for.’
‘Pretty sure that’s a therapist’, he chuckles, but those words pierce his heart and transport him into a spiral of memories featuring Bianca wiping away his tears, wrapping her arms around him and whispering sweet nothings into his ears until he fell asleep cheeks wet, but calm and feeling safe. Then he thinks of the way Will’s eyes make him feel safe and honestly? All these feeling inside him get to be a little too much. He’s on the verge of actually crying real tears, but he’s practiced at keeping everything inside and off his face.
It seems like Hazel recognized something on his face, anyway, because her eyes, once again, turn softer (seriously, how?). ‘I’m serious, NIco.’
And, really, he doesn’t stand a chance to that voice, it would be like kicking a hurt kitten when it lets out these pitiful noises. So, he gives in.
‘It’s -- It’s Will.’ 
Suddenly Reyna appears in his line of vision next to Hazel, looking as fierce and beautiful as ever. Nico thinks that if he were into girls, he’d probably fall for someone like her. Or not. He can’t actually imagine being into girls, so he has no idea of what it’d be like.
‘Do I need to come down there and kick his ass for you?’
‘You’re still there?’, he exclaims. Now, if he tells Hazel, Reyna will no doubt want to hear everything too. ‘Anyway, I am perfectly capable of defending my own honor if needed, thanks.’
‘Oh, I’m well aware that you could, but we both know you won’t. Not to Will’, she says, accentuating that statement with a pointed look.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘That you’re a big softie around him.’
‘Now, that is just a lie’, Hazel interjects.
Nico sends Reyna a dirty look. ‘Thanks, Hazel.’
‘Nico’s a big softie in general. He just doesn’t let it show around anyone but Will.’
The girls laugh, Reyna high-fives Hazel while Nico looks at them darkly. He’s not actually pissed, he can’t blame them for telling the truth, but he can pretend. Hazel, picking up on his mood, turns back to him and transforms her expression back into one of concern. ‘But seriously, what happened. If he did do anything, the jokes will stop, promise.’
Nico lets out a sigh. ‘I -- he --’, he groans. ‘We almost kissed. Three days ago.’
Neither of them look surprised, which he appreciates. He came out to Hazel a couple months ago and she, unsurprisingly, accepted him immediately and simply hugged him fiercely.
He’d never told Reyna, though, but she doesn’t show any sign of surprise or disgust. She doesn’t bat an eye, patiently waits for him to continue his story. A feeling like a warm blanket in winter spreads through his veins at the reminded that he has friends who accept him. That he can be himself without being scared. With that comforting thought in mind, he continues:
‘We almost kissed. But then Percy and Jason did some stupid shit that interrupted us so we went to see what happened. And then Will left for the infirmary and hasn’t spoken to me since. He just avoids me at dinner and I -- what if I screwed up? He probably doesn’t even want me, you know? Like, he probably realized I’m not enough or that I’m too fucked up or something.
‘I just -- It’s’, he’s quiet for a second, not sure how to proceed. ‘I really want to kiss him. I’ve wanted to kiss him for so long and I don’t know what to do. I guess his silence says enough, though. ‘
He swallows, looks up to see the girls looking at him with an expression he can’t read on their faces. No one says anything for a while. Then Reyna opens her mouth: ‘No offence, but that’s bullshit.’
‘What?’, Nico sneers. This is not the response he was waiting for.
‘That he doesn’t want you. Obviously I don’t know what goes through his head, but have you seen the way he looks at you. I’ve only seen him a couple times, but I’m sorry, Nico. That is not the look of someone who doesn’t want to kiss you at least as much as you want to kiss him.’
‘She’s right, Nico’, Hazel says. ‘I’m pretty sure he likes you, if you would just give him the chance. Why did you almost kiss in the first place? That wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t like you.’
‘It still doesn’t explain why he’s been avoiding me for the past three days.’
Reyna gives him an unimpressed look. ‘Haven’t you been doing the exact same thing?’
‘Yeah, but I -- ‘ She’s right, so he cuts off his sentence there. ‘Why did he get so angry after it almost happened then? Because he regretted it.’
This time it’s Hazel who answers: ‘Probably because he was pissed they interrupted you.
'Don’t tell me you didn’t get mad at them, too. I know you did.’ He shrugs.
‘Definitely’. Reyna says.
‘Will you be okay?’, Hazel asks. ‘It’s going to be fine, okay? Just talk to him.’
‘I’ll try.’
‘I wish I could hug you right now.’ ‘And I wish I could yell at Will to wake up and make a move already.’
‘Thanks’, he says weakly. He didn’t imagine talking would feel this freeing, how encouraging sweet words and reassurances are. He says thanks and he means it. He’s so, so thankful for his friends and his sister, for never giving up on him, believing he’s a good person always and holding him up when all he wants is to drown in his misery.
‘We have to go, but please talk to him? I promise it’ll be better than this. I love you, Nico. Remember that.’
‘I love you too, Hazel.’
‘Nico?’, Reyna says. ‘You deserve him. You deserve happiness, okay? Never forget that.’
And his bedroom wall appears again, washing away the faces of the two girls who took his heart between their hands and gave it a few squeezes. To restart it and restore its energy.
You deserve happiness, okay? Never forget that.
These words will be echoing in his mind for weeks to come, he’s sure. And not only because he does need to remember that, as he has the tendency to convince himself he’s not good enough for Will, but also because they came from Reyna of all people.
Reyna who doesn’t just give away compliments like that. Who doesn’t believe in anyone, who needs time to trust people. And if she thinks Nico deserves to be happy, she probably has a good reason to. Nico has no reason to doubt her, she’s one of the few people whose opinion he values and whom he trusts because her head stays clear. Nothing clouds her judgment, instead she knows clouds are only water and can be easily ignored. She’s painfully true to her mind. So when she says Nico deserves this, he actually believes that.
He deserves Will. He deserves good things. And if they don’t just happen to him, he’d have to go out there and get them himself.
The next day brings sunshine after three days of rain. If this is the universe’s way of showing Nico it approves, he’d rather the universe just fucks off. He doesn’t need the reminder that soon enough the world will be drenched again. Probably.
Though, he’s not as certain Will doesn’t maybe feel the same way as he was before. Hazel and Reyna did a good job of somewhat boosting his self-esteem. Instead of feeling sorry for himself and cursing the sun god and his children like he’s spent the last three nights doing, he instead stayed up all night paging through his memories in search of every moment Will acted as though he liked Nico. There are admittedly a lot. Which is one of the reasons he got up this morning, bone-tired, but determined to go talk to Will and find out what the hell his damn problem is.
Leaving his cabin that morning, the name Ghost King fits him better than it has in months. Due to his intense lack of sleep and frantic worrying, the bags under his eyes are now darker than his dad’s morbid sense of humor and larger than Will’s stupid grin when he wins an argument (it’s an endearing grin really. But saying that would warrant admitting he finds anything about losing an argument endearing and hell no, that’s not going to happen.) He looks exactly like someone who hasn’t slept in three days and he’s not sure he’s happy that WIll will know, or that he’s absolutely mortified.
He doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter, though, it’s not like he can change his appearance so this will just have to do for now. It’s not as if Will hasn’t seen him look worse anyway.
So, he eats breakfast, he trains a little, he smiles at Jason who nearly has a heart attack when he sees Nico outside his cabin looking as tired as death itself, he keeps himself busy until dinner that night. He does not see Will, or rather he avoids going to the places he’d normally go to. Seeing Will now would mess with his head and he’s not sure he’ll feel as confident after. And he needs all the confidence he can get, otherwise he'll be too scared.
The truth is that he's missed Will. It may only have been three days since they last spoke, but he misses Will’s stupid jokes, he misses the way his eyes glisten when Nico says something funny, his witty response to anything sarcastic Nico says. He misses talking to him, misses having someone who knows him as well as Will does. His stubbornness. His big heart and seemingly infinite goodness, never running out of forgiveness and kindness somehow, in situations where Nico would've been long gone. He misses how calm he feels around Will, and more than anything, the way he feels whole and like a good person, how Will has a way of quelling his bad thoughts and swallowing the thunder in his mind and replacing it with summer rain: pleasant, calming, soothing.
It's part of the reason he decided to confront Will finally.
Now, around the campfire, Nico watches the sun set behind the mountains, painting the world in vibrant pinks and oranges and purple. He's been doing this for the past ten minutes. He's seen the sky transform from soft blue to colorful to almost entirely erased. Anything to avoid accidentally catching Will’s eye. He's sitting directly in front of him on the other end of the fire, his golden hair becoming one with the flickering heat. He's a little faded, a little unclear, but Nico prefers it this way. He doesn't think he's able to be faced with the glorious sight that is Will Solace right now.
Around him, the other campers start singing some song. It's vaguely familiar, but he can't properly hear it over this sound of his heart beating like the flapping of a bird’s wing. Camp feels too small all of a sudden, like everywhere he looks, there's Will. Or fragments of him, memories buried somewhere in Nico's mind getting pulled out when confronted with the places. He wants to flee, get out. But he knows he has to do this or he'll regret it. If Will doesn't want to be friends anymore then so be it, at least he'd have tried. And if it happens otherwise… well, Nico doesn't want to get his hopes up.
So, with all that in mind, he lowers his eyes when he sees the first stars appear against the stark black of the sky and tries to hold Will's gaze.
When he looks at Will, Will is already looking at him, though he shifts his gaze when he notices Nico's eyes on him. But Nico is determined so he doesn’t look away, forces Will to look at him again. He does after a while, blue and green through the fire, as intense as if it's just the two of them, as if everyone around doesn't exist, nothing is real except for the two boys staring each other. Nothing is of importance.
Then Nico jerks his head to the side, indicating he wants Will to follow him when he gets up and disappears into the woods. He does not look back. A couple metres into the woods, he sits down on a fallen tree. He waits. A minute, two minutes, three minutes and he thinks Will isn't coming. And then he's there, coming through he trees looking all magnificent and pretty.
‘Sorry. I couldn't get away immediately. Austin kept asking me where I was going,’ he softly says, awkwardly standing in front of Nico, not touching or coming closer or sitting next to him like he would've done before. He speaks quietly, the bustling noises of the campfire can be faintly heard from where they are and Will’s voice cuts through it like a knife through soft butter.
‘It's okay,’ Nico answers just as softly. Something about the night makes his voice feel like something sacred, only to be used when it matters.
‘So, uh,’ Will rakes his hand through his hair, something he does when he's nervous or unsure, things he hasn't been around Nico for so long. ‘Why did you tell me to come?’
Nico has never been one to beat around the bush, preferring straight truths and harsh reality to pleasant lies and soft illusions. So he just looks Will in the eye and says: ‘You've been avoiding me.’
A crunch appears between Will’s eyebrows. ‘Huh? You've been avoiding me too!’
‘I have not!’, Nico answers with a little more force than is strictly necessary.
‘You haven't been in the general vicinity of the infirmary in like, three days straight. You don't look at me, you eat your meals so fast I barely have the time to even notice you're there. To me, that sounds like someone who's avoiding me.’
And, well, Nico can’t really argue with that, it is what he’s been doing.
‘Only because you didn’t look at me at all after’, he pauses, not sure how to call whatever happened between them. ‘you know. I thought you regretted it or something.’
He wishes he hadn’t spoken as soon as the words are out of his mouth. Nothing really happened, what should Will regret? Their friendship? Nico meant to ease into it, find out what Will was thinking and then tell him they could forget about it or continue where they left off. Not this. He didn’t mean to spill his fears immediately.
A crease appears on Will’s forehead. ‘Regret what? The -- the thing by the lake?’ Seems like Will doesn’t know what to call it either. ‘I didn’t. I mean, not like anything really happened anyway, but I didn’t.’
Relief is more of a tangible thing than an emotion, Nico thinks. It falls down on him like a warm shower, spreads through his body, lights a miniature flame inside.
‘So, why didn’t you look at me or talk to me?’
Will blushes, and Nico allows a part of him to melt at the sight and promises himself that if he has the chance, he’ll try to make it happen again.
‘I wanted to give you time for one, I didn’t know if you’ve ever, you know. And I was kind of embarrassed.’
‘Why?’ ‘You did hear how I snapped at Percy and Jason, right? ‘I’m not sure I want to treat either of you right now, have a good day’? What is wrong with me?’
‘You weren’t exactly alone. I got mad too.’
‘Yeah, but they’re your friends, it’s different.’
‘They deserved it.’
Will lets out a small laugh, Nico wants to replay the sound over and over. ‘And then you started avoiding me, so I figured something was wrong’, Will continues
They’re both quiet for a while, the trees are whispering around them, somewhat filling the silence.
‘So, we both avoided each other because we thought the other was avoiding us. Wow’, Nico says then, in awe at his own stupidity.
‘Guess we’re both pretty stupid, huh?’, Will adds with a small chuckle attached to the end, voicing Nico’s thoughts aloud.
‘Guess so.’ Neither knows what to do now. The air has been cleared, but barely, there’s still some smoke left. They know the other doesn’t regret the almost-kiss and they know they were both avoiding each other because the other boy was doing so, creating a vicious circle. But that’s it. Nico doesn’t know if he can kiss Will now, maybe take his hand, just ask him? The last one seems awkward, but probably not as awkward as it would be if Nico kissed Will and he pulled back or didn’t want that at all.
Will is looking at him with those piercing blue eyes, duller and darker at night. Nico’s always thought they reflected the sky, like a sweater that always brings your eyes out differently. On summer mornings his eyes are alert and intensely blue, Nico almost expects to see the sun in there too. Cloudy, grey afternoons, bring duller blue, almost grey, but no less beautiful. And at night… at night they’re affected by the silver of the moon, shedding her fairy dust of light into them and turning them into stars, bright and illuminating the darkness.
He’s staring at Nico with the stars in his eyes, an intense looks, like a thunderstorm is coming and Nico recognizes it immediately as the same one he was wearing by the lake and the reminder sends a thrill through him, lightning through a tree, an electric shock.
Then he comes closer, leaving very little space between their feet, noses close to brushing, his breath on Nico’s skin. He’s fidgeting, his fingers curling around a fray on his jeans and releasing them curling releasing curling releasing. He’s nervous, Nico realizes.
‘Um, can I -- ‘, he mumbles, awkwardly extending a hand out and letting it hover over Nico’s cheek, not touching, but not pulling back either. Nico has stopped breathing.
For all the times he’s imagined this moment happening, for all the times he thought he wanted to shove Will against a tree, he now does not know how to act. This is all very new to him. Should he lean closer, press his lips against Will’s? Or is that not what Will wants? But what else could he possibly want like this? What if Will does want that, but Nico doesn’t know what to do and messes it all up because he does it wrong? What if --
It wasn’t this nerve-wracking when they shared the moment by the lake, but Nico thinks it’s probably all the time he’s had to overthink everything and imagine and analyze it that makes this seem more difficult than it probably is.
Then suddenly, Will starts grinning and Nico’s never been able to resist Will’s laugh, so he joins, though he’s not sure what exactly is so funny about this situation. Will makes a decision and pulls his hand back in the end, using it to rub at his face while his laughing gets louder and louder with every second passing. ‘This is so stupid’, he repeats between wheezes of laughter.
And, Nico has to admit he can somewhat see the humor in the situation. They’ve been friends for months now. The only person who ever knew Nico better than Will was probably Bianca and feeling this flustered in his company is something new, he doesn’t know how to deal with it, being used to the comfort Will’s presence usually brings him.
Two teenage boys in the woods wanting, trying to kiss each other, but freezing up and ending up not doing anything? He laughs.
‘It’s just, I’ve been trying to kiss you for months now and now that I have the chance to do it, I’m too scared’, Will sputters.
Nico laughs at his expression and adds his own stupidity: ‘I don’t know what to do like, at all. I have no idea, but I want to. I mean, it’s just you, why am I like this?’
He has tears in his eyes and through the water he can see Will does too.
‘I know, right? It shouldn’t be this awkward.’
About five minutes pass before their laughter somewhat dies down, spreading silence through the woods again. Will breathes in once, twice and then drops his hands from his face, looks Nico in the eye. He looks serious again, though there’s a happy glint in his eyes that is slow to disappear after a laughing fit.
‘So, can I?’, he asks, his voice a little smaller than it was two seconds ago, but still strong and confident. ‘Kiss you?’
Nico himself is still a little breathless from the laughing, but he nods. The nerves never really left, but they kind of faded to the background at the sight of Will laughing, but now that it’s continuing they flare up again.
Will brings his hand up again, but actually lays it on Nico’s cheek this time. And Gods, they’re so close, closer than they were by the lake. Nico can feel Will’s eyelashes fluttering and then they’re getting even closer, closer still, until there’s no space left between them and Will is kissing him.
He doesn’t immediately register it’s happening, but when he does it feels… stiff, hard, weird. Not like he expected. And then it’s over already, barely allowing Nico to make anything of it.
Will is smiling when he looks at Nico and whispers: ‘Relax.’
And that’s what Nico was scared of. He knew he would do it wrong somehow, he knew it and he was right.
‘You’re cute’, Will says then and that snaps Nico out of thought.
‘I’m not cute’, he protests, but he can feel his cheeks heating up. ‘I’m the son of death, remember? People are scared of me.’
‘I was never scared of you.’
‘Yeah, well, you’re a fucking weirdo.’
‘Hmm, you’re still cute’.
Nico grumbles in lieu of answer. Will continues: ‘Which is why I would really like to kiss you again, if that’s okay with you. But just… Just relax this time, okay? It’s just me.’
Nico nods, Will leans in and Nico tries to relax. He thinks of all the wonderful moments he’s spent with Will, how he never thought he was scary or weird. He may call Will a weirdo for it now, but the truth is that he’s forever grateful that he wasn’t. He thinks of how they took walks at night and found the perfect spot to talk where no one would bother them, when Nico had nightmares of Tartarus. How Will could be ridiculous, how he met every one of Nico’s dark remark with his own dry humor. How when everything felt wrong and all Nico wanted to do was leave, the thought of Will was a firefly slowly guiding his thoughts to a lighter place and, even though he couldn’t fix all his problems for him, he always helped and brought him comfort, speeding up the process. He thinks of all that and it’s surprisingly easy to relax and let loose after that, because it’s just Will after all. His best friend. There’s no reason for Nico to be nervous, not really. So why is he? So he relaxes. So he lets it happen.
And when their lips touch this time, he feels it. The magic of a first kiss. He feels the fireworks and the butterflies and whatever else people use to describe kissing.
But most of all it feels like sunlight and comfort and a hand in his own when he needs the reminder that he’s not alone. It feels like seeing the sky again, after spending so much time down in Tartarus. it feels like coming home, like how it used to feel back in Venice. It feels like the sunset, casting thousands of pretty colors over the earth, like seeing snow for the first time ever and that childlike wonder that never really leaves a person unfurling inside him and filling him with magic.
It feels right and it feels good and Nico never wants to stop feeling like that, wants to kiss Will forever and live in the overwhelming feeling it brings him.
After what was probably only a mere seconds, Will pulls back with a smile on his face that almost makes breaking the kiss worth it. Nico can’t believe he’s allowed to have this. Will is so beautiful, so good and kind and… beautiful. Inside and outside alike.
‘That was better’, he laughs, breathily.
Nico only nods and yanks Will’s head to his to kiss him again and again and again. There might even have been shoving against trees happening.
And later, when they’ve had their fill for the day, they walk back to camp, hand in hand, dopey smile on their faces and Nico is happy. His mind is at rest. He thinks he’ll Iris message Hazel and Reyna later, if it’s not too late. Or he’ll go find Jason and spill everything, knowing he’ll be excited for him which is exactly what he needs right now.
But for now, Will’s hand in his and the ghost of Will’s kiss on his lips is enough.
Title from Supercut by Lorde, because I’ve been listening to Melodrama non-stop. Thanks for reading!
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Other writings of mine
Love, Jasmine
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Roses are Red- Solangelo
Disclaimer: This story will revolve around abuse in future chapters. 
I come from an abusive household. I lived through domestic abuse for eight years, and its impact continues to affect me a little over a decade later. I felt the necessity to give a voice to the people trapped in an abusive relationship, to show what it entails and what it does to a person. As a writer, I always vowed to myself that I would write so in a way so raw and honest, it would list my novels under banned books. I would write the reality people are afraid to write. I would write the voices that have been silenced. So that's what this story is. It will show the development and the struggle of an abusive relationship so that everyone can understand the fear, the hurt, the pain. So people will stop asking, "Why didn't you just leave them?" or "What did you do to provoke them?" and start standing up for the victims instead. This story will contain violence and sexual abuse in addition to emotional abuse. I don't write this because I find pleasure in it, but because I believe it's important for people to understand what this is like.
After a poll on Tumblr, this story has been molded to star Will and Nico from the Percy Jackson series. In reality, you can put any faces you want on these characters. It's the story that matters.
I also decided making this an LGBT novel because LGBT people are silenced further when it comes to abuse. Not only because of the previously mentioned questions but because many don't believe women are abusive nor are men abusive to each other. It's just a matter of fighting back. That is not true.
If you or someone you know need help in regards to domestic abuse, call National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 with more than 200 languages. All calls are free and confidential. Online chat is also available on their website between 7am-2am central time at www.thehotline.org
(Click OP if read more link doesn’t show.)
Feedback is appreciated!!!
It’s funny how time works. How every precise second is a factor in your life. A moment earlier, a moment later, and your life can change completely without you realizing it. It seemed like time was constantly the reason behind everything. This fabricated illusion created by humans to measure their uneventful lives to the point of panic or stress had managed to be the molder of lives.
That was all Nico could really think. That single second that had sent him barreling through the classroom door his first day of college until he was toppled over another student with bright eyes and clusters of freckles. That minute it took him to gather his things and leave the coffee shop on campus resulting in Nico running into the same student- though not literally this time- as he walked in at the same time Nico was going to walk out. That single half-second glance that resulted in running a red light, slamming the brakes too hard, and going to a hospital because a single second later another car had swerved into them.
The minute of traffic that had caused them to get to the club past the hour that 21 and under were allowed. The moment of frustrated hesitation that led to someone offering help, sneaking them through the back. The three minutes in which Nico left to get a drink, the single second it took for him to turn and find Will in the crowd, talking to someone.
Life had changed for the better and for the worse by mere seconds. Moments which, had they happened a little earlier or later, would have led their lives down completely different paths.
Nico hated time.
There was an incessant tug at his arm. “Nico, come on, we’re going to be late, and we’ll have driven there for nothing,” Will sighed. “We have to go.
“Give me two seconds, man I’m almost done,” he said, peeking up at the mirror, his hands running through his hair, trying to spread the gel just right. Will rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter, watching Nico through the window. His eyes flickered over to him, suddenly uncomfortable. “Dude. Stop staring, you’re making me nervous.”
“I’m thinking maybe if I intimidate you enough, we can leave already.” Nico rolled his eyes and turned to him.
“Ever heard the expression ‘a watched teapot never whistles?’”
“You’re not a teapot,” he pointed out, smirking, raising an eyebrow. Nico snorted and shoved him playfully. “Finally,” he breathed as Nico left the bathroom.
Together, they left Nico’s on campus apartment and started for Will’s car. Since Nico crashed his, he hasn’t been able to fix it, rendering it useless. He glanced momentarily at Will knowing that on his right side, there were twenty stitches. Will was rocking the side shaved look, but knowing it was Nico’s fault made it painful to look at him sometimes. The hair had grown out enough, the stitches healed so that there was only a faded, jagged, light scar obscured by dirty blond hair.
“You can stop looking at me like I’m a lost puppy, Neeks. It’s been four months.” Will always knew when Nico was thinking about the accident. “I’m perfectly fine. Look at me, ready to get hammered and grind on strangers at a club! Plus, this haircut makes me look edgy. Very attractive.”
Nico offered a smile, but his chest still constricted with guilt. It was his fault. And though Will kept saying anyone could’ve run a red light, Nico knew it was more.
It wasn’t just the mistake of running a red light, and slamming the brake when he probably should’ve sped up to get across before cars drove into them. It was the fact that he had been driving and he had let himself get distracted by Will, blond hair flying back in short waves since the window was down, singing happily along with the radio, lips curled into a smile, hands drumming against the dashboard because Will swore he could figure out the drum beat.
He had been selfish, trying to soak up his presence, completely forgetting the road until Will shouted that there was a red light.
Nico hit the brakes without thinking. A jolt hit the front right side, another the back left, the impact shaking his bones, an icy feeling spreading through him as it registered that he’d just crashed. Will’s airbag had burst out, the window shattered, and Will was groaning lifting his head, the right side of his face smear with blood. And Nico’s head had hit the steering wheel hard enough to give him a headache, but he was fine and that wasn’t fair because he was the one driving, it had been his fault, so why had it been Will who got hurt so badly?
Suddenly an arm draped around his shoulders, and he pulled into the scent of Will; cotton and vanilla shampoo and minty toothpaste and Old Spice cologne. “It’s okay, Nico. Stop beating yourself up about this.” Vaguely, Nico wondered if it was possible to be in love with someone he never even dated. “We’re going to dance, we’re going to drink, and we’re going to have some fucking fun.” He shook Nico’s shoulders gently. “Okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Nico said. He smiled and remained under Will’s arm until they reached his car.
Of course, the traffic was bad. It was a Friday night, and everyone was dying to go out into the city and get stupid drunk only to regret it the next morning and do it all over again by the time the sun set.
They had just barely reached the club in time before they refused anyone under 21, and stood in line, pulling out ten bucks each and their IDs. When they reached the bouncer, he checked the IDs and shook his head. “Sorry dudes. No more under 21.”
Will gaped and scoffed. “We’ve been in line for like five minutes. It’s like two minutes past the hour, come on.”
The guy rolled his eyes and gave their IDs back. “Get here earlier next time then.” Nico winced at that, guilty again because he knew his getting ready had made them later.
“What a dick,” Will mumbled under his breath, turning away with Nico. “That’s ridiculous. It’s just fucking ridiculous! We have our money, we’ve been in line, and it’s not like we could get drinks anyway with the exaggerated exes they put on our hands. That shit takes days to wash off, dude.”
“Well, Thursdays are always 21 and under. We could come next week. Why don’t we get a pizza or something and watch a movie at my place?” he suggested. “I’ll buy,” he added, knowing this was all his fault.
Will let his head fall to the side, kicking at the ground. “That does sound tempting,” he said with a smile. Nico smiled back, but before they could turn away, someone walked up to them.
“Hey. I heard you guys were struggling with the bouncer.” Nico looked at the guy uneasily. Never trust anyone you don’t know this late in the heart of the city.
The guy had a lazy posture, tufts of brown hair in tousled waves, and he was rolling a large M&M in his mouth, looking at them with a cocked eyebrow, head tilted to the side.
“Yeah,” Will answered, glancing at Nico. “We’re under 21, but we were in line for a while. He didn’t want to let us in.” He shrugged.
The guy tilted his head back upright, biting down on his chocolate as he looked at Will and smirked. “I could get you guys in. There’s a back door, my friend’s the bartender. He has access to the door.” He gestured over. “Come on.” Will looked at Nico with an excitement Nico couldn’t bring himself to quell.
They walked over, Will walking with ease and Nico with enough tension for both of them. They stood by a door, the ground reeking of piss, trash, and who knows what else for a few moments before the door opened, revealing a guy with a ponytail and wide gages in his earlobes. “Yo, Sebastian. Who’re they?”
“New friends,” he answered. “They’re with me.” They guy nodded and let them in.
The club was packed, and that was an understatement. Bodies could hardly move, but that didn’t stop couples from grinding against each other slowly to the booming beat of the bass or the drunks from shoving past people like the dancefloor was theirs, their drinks spilling onto people or themselves. The song was good, Nico had heard it on the radio, but it was nearly drowned out by the constant club-beat of the bass they’d remixed it into. The song changed, along with a video on the small screens hanging from the ceilings. The beat remained the same, only the lyrics changing.
Nico saw different hair colors, heard shrieks of laughter and people singing along. He saw girls and guys with their hair matted down with sweat against their foreheads as they rocked their hips together, hips swaying sensually, not matching with the beat, but that obviously didn’t matter. “Come on,” he heard a faint shout. He looked over and Sebastian was leading them over to a smoke area where people could sit and take a break.
Will looked absolutely elated. Nico wished he could match his enthusiasm instead of dragging along like dead weight. “I’m Sebastian,” the guy shouted, though this time Nico heard him better.
“I’m Will. This is Nico. Thanks for getting us in!” He flashed a sincere, open smile. God, Nico loved that smile. It held all the warmth in the universe, and it was always honest and it was always special even though he always smiled. Anyone who received a smile from him was blessed for the rest of the day.
“Of course,” he chuckled. “So, you two together?”
Nico’s eyes went wide, his heart stuttered. It wasn’t the first time they’d been asked. People always assumed they were a couple. But each time always made Nico’s heart flutter with fear and hope.
Will laughed good-naturedly and wrapped an arm around Nico. “No, he’s my best friend. We’re both single.” The answer made Nico’s stomach twist, even though he knew it was true. But something changed in Sebastian’s expression. His smile widened slightly, his eyes focused on Will, and Nico had the absurd urge to pull him away and leave the club. Leave the grinding bodies, the boring bass, the messy flashing lights.
Sebastian looked over at Nico and smiled. “You guys want some drinks? Jack won’t ask your ID he knows you came in with me.” Nico looked at him suspiciously, and Sebastian seemed to understand because he laughed. He pulled out some money and handed it over. “You can get them. I know the number one rule of a club is not to take a drink from someone else.”
Nico relaxed and looked at Will. “Can you bring me a Jack and Coke on the rocks?” Nico nodded and pleaded with his eyes for him to stay in the same spot. He didn’t want this guy whisking him away.
While Nico left to get Will’s drink and a beer for himself, he couldn’t help but scan the crowds. It was getting more and more crowded. His eyes flitted over to where Will and Sebastian were waiting.
His stomach dropped.
Sebastian was close, about the same height as Will. His hand was in his hair, on the shaved side. Nico knew he was touching the scar. He knew it, and his stomach churned at the idea. But Will seemed completely at ease. His eyes were lidded, his sweet smile morphed into a sensual smirk, head tilted nearly brushing Sebastian’s nose with his own.
Nico was rushing back, spilling most of his beer, eyes set on the two of them. When he reached them, Will looked his way, but remained close, shoulder brushing Sebastian’s. Nico gave him his drink and Will thanked him. Sebastian whispered something in his ear and Nico fought the urge to hit him.
Then Will leaned over, his whiskey-tinted breath warm in Nico’s ear. “You mind if I go dance?”
His heart dropped to his stomach. “No, go ahead,” he answered lightly.
Will smiled and nudged him. “You should dance too. It’s a club, go meet someone.”
But the only person I want is you, he thought to himself. But he just smiled and nodded. “Yeah, totally will if I grow enough balls.” Will laughed and punched his shoulder lightly before walking away with Sebastian. Nico noticed with a nauseating lurch that his hand was intertwined in Sebastian’s.
Staying in the smoke area, Nico watched with a twisting heart as Will wrapped his hand around the back of Sebastian’s neck and curled closer to him, careful not to spill his drink. Sebastian’s hands didn't hesitate to roam up and down Will’s torso, fingers searching greedily. Nico dared him to go too far. Too slip his hands too low, to push into him too hard, to do anything that would make Will push him away and turn back to Nico. But he didn't.
Three songs later, he was still painfully watching Will twist in Sebastian’s arms and press against him, head tilted back in a joyous smile as Sebastian tentatively leaned down, encouraged by Will exposing his neck further, and licked the skin there.
It was something Nico had been dying to do, and very nearly did a few times when he was too drunk. And watching Will melt against him, reveling in this stranger's lips at his throat, Nico felt something cold clench his heart until it was too painful. He looked away and wished he had had the gall to tell Will what he felt. Even if Will didn't like him back, at least he wouldn't torture Nico by blatantly flirting and feeling up strangers in front of him. Will would never do that.
Instead he remained seated, sipping lukewarm beer, and wishing more than anything that they’d started walking away a few seconds earlier. Then they wouldn’t have met Sebastian, and they’d be in Nico’s living room watching a movie and throwing pepperoni at each other.
Nico was getting cranky. He was sleepy, hurt, and he felt invisible in the seating area watching couples grope each other. He wondered how many of these people had just met. How many of these were just doing what Will and Sebastian were doing?
His eyes returned to Will and Nico felt the earth shatter beneath him as everything fell away. There was an uncomfortable tightness in his chest, a pain in his heart so strong it became physical.
They were kissing. They were pressed as close as they possibly could be, kissing almost viciously. Even from a distance, Nico could see their tongues probing into each other’s mouths, teeth biting at lips, fingers tangled into locks of hair. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. He wanted to, God he wanted to. He didn’t want to torture himself like this, watching someone adore the person he loved the way he’d always wanted to.
But no.
If Nico had the chance, the kiss wouldn’t be so primal. He would kiss him softly. He would kiss him slowly. He would admire and bask in every sensation, from the warmth of his lips to the way his lips would part slightly to the texture of his tongue pressed against Nico’s own. He would relish the kiss, live in it, cherish it with everything in him.
Knowing that he never would while watching the scene unfold in front of him, the two of them stumbling between dancing people until they were near a wall, pressing into it like they wanted to mold into it, Nico finally had to tear himself away.
The look of pure ecstasy on his face was unfair. Knowing that Will enjoyed what he was doing hurt Nico further. It reiterated that he never stood a chance.
He staggered to the bathroom taking ragged breaths. He splashed his face with water, trying to calm down, trying to quell the hurt, the agony that was trying to bubble and burst through his chest.
He just wanted to go home.
He wasn’t sure how long he took refuge in the bathroom, scrolling through his phone until it was down to 10% if only to ignore the memory pawing at his brain. He didn’t pay attention to the time. But it was nearly three in the morning when his phone rang with Will’s face, contorted by a Snapchat filter, and Nico yelped, nearly dropping his phone. He answered and stuttered out a, “Hello?”
“Don’t hello? me!” he snapped. “Where the hell are you? I’ve gone all over this place looking for you! I came outside and I can’t go back in. Baz’s friend is off his shift. Are you still in there?”
“Looking for me?” he questioned. He blinked and shook his head. “Um, sorry.”
“Are you drunk right now? Where are you? Are you okay?” Nico’s brain was struggling to catch up, but it was more due to the emotional overflow and mind numbing scrolling he’d been doing while inhaling the disgusting scent of the bathroom. “Nico?”
“I’m okay, sorry. I’m-” Suddenly there was no static on the line. He looked at his screen and cursed when he saw it was completely black. It died.
He cursed under his breath and left the bathroom, then the club. It was still relatively full, but not as asphyxiatingly packed as before. There were several people on the sidewalk, waiting on Ubers or friends or trying to maintain their balance long enough to stay upright for two seconds.
He wasn’t sure where Will was, but if he could just go to where they’d parked, he would be fine.
He started walking, and that’s when he heard a relieved cry in the form of his name. He turned and saw Will barreling into him, his arms wrapping around him. Nico yelped and awkwardly hugged him back.
“Where the hell were you?” he asked, pulling away.
Nico tried and failed to ignore the purple marks along his neck and the plump swell on his nearly red lips. “I was in the bathroom,” he grumbled.
“The whole time?” he asked incredulously.
Nico felt his face flush and shrugged his hands away. “Yeah. I think the beer might’ve made me a little sick or something. I wasn’t feeling well, and I didn’t want to force you to go home, so…. I just hung out in the bathroom. I’m sorry I forgot to text you.”
“Nico,” he breath exasperatedly. But before he finished, Sebastian was beside him, an arm snaking around Will’s waist.
He had marks on his neck too. But he had a few bite marks too.
“You found him,” he said. “You okay, dude?”
“Yeah, just feel a little sick,” Nico said, forcing a smile.
“I’m going to take him home,” Will whispered. “Get in, Neeks.” He opened the door for Nico get in, and he did so awkwardly. He could hear the muted murmurs just outside his window. “Thanks for helping me look for him.” Something unintelligible. “I had fun tonight. Text me?”
“As soon as you get in the car.” Nico could see through the side mirror as Sebastian neared Will, his arms wrapping around him. It wasn’t greedy this time. It was soft. Gentle. “Promise I’ll see you again.”
Will’s face tilted toward him, and Nico knew they were kissing again. He furrowed his eyebrows and curled into his seat shutting his eyes. A few excruciatingly long moments later, Will opened the door to the car and got it, starting the engine. “Nico?” Nico didn’t respond. He kept his eyes closed. He could pretend to be happy for him. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. “Neeks?” His hand rested on his arm. “Hm. Maybe you did get sick.” He heard him fumble with something and Nico noticed the air vents weren’t blasting in his face anymore. It was subtler and the air blew gently against him, enough to keep him from sweating, but not so much to make him freeze. The radio switched between stations for a while before Will settled on an Indie station and left it at a low volume.
Will hated Indie. He put it for Nico. So he could unconsciously listen in his sleep. It made Nico want to burst into tears and confession.
Instead, he kept his eyes shut and pretended to sleep the entire way back to campus.
Click Here for Ch. 2
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hackfixation · 7 years
Sonder: A Solangelo Story
Chapter 5
ch. 4 / ch. 6 Table of Contents
First thing Nico did when he woke was observed the dimly lit room, his tired eyes gazing over the familiar pictures, messy dresser, and water-damaged wallpaper. Once confirming that this was, in fact, his own run-down apartment bedroom, he slipped out of bed and prepared to dress for school. Honestly, that surfer looking teen from Kansas was lucky. He probably would still be asleep for another hour or two, maybe four depending on the time his school starts.
Fifteen minutes later, Nico was dressed in his typical baggy jeans and random rock band t- shirt, listening to the same band while walking towards his high school. A black haired, light skinned male was clearly teasing a blonde female, in a way that only couples would, while they walked. Nico removed an earbud once the male noticed him, though his content expression showed he was preoccupied with something pleasant for once.
"Annabeth, do you see this?! He's actually smiling, for the second day in a row. Do you think he's broken?" The male said, his sea-green eyes showing a mixture of bewilderment and pride.
"No, he's most likely found something in life that brings him joy, Seaweed Brain," She stated bluntly, ruffling the male's hair before snapping her fingers in front of Nico's face.
For the most part he hadn't really registered what the other's were saying, but definitely heard them talk. It was in that instant Nico truly understood what people meant when they said listening and understanding were two different concepts because he was totally listening but didn't understand a single word he heard.
"Huh? Were you talking to me?" He asked, his focus back on the two in front of him as his smile slowly faded. The pleasant thoughts having been brutally murdered by a bitch named reality.
"Yeah, Percy still thinks you're broken as you were smiling again."
"Yep! Your mind has finally shattered," he said, earning a slap to the back of the head from his girlfriend.
"Percy shut the fuck up. Anyways, I personally think you finally found someone who makes you happy" she said, giving a pouting Percy a gentle peck on the cheek as Nico quietly contemplated his response.
"Mostly, the idea of something. Like traveling to the world or seeing a life of a stranger through their shoes. Knowing that a simple person at a bus stop or in a train has just as complicated of a story as I do." He responded, the smile appearing again. "Knowing I only get to see a glimpse into their life."
"You mean sonder?" She said, smiling as they walked through the door.
"What does that mean?" Will asked Piper, her brown hair in a waterfall styled braid, and blinked at the huge smile suddenly appearing on her face as they took their seats in the class.
"Sonder is the realization that everyone's lives, even people you see in cafes or walk past, have just as complicated of a life as yours. Full of hardships and complications you may never know about." She said, in all too eager tone. "I'm sorry, I just got really excited when you asked as it is my favorite word" Honestly, the word fit the feeling he had every time he thought of Nico. A random stranger he knew nothing about and suddenly he gets to experience part of his life. Only to discover it's full of things that shouldn't have taken place.
"No...no, it's perfectly fine, I'm grateful to have a word for this now," he said, grinning as widely as he could at her and giving off an optimistic appearance. It honestly wasn't hard, as everyone seems relieved he was himself. Travis and Connor talked about how shocked their mom was to be berated by Will in the middle of class. Which meant he immediately went to Mrs. Stoll and apologized repeatedly.
Then, Jason explained how he was getting detention for Will's behavior. Which then lead to another apology followed by a promise to leave him out of his punishments. The blonde didn't need his life effected by a third party he didn't know existed, honestly it was kinda creepy if he thought about it. With no explanation, he just suddenly becomes a stranger overnight then went back to his usual self. It was as if he were possessed, which wasn't all that inaccurate as his body was being controlled by a spirit independent of his own control.
"Well, that's good. It's an interesting feeling to describe isn't it?" She said, turning around to face the front as soon as the teacher walked in. Will had wanted to talk longer to Piper but decided it was best to wait as Mrs. Stoll had already viewed him in a poor light thanks to the New Yorker.
Honestly, Will wondered if the raven haired male was actually focusing in class or slacking off again. He wondered what expression the other made while studying, was it of intrigue or frustration? Probably boredom. Definitely, boredom if he cursed at a teacher for disrupting his sleep, though it wasn't Nico's fault that both of Mrs. Stoll's classes were dull. Even Will fell asleep on occasion as the classes got repetitive and disinteresting fast. For example, right now, He was quietly resting as Mrs. Stoll discussed human immigration.
Eventually, he woke to someone shaking his shoulder, an expression of confusion appeared on his face while gazing at darker skinned, curly haired girl with a gentle smile.
"Nico, you slept through class again. You're going to fail at this rate," Her voice was full of concern and love, allowing Will to determine that this was Nico's sister.
"....Hazel?" His voice was groggy and his eyes were struggling to stay open, a pout appearing on his face once the other girl started to laugh.
"How exhausted are you? Did you forget about me that quickly?" She responded while Will stumbled out of the chair, his eyes darting to the chalkboard. Huh? Someone put the wrong date.
Welp, Nico was pissed. First off, he hadn't been expecting to wake up to someone smacking the back of his head -a curly-haired, caramel skinned male had done it- and immediately shot up straight in his seat. Secondly, he was confused as to why he was in a history class instead of his math class. Finally, the cocky male who had woken him was laughing like a maniac to the point that Nico just glared at him.
"Woah, Will? Jez, you don't have to look at me like that. It's not like I killed your sister or something," He said and immediately, Nico was struggling not to strangle the male. It looked almost like he might cry if he didn't hit the other. Why? Why that example out of all them?! He could've said pet, brother or even parents. In one swift motion, Nico stood up and pulled the shorter male out of his seat before shoving him against the wall.
"Do NOT joke like that again or else I WILL beat you into a bloody pulp," He threatened before dropping the other on the ground, glancing between the teacher and students. Shit.
Welp, Nico was outside the principal's office thanks to the incident that occurred with Leo Valdez, he learned his name after what happened, and seemed clearly pissed that he couldn't properly explain why he did it. Who would believe him if he said that it was because he mentioned a sister dying? Nobody knew that it was still a sensitive topic for him. Well, nobody knew it was him. They saw Will, acting out in anger for no reason, and not Nico Di Angelo, the 15-year-old still stuck in the past. 
"Will Solace?" Welp, hopefully, he doesn't get Will suspended.
"X equals 45, you have to divide both sides by 2 after subtracting the 18" Will answered immediately, causing the rest of Nico's classmates to stare. He was guessing some of their thoughts at the moment:
"That quiet kid is so short."
Something like that. Besides, he wanted to give Nico a positive image beside the quiet kid who lost his sister. Based on his homework and the response from the teacher, Nico was very intelligent but none of his classmates knew due to him quietly sitting in the back. Some must've thought he was slacking because he sleeps in class, but he actually tries his best to pass and that made Will smile a bit. 
"Good job, Di Angelo. Would anyone else like to answer the next question?" That made Will grin a bit wider, this is good for Nico. Maybe, if he slowly builds up the male's reputation, He'll have more friends than just the group he sits with. Or at least be a bit respected by other members of his class.
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Live Wire: A PJO fanfiction
I feel like in ToA, though Apollo had moments with both Kayla and Austin, his scenes with Will left something to be wanted (after all, Apollo called him a live wire under calm for a reason). So here is a canon-compliant canon extension of the Will and Apollo scene I think all of us wanted in The Hidden Oracle (with of course an extra dash of Solangelo and best big bro Will for all of you).
This fic references events in my Will Solace backstory fic Like Matchsticks, but you don’t need to read that to understand!  
Also read on AO3
              “I just…it’s Apollo.”
              “You don’t trust him, Will?” Nico asked Will quietly. “Gods know, I know what it’s like not to trust a godly father. But I know he wants to get Kayla and Austin back.”
              “No, not really,” Will answered, trying to smile to soothe Nico’s worries, but finding it ill-fitting he chose to just let it fall from him lips. “Or at least, I won’t get my hopes up. I can hope that he wants that, but how the heck am I supposed to know what he’s thinking?”
Everything was in working order. Valentina’s arm was set, shrapnel was pulled from flesh, veins were closed and infection was warded off from puncture wounds. Will moved, hitting his beats, steadying everyone in his rhythm. His moved his orchestra of healers in a well-timed movement. Will went on and on, a concerto written for himself. The infirmary was his stage, and he was the conductor and the first chair. It did Will better to be working than to stop and think about anything. Everything was far more manageable when he wasn’t thinking about anything and instead just working. Will just needed to do, he needed to be in control of everything he possibly could be. By doing that, he may have well have been in charge of the whole world.
               Or at least he was until he suddenly stumbled, vision blurring for a moment. Panic rose to the surface as Austin’s name rose to his lips because he had stepped off beat and Austin always knew when to pick up from where Will left off. Instead, Nico’s cool hand steadied him, and he handed Will a canteen of nectar which Will took a swig from. He forced the sudden leaping of his pulse down.
               “Chiron, Will needs a break. I’m taking him for an hour, do you think you can hold down the fort?” Nico called to Chiron before Will could even think to protest, his voice sounding distant even though he was standing right next to him.
               “Alright, we can handle everything. I’m going to disband everyone to their cabins shortly,” Chiron answered before Will could protest, giving Will a look of warning.
               “Will do,” Nico said before forcibly dragging Will off before he could argue, though Will’s eyes were on Apollo as he seemed to settle himself towards the entrance of the woods with Meg. Will heard the annoyed sound rise from his chest before he registered it was his. Nico’s fingers were still entwined with his, and in the lowlight his eyes had taken on the hue of the blue-black winter sky.
               “Will?” Nico asked as he paused at the door of Cabin Seven.
               “Are they alive?” Will croaked. For a moment Nico closed his eyes, his features smoothed as for a moment the shadows seemed to pull and contract at the walls. Where Will probably looked frazzled and bloodstained, Nico looked as calm on the surface as an undisturbed lake with his powers swirling beneath his still skin.
               Nico opened his eyes, and they had returned to a neutral pale. The movement was unhurried as his lashes fluttered and gaze refocused, as if returning from the depth of his powers was like awakening from a long sleep.
               “They’re alive. I can’t tell where they are, but they are alive I promise,” Nico reported, before reaching over to press a kiss to Will’s mouth. Will leaned against the kiss, lips against lips, using warmth to scatter the shadows that had welled up and cooled him down. Will stumbled back, the slightest use of his powers tiring.  
               “I’m sorry, I’m just tired,” Will said quietly.
               “It’s more than that,” Nico said astutely as he reached over to steady him.
               “I just…it’s Apollo.”
               “You don’t trust him, Will?” Nico asked Will quietly. “Gods know, I know what it’s like not to trust a godly father. But I know he wants to get Kayla and Austin back.”
               “No, not really,” Will answered, trying to smile to soothe Nico’s worries, but finding it ill-fitting he chose to just let it fall from him lips. “Or at least, I won’t get my hopes up. I can hope that he wants that, but how the heck am I supposed to know what he’s thinking?”
               “Will, you can’t just try to manage your expectations with something like this. I learned that the hard way,” Nico warned him, and for some reason as he looked at Nico and saw his brother and sister, and saw the hope in their eyes when Apollo had appeared. Something inside of him cracked, splintered, and pierced his heart.
               “I’ve been managing my expectations of our father since I was thirteen and I got a letter—my last letter from Apollo in which he called me the man of the cabin. Are you kidding me? Our brother was dead, people were hurt, a war had just ended and I was a kid and supposed to also be the parent and get everyone through that. And I did it, no help from him and not for him. I did it because I love all of my siblings more than I could ever hate him.  But it’s the principle of it—that’s his problem really! His perspective is skewed, he doesn’t get it because he’s as perceptive, sensitive, and empathetic as a two by four. Demigods can still be children, they aren’t mutually exclusive. So yeah, I’m going to manage my expectations. I’ll set the bar low and hopefully he’ll approach the standard. But yeah, I have no hope and if him being here puts my siblings in danger I’d rather him be gone. I know they had moments with him—gods they were so happy to finally meet him—and I don’t want to cheapen those memories they’ll have now or take those away from them I just—“ Will felt suddenly a sob attempting to burst past his teeth. He barely managed to swallow it back. He was under the weight again, feeling a whole house burying him alive, reaching desperately and trying to save someone but being too weak—
               “I’m sorry,” Will tried to say, but his voice cracked, suddenly his knees hit the ground but the pain was distant. “I just didn’t want them to get hurt. They’re gone and I can’t…I can’t protect them I—“
               “Will,” Nico said, wrapping his arm around Will as best as he could but it felt so distant. “Will, it’s okay.”
               “Nothing about this is okay,” Will suddenly sobbed, burying his face in his trembling hands. “It’s happening all over again. I’m losing everyone, I should be with them.”
               “You haven’t lost me, and you haven’t lost the rest of us. We’ll get everyone back, I promise.”
               For a while they just sat there, Will taking comfort from Nico’s presence, their heads leaned together close and sharing warmth. He could feel Nico’s heartbeat, a steady and calming rhythm thrumming in his throat and wrist. Will couldn’t help but smile as Nico intertwined their fingers.
               Apollo appeared at the doorway.
               “I’ll give you guys some space,” Nico said, leaning over to kiss Will’s forehead before leaving. “I’ll talk to you later.”
               It was only them, and neither of them seemed to know what to do.
               “…Will,” Apollo said, looking pale, slightly trembling and damp from the cold. Will immediately rummaged through his drawers and pulled out a dry shirt and a sweatshirt.
               “Here,” Will said weakly, and Apollo looked at the offerings in his hands as if he were deeply touch, as if that small action had given him more satisfaction than anything else could have. Before Apollo could open his mouth, Will said, “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier. I probably wasn’t being fair to you.”  
               “Even in this instance, when you have every right to be angry at me, you choose instead to apologize,” Apollo said as he pulled on the new clothes and sat on an empty cot. “That says a lot about you, Will.”
               “You are a good person, and I can’t take credit for that…as much as I would like to think that everything that is related to me is good because of my involvement,” Apollo said as he palmed the back of his neck.
               “As much as I enjoy your continual belief in your awesomeness, was there a point to this conversation?” Will asked, unable to help his bitterness from seeping into his voice.
               “Ah, yes,” Apollo said searching the room, before looking Will in the eyes. “I will get them back. Somehow, Will. I will save them. I won’t let them suffer because of my mistakes.”
               “Is this you taking responsibility?”
               “…responsibility. I never liked the idea, but I’m finding the notion more important the longer I’m in the meatsuit,” Apollo admitted as he motioned to his whole self. “But yes. This is my fault, and I’m going to take responsibility and save them.”
               “Your promises don’t mean much to me, Apollo,” Will admitted as he stood up and crossed the room, and he placed a hand on his shoulder. A small part of him, the desperate child begging to be loved, wanted to hug him. But Will held back, under his calm and his love there was a live wire bare and sparking and ready to ignite. “But gods, I want them to. Please? Bring them back. I’ll do everything in my power to help you, but please, you have to bring them back.”
               “I’ll do everything in my power. Believe in me—” Apollo said, for a moment in looked like he was about to call Will “my son”, but Apollo held back.
               “Take whatever you need, I’ll…see what I can do,” Will said, and Apollo crossed over to grab some of the books Will had painstakingly bookmarked.
               “Do you mind if I…take these? My memory has been blurry,” Apollo admitted, and Will swallowed. Apollo was actually admitting his weakness to him.
               “Of course.”
               “…sleep well, Will. I’m going to go wait by the woods…just in case.”
               “Okay. Be safe.”
               Will felt as if both of them were holding back, but that was enough for now. Neither of them would push what they had just stumbled into. And so Apollo closed the door behind him, and Will settled down for a restless night.
                In his dreams, he sat with Kayla in the syrupy summer sunlight. The air was thick, and the dreamlike fog had overtaken most of the scenery. They could have been on the green or in the forest, but either way it wouldn’t have mattered. He painstakingly combed the burs from Kayla’s hair with his fingertips, sending his magic to soothe her cuts and bruises.
               “You should be more careful, Kayla,” Will warned her, content with his work as he began to braid Kayla’s hair in a gentle twist.
               “Careful means not winning, and I hate losing against those twins,” Kayla huffed.
               “Right, right,” Will said, taking the hair tie that Kayla offered from her wrist. He patted her shoulder what he was done, but to his surprise Kayla leaned against him. “What’s up?”
               “Well…I was just thinking since I met Jules-Albert. Hades seems really involved with Nico…but… have you ever met dad?”
               “…no. I’ve only seen him once, during the Battle of Manhattan,” Will admitted. “And it’s not like he saw me or anything. I just saw him driving his chariot into battle.”
               “Do you think he doesn’t care about us?” Kayla asked him softly, not facing Will, and curling her arms around her legs. She perched her chin on her knees.
               “I don’t know,” Will admitted. “I think that it’s different. We don’t have the fates of worlds on our shoulders, K. We aren’t all the Percy Jacksons or Sevens of the world.”
“What’s the point of being a demigod if you aren’t going to be the Percy Jackson of the world?” Kayla asked as she smoothed out her hair.
                 “The point is you’ll be the Kayla Knowles, and you’ll have been my little sister, and one day you’ll end up being in the Olympics and I’ll be the proudest big bro in the world,” Will promised her firmly. “I’m thankful to Apollo just for that.”
“Hey Will?”
“Yeah, K?”
“I don’t know if you know this, but me and Austin and the rest of us don’t come back to camp to have a chance at meeting Apollo, we come back for you. You love us no matter what, and that’s enough,” Kayla promised him back, turning to offer Will an unsteady and gentle smile in return. Will felt his eye burn.
“You’re gonna make me cry,” Will admitted, his accent thickening as he rubbed at his face.
“Aw man, I didn’t mean to make you cry!” Kayla said as she reached over to help rub his face with her sleeve.
“Kayla, what did you say to make Will cry?” Austin asked, plodding over from the fog and settling down next to both him and Kayla.
“I just love you guys a lot is all,” Will told them both.
Both Kayla and Austin smiled the smile they all shared, the one Apollo must have given them.
Apollo later rested his hand on Will’s shoulder. The combat ukulele slung on his back, bandana tied around his wrist. Meg was saying goodbye to some Demeter girls. 
“Don’t worry. We’ll be back by dawn,” Apollo promised Will, in his gaze determination and honesty, and a love that for once Will didn’t doubt.
“How can you be so sure?” Will couldn’t help but ask, his mouth trembling with fear.
“I’m the sun god,” Apollo said, trying to hide his fear, and still Will felt warmth run through him because in that moment it was enough. “I always return at dawn.”
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Please just admit you’re sick already!
Okay, so I have been writing sickfic on wattpad for a while now for PJO, HOO, and MCGA. I thought for a long time about posting here and finally decided to go for it.  This is a pretty old one, but Solangelo are my children and I love them.  Please tell me what you think and do not repost.
Will Solace woke up in his bunk in the Apollo cabin and looked at his clock, the digital display read 9:30. He was supposed to start his rounds at the infirmary nearly an hour ago. “Oh gods, I’m late!”
Said Will out loud. He quickly got up and immediately realized that it was a bad idea. His stomach did a flip and he was forced to lay back down for fear of last nights dinner making a repeat appearance. Will knew from experience that it wouldn’t be nearly as appetizing this time. After a few deep breaths the nausea seemed to go away and Will slowly got up off of the bed again. “I cannot seriously be sick right now.”
Will thought with a huff. His stomach was still churning as he made his way to the bathroom. Will decided he didn’t have time for a shower this morning so he walked to the mirror to fix his hair. When he saw his reflection, Will thought that his tan skin might be a bit paler than usual and he still had a funny feeling in his stomach. Will did what he could for his hair, which wasn’t much, and decided to look through the cabinets to see if he could find any anti-nausea pills, just to be safe. After brushing his teeth, Will went back to his wardrobe and slipped into his usual orange Camp Halfblood t-shirt, cargos, and flip flops. At last, Will was ready to walk out of the cabin when another wave of nausea hit him and had him doubled over. Will could feel his stomach muscles contract. He clamped his hand over his mouth and ran for the bathroom. He barely made it to the toilet before last nights dinner was making it’s way into the toilet. After a minute or so of heaving into the toilet, Will leaned back on his knees and tried to catch his breath. “So much for those anti-nausea pills.” Said Will sarcastically to himself. Will sat back for another minute to make sure he wasn’t going to have a repeat occurrence. Once he was positive that his stomach had settled for the moment, Will got up, brushed his teeth, and headed out the door toward the infirmary. Will walked through the door of the infirmary and was immediately greeted by Nico Di Angelo. Nico had apparently made himself a permanent fixture in the infirmary in the weeks since the war. “Morning Solace. I see you were the ultimate early bird today.” “Even doctors sleep in sometimes, Di Angelo.” Will said with a half-hearted smile. He was busy focusing on not puking all over Nico at the moment to be very quippy. “Will, are you okay? You’re paler than me and that’s really hard to do.” Nico moved toward Will with a little crinkle between his eyebrows. Will normally found this very cute but he was focused on other things at the moment. Will once again felt his stomach start to cramp. He quickly turned to run into the bathroom and just had a chance to close the door behind him before he was sick. Will still had his head in the toilet when there was a knock at the door. “Will, are you okay? Can I get you anything?” Nico sounded concerned. “I-I’m okay. I just need a minute.” Will said shakily. He knew that he was far from okay but he had duties to attend to today. He couldn’t afford to be sick right now. After another minute, Will stood up and opened the door to the bathroom. On the other side of the door was a worried Nico. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah Nico I’m fine. It must have just been something I ate. I feel much better now.” Will knew that this was a total lie, he had a stomach ache and he was feeling sweaty so that probably meant he had a fever, but he hoped Nico would buy it. “Okay whatever.” Nico huffed. He didn’t let Will know that he saw right through his facade. The boy was sweating so he probably had a fever and his eyes were glassy, classic stomach flu. Nico knew that Will would admit he was sick eventually, but he wanted to see how far the other boy would take his fib. Nico walked away and left Will standing alone. Will,thinking he had gotten away with it, started his duties for the day. Will managed to make it through most of the day just fine, until lunch time that is. His sibling, Kayla, came to take over the infirmary and Will headed to the dining pavilion. There wasn’t a huge feast today though only some pizza, pasta, soup, and fruit. Will decided to play it safe just in case his stomach was still sensitive, and picked up a small bowl of soup. He sat down at his assigned table and was soon greeted by Nico Di Angelo. “Hey, sunshine.” “Hey death boy.” Will shot back. At least he could be quippy again.“I told you not to call me that.” Nico tried to look annoyed but Will knew he secretly loved that Will had a nickname for him. “I can’t call you death boy but you can call me sunshine, how is that fair?” Will laughed. “A better question would be, why are you sitting here? We have to sit at our assigned tables.” “I’m the son of Hades, who’s gonna make me move?” “Good point, I guess.” Soon, Will was done eating so the two boys decided to take a walk around the canoe lake before Will had to go to his afternoon archery lesson. “So, you’ve been hanging around the infirmary a lot lately.” Said Will. “Yeah, I guess I have.” “Any particular reason?” “I guess I’m just trying to make up for all of the people I’ve hurt.” Said Nico somberly. “Oh. Ok.” Will had almost allowed himself to think that Nico was just trying to spend time with him. Will had started to like Nico when he was in the infirmary for his mandatory three day stay and he had thought the feeling was mutual. “And maybe because of you.” Said Nico apprehensively. “Oh. Ok.” Will said again. Both boys turned to each other at the same time. They spent a moment studying each other, unsure of how to say what they felt. “I just-” Nico and Will said at the same time. “You first.” Said Will. “I-I-I think that I like you, as in more than a friend.” Will started at Nico for a moment with a thousand thoughts going through his head. “I think-” Will cut off. At that very moment his stomach decided to revolt again and Will just barely had time to turn around before his lunch reappeared on ground in front of him. Nico walked up behind Will and rubbed slow circles on his back until he could catch his breath again. “So, are you ready?” Asked Nico with a smirk. “Ready for what?” Said Will, feeling more miserable by the minute. “Are you ready to admit that you’re sick? Honestly, I’m surprised you held out this long.” “Uggh, fine! I might be-” “Might be?” “It’s possible that while in the infirmary-” “Will, come on, it can’t be that hard.” Will looked at Nico stubbornly and huffed. “Fine, I’m sick. Are you happy?” Nico smirked. “Yes, now let’s get you back to your cabin. We’ll get you all warm and cozy. Then you can finish that declaration of love that you were about to make.” Will blushed as he and Nico walked back towards the Apollo cabin. Once they were inside, Will layed down on his bed while Nico rummaged around. Nico finally reappeared at the side of Will’s bed with some pajamas, a thermometer, some ibuprofen, and a glass of water. “Change into these, you’ll be more comfortable.” Will silently changed his clothes. He hadn’t realized how bad he felt until just now. His stomach hurt, he could feel a headache coming on in the back of his head, and every muscle hurt. Without a word, Nico popped the thermometer into Will’s mouth. They both stared at each other silently, waiting for the beep. When the thermometer finally beeped, both boys jumped slightly. “100.4 that’s not too bad. Take this ibuprofen and it should help.” Nico handed Will two tablets and the glass of water. After swallowing the pills, Will layed back on his pillow and immediately started to feel sleepy. He fought sleep for another moment though because he had to tell Nico something very important. “Nico.” “Yeah?” “I like you too.” Will could have sworn that he saw Nico Di Angelo blushing. “Well, we can figure out what to do with this new information when you’re better.” “Nico, can I ask you something?” Asked Will sleepily. “I guess.” “Will you come cuddle with me?” “Sure Will.” Nico said with a laugh. With that, Nico was moving the covers on Will’s bed and soon they were both situated mostly comfortably in the bed. Before long, both boys were sound asleep. They stayed this way even after Will’s siblings started arriving back from dinner and their daily activities. Many pictures were taken of this moment and money changed hands because there had been an ongoing bet about how long it would actually take for Nico and Will to get together. The two boys slept the night away. Will only got sick once more and when he did Nico was right there rubbing his back and getting him whatever he needed. The next morning Will felt much better and all was well for the next few days until Nico and about half of the Apollo campers came down with the stomach flu. Will helped care for all of the sick campers but everyone knew who his favorite patient was.
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